Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 122

Rekrutamentu ba Pesoal Kasual Deskonfia Iha Unsur Nepotismu

Dili, Tempo Semanal

Iha primeiru dia debate orsamentu geral estadu tinan fiskal 2009, 14/01/2009 mais ou menus tuku 04:35 lorokraik, diskusaun generalidade iha Parlamentu Nasional nebe nakonu ho tensaun derepenti hakmatek koaze minutu 5 nia laran wainhira deputadu husi bankada Fretilin Francisco Branco fase instituisaun Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) liu husi akuzasaun nepotismu iha prosesu rekrutamentu ba pesoal kasual nain 5 iha instituisaun seguransa ne'e. "hau haree iha prosesu rekrutamentu ba pesoal kasual PNTL nian, iha hahalok nepotismu tanba Diretor Administrasaun husi PNTL nian ida rekruta deit ninia oan, subrinu, feto foun no maun alin uma laran deit", dehan Branco iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional.

Deputadus partidu opozisaun Fretilin desde inisiu forma Parlamentu Nasional ba segundu legislatura, hahu forma-an nudar deputadus husi bloku opozisaun paling kritikus tanba hasai lia kritika laos deit kontra guvernu hanesan saida mak Fretilin hateten "Primeiru Ministru Defaktu no Guvernu Inkonstitusional" nomos hahu kontra amu lulik sira. Konaba kazu korupsaun, Fretilin konsidera hanesan korupsaun grave iha guvernu AMP nia ukun tanba tuir Fretilin, korupsaun laos deit halo iha gabeta laran ka meja okos maibe iha meja leten.

Kritika hanesan nee Fretilin sempre koalia hanesan aihan loroloron nian tanba projetu barak mak guvernu halo single source (penunjukkan langsung) deit, la tuir ona regulamentu aprovizionamentu nian. Iha kazu rekrutamentu pesoal kasual PNTL nian Fretilin konsidera hanesan kazu grave tanba Fretilin du'un katak Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa (SES) haruka taka tiha kazu nee atu publiku labele hatene, maibe Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Fernando Lasama de Araujo kondena akuzasaun husi banka Fretilin tanba tuir Lasama deputadu sira labele koalia arbiru deit, tenki hatudu evidensia.

"hau husu ba deputadu sira, agora povu tomak akompana hela ita nia debate tanba nee ita tenke hateten sa mak loos ba povu purke ita labele desvia povu nia hanoin, se deputadu iha evidensia lori mai intrega iha meza", dehan Lasama ho sentimentu diskontenti.

Atu haloos tiha duvidas, deskomfiansa no akuzasoens hirak nee, jornal TEMPO SEMANAL halo esforsu oioin hodi halo investigasaun ba alegasaun nepotismu iha PNTL. Iha investigasaun nee, jornalista detekta dokumentus balu nebe relevante ho indikasaun nepotismu iha prosesu rekrutamentu pesoal kasual PNTL nian. Iha dokumentu ho mahar 24 pagina nee iha mos pareser husi Asistente Konsilheira Legal PNTL nian nebe hakerek mos naran Inspektor ka Ofisial Exekutivu PNTL nian.

Iha tahan rua oin kedas dokumentus nee nian, Asistente Konsilheira Legal haruka pareser ida ho data 3 de Junho 2008 ba Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa atu toma atensaun ba problema nee.

Iha dokumentus nee hakerek mos reklamasaun husi Rekursu Humanus nomos pesoal administrasaun PNTL nian konaba laiha konsulta ba pesoal kasual sira nia TOR, nivel ho job discription maibe halo ona kontratu hafoin Rekursu Humanus hetan informasaun katak Sra.

Lidia Soares Diretor nia oan feto, Sr Tomas Aleixo Diretor nia mane foun e Sra Guilhermina Faria membru parlamentu nia oan.

Ba pesoal kasual sira seluk hanesan Fatima Mendonca uluk nudar estudante husi Eskola Canossiana Komoro tuir programa 'field work' maibe pesoal iha administrasaun haree katak nia servisu diak nomos iha disiplina diak mak rekomenda atu rekruta hanesan pesoal kasual no ida
seluk Adriano Barros koloka hanesan Jardineiru.

"Pesoal hirak nee selu ho orsamentu husi Bens e Servicos nee duni prosesu rekrutamentu tenki tuir prinsipiu husi Lei de Aprovizionamentu ba Bens e Servicos. Pesoal nee sai hanesan fornesedor, tuir lo Seksaun Rekursu Humanus hatoo espesifikasaun, loke konkursu hodi haree pesoal nebe mak tuir kriteriu ka espesifikasaun mak halo rekrutamentu hodi defini kedas ba fulan hira", hakerek iha karta pareser nia laran. Hakerek mos iha karta pareser nia laran rekomendasaun balu katak, ba membru pesoal kasual nain tolu nebe rekomenda husi Diretor
Administrasaun hodi halo servisu iha Administrasaun SES nia okos, sira nia salariu hasai husi Bens e Servicos nee duni laiha direitu hanesan funsionariu publiku, sira sai nudar fornesedor nebe bazeia ba Lei Aprovizionamentu Nú. 10/2005.

Liutan iha karta nee hateten, senhor Diretor Administrasaun tuir loloos entrega prosesu rekrutamentu ba seksaun Rekursu Humanus hodi halo rekrutamentu ba pesoal kasual nebe Diresaun Administrasaun presiza. Maibe iha pratika senhor Diretor iha ona tendensia hodi halo
Rekursu Humanus nia servisu wainhira nia hatene katak Xefi dos Rekursu Humanus Sra Lidia de Carvalho foti hela lisensa tanba nia aman mate. Tanba nee senhor Diretor Administrasaun viola ona Lei Aprovizionamentu iha artigu 32 konaba komflitu de interese hodi hatama
nia oan ho mane foun atu servisu iha SES.

Refere ba artigu 32 Lei Aprovizionamentu Nú. 10/2005, husu ba SES atu hapara kontratu pesoal kasual nebe iha relasaun diretamente ho Diretor Administrasaun (Lidia Soares Cristovao, Thomas Aleixo M. Tilman).

Ba pesoal kasual nain tolu (Guilhermina Faria, Fatima Mendonca ho Adriano Barros), Gabinete de Inspesaun rekomenda para atu kontinua sira nain tolu nia kontratu e halo avaliasaun depois de fulan tolu (hanesan PDR=Performance Development Review) hodi haree sira nia
performance servisu.

Se iha avaliasaun la fo rezultadu nebe diak maka Gabinete Inspesaunrekomenda hapara atu labele kontinua mos sira nia kontratu tanba prosesu avaliasaun nee importante hodi garante transparansia. Kazu nee ho natureza grave tanba Diretor Administrasaun Nasional Interinu iha tendensia atu hasai vantajen husi fornesementu bens e servicos atu hetan benefisiu pesoal. Tanba nee rekomenda ba SES atu ba oin foti medidas disiplinares hodi hapara hahalok nebe halo povu lakon konfiansa ba guvernu.

Rekomenda mos ba SES liu husi Regimentu Internu ba Rekursu Humanus, bainhira presiza pesoal kasual halo kordenasaun ho Universidades, Eskola Teknikas ho Eskolas Katolikas hodi fo opurtunidade ba estudantes nebe iha notas diak no presiza hetan esperiensia servisu
iha sistema guvernu nian. Prosesu nee sei fo mos kontribuisaun ba
estudantes ho sira nia ekonomia, hakerek iha karta pareser.

Responde ba kestaun nee Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa, Francisco Guterres esklarese katak, sira haree ona problema nee no ba oin se iha problema ho kontratu nee mak nia sei hapara tiha kontratu. Maibe tuir Guterres hateten, Diresaun Rekursu Humanus mak halo kontratu tanba nee karik tamba Diretor Administrasaun ninia oan konkore mos iharekrutamentu nee no hetan kontratu. Maske nunee, diresaun Rekursu Humanus halo ona avaliasaun durante fulan tolu katak Diretor Administrasaun nia oan servisu diak tanba nee kontinua kontratu.

"foin lalais hau haruka ona diresaun inspesaun haree fila fali kazu nee iha problema ka lae tanba ami hakarak hadia. Nee duni hau konkorda ho kritika nebe hatoo mai ami tanba buat ruma nebe la diak ita tenki kritika para ita bele hadia tanba buat barak dala ruma ita labele haree, entaun ema seluk haree fo hatene mai para ita bele hadia", dehan Guterres hafoin partisipa iha debate orsamentu iha Parlamentu Nasional loron hirak liuba. Atu fortifika informasaun nee, jornalista
tenta buka Diretor Administrasaun Eugenio dos Santos maibe jornalista la konsege tanba Diretor laiha fatin. Entertantu Ministra Finansa Emilia Pires wainhira halo rezumu hafoin debate orsamentu hateten ba jornalista katak, guvernu AMP hakarak hamoos hahalok hotu nebe viola
lei, guvernu lakohi ema ida rua nia hahalok hodi hafoer guvernu nia naran.

Maibe Ministra nee husu ba ema tomak liu-liu ba ONG non guvernu nian sira katak, wainhira iha ka hetan evidensia ruma konaba membru guvernu balu nia hahalok kontra lei ka halo korupsaun, diak liu hatudu dokumentus ba guvernu atu guvernu bele foti medidas, dehan

Monday, 26 January 2009

ETAN urges dropping of defamation charges against Timorese editor

ETAN urges dropping of defamation charges against East Timorese editor

Contact: John M. Miller +1-718-596-7668

January 26, 2009 - The East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN) today called on Timor-Leste's (East Timor) prosecutor-general to drop criminal defamation charges against the local weekly Tempo Semanal and its editor, Jose Belo.

"Tempo Semanal and Jose Belo should not have to face charges under this obsolete and repressive law," said John M. Miller, National Coordinator of ETAN. "We urge the prosecutor-general to immediately drop any charges."

In October 2008, Tempo Semanal
published an article alleging that Timor-Leste's Justice Minister Lucia Lobato had improperly awarded government contracts to friends and business contacts. The report cited leaked mobile phone text messages. Lobato filed the defamation charges in November, accusing the paper of breaching her privacy and violating the ethical code of journalists.

Belo argues that his publication wrote only about Lobato's performance in her role as a public official, not her private activities. "

"Information about government activities should not be subject to defamation laws. Rather than attack the messenger, Timor-Leste's leadership should support freedom of expression and encourage a dynamic, investigative media," said Miller.


The government of Timor-Leste has proposed decriminalizing defamation under a new penal code. Although drafted several years ago, it has not yet been enacted.

Timor-Leste's criminal defamation statutes are a leftover from Indonesia's criminal code. Journalists and activists in Indonesia are still charged with criminal defamation, although the 1999 Press Law created a body to adjudicate disputes involving the press.

Belo was notified of the defamation charges in mid-December. On January 19, he was questioned for 3 hours by the prosecutor's office.
Tempo Semanal was told by the Office of the Prosecutor-General that they would not be given copies of relevant documents because they are confidential.

an interview with ABC Radio Australia, Jose Belo, Tempo Semanal's founder, said "we don't have any money or any resources. So we can't fight a person who has influence [and] who has money. So I presume it is very, very difficult to win this case in the court."

If convicted, Belo could face fines or prison. During Indonesia's brutal, illegal 24-year occupation of Timor-Leste, Belo was imprisoned or arbitrarily detained many times for passing information about human rights violations to foreign journalists and human rights groups, for a total of about three years. It is ironic that in democratic, independent Timor-Leste he could face double that time for exposing government corruption.

The Office of the Prosecutor General, Longuinhos Monteiro, has reportedly told Belo that the truth of what he published in his newspaper is not relevant to the charges against him and will not be admissible in court. This contradicts legal precedent set in April 2006, when the same prosecutor, charged Yayasan HAK (a human rights NGO) with defamation. accusing him of abuse of power by interfering with the justice process in a case where HAK served as the defense attorney. In that case, a judge ruled that the defamation charges could not be adjudicated until the original case was resolved. That case was brought to trial. Under that precedent, the allegations of corruption against the Minister of Justice should be tried before the defamation case, but the prosecutor has not begun a legal case against her.

ETAN advocates for democracy, justice and human rights for East Timor and Indonesia. For more information, see In April 2006, ETAN urged then-President Xanana Gusmao to veto the criminal defamation provisions of the proposed penal code.


Wednesday, 21 January 2009

International Federation of Journalists Media Release - Timor Leste: Newspaper Editor Faces Criminal Defamation Charges in Timor Leste

From: IFJ Asia ;;
Date: Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 3:16 PM
Subject: Media Release - Timor Leste: Newspaper Editor Faces Criminal Defamation Charges in Timor Leste
To: IFJ Asia <>

Media Release: Timor Leste

January 21, 2008

Newspaper Editor Faces Criminal Defamation Charges in Timor Leste

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned at the status of the free media in Timor Leste as a local newspaper editor faces a possible prison sentence on charges of criminal defamation.

According to local reports, the editor of Tempo Semanal, Jose Belo, was issued with a notification of defamation charges on December 12, 2008, in relation to a series of news reports published on October 12, 2008. The reports investigated alleged corruption by Justice Minister Lucia Lobato.

Belo appeared at the Prosecutor's Office on January 19 and wasreportedly questioned for three hours before being released.

The IFJ is also concerned about the application of fair judicial process, in view of reports that Belo and Tempo Semanal have been denied access to documentation pertaining to the charges by the Office of the Prosecutor-General, Longuinos Monteiro.

"The charges of criminal defamation against Jose Belo and Tempo Semanal highlight the two-fold problem for independent media in Timor Leste – the targeting of journalists who report in the public interest and the need for a constitutionally recognised media law which does not criminalise defamation," IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said.

In October 2008, Timor Leste's Government released the draft of a new penal code which decriminalises defamation. However, the code is awaiting Parliamentary approval.

All legal actions related to the media in Timor Leste, which was previously occupied by Indonesia, continue to refer to Indonesian law in which defamation may be dealt with as a criminal offence.

"Wherever journalists face the risk of imprisonment for conducting their professional work, the media cannot confidently fulfill its responsibility to act as guardians of the public interest," Park said.

The IFJ calls on the Government of Timor Leste to honour its commitment to enact a media law in which defamation is dealt with under a civil code rather than a criminal code, in the interests of the principles of plurality and freedom of expression.

For further information contact IFJ Asia-Pacific on +612 9333 0919

The IFJ represents over 600,000 journalists in 120 countries worldwide

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 121

Xanana Abansa Salariu Boot, Fretilin Iha Oin Protesta

Dili, Tempo Semanal

Partidu opozisaun Fretilin laos deit atrapailla wainhira Parlamentu Nasional muda kontratu sosa kareta Prado sai Pajero, maibe Fretilin mos atrapailla halo kalkulu ba guvernu nia politika aumentu de salariu.

Hanesan deputada Fretilin, Ilda Maria da Conceicao hateten, desizaun aumenta de salariu nee hanesan desizaun illegal nebe halo husi Primeiru Ministru, Xanana Gusmao hamutuk ho Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional no Prezidente da Republika.

"Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ka deputadu ida la iha kompotensia atu aprova salariu ka subsidiu ruma tanba nia la bele substitui Parlamentu Nasional tanba orgaun soberania ida. Prezidente da Republika, nia mesak orgaun suberania unipesoal, maibe nia laiha kompotensia atu halo lei, bele deit la promulga wainhira hanoin tuir lei iha inskonstitusional. Primeiru Ministru mesak mos labele halo buat ida tanba nia laos orgaun soberania, guvernu mak orgaun soberania kolektivu", dehan Ilda.

Aumentu de salariu nee mos tuir deputada Ilda nia haree tanba guvernu atu selu sorin deit ba eis titulares tanba la bolu ona salariu no justifika katak sira la efektivu, la presiza abonu reprezentasau. Alende nee, laiha logika katak abonu reprezentasaun nia folin hanesan vensimentu ba ema balu no ba ema seluk nebe simu salariu kiik liu.

Ilda du'un liutan katak, guvernu gosta halo diskriminasaun maske konstituisaun dehan la bele halo. Abonu ida nee guvernu dehan la likan aprezenta kontas tanba abonu nee funsiona hanesan salariu segundu. Dala ruma guvernu halo hanesan nee tanba guvernu tauk povu kiak sira
tanba loroloron povu rihun moris ho dollar 1 ba kraik.

"Ezemplu ita nia ferik, katuas no alejadu sira nebe simu subsidiu ho valor dollar 20 fulan ida. Ita fahe ba loron 30 iha fulan ida nia laran la too dollar ida ba loron ida. Nee tanba guvernu fo subsidiu dollar 20 atu husu ba sira nia an rasik vensimentu US$2.250 aumenta tan US$.2250 ba despeza reprezentasaun", Ilda protesta. Deputada nee halo komparasaun katak, iha orsamentu inisial 2008, guvernu aprezenta US$.48,028 ba salariu no vensimentu, . Iha orsamentu refitikativu USD.58,884 no proposta orsamentu 2009 guvernu aprezenta US$.93,123 ba alariu kompara ho vensimentu inisial 94%, retifikativu 37%.

Maibe tuir kalkulu husi Institutu Lao Hamutuk katak, total hotu alariu guvernu nian sae 94% ompara ho salariu tinan 2008 ka sae 138% kompara ho salariu tinan 2007. Nee hatudu katak, kresimentu iha salariu funsionariu publiku liu-liu depuadu sira nian, hatudu katak
orsamentu barak mak sei halai liu atu hariku-an.

Institutu Lao Hamutuk mos halo kalkulu katak, husi total orsamentu 2009 nebe guvernu aprezenta ba parlamentu, guvernu proposta atu foti US$. 589,828 million husi Fundu Petroliferu. Total orsamentu ida nee liu ona kalkulasaun Estimasaun Rendimentu Sustentavel nebe limita US$481 millioens. Nee signifika katak, guvernu atu foti US$181 milloens husi limatasaun nebe lei petroliferu autoriza.Tanba nee, tuir Lau Hamutuk nia analiza katak, ainhira proposta orsamentu geral 2009 nee aprova husi Parlamentu Nasional, maka sei mosu violasaun ba lei Fundu Petroliferu tanba institusaun estadu nian sira la hakru'uk ona ba lei.

Responde ba preokupasaun hirak nee, Ministra Finansa Emilia Pires informa katak, guvernu husu duni US$181 husi rendimentu sustentavel Fundu Petroliferu atu hadia makina du estadu. "desde uluk ami hateten ona katak ami atu hadia makina du estadu no halo reformasaun ba
estrutura guvernu", dehan Ministra Finansa.

Husi parte seluk, deputadu Riak Leman hatete, diak liu orsamentu husi Fundu Petroliferu guvernu gasta hodi hadia povu nia moris. "ita labele rai osan husi mina rai nee kulafur hela iha banku, ita tenki hasai osan nee hodi hadia povu nia moris", dehan Riak.

Liutan nia hateten, politika hasae salariu nee bele sai hanesan parte ida husi politika kombate korupsaun tanba, wainhira funsionarius sira hetan salariu nebe diak entaun sira sei la hanoin atu halo korupsaun. Maibe tuir deputadu Aniceto Guterres katak,

guvernu AMP laiha politika atu kombate korupsaun tanba, iha guvernu AMP nia ukun, korupsaun nee laos ona ema halo iha meza okos maibe halo iha meza leten, dehan Aniceto hodi du'un guvernu. (ts)

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 120

Guvernu Hahi Koruptor, Xanana Omongkosong (Bosok Te'en)
Dili, Tempo Semanal

Provedor Direitur Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ) hanesan or¬g¬a¬un independente ho nia funsaun atu apresia no buka satisfas keixasidadaun sira nian hasoru po¬d¬e¬r¬es publikus, no bele haree aktussira tuir lei nomos oinsa prevene no hahu prosesu tomak atu hadiaju¬stisa, kombate korupsaun, ko¬l¬u¬s¬aun no nepostismu, maibéor¬g¬a¬un estadu nian sira liu-liu guve¬r¬nu, simplifika tiha PDHJhanesan ku¬rtina ida hodi helik guvernu nia as¬aun korupsaun.
Ne'e hatudu katak, guvernu nia dutrina klasiku zero toleransia bakorupsaun no kompromisiu po¬l¬itiku naok lima cent sai, ne'eha¬n¬e¬s¬an propaganda politika deit hodi ma¬fia publiku nia hanoin, tanba PD¬H¬J hanesan orgaun independente ne'¬ebé define tiha ona iha Kon¬s¬t¬i¬t¬u¬i¬saun RDTL Artigu 27, halo ona prosesu investigasaun ba indikasaun korupsaun balu iha guvernu, maibé guvernu nega hodi la apresia relatoriu lubuk ida husi PDHJ.
"funsionariu balu ami investiga iha hahalok korupsaun, ami rekomenda ona ba Ministeriu Publiku. Enkoantu sei iha Ministeriu Publiku ami mós rekomenda ba ministeriu kompotente atu foti medidas disiplinar tuir lei funsaun publiku, maibé ohin loron guvernu la foti medidas
disiplinariu no pior liutan guvernu haruka tiha funsionariu ne'e ba eskola.
Oinsa ita eduka ema, oinsa ita haruka ema hapara halo korupsaun se emasira ne'ebé halo korupsaun ita haruka ba eskola tan, eskola konaba saida..eskola atu sai koruptor di'ak liutan!", husu Provedor, Sebastião Dias Ximenes wainhira dada lia ho jornal ne'e iha nia
servisu fatin foin lalais ne'e.

Alende kazu korupsaun husi funsionariu publiku ne'e, iha mos kazu korupsaun iha embaxador Timor Leste ba Indonezia. Iha parte ida ne'e, PDHJ halo investigasaun no hetan indikasaun korupsaun maibé tanba Embaxador laos parte ida husi funsionariu publiku entaun prosesu ba
embaxador nian liu husi Ministeriu Publiku. Maibé senhora ida ne'ebé servisu ho embaxador tanba senhora ne'e funsionariu publiku entaun tenki foti ordem disiplinar tuir lei funsaun publiku. Maske nunee, senhora ne'e la hetan ordem disiplinar maibé kontinua servisu no pior
liutan agora senhora ne'e servisu sai ema boot ida iha Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru.
"uluk kazu embaxada Timor Leste iha Indonezia, ami investiga tiha ona senhor eis embaxadores komu nia laos funsionarius publikus entaun nia hein prosesu iha Ministeriu Publiku, maibé senhora ida be funsionarius publiku ne'e nusa guvernu la foti medidas ruma tuir lei funsaun
publiku maibé guvernu kontinua foti nia sai boot ida iha Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru", husu Provedor ne'e ho triste. Iha mos kazu balu ne'ebé PDHJ investiga tiha ona no hatoo ona
rekomendasaun maibé sira (ministeriu ne'ebé Provedor lakohi fó sai naran) haruka fali kazu ne'e ba diresaun funsaun publiku atu investiga. "provedor hanesan instituisaun ne'ebé as liu ona entaun koandu provedor investiga ona, ne'e mak ne'e ona laos haruka fali ba instituisaun kiik sira atu investiga, ne'e signifika katak ita la kumpriende lei", katak Sebastiao. Liutan nia hateten, iha mos aktus korupsaun balu ne'ebé halo husi membrus guvernu balu, aktus korupsaun ne'e mosu wainhira membrus guvernu balu halo sira nia servisu la tuir lei no prosedementu legal.
"membrus guvernu ne'e uza nia poder hodi fó projetu ba ema ne'ebé nia koinese, pior liutan maka iha ona dekretu lei aprovizionamentu nian maibé ita uza deit ita nia poder hodi halo single source (penunjukan langsung). Ne'e hatudu momoos katak ita halo abuzu de poder tanba ita
fó projetu ba ita nia kolega ka familia. Tanba ne'e hau hakarak hateten katak, buat ida abuzu de poder ne'e fas parte husi tipu korupsaun", dehan Sebastiao. Kazu seluk ne'ebé PDHJ detekta iha guvernu AMP nia ukun maka sobre komflitu de interese husi membrus guvernu balu. "tanba ita nia familia ou tanba ita iha relasaun ho kompania, entaun ita fó prioridade liu tanba ita iha relasaun familiares. Ne'e duni, hau bele dehan katak, durante tinan 2008 nia laran, keixas korupsaun ne'ebé PDHJ simu ho total 45 ", tenik nia.

Tanba sa mak tipu korusaun hirak ne'e bele mosu iha guvernu AMP nia ukun, Sebastiao responde katak, tanba membru guvernu sira defende liu interese partidaria, grupu no familia duke interese nasional, tanba membru guvernu sira iha ambisaun atu hetan buat ruma liu husi uza sira nia poder no tanba laiha kontrolu ne'ebé di'ak husi leten.
Oinsa atu kombate tipu korupsaun hirak ne'e, Sebastiao haktuir katak, tenki iha vontade politika ne'ebé di'ak husi guvernu, maibé vontade politika ne'e labele koalia deit, tenki tau iha pratika, tanba guvernu ida uluk sempre koalia zero toleransia ba korupsaun no guvernu ida agora dehan se mak naok lima cen sai, se mak servisu la di'ak sai.

Maibé vontade politika ne'e so koalia deit tanba se tau iha pratika vontade politika ne'e, entaun ema barak mak sai ona tanba naok lima centavos, maibé agora laos lima centavos, sem mill mos ema la sai. Kazu hanesan ne'e mosu tanba guvernu laiha kbiit no korazen atu foti medidas hodi hasai ema sira ne'ebé halo korupsaun. "hau haree senhor Primeiru Ministru iha hanoin di'ak atu kombate korupsaun, maibé korazen atu foti medidas ba ema sira ne'ebé halo korupsaun ne'e iha ka lae", husu Sebastiao ba Xanana nudar Xefi Guvernu. Provedor ne'e reforsa liutan katak, se Primeiru Ministru iha korazen karik, Primeiru Ministru la likan hakfodak atu harii Komisaun Anti Korupsaun maibé husu ba instituisaun kombate korupsaun hanesan PDHJ, Ministeriu Publiku no Inspektor Geral halo kedas investigasaun ba informasaun no kritika barak ne'ebé hateten katak iha korupsaun iha ministeriu balu. "foin dadaun ema hotu hakfodak koandu Transparency International ho Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) fó sai nia relatoriu katak nivel korupsaun iha Timor Leste as teb-tebes. Ba hau loloos ita lalikan hakfodak maibé ita haree tok oinsa ita detekta no foti medidas hodi hapara korupsaun, ita laos mengkambing hitamkan ema seluk ba ita nia hahalok koruptor", dale nia. Liutan nia hateten, loloos guvernu husu ba provedor halo investigasaun husi ministeriu ida ba ministeriu seluk, maibé antes guvernu husu, guvernu tenki reforsa uluk provedor nia rekursu tanba oras ne'e
provedor halo investigasaun bazeia deit ba keixa ne'ebé provedor simu husi komunidade. Provedor labele foti inisiativa rasik hodi halo investigasaun tanba rekursu humanus provedor nian la sufisiente. Tuir Sebastiao katak, guvernu lakohi reforsa provedor nia funsaun,
guvernu hakfodak hodi harii fali Komisaun Anti Korupsaun. "se hau mak Primeiru Ministru karik hau husu provedor tama iha ministeriu ida-idak hodi halo investigasaun", dehan nia.
Provedor reforsa liutan katak, se guvernu iha korazen atu kombate korupsaun, entaun tenki iha vontade politika ne'ebé di'ak, tenki iha asaun kordenadu, tenki iha lei ke forte no klaru, tenki iha rekursus humanus no rekursu finanseiru ne'ebé sufisiente no tenki iha apoiu husi komunidade tomak. "hau hatene katak senhor Primeiru Ministru iha hanoin di'ak atukombate korupsaun, maibé bainhira mak senhor Primeiru Ministru foti medidas ba ema hirak ne'ebé halo korupsaun, tanba hau haree oras ne'e Primeiru Ministru nonok hela deit maske iha keixas korupsaun barak no rekomendasoens oi-oin PDHJ hatoo ona ba ministeriu balu atu foti ordem disiplinar tuir lei funsaun publiku. Se Primeiru Ministru berani hateten katak nia guvernu la halo korupsaun, entaun Primeiru Ministru labele nonok deit maibé husu ba provedor halo investigasaun. "ohin loron ami halo investigasaun tamba keixa mai husi bankada Fretilin, guvernu rasik seidauk halo
investigasaun internu ida ba risku korupsaun ne'ebé iha. Tanba ne'e, oinsa ema atu dehan ita iha vontade kombate korupsaun se ita iha ona institusaun kombate korupsaun maibé ita la reforsa
instituisaun ne'e, ita ba harii fali komisaun ida ho nia funsaun hanesan ho provedor. Tanba ne'e hau hakarak hateten katak, mesmu senhor Primeiru Ministru iha hanoin di'ak maibé hanoin hirak ne'e la implementa entaun hodi lian bahasa karik dehan omongkosong", katak Sebastiao ho lian makaas.

Tempu hanesan, provedor kestiona konaba komunidade balu ne'ebé tauk atu hatoo keixa ba provedor tanba durante ne'e iha ema balu kontaktu ba provedor katak sira hetan hahalok abuzu de poderes iha ministeriu balu maibé wainhira provedor husu ema ne'e atu hasoru malu, ema ne'e la berani.

Tanba ne'e, provedor husu ba komunidade tomak katak, saida deit mak komunidade hakarak hatoo ba provedor, komunidade la likan tauk tanba provedor sei rai sigredu identidade husi ema ne'ebé hatoo keixa. Ba komunidade balu ne'ebé tauk hatoo keixa, Provedor husu atu kontaktu ho
PDHJ ka bele hatama keixa ba PDHJ sem iha identidade ou bele mos haruka SMS ba Provedor wainhira komunidade hetan membrus guvernu balu halo korupsaun.

Wainhira karik komunidade sira haree no hatene katak iha fatin ida kaiha ministeriu balu membrus guvernu halo korupsaun maibé komunidade lakohi ka la berani fó hatene ba provedor maka komunidade mos kontribui ba hahalok korupsaun.

"hau fó ezemplu ida konaba kazu hatama Serveza iha portu Dili. Iha kazu ida ne'e, ema ida haruka SMS mai provedor hodi husu provedor tun direita ba portu Dili hodi halo investigasaun ba container ne'ebé naknonu ho serveza maibé ema hateten katak susu been mak iha container
laran. Wainhira hau simu SMS ne'e, hau haruka hau nia director ho nia investigador nain rua ba kedas portu Dili hodi halo investigasaun ihetan katak iha duni falsifikasaun iha neba", dehan nia.
Iha mos ema balu hakarak intrega dokumentus korupsaun ba PDHJ maibé ema ne'e husu provedor atu sosa dokumentus hirak ne'e. "ema balu husu ba PDHJ katak se ami fó dokumentus ba PDHJ bele selu ami ka lae. Tanba ne'e hau dehan ba sira, loloos ne'e guvernu fó orsamentu ba ami para ami bele sosa dokumentus hirak ne'e", dale nia.

Iha mos ema balu telephone ba provedor katak kompania balu hatama sasan maibé wainhira kompania ne'e atu ba rejista ema husu osan ba sira (kompania). Maibé tanba momentu neba provedor sei halo hela vizita ba estranjeiru, entaun provedor hameno hela atu hasoru malu ho
ema ne'e wainhira fila ona mai Timor. Maibé wainhira provedor fila ona mai Timor ema ne'e lakohi ba hasoru malu ho provedor, ne'e hatudu katak ema ne'e la berani. Tanba ne'e provedor husu ba publiku tomak atu luta kontra korupsaun tanba korupsaun ne'e halo ema riku, riku ba bebeik sira ne'ebé kiak, kiak ba bebeik. "Hau pesoal la tauk ema ida koandu koalia konaba
korupsaun. Hau la tauk tanba hau servisu atu kombate korupsaun, hau servisu hodi defende povu nia direitu i povu mak hili hau tur iha fatin ida ne'e, entaun hau tenki defende povu, defende osan husi tasi timor atu osan ne'e labele mai para fó han deit no fó riku deit ba ema
balu", haklaken Sebastiao hodi hatudu katak, atu kombate korupsaun ne'e ita laos sakrefika deit ita nia liafuan ho promesa falsu maibé sakrefika liu husi pratika i laiha liafuan kompromisiu ba sira ne'ebé naok povu nia osan. (aro)

Fretilin Du'un PN Manipula Kontratu Sosa Kareta
Provedor: Iha tipu korupsaun

Dili, Tempo Semanal

Bankada Fretilin iha Pa¬r¬l¬a¬m¬e¬ntu Nasional firmeza sira nia po¬z¬isaun hodi husu ba Provedor Di¬r¬eitus Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ) atu halo investigasaun ba kontratu sosa kareta ba kada deputadus. Fretilin ejize urjentimente ba PDHJ ta¬nba Fretilin konsidera iha
ma¬n¬i¬pulasaun ba kontratu sosa kareta Prado sai Pajero. "ema barak husu baa mi, ta¬n¬ba sa mak kontratu halo atu sosa Pr¬ado 65 ho folin ida maibé depois Pa¬jero mak mai fali. Ami mos ejize pr¬¬esiza investiga tanba sa mak Pr¬a¬do sai fali Pajero. Se mak manan, se mak lakon ho manipulasaun ba ko¬ntratu original", dehan Xefi Bankada Fretilin iha Parlamentu Nasional, Aniceto Guterres iha Dili foin lalais ne'e.

Liafuan manipulasaun ne'e mosu husi bankada opozisaun tanba sira bazeia ba dokumentus no prosesu sosa kareta ba deputadus. Tanba deskonfia manipulasaun ne'e, Fretilin ejize ba PDHJ atu halo investigasaun klean tanba buat barak mak parlamentu presiza esklarese. "ita haree ba kontratu ne'ebé ami hetan iha loron 8 Maiu 2008, entre Diretor Parlamentu Nasional ho Diretor kompania Midori Motors, Kim Jung Woo, depois ita haree ba surat husi Primeiru Vice Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Vicente Guterres iha loron 5 Maiu 2008 ba Ministra Finansa Emilia Pires. Surat ida ne'e justifikasaun de ajuste direitu konaba sosa kareta hirak ne'e. Iha surat ne'e nia laran, Vicente Guterres hakerek momoos katak atu sosa kareta ba deputadus ho
folin US$2,171,000.00 tuir pagamentu rua, ida US$10,000.00 no ida seluk US$1,261,000.00", dehan Aniceto. Tuir artigus balu ne'ebé hakerek iha kontratu sosa kareta ba deputadus iha loron 8 Maiu 2008, Midori Motors iha direitu atu simu pagamentu rua ho total US$2,171,000.00 bainhira sira intrega ba Parlamentu Nasional kareta 65 no hakerek momos iha kontratu katak kareta 65 ne'e iha marka 'Toyota, type Land Cruiser Prado, LJ120 R/L GKMEE 3.0D,4 cylinder, 5-door, manual Transmission', hamutuk ho manutensaun livre (gratis) ba tinan ida.
Iha kontratu hakerek klaru ona katak, parlamentu atu simu Prado 65 ho folin di'ak no kondisoens kapas. "hanesan ita hotu hatene katak maske iha kontratu atu sosa Prado 65 maibé agora kompania Midori Motors hatama fali Pajero. Ita mos hatene katak Prado koalidade di'ak liu no folin as liu Pajero, maibé tan sa mak iha mudansa, ne'e hatudu katak iha manipulasaun boot ba kontratu. Tanba ne'e ami ejize investigasaun klean liu husi provedor", dehan Guterres.
Liutan Xefi bankada Fretilin ne'e haktuir katak, Fretilin hola desizaun hodi uluk kedas katak, deputadu Fretilin la simu kareta Prado ka marka seluk nudar deputadu individual tanba razaun barak, liu-liu tanba Fretilin la simu katak ida ne'e mak prioridade aas ba oras ne'e dadaun bainhira povu barak seidauk hetan kondisaun bazikus moris nian hanesan kondisaun uma, bee moos no ai-han lor-loron nian. "uluk kedas ami kestiona tanba sa sosa kareta liu husi single source ka fó deit ba ema ida la liu husi tender, tanba tuir ami nia haree so liu husi tender deit mak bele hetan kareta ho folin no koalidade di'ak liu-liu atu evita moras at KKN. Razaun ne'e hatudu ba ami katak, deputadu AMP ansi liu atu hetan benefisiu ba an uluk no la koidadu
povu nia osan. Pior liutan kontratu sub-subar i Prezidente Parlamentu la hatan ba deputa sira husi bankada partidu balu bainhira sira husu kopia kontratu ida ne'e tanba iha irregularidade barak ne'ebé presiza investiga", dehan Guterres. Iha semana molok natal, meza Parlamentu Nasional hahu fahe kareta Pajero kor metan ba deputadu balu. Agora, lor-loron kareta Pajero ho
kor oi-oin tama ona iha kareta para fatin parlamentu nian. Tanba ne'e, Xefi bankada Fretilin firmeza sira nia pozisaun nafatin la simu kareta ba deputadu ida-idak Fretilin nian maibé deputadu seluk hahu simu ona. Uniku Fretilin ho PUN mak la simu kareta nudar deputadu
individual. Husi parte seluk, Vicente Guterres, Primeiru Vice Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional hateten ba jornal ne'e katak, Fretilin labele koalia deit maibé aprezenta dadus konaba saida mak Fretilin hanaran Manipulasaun ba kontratu sosa kareta Prado sai Pajero. "hau husu ba hau nia maun alin husi Fretilin katak se hetan espesifikasaun ruma ke la loos, aprezenta mai ami para ami bele koalia ho emprezariu atu ami bele haree katak buat ne'ebé Fretilin hateten ne'e loos duni ka lae, laos nar-naran akuza deit", dehan Vicente hodi responde akuzasaun husi bankada Fretilin sobre manipulasaun kontratu sosa kareta Prado sai Pajero. Vicente firmeza katak, membru deputadu husi bankada Fretilin labele koalia arbiru deit maibé tenki haree buat hotu ho matan moos. "ita tenki haree saida mak lalos no lalos iha ne'ebé. Laos ita koalia arbiru deit. Hau labele koalia dehan Ita boot matan at se hau laos mediku ne'ebé atu dehan ita boot matan at. Hau tenki hatene uluk buat ne'e loos ka laloos, hau labele koalia hanesan Fretilin koalia se lae
hau hatun empreza nia naran", dehan Vicente hodi defende an husi
akuzasaun bankada Fretilin. Entertantu tuir Provedor Direitus Humanus no Justisa Dr. Sebastião Dias Ximenes hateten katak, guvernu AMP viola tiha ona lei aprovizionamentu ne'ebé hateten katak, projetu ho alokasaun orsamentu liu husi 100 millioens de dollares tenki liu husi prosesu tenderizasaun, maibé projetu barak mak guvernu halo single source (penunjukan langsung). "ita iha ona dekretu lei aprovizionamentu maibé ita uza deit ita nia
poder hodi halo single source. Ne'e hatudu momoos katak ita halo abuzu de poder tanba ita fó projetu ba ita nia kolega ka familia. Tanba ne'e hau hakarak hateten katak, buat ida abuzu de poder ne'e fas parte husi tipu korupsaun", dehan provedor ne'e hodi rekoinese katak, durante
tinan 2008 nia laran, PDHJ detekta ona tipu korupsaun oi-oin ne'ebé membrus guvernu sira halo. "se ita hakarak kombate korupsaun, ita tenki hahu husi ita nia an, laos ita dehan kombate maibé ita rasik laiha korazen atu kombate. Ita so iha korazen deit atu koalia maibé ita laiha korazen atu tau iha pratika ita nia vontade atu kombate korupsaun. Hau hatene katak senhor
Primeiru Ministru iha hanoin di'ak atu kombate korupsaun maibé se ita koalia deit, ita la implementa, entaun hanesan lian indonezia hateten "omongkosong"", katak Sebastião hodi kritika Xefi Guvernu AMP nia kompromisiu atu kombate korupsaun maibé la tau iha pratika. (aro)

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 119

MCC Hakerek ba PM Xanana informa Kanselamentu TL ba Compact

Iha loron 20/12/2008 Xefe Exekutivu Milenium Challenge Corporation hakerek ba Governu Timor Leste hodi informa kona decizaun husi Board diretores MCC iha loron 11/12/2008 katak Timor Leste la seleciona ba milenium Challenge Account (MCA) nu'udar nasaun ne'ebe elijibel ba Compact tinan fiscal 2009 nian.

Wainhira kestiona kona ba KKN ne'ebe mosu iha Governu AMP nia laran ho lian diplomasia repezentante MCC iha Timor Leste dehan indikador KKN ne'ebe uza dadaun ne'e mosu iha governu anterior ninian. Maibe Embaisador Danilovich hateten sai kurang esforsu husi parte governantes TL ne'ebe halo nasaun ne'e lakon programa Kompact hanesan nia hakerek dehan, "Konselhu ne'e enfatizar Katak nia sei la aprova compact ida ba nasaun ida ne'ebe seidauk konsege hadia kriteria indikadores Mcc ninian no, partikularmente iha, indikador kontrole
korupsaun nian."

Surat ne'e haruka liu ba palaciu do Governu hafoin iha loron 22/12/2008 hafoin Embaisador Estadu Unidus da Amerika iha Dili, Hans Klemm hakerek surat ida hodi esplika kona ba surat ne'e. "Ho onra ha'u haruka surat ida husi oficial Xefe Exekutivu Millenium Challenge Corporation, Embaisador John J. Danilovich."Ho lian fuan diplomacia John hahi esforsu balun ne'ebe halao ona husi Governu Timor Leste. "Ha'u rekuinese katak governu Timor Leste ho MCC investe ona rekursus signifikante nu'udar esforsu ida atu dezenvolve Compact ida ne'ebe sei beneficia ba cidadaun Timor Leste tomak," nia hateten.Liu tan john dale, "Ha'u aplaus ba progresu husi ita nia Governu no ekipa MCA halo ona iha procesu ne'e."

"Oin sa mos, Board ne'e rekuinese eforsu barak maka halo ona husi ita nia governu hodi hadia lalaok kona ba politika indikador MCC nian no sei suporta ita bo'ot nia esforsu kontinua ba reforma."

Nune'e duni ulu bo'ot husi MCC ne'e fo hatene ba governu AMP katak,"Ha'u kontenti atu informa ba ita katak, atu bele suporta ita nia esforsu ba kontinuasaun reforma ne'e, inklui preparasaun ba elijibilidade Compact, board ne'e seleciona ona Timor Leste sai elijibel ba program asistencia Treshold ba tinan fiscal 2009."Liu husi surat ne'eba embaisador Danilovich informa ba ulun bo'ot Governu Timor leste katak sei iha ekipa MCC ida sei mai vizita Timor Leste iha tempu badak oin mai hodi esplika ho detailyu kona ba program Treshold no sei
resposta kualker pergungas mak governu sei husu karik. "Ekipa MCC ne'e sei hakarak hasoru malu ho individu no grupus oi-oin iha imi nia rai laran ne'ebe reprezenta imi nia governu, emprezarius sira, sosiedade sivil, no doador estranjeiru sira."(**)

Friday, 2 January 2009

Justice minister sues East Timor newspaper

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Justice minister sues East Timor newspaper

Updated December 24, 2008 09:37:52

A respected newspaper in East Timor has been charged with defamation
over a series of stories it published accusing the country's Justice
Minister of corruption, collusion and nepotism. The newspaper's
director, Jose Belo, says he's prepared to go to jail to defend his

Presenter: Stephanie March

Jose Belo, director Tempo Semanal; Mario Carrascalao, East Timorese
MP and former president of the Social Democratic Party
* Listen:

MARCH: East Timor's prosecutor-general is bringing a defamation
action against the Tempo Semanal newspaper, based on a series of
articles it published concerning alleged activities of the Justice
Minister. In October, the newspaper accused Justice Minister Lucia
Lobato of engaging in corruption, collusion and nepotism during the
issuing of a number of government tenders. The reports were based on
alleged SMS communications.

Tempo Semanal's director Jose Belo has been a journalist for 13
years, and has worked for a number of international news
organisations including the ABC and Associated Press.

BELO: We are not simply just trying to, accuse a minister or defame a
minister, but because she is a minister of the justice, this is
really in the interest of the public.

MARCH: The government passed a new penal code that decriminalises
defamation, however the president hasn't promulgated it yet. That
means Jose Belo is being charged under the Indonesian penal code,
which considers defamation to be a criminal act. If found guilty he
could be fined, or sent to prison. Jose Belo fears the minister is
exploiting his limited budget and resources.

BELO: You know the Tempo Semanal is a very poor newspaper in this
country - we don't have any money or any resources. So we can't fight
a person who has influence [and] who has money. So I presume it is
very, very difficult to win this case in the court.

MARCH: In a written response to Radio Australia, Lucia Lobato stated
she feels the articles were hurtful and have discredited her both
personally and professionally. She says she supports free and fair
media, but also supports accountability and responsibility in
reporting. Minister Lobato stated she would accept any verdict handed
down by the court.

Despite the prospect of jail time, Jose Belo says he'll fight the charges.

BELO: If I just give up, to this kind of attitude by the government
it seems likely that I am going to give away to the government to
shut down the media here, and it is really bad for the independence
of media in Timor-Leste. So I am committed to go and fight in the
court, with the evidence we have, based on the evidence we publish
these stories.

MARCH: Jose Belo fears the action against his newspaper will
discourage other media organisations from investigative reporting.

BELO: I think the other media is very, you know, self-protective.
They don't really want to go after this investigative reporting
because they know the risk. And I myself understand this risk. But
you know we have to come out. If we are serious media we have to come out.

MARCH: Justice Minister Lucia Lobato is a member of the Social
Democratic Party - or PSD - one of the members of the coalition
government led by Xanana Gusmao. Mario Carrascalao is an MP and
member of PSD. He says while he is certain there is corruption in
some government departments, he doesn't believe Minister Lobato is
guilty of any wrongdoing, but he too says the case could have a
negative impact on press freedom.

CARRASCALAO: Of course it sounds not good because this also will
prevent some journalists to have the courage to publish what they
know, and to stop corruption here we need in fact, how do you say,
the press to be really open and to publish everything they know about
the wrongdoings made by officials here.

MARCH: A number of corruption allegations have been made against East
Timor's government over the past twelve months. The opposition has
called for Minister Lobato and a number of other government officials
to be sacked in light of the claims, however the only action taken so
far has been the charges against the Tempo Semanal newspaper.

During his time as both President and Prime Minister, Xanana Gusmao
has spoken often for the need for media freedom and transparency in
government. Jose Belo says his words have not translated into action
to deal with the growing problem.

BELO: Until today is very, very little action has been taken to
investigate these cases, and I am apessimist - I'm very, very
pessimistic that Xanana will be taking these actions against these

MARCH: The Prime Minister is developing a new anti-corruption
commission. The government hopes it will start functioning in 2009.
Mario Carrascalao says it would be impossible to eradicate corruption
entirely, but has high hopes the commission will make a big difference.

CARRASCALAO: I believe in one year, two years, corruption will come
to a level. It will never be acceptable, but a level that would be
reasonable for a country just like ours that doesn't have skilled
people and even without mechanism to prevent corruption to happen.