Thursday, 24 September 2009

Internet Exclusive: Maternus Bere Case - Breaking News: Bere has a VISA.

Tempo Semanal has just been provided with a with a leaked copy of Maternus Bere's passport.

In this passport is shows his visa and the documents also include a letter from the Ministry of Justice which justifies the release of Maternus Bere from custody in Becora prison.

Next week's edition will be a Special Edition focussing on the Maternus Bere case. 

Tempo Semanal staff are in Suai gathering the information and views about justice from victims and family of victims of 1999 violence perpretrated by the Laksuar Militia of which Bere was a Commander.

To date victims and those civilians who arrested Bere express their anger at the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and are very disappointed with the United Nations and especially UNMIT and its SRSG Khare who continues to have a executive policing mission, but seem "toothless" once again.

Once survivor of the Suai Church Massacre, named here as DA, who was present when Bere was arrested in Suai Market on 8 August 2009 said;

"I saw Maternus.  People yelled at him near the market, and we the victims arrested the prepretator then handed him over to UNPOL and PNTL to bring justice.  But the Government has delivered injustice to us - the victims.  An the UN has just washed their hands of us, and has finished the Special Panel on Serious Crimes. 

So if one day I get another member of the Laksaur Militia, I will make my own judgement, with my own hand."

To read more get next weeks' edition of Tempo Semanal.


For more information on Maternus Bere you can refer to the Lao Hamutuk website for complete history and information to date. 

You can also join the relevant Dont Let Maternus Bere Escaoe Justice facebook site if you wish.

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