Monday, 3 January 2011

In The New Year 2011 Power Cut Three Times

PM Xanana ho mapa linha eletrisidade
The New Year is only two days old yet the electricity supply has already been cut three times. On the morning of the first day of 2011 power was off for a large part of Dili and this afternoon at approximately 16:30 hours T-L time it was off again in Becora.

Besi rin ne'ebe harii Husi
 kompania Xines
During Sunday afternoon mass services there was a power cut which impeded the mass at Sacred Heart of Jesus at Bedois, Dili.

"I think this is pretty bad attitude from the government especially the Secretary of State for electricity," said Maria, a churchgoer who had attended the mass at Becora.

The power cuts have become a real embarrassment and the member of government responsible for electricity has been the subject of much public ill will, including insults but the people in government have lost all shame and just laugh off criticism on this. The Prime Minister himself at a public meeting called the Secretary of State "the Secretary of State for AMP ("Ahi Mate Permanente", which in tetum means "Power Off Permanently").

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