Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Politikamente Timor-Leste deklara ninia independénsia iha loron 28 Fulan Novembru Tinan 1975 ho termu internasionalmente rekunyesidu iha Enkontru Nível Altu Nasoens Unidas nian mak hanaran Deklarasaun Unilateral Independénsia Timor-Leste nian (DUI/UDI) liu husi esforsu ASDT nian ho Partidu tomak durante 1974-1975; mak ikus mai restaura fali husi PSD nudar Partidu Opozisaun Maoria iha Plenário Parlamentu Nasionál RDTL nian iha tinan 2002 selebra hamutuk ho Solemnidade Loron Restaurasaun monu iha Loron 20 Fulan Maio Tinan 2002.

Tuir estudus Direitu define katak Estadu ida moris depende mós ba ninia orgaun izekutivu ninia esforsu; tan ne’e mak; mundu kunyesedor ba kauza polítika sira; mak ONU representa hela iha UNMISET iha Timor-Leste hakarak loke Polítiku Timor-Leste-oan sira nia matan hodi konsidera oinsá Timor-Leste ninia Órgaun Izektutivu ka Guvernu restaura-an husi Estadu RDTL mak Restauradu.

Hau Frederico NUNO Jerónimo Boavida nudar Observador Permanente ba PN-RDTL ho Postu Staf Nasionál ba Asuntu Polítiku mak úniku Timor-Leste-oan serbisu hamutuk ho staf Internasionál mesak ema estranjeiru iha tinan 2002 iha Dili mak populasaun rona dit Political Affairs for UMISET ho indikasaun TL no INTL (TL mak Local Staff no INTL mak Internsionál Staf); hau loke hikas pájina SITREP mak iha momentu nebá hau fahe lemo-lemo ba Partidu Polítiku tomak iha TL, Governu ETA, Sosiedade Sívil (Oganizasaun Masa Baze mak uluk seidauk transforma-an ba Partidu maibé sei CPD-RDTL, PR, Orsnako no CNRT no mós Igreja no sst.), Ajénsia no ONG sira katak hau kompriende karik tantu Polítiku no Lider Partidu sira la nota no repara dauk atu foti konkluzaun no halo analíze kle’an ida tansa mak sempre mosu Senáriu Negro Loron 4 Períodikamente iha Fulan hirak imprevistu hafoin Loron 4 Fulan Novembru 2002 nian? Senáriu ida ne’e se nia polítika? Individu ida ka Instituisaun ida eh grupu partidáriu ida? Keta karik Teknokrata? Teknokrata Rai-Nain/TL nian ka Teknokrata Rai-Liur/Internasionál nian mak hamosu hela Senáriu 4/11/2002?

Senáriu 4/11/2002, analójikamente haree dit ba loron 11 mak sempre sai eventu Nasionál Importante mak hanesan: 11 Otubru 1974 ASDT hamosu tan Fretilin; 11 Otubru 1975 Golpe mak hamosu Aliansa no Koligasaun Partidária atu harii Forsa Polítika ida dit hodi Tuba ba Ukun-an; no TL ukun-an tiha mundu mós kria senáriu 11 Setembru 2011 mak leitura polítika TL nian sai forte no todan.

Senáriu 4/11/2002 ne’e hahú mosu simples dit liu husi Termu no Konseitu Polítiku mak hamosu iha Parlamentu Nasionál iha Loron 4 Fulan Novembru Tinan 2002; iha nebé mak Deputadu PSD re-afirma-an nudar Opozisaun Maioria mak husu atu Tau Guvernu nudar Sentru Referénsia ba Asuntu Polítiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál! Durante Sesaun Plenária iha loron 4/11/2002 nian Deputadu hotu-hotu levanta no aprezenta kestaun no assuntu hirak mak kompete ba Autoridade Polítika no Autoridade Izekutivu ka Guvernu RDTL (iha 2002 sei ETA) atu estuda no atu foti desizaun ida mak tau konsiderasaun ba Kestaun no Asuntu hirak mak foti nudar DOSSIERS POLÍTIKU RDTL nian!

Wainhira tuur halo refleksaun kle’an no halo análize tasak mak sei hetan katak Plenáriu Parlamentu Nasionál RDTL 2002 hamosu Restaurasaun Guvernu RDTL iha Estadu RDTL Restauradu ninia Konteistu! Tan ne’e mak periodikamente sempre mosu Gelatin/Báliu Fransés Lorn 4 iha fula-fulan apartir 4 Dezembru 2002 to’o Ohin loron sei nafatin!

Nudar Kaleidoskop seluk ba 4 Novembru 2002; Média Nasionál – TVTL, RTL, STAL, TIMOR-POST, TALITAKUM NO LIAN-MAUBERE iha 4 DEZEMBRU 2002 Publika notísias mesak Nasionalizmu no Patriotizmu Versu Fundamentalista no Estremista; izemplu Real iha Revista Lian Maubere publika iha Loron 4 Fulan Dezembru 2002 nian Avo Xavier mosu ho ninia intervista mak koalia kona ba ASDT hahoris tan Fretilin to’o Fretilin iha Loron 11 Fulan Setembru 1975, no mosu Forsas Konsolidadas iha 11 Setembru 1975 to’o oinsá UDT halo Koligasaun ho Fretilin iha 11 Otubru 1975; no ikus mai PSD restaura liu husi Retrospektividade ba Pasadu; atu dehan katak Timor-Leste ninia ukun-an iha istória no huun ho abut la seluk no leet mak Timor-Leste nian kedas!

Ita tenke rekonyese katak mundu internasionál mak reprezenta husi ONU, Ajénsia no ONG sira naklekar iha Timor-Leste ne’e hanesan bee dit; maibé ema nasionál no Institutu Nasionál mak Xave no Faktor Determinante Polítika Dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian.

Agradese mós ba Primeiru Guvernu Restaurasaun, Primeira Lezislatura RDTL, Primeira Przidénsia no Primeiru Órgaun Judisiál. Tanba sira nia Polítika “Border Control” no Tribunal, Polémika Primórdial Sosiedade Sívil ka Kazau Karau Luhan Watulari Distritu Viqueque, Relasionamentu Parlametu ho Orguan Autoridade Seluk (Parlamentu tenke hato’o Rekomendasaun Partidu sira nian ba Guvernu atu foti solusaun); Asuntu Combustíveis (Gaz no Petróle mak impaktu ba korte-Enenrgia Elektrika no Presu Merkadoria) sai Dossiers Polítika hirak mak foti iha 4 Novembru 2002 ne’e hamosu tiha ona saida mak hanaran Konseitu Nasionál ba Political Argot ka Linguazem Polítika Nasionál ganya forma no Definisaun mak klaru teb-tebes atu Órgaun Izekutivu ka Guvernu RDTL implementa.

Tan ne’e atu la dada naruk opiniaun hau hakarak bolu ita boot sira atu ita fila hamutuk ho hau ba akompanya no asiste Plenáriu PN-RDTL liu husi Kaleidoskop-eskritu: Loron 4 Novembru 2002 nian mak hanesan hau hakerek no arkiva iha Lian Inglés nudar rezultadu Serbisu Profesionál nian no Tuir Loloos mak nia nudar Manu-eskritu Monogrfia ho forma Minuta mak hau ikus mai Kompila hikas ba “Toma-Nota” ka elabora tiha ba “Note to File”; no oras ne’e hau prepara tiha ona ninia formatu Finál nudar Livru kompilasaun ho Títulu: “Note-File- PN-RDTL Parliamentary Proceedings in 2002;”  hanesan ita haree parte ida mak tuir mai ne’e:

NOTE TO FILE (November 4th, 2002)

1.     In this morning, who held the plenary session was not the President of the National Parliament, nor the First Vice President for the PN-RDTL Jacob Fernandes as it used to be; but was Francisco Xavier do Amaral.

2.     There are three main points highlighted on the agenda for today: The letter addressed to the President of the National Parliament by Mrs. Teresinha Viegas (one of the Parliament for Fretilin); it will be distributed to all the parliament the report of the annual budget on the executive State Budget for RDTL Fiscal Year: 2001/2002 until June 2002; there will be held the voting for the Vice Secretary as the assistant for the chairman in the RDTL National Parliament.

3.     For the plenary there are presented some actual issues and new topics to be better considered for instance: the Controversial on the fuel price, the electricity payment fees, the anticipative preparatory  for the Date November 28th of this current year 2002, the RDTL Government Functionalism in the district level, the Society  of Marketing Standardization of Market Price; the Ex-RI Public Functionalism Issues on the Possible Payment, the Scholarship for Hawaii, the demands on the Funds Allocation to the Villages Level insisted by the Head/Chief of the Villagers, the long debate of the NP - RDTL on the Border Controls and the Court, the irresponsible and illegal Trees Cutting (Sandals-Tree, Trees for raw-log and Timbers and even fire-wood/tree for cooking) the forest, the Primordial’s Polemic and Conflict on the cattle (mostly Buffaloes) at Watulari – Viqueque District, Ninjas with its illegal/robbery acts (stealing, looting, rampages, rape, harassments and Sexual abuse) performed to the houses of the common population, etc.

4.     Clementino Amaral (Kota) was the first parliamentarian who started to talk to the plenary in commencing the Morning Session in conformity to the Agenda of the Order of Day for the NP-RDTL in this day November 4th, 2002; in which Clementino presented two issues as the problem of the Fuel Price and the impact to the electricity.

5.     Carlos Sarmento (LP) raised the issued on the National Day for the Restoration of the RDTL Independence dated November 28th, 1975; it is important to consider as the National History Day merit of the Commemoration.

6.     Norberto Espírito Santo (Fretilin) stated out some more issues coming from Baucau District such as: the Public Functionalism in the District Level, the expensive in the fees implemented by the Non-Governmental School, the increasing on the Marketing Prices, the ETA Public Public Functionalism Salary.

7.     Mariano Sabino (PD) commented on the way possible how the RDTL Government could anticipate the Social Life and the condition of the Rural Population that are dependent on the Farm Cultivation and the Rainy Season. Commenting on the long-long summer in 2002 must affecting to the rural population Farm Cultivation; if no immediate solution taken as to solve the case of starving if in short time it might not be raining still, what should the Country do. Mariano Sabino on the other hand commenting on the criteria adopted by ETPs for the selection in which the Recruitment targeted to the Clandestine and Resistance Network, creating the impression that it easy for those Clandestine and Resistant Network get into the System and pass the Selection Criteria for the ETPs Recruitment in comparing to common youth. As to go over the National Territory; Mariano Sabino raised the polemic on the Buffaloes between two villages at Watulary, one of the sub-Districts of Viqueque as a National Polemic to solve and to take the solution in avoiding the Primordial Clashing. As reading the National Stability and Security; Mariano Sabino commented that, in fact, in this year of 2002, the Stability and the security have been threatened and tested; specifically at the Rural areas/regions.

8.     Alexandre Corte Real (UDT) presented his points of views on the Potable Water and Sanitation at Comoro, Dili, Scholarship Candidates for Medicine Program Studies to be sent to Cuba; some did not pass the entrance testing; however, they have been past to the short listed and Final Selections. Alexander Corte Real, insisted to the Plenary and the NP-RDTL to provide Floor, Ground and Time to the Ambassador of RI for East Timor in 2002 Cristo Wahyono to come in order to talk to the Plenary on the Polemic of the Payment for the EX-RI Functionalism Servants.

9.     Finally the Major Opposition Representative at the Plenary of the National Parliament of the Democratic Republic of East Timor (PN-RDTL); the PSD could raise the issues to the Plenary in this Morning Session of  November 4th, 2002; as Leandro Isaac (PSD) declared the right as the Major Opposition Party must have clear and exact information if the President of the National Parliament of RDTL Mr. Francisco Guterres Lu Olo has considered the concerns of the PSD on the issues of Border Control and the Court. The impact of East Timor Marketing Price due to the Petroleum and Gaz or Fuel Price, however, must be the cause by the manipulation done on the impost and Tax of the RDTL State. Leandro Isaac; stressed and insisted that what have been raised in the PN-RDTL-Plenary ought not be just stagnated no-solution remain; otherwise; it should be transmitted and forward to the Government as to seek for the Adequate and Necessary Solution.

10.  Riak Leman (PSD) focused his comments on the Primitive/Primordial and Rudimentary Farming System Practiced by the Rural Farmers Population that cutting the trees in the forest as the Extension Rudimentary Farming and at the same time for the Raw Log and Timbar and Fire-Wood/Tree for Cooking affecting or destroying the forest and Riak Leman addressed to the RDTL Government (ETA) to take into consideration for the adequate solution and, of course, the information must be the issues raised during the Plenary of PN-RDTL and must be the Recommendations addressed by the PN-RDTL to the government.

11.  António Ximenes (PDC) presented some issues such as: the visiting effectuated by the PN-RDTL to Watulay in order to solve th Problem on the Conflict between  two villages concerns the claim of buffaloes there also they met new problem of the Gang ‘NINJA’ that has caused some trouble for the population. António Ximenes made the criticsm to the RDTL Government for some Public Servants who don’t selves performing in a professional way reflecting the Professional Code for Public Servants. António Ximenes commented also on the Problem of School Fees that is a bit heavy for the parents. As his Last comments in his Times Frames as a Parliamentarian to have the right for word during 3 minutes; António Ximenes presented the case of the Medicines and Illegal Busines at Toko Baru Hospital (Actually Known as Hospital Natcional Guido Valadares).

12.  Comments: in fact, the controversial on the Fuel Price, the Short-Cut of Energy, the Anticipative Preparatory Commeration on the National History Day dated on the November 28th, the Public Functionalism at the Government Level, the School Fees, the Free-Marketing Price, the Possible Payment to the Ex-RI Public Servants, the Scolarship for Hawai, the demands of the Chief of the Villages for the Government Funds destined to the Villages, the Border-Control and the Court, the Illegal Tree-Cutting in the forest as the impact of the Agricultural Rudimentary Farming System, the Primordial Conflict in Watulary – District of Viquque, ‘NINJA’ and some illegal Acts such as robbery (stealing, looting, riots, rampages and Rape/Secual Abuse) performed against the Common Population and the settlement/houses of the Population; are reflecting the Social Problem for the actual condition that East Timor has experienced. But, by nature, it must not happened because of it is the result of the Political, Social and Cultural strategic. Therefore the Key-Role is based on the Good Management and Administration within the RDTL Government.

Buat hotu nebé mak ita akompanya no asiste iha Plenáriu Parlmentu RDTL iha Primeira Lejislatura ho Guvernu ETA nudar Primeiru Guvernu Konstitusionál iha 2002 nian iha 4 Novembru 2002 ne’e hatudu duni katak ita Timor-Lest-oan sira, de faktu, politikamente iha nanis kestaun no asuntu polítiku mak sai Dossiers Polítiku hodi uza nudar Linguazem Polítika (Political Argot) nudar Formula mak bele halo Komparasaun analógika ba Polítika Internasionál hodi nune’e bele hamosu Ideia ida mak Uniforme iha Dezenvolvimentu Global tuir Konteistu Dezenvolvimentu Poítiku Nasionál RDTL nian koresponde no kondiz ho Ezizénsia Polítika Globalizasaun iha Konteistu Dezenvolvimentu Polítiku Internasionál nian.

Se ita la bazeia ba Instrumentu Legál ida no ita la dada ba baze Legal mak hanesan Institusaun Legal Polítika hodi asegura katak Loron Determinadu Merese Komemorasaun tanba faktu no evidénsia Komprovadu! Se ita seidauk restaura Guvernu oinsá ita restaura Estadu RDTL? Tanba Palku Restaurasaun Estadu RDTL mak Ajénsia Internasionál (ONU no ONG Internasionál) ho Estadu Nasaun RDTL projeita iha 2002 tenke hetan preparasaun intensiva husi Órgun Kompetente Izekutivu; iha nebé mak ETA nudar Primeiru Guvernu Restaurada no iha duni Loron 4 Novembru 2002 guvenu ETA nia ukun mak Primeira Lezilatura RDTL nian reafirma Guvernu RDTL nia restaura-an liu husi Plenáriu baibain no la repara katak halau asaun Lísitu ida iha Konteistu Estadu RDTL, ita Timor-Leste-oan tomak la konsiente maibé Guvernu RDTL iha Loron nebá restaur-an duni (haree paragráfu balun tuir mak koalia kona ba Negosiasaun Guvernu ETA no Kompromisu Rekonsiliasaun hodi haruka Protokolu projeita no konkretiza duni Vizita Ofisiál no Kredénsial Estadu RDTL ba RI tuir Agenda Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru DR. José Manuel Ramos Horta nian); no kompleta loloos tinan 10 mak ita foin bele haree hamutuk no define kritériu loloos kona ba Loron Komemorasaun ba Loron Restaurasaun Guvernu RDTL nian!

Mai hau Leitura ba Loron4 Novembru 2002 nudar Loron Restaurasaun Guvernu ne’e dit ninia konsekuénsia mak hanesan ba Primeiru Kaleidoskop atu relembra ita la bele hakat liu loron 4 Novembru 2002 basá konsekuentemente iha fali Loron 4 Dezembru 2002 hau hanaran nudar Dezembru Negro nebé mak ema ida nudar Chefe Guvernu no Responsável Primeiru Guvernu DR. Marii Bin Amuden Bin Alkatiri mak Fortifeiu ba Restaurasaun no Fundasaun Guvernu nia Uma hetan Sunu! No Parlamentu hetan tuda ho Deputadu balun kanek to’o ba baixa iha Austrália, mak hanesan Deputado António Machado Cardoso hetan Tiru ida ho Birlindo ba ninia matan sorin no Interpol Australia nian tula nia ba kura iha Australia. Eventu markante hirak ne’e mak sempre hatudu hela sikatriz oinsá prosesu Konsolidasaun Identidade Nasionál ne’e la liu husi dalan kmaan no namdoras ho kabeer mak kanek no todan mak husik hela fitar karik halo Teknokrata no fundador Guvernu sira iha sira nia loron Solidaun, sira tanis no laran halerik mesa-mesak!

Ita mós haree parte petisionáriu sira nian mós sira lakon boot no lakon porta-voz mak hanesan Ex-Major-Alfredo Reinado mate iha 11 Febreiru 2007 hodi ezize Direitu kona ba sira nia Liberdade, Dignidade no Direitus Umanus no ezize Justisa Nasionál to’o figura ida ba Nobel da Paz Dom Belo nia mak homologo Nasionál TL nian DR. José Manuel Ramos Horta mós hetan tiru. No ita haree ema akompanya kaixaun Ex-Major Alfreido Reinado nian ho tanis no tau múzika Unggu: -  Surga-Mu! Nebé Alfredo Reinado ninia feen no ninia adeptus toka hodi akompanya mate-isin.

La natoon dit ho Órgaun Kompetente; loron 4 Novembru 2002 pur natureza husik hela sikatriz boot liu mak hanesan krize 4 Maio 2006  hodi hamosu Masakre 6 Junyu 2002 ne’e atu dehan katak povu Timor-Leste atu hetan Guvernu ida forte no komprometidu; povu tomak terus mós ba tinan tomak mak ikus mai Guvernu Restauradu sai Forte no bele reflekte duni Instituisaun Públika ida mak apartidaria!  No wainhira ita tuur iha ita nia loron soliudaun, tuur muroon iha tempu badiin; mak ita sei sente ita nia neon-nakraik, laran taridu no laran dodok to’o tanis wainhira hateke fali oinsá kareta lalin sasan sai huis Dili, kareta tuun-tiha sae tiha, ahi-lakan no ai-suar hafalun rai, kilat tarutu no kilat musan lakan-mean iha tuku 03oo    dader iha Luru-mata besik ba Embaixada USA nian iha 2006, refujiadu sira iha lona-okos, populasaun hamalaha no tenke hamriik forma iha Fila ka iha bixa ba simu pakote-kayaan, doos supermi, mina, sabonete no sabaun no foos saku ka plástiku, halo ita laran kanek relembra ita nia Estadu RDTL kanek povu mak mak terus, ita nia guvernu RDTL kanek povu mós mak terus; karik husi esperiénsia real ho faktus komprovadus mak bele sai nudar transmisaun lisaun Edukasaun Sívika ida forte katak haburas Nasionalizmu no Patriotizmu! Maibé Ho Imperativa Kategórika Evita Fundamentalista no Estremizmu!

Hakarak ka la hakarak, maski Estadu RDTL foin mak sai husi krize naruk 1999 nian no iha tinan 2002 ne’e susar atu Povu Timor-Leste reskonyese no simu hikas Estadu RDTL hodi hakuak malu hanesan bai-bain no parese laek problema iha pasadu. Guvernu ETA iha 2002 buka ho dalan pasífiku atu media Estadu RDTL ho Estadu RI hodi dehan katak liu ona tinan tolu no Timor-Leste Koremetan ona (ka Jesus liu loron tolu no sarani hetan Resureisaun); no Timo-Leste la taka-an ba Negosiasaun Bilateral ho RI tan dit Guvernu RDTL tenke fasilita duni Presidente Repúblika Timor-Leste Sr. Jose Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão mak uluk Prizoneiru iha Cipinang Jakarta – RI no Sr. Fransisco Guterres Lu Olo mak tenke subar-an dit iha ai-laran durante tinan 24 nia laran atu bele lolo no loke liman hodi hakuak no adeus-malu ho RI atu dehan katak Guvernu RDTL pronto atu serbisu iha Linya Bilateral tanba Chefe Estadu RDTL no Órgaun Soberano mesak ema Figura Luta ba Ukun-an efetua vizita ba dala uluk ba RI iha Loron 1 to’o loron 4 Fulan Novembru Tinan 2002 akompanya husi Ajénsia Internasionál sira mak hanesan: IOM, UNHCR, CRS no UNMISET ho komitiva hamutuk ema nain atus ida rua-nulu-resin-lima (125) mak ba Jakarta. Ida ne’e atu dehan katak guvernu konsege restaura rasik nia-an tanba nia la hela dit ho rankoor no ódiu pasadu hodi taka-an lakohi loke-liman atu serbisu; maibé nia haraik-an no hakruuk hodi ba buka atu halo fali kontaktu foun hafoin ukun-an no la’os kontaktu inferior-superior ka mak invade no mak sofre invazaun RI; lae ona; maibé estadu ba estadu no povu ba povu no ema ba ema katak tuur nudar rai independente  ho sobernia no dignidade iha hala’o Negosiasaun hodi Aprezenta Ajenda no Dossier ba Enkontru; liu husi testemunya ofisial no legal katak Timor-Leste hakarak haluha pasadu no hala’o prezente mak Guvernu ETA/RDTL no Guvernu RI ofisialmente konkreta Vizita no Bemvidu Ofisiál/Kredénsial Estadu Bilateral nian.

Ho badak mós atu dehan katak karik ba Sr. Alkatiri la bele sente dezapontadu no halo interpretasaun dehan Alkatiri sei moris Timor-Leste-oan sira hakarak hahii no hanai halo Estátua da Pátria no Alkatiri aban-bainrua mate karik Timor-Leste sei hamosu Reliquie da Pátria! La’e! Maibé Faktus komprovadus atu dehan Katak Estadu Restaura bazeia ba Guvernu Restauradu mak serbisu fortifeiu ba eventu resataurasaun komemorativa 20 de Maio 2002 nian; la iha karik loron 4 Fulan Novembru 2002 mós tenke iha duni loron seluk mak hanesan molok loron 20 Maio 2002; no la iha Karik Mari Alkatiri nudar Pioneiru ba Priemeiru Guvernu RDTL mós tenke iha Timor-Leste-oan ida seluk fali mak atu hakarak ka la hakarak tenke haburas Guvernu nia kampu de atuasaun bilatelar no multilateral. Entaun mai hau atu dehan Leitura Loron 4 Fulan Novembru 2002 Sesaun Plenária PN-RDTL nian sai nudar Restaurasaun Guvernu RDTL previamente atu sai Aparellu Determinante mak sei prepara Restaurasaun ba Komemorasaun Independénsia RDTL iha Loron 20 Fulan Maio 2002. Ikua liu simples dit katak atu iha relasaun multi-lateral nia leet durante via diplómatika iha tempu luta ba ukun-an husi invazau RI, TL rasik mak hala’o ninia prosesu luta; no hafoin liu tiha Referendu 30 de Agostu 1999 no UNO naklekar iha Timor-Leste husi tempu UNAMET, UNTAET no to’o UNMISET; nafatin Timor-Leste rasik mak tenke hola inisiativa identifika-an nudar Rai Independente duni!

Ikus liu, artigu ida ne’e nudar kaleidoskop hodi halo retrospektividade ba prosesu Dezenvolvimentu Polítiku Estadu Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste nian liu husi estudus no análize ba Faktu Sosiál Komprovada; hodi oinsá hamosu Loron mak merese Komemora Nudar Loron Históriku Nasionál mak kompila ho Títulu: MOMENTU RESTAURASAUN GOVERNU RDTL (4 Novembru 2002) IHA KONTEISTU DURANTE PROSESU RESTARASUAN ESTADU RDTL (2O NOVEMBRU 2002). Frederico NUNO Jerónimo Boavida – Frenujebov - No. ID Kartaun Eleitorál: 00624197 – HP: 7285694]

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