Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 109

SRSG Autoriza PNTL Lori Kilat, Emb. NZ protesta, Timor Oan Preokupa Konsekuencia Futuru

Duranti krizi 2006 kilat no bala PNTL nian barak maka ses an husi armajen PNTL ninian hodi kontribui ba atakes kontra F-FDTL iha fatu ahi, Kuatel jeral F-FDTL tasi tolu, atake kontra Uma jeneral Taur Matan Ruak iha Lahane, ne’ebe to’o ohin loron balun sei badiu nafatin hela iha liur. Nune’e duni tuir nasaun balun ne’ebe haruka sira nia forca Militar no Policia mai Timor Leste hato’o sira nia preokupasaun halo SRSG nia tilun manas no oin mean. Iha loron 05/12/2006 tuir akordu suplementar ne’ebe asina entre Guvernu TL ho UNMIT maka iha liu kbi’it wain no UNPOL maka nu’udar responsabilizador ba sector seguranca iha TL hodi ajuda halo kbi’it, restruturasaun no mentoring ba PNTL.
Hafoin loron ruma nia laran UNMIT foti desizaun fo hikas kilat ba PNTL sira. Nune’e komunidade internasional balun la satisfas ho desizaun UNMIT ninia ulun bo’ot Atul Khare ne’ebe iha 2003 hanesan chief of staff ba UNMISET.
“Fo hikas kilat ba PNTL-signifika aumenta hikas numeru kilat hirak ne’ebe seidauk kuarantina (tama hikas armajen) fali-kompriende katak sei hamenus konfianca publiku no hanesan kontribui ba aumenta elemen risku balun ba ema internasional no Timor oan sira,” Ruth argumenta.

Surat protesta husi reprezentante Nova Zealandia numero Dil/NZ/5/3 ne’ebe diriji ba SRSG Atul Khare iha loron 23/02/2008.“Ami fiar katak fo hikas kilat ba PNTL ne’e hanesan problema politika ida ne’ebe lori risku seriu, no desizaun ne’e labele halo tan responde operasional ba presaun mak exerte ba UNPOL. “Ha’u hakarak hato’o Nova Zealandia ninia preokupasaun ba ita bo’ot formalmente,” embaisadora Ruth Nathan hakerek.
Nova Zealandia kritika Khare katak, “lalaok ne’e hamenus autoridade UNPOL ninian tuir buat ne’ebe establece no simu ona iha akordu suplementar ne’eba.”
“Ami mos la haree hetan valor ruma atu hahu fo mentoring ruma antes review setor seguranca kompletu,” Reprezentante Nova Zealandia iha Dili fo hanoin.
Wainhira jornal ne’e husu esplikasaun de intensaun Embaisadora Ruth Nathan kona ba ninia surat 23/02/07, iha ceremonia UNPOL husi Nova Zealandia simu medalia iha Hotel Timor semana ruma kotuk nia hateten, “Ne’e buat dificil tebes ida atu halo diskusaun.”
“Ami espera, ho projetu pilotu policia komunidade – ami sei bele esplora hamutuk ho PNTL no Guvernu Timor Leste nu’udar modelu sucesu ida ba policia ida.”
Membru UNPOL husi Nova Zealandia dadaun ne’e implementa hela projektu policia komunidade iha Suai no Dili parte Bekora.
Ruth esplika kona ba servisu policia iha ninia katak la lori kilat. “Buat ne’ebe interesante maka Policia Nova Zealandia la iha kilat nune’e bele mantein policia ne’ebe maka nakonu ho sucesu no mos sira iha kapacidade bo’ot atu responde wainhira presiza.” Maske nune’e ho diplomasia embaisadora Ruth dehan rai ida-ida sei halo desizaun politika ba sira nia policia kona ba oin sa modelu policia ninian.
Preokupasaun hanesan hato’o husi juventude Timor oan ida iha Dili ba Jornal ne’e iha loron Sabado (17/10) loro kraik besik Lecidere Dili. Tuir foin sa’e Timor ne’e katak policia Nasoens Unidas Iha Timor Leste barak liu la halo sira nia fungsaun no la hatudu izemplu ne’ebe diak mos ba PNTL. “Sira ne’e mai para manan osan hodi haruka fali ba sira nia uma, haree to’ok sira para kareta deit lalo’os hanesan ne’eba,” Agustinho koalia ho liman karuk hatudu ba kareta prado mutin ne’ebe halo kmanek ho letra azul hakerek UN no policia ne’ebe para iha Estrada klaran hodi embata trafiku besik loja Lita store nian oin iha sabadu loro kraik.
Juventude ne’ebe dadaun ne’e hela iha Bekora dili dale krizi 2006 mosu tan ba failya lalaok ONU nian balun entre 2000 ate 2004. “Ha’u hanoin Sr. Atul Khare iha 2003 ajuda Eis Ministru Interior Rogerio T. Lobato hari’i URP ne’ebe involve maka’as liu iha krizi 2006,” Agustinho alega Khare.

Nia esplika ninia preokupasaun katak , “iha momentu ne’eba ONU ho guvernu finjidu la rona lian kritikas sira ne’e, maka hodi hahoris krizi iha 2006 nune’e mos Khare ninia desizaun 2007 sei hamosu konsekuensia ba futuru.”

Wainhira jornal ne’e tenta konfirma ba SRSG Atul Khare rejeita atu fo komentariu maibe nia dale, “PNTL la autoriza lori kilat sai husi Kuartel PNTL.”
Maibe iha Pratika PNTL ida lori kilat ba uma no ninia oan mane tinan nen hanoin brinkeirus hodi halimar tiru mate fali ninia alin mane ne’ebe sei kosok hela.

“Nasoens Unidas koalia barak liu maibe karik sira konsege ka la’e halao sira nia misaun iha nasaun ne’e?” kestiona Admiro Pereira studante Universitariu ida iha Dili. Nia fo izemplu katak UNPOL failya fo garantia seguranca ba parte balun iha Dili laran durante liu tinan ida sira nia prezenca maibe wainhira Guvernu Xanana hari’i PNTL Task Force konsege hapara violencia arte maciais. “Devia UNMIT aprecia Task Force ninia servisu maibe kala sira mo’e be sira dun Task Force viola direitus ema nian,” dehan Estudante sementer 5 iha besik ninia kampus oin.
Tuir dadus ne’ebe jornal ne’e konsege asesu, hatudu momos kilat PNTL hamutuk 29 maka seidauk tama hikas ba armajen no ema hirak ne’ebe lori kilat ne’e la fo justifikasaun klaru tuir ekipa auditoria internal ninia relatoriu ba Ministru Interior momentu ne’eba DR. Alcino Barris loron 20/01/2007. Ekipa de inspeksaun no audit Ministeiru Interior rekomenda ba Ministru Interior iha momentu ne’eba, “para agente sira ne’e hotu-hotu tenqi tuir proseso de investigasaun ida que seriu iha gabinete de Etika Deontologia ou Profesional Standar PNTL no UNPOL ninian.”

Ekipa ne’e momentu ne’ebe lidera husi Jorge Monteiru ne’e identifika kilat sira maka seidauk hatene ninia paradeiru maka HK33 lolon 2, stayer lolon 1, FNC lolon 2, Calibre 1 no pistola hamutuk 23. Tuir relatoriu 20/01/2007 ne’ebe traduz mos ba lian Ingles haruka ba DR. Khare ne’e aprezenta lista naruk ida, kona ba naran membru PNTL ne’ebe kaer kilat ne’e, ninia numero identidade, unidade no distritu ne’ebe, tipu kilat ho ninia numero mos observasaun paradeiru kilat ninian maibe UNPOL la konsege rekopera hikas kilat sira ne’e.

Durante de operasaun konjunta entre PNTL ho F-FDTL kilat lubun maka konsege rekopera hikas fali. Ikus liu iha loron (06/10/08) Grupu Rai Los entrega tan HK33 lolon rua ba komandante PNTL Liquica. Komandante PNTL LIquica, Insp. Afonco dos Santos hatetenn Kilat ne’e entrega husi Rai Los hafoin de sorumutuk ho Xanana.
Rai Los tuir ninia deklarasaun katak simu kilat husi Eis Ministru Interior Rogeiro Lobato HK33 lubun ruma.“Kilat ne’ebe Rai Los mak entrega. Kilat HK 33 lolon rua ne’e PNTL ninian, ho numero serial mak Htm. 016989 no Htm. 020870,” dehan fontes Jornal ne’e nian no husu atu labele publika nia naran.

Tuir dadus ne’ebe jornal ne’e deskovre hatudu kilat PNTL mak seidauk hetan hamutuk HK33 lolon 2, Kaliber 12 lolon 1 no pistola lolon walu. Kilat sira ne’e ninia numero serial iha hotu maibe ninia isin laek. Kilat Kaliber 12 PNTL tuir relatoriu ekipa auditoria internal hateten katak ajente PNTL ida hodi ba hamutuk tiha ho grupu Alfredo Reinado. Iha momentu mosu incidenti 11/02/08 ajente A.D. C alias S, fo fali ba ninia kolega ida ho naran inicial A ne’ebe dadaun ne’e kastigu hela iha prizaun Bekora maka kaer lori. Tuir A nia deklarasaun ba autoridade katak nia so’e hela iha besik foho kamea ninia tutun no nia lori autoridade sira ba buka duni maibe la hetan.

Presidenti da Republika DR. Jose Ramos Horta ne’ebe simu tiru husi kilat no han kanek iha loron 11/02/08 hateten iha konferencia de Imprenca iha Aeroportu Nicolao Lobato (07/10) hafoin fila husi vizita ba estranjeiru, rekuinese kilat lubun maka sei iha liur. “Sei iha kilat balun maka seidauk hetan fali. Ne’e maioria PNTL ninian,” Horta hateten. Iha okaziaun ne’eba Prezidente da Republika mos deklara katak kilat husi Forca Defeza ninia hetan fali hotu ona. Tuir Horta ekipa internasional ida ne’ebe kompostu husi Embaisada America, Australia, Nova Zealandia ho Portugal ba halo klarifikasaun ba kilat sira iha armajen F-FDTL ninian maibe la falta ida.

Iha Parte Seluk PNTL anuncia atu fo bala rihun ba rihun ba GNR atu destroy tiha maibe balun la’e. “Iha bala 4,402 PNTL ninian nune’e sei fo fali ba PNTL,” dehan komandante PNTL ida ne’ebe reforca husi Inspektor Jose Soares iha konferncia de imprenca ida iha Dili. Total kilat musan PNTL ninian, ne’ebe hasai husi armajen kilat PNTL, entre April-Maiu 2006 wain tebes. Tuir lista ne’ebe jornal ne’e iha hatudu kilat musan besik rihun lima nolu maka hasai husi armajen PNTL ne’ebe asina husi xefe de Armajen armamentu PNTL. Iha membru PNTL ida deit bele hasai rihun sanolu la hatene lori ba Bobonaro. To’o ohin loron autoridade sei haksumik hela justifikasaun ruma kona ba uzu kilat musan sira ne’e. Kilat ho bala musan sei badiu maibe iha parte seluk Parlamentu Nasional simu draft lei ida husi Konselyu de Ministru kona proposta de lei no. 9/II/2008, Lei Kilat nian. Deputadu Duarte Nunes husi bankada CNRT informa ba jornal ne’e katak lakleur sira sei fera ulun fali ba lei dos armas ne’ebe dadaun ne’e estuda no anliza liu-liu artigu 4 kona ba lisenca atu kaer kilat ba ema civil sira. “Iha posibilidade atu hasai tiha tan ba kilat ne’e problema bo’ot ida,” dehan Duarte Nune’e Presidente komisaun B. “Tuir proposta ne’e, labele labele iha ema civil ida atu kaer kilat.”
Nia hateten sira sei hato’o fali proposta ida atu hasai tiha artigu hat iha lei kilat nian ne’e. “Ha’u hanoin ne’e, tenki hasai duni.”

“Ami hanoin atu fo deit mos ba membru servisu intelijencia no customs sira maibe dala ruma sei la liu.” Tuir ninia hanoin servisu rua ne’e presiza duni kilat mas pistola deit no ninia kalibre tenki klaru ona iha lei ne’e nia lara. “Se la pasa maka ami hanoin atu tau fali iha lei organika alfandegas no lei organika intelijencia ninian.”

Monday, 13 October 2008

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 108

SMS: MJ Fo Projektu ba An Rasik no Ninia Belum Sira

Tuir kopia sms ne’ebe jornal ne’e simu hatudu sms entre ministra justice ho emprezarius sira koalia barak liu kona ba projetu halo moru foun prizaun bekora, husu projetu, kontaktu ho emprezariu internasional kona ba halo fardamentus ba guarda prizionais sira no selu-seluk tan.

Loron 07/08/2008, tuku 12:25:04 antes halo tinan ida Guvernu AMP ninian, Ministra Lucia simu SMS ida husi ninia belun JS, ho konteudu, “Mana ha’u foin finaliza gambar ho item projecto nian hau hare orsamento ohin hau hatoo ba mana ne’e pas tamba pagar ne’e as 10 metros no luan makas la uja blok fui tomak deit concrit mix(simento, fatuk ho double lapis besi) kualidade Int. obra ne’e hanesan ho pagar emb.USA nian so que sira nian as 3 metros deit no ladun luan.” Tuir lista sms haruka sai iha 12:30:10 loron hanesan, ministra Justica promete ” Diak, depois maka ha’u hare.”
Oficialmente iha loron 25/08/08 maka ministeiru financas hahu publika konvite ba tender projetu halo moru foun ba prizaun bekora ho numero Projetu ITB No. RDTL-08-08-1860101-ITB-812664. “Servisu aprovizionamentu, Ministeiru das Financas RDTL konvida ba bids taka metin, husi sira ne’ebe iha elijibilidade atu halo konstrusaun ba moru foun prizaun becora iha Dili,”deskreve iha publicidade jornais nasional sira. Iha dadersan loron ne’eba ministra justica husu mos ajuda osan husi emprezariu ne’e. “Bom dia J, ternyata….depois hau tel P Her mai foti iha hau. Desculba tamba gangu beibeik ita bot. Thanks,” ministra manda mensajen ba Emprejariu ne’ebe manan tender ne’e, iha tuku 11:25:34.

Ho kontenti JS ne’ebe hanesan direktur kompainya Marabia,Pty, Ltd, tuir anunciu 02/10/2008 servicu aprovizionamentu ninia, sai hanesan vencedor ba projektu $1,035,333,33 ne’e la husik lerek lian ministra nian ne’e monu mout iha tasi entre Indonesia ho TL. “Bom dia mana, hateten ba sira bele mai foti, la iha problema, lalika fo fali ba Herlambang, hau mak hatene ho mana,” Sr. JS sms husi numero telemovel Indonesia ninian ba Ministra Justica.” Boa noite mana, labarik sira to (to’o) agora seidauk mau (mai) foti titipan ne’e.”

Christopher samson diretur LABEH ne’ebe mos ninia sms rejista iha numero telemovel ministra Justica ninian hateten katak situasaun kkn sei nafatin la iha mudanca maske pm Xanana halo esforsu maka’as atu kombate. “Ne’e indikasaun koluzaun ho nepotismu tan ba projetu sei iha laran, seidauk loke ba publiku ministra ka ministru ida labele sms ba emprezariu ruma atu koalia kona projetu ne’e,” Samsom dehan. Nia esplika katak, “kuandu iha ona sms entre ministra ho emprezariu antes projetu loke oficialmente ne’e mosu ona indikasaun favoritismu.” Wainhira jornal ne’e tenta atu konfirma ho senhor Jorge Serano diretur husi kompainya Marabia kona ba sms hirak ne’e nia husu atu respeita ninia direitu atu la koalia lai.

Iha loron 07/08 sms ida husi numero 7230079, oras servisu nian hela, maibe, buka haknauk husu projektu ba Ministra Justica. Numeru telemovel ne’ebe uza husi ema bo’ot ida iha guvernu nian ne’e hakerek, “Bondia mana, ajuda lai Projeto ruma mai. Obrigada.”
Loro kraik gabinete PM direje mensajen ida ba mos Ministra Justica, husu atu participa iha ceremonia asina akordu ida iha palaciu do Guvernu.” Boa noite Excelencias, aban sexta-feira 8 agostu, Sr. PM sei assina akordu UNDAF ho Finn Reske-Nielsen. Sr. PM husu ba ita boot sira atu tuir serimonia assinatura ida ne’e, ne’ebe hahu tuku 14h30 to’o 15h00sala reunioens, Gab VPM, Pal Gov. Favor hatais formal. Obg wain, GPM,” sms husi gabinete PM ne’ebe rezista iha box simu sms telemovel MJ nian.

Iha loron 09/05/2008 sms ida husi ministra ninia kaben via 7374XXX hodi informa kona ba numero telemovel emprezariu internasional balun ne’ebe vizita hela mai dili. “Roger no. 7402071,” dehan iha sms ne’eba. Loron ida antes jornal ne’e konsege halo vizita surpreza ida ba Sr. Roger Fairbairn iha hotel Esplenada dili no iha 14/07/2008 emprezariu Australianu ida ne’ebe halao ninia empreza iha Indonesia ne’e haruka mensajen ida ba ministra, “Hi, maaf noise, di bandara bali turus (terus) naik pesawat 10 mins ke Jkt. Just to say hello & any news Project? Regards.” CEO ba PT media Citra International, Jakarta, fiar an teb-tebes atu manan kontratu projetu Demografi ministeiru justica ne’ebe ninia valor miloens de dollar atu dijitaliza bileti de identidade maibe konsege kansela hafoin publikasaun mak kestiona kona ba prosesu tenderizasaun ba projektu refere.

Iha loron hanesan sms ida haruka husi emprezariu Indonesia ida ne’ebe iha ligasaun ho Roger hodi esplika kona ba farda ninia folin. “Xefi, ha’u koalia ona ho sr. americo no ha’u mos fo ona detaylius nesecidades maka presiza ho total hotu paer 70; 1) farda 70 X 200.000..14jt 2. cinturaun 70 X 70.000..4,9jt 3. Sapatu PDL 70 X 250.000..17,5 4. Boinya 70 X 75.000..5,250jt 5. Naran 70 X 22.000..1,540jt … 43,190jt. Sr. americo dehan aban dader sei haruka osan ba BCA ha’u nian, nune’e ami hahu hameno no sosa sasan sira ne’e, hodi nune’e to’o sabadu loro kraik pronto hotu ona. Tq,” sms ne’e hakerek ho lian Indonesia.

Iha loron Sexta feira (10/10) jornal ne’e tenta tel ba numero + 6281808311XXX ne’ebe simu husi duni Sr Irma ne’ebe konfirma katak nia iha momentu ne’eba Ministra justice rasik maka haruka izemplu, medidas no ko’or roupa fardamentu ninian ba sira. “iha momentu ne’eba, sra, sra ministra, ahh..Sra. lucia ne’e, aaahhh.. fo dadus mai ami. Fo data. Kona ba sasan hirak ne’e ninia SMLn, los Sr. Eeh .. kompleta mos ho ninia atributu sira. Nune’e iha naran ho atributu sira seluk. Hanesan ne’eba sr. hanesan (ema nia) naran sira, medidas roupa farda nian no mos medidas sapatu sira. Momentu ne’eba sr. Lucia halo tuir ida ne’e,” Esplika Irma ba jornal ne’e via telemovel. Nia hateten katak kona ba seluh ministra ne’e fo uluk ona osan sorin antes prosesu servisu hahu.

Tuir formulariu de komprimisu no pagamentus ne’ebe jornal ne’e asesu ba hatudu ministra M.B.F.Lobato, autorizadu ona iha loron 18/04 tinan ne’e maibe la esplika osan komitmentu $97,500.00 hodi suku fardas ba gurada prizionais Timor Leste. Aprovisionamentu desentralida mak realiza ne’e selu los ba kompainya ne’ebe la dehan sai.
Kompainya ne’ebe ajuda halo fardamentu ba gurada Prizionais sira, afinal sei iha relasaun ho Roger Fairbairn ne’ebe tenta atu manan projetu miloens de dollar husi projetu Demografi mas nia tenta atu husu impresta osan husi Ministra Justica ho ninia kaben atu rejista ninia kompainya iha TL hanesan ninia staf Awie hakerek iha ninia SMS iha loron 09-05-2008. “sra, sr. americo, antes de tudo husu deskulba uluk, dadaun roger la iha ona osan iha TL, karik sr bele ajuda uluk lai orsida ha’u selu fali ba sr,.” Awie sms ba ministra. Iha SMS ne’eba mos Awie inklui SMS ne’ebe Roger haruka nia hodi husu osan halao ninia atividades iha Dili. “ne’e sms husi Roger : Awie, ha’u sei presiza US$ 1,000 atu completa hodi rejistu kompainya no kustus administrasaun sira seluk ba loron ida ohin 1) Tradusaun ba dokumentus sira 2) selu ba guvernu 3) loke konta bankaria. Roger,” Awie kopia SMS Roger iha lian Ingles ba Ministra Lobato.
Iha loron 09-05-2008 awie liu husi numeru telemovel +628179991XXX hodi fo agradecimentu ba Ministra, “Origadu barak ba sra..deskulba origatoriamente inkomoda tebes sra. Awie.”
Prosesu halo fardamentu ba guarda Prisionais TL hahu kedan iha fulan marsu tinan ne’e. Iha loron uluk fulan Marsu Ministra Justica simu SMS ida ne’ebe ninia konteudu fo numero konta banku. “Sra ne’ei no ac BCA saya 2551122XXX ho naran IMANSYAH BUDIANTO,” nia informa.
Iha loron 14/03/08 ministra simu numero ne’ebe hanesan nafatin hodi dekreta, “Bondia sra: 1. Presu fardamentus TAILOR made kalca ho faru RP.200.000,- set hafoin tuir mai tiket ba ema rua nu’udar sukat dor exklui akomodasi ho hahan. 2. Presu sapeo ho Bordir: RP.20. husu konfirmasaun ba LOGO RDTL ka PARISAU 3. Cinturaun ho Logo RDTL ka PERISAU RP.40.000,- 4. Boinya sei check hela, sra presu sira ne’e hotu tuir mai to’o ona iha surabay , husu halo koreksaun tan ba ha’u la iha esperiencia kona ba presu sira iha leten ne’e.”
Nune’e duni iha tuku hat lokraik liu minutu 28 ministra fo resposta ba +628180311XXX, “Jd. Total price 430 rb/psng included tiket. Akomdsi n lain2excluded. Sepatu ada 2 contoh, 170rb utk yg mana?” Sms Ministra ninian haruka ba kompainya buka klarifika.

Informasaun ikus liu kona ba fardamentu ne’e mosu iha SMS ne’ebe Ministra simu iha loron 24-06-2008 hahu ho komprimenta, “Bondia Sra.” Tuir mai “Ha’u husu autorizasaun atu hato’o relatoriu kona ba presu fardamentus ho ninia atributus sira ne’ebe hamutuk paer 123 ho restu husi osan ne’ebe p awi; 1) Fardas 19.065.000, 2) cinturaun kopel 4.182.000, 3) cinturaun KCL 1.783.500, 4) Sapatu PDL 17.835.000, 5) boinya 7.011.000. Total 52.582.500, restu ne’ebe seidauk selu 119.407.138, Senhora selu ona $ 1000, (9.200.000) grand total ne’ebe husu atu selu 162.789.638, rate 9200/USD …17,695 Senhora, husu autorizasaun para fo hatene kaizaku paer hat senhora ninian ne’e 4 prontu ona .tq,” Irma dehan iha ninia sms ne’ebe simu mos iha Ministra Financas ninia telemovel.

Tuir informasaun ministeiru justice fahe ona fardamentus hirak ne’e ba guarda prizionais 198 iha prizaun Bekora ho komarka Glenu 38 ne’ebe kada ema ida simu paer rua-rua. Maske nune’e tuir fontes husi ministeiru justica to’o agora parte financas seidauk hatene kompainya ne’ebe manan tender ne’e.

Ministra ne’ebe forte liu iha guvernu AMP ninia laran maibe dala barak liu mos simu alegasaun kona ba KKN maka Ministeiru Justica. Tinan ida ona tur iha Guvernu IV konstitusional Ministra Justica Lucia B. Lobato ne’ebe ninia kaben nu’udar mos emprezariu ne’e, la konsege ses husi alegasaun KKN hodi fo projektu ba ninia kaben no ninia belun sira. Iha loron Sexta jornal ne’e simu informasaun ne’ebe rejista kontaktu entre emprezariu sira ho ministra no ninia kaben. Iha loron 09-08-2008 Ministra ne’e rasik ba aprezenta an iha Provedoria Direitus Umanus ninia knua knar, hodi hatan perguntas balun kona ba alegasaun ruma relasiona ba rehabilitasaun Prizaun Gleno ho Becora ne’ebe ba Jornalista sira Ministra informa katak, “hakotu lalais investigasaun ne’e, husu investiga ema sira ne’ebe Provedoria direitus Umanus hanoin katak atu importante, atu rona sira, atu apura kazu ne’e, depois investigasaun ne’e remata halo relatoriu kompletu haruka ba ministeiru publiku karik hetan indicius korupsaun iha ne’eba I tenki anuncia ba publiku.” Nia mos hateten katak sei la tauk atu ba hatan iha tribunal seim uza ninia imunidade.

Guvernu Amp iha hanoin no hakarak atu kombate kkn maka konselyu dos minitrus aprova ona lei ba kreiasaun komisaun anti korupsaun ne’ebe sei hato’o relatoriu direitamente ba parlamentu Nasional ho poderes bo’ot atu kombate korupsaun tuir buat ne’ebe povu ejiji. Intensaun ne’e, PM Xanana Gusmao realsa iha ninia diskursu ba sesaun avertura daruak ano lejislasaun PN nian, iha loron (09/10) hodi promete katak, “sei la tauk atu atua, halo hodi hamos no fo sanksaun ba aktus korupsaun.”

“Dala ida tan ita sei la koalia deit tan ba ho lia fuan mamuk ita labele halo paiz ne’e lao ba oin.”
“Guvernu hola ona iniciativa atu apezenta proposta lei ida hodi efetivamente kombate korupsaun ho forma ne’ebe totalmente imparsial no independenti ne’ebe la kleur ita bo’ot sira bele haree,” Xanana promete ba reprentante povu iha uma lulik TL nian ne’e.

PM IV konstitusional ne’e soe lia husu katak, “Ita tenki decide, se ita hakarak kontinua akuza no difama malu hodi manan buat ruma iha politika no laos atu halo diak ba ita nia povu kai ta hakarak tebes duni implementa instrumentus ne’ebe efikas atu halakon korupsaun.

Taur: F-FDTL Sei Marka Prezensa Makaas Iha Parte Oeste
■Sei La Iha Petisaun Iha PNTL

Dili, Tempo Semanal

Instituisaun Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL) haruka ona ekipa servisu instituisaun nian ba dala rua iha parte Weste/ Distritu Covalima no Malinana hodi halo survey ba area ne’ebé sei coloca military F-FDTL nian iha parte neba.

“ami sei hamenus prezensa forsa armadas iha parte Leste hodi marka prezensa makaas liu iha parte Weste”, dehan Brigadeiru General Taur Matan Ruak ba jornal ne’e iha Dili, Sabadu semana kotuk.

Atu hatene liu tan Brigadeiru ninia opiniao ba isu marsa da paz husi partidu Fretilin no isu petisaun iha instituisaun Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL), tuir mai intervista kompletu jornalista TEMPO SEMANAL (TS) ho Brigadeiru (Brig) Taur Matan Ruak.

(TS): Saida maka vizaun forsa defeza nian ba futuru?

(Brig): Iha buat rua maka ami hakarak koalia konaba ponto ida ne’e: Ida konaba dezenvolvimentu forsa nian no ida seluk konaba despozitivu ka kolokasaun forsa nian.I Dezenvolvimentu forsa nian hanesan ita boot sira hatene, ami iha dokumentu 2020 nebe define dalan importante nebe orienta dezenvolvimentu Forsas Armadas nian ba oin.
Dokumentu ida ne’e sai ejatamente para substitui estudu ida ne’ebé uluk halo husi King Kollege hodi halo tranzisaun forsa de gerilia mai forsa professional nebe iha contxto no natureza ida la hanesan uluk iha tempo resistencia.

(TS): Dokumentu 2020 ne’e nia objetivu mak saida?.

(Brig): Objetivu maka dezenvolvimentu forsa ida ke professional mas neneik-neneik, bebeik no lori tempu naruk. Ne’e para ita bele akompana dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian. Dezenvolvimentu ida ne’e laos deit forsas armadas nein polisia nian deit, maibé dezenvolvimentu iha aspetu hotu-hotu. desde social, ekonomia,military, politica no cultural. Purtantu saida maka ita nia estadu defende ba dezenvolvimentu Timor nian maka dezenvolvimentu ida ne’ebé integradu.
I atu halo ida ne’e, presiza tempu naruk, rekursu humanu no osan. Tanba ne’e, forsa armadas lebele hanoin deit nia an mesak, maibé tenki haree mós ba setor sira seluk. Ita labele kria forsa ida kee boot demais maibé ita nia povu servisu laiha, saude ladun diak, agrikultur la dezenvolve, ne’e hanesan ita tau kilo sanulu iha sorin mas iha sorin seluk ita tau deit kilo lima.
Tanba ne’e tuir ami nia hanoin, hotu-hotu tenke avansa dala ida deit, labele sakrifika fali ida ba fali ida seluk nia diak.Tamba ne maka ami defende dezenvolvimentu Forsas Armadas ida ke lentu, progresivu mas konsistente,ou hodi lia fuan seluk, desenvolvimento ida integrado

(TS):Prioridade saida maka forsa armadas iha?

(Brig): Primeiru ami fó prioridade ba dezenvolvimentu forsa komponente naval, tanba ami hare katak ita nia tasi importante laos deit tanba ema naok ita nia ikan barak iha tinan barak nia laran maibe liu-liu tamba ita iha mos rekursus hanesan gas no petroleum nebe ita tenke defende no fo seguransa. Nune’e ita tenki iha kondisoens atu fo seguransa ba ita nia tasi no mos bele coopera mos ho nasaun seluk hanesan Indonesia no Australia hodi habelar liu ita nia kbit iha controlo tasi, atu nune’e tasi tasi Timor labele sai fali odamatan ba atividade ilegais hotu-hotu hanesan, imigrasaun illegal, droga, kilat no atividade ilegais sira seluk nebe laos deit afecta ita nia estabilidade mas Nacoes vizinho nian mos.

Segundu prioridade ami fó ba engeneria.Tanba istoria Falintil nian nakunu ho ligasaun metin no makas ho ita nia Povo, alias se lahodi karik sira nia tulun ita labele manan ukun an nebe ita hotu ohin hahi.Tamba ne ita lebele iha tempo badak ida halo lakon buat nebe ita rasik hetan hodi sacrificio no terus iha tinan ruanulu resin nia laran.Se lae palavra de ordem nebe ita usa “forsas armadas hanesan ikan, povu hanesan we”nunca iha significado.Tambe ne ita tenke hametin ligasaun ida ne hahu servisu hamutuk fila-fali ho ita nia Povo. I ida ne so e possivel se ita iha enginharia ida ke iha kibit atu halao servisu iha ita Comunidade nia let hodi participa no contribui ba moris diak Povo nian hanessan ne mos tau osan atu financie actividade importante ida ne.I Qurto Governo Constitucional fo ona garantias katak servisu ida ne tenke avansa duni ba oin, buat nebe ita lahalo ou husik tiha iha tinan hirak nia laran desde funu ramata!

Prioridade ida seluk mak ita focus ba iha contingete geral nebe orientado liu ba Missao Constitucional hanesan ne mos actividade sira seluk nebe bele fo kibit ba ita atu contribui ba Paz regional no mundial. Iha ne ami koalia dadauk konaba Misoes Humanitarias no Missoes de Paz iha ONU nia mahon!

(TS): Se nune’e saida maka F-FDTL atu hadia?

(Brig): Atu hadia maka ita tenki fila ita nia Forsas Armadas sai fali hanesan ikan, para ita nia forsa besik liu ba povu, servisu hamutuk ho povu, moris hamutuk ho povu, han hamutuk ho povu. Portanto laos deit orienta ninia actividade tuir mandato constitucional maibe orienta mos ninia servisu tomak ba actividades interese ema barak nian hodi assegura estabilidade, dezenvolvimentu no prosperiedade povu Timor Leste ninian.

(TS): Ami rona katak forsa armadas atu koloka ba parte Weste. Too iha ne’ebé ona prosesu ida ne’e?

(Brig): Konaba kolokasaun forsa armadas iha parte Weste, ita boot sira haree iha tinan hirak liuba desde forsa ne’e kria, kolokasaun forsa iha parte Leste deit. Tanba ne, iha krize 2006, ema dehan ami forsa Loro Sa’e nian deit. Agora ami hanoin ita tenke halo esforso makas tebes atu hahu koloca mos ita nia Forca iha parte Oeste tuir orientasaun nebe mai husi ita nia Presidente da Republica no Governo, atraves Secretario do Estado de Defesa,apesar iha forsa nia laran ami la koinese Loro Sa’e, la koinese Loromonu, la koinese tasi feto tasi mane nia oan; la koinese grupu etnikus, la koinese partidu, la koinese reliziaun. Tamba ita nia Constituicao taka dalan ba ita atu halo descriminacao negativo nebe bele afecta Unidade no Coesao Nacional.Maibe ,tempo duni ona atu ita hare mos oinsa tau ita nia Forcas Armadas iha fatin nebe deit bainhira iha necessidade i liu-liu iha parte rai keta hodi halakon percepsaun at nebe ema hamoris iha ita nia rain indepedentemente razao nebe deit.

Tanba ne’e, ami haruka ona equipa rua ba Suai ho Maliana hodi bele escolha fatin, hare condicoes fisicas nebe iha hodi nune bele prepara diak liu antes de haruca ita nia forca ba iha fatin sira ne. Missao importante nebe sai halao mak: assegura estabilidade, hametin ligasaun ho povo,reforsa PNTL iha area frnteira no hametin ligasaun ho Forcas Armadas ita nia vizinho nian/Indonesia.

(TS): Oinsa Brigadeiru ninia hanoin wainhira mosu tan isu dehan atu mosu fila fali petisaun iha instituisaun PNTL nian?

(Brig): Krize 2006 fó lisaun boot ida, laos deit ba forsas armadas maibé ba instituisaun hotu-hotu. Esperiensia ida ke ema hotu hateten katak esperiensia la diak ba ita nia Rain no Nacao. Maibé komesa mosu fila fali isu katak sei mosu petisaun iha PNTL nia laran.Ora, ami akompana mos dezenvolvimentu PNTL desde ke Nacoes Unidas hahu hari Instituisaun ida ne iha tinan hira liu ba mas besik liu tan bainhira ami servisu hamutuk iha komandu/ operasaun konjunta ,depois de antentadu 11 Fevereiru.Iha momento neba ami bele conhece besik liu tan Oficiais Superiores no medio PNTL nian, sira nia hanoin, sira nia sentimento, sira nia mehi no frustacoes,etc,etc. I hau bele hateten katak hau sei lafiar katak petisaun boot hanesan 2006 sei mosu iha PNTL nia laran apesar de admite katak iha buat barak ke tenke hadia no hametin se ita hakarak hari Instituisaun ida ke iha prestigio no credibilidade.I ida ne so e possivel se ita hahu no lalais kedas:1) hamenus cooperasaun multilateral hodi consentra iha cooperasaun bilateral;2) nomeia lalais kedas Comandante definitivo ida ba PNTL hodi garante Unidade de Comando,disciplina no obidiencia iha instituicao nia laran;3)hametin desenvolvimento PNTL baseia ba” ONE MODEL ONE SISTEM” hodi evita pior iha Instituicao PNTL nia laran. Futuro PNTL nian la depende deit ba generosidade ONU nian maibe liu-liu Estado Timor tenke hamrik iha oin hodi dada PNTL ba fali dalan los no futro da ke diak no metin!

Tan ne’e ami la fiar katak petisaun ne’e sei mosu iha intituisaun PNTL nia laran. Tanba instituisaun PNTL sente ona esperiensia ne’ebé ami sente no sira rasik sente konsekuensia husi krize 2006. Hanesan nee mos ami tau ami nia fiar tomak liu-liu ba Estadu, ba Prezidente da Republika, Guvernu, Parlamentu Nasional no sosiedade tomak incluindo Partido Oposicao , hotu-hotu tenke fó kontribuisaun makas atu ba oin labele mosu tan esperiensia at ne’ebé mosu tiha ona iha 2006.

Importante agora hametin Estabelidade ho buca Prosperidade ba ita nia Povo no Nacao!

(TS): Oinsa senhor komandante nia haree ba situasaun agora ne’ebé halo ema barak preokupa

(Brig): Preokupasaun Comunidade nian iha loron hirak liuba consentra liu-liu iha isu boot rua: ida mak” petisaun iha PNTL nia laran” no ida seluk mak “ marsa da paz” ne’ebé sei organiza husi partidu opozisaun.Konaba PNTL ami bele garanta katak sei lamosu tamba PNTL rasik servisu makas los atu halakon isu ida ne,enquanto ke ida seluk “marsa de paz” ami sente katak sei lamosu iha tempo badak nia laran!

(TS): Depois de loron hirak liuba jornal lokal sira halo publikasaun konaba ita nia liafuan, halo ema balu dehan ita intervere liu politika hodi afilia liu ba AMP no haluha tiha Fretilin. Oinsa ita nia komentariu?

(Brig): Hakarak rafirma dala ida tan katak, nudar Xefi Estadu Maior General Forsas Armadas, reprezenta institusaun ida nebe orienta ninia vida tomak ho
neutralidade maximu no insensao total. Hakarak hateten mós katak, interpretasaun hau nia liafuan iha momentu neba a letra liu; husi liafuan seluk karik, hau hakarak hateten “marsa da paz ‘nebe ema koalia seidauk tau ba pratica, tansa maka ita tauk demais los.
Hau hakarak hateten mós katak ita nia Konstituisaun fó direitu ba ema hotu-hotu atu bele halo manifestasaun. Maibé buat ida ke ita nia konstituisaun la fó maka labele iha violensia. Se ita haree fila fali iha pasadu, Fretilin nia komportamentu diak teb-tebes. Ita bele haree ida ne’e iha krize 2006, Fretilin mobiliza nia ema husi distritu mai duni iha Dili maibe sira nia komportamentu iha momento neba diak teb-tebes apejar de iha provokasoens barak.
Hau fó parabens ba sira nia hahalok ida ne’e. Komportamentu barak mós mak Fretilin hatudu ona mai ita katak sira rasik kontra violensia. Tanba ne’e hau fiar katak mesmu iha loron ruma sira sei halo “marsa de paz” ne karik mos sei la uza violensia.

Agora, hanesan instituisaun nasaun nian ne’ebé akompania mos dezenvolvimentu situasaun iha rai laran, naturalmente ami preokupa; Preokupa laos tanba Fretilin halo karik atu uza violensia,maibe liu-liu tamba asaun nee bele ema seluk uza karik atu halo violensia hodi halo at karik situsaun iha ita nia Rain, situasau nebe ita hotu hatene nanis sei fragil no deficil liu.
Mas ne’e la signifika katak ami impede, pelo contrario ita nia Konstitusaun rasik fo dalan atu halo. Simplismente buat ne’ebé ke Timor oan hotu-hotu husu maka labele iha violensia, hanessan ne mos ita nia Konstituisaun.

(TS): Iha 2006 ema balu ne’ebé tur iha guvernu duun ita boot fó apoiu ba Fretilin, maibé agora fila fali sira ne’ebé iha opozisaun duun ita boot katak afilia liu ba AMP, oinsa ita nia hanoin?

(Brig): Ida ne’e la loos, la loos tanba sira lakohi hatene ou lahatene duni konaba Historia Falintil nian hanesan ne mos artigo 146 Konstituisaun nian nebe hateten momos saida mak Forsas Armadas labele halo iha Nasaun Democratico hanesan Timor Leste.

Mehi Forsas Armadas nian ida deit: hametin estabilidade no buca prosperidade ba ita nia Nasaun no Povo. Tamba sacrificio nebe ita nia Povo fo ba ita nia Nasaun sei laiha folin se karik laiha estabilidade militar, politica. social, economica no cultural.I ida ne so e possivel se ita nia Povo iha unidade, hametin vontade atu servisu ba prosperidade Povo nian no hatene moris iha democrasia nebe nakuu ho tolerancia no respeito malu nia laran.

(TS): Iha 2006 Brigadeiru lakohi atu guvernu Fretilin monu, agora mós Brigadeiru lakohi guvernu AMP monu, ne’e signifika saida?

(Brig): Hau koalia hanesan Xefi Estadu Maior das Forsas Armadas i hanesan Xefi Estadu Maior iha responsabilidade maximu ba instituisaun ida ke estadu fó misaun tuir ita nia Konstituisaun no defini prinsipius ne’ebé regiroju liu atu tuir:Neutralidade maximo no apartidarismo total. Ne significa katak Governo no Partidos ida nebe deit mak ukun Forsas Armadas ninia missaun no posisaun la muda se tuir deit mak Konstituisaun da Republica.

Hanesan iha intervista ida iha 12 de Maiu 2006 hau hateten, iha koalker nasaun, iha forma tolu atu hatun guvernu ida. Forma ida maka uza ema nia deskontentamentu, forma seluk maka uza militares no forma terseiru maka eleisoens. I hau nia rekomendasaun ba Politicu sira hotu maka tenki tuir eleisoens, tuir ita nia Konstituisaun. Independentemente ida nebe deit ema hili hodi dudu desenvolvimento politicu iha ita nia Nasaun, Forsas Armadas ninia posisaun ida no mesak ida deit: tuir no halo tuir sistema politicu nebe hakerek ona iha Konstituisaun!

(TS): Oinsa Brigadeiru nian komentariu ba notifikasaun husi Prokurador Geral ne’ebé haruka ba Ita boot nomos ba ofisias forsa nian lubuk ida?.

(Brig): Ita nia Independensia la monu husi lalehan no nem oferece husi ema seluk iha bandeija nia laran,pelo contrario mai husi luta naruk ida nebe husik hela ba kotuk faluk, oan kiak no liman tohar no ain tohar barak; sosa ho ita nia terus no ran rasik iha conflito ida naruk no kleur, tamba deit ita hakarak hari Estado de Direito Democratico ida nebe ema hotu-hotu iha direito no dever hanesan perante ita nia Lei no Konstituisaun.Tamba ne desde primeira hora ami hateten,afirma no reafirma katak sei coopera nafatin ho Justica iha fatin no momento nebe deit atu clarifica situasaun nebe mosu iha 2006.I ida ne sei lori tempo no han recursus barak.Oficiais lubuk ida ba ona, hau no maluk seluk sei ba tan; hotu-hotu ho hanoin tomak katak Paz no Estabilidade mai no sei hela metin duni iha ita nia Rain,tamba ita hotu nia hakarak ida deit: fila Timor Leste hanesan Nasaun ida nebe iha fatin atu ita hotu hadau nia mouris, mouris nebe nakunu ho fiar no esperansa tomak katak Prosperidade ba ita nia Povo no Nasaun sei mai duni loron ida, biar sei han tempo!(ts)

Tempo Semanal: Edition 108: SMS texts evidence: Minister for Justice Gives Herself And Friends Projects

Tempo Semanal: Edition 108

Sunday, 12 October 2008

SMS texts evidence: Minister for Justice Gives Herself And Friends Projects

According to copies of SMS texts acquired by this newspaper, it is evident that SMSs were exchanged between the Minister for Justice and businessmen, in which there were many discussions regarding projects to construct a new fence for the Becora prison, projects were solicited, contacts with international businessmen regarding the acquisition of uniforms for prison officers and other such things.

On the 7th of August 2008, at 12:25:04, before the AMP Government had reached its first anniversary the Minister for Justice received an SMS from her friend JS, containing the following, "Sister, I have just finalized the plans for the project items and I see that the price I informed you of today is enough because this fence is 10 meters high and very thick without using blocks but only cement fill (cement, rock and double layer of steel) International quality. The works are the same as for the USA embassy fence only that theirs is only 3 meters high and not very thick." According to the list of SMSs sent out at 12:30:10 on the same day, the Minister for Justice promised "Good, I will look at it later."

Officially it was only on 25 August 2008 that the Ministry of Finance began to advertise the public tender invitation for the project to construct a new fence for the Becora prison, Project ITB No. RDTL-08-081860101-ITB-812664. "Procurement Services, Ministry of Finance RDTL invites closed bids from those who are eligible to undertake the construction of the new fence for the Becora Prison, in Dili," described the advertisement in the national newspapers.

On that same morning the Minister for Justice asked for financial help from this businessman. "Good morning J, in fact...for sure I will phone Her to come and get it from me. Sorry for disturbing you constantly. Thanks," the Minister sent the message to the businessman who won this tender at 11:25:34 hours.

Happily JS, who is the director of the company Marabia Pty Ltd, according to the announcement made by Procurement services on the 2nd of October 2008 was the successful bidder of this project valued at $1,035,333.33, did not leave the minister's words to fall and be lost into the sea between Indonesia and TL. "Good morning sister, tell them they can come and get it, no problem, there is no need to give it back to Herlambang, it will remain between us," Mr. JS sent this SMS from his Indonesian mobile phone number to the Minister for Justice. "Good evening sister, the kids have still not come to pick up this package."

Christian Samson, the director of LABEH, from whom an SMS is also registered in the Minister for Justice's mobile phone says that there has been no change in the incidence of corruption, collusion and nepotism despite PM Xanana strongly avowing to fight against it. "This is an indication of collusion and nepotism because the project was still at an internal stage as
it had not divulged publicly so a Minister cannot be engaged in SMS communication with businessmen discussing details regarding a project", Samson said. He explained that, "when there is already an SMS between the Minister and a businessman before the tender being tendered has been officially released to the public then there is favoratism." When this
newspaper tried to confirm the SMSs with Mr. Jorge Serrano, director of the company Marabia he asked that his right not to make comment be respected. On the 7th of August 2008 an SMS was sent from the number 723 0079, during office hours seeking to steal away a project from the Minister. This mobile phone number used by a person who holds a high position in the government wrote, "Good morning sister, help me with some project will you. Thanks."

That afternoon the office of the PM addressed a message to the Minister for Justice, informing her of a signing ceremony for an agreement at the government palace. "Good evening Excellencies, tomorrow Friday 8 August, Mr. PM will be signing an agreement with UNDAF with Finn Reske-Nielsen. Mr. PM asks all of you to attend this signing ceremony, which will begin at 14h30 until 15h30 in the meeting room, PM's Office, Pal Gov. Please dress formally. Thanking you, GPM," this SMS was received in the inbox of the Minister of Justice's mobile phone from the PMs office. On the 9th of May 2008 an SMS was sent from the Minister's husbands' number
737 4XXX to inform her of the mobile phone number of an international businessman who was visiting Dili. "Roger no. 740 2071," read the SMS. On the previous day this newspaper was able to pay a surprise visit to Mr. Roger Fairbairn at the Hotel Esplanada in Dili, an Australian businessman who has been operating a firm in Indonesia, and who on the 14th of July 2008 sent a message to the Minister saying, "Hi, sorry about the noise, at airport for a flight through to Jkt in 10 minutes. Just to say hello and any news Project? Regards."

The CEO of PT Media Citra International was very confident of winning the Demography Project Contract with the Ministry of Justice worth millions of dollars to digitize the identity card, a project that had once been tendered but was later cancelled because of questions raised about the tender process.

On the same day an SMS was sent by an Indonesian businessman with links to Roger to explain about the price of uniforms. "Boss, I have already spoken with Mr. Americo and I have already given the details needed with the price for 70 pairs; 1) uniform 70 x 200.000.. 14 million 2. Belt 70 x 70.000 . 4.9 million 3. Shoe PDL 70 x 250.000, 250 million 5. Name 70 x 22.000 .. 1,540
million . total 43,190 million. Mr. Americo said that tomorrow morning he will send the money to my BCA, so we can start to order and purchase these things, so by Saturday afternoon it will be ready. Thanks," this SMS was written in Indonesian.

On Friday 10 October this newspaper contacted the number +62 1808311XXX which was answered by a Mr. Irma who confirmed that at the time the Minister for Justice herself personally sent specimens, measurements and color for the uniforms to them. " At the time, Madam..Madam Minister, aahhh..Ms. Lucia, aaahhh..gave details to us. Gave us the details. Regarding the things that were hers, yes sir. Eeehhh..complete with their attributes. So with the
name and other attributes. the names, measurements for the clothing, the shoe sizes. At the time Sir, Lucia did this," explained Irma to this newspaper by mobile phone conversation. He said that regarding payment, the Minister paid half of the price before the order was made. According to the commitment and payment form which this newspaper has been able to access, it shows that MBF Lobato had already authorized payment on the 10th of March this year but did not specify that the amount of US$97,500 was committed for manufacturing of uniforms for Timor-Leste prison guards. The decentralized procurement did not stipulate to which company the money had been paid.

The company that assisted with the manufacturing of the uniforms for the prison guards, had links to Roger Fairbairn who tried to win the Demography Project worth millions of dollars, an who also tried to borrow money from the Minister for Justice and her husband to register his company in Timor-Leste as his staff member named Awie wrote in an SMS on the 9th of May
2008. "Madam. Mr. Americo, firstly I apologized , currently Roger does not have any money in Timor-Leste, maybe Sir can help today and I will pay Sir back", Awie sent an SMS the Minister. On the same day Awie also included an SMS which Roger had sent to ask for money to carry out his activities in Dili. "This is an SMS from Roger: Awie, I need US$1,000 to complete the
registration of the company and other administration costs today 1) the translation of the documents 2) pay the government 3) open a bank account. Roger," Awie copied Roger's SMS in English to Minister Lobato. On the 9th of May 2008 Awie through his mobile phone number +628179991XXX thanked the Minister, "Thank you very much to madam..very sorry for having to inconvenience madam. Awie."

The acquisition process for the TL prison guards uniforms began as early as 9 March this year. On the day before the month of March the Minister for Justice received an SMS which contained information for a bank account number. "Madam this is my BCA no. 2551122XXX in the name of IMANSYAH BUDIANTO," he informed.

On the 14th of March 2008 the minister received from the same number an SMS stating, "Good morning Madam: 1. Price for tailor made pants and shirt RP200,000, - for set tickets coming soon fro 2 people to measure excluding accommodation and meals. 2. Price for hat and bordir: RP20. I ask for confirmation of RDTL LOGO or Badge 3. Belt with RDTL Logo or Badge RP40,000, - 4. Beret I am still checking, Madam these prices all are to arrival in Surabaya, I ask you make correction to prices because I have no experience regarding these prices above."

Accordingly at 428 o'clock in the afternoon the minister answered to +628180311XXX, "Ready. Total price 430 rb. Per person including ticket. Accommodation for 2 excluded. Shoe two examples, 170 rb. Which one are you referring to?" the Minister sent this SMS to the company seeking clarification.

The most recent information regarding these uniforms emerged in an SMS which the minister received on 24 June 2008 which began with a greeting, " Good morning Madam." It followed up, "I ask permission to report on the price of the uniforms and their attributed which together are 123 pairs with the rest from the money which is with Mr. Awi; 1) Uniforms 19,065,000. 2) Copper belt 4,182,000 3) belt KCL 1,783,500, 4)Shoe PDL 17,835,000, 5) Beret 7,011,000,
Total 52,582,500, the remainder to be paid 119,407,138, Madam has already paid $1000 (9,200,000) grand total which I ask you to pay 162,789,638, rate 9200/USD..17,695 Madam I ask permission to inform that the Minister's four jackets are ready now. Thanks," Irma said in his SMS which was also received in the Minister for Justice's mobile phone.

According to information the Ministry of Justice has already distributed 198 uniforms to prison guards in Becora Prison and 38 to the Gleno Prison where each person received two sets each. Despite this, according to sources from the Ministry of Justice, to date the Ministry of Finance does not know which company was awarded the tender.

The Minister for Justice, who is one of the AMP government's most powerfulmembers, is also one who has been accused most often of being involved in corruption, collusion and nepotism. As a member of the 4th Constitutional government the Minister for Justice Lucia B. Lobato has a husband who is a businessman, with whom she has been unable to keep away from allegations of corruption, collusion and nepotism for giving projects to her husband and her friends. On Friday this newspaper obtained information showing that the Minister's husband had contact with a certain businessman. On the 9th of August the Minister attended the office of the Ombudsman for Human Rights to answer allegations regarding the rehabilitation of the Gleno Prison and
Becora Prison, after which the Minister told journalists that she wanted "the investigation finished quickly, I ask the Ombudsman to investigate those they feel are important in the investigation, to hear them, compile the evidence in the case, and after the investigation has been completed make a full report to the prosecutorial services if they find indications of
corruption and to make their findings public." She also said that she was not scared of facing a court to answer any allegations without hiding behind her immunity.

The AMP government is thinking of and wants to fight KKN, which is why the council of ministers has approved a law creating an anti corruption commission that will report directly to parliament, with strong powers to combat corruption pursuant to the demands of the people. This intention by PM Xanana Gusmao was reinforced during his speech at the opening of the
National Parliament's second legislative session on 9 October when he promised that, "We are not scared of acting, to move to clean up and punish acts of corruption."

"We will not just talk yet again because with empty words we cannot move this country forward." "The government has taken the initiative of presenting a proposed law that will effectively fight corruption in a totally impartial and independent way and which you will all be able to see very soon, "Xanana promised to the representatives of the people in the Timor-Leste's sacred house. The fourth constitutional government asked "We have to decide whether we want to just keep accusing and defaming one another to win some kind of political advantage and do nothing good for the people, or do we really want to create the tools which will be effective in wiping out corruption?"


Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 107

Mina EDTL, Guvernu Hili Presu Pualaka $1.14: Duke Sun Shine $1.08, Hahoris Alegasaun KKN

Surat ho numero de ref 239 MoF/DA/09/08 ne’ebe asina husi Francisco da Costa Guteres, Direktur Servisus de Aprovisionamentu Nasional iha loron 23 fulan Setembru tinan 2008 mak haruka ba Direktur Treasury, Manuel Monetiro hodi rekere surat de kreditu ho valor US$ 3,187,500 afovor ba kompainya Pualaka Petrol. “Ha’u ho laran kontenti rekere ba ita bo’ot ho urjentimente atu rekere (iha dadersan ne’e) LC (Letter of Credit) tuir montante ne’ebe dehan ona iha leten ne’e ba Pualaka Petroleo Fuel,” hakerek surat direktur Aprovisionamentu nian ne’e.

LC ne’e atu kovre suplai diesel ba EDTL Durante fulan Oitobru. Valor husi LC ne’e kovre kustu mina husi fontes no hodi aluga fulan rua floating barge. “Tuir estimativas konsumpsaun EDTL ba fulan Oitobru nian hamutuk mina litru 3,000,000 ho estima ona presu kada litru maka US$ 1.14 ho total valor US$3,420,000,” surat ne’e relata iha lian ingles. Interesante atu hatene katak surat maioria sai husi divizaun aprovisionamentu ba anunciu no award tender maioria iha lian Inglesh ne’ebe tuir emprezariu Nasional balun ninia hanoin katak hakerek husi konseleiru Internasional balun ne’ebe selu husi nasaun doador balun.

“Ha’u rekere ba ita bo’ot atu fo instrusaun ba ita nia staf atu hasa’e CPV ida ba $3,420,000 ho nune’e maka bele (facilita) hasai lalais LC ne’e,” ejiji iha surat ne’e.

Iha surat de rekerementus ne’ebe jornal ne’e konsege asesu ba mosu mos letra balun hakere ho liman hanesan “1) prepara CPV $3,420,000.00” no “2) Prepara LC $3,187,500.00,-
Ikus liu iha surat pajina ida deit ne’e,Francisco aprecia kolaborasaun husi parte Treasury Ninian. “Ha’u fo obrigado barak ba ita nia atensaun wain ba problema ne’e.” Ho kontratu ba kompainya Pualaka ne’ebe prezu aas liu fali $0.06 husi Kompainya Sun Shine ne’e signifika katak orsamentu guvernu nian sei mout $180,000 iha fulan ne’e.

Ho ahi elektricidade ne’ebe mate moris iha area balun dili laran iha semana kotuk jovens lubun ida husi BTN/II Taci Tolu haklilik surat ida ba PM Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao husu governante ne’e ninia intervensaun. “Ami ladun kompriende tansa mak kalan-kalan sempre iha kortes energia elektricidade iha oras nebe mak populasaun hotu atu akompainya noticia ou halao aktividade hanesan husi oras tuku 7.00 lokraik to’o tuku 9.00 kalan,” hakerek iha surat ne’ebe asina husi 328 juventude ho populsaun ne’e.

Oras ne’e kortas de energía eletrisidade iha kapital Dili kontinua abansa ho tempu ne’ebé naruk, koaze oras 3-4 nia laran, ahí la lakan iha bairo-bairo i ahí bele mate dala 2-3 iha kalan ka loron sem iha avizu dahuluk husi responsavel eletrisidade nian.

Sekretariu Estadu EDTL Januario da Costa Pereira, iha nia knar fatin, relasiona ho problema eletridade mate hela deit. Alein de ne’e tanba Kompania ne’ebe suplay mina husi Indonesia sira feriadu semana ida kona ba loron Idul Filtri entaun sira la hotu iha ne’e, maibe sira mos fó hatene ona parese sei to’o iha ne’e tanba estalasaun hotu ona atu sira bele hamri’ik hodi test ida ne’ebe seidauk.

“Hau nia hanoin depois de estalasaun ne’e hotu ami sei haka’as an nafatin oinsa atu reestala kondisoins ilegais, tanba kuandu iha kondisoins ilegal sira la uza tuir regra, balun loke ahi to’o dader no balun fahi luhan liga hotu entaun prontu saida mak akontese, ita la kuidadu sasan. Nia mos seidauk simu informasaunkompania Pualaka mak manan tender tanba sira husi aprozionaamentu sentral mak hatene mais inkuantu nia seidauk simu mina husi sira, maibe to’o agora no loron intervista ne’e EDTL sei simu mina husi Pertamina. “Hau la hatene tanba laos ami mak halo kontratu no ami hein simu deit,” Januario dehan. Nia realsa“To’o agora ami seidauk simu mina husi Pualaka no foin propojitu.”

Sekretariu Esatdu ne’e rekuinese katak, “se la sala iha fulan Marsu ho Abril ami infrenta problema mina wituan ne’e los duni. “Iha altura ne’e ami hola duni mina husi Pualaka depois ida ne’e la iha ona, ami hetan mina husi Pertamina.”

Joao Alves: Ami Tuir Prosesu Tender Diak, Se KKN Hatudu Evidencia
Responde ba alegasaun hirak ne’ebe dehan Kompainya Pualaka Petroleun halo KKN Ir. Joao Alves nu’udar Direktur Financas husu atu lalika koalia deit maibe aprezenta ba prokurador ka parte ne’e relevante atu prosesa. “Kuandu iha evidensia prosesa para ita haree, ne’e mak los, ne’e mak dehan gentlemen, hatudu took iha ne’ebe mak ami halo KKN,” Joao sadik koko.
“Se ami halo KKN entaun ami lalika halo esforsu hanesan ida ne’e, ami tur nonok deit la kleur ami asina ona. Mis ami iha buat hot-hotu ke bele hatudu laos deit ke ba Guvenu mas ba publiku tomak katak, Timor oan iha kapasidade para atu bele fornese kombustivel iha TL,”Direitur Das Finansas Kompainya tenta esplika.

Joao dehan sira halo sistema hot-hotu hodi aprezenta sira nia presu ho kondisoeins, aprezenta mos garantias ne’ebe ke kontratu fó garantia ba floating barge buat ida todan atu bele sira hela iha Timor durante tinan 1 nia laran hanesan armazen boot ida atu bele kreia konfiansa ba Guvernu no konsumadoris sira nian hotu katak Pualaka iha kondisoeins tomak para atu bele oferese mina ba se deit iha teritoriu TL nia laran.

Nia apela ba Timor oan hot-hotu hodi dehan, “ami tuir prosesu tender ne'e di'ak.” Nia rekuinese iha fulan hirak liuba kondisoins minimas ne'ebe ke Pualaka rasik iha, ho, ninia estasaun Petroleu ida de'it no fornesimentu ki’ik oan ba projektus bilaterais ne'ebe ke fornese iha Timor maibe ida ne’e hanesan lisaun ida ba sira. “Ami senti dehan katak ho esperensia ne'ebé ke iha, ami, para tuir iha projeitu tender ida ke boot Internasionál ninian. Iha projeitu ida ne'e ami halo ami nia esforsu tomak liu husi sistem manajamentu no sistema de kontaktus ba presu kombustivel Internasionál, haree tuir presu iha MOPS ne’ebe ke iha mundu ninian, presu Mops ita haree kona ba swit light crew oil ne'ebé ke nia presu ne'e aas ho crew oil biasa ne'ebé ke nia presu mos la dun, ke kompetisaun ba merkadu Internasionál ninian,” nia informa.

Pualaka hetan fiar husi Guvernu fornece mina ba EDTL hanesan, “Konfiansa ida ne’ebe ke, ita haree katak depois de evaluasaun hotu ne’ebe ke Guvernu halo haree dehan katak, kompanya Pualaka ne’ebe ke puru, Timor oan deit la iha sociu estranjeiru ida ka la iha tan ema ida i konsege haree dehan katak proposta ami nian ne’ebe ke hatama ba iha tender ida ne’e, proposta ida ke Guvernu konsidera hanesan proposta ida ke diak,” ho kontenti Joao Informa. “Pur tantu ami nain hirak, fó volta husi Malaysia ba Singapura, mai fali Malaysia, ami koko to’o tama iha Indonesia mos iha. I ami haree dehan katak, mina para atu fornese ba iha TL, mina ida ne’ebe ke ho kualidade high speed diesel. Mina ida ke bele fó garantia liu-liu ba sira nia konsumadores sira ho Guvernu dehan katak kualidade mina ida ke ami hatama ne’e sei la fó difikulidades ba iha kareta i tanto mos ba jeradores.”

Joao Alves esplika katak mina nia folin sa’e tun sa’e nune’e sira nia kompainya akompania nafatin presu Mops ne’ebe ke iha Internasional. “Ita bele haree dehan katak foin dadauk ne’e, presu ne’e tun tiha to’o iha US$0.97-US$0.98 no nia sae fali to’o US$ 1.26 Cent per barir. Mais iha ne’e mak ami apriende barak dehan katak kontratu ne’ebe ke ami halo suplier sira tenki fó garantia dehan katak labele fornese ne’e to’o deit iha fulan klaran, depois nia mate,” nia dale.
Tuir Eis Governante iha I Guvernu Konstitusional ne’e katak maiske obstakolu wain maibe Pualaka tenta atu halo negosia ho ajensia sira hot-hotu tantu husi (SPC) Singapura Petroleu cooperation mos husi Petronas ninian atu bele hetan kooperasaun de presu ida ke diak liu i ke bele fó garantia, para bele fornese mina iha TL.

“Ami konsege hetan rede sira ne’e hotu no konsege hetan kontaktu ema nain 6 ou nain 7 iha Malaysia hanesan mos iha Singapura i ami hili kompainya ida iha Malaysia mak oferese kondisoeins diak liu para nia bele fornese mai iha Timor. Entaun haree dehan katak kondisoeins ida ne’e mak ami kaer ho garantia laos deit kondisoeins, maibe ami involve Banku para atu bele fó garantia dehan katak Banku ami nian iha TL iha ligasaun ho Banku korespondenti sira nian iha Malaysia para atu bele halo transaksi i labele iha problemas kona ba material ne’ebe ke atu mai ne’e ho kondisoeins diak, ho kualidade diak. “Presu Mops ne’e variabel ami hateten katak presu ne’e iha momentu ne’eba ami fo $ 1.20 Cent, maibe depende mos presu Mops. Presu Mops ne’e iha semana ida nia laran, nia bele sae ou presu ne’e mos nia bele tun. Pur ke ne’e Merkadu Internasional nia la haree dehan katak presu fiksu, para depois hateten dehan katak presu sae, presu nafatin, presu ne’e tun, presu ne’e nafatin. ,” nia defende. Maibe kuandu presu ne’e sae, presu ne’ebe ami oferese tuir presu Internasional no presu ne’ebe ke tun ami oferese tuir presu Internasional nafatin iha TL.

Para atu bele fó garantia ba maluk sira liliu ba mikrolet no transporte publiku sira ne’e para ita mos bele senti dehan katak ho kontribuisaun ami nian ne’e ami mos partilya hamutuk iha dezenvolvimentu Timor ninian, liu husi fornesimentu de kombustivel ba iha publiku.
“Ami nia sistema laos dehan atu buka hetan lukru ida ke maka’as liu ne’e lae.” Sistema ne’ene hanesan kontratu ne’ebe ke iha Guvernu tuir presu Mops ninian variavel kuandu presu Mops ne’e sae sira mos akompania iha internet, laos ita deit maibe Guvernu mos iha adviser, governu mos akompana iha Internet, publiku mos akompania iha internet, ne’ebe presu ne’ebe ami fó ne’e depende ba presu Mops nian bele US$ 1,14 Cent ou bele tun to’o US$ 1,10 cent i ita haree presu ne’e tun bele iha presu U$$ 1.00. Mais ne’e depende no bele tun liu tan kuandu Merkadu Internasional hatudu ninia grafiku dehan katak persu ne’e iha tendensia para atu tun entaun ita hatun.

Hanesan Timor oan iha Nasaun ida nia laran konserteza ke iha mentalidade para atu bele mos kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu. “Dezenvolvimentu ne’e ita haree dehan katak kontribuisaun ita nian para atu bele halo redusaun ba iha presu ne’e importante teb-tebes para mos bele fó oportunidade para atu ita nia maluk sira seluk-seluk mos bele hadia sira nia vida diak liu tan, liu husi sira ne’ebe halao ligasaun ba iha transporte publiku no liliu ba fornesimentu ne’ebe ke pualaka fó ba iha Guvernu,” joao dehan.

Maske Pualaka Petroleu tenta atu konvence publiku maibe ho mina ne’ebe to’o tarde no faktus hatudu katak kompainya seluk hanesan sun shine hakarak fo folin tun liu $1.08 hamosu perguntas ba Timor oan sira ne’e.

Estudante UNTL ne’ebe lamenta ho elektricidade ne’ebe mate moris kontenti kahor ho duvidas ba lalaok guvernu ho kompainya pualaka ninian. “Ha’u hanoin ne’e osan ami povu ninian ne’ebe presiza uza ho kuidadu ba estadu no povu Timor Leste,” dehan casamiro da costa iha kampus UNTL eis liceu Dili, (14/10)Nia husu guvernu atu esplika kona ba, “osan loron hat ne’ebe kompainya Pualaka seidauk hatama mina ba EDTL ne’e karik sei fila hikas ba konta estadu ninia ka selu nafatin hanesan hakerek ona iha CPV ne’ebe Direktur Prokuramen rekere ba Direktur Treasury iha loron 23/09/08?,” nia kestiona.

Tuir dadus katak kada loron jerador EDTL Dili hemu entre 86-87 tonnedas gazoel entaun hahu husi loron 01-05/10/08 Jerador EDTL sunu ona gazoil 430-435 toneladas.Wainhira Jornalista sira tenta litik Joao kona ba bainhira los maka sira bele hahu hatama sira nia mina ba Tanke EDTL ho hamnasa sinista kahor ho nervouza dehan,” Ha’u sei konvida ita bo’ot sira ba iha segunda Feira (ohin) ka Terca Feira (aban) para ba haree kombustivel ne’ebe ke tama. Ida ne’e importante teb-tebes, se iha tempu bele ba to’o iha Tibar para haree. Ne’e ga?” “.Se iha sala halo favor kritika. Se ami halo korupsaun prosesa buat ne’e legalmente ba liu husi lineas ne’ebe ke, kompetencias ne’ebe iha. Mas haree uluk iha ami nia pratika ne’e halo nusa i depois maka haree took,” nia soe viadas.

Joao Alves mos lahaluha soe viadas lamentasoens ba emprezariu Timor oan sira ne’ebe sei tara an ba investidores internasionais sira. “Labele, ita independensia mas, ita fiar mak ema seluk deit. Ida ne’e mentalidade ida ne’ebe, ita hasai tiha husi ita nia ulun. Labele, kuandu ita iha kapasiddade para halo, ita halo ba ita nia rain. Se ema seluk mak kaer, ita bele imajina tok orsamentu hira mak nia la lori sai husi Timor ba iha liur.

Mario Carrascalao: “Ne’e Konkalikon” no” Favoritisimu”
Hafoin de relatoriu transparencia internasional ne’ebe koncerteza hetan dadus maka sira publika laos ba Rai Timor deit maibe publika ba rai mundu tomak i Timor Leste hetan pozisaun hanesan 145 ne’ebe bo’ot liu vinte dois lugar kompara ho tinan 2007 nian. “Ne’e buat ida ke hatudu ba ita katak ita nia rain ne’e korupsaun maka’as duni,” Deputadu Mario Carrascalao komenta.
Nu’udar prezidenti Partidu deputadu ne’e, iha momentu ne’eba fo instrusaun ba Prezidenti bankada PSD iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN) atu levanta problema ne’e. Nia hahi tebes xefe bankada PSD, Sr. Fernando Gusmao nia neon bo’ot hodi foti kestaun ne’e hamutuk mos ho bankada sira seluk iha uma fukun Timor nian. “Ha’u hanoin ida ne’e iha konsensus, iha Parlamentu ne’eba, atu ita halo buat ruma, be, hamoos tiha korupsaun ne’e,” Carrascalao dehan.
Maske nune’e Ir. Carrascalao, rekuinese katak to’o agora iha difikuldades atu halo buat ruma kona ba vesti korupsaun ne’e, tan ba, dala barak lee husi deit noticia internasional deit no seidauk iha dadus konkretus sai hanesan indikasaun forte ida ba fiskalizadores sira. Maibe nia hakfodak ho surat husi direktur Prokuramen Nasional ba direktu Tezoru iha loron 23/09/08 ne’ebe ho oin mean nia dehan, “agora ita haree fali surat tahan ida hanesan ne’e, ke, husi direktur prokuramen nian, fo fali ordem, ka husu fali ba direktur tesoria nian ne’e, atu hasai osan trez miloens kuatru centus mil ital ne’e, atu selu mina rai, atu fo ba EDTL nian ne’e, ho folin $1.14 litru ida, kuandu ita hatene katak mina nia folin agora ne’e $0.72 centimus,” nia dale ninia admirasaun.

Liu tan nia alega lalaok, “ne’e signifika katak sira ne’ebe husi Prokuramen nian, ho sira ne’ebe husi Ministeiru Financas nian ne’e, sira manan osan bo’ot. Tan ba osan ne’e, ha’u hanoin sira hot-hotu hetan duni parte. Tan ba ha’u la fiar katak direktur Prokuramen nian ne’e fo ordem hanesan ne’e, la hetan vantajem ruma?,”alega nakonu ho lia husu husi Mario Carrascalao.
Mario la kompriende tan iha surat ne’eba direktur Aprovisionamentu la esplika klaru razaun fo manan projektu ne’e ba kompanya Pualaka Petroleu. “Tan ba nia, iha surat ne’e, nia la temi, katak nia pedidu ne’ebe atu hasai osan trez miloens kuatru centus ital mil ne’e, bazeadu ba rezultadu husi tender ka?, bazeadu ba lei ruma ka?, nia la hateten,” Deputadu PSD ne’e kestiona.
Nia hateten iha surat ne’eba, ”husu deit ka hanesan favor ida, hasai osan ida ne’e, ba ida be Pualaka Petroleu.”

“Ha’u hanoin sira ne’e hotu, iha bahasa Indonesia konkalikon hotu eh..konkalikon hotu eh,” nia realsa ninia alegasaun ho hamnasa.

Tuir Ir. Mario ne’ebe tu’ur iha linea oin Parlamentu Nasional ne’e hateten ho oin seriu katak,” talvez ida ne’e bele fo indikasaun forte ida tan ba Parlamentu, katak, urjenti ita kreia komisaun inkeretu ne’ebe halo ita, bele halakon lalais sa ida maka akontese iha ita nia rain ne’ebe halo ita hotu moe bo’ot ne’e.”

Iha Kompainya Pualaka nia laran iha mos laen husi Ministra Justica Lucia Lobato ne’ebe hanesan Vice Presidenti Partidu PSD ninian. “Ba ha’u, iha PSD ka la iha PSD mas ha’u nia alin rasik ka ha’u nia oan rasik maka involve ba ida ne’e, mos, ha’u husu kastigu hanesan deit,” Mario Promete. Nia husu atu ema hotu efende interese ansional. “Kona ba interese nasionais ne’e ita labele haree fali familias ka partidu ka la’e. Ida ne’ebe labele taka malu, tan ba ida ne’e, prejudika ita nia ema barak. Nia PSD, nia maka hakarak rasik halai risku. Ha’u maka hateten beibeik, ha’u lakohi PSD ne’e, ema ne’ebe ligadu ba ita nia guvernu,” nia dale. Tuir nia hanoin katak se karik iha ninia partidu nia membru ruma maka hetan moras at maka nia sei propoin atu hasai husi PSD. “Se iha korupasaun, ha’u iha fulan Novembru iha kongresu Partidu Social Demokrata (PSD) nian ne’e, ami sei husu expulsaun ema sira ne’e husi Partidu. Ses.”nia deklara ninia intensaun.

Tuir Deputadu ne’ebe tur iha PN desde primeira lejilasaun ne’e dehan katak nia rona beibeik ema konta kona ba projektu Guvernu nian fo barak liu ba ema sira ne’ebe iha relasaun ho membru Guvernu sira iha AMP nia laran.”Ha’u rona beibeik i ida ne’e mos prova hanesan ne’e duni. Prova katak ida ne’e iha duni Favoritismu,” nia koalia sai ninia deskonfianca hodi fihir ba surat tahan ne’ebe asina husi Direktur Aprovisionamentu Nasional.

Tuir Eis vice Prezidenti Conselho Nasional da Resistencia Timorense ne’ebe responsabiliza ba area ekonomia nian ne’e informa katak nia foin maka rona naran kompainya Pualaka Petroleu maske kompainya ne’e ninia bazea mina iha dalan besik komoro ne’ebe dader lorokraik nia dala barak liu ba mai.

Nia esplika katak kuandu iha ona favoritismu hanesan ne’e ita lalika haree fali be ema sira ne’e iha Guvernu ka la iha Guvernu. Se nia iha guvernu ne’e sala bo’ot liu tan, sala bo’ot liu tan. Kuantu mais iha familiares iha Guvernu lolos ne’e sira defende hanesan dignidade sira nia membrus familias ke iha Guvernu. Se sira lakohi sira rasik maka buka risku bo’ot be atu hamoe sira nia membru de Guvernu ne’e.

Wainhira Jornal ne’e kestiona Deputadu Mario Carrascalao atu karik separa problemas involvimentu DR. Lucia ninia iha kompainya Pualaka ho diplomasia eis Embaisador Indonesia nian ba ONU ne’e hateten,” ha’u konfia DR. Lucia hanesan ema ida ne’ebe ke servisu iha PSD ne’e kleur ona. Nia hanesan vice Prezidenti ha’u iha duni konfianca ba nia. Mas sa ida maka akontece husi liur ha’u la hatene.

Oficialmente ha’u bele hateten katak ha’u la fiar katak lucia toma iniciativa para halo korupsaun ne’e ha’u la fiar. Ha’u la fiar, tan ba, ema ne’e, prova ona dala hirak, katak, ema ne’e laos korupta mas Sr. Americo mak halo. Sr. Americo ne’e hanesan emprezariu ida ne’ebe koncerta uza nia influencia hanesan DR. Lucia nia kaben, sira rua familia, talvez uza ida ne’e karik,” nia deskonfia.
Prezidenti PSD ne’e konfia nafatin ninia vice Prezidenti maske nune’e nia deskonfia DR. Lucia ninia kaben Sr. Americo Lopes ne’ebe nu’udar mos Direktur ida iha kompainya Pualaka.

Sun Shine Nungka Hetan LC Jack Alega Pualaka ameasa nia moris
Kompainya Sun Shine ne’ebe existe iha nasaun foun ne’e durante tinan hitu nia laran sai hanesan fornecedor mina ba EDTL iha tinan rua ka tolu liu dadaun ba kotuk. Direktur Jack Salatain hateten katak kompainya ne’e participa mos iha bid hodi hatama ba EDTL ne’ebe sira oferece presu ne’ebe baratu no konkorda ona husi parte Prokuramen ninian. “Ami nia presu bazea ba Mops plus marjin (7,408%) ne’ebe aprovizionamentu konkorda ona,” informa Jack Salatain direktur no nain ida mos husi kompainya Sun Shine. Nia esplika dehan “Ne’e katak ami nia presu iha fulan ne’e (oitobru) iha $1.08 (Dollar ida centavus walu) kada litru,”

Investidor internasional ne’e esplika katak sira nia prezu ne’e inklui ona kustus transporte to’o hatama Gazoel ba tanki mina EDTL ninian.

Iha kompainya Sun Shine ema nain tolu maka joint hamutuk katak bo’ot liu ne’e ema Timor oan ida, Sr. Joao Martins ne’ebe mos nu’udar Direktur exekutivu, segundu Direktur mak Sr. Denis ema cidadun husi Singapora no terceiru direktur mak Jack Salatain mai husi Australia.
Nu’udar nain ida mos ba husi Sun Shine jack hato’o ninia laran triste kona ba servisu Prokuramen hodi fo manan ba kompainya Pualaka wainhira sira nia kompainya iha liu experiencia no oferece folin ne’ebe baratu liu ba Estadu. “Iha kazu ida ne’e, ha’u, iha duni preokupasaun lubun, tan ba ema ne’ebe manan tender ne’e tuir ha’u nia hatene katak sira la responde ka lakualifikadu tuir rekerementu tender ne’e ninian,” nia dehan.

“Ha’u senti kuriocidade no ha’u senti surfreza totalmente ida ho lalaok fo manan, ba ida ne’ebe manan ne’e.” “Tuir ha’u nia kuinesimentu katak, kompainya ne’e foun, ladun iha kapital, la iha infrastrutura no sira nia kuinesimentu tekniku sei kurang.” “Ha’u hakfodak wituan. Ami sempre lakon ba ema seluk ne’ebe diak liu ou kapas liu ami tan ba ema ne’e bele fo rezultadu ba servisu ne’e diak,” Jack koalia. Tuir emprezariu Australianu ne’e katak refere ba perguntas numeru 4 ka 5, “kontratu ida hanesan ne’e depende ba termus de pagamentus maka kompainya ida presiza iha ona fundu osan entre miliaun 3 to’o 6 hodi implementa servisu ne’e.”
Nia hakfodak rona katak antes de projektu lao guvernu facilita uluk ona LC no husu procesa CPV ba Pualaka. “Ami nungka iha esperiencia ba buat ne’e. EDTL sira sempre simu uluk fornecimentu mina depois maka halo kros cek ba invoice ho dokumentus recivu gazoel atu hetan aprovasaun maka ami hean selu.” “Ha’u nungka rona cenariu ida ne’e.” Dala ida tan nia realsa katak, “Prokuramen ho EDTL nungka konsidera ka konkorda ba buat ne’e.” Maibe parte rua ne’e sempre fo kondisaun ba sira katak,” Karik ami iha abilidade orsamentu atu apoiu ba projektu ne’e?”

Sun shine sempre fo Resposta, “Ami iha, no ami prova ona lalaok ne’e.”
Durante tinan hitu ona kompainya Sun Shine halo ninia aktividade bisnis mina iha Timor Leste nungka iha problemas “Ami hanoin tuir ami nia istoria no leabilidade ne’ebe ami prova ona ba sira ne’e katak ami iha pozisaun forte mas...Jack doko ulun hodi foti nia kapas la kontinua nia lia fuan. Jack mos informa ba jornal ne’e katak ema sira ne’ebe involve iha hola desizaun ba projektu ne’e hatene katak Pualaka deve hela sira. Ho problemas ne’ebe iha kompainya ne’e mos prepara hela kazu ida atu lori kompainya Pualaka Petroleun ba tribunal tan ba deve mina ne’ebe to’o agora seidauk selu. “Ha’u iha certeza tebes katak iha Segunda ha’u sei koalia ho defensor sira atu hahu halo move asaun legal.” “Pualaka foti ami nia mina liu litru 50,000 ne’ebe tuir konta total ami iha $62,500. Maibe tuir nia hateten katak $11,000 taka ona ba kareta ida maibe,”pualaka sei deve ami to’o agora $51,500.” “Ha’u tenta atu husu fali osan ne’e. Ha’u nia gabinete tenta ba cici osan ne’e. Maibe ami nia telefone ba sira ignora tiha. Ami nia rekerementus mos sira ignora.” “Ikus liu iha semana kotuk ami konsege kontaktu ho pualaka. Mas “manajer ka Direktur ida husi Pualaka ne’ebe ha’u ladun hameno ona ba ha’u nia recepcionis ka ha’u nia sekretaris katak se ami la hakiduk atu husu nafatin osan ne’e maka sira sei oho ha’u no haruka fila hikas ba uma iha kaisaun,” Jack alega.