Monday, 23 February 2009

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 126

Rekrutamentu Membrus F-FDTL

Pinto: Laiha Sistema Etniku-Partidu Iha F-FDTL

Dili, Tempo Semanal

Forsa Armadas Falintil-FDTL hanesan instituisaun Defeza Timor Leste nian nebe harii ho nia papel importante rua. Ida, papel iha tempu funu nebe esplika klaru iha Konstituisaun RDTL katak defende soberania no integridade rai ida nee. Papel segundu, maka hanesan papel forsa
armadas iha tempu paz nia laran.

Iha tempu paz nia laran, papel forsa armadas maka oinsa partisipa iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu fiziku, fo apoiu wainhira mosu dezastre naturais iha rai laran no partisipa iha manutensaun paz iha rai liur. Atu halo buat hirak nee, forsa armadas sei presiza harii tribunal militar ida nebe sei presiza matenek nain ho diploma Sarjana Hukum, Sarjana Administrasi Negara, Gestaun Rekursu Humanus, Teknik Sipil ka Engeneria nomos fo apoiu makaas ba Polisia Militar atu kontrola elementus Forsa Armadas nian nebe viola Regulamentu Disiplina Militar (RDM).

Atu hatene diak liutan, tuir mai akompana deit intervista especial jornalista TEMPO SEMANAL ho Sekretariu Estadu da Defeza, Julio Tomas Pinto.

Too iha nebe faze rekrutamentu ba membrus Forsa Armadas?

Prosesu rekrutamentu ba membrus Forsas Armadas Falintil-FDTL importante teb-tebes tanba ita hakarak forsa ida nebe professional, forsa ida nebe iha kbiit atu defende ita nia rain ho povu. Tanba nee, Komando Forsa Armadas halo rekrutamentu, rekrutamentu nee ita presiza ema 600. Faze selesaun ba ema 600 nee sei halao dala ida deit maibe iha faze treinamentu sei halao dala rua. Faze treinamentu primeiru sei halao ba membrus 300 iha fulan Maiu-Junu no sei halo tan treinamentu ba segundu faze iha Setembru 2009.

Tanba sa treinamentu nee la halo dala ida deit ba membrus 600 nebe liu ona husi selesaun?

Tanba ita nia fasilidade atu apoiu treinamentu nee la sufisiente, maka ami deside treinamentu nee halao dala rua.

Tanba sa maka rekrutamentu nee importante?

Tanba ita hakarak dezenvolve forsa ida nebe professional, forsa nebe ke defende ita nia rain no forsa ida nebe defende povu. Husi ema nain 600 nee, Komando F-FDTL sei presiza offisiais hira no Sarjentu nain hira?

Ita presiza offisiais 80 ho latarbelakang pendidikan estrata satu ka sarjana no Sarjentu ema nain 30, sira seluk tama iha kategoria soldadu.

Karik iha lamentasoens ruma husi komunidade durante rekrutamentu nee halao?

Iha duni preokupasaun balu liu husi mensajen, karta, maibe ami haree preokupasaun hirak nee hanesan politizasaun ba prosesu rekrutamentu, nebe ho ninia signifikadu katak, populasaun iha preokupasaun boot iha prosesu rekrutamentu nee tanba keta halo ema balu haruka sira nia
reprezentante partidu atu tama iha forsa armadas.

Oinsa pozisaun forsa nian wainhira ema balu karik haruka sira nia membrus partidu tuir rekrutamentu nee?

Ami iha Sekretariadu da Defeza nomos iha Forsa Armadas, ami esplika klaru teb-tebes katak, mesmu sira membrus partidu mas koandu sira tama ona iha forsa armadas maka sira laos ona membrus partidu. Hanesan mos sira nebe oras nee ativu iha forsa, tuir konstituisaun hateten sira labele mete partidu. Se o hakarak tama forsa militar, entaun o tenki sai husi partidu tanba estadu la premite ema ruma lori partidu tama iha forsa.

Esforsu saida mak Sekretariu Defeza halo hodi evita interese partidu labele tama iha forsa defeza?

Ami rekoinese katak, joven barak mak durante nee envolve iha partidu maibe, koandu sira hakarak tama forsa, sira tenki sai husi partidu, tenki soe tiha ras, etniku. Iha nasaun barak koandu sira loke rekrutamentu, entaun sira husu ba kandidatu sira atu soe dok tiha
etniku, ras no partidu. Ezemplu matenek nain ida naran Samuel H. hateten, ema ida-idak nebe iha konsensia atu rejistu sira nia an ba militar, sira tenki mengorbankan interese ras, interese etniku no insterese partidu. Tamba hakarak tama forsa signifika hakarak tau as interese nasional, interese povu nian.

Tanba sa elementus partidu labele lori politika partidu tama iha forsa defeza?

Tanba forsa defeza nee povu Timor Leste nian tomak nebe atu servi estadu ida nee.

Karik ema balu envolve iha krime hatama mos sira nia rekerementu hodi tuir prosesu rekrutamentu nee? Iha informasaun balu hateten katak ema balu envolve iha krime maibe sira hetan rekomendasaun husi Xefi Suku ho polisia hodi tama iha prosesu rekrutamentu nee. Maibe ami sei halo selesaun seluk ida hanesan sei halo cross check ho lista rejistu kriminal iha Ministeriu Justisa atu nunee ami bele hetan informasaun klaru.

Alende rekomendasaun husi Xefi Suku ho Polisia, karik iha rekomendasaun selek nebe disponivel mos ba forsa atu simu? Ami sei la simu rekomendasaun husi parte seluk, ami so simu deit rekomendasaun vom komportamentu ka surat kelakuan baik husi Xefi Suku ho Polisia. Husi rekomendasaun rua nee, ami sei cross check ho lista rejistu kriminal Ministeriu Justisa nian. Ami halo hanesan nee tanba ami hakarak evita diskriminasaun iha prosesu rekrutamentu. Ita tenki
preve ida nee tanba ita lakohi ema sira nebe envolve iha krime hakarak tama ba instituisaun da defeza. Se ita hakarak dezenvolve forsa ida ke professional, forsa ida ke loyal ba institusaun, entaun ema sira nebe envolve iha krime labele tama forsa no ema sira nebe lori partidu tama
forsa tenki hasai. Nunee mos ema sira nebe komportamentu ladiak hanesan gosta ba futu manu, joga kuru-kuru, bola guling, ema hanesan nee ami la premiti atu tama forsa, maibe se iha ema ruma ho hahalok hanesan nee hakarak tama forsa, entaun sira tenki soe sira nia hahalok
at hirak nee.

Durante nee karik ema balu husu ba Sekretariu Defeza atu husik sira liu iha selesaun?

Hau tenki rekoinese katak ema balu haruka mensajen mai hau dehan nia alin, maun subrinu, tiun iha hela forsa, nee duni tenki simu nia atu tama forsa. Maibe hau hakarak hateten katak, laiha mensajen iha prosesu rekturamentu nee no la iha prosesu titip ba malu atu tama forsa defeza. Iha mos ema balu haruka mensajen dehan sira partidu A/B nee duni sira tenki tama forsa. Ba hirak nee hau hakarak hateten katak, laiha partidu A/B iha forsa nia laran, forsa nee povu nian, forsa nee atu servi nasaun.

See deit mak envolve iha prosesu selesaun ba kandidatura?

Tanba ami hakarak prosesu nee tenki lao ho justu mak alende ami forma ekipa ida husi forsa, ami mos servisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu Saude nebe sei halo test ba kandidatu sira nia saude. Alende nee, iha mos ekipa independente ida husi Portugal nebe sei halao selesaun independente ba kandidatu sira.

Saida deit mak kandidatu sira tenki halo wainhira sira liu ona prosesu selesaun no treinamentu?

Sira tenki halo juramentu ho Bandeira Nasional. Prosesu henesan nee akontese iha mundu tomak, tanba nee importante teb-tebes ba joven sira nebe hakarak tama forsa armadas.

Ema balu hanoin katak tama forsa nee hanesan opurtunidade atu hetan servisu?

Hau hakarak fo mensajen ba joven sira katak, se ita boot sira hakarak tama forsa, maka labele tau iha kakutak katak tama forsa nee atu hetan servisu. Tanba wainhira tama forsa armadas, ita boot sira tenki korbankan buat barak tanba tama forsa armadas nee atu kumpri. Kumpri signifika katak koandu iha ordem ruma husi komandu, ita boot sira tenki halao, labele protesta. Segundu, ita boot sira sei ba iha koartel hodi servisu 24 oras, la koalia subsidiu, la koalia salariu
tanba tama forsa armadas nee atu servi laos atu buka servisu. Se ita boot sira hanoin katak tama forca armadas nee para atu buka servisu, diak liu lalikan tama forsa armadas tanba forsa armadas laos fatin atu buka servisu.

Tansa rekrutamentu ida nee importante?

Hanesan ita hotu hatene katak ita iha planu forsa 2020 nebe ke dehan katak, too tinan 2020, ita sei hetan forsa rihun tolu. Tanba nee hahu tinan ida nee planu sira nee tenki lao ba oin tanba planu nee hanesan vizaun dezenvolvimentu setor defeza nian. Atu halao planu ida nee mak agora ita halo dadaun rekrutamentu ba forsa foun. Tanba nee mak hau dehan rekrutamentu ida nee importante teb-tebes. Maibe, alende importante, iha mos obstaklu barak tanba rekrutamentu ida nee rekruta ema barak i sei kria fasilidade boot hodi fo treinamentu ba membrus foun sira. Maske nunee, hau espera katak guvernu Portugues sei ajuda ita nafatin para aban bainrua ita bele haruka ita nia ofisiais sira ba tuir treinamentu iha Portugal.

Tanba sa mak tenki involve akipa ida husi Portugal iha prosesu selesaun?

Durante nee Portugal fo ajuda barak ba setor defeza Timor Leste i iha fin de 2007 hau ho Sekretariu da Defeza Asuntu Tasi nian asina tiha ona akordu ida konaba Kooperasaun Tekniku Militar Entre Portugal ho Timor Leste. Bazeia ba akordu nee, Portugal sei fo asistensia hotu
mai ita no parte ida husi asistensia nee maka partisipa iha prosesu rekrutamentu. Tanba nee, Portugal sei haruka nia ekipa ida mai atu akompana prosesu rekrutamentu nee. guvernu Timor Leste konserteza agradese ba ajuda hirak nebe sira fo hanesan Asesor iha forsa defeza nomos iha Sekretariu Estadu da Defeza.

Iha rekrutamentu foun nee, ekipa husi nebe deit mak sei fo treinamentu baziku no treinamentu espesialidade? Ami deside ona katak treinamentu baziku militar nian ita bazeia ba
sistema militar Portugal nian nebe ke ita bele dehan parte ida husi sistema NATO. Agora, treinamentu espesialidade mak hanesan ita bele haruka ita nia forsa ba partisipa iha treinamentu iha nasaun seluk hanesan Australia, Estadus Unidus da Amerika, New Zeland, Malaysia no agora ita sei haruka nain ida ba Indonesia para bele partisipa iha
Sekolah Staf Komando Marinir iha Surabaya. Treinamentu baziku military nee sei halao durante fulan hira? Sei halao durante fulan tolu nia laran. Depois de fulan tolu nee, ita identifika keta balu priensia rekejitu para atu tama ba ofisiais no balu priense rekejitu atu tama ba sarjentu, entaun iha neba mak sira bele kontinua fali sira nia espesialidade. Tanba nee, treinamentu
bele too fulan 6 ou 8.

Iha tarjetu rekrutamentu nian, forsa defeza presiza ema nain 30 ba sarjentu no 80 ba offisiais. Oinsa Sekretariu Estadu bele defini ida nee?

Iha lei servisu militar nian esplika klaru tiha ona katak Sarjana konserteja tenki ba Ofisiais. Ba sira nebe tamat SMA maibe iha rekejitu (prasyarat) especial, nee bele tama Sarjentu, maibe se laiha rekejitu especial entaun sira tenki ba Soldadu.

Tanba sa mak rekruta sarjentu 30 deit?

Tanba ami hakarak fo opurtunidade ba soldadu sira nebe ke tama kleur tiha ona atu sira mos bele apply ba sarjentu. Ami deside ida nee tanba too agora iha soldadu balu ke tama iha 2002 maibe too agora sei soldadu nafatin, entaun ita tenki fo opurtunidade ba sira atu apply. Maske nunee, sei liu husi prosesu internal ida ke naruk.

Karik oras nee iha ona preparasaun ruma ba treinamentu baziku iha Metinaro?

Diretor Sentru Treinamentu Metinaro, Tanente Koronel Falur Rate Laek simu ho ksolok rekrutamentu nee no F-FDTL rasik haree katak treinamentu nee todan oituan tanba ema barak, entaun husu mos apoiu ba Komponente Naval liu husi Major Neves sei fo apoiu iha treinamentu nee. Uluk, ita nia kompania Engeneria F-FDTL hamutuk ho ISF harii ona Sentru Treinamentu Fiziku iha Metinaro. Konserteja fasilidade la kompletu maibe ita hahu prepara tuir ita nia kbiit nebe iha. Obstaklu boot ida nebe iha mak iha parte saude nian tanba hau simu ona kopia surat husi Brigadeiru General Taur Matan Ruak nebe ke deriji ba Primeiru Ministru para husu ajuda husi guvernu para fasilita rai sis ba ema sira nebe tama iha selesaun Forsa Armadas i hau mos hakerek surat ida ba Ministeriu Saude hodi husu sira apoiu iha parte ida nee.

Tan nee Ministeriu Saude mos harii ona ekipa ida iha parte selesaun nian liu-liu iha parte rai sis nian.

Kestaun importante balu nebe ema tomak kestiona mak konaba profesionalismu militar nian, oinsa forsa defeza bele hatan ba kestaun ida nee?

Ita iha ona lei disiplina militar nebe ita bolu naran Regulamentu Disiplina Militar (RDM). Iha RDM nee regula klaru tiha ona konaba ema sira nebe viola lei presiza hetan sansaun. Agora dadaun, Guvernu servisu hamutuk ho UNMIT prepara hela etape ba soldadu sira nebe ke viola RDM. Konserteja iha obstaklu tanba ita foin harii tanba ezemplu nasaun balu harii ona sira nia militar durante tinan lima nulu ona mos sira nia forsa seidauk professional nafatin. Maibe ita foin harii iha tinan hitu nia laran depois de independensia. Maske ho idade kiik maibe ita konsege abansa buat balu ona.

Too iha nebe forsa defeza ninia atensaun ba Polisia Militar?

Ita sei fo atensaun boot ba Polisia Militar para atu fasilita sira hodi bele kontrola membrus forsa F-FDTL nian. Tanba ita hotu hatene katak, akontesementu barbarak iha rai ida nee envolve oknum F-FDTL balu. Iha tempu badak, ami sei foti desizaun ba membrus balu i iha mos membrus balu ke oras nee hatama hela iha sela militar Tasi Tolu. Hau hakarak dehan ba publiku katak, F-FDTL sei abansa ba oin i hatudu kredibilidade forsa nian. Tanba nee hau repete katak, Polisia Militar sei tau matan ba forsa sira no lei organiku ba Polisia Militar agora dadauk atu debate iha Konsellu Ministru para autoriza Polisia Militar hodi kontrola populasaun sira nebe uza farda militar, kontrola membrus F-FDTL nian nebe laiha disiplina. Maske nunee, hau husu ba Polisia Militar atu labele over acting.

Saida mak sai papel ba forsa armadas?

Forsa armadas iha papel importante rua. Papel iha tempu funu nian nebe esplika klaru iha Konstituisaun RDTL katak defende soberania no integridade rai ida nee. Agora, papel forsa armadas iha tempu paz ninian maka oinsa forsa armadas partisipa iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu
fiziku, oinsa forsa armadas fo apoiu wainhira mosu dezastre naturais iha rai laran no oinsa forsa armadas partisipa iha manutensaun paz iha rai liur.

Atu halo buat hirak nee, forsa armadas sei presiza harii tribunal militar ida, presiza sarjana hukum, sarjana administrasaun Negara, presiza gestaun rekursu humanus nian. Maibe importante liu maka atu rekruta engeneria sira atu tama forsa armadas hodi aban bainrua bele
fasilita no apoiu populasaun sira hanesan dada bee ba populasaun sira nebe presiza, ajuda loke dalan ba populasaun sira atu asesu. (ts)

Uluk Alega Angie Kakutak, Agora Konspirasaun ki'ik

Australia Ameasa Protesta

Dili.Tempo Semanal

Hafoin de fulan ida presidenti rekovera husi nia kanek ba ABC TV (28/03/08) Presidenti hateten katak, "La dupida, ne'e hanesan tentativas atentadu tan ba A. sira mai ha'u nia uma, desarma guarda sira ne'ebe hetan ho surpresa, depois tebe rahun odamatan kuartu ha'u
nian." Husu kona ba karik Presidenti kuinese ema ne'ebe tiru nia iha 11/02/2008. Presidenti hatan ho certeza dehan, "Oh yeah ha'u kuinese nia ho didiak nune'e se ha'u hare roupa ka ema ne'e rasik ha'u sei hatudu la ho moe." Maibe iha loron 26/12/08 durante de vizita ba Komarka Bekora Presidenti Horta halo apelu ba eis membru Reinado nian atu hateten sai lia los no rekuinese an se mak tiru nia.

Hafoin de tinan ida, loron 12 atentadu kontra moris Presidenti da Republika maibe to'o ohin loron seidauk hatene lolos lia foun matebian Alfredo Reinado ho ninia membru sira ba iha residencia Presidenti ninian. Iha 28/03/2008 tuir intervista ba televizaun ABC Australia,
Presidenti da Republika foti lian maka'as hodi alega Reinado ninia doben Angelita Pires mak hatene resposta kona ba atentadu ne'e. "Master mind ba ida ne'e maka Sr. Alfredo ho ema sira ne'ebe iha ninia kotuk. Ida maka Sra. Angie Pires, timorense hela iha Darwin, reside iha Timor Leste, nia iha momentu tomak besik tinan rua maka ha'u kaer kazu ne'e, nia sempre iha ne'eba, venena atmosfer, kreia problemas, manipula Sr. Alfredo Reinado. La iha ema ida maka hatene mesmu apoiantes Alfredo Reinado ninian mos hirus ninia hahalok, ninia fungsaun ne'ebe sempre empata, negative liu no destruida. Ha'u nungka hasoru ema ida iha ha'u nia moris mak….no nia (Angelita) mak ha'u dehan responsible numeru um. Husi ne'ebe maka nia hetan osan hodi suporta Sr. Alfredo no ninia agenda sa ida, Ha'u la hatene." Iha momentu ruma iha Darwin mos Presidenti hateten ba media internasional balun katak deskonfia iha konta bankaria konjunta ho naran Alfredo ho Angelita ninian iha Australia ho osan nomial ne'ebe bo'ot.

Maske tinan ida ona maibe la dauk iha akuzasaun klaru ba soldadus Alfredo ninian ne'ebe involve iha atakes kontra Presidenti ho Primeiru ministru nune'e mos akuzasaun lolos kontra Angelita Pires ne'ebe hanesan mos cidadaun Australiana maka identifika husi Presidenti
nu'udar responsable ida mos.

Tuir ABC, programma 7.30 semana kotuk Presidenti dehan, "Ha'u la hateten katak nia (Angelita) implika direitamente ka planea asasinasaun kontra ha'u, ka ba ha'u nia uma. Maibe nia sempre sai hanesan obstacle, sempre halo problema ba kada esforsu dame, sempre venena Alfredo nia hanoin. Ne'e mak problema. Laos nia materialmente involve ona….no se nia inocenti, ha'u hein nia sei hetan liberdade no halao ninia moris.

Angelita Pires moris iha Timor Leste no bo'ot iha Australia nu'udar doben matebian Reinado, desde de 11/02/08 nia labele fila hikas ba Australia. Tuir dokumentus ne'ebe jornal ne'e asesu ba hatudu katak Angelita mantein nafatin korespondencia ho governu Australia. Governu Australianu ameasa atu hato'o protesta kona ba ninia tratamentus hirak ne'e.

Tuir surat ne'ebe Departamentu Estranjeiru Australia nian haruka ba Angelita Pires hodi informa katak, "se Prokurador Geral sei indika atrazu beibeik ami propoin – karik ita konkorda - governu Australia sei rejista ninia preokupasaun forte kona ba atrazu liu tan prosesu ne'e hodi fo halo akuzasaun juridiku kontra ita ne'e la rauabel,"hakerek iha surat konfedencial husi embaisada Australia ba TL iha Dili.

Antes de surat ida ne'e iha loron 03/02/09 Embaisada Australia iha Dili informa ona ba Sra Angelita pires kona ba enkontru entre Embaisador Peter Hyeward ho PGR

Timor Leste iha loron 09/01/09 ne'ebe koalia kona ba situasaun Sra. Angelita Pires ninian. Iha surat ne'ebe hakerek, "Sr. Monteiro konfirma ona investigasaun ba eventu 11 Fevereiru 2008 extende tan ona fulan nen iha fulan Agusto 2008 relasiona ho suspeitu sira maka agora iha detensaun nian. Nia (PGR) dehan karik investigasaun bele extende liu tan, nia hakarak ona atu aprezente kazu ne'e ba tribunal iha fins janeiru 2009."

Pontu tuir kedan informa tuir kedan dehan, "Sr. Monteiro dehan ona katak ita bele hetan akuzasaun legal relasiona ho ita hanesan konspirador nivel ki'ik iha eventu 11 de Fevereiru 2008. Nia hateten ona kualker akuzasaun kontra ita relasiona ba eventu ne'eba sei aprezenta ba tribunal iha momentu hanesan wainhira akuzasaun legal aprezenta kontra suspeitu sira seluk maka detain hela." Prokurador Geral DR. Longuinhos Monteiru iha momentu balun koalia temi ona katak, 'kazu ne'e komplikadu tebes tan ba iha relasaun ba cirkumstancias oi-oin, difikuldades atu hetan fontes kona ba prosesu ne'e hahu." Tuir planu iha iniciu fulan Marsu Ministeiru Publiku sei hatama ona akuzasaun kazu atentadu 11/02/08 ba Tribunal.

Angelita Hau Sai Vitima

Maibe saida mak akontese hafoin Angelita Pires simu karta resposta husi Governu Australia ne'ebe dehan katak involvimentu Angelita Pires iha atentadu 11 de Febreiru 2008 ne'e kategoria ba nivel ki'ik. Responde kona ba karta resposta husi Governu Australia Angelita Pires hateten, desde uluk kedas husi nia parte rezeita katak nia la involve iha kazu refere no husi nia parte fiar katak Major Alfreido tun mai Dili laos atu oho ema ida maibe, tamba sira mak bolu nomos
husi nia parte rasik hatene saida mak nia hare iha loron domingu dadersan wainhira atu ba almosu ho Alfreido, e nune'e mos husi nia parte hatene semak iha momentu neba nomos nia rona saida mak sira koalia liu husi telefoni hodi hein resposta sin ou nao.

Tuir Agelita, iha momentu neba husi ninia parte rona momos saida mak sira koalia,nune'e mos hanesan ema seluk rona ne'ebe deklara tia ona ba Unipol tan ne'e, husi nia parte la fiar katak Alfreido mai iha Dili laos atu atentadu ema ida, hakanek ema ida ou atu oho ema ida."Depois de Alfreido mate, iha akuzasaun ne'e hateten katak, hau maka ema numeru I no principal nomos hau mak halo tanda ba ami nain rua iha konta bankaria tamba dehan katak hau mak fo droga ba nia,hau mak fo alkohol ba nia,osan nomos tamba nia toba iha hau nia uma maibe, ikus mai saida mak akontese bazeia ba Outopsi Report buat hotu hatudu katak drogas la iha, alko la iha entaun tenki hateten sai" Tenik Angelita Uluk lideransa Ministeriu Publiku rasik deklara katak iha momentu neba Alfreido iha osan barak maibe afinal deskontas hotu tia iha deit Doisentus dolar Amerikanu mak iha bolsu. Angelita haktuir, buat hotu halo lalais hodi akuza tun sae deit no defama hau iha palku mundial hodi sulan hau tun sae deit nomos halo mate hau nia oan ne'ebe mak hau kous iha fulan 4 nia laran. Agelita lembra fila – fali katak, Momentu Angelita sei iha Australia Alfreido promete ona ho ninia familia katak nia lakoi moris hanesan ne'e hela deit tamba ne'e nia sei entrega an maibe, derepenti rona fali katak Alfreido mate.

"Depois de Alfreido mate Presidente da Republika Jose Ramos Horta dehan katak hau mak ema premiru no pergozu entaun sira kaer fali hau"tenik Agelita

Angelita hatutan, sorte boot tamba konstitusaun ne'e la iha pena de morte selae Presidente bele ejiji iha palku mundial kona ba pena de morte.

"Tamba Presidente sente katak Gastao Salsina ne'e ema seluk entaun nia fo perdaun no halo buat hotu ba nia, nomos iha momentu ne'ebe sira dehan hau ne'e pergozu la halimar maibe, ikus fali sira rasik fo sai ona ba governu Austaralia katak hau laos ema boot nomos hau laos ema ne'ebe mak sira buka lolos, nune'e mos dehan katak involvimentu hau nian ne'e hanesan konspirasaun nivel ki'ik kontra governu" hatutan Angelita.

Hanesan ema bai-bain Angelita la simu liafuan ne'ebe dehan katak, konspirasaun nivel ki'ik tamba husi ninia parte rasik mos la komprende signifikasaun husi konspirasaun nivel ki'ik.

Sekarik kazu ida ne'e iha nivel ki'ik entaun konserteza iha mos nivel boot tamba ne'e, kazu nivel ki'ik ba ema ki'ik deit no nivel boot ba ema boot.

Neduni,ema hirak ne'e tenki hatene an no tenki koalia lia los tamba ikus fali sira hatama akuzasaun ne'ebe dehan katak, involvimentu Angelita hanesan konspirasaun nivel ki'ik maibe, husi parte Angelita sente katak kestaun ne'e hanesan kurtina deit para atu taka falta."Momentu sira kaer hau, sira viola ona direitu humanus tamba ho hahalok ne'ebe sira halo hodi hameta hau ho Alfreido nia oan ne'e krimi" haktuir Angelita

Angelita informa liu tan katak, tamba governu Australia hare situasaun ne'e demais liu ona no dada ba mai hela deit neduni, husi nia parte fiar katak governu Australia sei fo asistensia ba nia tamba iha involvimentu husi polisia Federal ba infestigasaun ne'e sira hatene katak konta bankaria la iha, sira hatene katak drogas la iha, nomos sira hatene katak involvimentu la iha, entaun sira mos hakfodak tamba hetan presaun makas husi povo Australia nomos semak atu simu responsabilidade ba kazu hirak ne'e.

"Ho kestaun hirak ne'e hotu entaun sira mos buka tuir ona,i hau sente ne'e to'o tempo agora maibe,tuir lolos hau lalika atu lakon hau nia oan se'e infestiga halo lolos" tenik Angelita

Hanesan Major Alfreido nia partner Angelita prontu atu infestiga tamba objetivumente kazu hotu – hotu iha mundu ne'e sempre infestiga maibe, infestigasaun ne'e tenki fo konsiderasaun ba direitus humanus, maibe realidade infestigasaun ne'e la hun la dikin no halo mate ema nia oan,halo ema terus nomos defama ema iha mundial."Dala barak dehan katak iha segredu da justisa hodi prezerva ema nia naran no honra maibe, karik hau laos ema neduni sira temi tun temi sae hau nia naran iha mundial ne'ebe to'o ikus hamate hau nia oan" Angelita Argumenta Desde uluk kedas hau husu atu ba Australia tamba agora dadaun hau nunka atu hetan tratamentu mediku ne'ebe diak husi estadu timor relasi ho abortus ne'ebe nia hetan.

Tamba saida to'o agora husi nia parte la hetan tratamentu mediku maibe, ema seluk ne'ebe kaer kilat no to'o ema sira ne'ebe indentifika sai hanesan rebeldes bele hetan tratamentu iha rai liur.

"Hau hatene katak kazu ne'e politiku demais tamba sira halo sala barak ona hasoru hau no agora Presidente rasik tolok hau iha mundial maibe, buat hotu taka ba taka mai heka deit entaun juis nasional desidi katak labele ba neduni, hau mos komprende juis tamba karik juis mos tauk"haktuir Angelita Maske dala barak Angelita husu atu ba halo tratamentu mediku iha rai
liur maibe, Governu la fo no to'o ikus fali sira dehan katak nivel ki'ik labele ba entaun sekarik nivel boot ne'ebe mak fahe kilat no tiru malu dor mak bele ba atu halo tratamentu iha rai liur hodi uja fundus povo nian nomos liu husi pajak povo nian no liu husi doadores nia osan.

"Ema hirak ne'ebe ba halo tratamentu iha rai liur konserteza orasanmentu hirak ne'e sai husi ministeriu justisa mais, tamba saida mak hau atu ba halo tratamentu iha rai liur ne'ebe familia rasik mak selu mos labele ba. Tenik Angelita

Hatan kona ba pergunta ne'ebe dehan katak,ita boot sente katak governu Australia fo apoiu ruma, Angelita informa, uluk Governu Australia la fo apoiu ruma tamba dehan katak kazu ne'e politiku demais nomos sira rasik iha interensia barak para atu taka kazu ne'e, maibe agora dadaun governu Australia komesa fo apoiu ona.Maske tinan ida ona maibe, Angelita rasik to'o agora sidauk hatene klaru ninia estatus tamba kebebasan ba nia limitadu hela tamba sira foti hotu ninia dokumentus hanesan ID Card nomos pasa porte tamba ne'e halo hau atu ba eskola mos ladiak. "Hau ejiji katak sira tenki hamos hau nia naran, hau ejiji katak tenki fo sai lia los nomos hau ejiji katak lideransa sira tenki iha korazen forsa i honra hodi koalia lia los kona ba saida duni mak akontese iha loron 11 de Febreiru 2008" ejiji Angelita

Nia hatutan, akuzasaun uluk ne'e dehan katak hau mak outor, hau mak masta main, hau mak fo droga, hau mak fo kareta nomos dehan katak hau mak konta bankaria maibe buat hotu ne'e mesak lia falsu. Husu kona ba semak halo akuzasaun lia falsu ne'e, Agelita esklarase katak, ita hotu hatene momos tamba kestaun ne'e fo sai deit iha nasaun ida ne'e maibe, kuaze iha nasaun hotu-hotu neduni semak atu responsabiliza ba oan ne'ebe mate nomos presaun hirak ne'e semak atu resposabiliza.

Tuir Agelita, buat hirak ne'e hotu estadu no boot sira tenki responsabiliza nomos sira ne'ebe mak koalia tenki responsabiliza maibe agora atu taka krimi hirak ne'e sira lori fali liafuan konspirasaun nivel ki'ik hodi akuza, karik ida ne'e signifika katak maske ema ne'ebe kanek labele atu defende an."Sekarik ba tribunal hau sei lori ema ne'ebe halo kazu defamasaun nomos ba ema sira ne'ebe tau presaun direitamente ka indireitamente hodi hakanek hau nia honra no halo hau
terus" haklaken Angelita Husi parte Angelita fiar katak informasaun ne'ebe mai to'o iha nai ulun sira mesak informasaun bosok deit tamba dala barak ema hirak ne'ebe halo informasaun ne'e mak involve neduni kazu ne'e.Angelita haktuir, katak akontesementu ne'e hanesan tragedia boot ida ne'ebe halo ema barak terus,i mos halo TL lakon ema diak ida tamba, tuir Angelita nia hare katak Mayor Alfereido Reinaldo ne'e ema diak no ema ida ne'ebe hakarak atu mehi barak ba povo ho nasaun ida ne'e maibe ikus mai ninia mehi lakon iha dalan klaran tamba ema hadau ninia
moris. Laos povo ne'e deit mak merese atu hetan justisa ba lia los maibe,komunidade internasional mos merese no ita rasik mos merese hetan lia los no justisa tamba ne'e Estadu iha obrigasaun atu fo verdadeira justisa ba povo TL tamba povo barak terus demais ona,
inklui mos feto timor.

Nudar feto Timor, Angelita mos hakarak atu defende feto sira nia direitu neduni, la iha ema ida tan mak atu hetan enjustisa boot hanesan ne'e, ne'ebe sira nia oan rasik ema hadau iha sira nia kabun laran.Hahalok hirak ne'e hanesan fali ho hahalok militar indonesia nian mais, agora ita ukun an tia ona, i ema sira ne'ebe mak tur kadeira ne'e ita mak tu'u tamba ema hirak ne'e mak atu fo protezesau ba povo nomos ema sira ne'e mak sai nudar ita nia defensores no protetores mais, ikus fali ema hirak rasik maka hadau labarik timor oan ida nia moris ne'ebe halo feto timor abortus. Angelita halerik katak, laos nia mak fahe kareta, laos nia mak lori instutisaun F-FDTL ho PNTL tama iha politika, laos nia mak fahe kilat, laos nia mak hadau kadeira nomos lao nia maka golpe tun golpe sae tamba, nia hanesan ema estudante ida no inan ida ba oin sira no fen
diak ida ba nia laen, I nune'e mos atu juis diak ida ba povo maibe buat hotu la realize tamba ema impata hotu hodi hadau Alfreido nia moris.Kona ba informasaun ne'ebe dehan katak, Mayor Alfreido mai iha Dili ho intensau at, Angelina hateten, husi nia parte almira teb-tebes no hateten dala barak ona katak Mayor Alfreido hadomi duni presidente nune'e mos sira halao reniaun dala bar-barak mais nia nunka atu hanoin estraga presidente.

"Hau ba halo benena iha kontru ho razaun saida tamba, hau rasik hakarak para Alfreido atu entrega an ba justisa, i nia rasik mos koalia ona ho hau nia fali para atu entrega an ba justisa neduni, sa'a fen ida mak hakarak atu nia laen moris iha perigu nia laran nomos sa'a inan ida hakarak para atu hahoris nia oan iha kilat nia let tamba ne'e akuzasaun hirak ne'e lalos hotu." Hakotu Agelita.(ts)

Thursday, 19 February 2009

85 Journalists, Academics Protest Over Criminal Defamation Case


Background to the case:

AUCKLAND (ACIJ/Pacific Media Watch): More than 80
prominent Australian, New Zealand and Pacific
reporters, editors and media academics have
protested over the controversial criminal
defamation case against East Timorese journalist Jose Belo.

Chief editor Belo has been charged followed
publication of an article in his newspaper and
online publication, Tempo Semanal, making
allegations against Justice Minister Lucia Lobato.

The open protest letter, under the umbrella of
the Sydney-based Australian Centre for
Independent Journalism (ACIJ), has been signed by
85 media industry and academic people ranging
from the ACIJ's Professor Wendy Bacon to ABC Four
Corners investigative journalist Liz Jackson, SBS
Dateline's Mark Davis and British-based filmmaker and author John Pilger.

It is being sent to President José Ramos-Horta,
in New Zealand this week on his first official
visit abroad since being wounded in a rebel
attack a year ago, and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao.

"While making no comment on the merits of [Jose
Belo's] allegations, we are disturbed by the
application of criminal defamation laws against
one of East Timor's bravest and most respected journalists," the letter says.

"Belo's role in documenting the atrocities of the
Indonesian occupation and disseminating that
information to the international media is well known.

"Since self-government, Jose has emerged as one
of the most productive, disciplined and
independent journalists that East Timor has
produced. He has become a key figure in the
attempt to build a democratic media in your country.

"To be imprisoned by your government would be a
great injustice to Jose and more importantly, a
terrible precedent for all media in East Timor.
Such laws criminalise and suppress good
journalism, they help cloak corrupt and
questionable behaviour of public officials and
they diminish the reputation and international
standing of the nations that apply them.

"We note that the laws under which Jose Belo has
been charged are left over from the old
Indonesian regime, and understand that new laws
more suited to a democratic society have been
drafted but have not been placed before your Parliament.

"We pledge our support to Jose Belo and all East
Timorese journalists who may face imprisonment
for the practice of their profession. We urge you
to take all actions within your power to bring
about the dropping of this charge and the removal
of criminal defamation laws in East Timor."

The letter is signed by:

1. Wendy Bacon, Professor of Journalism, University of Technology, Sydney
2. Liz Jackson, Reporter, Four Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
3. Quentin Dempster, Journalist, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
4. Sarah Ferguson, Reporter, Four Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
5. David Marr, Reporter, Sydney Morning Herald
6. Lesley Power, General Counsel, SBS Television, Australia
7. Chris Nash, Professor of Journalism, Monash University
8. Mark Davis, Reporter, Dateline SBS Television, Australia
9. Matthew Moore, FOI Editor, Sydney Morning Herald
10. David O'Shea, Reporter, Dateline, SBS Television, Australia
11. Mark Dodd Defence/Foreign Affairs writer The Australian newspaper
12. Tony Jones, Presenter, Lateline, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
13. Sue Spencer , Executive Producer , Four
Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
14. John Pilger, Filmmaker and Author
15. Tom Zubrycki, Filmmaker
16. Debbie Whitmont, Reporter, Four Corners,
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
17. Lindsay Murdoch, The Age, Melbourne
18. Mark Colvin, Presenter of PM, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
19. Professor Stuart Rees, Director, Sydney Peace Foundation
20. Richard Ackland, Editor, Justinian
21. Eric Ellis, Forbes Magazine
22. Tom Morton, Senior Producer, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
23. Peter McEvoy, Journalist, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
24. Margaret Simons, Journalist and Author, Content Makers and Crikey
25. Marni Cordell, Editor, New Matilda
26. Sophie McNeill, Reporter, SBS Television, Australia
27. Philip Chubb, Associate Professor in Journalism, Monash University
28. Sally McCausland , Senior Lawyer, SBS Television, Australia
29. Hilary McPhee, writer and editor
30. Jacqui Ewart, Senior Lecturer in Journalism,
Griffith University, New South Wales
31. Peter Manning, Adjunct Professor, University of Technology, Sydney
32. Hall Greenland, Editor of The Week, Australia
33. Professor Michael Fraser, Faculty of Law, University of Technology, Sydney
34. Jock Cheetham, Journalist, Sydney Morning Herald
35. Olivia Rousset , Journalist
36. Melanie Morrison, Dateline, SBS Television, Australia
37. Geoff Holland, Barrister & Lecturer in Law,
University of Technology, Sydney
38. Gillian Leahy, Associate Professor, University of Technology, Sydney
39. Amos Roberts, Reporter, “Dateline” SBS Television, Australia
40. Lee Rhiannon, Member of the Legislative
Council, Parliament of New South Wales
41. Ivan O'Mahoney ­ Producer, Four Corners,
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
42. Michael Doyle, Four Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
43. Caro Meldrum‐Hanna, Four Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
44. Judith Rodriguez, Melbourne Pen Centre
45. Ian Gerrard, Editor, The Diplomat, Australia
46. Julie Posetti, Freelance journalist &
Journalism Lecturer, University of Canberra
47. Megan West, Lawyer, SBS Television
48. Michelle Baddiley , Archive Producer, Four
Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
49. Gail Phillips, Associate Professor of Journalism, Murdoch University
50. Martin Butler, Independent Filmmaker, Melbourne
51. Peter Cronau, Journalist, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
52. Maryann Keady, Independent Producer, Sydney
53. Associate Professor David Robie, Director,
Pacific Media Centre, AUT University
54. Sue Ahearn, Journalist, ABC Melbourne
55. Maire Sheehan, Friends of Maliana, Sydney
56. Antony Loewenstein, Independent Journalist and Author
57. Sylvia Hale, Member of the Legislative
Council, Parliament of New South Wales
58. Associate Professor Jake Lynch, Director,
Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies
59. Joseph M Fernandez, Senior Lecturer,
Journalism, Curtin University of Technology
60. Annette Blackwell, Lecturer in Journalism, University of Technology, Sydney
61. Jane Waddell, Convenor Mosman ‐Maubaro Friendship Committee, Sydney
62. Kate MacDonald, Producer, ABC Radio National
63. Sharon Davis, Radio Documentary, Radio National
64. Liam Phelan, Night Editor, The Sydney Morning Herald
65. Mike Carey, Freelance TV and Radio Producer, Australia
66. Associate Professor Peter Dunbar‐Hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music
67. Phil Thornton, Independent Journalist, Thailand
68. Gordon & Marie Esden, Birchgrove New South Wales
69. Kay Nankervis, Lecturer in journalism,
Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, Australia
70. Sally McCausland , Senior Lawyer, SBS Television, Australia
71. Jenna Price, Lecturer in journalism, University of Technology, Sydney
72. Eurydice Aroney, Lecturer and Radio
Journalist, University of Technology, Sydney
73. Bonita Mason, Lecturer in journalism, Curtin University of Technology
74. Mignon Shardlow, Lecturer in journalism, Curtin University, Perth
75. Jahnnabi Das, Researcher, University of Technology, Sydney
76. Akhteruz Zaman, Researcher, University of Technology, Sydney
77. Damian Cobley‐Finch, Psychologist, Member of Friends of Maliana
78. Mignon Shardlow, Journalism lecturer, Curtin University, Perth
79. Dr Cassi Plate, Councillor, Leichhardt Municipal Council
80. Steven Scott, The Canberra Times
81. Sylvie Macbean, Fairfax Media
82. Adrian Kendrick, The Age, Melbourne
83. Monica Heary, Journalist, St George and Sutherland Shire Leader
84. Adam Hosfal
85. Rachel Smith, Fairfax Media

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 125

Longuinhos la Komprova Dutrina Defamasaun Kontra Leong

HAK Manan no Abansa Opsaun Lima

Dili, Tempo Semanal

Iha dia 25 de Agusto 2005, Prokurador Geral Dr. Longuinhos Monteiro, SH ho ninia belun prokurador nain 2, Benevides Correia Barros, SH no Estaqiu Guterres, SH, hakfodak no tilun tahan hamrik ba informasaun nebe publika iha jornal Diario Tempo edisaun 129 Kinta-feira
25/08/2005 ho titulu "Prokurador 3 Korupsaun Osan USD 8,600".

Informasaun nee halo Longuinhos ho ninia belun nain rua sente lakon dignidade, nunee Longuinhos ho nia belun preside akuza Francisco Lui alias Akui Leong (28) halo defamasaun tanba Leong liu husi nia advogadu Tome Xavier Jeronimo, SH, Arlindo Dias Sanches, SH no
Rosentino dos Anjos, SH husi Asosiasaun HAK, Tersa-feira (23/08/2005) fahe surat somasi ho nú. 66/P/HAK/D.03/VIII/05 ba media hotu-hotu konaba kazu korupsaun osan Rp.85,000,000, mais ou menus USD 8,673 (1 Dollar hanesan Rp.9,800).

Somasi nee lori Longuinhos nebe tur iha kadeira fatin atu fo sai lia loos nee, sente sai vitima ba informasaun. Nunee Longuinhos levanta kazu nee ba tribunal hanesan kazu krime defamasaun nebe tenki julga tuir prosesu penal, maibe HAK kompete hodi "banding" liu husi prosesu sivil.

Leong, sidadaun Timor oan hela iha Audian, nebe sente lakon direitu ba nia osan rasik, surpreza ba akuzasaun Dr. Longuinhos Monteiro. Maibe Leong nudar ema businessman hakarak ka lakohi nia tenki hakbesik-an ba lei nain sira hodi hamaha.

Iha opurtunidade ida nee, Leong komesa loke neneik-neneik Longuinhos Monteiro nia ain fatin wainhira lori osan ba fahe iha City Cafe. Tuir Leong, husi osan Rp. 85,000,00, osan restu koaze tokon 279,800,000.00 mak lakon.

Tuir Akui Leong esplika katak, iha Setembru 2001, Akui Leong nia alin Mari Lui aranka husi Timor Leste ba Surabaya lori ho osan mais ou menus USD 60,000.00, osan nee uza atu sosa sasan maibe osan nebe gasta hodi sosa sasan koaze USD 12,000.00 restu USD 48,000.00.

Maibe hafoin semana ida liu tiha, Akui Leong nia aman moras no tenki lori ba ospital atu halo tratamentu, entaun liu tiha loron hirak nia laran, Akui Leong nia aman husu nia oan sira atu halibur no fahe eransa inklui osan restu nebe iha.

Nunee, Akui Leong telefone ba nia alin Mari Lui iha Surabaya atu fila hikas mai Timor Leste lori ho osan restu nee. Iha momentu nee, Akui Leong fo hatene ba nia alin Mari Lui katak, osan restu nee fo tuir deit Mariana Wijaya partner servisu nebe hela iha Rua Genteng Boot N0. 41 E Surabaya, nebe atu mai Timor Leste. Ho informasaun nee, iha 1 Outubru 2001, Mari Lui hasoru Mariana Wijaya no entrega osan restu hamutuk tokon 480 rupiah ho kwitansi. Iha 21 Outubru 2001 Mariana Wijaya too iha Aeroportu Komoro maibe tanba pasarevista husi autoridade Border Control hetan osan nee no prende tiha tanba laiha dokumentus.

Entaun, Akui Leong ba iha aeroportu hodi hasoru malu ho staff Border Control naran Batista ho staff internasional nain rua. Staff internasional ida naran Edgar deklara katak, osan nee Akui Leong nian maibe staff Bordeg Control la fiar.

Hafoin liu tiha tinan rua nia laran, iha 16 Novembru 2004, Dominggos (staff Border Control) telfone ba Akui Leong katak, osan nebe sita iha 2001 bele foti hikas ona, maibe Akui Leong seidauk bele foti tanba autoridade bankaria BPA laiha fatin. Hodi nunee, iha 18 Novembru 2004
mais ou menus tuku 21:00 Otl, Longuinhos Monteiro bolu Akui Leong ba nia rezidensia. Longuinhos husu ba Akui Leong atu entrega osan nee ba sira. Tanba nee, Akui Leong konsege hetan duni Rp. 85,000,000 no osan restu Rp. 279,800,000.00.

Akui Leong preokupa teb-tebes ho osan restu nee. Tan nee, Advogadu husi Akui Leong hatoo ejizensia ba Longuinhos Monteiro, Benevides, Estaqui Guterres katak sira nain tolu tenki fo fila fali osan ba Akui Leong tanba Akui Leong nudar osan nain ba osan hamutuk Rp.279.800,000.00, aumenta tan funan 12,5% bazeandu ba desizaun juiz investigasaun data 6 Novembru 2001, nunee mos instrusaun/despasu husi Ministra Finansa, Madalena Voavida loron 7 Setembru 2004 katak, sira nain 3 tenki husu deskulpa ba Akui Leong durante semana ida nia laran liu husi jornal, televizaun no radio iha Timor laran tomak.

Tanba nee, Advogadu Akui Leong nian fo ultimatum ba Longuinhos Monteiro, Benevides Barros no Estaqui Guterres atu iha semana rua nia laran, sira nain 3 tenki responde saida mak ejizensia husi somasi nee. Wainhira sira la kumpri saida mak somasi nee husu maka advogadu Akui Leong nian sei prosesa kazu nee tuir prosesu justisa. Responde ba ultimatum nee, Longuinhos Monteiro lakohi fo komentariu maibe Estaqui Guterres hateten katak, nia seidauk hetan somasi nee. Estaqui mos hateten nia la hatene konaba kazu nee tanba iha tempu neba nia sei asumu kargu nudar advogadu laos prokurador, maibe nia premite advogadu Akui Leong nian lori kazu nee ba tribunal. Tanba ameasa lori ba tribunal, Prokorador Longuinho Monteiro mos hahu loke ibun hodi koalia konaba versaun ninia ba kazu ida nee. Tuir Longuinhos hateten, Akui Leong mak lori ema nia osan halai hodi nunee polisia ba kaer nia hafoin Akui Leong tanis husu tulun ba Longuinhos, dehan Longuinhos iha 26/9/05.

Longuinhos espresa liutan katak, iha tempu neba Akui Leong ba subar iha City Cafe nebe vizinu ho Longuinhos nia hela fatin no senhora ida naran Rita mak lori Akui Leong ba tanis husu ajuda ba Longuinhos. "laos hau mak haruka ba bolu, nia mak lori ema nia osan halai, polisia buka atu kaer nia, nia mai iha hau nia vizinu husu ajuda", dehan Longuinhos. Liutan Prokurador nee haktuir katak, Akui Leong rasik rekoinese osan nee laos ninia, nunee mak Akui Leong entrega fali osan nee ba polisia iha kalan. Wainhira atu intrega osan nee, Akui Leong rasik telefone ba Mariana Wijaya iha Surabaya husu atu fahe osan nee, nebe dala uluk sira negosia Akui Leong hetan USD30.000 maibe Akui Leong lakohi depois hasae tan ba USD50.000 Akui Leong lakohi nafatin no ikus liu Akui Leong aseita ho USD85.000.

Hafoin Longuinhos sai tiha, Akui Leong ho Benevides asina surat akta konaba fahe osan nian. Maibe wainhira atu fahe osan, afinal osan USD85.000 Akui Leong hasai tiha ona. 'nia ho Benevides mak asina akordu hamutuk, agora too ikus tau todan fali mai hau", dehan Longuinhos hodi salva-an. Maibe iha 26/09/05, Akui Leong lansa press komfrens ida iha Asosiasaun HAK Farol hodi afirma katak, Benevides hamutuk ho sira seluk bolu nia (Akui Leong) iha tempu kalan, atu lori osan nee ba. "hetan tiha osan nee, hau lori osan nee ba fatin ida depois iha kalan nee sira bolu hau. Senhor Benevides hamutuk ho sira seluk bolu hau kalan tuku sia hodi foti fali osan nee", dehan Akui Leong. Tanba nee, Asosiasaun HAK lansa press konfren ida hodi
aprezenta advogadu nain tolu nebe instituisaun nee fo fiar atu defende sira nia kolega. Advogadu nain tolu nee mak hanesan Aderito de Jesus Soares, Ana Paula de Jesus Monteiro ho Natercia Barboza de Deus.

Ekipa advogadu nain tolu nee, Asosiasaun HAK temi naran "Ekipa Atu Hametin Sistema Judisiariu" nebe sei luta atu defende akuzasaun hasoru sira nia klientes Akui Leong ba kazu defamasaun nebe aprezenta husi Prokurador Longuinho Monteiro. "ami hakarak fo mensajen ba publiku katak iha dejafiu barak iha sistema judisiariu too oras nee, tanba kazu mosu bar-barak maibe too agora seidauk rezolve hotu. Entaun ami hanesan advogadu, ami bele fo kontribuisaun hodi defende kazu nee. Hau hakarak haree fali ba kotuk tan saida mak maluk sira husi Asosiasaun HAK hakarak lori kazu ba oin. Hau hanoin sira laos ema bulak nebe mak tur derepenti hakarak ba insulta ou defama ema, sira tau iha kauza asuntu ida nee tanba sira hakarak kazu ida nee nebe envolve ulun boot importante balu ke iha poder, tenki hetan desizaun
iha tribunal", dehan advogadu Aderito de Jesus Soares.

Liafuan defende justisa ba ema nebe loos, liafuan nee sai la saugati deit husi advogadu nain 3 husi Asosiasaun HAK nia ibun. Tanba advogadu nain tolu nee komprova duni sira nia liafuan katak, Akui Leong la sala no tribunal rasik foti ona desizaun hodi liberta tiha Akui Leong husi
akuzasaun defamasaun tanba Prokurador Geral Longuinhos Monteiru la konsege aprezenta dokumentus komprovativu. "Manan kazu ne'e laos ONG HAK mak manan, mais povu mak manan Justisa tanba kazu ne'e lori tempu naruk, hanesan Instituisaun Direitu Umanus ida ne'e mos HAK bele halo demokrasia katak ema ne'ebe mak okupa opozisaun publiku serake nia
levanta kazu ba Tribunal la kerdizer ke nia manan. Depende ba evidensia ne'ebe iha, katak ema ne'ebe keixa nia tenki prova duni," maibe iha kazu ida ne'e ita bele haree katak Prokurador Geral da Republika keixa dehan sr.Akui Leong halo defamasaun mais desizaun ikus husi Tribunal hatudu katak sr.Akui Leong ho nia Advogadu ne'ebe defende kazu ida ne'e prova duni katak buat ne'e la defamasaun, saida mak fó sai ne'e buat ida ke verdade katak sr.Longuinhos Monteiro ho ema sel-seluk tan nebe naran temi iha somasia ne'e involve duni foti Akui Leong nian iha tinan hirak liu ba," dehan Advogadu Natersia Barboza de Deus iha press konfrens, iha Asosiasaun HAK semana kotuk. Advogadu nee reforsa liutan katak, ho desizaun husi tribunal ne'e HAK hakarak husu ba Institusaun no orgaun kompetenti hanesan Prezidenti da Republika atu haree Prokurador Geral da Republika nebe involve iha asaun foti osan."ita husu ba Tribunal katak atu implementa lolos desizaun ne'e, tanba desizaun ikus liu iha ita boot sira nia liman,
ida mak rezolvidu husi akuzasaun hotu, ida tan Tribunal hateten buat ne'ebe ke PGR halo defamasaun la provadu. Ikus liu mak kastigu ka hatun sentensia ba Prokurador Geral da Republika atu bele selu taxa ba Tribunal tuir nia kargu,"salenta Natersia.

Tanba sa mak hatun sentensia neba Prokurador Geral da Republika, tanba nia keixa buat ida, mais nia la 'mampu' atu justifika iha Tribunal katak sr.Akui Leong halo defamasaun. Advogadus Akui Leong nian nebe manan kazu nee la husik leet dei Longuinhos Monteiro. Tanba
maske Longuinhos lakon maibe advogadu sira nafatin fo opsaun lima ba Longuinhos atu kumpri. Opsaun lima nee karik hanesan parte ida atu rehabilita Akui Leong ho Advogadu nain tolu nia naran nebe mak durante defende Akui Leon, sira rasik sai vitima. Opsaun lima nee mak hanesan
ida, husu ba Prokurador Geral Longuinhos Monteiro atu fo fila fali osan nebe nia foti rua, husu mos ba Tribunal ne'ebe atu kastigu Akui Leong tenki husu deskulpa tolu, husu ba Longuinhos atu selu taxa ba Tribunal ho sira sel-seluk tan.

Husi obsaun hirak nee, Tribunal simu deit buat tolu mak hanesan ida, rezolvidu husi akuzasaun hotu ho desizaun katak saida mak akuzasan husi prokurador Longuinhos Monteiro la provadu no kastigu duni nia atu selu kustus Judisiais USD50.00 tuir nia kargu. Maibe opsaun konaba
husu deskulpa ba publiku liu husi media durante semana rua, ne'e Tribunal la simu tanba tribunal tetu ba buat oioin no tribunal seidauk simu atu Prokurador fo fila fali osan. Liutan Natercia haklaken katak, tanba sa HAK defende kazu ne'e kleur, kazu ne'e hahu 2001 ate agora
kuaze tinan 9 nia laran prosesu la lao no halo file ne'e lakon iha Ministeriu Publiku, Prokudador Geral da Republika nia 'kantor' rasik, HAK esforsu ho dala barak no to'o ikus HAK nia Advogadu nain ne'ebe defende kazu ne'e mos sai suspeitu, maibe HAK la nonok no luta nafatin ba kazu ne'e no ikus mai manan duni kazu ne'e. Entaun HAK ne'ebe defende duni Justisa ne'ebe lolos no 'berpihak' duni ba ema ne'ebe ki'ik funeravel ho ida mos HAK bele uza hodi halo arbrokrasia, ema labele rezolve kazu maske kleur maibe hetan duni. Tuir lolos sira keixa, sira mak manan kazu ne'e mais tanba HAK bele 'membuktikan' katak HAK defende kazu ne'e sadere duni ba buat ne'ebe ke lolos no verdade. "ita bele falun hanusa mos buat nia dois ne'e ema sempre
horon, tanba sa mak ita husu ba Institusaun seluk, tan Prokurador Geral da Republika sr. Longuinhos Monteiro okupa opozisaun publika no kazu ne'ebe relasiona ho korupsaun konaba ema ne'ebe foti osan ne'e ikus mai se ba hotu Prokurador Geral da Republika nia servisu
fatin,"kestiona Natersia. Konaba manan kazu ne'e Asosiasaun HAK unika organizasaun Dereitu Umanus iha Timor ne'e hanesan 'sumbangan' boot ida atu hadia sistema Judisiariu no atu hatudu katak ema ne'ebe iha imunidade laos dehan 'kekebalan hukum' laos dehan labele prosesu ho
manan kazu ne'e, prosesu krime defamasaun investigasaun lao tiha ona iha fulan Maiu 2008, agora hein deit desizaun Tribunal Rekursu ne'ebe HAK mos 'banding' ba prosesu sivil ne'e sira mak keixa so mente hatan, maibe manan kazu ne'e.

Entretantu ho lian fuan badak katak se HAK defende kazu ho desizaun ne'e mos 'sumbangan' boot ida atu hadia sistema Judisariu katak ema boot ne'ebe okupa posizaun publiku hanesan PGR mos bele prosesu. Ida ne'e mos edukasaun diak ida ba povu katak, Lei ne'e laos 'berlaku' ba
ema ki'ik deit, maibe ema boot mos 'berlaku' hanesan 'sumbangan' ne'ebe HAK ba dezenvolvimentu Lei no Diretu Umanus rai ne'e liliu ba Judisariu.

Iha fatin hanesan Edio Saldanha Borgues nudar Porta Vos HAK hateten, lolos kazu ne'e lakon tiha hotu ona tanba file ne'e halo lakon iha PGR nia Gabinete wainhira HAK hato'o keixa ba Polisia ikus mai kazu ne'e lalon duni iha PGR nia fatin, PGR mos halo duni 'tim' ida no kazu
ne'e tuir lolos lakon tiha ona HAK la iha ona dalan. Maibe, tenta no buka tok dalan ne'ebe iha HAK tenta halo Somasi mais la iha reazen, ikus mai HAK hetan fali keixa krime ba Advogadu nain tolu ho sivil mak kliente mesak.

Entaun HAK buka tan Advogadu balun atu mai defende Advogadu ne'ebe sai fali suspeitu," esforsu ne'ebe ita bele halao buat ne'e ita haree konplikadu, maibe ita fiar katak ita iha faktus ba buat los ida no ita fiar katak prosesu kazu ne'e atu hadia mos sistema Judisarius iha ita
nia rain,"konta Edio.Ho rezultadu ida ne'e atu fó mos edukasaun ba publiku konaba sistema Judisariu iha rai ne'e atu fó hanoin mos ba nai ulun sira atu hola desizaun buat ruma tenki tetu iha parte hot-hotu, se lae imajen la diak wainhira ema ne'ebe komete iha aktu ou krime no
sivil ruma iha hela nia leten nomos fó tan responsabilidade ruma ba nia.

"hau hanoin ne'e mos aumenta imajen la diak entaun esforsu ne'ebe mak HAK halo oinsa tenta atu fó sai ba publiku liu husi media,"haktuir Edio. (tov)

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 124

Horta Sisi Tusan Atu Hetan Justisa ba Atentadu 11 Fevereiru

Dili, Tempo Semanal

Krize politika militar iha tinan 2006 hanesan konsekuensia husi frakeza institusional nomos kontribuisaun lisaun at husi lider nasional Timor Leste nian sira, tanba lider ida-idak defende ninia prinsipiu hodi lakohi tur hamutuk rezolve problema, maibe hakarak
ketak-ketak hodi insulta malu ideias. "ami lideransa tuan sira, sr. Xanana, Francisco Xavier, Horta, Lu-Olo, ami mak sai autor ba krize nee tanba ami lakohi tur hamutuk rezolve problema. Ami ida-idak defende ami nia an duke defende povu nia moris hakmatek", dehan Dr. Mari Alkatiri ba jornal nee iha ninia rezidensia Palapaco Dili fulan hirak liuba. Krize politika nee nakfera wainhira petisionarius 650 hamutuk ho sira nia simpatizantes sira halo manifestasaun boot iha fulan Marsu 2006, nebe sai hanesan asaun protesta ba saida mak sira dehan "diskriminasaun iha instituisaun Falintil-FDTL".Iha tempu neba, laiha lideransa ida mak hatudu sira nia inus no tilun ba petisionariu sira, anunser Primeiru Ministru Dr. Jose Ramos Horta (atual PR), mak halo esforsu ba hasoru petisionarius sira, maibe nufin Horta rasik mak sai alvu ba politika hirak nee hotu. Maske nunee, Horta nia desizaun kapturasaun ho forsa ba grupu Major Alfredo Reinado iha Distritu Manufahi Sub Distritu Same, sai hanesan kestaun seriu nebe too agora laiha ema ida atu temi i lori prosesu nee ba tribunal hodi husu tuir se tenki responsabiliza ba Alfredo ninia elementus nain 3 nebe mate momentu forsa estabilizasaun kontijente Australia ba halo atakes ba Alfredo ho nia grupu iha postu antigu Same vila.

"ami nia alin sira bele mate no ohin ita asiste seremonia fulneravel ba sira nia mate, maibe ami hein saida maka estadu Timor Leste atu halo ba sira tanba sira laos mate hodi sira nia hakarak maibe tanba nai ulun sira mak hakarak atu sira mate duni. Tanba nee, mesmu ohin ita hakoi ona sira, maibe ami familia matebian hakarak haree prosesu justisa nee sei iha ka lae. Ami lakohi justisa ba ema boot deit maibe ba ema kiik hanesan ami justisa hanesan parede ida hodi hanehan ami", dehan familia matebian nain rua Major Alfredo nia elementus nebe hakoi iha semiteriu Kakaulidun.

Los duni, oras nee se mak berani foti kestaun ba elementus nain rua nee nia mate no se mak berani foti kestaun hodi kestiona Major Alfredo nia mate, laiha ema ida. Prokurador Geral nebe simu mandatu atu halo investigasaun ba kazu 11 Fevereiru nee rasik, too agora taka ibun ba
buat hotu. Kazu Alfredo nia mate nee hanesan fali animal fuik ida mate iha estada ninin nebe ema la kestiona, maibe Horta nia kanek ho Xanana ninia vida ameasa, nee hetan kritikas makaas husi parte hotu hodu bou sala ba Alfredo, Salsinha, Susar no Marcelino Caetano.

Emprinsipiu, elementus nain 4 nee mak tenki sai testamunha primeiru ba kazu 11 Fevereiru, maibe atu hetan justisa ba akontesementu 11 Fevereiru, mais ou menus autor sira seluk hanesan Rogerio Lobato, tenki kumpri sentensa tuir tempu nebe tribunal deside ona. "ita laos fo fali indultu ba ema nebe hakarak oho povu. Sem, ita rekoinese nia tanba iha nia familia, uniku nia mak moris, restu mate tanba funu no ikus liu maka nain 6 nebe mate tanba ema sunu ho uma dala ida. Maibe ita labele uza ida nee hanesan razaun ida atu fo indultu ba Rogerio, tanba wainhira nia hetan indultu maka Prezidente Horta halo traisaun ba nia an rasik", dehan Dom Basilio do Nasiomentu ba jornal nee iha Dioseze Baucau fulan hirak liuba.

Oras nee, Rogerio laos oan laran taridu ba ninia saude maibe nia pasiar hela iha Bali ho ninia familia, maibe Salsinha, Susar ho Marcelino, nebe laiha direitu ba indultu nee tanba sira involve iha atentadu 11 Fevereiru.

Prezidenti Ramos Horta rasik foin lalais nee husu ba rebeldes atentadu 11 Fevereiru hanesan Salsinha, Susar ho Marcelino Caetano atu labele haksumik an husi justisa, maibe tenki hatudu an. Liliu ba autor ne'ebe iha tinan kotuk tiru hakanek Prezidenti iha ninia residensia Metiaut besik raihenek mutin. Aleinde ne'e tiru mos Primeru Ministru Xanana Gusmao iha Dare, relasiona ho kazu ne'ebe halo nakdoko Nasaun Timor Leste no konsege halo populasaun sira sai paniku. Gastao Salsinha, Susar ho Marcelino Caetano sai elementus Alfredo nian nebe oras nee Prezidente Horta tau matan hela ba sira tanba Horta espera sira nain tolu bele disponivel atu hatudu an ba Horta katak se los mak tiru Horta.

"elementus Alfredo Reinado Cs nian nebe iha 11 Fevereiru halo ataka ba Komfoi PM Xanana iha Dare no tiru kanek PR Horta iha area branka, nee hanesan tusan ida nebe Alfredo Cs husik hela ba Salsinha, Susar ho elementus sira seluk atu responsabiliza. Tanba, PR Horta bele sisi ba
elementus Alfredo nian sira atu hatudu lia lia loos konaba se mak tiru PM Xanana no se mak tiru nia (Horta). Se ita berani impresta ema nia sasan, ita mos tenki berani atu seluk tusan, laos ita berani impresta depois ita halai husi responsabilidade hodi bou tusan ba ema seluk.
Signifika katak, se deit mak berani tiru PM Xanana ho PR Horta, nia tenki berani mos hateten sai katak ni mak tiru, laos berani tiru maibe tauk atu rekoinese nia an, ida nee la gentelment", dehan membrus petisionarius ida iha akantonamentu Aitarak laran fulan hirak liuba.

Atu problema nee labele tarde no sai kulafur hela iha Prokurador Geral ninia gabeta, Prezidente Horta halao enkontru ho Salsinha, Susar, Marcelino nomos Pokurador Geral da Republika (PGR) Longuinhos Monteiro no Adjuntu PGR Ivo Valente iha fatin servisu PGR Caicoli-Dili, iha enkontru ne'e Prezidenti husu ba rebeldes nain tolu ne'e atu kualia los se mak tiru Prezidenti hodi hakanek nia an maibe laos atu fó indultu.

Iha enkontru ne'ebe refere Prezidenti ho nia asesor halao servisu hamutuk ho PGR konaba atake ne'ebe halo eis Tanente Gastao Salsinha, Amaro da Costa "Susar" no Marcelo Caitano, iha oportunidade ne'e Prezidenti apela ba sira atu hatudu an se mak tiru nia iha momentu neba," lae ne'e hau la hatene lian bis-bisu ne'e mai husi ne'ebe tanba hau mesak iha enkontru ho sira nain tolu, Salsinha, Susar no Marcelo Caitano.

Hau kualia mes-mesak ho sira atu apelu dala ida tan ba sira, favor ema ne'ebe hamri'ik iha hau nia odamatan iha 11/2/2008 tiru hau hatudu an hakat ba oin hateten hau mak halao, se lae sira hot-hotu sei hetan todan," Prezidenti hasara lia hirak ne'e iha Hotel Timor wainhira
partisipa lansamentu Direitu Feto.

Horta realsa liu tan katak, se wainhira sira la hatudu an, ne'e grave tanba siqnifika obsaun ne'e halo obstaklu ba Justisa, nia klarifika mos katak iha reuniaun ne'e lao diak nomos nia hateten ba
sira, Presidenti haree sira nia kondisaun ne'e Preizidenti triste tanba sira mos hanesan vitima.

"hau haree sira nia kondisaun hau triste tanba sira mos hanesan vitima ba krize ne'ebe mosu ke laos sira mak halo, laos Salsinha ka Petisionariu sira mak provoka krizi ne'e, sira baruihlu tanba krizi politika ne'ebe mosu iha Nasaun," sublina Horta.

Maibe, pontu primeiru sira tenki kolabora ho Justisa atu hateten los ba Justisa no ba Tribunal saida mak akontesi iha 11/2/2008 liu ba, ida ne'e tuir Prezidenti nia rasik hatene se mak tiru nia, maibe tuir Horta nia rasik mak tenki hateten ba Justisa.

Alein de ne'e Prezidenti mos hateten, indultu nia la bele kualia enkuantu Justisa la halao, wainhira hatan konaba Marselo Caitano mak tiru, Prezidenti hateten iha Tribunal mak sai determina se mak tiru, maibe tuir Prezidenti nia rasik haree ho matan maibe nia seidauk bele
hateten tanba dala ruma mos vitima ne'e rasik iha momentu neba vitima bele hateten ema ida ne'e mak tiru bele la los karik. Ne'e duni Prezidenti husik investigasaun ne'e halao tanba investigasaun ne'e oioin kilat musan, kilat nia numeru se mak kaer kilat iha momentu neba, entrega sira hot-hotu depois to'o verdade, maibe Prezidenti hatene," hau hatene hau iha serteja maibe hau husik nia mak hateten sai nia sala," hasara Horta.Husi parte direitus humanus nian, Portavos HAK, Edio Saldanha Borges hateten katak, Salsinha, Susar ho Marcelino tenki liu duni husi prosesu Justisa ne'ebe normal katak, Prokurador Geral da Republika tenki halo akuzasaun ba Tribunal halo prosesu Justisa nomos Prezidenti iha direitu atu fó indultu ka lae tanba ne'e kompetensia Prezidenti, Edio. Edio esplika katak, ba sira "Yayasan Hak" importante laos nia mak fó indultu maibe importante Prokurador Geral da Republika tenki halao prosesu lalais ba investigasaun,"mai ami laos importante mak indultu, importante liu Prokurador Geral da Republika tenki halo prosesu lalais rezultadu investigasaun ne'e hodi halo akuzasaun ba iha Tribunal atu bele prosesu kazu ne'e ho lalais no diak atu povu bele hatene nia rezultadu,"dehan Edio.

Alein de ne'e tuir Porta Vos HAK ne'e, Prezidenti iha esperensia konaba indultu tanba iha tinan kotuk Prezidenti fó ona indultu ba ema ne'ebe halo violasaun Direitus Humanus ke kontra umanidade hanesan Jony Marques ne'ebe oho Madre no Frater sira iha Lautem-Lospalos.

Tuir Edio, indultu refere ne'e sira kontra ho ida ne'e sira hatama kazu iha Provedoria Direitus Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ) atu tama ba Tribunal, maibe desizaun ne'e oin seluk no hot-hotu hakruk ba Lei, maibe tuir Lei katak ema ne'ebe komete krimi kontra umanidade labele
hetan indultu maibe Prezidenti halo ida ne'e.

"hau hanoin ida ne'e imazen la diak wainhira ema ne'ebe oho ema halo krimi boot fó indultu,

hau hanoin katak Prezidenti atu fó indultu ba kazu sira ne'e mos tenki tetu dia-diak laos fó sai konforme nia hakarak no sein konsultasaun ho Orgaun Soberanu sira seluk, hau hanoin ne'e
kompetensia Prezidenti nian prosesu ne'e lao hanesan Prezidenti haree analiza ba situasaun sira ne'e Prezidenti bele fó indultu,"realsa Edio.

Nia hatutan, realidade Prezidenti fó ona indultu ba Rogerio Tiago Lobato ne'ebe uluk vice Prezidenti Partidu Fretilin no eis Ministru Interior ne'ebe fahe kilat ba grupu Rai Los,

ikus mai tama komarka iha fulan hirak depende moras agora ba halo konsulta iha liur to'o agora seidauk fila, tenki haree no tetu dia-diak atu indultu ne'e labele sai imazen ida ke la diak atu ema
labele fiar p rosesu Justisa. Atu fó indultu ka la fó indultu ba Salsinha no nia kolega sira ne'e
kompetensia Prezidenti nian mak sei analiza iha direitu atu fó indultu ka la fó konaba kompetensia ida ne'e, Prezidenti nian no parte "Yayasan Hak" labele intervein tanba wainhira Yayasan HAK intervein mos Prezidenti halo tuir nia hakarak hanesan Prezidenti fó indultu ba Rogerio no Jony. Nia hatutan, liu husi informasaun media bele loke opiniaun publiku, Deputadu sira iha PN ba Guvernu rasik ba ema hotu Institusaun Judisiariu atu haree katak politika boot sira ne'e atu fó duni Justisa ba povu ida ne'e ka lae ou Justisa halo deit ba boot sira, ne'ebe mak
komete krimi bot-boot livre hotu.

Nomos povu ki'ik oan ne'ebe sunu uma, tuda ema iha dalan, Artemarsiais, kazu violensia demostika sei tama hotu iha komarka no sira ne'ebe halo Nasaun ne'e la hakmatek, Estadu ne'e la hakmatek hetan indultu hotu ba ida ne'e husi parte "Yayasan Hak la simu.

Diferensia husi Rogerio no Salsinha ne'e la iha tanba sira husi parte krizi ne'e hotu, sira kaer kilat hotu halao asaltu, Rogerio mos fahe kilat ba ema sivil atu asaltu ba Falintil-FDTL sira no Salsinha mos halo asaltu ba Primeiru Ministru, tan ne'e entre sira nain rua la iha diferensia.

Prezidenti deklara mo-mos wainhira kualia iha Parlamentu Nasional katak, nia fó indultu ba Rogerio tanba nia familia barak mak mate uluk nia mos hanesan lideransa tan ne'e fó indultu.

Maibe, uluk ema seluk mos nia familia barak mak mate Timor barak mak mate laos Rogerio deit mak nia familia mate, ema barak mate iha 1975 to'o 1999 terus husi hahalok at," ita hakribi katak ita lakohi akontesi tan, entaun ita labele halo diskriminasaun, ami senti hanesan buat ida
diskriminasaun hanesan ba ema sira ne'ebe sofre no terus husi funu ida ne'e," Porta HAK ne'e kualia ho lian maka'as.

Tuir Yayasan Hak nia haree, Prezidenti halo ona diskriminasaun entrelideransa no ba povu ki'ik sira tanba haree realidade ne'ebe iha Prezidenti fó indultu ba lideransa balun.(diz)

Monday, 9 February 2009

The Government Praised Corruptor, Xanana Tells Lies (is a Liar)

Dili, Tempo Semanal

Translation of lead story from Edisaun 120, 12 January 2009.

The Provedor for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) is an independent body with function to appreciate and satisfies the complains from the citizens against the public authorities, and to make sure that those acts are in conformity with the law as well as looking for possibilities to prevent and initiate the whole process to improve justice, combat corruption, collusion and nepotism, however the state bodies especially the government, has simplified the role of PDHJ only as a curtain to hide the corrupting acts of the government.

This shows that, the government’s classic doctrine of zero tolerance for corruption and the political commitment that taken five cents to be dismissed, is only a political propaganda to destruct the public, because PDHJ is an independent organ which is defined Article 27 of the Constitution of the RDTL, has conducted investigation for some indication of corruption in the government, but the government denies it by not appreciating several reports produced by PDHJ.

"We have investigated some officials for corruption acts, and have referred it to the Office of the Public Prosecution. While it is in the Office of the Public Prosecution, we recommended the competent ministry to take disciplinary measures in accordance with the civil service law, but until now the government did not take any disciplinary measure and worse the government has sent the official to study abroad. How can we educate people, how can we ask people to stop making corruption if those who corrupt were sent to study abroad, what to study? Studying to be a best corruptor!”, the Provedor, Sebastião Dias Ximenes questioning when interviewed by this newspaper in his office just recently.

Besides the corruption case by the civil servant, there is also a corruption case involving Timor-Leste’s Ambassador for Indonesia. In this part, PDHJ has conducted investigation and found out that there is an indication of corruption but since Ambassador is not a part of the civil servants therefore the process for the Ambassador is through the Office of Public Prosecution. However the lady who worked with the Ambassador, since she is a civil servant then there should be a disciplinary action taken in accordance with the civil service law. Nevertheless the lady does not receive any disciplinary action and worse she is now become one of the officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”, the Provedor is asking with sad expression. There are also some cases that has investigated and the recommendation has been referred but they (Provedor does not want to mention the name of the ministry) forwarded the case to the civil service directorate to do the investigation. “Provedor is the highest institution, thus when it has investigated the case, it should be the last resource and not to forward it to the smaller institutes to investigate. This means that we do not understand the law”, Sebastiao said. Furthermore he said, there are also some corruption act y some members of the government, these corruption acts occurs when those members of government performed their work not according to the law and the legal procedures.

"the member of the government uses his power to grant project to people known by him, worse though there has been a decree law on procurement but we only use our power by practicing single source (direct appointment). It clearly shows that we are committing abuse of power because we are granting projects to our colleagues or family. Therefore I would like to say that abuse of power takes part in the types of corruption” Sebastiao said. Other case within the AMP government which was detected by the Provedor was conflict of interest between some members of government. “As because we it is our family or as because we have relationship with the company, therefore we give the priority because of the family relationship. Therefore, I would like to say that, during 2008, the number of complains on corruption was received by PDHJ was in a total of 45”, he said. Why did those types of corruption exists within the AMP government, Sebastiao responded that, because the members of government mainly defends their partisan, group and family interests than the national interest, because the some members of the government has the ambition to gain something through the use of power and that because there is not good control from the top.

how to combat those types of corruption, Sebastiao said that, there should be a good political will from the government, the political will should not only in words, but put in practice, because the former government always say zero tolerance for corruption and the current government said whoever steal five cent is dismissed, whoever does not perform well is dismissed. But this will of the government will only in mouth and if this political will indeed puts into practice, there has been many people dismissed because of stealing five cents, but now it is not only five cents, no one is even dismissed though hundred thousand dollars was stolen. Such case occurs because the government does not have the power and courage to take measures in dismissing those people who are corrupting. “I can see that Mr. Prime Minister has good intention to combat corruption, but is there courage to take measures on those people who are corrupting”, Sebastiao asked Xanana as the Head of Government. The Provedor reinforced that, if the Prime Minister has the courage, he should not be shocked and establishing the Anti Corruption Commission but should ask the anti corruption institutions such as PDHJ, Office of the Public Prosecutor and the Inspector General to promptly conduct investigation on information and criticisms which pointing that there are corruption in some ministries. "Just now everyone was shocked when the Transparency International and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) issued their report that the level of corruption in Timor-Leste is very high. In my opinion we should not be shocked of it but should look at how we can detect and take measures to stop corruption, we should not accuse other people of our corruption deeds,” he said. Furthermore he said, suppose the government requests the Provedor to carry out investigation from one ministry to another, but before requesting it, the government should reinforce the resource of the Provedor because currently Provedor only conducted investigation based on complains that Provedor received from the community. Provedor is unable to take its own initiative to carry out investigation because the human resources in the Provedor are not sufficient. According to Sebastiao, the government does not want to reinforce the function of Provedor but instead be shocked and establishing the Anti Corruption Commission. "If I was the Prime Minister, I will ask the Provedor to enter each ministry to carry out investigation”, he said.

Furthermore the Provedor reinforced that, if the government has the courage to combat corruption, then there should be a good political will, there should be coordinated actions, there should be strong and clear law, there should be sufficient human resource as well as financial resource and also there should be support from the whole community. “I know that Mr. Prime Minister has good intention to combat corruption, but when shall Mr. Prime Minister take measures on those people who are corrupting, because currently I noticed that Mr. Prime Minister seems quiet even though there has been many complains on corruption and various recommendations which PDHJ has referred to some ministries to take disciplinary actions based on the civil service law. If the Prime Minister has the courage to say that his government has not committed corruption, then he should not be just quiet but should request the Provedor to carry out investigation. “Today, we conducted investigation because of the complaints from Fretilin bench; the government itself has not conducted any internal investigation on the existing corruption risk. That is why, how would people say that we have the will to combat corruption if we are not reinforcing the existing anti corruption institutions but instead establishing a commission which has the same function as Provedor. Therefore I would like to say, even the Prime Minister has good intention but if it is not implemented then by adopting the Indonesian word, we may say that it is “omong kosong” (nonsense), said Sebastiao with loud voice. At the same time, the Provedor questioned on some members of the community who were afraid to present complains to Provedor because during these days there are some people contacted the Provedor that they experienced abuse of power in some ministries but when the Provedor request to meet, the person was afraid. Therefore, the Provedor requested the members of community not to be afraid to present anything to the Provedor because Provedor will keep in secret the identity of the person who presented complains. For the members of community who are afraid to file complains, the Provedor requested to contact PDHJ or may submit complains to PDHJ without identification or may also sent an SMS to the Provedor whenever the community figure out that some members of the government are corrupting.

Whenever the community sees or knows that in one place or in some ministries there are members of government doing corruption but they are not willing or afraid to inform the Provedor, it means that the community itself also contribute to the acts of corruption.

"I would like to give an example on the case of importation of beer through the Dili Port. In regard to this case, someone sent an SMS to the Provedor to request direct intervention from the Provedor to the Dili Port in order to carry out investigation on the containers which are full of beer but people who work there say that the container contains only milk. After receiving the SMS, I promptly ordered my Director and two of his investigators to go to the Dili Port to carry out investigation and figured out that indeed there was falsification of data", he said.

There are also some people who wanted to hand over corruption documents to the PDHJ but they requested the Provedor to buy the documents. "Some people were asking whether or not the PDHJ is able to buy the documents from them. Therefore I told them, suppose the government allocate the budget for us so that we can buy those documents ", he said.

There are also some people telephoned the Provedor saying that some companies wanted to import goods but when they went to register, there are people who charge them (the companies). Since at that time, the Provedor was on a visit to abroad, so the Provedor only make an appointment to meet with the person upon return to Timor. But when the Provedor returned to Timor, he does not want to meet with the Provedor anymore, this means that he is afraid of something. Therefore the Provedor requested the whole public to fight against corruption because corruption will only make those who are rich become richer, and those who are poor become poorer. “I personally am not afraid of anyone when I talked about corruption. I am not afraid because I work to combat corruption; I work to defend the rights of the people and the people itself who has appointed me to fulfill this position, therefore I should defend the people, defend the revenue of the Timor Sea so that the money is not only to feed and make rich some people”, Sebastiao preaches to show that to combat corruption we are not only sacrificing our words and false promises but sacrifice through practice and there is no word of compromise to those who steals the money of the people’s. (aro)

East Timor editor sued by minister of justice

Marianne Kearney, Foreign Correspondent

Last Updated: February 08. 2009 9:30AM UAE / February 8. 2009 5:30AM GMT

DILI // Press freedom in East Timor, South-East Asia's youngest and
one of its poorest countries, is being stifled as a crusading
reporter is being sued by a government official, rights groups and
local journalists say.

The editor of the investigative newspaper Tempo Semanal is being sued
for defamation by the justice minister, Lucia Lobato, for publishing
a story suggesting that she was awarding contracts to refurbish a
prison and supply prison uniforms to her husband's company and her

The minister argues that the editor, Jose Belo, violated her privacy
and journalists' ethical code by publishing text messages between the
minister and the business associates.

But using the criminal laws of the country's former occupier,
Indonesia, to charge the journalist threatens media freedom, say the
East Timor and Indonesia Network (ETAN) and the International
Federation of Journalists. Local journalist groups have called on the
government to drop the charges.

"Tempo Semanal and Jose Belo should not have to face charges under
this obsolete and repressive law," said John Miller, national
co-ordinator of ETAN.

"Information about government activities should not be subject to
defamation laws. Rather than attack the messenger, [East Timor's]
leadership should support freedom of expression and encourage a
dynamic, investigative media," Mr Miller said.

Reporting about East Timor's nascent but cash-strapped democracy is
notoriously difficult, say local reporters and media watchers, and
few local outlets are able to produce hard-hitting investigative stories.

The country has a handful of newspapers, with limited circulation
outside Dili, that struggle to survive, one national television
station and a few radio stations. Internet penetration is less than
0.1 per cent.

"I'm just glad that they're printing any newspapers at all," said
Fernanda Borges, an opposition MP.

She said a lack of understanding among Timorese about the importance
of critical reporting and the role of media combined with a climate
of intimidation creates a challenging environment for local media.

If the few reporters who dare to expose corruption and malpractice
are targeted with lawsuits, she fears it will set a dangerous
precedent for the young country.

"This risks shutting down democracy in this country before it has
ever taken hold," Ms Borges said.

"You can have the most brilliant institutions for fighting
corruption, but if people are scared to say, 'boo' to the government,
then there is no way you can fight corruption."

Local reporters say the media outlets' limited budget, which means
there is rarely any money to report outside the capital Dili, and
lack of public support for journalists are additional obstacles.

Mr Borges said it was no accident that as more and more reports were
emerging of alleged collusion and corruption in government, the
minister had filed the lawsuit.

Tempo Seminal is one of the few outlets in the country regularly
reporting on corruption within and outside government.

Jose Belo, the editor, started the paper in 2006 with US$1,500
(Dh5,509) and a laptop.

For the first six months, the staff of 13 journalists worked without
pay. But today he has 20 salaried staff, who have broken some major stories.

If the lawsuit is successful, Belo said it would destroy his paper
and silence the country's braver journalists.

"Journalists will think twice before doing these type of stories.
They will begin writing softer stories and telling lies to the
people," he said.

Ironically, Belo, a former member of East Timor's resistance, is
being sued using the same laws that he fought against, prior to the
country's independence from Indonesia.

East Timor officially became an independent nation in 2002, but has
been using Indonesia's criminal code while parliament drafts a new
code, which would still criminalise defamation.

Ms Borges said it appears to be worse than the Indonesian penal code,
because even defaming someone verbally in private was an offence.

"It's sad for me, and for Timor that almost 10 years to the day since
Timor has been free from Indonesia, they're still using this law," Belo

He acted as a liaison between the Timorese guerrilla movement and
foreign journalists, taking them into the jungle to meet the
separatist commanders and smuggling out tapes and information from
the jungle to Australian, British, German and Japanese media during the

He also helped expose human rights abuses by the Indonesian military.
In 1997 he was captured with guerrilla commander David Alex and
jailed for a year.

During his years as a resistance member, he spent a total of three
years in jail. But if found guilty of defamation, he could face six years

Belo said the court case was particularly disturbing, because Xanana
Gusmao, a former guerrilla leader and current prime minister, came
into office in 2007 vowing to fight corruption and to protect freedom
of speech.

"But with this new government, there has been an increase in
corruption, and they are also very sensitive about media reporting."

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Justice in East Timor On Trial in Libel Case

Jakarta Globe

February 6, 2009

Belinda Lopez

Justice in East Timor On Trial in Libel Case

'It's very sad for my country that they keep
using these former invader's laws to prosecute
me. We should have our own laws.'

Jose Bello, Tempo Semanal publisher

East Timor's Justice Minister denies she will
block the long-anticipated removal of Indonesia's
criminal defamation law that is still used in the
fledging nation, despite using it to bring an
action against a journalist who published a
series of articles accusing her of corruption.

Jose Belo, the publisher of the respected
investigative weekly newspaper Tempo Semanal,
will defend his paper against defamation charges
for a series of articles he published in October
last year, accusing Justice Minister Lucia Lobato
of corruption, collusion and nepotism in the
handing out of government tenders.

Belo has been charged under Indonesia's penal
code - in which defamation is a criminal act and
carries a jail sentence - that has mostly been
used in East Timor since it was annexed by
Indonesia in 1975. The country has drafted its
own penal code, which would make defamation a civil matter.

As justice minister, Lobato is responsible for
defending the new law before the country's
Council of Ministers, likely to take place in the
next month, before it is enacted by President
Jose Ramos-Horta. East Timor's government has
long expressed strong support of free speech.

Christopher Henry Samson, head of Labeh, an East
Timorese anticorruption nongovernment
organization, said he was concerned the minister
would now delay the passage of the new penal code
while her own action against Belo was underway.

"The minister knows very well that the [new]
penal code has already taken away criminal
defamation," Samson said. "So why would you use
[the old] penal code to charge criminal defamation against your own

Rosario Martins, a radio journalist and head of
international relations for the East Timor
Journalists Association, said Lobato had been an
advocate of decriminalizing defamation during the
writing of the draft penal law.

"But she is on the way to charging Jose Belo, so
I don't think the defamation law will be changed
as soon as possible," Martins said.

Lobato has strongly denied that her criminal
defamation case against Belo meant she would
attempt to delay the passage of the new penal
code. She said she would schedule to have it
discussed in the Council of Ministers by the end of the month.

Lobato said she had brought both criminal and civil actions against Belo.

"The court will decide based on the law. If we
still have the [Indonesian penal] law that says
defamation is a crime, then he will be tried under that," she said.

If East Timor's penal law is passed before Belo's
trial, she said, "I still have the civil law."

"Me also, if the court decides I am wrong, I will accept the result," she

But Belo said no investigation into the justice
minister herself had been pursued after his newspaper published the story.

"It's very sad for my country, that they keep
using these former invader's laws to prosecute
me. We should have our own laws," he said.

"But even in democratic countries, these
ministers have to be accountable, they have to
investigate at least the allegation of corruption and nepotism itself."

The minister said that Belo had not given her a
right of reply before the article was published,
contrary to Tempo Semanal's claims.

"They should take into consideration the
journalists' code of ethics. All of us have a responsibility," she said

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

The Minister's Husband's Mate

Tempo Semanal Internet Edition Exclusif:
Mr. R. Fairburn, CEO PT Global Teknologi Enterprindo
Dili-Denpasar Merpati MZ 8490 29 Jan 2009
Foreign investors, contractors and carpet baggers are often faceless actors which have alot of impact on a developing country, but no one knows who they are, and even fewer are able to hold them accountable. Many of them are legitimate and many are not. Paying bribes and other inducements they sometimes get preferential treatment and easy access to contracts and concessions. They fly in and they fly out. They are like shadows.
Tempo Semanal puts light one such shadow in this Exclusif.

An example of a company getting contracts in Timor-Leste is PT Global Teknologi Enterprindo. This company got the contract to make National ID cards for Timor-Leste. This is a project managed by the Ministry of Justice.
This company is allegedly managed and or owned by a certain Roger Fairburn - a man the Minister of Justice reportedly says is a friend of her husband’s. However, she appears to have been discussing Minister of Justice projects with Mr. Fairburn over SMS. The National ID card project is a project being conducted for the Ministry of Justice.

The newspaper is being prosecuted for charges of defamation by the Minister of Justice. Perhaps the Government should examine the allegations of corruption before targetting this newspaper?

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 123

TS, LABEH, PDHJ Detekta Indikasaun KKN Iha Gabinete Tasi Timor

Dili, Tempo Semanal

Iha Dezembru 2006, jornal TEMPO SEMANAL (TS) nebe foin harii ho idade fulan ida ho balu, hahu halo investigasaun iha uma mutin Palacio do Governo hodi detekta indikasaun korupsaun nebe nani hela iha gabinete Tasi Timor.

Atu hetan notisia investigasaun sobre indikasaun Korupsaun, Kolusaun no Nepotismu (KKN) nee, jornalista gasta orsamentu mais ou menus Dollares besik rihun ida no tempu investigasaun besik semana tolu, hodi detekta sasan balu nebe bele sai nudar evidensia hodi fortifika
notisia nebe jornal nee publika iha edisaun ba dala 9.

Hafoin publikasaun nee liu tiha loron ruma nia laran, ONG Lalenok ba Ema Hotu (LABEH) afirma hodi halo investigasaun klean no husu ba orgaun du estadu nian sira atu tau matan ba kazus indikasaun korupsaun iha gabinete Tasi Timor nebe publika ona iha jornal TEMPO SEMANAL.

Ikus mai Provedor Direitus Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ) halo investigasaun durante tinan ida hodi konfirma iha ninia relatoriu nebe hatoo ona ba LABEH nudar ONG Anti Korupsaun nebe hakarak promove transparansia no akontabilidade.

"Nu'udar ONG Anti Korupsaun, LABEH hakarak bolu atensaun ba publiku tanba dala ruma ema barak ne'ebe la konhese LABEH nia servisu no misaun hateten katak LABEH ne'e koalia deit evidensia laiha. Iha realidade hatudu katak kazu LABEH nian ne'ebe LABEH hatama ba PDHJ iha loron 25 Janeiro 2007 kona ba indikasaun korupsaun iha Gabineti Tasi Timor hafoin halo investigasaun husi orgaun ne'ebe kompetente PDHJ ho faktus ne'ebe iha hatudu duni iha indikasaun korupsaun maka'as katak iha falsifikasaun ba assinatura eis PM, Mari Alkatiri nian hodi sosa kareta ida, iha mos abuzu de poder tanba la tuir prosesu normal", dehan Diretor Ezekutivu LABEH, Cristopher Henry Samson iha Dili.

Antes LABEH hatama relatoriu investigasaun sobre indikasaun KKN nee ba PDHJ iha 25 Janeiru 2007, jornal TEMPO SEMANAL halo uluk ona investigasaun no rejultadu investigasaun nee publika tiha ona iha loron 14 Dezembru 2006. Tanba nee, indikasaun korupsaun nebe hatoo
husi LABEH ba PDHJ hanesan reafirma no reforsa liutan notisia nebe publika tiha ona iha jornal TEMPO SEMANL.

Importante liutan, kazus indikasaun KKN iha gabinete Tasi Timor nee laos deit fo sai husi jornal TEMPO SEMANAL ho LABEH, maibe Provedor Direitus Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ) konfirma iha ninia relatoriu katak iha duni indikasaun KKN iha gabinete Tasi Timor.

Tanba nee, TEMPO SEMANAL hakarak reafirma dala ida tan informasaun ba leitor sira konaba publikasaun TEMPO SEMANAL nian sobre indikasaun KKN nebe nani iha gabinete Tasi Timor (publikasaun 14 Dezembru 2006, edisaun 9) hanesan tuir mai nee.

Durante fulan hitu liu Santos (naran apalidu) servisu iha gabinete Tasi Timor nia haree buat barak lao lalos tanba atividade barak mak lalao mais orsamentu sai maka'as. "iha indiksaun korupsaun mosu iha gabinete Tasi Timor tanba ami halo relatoriu ba Banku Mundial hateten
ami nia atividade lao barak nebe gasta orsamentu wain," Santos relata.

Iha indikasaun hatudu eransa korupsaun maka'as mosu iha gabinete Tasi Timor no uza sasan governu ninian ba benefisiu partikular hodi sakrifika servisu governu ninian desde governu uluk nian. gabinete Tasi Timor hetan apoiu orsamentu wain tebes husi Banku Mundial desde
ano fiskal 2004 nebe hotu iha (31/12/2006) ho total orsamentu besik US$ 1.500.000.

Staff Administrasaun Financas ninian sei lao ain no programa atu halo dezimanasaun informasaun ba subdistritu barak la konsege halo tan ba kareta nebe ba seksaun publikasaun nian para iha diretur nia uma hodi tula ai, maibe diretur dehan la presiza socializasaun ba
sub-distritu balun iha suai ," Santos informa.

Tuir Santos hateten, orsamentu nebe ba gasta iha Distritu ho Sub-Distritu ladun barak hanesan osan nebe despia deit iha Dili. Iha gabinete Tasi Timor hahu simu osan hodi sosa kareta Hiyundai Santa Fe ida ho folin US$15,000.00 iha fulan Junu 2003. Maibe iha loron (6/12/2004) kareta nebe maka momentu neba Diretor Lemos lori soke malu ho kareta ida hodi nune'e hasai fali tan osan husi projetu ajuda Banku Mundial ninia hodi hadia.

Tuir lolos kuandu staff ida maka soke estraga kareta governu ninia entaun tenki kona sanksi hanesan iha Border Kontrol ho divizaun balun iha Ministeiru Plano das Finanacas ninia okos," dehan staf seluk ho naran apalidu Almeida.

Maibe buat nebe mosu iha gabinete Tasi Timor ninian extraordianriu teb-tebes tanba guvernu gasta osan hodi hadia kareta seidauk to'o, sei sosa tan kareta foun ba Diretur. Iha ne'e laos deit kareta guvernu nian ida maibe kareta rua kedan mak para iha diretur nia uma.

Iha rekerementu hodi sosa tan kareta Toyota RAV4 iha loron ikus fulan Junu ninian maibe iha loron 22/06/06 Ministra Financas Maria Madalena Brites Boavida asina tiha ona nota de transferencia orsamentu ho total US$30,000.00 nebe surat ne'e CC ba sua exellencia Senhor
Primeiru Ministru, Vice Ministra do plano e das Financas, Adjunto Director do Tezureiru no Diretor do Orsamentu.

Iha loron 19/V/06 Diretor gabinete Tasi Timor prepara dokumentu ida ho razaun husu tranferencia orsamentu iha lian Portuges katak " Do que de restu do orsamento Vai ser Unitilizado, Pretendemos de comprar um veiculo ao Director de Gabinete do Mar de Timor" nebe maka aprovasaun husi Premeiru Ministru iha momentu neba DR. Mari Alkatiri iha loron
(23/05/06), Director do Orcamento Antonio Freitas iha loron 29/06/06 ho Manuel Monteiro nu'udar Adjunto do Tezureiru iha loron (30/06/06).

Nune'e iha loron nebe hanesan mos Ministra Financas Maria Madalena asina. Tuir dotasaun orsamentu orijinal US$341,000.00 no husu atu halo transferencia US$30,000.00. Nune'e duni iha loron (23/10/06) Kompainya Bravo Internasional haruka invoice ida ba guvernu ho total osan US$29,850,00 hodi selu New Suzuki Grand XL-7.

Tuir Santos hateten, servisu ladun lao maibe kareta sosa nafatin. "Hau hare osan projetu ninian gasta barak liu ba kareta luzu nebe Diretur uza laos ba interese murni povu ninian," Santos informa. Sosializasaun ba negosiasaun ho produsaun mineral no gas iha tasi Timor iha sub distritu barak mak seidauk hetan asesu ba informasaun ne'e, hanesan husi Suai ho Baucau sub distritu tomak la konsege ba halo desiminasaun nune'e mos iha sub-distritu rua husi Ainaro ninian, Same sub distritu rua, Liquica mos hanesan no Lospalos falta sub distritu tolu.

Papel importante gabinete tasi Timor maka hari fronteira tasi permanenti entre Timor Leste ho nasaun vizinu sira hanesan Australia ho Indonesia, fo hanoin ba Primeiru Ministru kona ba rekursus minarai ho Gas inklui prepara ho halo informasaun relasiona ho riku soin gas ho minarai iha rai no tasi okos hodi hafahe dezamina tutan ba povu tomak iha Timor Leste tomak.

Kareta ne'e tuir lolos ba seksaun komunikasaun atu hodi halo netik servisu ruma hodi fo informasaun ba povu iha Sub-Distritu tomak iha Baucau ho Suai. "ami seidauk ba halo sosializasaun iha sub-distritu rua iha distritu Ainaro, Same sub-distritu, Liquica mos rua ho
Lospalos sub distritu tolu mak seidauk.

Nu'udar ema nebe uluk servisu mos iha gabinete tasi Timor, Santos loke karakas diretur ho Manajer Financas ninian. "Hau deside atu rejigna an husi gabinete ne'e tan ba hahalok diretur ho Manajer Financas ninian nebe buka desvia sasan guvernu ninian ba sira nia interese. "Hau hatene katak kareta rua para hela iha Diretur Lemos ninia uma no rua seluk para iha Sr Marcos ninia fatin voucer sosa kombustivel hatama nafatin ba estadu.

"Kareta ne'e labele fo ba Santos tanba nia staff kontraktadu," dehan Diretur Lemos ba jornal nee wainhira jornalista halo intervista ho nia iha ninia gabinete Tasi Timor, Palacio do Guverno. Maibe husu karik tanba sa maka la fo ba staff seluk atu halo servisu, nia informa dehan, Katera ne'e lolos parte komunisaun ninian maibe tanba ami nia staff lori kareta la hatene maka para iha hau nia uma. Maibe tuir fontes nebe besik liu iha gabinete tasi Timor haree no hatene katak
iha staff balu mak hatene lori kareta.

Maske nunee, staff ida sei lao deit husi servisu fatin ba banku ANZ no wainhira Jornalista tur hela iha Palacio do Governu nia oin, Staff nee lao deit tuir dalan ba diresaun Farol. Wainhira Jornalista husu "maun ba nebe" staff nee hatan katak atu ba uma. Lao ain deit ga? Nia fila hateke jornalista ho oin hirus hodi la hatan buat ruma no lao nafatin tuir dalan.

Tuir dokumetus rekezisaun de kompra iha loron (13/092006) hatudu katak, osan sosa kombustivel ba kareta tolu ho total orsamentu US$2.000,-. Husi kareta 3 ne'e kareta nebe hemu kombustivel barak liu mak kareta publikasaun nian nebe para iha uma Manuel Lemos nian desde Janeiru 2006 ho numeru Matrikula # 01-177G. Surat ne'e asina husi Responsabel Administrasaun Mateus Fernandes Rego ho Manuel de Lemos nu'udar Autorizador do Departamentu ho Certifikador do Ministeiru Marcos dos Santos.

Timor Sea Office agora ladun iha programa ba servisu iha distritu maibe gasta osan maka'as nafatin ba kombustivel sa tan agora sira iha kareta hat. Maske kareta rua maka uza mos ladun halo servisu barak, tan ne'e la iha razaun atu gasta ba kombustivel ho osan bo'ot liu. Iha
loron 15/11/06 Ministeiro Financas liu husi Diresaun Nacional do Tezureiro halo aprovasaun ba orsamentu hamutuk US$2000 hodi sosa kombustivel ba kareta hat nebe uza ba servisu iha Gabinete Tasi Timor. Husi kareta hat nee, kada kareta hetan orsamentu US$500.00. "Hau
hanoin ne'e eransa ida husi governu tuan hodi husik hela servisu todan ne'e ba governu dadaun atu hadia tanba hahalok uzu kombustivel hanesan taka falta hodi desvia osan," dehan Provedor dos Direitus Humanus no Justica Sebastiao Dias Ximenes wainhira husu ninia komentariu nia
dehan ne'e klasifika hanesan lalaok Korupsaun. "Ne'e korupsaun ida tanba kuandu ema ida mak uza sasan estadu ninian no governu mak tau mina para hodi halao servisu ba estadu ninian mos," Provedor hateten. Liutan Santos reforsa katak, laos osan deit mak staff Gabinete tasi Timor desvia maibe mos ekipamentus sira seluk hanesan meja, telemovel no komputador ka maquina foto dijital hodi hotu ba uma. "Tuir dadus nebe hau iha, gabinete Tasi Timor iha telemovel marka Nokia 6600 nen ho marka XW6516 PDA tau hamutuk mobile 7 maibe la hatene iha nebe hotu hau mos la hatene," temi Santos. Wainhira husu ba Diretur Gabinete Tasi Timor Manuel Lemos hatan katak nia la hatene no nia dehan ne'e numeru privadu hodi haruka Jornalista klarifika fali ba Sr. Marcos Dos Santos Manajer Administrasaun Financas Gabinete Tasi

Tuir lista pagamentu Timor Telkom hatudu momos governu selu tusan Timor Telkom ba numeru mobile hat husi Gabinete Tasi Timor ho folin nebe as tebes ba komunikasaun no komunikasaun roaming deit US$402,72 inklui numeru 7234151. Katak numeru nebe halo kontaktu telemovel ba estranjeiru hanesan Indonesia ho Australia barak liu mak husi numeru
telemovel 7234154 ne'e maka uza maka'as liu ho total kusta mak US$499,67. Guvernu fo ona limitasaun atu uza telemovel maibe la hanesan balun uza to'o deit US$ 200,00 maibe tuir ida idak ninia nivel katak Ministru sira iha diferente ho Diaretor sira.

Iha loron Kinta (14/12/20/06) tuku 9:10 jornalista tenta telefone ba numeru telemovel ho 7234151 nebe mak uluk uza husi asesor relasaun publika Paul Cleary. Hafoin Jornalista ne'e fo kumprimentus, lia feto ida hatan husi sorin husu "se mak nee no hakarak koalia ho se?
Jornalista husu karik bele koalia ho Sr. Marcos, Manajer Administrasaun Financas Tasi Timor. Maibe Senhora ne'e hatan "Nia ba tiha ona Servisu." Jornalista hateten ami hanoin numeru Telemovel ne'e kantor nian.

Maibe senhora ne'e hatan katak "La'e ne'e numeru privadu". Marcos uza fali telemovel ho numeru 7246796 nebe ninia pagamentu mos guvernu mak selu. "Ne'e lalos kuandu dehan hau nia familias sira uza numeru ne'e maibe hau lori ba amankan deit atu konsultan internasional sira
mai bele uza no ami la uza tanba hau nia familias sira mos iha mobile ho ninia numeru ketak," Marcos hodi rezeita. Maibe Provedor Direitus Humanus Dr Sebastiao hateten, tuir lolos
sasan servisu ninian labele lori ba uma. "Ne'e labele tanba telemovel ne'e ofice ninian labele lori ba atu familia staff ne'e ninian simu ka uza telefone kuandu pagamentu estadu ka governu mak selu," Sebastiao esplika.

Atu buka hatene tuir liu tan alegasaun nebe hasoru Xefe Gabinete ho Manajer Administrasaun Financas Gabinete Tasi Timor utiliza kareta hat ba para hotu iha sira nia uma no staff halo servisu sukat rai ho ain, jornalista hit an ba cek iha sira nia hela fatin. Wainhira jornal ne'e
ba halo observasaun los duni to'o loron 15/12/2006 kareta rua para iha Manuel nia uma no rua seluk iha Marcos uma. Hatan ba problema ne'e Marcos dehan tanba Gabinete Tasi Timor La iha garasi kareta ne'e mak sira lori ba uma. "Hau hanoin laiha fatin nebe seguru ne'e mak ami
lori ba para iha uma Diretur nian hodi nune'e kuandu konsultan internasional sira mai hanesan ohin ne'e ami bele fo ba sira uza," Marcos esplika.

Tuir Diretur Gabinete Tasi Timor informa ba Jornalista katak Staff Gabinete Tasi Timor nain rua seluk lahatene kaer kareta. Ami lakohi fo ba ema atu estraga nune'e duni kareta sira ne'e ba tau iha fatin ne'ebe seguru," Marcos realsa. Maibe tuir Faktus nebe mosu iha Gabinete Tasi Timor, laos staff mak soke at ona kareta governu nian ruma maibe Diretur rasik mak soke at tiha kareta ho sapa #01-368GG iha loron (6/12/2004) maibe nia sei iha direitu atu hetan kareta foun nebe diak fali Ministru balun nia kareta.

Kareta ladun uza halo servisu maibe osan hodi halo reparasaun ba kareta hasai nafatin husi osan projetu ninian," dehan Santos. Jornalista mos halo konfirmasaun ba dokumentus sosa kareta nian balu nebe iha asinatura Dr Mari Alkatiri nian nudar Primeiru Ministru, maibe Dr Mari rezeita katak asinatura nee laos ninian, dehan Mari ba jornal nee iha nia rezidensia Palapaco Dili. Nee signifika katak, asinatura iha dokumentus leten hanesan falsifikasaun ba assinatura PM,
Mari Alkatiri nian hodi sosa kareta.

Iha loron 30/11/2006 Ministeiru Financas seksaun Procurement hasai osan adisional hodi hadia tan kareta Hyundai Santa Free Plat no. 01368G ho osan US$1,215.00. "Hau hatene iha fulan Novembru 2005 Gabinete Tasi Timor sosa ekipamnetus balun ba interese servisu ninian maibe New Laptop Toshiba 12 Csv Xp pro ho folin US$ 2,100.00 ne'e ami nia Xefe Administrasaun Financas lori tiha ba uma," Sanots relata.

Responde ba lia ne'e, Marcos hateten katak, laos nia uza Laptop ne'e ba halo nia servisu privadu maibe tan krize ne'e mak nia lori ba rai iha uma. Tuir Dokumentus Tezureru ano fiskal 2005-2006 loron (11/11/2005) nebe asina husi Marcos dos Santos nu'udar preparador ba dokumentus no aprovadu husi Manuel Lemos hodi husu osan ba sosa ekipamentus sira seluk hamutuk ho Laptop ne'e total orsamentu US$4,000,- Adviser sira nebe mai servisu iha Gabinete Tasi Timor la iha rezultadu katak hafahe hela matenek ruma ba staff iha Gabenete
ne'e maibe gasta orsamentu barak liu hanesan izemplu adviser simu US$ 900.00 kada loron no mos orador internasional Robert Powel mai koalia iha seminar nebe foin lalais halo iha Memorial Hall hahu husi (06-10/11/06) presiza selu nia ho osan husi projetu ne'e liu US$14,000.00, seidauk tan hahan ba seminar ne'e rasik. Nee signifika katak, gabinete Tasi Timor hakarak gasta osan barak liu ba seminar loron sanulu ho kustu bo'ot duke halo dezaminasaun
informasaun ba populasaun," dehan Santos. Iha seminar ida nebe halo iha Dli hahu husi loron 6 to'o loron 10 fulan Novembru 2006 nee, gasta osan bo'ot duni tan atu selu deit Robert Powel inklui ninia nesesidade hotu hamutuk liu dollares Amerikanu rihun sanolu resin hat, seidauk
tan snack ba partisiapante Seminar ne'e nian.

"Tuir lolos hau mos presiza hatene kona ba orsamentu ida ne'e, maibe agora Banku Mundial ho gabinete Tasi Timor halo mesak-mesak la konsulta ho hau," Angelho de Almeda Lamenta. Angelho de Almeida diretur Petroleum task Division hateten, Banku Mundial ho Timor Sea office viola ona akordu nebe halo entre ami, tan iha ezekusaun ba planu ho orsamentu hases an husi intendimentu nebe ami asina hamutuk iha momentu ne'eba," esplika nia.

Nia hatutan liutan katak, atu gasta ba loron 10 ho orsamnetu nebe bo'ot, Banku la iha problema tan ema ne'e mai ho planu Washington ninian, maibe ami nia planu rasik sira la apoiu maske dala barak banku hateten kuandu osan aprovadu ona ne'e kape ba Governu Timor Leste maka ezekuta tuir sira nia planu orijinal rasik. "Maibe iha realidade sei hatama nia kakutak nafatin tanba hatudu momos wainhira ami tuir ami nia planu orijinal, ami rekruta asesor internasional ida naran Rahman Khan ho vensimentu US$7000 iha fulan ida nia laran nebe selu husi
projetu Banku Mundial nian maibe Banku dehan osan la iha kuandu selu fali orador ida nebe mai koalia loron 10 maibe selu dupla," dehan Angelho.

Ne'e hatudu katak ajuda Boomerang, katak fo tiha ninia ema tuir mai lalin fali hotu. "Hau haree Banku Mundial difikulta ezekusaun orsamentu projetu ninian ho ninia birokrasia tanba kada programa tenki hetan aprovosaun husi Washington," dehan Angelho. Tuir akordu nebe iha
wainhira apoiu orsamentu ne'e konkorda ona nune'e ninia impletasaun sei depende tomak ba Governu TL, ninia planu no ba Banku naton deit iha koordensaun. Banku Mundial nia politika balun ladun kria kresimentu ekonomia ba rai ne'e tanba kuandu governu atu sosa sasan ruma ba nesesidade servisu nian husi rai laran maka banku sei kua 10% no governu mak sei aumenta, maibe sosa iha estranjeiru Banku sei autoriza osan husi Projetu ne'e 100%.

"Ami rasik dala ida tenki tau hamutuk osan hodi aumenta ba 10% nebe Banku koa tanba governu mos osan menus iha momentu neba," Angleho fo izemplu. Wainhira jornal ne'e tenta atu klarifika ho Banku Mundial ninia reprezentante iha Dili, maibe lakonsege tan sira sei kontaktu
fali ba Washington no sira promete atu resposta ba perguntas jornal ne'e ninian iha edisaun seluk.(ts)