Filipe Rodrigues Pereira*) Observador Politika no Sosial, Membro Komite 12 de Novembro, Dili.
Konflitus elites nebe’e mosu entre VPM Carrascalao no PM Xanana ninia rezonansia sidauk kotu. Alem de Dr. Mari Alkatiri, SG partidu Fretilin, Dom Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo husu atu PM Xanana dada-a’an mos husi governasaun hodi fo’o fatin ba ema seluk ukun (TS, 14/9/10). Opinioins husi publiku, husi rai-leur no rai-laran, estudantes, dozentes no figura sosial no politika kuaze hot-hotu ho razoins nebe’e ladok-malun. Hot-hotu senti katak deklarasaun PM Xanana iha publiku nebe’e dehan VPM Carrascalao beikten no bosokten nudar insultasaun no ataka ema nia personalidade, hot-hotu husu atu jerasaun foun la banati tuir hahalok hirak ne’e.
Maibe, mosu mos komentarius nebe’e dehan katak lia-fuan bosokten no beikten nebe’e PM Xanana hateten preisiza hatu’ur tuir ninia kontestu. Liafuan rua ne’e mosu wainhira iha perguntas husi publiku sobre US$ 3 milhoes nebe’e VPM Carrascalao kondena lakon iha Ministerio das Financas. PM Xanana hatan uza linguajem bosokten no beikten atu hatudu deit katak VPM Carrascalao sidauk a par a’an ho sistema financas nian no hato’o informasaun la los ba publiku. Tamba depois de Komisaun C, Parlamento Nasional no Inspektorat General halo tiha investigasaun, la’hetan osan ho montante US$ 3 mak lakon. Depois de investigasaun VPM Carrascalao internalmente la buka halo klarifikasaun ba’a ninia statement nebe’e nia deklara antes ba publiku, no halo finji haluha tiha kestaun publiku sobre US$ 3 milhoes nebe’e mak VPM Carrascalao dehan katak lakon. Dalaruma PM Xanana hein atu VPM Carrascalao mak tenki hatan perguntas sobre US$ 3 milhoes nebe’e dehan lakon, la’os nia, Xanana. Maibe, iha tempu neba’a PM senti katak nia tenki hatan duni perguntas husi publiku tamba VPM Carrascalao la’iha nia sorin. Hatan ho uza ninia propiu linguajem ho liafuan beikten no bosokten nebe’e ikus halo publiku komenta katak liafuan rua ne’e la’ etis atu lideransa governu hato’o iha publiku.
Reaksaun no prekupasoins mosu alem de faktor etika no moral hanesan temi iha leten, faktor seluk mak, maski ho kondisaun ida la’hanesan, Eng. Mario Carrascalao konsege mos ukun rai no povu ida ne’e, hanesan PM Xanana ukun daudaun. Carrascalao konsege sai governador tinan 10 hodi ukun povu ho nasaun ne’e iha tempu okupasaun Indonesia, tamba ne’e dalaruma sentimentus no avaliasaun (penilaian) publiku ba Carrascalao la’hanesan ho sentimentus ka avaliasaun husi governantes ka politiku’nain sira. Iha ne’e inklui mos Dom Carlos, nebe’e senti katak konsege moris hamutuk iha sosiadade nasaun ne’e nian iha tempu Carrascalao nia ukun. Nudar entidade ida, Dom Carlos dehan katak nia “la’hare buat ruma a’at” mak Eng. Carrascalao halo durante ka’er kargu nudar governador iha nasaun ne’e. Maibe iha parte seluk sobre figura Eng. Carrascalao, governantes sira nebe’e iha ligasaun direkta no moris hamutuk fulan hirak iha governasaun nia laran senti no fo’o avaliasaun oin seluk, katak Eng. Carrascalao la’iha kapasidade naton atu hala’o ninia k’nar. Por ezemplu OG 2010 ekzekuta deit 19%, necisidades povu nian barak mak sidauk taka liu husi policy governu nian, ikus liu relasiona ho ekipamentus pezadus nebe’e presiza atu hare udan-ben nebe’e estraga populasaun nia uma, to’os no natar iha tempu hirak liu ba.
Sobre figura Eng. Carrascalao, hanesan publiku akompanha, antes enkaixa-a’an iha IV Governu Konstitusional nudar II VPM, iha parte ida, Eng. Carrascalao fika preokupadu tebes ho kazu barak nebe’e mosu iha ministerius hirak nia laran, kazu trator iha ministeriu agrikultura, kazu importa fos iha MTCI, kazu iha ministeriu educacao. Iha parte seluk, publiku mos hakilar sobre Agency Ticket Mega Tours nebe’e iha MNEC, kazu iha Ministriu Justisa no kazu iha Ministeriu Ekonomika nebe’e Joe Goncalves lidera. Maibe wainhira Eng. Carrascalao sa’e ba tu’ur iha kadeira VPM mosu impresaun iha publiku katak Eng. Carrascalao la‘folin’ tamba Eng. Carrascalao la’hamosu mudansa nebe’e signifikante hodi kombate KKN. Por kontrariu, mosu fali kondesaun ba Eng. Carracalao katak VPM Carrascalao hakiak mos Kolusaun no Nepotismu iha ninia gabinete. Kazu VPM Carrascalao halo rekrutamentus no rekomenda ba AusAid hodi selu salariu US$ 13.000/mes ba Sra. Milena Pires nudar asesora internasional ba VPM Carrascalao, maibe realidade hatudu Sra. Milena Pires sai fali Chefe Gabinete ba VPM Carrascalao. Kazu Sra. Rosa Ribeiro nebe’e simu salariu 17.000,-/mes nudar acesora internasional iha VPM Carrascalao ninia gabinete, maibe realidade hatudu katak Sra. Rosa lidera fali STA no prosesa tender projeitu iha VPM Carrascalao ninia gabinete.
Iha kazu rekrutamentus ba Sra. Milena no Sra. Rosa hakerek’nain buka atu kumpriende katak VPM Carrascalao iha direitu atu rekruta ema nebe’e mak tuir nia bele ajuda halo servisu hodi hetan susesu ba ninia gabinete. Eng. Carrascalao tenki buka duni ema nebe mak nia fiar no konfia. Fiar no konfiansa la’mosu derepente, tenki mosu liu husi prosesu ida naruk nebe’e kria liu husi interaksaun pessoais entre Eng. Carrascalao ho Sra. Milena no Sra. Rosa. Tuir ita hetene Sra. Milena no Sra. Rosa pernah moris hamutuk iha estrutura PSD no UDT nebe’e Eng. Carrascalao mos iha laran. Maibe, wainhira nudar VPM, nebe’e ka’er asuntu Administrasaun no Gestaun de Estado, Eng. Carrascalao konsente no autoriza atu Sra. rua ne’e simu salariu nudar acesora internasional halo publiku to’o pontu ida bele husu Eng. Carrascalao ninia laran mos hodi kombate KKN. Liu husi kazu acesoras internasionais maka moralmente hatudu VPM Carrascalao la’hanesan ema barak imagina katak mo’os no mutin hanesan anju iha governasaun nia laran. Iha ne’e hatudu Eng. Carrascalao fo’o oportunidade ba hahalok nebe’e moralmente publiku rejeita. Eng. Carrascalao nebe’e ka’er k’nar ba asuntu Administrasaun no gestaun de Estado lolos buka kuriji maksalan hanesan, nebe’e antes ne’e Ministra Financas halo iha ninia ministerio, por ezemplu ministra financas konsiente no autoriza mos Prezidente Partidu balun nakfilak a’an lais sai tiha ema extrangeiru hodi simu mos salariu bo’ot nudar acesor internasional iha governasaun ne’e.
Relasiona ho kazu temi dadaun iha leten, paradox tebes, uluk tempu UNTAET elite politikus Timor nian rejeita atu Staff Local UNTAET simu salariu ho standar UN, maibe depois de ka’er tiha governasaun mosu hahalok permisivu husi governantes nebe’e konsinte no autoriza ema Timor, no iha ao mesmu tempu husik sai mos nudar ema extrangeiru hodi simu salariu bo’ot iha governasaun nasional Timorenses. Moralmente hahalok permisivu ne’e grave no la’tama publiku nia konsiensia. Bazeia ba kazu internasionaliza-rasik-a’an no paradoksal ne’e, Parlamentu Nasional presiza hola medidas ruma hodi regula kazu nasionalidade nebe’e la’justu no kontra no viola moralidade sosial iha nasaun ne’e, labele permite ema nebe’e la’iha nasionalismu ka patriotismu Timorenses nebe’e naton uza Timor sai nudar deit projeitu hodi habokur sira nia a’an.
Fila ba konflitu elites, hare ba konflitu entre Xanana-Carrascalao no hase’es-an husi kauza temi iha leten maka politikamente Eng. Carrascalao mak ku’u lukru-politika (keuntungan politik) iha konflitu refere. Eng. Carrascalao konsege ho susesu hatu’ur-a’an nudar vitima ba PM Xanana nia deklarasaun nebe’e mak publiku konsidera nudar insultasaun. Dalabarak sosiadade iha mundu ne’e iha liu tendensia atu defende, salva no tane ema nebe’e sai vitima ba ema seluk, sosiadade la’kohi rona razaun no buka atu hetene ema ne’e sala ka la’e, sosiadade hatene deit katak, vitima sempre vitima, sa’a tan vitima ba’a ninia superior nia hahalok. Maibe Xanana mos espertu, diak liu hamosu konflitu agora duke konflitu ne’e mosu iha tempu nebe’e bes-besik tama ba eleisaun. Karik bes-besik tama ba’a eleisaun maka oituan ka barak konflitu refere bele fo’o influensia politika negativa ba Xanana ninia figura. Ka konflitus Xanana-Carrascalao sei haduir-a’an ho id-idak nia intereses no ikus bele suli hodi hamosu eleisaun anticipada?!
Atu hatan ba publiku balun ninia ejijensia relasiona ho konflitu nebe’e temi iha leten, li-liu ejijensia konaba PM Xanana ninia resignasaun, Hakerek’nain hanoin katak ejijensia ne’e la’os alternativa diak atu halo iha tempu ne’e. Primeiru, la’iha figura ida husi CNRT mak iha ‘kapasidade’ atu troka Xanana nia fatin nudar PM. Karik la’os Xanana mak lidera governu AMP maka governu AMP daudaun sei la la’o efektivu, tamba membrus governu la rona malun, kada reuniaun iha Conselho Ministro (CM) sei la’lao efektivu mos tamba, membrus governu sira nebe’e mai husi partidu oi-oin bele uza CM sai nudar instrumentu hodi defende id-idak ninia intereses individuais no partidarias, no dalaruma ikus mai id-idak la’o mes-mesak ho id-idak nia programa. Segundu, fiar katak CNRT nebe’e ho 18 asentus iha Parlamentu Nasional sei la’aseita PM mai husi partidu AMP sira seluk, entaun Timor-Leste tama ba eleisaun anticipada. Terseiru, karik tama ba eleisaun anticipada maka politiku’nain Timor-Leste gosta liu mak lok (suguhi) instabilidade politika ba sosiadade no komunidade internasional duke buka hatu’ur buat diak ruma ba dezenvolvimentu pais ne’e nian. **End** (Artigu ne'e publika ona iha Tempo Semanal Edisaun 27/9/10)\
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
PGR Criminally Accuses Dr. JLG and Dr. ZAC, PM Proposes the Suspension of DPM and MNE
Dili, Tempo Semanal 26/09/2010
Whilst the resignation of the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Mario Viegas Crarascalao is till fresh on the minds of the Timor-Leste public, the Prime Minister Jose Alexandre Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao has recently requested the suspension of two senior members of his government, Deputy PM Mr. Jose Luis Guterres and the Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Zacarias Albano da Costa from their positions as ministers, because they have been formally indicted as accused by the Prosecutor General. “Via this letter I inform the National Parliament that formal indictments have been issued accusing the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Jose Luis Guterres and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Zcarias Albano da Costa, of the crimes of illegally obtaining financial benefits as a result of abusing their powers/authority, in accordance with article 113 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste,” was written in the first paragraph of a letter signed by PM Xanana and sent to President of the National Parliament Mr. Fernando Lasama Araujo on 15 September 2010.
According to the document Reference GPM/IX/2010, to which this newspaper had access, the PM said, “I also want to inform that consequent to the notification of the formal indictment by the Prosecutor General and after having consulted informally with her, she informed that there is no time limit according to article 113 of the Constitutions of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste to effect the suspension of these members of government given that they were authorized to accompany His Excellency the President of the Republic to represent Timor-Leste at the UN General Assembly in New York.”
According to Article 113, line 1 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, when a member of Government is definitively accused of a crime punishable by more than two years jail, he or she is suspended from his or his position for the duration of the trial process; and line 2 states that where the alleged crime is punishable by les than two years jail, then the National Parliament shall determine whether the member of government is suspended from his position or not.
Currently the Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs, Dr. Jose Luis Guterres and the Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Zacarias da Costa are accompanying the Head of State Dr. Jose Ramos Horta in New York to participate in the UN General Assembly. According to Tempo Semanal’s sources from the USA Dr. Zacarias da Costa has engaged in many meetings with his counterparts from other countries like Australia and New Zealand.
This newspaper also tried to confirm with these two members of government mentioned in the Prime Minister’s letter without success. Despite Deputy PM Jose Luis Guterres not wanting to comment on this issue faced by him but he did say with a big heart to Tempo Semanal that, “the law is for everyone and as veterans of the struggle for liberation we have to show a good example.”
“The Pm as much as I want to act according to the law,” said Dr. Jose Luis Guterres.
In the PM’s letter received in the National Parliament on 15/0/2010 PM Xanana proposed, “with nothing further to say, I request the consideration of the National Parliament to authorize the suspension of the two respective members of government from their positions, whilst the trial process is pending.”
Although the PM has written to the National Parliament requesting it take the matter into consideration, on Friday (24/09/2010) afternoon at parliament house, the spokesperson for the CNRT, deputy Hugo da Costa informed that, “Regarding the suspension of the members of government, that is 100% in the powers of the Prime Minister.”
“That is within the Prime Minister’s powers, so we should not give a response because we do not know what the Council of Ministers (CM) has or has not already decided, because we do not know what the issue is,” he stressed.
“Maybe there is this corruption thing either in the Prosecution office or in the Courts, but maybe there are other issues you should go an check carefully there and you should not come and ask us about it,” said Deputy Hugo.
On Thursday (23/09/2010), the leaders of the parties holding seats in the National Parliament met to discuss the proposal of the Prime Minister of the Fourth Constitutional Government to submit the matter to a secret ballot. “At today’s meeting we also discussed the proposal of the Prime Minister to suspend Deputy PM Jose Luis Guterres and Minister Zacarias. But we think it is better to wait until they return here before voting because we have to consider the national interest or the image of the nation,” confirmed Dr. Aniceto Guterres, the leader of the FRETILIN parliamentary group.
This former human rights lawyer informed us that the case involving the employment of Dr. Jose Luis Guterres’ wife with Timor-Leste’s permanent mission in New York, was the subject of a complaint by FRETILIN to the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice in 2008. “Form my point of view they breached the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Law No. 31/1999, which is part of Timor-Leste’s legal system and a careful look also reveals that they breached Articles 297, 301 and 302 of the Timor-Lesle Penal Code” said deputy Aniceto.
The report by the Ombudsman for Human rights and Justice was delivered to the Prime Minister last year as was published in this newspaper some editions ago. The recommendations of the Ombudsman were very cutting.
In the Ombudsman’s report of 9 July 2009, he was of the legal opinion that, “JLG and JFC violated Indonesian Law No. 31/1999 on the Eradication of Acts of Criminal Corrutpion, especially article 3 which states:
In paragraph G.3 of his report, beyond breaching law 31/1999, JLC and JFC breached the Indonesian Penal Code, article 421 and 423 which regulates the conduct of government officials in abusing power to favour themselves, family or group or to force others to do something for him or her, his or her family, or his or her group that is against the law.
G.4 JFC, RS and FM as civil servants also breached Lay 8/2004 on the Civil Service, in that although they had a duty to obey their superiors’ orders, as civil servants they should also ensure that their superirors’ orders are according to the law. Because of this JFC, RS and FM breached article 4 on general obligations of the Law No. 8/2004 regarding the Rights and Obligations of Civil Servants.
According to the legal opinion, “ZAC also engaged in mal-administration, resulting in irregularities and illegalities regarding the improper payment of the salary and ‘housing allowance’. ZAC knew that AMV was not a Timorese citizen and was not a career diplomat, and as such was not entitled to receive a salary of a second secretary and receive a ‘housing allowance’. Upon becoming the new Minister for Foreign Affairs ZAC should have immediately ordered the cessation of payments to AMV, but he allowed the irregularities and illegalities to continue for six (6) months, and ZAC himself signed some CPVs paying ‘housing allowance’ to AMV, which caused a prejudice the state. If this conduct was to facilitate AMV, then this act could also be considered to be collusion, but if they were done just because of trust placed on civil servants then these are irregular and illegal acts.
The Ombudsman concluded, “these acts by JLG and JFC was an abuse of power, breaching the applicable law, resulting in irregularities and illegalities prejudicing the finances of the state, for private family benefit. These acts can be considered as acts of collusion and nepotism and ZAC was engaged in mal-administration that contributed to the acts of collusion by authorizing his civil servants to continue paying the salary and ‘housing allowance’ to AMV, without taking into consideration the law or common practice regarding the payment of local staff and diplomats working at embassies. These acts caused prejudice to the state which improperly paid in excess of US$12,000 by way of salaries.
The Ombudsman recommended to, “The Prosecutor general of the Republic investigate this in depth these acts of criminal collusion and nepotism, according to the applicable law based on the powers of the prosecutorial authorities”, and also “The Prime Minister should reprimand the former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. JLG and now deputy Prime Minister as responsible to these acts, and the current Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. ZAC to rectify the systems in his portfolio area so as that abuse of power does not reoccur resulting in collusion and nepotism for private benefit, or for family interests, especially within the Ministry.
For three years many people have screamed about KKN, and some even accused the PM Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao of shutting his ears and eyes to those accusing him of forgetting his promise during the 2007 election campaign which began on 29/5/2007 at about 1730 hours at the Lospalos football field in Lospalos, the leader of the CNRT party screamed that he would fight KKN and fix the working system in the country.
PM Xanana during his public consultation campaign for the National Strategic Development Program on 2/09/2010 was challenged by youth at the Caicoli Municipal Market which caused the PM’s blood to boil and scream at former PM Mario Carrascalao, “liar” and “stupid” in relation to his statement that three million dollars had been lost by the Ministry of Finance. On 6/09/2010 former Deputy PM resigned and his resignation was accepted by the President of the Republic.
Joao M. S. da Silva Mendonca, a youth washing his vegetables on the side of the road in Aileu said, “I believe that big brother Xanana will clean his government of KKN. Because this leads to loss of the peoples’ money and only makes some people rich.”
“I expect that it is like a sign for other members of government to think that justice will save public funds and ensure that those who want to give the best to only their families can be careful,” Joao expects.
The Prosecutor General of the Republic and her office slowly and quietly but with care has started to investigate a number of cases of KKN in Oecussi, the case of conflict of interest in Pualaka, some cases in the Ministry of Justice, the case of missing money in PNTL and others including the allegations against the Deputy PM Jose Luis Guterres and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Zacarias da Costa.
When Tempo Semanal tried to confirm with the Prosecutor in this case Dr. Aderito Tilman last Friday (24/09) at 11.25 but he did not want to comment. Upon arriving at the office of the Prosecutor General’s receptionist asked with a sour face, “who do you want to meet?”
The receptionist heard the request from the journalists in the visitors’ waiting room and then went straight into Dr. Aderito’s office. After some minutes she returned and informed the journalists sitting in the waiting room to inform them that, “Dr. Aderito Tilman does not want to comment on this matter, and you should wait for the court’s decision.”
Whilst the resignation of the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Mario Viegas Crarascalao is till fresh on the minds of the Timor-Leste public, the Prime Minister Jose Alexandre Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao has recently requested the suspension of two senior members of his government, Deputy PM Mr. Jose Luis Guterres and the Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Zacarias Albano da Costa from their positions as ministers, because they have been formally indicted as accused by the Prosecutor General. “Via this letter I inform the National Parliament that formal indictments have been issued accusing the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Jose Luis Guterres and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Zcarias Albano da Costa, of the crimes of illegally obtaining financial benefits as a result of abusing their powers/authority, in accordance with article 113 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste,” was written in the first paragraph of a letter signed by PM Xanana and sent to President of the National Parliament Mr. Fernando Lasama Araujo on 15 September 2010.
According to the document Reference GPM/IX/2010, to which this newspaper had access, the PM said, “I also want to inform that consequent to the notification of the formal indictment by the Prosecutor General and after having consulted informally with her, she informed that there is no time limit according to article 113 of the Constitutions of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste to effect the suspension of these members of government given that they were authorized to accompany His Excellency the President of the Republic to represent Timor-Leste at the UN General Assembly in New York.”
According to Article 113, line 1 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, when a member of Government is definitively accused of a crime punishable by more than two years jail, he or she is suspended from his or his position for the duration of the trial process; and line 2 states that where the alleged crime is punishable by les than two years jail, then the National Parliament shall determine whether the member of government is suspended from his position or not.
Currently the Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs, Dr. Jose Luis Guterres and the Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Zacarias da Costa are accompanying the Head of State Dr. Jose Ramos Horta in New York to participate in the UN General Assembly. According to Tempo Semanal’s sources from the USA Dr. Zacarias da Costa has engaged in many meetings with his counterparts from other countries like Australia and New Zealand.
This newspaper also tried to confirm with these two members of government mentioned in the Prime Minister’s letter without success. Despite Deputy PM Jose Luis Guterres not wanting to comment on this issue faced by him but he did say with a big heart to Tempo Semanal that, “the law is for everyone and as veterans of the struggle for liberation we have to show a good example.”
“The Pm as much as I want to act according to the law,” said Dr. Jose Luis Guterres.
In the PM’s letter received in the National Parliament on 15/0/2010 PM Xanana proposed, “with nothing further to say, I request the consideration of the National Parliament to authorize the suspension of the two respective members of government from their positions, whilst the trial process is pending.”
Although the PM has written to the National Parliament requesting it take the matter into consideration, on Friday (24/09/2010) afternoon at parliament house, the spokesperson for the CNRT, deputy Hugo da Costa informed that, “Regarding the suspension of the members of government, that is 100% in the powers of the Prime Minister.”
“That is within the Prime Minister’s powers, so we should not give a response because we do not know what the Council of Ministers (CM) has or has not already decided, because we do not know what the issue is,” he stressed.
“Maybe there is this corruption thing either in the Prosecution office or in the Courts, but maybe there are other issues you should go an check carefully there and you should not come and ask us about it,” said Deputy Hugo.
On Thursday (23/09/2010), the leaders of the parties holding seats in the National Parliament met to discuss the proposal of the Prime Minister of the Fourth Constitutional Government to submit the matter to a secret ballot. “At today’s meeting we also discussed the proposal of the Prime Minister to suspend Deputy PM Jose Luis Guterres and Minister Zacarias. But we think it is better to wait until they return here before voting because we have to consider the national interest or the image of the nation,” confirmed Dr. Aniceto Guterres, the leader of the FRETILIN parliamentary group.
This former human rights lawyer informed us that the case involving the employment of Dr. Jose Luis Guterres’ wife with Timor-Leste’s permanent mission in New York, was the subject of a complaint by FRETILIN to the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice in 2008. “Form my point of view they breached the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Law No. 31/1999, which is part of Timor-Leste’s legal system and a careful look also reveals that they breached Articles 297, 301 and 302 of the Timor-Lesle Penal Code” said deputy Aniceto.
The report by the Ombudsman for Human rights and Justice was delivered to the Prime Minister last year as was published in this newspaper some editions ago. The recommendations of the Ombudsman were very cutting.
In the Ombudsman’s report of 9 July 2009, he was of the legal opinion that, “JLG and JFC violated Indonesian Law No. 31/1999 on the Eradication of Acts of Criminal Corrutpion, especially article 3 which states:
In paragraph G.3 of his report, beyond breaching law 31/1999, JLC and JFC breached the Indonesian Penal Code, article 421 and 423 which regulates the conduct of government officials in abusing power to favour themselves, family or group or to force others to do something for him or her, his or her family, or his or her group that is against the law.
G.4 JFC, RS and FM as civil servants also breached Lay 8/2004 on the Civil Service, in that although they had a duty to obey their superiors’ orders, as civil servants they should also ensure that their superirors’ orders are according to the law. Because of this JFC, RS and FM breached article 4 on general obligations of the Law No. 8/2004 regarding the Rights and Obligations of Civil Servants.
According to the legal opinion, “ZAC also engaged in mal-administration, resulting in irregularities and illegalities regarding the improper payment of the salary and ‘housing allowance’. ZAC knew that AMV was not a Timorese citizen and was not a career diplomat, and as such was not entitled to receive a salary of a second secretary and receive a ‘housing allowance’. Upon becoming the new Minister for Foreign Affairs ZAC should have immediately ordered the cessation of payments to AMV, but he allowed the irregularities and illegalities to continue for six (6) months, and ZAC himself signed some CPVs paying ‘housing allowance’ to AMV, which caused a prejudice the state. If this conduct was to facilitate AMV, then this act could also be considered to be collusion, but if they were done just because of trust placed on civil servants then these are irregular and illegal acts.
The Ombudsman concluded, “these acts by JLG and JFC was an abuse of power, breaching the applicable law, resulting in irregularities and illegalities prejudicing the finances of the state, for private family benefit. These acts can be considered as acts of collusion and nepotism and ZAC was engaged in mal-administration that contributed to the acts of collusion by authorizing his civil servants to continue paying the salary and ‘housing allowance’ to AMV, without taking into consideration the law or common practice regarding the payment of local staff and diplomats working at embassies. These acts caused prejudice to the state which improperly paid in excess of US$12,000 by way of salaries.
The Ombudsman recommended to, “The Prosecutor general of the Republic investigate this in depth these acts of criminal collusion and nepotism, according to the applicable law based on the powers of the prosecutorial authorities”, and also “The Prime Minister should reprimand the former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. JLG and now deputy Prime Minister as responsible to these acts, and the current Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. ZAC to rectify the systems in his portfolio area so as that abuse of power does not reoccur resulting in collusion and nepotism for private benefit, or for family interests, especially within the Ministry.
For three years many people have screamed about KKN, and some even accused the PM Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao of shutting his ears and eyes to those accusing him of forgetting his promise during the 2007 election campaign which began on 29/5/2007 at about 1730 hours at the Lospalos football field in Lospalos, the leader of the CNRT party screamed that he would fight KKN and fix the working system in the country.
PM Xanana during his public consultation campaign for the National Strategic Development Program on 2/09/2010 was challenged by youth at the Caicoli Municipal Market which caused the PM’s blood to boil and scream at former PM Mario Carrascalao, “liar” and “stupid” in relation to his statement that three million dollars had been lost by the Ministry of Finance. On 6/09/2010 former Deputy PM resigned and his resignation was accepted by the President of the Republic.
Joao M. S. da Silva Mendonca, a youth washing his vegetables on the side of the road in Aileu said, “I believe that big brother Xanana will clean his government of KKN. Because this leads to loss of the peoples’ money and only makes some people rich.”
“I expect that it is like a sign for other members of government to think that justice will save public funds and ensure that those who want to give the best to only their families can be careful,” Joao expects.
The Prosecutor General of the Republic and her office slowly and quietly but with care has started to investigate a number of cases of KKN in Oecussi, the case of conflict of interest in Pualaka, some cases in the Ministry of Justice, the case of missing money in PNTL and others including the allegations against the Deputy PM Jose Luis Guterres and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Zacarias da Costa.
When Tempo Semanal tried to confirm with the Prosecutor in this case Dr. Aderito Tilman last Friday (24/09) at 11.25 but he did not want to comment. Upon arriving at the office of the Prosecutor General’s receptionist asked with a sour face, “who do you want to meet?”
The receptionist heard the request from the journalists in the visitors’ waiting room and then went straight into Dr. Aderito’s office. After some minutes she returned and informed the journalists sitting in the waiting room to inform them that, “Dr. Aderito Tilman does not want to comment on this matter, and you should wait for the court’s decision.”
TL War Veterans Wrote Aust PM Demand Pipe Line and Appeal To Australian Veterans for Support
Dili, 28/09/2010
Today the east Timorese and Australian joint comission on Joint Petroleum Development Area which include the area of Greater Sunrise meeting in Dili. The meeting starting at 09.30 this morning and still going on at this stage. At the mean time there were a demontration through the street of dili from Timor Leste National University Kaikoli to Parliament house to present their their petition to Timor Leste Parliament. "Appeal to the people of Australia to ask their government and Woodside company to pipe the gas from greater sunrise to TL," said in the point of these students petitions.
One of the banner carried by those student written, "Mr. Don Voelte, woodside is big, strong and rich company. Is that the reason you vcna step on the poor Timorese right?"
On the 27/09/2010 the National university students have a conference of the Greater sunrise issue and they have stated their support to Xanana's government to bring the pipeline to Timor soil. Not only that the East timor war veterans gathered in Dili on 24/09/2010 demands for pipeline from Greater sun rise. "We veterans and combatants of national liberation ask the Government of Australia to accept the aspiration of the people ot Timor-Leste to bring the pipeline to Timor-Leste so that it can improve the economical prosperity of the people of Timor-Leste and furthering, the already, good friendship and solidarity between our two people," Vasco da gama read out the statement which signed by 17 reperesentatives of the veterans which sent to most of the Timorese leaders include Australian Emb assador to Dili and Australian PM.
The veterans and combatants of the national liberation understood that the pipeline from the Greater Sunrise to Timor-Leste is technically possible to be brought across the the depth of the Timor Trough in the Timor Sea, which the companies have always said that impossible. The veterans and combatants of the na liberation also heard that, based on the result of the studies, bringing the pipeline and building a LNG-Plant in Timor-Leste, which will cost around US$ 7 billion is commercially viable, and will create a lot of advantages/benefits to the country because it will create jobs, contribute to the revenues of the state, and opportunities for all the people of Timor-Leste to make use of its resources, instead of benefiting the companies alone.
These veterans understood that, the Greater Sunrise, which has big gas reserve is only 180 km from Timor-Leste but around 500 km to the shores of Australia. Therefore, we the veterans and combatants of the national liberation demand that the government uses all its competency under the Constitution of the Republic, follow the Petroleum Act and the Treaties that we have signed to negotiate the pipeline from the Greater Sunrise to be landed in the shores of Timor-Leste.
Today the east Timorese and Australian joint comission on Joint Petroleum Development Area which include the area of Greater Sunrise meeting in Dili. The meeting starting at 09.30 this morning and still going on at this stage. At the mean time there were a demontration through the street of dili from Timor Leste National University Kaikoli to Parliament house to present their their petition to Timor Leste Parliament. "Appeal to the people of Australia to ask their government and Woodside company to pipe the gas from greater sunrise to TL," said in the point of these students petitions.
One of the banner carried by those student written, "Mr. Don Voelte, woodside is big, strong and rich company. Is that the reason you vcna step on the poor Timorese right?"
On the 27/09/2010 the National university students have a conference of the Greater sunrise issue and they have stated their support to Xanana's government to bring the pipeline to Timor soil. Not only that the East timor war veterans gathered in Dili on 24/09/2010 demands for pipeline from Greater sun rise. "We veterans and combatants of national liberation ask the Government of Australia to accept the aspiration of the people ot Timor-Leste to bring the pipeline to Timor-Leste so that it can improve the economical prosperity of the people of Timor-Leste and furthering, the already, good friendship and solidarity between our two people," Vasco da gama read out the statement which signed by 17 reperesentatives of the veterans which sent to most of the Timorese leaders include Australian Emb assador to Dili and Australian PM.
“We veterans and combatants of national liberation call for our fellow veterans from the World Veterans Federation and VECONAC to be generous and support our aspiration so that the Pipeline from the Greater Sunrise can be brought to Timor-Leste and assist the economic and prosperity of the people of this country. We veterans and combatants of national liberation ask particularly to the Australian Veterans, which has very strong friendship and solidarity with the people of Timor-Leste shared with pass collective historical values, heroism and patriotism in the second World War.”
The conference resulted 10 points declaration which supported Timor Leste Government to pipe gas from Greater sunrise to TL soil. "We veterans and combatants of national liberation give our full support to the state/government of RDTL to continue firm in the negotiation on on the Greater Sunrise so that we can bring the pipeline to Timor-Leste. Bringing the pipeline is the only aspiration of the people of Timor-Leste that will defend the sovereignity and dignity of the people of this nation," said Vasco da Gama the Veteran comission leader and former Objlatil leader.
They continues that, "We veterans and combatants of national liberation give our full support to state/government of RDTL ‘s decision to reject the Floating LNG and terminate the negotiation of the Greater Sunrise is the pipeline does not come to Timor-Leste, and support to leave the exploitation of this resources be left in the ground for future generation if the pipeline does not come. We veterans and combatants of national liberation considers it is only fair if the Pipeline from Greater Sunrise comes to Timor-Leste because one pipeline (the Bayu Undan pipeline) has gonne to Australia," Those war veterans came from every districts and they have long stand for East Timor Independence appeal to Australian war world II veterans to help raised the issued with their government and Woodside. "We veterans and combatants of national liberation ask the people of Australia and our solidarity groups to demand the Government of Australia, that as a developed nation with lots of other natural/petroleum resources and that Australia has its commitment to help reducing the poverty in the world, asisst the people of Timor-Leste and be realistic in the negotiation on the Greater Sunrise."The veterans and combatants of the national liberation understood that the pipeline from the Greater Sunrise to Timor-Leste is technically possible to be brought across the the depth of the Timor Trough in the Timor Sea, which the companies have always said that impossible. The veterans and combatants of the na liberation also heard that, based on the result of the studies, bringing the pipeline and building a LNG-Plant in Timor-Leste, which will cost around US$ 7 billion is commercially viable, and will create a lot of advantages/benefits to the country because it will create jobs, contribute to the revenues of the state, and opportunities for all the people of Timor-Leste to make use of its resources, instead of benefiting the companies alone.
These veterans understood that, the Greater Sunrise, which has big gas reserve is only 180 km from Timor-Leste but around 500 km to the shores of Australia. Therefore, we the veterans and combatants of the national liberation demand that the government uses all its competency under the Constitution of the Republic, follow the Petroleum Act and the Treaties that we have signed to negotiate the pipeline from the Greater Sunrise to be landed in the shores of Timor-Leste.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Breaking News: Vice Prime Minister "Lugu" and Foreign Minister Zac da Costa - Indicted
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Vice Prime Minister Jose Luis "LUGU" Guterres - INDICTED |
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Foreign Minister Zacarias da Costa - INDICTED |
In 2008 the Opposition party FRETILIN raised the issues at hand in the National Parliament and requested that the graft watchdog the Provedor investigate the matter. This was followed up and has resulted in these two indictments.
According to the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste they should now be suspended from their posts in Government so as to answer the charges in court. A meeting of the leaders of the parties in Parliament who manage the affairs of parliamentary sitting business has scheduled a secret ballot vote on the matter not long after the Vice Prime Minister and Foreign Minister return from New York.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Deskonfia Eis Vice PM nia oan halakon $1,550,000 PT Humpuss Trading hato’o somasi
Dili, Tempo Semanal
“Karik ita bo’ot la halo tuir ho lalais, ita nia responsabilidade hanesan iha Pontus deklarasaun maka ita bo’ot halo iha loron 05 de Dezembru 2008, maka ami sei foti pasu balun tuir lei sira ne’ebe vigora iha Indonesia (haktuir iha artigu 372 KUHP). Nune’e duni tuir mai, ami sei halo koordenasaun ho departamentu imigrasaun no institusaun sira seluk wainhira ita bo’ot tama iha area jurisdisaun Indonesia ninian,” ameasa iha surat somasi ne’e.Razaun somasi ne’e ba Pedro carrascalao tan ba tuir deklarasaun husi Director Kompania Zebra Fuel LDA katak osan Gazoel nia folin ne’ebe selu ona husi Governu ba kompania zebra Fuel LDA transfere tiha ona ba Sr. Pedro Carrascalao ninia konta hodi haruka tutan ba Indonesia maibe to’o noticia ne’e hatun advogado Joao Meco, SH informa katak ninia klientes seidauk simu sira nia sasan nia folin doit ruma i hetook susar liu tan sira rona katak osan bo’ot ne’e joga lakon tiha hotu ona iha estranjeiru.
Joao Meco, SH informa katak maski iha ona surat deklarasaun rua maibe Pedro Carrascalao rasik la selu osan centavus ruma i buat ne’e halo advogadu humpuss hirus liu, “seidauk, nia promote iha, mas nia seidauk selu. Nia halo pernayataan atu selu sekian… sekian, nia hanoin habis perkara. Defeza halo somasi ne’e tidak ada sama sekali jawaban dan tidak ada upaya lain. la iha resposta, la iha komunikasi ba ami no la iha informasi i sira seidauk selu.”
Joao Meco, SH informa ba jornal ne’e via telemovel husi Indonesia katak, “Ha’u nia somasi ne’e tan ba Pedro Carrascalao, nia uza osan ne’ebe la’os nia direitu.”
Nia esplika katak, “Iha kompania ka empreza ida iha Timor naran Zebra Fuel, halo importa mina mai Timor Leste. I depois governu selu mina folin ne’e, selu mai rekening empreza ida naran Zebra Fuel. Mas depois Pedro hateten ba Director Zebra Fuel katak nia mak atu haruka osan ba Humpuss Trading. Ternyata setelah nia hetan osan ne’e se la sala Lima belas milliar, nia la kirim ba Humpuss Trading, mas nia uza tiha. I depoiz sira husi Humpuss Trading reklama ba osan lima belas miliar ne’e, nia hateten katak nia joga hotu osan ne’e iha Singapura. Nia hateten katak nia joga hotu tiha ona lima belas miliar ne’e iha Singapora i nia joga fora eh... Ne’ebe nia halo pernyataan nia siap selu. Mas liu ona tempu tinan ida nia la selu. Nune’e duni ha’u hanesan advogadu Humpuss Trading, ha’u halo somasi ba nia, para nia Pedro Carrascalao tenke selesaikan atau selu fila fali osan sira ne’e. Porke ne’e la’os Korrupsi maibe ne’e na’uk. Ne’e troja. Kalau bahasa Indonesia biasanya itu pengelapan dan penipuan. Tan ba nia han osan ida ne’ebe la’os ninia direitu.
Joao Meco, SH dehan, “Ha’u rasik mak ba fo iha Komoro. Ba fo, waktu ba iha yang bersangkutan. Mas too ohin loron la iha resposta no la iha informasaun ka resposta husi pihak Pedro Carrascalao nian atu bele rezolve problema ne’e oin sa...segundu selain ha’u hakerek surat direitamente ba Pedro Carrascalao, ha’u mos hakerek surat ba Sr. Mario Carrascalao nu’udar aman para bele turut membantu, aijuda fo hanoin, nia oan mane Pedro Carrascalao hodi selu fila fali ka atu fo fila fali osan ne’ebe ke nia uza tanba osan ne’e la’os ninian. Mas to’o ohin loron, ami iha pengacara .... la hetan resposta no la hetan informasaun husi nia aman Eng. Mario Viegas Carrascalao kona ba surat ne’ebe ke ha’u haruka. Ne’e duni agora daudauk ha’u sudah menyiapkan somasi kedua dan terakhir. Ha’u hakarak oin sa Pedro Carrascalao selu fila fali osan ne’ebe ke nia uza. Se kuandu ita halo surat sira la resposta, mau tidak mau kazu ne’e tenke ser lori ba hukum,” dehan Joao Meco.
Advogadu ne’e mos informa ba Tempo Semanal katak PT Humpuss buka hela eis laen husi artista famozu ida iha indonesia ne’e. “Ami buka hela nia, ami atu lapor nia ba Polda DKI atu prende nia tan ba nia halo penipuan. Ami buka nia alamat iha Jakarta nia la iha. Agora daudauk ne’e ami haruka ona ema buka iha alamat ne’ebe ke nia subar. Nia iha Jakarta ne’e nia subar an. Ema ne’e la iha tangung jawab i nia subar an. Ha’u husu ba nia angota ka staf sira iha Timor dehan nia ba iha America. Mas ha’u rona mos dehan nia iha Jakarta. Ema ne’e la iha tangung jawab, ema selvazen, ema la iha responsabilidade ne’e mak perusahaan iha Jakarta halo somasi. Ha’u agora dadaun iha dalan ba Dili no ha’u rencananya dalam waktu dekat ha’u tun ba Dili iha semana ida ne’e ou semana oin. Ha’u hanoin iha tangal 26 ne’e ami hatama tan somasi kedua dan terakhir,” dale Joao.
Tuir Meco alega katak, “loloos ne’e Pedro dezvia ona ema nia osan mas se nia nega i pior liu tan kuandu nia alega katak ha’u nia kliente halo ameasa ba nia maka nia asina deklarasaun ne’e hatudu katak Pedro ne’e seorang pengecut nune’e nia la rekuinese ninia hahalok. Buat seluk oin sa maka ema bele ameasa Pedro wainhira nia halo surat deklarasaun rua.”
“Bainhira Pedro dehan nia la uza osan ne’ebe la’os ninia direitu ha’u nia kliente ninian i depois nia halo surat deklarasaun rua ne’ebe promote prontu atu selu fali osan ne’e, entaun signifika katak Pedro ne’e Mistisu ida ne’ebe beik liu iha Timor Leste,” realsa Joao meco.
Bainhira husu karik osan ne’e Joao Meco ninia klientes ninian ho diplomasia Joao hateten, “pedro bele nega ha’u nia kliente mas nia tenke akui katak nia uza ema seluk nia osan.”
Surat deklarasaun ne’ebe Joao Meco refere ba ne’e maka halo iha loron 8 fulan Novembru 2008 iha Jakarta ne’ebe testamunia husi Yoseph Yamato no Sugeng Pribadi. No surat ida seluk halo iha 13/02/2009 iha Hotel Esplanada, Pantai Kelapa iha PT. Petro Java nia advodagodu Eusebio Guterres ho Nina Veneranda Lemos nia oin. Iha print out husi konta bankaria Zebra ninia iha BNU hatudu katak, osan US$1,500,000,- tranfere tiha ona ba konta ida iha BNU ho iha naran Pedro M. Carrascalao/(la kontinua) iha loron 15 de Setembru 2008. Maibe Pedro dehan, “Uluk ha’u ba hasoru Humpuss Trading sira hatudu provas katak, Zebra Fuel haruka ona osan mai iha ha’u nia konta, mais konta ida ne’e konta join rekening (Pedro ho Carlo) atu halo bisnis seluk no osan ne’e husi BNU, la’os banku Mandiri. Tanba iha kontratu (kontratu sosa no fornecimentu Gazoel ba EDTL) ne’e dehan banku Mandiri, no ami iha surat ida katak bainhira osan tama la bele book kecuali iha asinatura rua entre ami nain tolu,” Pedro argument.Pedro foo esplika katak tuir planu konta konjunta iha ANZ ne’e atu hala’o fali bisnis seluk maibe ironia osan ne’ebe husi estadu Timor Leste ne’e ninia paradeiru ate agora lahatene. “
Mais agora nia halo bisnis ho ha’u no osan ne’ebe haruka mai ne’e husi konta bankaria seluk, maski naran Zebra Fuel nafatin maibe husi banku seluk, tan ne’e mak nia dehan osan ne’e ha’u entrega ona ba Pedro depois nia fase liman, entaun ida ne’e labele.
Maibe antes atu esplika kestaun ne’e Pedro sei hamriik husi nia tuur fatin ba foti dokumentu tahan haat hodi esplika kontratu entre Governu Timor Leste liu husi Ministeiru Financas ho Zebra Fuel Lda hodi fornese gazoel ho total tonelada 5,000,- metric diesel ba EDTL iha loron 10 fulan Juniu ne’ebe asina husi Primeiru Ministru ho Director Zebral Fuel. Quantia Gazoel hamutuk litru 5,900,000,- ho folin kada litru iha momentu ne’eba US$1.32 (Dolar ida centavus tolu nolu resin rua) nune’e total folin hamutuk US$7,788,000,- ne’ebe sei selu ba rekening Zebra Fuel LDA iha banku Mandiri ninian.
Hamutuk ho surat somasi ne’ebe haruka ba Pedro Carrascalao iha loron 06/08/2010 PT Humpus mos haruka surat deklarasaun rua ne’ebe asina husi Pedro Miguel Carrascalao iha loron 07/11/2008 ne’ebe taka meterai ho karimbadu testamunia husi Ferry Humato no Sugend Pribadi. Iha surat refere Pedro ne’ebe iha momentu ne’eba sei uza nafatin KTP Indonesia ho numeru 09.5305.220269.0131 hela iha diresaun Jl. Batu 1 NO. 11, RT 011/01 Pejaten Timur, Pasar Mingu ne’e hakerek, “dekreta loos duni katak ha’u simu ona transfer osan husi Zebra Fuel LDA ho total US$1,550,000,- (Satu juta lima ratus lima puluh ribu dollar Amerika ) maka ha’u foin dezkobre osan hirak ne’e selu husi Governu Republika Demokratika de Timor Leste hodi sosa HSD (High Speed Diesel) husi Zebra fuel LDA, ne’ebe HSD ne’e fornese husi PT Humpuss Trading hanesan haktuir iha PO no. 001/ZF-PJL/08, loron 17 fulan Julio 2008.”
Hafoin oan husi eis Governador ba eis Provinsia Indonesia 27, Timor Timur durante periodu rua ne’e promote ba kompania Indonesia. “Tuir mai ha’u deklara katak ha’u iha kbi’it hodi fo hikas fali osan ne’ebe ha’u simu ona ne’e ba PT Humpus Trading ba iha banku Mandiri, Cabang MH Thanmrin Jakarta, A/C No. 103-0099613768, ho tempu ne’ebe kleur liu maka iha loron 05 fulan Dezembru 2008,” Pedro Promete.
Maibe ate Janeiru osan la mosu nune’e duni iha loron 13/02/2009 iha advogado Petro Java nain rua nia oin iha hotel Esplanada Dili, dala ida tan Pedro rasik hakerek ho liman surat deklarasaun ida seluk antes ninia pai sa’e ba Vice PM. Iha surat ne’e nia hakerek dehan, “Ha’u prontu atu halo pagamentu ho dalan INSTALMENT.” Iha ne’e pagamentu sei halo iha loron 30/30/2009, 30/07/2009, 30/12/2009 no ikus sei halo tan iha 22/02/2010. “Ho ida ne’e hatudu ha’u nia prontu iha leten ho valor $1,000,000 ha’u sei halo la ho obrigasaun ka presaun husi see see de’it.”
Pedro Carascalao Sadik Humpuss Lori ba Tribunal
Maski PT Humpuss ameasa atu fo sai tan somasi ba dala ikus kontra Pedro Carrascalao, maibe Pedro la preokupa ho somasi nee no nia (Pedro) kontinua dudu Diretur Zebra Fuel, Carlos Alberto V. de Oliveira atu toma responsabilidade hodi hasoru malu ho PT humpuss iha Indonezia.
“Kestaun ne’e iha balu ne’ebe loos no balu konfuzaun hela purke loloos ne’e iha asuntu rua ne’ebe difrente, tanba momentu ne’eba ha’u tuir tender mina EDTL mais ha’u lakon no Kompania Pualaka mak manan, ne’e duni ha’u fo hatene ba hau nia partner Petrijava Indonesia iha Jakarta katak ita lakon tan ne’e agora ita labele halo buat ida”, dehan Pedro ba jornal nee foin lalais nee.
"Kebetulan ha’u iha patner entaun hau memperkenalkan antara pertamina Zebra Fuel ho hau nia kolega Petrojava iha Jakarta no bainhira sira koinesemalu entaun prontu sira mak planu buat sira ne’e no ha’u la partisipa tanba ha’u hanesan dalan de’it. i depois mina ne’e atu mai ha’u la iha ne’e tanba ha’u iha Bali hela no ida ne’e la’os ona ha’u nia asuntu mais Zebra Fuel ho ema ne’ebe mak fornese, maibe mina ne’e Humpuss Trading mak fo ou seluk mak fo ha’u la hatene purke ha’u hatene mak Petrojawa ho Zebra Fuel."
"Momentu osan tama iha ANZ ne’e ha’u la iha ne’e tanba ha’u iha Jarkarta hela no osan ne’e haruka ba tanba ami atu halo bisnis ida, maibe ikus fali ha’u komesa simu email katak PT. Humpuss buka ha’u, maibe ha’u dehan kona ba saida,..?, sira telephone ona Gabinete Primeriu Ministru no dehan Primeiru Ministru rasik koalia ona ho sira katak osan iha ona Pedro, maibe ha’u hakfodak hanusa mak ida ne’e bele akontese." "Tanba hakarak atu halo klarifikasaun loloos, entaun ha’u ba buka PT. Humpuss Trading nia numeru kontaktu iha internet no ha’u konsege telephone ba sira hodi husu se mak diretor iha ne’eba…?, maibe sira hatan Bapak Yudi, entaun ha’u responde, bele koalia ho nia..?, ne’e duni nia (Bapak Yudy) koalia kedan ho ha’u tanba ‘kebetulan’ sira buka hela ha’u, ne’e duni iha momentu ne’eba ha’u esplika, ‘Bapak kayanya ini ada kesalapahaman’, tanba ha’u rona PT. Humpuss Trading buka hela ha’u no ha’u hanoin la loos karik se dehan ha’u kaer imi nia osan, maibe sira responde, “ami iha bukti tanba transferensia ne’e tama iha ita boot nia naran”, ne’e duni ha’u dehan ba sira se hanesan ne’e agora ha’u iha Singapura hela ne’e duni ha’u fila ba Jakarta mak ha’u ba hasoru ita boot iha ita boot nia kantor atu nune’e ha’u bele hatene loloos."
"Liu tiha semana ida sira haruka email mai ha’u hodi dehan, “ita boot jadi mai ou lae no ha’u responde sim…jadi, ne’e duni iha loron 7 November 2008 ha’u ba hasoru sira tanba hakarak hatene ninia prosesu ne’e oinsa mak bele tama iha ha’u nia konta bankaria."
"To’o tiha ne’eba sira hatudu dukumentus ida katak, osan ne’e tama iha Zebra Fuel nian konta bankaria mai ha’u nia, maibe ha’u esplika ba sira, “kestaun ne’e iha asuntu rua ne’e duni imi keta kahur malu, tanba ita boot hare iha kontratu ne’e uza rekenin banku Mandiri maibe ida ne’e rekenin BNU” .
"Rona tiha esplikasaun sira komesa baku meza no koalia lian makas hanesan fali amesa katak, ami lakohi rona historia no rona alasan-alasan lain pokonya Pedro harus bertanggunjawab’, maibe ha’u responde, ‘saya bertanggunjawab bagaimana’ tanba ha’u la hatene osan ne’e mai husi imi nian ha’u la hetene no ida ne’e entre imi ho Humpuss la’os ho ha’u.Maibe, sira responde, ‘pokonya kita tidak mau tau kamu dengan Zebra ou dengan siapa, yang penting permasalahan ini pokoknya kamu harus bertanggun jawab."
"Koalia hotu tiha Bapak Yudi hamrik no entrega ha’u ba ninia preman sira no ema sira ne’e dehan agora ita boot tenke entrega ita boot nia asset-aset, maibe ha’u hakfodak eipa..,ha’u mai iha ne’e hakarak atu hatene loloos problema ne’e saida, la’os mai para responsabiliza fali buat sira ne’e, maibe sira la preokupa no dehan pokonya ita boot la sai husi fatin ida ne’e se bainhira Zebra Fuel ne’e la mai."
“Maibe ha’u dehan, hanusa ita boot sira la ba Timor de’it hodi hasoru nia mais tanbasa tenke ameasa fali ha’u, no iha ne’eba sira mos komesa hatudu surat ida ne’ebe kompletu ho sira nia kop (logo) hodi dehan kalau anda tidak bertanggunjawab anda tidak akan keluar dari tempat ini, entaun ha’u sente ameasadu neduni prontu diak liu ha’u asina surat ida ne’e pelemenus ha’u bele sai husi ne’e hodi ba hasoru Carlos iha Timor para koalia kona ba asuntu ida ne’e."
“Tanba sente ameasadu no hakarak atu sai husi fatin ne’eba entaun ha’u asina surat ne’ebe sira hatudu ne’e no surat ne’e sira rasik mak halo.”
"Bainhira ha’u fila mai Timor ha’u buka Carlos hodi dehan ba nia, “ita boot tenke ba hasoru ema sira ne’e tanba asuntu ne’e ita boot ho sira mais hanusa tenke ha’u mak ba asina. Se ita boot halo buat ida ne’ebe la loos ita boot mak tenke responsabiliza la bele fo fali mai ha’u.Ne’e duni ha’u dehan ba Calor diak liu agora sira mak mai Timor atu ita bele klarifika, maibe momentu ne’eba Carlos hateten, labele.. sira labele mai ne’e, tanba se sira mai iha ne’e entaun problema ne’e boot, mais ha’u responde problema ne’e ita boot nian la’os ha’u nian ne’e duni ita boot mak tenke ba klarifika.Maibe, nia (Carlos) dehan, entaun ita nain rua ba hamutuk, maibe ha’u lakohi no ha’u sei la ba tan iha ne’eba, tanba ha’u lakohi sira haruka tan atu asina buat ruma, ne’e duni se hakarak hasoru malu entaun mai Timor de’it depois mak ita ba koalia iha Primeiru Ministru ou se nia oin mos ha’u prontu tanba ida ne’e la’os ha’u nia sala mais atu ba iha ne’eba deskulpa ha’u sei la ba."
"Mais agora nia halo bisnis ho ha’u no osan ne’ebe haruka mai ne’e husi konta bankaria seluk, maski naran Zebra Fuel nafatin maibe husi banku seluk, tan ne’e mak nia dehan osan ne’e ha’u entrega ona ba Pedro depois nia fase liman entaun ida ne’e labele."
Konfirma kona ba karta somasi alinea 5 ne’ebe dehan, iha loron 23 Dezembru 2008 kompania Zebra Fuel transfere ona osanmentu transaksaun sosa no faan mina (HSD) ho valor US$. 1,550,000.00 ba ita boot nia konta bankaria, maibe Pedro responde, "ida ne’e mak agora sai kestaun boot, tanba lolos ne’e tenke tama iha Banku Mandiri mais ida ne’e BNU."
"Loos duni naran nafatin sira nian, maibe tama iha banku seluk no atu uza ba atividade seluk tanba uluk ha’u dehan ba Carlos se imi hakarak halo negosiu entaun ita loke rekenin foun hamutuk, ne’e duni ami loke iha ANZ no iha rezistu ho ha’u ho Carlos nia naran, depois ho rekenin ida ne’e mak osan husi BNU transfere mai iha ne’e, la’os husi rekenin iha kontratu ne’e no la’os ba ha’u nia rekenin privadu."
Hataan ba pergunta ne’ebe dehan, entaun osan ho valor US$. 1,550.000.00 ne’e la’os atu selu ba mina, maibe Pedro responde, "sin..osan ne’e la’os atu selu ba mina, maibe atu halo negosiu seluk no nia rasik seidauk selu mina ida mak konfuzaun hela, tan ne’e mak ha’u fo hatene ba Zebra katak, ita boot tenke klarifika ba iha ne’eba tanba husi Gabinete Primeiru Ministru feks ba sira kona ba ida ne’e no ida ne’e mak agora PT. Humpuss kaer hela tanba sira hare ha’u nia naran."
"Ha’u hakarak esplika ba sira mais sira lakohi rona no ida ne’e asuntu seluk, la’os hanesan iha kontratu ne’ebe iha tanba numeru konta bankaria la hanesan iha kontratu ne’e."
"Kazu ne’e kleur ona, ne’e duni iha meadu tinan 2009 problema ne’e mosu ha’u hakarak lori ba Tribunal tanba ha’u hatene ha’u lahalo sala buat ida atu nune’e tribunal mak bele deside se mak sala no se mak loos.
Husu kona ba bainhira mak atu lori ba Tribunal, maibe Pedro esklarese, “ita kuandu simu somasi mak sente ita sala, ita tenke responsabiliza maibe se kunadu ita la sala entaun husik hela ba no se sira hakarak lori ba tribunal bele lori tanba ha’u mos bele defende ha’u nia an”.Pedro sadik
Entaun osan ne’ebe dehan atu transfere ba PT Humpuss ne’e la loos ka oinsa..? Pedro hataan, "’e la loos no to’o ohin loron ha’u seidauk asina buat ida, tanba ida ne’e asuntu seluk."
"Zebra la’os de’it lohi PT. Humpuss, maibe nia lohi mos ha’u, tanba nia uza dadus ne’ebe hodi transfere osan mai ha’u ne’e lohi fali PT Humpuss”, akuza Pedro
Pedro mos husu ba Jornalista Tempo Semanal atu ba Banku BNU hodi husu klarifikasaun, loos ka lae numeru konta ida ne’e transfere osan mai iha numeru konta ida ne’e, tanba numeru ida ne’e ha’u ho Carlos ninia konta para atu halo bisnis seluk.
"Maibe, agora nia uza fali kestaun ida ne’e dehan, “ha’u mak tenke responsabiliza no ha’u mak tenke selu fali ema nia osan, entaun ida ne’e hanesan fali ita boot haruka ha’u ba joga karta mais ha’u lakon no osan ne’ebe ita boot fo ne’e ita boot simu husi ema maibe ne’e ita boot mak hatene” Pedro fo ezemplu hodi mantein akuza nafatin Carlos hodi responsabiliza kona ba asuntu ida ne’e.
"Iha somasi dehan nia transfere osan mai ha’u, maibe osan ne’e tama iha konta bankaria ami nain rua nian para atu halo bisnis seluk, la’os ba konta bankaria ne’ebe iha kontratu ne’e, soke relatoriu husi Zebra Fuel ba PT. Humpuss dehan katak ha’u selu tiha ona ba Pedro tan ne’e imi buka de’it Pedro."
"Ho razaun hirak ne’e ha’u ba hasoru Humpuss atu klarifika, maibe sira la rona no ameasa hodi dehan, “anda tidak boleh keluar dari tempat ini sebelum Zebra datang, maibe ha’u dehan ne’e la’os hanesan ne’e tanba imi main hakim sendiri."
“Ha’u hateten ona ba Carlos katak, favor ida ita boot ba klarifika kestaun ida ne’e maibe saida mak akontese nia halo surat ida tan ba PT Humpuss katak nia transfere ona osan mai ha’u, tan ne’e ha’u husu ba Carlos favor ida hatudu provas se nia transfere ona mai ha’u.”
"Iha karta somasi dehan, osan ne’e transfere iha tanggal, 23 Desember 2008, maibe ida ne’e nia haruka iha loron 15 Setembru no osan ida ne’e la’os tama ha’u nia konta bankaria maibe tama iha konta ne’ebe ami nain rua loke hamutuk ne’e duni iha buat balu la loos ona."
"Surat pernyataan ne’e la’os ha’u mak halo, maibe sira (Humpuss) mak halo no ida ne’e tuir loloos iha ‘kop surat Humpuss nian’ maibe ne’e kop surat la iha no ida ne’e mak surat ne’ebe sira fo ba ha’u para ha’u asina tanba se ha’u la asina hodi fo garantia ba sira entaun ha’u labele sai husi ne’eba. Pedro rekoinse katak, asinatura ne’e ninian duni tanba moentu ne’eba nia iha presaun nia laran, maibe tuir nia hatene surat ne’e iha kop surat Humpuss nian, tan ne’e nia deskonfia iha ema balu manipula fali surat ida ne’e."
Hataan ba pergunta ne’ebe hateten, momentu ita boot asina surat ne’e ita boot lee ka lae, maibe Pedro responde ha’u hare lalais de’it no la iha ona konsentrasi tanba sira ameasa ha’u ne’e duni ha’u hanoin de’it mak ha’u nia vida.
Nia rekoinese “ha’u hakerak surat ida iha tinan 2009 tanba Carlos rasik hatudu mai ha’u katak nia atu hetan osan U$. 50 Juta, ne’e duni nia husu ba ha’u atu halo surat ida ne’e para atu uza hodi trata ninia asuntu kona ba problema ida ne’e. Maibe, surat ne’ebe ha’u halo ne’e, ha’u rasik la hatene, surat ne’e ba se, osan ne’e mai husi ne’ebe no atu selu ba se”, hateten nia.
Eusebio Sei Loke Pedro Nia Bosok
DRA. Nina Veneranda Lemos ho DR. Eusebio Guterres Advogadu, husi Petro Java rekuinese katak sira iha duni prezensa kuandu Pedro Carrascalao hakerek surat loron 13/02/2009 ne’e para atu selu ninia tusan ba kompania PT Humpuss Trading. “Ami ne’e advogadu ba Petro Java. Ami halo mediasaun ho nia. Halo mediasaun ho nia, ami dehan hanesan ne’e, Pedro o hanesan Timor oan ami lakohi atu hatama o iha kadeia. Tan ba o nia aman atu sa’e daudaun ba Vice Primeiru Ministru,” hasaran tuir Eusebio iha ninia intervista exkluxivu ho Jornal ne’e.
Nia haktuir, “Onestumente ami hakarak nia pai sa’e. Se ami hakarak hatama o agora, o nia pai mos la sa’e i o mos hela hotu. I Pedro dehan nia hakarak buka dalan terbaik no nia hakarak reinstall. Nia dehan ninia osan atu tama daudaun Bank Mandiri. “Ha’u halo tender ba pengadaan sira ne’e hau nia osan atu tama daudaun iha Bank Mandiri i ha’u komesa bele reinstall. Tan ida ne’e mak selu ho instal ne’e. Nia labele dehan fali Carlito fo sa ida ga ne’e. Ida ne’e ami la hatene. Nia dehan ida ne’e, ne’e buatus. Se nia halo Carlito hanesan tertulis tenke iha maibe ida tertulis la iha. Nia hateten iha ami nia oin ida, ok lah ha’u install. Satu juta sekian hau install. La’os lunas, ha’u install mas sisanya ha’u halo lunas. Nia la konsege selu ne’e nia...!!! Nia maka halo rasik pernyataan i Carlito bele saksi ba nia la iha problema.”
“Ami nia pozisaun ne’e ami halo negosiasi ho nia. Ami negosiasi ho nia para nia bele selu osan ne’e. Devolve ema nia osan ne’e. Ami la ameasa nia. Instrumentu la iha atu ameasa nia”, haktuir advogadu nee.
Nia haktuir, “surat ne’e halo iha esplenada, Nia ne’e beik la halimar. Ne’e kan statement ka pernyataan sangup memabyar gitu lho. Ne’ebe nia lalika dehan halo ba se… halo ba se fali. Loh ne’e ba Petro Java ga. Surat ne’e nia halo tiha ami kirim ba ne’eba ga. Nia kompriende fali ne’e. Pedro ne’e beik la halimar. Ne’e maka ha’u nia lia fuan ne’e badak de’it katak Pedro ne’e idiot”, duun nia.
Husu kona ba kontratu ne’ebe Pedro Carrascalao entrega ba jornal ne’e Eusebio hatan dehan, “ kontratu ne’e ha’u la preokupa tan Primeiru Ministru bele fo single source ba se de’it tan ba momentu ne’eba mina husi Pualaka ne’e seidauk tama.
Wainhira husu kona ba karik sira iha ona print out husi banku osan ne’ebe tranfere husi rekening BNU ne’e ba se nia naran Eusebio dale, nia iha ona print out rekening ho Pedro Miguel S. V. Carasscalao nia naran. Iha print out, iha atas nama pedro carrascalao la atas nama kompania. “
Konfirma karik advogadu hatene ona se los maka uza osan US$1,550,000 husi Humpuss Trading Eusebio ho certeza dehan, “osan ne’e Pedro maka uza. Se mak uza fali. Carlito ne’e ema inocente. Mas ida fali ne’e halo pengelapan ho penipuan. Ha’u pernah hatudu liman ba nia matan hodi dehan ba nia katak, hee Pedro o ne’e terlibat iha pengelapan dan penipuan, ha’u hateten ba o. Tan ba ida ne’e maka ha’u lakohi paksa o. O cukup halo de’it pernyataan mengembalikan ema nia osan duke o tama kadeia i o nia aman mos atu sae ba Vice Primeiru Ministru. Ha’u dehan ba nia, ha’u gosta o nia aman sa’e. Tan ba o nia aman atu kreia boa governasaun. Ha’u gosta ida ne’e. Mas maka ne’e o lakohi sibuk. Ok, ami lori o ba ona i o nia aman hotu habis. I o nia keluarga nia riwayat hotu habis.”
Eusebio hatutan liu tan Pedro husu sira, “eipa lalika halo hanesan ne’e pa. Ha’u katuas mos haruka ha’u tangun jawab i la buat ida. Mas agora ha’u selu. Sekian juta liu ne’e ha’u selu i Carlito selu sekian ribu. Ha’u selu satu juta. Depois ha’u halo instalment. Agora kedas ha’u halo statement”, haktuir Eusebio.
Hahalok hanesan nee tuir Eusebio katak, “Ne’e krime, pernyataan ne’e krime. Ne’e jelas. O menyatakan diri o sangup maibe o la memenuhi ne’e krime. Tan ba ida ne’e o maka halo pernyataan, ne’e la’os akordu. O maka nain deklara depois o la memenuhi fali. Ne’e krime. Ne’e krime murni de’it tan ba Pengelapan tiha, penipuan tan i agora pernyataan palsu tan. Pernyataan ne’ebe nia nunka laksanakan. Nia menyatakan sangup tiha mas la laksanakan ne’e kan berarti palsu”, na duun.
Liutan advogadu nee hateten, “Humpuss group nunka kondena Carlos, Humpuss kondena maka Pedro. Humpuss group haruka Pedro halo pernyataan ne’e imi haree took. Petro Java ne’e ninia suporta mak Humpuss Group.
Kuandu rona fali Pedro dehan nia hakerek surat ne’e maibe nia rasik la hatene advogado ne’e ho hamnasa troza ko’alia, “ ne’e maka ha’u dehan agora daudaun ne’e nia idiot tiha ona.”
Tuir Eusebio katak, “sira presiza Pedro selu fali osan, sira la presiza Pedro mate. “Ema presiza ema nia osan, ema la presiza nia atu tama kadeia ka nia atu mate. Tan ba bainhira ita keixa ona ba krime maka nia tama kadeia de’it ona i osan lakon. Tan ba ida ne’e maka buat ne’e budu too ohin loron”, dale Eusebio.
“Ami hakarak hateten ba nia katak nia hanesan Timor oan ida nia tenke hanoin rai ida ne’e. Tan ba iha parte ida ema hakarak dada investor tama mai o hakarak halo mate investor. Tan ba ema nia osan cash o han ne’e. Ne’e la’os osan nia bunga. Ema hatama minyak mai nia folin US$1,550,000 maka o han fali. Ne’e hatudu katak nia ema korruptor. Nia han ema nia osan hodi halo ema investor hanoin Timor ne’e risku. Ne’e maka hau dehan ema hanesan ne’e nasionalismu la iha”, duun Eusebio.
“Ami rua Nina momentu ne’eba lakohi fo surat tan ba ami rua hanoin husik ba Carasscalao sa’e ba para bele kreia boa governasaun. Se maka ami rua halo iha momentu ne’eba nia hela kedas. Naton ne’eba nia la sa’e. Tan ba nia oan korrupsi no nauk osan, klaru ne’e. Tan ba de’it nia aman atu sa’e (Vice PM) ha’u haruka nia print out (Konta bankaria) sai mai, nia print out de’it mai, halo nusa fali. Ne’e maka ha’u dehan nia idiot. Ha’u sai advogadu selama Timor independencia ne’e, ema ida maka terlibat ne’e nia nunka print out nia rekening sai mai. Kecuali Jaksa maka ba haruka banku hasai mai bele. Mas nia ne’e la iha, nia ba print out mai fo hau didiak. Movimentu osan ne’e ha’u hatene persis, nia foti tangal hira hatene persis”, haktuir Eusebio.
Tuir Eusebio “aksaun sira agora ne’e hanesan primeira faze maibe se karik Pedro sei kontinua ho ninia pozisaun maka, “dokumentus sira iha ha’u ne’e sei fo sai hotu. Ha’u angap nia ne’e la vale. Ha’u iha dever atu defende de’it ha’u nia kliente nia osan, ne’e maka vale. Ha’u ladun fo tangapan ba nia. Osan ne’e ha’u angap vale tan ba kuandu ema mai investe, ema sei fo netik servisu ruma ba povu Timor oan sira la’os hare fali Pedro Carrascalao”, hakotu Eusebio. (ts)
Sertamente fulan ida antes, Eng. Mario Viegas Carrascalao rezigana an husi ninia kargu hanesan Vice Primeiru Ministru, Advogadu Humpuss Trading, Joao Meco & Partners (Advocates-legal consultant-investigation) liu husi surat somasi numeru 035/JMP/VIII/2010 hato’o ona ba Sr.Pedro Miguel S.C.V.Carrascalao iha loron 06/08/2010. “Ami fo avizu no samada de atensaun ba ita bo’ot atu ho lalais fo hikas fali ba PT humpuss Traiding ho total osan US$ 1,550,000,-iha durasaun la tarde liu husi loron sanolu resin haat nia laran, ne’ebe sei hahu sura husi loron ne’ebe surat ne’e ita bo’ot simu,” dehan iha somasi ne’ebe asina husi Advogadu Joao Meco, SH ho Rudy Bangun, SH.

Joao Meco, SH informa katak maski iha ona surat deklarasaun rua maibe Pedro Carrascalao rasik la selu osan centavus ruma i buat ne’e halo advogadu humpuss hirus liu, “seidauk, nia promote iha, mas nia seidauk selu. Nia halo pernayataan atu selu sekian… sekian, nia hanoin habis perkara. Defeza halo somasi ne’e tidak ada sama sekali jawaban dan tidak ada upaya lain. la iha resposta, la iha komunikasi ba ami no la iha informasi i sira seidauk selu.”
Joao Meco, SH informa ba jornal ne’e via telemovel husi Indonesia katak, “Ha’u nia somasi ne’e tan ba Pedro Carrascalao, nia uza osan ne’ebe la’os nia direitu.”
Nia esplika katak, “Iha kompania ka empreza ida iha Timor naran Zebra Fuel, halo importa mina mai Timor Leste. I depois governu selu mina folin ne’e, selu mai rekening empreza ida naran Zebra Fuel. Mas depois Pedro hateten ba Director Zebra Fuel katak nia mak atu haruka osan ba Humpuss Trading. Ternyata setelah nia hetan osan ne’e se la sala Lima belas milliar, nia la kirim ba Humpuss Trading, mas nia uza tiha. I depoiz sira husi Humpuss Trading reklama ba osan lima belas miliar ne’e, nia hateten katak nia joga hotu osan ne’e iha Singapura. Nia hateten katak nia joga hotu tiha ona lima belas miliar ne’e iha Singapora i nia joga fora eh... Ne’ebe nia halo pernyataan nia siap selu. Mas liu ona tempu tinan ida nia la selu. Nune’e duni ha’u hanesan advogadu Humpuss Trading, ha’u halo somasi ba nia, para nia Pedro Carrascalao tenke selesaikan atau selu fila fali osan sira ne’e. Porke ne’e la’os Korrupsi maibe ne’e na’uk. Ne’e troja. Kalau bahasa Indonesia biasanya itu pengelapan dan penipuan. Tan ba nia han osan ida ne’ebe la’os ninia direitu.
Joao Meco, SH dehan, “Ha’u rasik mak ba fo iha Komoro. Ba fo, waktu ba iha yang bersangkutan. Mas too ohin loron la iha resposta no la iha informasaun ka resposta husi pihak Pedro Carrascalao nian atu bele rezolve problema ne’e oin sa...segundu selain ha’u hakerek surat direitamente ba Pedro Carrascalao, ha’u mos hakerek surat ba Sr. Mario Carrascalao nu’udar aman para bele turut membantu, aijuda fo hanoin, nia oan mane Pedro Carrascalao hodi selu fila fali ka atu fo fila fali osan ne’ebe ke nia uza tanba osan ne’e la’os ninian. Mas to’o ohin loron, ami iha pengacara .... la hetan resposta no la hetan informasaun husi nia aman Eng. Mario Viegas Carrascalao kona ba surat ne’ebe ke ha’u haruka. Ne’e duni agora daudauk ha’u sudah menyiapkan somasi kedua dan terakhir. Ha’u hakarak oin sa Pedro Carrascalao selu fila fali osan ne’ebe ke nia uza. Se kuandu ita halo surat sira la resposta, mau tidak mau kazu ne’e tenke ser lori ba hukum,” dehan Joao Meco.
Advogadu ne’e mos informa ba Tempo Semanal katak PT Humpuss buka hela eis laen husi artista famozu ida iha indonesia ne’e. “Ami buka hela nia, ami atu lapor nia ba Polda DKI atu prende nia tan ba nia halo penipuan. Ami buka nia alamat iha Jakarta nia la iha. Agora daudauk ne’e ami haruka ona ema buka iha alamat ne’ebe ke nia subar. Nia iha Jakarta ne’e nia subar an. Ema ne’e la iha tangung jawab i nia subar an. Ha’u husu ba nia angota ka staf sira iha Timor dehan nia ba iha America. Mas ha’u rona mos dehan nia iha Jakarta. Ema ne’e la iha tangung jawab, ema selvazen, ema la iha responsabilidade ne’e mak perusahaan iha Jakarta halo somasi. Ha’u agora dadaun iha dalan ba Dili no ha’u rencananya dalam waktu dekat ha’u tun ba Dili iha semana ida ne’e ou semana oin. Ha’u hanoin iha tangal 26 ne’e ami hatama tan somasi kedua dan terakhir,” dale Joao.
Tuir Meco alega katak, “loloos ne’e Pedro dezvia ona ema nia osan mas se nia nega i pior liu tan kuandu nia alega katak ha’u nia kliente halo ameasa ba nia maka nia asina deklarasaun ne’e hatudu katak Pedro ne’e seorang pengecut nune’e nia la rekuinese ninia hahalok. Buat seluk oin sa maka ema bele ameasa Pedro wainhira nia halo surat deklarasaun rua.”
“Bainhira Pedro dehan nia la uza osan ne’ebe la’os ninia direitu ha’u nia kliente ninian i depois nia halo surat deklarasaun rua ne’ebe promote prontu atu selu fali osan ne’e, entaun signifika katak Pedro ne’e Mistisu ida ne’ebe beik liu iha Timor Leste,” realsa Joao meco.
Bainhira husu karik osan ne’e Joao Meco ninia klientes ninian ho diplomasia Joao hateten, “pedro bele nega ha’u nia kliente mas nia tenke akui katak nia uza ema seluk nia osan.”

Mais agora nia halo bisnis ho ha’u no osan ne’ebe haruka mai ne’e husi konta bankaria seluk, maski naran Zebra Fuel nafatin maibe husi banku seluk, tan ne’e mak nia dehan osan ne’e ha’u entrega ona ba Pedro depois nia fase liman, entaun ida ne’e labele.
Maibe antes atu esplika kestaun ne’e Pedro sei hamriik husi nia tuur fatin ba foti dokumentu tahan haat hodi esplika kontratu entre Governu Timor Leste liu husi Ministeiru Financas ho Zebra Fuel Lda hodi fornese gazoel ho total tonelada 5,000,- metric diesel ba EDTL iha loron 10 fulan Juniu ne’ebe asina husi Primeiru Ministru ho Director Zebral Fuel. Quantia Gazoel hamutuk litru 5,900,000,- ho folin kada litru iha momentu ne’eba US$1.32 (Dolar ida centavus tolu nolu resin rua) nune’e total folin hamutuk US$7,788,000,- ne’ebe sei selu ba rekening Zebra Fuel LDA iha banku Mandiri ninian.
Hamutuk ho surat somasi ne’ebe haruka ba Pedro Carrascalao iha loron 06/08/2010 PT Humpus mos haruka surat deklarasaun rua ne’ebe asina husi Pedro Miguel Carrascalao iha loron 07/11/2008 ne’ebe taka meterai ho karimbadu testamunia husi Ferry Humato no Sugend Pribadi. Iha surat refere Pedro ne’ebe iha momentu ne’eba sei uza nafatin KTP Indonesia ho numeru 09.5305.220269.0131 hela iha diresaun Jl. Batu 1 NO. 11, RT 011/01 Pejaten Timur, Pasar Mingu ne’e hakerek, “dekreta loos duni katak ha’u simu ona transfer osan husi Zebra Fuel LDA ho total US$1,550,000,- (Satu juta lima ratus lima puluh ribu dollar Amerika ) maka ha’u foin dezkobre osan hirak ne’e selu husi Governu Republika Demokratika de Timor Leste hodi sosa HSD (High Speed Diesel) husi Zebra fuel LDA, ne’ebe HSD ne’e fornese husi PT Humpuss Trading hanesan haktuir iha PO no. 001/ZF-PJL/08, loron 17 fulan Julio 2008.”
Hafoin oan husi eis Governador ba eis Provinsia Indonesia 27, Timor Timur durante periodu rua ne’e promote ba kompania Indonesia. “Tuir mai ha’u deklara katak ha’u iha kbi’it hodi fo hikas fali osan ne’ebe ha’u simu ona ne’e ba PT Humpus Trading ba iha banku Mandiri, Cabang MH Thanmrin Jakarta, A/C No. 103-0099613768, ho tempu ne’ebe kleur liu maka iha loron 05 fulan Dezembru 2008,” Pedro Promete.
Maibe ate Janeiru osan la mosu nune’e duni iha loron 13/02/2009 iha advogado Petro Java nain rua nia oin iha hotel Esplanada Dili, dala ida tan Pedro rasik hakerek ho liman surat deklarasaun ida seluk antes ninia pai sa’e ba Vice PM. Iha surat ne’e nia hakerek dehan, “Ha’u prontu atu halo pagamentu ho dalan INSTALMENT.” Iha ne’e pagamentu sei halo iha loron 30/30/2009, 30/07/2009, 30/12/2009 no ikus sei halo tan iha 22/02/2010. “Ho ida ne’e hatudu ha’u nia prontu iha leten ho valor $1,000,000 ha’u sei halo la ho obrigasaun ka presaun husi see see de’it.”
Pedro Carascalao Sadik Humpuss Lori ba Tribunal
Maski PT Humpuss ameasa atu fo sai tan somasi ba dala ikus kontra Pedro Carrascalao, maibe Pedro la preokupa ho somasi nee no nia (Pedro) kontinua dudu Diretur Zebra Fuel, Carlos Alberto V. de Oliveira atu toma responsabilidade hodi hasoru malu ho PT humpuss iha Indonezia.
“Kestaun ne’e iha balu ne’ebe loos no balu konfuzaun hela purke loloos ne’e iha asuntu rua ne’ebe difrente, tanba momentu ne’eba ha’u tuir tender mina EDTL mais ha’u lakon no Kompania Pualaka mak manan, ne’e duni ha’u fo hatene ba hau nia partner Petrijava Indonesia iha Jakarta katak ita lakon tan ne’e agora ita labele halo buat ida”, dehan Pedro ba jornal nee foin lalais nee.
Nia hateten tan katak, “liu tiha loron balu diretor Kompainia Zebra Fuel Carlos mosu mai ho kontratu 7 milons ital no dehan Primeiru Ministru mak fo entaun nia dehan, Pedro ita boot nia kontaktu iha Jakarta sei iha ou lae…?, entaun ha’u dehan sei iha, depois nia hatudu kontratu no ha’u hakfodak ita boot bele hetan kontratu boot ho 7 milaun ital."

"Maibe bainhira mina to’o sira telephone bebeik ba ha’u hodi dehan, Pedro favor ida hare bainhira mak osan ne’e bele tama, entaun ha’u fo hatene Zebra Fuel foin mak ha’u koinese ne’e duni diak liu imi loke konta ida iha Banku Mandiri tanba iha kontratu ne’e Banku Mandiri depis ita halo surat katak, bainhira osan husi kontratu ida ne’e tama ba konta banku no osan ne’e bele foti bainhira ha’u, Carlos ho Ferry husi Petrojawa asina mak bele foti no tenke hetan asinatura rua husi ema nain tolu ne’e mais se asinatura la iha entaun osan labele sai maibe prontu ida ne’e kestaun seluk."
"Nune’e mos iha momentu ruma Carlos mai hasoru ha’u no dehan, “maun ha’u iha osan atu halo bisnis, entaun ha’u husu ba nia, ita boot hakarak halo bisnis saida..?, maibe nia responde ha’u hakarak sosa roo no sosa ida ne’e ida ne’eba, ne’e duni ha’u fo hatene ba nia, se ita hakarak loke bisnis hamutuk entaun ita tenke loke ‘rekenin bersama’ atu nune’e ita hotu-hotu bele responsabiliza."
"Ne’e duni ami nain rua ba loke konta iha ANZ no iha ne’eba rezistu ha’u nia naran ho Carlos nia naran, depois nia haruka osan kuaze US$ 1,550.000.00 ba iha ami nia konta ne’ebe osan ne’e mai husi konta BNU ne’e duni ha’u mos la preokupa tanba ha’u hatene katak kontratu mina nian ne’e ba Mandiri no ami mos halo surat ona katak osan iha ne’eba ne’e labele book."
"Liu tiha semana ida sira haruka email mai ha’u hodi dehan, “ita boot jadi mai ou lae no ha’u responde sim…jadi, ne’e duni iha loron 7 November 2008 ha’u ba hasoru sira tanba hakarak hatene ninia prosesu ne’e oinsa mak bele tama iha ha’u nia konta bankaria."
"To’o tiha ne’eba sira hatudu dukumentus ida katak, osan ne’e tama iha Zebra Fuel nian konta bankaria mai ha’u nia, maibe ha’u esplika ba sira, “kestaun ne’e iha asuntu rua ne’e duni imi keta kahur malu, tanba ita boot hare iha kontratu ne’e uza rekenin banku Mandiri maibe ida ne’e rekenin BNU” .
"Rona tiha esplikasaun sira komesa baku meza no koalia lian makas hanesan fali amesa katak, ami lakohi rona historia no rona alasan-alasan lain pokonya Pedro harus bertanggunjawab’, maibe ha’u responde, ‘saya bertanggunjawab bagaimana’ tanba ha’u la hatene osan ne’e mai husi imi nian ha’u la hetene no ida ne’e entre imi ho Humpuss la’os ho ha’u.Maibe, sira responde, ‘pokonya kita tidak mau tau kamu dengan Zebra ou dengan siapa, yang penting permasalahan ini pokoknya kamu harus bertanggun jawab."
"Koalia hotu tiha Bapak Yudi hamrik no entrega ha’u ba ninia preman sira no ema sira ne’e dehan agora ita boot tenke entrega ita boot nia asset-aset, maibe ha’u hakfodak eipa..,ha’u mai iha ne’e hakarak atu hatene loloos problema ne’e saida, la’os mai para responsabiliza fali buat sira ne’e, maibe sira la preokupa no dehan pokonya ita boot la sai husi fatin ida ne’e se bainhira Zebra Fuel ne’e la mai."
“Maibe ha’u dehan, hanusa ita boot sira la ba Timor de’it hodi hasoru nia mais tanbasa tenke ameasa fali ha’u, no iha ne’eba sira mos komesa hatudu surat ida ne’ebe kompletu ho sira nia kop (logo) hodi dehan kalau anda tidak bertanggunjawab anda tidak akan keluar dari tempat ini, entaun ha’u sente ameasadu neduni prontu diak liu ha’u asina surat ida ne’e pelemenus ha’u bele sai husi ne’e hodi ba hasoru Carlos iha Timor para koalia kona ba asuntu ida ne’e."
“Tanba sente ameasadu no hakarak atu sai husi fatin ne’eba entaun ha’u asina surat ne’ebe sira hatudu ne’e no surat ne’e sira rasik mak halo.”
"Bainhira ha’u fila mai Timor ha’u buka Carlos hodi dehan ba nia, “ita boot tenke ba hasoru ema sira ne’e tanba asuntu ne’e ita boot ho sira mais hanusa tenke ha’u mak ba asina. Se ita boot halo buat ida ne’ebe la loos ita boot mak tenke responsabiliza la bele fo fali mai ha’u.Ne’e duni ha’u dehan ba Calor diak liu agora sira mak mai Timor atu ita bele klarifika, maibe momentu ne’eba Carlos hateten, labele.. sira labele mai ne’e, tanba se sira mai iha ne’e entaun problema ne’e boot, mais ha’u responde problema ne’e ita boot nian la’os ha’u nian ne’e duni ita boot mak tenke ba klarifika.Maibe, nia (Carlos) dehan, entaun ita nain rua ba hamutuk, maibe ha’u lakohi no ha’u sei la ba tan iha ne’eba, tanba ha’u lakohi sira haruka tan atu asina buat ruma, ne’e duni se hakarak hasoru malu entaun mai Timor de’it depois mak ita ba koalia iha Primeiru Ministru ou se nia oin mos ha’u prontu tanba ida ne’e la’os ha’u nia sala mais atu ba iha ne’eba deskulpa ha’u sei la ba."
"Mais agora nia halo bisnis ho ha’u no osan ne’ebe haruka mai ne’e husi konta bankaria seluk, maski naran Zebra Fuel nafatin maibe husi banku seluk, tan ne’e mak nia dehan osan ne’e ha’u entrega ona ba Pedro depois nia fase liman entaun ida ne’e labele."
Konfirma kona ba karta somasi alinea 5 ne’ebe dehan, iha loron 23 Dezembru 2008 kompania Zebra Fuel transfere ona osanmentu transaksaun sosa no faan mina (HSD) ho valor US$. 1,550,000.00 ba ita boot nia konta bankaria, maibe Pedro responde, "ida ne’e mak agora sai kestaun boot, tanba lolos ne’e tenke tama iha Banku Mandiri mais ida ne’e BNU."
"Loos duni naran nafatin sira nian, maibe tama iha banku seluk no atu uza ba atividade seluk tanba uluk ha’u dehan ba Carlos se imi hakarak halo negosiu entaun ita loke rekenin foun hamutuk, ne’e duni ami loke iha ANZ no iha rezistu ho ha’u ho Carlos nia naran, depois ho rekenin ida ne’e mak osan husi BNU transfere mai iha ne’e, la’os husi rekenin iha kontratu ne’e no la’os ba ha’u nia rekenin privadu."
Hataan ba pergunta ne’ebe dehan, entaun osan ho valor US$. 1,550.000.00 ne’e la’os atu selu ba mina, maibe Pedro responde, "sin..osan ne’e la’os atu selu ba mina, maibe atu halo negosiu seluk no nia rasik seidauk selu mina ida mak konfuzaun hela, tan ne’e mak ha’u fo hatene ba Zebra katak, ita boot tenke klarifika ba iha ne’eba tanba husi Gabinete Primeiru Ministru feks ba sira kona ba ida ne’e no ida ne’e mak agora PT. Humpuss kaer hela tanba sira hare ha’u nia naran."
"Ha’u hakarak esplika ba sira mais sira lakohi rona no ida ne’e asuntu seluk, la’os hanesan iha kontratu ne’ebe iha tanba numeru konta bankaria la hanesan iha kontratu ne’e."
"Kazu ne’e kleur ona, ne’e duni iha meadu tinan 2009 problema ne’e mosu ha’u hakarak lori ba Tribunal tanba ha’u hatene ha’u lahalo sala buat ida atu nune’e tribunal mak bele deside se mak sala no se mak loos.
Husu kona ba bainhira mak atu lori ba Tribunal, maibe Pedro esklarese, “ita kuandu simu somasi mak sente ita sala, ita tenke responsabiliza maibe se kunadu ita la sala entaun husik hela ba no se sira hakarak lori ba tribunal bele lori tanba ha’u mos bele defende ha’u nia an”.Pedro sadik
Entaun osan ne’ebe dehan atu transfere ba PT Humpuss ne’e la loos ka oinsa..? Pedro hataan, "’e la loos no to’o ohin loron ha’u seidauk asina buat ida, tanba ida ne’e asuntu seluk."
"Zebra la’os de’it lohi PT. Humpuss, maibe nia lohi mos ha’u, tanba nia uza dadus ne’ebe hodi transfere osan mai ha’u ne’e lohi fali PT Humpuss”, akuza Pedro
Pedro mos husu ba Jornalista Tempo Semanal atu ba Banku BNU hodi husu klarifikasaun, loos ka lae numeru konta ida ne’e transfere osan mai iha numeru konta ida ne’e, tanba numeru ida ne’e ha’u ho Carlos ninia konta para atu halo bisnis seluk.
"Maibe, agora nia uza fali kestaun ida ne’e dehan, “ha’u mak tenke responsabiliza no ha’u mak tenke selu fali ema nia osan, entaun ida ne’e hanesan fali ita boot haruka ha’u ba joga karta mais ha’u lakon no osan ne’ebe ita boot fo ne’e ita boot simu husi ema maibe ne’e ita boot mak hatene” Pedro fo ezemplu hodi mantein akuza nafatin Carlos hodi responsabiliza kona ba asuntu ida ne’e.
"Iha somasi dehan nia transfere osan mai ha’u, maibe osan ne’e tama iha konta bankaria ami nain rua nian para atu halo bisnis seluk, la’os ba konta bankaria ne’ebe iha kontratu ne’e, soke relatoriu husi Zebra Fuel ba PT. Humpuss dehan katak ha’u selu tiha ona ba Pedro tan ne’e imi buka de’it Pedro."
"Ho razaun hirak ne’e ha’u ba hasoru Humpuss atu klarifika, maibe sira la rona no ameasa hodi dehan, “anda tidak boleh keluar dari tempat ini sebelum Zebra datang, maibe ha’u dehan ne’e la’os hanesan ne’e tanba imi main hakim sendiri."
“Ha’u hateten ona ba Carlos katak, favor ida ita boot ba klarifika kestaun ida ne’e maibe saida mak akontese nia halo surat ida tan ba PT Humpuss katak nia transfere ona osan mai ha’u, tan ne’e ha’u husu ba Carlos favor ida hatudu provas se nia transfere ona mai ha’u.”
"Iha karta somasi dehan, osan ne’e transfere iha tanggal, 23 Desember 2008, maibe ida ne’e nia haruka iha loron 15 Setembru no osan ida ne’e la’os tama ha’u nia konta bankaria maibe tama iha konta ne’ebe ami nain rua loke hamutuk ne’e duni iha buat balu la loos ona."
"Surat pernyataan ne’e la’os ha’u mak halo, maibe sira (Humpuss) mak halo no ida ne’e tuir loloos iha ‘kop surat Humpuss nian’ maibe ne’e kop surat la iha no ida ne’e mak surat ne’ebe sira fo ba ha’u para ha’u asina tanba se ha’u la asina hodi fo garantia ba sira entaun ha’u labele sai husi ne’eba. Pedro rekoinse katak, asinatura ne’e ninian duni tanba moentu ne’eba nia iha presaun nia laran, maibe tuir nia hatene surat ne’e iha kop surat Humpuss nian, tan ne’e nia deskonfia iha ema balu manipula fali surat ida ne’e."
Hataan ba pergunta ne’ebe hateten, momentu ita boot asina surat ne’e ita boot lee ka lae, maibe Pedro responde ha’u hare lalais de’it no la iha ona konsentrasi tanba sira ameasa ha’u ne’e duni ha’u hanoin de’it mak ha’u nia vida.
Nia rekoinese “ha’u hakerak surat ida iha tinan 2009 tanba Carlos rasik hatudu mai ha’u katak nia atu hetan osan U$. 50 Juta, ne’e duni nia husu ba ha’u atu halo surat ida ne’e para atu uza hodi trata ninia asuntu kona ba problema ida ne’e. Maibe, surat ne’ebe ha’u halo ne’e, ha’u rasik la hatene, surat ne’e ba se, osan ne’e mai husi ne’ebe no atu selu ba se”, hateten nia.
Eusebio Sei Loke Pedro Nia Bosok
DRA. Nina Veneranda Lemos ho DR. Eusebio Guterres Advogadu, husi Petro Java rekuinese katak sira iha duni prezensa kuandu Pedro Carrascalao hakerek surat loron 13/02/2009 ne’e para atu selu ninia tusan ba kompania PT Humpuss Trading. “Ami ne’e advogadu ba Petro Java. Ami halo mediasaun ho nia. Halo mediasaun ho nia, ami dehan hanesan ne’e, Pedro o hanesan Timor oan ami lakohi atu hatama o iha kadeia. Tan ba o nia aman atu sa’e daudaun ba Vice Primeiru Ministru,” hasaran tuir Eusebio iha ninia intervista exkluxivu ho Jornal ne’e.
Nia haktuir, “Onestumente ami hakarak nia pai sa’e. Se ami hakarak hatama o agora, o nia pai mos la sa’e i o mos hela hotu. I Pedro dehan nia hakarak buka dalan terbaik no nia hakarak reinstall. Nia dehan ninia osan atu tama daudaun Bank Mandiri. “Ha’u halo tender ba pengadaan sira ne’e hau nia osan atu tama daudaun iha Bank Mandiri i ha’u komesa bele reinstall. Tan ida ne’e mak selu ho instal ne’e. Nia labele dehan fali Carlito fo sa ida ga ne’e. Ida ne’e ami la hatene. Nia dehan ida ne’e, ne’e buatus. Se nia halo Carlito hanesan tertulis tenke iha maibe ida tertulis la iha. Nia hateten iha ami nia oin ida, ok lah ha’u install. Satu juta sekian hau install. La’os lunas, ha’u install mas sisanya ha’u halo lunas. Nia la konsege selu ne’e nia...!!! Nia maka halo rasik pernyataan i Carlito bele saksi ba nia la iha problema.”
“Ami nia pozisaun ne’e ami halo negosiasi ho nia. Ami negosiasi ho nia para nia bele selu osan ne’e. Devolve ema nia osan ne’e. Ami la ameasa nia. Instrumentu la iha atu ameasa nia”, haktuir advogadu nee.
Nia haktuir, “surat ne’e halo iha esplenada, Nia ne’e beik la halimar. Ne’e kan statement ka pernyataan sangup memabyar gitu lho. Ne’ebe nia lalika dehan halo ba se… halo ba se fali. Loh ne’e ba Petro Java ga. Surat ne’e nia halo tiha ami kirim ba ne’eba ga. Nia kompriende fali ne’e. Pedro ne’e beik la halimar. Ne’e maka ha’u nia lia fuan ne’e badak de’it katak Pedro ne’e idiot”, duun nia.
Husu kona ba kontratu ne’ebe Pedro Carrascalao entrega ba jornal ne’e Eusebio hatan dehan, “ kontratu ne’e ha’u la preokupa tan Primeiru Ministru bele fo single source ba se de’it tan ba momentu ne’eba mina husi Pualaka ne’e seidauk tama.
Wainhira husu kona ba karik sira iha ona print out husi banku osan ne’ebe tranfere husi rekening BNU ne’e ba se nia naran Eusebio dale, nia iha ona print out rekening ho Pedro Miguel S. V. Carasscalao nia naran. Iha print out, iha atas nama pedro carrascalao la atas nama kompania. “
Konfirma karik advogadu hatene ona se los maka uza osan US$1,550,000 husi Humpuss Trading Eusebio ho certeza dehan, “osan ne’e Pedro maka uza. Se mak uza fali. Carlito ne’e ema inocente. Mas ida fali ne’e halo pengelapan ho penipuan. Ha’u pernah hatudu liman ba nia matan hodi dehan ba nia katak, hee Pedro o ne’e terlibat iha pengelapan dan penipuan, ha’u hateten ba o. Tan ba ida ne’e maka ha’u lakohi paksa o. O cukup halo de’it pernyataan mengembalikan ema nia osan duke o tama kadeia i o nia aman mos atu sae ba Vice Primeiru Ministru. Ha’u dehan ba nia, ha’u gosta o nia aman sa’e. Tan ba o nia aman atu kreia boa governasaun. Ha’u gosta ida ne’e. Mas maka ne’e o lakohi sibuk. Ok, ami lori o ba ona i o nia aman hotu habis. I o nia keluarga nia riwayat hotu habis.”
Eusebio hatutan liu tan Pedro husu sira, “eipa lalika halo hanesan ne’e pa. Ha’u katuas mos haruka ha’u tangun jawab i la buat ida. Mas agora ha’u selu. Sekian juta liu ne’e ha’u selu i Carlito selu sekian ribu. Ha’u selu satu juta. Depois ha’u halo instalment. Agora kedas ha’u halo statement”, haktuir Eusebio.
Hahalok hanesan nee tuir Eusebio katak, “Ne’e krime, pernyataan ne’e krime. Ne’e jelas. O menyatakan diri o sangup maibe o la memenuhi ne’e krime. Tan ba ida ne’e o maka halo pernyataan, ne’e la’os akordu. O maka nain deklara depois o la memenuhi fali. Ne’e krime. Ne’e krime murni de’it tan ba Pengelapan tiha, penipuan tan i agora pernyataan palsu tan. Pernyataan ne’ebe nia nunka laksanakan. Nia menyatakan sangup tiha mas la laksanakan ne’e kan berarti palsu”, na duun.
Liutan advogadu nee hateten, “Humpuss group nunka kondena Carlos, Humpuss kondena maka Pedro. Humpuss group haruka Pedro halo pernyataan ne’e imi haree took. Petro Java ne’e ninia suporta mak Humpuss Group.
Kuandu rona fali Pedro dehan nia hakerek surat ne’e maibe nia rasik la hatene advogado ne’e ho hamnasa troza ko’alia, “ ne’e maka ha’u dehan agora daudaun ne’e nia idiot tiha ona.”
Tuir Eusebio katak, “sira presiza Pedro selu fali osan, sira la presiza Pedro mate. “Ema presiza ema nia osan, ema la presiza nia atu tama kadeia ka nia atu mate. Tan ba bainhira ita keixa ona ba krime maka nia tama kadeia de’it ona i osan lakon. Tan ba ida ne’e maka buat ne’e budu too ohin loron”, dale Eusebio.
“Ami hakarak hateten ba nia katak nia hanesan Timor oan ida nia tenke hanoin rai ida ne’e. Tan ba iha parte ida ema hakarak dada investor tama mai o hakarak halo mate investor. Tan ba ema nia osan cash o han ne’e. Ne’e la’os osan nia bunga. Ema hatama minyak mai nia folin US$1,550,000 maka o han fali. Ne’e hatudu katak nia ema korruptor. Nia han ema nia osan hodi halo ema investor hanoin Timor ne’e risku. Ne’e maka hau dehan ema hanesan ne’e nasionalismu la iha”, duun Eusebio.
“Ami rua Nina momentu ne’eba lakohi fo surat tan ba ami rua hanoin husik ba Carasscalao sa’e ba para bele kreia boa governasaun. Se maka ami rua halo iha momentu ne’eba nia hela kedas. Naton ne’eba nia la sa’e. Tan ba nia oan korrupsi no nauk osan, klaru ne’e. Tan ba de’it nia aman atu sa’e (Vice PM) ha’u haruka nia print out (Konta bankaria) sai mai, nia print out de’it mai, halo nusa fali. Ne’e maka ha’u dehan nia idiot. Ha’u sai advogadu selama Timor independencia ne’e, ema ida maka terlibat ne’e nia nunka print out nia rekening sai mai. Kecuali Jaksa maka ba haruka banku hasai mai bele. Mas nia ne’e la iha, nia ba print out mai fo hau didiak. Movimentu osan ne’e ha’u hatene persis, nia foti tangal hira hatene persis”, haktuir Eusebio.
Tuir Eusebio “aksaun sira agora ne’e hanesan primeira faze maibe se karik Pedro sei kontinua ho ninia pozisaun maka, “dokumentus sira iha ha’u ne’e sei fo sai hotu. Ha’u angap nia ne’e la vale. Ha’u iha dever atu defende de’it ha’u nia kliente nia osan, ne’e maka vale. Ha’u ladun fo tangapan ba nia. Osan ne’e ha’u angap vale tan ba kuandu ema mai investe, ema sei fo netik servisu ruma ba povu Timor oan sira la’os hare fali Pedro Carrascalao”, hakotu Eusebio. (ts)

Wednesday, 22 September 2010
East Timor’s Justice Minister’s Husband Appears as Accused in Dili District Court
At about 09.20 Dili Time, Mr. Americo L. Lopes the husband of East Timor’s Justice Minister arrived in the Court in his luxury car (a Hummer). Not long after the Minister Lucia Brandao Lobato also arrived. There had been two previous hearings in this case in Mr. Americo’s absence. Today is the first time he has come to the court for the hearing of what has become known as The Pualaka Petrol Fuel Company case. Joao Alves and Luis Oliviera, the other two co-owner the company with Mr. Americo have filed legal action in the Dili District court against Mr. Americo and the Portuguese BNU bank in Dili. There are two allegations of falsification of Pualaka Fuel LDA company certification documents representing the company as “Pualaka Fuel Unipessoal”, which are also suspected of being facilitated by the Office of the Notary Public.
The Notary Public’s Office is a department under Minister Lucia’s portfolio responsibility. Mr. Alves and Oliviera allege that as a result of this they were prevented from having access to their joint account with Mr. Americo in Portuguese BNU Bank in Dili.
Last year East Timor’s Banking and Payments Authority (the precursor to the country’s Central bank) found the Portuguese Bank to have acted wrongfully. This led to the removed of the then director, who was sent back to Portugal. Pualaka Petrol Fuel LDA was set up by Luis Oliviera, Americo L. Lopes and Joao Alves in 2008. The company was awarded a multi-million US dollar contract to supply fuel to Government EDTL power station, which led to some allegations of collusion and nepotism.
Mr. Americo appeared as the accused in the court room, whilst Mr. Joao Alves and Mr. Luis Oliviera sat outside the court room. Minister Lucia’s presence was criticized by Mr. Joao Alves as an act of intimidation against the court. After the trial Minister Lucia told reporters that she has taken three days family leave.
The case was adjourned to further hearing with the judges deciding to request that Mr. Artur Jorge, the former Dili Portuguese BNU director give his testimony as the witness in this case in a Portuguese court and that evidence be relayed to the East Timor court hearing this case.
The Notary Public’s Office is a department under Minister Lucia’s portfolio responsibility. Mr. Alves and Oliviera allege that as a result of this they were prevented from having access to their joint account with Mr. Americo in Portuguese BNU Bank in Dili.
Last year East Timor’s Banking and Payments Authority (the precursor to the country’s Central bank) found the Portuguese Bank to have acted wrongfully. This led to the removed of the then director, who was sent back to Portugal. Pualaka Petrol Fuel LDA was set up by Luis Oliviera, Americo L. Lopes and Joao Alves in 2008. The company was awarded a multi-million US dollar contract to supply fuel to Government EDTL power station, which led to some allegations of collusion and nepotism.
Mr. Americo appeared as the accused in the court room, whilst Mr. Joao Alves and Mr. Luis Oliviera sat outside the court room. Minister Lucia’s presence was criticized by Mr. Joao Alves as an act of intimidation against the court. After the trial Minister Lucia told reporters that she has taken three days family leave.
The case was adjourned to further hearing with the judges deciding to request that Mr. Artur Jorge, the former Dili Portuguese BNU director give his testimony as the witness in this case in a Portuguese court and that evidence be relayed to the East Timor court hearing this case.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Ministra Justica RDTL Nia Kaben sai Arguidu iha Kazu Falsifikasaun Dokumentus Kompania Pualaka Fuel LDA ba Pualaka Fuel Uni Pessoal Ne'ebe deskonfia apoiu husi Ministeiru de Justica no Tranferencia Osan husi Konta Konjunta Kompania Pualaka LDA la ho kuinesimentu Husi asionistas nain rua sira selu. Problema ida ne'e lori tempu lubun ruma ona no julgamentu ohin hanesan kontinuassaun husi julgamentu daruak uluk ne'ebe sr. Americo L. Lopes auzencia. Ohin marka mos prezenca iha tribunal distrital dili ulun bo'ot justica TL ninian Ministra Justica Sra. Lucia M. Brandao Lobato, eis xefe departamentu notariadu Ministeiru de justica, asinistas nain rua sira seluk hanesan keisouxu mak Joao Alves ho Luis de oliviera. Julgamentu ida ohin ne'e adia fali tan ba tribunal sei hasai fali surat notifikasaun ida ba eis diretor banku Portugal BNU iha Dili hodi hetan ninia deklarasaun mos
Friday, 17 September 2010
Important Notice: Final Tour de Timor Trafic jam in Dili
Today is the final race of Tour de Timor bicycle race. Most of the road are close till 13.00. heavy traffic jam around. The road around pantai Kelapa was closed by Police started from 8.30 and start function at 13.21. “My car is parking around that corner and I can’t get out from here to go to work because of this road block,” said a lady with African hair style.
She walked towards a restaurant opposite to the main Indonesia fuel depot (pertamina). “I am here for coffee to wait until the open the road block so I can go to work. As a private company my boss must very angry now and I am worry if the company sack me from my job,” she explains.
On the bairopite road is worse traffic jam ever in dili. There was no traffic police to take care of it. Only a malae with civilian clothing did his best for hour to help. Tempo Semanal will upload the video of trafic jam in Dili this morning in few hour thanks.
(notice just now starting from 15:55 the sea front is hit ba heavily trafic jam. Tempo Semanal just receive A text message from an international staff in dili at 16:50:08 said, "what are UNPOL and PNTL doing to solve these trafic problems.") The traffics jams happening now because the main road from dili Airport into the town is close for the Tour de Timor award.
She walked towards a restaurant opposite to the main Indonesia fuel depot (pertamina). “I am here for coffee to wait until the open the road block so I can go to work. As a private company my boss must very angry now and I am worry if the company sack me from my job,” she explains.
On the bairopite road is worse traffic jam ever in dili. There was no traffic police to take care of it. Only a malae with civilian clothing did his best for hour to help. Tempo Semanal will upload the video of trafic jam in Dili this morning in few hour thanks.
(notice just now starting from 15:55 the sea front is hit ba heavily trafic jam. Tempo Semanal just receive A text message from an international staff in dili at 16:50:08 said, "what are UNPOL and PNTL doing to solve these trafic problems.") The traffics jams happening now because the main road from dili Airport into the town is close for the Tour de Timor award.
Timor Tour, Dili Trafic Jams
Today is the final race of Tour de Timor bicycle race. Most of the road are close till 13.00. heavy traffic jam around. The road around pantai Kelapa was closed by Police started from 8.30 and start function at 13.21. “My car is parking around that corner and I can’t get out from here to go to work because of this road block,” said a lady with African hair style.
She walked towards a restaurant opposite to the main Indonesia fuel depot (pertamina). “I am here for coffee to wait until the open the road block so I can go to work. As a private company my boss must very angry now and I am worry if the company sack me from my job,” she explains.
On the bairopite road is worse traffic jam ever in dili. There was no traffic police to take care of it. Only a malae with civilian clothing did his best for hour to help. Tempo Semanal will upload the video of trafic jam in few hour thanks
She walked towards a restaurant opposite to the main Indonesia fuel depot (pertamina). “I am here for coffee to wait until the open the road block so I can go to work. As a private company my boss must very angry now and I am worry if the company sack me from my job,” she explains.
On the bairopite road is worse traffic jam ever in dili. There was no traffic police to take care of it. Only a malae with civilian clothing did his best for hour to help. Tempo Semanal will upload the video of trafic jam in few hour thanks
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Ekipa Sub 16 Timor Leste Doko Klubu Kapital Indonesia ho Golu hat
Ekipa Sub 16 Timor Leste hodiseik (15/09) hamoe ekipa klubu elite Indonesian Persija Jakarta iha Jakarta. “Hodiseik ita joga kontra ekipa sub 21 klubu persija Jakarta i ita manan sira quarto zero, “ informa Treinador Agustino Mesquita.
Jakarta udan bo’ot no kondisaun kampu fote bola nian bee sa’e maka’as kahor ho taho maibe la empata jogador Timor leste hodi hatama gol ba baliza husi klubu capital nasaun Indonesian ne’e. “Labarik sira ne’ebe hatama golu ne’e maka primeira golu hatama husi Nicolao, iha minute 10, segundu golu halo husi Jose Fonseca, Terceira golu iha kuarenta um minute ne’e marka husi Mau Quinta i depois iha segunda parte iha minute oitenta sicu hetan marka penalty ida,” informa treinador Agustinho Misquita ba tempo Semanal via telemovel.
Tuir treinador ne’e sparing ne’ebe halo iha Jakarta hodiseik ne’e hanesan kontinuasaun husi preparasaun ne’ebe durante ne’e sira halo ba ekipa sub 16 Timor Leste antes ba hasoru eventu taxa azia nian ne’e. “Dezde Uluk ekipa Timor ninian ne’ebe mai iha liur ne’e sempre dehan prepara no prepara maibe sempre lakon nune’e duni mai ita Timor oan kuandu sai mai liur hanesan ne’e tenke foti Timor nia naran tan ba Timor la’os hanesan uluk maibe Timor agora hanesan nasaun,” esplika Agustinho.
Kestiona kona ba preparasaun ekipa Timor Leste ba iha pra kompetisaun ne’ebe sei hala’o iha Solo treinador ne’e hatutan, “ha’u sente ita prepara ho di’ak no preparadu. Hanesan ekipa ida hodiseik joga ne’e ema penonton balun ne’eb e haree jogu ne’e dehan ita maka sira, no sira maka iha fali ita nia fatin. Tuir pengamatan kolega jogador sira iha ne’eba ne’ene dehan 100% labarik sira joga di’ak liu fali sira.”
“Pengamatan sira nia penonton balun ne’ebe mai asiste jogu ne’e dehan se hakarak joga bola tenke joga, se la hatene joga bola lalika joga, ne’e refere ba ita nia labarik sira.”
Tuir informasaun dehan ekipa nasional Indonesia ho nasaun sira seluk dehan tenke kuidadu ho Timor Leste. “Iha ema balun kontaktu treinador sira nian ne’ebe halo komentariu hakarak manang Timor Leste ho trez zero ne’e kuidadu ho Timor tan ba Timor nia joga ne’e di’ak,” informa treinador ne’e.
Ekipa sub 16 Timor leste daudaun ne’e sei hala’o nafatin treinamentu iha Jakarta no tuir planu sei aranka solo iha loron 18 no sei joga iha loron 20/09/2010.
Jakarta udan bo’ot no kondisaun kampu fote bola nian bee sa’e maka’as kahor ho taho maibe la empata jogador Timor leste hodi hatama gol ba baliza husi klubu capital nasaun Indonesian ne’e. “Labarik sira ne’ebe hatama golu ne’e maka primeira golu hatama husi Nicolao, iha minute 10, segundu golu halo husi Jose Fonseca, Terceira golu iha kuarenta um minute ne’e marka husi Mau Quinta i depois iha segunda parte iha minute oitenta sicu hetan marka penalty ida,” informa treinador Agustinho Misquita ba tempo Semanal via telemovel.
Tuir treinador ne’e sparing ne’ebe halo iha Jakarta hodiseik ne’e hanesan kontinuasaun husi preparasaun ne’ebe durante ne’e sira halo ba ekipa sub 16 Timor Leste antes ba hasoru eventu taxa azia nian ne’e. “Dezde Uluk ekipa Timor ninian ne’ebe mai iha liur ne’e sempre dehan prepara no prepara maibe sempre lakon nune’e duni mai ita Timor oan kuandu sai mai liur hanesan ne’e tenke foti Timor nia naran tan ba Timor la’os hanesan uluk maibe Timor agora hanesan nasaun,” esplika Agustinho.
Kestiona kona ba preparasaun ekipa Timor Leste ba iha pra kompetisaun ne’ebe sei hala’o iha Solo treinador ne’e hatutan, “ha’u sente ita prepara ho di’ak no preparadu. Hanesan ekipa ida hodiseik joga ne’e ema penonton balun ne’eb e haree jogu ne’e dehan ita maka sira, no sira maka iha fali ita nia fatin. Tuir pengamatan kolega jogador sira iha ne’eba ne’ene dehan 100% labarik sira joga di’ak liu fali sira.”
“Pengamatan sira nia penonton balun ne’ebe mai asiste jogu ne’e dehan se hakarak joga bola tenke joga, se la hatene joga bola lalika joga, ne’e refere ba ita nia labarik sira.”
Tuir informasaun dehan ekipa nasional Indonesia ho nasaun sira seluk dehan tenke kuidadu ho Timor Leste. “Iha ema balun kontaktu treinador sira nian ne’ebe halo komentariu hakarak manang Timor Leste ho trez zero ne’e kuidadu ho Timor tan ba Timor nia joga ne’e di’ak,” informa treinador ne’e.
Ekipa sub 16 Timor leste daudaun ne’e sei hala’o nafatin treinamentu iha Jakarta no tuir planu sei aranka solo iha loron 18 no sei joga iha loron 20/09/2010.
Kemenangan TL Atas Indonesia Bukan Akhir Dari Suatu Perjuangan
Dili, Tempo Semanal
Perjuangan masyarakat Timor-Leste (TL) untuk meraih kemerdekaan dari pendudukan Negara Republik Indonesia telah tercapai setelah hampir seratus persen masyarakat TL memilih Referendum pada jajak pendapat tahun 1999. Namun, kemenangan itu sendiri bukan bertanda akhir dari suatu perjuangan karena TL harus terus berjuang untuk masa depan masyarakat dan Negara TL. Untuk mengetahui betapa pentingnya perjuangan di era kemerdekaan ini, berikut wawancara esklusiv wartawan Tempo Semanal (TS) dengan Wilson (W), salah seorang berkewarganegaraan Indonesia yang pro kemerdekaan TL. TS. Bisakah anda ceritakan secara singkat, apa yang mendorong anda untuk menulis buku yang berjudul A luta Continua..?
W. Saya menulis buku ini sebetulnya di provokasi karena adanya perjuangan Timor Leste tahun lalu, sebab saya melihat bahwa sangat sedikit sekali buku sejarah yang mendokumetasi pengalaman perjuangan orang Timor – Leste sehingga saya berpikir untuk mencoba dari Indonesia, karena sejak tahun sembilan puluhan di PRD saya banyak berhubugan dengan orang-orang Timor Leste. Dari situlah selama setahun saya mulai mengumpulkan materi untuk menulis sehingga jadilah sebuah buku yang kira-kira bisa mendokumentasikan pengalaman gerakan demokrasi di Indonesia yang bernama Partai Rakyat Demokratik berhubungan dengan kawan-kawan aktivis Timor Leste untuk memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Timor – Timur di Indonesia.
TS. Menggapa judul Bukunya dinamai Aluta Kontinua, tetapi bukan kebebasan atau kemerdekaan yang sudah di capai..?
W. saya melihat banyak kawan-kawan melihat demokrasi dan kemerdekaan seperti akhir dari suatu perjuangan, tetapi saya mengatakan tidak, justru itulah awal dari semuanya dan itu adalah salah satu kelanjutan dari perjuangan di masa lalu, masa kini dan masa depan yang berkelanjutan dan tidak boleh di putuskan. Jadi sebetulnya tidak ada akhir perjuangan kita untuk demokrasi dan juga untuk kemerdekaan Timor – Leste, sehingga saya memberi judul ALUTA CONTINUA agar gerakan demokrasi Indonesia dan juga kawan-kawan di Timor Leste sadar bahwa demokrasi dan kemerdekaan bukanlah akhir dari sebuah perjuangan tetapi awal dari sebuah perjuangan untuk memperjuangkan masa depan. Kebetulan judul itu adalah slogam perjuangan dari seluruh organisasi perjuangan di Timor Leste saat itu, entah itu PST, CNRM, RENETIL, IMPETU dan OJETIL sebab saya yakin ALUTA CONTINUA adalah slogan yang di teriakan dalam aksi-aksi mereka dan saya pikir ini menunjukan bahwa sebetulnya ada satu cita-cita dari slogan itu di masa lalu dari seluruh pejuang Timor Leste baik yang muda, tua, yang di Portugues, Mosambique, Australia, Jakarta dan Dili. Kenapa kita tidak kembali ke ALUTA CONTINUA untuk mengisi Timor-Leste masa kini dan juga menciptakan masa depan Timor – Leste yang lebih baik.
TS. Menurut anda yang menjadi musuh bagi aktivis pro-demokrasi di Indonesia dan aktivis pro-kemerdekaan di Timor-Leste apa sebenarnya..?
W. Saya pikir ketidakadilan ekonomi global yang berdampak terhadap rakyat dari kedua bangsa, yaitu kemeskinan dan keterbelakangan dan sebetulnya itulah musuh bersama yang harus di hadapi oleh para aktivis dari kedua bangsa karena saya pikir hal itu membuktikan bahwa sekarang perjuangan demokrasi dan perjuangan kemerdekaan mempunyai musuh baru yang lebih berat sebab dulu musuhnya jelas Soeharto dan kita bisa bersatu bersama-sama, tetapi sekarang musuhnya ada kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan yang sangat jauh lebih berat untuk melawan di timbang musuh yang kelihatan nyata di depan mata.
TS. Menggapa di dalam buku anda menceritakan juga tentang perang dingin yang terjadi di Vietnam dan Rusia..?
W. kebetulan waktu saya di penjara saya baca satu buku sejarawan yang namanya Anoel Brokman Indonesia I Can From dan di situ saya temukan satu fakta soal Timor-Timur sebab hal itu juga menjadi perdebatan di perang dingin dan justru yang unik antara Mosko komunis dengan RRC yang juga komunis.
Karena adanya perang dingin sehingga di jaman Soekarno, Mosco memintah supaya Soekarno menaneksasi Timor-Leste karena di angap menjadi bagian dari kekuatan imperealis Portugues pada saat itu, tetapi Soekarno menolak proposal tersebut, bahkan tahun 1965 sebelum dia di kudeta, Soekarno mengucapkan pidato yang menggatakan bahwa perjuangan kemerdekaan Timor-Leste adalah satu bentuk perjuangan yang harus di dukun olah bangsa Indonesia, sayangnya Soekarno di jungkirkan olah Pemerintahan Soeharto sehingga dia tidak bisa membuktikan kata-kata itu.
TS. Di dalam buku ini banyak menceritakan juga hubungan anda dengah bapak Xanana Gusmao, Joao dan Lasama ketika masih di penjara, dan juga menceritakan seluk beluk kehidupan anda mulai dari pro-demokrasi sampai bergabun dengan pro-kemerdekaan dan apa yang menguntunkan dua kelompok ini..?
W. sebetulnya yang paling menguntunkan adalah, menyatukan kekuatan untuk menghadapi musuh bersama dan isu Timor-Timur adalah isu internasional sehingga ketika gerakan demokrasi mendukung kemerdekaan Timor Leste otomatis akan mendapatkan juga dukungan internasional dan kita tau persis selama ini internasional basis terhadap orde baru karena mereka adalah pengdukun orde baru. Saya pikir isu Timor-Timur menjadi pintu masuk agar supaya masyarakat internasional menghubunkan isu Timor – Timur ke dalam demokrasi dan yang paling pentin soal nasionalisme yang berkembang di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia dan juga di kalangan aktivis demokrasi. Kita tau banyak aktivis memang berjuang untuk demokrasi tetapi hak determination mereka tidak mendukun Timor Leste sehingga saya bilang ada kontradiksi atau aironik, sebab kita berjuang demokrasi dan bicara soal hak tapi hak mendasar sebuah bangsa kita tolak. Dengan demikian saya mengatakan hegemony nasionalisme orde baru yang begitu kuat mengatakan bahwa Timor-Leste adalah bagian dari teritoriu Indonesia dan itu menurut saya ketika gerakan demokrasi berhubungan dengan gerakan Timor Leste kita seperti menyadarkan masyrakat bahwa nasionalisme itu keliru kalau tetap mengangap Timor – Leste bagian dari Indonesia karena dalam sejarahnya memang terbukti bahwa nasionalisme Timor-Leste bukan bagian dari sejerah nasionalisme Indonesia. Menurut saya problem inilah yang paling penting karena masyarakat luas kebanyakan teregomoni oleh nasionalisme orde baru yang otoriter dan teritoria termasuk Timor – Leste.
TS. Dalam buku ini menceritakan juga kedekatan anda sama bapak Xanana yang begitu erat hingga sampai di kasih ping (penhargaan) kusus pada tanggal 20 Juni 1999 di ulan tahun beliau dan sekarang bagaimana hubungan anda dengan bapak Xanana..?
W. baru kemaring saya bertemu dengan Xanana tetapai tidak melalui jalur protokoler, sebab melalui jalur protokoler sudah hampir lima hari tidak ada kepastian sehingga saya mengambil jalan pintas menunggu Xanana di tempat parkiran mobil Perdana Mentri. Saya yakin Xanana sebenarnya senang inggin bertemu sama saya cuma karena beliau sekarang pejabat tinggi Negara sehingga ada proses protokoler yang harus di lalui dan akhirnya saya tidak sempat bertemu dengan beliau, tetapi saya penasaran masa sih…tidak bisa.
Saya yankin dia (Xanana) senang bertemu dengan saya karena hampir 12 tahun semenjak referendum saya tidak perna ketemu beliau, akhirnya saya tunggu dia di palasio dekat parkirang mobil dan pada saat mobilnya masuk saya berdiri dekat tiang bendera sampai menunggu beliau turun, tapi saya agak khawatir juga jangan-jangan dia lupa dengan saya. Tetapi making dekat dia turung dari tangga sepertinya dia kaget, ini ko…!ada makluk asing yang sepertinya saya kenal lama dan akhirnya dia langsun lari memeluk saya dan mengatakan Wilson akhirnya kita berpelukan begitu lama dan saya senang sekali karena inilah Xanana yang saya kenal hangat. Kemudian kita bicara dan ngobrol-ngobrol hampir 15 menit di depang parkiran mobil sampai Xanana kembali ke rumahnya akhirnya selama 12 tahun saya bisa ketemu lagi dengan sahabat saya Xanana Gusmao yang dulu bersama-sama di penjara. Di penjara kita mengorganisir kegiatan yang paling penting yaitu kompetisi sepak bola karena kita tau saat itu di penjara hampir tidak ada kegiatan untuk para napi sehingga muncul problem kekerasan yang membuat kita estres. Dari situlah Xanana kemudian membuat proposal agar kita bisa membuat kegiatan untuk para napi di penjara yang milibatkan banyak napi akirnya kita melakukan kegiatan sepak bola dan Xanana lah yang terpilih menjadi ketua persatuan sepak bola di penjara dan saya sebagai komisi pertandinganya di liga antar blok di penjara cipinang. Di penjara setiap hari kita mengatur pertandingan antar blok sehinga penjara menjadi dinamis karena ada kegiatan yang membuat napi-napi tidak estres dan mengurangi kekerasan sehingga di malam hari mereka bisa tidur nyenyak karena kecapeyan.
TS. Di dalam buku anda menyatakan bahwa klub-klub pemain sepak bola di cipinan kadan bisa juga mengalakan klub sebaik juventus bagaimana ceritanya..?
W. yah.. itu cok kita disana bahwa klub terbaik dunia atau pun juara dunia kalau masuk penjara belum tentu menan, karena yang di perlukan dalam penjara itu mental bukan teknik.
TS. Apa saja pasar taruhan untuk pertandingan sepak bola di Cipinang pada saat itu..?
W. Yah…beberapa napi kaya yang koruptor biasa taruhannya sampai jutaan tapi kalau kita antar napi-napi taruhannya biasa telur, indomilk dan rokok karena itu bisa di nikmati langsun bersama-sama oleh para napi walaupun kalah atau menang. Tim saya dan tim Xanana selalau berkompetisi karena tim kami yang menjadi tim terbaik, cuma Xanana membeli semua pemain terbaik di cipinang untuk masuk bloknya yang dibeli dengan indomilk jadi ada pemain bola bagus dari blok lain akan di transfer ke bloknya Xanana sehingga bloknya Xanana menjadi juara beberapa kali di cipinang. Sebab di bloknya Xanana gizinya juga terjamin untuk para pemain bola karena di kasih telur ayam kampung setenga matan, fitamin dan susu.
TS. Bagaimana perasaan andah saat bertemu dengan teman-teman aktivis Timor-Leste yang sekarang menjadi pejabat Negara..?
W. Saya pikir itu proses istoris yang harus dilalui oleh Timor – Leste, bahwa kawan-kawan yang dulunya menjadi aktivis menantan Negara orde baru, ketika merdeka mereka harus mengisih kemerdekaan ini dengan mendapat posisi di jabatan politik, parlamen maupun di pemerintahan. Saya kira itu satu kenyataan politik yang harus saya terima bahwa itulah perubahan dari sebuah kemerdekan dan kawan-kawan harus siap memimpin Negara ini di pemerintahan dan juga di parlamen. Saya mengangap Timor-Leste unik karena banyak aktivis memimpin Negara dan ini satu hal yang berbeda dengan Indonesia, walaupun Indonesia terjadi reformasi tetapi semua institusi politik tetap di kuasai oleh orde baru karena tidak ada perubahan.Ketika pro demokrasi yang menyumbankan Soeharto dan menciptakan reformasi tetap di luar sistim tapi di Timor-Leste lain transisi kemerdekaan itu langsun para aktivisnya memimpin negara sebab ada Mari Alkatiri,Xanana Gusmao,Ramos Horta,Lasama dan Mariano dan kita tau trektektor mereke di erah kemerdekaan tidak perlu di ragukan, jadi saya tetap optimis bahwa kawan-kawan semuanya dalam proses belajar dan dalam proses belajar kita selalu ada kesalahan karena Timor Leste tidak ada gurunya.Mereka belajar dari pengalaman dan kesalahannya sendiri jadi saya pikir kita harus adil melihat Timor Leste bahwa munkin ini bagian dari pembelajaran 10 tahun kemerdekaan Timor Leste dan saya harap kawan-kawan sadar kalau ada kesalahan meman harus di koreksi dan kalau meman tidak mampu dia harus mundur sehingga Timor-Leste betul-betul bisa berkembang menjadi Negara yang sehat, Negara yang secara politiknya stabil dan isu-isu demokrasinya bisa berjalan dengan mapan agar tidak mudah di goncang oleh satu provokasi atau kekerasan politik tertentu. Hal inilah yang sekarang saya lihat di Timor-Leste dan saya tidak melihat secara hitam putih seperti beberapa orang melihatnya karena saya pikir ini proses pembelajaran.
Tetapi dalam proses pembelajarannya seperti saya katakan, kalau ada kesalahan harus diperbaiki dan saya kwatir jangan sampai sudah berkuasa kadan sala dia tidak memperbaiki kesalahannya walaupun banyak orang bilang itu sala dan muda-mudahan hal seperti ini tidak beloh terjadi terhadap kawan-kawan aktivis yang sekarang menjadi pejabat di Timor Leste.
TS. dalam penulisan buku ini kesulitan apa saja yang anda hadapi ..?
W. kesulitannya karena sumber-sumber utama di Timor – Leste tidak bisa saya akses sebab tidak ada yang membiayahi jadi sebetulnya saya menulis buku ini berdasarkan arsip yang saya punya dan pengalaman yang saya ingat dan tidak ada dukungan apapun dari orang lain, karena ini pertanggunjawaban pribadi saya untuk gerakan demokrasi dan pembebasan Timor Leste di Indonesia karena itu yang membuat saya bersemangat untuk menulis buku ini.
Meskipung saya tidak bisa menakses banyak sumber di Timor-Leste, tetapi saya pikir kawan-kawan Timor-Leste akan menulis sejaranya lebih lengkap lagi.
TS. Kenapa anda memilih tanggal 4 september sebagai data penerbitan buku ini..?
W. Yah…kita mau mencari satu momentum yang berhubungan dengan sejarah Timor-Leste, karena tanggal 4 September adalah hari pengumuman referendum pada tahun 1999, sebab selama ini justru hari itu jarang di peringati karena selama ini Timor-Leste hanya memperingati 30 Agustus.**end**

W. Saya menulis buku ini sebetulnya di provokasi karena adanya perjuangan Timor Leste tahun lalu, sebab saya melihat bahwa sangat sedikit sekali buku sejarah yang mendokumetasi pengalaman perjuangan orang Timor – Leste sehingga saya berpikir untuk mencoba dari Indonesia, karena sejak tahun sembilan puluhan di PRD saya banyak berhubugan dengan orang-orang Timor Leste. Dari situlah selama setahun saya mulai mengumpulkan materi untuk menulis sehingga jadilah sebuah buku yang kira-kira bisa mendokumentasikan pengalaman gerakan demokrasi di Indonesia yang bernama Partai Rakyat Demokratik berhubungan dengan kawan-kawan aktivis Timor Leste untuk memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Timor – Timur di Indonesia.
TS. Menggapa judul Bukunya dinamai Aluta Kontinua, tetapi bukan kebebasan atau kemerdekaan yang sudah di capai..?
W. saya melihat banyak kawan-kawan melihat demokrasi dan kemerdekaan seperti akhir dari suatu perjuangan, tetapi saya mengatakan tidak, justru itulah awal dari semuanya dan itu adalah salah satu kelanjutan dari perjuangan di masa lalu, masa kini dan masa depan yang berkelanjutan dan tidak boleh di putuskan. Jadi sebetulnya tidak ada akhir perjuangan kita untuk demokrasi dan juga untuk kemerdekaan Timor – Leste, sehingga saya memberi judul ALUTA CONTINUA agar gerakan demokrasi Indonesia dan juga kawan-kawan di Timor Leste sadar bahwa demokrasi dan kemerdekaan bukanlah akhir dari sebuah perjuangan tetapi awal dari sebuah perjuangan untuk memperjuangkan masa depan. Kebetulan judul itu adalah slogam perjuangan dari seluruh organisasi perjuangan di Timor Leste saat itu, entah itu PST, CNRM, RENETIL, IMPETU dan OJETIL sebab saya yakin ALUTA CONTINUA adalah slogan yang di teriakan dalam aksi-aksi mereka dan saya pikir ini menunjukan bahwa sebetulnya ada satu cita-cita dari slogan itu di masa lalu dari seluruh pejuang Timor Leste baik yang muda, tua, yang di Portugues, Mosambique, Australia, Jakarta dan Dili. Kenapa kita tidak kembali ke ALUTA CONTINUA untuk mengisi Timor-Leste masa kini dan juga menciptakan masa depan Timor – Leste yang lebih baik.
TS. Menurut anda yang menjadi musuh bagi aktivis pro-demokrasi di Indonesia dan aktivis pro-kemerdekaan di Timor-Leste apa sebenarnya..?
W. Saya pikir ketidakadilan ekonomi global yang berdampak terhadap rakyat dari kedua bangsa, yaitu kemeskinan dan keterbelakangan dan sebetulnya itulah musuh bersama yang harus di hadapi oleh para aktivis dari kedua bangsa karena saya pikir hal itu membuktikan bahwa sekarang perjuangan demokrasi dan perjuangan kemerdekaan mempunyai musuh baru yang lebih berat sebab dulu musuhnya jelas Soeharto dan kita bisa bersatu bersama-sama, tetapi sekarang musuhnya ada kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan yang sangat jauh lebih berat untuk melawan di timbang musuh yang kelihatan nyata di depan mata.
TS. Menggapa di dalam buku anda menceritakan juga tentang perang dingin yang terjadi di Vietnam dan Rusia..?
W. kebetulan waktu saya di penjara saya baca satu buku sejarawan yang namanya Anoel Brokman Indonesia I Can From dan di situ saya temukan satu fakta soal Timor-Timur sebab hal itu juga menjadi perdebatan di perang dingin dan justru yang unik antara Mosko komunis dengan RRC yang juga komunis.
Karena adanya perang dingin sehingga di jaman Soekarno, Mosco memintah supaya Soekarno menaneksasi Timor-Leste karena di angap menjadi bagian dari kekuatan imperealis Portugues pada saat itu, tetapi Soekarno menolak proposal tersebut, bahkan tahun 1965 sebelum dia di kudeta, Soekarno mengucapkan pidato yang menggatakan bahwa perjuangan kemerdekaan Timor-Leste adalah satu bentuk perjuangan yang harus di dukun olah bangsa Indonesia, sayangnya Soekarno di jungkirkan olah Pemerintahan Soeharto sehingga dia tidak bisa membuktikan kata-kata itu.
TS. Di dalam buku ini banyak menceritakan juga hubungan anda dengah bapak Xanana Gusmao, Joao dan Lasama ketika masih di penjara, dan juga menceritakan seluk beluk kehidupan anda mulai dari pro-demokrasi sampai bergabun dengan pro-kemerdekaan dan apa yang menguntunkan dua kelompok ini..?
W. sebetulnya yang paling menguntunkan adalah, menyatukan kekuatan untuk menghadapi musuh bersama dan isu Timor-Timur adalah isu internasional sehingga ketika gerakan demokrasi mendukung kemerdekaan Timor Leste otomatis akan mendapatkan juga dukungan internasional dan kita tau persis selama ini internasional basis terhadap orde baru karena mereka adalah pengdukun orde baru. Saya pikir isu Timor-Timur menjadi pintu masuk agar supaya masyarakat internasional menghubunkan isu Timor – Timur ke dalam demokrasi dan yang paling pentin soal nasionalisme yang berkembang di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia dan juga di kalangan aktivis demokrasi. Kita tau banyak aktivis memang berjuang untuk demokrasi tetapi hak determination mereka tidak mendukun Timor Leste sehingga saya bilang ada kontradiksi atau aironik, sebab kita berjuang demokrasi dan bicara soal hak tapi hak mendasar sebuah bangsa kita tolak. Dengan demikian saya mengatakan hegemony nasionalisme orde baru yang begitu kuat mengatakan bahwa Timor-Leste adalah bagian dari teritoriu Indonesia dan itu menurut saya ketika gerakan demokrasi berhubungan dengan gerakan Timor Leste kita seperti menyadarkan masyrakat bahwa nasionalisme itu keliru kalau tetap mengangap Timor – Leste bagian dari Indonesia karena dalam sejarahnya memang terbukti bahwa nasionalisme Timor-Leste bukan bagian dari sejerah nasionalisme Indonesia. Menurut saya problem inilah yang paling penting karena masyarakat luas kebanyakan teregomoni oleh nasionalisme orde baru yang otoriter dan teritoria termasuk Timor – Leste.
TS. Dalam buku ini menceritakan juga kedekatan anda sama bapak Xanana yang begitu erat hingga sampai di kasih ping (penhargaan) kusus pada tanggal 20 Juni 1999 di ulan tahun beliau dan sekarang bagaimana hubungan anda dengan bapak Xanana..?
W. baru kemaring saya bertemu dengan Xanana tetapai tidak melalui jalur protokoler, sebab melalui jalur protokoler sudah hampir lima hari tidak ada kepastian sehingga saya mengambil jalan pintas menunggu Xanana di tempat parkiran mobil Perdana Mentri. Saya yakin Xanana sebenarnya senang inggin bertemu sama saya cuma karena beliau sekarang pejabat tinggi Negara sehingga ada proses protokoler yang harus di lalui dan akhirnya saya tidak sempat bertemu dengan beliau, tetapi saya penasaran masa sih…tidak bisa.
Saya yankin dia (Xanana) senang bertemu dengan saya karena hampir 12 tahun semenjak referendum saya tidak perna ketemu beliau, akhirnya saya tunggu dia di palasio dekat parkirang mobil dan pada saat mobilnya masuk saya berdiri dekat tiang bendera sampai menunggu beliau turun, tapi saya agak khawatir juga jangan-jangan dia lupa dengan saya. Tetapi making dekat dia turung dari tangga sepertinya dia kaget, ini ko…!ada makluk asing yang sepertinya saya kenal lama dan akhirnya dia langsun lari memeluk saya dan mengatakan Wilson akhirnya kita berpelukan begitu lama dan saya senang sekali karena inilah Xanana yang saya kenal hangat. Kemudian kita bicara dan ngobrol-ngobrol hampir 15 menit di depang parkiran mobil sampai Xanana kembali ke rumahnya akhirnya selama 12 tahun saya bisa ketemu lagi dengan sahabat saya Xanana Gusmao yang dulu bersama-sama di penjara. Di penjara kita mengorganisir kegiatan yang paling penting yaitu kompetisi sepak bola karena kita tau saat itu di penjara hampir tidak ada kegiatan untuk para napi sehingga muncul problem kekerasan yang membuat kita estres. Dari situlah Xanana kemudian membuat proposal agar kita bisa membuat kegiatan untuk para napi di penjara yang milibatkan banyak napi akirnya kita melakukan kegiatan sepak bola dan Xanana lah yang terpilih menjadi ketua persatuan sepak bola di penjara dan saya sebagai komisi pertandinganya di liga antar blok di penjara cipinang. Di penjara setiap hari kita mengatur pertandingan antar blok sehinga penjara menjadi dinamis karena ada kegiatan yang membuat napi-napi tidak estres dan mengurangi kekerasan sehingga di malam hari mereka bisa tidur nyenyak karena kecapeyan.
TS. Di dalam buku anda menyatakan bahwa klub-klub pemain sepak bola di cipinan kadan bisa juga mengalakan klub sebaik juventus bagaimana ceritanya..?
W. yah.. itu cok kita disana bahwa klub terbaik dunia atau pun juara dunia kalau masuk penjara belum tentu menan, karena yang di perlukan dalam penjara itu mental bukan teknik.
TS. Apa saja pasar taruhan untuk pertandingan sepak bola di Cipinang pada saat itu..?
W. Yah…beberapa napi kaya yang koruptor biasa taruhannya sampai jutaan tapi kalau kita antar napi-napi taruhannya biasa telur, indomilk dan rokok karena itu bisa di nikmati langsun bersama-sama oleh para napi walaupun kalah atau menang. Tim saya dan tim Xanana selalau berkompetisi karena tim kami yang menjadi tim terbaik, cuma Xanana membeli semua pemain terbaik di cipinang untuk masuk bloknya yang dibeli dengan indomilk jadi ada pemain bola bagus dari blok lain akan di transfer ke bloknya Xanana sehingga bloknya Xanana menjadi juara beberapa kali di cipinang. Sebab di bloknya Xanana gizinya juga terjamin untuk para pemain bola karena di kasih telur ayam kampung setenga matan, fitamin dan susu.
TS. Bagaimana perasaan andah saat bertemu dengan teman-teman aktivis Timor-Leste yang sekarang menjadi pejabat Negara..?
W. Saya pikir itu proses istoris yang harus dilalui oleh Timor – Leste, bahwa kawan-kawan yang dulunya menjadi aktivis menantan Negara orde baru, ketika merdeka mereka harus mengisih kemerdekaan ini dengan mendapat posisi di jabatan politik, parlamen maupun di pemerintahan. Saya kira itu satu kenyataan politik yang harus saya terima bahwa itulah perubahan dari sebuah kemerdekan dan kawan-kawan harus siap memimpin Negara ini di pemerintahan dan juga di parlamen. Saya mengangap Timor-Leste unik karena banyak aktivis memimpin Negara dan ini satu hal yang berbeda dengan Indonesia, walaupun Indonesia terjadi reformasi tetapi semua institusi politik tetap di kuasai oleh orde baru karena tidak ada perubahan.Ketika pro demokrasi yang menyumbankan Soeharto dan menciptakan reformasi tetap di luar sistim tapi di Timor-Leste lain transisi kemerdekaan itu langsun para aktivisnya memimpin negara sebab ada Mari Alkatiri,Xanana Gusmao,Ramos Horta,Lasama dan Mariano dan kita tau trektektor mereke di erah kemerdekaan tidak perlu di ragukan, jadi saya tetap optimis bahwa kawan-kawan semuanya dalam proses belajar dan dalam proses belajar kita selalu ada kesalahan karena Timor Leste tidak ada gurunya.Mereka belajar dari pengalaman dan kesalahannya sendiri jadi saya pikir kita harus adil melihat Timor Leste bahwa munkin ini bagian dari pembelajaran 10 tahun kemerdekaan Timor Leste dan saya harap kawan-kawan sadar kalau ada kesalahan meman harus di koreksi dan kalau meman tidak mampu dia harus mundur sehingga Timor-Leste betul-betul bisa berkembang menjadi Negara yang sehat, Negara yang secara politiknya stabil dan isu-isu demokrasinya bisa berjalan dengan mapan agar tidak mudah di goncang oleh satu provokasi atau kekerasan politik tertentu. Hal inilah yang sekarang saya lihat di Timor-Leste dan saya tidak melihat secara hitam putih seperti beberapa orang melihatnya karena saya pikir ini proses pembelajaran.
Tetapi dalam proses pembelajarannya seperti saya katakan, kalau ada kesalahan harus diperbaiki dan saya kwatir jangan sampai sudah berkuasa kadan sala dia tidak memperbaiki kesalahannya walaupun banyak orang bilang itu sala dan muda-mudahan hal seperti ini tidak beloh terjadi terhadap kawan-kawan aktivis yang sekarang menjadi pejabat di Timor Leste.
TS. dalam penulisan buku ini kesulitan apa saja yang anda hadapi ..?
W. kesulitannya karena sumber-sumber utama di Timor – Leste tidak bisa saya akses sebab tidak ada yang membiayahi jadi sebetulnya saya menulis buku ini berdasarkan arsip yang saya punya dan pengalaman yang saya ingat dan tidak ada dukungan apapun dari orang lain, karena ini pertanggunjawaban pribadi saya untuk gerakan demokrasi dan pembebasan Timor Leste di Indonesia karena itu yang membuat saya bersemangat untuk menulis buku ini.
Meskipung saya tidak bisa menakses banyak sumber di Timor-Leste, tetapi saya pikir kawan-kawan Timor-Leste akan menulis sejaranya lebih lengkap lagi.
TS. Kenapa anda memilih tanggal 4 september sebagai data penerbitan buku ini..?
W. Yah…kita mau mencari satu momentum yang berhubungan dengan sejarah Timor-Leste, karena tanggal 4 September adalah hari pengumuman referendum pada tahun 1999, sebab selama ini justru hari itu jarang di peringati karena selama ini Timor-Leste hanya memperingati 30 Agustus.**end**
Deputy PM Carrascalao Controversy: Bishop Belo Corrects The Attitude of AMP Leader
Dili – During the Indonesian military occupation of Timor-Leste, Bishop Don Carlos Ximenes Belo, was the Catholic Church’s figure who was most critical of the Governor Mr. Mario Viegas Carrascalao regarding assassinations of Timorese during the time when Carrascalao was the Governor of “Tim-Tim”. But now when Mr. Mario Carrascalao is strongly criticized by Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, resulting in Carrscalao’s resignation from his position as Deputy Prime Minister, Bishop Belo says he is saddened because according to this figure in the Catholic Church, corruption will flourish in Timor-Leste.
"I was sad to hear this (resignation of Mario Carrascalao), because when Mr. Carrascalao was invited to join the AMP government, it was with the objective of fighting 'CORRUPTION': But the 'corruptors' were cleverer! The 'Corruptors' resorted to 'a diabolic strategy' to get rid of Mr. Carrascalao. So that thing people refer to as 'political ethics' or 'political morality' does not and will not exist in Timor-Leste, because many do not want corruption to be eradicated in Timorese society," wrote Bishop to Tempo Semanal via email.
According to Bishop Belo, “in any government, the Prime Minister or the President of the Council of Ministers has the right to ‘reshuffle the government’. Inside the government, minister or secretaries of state have the right to resign. “But I am a bit saddened with what has currently happened in Timor, when I hear those in government publicly calling each other words that hurt peoples’ feelings.”
"I am sad because in our nation 'leaders' call each other 'stupid', 'liar' or 'lazy' in public. This does not create a good 'image' for our society in the world, for our own society, and to our youth and children."
"I am sad because, despite Mario Carrascalao having been Indonesian Governor, he also worked for Timor and for Timorese. I have not yet heard of Mario Carrascalao being corrupt, buying cars, building houses in Indonesia, favoring his own family. He is however a person who can contribute to reducing corruption, but in the end it was he who was accused of being stupid and a liar."
"I am sad because the youth, the children are being taught a negative lesson right now from their leaders, who should be better examples for them on 'manners.' If you as a leader call your colleagues 'liars', 'stupid'; in the future, when these youth and the children end up in government or in the parliament, they will also call their superiors 'stupid' or 'liars' or 'lazy'."
"On all of this I humbly ask: What are we opening schools and universities to do? Educate which generation? Educate a generation to enrich themselves with ethical values, or a generation of ill-mannered and ill educated people? Are we opening them to enable a generation to improve their society with their competence and professionalism, make them people who will respect the common good or a generation of corrupt, a generation of people who are ‘stupid' and ‘liars’?"
"My conclusion is simple: You have to apologize, you have to apologize to the youth and children, you have to apologize to the people who live in the rural areas, and maybe take yourself out from the government, and make way for someone with political integrity, morals, patience, respect, humility, and who is ready to give a good example of governance," Bishop Belo wrote in an email to this newspaper on Friday of last week.
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