Monday, 31 May 2010
Xanana Resist Against Indonesia Used Strategic Guerilla Warfare And To Develop The Country with PEDN .mpg
Starting from 19/04/2010 Xanana Gusmao walking through again his old foot print as he began to reorganized the struggle for the Independence from Lospalos in early 1980s trying to fullfill his promised to his people during the strugle that an Independent East Timor will give better live to the Timorese people. But today people are still suffering while many of the government official and a small elite have nice leaving conditions.
In the periode of struggle Xanana has disappeared for more or less two months and appeared with a book called “Strategy Guerrilla War Fare.” In his book amazingly Xanana Set an Avenue to free East Timor from Indonesia occupation by reorganized the resistance to continue the struggle for Independence after most of the leaders were killed, captured or surrender.
After 8 years of Timor Leste have a country but people are still leaving in poor conditions and sometimes starting losing faith to Independence, have lees confidence to their leaders and confuse with the development xanana have self-imposed isolation for three months at his residence in Balibar in the hills overlooking Dili, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao has now emerged with Timor Leste’s Strategic Development Plan for 2011-2030. It has been given the title “From Conflict to Prosperity,” and consists of an Introduction and 6 (six) sections: Vision of the Timor-Lester economy in 2030; Framework for Action to 2020;Public Investment Plan to 2015;Public Financing; Macroeconomic Framework and Institutional Framework.
He has been traveling around 33 sub-districts in 7 districts’ always have long hours of talk to the people, listened and listed down every questions from every head of the villages. In his speech Xanana always start with the struggle for Independence to cement the spirit of the people, to help regain people trust in the Government, Parliament, Judiciary process and Political party’s leader as well as he called on the people to cease violence and pursue dialogue to develop the country and liberate the people from poverty.
Seems like Xanana is doing civic education program to the people before he started to bring to people attention of the so called National Strategic Development plan (SDP). But it almost certain in every meeting he always bring up the issue of Greater Sun rise as a matter to burden the SDP. He let the people express their anger, dissatisfaction, frustration and then he has explain the people preoccupation and even collectin some notes from the people.
From what we have observe so far PM Xanana has collected a lot of information from each of the villages from the 33 sub districts and the government need to address the people demands for roads, water and sanitations, schools, health centers for short period before move on to start with the SDP itself. Xanana promised to the people that he will fight to decentralize some amount of money for the villages to do some community project. He indicated to start with some US$50,000 for the small project directly involving the community leaders. “Before these community leaders are nothing,” he said in his speech. Timor Leste made up of 442 villages means if each village have access to these small project may cost some US$2,210,000. It may looks like the failed World Bank Community Empowerment Project which occurred in 2000.
Xanana point out a boot which he also signed and said, “Timor first issued a 5 year National Development Plan in 2002.It was widely seen at the time to be the first step in a long process to bring economic prosperity, services and employment to Timor- Leste. Quite an amount of public consultation went into 1st National Development Plan. At the time there was also a lack of suitable qualified Timorese to be the driving force behind the plan. Added to that, we had the crisis of 2006 which did nothing to instill a sense of confidence in either local or foreign business people. However, much has changed in the intervening years. Most, if not all government ministries and agencies have very suitably qualified Timorese women and men who have it well within their capacity to be in control for the monitoring and implementation of Timor-Leste’s Strategic Development Plan (2011-2030).
However some of his Ministers acting as opposition to the PM by not obey his orders. Some others behave like some freedom fighters commands just want to camp near “Bubur Meto’s Pumpkin,” to eat as much as they could while there is opportunity to do so. Many people know there are many allegations of Corruptions, Collusion and Nepotisms involved some of the members of Fourth Constitutional Government lead by PM Gusmao. But none has been brought before the court.
The new Timor-Leste’s Strategic Development Plan (2011-2030) is the brainchild of Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao is a welcome development. The Prime Minister has long recognized that Timor Leste have vast sums of money sitting in trust funds or other funds in the financial houses of New York, while at the same time people in Dili and all the districts are crying out for basic necessities of life. It is very difficult to justify this oil and gas money sitting in theses accounts while so much remains to be done here in the areas of subsistence agriculture, food security, road-air and seaport infrastructure, primary health care, environmental sustainability, the electrification of rural Timor-Leste. One point however is worth noting. Little is said of a hugely lucrative resource for the people of Timor-Leste: fisheries. This resource can not only add much in the area of food security and nutrition and can also be a very large employment generator, if the potential is tapped into locally.
In his executive summary Xanana stated that, “as a young, post conflict and low-income country Timor Leste needs to implement a unique, country-specific strategy to bring prosperity for the people.” He continues, “Timor Leste is a nation that has risen from foreign domination and violent destruction to a dynamic and democratic society, with a rapidly growing, if still fragile, economy.”
According to the ex guerilla commander the future success of the country will defined by four core principles:
1. Political. As a post-conflict, newly independent, and democratic country, Timor Leste has gained the capacity to think strategically and creatively. Now those very same characteristics that brought independence must be utilized and channeled in nation building and economic development.
2. Economic potential. Timor Leste has valuable natural resources, including one of the most vital commodities in the global market, oil and gas. If developed with prudence, the petroleum sector can help to build the foundations of a viable sustainable and vibrant economy.
3. National Integration. Timor Leste is a small country with a land size of 15,000 square kilometers and population of 1.2 million. Because of the small size and population, Timor-Leste is in a favored position to fast track economic development. Connectivity is the key. Rapid development with be promoted by integrating national markets through roads, power and telecommunications, and by connecting Timor-Leste with regional and global markets.
4. Dynamism. As a young population and a new country, Timor-Leste is ready to grasp new opportunities and to accept dynamic change. Our population will master the technologies of the 21st centuries-broadband, Internet advances in agriculture and energy-and will thereby speed economic growth and development.
However, SDP recognizes the many challenges that face Timor –Leste and its people are urban/rural imbalance, the skilled human resources in many areas, Fragile Institutions, Post-conflict mentality. In essence, Xanana wants by the end of 2030 or possibly earlier: to end the rural/urban divide with equality of development for all; Education and skill building for all Timorese citizens; Free compulsory education for every child through Grade 12;Timorese to acquire new technological skills based on broadband, high-yield agriculture and cutting-edge health care delivery;Extreme poverty to be eradicated through job opportunities, access to public services and economic development is all regions.
Xanana's Vision of the Timor-Leste Economy in 2030
Currently Timor-Leste is a low-income economy. It relies heavily of subsistence agriculture and while there is some income-generating cash-crop most people produce for own consumption only. The Strategic Development Plan envisages that there will be rapid change in the Timorese economy by 203o including high quality infrastructure of roads, power, ports and telecommunications. Timor-Leste will be self sufficient in food and will be in a position to be a net exporter of food commodities such as livestock, fruits and vegetables, and other cash crops.
The funds generated from the oil and gas reserves will have turned Timor-Leste into a significant industrial based economy. Light industry such as food processing, apparel, handicrafts and cultural items, printing, furniture making will compliment heavy industries. A significant number of people will be employed in the service (including public) industry including tourism, health, education, trade, entertainment and public administration.
By 2030, Dili will account for nearly one-fourth to one-fifth of the country’s population. Other large towns will also see significant improvements in their economies. The urban centers will be the hub of business activities, key services, such as health and education and transport hubs for trade and tourism. Timor-Leste will be a major tourism and business destination and be seen as a ‘centre of learning’ attracting many students from abroad.
Timor-Leste has magnificent biodiversity and natural environment. Protection of this is a priority under the Strategic Plan with special emphasis on taking measures to counteract the effects of climate change. Precaution against the negative impact of climate change includes fostering large-scale use of irrigation to protect agriculture from fluctuations in rainfall. Other measures to prevent loss of lives and property from floods will also be put in place. The tourism and petroleum sectors will be developed with great detail to the protection of the natural environment.
Timor-Leste will be an upper-middle income country by 2030, with the gap closed with closed with neighbors such as Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. These countries pursued highly successful development plans during the time when Timor-Leste faced occupation destruction and an ongoing struggle for independence. Yet, the chance to narrow this gap through the Strategic Plan by 2030 is clear. Timor-Leste has a young, vibrant and dynamic society; an ability to develop a state-of –the-art infrastructure; and a significant petroleum economy.
The framework of action envisages a mixed economy with complementary actions by the private and public sectors. The vision of 2030 sees a strong public investment program with added investment by the private sector in a diversified economy.
Human capital is inclusive of six pillars: health; nutrition; primary and secondary education; vocational training; higher education; and research and development. A open economy with investor attraction in the areas of petroleum, tourism fisheries, finance, telecommunications and other promising sectors. A public financed primary health care system for all including a nutritional program aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty.
"The construction of school room capacity and teacher training will ensure universal secondary school completion through Grade 12 by the year 2020.This will require the opening of teacher colleges and an intensive effort to expand multi-lingual education in schools in the coming decade. Universal attendance in schools will be mandatory up to grade 9 and schools meals will be provided as part of their learning program."
"Timor-Leste needs an aggressive program to develop job skills. There will be an intensive public education to make good on the skills shortages aimed at today’s young people, particularly in the 20-30 age bracket, who lost the chance for education in the conflict years. Skills training will focus on the vocational skills need ed to build a modern diverse economy, including agriculture, health care, construction ( carpentry, plumbing, electrician) teaching, local public administration, administration and business skills. A strong focus will be culturally related activities such as native music and art."
"Timor-Leste needs to develop its own advanced leadership in public administration, science and business. While many Timorese train abroad, Timor-Leste must develop its own quality and capacity in higher education, beginning with the National University of Timor-Leste."
"The framework includes strong international economic relations focusing particularly with Lusophone countries such as Portugal, Brazil and African countries. Strop cultural and political links throughout the developing and developed world. Sound prudential regulation and step-by-step development of the banking sector."
"Infrastructure investment in roads, power and telecommunications will be a cornerstone of the Strategic Development Plan. The road strategy will be three-pronged: national ( a highway system) district ( paved, all weather roads linking all of the 13 districts of Timor-Leste into a coherent road network, and community (all weather roads that reach local communities)."
“Timor-Leste will develop a modern power grid linking the entire country by 2020. The power grid will connect all districts and will draw on the country’s natural gas resources to power much of the national system. Local electrification may rely on off-grid technologies; solar and wind power, biogas, hydropower and other appropriate options."
"Telecommunications will include a mix of mobile telephony, wireless broadband and fiber optic cable. By 2020, all districts of Timor-Leste, including clinics, hospitals, and secondary schools should have low-cost broadband access. Timor Leste will open the telecommunications sector to strong market competition, which will drive down prices and improve quality and coverage.”
“Seaports and airports constitute another chapter of the Strategic Plan. New seaports will be necessary to upgrade the services in Dili and to develop the full potential of the petroleum sector. Timor -Leste will build a full modern seaport in the south of the country to support the growing petroleum sector. New ports and especially airports will be required to build the new tourism economy. Dili airport will require significant expansion and new airports will be built in the East (Baucau District) and south (Suai District) in order to foster the tourism sector and other growth areas.”
“Major challenges are faced in the area of safe water and sanitation. Rural areas need to be supported with local projects to protect water supplies and provide sanitation facilities. Urban areas also need projects to promote city-wide water and sanitation systems.”
According to Xanana there are at least three strategic sectors for economic growth in the coming two decades. Agriculture, petroleum and tourism. The agricultural sector has been the backbone of the Timorese economy employing up to 85% of the rural population. This is a remarkably promising sector. Timor-Leste is now ripe for a Timor Green Revolution. The government envisages working with local farmers increase the outputs through targeted subsidies and the deployment of seasonal financing, modern technologies and the benefit of cutting-edge research. Timor-Leste can become self-sufficient in rice within five years, and can become an exporter of agricultural products to the world during the coming decade.
Petroleum will have a profound transformative potential for the country. Timor-Leste will build significant upstream and downstream industry, focusing o exploration and development, a pipeline to the mainland, and the development and the development of a downstream industry, including LNG, petrochemicals, fertilizers, refineries, and other energy-intensive operations. Timor-Leste will look at other small petroleum economies, such as Trinidad and Tobago. Before the people Xanana called for unity to fight for the greater sunsire to come to Timor Leste. Xanana is very angry at the Australian Government and Woodside.
The government will promote the national interest through transparent institutions and government led initiatives, including the promotion of government enterprises to foster key investments.
Tourism will be a strategic sector of the economy. Rich in unique flora and fauna, Timor-Leste has enormous potential for eco-tourism. The country is uniquely placed to tap in a region with a booming travel and tourist sector. This will require major investments in infrastructure, important new policies such as those on land and environmental regulation, and various promotional activities including incentives under the national investment law.
Improving the business environment is a fundamental priority.
The Timor Leste’s Strategic Development rule out four interconnected pillars for the economic framework to 2020 such as: Public investment in human capital, infrastructure, and leading sectors. Private investment, in domestic SME, and in FDI in key sectors. Responsible macroeconomic management and economic policies a sound business environment.
The Government sees three types of land reform necessary; farm land now under customary practices; urban land in need of zoning and clear property rights; and government land that can be used for public and private investment such as tourism or petroleum development. There is a need to reform land laws in order to attract capital investment and job creation in Timor-Leste. How ever as happening with the International community funded program of “Hari’i ita rain” has some negative impact of separation of the Timorese family. As it’s happened in a village in Camea, Dili during this week. Those brothers and Sisters have argued among them selves to get right to their parents land.
The government will facilitate the development of domestic financial markets, including commercial bank lending for business activity. For example, one of the goals in the agriculture sector will be to encourage banks to provide seasonal credits for farm inputs, so that farmers have a reliable commercial system to obtain seeds, fertilizer, implements, irrigation systems, and other critical components for farm modernization. The Government will also work to spread microfinance of all kinds, including savings accounts for citizens and micro-lending for small businesses.
Before the thousands of participants in Lautem Sub District, Lospalos Xanana explained to the people that he sat the time frame for four face as 2011-2015, 2016-2020, 2021-2025 and 2026-2030. For the Public Investment Plan to 2015 he said in the executive summary to focus on:
Health and Nutrition: Build a primary health care system at local level by 2015, including one clinic per suco staffed by a doctor and a nurse; one community health worker per 100 households; properly provisioned district hospitals, including ambulances and emergency obstetrical capabilities; national nutritional monitoring and response; national public health data system, with real-time vital statistics; infectious disease control program for HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, Dengue, and “neglected tropical diseases” such as worm infections. There will also be large-scale skill training and upgrading programs.
Education and Research: Building a system for universal access and school completion to Grade 9 by 2015, and universal completion through Grade 12 no later than 2025. The SDP will support a massive training of teachers, including the implementation of a national-scale college based on UNTL. The SDP will provide for scholarships for tertiary education, in Timor-Leste and abroad on a strategically targeted basis in key sectors. The Government will open four national research programs at UNTL: agriculture, petroleum, public health, and ecology, and will invite international experts to serve of advisory boards for these centers.
Roads: the national and district road system will be completed no later than 2020, with a substantial proportion completed by 2015. The Government program will pave at least 3,000 km of highway and district roads by 2015, based on strong domestic participation. The complete national road system will be completed by 2020.
Power: the national power grid will be completed by 2015, linking all cities and district capitals. The power system will rely mainly on petroleum, initially heavy liquids and then transitioning to national gas when the gas pipeline reaches Timor-Leste. Alternative energy sources including solar, wind, geothermal and hydro will be incorporated into the national grid. The government will install a 1 GW by 2030.
Seaports and airports: The SDP will prepare for new bulk and LNG port facilities around the petroleum complex in the South, and expand and relocate the container port facilities in Dili. The national airport at Dili will be enlarged, and new international airports will be targeted, at least in the east and one in the south.
Agriculture: The SDP will ensure agriculture inputs for all smallholder subsistence farmers, including fertilizer, seed and agriculture extension. Over time, ythe subsidy program will be convertd into a credit system, in which private and public banks will offer agricultural finance credits to farmers who have demonstrated their credit worthiness.
Petroleum: The SDP will promote the continued growth of the petroleum sector thorough promoting further exploration and development of new blocks. The government will invest in an industrial zone and port facilities in the south, enabling the nation to become an exporter of LNG and other petroleum related products. The government will actively explore the feasibility of various energy-related downstream industries including fertilizers, other petrochemicals, steel and aluminum.
Tourism: The SDP will promote high-end beach and eco-tourism within the bounds of strict environmental standards. Tourism will be promoted through leasing public lands for resort development, improved infrastructure including an airport in the east of Timor-Leste and government promotion of Timor-Leste as a new global tourist destination.
Public Financing to 2015
The basics framework for financing is the following. The government aims for a maximum pace of public investment consistent with : (1) efficiency of resource use;
(2) avoidance of bottlenecks in implementation; (3) full transparency and accountability of outlays, including proper procurement procedures; (4) full monitoring and evaluation; and (5) completion of the investment targets for 2015 and 2020. to accomplish these objectives, the government will pursue: (1) a multi-sector investment policy, with scale-up plans across the major sectors operating in parallel; (2) larger-scale training of personnel in each major sector; (3) institutional innovations to improve oversight and implementation; (4) rigorous data collection, coupled with monitoring and evaluation; (5) frequent consultations with relevant stake holders and experts; and (6) financial prudence.
The Xanana government anticipates a rate of public sector investments during 2011-2015 in the order of 30% of GNP, counting outlays on public health and public education mostly within the investment budget. The rest of the public sector budget would be around 20% of GNP. Total public spending would therefore be in the order of 50% of GNP which would amount to approx. $1 billion per year in the first years of this new decade.
Private sector will add another 15% of GNP each year, perhaps 10% international and 5% domestic. With the total public investments plus the private investments, approx. 50% of GNP, and an incremental-capital-output ration (ICOR) of around 5, the national investments rates would be consistent with GNP growth of around 12% per annum or higher.
Government revenues, including petroleum revenues, will support public spending of around $1 billion per year, with the remainder accumulating in the Petroleum Fund. The Petroleum Fund will rise from $5.5 Billion in 2010 to $9 Billion for the period 2011-2015. The Xanana Government will benchmark the “ 3 per cent rule ” to current outlays and transfers, not consuming or transferring more than the sustainable consumption level equal to 3% of the sum estimated of the Estimated Sustainable Income, (ESI) calculated as the sum of the Fund balances estimated NPV of future Fund revenues from petroleum.
The Xanana government is currently exploring options towards funding strategic public investments including withdrawing in excess of the ESI or borrowing at concessional rates.
The macroeconomic framework is predicted on a rapid expansion of the oil and gas sector, and an investment of oil and gas earnings in human capital, infrastructure and strategic sectors of the economy. The Xanana government government project annual earnings of the petroleum sector growing from $1.6 billion per year in 2010 to more than $2 billion in 2015.
The non-oil economy will increase from $600 per capita to more than $900 by 2015. The petroleum sector, including downstream industry, will increase from around $1,500 to around $3,000 by 2015.
The main points:
1. Timor-Leste will have a very high saving, high investment economy.
2. The Xanana government will supply more than half of the total investments outlays.
3. The total investment rate of around 35% of GNP will enable annual growth in the order of 12% per annum or higher
4. Timor-Leste will continue to run a substantial trade surplus and to accumulate added balances in the Petroleum Fund.
Institutional Framework to succeed the SDP according to Xanana point of view is dependent on, an institutional framework for implementation, a satisfactory global economic and geopolitical environment and massive training at all levels of society.
The most important institutional breakthrough will be a new agency to oversee the design, budgeting, and implementation of the SDP-The Economic Policy and Investment Agency (EPIA).
The EPIA will serve a role similar to a national planning authority, analogous to the National Development and Reform Commission in China, the Economic policy Unit of Malaysia, or the Planning Commission of India. The functional units of the EPIA will include: economic planning; program monitoring and evaluation; procurement and contracting; budgeting; international cooperation; and public information.
The EPIA will streamline the government’s planning and implementation functions, and will be charged with negotiating contracts with domestic and external management teams to implement key functions under the SDP. The EPIA will be responsible for capacity building under the SDP, working in close cooperation with line ministries.
The Xanana government advised by the EPIA will identify key strategic training needs and programs. Each sector program will involve the scale up of local capacity, through targeted training programs at home and abroad. The EPIA will also build its own capacity in economic planning and contact negotiations. The EPIA will provide institutional innovations that will deliver the long-term objectives of the National Strategic Plan.
In the section of framework of action 2020 to build economy xanana though using three prolonged public investment program such as Human Capital, Infrastructure and Sector development. In Human Capital Xanana said Timor Leste needs an aggressive program to develop jobs skills even currently there is considerable unemployment among high-school graduates. How ever there will be skill shortages as government programs and investment expands in health, education, petroleum, agriculture, and other sectors.”
In the Strategic development Plan Xanana remind all stake holders that the successful economic development must based on strong national infrastructure including roads to build high way 3000 km and districts roads, powers gird ready by 2015 and government plan to install 1GW by 2020. The SDP indicated Timor Leste will have three international airport and the Dili airport will be expand, the Baukau airport and one Airport in the sout of the country. Sea ports as SDP outline that new bulk and LNG facilities around the petroleum complex in the south and extended and relocate the Dili port. Timor Leste is aiming to move from smallholder subsistence farmers to credit system through public banks. Timor Leste’s expenditure today mainly out of the Petroleum fund. The plan ruled East Timor would like to be an exporter of LNG and other petroleum related products. And other important sector to be developed is Tourism and urban infrastructure. The plan foresee an annual budget of US$1 billion which accumulating in the petroleum funds. However the governments are looking at ways of funding strategic public investment either to borrowing at the very favorable rate or withdrawing funds in Excess to Estimated Sustainable Income.
Timor Leste Petroleum fund today is US$5.5 billion in the American bank. The SDP calculated between 2011-2015 the petroleum fund would rise to US$9 billion.
The government intent to establish an institution which will in charge of the planning, design, budgeting and implementation of the Strategic Development Plan is namely The Economic Policy and Investment Agency (EPIA). It’s interesting to note that the new EPIA will play similar role as China reform commission, the Malaysian Economic policy Unit and India’s planning commission. This may signaled that Timor Leste a more away from western types economic policies to the new high growth Asian economic and Infrastructures plan.
The emergence of Timor-Leste as an oil an gas producing economy will have significant implication for all sectors of society.
Grasia Farm Produce Eggs Government Unable to Protect Local Product And UNMIT Buy Internationally.mpg.mpg
Since last year East Timorese and their business partners set up a Chicken farm industry in Rai Lako sub-district in Ermera. Today (30/05/2010) the Grasia Farm have some twenty four thousands of chicken and 92% Of it have producing 22500 eggs per day. Means in only in june this year this Grasia chicken farm will produce in total 675000 eggs.
The problem is till today there are many eggs importing from Indonesia Could prejudice the local business to grow. Octaviana one of the manager in Grasia Farm told Tempo Semanal that until today they can’t freely sell thei product in Dili market because they don’t want to other business people disappointing at them. “Today we can’t yet sell in the wide market because afreaid to compete with other existing shops. If intervene the market suddenly sell these eggs with low price could create some bad things,” said Octaviana.
An organisation name Peace Dividend Trust is successful in their campaign to try
raise the awareness of the UNMIT and other International agencies to buy locally but most of these organisation mainly UNMIT still preferred to spend most of their fund to import things from outside the country and spend very little in Timor Leste.
Several business people complaint about luck of interest from the Timor Leste Government to protect local business product and strengthening business sector in this new nation.
Timor Leste is becoming the US Dollar halt since 1999 before the US currency cross the border into West Timor as well as flying with Indonesian Merpati to Bali, Aust East Asia to Singapore and Air North Darwin. From billion of aid money to Timor Leste only very small amount of US$ dollar inject into the East Timor Economy.
Even luck of market but Grasia Farm have imported more 20000 chicken from Malasya to replace the existing one because by 88 weeks the company have to sold those old one.
East Timor,
Peace Dividend Trust,
US Dollar
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Chinese navy Trains F-FDTL Navy on Chinese built Patrol Boats
Three days after the celebration of East Timor's restauration of it's independence the two F-FDTL patrol boat arrived in Timor Leste from China on May 23th 2010. Two years ago Timor Leste Government signed a contract of US$ 40 million to Polly Thecnology a chinese company to build the two F-FDTL boats which angered the TL's closest friend Australia. In that time the Australian intended to donoted their second hand Pacific patrol boat which according to some Timorese leaders said the Australian Government give them a litle bit head ache. "They were about to give a presentation to the government when we took decission to buy from china," said a high level government official who asked not to name. As Tempo semanal noted that the contract was signed during a weekend in march 2008 while the Australian Team is prepared to present their plan in the coming week.
This is about pride for a country and it's people and the two boat is the biggest project ever for F-FDTL since the it was transforma to the Timor Leste official arrmed forces in 2001. Now the F-FDTL marine component under trainning by their Chinese counter part on how to deal with two patrol boat name after the Jaco island and an area in Same District call Betano.
On 28/05/2010 the secretary state Julio Tomas Pinto together with some civilian sail to Atauro island on the Betano boat. It was take 20 minutes from Dili while it was only sail with 20 knots. "the boat is in very good condision because from Dili to Atauro take us only 20 minutes and it was not yet use the full capacity, "said julio.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
TS Video: A Timorese Mother and Her Son Need Medical Care
On a trip to cover an story in Maubara an hour drive west of Timor Leste's Capital Tempo Semanal found a family of nine people leaving in a poor condition. Victor afonso's wife Juliana dasi is very sick. Tempo semanal aproach by a lady who supposed to be the neighbour of Victor's family told Tempo Semanal that Geraldo de son of Victor and Juliana need help for medical treatment. "Geraldo is sick so he can't go to study. He has been sick since he was 3 days old and now he is sick. I think this boy need some help because he doesn't talk proverly," said the woman who is carying her young baby seat next to the firewood.
She took Tempo Semanal Journalist to a small halt any found a lady who seems to be pregnant but actually a kind of illness. Tempo Semanal asked what kind of illness she has? is it have any impact to her baby? "I am not not pregnant but this is a kind of illness," said Juliana.
Her husband Victor pulled a side Tempo Semanal Journalist and said, "I don't know what to do to help my wife and my son."
It was a shocking moment for a journalist to she in a family two person get sick.The journalists didn't promised any thing at all to the family and saw their sadness. As soon as they got them self on to the car my chief editor Jose Belo looking confuse and very quite all the way to Dili. After Likisa my chief Editor said, "what should we do?" By the time I have though about some things else so I didn't get what he wants. I asked, "to do what?, we are on the way to Dili."
Jose reply with angry, "to help the sick family."
I said, "ok. but we are not docter or aid people. we don't have means."
It was a big mistake to said such things to Belo. my words fuel his angered. He shouted at me, "can you shoot your mouth please?"
I was worry that Jose may sack me from my job. When we passed Tasi Tolu lake he asked me to give my phone to him.
TS Video: Xanana Is Not Happy with Woodside ho Australia Government
Xanana claimed the joint development area is belong to East Timor if its acording to the international law. Xanana disapoint with the Australian Government by pulled out it self from the ICJ, "because they are out so if we go to log a complaint also they are not there."
Xanana repeated his accusation towards the Australian Government in the past by say, while our people still suffer the occupation the Australia and Indonesia flying over to Timor sea and drunk red wine mixed with our blood to share 50% to Australia cause they supported Integration and 50% to Indonesia because accept integration.
greater sunrise,
tempo semanal tv,
TSVideo: Xanana angry at Woodside and Australia
Xanana Gusmao during the National Strategic Development plan consultation in Vemase sub-district early of may criticised Woodside and Australia badly. To the people he said, "Look the bayu Udang Field is close to us already piped to Darwin and Greater sunrise more closer to Timor Leste they still want it. Because our position is firm to pipe to our land and now they have though another solution which only processing in the sea. They only try to prevent us to create job opportunity in our home. To have a chance to develop our country. Because of this reasons when ever we are not firm and when ever we are not together to defend our country instead of defending the interest of one leader against another means people will eat ours, they will keep still our resources, and other will lie us. This is why in the past three days I have wrote to woodside that We are not forget what happened in 1989 you share our resources into two whenever our people were still dying. Our resources you were share halp to one side and another halp the other side(Australia and Indonesia).
We never forget that Australia has run away from Internetional Tribunal in Denhaag to prevent us taking the casse to discuss the sea line.
The truth according to the international law here they have right only to 20% and ours 80% but now they dont think that way so we get 20% and they took 80%. Because all this my dear friend, when ever we fight each other in country they come and step on us till the ground and we will remain poor."
In these days some timorese people are working with two expert from england conducting some study in the sea of be asu near vikeke which according to the plan the Timor Leste government want to build an LNG plant to pipe the gas from Greater sunrise field
TSVideo: ANP Rejected Development Plan Woodside try to Escaped From Their Docs
On 18/05/2010 the two Woodside representative went to ANP head quarter in the Government Palace in Dili. Around 10 O'clock in the morning the door of ANP automatically opened and Mr. Brendan Augustine in his right hand carry some document and wearing sun glases walking in front of Mr. John the deputy Director from Woodside Joint venture.
The Woodside Country Director looked back to John and try to get away from the camera but there was not enough room to scape from any frame. They walk in to ANP cxonference room with some newspaper head line photo shows the Demo against Mr. Don Voelte in Dili airport when he came to talk to President Horta and lider of opposition.
The Woodside Country Director looked back to John and try to get away from the camera but there was not enough room to scape from any frame. They walk in to ANP cxonference room with some newspaper head line photo shows the Demo against Mr. Don Voelte in Dili airport when he came to talk to President Horta and lider of opposition.
Japanese Deputy Minister Defence in Dili
The Japanese Deputy Minister of Defence Meets Julio Pinto Timor Secretary of State for Defence
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
TS Video: Timor Leste Fight for Pipeline Horta Fight Xanana and Alfredo
There is tension between Government under PM Xanana Gusmao with President of the Republic over their differencies on the issue how the greater sun Rise to develop. Xanana's Government maintain its position for the pipeline to come to Timor Leste while President Jose Ramos Horta shows his pragmatisms over the Woodside decission to have FLNG to process gas from Greater Sunrise field. President some times criticised Xanana's Government because he has not received any study report by Petronas.
The Government claimed that Woodside and its patners not comply with all the requirement and futheremore the Australian Company always try to ruled out pipeline to Timor Leste options since 2008.
In his letter response to Woodside 29/04/2010 announcement Xanana said, "while Timorese still suffered in 1989 Australian Foreign Minister G. Evans and Ali Alatas fropm Indonesia fly over the Timor sea and signed an agreement to share our resources. Australia get it because they supported the integration and Indonesia have it because the accepted the integration," Xanana told the public in Vemase Sub-District, District Baukau earli this month.
Xanana Said it's very difficult to face the big countries that's why he appeal to all political parties and leaders to stand together to fight for the national interest.
Some of the Timorese alleged President horta is becoming the spokes person of the Woodside and its joint venture when Horta decide to meet Woodside and its partners while the government closed their door to woodside. Horta was very angry at these people and demanding for an appology but Rui Castro and two other collegues said, they will not going to ask any appology to the head of state. "I will not going to ask any pardon from horta before he explain his possition to the public why he seems so defensive for a company like Woodside which has been recommended by an international company from Norway which said Woodside is not prudent," said Rui Castro.
Rogerio Lobato Returns to Timor-Leste
Rogeiro Lobato the former Minister for Interior under Fretilin Government has return home for the firstime sine August 2007. Rogeiro was sentence to jailed for some allegation against after Rai Los group claimed he was the one responsible in distribute weapons to civilian before 2006 crises get bigger.
He has get pardon from President Horta and now he has totally free.
Parabeins F-FDTL, Biar Neineik Mas Beibeik
Iha tempu funu, Falintil hetan naran julukan ‘pengacau keamanan’ tanba Falintil sai inimigu boot forsa armadas Indonezia nian iha prosesu luta ba ukun rasik an.
Agora, Falintil transforma an ona ba Instituisaun Forsa Defeza Timor Leste nian (F-FDTL) nebe laos ona pengacau keamanan maibe sai ona hanesan raja protektor ba ita nia soberania iha tasi timor nomos iha rai leten no loro leten.
Ita rekoinese katak, oras nee daudaun F-FDTL seidauk iha kapasidade atu kontrola area aero maibe iha rai leten no tasi laran, F-FDTL hahu iha kbiit daudaun hodi fo protesaun ba ita nia soberania iha tasi laran nomos fo protesaun ba povu husi tentativas oioin nebe bele provoka instabilidade iha rai laran liu-liu hanesan ameasa externa.
F-FDTL hanesan manu aman nebe prontu hasoru tentativas oioin nebe hakarak estraga moris hakmatek povu ho nasaun ida nee. Maske nunee, F-FDTL presiza tebe-tebes apoiu povu tomak nian tanba, F-FDTL ninia susesu laos deit iha F-FDTL nia liman maibe mos iha povu tomak nia liman. Tan nee, ema ida-idak tenke fo ninia kontribuisaun ba F-FDTL liu-liu iha situasaun defisil.
Hanesan operasaun konjunta F-FDTL ho Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) hodi halo kapturasaun ba Gastao Salsinha ho ninia elementus. Iha operasaun konjunta nee F-FDTL ho PNTL hetan apoiu makaas husi komunidade. Tan nee Gastao Salsinha ho ninia grupu konsege tun Dili hodi koopera ho justisa sein kilat tarutu no ema ruma kanek.
Nee hatudu katak, kooperasaun povu nian importante tebe-tebes iha prosesu kuda paz no estabilidade tanba bainhira iha estabilidade maka prosesu dezenvolvimentu bele lao ho diak.
Oras nee F-FDTL hetan tan ona Ro patrulla rua husi Xina, Ro rua nee bele fo kbiit ba F-FDTL liu-liu ba Forsa Naval hodi halao patrullamentu iha tasi Timor hodi proteze atividade ilegais nebe bele halakon ita nia riku soin iha tasi laran. Ro rua nee bele kiik maibe ho profesionalizmu no didikasaun F-FDTL nian, Ro nee sei bele halo kontrola ba area tasi husi tasi feto too tasi mane. Importante husi Ro rua nee maka, Forsa Naval bele uza hodi halo patrullamentu iha tasi laran.
Ba futuru, Ro rua nee bele sai instrumentu ida nebe sei f o kontribuisaun boot ba kadoras mina nian nebe atu dada mai Timor Leste. Tanba Australianu sira komesa dehan daudaun ona katak, kadoras mina nian labele dada mai Timor Leste tanba prob¬lema seguransa no tasi naruk.
Entaun ho Ro patrulla rua nee aumenta tan ho Ro patrulla kiik rua nebe iha ona, sei halao servisu diak liutan hodi garantia seguransa ba tasi laran, atu nunee Australia labele iha razaun tan katak, problema seguransa mak halo kadoras labele dada mai Timor Leste.
Hau fiar katak, mesmu ho Ro kiik maibe F-FDTL sei bele hatudu ba nasaun boot sira katak, biar kiik maibe F-FDTL bele halao servisu boot nebe karik nasaun seluk labele halo.
Importante maka kontribuisaun ema hotu nian, tanba ita lakohi Timor oan balu hamrik iha naok ten sira nia kotuk, tanba naok ten balu uza Timor oan sira hodi salva sira nia atividade ilegais.
Tanba hahalok hanesan nee laos deit bele trava F-FDTL atu labele halao servisu iha tasi laran ho diak, maibe hahalok nee mos provoka soberanu Timor Leste nian iha tasi laran.
Tan nee, husu ba Forsa Naval F-FDTL atu labele tolera ema ruma nebe hakarak naok ita nia riku soin iha tasi laran.Aban bainhira karik hetan Ro ruma halao atividade ilegais iha tasi Timor, F-FDTL iha poder konstitusional hodi halo kapturasaun.
Husu mos ba PNTL komponente marina nian, atu halo kooperasaun diak ho forsa marina F-FDTL nian hodi halo patrullamentu ba tasi timor. Tanba F-FDTL ho PNTL forsa rua nebe iha misaun ida deit katak, kria estabilidade ba povu, fo protesaun ba rikeza na-saun nian.
Oras nee hau seidauk bele koalia konaba profesionalizmu forsa nian tanba ita labele halo ema ida sai profesional iha loron ida. Nee katak, profesionalizmu nee kleur ka lalais loron ruma ita sei hetan. Maibe, ita tenke hahu ho buat kiik nebe ita iha, ita labele husu buat boot maibe ita nia kapasidade la too atu kaer, entaun ita uza lai buat kiik nebe iha tanba buat kiik nee ita nia kapasidade too atu kaer.
Aban bainrua koandu ita prontu ona, sasan hirak nee laos ita mak buka maibe sasan mak sei buka fali ita. Tanba nee, hau konkorda katak, forsa armadas desde uluk haruka ona pesoal balu ba halo estudu iha rai liur. Ida nee inisiativa diak hodi prepara futuru forsa nian.
Maske nunee, futuru forsa nian nee depende mos ba lei. Forsa labele sai fali hanesan uma ida nebe iha fondasi no kakuluk maibe laiha didin lolon. F-FDTL tenke sai uma ida nebe ninia fondasi forte atu nunee, F-FDTL bele asumi ninia responsabilidade nudar forsa defeza Timor Leste nian nebe maske dezenvolve an neineik mas beibeik.
Fulan oin, sei hatauk ema naok ten sira nebe durante nee naok ita nia riku soin iha tasi laran.
Ita husu ba Forsa Naval atu labele kompromi ho kolker ema ka grupu nebe hakarak naok ita nia riku soin iha tasi. Karik labele tiru maibe koandu hetan ameasa, entaun bele uza meisu nebe iha hodi salva an.
Ba peskador sira nomos populasaun sira nebe hela besik area tasi ibun, karik hetan Ro ruma nebe deskonfia halao atividade ilegais iha tasi laran, tenke fo hatene ba Forsa Naval ou halo kontaktu ba instituisaun seguransa nian hanesan PNTL hodi nunee, PNTL bele hatoo ba forsa naval(**)
Jaku-Betanu Inan Sarani Ró Patrulla F-FDTL
Dili, Tempo Semanál
Atu fó protesaun ba soberania Timor-Leste nian, liu-liu atu kombate tentativas ilegais iha Tasi Timor, Falintil-Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL) sei hili ilha Jaku iha Tutuala Lospalos no Suku Betanu iha Sub-distritu Same, atu sai hanesan Inan sarani ba Ró patrullamentu F-FDTL nian hodi asegura katak, Timor-Leste ninia soberania iha Tasi Timor nomos povu nia moris iha rai leten labele inaseguradu.
Ró rua ne’e bele sai hanesan meius ida hodi hametin liutan funsionamentu servisu Forsa Naval Timor Leste nian ne’ebé mak emprinsipiu sistema patrullamentu ba tasi ladun la’o ho di’ak tanba ladun iha meius naton.
Durante ne’e, Forsa Naval servisu hamutuk ho Polisia Marina Timor Leste nian uza Ró patrulla kiik rua hodi halo patrulla mentu maibé Ró ne’e labele kobre area tasi mane tanba Ró kiik.
Agora, maske Ró foun rua ne’e ladun boot hanesan nasaun seluk nian, maibé ho didikasaun no patritoizmu F-FDTL nian, Ró rua ne’e sei bele halo patrullamentu ho di’ak husi tasi feto too tasi mane.
“Komisaun organizadora servisu namanas hela hodi prepara daudauk atividade hotu-hotu atu oinsá fó sarani Ró rua ne’e hanesan tradisaun Navál nian ne’ebé mak iha Mundu tomak halo.
Alende ne’e atividade hanesan konferénsia kona ba Security Maritima ne’ebé hala’o iha Timór, katak iha loron 11 Junu 2010 sei hala’o serimónia inaugurasaun ba Ró rua ne’e no hili Inan sarani ba Betanu no Jaku.Agora daudauk Ró 2 ne’e too ona iha Dili no tuir planu estadu Timor Leste sei konvida Nasaun barak hanesan Indonézia, Portugál, Amérika no Austrália atu partisipa iha seremonia inagurasaun”, dehan Sekretariu Estadu Defeza, Julio Tomas Pinto loron hirak liuba. Husi parte seluk, Komandante Navál Pedro Klamar Fuik haktuir katak, antes Ró rua ne’e too iha Dili, prosesu naruk tebe-tebes koaze tinan ida resin. Maibé, agora povu bele haree ho matan katak Ró too ona iha Dili, dehan nia.
Liutan Klamar Fuik hateten, primeira faze sei halo prosesu hatun Ró, depois sei halao adminis¬tra¬saun haleu, segundu faze sei halao prosesu entrega husi kompania ba governu Timor Leste depois sei halo integarasaun ba estrutura Forsa Naval, ikus liu sei halao inagurasaun ida iha loron 11 Junu 2010.
“Ró rua ne’e tama ona iha estrutura Forsa Navál nian. Iha estrutura nia laran sei defini faze treinu operasionál Navál ne’ebé mak ita nia Marineiru sira, pilotu guardinasaun ho tekniku Cinezes nian, sei halo preparativus ba formasaun utilizasaun opera Ró”.
“Kuandu ita nia guardinasaun prontu Komandu Navál sei relata ba Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak, hodi simu kualker misaun ne’ebé ita nia Estadu fó”, dehan Pedro.
Liutan nia haktuir katak, Ró rua ne’e klase patrulla so bele iha de’it ekipamentus materiais ne’ebé kategoriza hanesan patrulla , ezemplu iha armamentus kiik no sistema denovegasaun, sistema komunikasaun, sistema daradizasaun, sistema teknikus ne’ebé mak patrulla presiza, Dale nia Klamar Fuik.
Entertantu, tuir dada lia jornalista ho Komandante Navio Patrulla, Duarte Loe hateten katak, Ró patrulla rua ne’e sosa husi Kompañia Internasionál Polly Tecnology China, ne’ebé prepara dezde tinan 2009 husi Governu Timor-Leste.
Ró patrulla rua ne’e atu asegura riku soin iha área Tasi nian, atu nune’e labele iha tan peskadór ilegál ne’ebé mak bele tiha hotu ikan ne’ebé pertense ba área Timor nian. “tempu too ona atu Forsa Navál iha Ró patrulla rasik, ne’ebé mak tuir planu Ró rua ne’e sei hetan inaugurasaun iha dia 11 Juñu”, dehan Duarte. Liutan Komandante Patrulla ne’e haktuir katak, Ró patrulla rua ne’e ho medida naruk 50m, luan 15m, todan 110 ton. Ró patrulla rua ne’e tula iha Ró ahi boot komérsiu Xina nian ho naran Beluga Faith.
Ró patrulla rua ne’e halo tuir modelu illa Timor-Leste, ne’ebé tuir loloos atu tau naran Eroi Timor-Leste maibé Timor-Leste seidauk Eroi ida mak sai koñesidu ba área Tasi nian, entaun tau naran sarani Jako-Betanu.
Aleinde ne’e tau mós númeru kódigu komesa husi Ró patrulla ki’ik rua ne’ebé iha hanesan P01, P02, P03 no Po4, signifika komesa husi Ró patrulla rua ne’ebé iha husi P01-Po4.
Tuir Komandante ne’e hateten, nu’udar Nasaun estadu tenke tau matan ba Forsa Naval tanba Forsa mak nu’udar lutu Nasaun nian ne’ebé sei hamrik iha lina de fógu hodi hasoru ameasa exsterna oioin ne’ebé karik bele mosu.
Koalia konaba Ró patrulla rua ne’e, Duarte dehan katak, Ró rua ne’e fóin tama iha faze patrullamentu ho ekipamentu ki’ik, aban bain rua kuandu iha posibilidade bele sa’e tan ba faze ‘Fragata,’ signifika bainhira hala’o patrulla hodi responde ba situasaun emerjénsia ruma tenke ho Elikópteru.
Husi leten nian Nicolão husu estadu atu sosa Helikoptru Black Houwk husi Australia ba F-FDTL tanba tuir nia haree, Elikoptru ida ne’e bele halo operasaun ba fatin sira ne’ebé defisil iha tempu udan.
Tuir Nicolao nia koinesementu katak, durante ne’e kompania Woodside uza mos razaun seguransa hodi provoka desizaun politika governu Timor Leste nian konaba dada kadoras mai Timor Leste.
Nune’e, Ró rua ne’e bele fó resposta ba Woodside katak, Timor Leste iha ona meius rasik atu fó protesaun ba Timor Leste ninia riku soin liu-liu atu proteze kadoras mina nian bainhira dada duni mai Timor Leste.
“ita lebele husik ema naok beibeik ita nia riku soin iha tasi, no ita tenke fó hatene ba Australia katak, ita iha ona meius atu proteze kadoras mina mai Timor-Leste. Tanba hau fiar katak, Ró rua ne’e F-FDTL bele uza hanesan liurai tasi ida ne’ebé atu sai protector ba Tasi Timor”, dehan Nicolão ne’ebé tur iha moru leten no haree hela ba Ró patrulla rua ne’ebé atraka hela iha portu Dili. (ts)
Atu fó protesaun ba soberania Timor-Leste nian, liu-liu atu kombate tentativas ilegais iha Tasi Timor, Falintil-Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL) sei hili ilha Jaku iha Tutuala Lospalos no Suku Betanu iha Sub-distritu Same, atu sai hanesan Inan sarani ba Ró patrullamentu F-FDTL nian hodi asegura katak, Timor-Leste ninia soberania iha Tasi Timor nomos povu nia moris iha rai leten labele inaseguradu.
Ró rua ne’e bele sai hanesan meius ida hodi hametin liutan funsionamentu servisu Forsa Naval Timor Leste nian ne’ebé mak emprinsipiu sistema patrullamentu ba tasi ladun la’o ho di’ak tanba ladun iha meius naton.
Durante ne’e, Forsa Naval servisu hamutuk ho Polisia Marina Timor Leste nian uza Ró patrulla kiik rua hodi halo patrulla mentu maibé Ró ne’e labele kobre area tasi mane tanba Ró kiik.
Agora, maske Ró foun rua ne’e ladun boot hanesan nasaun seluk nian, maibé ho didikasaun no patritoizmu F-FDTL nian, Ró rua ne’e sei bele halo patrullamentu ho di’ak husi tasi feto too tasi mane.
“Komisaun organizadora servisu namanas hela hodi prepara daudauk atividade hotu-hotu atu oinsá fó sarani Ró rua ne’e hanesan tradisaun Navál nian ne’ebé mak iha Mundu tomak halo.
Alende ne’e atividade hanesan konferénsia kona ba Security Maritima ne’ebé hala’o iha Timór, katak iha loron 11 Junu 2010 sei hala’o serimónia inaugurasaun ba Ró rua ne’e no hili Inan sarani ba Betanu no Jaku.Agora daudauk Ró 2 ne’e too ona iha Dili no tuir planu estadu Timor Leste sei konvida Nasaun barak hanesan Indonézia, Portugál, Amérika no Austrália atu partisipa iha seremonia inagurasaun”, dehan Sekretariu Estadu Defeza, Julio Tomas Pinto loron hirak liuba. Husi parte seluk, Komandante Navál Pedro Klamar Fuik haktuir katak, antes Ró rua ne’e too iha Dili, prosesu naruk tebe-tebes koaze tinan ida resin. Maibé, agora povu bele haree ho matan katak Ró too ona iha Dili, dehan nia.
Liutan Klamar Fuik hateten, primeira faze sei halo prosesu hatun Ró, depois sei halao adminis¬tra¬saun haleu, segundu faze sei halao prosesu entrega husi kompania ba governu Timor Leste depois sei halo integarasaun ba estrutura Forsa Naval, ikus liu sei halao inagurasaun ida iha loron 11 Junu 2010.
“Ró rua ne’e tama ona iha estrutura Forsa Navál nian. Iha estrutura nia laran sei defini faze treinu operasionál Navál ne’ebé mak ita nia Marineiru sira, pilotu guardinasaun ho tekniku Cinezes nian, sei halo preparativus ba formasaun utilizasaun opera Ró”.
“Kuandu ita nia guardinasaun prontu Komandu Navál sei relata ba Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak, hodi simu kualker misaun ne’ebé ita nia Estadu fó”, dehan Pedro.
Liutan nia haktuir katak, Ró rua ne’e klase patrulla so bele iha de’it ekipamentus materiais ne’ebé kategoriza hanesan patrulla , ezemplu iha armamentus kiik no sistema denovegasaun, sistema komunikasaun, sistema daradizasaun, sistema teknikus ne’ebé mak patrulla presiza, Dale nia Klamar Fuik.
Entertantu, tuir dada lia jornalista ho Komandante Navio Patrulla, Duarte Loe hateten katak, Ró patrulla rua ne’e sosa husi Kompañia Internasionál Polly Tecnology China, ne’ebé prepara dezde tinan 2009 husi Governu Timor-Leste.
Ró patrulla rua ne’e atu asegura riku soin iha área Tasi nian, atu nune’e labele iha tan peskadór ilegál ne’ebé mak bele tiha hotu ikan ne’ebé pertense ba área Timor nian. “tempu too ona atu Forsa Navál iha Ró patrulla rasik, ne’ebé mak tuir planu Ró rua ne’e sei hetan inaugurasaun iha dia 11 Juñu”, dehan Duarte. Liutan Komandante Patrulla ne’e haktuir katak, Ró patrulla rua ne’e ho medida naruk 50m, luan 15m, todan 110 ton. Ró patrulla rua ne’e tula iha Ró ahi boot komérsiu Xina nian ho naran Beluga Faith.
Ró patrulla rua ne’e halo tuir modelu illa Timor-Leste, ne’ebé tuir loloos atu tau naran Eroi Timor-Leste maibé Timor-Leste seidauk Eroi ida mak sai koñesidu ba área Tasi nian, entaun tau naran sarani Jako-Betanu.
Aleinde ne’e tau mós númeru kódigu komesa husi Ró patrulla ki’ik rua ne’ebé iha hanesan P01, P02, P03 no Po4, signifika komesa husi Ró patrulla rua ne’ebé iha husi P01-Po4.
Tuir Komandante ne’e hateten, nu’udar Nasaun estadu tenke tau matan ba Forsa Naval tanba Forsa mak nu’udar lutu Nasaun nian ne’ebé sei hamrik iha lina de fógu hodi hasoru ameasa exsterna oioin ne’ebé karik bele mosu.
Koalia konaba Ró patrulla rua ne’e, Duarte dehan katak, Ró rua ne’e fóin tama iha faze patrullamentu ho ekipamentu ki’ik, aban bain rua kuandu iha posibilidade bele sa’e tan ba faze ‘Fragata,’ signifika bainhira hala’o patrulla hodi responde ba situasaun emerjénsia ruma tenke ho Elikópteru.
Preokupasaun hanesan hatoo mos husi komunidade Nicolão Ximenes katak, husi area terrenu nian, F-FDTL iha ona transportes naton atu bele halo operasaun, maibé Nicolão husu se bele estadu sosa tan Tankidiguera ba F-FDTL tanba kareta kamuneta labele halo operasaun iha foho leten, rai kuak no tahu laran. Nune’e nia husu ba estadu atu sosa mós Tankidiguera ba F-FDTL.Husi tasi laran nian, Nicolao hateten, F-FDTL iha ona Ró patrulla haat maibé tuir nia haree, Ró patrulla haat ne’e mesak kiik se bele sosa Ró boot ne’ebé Elikoptru lima too sanulu bele tun iha laran.

Maske nune’e, Nicolão kongratula instituisaun F-FDTL tanba tuir nia haree F-FDTL merese duni hetan Ró paroila rua ne’e tanba FDTL mak hanesan subrina hodi hamahan povu no lutu hodi satan povu ho nasaun ida ne’e husi ameasas externa.
Husi parte seluk Ximenes dehan katak, Ró rua ne’e bele sai mos hanesan baze ida ba governu hodi reforsa politika governu nian hodi ejize ba governu Australia ho kompania Woodside atu dada kadoras mina mai Timor Leste.
Tuir Nicolao nia koinesementu katak, durante ne’e kompania Woodside uza mos razaun seguransa hodi provoka desizaun politika governu Timor Leste nian konaba dada kadoras mai Timor Leste.
Nune’e, Ró rua ne’e bele fó resposta ba Woodside katak, Timor Leste iha ona meius rasik atu fó protesaun ba Timor Leste ninia riku soin liu-liu atu proteze kadoras mina nian bainhira dada duni mai Timor Leste.
“ita lebele husik ema naok beibeik ita nia riku soin iha tasi, no ita tenke fó hatene ba Australia katak, ita iha ona meius atu proteze kadoras mina mai Timor-Leste. Tanba hau fiar katak, Ró rua ne’e F-FDTL bele uza hanesan liurai tasi ida ne’ebé atu sai protector ba Tasi Timor”, dehan Nicolão ne’ebé tur iha moru leten no haree hela ba Ró patrulla rua ne’ebé atraka hela iha portu Dili. (ts)
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Medal for East Timorese Hero
On the East Timor's 8th anniversary of restoration 20 May 2010 the state and the people of Timor Leste through Parliament give recognition to those people who have being sacrificed their own interest to fight for Timorese independence. There were 10 personalities who have long standing campaigner such as Kevin Philip Sherlock and Robert Wesley Smith from Darwin Australia, Charles Scheiner America, George J. Adijondro Indonesia, Finland, Collin from New Zealand and other Timorese including Veteran F-FDTL Col. Maunana. The state recognised Kevin Sherlock because after his 1974 visit to East Timor he started involved doing research and collecting documents in relation to Timor Leste. His house in Darwin become Timor Leste national achieves. He collected a lot of document even those from 1500. These documents not only about politics but also on economy, tax, geographic, landscape, agriculture and including mining. As since 1901 there has been many companies from Europe, America and Australia are interested in the researching oil and gas in Timor.
Robert Wesley Smith since 1975 involve very hard to defend Timorese right by establish Radio Maubere in Darwin to communicate with resistance in the mountains. He has set up Australian Free East Timor in Darwin and sometimes make Darwin famous with the name "city of rubbish" because Rob and his other colleagues put up banners or leaflet every were in the city even the AFP are angry. President Ramos Horta admired their contribution and he said he has known these individual since the old days. "George is the first activist for East Timor Independence because in 1974 he was the first Tempo Jakarta journalist wrote an article to defend the right of Timorese to Independence," said Horta.
Horta praised Collin from New Zealand who has been dedicated most of his life for East Timor course. Sometimes he called Collin as an Indian because his long hair.
After 1991 santa Cruz cemetery massacre gave a birth to an NGO name ETAN in USA. Charlie scheiner is one of the campaigner together with his other colleagues tirelessly advocated the freedom of the half island Timor Leste. After TL voted to separate itself from Indonesia in 1999 Charlie and his other friend establish La'o Hamutuk NGO to monitor the process of development Timor Leste.
Charlie Scheiner,
George Aditornjo,
Wesley Smith
20 de Maiu Loron Refleksaun ba Tuyul
Iha primeira dia Restaurasaun da Independensia 20 de Maiu 2002, Bee Lagoa Tasi-Tolu kahur malu ho ema rihun rahun nia matawen tanba ema barak tanis wainhira rona knananuk Inu Nasional no akompana Bendera Nasional dollar sa’e bandeira rin leten. Matawen husi ema kiik no kiak sira, sulin liu ba Lagoa hodi hakonu lagoa no fó moris ba ikan no ai-horis sira iha lagoa ninin, maibé matawen husi ulun boot balu sulin duni maibé la monu ba rai, maran lerek iha inus leten.
Tanba ne’e, ema kiik no kiak sira bele hakfodak koandu haree ema boot ruma tanis maibé labele tohar ho tanis hirak ne’e tanba so matawen husi ulun boot ida rua de’it mak bele fó horis animal no ai-horis sira, matawen balu hakrekas rai no hamate ai-horis sira.
Aderito Do Rosario (Editor Xefe)
Matawen hakrekas rai no hamate ai-horis sira sai husi matawen Tuyul (ema liman naruk ou bosok ten ou kkn-dor). Matawen Tuyul nian pior liutan beneno tanba alende bele hakrekas rai, hamate ai-horis no hakrekas ema, matawen ne’e mós halo nia nain sai defisiente kakutak tanba nia laiha tan sentimentu nasionalizmu iha nia fuan laran.
Tanba ne’e, loron ohin tenke sai loron refleksaun ba Tuyul atu ema hirak ne’ebé desde primeiru governu harii to’o IV governu, halo karik tentativa oioin hodi inaseguradu orsamentu estadu nian, tenke halo refleksaun ba an atu nune’e 20 de Maiu ohin bele sai loron murak ida ba ema tomak liu-liu ba furak nasaun nian.
Nune’e, loron ohin ita la’ós ba hamrik iha bandeira oin hodi fase matan tanba haree atraksaun oioin, maibé ita hamrik hodi halo izame da konsensia ba ita nia an katak, hau asumi kargu politika ne’e tanba ha’u nia kompromisu boot ba dezenvolvimentu ema tomak nian, la’ós dezenvolve uma laran hodi haterus ema seluk.
Ema seluk terus nanis ona, labele husik sira terus beibeik tan de’it sala uza poderes ba hahalok korrupsaun, kolusaun no nepotizmu. Se imi sala uza karik, husik sala ne’e akontese dala ida de’it no promete sei la akontese tan, la’ós sala ona, aprende nafatin husi sala ne’e hodi halo sala liutan. Ne’e pekadu korrupsaun ne’ebé nia fatin devia iha prizaun Weberek la’ós Bekora.
Maibé koitadu, moras at ne’e hahu dumina ona ulun boot balu. Dala ruma, ko’andu ita dehan A halo korupsaun, A bele lori ita ba tribunal tanba nia mak kaer poder. Ne’e katak, lia loos iha rai Timór ne’e la vale ona, vale mak poder. See mak kaer ukun, nia mak iha poder atu na’ok, ema seluk gampang di atur.
Ha’u lakohi atu dehan na’ok ten, bosok ten, soe lia ten, finjidu ten, tanba liafuan hirak ne’e hafalun an hela ho ulun boot balu. Dala ruma, media hetan indikasaun korrupsaun ruma no publika iha jornál, ulun boot sira tangkis dehan notisia hirak ne’e falsu no laiha evidensia.
Maibé too agora, laiha ulun boot ida mak berani lori media ba tribunal, tanba sa?. Tanba sira tauk se media komprova dokumentus iha tribunal entaun sira nia oin sei monu. Tan ne’e, loron ohin tenke sai loron refleksaun hodi afirma dala ida tan ita nia promesa momentu simu tomada de posse katak, ha’u simu todan ne’e la’ós atu sena dollar ba kartera, hasa’e kabun no fó han familia, maibé habokur povu no haburas nasaun.
Se loron hirak liuba ita simu telephone husi kompania balu no ita telephone tutan ba prokurament atu fó prioridade ba kompania ne’e, entaun ohin ba oin karik kompania ruma telephone mai ita, ita tenke dehan ita boot telephone de’it ba prokurament tanba sira mak foti desizaun.
Ita bele amigu maibé labele uza amigu hodi provoka orsamentu povu nian tanba povu nia osan uza hodi hadia povu nia moris la’ós hadia na’ok ten sira nia moris. Se hakarak na’ok, na’ok iha o nia uma laran atu nune’e o nia familia de’it mak terus, labele na’ok iha gaveta estadu nian tanba osan iha gaveta ne’e povu nian.
Se o na’ok povu nia osan, o ema traidor, otonomista, mafia, komonista nia ulun boot no foer iha povu nia oin. Ohin o bele sa’e kareta luxu, han furak de’it, maibé ai-han ne’e loron ruma sei husu o katak o uza osan see nian hodi sosa ha’u (aihan). Se o la fó resposta ne’ebé loos, ai-han ne’e sei han dodok o nia fuan too loron ruma o sei arepende maibé o nia kakutak tun daudaun ona ba rai kuak santa kruz.
Hanesan media, ami halo ami nia servisu bazeia ba faktus, maibé se tuir imi nia hanoin media so provoka de’it imi nia dignidade, entaun imi salva malu ba, salva malu nafatin. Ami so moe de’it keta halo loron ruma imi laiha ona, labarik sira hasaran imi dehan “hei, nia herois boot ida maibé la’ós de’it herois funu nain, nia mós herois na’ok nian”. Adeus ba herois na’ok nian (**)
Woodside Uza Zelu Rega Horta-Mari, Xanana la Bokon
Aileu, Tempo Semanál
Kompania Woodside la’ós de’it prepara lasu hodi foat Prezidente da Repúblika Dr. Jose Ramos Horta no Sekretariu Jeral Fretilin Dr. Mari Alkatiri, maibé Woodside mós uza daudaun zelu hodi rega lideransa nain rua ne’e tanba oras ne’e daudaun lider nain rua ne’e neon malirin wainhira hasoru malu ho delegasaun husi Woodside nian ne’ebé lidera husi Don Voelte.
Maske nune’e, Xefi Governu Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão la bokon ho Zelu ne’ebé rega husi Woodside, tanba Xanana sei nafatin mantein nia prinsipiu katak, sasan ne’ebé partense ba rai Timór, tenke Timór oan mak kaer no goza, la’ós fó fali ba rai Kanguru hanesan Australia.
“Uluk ita hamutuk, ita manan funu, agora ita hamutuk hodi hasoru nasaun boot-boot ne’ebé riku tiha ona maibé hakarak sama ita nia ulun”, dehan Xanana iha Distritu Aileu hodi responde ba ejizensia populasaun nian ne’ebé husu ba governu atu mantein politika dada kadoras mina mai Timor Leste. Deklarasaun husi Xefe Governu nian ne’e kroat no reprezenta duni povu tomak nia hakarak maibé, Prezidente da Republika ladun kontente ho pozisaun governu nian ne’ebé mak la aseita Woodside ninia anunsia konaba uza floating LNG iha dezenvolvimentu Greater Sunrise. “totalmente governu la konsulta ho ha’u konaba rejeksaun ba Woodside ho ninia konsorsiu ninia proposta investimentu atu harii floating LNG. Tanba ne’e ha’u preokupa ho ita nia parte ne’ebé foti desizaun ruma hanesan fali buat ne’e isu politika ida. Buat ne’e ekonomia, buat ne’e komersial, financial no buat ne’e teknika, nune’e laiha buat ida ho soberania no independensia”, katak Horta.
Maske nune’e, husi parte governu nian ne’ebé reprezenta husi Sekretariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais, Alfredo Pires tenta hasoru malu ho Prezidente da Repúblika atu aprezenta dokumentus balu ba Prezidente maibé Prezidente laiha tempu atu hasoru malu ho Sekretariu Estadu ne’e.Iha publikasaun jornal Tempo Semanál edisaun XIX fó sai ona katak, iha konsultasaun Planu Estratejia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) ne’ebé hala’o iha parte Leste, povu balu hato’o mensazen ba PM Xanana atu mantein posizaun hodi dada Pipe Line mai Timor Leste.
Preokupasaun ne’e la’ós de’it povu parte Leste mak preokupa kona ba Pipe Line, maibé kuaze povu Timor tomak kestiona ho asuntu ida ne’e, tanba realidade hatudu konsultasaun PEDN iha Distritu, Aileu, Ainaro no Same povu husu ba governu atu dada Pipe Line mai TL.
“Se riku soin ne’e ita nian, ha’u mós fó apoiu ba Estadu Timor Leste no Pri¬meiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão atu dada ita nia mina mai, tanba bele fó benefisu ba povu ne’e duni tenke dada mai”, esklarese Xefe Suku Foholau Paulo de Sousa Pereira ba jornalista Tempo Semanál bainhira PM Xanana hala’o konsultasaun PEDN iha Sub-Distritu Turiskai, Distritu Manufahi (16/5/2010).
Nune’e mós reprezentante Sosiedade Sivil iha Sub-Distritu Maubesi Distritu Ainaro ho lian maka’as hateten, “ami fó apoiu 100% ba Governu ida ne’e atu dada Pipe Line mai Timor-Leste, labele dada ba Australia”
Nia fó hanoin hikas ba ukun nain sira katak, “iha tempu kampania referendum liafuan ne’ebé povu kaer mak “ho mina tasi timor ita bele ukun an”. Ne’e duni husu ba Governu oinsa atu hala’o kordenasaun ho Australia para dada mai Timor la’ós ba Australia.
Konsultasaun PEDN iha fatin hotu-hotu PM Xanana sempre ko’alia kona ba Greater Sunrise ne’ebé daudauk ne’e halo Estadu Timor Leste hakilar malu hela ho kompania Woodside husi Australia, tanba Estadu Timor Leste hakarak dada mai, maibé Woodside ho ninia arogante deside hakarak dada ba Australia.
Hahalok ne’e halo eis lider masimu da rezistensia iha Libertasaun Nasional Timor-Leste retira no husu ba povu tomak atu hamutuk lian ida hodi de’it dada Pipe Line mai Timór. “Uluk ita hamutuk, ita manan funu, agora ita hamutuk hodi hasoru nasaun boot-boot ne’ebé riku tiha ona maibé hakarak sama ita nia ulun”, tenik Xanana.
Konsultasaun PEDN ne’ebé PM hala’o iha parte rai klaran fó importansia mós ba harii supplay baze iha Kosta Sul Distritu Kovalima, refenaria mina rai iha Betanu no, fabrika LNG ba Geater Sunrise iha Beasu.
Se bainhira Pipe Line konsege dada mai Timór, populasaun no Agrikultor sira sei hetan benefisiu, tanba ema barak sei serbisu iha ne’eba no sei fó rendimentu barak ba povu nia produtu lokal.
Liu husi dada lia ho Jornalista Tempo Semanál iha fulan kotuk, Seker¬tariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais Alfredo Pires hateten, kompania Australianu arogante no hakarak diside mes-mesak hodi bele hetan fiar husi Merkadu stock exchange.
Nia mós hateten, Woodside ninia atetude desonestu no provoka tensaun Governu TL ho kompania Woodside. “dala barak kompiania husi nasaun boot sempre buka hariku an ho nasaun kiak no kiik nia riku soin hanesan Australia nia Woodside halo daudauk mai TL agora”.
Kuandu ita haree esteitmentu husi lideransa nain rua ne’e, signifika povu husi nasaun ho simbolu Lafaek preparadu ona, ne’e duni informasaun ne’ebé hateten Timor- Leste falta Rekursu Humanu la loos. (ts)
Kompania Woodside la’ós de’it prepara lasu hodi foat Prezidente da Repúblika Dr. Jose Ramos Horta no Sekretariu Jeral Fretilin Dr. Mari Alkatiri, maibé Woodside mós uza daudaun zelu hodi rega lideransa nain rua ne’e tanba oras ne’e daudaun lider nain rua ne’e neon malirin wainhira hasoru malu ho delegasaun husi Woodside nian ne’ebé lidera husi Don Voelte.
Maske nune’e, Xefi Governu Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão la bokon ho Zelu ne’ebé rega husi Woodside, tanba Xanana sei nafatin mantein nia prinsipiu katak, sasan ne’ebé partense ba rai Timór, tenke Timór oan mak kaer no goza, la’ós fó fali ba rai Kanguru hanesan Australia.
Maske nune’e, husi parte governu nian ne’ebé reprezenta husi Sekretariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais, Alfredo Pires tenta hasoru malu ho Prezidente da Repúblika atu aprezenta dokumentus balu ba Prezidente maibé Prezidente laiha tempu atu hasoru malu ho Sekretariu Estadu ne’e.Iha publikasaun jornal Tempo Semanál edisaun XIX fó sai ona katak, iha konsultasaun Planu Estratejia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) ne’ebé hala’o iha parte Leste, povu balu hato’o mensazen ba PM Xanana atu mantein posizaun hodi dada Pipe Line mai Timor Leste.
Preokupasaun ne’e la’ós de’it povu parte Leste mak preokupa kona ba Pipe Line, maibé kuaze povu Timor tomak kestiona ho asuntu ida ne’e, tanba realidade hatudu konsultasaun PEDN iha Distritu, Aileu, Ainaro no Same povu husu ba governu atu dada Pipe Line mai TL.
“Se riku soin ne’e ita nian, ha’u mós fó apoiu ba Estadu Timor Leste no Pri¬meiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão atu dada ita nia mina mai, tanba bele fó benefisu ba povu ne’e duni tenke dada mai”, esklarese Xefe Suku Foholau Paulo de Sousa Pereira ba jornalista Tempo Semanál bainhira PM Xanana hala’o konsultasaun PEDN iha Sub-Distritu Turiskai, Distritu Manufahi (16/5/2010).
Nune’e mós reprezentante Sosiedade Sivil iha Sub-Distritu Maubesi Distritu Ainaro ho lian maka’as hateten, “ami fó apoiu 100% ba Governu ida ne’e atu dada Pipe Line mai Timor-Leste, labele dada ba Australia”
Nia fó hanoin hikas ba ukun nain sira katak, “iha tempu kampania referendum liafuan ne’ebé povu kaer mak “ho mina tasi timor ita bele ukun an”. Ne’e duni husu ba Governu oinsa atu hala’o kordenasaun ho Australia para dada mai Timor la’ós ba Australia.
Konsultasaun PEDN iha fatin hotu-hotu PM Xanana sempre ko’alia kona ba Greater Sunrise ne’ebé daudauk ne’e halo Estadu Timor Leste hakilar malu hela ho kompania Woodside husi Australia, tanba Estadu Timor Leste hakarak dada mai, maibé Woodside ho ninia arogante deside hakarak dada ba Australia.
Hahalok ne’e halo eis lider masimu da rezistensia iha Libertasaun Nasional Timor-Leste retira no husu ba povu tomak atu hamutuk lian ida hodi de’it dada Pipe Line mai Timór. “Uluk ita hamutuk, ita manan funu, agora ita hamutuk hodi hasoru nasaun boot-boot ne’ebé riku tiha ona maibé hakarak sama ita nia ulun”, tenik Xanana.
Konsultasaun PEDN ne’ebé PM hala’o iha parte rai klaran fó importansia mós ba harii supplay baze iha Kosta Sul Distritu Kovalima, refenaria mina rai iha Betanu no, fabrika LNG ba Geater Sunrise iha Beasu.
Se bainhira Pipe Line konsege dada mai Timór, populasaun no Agrikultor sira sei hetan benefisiu, tanba ema barak sei serbisu iha ne’eba no sei fó rendimentu barak ba povu nia produtu lokal.
Liu husi dada lia ho Jornalista Tempo Semanál iha fulan kotuk, Seker¬tariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais Alfredo Pires hateten, kompania Australianu arogante no hakarak diside mes-mesak hodi bele hetan fiar husi Merkadu stock exchange.
Nia mós hateten, Woodside ninia atetude desonestu no provoka tensaun Governu TL ho kompania Woodside. “dala barak kompiania husi nasaun boot sempre buka hariku an ho nasaun kiak no kiik nia riku soin hanesan Australia nia Woodside halo daudauk mai TL agora”.
Kuandu ita haree esteitmentu husi lideransa nain rua ne’e, signifika povu husi nasaun ho simbolu Lafaek preparadu ona, ne’e duni informasaun ne’ebé hateten Timor- Leste falta Rekursu Humanu la loos. (ts)
Thursday, 20 May 2010
ANP Rejeita Planu Dezenvolvimentu Woodside Dada kalsa halai.
"Woodside tenta obriga atu ANP simu de'it ona sira nia proposta ne'ebe amio rejeita ne'e maka ita boot sira hare sira sai ba hanesan ohin," dehan Prezidente ANP ba jornalista sira iha salaun de konferensia iha ANP nia knua.
Enkontru entre Woodside ho ANP ne’ebe tuir progrma halo iha Tuku 10 dadersan OTL iha palasiu do Governu jornalista sai ayam botgom. Iha entrega proposta planu ba dezenvlvimentu Greater Sunrise. iha odamatan hakerek iha surat tahan kinur ho lia fuan “Please do not Disturb!!!. Ne’e jornalista sikra rona lian hamnasa maibe lakelur de’it kuaze 11.30 reprezentante Woodside kurida sai husi kuartu laran mai atu fila. Bainhira jornalista husu ninia komentariu nia atu soke tan jornalista sira no dehan, “ohin ha’u preokupadu tebes.”
Lakleur de’it sai tuir husi salao de konferensia ne’e Prezidente ANP ka’er ho surat tahan mutin ida no livru boot rua. Maibe vise Diretur Woodside ne’e halai liu tiha ona ba liur. Presidente ANP bolu ninia seguransa hodi dehan, “foo fali ninia dokumentus ne’e ba sira.”
Sr. John Ozturgut tan ba de’it lakohi simu fali ninia dfokumentus ne’e maka ate ninia kareta para hela iha ninia oin mos nia la hare i halai liu tiha. Depois ninia sofer kareta Woodside ninia bolu fali maka nia fila mai hodi sa’e ba kareta laran no seguransa Presidente ANP ninia atu foo fali dokumentus ba nia maibe nia dudu sai fali dokumentus ne’e ba liur. Maibe Presikdente ANP ho ninia defensor sira hamriik hela iha baranda Palasiu ninia hodi hateten, “foo fali sira. Hatama ba sira nia kareta laran.” Entaun livru boot rua ne’e kompostu husi planu dezenvolvimentu Floating LNG ba Greater sunrise ne’e entrega ba sofer Woodside no tula iha kadeira oin entre sofer nia tuur fatin ho Woodside ninia director iha TL B. Augustin nia tur fatin. Antes B. Augustin sa’e nia sei foo sinal hodi husu ba ninia boot ne’e tuur iha kareta laran ko’alia no liman fuan hatudu ba livru rua ne’e, “ne’e?”
Ninia boot ne’e hateke hamnasa ho oin mean depois sira nia kareta husik hela palasiu governu. No Presidente ANP ho ninia ekipa sira hamriik noton marathon Xefe Woodside ninia ne’e no hotu tiha ba emprensa Presidente ANP informa katak, “Tanba sei iha buat barak ami tenke hare tanba ne’e ami entrega fila fali ba sira lori fila fali ba, ami hakarak hare fali planu ne’ebe hanesan ne’e, maibe ne’e ba futuru FLNG, DLNG Darwin LNG) no TLNG (Timor Leste). Depois de asesmentu ba 3 ne’e halao hotu ona agora ita tenke iha principiu agreement ida, aseitasaun en prinsipiu ida entre parte hotu Governu Timor Leste, Governu Australia ho Woodside no nia Parseiru sira konaba konseitu uniku bazia ba dadus ne’ebe sira uza molok ita muda ba halo konsepsoenis, seleksoins konseitu ne’ebe mak atu uza hanesan baze ba dezenvolve kampu ne’e ou atu halo planu ba dezemvolve kampu agora ohin mai ne’e ida ne’e seidauk ko’alia, agora hakarak mai hatama ona FLNG. Tenke no obriga katak ANP tenke aseita.”
“Ohin dadersan akontese no sira mai ho intensaun sira hato’o duni karta ne’ebe mak responde ba ANP ninia karta 29 Abril no 4 de Maiu nian. Maibe aliende ne’e sira moos lori hela planu ba Dezenvolve ba kampu Greater Sunrise bazia ba konsektu FLNG ne’ebe ami reseita nudar autoridade apresenta Governu rua.”
“Ami hare katak ida ne’e laloos, la korespondensia, la refleta progresu servisu ne’ebe maka oras ne’e ANP akompania hela ho sira. Entaun hau dehan ba sira ho Englesh katak ‘Miss leading’ dehan katak la fo informasaun loloos ba publiku konaba progresu ne’ebe maka akontese ho involvimentu ANP nudar autoridade ida ba Greater Sunrise hafoin sira haruka surat ida mai hau konaba sira nia desizaun ba konseitu katak sira hili ona FLNG.”
“Ohin (18/05) ne’e kompania Woodside lori projetu principal mai husu enkontru atu bele submete sira ninia planu desenvolvementu ba kampu Great Sunrise bazeia ba Floating LNG nebe maka namlele iha tasi leten. Nudar autoridae ami responde ba sira nia email hodi ANP nia naran dehan katak ami pronto atu simu ita boot sira atu enkontru ho ajenda nebe hakarak atu hare kona ba ami karta rua ne’ebe maka uluk ami haruka tia ona ba ita bot sira karta rua nebe maka ami haruka ba sira maka karta ida 29 de abril 2010 iha neba mi koalia katak obserbasaun ANP ninia ba saida maka konselu de megener halao iha liur ou publika iha liur konaba konsetu desenvolvementu.”
Iha loron 07/04/2010 prezidente da Republika DR. Jose Ramos Horta hatoo ba Televizaun ABC ho Tempo Semanal kona ba solusaun alternativa ba planu Dezenvolvimentu gas iha Greater Sunrise diak liu uza Floating LNG. Maibe Governu liu husi Sekretariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais Alfredo Pires sei mantein nafatin ninia preferensia atu kadoras husi Greater Sunrise mai Timor Leste.Iha loron 29/04/2010 Woodside ho sira parseiru sira anunsia iha AXN Sydney katak dezenvolvimentu Greater Sunrise sei iha de’it tasi laran. Tuir fontes balun ne’ebe besik liu ba negosiasaun Greater Sunrise informa ba jornal ne’e katak iha 2005 Woodside indika ona atu lori Pipa mai Timor Leste. Maibe antes ne’e iha 2004 kompania Norwegia ida ne’ebe Governu Timor Leste iha momentu ne’eba husu atu halo estudu ba estudu husi Woodside rekomenda atu Governu Timor Leste labele fiar demais kompania ne’e tan ba, “Woodside la’os kompania ne’ebe prudente.”
Mosu mos alegasaun katak iha konspirasaun entre kompania woodside ho ninia sosiu sira hanesan Shell ho Osaka. Iha loron 30/04/2010 jornal Japones ninian fo sai notisia katak dezenvolvimentu greater Sunrise sei uza fasilidade Floating LNG. Xanana Gusmao hateten katak sei la autoriza atu nasaun boboot sira atu hanehan ninia rain Timor Leste.
Enkontru entre Woodside ho ANP ne’ebe tuir progrma halo iha Tuku 10 dadersan OTL iha palasiu do Governu jornalista sai ayam botgom. Iha entrega proposta planu ba dezenvlvimentu Greater Sunrise. iha odamatan hakerek iha surat tahan kinur ho lia fuan “Please do not Disturb!!!. Ne’e jornalista sikra rona lian hamnasa maibe lakelur de’it kuaze 11.30 reprezentante Woodside kurida sai husi kuartu laran mai atu fila. Bainhira jornalista husu ninia komentariu nia atu soke tan jornalista sira no dehan, “ohin ha’u preokupadu tebes.”
Lakleur de’it sai tuir husi salao de konferensia ne’e Prezidente ANP ka’er ho surat tahan mutin ida no livru boot rua. Maibe vise Diretur Woodside ne’e halai liu tiha ona ba liur. Presidente ANP bolu ninia seguransa hodi dehan, “foo fali ninia dokumentus ne’e ba sira.”
Sr. John Ozturgut tan ba de’it lakohi simu fali ninia dfokumentus ne’e maka ate ninia kareta para hela iha ninia oin mos nia la hare i halai liu tiha. Depois ninia sofer kareta Woodside ninia bolu fali maka nia fila mai hodi sa’e ba kareta laran no seguransa Presidente ANP ninia atu foo fali dokumentus ba nia maibe nia dudu sai fali dokumentus ne’e ba liur. Maibe Presikdente ANP ho ninia defensor sira hamriik hela iha baranda Palasiu ninia hodi hateten, “foo fali sira. Hatama ba sira nia kareta laran.” Entaun livru boot rua ne’e kompostu husi planu dezenvolvimentu Floating LNG ba Greater sunrise ne’e entrega ba sofer Woodside no tula iha kadeira oin entre sofer nia tuur fatin ho Woodside ninia director iha TL B. Augustin nia tur fatin. Antes B. Augustin sa’e nia sei foo sinal hodi husu ba ninia boot ne’e tuur iha kareta laran ko’alia no liman fuan hatudu ba livru rua ne’e, “ne’e?”
Ninia boot ne’e hateke hamnasa ho oin mean depois sira nia kareta husik hela palasiu governu. No Presidente ANP ho ninia ekipa sira hamriik noton marathon Xefe Woodside ninia ne’e no hotu tiha ba emprensa Presidente ANP informa katak, “Tanba sei iha buat barak ami tenke hare tanba ne’e ami entrega fila fali ba sira lori fila fali ba, ami hakarak hare fali planu ne’ebe hanesan ne’e, maibe ne’e ba futuru FLNG, DLNG Darwin LNG) no TLNG (Timor Leste). Depois de asesmentu ba 3 ne’e halao hotu ona agora ita tenke iha principiu agreement ida, aseitasaun en prinsipiu ida entre parte hotu Governu Timor Leste, Governu Australia ho Woodside no nia Parseiru sira konaba konseitu uniku bazia ba dadus ne’ebe sira uza molok ita muda ba halo konsepsoenis, seleksoins konseitu ne’ebe mak atu uza hanesan baze ba dezenvolve kampu ne’e ou atu halo planu ba dezemvolve kampu agora ohin mai ne’e ida ne’e seidauk ko’alia, agora hakarak mai hatama ona FLNG. Tenke no obriga katak ANP tenke aseita.”
“Ohin dadersan akontese no sira mai ho intensaun sira hato’o duni karta ne’ebe mak responde ba ANP ninia karta 29 Abril no 4 de Maiu nian. Maibe aliende ne’e sira moos lori hela planu ba Dezenvolve ba kampu Greater Sunrise bazia ba konsektu FLNG ne’ebe ami reseita nudar autoridade apresenta Governu rua.”
“Ami hare katak ida ne’e laloos, la korespondensia, la refleta progresu servisu ne’ebe maka oras ne’e ANP akompania hela ho sira. Entaun hau dehan ba sira ho Englesh katak ‘Miss leading’ dehan katak la fo informasaun loloos ba publiku konaba progresu ne’ebe maka akontese ho involvimentu ANP nudar autoridade ida ba Greater Sunrise hafoin sira haruka surat ida mai hau konaba sira nia desizaun ba konseitu katak sira hili ona FLNG.”
“Ohin (18/05) ne’e kompania Woodside lori projetu principal mai husu enkontru atu bele submete sira ninia planu desenvolvementu ba kampu Great Sunrise bazeia ba Floating LNG nebe maka namlele iha tasi leten. Nudar autoridae ami responde ba sira nia email hodi ANP nia naran dehan katak ami pronto atu simu ita boot sira atu enkontru ho ajenda nebe hakarak atu hare kona ba ami karta rua ne’ebe maka uluk ami haruka tia ona ba ita bot sira karta rua nebe maka ami haruka ba sira maka karta ida 29 de abril 2010 iha neba mi koalia katak obserbasaun ANP ninia ba saida maka konselu de megener halao iha liur ou publika iha liur konaba konsetu desenvolvementu.”
Iha loron 07/04/2010 prezidente da Republika DR. Jose Ramos Horta hatoo ba Televizaun ABC ho Tempo Semanal kona ba solusaun alternativa ba planu Dezenvolvimentu gas iha Greater Sunrise diak liu uza Floating LNG. Maibe Governu liu husi Sekretariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais Alfredo Pires sei mantein nafatin ninia preferensia atu kadoras husi Greater Sunrise mai Timor Leste.Iha loron 29/04/2010 Woodside ho sira parseiru sira anunsia iha AXN Sydney katak dezenvolvimentu Greater Sunrise sei iha de’it tasi laran. Tuir fontes balun ne’ebe besik liu ba negosiasaun Greater Sunrise informa ba jornal ne’e katak iha 2005 Woodside indika ona atu lori Pipa mai Timor Leste. Maibe antes ne’e iha 2004 kompania Norwegia ida ne’ebe Governu Timor Leste iha momentu ne’eba husu atu halo estudu ba estudu husi Woodside rekomenda atu Governu Timor Leste labele fiar demais kompania ne’e tan ba, “Woodside la’os kompania ne’ebe prudente.”
Mosu mos alegasaun katak iha konspirasaun entre kompania woodside ho ninia sosiu sira hanesan Shell ho Osaka. Iha loron 30/04/2010 jornal Japones ninian fo sai notisia katak dezenvolvimentu greater Sunrise sei uza fasilidade Floating LNG. Xanana Gusmao hateten katak sei la autoriza atu nasaun boboot sira atu hanehan ninia rain Timor Leste.
Eis Falintil ho Klandestina Kestiona Nasionalidade Dupla ba Membru Orgaun Soberanu
Timor Leste Celebra Aniversariu Independente ho Heroi Nasionalidade Dupla.
Loron 20 fulan maiu tinan ne’e, Kosok oan RDTL halo tinan walu ne’e moris tan ba ho sakrifisiu boot husi rai ne’e ninia oan mane no feto sira. Iha tinan walu ne’e nia laran kosok oan ne’e dala balun hetan susar maibe sei hamriik metin nafatin.Maiske nune’e ulun boot balun sei pinor sira nia sidadania tan ba retorika direitus Umanus. La to’o de’it iha ne’e. Maluk balun ne’ebe uluk goza ninia moris diu’ak iha Australia ohin sei kaer nafatin pasaporte rua nia pior liu tan iha ingtenasaun atu husu fali federasaun ba nasaun vijinu ne’e. Ne’e hatudu katak dala ruma maluk sira la pronto atu enfrenta situasaun difisil ruma no gosta standard dobru. Hanesan preokupasaun husi Andre da costa Belo alias L4 hanesan eis membru Falintil no eis responsabel kaixa no juventude iha resistensia kontra okupasaun no integrasaun Indonesia hato’o ninia lamenta ho atetude Ministra Finansas Emilia Pires ne’ebe dehan dehan iha ninia email ba nia belun katak “Diak liu Timor Leste Federasaun ba Australia. Nia mos akuza Ministra Emilia Pires la iha nasionalismu tan ba kaer dala ruma iha pasaporte barak entaun la iha leadade ba nasaun ne’e. “Se nia nu’udar ema rezistensia nia membru ida karik biar Timor ne’e mosu krize ka Timor ne’e monu ba susar sa de’it loloos ne’e ita labele ko’alia bu’at sira ne’e hotu. Nein..nein ita nunka atu ko’alia kona ba federasaun, ita nunka bele ko’alia kona ba integrasaun tan ba ukun an ne’e ukun loloos. Nune’e duni sai Timor oan ida ke loloos, nasionalidade Timor loloos. Ne’e hanesan uluk ita funu ho Indonesia. Jovens sira no hamutuk ho ami falintil sira funu kontra Indonesia dehan di’ak ka la diak ita tenke hetan Ukun an biar ida mesak mos tenke ukun an. Mai ita biar moris sei susar, krize mosu, ekonomia ita sei terus no tentasaun oioin sei mosu karik mos ita ne’e fiar metin katak ukun an ne’e, ukun nafatin. Maibe barak liu ne’e la’e hanesan mos ministra ko’alia daudaun ne’e. Iha tempu ne’eba komu Indonesia hodi osan no ekonomia domina entaun halai ba hamutuk ho Indonesia i ikus mai mosu ona reformasi ne’e maka fila mai. Agora dehan sira maka halo barak liu. Balun agora dehan ita tuu maka manan maibe la iha rezistensia mos la mosu tuu. Se rezistensia la iha entaun tuu ne’e mosu husi ne’ebe?”
“Uluk barak liu mos la iha garantia katak ita atu ukun an i agora mos sira barak ko’alia hanesan ne’e tan ba sira la iha garantia katak nasaun ne’e bele la’o ba oin ne’e seidauk metin. Sira nia hanoin ne’e la metin tan ba sira uluk moris iha liur ne’eba i nunka koko susar.”
“Ho hanoin badak ha’u bele dehan ita luta ba ukun rasik ne’e hodi ema barak nia sakrifisiu, ne’ebe ko’alia kona ba nasionalismu no patriotizmu iha nasaun nasaun ita laos pasaporte rua fali nune’e lololos tenke ka’er pasaporte ida la’os pasaporte rua ka tolu. Loloos ita tenke iha pasaporte ida no tenke kaer nasionalidade ita nian rasik.”
Tuir L4 kestiona nasionalidade Ministra Emilia Pires ninian no husu loyalidade Ministra ne’ebe mos mos servisu besik liu ba Fundasaun Geoge soros nian ne’e. Nune’e nia ezije atu lei ida hodi hasai tiha nasionalidade doubla ba membru orgaun soberanu sira. “Loloos ne’e hanesan sidadaun Timor tenke ita tenke iha de’it pasaporte ida. Ita labele pasaporte rua tolu. Bele iha pasaporte Timor ninian maibe tuir ida-idak ninia nivel katak balun kaer pasaporte komersiu nian ka politiku nian ne’e bele. Maibe kuandu iha pasaporte rua tolu ne’e kerdizer ke boot balun hanoin ba nasaun ne’e seidauk metin no la iha fiar an katak Timor ne’ebe bele la’o ba oin.”
“Hanesan membru falintil barak mos hanoin maka iha preokupasaun tan ohin loron ne’e tan ba boot sira iha hanoin dook, matenek liu, kuinese liu rai entaun sira haree ba ita nia ukun ne’e hanesan foin maka hetan nune’e sira duvidas hela katak nasaun ne’e atu sai di’ak ou la diak. Mas hanesan ita garante katak uluk ita terus iha ai laran no hanesan joven sira iha klandestina ninia hanoin ne’e maka ita ukun an ne’e dala ida. Boot sira la’e. Advezes sira hare ita Timor nia karate hanesan ne’e ne’ebe sira hanoin ita sei han malu entaun sira buka dalan atu iha pasaporte rua tolu ka iha warga Negara rua ou tolu nune’e kuandu situasaun Timor ne’e aat karik sira bele salva sira nia aan. “
Nia informa katak, “ema ne’ebe uluk hanesan Falintil, rezistensia no jovens terseira jerasaun sira ne’e maka hanoin diak ka la diak sira sei hela ikha sira nia rain. Maibe ulun boot sira ne’e tan ba sira matenek no iha kuinesimentu barak entaun sir abele hetan pasaporte rua ka tolu kuandu sira halo tiha problema sira buka salva sira nia vida no familia.”
Tuir eis membru rezistensia ne’e katak Ministra Finansas ne’e la terus iha 2006 tan ba nia iha nasionalidade barak hodi serve hanesan staff internasional iha rai seluk. “hanesan iha 2006 boot sira halo povu kiik han malu, povu kiik maka hali ba foho, subar iha Dili laran maibe boot sira iha pasaporte rua tolu maka kuandu krize mosu balun halai ba Australia, Indonesia no Portugal mos nasaun sira seluk. Kuandu situasaun diak sira mai fali.”
Iha parte seluk Saturnino Belo alias Brani Nafatin ne’ebe iha tempu rezistensia tan ba de’it defende ninia nasionalidade maka tenke sulan iha kadeia too Indonesia no livre hafoin de interfet tun iha Timor alega katak Ministra Finansas Emilia Pires halo ona traisaun hasoru herois ba libertasaun nasional. “Ba ha’u nia haree kuandu nia husu fali federasaun ba Australia ne’ene nia la’os sidadaun Timor. Ne’e nia oportunista ida hakarak fali faan Timor hanesan deklarasaun Balibo. Agora nia maka hakarak komesa fali hahalok hanesan iha 75 ne’ebe sira hakarak fali ita atu husu fali federasaun ba Australia. Ne’e nia nega sakrifisiu sira povu no herois sira nia iha luta vinte kuatru anus nian sa tan nia mos kaer pasaporte bara-barak,” dehan Saturnino.
Nia rekomenda atu orgaun soberanu sira presiza halo lei hodi hasai tiha sidadania dupla ba ukun nain sira. “Ha’u hanoin konstituisaun bele garante katak ema hotu iha direitu be;le hili sidadaun liu ida maibe ha’u husu atu Parlamentu Nasional halo lei ida atu se de’it maka atu sa’e ba ka’er ukun sira tenke iha nasionalidade uniku tan ba kestaun ne’e lealdade iha sira nia servisu. Efeitu negative seluk maka kuandu boot sira nauk tiha osan povu nian sira halai ba subar tiha iha Australia ka nasaun seluk ital abele ba ka’er.”
Ate agora Nasaun Timor Leste ho Australia seidauk ikha akordu extradisaun ruma nune’e Saturnino ninia deskonfiansa ne’e bele loos.
Apelu Saturnino alias Brani Nafatin ne’ebe dehan halo lei ida atu ukun nain sira iha de’it nasionalidade uniku ba membru orgaun soberanu hanesan husi Governu, Parlamentu, Tribunal, Militar, Poliksia no Diplomata sira ne’e bele lahetan rezultadu tan ba tuir realidade deputadu sira ne’ebe maka atu aprova lei ne’e mos barak mak urguliu atu ka’er pasaporte rua hanesan Deputadu husi Bankada Fretilin DR. Jose Texeira ne’ebe daudaun ne’e sei nafatin hanesan sidadaun Australia no Timor Leste dehan, “ha’u defende situasaun ida iha konstituisaun ne’ebe defende katak bele iha multi nasionalidade. Ba ha’u ida ne’e ha’u la kestiona ida ne’e. La’’e..ha’u apoiu ba Timor ona sira ne’e iha dupla nasionalidade.”
Maiske laran todan atu husik nasionalidade estranjeiru maibe DR. Texeira tenta atu konvense povu katak nia iha intensaun diak hodi dehan,”se lei ka konstituisaun muda no ha’u tenke hili Timor ne’ebe ha’u nia rain doben.”
Iha konstituisaun konsagra RDTL asembleia konstituante ne’ebe maioria ninia membru mai husi Partidu Fretilin iha momentu ne’eba maioria vota afavor ba artigu autoriza atu iha dupla nasionalidade. “Keta haluha katak ida ne’ene mai husi konstituisaun. Konstiuisaun aprova tiha ona. Iha tempu ne’eba liu husi debate ida,”defende Texeira.
Maibe Eis Prezuneiru Politiku no responsavel organizasaun Juventude ba luta Uku7n Rasik an dehan, “Dupla cidadania iha konstituisaun ne’e la fo mos benefisio ba rai ida ne’e, tamba iha parte balun saida mak sira tau iha konstituisaun kona ba dupla cidadania ne’e sai hanesan base legal ba maun boot sira hodi semo ba semo mai. Ita tenke cuidado tamba konstituisaun ne’e oferese deit liras ba sira hodi sira bele semo ba mai. Kuando situasaun ruma mosu, sira lakohi terus ho povo, buka dalan uluk tamba sira mak iha dupla cidadania. Iha Timor mos bele moris, iha Portugal mos bele moris, iha Australia mos bele moris, iha Indonesia mos bele moris. Iha mundo nebe sira iha ba, sira moris nafatin. Sira adopta fali kultura ema rai liur nian e haluha fali sira nian an rasik.
“Biasanya akontese, ema sira nebe hili dupla cidadania, ema politika nain sira nebe lao dor,” dehan Mausiri.
Ho diplomasia DR. Texeira foo argumentu hodi justifika ninia razaun katak Timor oan barak maka iha pasaporte rua fasilita ona jovens barak ba servisu iha Irlandia no Inglatera. Nune’e nia diskorda ho argumentu husi eis membru rezistensia sira ne’e. Bainhira TS halo klarfifikasaun katak Eis rezistensia ninia emar ezije la’os ba sidadaun hotu-hotu maibe sira husu atu halo lei ba membru orgaun soberanu sira maibe DR. Texeira dala ida tan dehan, “ne’e diskriminasaun.”
“Iha konstituisaun fo direito ba kada ema ida atu deside ninia hakarak ne’e monu iha cidadaun ida nebe. Maibe, hau husu para iha lei oan ruma para atu defini e regula ema kartaun cidadania rua ne’e. Ne’e para sira atu sai ba liur mos sira tenke toma atensaun tamba ho nune’e ita nian lei tuir hela sira. Ne’e para sira halo salah ruma, por ijemplo iha Portugal, ita iha autorizasaun atu bolu fila hodi halo justisa iha rai laran.”
“Lei ida ne’e presija liu-liu ba membros deputados sira, membros governo sira, atu nune’e se karik ita identifika membro governo ruma sai ona naukten sira labele subar an fali ho dupla cidadania. Por ijemplo, ema otonomista sira tama tiha ona mai iha ne’e hela hamutuk ho ita, ita laiha lei ida hodi regula sira. Iha otonomista balun ke mai la liu hosi teste cidadania ida ke adekuada. Nia lakohi ona ukun rasik an tamba sa mak nia mai goza hela ukun rasik an. Hanesan Timor oan sira nebe uluk iha liur, tenke iha mos lei hodi regulariza sira, tamba se lae sira manan tiha nasaun nian osan, sira halai sai tiha, ita buka la hetan.”
Hataan ba DR. Texeira, Mausiri, “hanesan ema resistensia, iha situasaun ida atu defende identidade ema Timor oan nian ne’e, ema sira hanesan ne’e hau la konta ida ou hau la tau fiar tamba iha deklarasaun nebe hato’o ne’e hakarak atu ignora tiha fali luta nebe povo halo ne’e. Matenek sira mai hosi liur ne’e la usa sira nian matenek proprio hodi lori rai ne’e ba oin. Hau la fo importansia ba deklarasaun nebe Timor oan sira mai hosi liur halo, tamba sira ne’e laos terus nain.”
Iha parte seluk eis membru Falintil ida ne’ebe alizadu nune’e hafoin de ukun rasik an besik liu ba partidu Fretilin ne’e dehan, “Deputadu sira maka halo lei hodi defende liu-liku ukun nain sira nia interese. Hau la fiar katak sira sei muda lei ne’e tan ne’e iha sira nia interese.”
“Ha’u nia liman tohar ne’e kala tan ba beikten be ba defende ema bandeira rua sira no pasaporte sanulu sira ne’e nia interese.”
“Ha’u ezije ba Maun ba se de’it sebele muda halo lei ida hodi hasai tiha nasionalidade seluk husi Ukun nain sira. Mai ha’u prova maka deklarasaun husi Sr. Ministra Finansas,” eis Falintil ne’ebe ninia liman tohan no ain mos alizadu ne’e dehan ho oin hirus.
Ernestu Fernandez alias Dudu eis Falintil iha rejiaun IV foo hanoin ba Ministra Finansas katak, “ema mate barak tan ba Ukun rasik an nune’e ko’alia kuidadu ho lia fuan. Povu barak mate ne’e tan ba ukun rasik an la’os tan ba federasaun.
Kona ba ukun nain sira ne’ebe ka’er pasaporte liu ida Dudu dehan, “uluk povu mate la’os tan ba pasaporte rua ka tolu. Tan ne’e ukun an hotu tenke sai de’it sidadaun ba Timor.”
Preokupasaun hanesan mos mai husi Rui Castro eis Joventude ne’ebe Kopassus sira kaer husi Kupang lori mai Dili meadu 1997 baku too kleuk la aceita ho sidadania rua. “Tuir lolos labele tamba sai pejabat negara, labele representa nasaun rua maibe representa nasaun ida. Se lae iha konflito ruma, tenke defende interese nasaun rua. Iha konflito ida tenke defende interese nasaun ida, laos rua. Se povo bain-bain mak iha cidadania rua ne’e problema (ketak) ida. Mas pejabat negara ne’e atu sai fali pejabat ba rai rua ka?,” dehan Rui Castro.
“Pejabat negara tenke ser iha passaporte ida deit e nasaun ida deit. Se labele halo lei entao sira buka diak deit. Ita koalia kona ba direitos humanos ema nian, ita tenke defende direitos Timor oan nian, laos ba defende fali oportunista sira nian.”
“Tuir hau nia prinsipio hau nunka aseita dupla nasionalidade maske konstituisaun hakerek. Dupla nasionalidade ne’e bele, laos dehan labele. Maibe, konstituisaun tenke defini liu tan, wainhira ema ida kaer kargo, nia tenke hili ida e laos kaer rua ne’e hotu. Ida ne’e mak importante,” dehan Rui Castro
Nia akresenta katak, “Representante nasaun hanesan Embaixador, Konsul, Ministros, ne’e tenke hili ida. Se lae kuando nia halo korupsaun e nia halai ba hela tiha iha Australia ka Portugal, ita labele halo buat ida tamba nia mos cidadaun Australia. Extradisaun rasik so halo kuando ita iha ona akordo maibe durante ne’e seidauk iha.”
Deputadu Aniceto Guterres mos sente situasaun ne’e presiza hetan atensaun tan ba “Ema ida iha cidadania rua ka tolu depois okupa kargo ida, ita la hatene nia atu sai servidor ba los ida nebe? Ida ne’e mak problema. Agora se okupa kargo ida hanesan ministro, balun keta primeiro ministro tan karik, nian lealdade ne’e ba los nebe?”
Loron 20 fulan maiu tinan ne’e, Kosok oan RDTL halo tinan walu ne’e moris tan ba ho sakrifisiu boot husi rai ne’e ninia oan mane no feto sira. Iha tinan walu ne’e nia laran kosok oan ne’e dala balun hetan susar maibe sei hamriik metin nafatin.Maiske nune’e ulun boot balun sei pinor sira nia sidadania tan ba retorika direitus Umanus. La to’o de’it iha ne’e. Maluk balun ne’ebe uluk goza ninia moris diu’ak iha Australia ohin sei kaer nafatin pasaporte rua nia pior liu tan iha ingtenasaun atu husu fali federasaun ba nasaun vijinu ne’e. Ne’e hatudu katak dala ruma maluk sira la pronto atu enfrenta situasaun difisil ruma no gosta standard dobru. Hanesan preokupasaun husi Andre da costa Belo alias L4 hanesan eis membru Falintil no eis responsabel kaixa no juventude iha resistensia kontra okupasaun no integrasaun Indonesia hato’o ninia lamenta ho atetude Ministra Finansas Emilia Pires ne’ebe dehan dehan iha ninia email ba nia belun katak “Diak liu Timor Leste Federasaun ba Australia. Nia mos akuza Ministra Emilia Pires la iha nasionalismu tan ba kaer dala ruma iha pasaporte barak entaun la iha leadade ba nasaun ne’e. “Se nia nu’udar ema rezistensia nia membru ida karik biar Timor ne’e mosu krize ka Timor ne’e monu ba susar sa de’it loloos ne’e ita labele ko’alia bu’at sira ne’e hotu. Nein..nein ita nunka atu ko’alia kona ba federasaun, ita nunka bele ko’alia kona ba integrasaun tan ba ukun an ne’e ukun loloos. Nune’e duni sai Timor oan ida ke loloos, nasionalidade Timor loloos. Ne’e hanesan uluk ita funu ho Indonesia. Jovens sira no hamutuk ho ami falintil sira funu kontra Indonesia dehan di’ak ka la diak ita tenke hetan Ukun an biar ida mesak mos tenke ukun an. Mai ita biar moris sei susar, krize mosu, ekonomia ita sei terus no tentasaun oioin sei mosu karik mos ita ne’e fiar metin katak ukun an ne’e, ukun nafatin. Maibe barak liu ne’e la’e hanesan mos ministra ko’alia daudaun ne’e. Iha tempu ne’eba komu Indonesia hodi osan no ekonomia domina entaun halai ba hamutuk ho Indonesia i ikus mai mosu ona reformasi ne’e maka fila mai. Agora dehan sira maka halo barak liu. Balun agora dehan ita tuu maka manan maibe la iha rezistensia mos la mosu tuu. Se rezistensia la iha entaun tuu ne’e mosu husi ne’ebe?”
“Uluk barak liu mos la iha garantia katak ita atu ukun an i agora mos sira barak ko’alia hanesan ne’e tan ba sira la iha garantia katak nasaun ne’e bele la’o ba oin ne’e seidauk metin. Sira nia hanoin ne’e la metin tan ba sira uluk moris iha liur ne’eba i nunka koko susar.”
“Ho hanoin badak ha’u bele dehan ita luta ba ukun rasik ne’e hodi ema barak nia sakrifisiu, ne’ebe ko’alia kona ba nasionalismu no patriotizmu iha nasaun nasaun ita laos pasaporte rua fali nune’e lololos tenke ka’er pasaporte ida la’os pasaporte rua ka tolu. Loloos ita tenke iha pasaporte ida no tenke kaer nasionalidade ita nian rasik.”
Tuir L4 kestiona nasionalidade Ministra Emilia Pires ninian no husu loyalidade Ministra ne’ebe mos mos servisu besik liu ba Fundasaun Geoge soros nian ne’e. Nune’e nia ezije atu lei ida hodi hasai tiha nasionalidade doubla ba membru orgaun soberanu sira. “Loloos ne’e hanesan sidadaun Timor tenke ita tenke iha de’it pasaporte ida. Ita labele pasaporte rua tolu. Bele iha pasaporte Timor ninian maibe tuir ida-idak ninia nivel katak balun kaer pasaporte komersiu nian ka politiku nian ne’e bele. Maibe kuandu iha pasaporte rua tolu ne’e kerdizer ke boot balun hanoin ba nasaun ne’e seidauk metin no la iha fiar an katak Timor ne’ebe bele la’o ba oin.”
“Hanesan membru falintil barak mos hanoin maka iha preokupasaun tan ohin loron ne’e tan ba boot sira iha hanoin dook, matenek liu, kuinese liu rai entaun sira haree ba ita nia ukun ne’e hanesan foin maka hetan nune’e sira duvidas hela katak nasaun ne’e atu sai di’ak ou la diak. Mas hanesan ita garante katak uluk ita terus iha ai laran no hanesan joven sira iha klandestina ninia hanoin ne’e maka ita ukun an ne’e dala ida. Boot sira la’e. Advezes sira hare ita Timor nia karate hanesan ne’e ne’ebe sira hanoin ita sei han malu entaun sira buka dalan atu iha pasaporte rua tolu ka iha warga Negara rua ou tolu nune’e kuandu situasaun Timor ne’e aat karik sira bele salva sira nia aan. “
Nia informa katak, “ema ne’ebe uluk hanesan Falintil, rezistensia no jovens terseira jerasaun sira ne’e maka hanoin diak ka la diak sira sei hela ikha sira nia rain. Maibe ulun boot sira ne’e tan ba sira matenek no iha kuinesimentu barak entaun sir abele hetan pasaporte rua ka tolu kuandu sira halo tiha problema sira buka salva sira nia vida no familia.”
Tuir eis membru rezistensia ne’e katak Ministra Finansas ne’e la terus iha 2006 tan ba nia iha nasionalidade barak hodi serve hanesan staff internasional iha rai seluk. “hanesan iha 2006 boot sira halo povu kiik han malu, povu kiik maka hali ba foho, subar iha Dili laran maibe boot sira iha pasaporte rua tolu maka kuandu krize mosu balun halai ba Australia, Indonesia no Portugal mos nasaun sira seluk. Kuandu situasaun diak sira mai fali.”
Iha parte seluk Saturnino Belo alias Brani Nafatin ne’ebe iha tempu rezistensia tan ba de’it defende ninia nasionalidade maka tenke sulan iha kadeia too Indonesia no livre hafoin de interfet tun iha Timor alega katak Ministra Finansas Emilia Pires halo ona traisaun hasoru herois ba libertasaun nasional. “Ba ha’u nia haree kuandu nia husu fali federasaun ba Australia ne’ene nia la’os sidadaun Timor. Ne’e nia oportunista ida hakarak fali faan Timor hanesan deklarasaun Balibo. Agora nia maka hakarak komesa fali hahalok hanesan iha 75 ne’ebe sira hakarak fali ita atu husu fali federasaun ba Australia. Ne’e nia nega sakrifisiu sira povu no herois sira nia iha luta vinte kuatru anus nian sa tan nia mos kaer pasaporte bara-barak,” dehan Saturnino.
Nia rekomenda atu orgaun soberanu sira presiza halo lei hodi hasai tiha sidadania dupla ba ukun nain sira. “Ha’u hanoin konstituisaun bele garante katak ema hotu iha direitu be;le hili sidadaun liu ida maibe ha’u husu atu Parlamentu Nasional halo lei ida atu se de’it maka atu sa’e ba ka’er ukun sira tenke iha nasionalidade uniku tan ba kestaun ne’e lealdade iha sira nia servisu. Efeitu negative seluk maka kuandu boot sira nauk tiha osan povu nian sira halai ba subar tiha iha Australia ka nasaun seluk ital abele ba ka’er.”
Ate agora Nasaun Timor Leste ho Australia seidauk ikha akordu extradisaun ruma nune’e Saturnino ninia deskonfiansa ne’e bele loos.
Apelu Saturnino alias Brani Nafatin ne’ebe dehan halo lei ida atu ukun nain sira iha de’it nasionalidade uniku ba membru orgaun soberanu hanesan husi Governu, Parlamentu, Tribunal, Militar, Poliksia no Diplomata sira ne’e bele lahetan rezultadu tan ba tuir realidade deputadu sira ne’ebe maka atu aprova lei ne’e mos barak mak urguliu atu ka’er pasaporte rua hanesan Deputadu husi Bankada Fretilin DR. Jose Texeira ne’ebe daudaun ne’e sei nafatin hanesan sidadaun Australia no Timor Leste dehan, “ha’u defende situasaun ida iha konstituisaun ne’ebe defende katak bele iha multi nasionalidade. Ba ha’u ida ne’e ha’u la kestiona ida ne’e. La’’e..ha’u apoiu ba Timor ona sira ne’e iha dupla nasionalidade.”
Maiske laran todan atu husik nasionalidade estranjeiru maibe DR. Texeira tenta atu konvense povu katak nia iha intensaun diak hodi dehan,”se lei ka konstituisaun muda no ha’u tenke hili Timor ne’ebe ha’u nia rain doben.”
Iha konstituisaun konsagra RDTL asembleia konstituante ne’ebe maioria ninia membru mai husi Partidu Fretilin iha momentu ne’eba maioria vota afavor ba artigu autoriza atu iha dupla nasionalidade. “Keta haluha katak ida ne’ene mai husi konstituisaun. Konstiuisaun aprova tiha ona. Iha tempu ne’eba liu husi debate ida,”defende Texeira.
Maibe Eis Prezuneiru Politiku no responsavel organizasaun Juventude ba luta Uku7n Rasik an dehan, “Dupla cidadania iha konstituisaun ne’e la fo mos benefisio ba rai ida ne’e, tamba iha parte balun saida mak sira tau iha konstituisaun kona ba dupla cidadania ne’e sai hanesan base legal ba maun boot sira hodi semo ba semo mai. Ita tenke cuidado tamba konstituisaun ne’e oferese deit liras ba sira hodi sira bele semo ba mai. Kuando situasaun ruma mosu, sira lakohi terus ho povo, buka dalan uluk tamba sira mak iha dupla cidadania. Iha Timor mos bele moris, iha Portugal mos bele moris, iha Australia mos bele moris, iha Indonesia mos bele moris. Iha mundo nebe sira iha ba, sira moris nafatin. Sira adopta fali kultura ema rai liur nian e haluha fali sira nian an rasik.
“Biasanya akontese, ema sira nebe hili dupla cidadania, ema politika nain sira nebe lao dor,” dehan Mausiri.
Ho diplomasia DR. Texeira foo argumentu hodi justifika ninia razaun katak Timor oan barak maka iha pasaporte rua fasilita ona jovens barak ba servisu iha Irlandia no Inglatera. Nune’e nia diskorda ho argumentu husi eis membru rezistensia sira ne’e. Bainhira TS halo klarfifikasaun katak Eis rezistensia ninia emar ezije la’os ba sidadaun hotu-hotu maibe sira husu atu halo lei ba membru orgaun soberanu sira maibe DR. Texeira dala ida tan dehan, “ne’e diskriminasaun.”
“Iha konstituisaun fo direito ba kada ema ida atu deside ninia hakarak ne’e monu iha cidadaun ida nebe. Maibe, hau husu para iha lei oan ruma para atu defini e regula ema kartaun cidadania rua ne’e. Ne’e para sira atu sai ba liur mos sira tenke toma atensaun tamba ho nune’e ita nian lei tuir hela sira. Ne’e para sira halo salah ruma, por ijemplo iha Portugal, ita iha autorizasaun atu bolu fila hodi halo justisa iha rai laran.”
“Lei ida ne’e presija liu-liu ba membros deputados sira, membros governo sira, atu nune’e se karik ita identifika membro governo ruma sai ona naukten sira labele subar an fali ho dupla cidadania. Por ijemplo, ema otonomista sira tama tiha ona mai iha ne’e hela hamutuk ho ita, ita laiha lei ida hodi regula sira. Iha otonomista balun ke mai la liu hosi teste cidadania ida ke adekuada. Nia lakohi ona ukun rasik an tamba sa mak nia mai goza hela ukun rasik an. Hanesan Timor oan sira nebe uluk iha liur, tenke iha mos lei hodi regulariza sira, tamba se lae sira manan tiha nasaun nian osan, sira halai sai tiha, ita buka la hetan.”
Hataan ba DR. Texeira, Mausiri, “hanesan ema resistensia, iha situasaun ida atu defende identidade ema Timor oan nian ne’e, ema sira hanesan ne’e hau la konta ida ou hau la tau fiar tamba iha deklarasaun nebe hato’o ne’e hakarak atu ignora tiha fali luta nebe povo halo ne’e. Matenek sira mai hosi liur ne’e la usa sira nian matenek proprio hodi lori rai ne’e ba oin. Hau la fo importansia ba deklarasaun nebe Timor oan sira mai hosi liur halo, tamba sira ne’e laos terus nain.”
Iha parte seluk eis membru Falintil ida ne’ebe alizadu nune’e hafoin de ukun rasik an besik liu ba partidu Fretilin ne’e dehan, “Deputadu sira maka halo lei hodi defende liu-liku ukun nain sira nia interese. Hau la fiar katak sira sei muda lei ne’e tan ne’e iha sira nia interese.”
“Ha’u nia liman tohar ne’e kala tan ba beikten be ba defende ema bandeira rua sira no pasaporte sanulu sira ne’e nia interese.”
“Ha’u ezije ba Maun ba se de’it sebele muda halo lei ida hodi hasai tiha nasionalidade seluk husi Ukun nain sira. Mai ha’u prova maka deklarasaun husi Sr. Ministra Finansas,” eis Falintil ne’ebe ninia liman tohan no ain mos alizadu ne’e dehan ho oin hirus.
Ernestu Fernandez alias Dudu eis Falintil iha rejiaun IV foo hanoin ba Ministra Finansas katak, “ema mate barak tan ba Ukun rasik an nune’e ko’alia kuidadu ho lia fuan. Povu barak mate ne’e tan ba ukun rasik an la’os tan ba federasaun.
Kona ba ukun nain sira ne’ebe ka’er pasaporte liu ida Dudu dehan, “uluk povu mate la’os tan ba pasaporte rua ka tolu. Tan ne’e ukun an hotu tenke sai de’it sidadaun ba Timor.”
Preokupasaun hanesan mos mai husi Rui Castro eis Joventude ne’ebe Kopassus sira kaer husi Kupang lori mai Dili meadu 1997 baku too kleuk la aceita ho sidadania rua. “Tuir lolos labele tamba sai pejabat negara, labele representa nasaun rua maibe representa nasaun ida. Se lae iha konflito ruma, tenke defende interese nasaun rua. Iha konflito ida tenke defende interese nasaun ida, laos rua. Se povo bain-bain mak iha cidadania rua ne’e problema (ketak) ida. Mas pejabat negara ne’e atu sai fali pejabat ba rai rua ka?,” dehan Rui Castro.
“Pejabat negara tenke ser iha passaporte ida deit e nasaun ida deit. Se labele halo lei entao sira buka diak deit. Ita koalia kona ba direitos humanos ema nian, ita tenke defende direitos Timor oan nian, laos ba defende fali oportunista sira nian.”
“Tuir hau nia prinsipio hau nunka aseita dupla nasionalidade maske konstituisaun hakerek. Dupla nasionalidade ne’e bele, laos dehan labele. Maibe, konstituisaun tenke defini liu tan, wainhira ema ida kaer kargo, nia tenke hili ida e laos kaer rua ne’e hotu. Ida ne’e mak importante,” dehan Rui Castro
Nia akresenta katak, “Representante nasaun hanesan Embaixador, Konsul, Ministros, ne’e tenke hili ida. Se lae kuando nia halo korupsaun e nia halai ba hela tiha iha Australia ka Portugal, ita labele halo buat ida tamba nia mos cidadaun Australia. Extradisaun rasik so halo kuando ita iha ona akordo maibe durante ne’e seidauk iha.”
Deputadu Aniceto Guterres mos sente situasaun ne’e presiza hetan atensaun tan ba “Ema ida iha cidadania rua ka tolu depois okupa kargo ida, ita la hatene nia atu sai servidor ba los ida nebe? Ida ne’e mak problema. Agora se okupa kargo ida hanesan ministro, balun keta primeiro ministro tan karik, nian lealdade ne’e ba los nebe?”
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Horta-Mari Loke Odamatan ba Woodside Xanana ho Povu Taka
Kupa: Prezidente Horta Ho Mari Sai Papagaiu Woodside
Iha loron 07/05 delegasaun Woodside ne’ebe lidera husi Don Voelte mai hasoru malu ho Prezidente da Republika Demokratika Timor Leste, Jose Ramos Horta no Sekretariu Jeral Partidu Fretilin Dr. Mari alkatiri. Iha fatin Primeiru Ministru RDTL lakohi atu hasoru malu ho delegasaun ne’e inklui rejeita proposta enkontru ne’ebe husu husi Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Australia ne’ebe sei hala’o iha Aileu loron 14/05/2010 tan ba diskorda ho obsaun kadoras Greater Sunrise. Iha semana ruma liu ba Prezidente da Republika foo sai ona ninia sujeztaun atu dezenvolvimentu greater sunrise uza FLNG maibe IV Governu mantein nafatin Kadoras ne’e atu dada mai Timor Leste.
Prezidente da Republika hasoru malu ho Ulun boot Woodside iha (07/05) tuku 12:00 OTL. “Ha’u atu enkontru ho ema husi Woodside agora,” dehan Horta Minutu ruma antes delegasaun Woodside too iha palasiu Prezidente.
Maibe antes ne’e PR dehan ona ninia diponibilidade atu ko’alia ho Woodside. “Ha’u Prontu no oviamente sei kontente liu tan atu simu vizita husi Woodside nia CEO, Sr. Don Voelte no ninia ekipa. Nune’e ha’u bele rona direitamene sira nia argumentu kona ba vantajen sira nia desizaun hodi obta sistema Floating LNG iha prosesu gas iha area Greater Sunrise, duke kadoras ida ba Darwin ka mai Timor Leste,” dehan Horta.
“Ha’u la iha opiniaun firmeza kona ba asuntu ida ne’e maibe ne’e hatudu hanesan obsaun kompromi ida. Maibe kompromi ida ne’e tenke bazea ba estudu tekniku no komersial nian. Sasan sira ne’e labele bazea ba lina kompromi politika nian. Buat ne’e tekniku no ne’e mos kona ba komersial.”
Horta mos ladun kontente ho pozisaun Governu ninian ho la aceita Woodside ninia anunsiu kona ba uza Floating LNG iha dezenvolvimentu Greater Sunrise. “Totalmente governu la konsulta ho ha’u kona ba rejeksaun ba Woodside ho ninia konsorsiu nia proposta investimentu atu harii Floating LNG. Nune’e ha’u preokupa ho ita nia parte foti pozisaun ruma hanesan fali buat ne’e isu politika ida. Buat ne’e ekonomia, buat ne’e komersial, financial no buat ne’e teknikal nune’e la iha buat ida ho soverania no independensia,” PR dehan.
Iha enkontru ne’eba Prezidente da Republika mos konvida atu membru konsellu do Estadu mos partisipa maibe husi membru nain sanulu 13 Konsellu ne’e partisipa de’it nain haat hodi rona esplikasaun husi Woodside. Woodside halo aprezentasaun ninia planu liu husi power point no simu perguntas balun Xefe do Estadu.
“Ne’e enkontru di’ak tebes no ami apresia tebes ho Prezidente ninia tempu no ninia perguntas no opiniaun mesak diak,” Ulun boot woodside dehan ba Jornalista sira hafoin de aprezentasaun.
Antes enkontru ho Woodside ba Jornalista sira PR hatudu ninia preokupasaun kona ba manifestasaun hasoru Xefe boot kompania Woodside ho ninia sosiu sira iha loron kinta tuku neen iha aeroportu nicolao Lobato.Joven sira ne’e lori espandux lubun ruma no iha espanduk ida foo lembra fali Woodside ba kazu ne’ebe mosu iha nasaun Mauritania, “Timor Leste la’os Mauritania.” Lia fuan ne’e halo oin mean ba kompania Woodside no Demo ne’e konsege empata minutu balun deslokasaun delegasaun Woodside mai dili laran hodi enkontru ho Prezidente Jose Ramos Horta ho sekretariu Jeral partidu Fretilin Dr. Mari Alkatiri. “Buat pipeline ne’e la’os resolve ho manifestasaun. Ita bele halo manifestasaun oioin maibe desizaun mai husi Dialogu, negosiasaun husi ita nia governu ho investores sira. Tan ba buat ne’e investor sira maka tau osan iha ne’eba nune’e ita tenke rona sira nia estudu. Iha mundu ne’e ha’u nunka rona kompania mina atu dada pipeline ba iha fatin ne’e ka ne’eba sira halo tan ba manifestasaun,” dehan Horta ho hamnasa sinista.
Eis diplomata ulun Timor Leste nian ne’e sei hatudu ninia pragmatizmu hodi afavor ba proposta husi Woodside. .
“Ha’u hakarak pipeline ne’e mai maibe ha’u mos pronto atu simu obsaun seluk, se ha’u haree ke obsaun be dada pipeline mai Timor ne’e teknikamente perigozu ba ita rasik, ba meu ambiente, no se ita haree karung demais tan ba prosesu ne’e karun tebetebes,” relata Horta.
Xefe Estadu lamenta nafatin katak nia seidauk simu estudu ruma husi parte Governu Timor Leste hodi foo roman ba nia atu defende pozisaun TL ninian iha kadoras Sunrise. Nune’e Ulun Boot nasaun ne’e dehan, “Ita nia governu mos tenke aprezenta ho Prezidente da Republika. Para se ha’u atu defende ne’e iha Australia, defende dialogu ho investor sira ha’u tenke iha dadus. Governu mos tenke iha dadus loloos. Governu labele hateten deit, ami mehi ami hakarak pipeline ne’e mai Timor.”
Rui castro hateten, “la devia Prezidente hasoru malu ho kompania ne’ebe la prudente hanesan woodside no kompania ne’e la respeitu produtu nia nain, loloos ita la presiza tan atu ko’alia ho nia.”
Emprezariu nasional ne’e expresa ninia lamentasoens ba hahalok pragmatizmu Prezidente da Republika ne’ebe hahu haluha ema ki’ak hodi hakuak kompania Woodside.“Xefe estadu dehan nia haree ba aspektu tekniku no komersial nia konsidera atu simu namlele iha tasi leten. Opiniaun ne’ebe hasai husi Xefe Estadu ne’e la refleta aspirasaun maioria povu timor leste ne’ebe hakarak greater Sunrise ne’e dada mai timor. Loloos hanesan Xefe de Estadu labele foo dalan uitoan mos..uitoan mos…. ba WoodSide para dehan Xefe Estadu ne’e sei iha posibilidade para ita atu ko’alia.,” dehan Rui.
“Ha’u kontesta Prezidente da Republika ne’ebe iha kampania dehan ha’u prezidente ba ema ki’ak enatun nia mos tenke hahalok hanesan ne’e mos la’os foo fali sinal apoiu ba kompania ida.”
“Se Greater Sunrise konsege dada mai Timor maka sei foo servisu balun ba ema Timor oan sira hanesan bele hamoos rai, seguransa, fase bikan ka fase roupa no sei iha buat barak tan. Ne’e pelumenus aumenta rendimentu ba ema ki’ak balun.”
“Tan ba ne’e maka ha’u foo apoiu mill pursentu ba komandante Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ho ninia governu no mos husu apoiu ba lideransa Timor oan hotu-hotu par abele mantein pozisaun hodi hateten ba Australia katak…Mina ne’e tenke dada mai Timor. Se Australia ho Woodside lakohi para tiha, husik ba futuru. Tan ba Timor Ne’e la’os jajahan Australia nian. Timor ne’e la’os Australia ho Woodside nia oan. Timor ne’e nasaun ida.”
Rui mos deskonfia ekipa ne’ebe ba halo negosiasaun ba Greater Sunrise hodi dehan, “ha’u hanoin kompania ne’e la’os mesak maibe iha interese mos husi nasaun sira ne’ebe iha interese ba mina ho sira hetan mos apoiu husi Timor oan balun ne’ebe dala ruma sai hanesan oportunista politika tan ba ne’e maka sira nafatin barani matein sira nia hakarak ba Australia ka hakarak iha tasi leten maibe sira nunka ko’alia hakarak mai Timor. Agora daudaun ha’u kwatir liu ba Timor oan sira ne’ebe kaer pasaporte rua hanesan pasaporte Australia ho Pasaporte Timor mak reprezeta timor sai negosiador. Sira iha interese dubla tan ba iha parte ida sira hakarak defende interese Timor no iha parte seluk sira mos lakohi lakon sira nia cidadania Australia.”
“Buat ne’ebe importante maka Timor oan tenke halo dialogu ba malu para ko’alia ba ema bainaka ne’e ho lia fuan ida de’it. Labele Prezidente ko’alia oin ida, Pm ida, Prezidente Parlamentu seluk no Sekretariu Jeral fretilin ida. Ne’e maka ladun diak. Kuandu ita Timor oan hotu hakarak pipa Greater Sunrise tenke mai TL maibe ita ko’alia la hanesan ne’e ita foo dalan ba inimgu atu bele haforsa sira nia pozisaun. La buat ida hanesan sa ida maka eis PM dehan tenke dialogu labele taka odamatan maibe kadoras maka tenke mai Timor Leste.”
Iha Parte seluk Jose Gusmao, eis Xefe Gabinete iha Primeiru Ministru Estanislao da Silva ninia tempu lamenta ho lala’ok prezidente da Republika ninian.
“Sementara Primeiru Ministru halo kampania atu dada pipeline mai Timor nia sai tiha fali opozisaun ba PM. Sementara Povu iha baze ne’eba ezije ba Primeiru ministru atu dada buat ne’e mai. Maibe Prezidente halo ninian keta-ketak fali.”
Nia hanoin katak, “Prezidente rona liu ema husi liur duke rona povu iha rai laran ne’e nia lian. Uluk ne’e ita ko’alia nia rona no nia halo maibe agora ne’e lae ona.”
“Ha’u hakarak pipeline mai Timor 100 pursentu. La iha kompromi tan.”
Jose mos deskonfia atuasaun Prezidente da Republika ninian ne’e tauk Australia nia presaun. “Keta halo tauk atu sai hanesan Alaktiri, loron ruma ema mai demo be Primeiru Ministru Australia telephone mai haruka tun husi kargu.”
Nia dehan atetude Prezidente nian ne’e kontra prosedimentu normal estadu ninian no, “se ola-ola ita hakarak buka oin hatudu katak ita nia ne’e ema ne’e kompromistis maibe haluha tiha povu nia tuntutan.”
Iha parte seluk Gastao alias Tigre husi Remexio ne’e mos kestiona PR ninia enkontru ho Woodside ne’e. “Prezidente da Republika tenke hatudu pozisaun hanesan Xefe estadu. Tan ba kuandu Governu hakarak atu dada pipa mai nia labele halo kontradiz fali maibe tenke apoiu.”
Gastao mos kestiona konsistensia Prezidente ba ema ki’ak ninia pozisaun. “Ko’alia katak atu defende ema ki’ak no luta ba ema ki’ak para labele ki’ak tan iha rai ida ne’e maibe na realidade sira ko’alia parte ida no hanehan fali povu iha parte seluk.” Nia Promete bainhira Primeiru Ministru sama ain iha Remexio iha dia 12/05/2010 nia sei husu kestaun Greater sun Rise.
Iha parte seluk Prezidente da Republika lakontente ho Governu ne’ebe seidauk foo rezultadu estudu husi Petronas ba nia.
“Ha’u husu ona dala rua ba ha’u nia Primeiru Ministru katak ha’u hakarak haree estudu husi Petronas estudu ne’ebe hala’o ona iha tinan rua nia laran no bele hotu iha fulan neen nia laran maibe ha’u seidauk haree no ha’u seidauk rona,” Horta hateten.
“ Ha’u surpreza ho sira ne’ebe responsabiliza, Sekreatriu Estadu Alfredo Pires seidauk hetan tempu ruma iha semana ka fulan balun kotuk atu entrega ba ha’u estudu ne’ebe halo husi Petronas no kala seidauk hetan tempu ruma atu briefing leader opozisaun Dr. Alkatiri no membru parlamentu nian tan ba buat ne’e isu nasional, “Horat lamenta.
Maibe tuir fontes jornal ne’e iha palasiu Prezidente katak iha loron 06/05/2010 sekretariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais Alfredo Pires leva rezultadu estuda ne’ebe governu halo ho tulun husi kompania balun husi Malaisya no Korea ba PR maibe Horta lakohi simu Alfredo pires. “Hodiseik Sekretariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais mai iha ne’e atu entrega dokumentu estudu ba Prezidente maibe katuas lakohi simu nia. Nia hein, hein too fila deit no Prezidente nein hakarak hateke ba ninia oin,” dehan fontes ne’e.
Husu kona ba prezensa Pires nian iha ai tarak laranPrezidente nega hodi hateten, “la’e, ha’u la hasoru malu ho Sr. Alfredo Pires.”
Iha momentu ruma Gabinete Prezidente da Republika husu atu SERN haruka ema ruma lori dokumentus estudu kadoras Greater Sunrise nia ba Prezidente maibe tan ba dokumentus ne’e segredu nasaun nian maka Alfredo Pires lori rasik ba atu entrega ema numeru um iha nasaun ne’e. Maibe Lauriadu Premiu da Paz ne’e izola tiha Pires iha sala de espera no la’o liu mos la hateke.
Ha’u lori duni dokumentus balun ba rasik atu entrega ba Prezidenti atu haree depois maka ha’u atu ba fali halo aprezentasaun segundu. Maibe hein hein kala too ona tempu Sr. Prezidente fila tiha ba uma depois ha’u mos lori dokumentus fila fali de’it,” dehan Pires ba Jornal ne’e bainhira konfirma via telemovel iha lokraik (06/05).
Tuir informasaun katak Sekretariu Estadu Rekursu Naurais ne’e tuur iha sala de espera iha kedan dalan atu tama no sai husi gabinete Sr. Prezidente ninian maibe lakon oportunidade atu foo dokumentus ne’ebe Prezidente sempre dehan la simu ne’e. “Kerdizer ha’u hatene katak ha’u ba iha ne’eba ne’e oras servisu. Sr. Prezidente Preokupadu hela i too ona entaun ha’u la hetan oportunidade atu entrega dokumentus ne’ebe ha’u lori fila fali,” dehan Alfredo ho lian triste.
Tuir ajenda Prezidente da Republika iha loron (07/05) mos define ona atu hasoru malu ho Sekretariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais maibe dala ida tan la hetan fatin too Prezidente kaer lima ho Don Voelte Alfredo nia inus la mosu.
Alfredo lakohi atu haruka kualker ema ida atu lori segredu ne’ebe tula ba nia kapas no nia la etrega dokumentus ne’ebe segredu liu ba kualker ema ida tan ba nune’e to’o iha
Prezidente da Republika sempre cici katak nia seidauk simu inforasaun ruma husi Sekretaria estadu Rekursu Naturais maibe tuir dadus ne’ebe jornal ne’e rekoila hatudu katak iha Marsu 2009 Sekretaria Estadu rekursu naturais ba halo ona aprezentasaun ida ba Prezidente no iha momentu ne’eba PR Horta gosta loos rezultadu ne’e. Tuir fali iha fulan Agusto 2009 mos Sekretariu Estadu Alfredo Pires ho ninia ekipa ba halo hato’o tan informasaun balu dba Prezidente da Republika.
“La’e Governu la kohi atu hasoru Woodside kuandu sira nia atetude nafatin de’it hanesan ne’e,” dehan pires.
Iha Kinta Feira tuku 10 dader oras timor leste delegasaun Woodside hasoru malu mos ho porta feixada ho Dr. mari alkatiri hanesan Sekretariu Jeral ne’ebe hamosu deskonfiansa ba parte balun. “Ha’u uluk kedas defende pipeline mai Timor Leste maibe agora ha’u la iha dadus teknikus atu deskute ho sira (woodside), governu la fornese dadus mai ha’u I sira mos la fornese mai ha’u.”
“Pozisaun atu lori pipeline mai ne’e ita hotu nian maibe pozisaun lakohi dialogu ne’e sala. Ne’e ha’u la apoiu.”
Husu kona ba karik nia iha esperansa nafatin atu kadoras mina ne’e mai TL Dr. Mari dehan, “se Governu iha kapasidade atu dirije prosesu ne’e tuir dalan ha’u la’os de’it iha esperansa maibe ha’u iha certeza. Mas Governu hatudu ona la iha kapasidade. Kuandu ita la iha kapasidade subar ita nia aan iha deklarasaun politika de’it.”
Haree ba deklarasaun husi Sekretariu Jeral Partidu Fretilin ne’e Kupa alega katak, “Mari Alkatiri iha kinta feira kotuk ne’e, hafoin rapat ho Woodside, ko’alia loloos de’it nu’udar porta voz Woodside ninian no hatuun Governu Timor Leste.
Nune’e nia husu karik atu halakon deskonfiansa husi publiku diak liu Dr. Mari foo sai kompletu rezultadu enkontru ne’e. Tuir Kupa nia kestiona tan ba nia la haree Prezensa Prezidente partied Fretilin, Xefe bankada opozisaun no membru partidusira seluk.“Ne’e la’os enkontru ba dala uluk maibe ha’u simu sira dala rua ona. I iha tempu enkontru ne’e ha’u dehan ba sira katak ha’u labele ko’alia barak kona ba tekniku nian tan ba a h’u seidauk simu estudu ruma husi Governu nune’e husi Woodside,” esplika mari.
Nune’e Mari lamenta ho Governu Xanana nian ne’ebe la simu Woodside halo ko’alia bainhira kompania ne’e mai Dili. “Ita labele taka odamatan uma depois tama kuartu taka tan odamatan hafoin hakilar husi Janela. Ne’e la’os negosiador ida ke diak,” viadas Mari.
Hermenegildo Lopes alias Kupa, eis ekipa kampaniador ba Horta nia kandidatura iha elisaun prezidensial 2007 duun Prezidente Ramos Horta no Dr. Mari Alkatiri sai papagaiu ba kompania Woodside.
“Parte governu lakohi hasoru malu ho woodside ida ne’e mos konsidera hanesan negosiasaun. Tantu DR. Mari Alkatiri ho Horta labele defende interese Woodside nian ou Porta Voz. Ida ne’e dezvia ka viola tiha regra prosedimentu institusional tan ba halo grave negosiasaun Estadu Timor Leste hodi dada Pipeline mai Timor Leste. Nune’e ha’u triste haree ita nia prezidente ho Dr. Mari sai woodside nia papagaiu,” dehan Kupa.
Eis ulun boot ba negosiasaunTratadu Tasi Timor ne’e sujere hanesan nasaun ne’ebe simu investidor TL presiza atu tenke kuidadu no matan moris. “Tenke buka konese klean argumentu investidor nian; tenke dezenvolve ita nia argumentu atu bele defende ho sucesu interese povu nian; ita tenke loke dalan atu tau ita nia argumentu kontra sira nian. Hanesan ne’e de’it maka ita bele manan. Se ita la konfronta sira nia argumentus ho ita nian, ita nunka atu hetan solusaun (win/win solution). Parte ne’ebe de’it la simu atu lakon,” hateten mari.
Tuir surat G.A.Mckee iha loron 26/10/2002 dekreta iha pajina 20 husi pajina 38 informa katak Dr Mari ne’ebe hanesan Primeiru Ministru iha Primeiru Governu Konstitusional mos afavor pipeline ba Darwin. “Karik ha’u maka investidor ida ha’u defende pipeline mai Australia tan ba razaun rua,’ nia esplika. Ida maka merkadu gas nian iha, Australia sosa gas.O bele fo haris Timor tomak ho gas maibe la iha ema sosa. Ida tan maka tasi mai Australia ladun klean, maibe tasi ba Timor Leste klean liu. Teknikamente bele dada pipeline ba Timor, maibe folin metro ida aas tebes liu iha tasi ne’ebe klean’e katak investidor sira sei lakon osan.
Foufoun Dr. Mari nega dehan, “G.A. Mckee hakerek buat sira ne’e responsabilidade ninian no ha’u nunka hateten buat ida ne’e; ha’u klarifika mak ne’e, ha’u nunka hateten bu’at ida i nia nunka sai ha’u nia asesor.”
Maibe bainhira Jornal ne’e sani hikas lia fuan sira iha artigu G.A.Mckee nian ne’e Dr. Mari rekonese katak nia ko’alia duni. “Aaahhhh…ne’e ha’u ko’alia duni. Se ha’u maka investidor ha’u hakarak pipa ba Australia. Ne’e la’os signifika ha’u hanesan Timorense ha’u hakarak ba Australia. Hanesan investidor sira hakarak ba Australia tan Woodside Austraianu. La signifika ke ha’u hanesan Timor oan ha’u sei husik buat ne’e ba Australia.”
Dr. Mari esplika sentidu husi lia fuan ninian ne’e maka atu buka hatene argumentu ema sira ne’ebe kontra Timor Leste ninia pozisaun. “Ita atu halo negosiasaun ho ema ida ita tenke hatene sira nia hakarak, sira pontu forte no fraku. Ha’u ba halo negosiasaun ne’e defende interese nasaun ne’e ninian. Tan ne’e ha’u ko’alia hanesan ne’e la’os apoiu ona sira.” dehan mari.
Eis PM ne’ebe monu husi ninia kadeira iha Juniu 2006 ne’e deklara apertamente funu ba pipeline mai TL iha ceremonia asina akordu Greater Sunrise iha Sydney loron 05/01/2005 ne’ebe halakon tiha ninia jantar ho PM Australia iha momentu ne’eba. Mari esplika katak nia la fiar kualker kompania multinasional ida inklui Woodside maibe presiza dialogu no negosiasaun hodi hetan solusaun. “Kuandu simu investidor ida ita tenke konsiente no kuidadu tan investidor buka manan osan barak liu diak liu. Investidor sei bedok ba bedok mai atu halo ita monu iha sira nia argumentu. Se ita maka investidor karik mos ita sei halo tuir dalan ne’e,” esplika Mari.
Maibe Hermenegilgo Kupa alega nafatin katak dezde 2002 Primeiru ministru Primeiru Governu konstitusional tau ona iha kauza kadoras mai Timor Leste maiske konsege negosia fahe rezeita reseita Bayu Udang no Greater sunrise ninian. ‘DR. Mari la iha konviksaun kona ba pipeline mai Timor Leste hanesan Prof G. A. Mckee hakerek. Bainhira iha negosiasaun Tratadu Tasi timor Mari defende pozisaun loloos hanesan Woodside ninian katak pipeline diak liu ba wickhan point Darwin iha Darwin. Problema boot ida maka Mari Alkatiri maka Mari Alkatiri nunka defende Pipeline mai Timor Leste. Tan ba ne’e nia hatan 50 hanesan Australia ezije. Timor oan labele ezije definisaun fronteira maritime. Nune’e halo F-FDTL rasik hetan susar atu defende fronteira maritime, soberania RDTL nian ohin loron.”
Jose Luis Oliviera eis Diretor Yayasan Hak, duun governantes sira gadai tiha ona soberania nasaun TL iha 2002. “Ha’u hakarak hateten iha 2002 ami defende buat ida lina fronteira tasi ne’e mak prinsipal maibe tan ba ita nia governu hakarak foti medidas pragmatis konsekuensia mak ita mos tenke simu solusaun pragmatis,” dehan de Oliviera.
Tuir nia hanoin Governu ne’ebe, “pinor tiha ona soberania TL ba tinan 50 atu haree kona ba lina fronteira tasi entre Timor Leste ho Australia.”
Nune’e mos ho La’o Hamutuk ninia pozisaun maka buka obsaun ida ne’ebe diak liu ba Timor Leste. “Buat ida ne’ebe diak liu ba Timor Leste maka hanesan buat ne’ebe ami ko’alia beibeik ona iha tinan lima nia laran to’o ohin maka, diak liu husik gas hirak ne’e hela tan lai tinan 5 too tinan 10 ka 20 hein too Timor Leste presiza duni ninia reseita maka hasai.”
“Iha momentu ne’eba bele dehan timor oan barak maka kualifikadu atu hetan servisu ho salariu boot iha projetu ne’e. Teknologia ne’ebe uza hodi transporte pipa mai TL dezenvolvidu liu tan ona. Risku politika iha timor Leste bele dehan menus no Kapasidade governu sira nia hodi halo negosiasaun no maneija projetu ne’e bele aumenta diak liu tan,” Charlie foo razaun.
“Iha 2004 Woodside dehan ona katak la iha posibilidade atu dada kadoras mai Timor Leste maibe agora sira la ko’alia tan ona ida ne’e tan ba agora teknologia aumenta no ema hotu konkorda katak ne’e bele dada pipa liu tasi klean liu kilometru 2000 iha Timor through. Nune’e ami kontente katak iha razaun lubun ida maka ami nia rekomendasaun halo tuir duni.”
Lao Hamutuk hanoin iha razaun barak atu kansela dezenvolvimentu ba kampu gas iha greater Sunrise. “Nune’e ami hanoin la’os buat aat kuandu negosiasaun ne’e rahun iha momentu ida ne’e.”
Tuir Charlie katak la loos kuandu parte ida lohi katak sira la iha interese ba greater sunrise. “Ne’e klaramente la loos. Klaru katak Governu Australia iha interese atu defende interese kompania Australia nian no sira nia emar servisu nain sira hanesan mos parte Timor Leste ninian.”
“Nune’e mos La loos mos kuandu Woodside hateten katak ami iha ona ami nia estudu no ami sei halo konkluzaun. Ami sei la ba esplika nia razaun maibe ami sei dehan buat ne’e sei sai hanesan ne’e ona.”
Atu resolve disputa ne’e Charlie iha hanoin hanesan ho PR no lider opozisaun. “Ami hanoin bu’at ne’e sei diak liu tan kuandu Governu Timor Leste, woodside ho sira nia parseiru sei foo ba malu informasaun ne’ebe sira ida-idak iha entre sira no sei koko atu konvense malu tuir meritu la’os hanesan bosok malu iha media ne’ebe dehan obsaun ne’e sira propoin maka diak liu nune’e maka bele hetan desizaun ida ba interese povu nasaun rua ninian I mos ba inetrese kompania no kuota nain sira mos.”
Charlie triste uitoan tan ba rekomendasaun balun maka governu iha momentu ne’eba la hola atensaun hodi ratifika tiha Seamax ho IAU ne’ebe akordu hirak ne’e prejudika tiha pozisaun Timor Leste nune’e governu sira sei hakruuk ba lei sira ne’e. “Ha’u hanoin lei sira ne’e autoriza Timor Leste no governu Australia atu hateten ami rejeita planu ne’ebe kompania propoin. Fila ba no mai fali ho planu foun. Ida ne’e maka hatudu iha pozisaun Governu Timor Leste nian daudaun ne’e. Ida ne’e maka rezulta kanselamentu ba projetu refere, ne’e maka Primeiru Ministru dehan ona katak sei husik hela ba jerasaun foun. Ne’e bele. Ha’u hanoin ida ne’e maka loos duni.”
Iha parte seluk eis negosiador ida husi parte Timor Leste fo avizu katak iha momentu negosiasaun entre Australia ho Timor Leste no Woodside mosu ameasas balun. “Tan ba kompania Osaka orijen husi Japaun. Hanesan eis negosiador ida dehan ba Tempo Semanal katak, “Japones sira dehan mai ami iha 2005 katak sira sei sosa deit Gas ne’ebe sai husi Australia, husi Timor Leste sira sei la sosa. Negosiador husi Timor Leste hatoo tan katak, “lia ne’e la’os simples tan ita la’os hasoru de’it Woodside, ita hasoru mos ConocoPhilips husi America, Shell husi Olanda, Osaka husi Japaun no Woodside husi Australia. Nune’e Negosiador ne’e Aviza katak, “is not easy is it,” (katak, “la’os fasil, hanoin took.”).
Aviza ida ne’e mos bele interpreta tuir maluk sira ida-idak ninian hanoin. Maibe buat ne’ebe importante mak Polimika Greater sunrise ne’e sai hanesan asuntu legal entre Timor Leste ho Woodside, tau en kauza boa fee husi governu Australia hodi hamenus ki’ak iha Timor Leste nune’e lalika defend demais ba sira nia tulun. Espektativa maka Timor Leste hakarak uza Greater Sunrise atu hodi dezenvolve ekonomia povu no harii infrastrutura nasaun ne’ebe sei mukit liu iha lista asia pasifiku ne’e.
Iha loron 07/05 delegasaun Woodside ne’ebe lidera husi Don Voelte mai hasoru malu ho Prezidente da Republika Demokratika Timor Leste, Jose Ramos Horta no Sekretariu Jeral Partidu Fretilin Dr. Mari alkatiri. Iha fatin Primeiru Ministru RDTL lakohi atu hasoru malu ho delegasaun ne’e inklui rejeita proposta enkontru ne’ebe husu husi Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Australia ne’ebe sei hala’o iha Aileu loron 14/05/2010 tan ba diskorda ho obsaun kadoras Greater Sunrise. Iha semana ruma liu ba Prezidente da Republika foo sai ona ninia sujeztaun atu dezenvolvimentu greater sunrise uza FLNG maibe IV Governu mantein nafatin Kadoras ne’e atu dada mai Timor Leste.
Prezidente da Republika hasoru malu ho Ulun boot Woodside iha (07/05) tuku 12:00 OTL. “Ha’u atu enkontru ho ema husi Woodside agora,” dehan Horta Minutu ruma antes delegasaun Woodside too iha palasiu Prezidente.
Maibe antes ne’e PR dehan ona ninia diponibilidade atu ko’alia ho Woodside. “Ha’u Prontu no oviamente sei kontente liu tan atu simu vizita husi Woodside nia CEO, Sr. Don Voelte no ninia ekipa. Nune’e ha’u bele rona direitamene sira nia argumentu kona ba vantajen sira nia desizaun hodi obta sistema Floating LNG iha prosesu gas iha area Greater Sunrise, duke kadoras ida ba Darwin ka mai Timor Leste,” dehan Horta.
“Ha’u la iha opiniaun firmeza kona ba asuntu ida ne’e maibe ne’e hatudu hanesan obsaun kompromi ida. Maibe kompromi ida ne’e tenke bazea ba estudu tekniku no komersial nian. Sasan sira ne’e labele bazea ba lina kompromi politika nian. Buat ne’e tekniku no ne’e mos kona ba komersial.”
Horta mos ladun kontente ho pozisaun Governu ninian ho la aceita Woodside ninia anunsiu kona ba uza Floating LNG iha dezenvolvimentu Greater Sunrise. “Totalmente governu la konsulta ho ha’u kona ba rejeksaun ba Woodside ho ninia konsorsiu nia proposta investimentu atu harii Floating LNG. Nune’e ha’u preokupa ho ita nia parte foti pozisaun ruma hanesan fali buat ne’e isu politika ida. Buat ne’e ekonomia, buat ne’e komersial, financial no buat ne’e teknikal nune’e la iha buat ida ho soverania no independensia,” PR dehan.
Iha enkontru ne’eba Prezidente da Republika mos konvida atu membru konsellu do Estadu mos partisipa maibe husi membru nain sanulu 13 Konsellu ne’e partisipa de’it nain haat hodi rona esplikasaun husi Woodside. Woodside halo aprezentasaun ninia planu liu husi power point no simu perguntas balun Xefe do Estadu.
“Ne’e enkontru di’ak tebes no ami apresia tebes ho Prezidente ninia tempu no ninia perguntas no opiniaun mesak diak,” Ulun boot woodside dehan ba Jornalista sira hafoin de aprezentasaun.
Antes enkontru ho Woodside ba Jornalista sira PR hatudu ninia preokupasaun kona ba manifestasaun hasoru Xefe boot kompania Woodside ho ninia sosiu sira iha loron kinta tuku neen iha aeroportu nicolao Lobato.Joven sira ne’e lori espandux lubun ruma no iha espanduk ida foo lembra fali Woodside ba kazu ne’ebe mosu iha nasaun Mauritania, “Timor Leste la’os Mauritania.” Lia fuan ne’e halo oin mean ba kompania Woodside no Demo ne’e konsege empata minutu balun deslokasaun delegasaun Woodside mai dili laran hodi enkontru ho Prezidente Jose Ramos Horta ho sekretariu Jeral partidu Fretilin Dr. Mari Alkatiri. “Buat pipeline ne’e la’os resolve ho manifestasaun. Ita bele halo manifestasaun oioin maibe desizaun mai husi Dialogu, negosiasaun husi ita nia governu ho investores sira. Tan ba buat ne’e investor sira maka tau osan iha ne’eba nune’e ita tenke rona sira nia estudu. Iha mundu ne’e ha’u nunka rona kompania mina atu dada pipeline ba iha fatin ne’e ka ne’eba sira halo tan ba manifestasaun,” dehan Horta ho hamnasa sinista.
Eis diplomata ulun Timor Leste nian ne’e sei hatudu ninia pragmatizmu hodi afavor ba proposta husi Woodside. .
“Ha’u hakarak pipeline ne’e mai maibe ha’u mos pronto atu simu obsaun seluk, se ha’u haree ke obsaun be dada pipeline mai Timor ne’e teknikamente perigozu ba ita rasik, ba meu ambiente, no se ita haree karung demais tan ba prosesu ne’e karun tebetebes,” relata Horta.
Xefe Estadu lamenta nafatin katak nia seidauk simu estudu ruma husi parte Governu Timor Leste hodi foo roman ba nia atu defende pozisaun TL ninian iha kadoras Sunrise. Nune’e Ulun Boot nasaun ne’e dehan, “Ita nia governu mos tenke aprezenta ho Prezidente da Republika. Para se ha’u atu defende ne’e iha Australia, defende dialogu ho investor sira ha’u tenke iha dadus. Governu mos tenke iha dadus loloos. Governu labele hateten deit, ami mehi ami hakarak pipeline ne’e mai Timor.”
Rui castro hateten, “la devia Prezidente hasoru malu ho kompania ne’ebe la prudente hanesan woodside no kompania ne’e la respeitu produtu nia nain, loloos ita la presiza tan atu ko’alia ho nia.”
Emprezariu nasional ne’e expresa ninia lamentasoens ba hahalok pragmatizmu Prezidente da Republika ne’ebe hahu haluha ema ki’ak hodi hakuak kompania Woodside.“Xefe estadu dehan nia haree ba aspektu tekniku no komersial nia konsidera atu simu namlele iha tasi leten. Opiniaun ne’ebe hasai husi Xefe Estadu ne’e la refleta aspirasaun maioria povu timor leste ne’ebe hakarak greater Sunrise ne’e dada mai timor. Loloos hanesan Xefe de Estadu labele foo dalan uitoan mos..uitoan mos…. ba WoodSide para dehan Xefe Estadu ne’e sei iha posibilidade para ita atu ko’alia.,” dehan Rui.
“Ha’u kontesta Prezidente da Republika ne’ebe iha kampania dehan ha’u prezidente ba ema ki’ak enatun nia mos tenke hahalok hanesan ne’e mos la’os foo fali sinal apoiu ba kompania ida.”
“Se Greater Sunrise konsege dada mai Timor maka sei foo servisu balun ba ema Timor oan sira hanesan bele hamoos rai, seguransa, fase bikan ka fase roupa no sei iha buat barak tan. Ne’e pelumenus aumenta rendimentu ba ema ki’ak balun.”
“Tan ba ne’e maka ha’u foo apoiu mill pursentu ba komandante Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ho ninia governu no mos husu apoiu ba lideransa Timor oan hotu-hotu par abele mantein pozisaun hodi hateten ba Australia katak…Mina ne’e tenke dada mai Timor. Se Australia ho Woodside lakohi para tiha, husik ba futuru. Tan ba Timor Ne’e la’os jajahan Australia nian. Timor ne’e la’os Australia ho Woodside nia oan. Timor ne’e nasaun ida.”
Rui mos deskonfia ekipa ne’ebe ba halo negosiasaun ba Greater Sunrise hodi dehan, “ha’u hanoin kompania ne’e la’os mesak maibe iha interese mos husi nasaun sira ne’ebe iha interese ba mina ho sira hetan mos apoiu husi Timor oan balun ne’ebe dala ruma sai hanesan oportunista politika tan ba ne’e maka sira nafatin barani matein sira nia hakarak ba Australia ka hakarak iha tasi leten maibe sira nunka ko’alia hakarak mai Timor. Agora daudaun ha’u kwatir liu ba Timor oan sira ne’ebe kaer pasaporte rua hanesan pasaporte Australia ho Pasaporte Timor mak reprezeta timor sai negosiador. Sira iha interese dubla tan ba iha parte ida sira hakarak defende interese Timor no iha parte seluk sira mos lakohi lakon sira nia cidadania Australia.”
“Buat ne’ebe importante maka Timor oan tenke halo dialogu ba malu para ko’alia ba ema bainaka ne’e ho lia fuan ida de’it. Labele Prezidente ko’alia oin ida, Pm ida, Prezidente Parlamentu seluk no Sekretariu Jeral fretilin ida. Ne’e maka ladun diak. Kuandu ita Timor oan hotu hakarak pipa Greater Sunrise tenke mai TL maibe ita ko’alia la hanesan ne’e ita foo dalan ba inimgu atu bele haforsa sira nia pozisaun. La buat ida hanesan sa ida maka eis PM dehan tenke dialogu labele taka odamatan maibe kadoras maka tenke mai Timor Leste.”
Iha Parte seluk Jose Gusmao, eis Xefe Gabinete iha Primeiru Ministru Estanislao da Silva ninia tempu lamenta ho lala’ok prezidente da Republika ninian.
“Sementara Primeiru Ministru halo kampania atu dada pipeline mai Timor nia sai tiha fali opozisaun ba PM. Sementara Povu iha baze ne’eba ezije ba Primeiru ministru atu dada buat ne’e mai. Maibe Prezidente halo ninian keta-ketak fali.”
Nia hanoin katak, “Prezidente rona liu ema husi liur duke rona povu iha rai laran ne’e nia lian. Uluk ne’e ita ko’alia nia rona no nia halo maibe agora ne’e lae ona.”
“Ha’u hakarak pipeline mai Timor 100 pursentu. La iha kompromi tan.”
Jose mos deskonfia atuasaun Prezidente da Republika ninian ne’e tauk Australia nia presaun. “Keta halo tauk atu sai hanesan Alaktiri, loron ruma ema mai demo be Primeiru Ministru Australia telephone mai haruka tun husi kargu.”
Nia dehan atetude Prezidente nian ne’e kontra prosedimentu normal estadu ninian no, “se ola-ola ita hakarak buka oin hatudu katak ita nia ne’e ema ne’e kompromistis maibe haluha tiha povu nia tuntutan.”
Iha parte seluk Gastao alias Tigre husi Remexio ne’e mos kestiona PR ninia enkontru ho Woodside ne’e. “Prezidente da Republika tenke hatudu pozisaun hanesan Xefe estadu. Tan ba kuandu Governu hakarak atu dada pipa mai nia labele halo kontradiz fali maibe tenke apoiu.”
Gastao mos kestiona konsistensia Prezidente ba ema ki’ak ninia pozisaun. “Ko’alia katak atu defende ema ki’ak no luta ba ema ki’ak para labele ki’ak tan iha rai ida ne’e maibe na realidade sira ko’alia parte ida no hanehan fali povu iha parte seluk.” Nia Promete bainhira Primeiru Ministru sama ain iha Remexio iha dia 12/05/2010 nia sei husu kestaun Greater sun Rise.
Iha parte seluk Prezidente da Republika lakontente ho Governu ne’ebe seidauk foo rezultadu estudu husi Petronas ba nia.
“Ha’u husu ona dala rua ba ha’u nia Primeiru Ministru katak ha’u hakarak haree estudu husi Petronas estudu ne’ebe hala’o ona iha tinan rua nia laran no bele hotu iha fulan neen nia laran maibe ha’u seidauk haree no ha’u seidauk rona,” Horta hateten.
“ Ha’u surpreza ho sira ne’ebe responsabiliza, Sekreatriu Estadu Alfredo Pires seidauk hetan tempu ruma iha semana ka fulan balun kotuk atu entrega ba ha’u estudu ne’ebe halo husi Petronas no kala seidauk hetan tempu ruma atu briefing leader opozisaun Dr. Alkatiri no membru parlamentu nian tan ba buat ne’e isu nasional, “Horat lamenta.
Maibe tuir fontes jornal ne’e iha palasiu Prezidente katak iha loron 06/05/2010 sekretariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais Alfredo Pires leva rezultadu estuda ne’ebe governu halo ho tulun husi kompania balun husi Malaisya no Korea ba PR maibe Horta lakohi simu Alfredo pires. “Hodiseik Sekretariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais mai iha ne’e atu entrega dokumentu estudu ba Prezidente maibe katuas lakohi simu nia. Nia hein, hein too fila deit no Prezidente nein hakarak hateke ba ninia oin,” dehan fontes ne’e.
Husu kona ba prezensa Pires nian iha ai tarak laranPrezidente nega hodi hateten, “la’e, ha’u la hasoru malu ho Sr. Alfredo Pires.”
Iha momentu ruma Gabinete Prezidente da Republika husu atu SERN haruka ema ruma lori dokumentus estudu kadoras Greater Sunrise nia ba Prezidente maibe tan ba dokumentus ne’e segredu nasaun nian maka Alfredo Pires lori rasik ba atu entrega ema numeru um iha nasaun ne’e. Maibe Lauriadu Premiu da Paz ne’e izola tiha Pires iha sala de espera no la’o liu mos la hateke.
Ha’u lori duni dokumentus balun ba rasik atu entrega ba Prezidenti atu haree depois maka ha’u atu ba fali halo aprezentasaun segundu. Maibe hein hein kala too ona tempu Sr. Prezidente fila tiha ba uma depois ha’u mos lori dokumentus fila fali de’it,” dehan Pires ba Jornal ne’e bainhira konfirma via telemovel iha lokraik (06/05).
Tuir informasaun katak Sekretariu Estadu Rekursu Naurais ne’e tuur iha sala de espera iha kedan dalan atu tama no sai husi gabinete Sr. Prezidente ninian maibe lakon oportunidade atu foo dokumentus ne’ebe Prezidente sempre dehan la simu ne’e. “Kerdizer ha’u hatene katak ha’u ba iha ne’eba ne’e oras servisu. Sr. Prezidente Preokupadu hela i too ona entaun ha’u la hetan oportunidade atu entrega dokumentus ne’ebe ha’u lori fila fali,” dehan Alfredo ho lian triste.
Tuir ajenda Prezidente da Republika iha loron (07/05) mos define ona atu hasoru malu ho Sekretariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais maibe dala ida tan la hetan fatin too Prezidente kaer lima ho Don Voelte Alfredo nia inus la mosu.
Alfredo lakohi atu haruka kualker ema ida atu lori segredu ne’ebe tula ba nia kapas no nia la etrega dokumentus ne’ebe segredu liu ba kualker ema ida tan ba nune’e to’o iha
Prezidente da Republika sempre cici katak nia seidauk simu inforasaun ruma husi Sekretaria estadu Rekursu Naturais maibe tuir dadus ne’ebe jornal ne’e rekoila hatudu katak iha Marsu 2009 Sekretaria Estadu rekursu naturais ba halo ona aprezentasaun ida ba Prezidente no iha momentu ne’eba PR Horta gosta loos rezultadu ne’e. Tuir fali iha fulan Agusto 2009 mos Sekretariu Estadu Alfredo Pires ho ninia ekipa ba halo hato’o tan informasaun balu dba Prezidente da Republika.
“La’e Governu la kohi atu hasoru Woodside kuandu sira nia atetude nafatin de’it hanesan ne’e,” dehan pires.
Iha Kinta Feira tuku 10 dader oras timor leste delegasaun Woodside hasoru malu mos ho porta feixada ho Dr. mari alkatiri hanesan Sekretariu Jeral ne’ebe hamosu deskonfiansa ba parte balun. “Ha’u uluk kedas defende pipeline mai Timor Leste maibe agora ha’u la iha dadus teknikus atu deskute ho sira (woodside), governu la fornese dadus mai ha’u I sira mos la fornese mai ha’u.”
“Pozisaun atu lori pipeline mai ne’e ita hotu nian maibe pozisaun lakohi dialogu ne’e sala. Ne’e ha’u la apoiu.”
Husu kona ba karik nia iha esperansa nafatin atu kadoras mina ne’e mai TL Dr. Mari dehan, “se Governu iha kapasidade atu dirije prosesu ne’e tuir dalan ha’u la’os de’it iha esperansa maibe ha’u iha certeza. Mas Governu hatudu ona la iha kapasidade. Kuandu ita la iha kapasidade subar ita nia aan iha deklarasaun politika de’it.”
Haree ba deklarasaun husi Sekretariu Jeral Partidu Fretilin ne’e Kupa alega katak, “Mari Alkatiri iha kinta feira kotuk ne’e, hafoin rapat ho Woodside, ko’alia loloos de’it nu’udar porta voz Woodside ninian no hatuun Governu Timor Leste.
Nune’e nia husu karik atu halakon deskonfiansa husi publiku diak liu Dr. Mari foo sai kompletu rezultadu enkontru ne’e. Tuir Kupa nia kestiona tan ba nia la haree Prezensa Prezidente partied Fretilin, Xefe bankada opozisaun no membru partidusira seluk.“Ne’e la’os enkontru ba dala uluk maibe ha’u simu sira dala rua ona. I iha tempu enkontru ne’e ha’u dehan ba sira katak ha’u labele ko’alia barak kona ba tekniku nian tan ba a h’u seidauk simu estudu ruma husi Governu nune’e husi Woodside,” esplika mari.
Nune’e Mari lamenta ho Governu Xanana nian ne’ebe la simu Woodside halo ko’alia bainhira kompania ne’e mai Dili. “Ita labele taka odamatan uma depois tama kuartu taka tan odamatan hafoin hakilar husi Janela. Ne’e la’os negosiador ida ke diak,” viadas Mari.
Hermenegildo Lopes alias Kupa, eis ekipa kampaniador ba Horta nia kandidatura iha elisaun prezidensial 2007 duun Prezidente Ramos Horta no Dr. Mari Alkatiri sai papagaiu ba kompania Woodside.
“Parte governu lakohi hasoru malu ho woodside ida ne’e mos konsidera hanesan negosiasaun. Tantu DR. Mari Alkatiri ho Horta labele defende interese Woodside nian ou Porta Voz. Ida ne’e dezvia ka viola tiha regra prosedimentu institusional tan ba halo grave negosiasaun Estadu Timor Leste hodi dada Pipeline mai Timor Leste. Nune’e ha’u triste haree ita nia prezidente ho Dr. Mari sai woodside nia papagaiu,” dehan Kupa.
Eis ulun boot ba negosiasaunTratadu Tasi Timor ne’e sujere hanesan nasaun ne’ebe simu investidor TL presiza atu tenke kuidadu no matan moris. “Tenke buka konese klean argumentu investidor nian; tenke dezenvolve ita nia argumentu atu bele defende ho sucesu interese povu nian; ita tenke loke dalan atu tau ita nia argumentu kontra sira nian. Hanesan ne’e de’it maka ita bele manan. Se ita la konfronta sira nia argumentus ho ita nian, ita nunka atu hetan solusaun (win/win solution). Parte ne’ebe de’it la simu atu lakon,” hateten mari.
Tuir surat G.A.Mckee iha loron 26/10/2002 dekreta iha pajina 20 husi pajina 38 informa katak Dr Mari ne’ebe hanesan Primeiru Ministru iha Primeiru Governu Konstitusional mos afavor pipeline ba Darwin. “Karik ha’u maka investidor ida ha’u defende pipeline mai Australia tan ba razaun rua,’ nia esplika. Ida maka merkadu gas nian iha, Australia sosa gas.O bele fo haris Timor tomak ho gas maibe la iha ema sosa. Ida tan maka tasi mai Australia ladun klean, maibe tasi ba Timor Leste klean liu. Teknikamente bele dada pipeline ba Timor, maibe folin metro ida aas tebes liu iha tasi ne’ebe klean’e katak investidor sira sei lakon osan.
Foufoun Dr. Mari nega dehan, “G.A. Mckee hakerek buat sira ne’e responsabilidade ninian no ha’u nunka hateten buat ida ne’e; ha’u klarifika mak ne’e, ha’u nunka hateten bu’at ida i nia nunka sai ha’u nia asesor.”
Maibe bainhira Jornal ne’e sani hikas lia fuan sira iha artigu G.A.Mckee nian ne’e Dr. Mari rekonese katak nia ko’alia duni. “Aaahhhh…ne’e ha’u ko’alia duni. Se ha’u maka investidor ha’u hakarak pipa ba Australia. Ne’e la’os signifika ha’u hanesan Timorense ha’u hakarak ba Australia. Hanesan investidor sira hakarak ba Australia tan Woodside Austraianu. La signifika ke ha’u hanesan Timor oan ha’u sei husik buat ne’e ba Australia.”
Dr. Mari esplika sentidu husi lia fuan ninian ne’e maka atu buka hatene argumentu ema sira ne’ebe kontra Timor Leste ninia pozisaun. “Ita atu halo negosiasaun ho ema ida ita tenke hatene sira nia hakarak, sira pontu forte no fraku. Ha’u ba halo negosiasaun ne’e defende interese nasaun ne’e ninian. Tan ne’e ha’u ko’alia hanesan ne’e la’os apoiu ona sira.” dehan mari.
Eis PM ne’ebe monu husi ninia kadeira iha Juniu 2006 ne’e deklara apertamente funu ba pipeline mai TL iha ceremonia asina akordu Greater Sunrise iha Sydney loron 05/01/2005 ne’ebe halakon tiha ninia jantar ho PM Australia iha momentu ne’eba. Mari esplika katak nia la fiar kualker kompania multinasional ida inklui Woodside maibe presiza dialogu no negosiasaun hodi hetan solusaun. “Kuandu simu investidor ida ita tenke konsiente no kuidadu tan investidor buka manan osan barak liu diak liu. Investidor sei bedok ba bedok mai atu halo ita monu iha sira nia argumentu. Se ita maka investidor karik mos ita sei halo tuir dalan ne’e,” esplika Mari.
Maibe Hermenegilgo Kupa alega nafatin katak dezde 2002 Primeiru ministru Primeiru Governu konstitusional tau ona iha kauza kadoras mai Timor Leste maiske konsege negosia fahe rezeita reseita Bayu Udang no Greater sunrise ninian. ‘DR. Mari la iha konviksaun kona ba pipeline mai Timor Leste hanesan Prof G. A. Mckee hakerek. Bainhira iha negosiasaun Tratadu Tasi timor Mari defende pozisaun loloos hanesan Woodside ninian katak pipeline diak liu ba wickhan point Darwin iha Darwin. Problema boot ida maka Mari Alkatiri maka Mari Alkatiri nunka defende Pipeline mai Timor Leste. Tan ba ne’e nia hatan 50 hanesan Australia ezije. Timor oan labele ezije definisaun fronteira maritime. Nune’e halo F-FDTL rasik hetan susar atu defende fronteira maritime, soberania RDTL nian ohin loron.”
Jose Luis Oliviera eis Diretor Yayasan Hak, duun governantes sira gadai tiha ona soberania nasaun TL iha 2002. “Ha’u hakarak hateten iha 2002 ami defende buat ida lina fronteira tasi ne’e mak prinsipal maibe tan ba ita nia governu hakarak foti medidas pragmatis konsekuensia mak ita mos tenke simu solusaun pragmatis,” dehan de Oliviera.
Tuir nia hanoin Governu ne’ebe, “pinor tiha ona soberania TL ba tinan 50 atu haree kona ba lina fronteira tasi entre Timor Leste ho Australia.”
Nune’e mos ho La’o Hamutuk ninia pozisaun maka buka obsaun ida ne’ebe diak liu ba Timor Leste. “Buat ida ne’ebe diak liu ba Timor Leste maka hanesan buat ne’ebe ami ko’alia beibeik ona iha tinan lima nia laran to’o ohin maka, diak liu husik gas hirak ne’e hela tan lai tinan 5 too tinan 10 ka 20 hein too Timor Leste presiza duni ninia reseita maka hasai.”
“Iha momentu ne’eba bele dehan timor oan barak maka kualifikadu atu hetan servisu ho salariu boot iha projetu ne’e. Teknologia ne’ebe uza hodi transporte pipa mai TL dezenvolvidu liu tan ona. Risku politika iha timor Leste bele dehan menus no Kapasidade governu sira nia hodi halo negosiasaun no maneija projetu ne’e bele aumenta diak liu tan,” Charlie foo razaun.
“Iha 2004 Woodside dehan ona katak la iha posibilidade atu dada kadoras mai Timor Leste maibe agora sira la ko’alia tan ona ida ne’e tan ba agora teknologia aumenta no ema hotu konkorda katak ne’e bele dada pipa liu tasi klean liu kilometru 2000 iha Timor through. Nune’e ami kontente katak iha razaun lubun ida maka ami nia rekomendasaun halo tuir duni.”
Lao Hamutuk hanoin iha razaun barak atu kansela dezenvolvimentu ba kampu gas iha greater Sunrise. “Nune’e ami hanoin la’os buat aat kuandu negosiasaun ne’e rahun iha momentu ida ne’e.”
Tuir Charlie katak la loos kuandu parte ida lohi katak sira la iha interese ba greater sunrise. “Ne’e klaramente la loos. Klaru katak Governu Australia iha interese atu defende interese kompania Australia nian no sira nia emar servisu nain sira hanesan mos parte Timor Leste ninian.”
“Nune’e mos La loos mos kuandu Woodside hateten katak ami iha ona ami nia estudu no ami sei halo konkluzaun. Ami sei la ba esplika nia razaun maibe ami sei dehan buat ne’e sei sai hanesan ne’e ona.”
Atu resolve disputa ne’e Charlie iha hanoin hanesan ho PR no lider opozisaun. “Ami hanoin bu’at ne’e sei diak liu tan kuandu Governu Timor Leste, woodside ho sira nia parseiru sei foo ba malu informasaun ne’ebe sira ida-idak iha entre sira no sei koko atu konvense malu tuir meritu la’os hanesan bosok malu iha media ne’ebe dehan obsaun ne’e sira propoin maka diak liu nune’e maka bele hetan desizaun ida ba interese povu nasaun rua ninian I mos ba inetrese kompania no kuota nain sira mos.”
Charlie triste uitoan tan ba rekomendasaun balun maka governu iha momentu ne’eba la hola atensaun hodi ratifika tiha Seamax ho IAU ne’ebe akordu hirak ne’e prejudika tiha pozisaun Timor Leste nune’e governu sira sei hakruuk ba lei sira ne’e. “Ha’u hanoin lei sira ne’e autoriza Timor Leste no governu Australia atu hateten ami rejeita planu ne’ebe kompania propoin. Fila ba no mai fali ho planu foun. Ida ne’e maka hatudu iha pozisaun Governu Timor Leste nian daudaun ne’e. Ida ne’e maka rezulta kanselamentu ba projetu refere, ne’e maka Primeiru Ministru dehan ona katak sei husik hela ba jerasaun foun. Ne’e bele. Ha’u hanoin ida ne’e maka loos duni.”
Iha parte seluk eis negosiador ida husi parte Timor Leste fo avizu katak iha momentu negosiasaun entre Australia ho Timor Leste no Woodside mosu ameasas balun. “Tan ba kompania Osaka orijen husi Japaun. Hanesan eis negosiador ida dehan ba Tempo Semanal katak, “Japones sira dehan mai ami iha 2005 katak sira sei sosa deit Gas ne’ebe sai husi Australia, husi Timor Leste sira sei la sosa. Negosiador husi Timor Leste hatoo tan katak, “lia ne’e la’os simples tan ita la’os hasoru de’it Woodside, ita hasoru mos ConocoPhilips husi America, Shell husi Olanda, Osaka husi Japaun no Woodside husi Australia. Nune’e Negosiador ne’e Aviza katak, “is not easy is it,” (katak, “la’os fasil, hanoin took.”).
Aviza ida ne’e mos bele interpreta tuir maluk sira ida-idak ninian hanoin. Maibe buat ne’ebe importante mak Polimika Greater sunrise ne’e sai hanesan asuntu legal entre Timor Leste ho Woodside, tau en kauza boa fee husi governu Australia hodi hamenus ki’ak iha Timor Leste nune’e lalika defend demais ba sira nia tulun. Espektativa maka Timor Leste hakarak uza Greater Sunrise atu hodi dezenvolve ekonomia povu no harii infrastrutura nasaun ne’ebe sei mukit liu iha lista asia pasifiku ne’e.
Jose Oliviera,
Lao hamutuk,
Rui Castro,
Timor leste,
Yayasan hak
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