Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Hubungan Lere- Sontono kembali Mencair melalui Kehadiran Bobi
Part I
Terlepas dari kejadian di oekuse pada 28/05/2010 di mana TNI masuk daerah Timor Leste merusak rumak warga di Naktuka dan pada insiden terakhir sekelompok anggota TNI masuk dengan kendaraan lengkap dengan peralatan militer ke wilayah Timor Leste hingga 3 kilometer tidak berpengaruh kepada hubungan yang dibangun semenjak 2002.
Brigadir Lere Anan Timur, salah satu orang tua kandung dari anak-anak yang hilang tersebut, tidak menyangka kalau para jenderal Indonesia yang dulunya adalah musuh bebuyutan selama pergolakan, pada tanggal 20 Juni 2010 kembali ke Timor Leste bertemu empat mata dengan sang brigadier bukan lagi sebagai musuh tetapi sahabat bahkan lebih dari itu, mereka bertemu dalam suasana kekeluargaan yang mengundang haru sangat mendalam. Kedua brigadier dipersatukan oleh anak mereka. Tercipta suatu kesan yang luar biasa pada saat Lere dan Suntono berpelukan di depan publik.
“Tidak ada musuh yang abadi”, kata seorang staf airport yang saat itu menyaksikan kejadian tersebut dengan airmata haru.
Ini bukanlah sebuah kejadian yang kebetulan. Setidak-tidak pertemuan bersejarah ini terjadi melalui suatu usaha panjang yang melibatkan berbagai individu dan institusi.
Konsul Timor Leste di Bali adalah salah satu pihak yang ikut memberikan sumbangan yang berarti demi terlaksananya kunjungan pertama seorang anak Timor bersama kedua orang tua angkatnya ke Dili setelah 29 tahun meninggalkan negara baru ini. Sungguh suatu usaha mulia dari para staf konsul Timor Leste di Bali di sela-sela kesibukan mereka mengurus kegiatan Protokoler dan nasib para mahasiswa yang lagi belajar serta para pasien Timor Leste yang menjalani pengobatan di rumah sakit Sanglah, Bali.
“Kami melakukan pekerjaan protokoler di Bandara,” Kata Paul da Costa Ximenes, Akting Konsul Besar Timor Leste.
Staff Konsulat Timor Leste semenjak ditangani pak Manuel Serano di tahun 2006, hingga pak Paul da Costa Ximenes yang mengambil alih pada tahun 2008 berjumlah 15 orang.
Sosok Bobi hampir tidak jauh perbeda dengan mantan Wakil komandan Geriliawan Kemerdekaan Timor Leste. Lucunya Bobi dibesarkan oleh seorang Brigadir Polri yang mana anak ini tidak bisa berbahasa Makalero dan Tetun sehinga sulit untuk berkomunikasi langsung dengan Lere.
“Kadang-kadang dengan saya sama pak Lere juga ada saudaranya yang bernama pak Julio kalau tidak salah di bawa kesini untuk membantu menerjemahkan. Anak itu cuma tahunya “maun-maun” saja.
Pada hari mingu, tanggal 20/06/2010 pagi jam 08.00 waktu Bali, Konsul Besar terpaksa mengorbankan hari liburnya ke pantai Kuta demi mengantar Bobi Rahman dan istrinya Cici beserta mantan Brigadir Polri Sontono beserta istrinya yang mantan Polwan untuk naik kepesawat Merpati MZ8480 ke Dili.
Setelah berjabat tangan dan menyampaikan selamat Jalan kepada Bobi, kepada Tempo Semanal di Bandara Ngurah Rai Bali, Paul berkata, “Saya mengantar anak Pak Lere kesini untuk berangkat ke Timor Leste untuk bertemu dengan Bapaknya”.
Wartwan Tempo Semanal berada satu pesawat dengan Bobi dan istrinya beserta kedua orang tua angkatnya.
Di dalam pesawat, entah apa yang mereka bicarakan, Bobi tampak berbisik-bisik dengan bapak angkatnya. Namun, beda dengan sang ibu yang mantan polwan. Entah apa yang sedang dipikirkannya, Ibu Idiawati tampak diam seribu bahasa.
Perjalanan Denpasar-Dili, 1 jam 30 menit. Dan beberapap menit sebelum pesawat mendarat, sang pramugari mengumumpkan persiapan pendaratan, Bobi tampak penasaran bergegas menoleh dari jendela pesawat untuk melihat pemandagan pulau Timor tempat kelahirannya. (Lanjutan ke Part II)
Bahkan ini terlihat dari beberapa mantan Jenderal di Indonesia yang pernah bertugas di esk propinsi ke 27 Timor-timur mulai menunjukan etiket baik mempertemukan anak yang hilang selama masa perang dengan orang tua kandung mereka di Timor Leste, suatu tindakan mulia yang di dukung oleh usaha keras dari kedutaan besar Timor Leste di Jakarta dan konsul besar di Bali.
Namun, usaha keras ini tidak akan terwujud tanpa kerelaan dan kebesaran hati bapak-bapak angkat termasuk beberapa mantan jenderal Indonesia yang mengadopsi anak-anak tersebut semasa perang.Brigadir Lere Anan Timur, salah satu orang tua kandung dari anak-anak yang hilang tersebut, tidak menyangka kalau para jenderal Indonesia yang dulunya adalah musuh bebuyutan selama pergolakan, pada tanggal 20 Juni 2010 kembali ke Timor Leste bertemu empat mata dengan sang brigadier bukan lagi sebagai musuh tetapi sahabat bahkan lebih dari itu, mereka bertemu dalam suasana kekeluargaan yang mengundang haru sangat mendalam. Kedua brigadier dipersatukan oleh anak mereka. Tercipta suatu kesan yang luar biasa pada saat Lere dan Suntono berpelukan di depan publik.
“Tidak ada musuh yang abadi”, kata seorang staf airport yang saat itu menyaksikan kejadian tersebut dengan airmata haru.
Ini bukanlah sebuah kejadian yang kebetulan. Setidak-tidak pertemuan bersejarah ini terjadi melalui suatu usaha panjang yang melibatkan berbagai individu dan institusi.
Konsul Timor Leste di Bali adalah salah satu pihak yang ikut memberikan sumbangan yang berarti demi terlaksananya kunjungan pertama seorang anak Timor bersama kedua orang tua angkatnya ke Dili setelah 29 tahun meninggalkan negara baru ini. Sungguh suatu usaha mulia dari para staf konsul Timor Leste di Bali di sela-sela kesibukan mereka mengurus kegiatan Protokoler dan nasib para mahasiswa yang lagi belajar serta para pasien Timor Leste yang menjalani pengobatan di rumah sakit Sanglah, Bali.
“Kami melakukan pekerjaan protokoler di Bandara,” Kata Paul da Costa Ximenes, Akting Konsul Besar Timor Leste.
Staff Konsulat Timor Leste semenjak ditangani pak Manuel Serano di tahun 2006, hingga pak Paul da Costa Ximenes yang mengambil alih pada tahun 2008 berjumlah 15 orang.
Di daerah yang selalu di kenal dengan sebutan Pulau Dewata ini teerdapat banyak anak-anak Timor Leste yang menimba ilmu.
“Mahasiswa Timor Leste yang selama ini kuliah di Denpasar-Bali berjumlah 225, SMU 3 orang dan SD 1 orang,” kata Paul.
“Di tahun 2010, ada lagi mahasiswa baru dari Timor Leste yang datang ke Bali yang terdaftar di Konsulat sebanyak 59 orang”, lanjutnya.
Konsul ini juga mengurus masyarakat Timor Leste yang datang ke Bali untuk berobat setelah mendapat rujukan dari Rumah Sakit Guido Valadares.
Artis dan Penyiar RTL, Elder da Costa alias “Bung Lele” merupakan salah satu pasien yang dirujuk ke RS Sanglah mendapat kunjungan dari Konsul besar bersama beberapa staf.
“Orang-orang (red-Timor) yang sakit disini banyak”, kata Bung Lele.
“Kita disini ada di Rumah Sakit Sanglah dimana Pemerintah TL sewa dua tempat, 1 tempatnya ada di Arta dan 1 tempat lagi ada di Rumah Transit di Pulau Ambon, Denpasar”, sambungnya.
Menurut informasi yang ada bahwa jumlah pasien yang rujuk, angkanya tidak pasti. Pada saat Tempo Semanal mengunjungi Rumah Sakit Sanglah terdapat sekitar enam orang pasien yang sedang menjalani perawatan intensif. “
“Tetapi tidak tentu. Kadang-kadang 2 orang, 3 orang datang dan pergi kalau kegiatan (red-perawatan) sudah selesai kembali lagi ke TL,” Konsul Besar, Paul, menuturkan kepada Ttempo Semanal, setelah menengok Bung Lele pada hari…. Bulan …. lalu.
Menurut Paul, kebanyakan pasien yang dirawat, sembuh. Namun lanjutnya ada juga yang meninggal.
Disela-sela melayani wawancara Tempo Semanal saat mengunjungi ruma sakit, Paul dan para staf juga tampak disibukkan dengan usaha memperlancar jalannya pertemuan dan kepulangan anak Brigadir F-FDTL Lere Anan Timur yang hilang selama 29 tahun.
“Betul, pada tanggal 8 April memang pak Brigadero Jenderal Lere Anan datang dari TL transit di Denpasar ke Jakarta kebetulan beliau bertemu dengan kedutaan kita di Jakarta”, kata Paul.
Katanya, beliau (red-Lere) sempat ketemu anaknya lewat pak Yunus Yosfia di mana menurut kabar bahwa anak pak Lere, Boby Rachman, ada bersama pak Suntono (bapak angkat).
Berikut, pak Paulo menceritakan singkat kejadian tentang pertemuan itu:
“Ceritanya, pak Yohanes, entah tahunnya saya lupa, pernah tugas di Ilomar dan dari situlah anaknya pak brigadir (Lere) dibawa dari hutan. Dan pak Yohanes yang ambil. Kemudian di bawa ke Dili lagi oleh pak Sontono, Kapolda II di TIM-TIM yang kemudian memelihara Boby sampai umur 29 tahuna’, kata Paul.
“Melalui informasi dari pak Yohanes maka pak Yunus lalu menpertemukan antara Pak Lere dan Pak Sontono dengan Bobi di Jakarta”
Lalu apa katat pak Lere?
“Pemerintah Timor Leste dan RI telah mendirikan Komisi Kebenaran dan Persahabatan yang menghabiskan jutaan dollar Amerika yang tidak menghasil sesuatu langkah kongkrit selain menproduksi kertas laporan semata,” kata komandan Lere.
Tentang anaknya, Boby Rachman, pada saat lahir, Komandan Geriliawan bagian Timur itu memberinya nama Elito.
“Tapi setelah dipelihara oleh pak Sontono, ia diberi nama Gunawan Adi Guna Rachman, dengan nama panggilan Boby,” kata Paul.
Bobi di kirim dari hutan ke kota pada 1981, waktu itu kira-kira berumur 6 hingga sembilan bulan tapi ayahnya (red-Lere) selama di hutan selalu mencari informasi tentang anak ini dan di tahun 1998 beliau berkata kepada Tempo Semanal bahwa dia mendaptkan informasi bahwa anaknya berada di Surabaya.
“Selama tahun ‘99 setelah turun dari hutan, pak Jenderal memang mencari kemana-mana melalui Palang Merah Internacional (PMI), namun tidak berhasil”, tutur pak Paul.
Setelah itu, pak Jenderal (red-Lere) mencari tahu para Jenderal–jenderal indonesia yang pernah bertugas di Tim-Tim”, sambung Paul.
Konsul ini menceritakan sejarah Lere mencari Bobi hinga dapat dan dia berkata, “Yang tahu semua tentang identitasnya itu adalah pak Yohanes, pak Yohanes yang merawat anak ini di kecamatan Ilomar dan bawa ke Dili dan di lapor ke pak Sontono Kapolda II TIM-TIM setelah itu pak Kepala Kepolisian RI di Dili ingin mengambil anak itu untuk dipelihara dan saat itu ada pak Yunus Yosfia yang ikut mengetahui penyerahan Elito kepada pak Sontono”.
Pada tangal 18/06/2010, sore Jam 17.35 Paul da Costa Ximenes meningalkan Konsul Besar Timor Leste di denpasar menuju rumah Bobi Rahman dan Istrinya Cici. Konsul besar Timor Leste di sambut oleh ibu Cici dan ibu angkat beserta ibu Mertua Bobi. Bobi duduk di sebelah kiri Bapak Angkatnya lalu Pak Sonotono memulai cerita tentang pertemuannya yang pertama dengan bai laki-laki dua di wilayah Iliomar pada tahun 1981. Salah satu bay itu sekarang lagi duduk bersebelahan dengan beliau. Pak Sontono mengelus-elus kepala Bobi lalu bercerita tentang pada saat beliau memberitahukan kepada anak kesayangannya bahwa ayah kandung bobi masih hidup. (akan di ceritakan pada Part II)Sosok Bobi hampir tidak jauh perbeda dengan mantan Wakil komandan Geriliawan Kemerdekaan Timor Leste. Lucunya Bobi dibesarkan oleh seorang Brigadir Polri yang mana anak ini tidak bisa berbahasa Makalero dan Tetun sehinga sulit untuk berkomunikasi langsung dengan Lere.
“Kadang-kadang dengan saya sama pak Lere juga ada saudaranya yang bernama pak Julio kalau tidak salah di bawa kesini untuk membantu menerjemahkan. Anak itu cuma tahunya “maun-maun” saja.
Pada hari mingu, tanggal 20/06/2010 pagi jam 08.00 waktu Bali, Konsul Besar terpaksa mengorbankan hari liburnya ke pantai Kuta demi mengantar Bobi Rahman dan istrinya Cici beserta mantan Brigadir Polri Sontono beserta istrinya yang mantan Polwan untuk naik kepesawat Merpati MZ8480 ke Dili.
Setelah berjabat tangan dan menyampaikan selamat Jalan kepada Bobi, kepada Tempo Semanal di Bandara Ngurah Rai Bali, Paul berkata, “Saya mengantar anak Pak Lere kesini untuk berangkat ke Timor Leste untuk bertemu dengan Bapaknya”.
Wartwan Tempo Semanal berada satu pesawat dengan Bobi dan istrinya beserta kedua orang tua angkatnya.
Di dalam pesawat, entah apa yang mereka bicarakan, Bobi tampak berbisik-bisik dengan bapak angkatnya. Namun, beda dengan sang ibu yang mantan polwan. Entah apa yang sedang dipikirkannya, Ibu Idiawati tampak diam seribu bahasa.
Perjalanan Denpasar-Dili, 1 jam 30 menit. Dan beberapap menit sebelum pesawat mendarat, sang pramugari mengumumpkan persiapan pendaratan, Bobi tampak penasaran bergegas menoleh dari jendela pesawat untuk melihat pemandagan pulau Timor tempat kelahirannya. (Lanjutan ke Part II)
Monday, 28 June 2010
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Jerasaun TL Lakon Rekonsilia Nia Aman Brigadeiru POLRI ho F-FDTL
Bobi Rahman oan hakiak husi Brigadeiru Polri Sontono ne’ebe iha 1978-1982 hanesan ulun boot POLRI ba Indonesia nia eis provinsia 27 Timor-timur no oan husi vice komandante F-FDTL Brigadeiru Tito da Costa alias Lere Anan Timur ne’ebe iha rezistensia luta ba libertasaun hanesan komanadante gerilla iha rejiaun I mos hanesan Sub Xefe estadu Maior das FALINTIL hamriik besik entre nia aman nain rua ne’e nia klaran iha sala VIP aeroportu Komoro.
Bobi loloos moris iha loron 19/08/1981 loron ida antes Falintil halo tinan maibe tuir ninia aman hakiak tan ba la hatene informasaun loloos maka tau data moris bobi nian ba lorfon 14/08/1981. Diferensa iha loron lima deit.
Bobi moris iha ai laran foho iliomar ninian iha loron 19/08/1981 husi ninia inan matebian Elisa. Bainhira Partu tiha Elito ne’ebe kompozisaun husi Elisa ho Tito, labarik ne’e lakon ninia inan. Iha situasaun ne’ebe difisil durante kampaina operasaun husi forsa okupante kontra rezistensia maka hafoin Elito nia matan hare murak loro matan no tilun rona kilat tarutu, komandante Lere obrigatoriamente deside husik hela labarik ne’ebe sai loloos hanesan ninia letratu ne’e no espera katak nia sei moris.
Kala ho grasa maromak ninian Eis Brigadeiru Sontono foti Bobi ba ninia oan ida.
Tuir informasaun husi populasaun iha Iliomar hatoo ba eis komandate polisia RI iha Timor leste ne’e katak iha momentu ne’eba labarik Elito husi hamutuk ho nota ruma besik mota ibun ho ninia maluk ikda seluk nia naran Julio. Iha nota ne’e hakerek naran Tito ho ninia inan matebian nia naran. Iha mos lia menon seluk ne’ebe hakerek iha surat tahan ne’eba katak Lere sadik hameno atu Elito boot ba buka nia iha ai laran. “Kuandu o boot ona mai tiru malu ho hau iha ai laran,” lian sadik husi eis komanadante gerilla ne’e ba ninia oan.
Bobi ninia oin, matan, inus, tilun no hamnasa nehan ho ibun loloos komandante Lere. Lere hamriik no la’o ninia kotuk bonko uitoan nune’e mos nia oan mane kiik husi ninia kaben dahuluk ne’e. Soke Bobi aas liu uitoan ninia aman ho nia maun Alu. Lere, Alu ho bobi hamriik hamutuk bele dehan sira nia oin ne’e ema ida de’it.
Iha tuku 17:45 kareta konsul Timor leste tama ba iha area Boby Rahman ho ninia kaben nia uma besik Denpasar Bali. Too ona iha bairu refere maibe ladun hatene diresaun rezidensia aman husi bebe ne’ebe sei iha knotak fulan hitu ne’e entaun sofer Konsulda TL nian dehan atu buka deteta uluk kareta favourite Elito ne’ebe lakon ninia inan bainhira nia moris. Kareta Chevrolet koor mean ida para besik kruzamentu nune’e sofer ne’e dehan ba konsul Paul katak, “ninia uma maka ne’eba.”
Bainhira too iha fatin kareta ne’e para ba hare ba numeru uma la hanesan nune’e duni sofer ne’e fila ninia kareta tama dalan ki’ik buka uma numeru 11. Ho kareta halai neineik fihir karuki no loos la kleur Konsul Paul dehan, “Maka ne’e ona,” ho liman hatudu ba liman loos iha uma ne’ebe senora ida gravid hela hamriik ba. Nia kontinua, “ne’e Bobi ninia kaben.” Ibu oan ne’e Gravida hela eis komandante rejiaun Gerilia Lospalos ne’e ninia bee oan ba dahuluk husi nia olan mane ne’ebe lakon durante tinan 29 nia laran. “Bobi sei dauk fila husi servisu,” dehan bobi ninia kaben hodi loke odamatan ba ulun boot konsul Timor Leste iha Bali ne’e tama.
Maiske Bobi seidauki fila ninia kaben simu vizitante hirak ne’e ho didiak. “Favor ida tama de’it, no tuur tiha.” Iha uma laran iha senora nain rua ho oin hamnasa komprimenta Konsul Paul. Senora nain rua ne’e ida Bobi ninia inan hakiak no ida seluk ninia banin. Tuur la kleur Senora ne’ebe bobi ninia inan hakiak tama hikas ba kuartu laran no sai mai fali ho Senor ida ne’ebe Bobi ninia aman hakiak. Konsul boot Timor Leste dehan, “ha’u hanoin Bapa iha hela Jawa.”
Senor ne’ebe matan haat ona maibe fuuk sei metan ne’e nia naran Sontono dehan, “ami mai iha ne’e prepara atu akompaina Bobi ba Timor Leste atu hasoru ninia aman.”
“Ha’u hetan Bobi ne’e bainhira ha’u halo vizita ida ba iliomar. Ha’u hatene iha momentu ne’eba iha labarik nain rua, ida nia naran Julio no ida seluk nia naran Tito. Ha’u haruka lori ba Ospital Dili. Hafoin ha’u nia oan sira ba Ospital hodi hatene karik sira hakarak atu hili entre labarik nain rua ne’e ida sai hanesan sira nia alin. Nune’e duni ha’u nia oan sira hakarak hili ida Tito ne’e sai hanesan sira nia maluk. Ha’u nia oan iha momentu ne’eba nain rua feto ida no mane mak ki’ik liu ne’e, hili bob i hodi bele sai belun halimar hamutuk no maun alin ho ema Timor nia oan mos. Hafoin hetan aseitasaun husi labarik sira ami lori Bobi ba Ospital Polisia ninian hodi hetan tratamentu saude. Hafoin tempu balun tratamentu ne’e hotu maka ha’u foin foo naran ba labarik ne’e. Ha’u hanaran nia Bobi Rahman. Bobi rahman ne’e ha’u nia senior ida iha polisia ne’ebe uluk sai hanesan Xefe polisia iha Kalimatan leste. Bobi Rahman ida ne’e hafoin ha’u adopta, lori ba Surabaya, Ambon, Irian Jaya no fila mai Jakarta. Nune’e labarik ida ne’e la’o haleu ba mai ona.
Ba ninia aman hakiak Bobi informa ninia mehi atu sai ulun boot iha relijiaun muslumanu. “Iha momentu ne’eba nia hakarak sai Ustaq boot hanesan Zainudin MZ ukun ninia sarani juta ida. Ha’u dehan nune’e duni entaun o tama de’it ona Pesantren. Tan ne’e maka nia tama Pesantren iha Jombang Daru Ulun. Alhamdullilah nia katam ona. Ho hamnasa Sontono dehan, “nia bele reza husu tulun ba ninia aman iha aban bain rua. Nia mos reza tulun ba ema se de’it. Yaahh..alhamdulillah ho nai nia tulun foo hasoru Bobi ho ninia aman ne’ebe sai isin ho ran ba nia. Iha Lere ne’e maka iha Bobi. Ha’u ne’e hanesan de’it aman hakiak ne’ebe ha’u sente tenke haree nia ne’e maka ha’u lori nia ba Jakarta, ba Ambon, ha’u lori ba Irian Jaya no fila mai Jakarta tuir buat ne’ebe ha’u bele hodi hakiak nia too boot. Ha’u so halo buat ne’ebe maka ha’u bele halo. Ha’u haree ninia isin diak tebes bainhira kompara ho ninia aman sira. Maibe nia, oan ida mak diak tebes ne’ebe sempre hakruuk ba aman no inan.”
Bobi hanesan oan ida dala ruma konfuzu tan ba iha aman rua maka hadomi nia hadau malu maibe eis komandante dahuluk Polwil Timor-Timur ne’e dehan, “nia sorte boot tan ba hanesan oan ida mak iha aman nain rua. Husi nia aman nain rua ne’e ya...ladun dehan boot...maibe Maromak foo ba sira sai hanesan lider hanesan Lere iha ne’eba sai hanesan komandante ba Forsa Defesa no ha’u iha ne’e sai ulun ba Polisia. Maibe labarik ne’e lakohi sai Forsa Defeza ka sai hanesan Polisia mos,” dehan Eis Brigadeiru ne’e ho hamnasa.
Tuir informasaun husi populasaun iha Iliomar ne’ebe hatoo ba eis komanadante Polisia Indonesia iha TL iha tinan 1978 ate 1982 ne’e katak ema hateten ba nia katak uandu sira hetan labarik ne’e tara hela ba nia surat tahan ruma hakerek ho lian fuan “Tito elito,” kuandu boot mai tiru malu ho o nia aman iha ai laran.
Iha tinan 1998 Eis komandante gerilla ne’e husu tuir ona ninia oan ne’ebe lakon ne’e maibe foin maka hetan informasaun loloos ho tulun husi eis Jeneral Yunus Yosfia nune’e Lere hasoru malu ho ninia oan ba dahuluk iha Jakarta iha loron 08/04/2010. Haree husi realidade Bobi iha aman nain rua maka hadomi duni nia.
Tempo Semanal hetan kazu hanesan Bobi nian ne’e lubun ruma no iha semana oin jornal ne’e sei hatun informasaun kona ba Bobi no ninia kolega sira ho titlu “Timor Leste nia jerasaun ne’e lakon servisu aijuda buka ativista Indonesia ne’ebe lakon.”
Bobi sama fali ain iha rain nia ran moris fakar ba, iha tuku 13:37 oras Timor Leste hamutuk ho ninia aman hakiak, inan hakiak no ninia kaben ne’ebe sempre triste hela de’it haree ba ninia kaben nia situasaun. Hatudu momos iha Bobi ninia inan hakiak nia matan katak lakohi atu lakon Bobi maibe ninia aman hakiak ho neon boot i lian todan neneik dehan, “depende ba Bobi hakarak ba Timor bele.No kuandu iha ne’eba baruk atu mai fali iha ne’e bele. Tan ba nia sorte boot liu
hodi nia iha aman rua maka hadomi nia.”
Capn: Bobi kamija mutin kous ho nia alin, Lere kamija metan eis komandante Falintil(aman hahoris), Ninia kolega Brigadeiru Sontono (aman hakiak) no bobi nia maun Alu.
Bobi moris iha ai laran foho iliomar ninian iha loron 19/08/1981 husi ninia inan matebian Elisa. Bainhira Partu tiha Elito ne’ebe kompozisaun husi Elisa ho Tito, labarik ne’e lakon ninia inan. Iha situasaun ne’ebe difisil durante kampaina operasaun husi forsa okupante kontra rezistensia maka hafoin Elito nia matan hare murak loro matan no tilun rona kilat tarutu, komandante Lere obrigatoriamente deside husik hela labarik ne’ebe sai loloos hanesan ninia letratu ne’e no espera katak nia sei moris.
Kala ho grasa maromak ninian Eis Brigadeiru Sontono foti Bobi ba ninia oan ida.
Tuir informasaun husi populasaun iha Iliomar hatoo ba eis komandate polisia RI iha Timor leste ne’e katak iha momentu ne’eba labarik Elito husi hamutuk ho nota ruma besik mota ibun ho ninia maluk ikda seluk nia naran Julio. Iha nota ne’e hakerek naran Tito ho ninia inan matebian nia naran. Iha mos lia menon seluk ne’ebe hakerek iha surat tahan ne’eba katak Lere sadik hameno atu Elito boot ba buka nia iha ai laran. “Kuandu o boot ona mai tiru malu ho hau iha ai laran,” lian sadik husi eis komanadante gerilla ne’e ba ninia oan.
Bobi ninia oin, matan, inus, tilun no hamnasa nehan ho ibun loloos komandante Lere. Lere hamriik no la’o ninia kotuk bonko uitoan nune’e mos nia oan mane kiik husi ninia kaben dahuluk ne’e. Soke Bobi aas liu uitoan ninia aman ho nia maun Alu. Lere, Alu ho bobi hamriik hamutuk bele dehan sira nia oin ne’e ema ida de’it.
Iha tuku 17:45 kareta konsul Timor leste tama ba iha area Boby Rahman ho ninia kaben nia uma besik Denpasar Bali. Too ona iha bairu refere maibe ladun hatene diresaun rezidensia aman husi bebe ne’ebe sei iha knotak fulan hitu ne’e entaun sofer Konsulda TL nian dehan atu buka deteta uluk kareta favourite Elito ne’ebe lakon ninia inan bainhira nia moris. Kareta Chevrolet koor mean ida para besik kruzamentu nune’e sofer ne’e dehan ba konsul Paul katak, “ninia uma maka ne’eba.”
Bainhira too iha fatin kareta ne’e para ba hare ba numeru uma la hanesan nune’e duni sofer ne’e fila ninia kareta tama dalan ki’ik buka uma numeru 11. Ho kareta halai neineik fihir karuki no loos la kleur Konsul Paul dehan, “Maka ne’e ona,” ho liman hatudu ba liman loos iha uma ne’ebe senora ida gravid hela hamriik ba. Nia kontinua, “ne’e Bobi ninia kaben.” Ibu oan ne’e Gravida hela eis komandante rejiaun Gerilia Lospalos ne’e ninia bee oan ba dahuluk husi nia olan mane ne’ebe lakon durante tinan 29 nia laran. “Bobi sei dauk fila husi servisu,” dehan bobi ninia kaben hodi loke odamatan ba ulun boot konsul Timor Leste iha Bali ne’e tama.
Maiske Bobi seidauki fila ninia kaben simu vizitante hirak ne’e ho didiak. “Favor ida tama de’it, no tuur tiha.” Iha uma laran iha senora nain rua ho oin hamnasa komprimenta Konsul Paul. Senora nain rua ne’e ida Bobi ninia inan hakiak no ida seluk ninia banin. Tuur la kleur Senora ne’ebe bobi ninia inan hakiak tama hikas ba kuartu laran no sai mai fali ho Senor ida ne’ebe Bobi ninia aman hakiak. Konsul boot Timor Leste dehan, “ha’u hanoin Bapa iha hela Jawa.”
Senor ne’ebe matan haat ona maibe fuuk sei metan ne’e nia naran Sontono dehan, “ami mai iha ne’e prepara atu akompaina Bobi ba Timor Leste atu hasoru ninia aman.”
“Ha’u hetan Bobi ne’e bainhira ha’u halo vizita ida ba iliomar. Ha’u hatene iha momentu ne’eba iha labarik nain rua, ida nia naran Julio no ida seluk nia naran Tito. Ha’u haruka lori ba Ospital Dili. Hafoin ha’u nia oan sira ba Ospital hodi hatene karik sira hakarak atu hili entre labarik nain rua ne’e ida sai hanesan sira nia alin. Nune’e duni ha’u nia oan sira hakarak hili ida Tito ne’e sai hanesan sira nia maluk. Ha’u nia oan iha momentu ne’eba nain rua feto ida no mane mak ki’ik liu ne’e, hili bob i hodi bele sai belun halimar hamutuk no maun alin ho ema Timor nia oan mos. Hafoin hetan aseitasaun husi labarik sira ami lori Bobi ba Ospital Polisia ninian hodi hetan tratamentu saude. Hafoin tempu balun tratamentu ne’e hotu maka ha’u foin foo naran ba labarik ne’e. Ha’u hanaran nia Bobi Rahman. Bobi rahman ne’e ha’u nia senior ida iha polisia ne’ebe uluk sai hanesan Xefe polisia iha Kalimatan leste. Bobi Rahman ida ne’e hafoin ha’u adopta, lori ba Surabaya, Ambon, Irian Jaya no fila mai Jakarta. Nune’e labarik ida ne’e la’o haleu ba mai ona.
Ba ninia aman hakiak Bobi informa ninia mehi atu sai ulun boot iha relijiaun muslumanu. “Iha momentu ne’eba nia hakarak sai Ustaq boot hanesan Zainudin MZ ukun ninia sarani juta ida. Ha’u dehan nune’e duni entaun o tama de’it ona Pesantren. Tan ne’e maka nia tama Pesantren iha Jombang Daru Ulun. Alhamdullilah nia katam ona. Ho hamnasa Sontono dehan, “nia bele reza husu tulun ba ninia aman iha aban bain rua. Nia mos reza tulun ba ema se de’it. Yaahh..alhamdulillah ho nai nia tulun foo hasoru Bobi ho ninia aman ne’ebe sai isin ho ran ba nia. Iha Lere ne’e maka iha Bobi. Ha’u ne’e hanesan de’it aman hakiak ne’ebe ha’u sente tenke haree nia ne’e maka ha’u lori nia ba Jakarta, ba Ambon, ha’u lori ba Irian Jaya no fila mai Jakarta tuir buat ne’ebe ha’u bele hodi hakiak nia too boot. Ha’u so halo buat ne’ebe maka ha’u bele halo. Ha’u haree ninia isin diak tebes bainhira kompara ho ninia aman sira. Maibe nia, oan ida mak diak tebes ne’ebe sempre hakruuk ba aman no inan.”
Bobi hanesan oan ida dala ruma konfuzu tan ba iha aman rua maka hadomi nia hadau malu maibe eis komandante dahuluk Polwil Timor-Timur ne’e dehan, “nia sorte boot tan ba hanesan oan ida mak iha aman nain rua. Husi nia aman nain rua ne’e ya...ladun dehan boot...maibe Maromak foo ba sira sai hanesan lider hanesan Lere iha ne’eba sai hanesan komandante ba Forsa Defesa no ha’u iha ne’e sai ulun ba Polisia. Maibe labarik ne’e lakohi sai Forsa Defeza ka sai hanesan Polisia mos,” dehan Eis Brigadeiru ne’e ho hamnasa.
Tuir informasaun husi populasaun iha Iliomar ne’ebe hatoo ba eis komanadante Polisia Indonesia iha TL iha tinan 1978 ate 1982 ne’e katak ema hateten ba nia katak uandu sira hetan labarik ne’e tara hela ba nia surat tahan ruma hakerek ho lian fuan “Tito elito,” kuandu boot mai tiru malu ho o nia aman iha ai laran.
Iha tinan 1998 Eis komandante gerilla ne’e husu tuir ona ninia oan ne’ebe lakon ne’e maibe foin maka hetan informasaun loloos ho tulun husi eis Jeneral Yunus Yosfia nune’e Lere hasoru malu ho ninia oan ba dahuluk iha Jakarta iha loron 08/04/2010. Haree husi realidade Bobi iha aman nain rua maka hadomi duni nia.
Tempo Semanal hetan kazu hanesan Bobi nian ne’e lubun ruma no iha semana oin jornal ne’e sei hatun informasaun kona ba Bobi no ninia kolega sira ho titlu “Timor Leste nia jerasaun ne’e lakon servisu aijuda buka ativista Indonesia ne’ebe lakon.”
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Bob Brown Urge Canberra to Help TL to Put Presure on Woodside to Bring Pipeline to TL

TS: Your position that Pipeline from Greater Sunrise must come East Timor is similar to East Timor Government and people position. But Woodside and its partners disagree with you. What can you and the Australian Government can do under this situation?
BB: The Australian Government is a member of the Joint Commission and Sunrise Commission, along with the Government of Timor-Leste. As a member of these decision-making bodies the Australian Government can set conditions for the exploitation of Greater Sunrise. The Australian Government can also take a strong stand in voicing its opinion to Woodside. It’s just a matter of having the political will to put support for Timor-Leste’s development ahead of support for an Australian company’s interests.
TS: Pipe to East Timor according to Government here said it will help national Development and reduce dependency on Australian aid. Do you think in this sense Pipep-line to East Timor is also Australian national interest?
BB: Absolutely – it is in Australia’s interest for Timor-Leste to have a strong economy and good employment. We want our neighbours to be vibrant and stable. Having access to your own gas resource is likely to assist Timor-Leste along its development path.
TS: What the impact to the environment if the pipe lines do come to Timor Leste?
BB: Any major industrial development will need an environmental impact assessment to ensure it can be developed in a safe way that does not damage the local environment. This needs to occur whether the pipeline goes to Timor Leste or Darwin. The BP disaster in the United States reminds us that this industry is not risk-free. Both Governments need to ensure that any development plan has extremely rigorous environmental conditions and controls locked in.
TS: Do you think the standoff between Woodside and Timor Leste over the pipeline issue can affect the relation between the two country Australia and East Timor?
BB: Yes - this is why the Australian Greens believe that Prime Minister Rudd needs to step in and demonstrate special good-will towards the Timorese people. The intention of the Treaty that we jointly signed was to see these resources developed for the benefits of the people of Timor-Leste and Australia, not for the sole benefit of private enterprises such as Woodside.
TS: After 10 years East Timor Independence today many people still consider Timor as one of 10th poorest countries in the world and our people living bellow poverty line. What do you say about millions of dollars of Australian aids to ET?
BB: The Australian Greens believe that the aid budget could be increased. Australia lags behind in making a fair contribution to reduction of poverty worldwide and its consequences on both lives and on global security. The Greens believe that the Australian Government needs to adhere to the international standard for aid – which is to spend 0.7% of Gross National Income on aid – it is only half that target in 2010.
TS: Do you have any message to East Timorese because they have celebrate its 8 anniversary of referendum?
BB: Congratulations to the people of Timor-Leste on this 8th anniversary! Your growing nation has much to feel proud about and the Australian people hold a very warm place in our hearts for Timor Leste.
Bob Brown,
Green Party,
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Neighbours divided by wealth and power - Sydney Morning Herald - J. Belo
Sydney Morning Herald
Neighbours divided by wealth and power - SMH link
June 15, 2010
The handover of two Chinese patrol boats to East Timor this month represents not only a failure of maritime surveillance arrangements between Canberra and Dili but a larger failure of Australian policy towards its newest northern neighbour.
For six years, from 2002 to 2008, Canberra tried to convince East Timor to join the South Pacific patrol boat program in which Australian ships patrol the seas of neighbouring countries on their behalf. This arrangement comes with many strings attached: Australia has overall command and all communications are routed through Australia, thus ensuring Canberra has access to all intelligence gathered.
This clumsy, almost post-colonial, effort to tie East Timor to an arrangement in which it would be required to cede sovereignty led Dili to look elsewhere for a supplier. China was only too willing, selling the boats with no conditions, giving new meaning to the whole notion of gunboat diplomacy.
Relationships are often fractious, even between friends, and this is the case between Australia and East Timor. The problem is not at a grassroots level: ordinary Timorese and Australians have a long history of living and even dying together. They share intimate friendships. Australian volunteers are many and highly valued.
But bilateral relations between our two governments are generally poor, primarily because Australia and East Timor do not always see eye to eye on matters of importance, and Canberra often turns a deaf ear to our interests and pursues only its own.
East Timor and Australia have had long disagreements over the Timor Sea, for example, and the petro-wealth that lies beneath it. Since East Timor gained independence in 2002, negotiations on this have been very difficult, at times acrimonious. As a rich developed nation, Australia is viewed as mean-spirited and even treacherous by many East Timorese when it tries to get more Timor Sea wealth than it deserves. Don't forget half of all Timorese live on $1 a day.
Australian development assistance is another source of friction. While such aid is viewed as generous and useful in spirit, it often comes across as self-interested and misguided in practice.
Australia does fund a range of useful projects in rural areas, including water and sanitation, cash for work, specialist eye doctors, building markets through the Peace Dividend Trust, and several others.
But in the areas of justice reform, public financial management and infrastructure development, AusAID funds huge projects costing tens of millions of dollars a year and almost nothing is achieved.
Meanwhile, the agents of Australian aid efforts - the "development consultants" - get rich quick and return home.
As the President, José´ Ramos Horta, said in a letter to the Australian ambassador last week: "The vast majority of donor aid spent on Timor-Leste is not spent in Timor-Leste [but] is spent on consultants, study missions, reports and recommendations."
Finally, there are many things going on in East Timor that ordinary people are not happy about. Corruption is a problem and accountability at an all-time low. Yet when civil society seeks assistance from the Australian embassy to try to deal with these kinds of problems, the embassy does little or nothing to help.
Australia is a regional hegemony and when it acts in its interests often comes across as a bully. When a friend bullies a friend, it can result in a real grudge match. Like forlorn lovers, the vindictiveness can become self-defeating.
But try to understand the Timorese. We only became independent eight years ago. We are poor, but proud and determined. We managed to successfully free ourselves from a huge and oppressive dictatorship. We don't like being pushed around.
Even if we think we might lose the fight, we will nonetheless fight it. Australia may view this as irrational, but for those of us in East Timor, all of whom have suffered horrible violence in the past, it's a matter of national pride.
Jose Belo is the editor-in-chief of the Dili-based Tempo Semanal.
Neighbours divided by wealth and power - SMH link
June 15, 2010
The handover of two Chinese patrol boats to East Timor this month represents not only a failure of maritime surveillance arrangements between Canberra and Dili but a larger failure of Australian policy towards its newest northern neighbour.
For six years, from 2002 to 2008, Canberra tried to convince East Timor to join the South Pacific patrol boat program in which Australian ships patrol the seas of neighbouring countries on their behalf. This arrangement comes with many strings attached: Australia has overall command and all communications are routed through Australia, thus ensuring Canberra has access to all intelligence gathered.
This clumsy, almost post-colonial, effort to tie East Timor to an arrangement in which it would be required to cede sovereignty led Dili to look elsewhere for a supplier. China was only too willing, selling the boats with no conditions, giving new meaning to the whole notion of gunboat diplomacy.
Relationships are often fractious, even between friends, and this is the case between Australia and East Timor. The problem is not at a grassroots level: ordinary Timorese and Australians have a long history of living and even dying together. They share intimate friendships. Australian volunteers are many and highly valued.
But bilateral relations between our two governments are generally poor, primarily because Australia and East Timor do not always see eye to eye on matters of importance, and Canberra often turns a deaf ear to our interests and pursues only its own.
East Timor and Australia have had long disagreements over the Timor Sea, for example, and the petro-wealth that lies beneath it. Since East Timor gained independence in 2002, negotiations on this have been very difficult, at times acrimonious. As a rich developed nation, Australia is viewed as mean-spirited and even treacherous by many East Timorese when it tries to get more Timor Sea wealth than it deserves. Don't forget half of all Timorese live on $1 a day.
Australian development assistance is another source of friction. While such aid is viewed as generous and useful in spirit, it often comes across as self-interested and misguided in practice.
Australia does fund a range of useful projects in rural areas, including water and sanitation, cash for work, specialist eye doctors, building markets through the Peace Dividend Trust, and several others.
But in the areas of justice reform, public financial management and infrastructure development, AusAID funds huge projects costing tens of millions of dollars a year and almost nothing is achieved.
Meanwhile, the agents of Australian aid efforts - the "development consultants" - get rich quick and return home.
As the President, José´ Ramos Horta, said in a letter to the Australian ambassador last week: "The vast majority of donor aid spent on Timor-Leste is not spent in Timor-Leste [but] is spent on consultants, study missions, reports and recommendations."
Finally, there are many things going on in East Timor that ordinary people are not happy about. Corruption is a problem and accountability at an all-time low. Yet when civil society seeks assistance from the Australian embassy to try to deal with these kinds of problems, the embassy does little or nothing to help.
Australia is a regional hegemony and when it acts in its interests often comes across as a bully. When a friend bullies a friend, it can result in a real grudge match. Like forlorn lovers, the vindictiveness can become self-defeating.
But try to understand the Timorese. We only became independent eight years ago. We are poor, but proud and determined. We managed to successfully free ourselves from a huge and oppressive dictatorship. We don't like being pushed around.
Even if we think we might lose the fight, we will nonetheless fight it. Australia may view this as irrational, but for those of us in East Timor, all of whom have suffered horrible violence in the past, it's a matter of national pride.
Jose Belo is the editor-in-chief of the Dili-based Tempo Semanal.
East Timor,
international aid
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Xanana Prepara Kakuluk, Hadia Uma Blok 8, ONU Hein Sobak
Editorial Tempo Semanal
Aderito do Rosario
Vise Editor Xefe

Atu hakotu lina mukit ne’e, reprezentante misaun ONU nian balu fila tiha sira nia esteitmentu katak, atu harii Timor-Leste ne’ebé paz no laiha kiak no dezempregu, Timor oan sira tenke hamutuk. Ne’e hatudu mai Timor oan sira katak, lojikamente reprezentante ONU nian iha Timor-Leste la hatene konaba unidade ne’ebé Timor oan sira kuda hodi lori rai kiik ida ne’e too hetan independensia iha dia 20 de Maiu 2002.
Tanba la hatene Timor oan nia unidade, maka misaun ONU bele muda naran tun sae, reprezentante bele ohin troka ida aban troka seluk mós, ONU sei nafatin failla iha Timor-Leste. Ne’e hatudu mós ba Banku Mundial no fundus apoiu husi doador internasional sira katak, haree husi numeru osan deit, rai Timor ne’e ema estranjeiru bele sosa kotu, maibé atu hadia rai Timor ninia vida osan bele barak mós volume ema kiak nafatin aumenta.
Tuir loloos Timor oan sira tenke matan moos ba problema hanesan ne’e, tanba ekonomikamente koandu osan barak serkula iha povu nia leet, entaun povu nia moris tenke di’ak, maibé lae, entaun ne’e hatudu katak osan la serkula iha povu nia leet so numeru orsamentu deit mak halo mobilizasaun iha povu Timor nia kakutak, osan nia isin lolon tama iha misaun barbarak nia bolsu deit. (haree tabela tuir data La’o Hamutuk)
Tan ne’e, ONU labele kontenti katak, Timor-Leste oras ne’e bele sai husi krize financial tanba apoiu orsamentu barbarak husi ONU. ONU mai iha Timor so iha misaun UNAMET Sr Ian Martin nia tempu no UNTAET Sr matebian Sergio Vieira de Mello ninia misaun mak Timor oan sira hetan orguillu boot ba estabilidade seguransa social no ekonomia.
Maibé husi misaun UNMISET, UNOTIL too UNMIT, asistensia bele aloka barbarak mai Timor-Leste maibé asistensia hirak ne’e tama fali ba reseitas ONU nian duke saida mak promete no aloka iha orsamentu Dollar miliaun ba miliaun ne’ebé la hoo ajustamentu ba inflasaun.
Husi parte fiziku nian, UNO liu husi UNPOL bele fo treinamentu kapasitasaun ba membrus Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste, maibé nufin instituisaun PNTL nia image sai monu iha publiku nia oin tanba UNPOL rasik la kapasitadu atu fo treinamentu ba mebrus PNTL.
Membrus UNPOL sira hanesan labarik sira hasaran lia katak, foin aprende lori karreta iha Timor. Se ha’u bele aumenta, UNPOL laos deit foin aprende lori karreta maibé foin aprende hemu beer iha hotel no restaurante.
Tanba ne’e, mezmu iha oras servisu mós membrus UNPOL nian sira ba hemu fali beer iha hotel, idepois koandu lanu halai karreta soke ema, lider TL nian sira dehan fali vitima mak sala tan lao la haree dalan.
Pior liutan, husi parte aprovizionamentu ONU nian dehan loke tender ba Timor oan sira maibé loloos ne’e avizu ba tenderizasaun mak loke ba Timor oan sira, maibé ema ne’ebé atu manan tender ne’e prioridade liu ba malae sira.
Nune’e, ha’u hakarak soe hela ba publiku katak, misaun ONU nian bele troka tun sae mós Timor oan sira sempre sai kriadu.
Entaun too bainhira mak Timor oan sira labele sai tan kriadu ONU nian nomós oinsa Timor oan sira bele hakotu vida kiak hodi tama iha vida moris di’ak nian?, Timor oan rasik mak tenke hatene nasaun nia hakarak saida, tanba atu dezenvolve nasaun, lider Timor oan sira labele rona fali konsellu husi konsultan no adviser estranjeiru sira, maibé rona direita husi Timor oan sira hahu husi baze.
Iha primeiru governu konstitusional nia tempu, Dr. Mari Alkatiri ho ninia governante sira estabelese progarama ida naran Governasaun Aberta.
Iha programa ne’e, primeiru governu tu’un ba distritu-distritu hodi husu no rona povu nian preokupasoens atu governu bele uza preokupsoens hirak ne’e hanesan instrumentu ida hodi funda nasaun foun Timor-Leste.
Maibé, primeiru governu konstitusional labele halo buat barak tanba iha nasaun ne’ebé deit, primeiru governu ninia mandatu maka atu harii alisersu estadu nian hanesan harii institusoens, forma administasaun ka harii makina estadu nian liu-liu halo Leis.
Agora, iha IV Governu Konstitusional nia ukun, Xefi Governu Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao hahu halao daudaun planu estratejia dezenvolvimentu nas¬ional, ne’ebé iha planu ne’e nia laran Xefi Governu ne’e konsulta ba povu konaba planu 2020 ne’ebé hakerek ona iha livru estratejia dezenvolvimentu nasional.
Hanesan Xanana halo komparasaun katak, rai Timor hanesan projetu halo uma ne’ebé foin sae blok walu katak foin halo tinan ba daualuk husi 20 de Maiu 2002 – 20 de Maiu 2010.
Atu halo uma blok walu ne’e sae, tuir Xanana nia hanoin, governu ne’ebé nia delega sei prepara kakuluk ne’ebé di’ak hodi taka uma bainhira uma bloka walu ne’e sae kompletu ona.
Maibé, governu tenke matan moris neon nain ba apoiu oioin ne’ebé nadodon mai Timor-Leste. Tanba keta halo apoiu hirak ne’e hanesan eskenariu politika deit hodi hetan pursentajen balu osan petroliferu.
Hati-hati maun boot....!!!!!!
Friday, 11 June 2010
Prezidente Timor-Leste Sai Hirus tanba Projetu Dame nian Taka
LINDSAY MURDOCH, DARWIN Sydney Morning Herald/The Age:
Original in English
Juñu 10, 2010
Prezidente Timor-Leste Jose Ramos Horta ataka ona ajénsia asisténsia internasionál nian AusAID tanba taka ho obriga atividade ne’ebé tuir nia hanoin nu’udár nasaun ne’e nia projetu asisténsia nian ida ne’ebé susesu tebes entre sira balu ne’ebé iha.
Dr Ramos Horta dehan katak nia sei hato’o ba Primeiru Ministru Kevin Rudd, bainhira sira hasoru malu iha Canberra iha fulan ne’e nia laran, katak “maioria boot” husi asisténsia doadór nian ne’ebé haruka ba iha Timor-Leste gasta ona ba iha konsultór sira, misaun sira estudu nian, relatóriu no rekomendasaun sira.
Iha karta diretu ida horisehik ba Peter Heyward, embaixadór Australia nian iha Dili, Dr Ramos Horta husu ba AusAID atu muda ninia desizaun atu ko’a nia finansiamentu ba projetu ida ne’ebé ninia operasaun hala’o husi Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) ne’ebé diriji hikas ona pelumenus osan millaun $16 ba Timor-Leste nia emprezáriu ki’ik sira.
Lanxa iha tinan 2007, projetu ne’e konsentra iha kampaña ida “Sosa iha Rai-Laran, Harii Timor-Leste'' ne’ebé halo parseria ba sosa-nain sira internasionál no mós nasionál nian ho fornesedór doméstika sira, hodi nune’e diriji fundu asisténsia nian diretamente ba iha Timor-Leste nia ekonomia.
Dr Ramos Horta hateten katak projetu ne’e muda ona maneira oinsá komunidade internasionál sira halo sira nia operasaun iha Timor-Leste no fornese ona “servisu krítiku sira ne’ebé úniku ne’ebé mak apoia ami nia esforsu sira hodi kria empregu no harii ekonomia ida ne’ebé viável. Lahanesan ho projetu barabarak ne’ebé hetan finansiamentu husi doadór, nia prodús ona rezultadu sira ne’ebé konkretu (tanjivel), kria serbisu no prodús rendimentu impostu nian.''
Projetu ne’e ninia objetivu prinsipál ida mak atu elimina kompañia internasionál sira nia knaar ho kontratu asisténsia nian sira ne’ebé iha folin boot no mós konsultór rai-liur nian sira ne’ebé selu ho osan folin makaas tebes.
Prosesu ne’e replikadu ona ho susesu iha Afeganistaun no Haití.
Iha ninia karta, ne’ebé The Age obtein ona, Dr Ramos Horta husu ba AusAID atu hanaruk no aumenta valór husi ninia finansiamentu ba iha projetu ne’e no konsidera hodi adota polítika ida “Timor-Leste mak Uluk” ba Australia nia programa ajudu nian.
Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) fó sai deklarasaun ida iha semana ida-ne’e nia laran hodi haktuir katak ninia operasaun sira halo parseria (matchmaking) nian, treinamentu, merkadu (marketing) no distribuisaun tender nian iha Timor-Leste nia provínsia (distritu) 13 ne’e sei hahú hamenus husi faze ida ba faze ida seluk hahú iha loron 1 Jullu anaunserke bele hetan apoiu adisionál husi doadór.
AusAID nia portavós ida haktuir ba The Age katak dalaruma tenke halo desizaun sira ne’ebé difisil kona-bá iha área ne’ebé loos mak atu gasta rekursu sira ne’ebé finitu (limitadu). Nia hateten katak AusAID sei fó finansiamentu hodi nune’e projetu Peace Dividend Trust nian bele liga Timoroan sira nia negósiu ho oportunidade sira liuhusi baze de dadus ida kona-bá lista negósiu nian to’o iha meadu tinan 2011.
AusAID nia desizaun ne’ebé atu ko’a (hamenus) ninia finansiamentu ba iha projetu ne’e ba valór osan hamutuk $120,000 deit iha tinan 2010-11 husi valór totál ne’ebé aas liu hamutuk millaun $1.2 iha tinan 2007-8, koinside ho revizaun ida husi governu Rudd nian kona-bá utilizasaun asesór tékniku sira ba asisténsia internasionál nian no mós anúnsiu orsamentál nian ida katak Australia nia gastus ba asisténsia internasionál nian sei barak liu dobru to’o biliaun $8 iha tinan 2015.
Original in English
Juñu 10, 2010
Prezidente Timor-Leste Jose Ramos Horta ataka ona ajénsia asisténsia internasionál nian AusAID tanba taka ho obriga atividade ne’ebé tuir nia hanoin nu’udár nasaun ne’e nia projetu asisténsia nian ida ne’ebé susesu tebes entre sira balu ne’ebé iha.
Dr Ramos Horta dehan katak nia sei hato’o ba Primeiru Ministru Kevin Rudd, bainhira sira hasoru malu iha Canberra iha fulan ne’e nia laran, katak “maioria boot” husi asisténsia doadór nian ne’ebé haruka ba iha Timor-Leste gasta ona ba iha konsultór sira, misaun sira estudu nian, relatóriu no rekomendasaun sira.
Iha karta diretu ida horisehik ba Peter Heyward, embaixadór Australia nian iha Dili, Dr Ramos Horta husu ba AusAID atu muda ninia desizaun atu ko’a nia finansiamentu ba projetu ida ne’ebé ninia operasaun hala’o husi Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) ne’ebé diriji hikas ona pelumenus osan millaun $16 ba Timor-Leste nia emprezáriu ki’ik sira.
Lanxa iha tinan 2007, projetu ne’e konsentra iha kampaña ida “Sosa iha Rai-Laran, Harii Timor-Leste'' ne’ebé halo parseria ba sosa-nain sira internasionál no mós nasionál nian ho fornesedór doméstika sira, hodi nune’e diriji fundu asisténsia nian diretamente ba iha Timor-Leste nia ekonomia.
Dr Ramos Horta hateten katak projetu ne’e muda ona maneira oinsá komunidade internasionál sira halo sira nia operasaun iha Timor-Leste no fornese ona “servisu krítiku sira ne’ebé úniku ne’ebé mak apoia ami nia esforsu sira hodi kria empregu no harii ekonomia ida ne’ebé viável. Lahanesan ho projetu barabarak ne’ebé hetan finansiamentu husi doadór, nia prodús ona rezultadu sira ne’ebé konkretu (tanjivel), kria serbisu no prodús rendimentu impostu nian.''
Projetu ne’e ninia objetivu prinsipál ida mak atu elimina kompañia internasionál sira nia knaar ho kontratu asisténsia nian sira ne’ebé iha folin boot no mós konsultór rai-liur nian sira ne’ebé selu ho osan folin makaas tebes.
Prosesu ne’e replikadu ona ho susesu iha Afeganistaun no Haití.
Iha ninia karta, ne’ebé The Age obtein ona, Dr Ramos Horta husu ba AusAID atu hanaruk no aumenta valór husi ninia finansiamentu ba iha projetu ne’e no konsidera hodi adota polítika ida “Timor-Leste mak Uluk” ba Australia nia programa ajudu nian.
Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) fó sai deklarasaun ida iha semana ida-ne’e nia laran hodi haktuir katak ninia operasaun sira halo parseria (matchmaking) nian, treinamentu, merkadu (marketing) no distribuisaun tender nian iha Timor-Leste nia provínsia (distritu) 13 ne’e sei hahú hamenus husi faze ida ba faze ida seluk hahú iha loron 1 Jullu anaunserke bele hetan apoiu adisionál husi doadór.
AusAID nia portavós ida haktuir ba The Age katak dalaruma tenke halo desizaun sira ne’ebé difisil kona-bá iha área ne’ebé loos mak atu gasta rekursu sira ne’ebé finitu (limitadu). Nia hateten katak AusAID sei fó finansiamentu hodi nune’e projetu Peace Dividend Trust nian bele liga Timoroan sira nia negósiu ho oportunidade sira liuhusi baze de dadus ida kona-bá lista negósiu nian to’o iha meadu tinan 2011.
AusAID nia desizaun ne’ebé atu ko’a (hamenus) ninia finansiamentu ba iha projetu ne’e ba valór osan hamutuk $120,000 deit iha tinan 2010-11 husi valór totál ne’ebé aas liu hamutuk millaun $1.2 iha tinan 2007-8, koinside ho revizaun ida husi governu Rudd nian kona-bá utilizasaun asesór tékniku sira ba asisténsia internasionál nian no mós anúnsiu orsamentál nian ida katak Australia nia gastus ba asisténsia internasionál nian sei barak liu dobru to’o biliaun $8 iha tinan 2015.
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Surat Presidente Ramos-Horta ba Embaixador Australia nian
Dili, 08 Juñu 2010
Prezadu Embaixadór,
To’o ona iha hau nia atensaun katak AusAID iha intensaun atu ko’a nia apoiu ba projetu Merkadu Peace Dividend Trust nian ba aprosimadamente 10% husi nível sira anteriór nian no hafoin sei hapara apoiu finanseiru ne’e tomak iha meadu tinan 2011. Ho respeitu hau husu ba Australia lá’os atu muda deit desizaun ida-ne’e, maibé mós atu ita boot aumenta no hanaruk tán finansiamentu ba projetu importante ida-ne’e no konsidera atu adota polítika ida “Timor-Leste mak Uluk” ba Australia nia programa ajudu nian ne’ebé fó preferénsia ne’ebé útil, tantu no bainhira posível, ba negósiu Timoroan nian.
Kestaun ida ne’ebé hau haklaken fila-fila ona durante dékada ida ikus ne’e nia laran, no ida ne’ebé hau sei diskute iha hau nia vizita tuirmai ba iha Canberra, mak katak maioria boot husi asisténsia doadór nian ne’ebé gasta ba Timor-Leste ne’e láos gasta iha Timor-Leste. Maibé, osan sira-ne’e gasta tiha ona ba hodi selu konsultór sira, misaun sira estudu nian, relatóriu no rekomendasaun sira.
Tan ba ho razaun ida-ne’e, hau partikularmente apoia Australia nia desizaun iha tinan 2007 atu finansia projetu Merkadu nian ne’ebé atu hatán ba problema ida-ne’e hodi diriji gastus internasionál nian ba iha ekonomia lokál – partikularmente iha parte sira ne’ebé kiak liu husi nasaun ne’e.
Projetu Merkadu nian ne’e únikamente hala’o knaar fundamentál ida iha dezenvolvimentu sektór privadu nian ne’ebé mak AusAID nia projetu sira seluk iha rai-laran la alkansa. Lahanesan ho projetu barabarak ne’ebé hetan finansiamentu husi doadór, nia prodús ona rezultadu sira ne’ebé konkretu (tanjivel), kria serbisu no prodús rendimentu impostu nian
Hanesan ne’ebé hau nota públikamente ona, Peace Dividend Trust nia serbisu muda ona maneira oinsá komunidade internasionál sira halo sira nia operasaun iha Timor-Leste. Ninia esforsu sira hodi diriji hikas no aselera ona sosa aprovizionamentu nian husi Nasoens Unida, doadór sira, no mós sektór privadu internasionál nian liuhusi treinamentu, distribuisaun tender, halo parseria (matchmaking), kampaña “Sosa iha Rai-Laran – Harii Timor-Leste”, no mós baze de dadus fa’an-nain (vendedór) nian ne’e hotu-hotu fornese servisu sira ne’ebé úniku no krítiku ne’ebé mak apoia ami nia esforsu sira hodi kria empregu no harii ekonomia ida ne’ebé viável.
Rezultadu sira husi projetu ida-ne’e nian ne’e estraordináriu, espesialmente konsidera katak nia nunka hetan finansiamentu tomak. Nia prodús ona impaktu ida ne’ebé konkretu (tanjivel) no importante duké projetu asisténsia ekonómiku seluk ruma. Nia fasilita ona negósiu Timoroan nian hamutuk 270, ajuda hodi fasilita ona kontratu 10,000 resin. Tuir estimative katak iha millaun $22 resin husi gastus internasionál nian mak diriji ona ba iha ami nia ekonoomia, kria serbisu, rendimentu taxa nian, kapasidade, no dala ruma importante liuliu, sentidu ida entre Timoroan sira katak asisténsia internasionál nian lá’os hodi selu deit konsultór rai-liur nian sira ne’ebé ho folin aas. Projetu Merkadu nian ne’e diriji ona osan millaun $20 husi negósiu nian ho deit kustu millaun $2 – ne’e nu’udár taxa reseita nian ida ne’ebé di’ak tebes.
Tan ba ho razaun sira-ne’e, projetu ne’e sai popular tebes iha nível ida nasionál no mós internasionál nian. haree ba katak konsideravelmente ladún iha folin-aas duké projetu barak seluk ne’ebé ladún iha benefísiu; no prodús rendimentu ida ne’ebé presiza duni, vizivel no mós boot ba iha investimentu. Hau nia maluk Timoroan sira ho hau haree ba projetu ida-ne’e nu’udár intervensaun doadór nian sira ne’ebé iha valór boot liu tebes entre sira seluk iha rai-laran. Tan ne’e hau la sente hakfodak bainhira mosu preokupasaun barabarak husi sektór públiku no privadu nian katak iha posibilidade ba nia atu taka, espesialmente iha distritu rurál sira. Hau mós simu ona kontaktu husi sidadaun Australianu barak ne’ebé sente preokupa ne’ebé karik planeia hela, ka iha hela prosesu, atu estabelese negósiu foun iha Timor-Leste, ne’ebé nia “susesu” depende ba ezisténsia no asisténsia husi Projetu Merkadu nian.
Tan ne’e, hau enkoraja tebes governu Australianu nian atu konsidera hikas ninia desizaun atu ko’a finansiamentu. Envezde ne’e, hau sei agradese tebes se karik AusAID bele aumenta no hanaruk ninia investimentu iha Projetu Merkadu nian ne’e hodi nune’e it abele habelar ninia benefísiu sira ba iha Timor-Leste nia laran tomak no hafoin maneja tranzisaun ida ne’eb’e ho susesu husi ninia servisu sira ba iha administrasaun públika ka sosiedade sivíl Timor-Leste nian iha tinan tolu nia laran tuirmai.
Obrigadu ba Ita Boot nia atensaun ba iha asuntu ida-ne’e. Hanesan hau nota ona iha leten, ida-ne’e nu’udár kestaun ida ne’ebé urjente no importante no hau iha hanoin atu hato’o ida-ne’e ba Primeiru Ministru Rudd bainhira hau ba vizita Australia iha fulan ida-ne’e nia laran. Hau sei husu ba nia atu gasta osan barak liután ba iha inisiativa sira hanesan Projetu Merkadu nian ne’ebé fó apoiu ba kreximentu ekonómiku ne’eb’e sustentável no kria serbisu ba Timoroan sira, enkuantu hamenus númeru husi konsultór sira asisténsia tékniku nian ne’ebé mak iha tempu barak nia laran sai ona nu’udár benefisiáriu prinsipál husi AusAID nia laran-luak ba Timor-Leste.
Ho Laran-Metin,
Dr. José Ramos-Horta
S.E. Sr. Peter Heyward
Embaixadór Australianu
Dili, Timor-Leste
Prezadu Embaixadór,
To’o ona iha hau nia atensaun katak AusAID iha intensaun atu ko’a nia apoiu ba projetu Merkadu Peace Dividend Trust nian ba aprosimadamente 10% husi nível sira anteriór nian no hafoin sei hapara apoiu finanseiru ne’e tomak iha meadu tinan 2011. Ho respeitu hau husu ba Australia lá’os atu muda deit desizaun ida-ne’e, maibé mós atu ita boot aumenta no hanaruk tán finansiamentu ba projetu importante ida-ne’e no konsidera atu adota polítika ida “Timor-Leste mak Uluk” ba Australia nia programa ajudu nian ne’ebé fó preferénsia ne’ebé útil, tantu no bainhira posível, ba negósiu Timoroan nian.
Kestaun ida ne’ebé hau haklaken fila-fila ona durante dékada ida ikus ne’e nia laran, no ida ne’ebé hau sei diskute iha hau nia vizita tuirmai ba iha Canberra, mak katak maioria boot husi asisténsia doadór nian ne’ebé gasta ba Timor-Leste ne’e láos gasta iha Timor-Leste. Maibé, osan sira-ne’e gasta tiha ona ba hodi selu konsultór sira, misaun sira estudu nian, relatóriu no rekomendasaun sira.
Tan ba ho razaun ida-ne’e, hau partikularmente apoia Australia nia desizaun iha tinan 2007 atu finansia projetu Merkadu nian ne’ebé atu hatán ba problema ida-ne’e hodi diriji gastus internasionál nian ba iha ekonomia lokál – partikularmente iha parte sira ne’ebé kiak liu husi nasaun ne’e.
Projetu Merkadu nian ne’e únikamente hala’o knaar fundamentál ida iha dezenvolvimentu sektór privadu nian ne’ebé mak AusAID nia projetu sira seluk iha rai-laran la alkansa. Lahanesan ho projetu barabarak ne’ebé hetan finansiamentu husi doadór, nia prodús ona rezultadu sira ne’ebé konkretu (tanjivel), kria serbisu no prodús rendimentu impostu nian
Hanesan ne’ebé hau nota públikamente ona, Peace Dividend Trust nia serbisu muda ona maneira oinsá komunidade internasionál sira halo sira nia operasaun iha Timor-Leste. Ninia esforsu sira hodi diriji hikas no aselera ona sosa aprovizionamentu nian husi Nasoens Unida, doadór sira, no mós sektór privadu internasionál nian liuhusi treinamentu, distribuisaun tender, halo parseria (matchmaking), kampaña “Sosa iha Rai-Laran – Harii Timor-Leste”, no mós baze de dadus fa’an-nain (vendedór) nian ne’e hotu-hotu fornese servisu sira ne’ebé úniku no krítiku ne’ebé mak apoia ami nia esforsu sira hodi kria empregu no harii ekonomia ida ne’ebé viável.
Rezultadu sira husi projetu ida-ne’e nian ne’e estraordináriu, espesialmente konsidera katak nia nunka hetan finansiamentu tomak. Nia prodús ona impaktu ida ne’ebé konkretu (tanjivel) no importante duké projetu asisténsia ekonómiku seluk ruma. Nia fasilita ona negósiu Timoroan nian hamutuk 270, ajuda hodi fasilita ona kontratu 10,000 resin. Tuir estimative katak iha millaun $22 resin husi gastus internasionál nian mak diriji ona ba iha ami nia ekonoomia, kria serbisu, rendimentu taxa nian, kapasidade, no dala ruma importante liuliu, sentidu ida entre Timoroan sira katak asisténsia internasionál nian lá’os hodi selu deit konsultór rai-liur nian sira ne’ebé ho folin aas. Projetu Merkadu nian ne’e diriji ona osan millaun $20 husi negósiu nian ho deit kustu millaun $2 – ne’e nu’udár taxa reseita nian ida ne’ebé di’ak tebes.
Tan ba ho razaun sira-ne’e, projetu ne’e sai popular tebes iha nível ida nasionál no mós internasionál nian. haree ba katak konsideravelmente ladún iha folin-aas duké projetu barak seluk ne’ebé ladún iha benefísiu; no prodús rendimentu ida ne’ebé presiza duni, vizivel no mós boot ba iha investimentu. Hau nia maluk Timoroan sira ho hau haree ba projetu ida-ne’e nu’udár intervensaun doadór nian sira ne’ebé iha valór boot liu tebes entre sira seluk iha rai-laran. Tan ne’e hau la sente hakfodak bainhira mosu preokupasaun barabarak husi sektór públiku no privadu nian katak iha posibilidade ba nia atu taka, espesialmente iha distritu rurál sira. Hau mós simu ona kontaktu husi sidadaun Australianu barak ne’ebé sente preokupa ne’ebé karik planeia hela, ka iha hela prosesu, atu estabelese negósiu foun iha Timor-Leste, ne’ebé nia “susesu” depende ba ezisténsia no asisténsia husi Projetu Merkadu nian.
Tan ne’e, hau enkoraja tebes governu Australianu nian atu konsidera hikas ninia desizaun atu ko’a finansiamentu. Envezde ne’e, hau sei agradese tebes se karik AusAID bele aumenta no hanaruk ninia investimentu iha Projetu Merkadu nian ne’e hodi nune’e it abele habelar ninia benefísiu sira ba iha Timor-Leste nia laran tomak no hafoin maneja tranzisaun ida ne’eb’e ho susesu husi ninia servisu sira ba iha administrasaun públika ka sosiedade sivíl Timor-Leste nian iha tinan tolu nia laran tuirmai.
Obrigadu ba Ita Boot nia atensaun ba iha asuntu ida-ne’e. Hanesan hau nota ona iha leten, ida-ne’e nu’udár kestaun ida ne’ebé urjente no importante no hau iha hanoin atu hato’o ida-ne’e ba Primeiru Ministru Rudd bainhira hau ba vizita Australia iha fulan ida-ne’e nia laran. Hau sei husu ba nia atu gasta osan barak liután ba iha inisiativa sira hanesan Projetu Merkadu nian ne’ebé fó apoiu ba kreximentu ekonómiku ne’eb’e sustentável no kria serbisu ba Timoroan sira, enkuantu hamenus númeru husi konsultór sira asisténsia tékniku nian ne’ebé mak iha tempu barak nia laran sai ona nu’udár benefisiáriu prinsipál husi AusAID nia laran-luak ba Timor-Leste.
Ho Laran-Metin,
Dr. José Ramos-Horta
S.E. Sr. Peter Heyward
Embaixadór Australianu
Dili, Timor-Leste
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Tempo Semanal Breaking News
East Timor President has sent a letter to Australian Embassador in Dili Regard the issue of AusAid apealling Ausaid to review plan and keep support Peace Dividend Trust in the next three years.
On Tuesday (june8th), Jose Ramos Horta said in a letter to Australian Ambassador that, “the vast majority of donor aids spent on Timor-Leste is not spent in Timor-Leste [but] is spent on consultants, study mission, reports and recommendations.”
Tempo Semanal just have seen the copy of the two pages letter sent by Horta to Embassador Petter Heyward.
On Tuesday (june8th), Jose Ramos Horta said in a letter to Australian Ambassador that, “the vast majority of donor aids spent on Timor-Leste is not spent in Timor-Leste [but] is spent on consultants, study mission, reports and recommendations.”
Tempo Semanal just have seen the copy of the two pages letter sent by Horta to Embassador Petter Heyward.
Monday, 7 June 2010
Donors Dollars Dry Up, PDT has a Lack of Funding: Horta Sad
The Donors such as AusAID, and others have begin to step on the brake on providing assistance to the most famous project in Timor-Leste. PDT has begun to get serious illness in funding and will cease its activities while the local businesses were groaning because of losing a guide in the rural marketplace.
On Friday afternoon, the Tempo Semanal received a press release from Peace dividend Trust stating, “effective 1 July 2010 the Peace Dividend Marketplace project, and the "Buy Local, Build Timor-Leste" campaign operated by the Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) will begin to phase out due to a lack of funding. Based on the observation, this project is a good one and, “have successfully redirected over $16 million to Timorese entrepreneurs, PDT will regrettably cease the activities later in the year unless additional donor support can be found.”
“AusAID and other donor organizations were most likely to spend money in the town by paying high salary to their people who worked as advisers, although often with no result, rather than to cooperate with NGOs which are working closely with the Timorese in the rural areas, said Antonino d. C. P. Ximenes, a student of UNTL.
“The donors always said that they wanted to help reduce poverty in Timor-Leste, while the NGOs which have made good contribution only received limited funding from AusAID and USAID. I have the suspicions that the Australians in Dili do not want this country to get better so that they can use as a project for its advisers,” said the student of the faculty of economy.
This suspicion might be true because within the last decade, the Australian government has spent A$820 million in grant and according to the plan, they will increase the amount for poverty reduction fund by A$600 from the Australians for the next five years in Timor-Leste.
In relation to the ineffective spending of money from the Australian aid to Timor-Leste, President Horta will speak with PM Kevin Rudd to ask his people in Dili to increase their productivity because there has been more spending but the people are still poor. It shall mirror from what the Chinese government has done. They have only spent a small amount of money but have constructed many new buildings. “I will speak with PM Kevin Rudd within next month when I pay a visit to Australia and will ask him to spend more money into projects which will give intensive work in Timor-Leste such as to make construction of the roads in the rural areas, agriculture, reforestation as well as improving the education in the rural areas by rebuilding the schools, which often being forgotten. Build health clinics, community centers, water and sanitation. I will also ask him to reduce technical assistance (advisers) because there has been lots of money being spent by AusAID to pay for advisers.”
The President wanted to see Australia, “to use more of its donation to the physical and concrete projects in this country to create more job opportunities and generating income for the people of Timor Leste.
Based on the report of The Daily Telegraph on 23/05/2010 that the Australian funding has been ineffectively allocated to pay for the consultants’ mega-salary and contracts which enrich private companies, such as in Dili, people are suspicious of GRM and said that AusAID has paid an adviser, Gerald Gahima, who is the former Rwandan Minister of Justice. “Beginning February 2008, he worked as a senior adviser for the justice sector in Timor-Leste for two years and was tax-free while his salary was paid by the tax-payers in Australia in a total amount of US$757,960,” published in the Australian newspaper.
In 2009, AusAID Dili received a funding allocation of $117 million, however, either with the lack of capacity in execution or of no good intention, AusAID Dili can only spend $94 million and the remaining was handed back to Canberra, meanwhile PDT and other organizations which are in need, were lack of funding and starts floating.
PDT informed, “Since its launch of operation in 2007, the PDT team in Timor-Leste has accelerated over $16 million ($16,463,294.21) of confirmed new spending to Timorese entrepreneurs. The estimated result is as high as $23 million ($23,060,000). PDT has facilitated more than 10,000 contracts through its matchmaking services with a total value of nearly $8 million. Of these nearly $7 million were directed into economically disadvantaged rural areas. The annual economic impact of the project is comparable to 0.41% of GDP in 2007; 1.51% in 2008, and 0.91% in 2009.”
The money from the donor countries are to support the people of Timor-Leste, however it is often only mentioned in number while the actual money remains in Canberra, Washington and London. “This project was launched to address the critical problem that only a small fraction of international money being spent to support Timor-Leste is actually spent on Timorese businesses. The vast majority goes to international companies and consultants. The Marketplace project fixes this by providing services that help drive donor spending into the local economy, which in turn generates wealth, creates jobs, and produces tax revenue,” said in the PDT statement.
PDT has provided five services to connect international buyers with Timorese suppliers.
Presently the project’s Business Verification team, in cooperation with the MTCI, has verified 2,700 businesses in Timor-Leste, and each has a unique business profile found at BuildingMarkets.org. The Timor-Leste site is due for an upgrade to a full Timor-Leste Business Portal in the next 3-4 weeks. This team has also generated key reports on the state of the private sector and the labour market in Timor-Leste, found here. Since its launch on 20 May 2008, Timor-Leste at BuildingMarkets.org has had 20,000 visits with business profiles being viewed 98,000 times.
“The project Matchmaking Team pro actively connects international and national buyers and domestic suppliers across the country. To date the Matchmaking Team has facilitated or created over 14,000 business transactions with a confirmed value of $8 million.”
“The Tender Distribution Service (TDS) pushes tenders via email, the web, SMS and hardcopy to businesses in Timor-Leste. It has provided support services to businesses in developing their bids. To date the TDS has distributed 496 tenders to 23,000 recipients (many repeat clients). The value of tenders won by PDT clients is over $8,000,000.”
Francisco de Asis, the second person in-charge of the Raflima Company which buys cattle in Covalima district to export to Indonesia, expressed his sadness and requested the donors to extend the life of this organization.
The company has officially started its activity in 2006. Either in July or August 2006, the Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) begins to provide them with information. “At that time, some PDT staff members have helped us with information regarding the cattle in some areas which we have not reached. We often only goes to the places that are nearby but they helped us by extending our coverage.” Fransisco de Asis told this newspaper on Friday (04/06).
He added, “There are some places that we did not cover in our search of cows that generates profit. However, they reached these places and collect the information which then we use to find the cattle we looked for. Since then, we have been a good partner.”
Just recently they are going to help us again. PDT will zinc for roofing and timber. That’s why we are so pleased with the assistance from PDT.
“But then we heard that PDT is going to be closed. This means that you (the donors and Government) are going to destroy the cooperation which we have created in order to build this country.”
“We are now working together with PDT. They often help provide information from other districts such as Same and Manatuto because they have staffs in every place that collects information for us. We often buy cows based on the information they provided. “
Indeed, if PDT is to close its operation, this entrepreneur from Suai feels like he has lost his other ear. “If PDT phase out, it will give a huge impact to our businesses because we will lose our source of marketplace information.”
Fransisco hoped that PDT will get a kind support so that it will remains operating in order to help creating linkages between them and the local products in the rural areas which they can buy and sell in the marketplace. “To an extent possible, we want them to exist because they have helped connect us with the products from the people in the villages and hamlets. They worked from door to door. Whenever they found the local products such cattle, candlenut or other products, they will quickly pass on the information to us and then we will buy it our self.”
We often could not reach all villages and the places that are distant. They are the one who have searched for the information and passing it on to us. According to Fransisco, whom, with the assistance of PDT, has been able to export cattle from Suai to Batam in Indonesia, since the 2006 crisis to date, he already forgot the total number of cattle collected with the information support from PDT. In one time the number of cattle was from two to three hundred per export. “We have just exported 190 cows.”
“We are satisfied with the information from PDT because it helps generate more income to our company,” Francisco ended.
The NGO’s Marketing and Advocacy Team manages the Buy Local Build Timor-Leste campaign, which creates awareness and knowledge about the project and the domestic private sector in general.”
PDT’s training activities were suspended in 2008 due to lack of funding, but 2008 saw PDT launch "Doing Business with UNDP" guidebooks in 2008, designed to assist local business win tenders with UNDP.”
Agusto Pinto, the director of Olobai Star carpentry in Viqueque feels sad with the situation PDT is facing. “There has been some times where we have lack of information on the market. However, the presence of PDT has generated income to us because they have helped linking us with the buyers in other places,” Agusto informed Tempo Semanal on Friday (04/06).
“For us, PDT is like a bridge. When the bridge is broken, we will be in the other side of the river while our clients were in the other end. So, we still need its assistance. Therefore we would like to ask the donors to help them so that they can help us delivering service to the poor. Since we are isolated and having lack of access to information, we have been able to sell our product with the assistance of PDT.”
“PDT is our voice by providing information to the clients. When we produced chairs, they are the one who helped us finding the market for the products and, at least, we earned some money from this.”
Agusto acknowledged that they have not had enough experience therefore he requested PDT to, “keep assisting us because we are still unable to stand alone in selling our goods in order to gain benefit.”
The director of the company which supplies chairs to Dili, including to some state institutions, made an appeal to the Government and the donors to support this organization which have acted as their eyes, arms and ears.“I would like to make an appeal to the Government and the donors, which have provided funding to PDT, to prolong their assistance. We have learned a little bit. We will get the impact if suddenly they were closed, especially for us to be connected with the buyers. All these are a process which takes time. Moreover it has internet connection and the channels or staffs which have been with us to go through all these progress.”
Alfredo Malibere, the coordinator of Hametin Estadu group from Bobonaro, has also expressed his dissatisfaction with the donors’ attitude for not giving importance to the good service delivered by an NGO. However, they are more likely to give assistance to the people who are only sitting in Dili and writing reports.
Meanwhile in Bobonaro, Justinho Luis from Loko Jaya Ltd. whose business activity involves buying cattle from Manatuto, Viqueque and Maliana to export to Indonesia via Mota-Ain border, said that his company still needs the assistance from PDT because he is currently processing his document in order to get permission from Indonesia to allow him exporting these cattle to Indonesia. “PDT is still assisting us and that we can move forward with their assistance. We will get stuck if they are closed,” Justinho expressed his sadness.
The President of the Republic, DR. Jose Ramos Horta who have gave his support to the NGO since 2009, expressed his sadness to this newspaper. “I am so upset with the donors who do not really provide their support to the work done by Peace Dividend Trust. If they (donors) often talked about supporting the local businesses, one of the ways is by connecting them with both the suppliers and buyers.”
The President of the Poor is so concerned with the children of the poor who will lose their job, therefore, on 06/07/2009 he recommended the donors to give more support to the PDT in its Matchmaking project in order to connect the businesses in the rural areas with those in the city and abroad, once again expressed his dissatisfaction with the donors’ work. “I am worried with the donors’ attitude which does not really supporting the work of the Peace Dividend Trust. If they often talked about supporting the local business, one of the ways to support them is by connecting them with the suppliers and buyers, “said Horta.
I am totally disappointed with some donors who does not show their firmness in providing support to Peace Dividend Trust as because it is an ONG which provide assistance to the development of local business and help them create links for buyers and suppliers, in particular to the small businesses in the rural areas who does not have information on the marketplace in Dili as well as the international marketplace. I am already discontent because the donors who often said to assist the local economy and support the private sector development withdraws from funding an NGO which actually has worked very well in developing the capacity of the small entrepreneurs. This really makes me surprised and discontented,” said Ramos Horta.
Nevertheless, Ms. Ali Gillies, the officer in-charge of AusAID Dili said that they will continue to support the project only by establishing the Business Directory. This shows that they are not listening and not supporting the concerns raised by President Horta regarding the Matchmaking which will give direct benefit to the businesses in the rural areas to help reduce poverty in Timor-Leste.
She said that AusAID has provided funding for three years with a total amount of A$2.63 million to promote business opportunities for the local suppliers. “We are glad that our support to the PDT has been successful in the development of local business directory and have facilitated many business transactions as a form of contribution to the private sector development in Timor-Leste,” said Ms. Ali diplomatically.
When questioned why shall reduce funding to other parts of the project, diplomatically Ali Gillies tried again to convince Tempo Semanal that PDT may be able get another funding as it has announced to reduce the number of staff by the end of July. Let’s see if AusAID will continue its support to PDT before July.
PDT works across Timor-Leste's 13 districts, assisting over 2,700 businesses, the Ministry of Tourism Commerce and Industry (MTCI) and other national partners. They stand to lose a useful service when the Marketplace project closes in July 2010.
The Peace Dividend Marketplace Timor-Leste project was launched in August 2007. It has field offices in Baucau, Covalima, and Viqueque and works with local businesses in each of Timor-Leste's 12 rural districts in addition to Dili.
Doador Sulan Dollar PDT Falta Osan: Horta Triste
Doadór sira hanesan AusAID, no sira seluk hahu sama travaun atu ajuda projetu ne’ebe mais famozu iha Timor Leste hanesan PDT hahu hetan moras todan Finansamentu no sei taka sira nia atividade no emprezariu sira halerik tan ba sira sei lakon mata dalan iha merkadu Foho.
Iha loron Sexta feira loro kraik Tempo Semanal simu nota de imprensa ida husi Peace dividend Trust ne’e dehan, “hahú iha loron 1 Jullu 2010 Peace Dividend nia projetu Merkadu nian, no mós kampaña "Sosa iha Rai-Laran, Harii Timor-Leste" ne’ebé funsiona husi Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) sei hahú hamenus husi faze ida ba faze ida seluk tanba falta iha finansiamentu. Tuir observsasaun projetu ne’e diak no, “susesu tebes diriji hikas ona osan Dollares Amerikanu millaun 16 (millaun $16) resin ba emprezáriu Timoroan sira, maibé PDT ho laran susar tebes sei hapara atividade sira hotu iha tinan ne’e nia rohan anaunserke bele hetan apoiu adisionál husi doadór.”
“Ausaid ho organizsaun sira seluk gosta liu maka hasai osan iha vila laran hodi fo salariu boot ba ninia ema sira mak sai asesor maibe dala barak liu la iha rezultadu duke halo servisu ho NGO ne’ebe hakbesik an ba Timor oan iha area rurais,”dehan Antonino d. C. P. Ximenes Mahasiswa UNTL.
“Doador sira sempre dehan sira hakarak tulun atu hamenus Ki’ak iha Timor Leste maibe kuandu ONG hanesan ida ne’ebe halo servisu diak mak Ausaid ho USaid sei foo menus ajuda tan ba hau deskonfia liu-liu Australia ninia emar sira iha Dili lakohi atu buat hotu diak lalais nune’e nasaun ne’e bele sai nafatin projetu ba ninia asesor sira,” dehan estudante fakuldade ekonomia ne’e.
Deskonfiansa husi Antonio bele loos tan ba iha dekada ida kotuk Australia gasta saugate ona milaun A$820 no tuir planu sira sei ajuda aumenta fundu hamenus kiak husi Australia iha Timor Leste ba tinan lima oin ho total A$600.
Ko’alia kona ba gasta arvisu osan husi ajuda Australia ba Timor Leste ne’e Presidente Horta sei hasa’e lia ba PM Kevin Rudd hodi bele husu ninia ema iha Dili bele hadia liu tan sira nia produtividade tan ba gasta barak maibe rezulta povu la haree duku Governu Xina gasta Uitoan maibe ita haree uma foun lubun ida. “Ha’u sei ba ko’alia ba PM Kevin Rudd iha fulan ne’e nia laran bainhira hau vizita ba Australia no sei husu ba nia atu aumenta liu tan osan ba projetu ne’ebe fo servisu intensive iha Timor Leste hanesan hadia dalai ha area rurais, agrikultura, kuda ai oan nune’e mos hadia edukasaun iha area rural katak hadia eskola iha fatin rurais ne’e dala barak haluha. Halo klinika, centru komunitariu, bee no sanitasaun. No sei husu atu hamenus osan ba asistencia tekniku (asesor sira) tan ba osan barak liu gasta husi Ausaid para selu asesor sira.”
Presidente ne’e hakarak haree atu Australia, “uza barak liu osan doasaun ba projetu fiziku no konretu iha nasaun ne’e hodi kreia servisu barak no foo rendimentu ema iha Timor Leste.
Tuir reportajen husi jornal The Daily Telegraph loron 23/05/2010 katak osan ajuda husi Australia gasta saugati ba selu mega-salariu konltan sira nia no fo kontratu para hariku kompania privadu sira hanesan iha Dili ema deskonfia kompania GRM no dehan Ausaid selu asesor ida naran Gerald Gahima eis ministru Justica Rwanda nian. “Iha Fevereiru tinan 2008 nia servisu hanesan asesor senior ba justice iha timor Leste durante tinan rua no livre husi selu taxa maibe ninia salariu selu husi Taxa nain iha Australia ho total montante US$757,960,” publika iha Jornal Australia nian ne’e.
PDT informa katak, “Desde lanxa ninia operasaun iha tinan 2007, ekipa PDT nian iha Timor-Leste aselera ona osan Dollares Amerikanu millaun 16 (($16,463,294.21) resin husi despeja foun sira ne’ebe konfirmadu ba iha emprezáriu Timoroan sira. Tuir esimativa, ninia rezultadu sei to’o Dollares Amerikanu millaun 23 ($23,060,000). PDT fasilita ona kontratu 10,000 resin liuhusi ninia servisu mak sira halo parseria (matchmaking) nian ho totál valór osan besik Dollares Amerikanu millaun 8 (millaun $8). Husi totál osan sira-ne’e besik Dollares Amerikanu millaun 7 (millaun $7) mak hatama ona ba iha área rurál sira ne’ebé mak iha desvantajen ekonómiku. Impaktu ekonómiku anuál husi projetu ida-ne’e nian bele kompara ba 0.41% husi GDP iha tinan 2007; 1.51% iha tinan 2008, no 0.91% iha tinan 2009.”
Osan husi nasaun Doador sira nian mai atu foo apoiu ba povu Timor Leste maibe dala barak liu naran maka ma ii osan isin hela iha Kanberra, Washington ho Londres. “Projetu ida-ne’e lanxa atu hatán ba problema kritiku ne’ebé hatudu katak iha frasaun ki’ik oan ida deit husi osan internasionál nian ne’ebé gasta ona hodi fo apoiu ba Timor-Leste mak atualmente gasta ba iha empreza Timor nian. Maioria boot husi osan ne’e ba iha kompania no konsultór internasionál sira. Projetu merkadu nian rezolve problema ida-ne’e hodi fornese servisu sira ne’ebé ajuda lori doadór sira nia despeja ba iha ekonomia lokál nian, ida ne’ebé ikusmai sei hamosu rikusoin, kria serbisu, no prodús rendimentu impostu nian,” dehan iha PDT ninia surat ne’e.
PDT fornese ona servisu lima hodi liga sosa-nain internasionál sira ho fornesedór Timoroan sira.
Daudaun ne’e projetu ne’e nia ekipa halo Verifikasaun Negósiu nian, iha kooperasaun ho MTCI, verifika ona negósiu 2,700 iha Timor-Leste, no ida-idak iha pérfil negósiu ida úniku ne’ebé bele hetan iha BuildingMarkets.org. Timor-Leste nia web site ne’e to’o ona tempu atu hasa’e tán nia kapasidade ba iha Timor-Leste Business Portal (Portál Negósiu Timor-Leste) nian ida ne’ebé kompletu iha semana 3-4 tuir mai nia laran. Ekipa ida-ne’e mós fó sai ona relatóriu prinsipál sira kona-bá estadu/kondisaun husi sektór privadu nian no mós merkadu traballadór nian iha Timor-Leste, bele haree iha ne’e. Desde ninia lanxamentu iha loron 20 Maiu 2008, Timor-Leste iha BuildingMarkets.org hetan ona vizita hamutuk 20,000 ho pérfil negósiu nian ne’ebé ema haree ona dala 98,000.
“Projetu ne’e nia Ekipa Halo Parseria (Matchmaking) nian ho pró ativu tebes halo ona ligasaun ba sosa-nain internasionál no nasionál sira ho fornesedór doméstiku sira iha rai-laran tomak. To’o ohin loron Ekipa Halo Parseria (Matchmaking) nian fasilita ka kria ona transasaun negósiu nian hamutuk 14,000 resin ho valór ida ne’ebé konfirmadu hamutuk Dollares Amerikanu millaun 8 (millaun $8.”
“Servisu Distribuisaun Tender (SDT) nian diriji tender sira liuhusi email, web, SMS no mós kópia iha surat-tahan ba negósiu sira iha Timor-Leste. Nia fornese ona servisu sira apoiu nian ba iha negósiu sira hodi dezenvolve sira nia oferta/proposta. To’o ohin loron SDT distribui ona tender hamutuk 496 ba simu-nain sira hamutuk 23,000 (barak mak kliente sira ne’ebé repete fila-fila). Valór husi tender ne’ebé mak PDT nia kliente sira manán ona hamutuk $8,000,000 resin.”
Francisco de Asis ne’ebe nu’udar ema segundu iha kompania Raflima ne’ebe sosa, foo han iha distritu Kovalima hodi exporta ba Indonesia hato’o ninia laran susar no husu atu bele Doador sira ho seriu atu ajuda hanaruk tan vida organizasaun ne’e.
Kompania ne’e ofisialmente hahu hetan licensa iha 2006. Iha Jullo ou agusto 2006 sira hahu Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) hahu fo apoiu informasaun ba sira. “Ihaq momentu ne’ebe straf balun husi PDT tulun ami ho didiak kona ba karau sira iha suku ne’ebe amid ala barak la konsege too. Ami dala balun ba de’it iha fatin ne’ebe besik maibe sira maka fasilita liu ami,” dehan Fransisco de Asis ba jornal ne’e iha Sexta (04/06).
Nia kontinua katak, “iha fatin ne’ebe ami la ba maibe sira maka ba to’o hetan karau bo’ot mai fali foo hatene no ami ba Lo’os duni ami hetan karau bo’ot tan ne’e maka ami servisu hamutuk dezde ne’eba too agora.”
Depois foin lalais ne’e sira atu ajuda tan ami. Husi PDT ajuda ami kalen ho ai. Ne’ebe ami agora kontente hela hetan ajuda sira ne’e husi PDT.
“Maibe depois PDT maka taka derepente entaun buat ne’ebe ami halo hamutuk atu hadia nasaun ne’e ita boot (Doador no Governu) sira halakon de’it.”
“Ami ho sira PDT ne’e kan agora ami servisu hamutuk nune’e dala ruma sira tulun ami ho informasaun husi Same no Manatutu tan ba sira PDT ne’e iha fatin bara-barak ne’ebe hato’o informasaun mai am ii ami mos ba sosa karau to’o iha ne’eba. “
Kuandu PDT remata duni ninia misaun maka emprezariu husi suai ne’e hanesan lakon ona ninia tilun sorin. “Se PDT taka duni maka sei iha impaktu baa mi nia bisnis tan ba informasaun de’it dala ruma ami labele hetan.”
Fransisco espera harohan atu PDT sei hetan ema ruma ninia laran luak hodi bele existe nafatin atu nune’e bele tulun halo ligasaun entre sira ho produtu local iha area izola atu nune’e sira bele ba sosa hodi lori ba merkadu. “Karik sebele sir abele iha nafatin lai ba tan ba sira konsege ona liga ami ho povu sira nia produtu iha suku no aldeia sira tan ba sira la’o tama sai hotu. Husi aldeia ba too suku hotu-hotu maka sira hetan karau ka iha kami ou hasil ruma sia mai hatoo informasaun mai ami mak ba sosa.”
Dala barak ami la too suku no fatin dook sira. Maibe sira maka la’o ba lori informasaun sira ne’e mai ami. Tuir Fransisdco ne’ebe ho PDT ninia tulun konsege ona exporta karun husi Suai ba Batam Indonesia ne’e katak dezde 2006 ate agora nia rasik haluha ona numeru karau ne’ebe sira konesge koleta via PDT ninia informasaun no exporta kada dala ida too atus rua ou tolu. Foin daudaun ne’e ami konsege haruka sai 190 karau baka.”
“Ho informasaun PDT nian ne’e ami kontente tan ba aumenta lukru baa mi nia kompania,” remata Francisco.
NGO ne’e iha ekipa Merkadu (Marketing) no Advokasia nian mak jere kampaña Sosa iha Rai-Laran, Harii Timor-Leste, ne’ebé kria konxiénsia no koñesimentu kona-bá projetu ne’e no mós sektór privadu doméstiku nian iha jerál.”
PDT sira nia Atividade treinamentu suspende tiha iha tinan 2008 tanba falta iha finansiamentu, maibé tinan 2008 haree PDT lanxa livru matadalan "Halo Negósiu ho PNUD" iha tinan 2008, ne’ebe dezena hodi fó asisténsia ba negósiu lokál sira atu manán tender sira ho PNUD.”
Agusto Pinto direitor Karpinteiru Olobai Star iha Vikeke sente triste ho situasaun n’ebe infrenta husi ONG ne’e. “Durante tempu balun ami iha ne’e kekurangan informasi maibe ho kehadiran PDT ninia ami konsege hetan lukru tan ba sira lori ami liga ho fatin sira seluk,” informa Agusto ba Tempo Semanal iha Sexta (04/06).
“PDT mai ami hanesan ponte ida se karik ponte ne’e kotu ami iha mota sorin no ami nia kliente sira iha mota sorin entaun ami sei susar uitoan entaun ami husu ba doador sira atu nune’e sir abele tulun ami hodi fo servisu ba ema kiak sira seluk. Tan ami iha ne’e izoladu uitoan ne’ebe ami falta informasi i ho PDT ninia prezensa ne’e maka ami konsege faan ami nia produtu.”
“PDT hanesan ami nia lian hodi informasaun ba klientes sira. Kuandu ami halo kadeira ruma sira maka ba buka hela merkadu baa mi nia produtu i ami konsege netik osan ruma.”
Agusto rekunese katak sira seidauk iha esperiensia barak nune’e duni nia husu PDT atu, “akompania lai ami tan oras ne’e ami mesak seidauk bele faan ho didiak oin sa ami nia sasan ne’e bele folin.”
Kompania ne’ebe mos fornese kadeira balun mai Dili inklui instituisaun estadu balun ne’e nia director halo apelu ba Governu no Doador sira atu tulun sira nia matan, lian no tilun ne’e.“Ha’u husu ba Governu no doador sira ne’ebe durante ne’e fo suporta ba PDT sebele karik prolonga tan uitoan. Tan ba durante ami apreende uitoan maibe derepenti de’it sira taka ne’e sei fo impaktu ba ami liu-liu dalan atu hasoru malu ho ema sosa nain sira. Buat sira ne’e liu prosesu ida tan ba sira iha internet no sira nia kanais sira ka estaf sira ne’ebe mai hamutuk ho ami tulun ajuda ami atu la’o.”
Alfredo Malibere koordenador ba grupu Hametin Estadu husi Bobonaro mos triste ho Doador sira nia atetude ne’ebe ladun fo importansia ba servisu diak ne’ebe ONG ida halo maibe Doador sira gosta liu ajuda ema sira ne’ebe tuur iha Dili hodi hakerek relatoriu de’it.
Iha fatin seluk ida iha Bobonaro Justinho Luis husi kompania Loko Jaya lda. Ne’ebe ninia atividade maka sosa karau husi Manatutu, vikeke no maliana hodi halo exportasaun liu husi mota ain ba Indonesia sei presizsa nafatin ajuda husi PDT tan ba daudaun ne’e iha hela prosesu trata dokumentus hodi nune’e Indonesia atoriza hodi halo exporta Karau ba Indonesia. “PDT sei ajuda hela ami, ho sira maka ami bele la’o ba oin nune’e se sira taka derepente ami labele la’o ba oin,” Justinho hato’o ninia laran triste.
Presidenti da Republika DR. Jose Ramos Horta ne’ebe fo apoiu ba NGO ne’e dezde tinan 2009 ba jornal ne’e hatoo ninia laran taridu. “Ha’u nia laran susar tebes duni ho Doadores sira maka ladun fo apoiu ba servisu ne’ebe Peace Dividend Trust halo. Se sira (doador) ko’alia kona ba apoiu emprezariu local maka dala ida atu apoiu sira halo ligasaun ba fornecedor no sosa nain sira.”
Presidenti ba Ema ki’ak ne’e preokupa ho ema ki’ak nia oan ne’ebe sei lakon servisu nune’e nia hatoo rekomendasaun loron 06/07/2009 atu doador sira bele fo apoiu liu tan ba PDT hodi halo Matchmaking hodi liga empreza sira iha area rurais ba cidade nop rai liur ne’e dala ida tan realsa ninia sentiment la satisfaz ho doador sira nia servisu. “Ha’u laran taridu ba doador sira nia lala’ok ne’ebe ladun fo apoiu ba servisu Peace Dividend Trust se sira koalia beibeik kona ba apoiu ba empreza local kona ba dalan ida atu apoiu sira maka liga sira ho fornesedor no sosa nain sira, “ dehan Horta.
Ha’u la kontente tebes liu tiha ona ho doador ne’ebe ladun firmeza hodi fo apoiu ba Peace Dividend Trust tan ba ne’e hanesan ONG ida maka fo apoiu ba dezenvolvementu bisnis local sira ho ajuda sira halo ligasaun ba sosa nain no fornesedores partikularmente ba empreza kiik sira iha area rurais ne’ebe la hetan informasaun kona ba merkadu iha Dili no merkadu Internasional. Ha’u deskontente ona tan ba doadores sira ne’ebe maka ko’alia beibeik ona atu ajuda ekonomia local, fo apoiu ba dezenvolvimentu setor privadu maka la ajuda fali ONG ida maka loloos halo srvisu kapas liu iha dezenvolve daudaun kapasidade bisnis nain sira husi empreza kiik sira. Ne’e hanesan halo hau hakfodak no deskontente boot tebes,” dehan Ramos Horta.
Maiske nune’e Senhora Ali Gillies responsabel Ausaid ninian iha Dili hateten katak sira sei foo apoiu nafatin ba projetu ne’e hodi halo deit bisnis directory nune'e hatudu duni katak AusAid la rona no foo apoiu loloos ba Prezidente Horta nia preokupasaun hanesan Matchmaking ne'ebe lori benefisiu direita ba kompania iha area rurais hodi hamenus kiak iha Timor Leste.
Nia hateten katak Ausaid iha tinan tolu liu nia laran Ausaid fo apoiu total Milaun A$2.63 ho promove oportunidade bisnis ba fornecedor local sira. “Ami kontente katak ho ami nia apoiu PDT hetan sucesu dezenvolvel ona bisnis local ninia directory no facilita ona transasaun bisnis barak nu’udar kontribuisaun ba dezenvolvimentu setor privadu iha Timor Leste,” dehan Sr. Ali ho diplomasia.
Bainhira husu karik tan bas a maka sira hamenus ninia ajuda ba parte seluk iha Projectu ne’e daloa ida tan ho Diplomasia Ali Gillies tenta atu konvense Tempo Semanal katak PDT sei bele hetan apoiu husi parte seluk nune’e sira anunsiu ona atu hamenus sira nia staff iha fulan Jullo. Karik Ausaid se apoiu fali PDT iha antes fulan Jullo tama ita hein de’it.
PDT serbisu iha Timor-Leste nia distritu 13 hotu, hodi fó asisténsia ba negósiu 2,700, Ministériu Turizmu Komérsiu no Indústria (MTCI) no parseiru nasionál sira seluk. Sira sei lakon servisu ida ne’ebé importante se bainhira projetu Merkadu nian ne’e taka iha fulan Jullu 2010.
Projetu Merkadu Peace Dividend Timor-Leste nian ne’e lanxa iha fulan Agostu 2007. Nia iha sukursál kampu nian iha Baucau, Covalima, no Viqueque no serbisu hamutuk ho negósiu lokál sira iha Timor-Leste nia distritu rurál 12 iha adisaun ba Dili.
PDT agradese tebes ba Ministériu Turizmu Komérsiu no Indústria nian (MTCI) ba ninia parseria to’o ohin loron, no mós ba ninia doadór sira, AusAID, Governu Norvega, Eni, Fundu Kanadá nian ba Inisiativa Lokál (the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives) no mós ba Fundasaun Familia Arsenault nian (the Arsenault Family Foundation).
Iha loron Sexta feira loro kraik Tempo Semanal simu nota de imprensa ida husi Peace dividend Trust ne’e dehan, “hahú iha loron 1 Jullu 2010 Peace Dividend nia projetu Merkadu nian, no mós kampaña "Sosa iha Rai-Laran, Harii Timor-Leste" ne’ebé funsiona husi Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) sei hahú hamenus husi faze ida ba faze ida seluk tanba falta iha finansiamentu. Tuir observsasaun projetu ne’e diak no, “susesu tebes diriji hikas ona osan Dollares Amerikanu millaun 16 (millaun $16) resin ba emprezáriu Timoroan sira, maibé PDT ho laran susar tebes sei hapara atividade sira hotu iha tinan ne’e nia rohan anaunserke bele hetan apoiu adisionál husi doadór.”
“Ausaid ho organizsaun sira seluk gosta liu maka hasai osan iha vila laran hodi fo salariu boot ba ninia ema sira mak sai asesor maibe dala barak liu la iha rezultadu duke halo servisu ho NGO ne’ebe hakbesik an ba Timor oan iha area rurais,”dehan Antonino d. C. P. Ximenes Mahasiswa UNTL.
“Doador sira sempre dehan sira hakarak tulun atu hamenus Ki’ak iha Timor Leste maibe kuandu ONG hanesan ida ne’ebe halo servisu diak mak Ausaid ho USaid sei foo menus ajuda tan ba hau deskonfia liu-liu Australia ninia emar sira iha Dili lakohi atu buat hotu diak lalais nune’e nasaun ne’e bele sai nafatin projetu ba ninia asesor sira,” dehan estudante fakuldade ekonomia ne’e.
Deskonfiansa husi Antonio bele loos tan ba iha dekada ida kotuk Australia gasta saugate ona milaun A$820 no tuir planu sira sei ajuda aumenta fundu hamenus kiak husi Australia iha Timor Leste ba tinan lima oin ho total A$600.
Ko’alia kona ba gasta arvisu osan husi ajuda Australia ba Timor Leste ne’e Presidente Horta sei hasa’e lia ba PM Kevin Rudd hodi bele husu ninia ema iha Dili bele hadia liu tan sira nia produtividade tan ba gasta barak maibe rezulta povu la haree duku Governu Xina gasta Uitoan maibe ita haree uma foun lubun ida. “Ha’u sei ba ko’alia ba PM Kevin Rudd iha fulan ne’e nia laran bainhira hau vizita ba Australia no sei husu ba nia atu aumenta liu tan osan ba projetu ne’ebe fo servisu intensive iha Timor Leste hanesan hadia dalai ha area rurais, agrikultura, kuda ai oan nune’e mos hadia edukasaun iha area rural katak hadia eskola iha fatin rurais ne’e dala barak haluha. Halo klinika, centru komunitariu, bee no sanitasaun. No sei husu atu hamenus osan ba asistencia tekniku (asesor sira) tan ba osan barak liu gasta husi Ausaid para selu asesor sira.”
Karau halibur iha Bobonaro atu faan ba sosadores sira husi Indonesia.
Presidente ne’e hakarak haree atu Australia, “uza barak liu osan doasaun ba projetu fiziku no konretu iha nasaun ne’e hodi kreia servisu barak no foo rendimentu ema iha Timor Leste.
Tuir reportajen husi jornal The Daily Telegraph loron 23/05/2010 katak osan ajuda husi Australia gasta saugati ba selu mega-salariu konltan sira nia no fo kontratu para hariku kompania privadu sira hanesan iha Dili ema deskonfia kompania GRM no dehan Ausaid selu asesor ida naran Gerald Gahima eis ministru Justica Rwanda nian. “Iha Fevereiru tinan 2008 nia servisu hanesan asesor senior ba justice iha timor Leste durante tinan rua no livre husi selu taxa maibe ninia salariu selu husi Taxa nain iha Australia ho total montante US$757,960,” publika iha Jornal Australia nian ne’e.
PDT informa katak, “Desde lanxa ninia operasaun iha tinan 2007, ekipa PDT nian iha Timor-Leste aselera ona osan Dollares Amerikanu millaun 16 (($16,463,294.21) resin husi despeja foun sira ne’ebe konfirmadu ba iha emprezáriu Timoroan sira. Tuir esimativa, ninia rezultadu sei to’o Dollares Amerikanu millaun 23 ($23,060,000). PDT fasilita ona kontratu 10,000 resin liuhusi ninia servisu mak sira halo parseria (matchmaking) nian ho totál valór osan besik Dollares Amerikanu millaun 8 (millaun $8). Husi totál osan sira-ne’e besik Dollares Amerikanu millaun 7 (millaun $7) mak hatama ona ba iha área rurál sira ne’ebé mak iha desvantajen ekonómiku. Impaktu ekonómiku anuál husi projetu ida-ne’e nian bele kompara ba 0.41% husi GDP iha tinan 2007; 1.51% iha tinan 2008, no 0.91% iha tinan 2009.”
Osan husi nasaun Doador sira nian mai atu foo apoiu ba povu Timor Leste maibe dala barak liu naran maka ma ii osan isin hela iha Kanberra, Washington ho Londres. “Projetu ida-ne’e lanxa atu hatán ba problema kritiku ne’ebé hatudu katak iha frasaun ki’ik oan ida deit husi osan internasionál nian ne’ebé gasta ona hodi fo apoiu ba Timor-Leste mak atualmente gasta ba iha empreza Timor nian. Maioria boot husi osan ne’e ba iha kompania no konsultór internasionál sira. Projetu merkadu nian rezolve problema ida-ne’e hodi fornese servisu sira ne’ebé ajuda lori doadór sira nia despeja ba iha ekonomia lokál nian, ida ne’ebé ikusmai sei hamosu rikusoin, kria serbisu, no prodús rendimentu impostu nian,” dehan iha PDT ninia surat ne’e.
PDT fornese ona servisu lima hodi liga sosa-nain internasionál sira ho fornesedór Timoroan sira.
Daudaun ne’e projetu ne’e nia ekipa halo Verifikasaun Negósiu nian, iha kooperasaun ho MTCI, verifika ona negósiu 2,700 iha Timor-Leste, no ida-idak iha pérfil negósiu ida úniku ne’ebé bele hetan iha BuildingMarkets.org. Timor-Leste nia web site ne’e to’o ona tempu atu hasa’e tán nia kapasidade ba iha Timor-Leste Business Portal (Portál Negósiu Timor-Leste) nian ida ne’ebé kompletu iha semana 3-4 tuir mai nia laran. Ekipa ida-ne’e mós fó sai ona relatóriu prinsipál sira kona-bá estadu/kondisaun husi sektór privadu nian no mós merkadu traballadór nian iha Timor-Leste, bele haree iha ne’e. Desde ninia lanxamentu iha loron 20 Maiu 2008, Timor-Leste iha BuildingMarkets.org hetan ona vizita hamutuk 20,000 ho pérfil negósiu nian ne’ebé ema haree ona dala 98,000.
“Projetu ne’e nia Ekipa Halo Parseria (Matchmaking) nian ho pró ativu tebes halo ona ligasaun ba sosa-nain internasionál no nasionál sira ho fornesedór doméstiku sira iha rai-laran tomak. To’o ohin loron Ekipa Halo Parseria (Matchmaking) nian fasilita ka kria ona transasaun negósiu nian hamutuk 14,000 resin ho valór ida ne’ebé konfirmadu hamutuk Dollares Amerikanu millaun 8 (millaun $8.”
“Servisu Distribuisaun Tender (SDT) nian diriji tender sira liuhusi email, web, SMS no mós kópia iha surat-tahan ba negósiu sira iha Timor-Leste. Nia fornese ona servisu sira apoiu nian ba iha negósiu sira hodi dezenvolve sira nia oferta/proposta. To’o ohin loron SDT distribui ona tender hamutuk 496 ba simu-nain sira hamutuk 23,000 (barak mak kliente sira ne’ebé repete fila-fila). Valór husi tender ne’ebé mak PDT nia kliente sira manán ona hamutuk $8,000,000 resin.”
Francisco de Asis ne’ebe nu’udar ema segundu iha kompania Raflima ne’ebe sosa, foo han iha distritu Kovalima hodi exporta ba Indonesia hato’o ninia laran susar no husu atu bele Doador sira ho seriu atu ajuda hanaruk tan vida organizasaun ne’e.
Kompania ne’e ofisialmente hahu hetan licensa iha 2006. Iha Jullo ou agusto 2006 sira hahu Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) hahu fo apoiu informasaun ba sira. “Ihaq momentu ne’ebe straf balun husi PDT tulun ami ho didiak kona ba karau sira iha suku ne’ebe amid ala barak la konsege too. Ami dala balun ba de’it iha fatin ne’ebe besik maibe sira maka fasilita liu ami,” dehan Fransisco de Asis ba jornal ne’e iha Sexta (04/06).
Nia kontinua katak, “iha fatin ne’ebe ami la ba maibe sira maka ba to’o hetan karau bo’ot mai fali foo hatene no ami ba Lo’os duni ami hetan karau bo’ot tan ne’e maka ami servisu hamutuk dezde ne’eba too agora.”
Depois foin lalais ne’e sira atu ajuda tan ami. Husi PDT ajuda ami kalen ho ai. Ne’ebe ami agora kontente hela hetan ajuda sira ne’e husi PDT.
“Maibe depois PDT maka taka derepente entaun buat ne’ebe ami halo hamutuk atu hadia nasaun ne’e ita boot (Doador no Governu) sira halakon de’it.”
“Ami ho sira PDT ne’e kan agora ami servisu hamutuk nune’e dala ruma sira tulun ami ho informasaun husi Same no Manatutu tan ba sira PDT ne’e iha fatin bara-barak ne’ebe hato’o informasaun mai am ii ami mos ba sosa karau to’o iha ne’eba. “
Kuandu PDT remata duni ninia misaun maka emprezariu husi suai ne’e hanesan lakon ona ninia tilun sorin. “Se PDT taka duni maka sei iha impaktu baa mi nia bisnis tan ba informasaun de’it dala ruma ami labele hetan.”
Fransisco espera harohan atu PDT sei hetan ema ruma ninia laran luak hodi bele existe nafatin atu nune’e bele tulun halo ligasaun entre sira ho produtu local iha area izola atu nune’e sira bele ba sosa hodi lori ba merkadu. “Karik sebele sir abele iha nafatin lai ba tan ba sira konsege ona liga ami ho povu sira nia produtu iha suku no aldeia sira tan ba sira la’o tama sai hotu. Husi aldeia ba too suku hotu-hotu maka sira hetan karau ka iha kami ou hasil ruma sia mai hatoo informasaun mai ami mak ba sosa.”
Dala barak ami la too suku no fatin dook sira. Maibe sira maka la’o ba lori informasaun sira ne’e mai ami. Tuir Fransisdco ne’ebe ho PDT ninia tulun konsege ona exporta karun husi Suai ba Batam Indonesia ne’e katak dezde 2006 ate agora nia rasik haluha ona numeru karau ne’ebe sira konesge koleta via PDT ninia informasaun no exporta kada dala ida too atus rua ou tolu. Foin daudaun ne’e ami konsege haruka sai 190 karau baka.”
“Ho informasaun PDT nian ne’e ami kontente tan ba aumenta lukru baa mi nia kompania,” remata Francisco.
NGO ne’e iha ekipa Merkadu (Marketing) no Advokasia nian mak jere kampaña Sosa iha Rai-Laran, Harii Timor-Leste, ne’ebé kria konxiénsia no koñesimentu kona-bá projetu ne’e no mós sektór privadu doméstiku nian iha jerál.”
PDT sira nia Atividade treinamentu suspende tiha iha tinan 2008 tanba falta iha finansiamentu, maibé tinan 2008 haree PDT lanxa livru matadalan "Halo Negósiu ho PNUD" iha tinan 2008, ne’ebe dezena hodi fó asisténsia ba negósiu lokál sira atu manán tender sira ho PNUD.”
Agusto Pinto direitor Karpinteiru Olobai Star iha Vikeke sente triste ho situasaun n’ebe infrenta husi ONG ne’e. “Durante tempu balun ami iha ne’e kekurangan informasi maibe ho kehadiran PDT ninia ami konsege hetan lukru tan ba sira lori ami liga ho fatin sira seluk,” informa Agusto ba Tempo Semanal iha Sexta (04/06).
“PDT mai ami hanesan ponte ida se karik ponte ne’e kotu ami iha mota sorin no ami nia kliente sira iha mota sorin entaun ami sei susar uitoan entaun ami husu ba doador sira atu nune’e sir abele tulun ami hodi fo servisu ba ema kiak sira seluk. Tan ami iha ne’e izoladu uitoan ne’ebe ami falta informasi i ho PDT ninia prezensa ne’e maka ami konsege faan ami nia produtu.”
“PDT hanesan ami nia lian hodi informasaun ba klientes sira. Kuandu ami halo kadeira ruma sira maka ba buka hela merkadu baa mi nia produtu i ami konsege netik osan ruma.”
Agusto rekunese katak sira seidauk iha esperiensia barak nune’e duni nia husu PDT atu, “akompania lai ami tan oras ne’e ami mesak seidauk bele faan ho didiak oin sa ami nia sasan ne’e bele folin.”
Kompania ne’ebe mos fornese kadeira balun mai Dili inklui instituisaun estadu balun ne’e nia director halo apelu ba Governu no Doador sira atu tulun sira nia matan, lian no tilun ne’e.“Ha’u husu ba Governu no doador sira ne’ebe durante ne’e fo suporta ba PDT sebele karik prolonga tan uitoan. Tan ba durante ami apreende uitoan maibe derepenti de’it sira taka ne’e sei fo impaktu ba ami liu-liu dalan atu hasoru malu ho ema sosa nain sira. Buat sira ne’e liu prosesu ida tan ba sira iha internet no sira nia kanais sira ka estaf sira ne’ebe mai hamutuk ho ami tulun ajuda ami atu la’o.”
Alfredo Malibere koordenador ba grupu Hametin Estadu husi Bobonaro mos triste ho Doador sira nia atetude ne’ebe ladun fo importansia ba servisu diak ne’ebe ONG ida halo maibe Doador sira gosta liu ajuda ema sira ne’ebe tuur iha Dili hodi hakerek relatoriu de’it.
Iha fatin seluk ida iha Bobonaro Justinho Luis husi kompania Loko Jaya lda. Ne’ebe ninia atividade maka sosa karau husi Manatutu, vikeke no maliana hodi halo exportasaun liu husi mota ain ba Indonesia sei presizsa nafatin ajuda husi PDT tan ba daudaun ne’e iha hela prosesu trata dokumentus hodi nune’e Indonesia atoriza hodi halo exporta Karau ba Indonesia. “PDT sei ajuda hela ami, ho sira maka ami bele la’o ba oin nune’e se sira taka derepente ami labele la’o ba oin,” Justinho hato’o ninia laran triste.
Presidenti da Republika DR. Jose Ramos Horta ne’ebe fo apoiu ba NGO ne’e dezde tinan 2009 ba jornal ne’e hatoo ninia laran taridu. “Ha’u nia laran susar tebes duni ho Doadores sira maka ladun fo apoiu ba servisu ne’ebe Peace Dividend Trust halo. Se sira (doador) ko’alia kona ba apoiu emprezariu local maka dala ida atu apoiu sira halo ligasaun ba fornecedor no sosa nain sira.”
Presidenti ba Ema ki’ak ne’e preokupa ho ema ki’ak nia oan ne’ebe sei lakon servisu nune’e nia hatoo rekomendasaun loron 06/07/2009 atu doador sira bele fo apoiu liu tan ba PDT hodi halo Matchmaking hodi liga empreza sira iha area rurais ba cidade nop rai liur ne’e dala ida tan realsa ninia sentiment la satisfaz ho doador sira nia servisu. “Ha’u laran taridu ba doador sira nia lala’ok ne’ebe ladun fo apoiu ba servisu Peace Dividend Trust se sira koalia beibeik kona ba apoiu ba empreza local kona ba dalan ida atu apoiu sira maka liga sira ho fornesedor no sosa nain sira, “ dehan Horta.
Ha’u la kontente tebes liu tiha ona ho doador ne’ebe ladun firmeza hodi fo apoiu ba Peace Dividend Trust tan ba ne’e hanesan ONG ida maka fo apoiu ba dezenvolvementu bisnis local sira ho ajuda sira halo ligasaun ba sosa nain no fornesedores partikularmente ba empreza kiik sira iha area rurais ne’ebe la hetan informasaun kona ba merkadu iha Dili no merkadu Internasional. Ha’u deskontente ona tan ba doadores sira ne’ebe maka ko’alia beibeik ona atu ajuda ekonomia local, fo apoiu ba dezenvolvimentu setor privadu maka la ajuda fali ONG ida maka loloos halo srvisu kapas liu iha dezenvolve daudaun kapasidade bisnis nain sira husi empreza kiik sira. Ne’e hanesan halo hau hakfodak no deskontente boot tebes,” dehan Ramos Horta.
Maiske nune’e Senhora Ali Gillies responsabel Ausaid ninian iha Dili hateten katak sira sei foo apoiu nafatin ba projetu ne’e hodi halo deit bisnis directory nune'e hatudu duni katak AusAid la rona no foo apoiu loloos ba Prezidente Horta nia preokupasaun hanesan Matchmaking ne'ebe lori benefisiu direita ba kompania iha area rurais hodi hamenus kiak iha Timor Leste.
Nia hateten katak Ausaid iha tinan tolu liu nia laran Ausaid fo apoiu total Milaun A$2.63 ho promove oportunidade bisnis ba fornecedor local sira. “Ami kontente katak ho ami nia apoiu PDT hetan sucesu dezenvolvel ona bisnis local ninia directory no facilita ona transasaun bisnis barak nu’udar kontribuisaun ba dezenvolvimentu setor privadu iha Timor Leste,” dehan Sr. Ali ho diplomasia.
Bainhira husu karik tan bas a maka sira hamenus ninia ajuda ba parte seluk iha Projectu ne’e daloa ida tan ho Diplomasia Ali Gillies tenta atu konvense Tempo Semanal katak PDT sei bele hetan apoiu husi parte seluk nune’e sira anunsiu ona atu hamenus sira nia staff iha fulan Jullo. Karik Ausaid se apoiu fali PDT iha antes fulan Jullo tama ita hein de’it.
PDT serbisu iha Timor-Leste nia distritu 13 hotu, hodi fó asisténsia ba negósiu 2,700, Ministériu Turizmu Komérsiu no Indústria (MTCI) no parseiru nasionál sira seluk. Sira sei lakon servisu ida ne’ebé importante se bainhira projetu Merkadu nian ne’e taka iha fulan Jullu 2010.
Projetu Merkadu Peace Dividend Timor-Leste nian ne’e lanxa iha fulan Agostu 2007. Nia iha sukursál kampu nian iha Baucau, Covalima, no Viqueque no serbisu hamutuk ho negósiu lokál sira iha Timor-Leste nia distritu rurál 12 iha adisaun ba Dili.
PDT agradese tebes ba Ministériu Turizmu Komérsiu no Indústria nian (MTCI) ba ninia parseria to’o ohin loron, no mós ba ninia doadór sira, AusAID, Governu Norvega, Eni, Fundu Kanadá nian ba Inisiativa Lokál (the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives) no mós ba Fundasaun Familia Arsenault nian (the Arsenault Family Foundation).
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