Lian Nain husi Petisionariu ne’e sei konsidera katak petisionariu sei nafatin hanesan militar tan ba seidauk iha espulsu ofisial masked ala barak ona estadu hatun ona desizaun ruma no foo ona osan de rekoperasaun maske nia rasik seidauk simu. Tuir fontes governu ninian dehan Gastao Salsinha ho sira ne’ebe tama kadeia la hetaan osan rekoperasaun tan ba tama hela kadeia iha momentu ne’eba.
Iha parte seluk, salsina ne’ebe dadur dezde Abril 2008 sentenca tiha ba kadeia hetaan perdaun husi vitima 11 de Fevereiru DR. Jose Ramos Horta iha Agusto 2010 ne’e, informa katak petisionariu ne’e uluk ema politiza uza ba sai firmentu politika ba partidu balun hodi manan elisaun. Mai ita ba sani hamutuk intervista eskluxivu ida ne’ebe tempo Semanal (TS) halo ho lider Petisionariu, Gastao Salsinha (GS), iha loron (27/12) hanesan tuir mai iha okos ne’e.
TS: Irmaun Salsinha, bele esplika uitoan kona ba ita boot ninia sentiment hafoin sai husi Kadeia?
GS: En Prinsipiu, ami sai husi ona komarka, ha’u senti kontente. Tan ba ami ida-idak fila hamutuk ho ami nia familia no ema hotu ne’ebe durante ne’e foo nia simpatia ba ami. Hanesan buat ida mos ita dehan, ami sai husi nakukun, hakat ona ba naroman. Hanesan buat ida karik kontente uitoan de’it purke buat barak mak la loos nafatin.
TS: Karik ita boot bele esplika buat sa ida de’it mak tuir ita boot ninia haree sei la loos nafatin ne’e?
GS: Buat sira ne’ebe la loos nafatin ne’e maka hanesan ne’e; hahu husi uluk kedas ita koalia kona ba verdade ho Justisa. Ne’ebe, ita haree ba realidade ohin, loloos justisa ne’e ba parte balun de’it. Maibe ba ema sira ne’ebe, ita dehan iha poder, ba sira ne’e justisa la iha. Tan ba ida ne’e maka ita dehan, buat balun lao loos no buat barak maka lao la loos nafatin.
TS: Ita boot dehan justisa ba ema kiik de’it no ladun vale ba ema ne’ebe iha poder. Karik tuir ita boot ninia hanoin boot sese maka ita boot hanoin tenke ba hataan iha justisa maibe la ba hataan?
GS: Ha’u hanoin kona ba ida ne’e, ita la presiza atu sita tan sira nia naran. Tan ba buat hotu-hotu, uluk ita haree iha inkeretu ida mai husi komisaun internasional ne’e mensiona tiha ona sese maka involve iha krize ida ne’e. Ema ne’ebe merese duni atu ba hataan iha tribunal, sira ne’e naran kompletu hotu ona, iha komisaun inkeretu internasional. Ne’ebe ha’u hanoin ita la temi tan sira nia naran mos diak hela.
TS: Tuir informasaun katak iha dia 20 de Dezembru ita boot ho grupu ida, mai hasoru Primeiru Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao. Bele hatene objetivu ita boots sira ba hasoru PM ne’e saida?
GS: Ha’u la ba hasoru Primeiru Ministru, maibe ha’u delega de’it ekipa ida, kompostu husi petisionariu ema nain walu. Ne’ebe sira ne’e, lori ami nia karta de ezijensia ka karta de deklarasaun ida ba. Karta ne’e dirize ba Prezidenti da Republika, Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional, Primeiru Ministru nune’e mos haruka ba Prezidenti Tribunal de rekursu. Iha momentu ne’eba ha’u la ba mas hau delega ekipa ida maka ba.
TS: Karik bele hatene, Pontus de ezijensia saida de’it maka ita boot sira hato’o?
GS: Kona ba Ezijensia sira ne’e, primeiru ami ezije kona ba ami nia estatutu. Iha estatutu ne’e tan ba dezde 2006 to’o agora, hahu husi fulan ne’ebe ami hetaan espulsa husi Brigadeiru Jeneral, atual Maijor Jeneral Matan Ruak; ida ne’e, to’o agora ami sei ezije nafatin katak ami tenke nafatin iha militar. Tan ba seidauk iha espulsu ka deklarasaun ruma por eskrita husi estadu ka governu ne’e seidauk iha. Tan ba ida ne’e maka ami ezije estadu ne’e tenke deklara sai ami nia estatutu. Iha ne’eba maka tempu atu ba tribunal. Sira tenke dehan ami nafatin iha militar ga, sivil ga, traidor ga, kriminozu ga, rebeldes ga? Sira rasik mak tenke deklara ba publiku. Ida ne’e maka ami nia ezijensia hatoo ba ulun boot nain haat ne’e.
TS: Karik Ita boot sira simu fali ona resposta ruma?
GS: Seidauk...seidauk simu resposta. Parese sira sei foo resposta mai depois de tinan foun ne’e ka ba oin. La hatene loos. Mas agora sira seidauk foo resposta ruma kona ba karta ne’e.
TS: Agora daudauk ita boot servisu hela nuudar saida hafoin sai husi kadeia? Ami nia intensaun katak ita boot ninia ativiadade agora ne’e hanesan emprezariu ka hanesan agrikutores?
GS: Ha’u agora daudauk ita bele dehan fila fali ba agrikutor. Tan ba tuur halimar hamutuk ho familia sira de’it. Entaun halo netik servisu kiik oan balun iha uma, hanesan hamoos toos ka kafe duut oan sira ne’e. Ida ne’e maka ha’u nia servisu lor-loron ninian.
TS: Depois de ita boot tama kadeia se maka foo apoiu ekonomia ba ita boot ninia kaben hodi haruka ita boot ninia oan sira ba eskola?
GS: Depois de tama kadeia nein ema ida maka tau matan ba ha’u nia familia. Nein partidu ida ka grupu ida fali, mos la’e. So ha’u nia familia uma laran rasik sustenta ha’u nia kaben ho oan sira ate ha’u sai fali husi kadeia to’o ohin loron.
TS: Hanesan eis lider petisionariu ida, karik ita boot sei senti iha responsabilidade moral ba ita boot ninia membru sira? Se karik senti iha duni responsabilidade ne’e, sa ida maka ita boot sei halo?
GS: Primeiru, ha’u sei konsolida fila fali sira. Halo sira hamutuk fali, ko’alia fila fali ho sira kona ba asuntus petisionariu sira nian. Ida ne’e maka ha’u nia objetivu prinsipal. Tan ba ha’u lakohi, sira atu namkari depoiz monu ba ema seluk nia manobra politika. Nune’e duni ha’u konvida sira para ko’alia ho sira atu labele repete tan kazu hanesan 2007 ne’ebe petisionariu sira, politik nain sira uza ba sira nia interese politik depois hotu tiha lakohi simu responsabilidade. Tan ba ida ne’e maka nu’udar sira nia komandante no sira nia porta voz, ha’u sei foo hanoin nafatin ba sira.
TS: Ita boot ohin temi buat ida ke interesante dehan politik nain sira uza petisionariu iha 2007 ba sira nia interese politika. Se loos maka uza ita boot sira?
GS: Iha 2007 hanesan ita hotu hatene, partidu lubuk ida maka uza petisionariu ne’e hanesan sira nia instrumentu ba kampanya politika sira nian. Lori petisionariu nia naran husi fatin ba fatin, hodi manan tiha ema barak nia simpatia. Depois too sira kaer ukun, nega tiha fali petisionariu, ate sira hasai tan lia fuan dehan petisionariu ne’e rebeldes.
TS: Se loos mak sira ne’e? Bele temi naran?
GS: Sira ne’ebe maka agora kaer hela ukun.
TS: Husi Ita nia koalia ne’e hatudu katak ita boot dehan petisionariu ne’e sai vitima ba ema seluk nia interese no arepende ita boot sira monu tama ba, iha lasu politiku sira nian. Ne’e loos ga la’e?
GS: Ne’e klaru, ami sai vitima ba politiku balun. Ita bele dehan, la’os de’it monu ba lasu....la’os de’it monu ba lasu maibe ami monu duni, monu duni. Tan ba jogu ne’e sira maka halo duni. Hafoin sira joga ami hanesan sira joga catur. Atu defende sira nia interese. Tan ba sira mesak labele alkansa objetivu sira ne’e. Maibe ami sai hanesan ponte para sira hakat ba mai. Too ona sira nia objetivu, nega tiha fali ami no dehan ami ne’e rebeldes.
TS: Maibe Estadu liu husi Governu ne’ebe kaer ukun ne’e, iha 2008 depois de kazu 11 de Fevereiru, foo ona osan rekoperasaun ba petisionariu sira hodi bele reintegra fila fali sira ba komunidade hanesan ema sivil ida. Tan ba sa mak ita boot seidauk satisfas nafatin?
GS: Kona ba osan rekoperasaun hodi haruka petisionariu sira fila ba moris hanesan komunidade sivil ida, ba ha’u ida ne’e la importante. Tan ba ita atu resolve problema ida, la’os resolve ho osan. Atu resolve problema ida too nia rohan tenke hetan solusaun diak ida; Ne’ebe importante maka parte hotu-hotu konkorda ona ho dezisaun ruma. Husi ida ne’e maka ita bele foo osan ou la foo osan. Mas problema ne’e sei too klaran de’it ita hanesan haluha tiha de’it, depois ita foo ona osan ne’e ba ha’u ladun satisfeitu ho desizaun ida ne’ebe Governu halo ne’e.
TS: Karik ita boot mos simu ona osan rekoperasaun husi estadu?
GS: Ha’u; ho ha’u nia maluk sira nain hirak ne’ebe mate iha krize ne’e hamutuk ho ami na’in hirak mak dadur; ami la simu osan rekoperasaun. Mai ha’u ami simu ka la simu konforme ba estadu. Se estadu hanoin dehan ami iha direitu hanesan, ne’e sira nia desizaun, se dehan direitu la hanesan mos, ne’e sira nia desizaun.
TS: Agora daudauk ita boot sai ona atu evita ema seluk uza Petisionariu hanesan instrumentu politika, karik ita boot sei harii patidu politiku ida hanesan informasaun ne’ebe sirkula?
GS: Aaahhh...ida ne’e ha’u husu deskulpa de’it, karik. Tan ba mai ha’u la iha liu interese atu harii partidu politika ida. (TS)
1 comment:
One opinion to Tempo Semanal to consider for publication. Sorry it has nothing to do with Salsinha.
Timor Leste's Prostitution. To condemn or to manage it?
Recent news headlines in Timorese medias have been about prostitution and human trafficking.
Those who involved in prostitution mostly come from neighboring countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, Philippine and China. Those people are victims of human trafficking lured to Timor Leste with promises of decent jobs and good earnings. However when arrived in the destination country most of them are forced to provide their service in prostitution. They are forced to do the work by sex traffickers operating in those countries. Hence it is mandatory to the authority to prosecute those people involved in human trafficking by putting them in jail or have them deported.
A database of men suspected of human trafficking need to be established. Identify these people, prosecute them, deport them and deny them entry to timorese territory for unlimited of time. Timorese authority has been cracking down those involved in prostitution. Many foreigners have been deported whether they are victims or traffickers.
One important question raised from this issue is how about those timorese who are also doing their service in prostitution? Should they be condemned by the society? Or should we, as society help them by providing certainty on their activity with a proper legislation and a designated place?. A designated place or decriminalized brothels need to be considered to help improve safety. Yes, we talk about safety whether it is in term of health, combating human trafficking, security for all and social impact on the society.
Those people involved in prostitution are not the enemy of society as long as they make it for a living and do not harm nobody. But those that need and should be considered enemy of authority are those traffickers. Therefore, Police need to have guidance on how best to deal with problem linked to prostitution.
A debate is also needed in creating a prostitution law in order to tackle the negative effects from this activity. In order to manage something, one needs firstly to create a proper legislation to that end.
Designated places must be established openly and recognized by government in order to manage those girls who make a living in that service. To condemn is easy but it is more difficult to find a proper solution to the issue. So it is better to manage than to condemn.
Management by laws, legalization and finding designated places are good steps forward to help solve the negative effects of prostitution. By a good management on this issue, the government can monitor those who make a living from this activity and prosecute those who involved in exploitation of human beings. The government as representation of State must help those women in the prostitution by providing them safety guidance on health issues. Consider them as partners in combating health issues such as HIV-AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and cooperation in combating against human trafficking which is synonym to sex exploitation of women. This can be done with decriminalization policy on prostitution.
It is time for this debate by timorese society.
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