Friday, 30 July 2010
ADF still continue to help Train F-FDTL
East Timor and Australia hold a day talk in regard to Defence Corporation Program in the capital of East Timor on 29/07/2010.Secretary State Julio Pinto told this Newspaper that a day seminar between Australian authorities and Timor Leste to discuss the contiuetion of Defence corporation programme between ADF to East Timor F-FDTL. Julio said Australia is ready to continue support F-FDTL in the English Language training, maritime security, Engineering component training, College training and training for the Staffs of East Timor Secretary of Defence office.
The Australian side express it's readiness to help train F-FDTL Engineering Battalion and F-FDTL to participate in the Peace Keeping mission as well as helping Timorese maritime security. East Timor Major General Taur Matan Ruak thank the Australian side for the training. But the Commander of East Timor Defence Force preoccupied with the time. “Just for the English language course till level four approximately consume time of two and half years to finish. Level one three and half months. Level two six months. Level three one year course. Then level four two years. Then they go the academic another two years. And then the commanders are saying sometimes they come back and they forget everything,” said Taur with big laugh.
Taur Matan Ruak propose the method of the Training supposed to fit in firstly uniformity and integrated from the various section. The First stage F-FDTL would like to distribute the task to each of the donor countries.
The team leader from Australian Defence Force reiterated their promises as saying that, “we already made commitment to provide assistance of development.”
Julio Thomas Pinto the secretary of state for East Timor Defence said the discussion of the Defence Corporation Programme is very productive. “Many positive plans and initiatives have been put forward between Australia and Timor leste together. And then we will develop this plan in next year.”
According to Mr. Pinto the plan need to follow some mechanisms. “Today’s talk reinforced Australian continuing assistance to the professional development of F-FDTL and my staffs in the secretariat for the defence,” said Julio Pinto.
He also thanks the Australian Government to provide his office with some adviser.
The Australian Ambassador to East Timor Peter Haywood in his remark said, “I am impress at how the progress and maturity relationship. I think now we are very clear about each side wants and to provide. And that indication is relationships is working well and will continue to work well."
The meeting finished with signature of a defence corporation dodument between the two country in Timor Hotel Dili.
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Relatoriu KPI Alega Mosu Konflitu De Interese iha Sosa Foos Governu nian
Iha pajina 34 relatoriu ne’e, KPI hakerek, “Bazeia ba informasaun iha Kapitulo II 9.b, Kona ba kontratu nebe Governu halo ho Kompanhia United Food, Lda iha loron 22 Outubro 2008, assina husi Sra. Fon Ha Tchong Direktur United Food, Lda ho Primeiro Ministro Sr. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, total kontratu ho osan hamutuk $ 3,842,500 dolares amerikanus atu sosa fos 7,250 tonneladas ho folin 530 dolares tonelada ida.”
"Komisaun Parlamentar Inkeritu konklui katak, bazeia ba Lei Parlamento Nacional numero 7/2007 kona Estatuto dos Orgaos de Soberania, kontratu nebe assina ho Kompanhia United Food, hamosu konflitu de interesse tambá, iha Seccao II kona ba Incompatibilidades e Impedimentos, Artigo 3º koalia kona ba Impedimentos Aplicaveis a Sociedades, iha ninia pontu 3.1 hateten katak : “ As Empresas cujo capital seja detido numa percentagem superior 10% por um titular de orgao de soberania ficam impedidas de participar em concursos de fornecimento de bens ou servicos, no exercicio de actividade de comercio ou industria, em contratos com o Estado e demais pessoas colectivas publicas”. Iha pontu 2 artigo 3º ne’e mós hateten katak :“ Ficam sujeitas ao mesmo regime; a) As empresas de cujo capital em egual percentagem, seja titular o seu conjuge, nao seperado de pessoas e bens, os seus ascendentes e descendentes em qualquer grau e os colaterais ate 2.o grau, bem como aquele que com ele viva em comunhao de vida, analoga ao casamento ; b) hateten katak “ As empresas em cujo capital o titular do orgao detenha, directa ou indeirectamente, por si ou conjuntamente com os familiares referidos na alinea anterior, uma participacao nao inferior 10%,” esplika husi KPI.

Atu hatene klean liu tan favor ida sani Tempo Semanal iha edisaun oin mai.
Sunset in Dili and Island Explorer Caught Blue Marlin
On July 23th 2010 the ISLAND EXPLORER boat went to fishing in around atauro Island. The fisherman name Tom caught a BLUE MARLIN type of fish with it weight 375/kgs and its lenght 2,25 mts. Acording to the navigator time to land the fish about 3 hours.
It was from the distance Tempo Semanal filmed the Island Explorer with the Blue Marlin fish hang in the side came close to Dili Port in the beauty of sunset.
East Timor Journalist need to Regulate themself if They don't Want Government to Regulate Them
Dr Clinton Fernandes
Senior Lecturer
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Journalists played a crucial role in Timor Leste’s independence struggle. Naturally, the citizens of an independent Timor Leste recognize the importance of journalism, and the vital role that journalists play in protecting democracy. Journalists work for newspapers and other media that have to be profitable - but the media are more than just another business. They have a responsibility to society, not just to their owners’ bank balances. “Media freedom” is in fact the same thing as “the people’s right to know”.
Journalists do make mistakes; they have deadlines, and they need to sell enough copies of their newspapers to be profitable. But on balance they do much more good than harm. As Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States of America said, “were it left to me to have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”
The media in an independent Timor Leste will have to regulate itself. If it does not do so in a credible fashion, the state will regulate journalists – and it is important to prevent states from gaining any more power over information. Regardless of which government is in power today, journalists and society need to be protected from future governments, twenty or thirty years from now, which might be more authoritarian. Therefore the law cannot enforce “prior restraint” i.e. there must be no restrictions on publication. However, after publication people are entitled to pursue remedies if they believe they have been defamed.
How might self-regulation work in Timor Leste? A self-regulation framework is outlined below.Journalists do make mistakes; they have deadlines, and they need to sell enough copies of their newspapers to be profitable. But on balance they do much more good than harm. As Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States of America said, “were it left to me to have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”
The media in an independent Timor Leste will have to regulate itself. If it does not do so in a credible fashion, the state will regulate journalists – and it is important to prevent states from gaining any more power over information. Regardless of which government is in power today, journalists and society need to be protected from future governments, twenty or thirty years from now, which might be more authoritarian. Therefore the law cannot enforce “prior restraint” i.e. there must be no restrictions on publication. However, after publication people are entitled to pursue remedies if they believe they have been defamed.
Those who work as journalists in Timor Leste would join a Journalists’ Union, which is responsible for regulating itself. The Timor Leste government stays out of this area. This Journalists’ Union is composed entirely of journalists. It establishes an Ethics Committee with the power to discipline any journalists who breach the Journalist Union’s Code of Ethics. All members of the Journalists’ Union participate in the writing of the Code of Ethics. Of course, noone can be forced to join the Union, as Section 43 of the Constitution guarantees freedom of association.
The Ethics Committee is composed of journalists (60%) and non-journalists (30%). Members of the Union elect all journalist and non-journalist members of the Ethics Committee by secret ballot. The Ethics Committee hears complaints by members of the public. It orders a hearing within seven working days of a complaint – which is faster than most government departments respond in Timor Leste. This quick response will increases the public’s trust in the Journalists’ Union’s self-regulatory capacity. The Ethics Committee orders journalists to attend its hearings, and disciplines any journalists who do not obey such an order without a reasonable explanation. It has the power to compel the complainant and the respondent to provide documents and statutory declarations, but does not have the power to do anything to make journalists reveal the identity of their sources.
The Ethics Committee can also mount an investigation into a journalist’s conduct, even if no member of the public has complained about a story.
In order to keep costs low, neither the complainant nor the respondent has legal representation. The Committee can ask questions of both the complainant and the respondent. No disclosures made in the hearings can be used by anyone else in subsequent defamation or other proceedings in any other court, tribunal or other judicial body. The decisions of the Ethics Committee are settled by a majority vote of the Committee rather than a unanimous vote.
The Committee has the power to impose penalties such as: Censure, Fines, Temporary Suspension of Membership of the Journalists’ Union (meaning that the person suspended is unable to work as a journalist whilst on suspension) and Dismissal from the Journalists’ Union (meaning that the person dismissed is unable to work as a journalist again).
Both the complainant and the respondent have the right to appeal the decisions of the Ethics Committee. The Appeals Committee hears all appeals. The Appeals Committee is also composed of journalists (60%) and non-journalists (30%). Members of the Union elect all journalist and non-journalist members of the Appeals Committee by secret ballot. All media outlets publish the decisions of the Ethics Committee and the Appeals Committee.
Discussion about self-regulation should begin immediately. This discussion should take into account the deeper threats to the public’s right to know, as outlined in Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky’s propaganda model: Ownership, Advertising, Sources, Flak, Ideology.
There will be further commentary in subsequent weeks if there is sufficient interest in these issues.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Tenente Koronel Horta
DR. Loro Horta daudaun ne'e servisu hanesan Progrma manajer ba UNDP iha area Reforma setor seguranca (SSR). Rui Castro kritika Presidenti da Republika hodi dehan ne'e hanesan konflitu de Interese ida no so'e viadas hasoru ema numeru um iha nasaun ne'e hodi dehan, "se maka ko'alia barak liu nia maka halo barak liu." Rui ko'alia bu'at ne'e bainhira haree ai kapelak boboot taka lemo iha Dili laran ho prezidenti ninia letratu no lia menon atu kompate KKN. Rui dehan emboot hotu-hotu ne'ebe tuur iha instituisaun de Estadu sempre foo uluk prioridade ba ninia maluk sira. "Ha'u hanoin bu'at ne'e la'os foun ba ita maibe bain-bain ona," dehan Rui Castro. Tuir observasaun Castro katak departamentu barak ukun tuir apalidus ninian.
Tempo Semanal foin deskobre lista ne'ebe hasai husi Centru estudu ba Asia Pasifiku (Asia Pasifik Centre for Security Study) ne'ebe ninia baze iha Hawaii hasai lista ida hodi hatudu katak DR. Loro Horta ne'ebe ninia naran kompletu Maubere L. S. da Silva Horta agora mos sai ona hanesan Tenete Koronel ba Guarda Kostal Timor Leste Maiske nasaun ne'e rasik seidauk kreia ninia guarda Kostal.
Tempo Semanal foin deskobre lista ne'ebe hasai husi Centru estudu ba Asia Pasifiku (Asia Pasifik Centre for Security Study) ne'ebe ninia baze iha Hawaii hasai lista ida hodi hatudu katak DR. Loro Horta ne'ebe ninia naran kompletu Maubere L. S. da Silva Horta agora mos sai ona hanesan Tenete Koronel ba Guarda Kostal Timor Leste Maiske nasaun ne'e rasik seidauk kreia ninia guarda Kostal.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Veteranus Ba Oin Nafatin Maiske Xanana Husu Atu Tuur Nonok
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
PM Jose Alexandre Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao halo ona apelu iha hodi bainrua ba ninia eis membru sira atu tuur hakmatek tan ba tuir eis lider da rezistencia ne'e deskonfia katak ema husi terseira parte hahu infiltra daudaun hodi uza kazu refere atu kreia desturbiu iha nasaun ne'e. Hataan ba apelu eis komanadante en Xefe das Falintil nian ne'e Gill Mendonca nu'udar koordenador ba kazu refere dehan ninia parte sei halo tuir lia menon ne'e maibe la signifika hodi taka sira nia ibun. Iha parte seluk konsellu Nasional da Juventude Timor Leste apela atu rezolve problema ne'e ho ulun malirin. "CNJTL husu media komunikasaun publiku Suara Timor Loro Sa'e (STL) atu responsabiliza artigu ne'ebe hamosu kontradisaun iha publiku tuir prosesu kodiku jornalismu nian," dehan iha deklarasaun ne'ebe sani husi porta Voz CNJTL
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Earthquake Strikes Dili, Timor-Leste
At approximately 19.50hrs on Tuesday 20 July, an earthquake registering 4.6 on the Richter Scale hit 10 km (5 miles) WNW of DILI, Timor-Leste. The quake caused people to flee from the entrance of Timor-Leste's largest hotel the "Hotel Timor" in central Dili.
Fearing the building may collapse hotel guests ran from the building like deer - some carrying children and others gripping their laptops as they sought safety outside the multistory building - on of the few large building in Dili.
The earthquake struck quickly and subsided quickly. Many people checked theri relatives and friends by telephone - "are you fine? Where are you? Do you feel any shaked? Please be stay out from big trees and maintain courage ok?" said Sica to her relative.
Some people didn't feel the quake and surprised then asked, "what happened?". Others responded "earth quick man. I'm so worried to be caught in this building."
According to the United States Geological Service the earthquake struck 10 km west north west of Dili at a depth of depth +/- 32.6 km (20.3 miles).
Veteranus Ba Oin Nafatin Maiske Xanana Husu Atu Tuur Nonok
PM Jose Alexandre Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao halo ona apelu iha hodi bainrua ba ninia eis membru sira atu tuur hakmatek tan ba tuir eis lider da rezistencia ne'e deskonfia katak ema husi terseira parte hahu infiltra daudaun hodi uza kazu refere atu kreia desturbiu iha nasaun ne'e. Hataan ba apelu eis komanadante en Xefe das Falintil nian ne'e Gill Mendonca nu'udar koordenador ba kazu refere dehan ninia parte sei halo tuir lia menon ne'e maibe la signifika hodi taka sira nia ibun. Iha parte seluk konsellu Nasional da Juventude Timor Leste apela atu rezolve problema ne'e ho ulun malirin. "CNJTL husu media komunikasaun publiku Suara Timor Loro Sa'e (STL) atu responsabiliza artigu ne'ebe hamosu kontradisaun iha publiku tuir prosesu kodiku jornalismu nian," dehan iha deklarasaun ne'ebe sani husi porta Voz CNJTL.
Inimigu Tradisional Fretilin ho CNRT Lian Ida Kontra PM Australia
Dili-Mosu rezistencia maka’as kontra proposta Governu Australia ninian ba harii centru Prosesamentu ba refujiadus sira. Desde nasaun ne’e ukun rasik aan iha 2002 mosu roh lubun ruma nakonu ho ema ne’ebe hakarak hean sira nia vero ba Australia. Iha nasaun Kangaro ne’eba mosu problema politika boot ho trafiku ema ho roh ne’e (Re. Manusia Perahu). Nune’e duni Primeira Ministra Australia Anunsia ona ninia intensaun atu harii centru ida iha Timor Leste. Lider Timor Leste barak maka hatene husi media inklui Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao mos kuandu husu kona ba Proposta ne’e iha loron kinta (08/07/2010) hafoin enkontru ho Presidenti Horta nia hataan ho diplomasia, “Proposta sa ida?”
Iha parte seluk Sekretariu Jeral partidu CNRT Dionisio Babo mos dehan, “ami seidauk simu informasaun ofisial kona ba buat ne’e maibe tuir ha’u nia hanoin ne’e sei ideas preliminaria. Maiske nune’e tuir ha’u nia hanoin ne’e opsaun ida maka la diak ba Timor Leste atu sai hanesan fatin horik ba ema mak buka auxiliu nian, nune’e presiza hanoin didiak lai mak foti desizaun.”
Observasaun Tempo Semanal hatudu katak CNRT hamutuk ho ninia inimigu tradisional hodi rejeita hanoin husi PM Australia nian, tan ba tuir sira nia hanoin katak nasaun ne’e iha problema rasik atu resolve. Hanesan Sekretariu Jeral Partidu CNRT hateten ona iha leten, nune’e mos vice Presidenti Fretilin ninian. “Ami iha ami nia problema rasik atu resolve. Dezempregu barak, problema kiak, bee moos, sanitasaun, problema juventude, infra estrutura no seluk tan,” reforsa Arsenio Bano.
Bano deklara, “ne’e problema Australianu ninian no Timor Leste labele sai nafatin protetor ba Australia hanesan funu mundial daruak.”
Nasaun Australia hanesan destinasaun ba refujiadus sira tan ba nasaun ne’e prosperiu liu no nasaun ne’e bo'ot maibe agora sira buka sela naha todan ne’e ba nasaun ki’ik-ki’ik sira iha pasifiku no Timor Leste. “Australia la’os vijinu diak ida ba Timor Leste. Nasaun ne’e lahatene foo obrigado ba ita. Ita nia avon sira tulun sira iha segundu funu mundial maibe iha 1975 sira apoiu Indonesia mai oho ita. Bainhira ita sei terus sira ho Indonesia tenta nauk mina iha tasi Timor. Agora Kanberra nonok hodi foo dalan ba Woodside atu rejeita dada mina no gas husi Greater sun rise mai prosesa iha Timor Leste maibe husu ita atu foo fatin ba prosesamentu Refujiadus sira ne’ebe ninia tujuan atu ba Australia,” dehan Rui Castro emprejariu Timor oan iha Dili.
Istoria Australia ninia ho Timor Leste diak uitoan iha 1999 kuandu husi forsa Interfet mai tulun hakaman netik milisia Jakarta ninia destruisaun hafoin de konsulta popular maibe tuir Rui katak maioria atuasaun husi Australia buka benefisia ba sira nia aan nia la aceita kuandu rona katak loke centru ne’e sei lori benefisiu barak ba Timor oan. “Ha’u la fiar argumentu ne’e tan ba sira sei hariku tan sira nia ema iha nasaun ne’e hanesan aijuda ne’ebe sira foo daudaun mai ita. Kanberra hodi naran povu Timor Leste nian ba foti osan husi selu taxa nain sira mai hariku ninia adviser no konsultan sira iha Timor. Osan ne’ebe ajuda mai Timor Leste ne’e loloos osan ne’ebe sira nauk husi mina ne’e maka lori fali mai. Nune’e ha’u la aceita atu harii centru prosesamentu ba refujiadus iha Timor Leste.”
“Ha’u hanoin iha mos ideas balun husi Australia katak, “ema sira ne’ebe buka auxiliu ne’e balun mos bele terorista ida kuandu tama ona mai Timor Leste entaun bele foo liu tan razaun ba kanberra ho Woodside hodi argumenta katak rai ne’e la aman atu harii planta ba prosesa gas husi Greater Sunrise ninian,” alega Rui.
“Agora ha’u labele deskute la’i tan ba buat ne’e seidauk rezolvidu. Agora haree sa ida maka Governu Australia, Primeira Ministra foo sai mai Prezidenti depois maka bele,” xanana hataan ba perguntas anxiosus husi Jornalista sira nian. “Agora ha’u bele dehan katak ita open minded. Loke para ita bele deskute haree took , sa ida. Agora imi nian ba kedas ona bainhira hasai karik se maka hasai osan. Hasai husi Jornalista sira ka hasai husi Governu,” Xanana ko’alia ho oin hamnasa no matan rua piska ba jornalista sira.
Xanana dehan Timor Leste presiza hatudu ninia fuan boot ba dezastre umanu ida ne’e tan ba istoria Timor Leste ninian nakonu mos ho refujiadus. “Ita labele taka dalan no ita la loke dalan. Maibe ita labele haluha katak problema ne’e problema rejional duni. Ita insidentu iha area ida ke buat ne’e bele mai besi-besik ita. Foin daudauk ne’e, tinan kotuk ita kaer barku ida. 2002 depois de ita hetan Ukun an (re.ema) hat nolu resin ka besik lima nolu hanesan ne’e husi Sri lanka mai iha ne’e. Liu husi ita nia rain. Ne’ebe ita labele ses aan husi problema ida ne’e.”
Primeira Ministra Australia desrespeita soberania nasaun ne’e ninian no hakat liu konstituisaun RDTL hodi la konsulta uluk ho Primeiru Ministru Timor Leste antes anunsia ninia prefere opsaun maiske nia hatene katak pozisaun Prezidenti RDTL ninian hanesan de’it ho Governador jeneral iha Australia. Maiske nune’e Pm Xanana la hirus no hatudu nafatin ninia fuan boot hodi dehan, “hanesan estadu ida ami foo ba Presidenti maka lidera prosesu ida ne’e. Ami hein planu konkreta husi Governu Australia mak sei ko’alia ho Presidenti. Presidenti sei bolu ami. Certu ke presidenti sei koordena ho ami en termus ba halo diskusaun no haree kona ba impaktu pozitivu no negativu husi proposta ne’e. Presidenti mos sei bolu lider opozisaun sira no komponente sira iha ami nia sociedade nia laran. Tan ba se kuandu mak ami atu foti karik pozisaun ruma hanesan estadu ida ami hotu tenke involve.”
Timor leste ninia oan sira barak maka iha tinan 1975 sai hanesan refujiadus ba nasaun seluk tan ba invazaun husi Indonesia. Nune’e mos iha 1999 hafoin de Referendum populasaun Timor balun evakua ba Darwin no balun ba Indonesia ate agora maiske barak sei hela iha liur la’os hanesan Refujiadus ona maibe tan ba sira nia opsaun rasik. Nune’e Xanana dehan, “ami kompriende tebes lala’ok sira ne’e. Tuir iha espiritu umanitariu nian ka nia hanoin no persepsaun ba fenomena sira ne’e maka ami nakloke ba diskusaun. Ami nakloke ba halo diskusaun. Agora ami hein nafatin kontinuasaun kontaktu entre Primeira Ministra Julia ho Presidenti da Republika. “
Xanana ne’ebe iha fulan hirak ikus ne’e hurun Governu Australia kleuk didiak ne’e ho diplomasia dehan Governu entrega ba Prezidenti da Republika tan ba atu ba vizita distritu. “Primeiru Ministru foo konfiansa ba ha’u tan ba ha’u nia julgamentu, esperiansia no hanoin. Nune’e duni nia foo fiar ne’e mai ha’u. Loos duni atu hala’o servisu ne’e ha’u sei konsulta ho instituisaun relevante sira seluk,” dehan Ramos Horta.
Hafoin polimika ne’e la’o loron rua Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao iha kinta dader hakat liu ba hasoru malu ho Presidenti Horta. Tuir Ajenda Enkontru ne’e hahu husi 09.00-10.00. Maibe enkontru ne’e han hotu tempu ba Doutor especialista husi Korea ninian, la’o to’o tuku 11.37 maka Primeiru Ministru hakat tun husi eskada palacu Aitarak laran. Maiske ai tarak la latan netik iha eskada maibe PM Xanana hakat ho neineik ba hasoru cerku jornalista sira nian. Ba Jornalista sira ne’ebe dudu malu ho anxi ne’e PM Xanana informa katak nia no Xefe do Estadu ko’alia duni kona ba proposta husi Primeira Ministra Australia Julia Gillard ninian ne’ebe temi Timor Leste sai hanesan opsaun ba fatin Prosesamentu Refujiadus nian. “
Prezidenti da Republika Jose Ramos Horta ne’ebe ko’alia ona antes ho Primeira Ministra Julia Gillard ne’e rekuinese katak, “Loos duni, hanesan ha’u antisipa ona katak Primediru Ministru Xanana Gusmao iha hanoin hanesan ho ha’u kona ba konviksaun umanitaria nian. Nia delega ona mai ha’u, husu ona ha’u atu maneja ideas hirak ne’e, no prosesu balun ho Australia.”
“Exatamente ami konkorda, iha principiu, ha’u hakarak dehan “tuir principiu.” Ami simpatia ho problema refugidiadus tomak, trafiku ema husi roh, ema buka auxiliu politika. Ho razaun umanitaria ami prontu atu rona detallu tuir proposta husi parte Australia nian kona ba sa ida loos mak sei halo iha centru prosesamentu refugiadus nian ne’e. Too bainhira maka centru ne’e existe iha ami nia rain. Ema refugiadus (red. Estranjeiru) nain hirak maka presiza akomoda iha centru ida ne’e. Parte sira maka sei responsabiliza ba todan financia kustu fatin ne’e no buat sira seluk.”
“Ami tenke halo sasaen sira ne’e tuir mekanismu formal en detallu entre ita nia ofisiais kompetente ho parte Australianu nian, antes ita hola desizaun final, katak ba ita, ne’e bele aceita ka la’e.”
Maiske Prezidenti da Republika ko’alia ona ho Primeira Ministra Australia nian maibe Horta dale, “ami seidauk simu surat ruma ka halo enkontru ruma ona ho embaixador Australia nian ka ema ruma husi Kan-berra hodi hato’o ona ba ami proposta ida ita ko’alia daudaun ne’e.”
Horta indika katak ninia parte pronto ona atu ko’alia ho autoridade Kangaroo ninian iha momentu ruma maibe xefe estadu rekuinese difikuldades ninia nasaun nian. “Ami la iha infra estrutura, ba buat ne’e ita ko’alia ne’e maka kuandu ami aceita atu hakat ba oin entaun ita sei ko’alia kona ba fatin foun ida, harii infra estrutura, eletricidade, bee mos, sanitasaun no fatin halimar nian ba labarik sira,” dehan Prezidenti Horta.
Timor Leste sei sai hanesan Nasaun Nauru iha illa Pasifiku ne’ebe Australia harii centru detensaun ba Refujiadus sira ne’ebe hetan kritikas maka’as husi organizasaun direitus umanus kona ba kondisaun iha fatin refere nune’e Horta, “lakohi atu harii iha Timor Leste sai fatin detensaun ida hanesan iha centru sira seluk iha Australia.”
Nune’e duni nia sujere parte rua haree ba terseira parte. “Ita tenke involve ONU iha maneja buat ne’e tan ba tuir ami nia hanoin centru prosesamentu ida bele iha mos aceitasaun ho ONU no maneija husi ONU. La’os kontrola husi parte Australia ka Timor Leste nian.”Iha kalan (07/07) primeira Ministra Julia Gillard mos dehan ona atu bele haruka refujiadus sira ne’ebe iha hela Indonesia atu mai hela iha centru prosesamentu Timor Leste maibe Horta hataan, “se iha ema refujiadus iha Indonesia mak sai hanesan refujiadus loloos, la iha record criminal, ne’ebe prienxe ona rekezitu baze legal no umanitaria tenke transfere ona ba nasaun sira hanesan Australia, New Zealand ka fatin seluk, tan ba fatin sira ne’e maka sira hakarak ba, la’os muda husi fasilidade ida ba fali seluk tan Timor Leste hanesan fatin temporariu de’it.”
Nia realsa katak, “ha’u sei nunka atu aceita katak estabelecimentu centru hanesan ne’e iha Timor Leste sai fali hanesan mos pratika ba prizaun ida.”
Hafoin de hasoru malu ho Primeiru Ministru Xanana, Presidenti da Republika mos sorumutuk kedan ho eis Primeiru Ministru DR. Mari alkatiri ne’ebe sekretariu Jeral ba Partidu Fretilin. DR. Mari Alkatiri ne’ebe daudaun ne’e sai hanesan Sekretariu Jeral partidu Fretilin ne’e dehan nia sei rejeita nafatin prposta ba centru ne’e. Governu Fretilin uluk rejeita ona proposta hanesan husi uluk Primieru Ministru Australia, john Howard nian, hodi obriga Australia hakbesik aan fali ba Nauru. “Ne’e problema ba Australia nian, la’os Timor Leste ninian problema,” dehan Jose Texeira, porta Voz Partidu Fretilin.
Tuir partidu ne’ebe iha kadeira barak liu iha PN ne’e katak nia hanoin, “ne’e labele simu. Ita hanesan nasaun ki’ik ida ne’ebe sei tenta atu resolve problemas balun hanesan dezenvolve estadu, haberan instituisaun nasional estadu ninian, ne’e duni mak la justu i labele simu ho ulun malirin kuandu governu ruma iha nasaun ne’e ka mezmu Prezidenti da Republika simu centru prosesamentu ne’e.” Iha loron Kuarta Feira (07/07) PM Australia ne’e mos anunsia ona milaun $21 (Re. Amerika) hanesan pakote hodi aijuda nasaun sira iha asia hodi luta kontra trafiku umana. Indonesia sei hetan roh patroliamentu ho aviaun balun, nune’e mos polisia husi Malaysia, Tailandia, Pakistaun ho Sri Lanka sei hetan surveillance no ekipamentu sira seluk.
Tuir Abilio da Costa Ximenes, Estudante husi unversitariu ida iha Dili so’e biadas no kose ba rai, oin lider nasaun boot ne’e ninian. “Ehhhh...lalika dehan Timor Leste atu hetan sa ida.? Ita nian maka kala simu refujiadus tan ba sira hatene ita ne’e iha fuan. Ukun nain Australia nian mesak bosok ten, lohi ten no kanten. Lalika dehan foo bero ba ita. Timor Leste maka sosa rasik ho nia osan de’it mos sira tau kanuru tohar i agora tenta mai sama tan Xanana nia ulun. Sira paling foo apoiu hodi habokur ninia emar sira iha Timor Leste,” Abilio deklara.
Timor Leste ninia instituisaun sei frajil nafatin no la hatene osan boboot mai husi estranjeiru ne’e halo de’it sa ida maka iha parte seksaun Axiliu iha Ministeriu seguransa ninia okos sei servisu iha konteintor ida nia laran ho staff nain tolu de’it maiske iha konteintor nia loloon hakerek letra boboot “UNHCR.”
Hanesan Sekretariu Estadu Francisco Guterres dehan, “Timor Leste daudaun ne’e seidauk prontu atu simu proposta ne’e tan ba la iha kondisaun.”**
Iha parte seluk Sekretariu Jeral partidu CNRT Dionisio Babo mos dehan, “ami seidauk simu informasaun ofisial kona ba buat ne’e maibe tuir ha’u nia hanoin ne’e sei ideas preliminaria. Maiske nune’e tuir ha’u nia hanoin ne’e opsaun ida maka la diak ba Timor Leste atu sai hanesan fatin horik ba ema mak buka auxiliu nian, nune’e presiza hanoin didiak lai mak foti desizaun.”
Observasaun Tempo Semanal hatudu katak CNRT hamutuk ho ninia inimigu tradisional hodi rejeita hanoin husi PM Australia nian, tan ba tuir sira nia hanoin katak nasaun ne’e iha problema rasik atu resolve. Hanesan Sekretariu Jeral Partidu CNRT hateten ona iha leten, nune’e mos vice Presidenti Fretilin ninian. “Ami iha ami nia problema rasik atu resolve. Dezempregu barak, problema kiak, bee moos, sanitasaun, problema juventude, infra estrutura no seluk tan,” reforsa Arsenio Bano.
Bano deklara, “ne’e problema Australianu ninian no Timor Leste labele sai nafatin protetor ba Australia hanesan funu mundial daruak.”
Nasaun Australia hanesan destinasaun ba refujiadus sira tan ba nasaun ne’e prosperiu liu no nasaun ne’e bo'ot maibe agora sira buka sela naha todan ne’e ba nasaun ki’ik-ki’ik sira iha pasifiku no Timor Leste. “Australia la’os vijinu diak ida ba Timor Leste. Nasaun ne’e lahatene foo obrigado ba ita. Ita nia avon sira tulun sira iha segundu funu mundial maibe iha 1975 sira apoiu Indonesia mai oho ita. Bainhira ita sei terus sira ho Indonesia tenta nauk mina iha tasi Timor. Agora Kanberra nonok hodi foo dalan ba Woodside atu rejeita dada mina no gas husi Greater sun rise mai prosesa iha Timor Leste maibe husu ita atu foo fatin ba prosesamentu Refujiadus sira ne’ebe ninia tujuan atu ba Australia,” dehan Rui Castro emprejariu Timor oan iha Dili.
Istoria Australia ninia ho Timor Leste diak uitoan iha 1999 kuandu husi forsa Interfet mai tulun hakaman netik milisia Jakarta ninia destruisaun hafoin de konsulta popular maibe tuir Rui katak maioria atuasaun husi Australia buka benefisia ba sira nia aan nia la aceita kuandu rona katak loke centru ne’e sei lori benefisiu barak ba Timor oan. “Ha’u la fiar argumentu ne’e tan ba sira sei hariku tan sira nia ema iha nasaun ne’e hanesan aijuda ne’ebe sira foo daudaun mai ita. Kanberra hodi naran povu Timor Leste nian ba foti osan husi selu taxa nain sira mai hariku ninia adviser no konsultan sira iha Timor. Osan ne’ebe ajuda mai Timor Leste ne’e loloos osan ne’ebe sira nauk husi mina ne’e maka lori fali mai. Nune’e ha’u la aceita atu harii centru prosesamentu ba refujiadus iha Timor Leste.”
“Ha’u hanoin iha mos ideas balun husi Australia katak, “ema sira ne’ebe buka auxiliu ne’e balun mos bele terorista ida kuandu tama ona mai Timor Leste entaun bele foo liu tan razaun ba kanberra ho Woodside hodi argumenta katak rai ne’e la aman atu harii planta ba prosesa gas husi Greater Sunrise ninian,” alega Rui.
“Agora ha’u labele deskute la’i tan ba buat ne’e seidauk rezolvidu. Agora haree sa ida maka Governu Australia, Primeira Ministra foo sai mai Prezidenti depois maka bele,” xanana hataan ba perguntas anxiosus husi Jornalista sira nian. “Agora ha’u bele dehan katak ita open minded. Loke para ita bele deskute haree took , sa ida. Agora imi nian ba kedas ona bainhira hasai karik se maka hasai osan. Hasai husi Jornalista sira ka hasai husi Governu,” Xanana ko’alia ho oin hamnasa no matan rua piska ba jornalista sira.
Xanana dehan Timor Leste presiza hatudu ninia fuan boot ba dezastre umanu ida ne’e tan ba istoria Timor Leste ninian nakonu mos ho refujiadus. “Ita labele taka dalan no ita la loke dalan. Maibe ita labele haluha katak problema ne’e problema rejional duni. Ita insidentu iha area ida ke buat ne’e bele mai besi-besik ita. Foin daudauk ne’e, tinan kotuk ita kaer barku ida. 2002 depois de ita hetan Ukun an (re.ema) hat nolu resin ka besik lima nolu hanesan ne’e husi Sri lanka mai iha ne’e. Liu husi ita nia rain. Ne’ebe ita labele ses aan husi problema ida ne’e.”
Primeira Ministra Australia desrespeita soberania nasaun ne’e ninian no hakat liu konstituisaun RDTL hodi la konsulta uluk ho Primeiru Ministru Timor Leste antes anunsia ninia prefere opsaun maiske nia hatene katak pozisaun Prezidenti RDTL ninian hanesan de’it ho Governador jeneral iha Australia. Maiske nune’e Pm Xanana la hirus no hatudu nafatin ninia fuan boot hodi dehan, “hanesan estadu ida ami foo ba Presidenti maka lidera prosesu ida ne’e. Ami hein planu konkreta husi Governu Australia mak sei ko’alia ho Presidenti. Presidenti sei bolu ami. Certu ke presidenti sei koordena ho ami en termus ba halo diskusaun no haree kona ba impaktu pozitivu no negativu husi proposta ne’e. Presidenti mos sei bolu lider opozisaun sira no komponente sira iha ami nia sociedade nia laran. Tan ba se kuandu mak ami atu foti karik pozisaun ruma hanesan estadu ida ami hotu tenke involve.”
Timor leste ninia oan sira barak maka iha tinan 1975 sai hanesan refujiadus ba nasaun seluk tan ba invazaun husi Indonesia. Nune’e mos iha 1999 hafoin de Referendum populasaun Timor balun evakua ba Darwin no balun ba Indonesia ate agora maiske barak sei hela iha liur la’os hanesan Refujiadus ona maibe tan ba sira nia opsaun rasik. Nune’e Xanana dehan, “ami kompriende tebes lala’ok sira ne’e. Tuir iha espiritu umanitariu nian ka nia hanoin no persepsaun ba fenomena sira ne’e maka ami nakloke ba diskusaun. Ami nakloke ba halo diskusaun. Agora ami hein nafatin kontinuasaun kontaktu entre Primeira Ministra Julia ho Presidenti da Republika. “
Xanana ne’ebe iha fulan hirak ikus ne’e hurun Governu Australia kleuk didiak ne’e ho diplomasia dehan Governu entrega ba Prezidenti da Republika tan ba atu ba vizita distritu. “Primeiru Ministru foo konfiansa ba ha’u tan ba ha’u nia julgamentu, esperiansia no hanoin. Nune’e duni nia foo fiar ne’e mai ha’u. Loos duni atu hala’o servisu ne’e ha’u sei konsulta ho instituisaun relevante sira seluk,” dehan Ramos Horta.
Hafoin polimika ne’e la’o loron rua Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao iha kinta dader hakat liu ba hasoru malu ho Presidenti Horta. Tuir Ajenda Enkontru ne’e hahu husi 09.00-10.00. Maibe enkontru ne’e han hotu tempu ba Doutor especialista husi Korea ninian, la’o to’o tuku 11.37 maka Primeiru Ministru hakat tun husi eskada palacu Aitarak laran. Maiske ai tarak la latan netik iha eskada maibe PM Xanana hakat ho neineik ba hasoru cerku jornalista sira nian. Ba Jornalista sira ne’ebe dudu malu ho anxi ne’e PM Xanana informa katak nia no Xefe do Estadu ko’alia duni kona ba proposta husi Primeira Ministra Australia Julia Gillard ninian ne’ebe temi Timor Leste sai hanesan opsaun ba fatin Prosesamentu Refujiadus nian. “
Prezidenti da Republika Jose Ramos Horta ne’ebe ko’alia ona antes ho Primeira Ministra Julia Gillard ne’e rekuinese katak, “Loos duni, hanesan ha’u antisipa ona katak Primediru Ministru Xanana Gusmao iha hanoin hanesan ho ha’u kona ba konviksaun umanitaria nian. Nia delega ona mai ha’u, husu ona ha’u atu maneja ideas hirak ne’e, no prosesu balun ho Australia.”
“Exatamente ami konkorda, iha principiu, ha’u hakarak dehan “tuir principiu.” Ami simpatia ho problema refugidiadus tomak, trafiku ema husi roh, ema buka auxiliu politika. Ho razaun umanitaria ami prontu atu rona detallu tuir proposta husi parte Australia nian kona ba sa ida loos mak sei halo iha centru prosesamentu refugiadus nian ne’e. Too bainhira maka centru ne’e existe iha ami nia rain. Ema refugiadus (red. Estranjeiru) nain hirak maka presiza akomoda iha centru ida ne’e. Parte sira maka sei responsabiliza ba todan financia kustu fatin ne’e no buat sira seluk.”
“Ami tenke halo sasaen sira ne’e tuir mekanismu formal en detallu entre ita nia ofisiais kompetente ho parte Australianu nian, antes ita hola desizaun final, katak ba ita, ne’e bele aceita ka la’e.”
Maiske Prezidenti da Republika ko’alia ona ho Primeira Ministra Australia nian maibe Horta dale, “ami seidauk simu surat ruma ka halo enkontru ruma ona ho embaixador Australia nian ka ema ruma husi Kan-berra hodi hato’o ona ba ami proposta ida ita ko’alia daudaun ne’e.”
Horta indika katak ninia parte pronto ona atu ko’alia ho autoridade Kangaroo ninian iha momentu ruma maibe xefe estadu rekuinese difikuldades ninia nasaun nian. “Ami la iha infra estrutura, ba buat ne’e ita ko’alia ne’e maka kuandu ami aceita atu hakat ba oin entaun ita sei ko’alia kona ba fatin foun ida, harii infra estrutura, eletricidade, bee mos, sanitasaun no fatin halimar nian ba labarik sira,” dehan Prezidenti Horta.
Timor Leste sei sai hanesan Nasaun Nauru iha illa Pasifiku ne’ebe Australia harii centru detensaun ba Refujiadus sira ne’ebe hetan kritikas maka’as husi organizasaun direitus umanus kona ba kondisaun iha fatin refere nune’e Horta, “lakohi atu harii iha Timor Leste sai fatin detensaun ida hanesan iha centru sira seluk iha Australia.”
Nune’e duni nia sujere parte rua haree ba terseira parte. “Ita tenke involve ONU iha maneja buat ne’e tan ba tuir ami nia hanoin centru prosesamentu ida bele iha mos aceitasaun ho ONU no maneija husi ONU. La’os kontrola husi parte Australia ka Timor Leste nian.”Iha kalan (07/07) primeira Ministra Julia Gillard mos dehan ona atu bele haruka refujiadus sira ne’ebe iha hela Indonesia atu mai hela iha centru prosesamentu Timor Leste maibe Horta hataan, “se iha ema refujiadus iha Indonesia mak sai hanesan refujiadus loloos, la iha record criminal, ne’ebe prienxe ona rekezitu baze legal no umanitaria tenke transfere ona ba nasaun sira hanesan Australia, New Zealand ka fatin seluk, tan ba fatin sira ne’e maka sira hakarak ba, la’os muda husi fasilidade ida ba fali seluk tan Timor Leste hanesan fatin temporariu de’it.”
Nia realsa katak, “ha’u sei nunka atu aceita katak estabelecimentu centru hanesan ne’e iha Timor Leste sai fali hanesan mos pratika ba prizaun ida.”
Hafoin de hasoru malu ho Primeiru Ministru Xanana, Presidenti da Republika mos sorumutuk kedan ho eis Primeiru Ministru DR. Mari alkatiri ne’ebe sekretariu Jeral ba Partidu Fretilin. DR. Mari Alkatiri ne’ebe daudaun ne’e sai hanesan Sekretariu Jeral partidu Fretilin ne’e dehan nia sei rejeita nafatin prposta ba centru ne’e. Governu Fretilin uluk rejeita ona proposta hanesan husi uluk Primieru Ministru Australia, john Howard nian, hodi obriga Australia hakbesik aan fali ba Nauru. “Ne’e problema ba Australia nian, la’os Timor Leste ninian problema,” dehan Jose Texeira, porta Voz Partidu Fretilin.
Tuir partidu ne’ebe iha kadeira barak liu iha PN ne’e katak nia hanoin, “ne’e labele simu. Ita hanesan nasaun ki’ik ida ne’ebe sei tenta atu resolve problemas balun hanesan dezenvolve estadu, haberan instituisaun nasional estadu ninian, ne’e duni mak la justu i labele simu ho ulun malirin kuandu governu ruma iha nasaun ne’e ka mezmu Prezidenti da Republika simu centru prosesamentu ne’e.” Iha loron Kuarta Feira (07/07) PM Australia ne’e mos anunsia ona milaun $21 (Re. Amerika) hanesan pakote hodi aijuda nasaun sira iha asia hodi luta kontra trafiku umana. Indonesia sei hetan roh patroliamentu ho aviaun balun, nune’e mos polisia husi Malaysia, Tailandia, Pakistaun ho Sri Lanka sei hetan surveillance no ekipamentu sira seluk.
Tuir Abilio da Costa Ximenes, Estudante husi unversitariu ida iha Dili so’e biadas no kose ba rai, oin lider nasaun boot ne’e ninian. “Ehhhh...lalika dehan Timor Leste atu hetan sa ida.? Ita nian maka kala simu refujiadus tan ba sira hatene ita ne’e iha fuan. Ukun nain Australia nian mesak bosok ten, lohi ten no kanten. Lalika dehan foo bero ba ita. Timor Leste maka sosa rasik ho nia osan de’it mos sira tau kanuru tohar i agora tenta mai sama tan Xanana nia ulun. Sira paling foo apoiu hodi habokur ninia emar sira iha Timor Leste,” Abilio deklara.
Timor Leste ninia instituisaun sei frajil nafatin no la hatene osan boboot mai husi estranjeiru ne’e halo de’it sa ida maka iha parte seksaun Axiliu iha Ministeriu seguransa ninia okos sei servisu iha konteintor ida nia laran ho staff nain tolu de’it maiske iha konteintor nia loloon hakerek letra boboot “UNHCR.”
Hanesan Sekretariu Estadu Francisco Guterres dehan, “Timor Leste daudaun ne’e seidauk prontu atu simu proposta ne’e tan ba la iha kondisaun.”**
Saturday, 17 July 2010
President Horta Return From China no Comment on Refugees Centre
The President of the Democratic Republic of East Timor, Jose Ramos-Horta has returned to East Timor after attending the Shanghai Expo.
According to the Head of State the Expo was very successful, however the when asked about other matters the President refused to comment.
"I will only talk about the Expo and no other matters because I have just returned. If there are any other questions will talk in the next coming week.”
First of all Mr. Ramos-Horta congratulated the Chinese Government. "I would like to congratulate the Chinese authorities who made this Expo event bigger than any other previous Expo," said Ramos-Horta.
Mr. Ramos-Horta also praised East Timor's General Commissioner to the Shanghai Expo, Mr. Agio Pereira (Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers) and his two deputies for their hard work for the event.
Despite saying he would not discuss other matters the LUSA correspondent present at the press conference asked a question in regard to East Timor becoming a member of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). President Ramos- Horta gave a positive answer. However, the Head of State rejected to comment on the National Parliament’s recent and unanimous rejection of the Australian PM's proposal to build a processing centre in East Timor for asylum seekers and refugees seeking admission to Australia. "Sorry I am not answering that," President Ramos-Horta said.
Ramos-Horta promised will talk about the issue after discussing the matter with the Prime Minister of East Timor, Xanana Gusmao.
Futhermore, President Ramos-Horta chastised Jose Belo the editor in chief of Tempo Semanal who recently published an Opinion Editorial Sydney Morning Herald on 16 July. "I am not as intelligent as a certain journalist who wrote an opinion piece for a foreign newspaper who have strong opinions on this issue," criticized Horta.
Editorial UPDATE:
"I am very happy today when i saw my Timorese journalist veteran and now my President angry at me because it makes me remember a message from my mentor Max Stahl, when he told me that a good article or story is when made those in the story are made angry ," said Jose Belo.
In September 2009 President Jose Ramos-Horta awarded a Medal of Recognition to Tempo Semanal for its work in Journalism in Timor-Leste. During the award ceremony Horta "in his remark says that if later Jose Belo and Tempo Semanal would target him in the future no problem."
According to the Head of State the Expo was very successful, however the when asked about other matters the President refused to comment.
"I will only talk about the Expo and no other matters because I have just returned. If there are any other questions will talk in the next coming week.”
First of all Mr. Ramos-Horta congratulated the Chinese Government. "I would like to congratulate the Chinese authorities who made this Expo event bigger than any other previous Expo," said Ramos-Horta.
Mr. Ramos-Horta also praised East Timor's General Commissioner to the Shanghai Expo, Mr. Agio Pereira (Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers) and his two deputies for their hard work for the event.
Despite saying he would not discuss other matters the LUSA correspondent present at the press conference asked a question in regard to East Timor becoming a member of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). President Ramos- Horta gave a positive answer. However, the Head of State rejected to comment on the National Parliament’s recent and unanimous rejection of the Australian PM's proposal to build a processing centre in East Timor for asylum seekers and refugees seeking admission to Australia. "Sorry I am not answering that," President Ramos-Horta said.
Ramos-Horta promised will talk about the issue after discussing the matter with the Prime Minister of East Timor, Xanana Gusmao.
Futhermore, President Ramos-Horta chastised Jose Belo the editor in chief of Tempo Semanal who recently published an Opinion Editorial Sydney Morning Herald on 16 July. "I am not as intelligent as a certain journalist who wrote an opinion piece for a foreign newspaper who have strong opinions on this issue," criticized Horta.
Editorial UPDATE:
"I am very happy today when i saw my Timorese journalist veteran and now my President angry at me because it makes me remember a message from my mentor Max Stahl, when he told me that a good article or story is when made those in the story are made angry ," said Jose Belo.
In September 2009 President Jose Ramos-Horta awarded a Medal of Recognition to Tempo Semanal for its work in Journalism in Timor-Leste. During the award ceremony Horta "in his remark says that if later Jose Belo and Tempo Semanal would target him in the future no problem."
East Timor has other priorities to deal with
July 15, 2010
The plan to detain asylum seekers on East Timor is unacceptable to its people on procedural and practical grounds. The procedural flaw was evident from the day Australia's Prime Minister announced it without consulting East Timor's government.
Clearly, the Australian government does not want to admit it made a mistake, particularly so close to an election. But rational people in both countries can see a mistake was made.
In East Timor the initial reaction was surprise, followed by annoyance at what was perceived to be Canberra's high-handedness. The Timorese people did not appreciate being taken for granted. The Vice-Prime Minister, Jose Luis Guterres, said the plan was unwelcome, and many MPs and civil society groups strongly rejected the proposal.
The Prime Minister, Xanana Gusmao, in what is no doubt a cute political trick, suggested the President, Jose Ramos-Horta, should continue discussions with Julia Gillard. Gusmao knows Ramos-Horta has no constitutional competency in this area, and so any deal struck can be cast aside.
Perhaps Gusmao is seeking to cut a deal by which the Australian government strong-arms Woodside into a pipeline to East Timor in exchange for establishing an processing centre for asylum seekers. But Gusmao needs to understand his government's internal deliberations will be targeted by Australian intelligence.
The argument for a detention centre fails on practical grounds, too. The claim lots of money and jobs will come to Timor as a result of the centre is not believed. Hundreds of millions of dollars in Australian aid have flowed to Timor in the past decade, and much of it has flowed right out again in, for example, the form of salaries for a highly paid army of foreign consultants and advisers.
Meanwhile, poverty has not been alleviated, corruption is on the rise and the local economy has been distorted. Some aid has been beneficial, and many Australian volunteers do wonderful work here, building bonds of friendship between our two peoples that will last for generations.
But look up "boomerang aid" online and you will understand why we are sceptical. Australians should be sceptical, too; they're your tax dollars, and they should be spent on poverty alleviation in East Timor, not salaries for foreign consultants.
Just two days after Gillard's announcement, torrential rain and mudslides washed away 800 houses in Viqueque, in the south-east. The Timorese people believe our government should be dealing with these problems rather than being distracted by new, imported ones.
In the East Timorese parliament, government and opposition members passed unanimously a resolution rejecting the detention centre plan. Not everyone was present for the vote; some MPs were out in the districts meeting their constituents. But had they been in Dili, the result would not have been different.
Just over 10 years ago, the Indonesian military destroyed up to 80 per cent of our infrastructure as it withdrew. This is being rebuilt, and our country is still in a state of transition. The people believe the government should focus on our own developmental needs.
Many East Timorese people want to find the bones of their relatives and loved ones, work for an international tribunal for the most severe perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and build new lives for ourselves. A detention centre for asylum seekers heading for Australia is not the most pressing issue for us.
Many East Timorese, including the generation after Gusmao, have a long and proud history of successful resistance to foreign domination. The Australian people have always been sympathetic to East Timor's independence struggle, despite the conduct of successive Australian governments. The Australian government may be making a mistake if it thinks it is dealing with another Nauru.
If part of East Timor should be turned over to Australian administration for the purpose of processing refugees, then why not turn over to East Timor for revenue purposes that part of Australia where a gas pipeline runs from the Timor Sea?
At the moment Australia gets the oil and gas pipeline but East Timor gets the asylum seekers. Sounds like a bad deal for the asylum seekers and the people of East Timor.
Jose Belo is the editor-in-chief of the Dili newspaper Tempo Semanal
STL MIsqueto Pedro Belo Fuel anger TL War Veterans may create tension
The newspaper with the widest circulation in East Timor STL Suara Timor Loro Sa'e misquoted the Dili police Commander Pedro Belo, angering Timorese veterans of the Independence Struggle. On 13 July 2010 STL published a headline "L-7 suspected involvement in illegal trade," and it's sub title, "PNTL confiscated more 60 tires."
Cornelio Gama known as L-7 is a Falintil Guerilla veteran who fought against Indonesian occupation for 24 years and is today a member of parliament from the UNDERTIM party. In the same headline STL misquoted Pedro Belo writing, "Pedro said the time to claim ourselves as veterans or heroes has passed. Now is the time for every body to come under the law."
Pedro Belo denied ever saying any such words to defame the veterans of East Timor resistance. The veterans are demanding a legal investigation of the case to find the truth. The newspaper STL, which is supported by the governments of USA, Finland and Japan's Jica, has publicly acknowledged it made a mistake and has printed a correction. Some MP's are demanding that STL be shut down if it is found that STL did make the mistake because they believe that its action may have caused frictions in the country. But if the statement published on STL can be totally attributed to Mr. Pedro Belo then the veterans demand his resignation. Suai District veterans have reacted by informing the veteran's commission that they are preparing to come to Dili over the issue.
The issue of East Timor's veterans is a very sensitive one, which if not handled carefully may cause problems. The Timorese Government is in the process of creating a commission to help identify those who are veterans and currently the state has started to pay veteran's pensions to some beneficiaries.
A number of East Timorese political leaders who are veterans, though respectful of the freedom of the press, are very angry with STL for having published the story in question. MP and veteran David Ximenes alleges that STL has now made a habit of committing such “errors” and then following up with “corrections”.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Fujileiru USA ho ISF treina funu Hamutuk ho F-FDTL
Ro ahi Asaltu Naval USS amphibious ka Forsa Tasi no Rai nian ho naran USS Peleliu (LHA 5) no Roahi USS amphibious para iha tasi entre Dili ho Atauro no ninia emar sira sai ba Portu. Marina Ameriukanu sira halo exersisiu konjunta ida ho forsas armadas Falintil-Forsa Defesa de Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no Forsa Estabilizasaun Internasional ka (ISF) iha Manatutu. Maiske udan boot maibe military husi nasaun hat ne’e hala’o sira nia treinamentu ho furak.

“Fuzileiru no Marineiru sira husi 15 MEU no husi Grupu de Prontidaun husi Pepeliu Amphibios (PEL ARG) hens los oportunidade ba treinu ida ne’e iha Timor-Leste. Hamutuk ho ami nia parseirus iha rejiaun ida ne’e,ami sei bele halao treinu realistiku oin oin iha ambiente nebe tropical no ho desafiu barak ” Dehan Col. Roy Osborn, Ofisial de Komandu husi MEU 15. “ Ami sente honra bot ho ida ne’e no ami kontente tebes ho potensial ba operasaun seluk aban bainrua,” dehan komandante USA ne’e.
“Fo tratamentu ba ema hanesan maneira ida hodi hatudu Estadus Unidus nia komitimentu atu fo suporta no desenvolve nasaun Timor-Leste,” dehan Kmdr. George Linville, operasaun ro amphibious nia task force. “Esforsu nebe halo husi PEL ARG no 15th MEU atu lori mai kuidadus medikus n dental nebe ho kualidade ba sidadauns husi Timor-Leste representa tradisaun diak ida husi Corpu Fuzileirus no Marina nia ekipa de saude.”
U.S. nian Fuzileirus no Marineirus sei visita Dili no sei halo parseria ho governu lokal hodi halo atividades oi-oin. Forsa sira mos sei halao visita ba Orfanatu Santa Dominican nian no Orfanatu Santa Bakhita iha Dili, nune’e mos fo suplai sasan eskola nian ba eskola lokal ida.
Programa ida husi planu ne’e maka atividade tebe bola entre forsas armadas U.S. nian ho Forsas F-FDTL iha STADIUM Municipal Dili. Iventu tebe bola ne’e tuir orariu sei realize iha Tersa Feira Fulan Junu loron 22, iha oras tuku ha’at ho balun (1630) oras Timor-Leste no loke ba publiku.
“Atu hola parte iha exersisiu multilateral hanesan ida ne’e sae hanesan oportunidade bot ida mai ami hodi halo kontribuisaun positiva ba Timor nia sosiedade, liu liu wainhira ami desenvolve relasaun militar ida ho F-FDTL ,” dehan Jonathan Henick Encarregadu de Negosius husi Embaixada Ustadus Unidus Amerika iha Dili. Atividades hirak ne’e hetan koordenasaun liu husi Oficial adidu militar U.S. nian iha Timor-Leste ka (ODC).
Ida ne’e ba darua mak Forsa Naval no Korpu Fuzileirus halao treinu multilateral. Tinan Kotuk, forsa marina husi Ro ho naran USS Bonhomme Richard (LHA) hola parte ka partisipa iha iventu nebe hanesan.
Ro Ahi PEL ARG amphibious terseiru, transporta ka lori Ro-ahi USS Dubuque (LPD 8) ba partisipa porsaun exersisiu Krokodilo ka Lafaek seluk iha rai vizinu Indonesia.

“Ami hakarak fo obrigadu ba povo Timor Leste nia kooperasaun durante ezersísiu ne’e no ami orgullu servisu hamutuk ho ita boot sira nia Forsa Defeza F- FDTL,”dehan Coronél Stuart.
“Ami husu ba komunidade sira atu hadook aan husi ezersísiu militar ne’e no rona konsellu husi pesoál militar nian. Ida ne’e atu garantia ema ida- idak nia seguransa,” dehan Coronél Stuart.
Tuir observasaun Tempo Semanal USA ho Australia lakohi lakon oin ba Xina nune'e duni sira mos hakarak apoiu Treinamentu ba F-FDTL. Apoiu ne'ebe mai husi Estadu Unidus da Amerika ho Australia sempre mai ho rekerementu oi-oin hanesan respeitu direitus umanus, demokrasia, boa governasaun, liberdade de Expresaun maibe haree didiak nasaun boboot sira ne'e mak viola hodi hun......
East Timor has other priorities to deal with
July 15, 2010
The plan to detain asylum seekers on East Timor is unacceptable to its people on procedural and practical grounds. The procedural flaw was evident from the day Australia's Prime Minister announced it without consulting East Timor's government.
Clearly, the Australian government does not want to admit it made a mistake, particularly so close to an election. But rational people in both countries can see a mistake was made.
In East Timor the initial reaction was surprise, followed by annoyance at what was perceived to be Canberra's high-handedness. The Timorese people did not appreciate being taken for granted. The Vice-Prime Minister, Jose Luis Guterres, said the plan was unwelcome, and many MPs and civil society groups strongly rejected the proposal.
The Prime Minister, Xanana Gusmao, in what is no doubt a cute political trick, suggested the President, Jose Ramos-Horta, should continue discussions with Julia Gillard. Gusmao knows Ramos-Horta has no constitutional competency in this area, and so any deal struck can be cast aside.
Perhaps Gusmao is seeking to cut a deal by which the Australian government strong-arms Woodside into a pipeline to East Timor in exchange for establishing an processing centre for asylum seekers. But Gusmao needs to understand his government's internal deliberations will be targeted by Australian intelligence.
The argument for a detention centre fails on practical grounds, too. The claim lots of money and jobs will come to Timor as a result of the centre is not believed. Hundreds of millions of dollars in Australian aid have flowed to Timor in the past decade, and much of it has flowed right out again in, for example, the form of salaries for a highly paid army of foreign consultants and advisers.
Meanwhile, poverty has not been alleviated, corruption is on the rise and the local economy has been distorted. Some aid has been beneficial, and many Australian volunteers do wonderful work here, building bonds of friendship between our two peoples that will last for generations.
But look up "boomerang aid" online and you will understand why we are sceptical. Australians should be sceptical, too; they're your tax dollars, and they should be spent on poverty alleviation in East Timor, not salaries for foreign consultants.
Just two days after Gillard's announcement, torrential rain and mudslides washed away 800 houses in Viqueque, in the south-east. The Timorese people believe our government should be dealing with these problems rather than being distracted by new, imported ones.
In the East Timorese parliament, government and opposition members passed unanimously a resolution rejecting the detention centre plan. Not everyone was present for the vote; some MPs were out in the districts meeting their constituents. But had they been in Dili, the result would not have been different.
Just over 10 years ago, the Indonesian military destroyed up to 80 per cent of our infrastructure as it withdrew. This is being rebuilt, and our country is still in a state of transition. The people believe the government should focus on our own developmental needs.
Many East Timorese people want to find the bones of their relatives and loved ones, work for an international tribunal for the most severe perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and build new lives for ourselves. A detention centre for asylum seekers heading for Australia is not the most pressing issue for us.
Many East Timorese, including the generation after Gusmao, have a long and proud history of successful resistance to foreign domination. The Australian people have always been sympathetic to East Timor's independence struggle, despite the conduct of successive Australian governments. The Australian government may be making a mistake if it thinks it is dealing with another Nauru.
If part of East Timor should be turned over to Australian administration for the purpose of processing refugees, then why not turn over to East Timor for revenue purposes that part of Australia where a gas pipeline runs from the Timor Sea?
At the moment Australia gets the oil and gas pipeline but East Timor gets the asylum seekers. Sounds like a bad deal for the asylum seekers and the people of East Timor.
Jose Belo is the editor-in-chief of the Dili newspaper Tempo Semanal.
July 15, 2010
The plan to detain asylum seekers on East Timor is unacceptable to its people on procedural and practical grounds. The procedural flaw was evident from the day Australia's Prime Minister announced it without consulting East Timor's government.
Clearly, the Australian government does not want to admit it made a mistake, particularly so close to an election. But rational people in both countries can see a mistake was made.
In East Timor the initial reaction was surprise, followed by annoyance at what was perceived to be Canberra's high-handedness. The Timorese people did not appreciate being taken for granted. The Vice-Prime Minister, Jose Luis Guterres, said the plan was unwelcome, and many MPs and civil society groups strongly rejected the proposal.
The Prime Minister, Xanana Gusmao, in what is no doubt a cute political trick, suggested the President, Jose Ramos-Horta, should continue discussions with Julia Gillard. Gusmao knows Ramos-Horta has no constitutional competency in this area, and so any deal struck can be cast aside.
Perhaps Gusmao is seeking to cut a deal by which the Australian government strong-arms Woodside into a pipeline to East Timor in exchange for establishing an processing centre for asylum seekers. But Gusmao needs to understand his government's internal deliberations will be targeted by Australian intelligence.
The argument for a detention centre fails on practical grounds, too. The claim lots of money and jobs will come to Timor as a result of the centre is not believed. Hundreds of millions of dollars in Australian aid have flowed to Timor in the past decade, and much of it has flowed right out again in, for example, the form of salaries for a highly paid army of foreign consultants and advisers.
Meanwhile, poverty has not been alleviated, corruption is on the rise and the local economy has been distorted. Some aid has been beneficial, and many Australian volunteers do wonderful work here, building bonds of friendship between our two peoples that will last for generations.
But look up "boomerang aid" online and you will understand why we are sceptical. Australians should be sceptical, too; they're your tax dollars, and they should be spent on poverty alleviation in East Timor, not salaries for foreign consultants.
Just two days after Gillard's announcement, torrential rain and mudslides washed away 800 houses in Viqueque, in the south-east. The Timorese people believe our government should be dealing with these problems rather than being distracted by new, imported ones.
In the East Timorese parliament, government and opposition members passed unanimously a resolution rejecting the detention centre plan. Not everyone was present for the vote; some MPs were out in the districts meeting their constituents. But had they been in Dili, the result would not have been different.
Just over 10 years ago, the Indonesian military destroyed up to 80 per cent of our infrastructure as it withdrew. This is being rebuilt, and our country is still in a state of transition. The people believe the government should focus on our own developmental needs.
Many East Timorese people want to find the bones of their relatives and loved ones, work for an international tribunal for the most severe perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and build new lives for ourselves. A detention centre for asylum seekers heading for Australia is not the most pressing issue for us.
Many East Timorese, including the generation after Gusmao, have a long and proud history of successful resistance to foreign domination. The Australian people have always been sympathetic to East Timor's independence struggle, despite the conduct of successive Australian governments. The Australian government may be making a mistake if it thinks it is dealing with another Nauru.
If part of East Timor should be turned over to Australian administration for the purpose of processing refugees, then why not turn over to East Timor for revenue purposes that part of Australia where a gas pipeline runs from the Timor Sea?
At the moment Australia gets the oil and gas pipeline but East Timor gets the asylum seekers. Sounds like a bad deal for the asylum seekers and the people of East Timor.
Jose Belo is the editor-in-chief of the Dili newspaper Tempo Semanal.
STL Hakerek Pedro Nega Veteranus Hirus STL Monu Ain
Iha tuku 10.25 oras TL dadersan eis veteranus sira tuur haleu ona meja konferensia Parlamentu Nasional hodi denunsia sai sira nia hanoin kona ba polimika deskonfia deklarasasun husi komandante Polisia estasaun Distritu Dili Pedro Belo ne’ebe foo publika sai iha Jornal SUARA TIMOR LOROSAE (STL) edisaun No. 8781/tinan XVII, loron Tersa, 13 Jullu 2010 ho titlu, “Diskunfia, L-7 Komete Negosiu Ilegal” ho sub titulu, “PNTL Prende Roda foun 60 Liu.”
Deputadu husi bankada Fretilin ne’ebe iha tempu rezistensia hanesan secretariu CEL/FC troka saudozu Sabalae mak loke konferensia de imprensa ne’e hodi fo liu tempu ba Renan Selak eis Sekretariu Rejiaun Gerrilla numeru Um, hanesan lian Nain ba komisaun ne’e. Faustino Renan informa ba jornalista sira katak, “desde sira (red. Veteranus) asiste televizaun sira hahu halo reasaun a nivel nasional. Sira ejiji mai ami katak problema ne’e ami labele husik. I ami sei lori problema ne’e ba oin too loron rum abele hetan solusaun, solusaun ida ke bele hasoru ami nia hanoin.”
Renan informa ba publiku katak ho konkordansia husi veteranus nian, sira hili ona eis komandante gerilla Gill da Costa sai hanesan koordenador no ninia membru nain 12 ne’ebe interesante mai husi partidu oi-oin no teritoriu tomak. “Ami kuandu lori problema ne’e ba oin, atu membru governu, atu ministru defeza, atu entidade ruma maka iha interese atu foo solusaun ba problema ne’e sei labele resolve individualmente ho membru ida de’it, nem que seja ho ami ne’ebe implikadu ka involvidu iha problema maibe tenke ho komisaun,” esplika Renan.
Tuir Veteranus sira ne’e consider problema refere iha nosaun rua. “Primeiru problema politiku hanesan mos problema juridiku. “Ami konsidera ida ne’e tan ba esteitmentu Sr. Komandante Pedro nian ne’ebe sai iha STL, i ohin ami haree fali jornal STL nian dehan hadia tiha ona. Ami nia komentar mak ne’e, se mak bele kompriende STL maka hakarak hakerek sala, kuandu hakerek artigu tolu ke naruk lahalimar liga artigu ne’e, artigu tolu ne’e liga malu. Se mak bele kompriende katak STL maka hakerek sala. I ha’u fiar, ami lor-loron, ami veteranus ne’ebe ami moris ho ita boot sira durente kuaze tinan 10, ami hatene katak media ruma kuandu halo, atu hakerek buat ruma primeiru halo intervista, i intervista ne’e tenke husi gravasaun mak ba hakerek,” dehan Renan.
“Ami nia pozisaun maka ne’e, se Pedro sala hasai. Tan ba esteitmentu tolu ne’e liga malu i depois STL ohin hadia katak sira maka hakerek sala. Se STL maka sala taka,” Renan koa’lia ho liman loos mak kaer hela lapiza foo sinal (re: doku).
Nia realsa, “ne’e ami nia pozisaun, Pedro sala duni nia sai, STL mak sala, STL tenke taka.”
Iha parte seluk David Ximenes sani hikas lia fuan ne’ebe sunu veteranus sira nia hirus iha paragrafu 8 jornal STL ne’ebe hakerek katak, “Pedro dehan, tempu atu sura kolen hanesan Veteranus ka heroi liu ona. Agora tempu atu povu hamriik iha lei nia okos.”
“Se karik ida ne’e maka ko’alia duni, enatun ita dehan hanesan ne’e, kuandu ita hamriik iha Upacara ruma, ceremonia ruma dehan katak um minute de silensiu ba Erois sira ita tenke lalika halo.Ita ko’alia fali ba reparasaun dos vitima lalika ona.Ita ko’alia fali ba veteranus nia prosesu lalika ona. Ita para hotu tiha de’it ona. Artigu 11 konstituisaun ninian ita tenke reve fali ona, purke dehan katak liu ona,” esplika Manu Dati.
Nia kestiona, “ tan bas a ida? Rekonsiliasaun permatura, la iha metodu ida. Ida ne’e maka buat sira ne’e ohin loron sai hanesan ne’e, ” Davis Esplika.
Nia hatuir, “Se ita nia lain, ita nia maun, Pedro sala, ninia lia fuan sala, ninia destinu iha. Ami sei ko’alia ho ministru de defeza ho Seguransa ninia, para iha prosesu ida.”
“Se karik STL maka STL, pasiensia, mais ida ne’e labele ona. Purke ida ne’e hanesan fali be, provokasaun ne’e beibeik de’it ona. Ralat, ralat. Ohin ko’alia sala, hodi seik ko’alia sala, bainrua ko’alia sla...ralat hela de’it...ralat hela de’it mas sira ba beibeik formasaun opiniaun publika ne’e iha hela. Politika ne’e formasaun opiniaun publika mak menentukan,” deskonfia David Ximenes.
Iha edisaun STL, No. 8782/tinan XVII, loron Kuarta 14 Jullu 2010 ho geadline AMP-Fretilin Husu demite Pedro Belo no sub titulu Pedro: "Ha'u nunka Hatete la'os Tempu Sura kolen, Komandante PNTL ne'e nega katak nia maka hateten lia fuan hirak ne'e. Nune'e duni iha edisau no. 8783/tinan XVII loron kinta, 15 Jullu 2010, STL publika hadia fali no husu deskulba hafoin rekuinese failansu iha paragrafu 9 (Red: loloos Paragrafu 8) ne'ebe sita Pedro dehan, tempu atu sura kolen hanesan veteranu ka heroi liu ona. Ne'e la loos."
"Ba Failansu ne'e ami hato'o deskulba," hakerek STL.
Istoria kompletu Jornal ne’e sei hatuun iha semana oin......
Deputadu husi bankada Fretilin ne’ebe iha tempu rezistensia hanesan secretariu CEL/FC troka saudozu Sabalae mak loke konferensia de imprensa ne’e hodi fo liu tempu ba Renan Selak eis Sekretariu Rejiaun Gerrilla numeru Um, hanesan lian Nain ba komisaun ne’e. Faustino Renan informa ba jornalista sira katak, “desde sira (red. Veteranus) asiste televizaun sira hahu halo reasaun a nivel nasional. Sira ejiji mai ami katak problema ne’e ami labele husik. I ami sei lori problema ne’e ba oin too loron rum abele hetan solusaun, solusaun ida ke bele hasoru ami nia hanoin.”
Renan informa ba publiku katak ho konkordansia husi veteranus nian, sira hili ona eis komandante gerilla Gill da Costa sai hanesan koordenador no ninia membru nain 12 ne’ebe interesante mai husi partidu oi-oin no teritoriu tomak. “Ami kuandu lori problema ne’e ba oin, atu membru governu, atu ministru defeza, atu entidade ruma maka iha interese atu foo solusaun ba problema ne’e sei labele resolve individualmente ho membru ida de’it, nem que seja ho ami ne’ebe implikadu ka involvidu iha problema maibe tenke ho komisaun,” esplika Renan.
Tuir Veteranus sira ne’e consider problema refere iha nosaun rua. “Primeiru problema politiku hanesan mos problema juridiku. “Ami konsidera ida ne’e tan ba esteitmentu Sr. Komandante Pedro nian ne’ebe sai iha STL, i ohin ami haree fali jornal STL nian dehan hadia tiha ona. Ami nia komentar mak ne’e, se mak bele kompriende STL maka hakarak hakerek sala, kuandu hakerek artigu tolu ke naruk lahalimar liga artigu ne’e, artigu tolu ne’e liga malu. Se mak bele kompriende katak STL maka hakerek sala. I ha’u fiar, ami lor-loron, ami veteranus ne’ebe ami moris ho ita boot sira durente kuaze tinan 10, ami hatene katak media ruma kuandu halo, atu hakerek buat ruma primeiru halo intervista, i intervista ne’e tenke husi gravasaun mak ba hakerek,” dehan Renan.
“Ami nia pozisaun maka ne’e, se Pedro sala hasai. Tan ba esteitmentu tolu ne’e liga malu i depois STL ohin hadia katak sira maka hakerek sala. Se STL maka sala taka,” Renan koa’lia ho liman loos mak kaer hela lapiza foo sinal (re: doku).
Nia realsa, “ne’e ami nia pozisaun, Pedro sala duni nia sai, STL mak sala, STL tenke taka.”
Iha parte seluk David Ximenes sani hikas lia fuan ne’ebe sunu veteranus sira nia hirus iha paragrafu 8 jornal STL ne’ebe hakerek katak, “Pedro dehan, tempu atu sura kolen hanesan Veteranus ka heroi liu ona. Agora tempu atu povu hamriik iha lei nia okos.”
“Se karik ida ne’e maka ko’alia duni, enatun ita dehan hanesan ne’e, kuandu ita hamriik iha Upacara ruma, ceremonia ruma dehan katak um minute de silensiu ba Erois sira ita tenke lalika halo.Ita ko’alia fali ba reparasaun dos vitima lalika ona.Ita ko’alia fali ba veteranus nia prosesu lalika ona. Ita para hotu tiha de’it ona. Artigu 11 konstituisaun ninian ita tenke reve fali ona, purke dehan katak liu ona,” esplika Manu Dati.
Nia kestiona, “ tan bas a ida? Rekonsiliasaun permatura, la iha metodu ida. Ida ne’e maka buat sira ne’e ohin loron sai hanesan ne’e, ” Davis Esplika.
Nia hatuir, “Se ita nia lain, ita nia maun, Pedro sala, ninia lia fuan sala, ninia destinu iha. Ami sei ko’alia ho ministru de defeza ho Seguransa ninia, para iha prosesu ida.”
“Se karik STL maka STL, pasiensia, mais ida ne’e labele ona. Purke ida ne’e hanesan fali be, provokasaun ne’e beibeik de’it ona. Ralat, ralat. Ohin ko’alia sala, hodi seik ko’alia sala, bainrua ko’alia sla...ralat hela de’it...ralat hela de’it mas sira ba beibeik formasaun opiniaun publika ne’e iha hela. Politika ne’e formasaun opiniaun publika mak menentukan,” deskonfia David Ximenes.
Iha edisaun STL, No. 8782/tinan XVII, loron Kuarta 14 Jullu 2010 ho geadline AMP-Fretilin Husu demite Pedro Belo no sub titulu Pedro: "Ha'u nunka Hatete la'os Tempu Sura kolen, Komandante PNTL ne'e nega katak nia maka hateten lia fuan hirak ne'e. Nune'e duni iha edisau no. 8783/tinan XVII loron kinta, 15 Jullu 2010, STL publika hadia fali no husu deskulba hafoin rekuinese failansu iha paragrafu 9 (Red: loloos Paragrafu 8) ne'ebe sita Pedro dehan, tempu atu sura kolen hanesan veteranu ka heroi liu ona. Ne'e la loos."
"Ba Failansu ne'e ami hato'o deskulba," hakerek STL.
Istoria kompletu Jornal ne’e sei hatuun iha semana oin......
Monday, 12 July 2010
East Timor Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao and Jose Ramos Horta decided on Thursday, Last week to open the door for the newly Australian Prime Minister to present the proposal but today the Timor Leste Parliament voted unanimously against the Propossal.
We haven't get any comment from President Horta who has agreed to lead the team to negotiated with Australia. Mr. Horta is in shanghai while Xanana is on the trip to Ermera District to have his strategic development plan consultation
TL Parliament Dumping Into the Sea Miss Gillard Proposal
Breaking News 12/07/2010
At 12:43 Dili time Fernando de Araujo alias Lasama said, "memb ers of parliament lets us vote on a resolution from the Australian Prime Minister to use East Timor as the refugees processing Centre. Those who are for, abstain or against please vote as you wish."
34 parliamentarian from 65 present vote unanimously to dump the Australian Prime Minister's proposal in the sea between Dili and Canberra. "As we just vote on the resolution concerning to the suggestions from the prime Minister of Australia to use East Timor as a centre for the, process the illegal migrant. As you know East Timor is a young country and we have no conditions. We still have many problems in this country that’s why the MP’s through this resolution; they rejected the suggestions to use East Timor or Timor Leste for or to process the migrant. Just because we have no condition yet," said Fernando de Araujo alias Lasama.
The Australian side have announced that they will send a team to come up to Dili to discuss the process with Timor Leste authority but today the East Timor MP’s unanimously voted in advanced to reject any proposal from Australia. “I think this decision must make by this parliament, according to our hierarchical system is parliament is the one has to decide on this situation so the MP’s already decided. I hoped that the Government of Australia can understand the situation. East Timor is a semi Presidential system which Government need the support from majority parliament to abrove the agreement between the two country but with this event today give no way to Miss Gillard proposal to get near to East Timor. So did you all voted against the Australian Prime Minister’s proposal? Lasama answered, “yes it’s rejected, voted unanimously.”
The same statement came from Arsenio P. Bano, deputy President of Fretilin Party the main opposition in East Timor Parliament. “It’s very important decision have been taking by the parliament on a resolution that voted against the establishment a processing centre a proposal from Australian Government,” said Bano.
He added that, "I think this is very important move that Parliament of Timor Leste voted unanimously on the resolution."
Friday, 9 July 2010
Jose Belo with Greg Cary
Greg Cary Morning Show: Jose Belo the Editor in Chief of the Tempo Semanal the major weekly newspaper in Dili, East Timor, joins Greg Cary talking about the Gillard Government’s proposed asylum seeker policy. Listen and comment now.
Greg Cary Morning Show: Jose Belo the Editor in Chief of the Tempo Semanal the major weekly newspaper in Dili, East Timor, joins Greg Cary talking about the Gillard Government’s proposed asylum seeker policy. Listen and comment now.
Finance Minister Alleges TMR Will Carry Out Coup D’état Against Xanana Gusmao
Dili, 6 July 2010, Edition XXVII
Despite Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) having repeatedly stated publicly that a coup d’état against a democratically elected government would set a bad precedent for the Timor-Leste nation, there are people who persist on accusing him of wanting to undertake a coup d’état against the government. During a meetig organized by UNMIT last year Taur joked, “I must be the dumbest general in the world. Had I been a smarter general then maybe I might have been like Perves
Musharaf (ed: Pakistani President),” moving the gathered audience to applause.
That was not the first time the general trained in the jungle for 24 years joked in this way, as he took a large UN Security Council delegation to task during a visit by them to the Falintil-FDTL headquarters at Tasi Tolu.
It is Taur Matan Ruak’s character to be honest and confronting, but he has also served the nation with utmost discipline.

That was not the first time the general trained in the jungle for 24 years joked in this way, as he took a large UN Security Council delegation to task during a visit by them to the Falintil-FDTL headquarters at Tasi Tolu.
It is Taur Matan Ruak’s character to be honest and confronting, but he has also served the nation with utmost discipline.
Despite this fact the former Falintil Chief of Staff continues to be the target of all sorts of accusations including of acting discriminatorily, being an assassin (ed: as in 2006) and lately of wanting to undertake a coup, as can be seen in an email by Dr. Emilia Pires, the current Finance Minister in the Fourth Constitutional Government, as well as by Ms. Ines Almeida who alleged that Taur Matan Ruak would act undemocratically and carry out a coup against his former Commander in Chief. “ I feel that some people are preparing the land in ET to follow the same steps…..,” (referring to the military coup in Fiji in 2006), wrote Dr Emilia in an email to 13 of her friends on 5 December 2006.
It seems Dr Emilia Pires wrote this after having seen news reports on CNN TV of the Fiji coup and concluded that Taur Matan Ruak was also thirsty for power and would follow the example set by the Fiji Armed Forces in December 2006.
Dr Emilia reminded her friends that signs of this had emerged in Timor-Leste from the strong statements made against the International Forces by Commander Taur.
“TMR has been saying that the army is supposed to raise up again to bring law and order because the international forces can’t do it…..,” Emilia wrote.
Dr. Emilia added that fighting between martial arts groups at the time were a means to facilitate the former guerilla fighters’ taking power.
“These gangs fights I feel is part of the plan to continue destabilizing , so that the army under TMR will have an excuse to raise up and similar things as in Fiji….,” wrote Dr. Emilia Pires.
The former World Bank staffer argued that the Falintil-FDTL could not however do as they wanted because the international community was still present.
“Lucky for us that the UN is there….which makes it harder for those there to justify their actions…..won’t be as easy as in Fiji…….but they will use some other tactics, including terrorism activities as they (F) already announced on their press release on 17 of November,” Dr. Emilia wrote.
Dr. Emilia expressed her fears recalling a conversation with a very senior American officer.
“When last I spoke with an US very senior officer….he told me that nowadays….coup d’états are made by those in power themselves against themselves when they feel they are losing ground….at the time I did not understand but now it is all very clear…..” The same day a good friend and former advisor of Dr. Emilia Pires, Ms. Ines Almeida, who is now a director of the company Lifese Timor-Leste (ed: see statements by Secretary of State for Defense Julio T. Pinto after meeting with Committee C of the National Parliament regarding this company which will construct the very expensive US$8.1 million temporary port for the F-FDTL patrol boats) also wrote an email alleging that General Taur Matan Ruak would move against his supreme leader during the resistance Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao.
“I suspect if Xanana wins 2007 elections F mob will do a coup using TMR who, when elected as PR will be the Chief of Armed Forces. Food for thought,” Ines Almeida warned her friends (15 of them), whom some people have branded “the gang from Australia”.
This newspaper tried unsuccessfully to obtain clarification from the Finance Minister, Dr. Emilia Pires.
Tempo Semanal also tried to speak by telephone with the Minister on her official number but all calls went unanswered, so on Saturday 3 July 2010 at 11:41:06 hours Tempo Semanal sent some questions to the Finance Minister by SMS, inquiring: “Big Sister Minister, I want to confirm with you that which you alleged that Taur Matan Ruak would carry out a coup against the Xanana government. Do you still believe that TMR wants to do in TL what was done in Fiji? Is it the case that the martial arts groups that have re-emerged in Comoro all the way to Java is a tactic to justify TMR acting to bring down the government? What have you done to dissuade TMR not to carry out a coup? Thanks.” This SMS has remained unanswered by the Minister for Finance up to the
time of publication.
This newspaper also tried to seek clarification from Ms. Ines Almeida but we were unlucky because the mobile number for her was switched off, and we were informed by sources close to her that she was away in Sydney.
President of the Republic Dr. Jose Ramos Horta, who is also SupremeCommander of the Falintil- FDTL, told journalists during a press conference at Nicolau Lobato International Airport in Dili upon his return from his state visits to Australia and the Philippines on 3 July 2010 that he has not seen these emails. “I do not know whether or not the Finance Minister said anything of the likes you have said,” he said answering questions on this from journalists.
But the President made it known to Dr. Emilia that, “I can only say that our Armed Forces have been a model to be followed by many countries. You know, even during the height of the crisis our Armed Forces were humble, they never acted in any way against the Constitutional Order.”
He added that Falintil under the Command of Taur Matan Ruak, who never spent one day in a military academy to become a general as have many generals around the world, “defended the Constitution with discipline and when ordered came to Dili to help re-establish law and order, they did so. When I as Prime Minister asked them at the end of May that they return to barracks, they exhibit utmost discipline and returned to barracks. So, I have 100% confidence in our armed forces who over the years have shown professionalism and respect for the constitution despite facing many difficulties.”
Jorge, a former member of the clandestine front from Ermera greatly lamented the attitude expressed by some of his compatriots who returned from overseas. “I think the Finance Minister does not know General Taur and his character. Perhaps she thinks the general has ambitions to rise to the top or to become rich. We steadfastly believe in his honesty, integrity and discipline,” said Pos Kombi.
“I think that the general’s intelligence was gained in a university where many intelligent people such as doctors fear to study. His studies were completed from living with death and suffering, so I believe that the Minister is frightened by his shadow so has defamed this hero Taur Matan Ruak,” said Jorge.
“I ask the Finance Minister to measure her remarks because we will not allow anyone to accuse others because of their own ambitions, to accuse others who have sacrificed themselves and are still sacrificing themselves to defend the Constitution of the Republic,” warned this former senior member of the clandestine resistance.
“I think that the Finance Minister is today working in this country because she is receiving a salary, but General Taur Matan Ruak has from the time when things were difficult shown his loyalty to the nation and continues to this day to show his firm resolve to serve the Constitution of the RDTL . So there is no reason for Ms. Emilia to insult Taur in the same way foreigners have done,” said JG, who is a former clandestine resistance member form Baucau. The leadership of the Falintil-FDTL has been persecuted since the time of the occupation as being communist, subversive elements (GPK), thieves and atheists.
However, Falintil’s struggle for independence has been a struggle against a military regime and dictatorship. “Falintil is the Armed Forces for the national Liberation of Timor-Leste. It is so that Timorese can develop our society in a democracy and in peace,” Taur Matan Ruak told journalists on 17 November 1997 at Mundo Perdido.
“Many of the Falintil-FDTL leadership lived and experienced hardship together with the people so I do not believe they would do a coup d’état,” said Manuel Dos Santos Pereira, a member of the Liquica community.
This newspaper tried to get comments from the Government’s Members of Parliament but they refused to comment.
On the other hand, Mateus da Costa a youth from Becora said the Finance Minister had lived overseas for a long time and so did not know what it was to live under a dictatorship and therefore does not know Taur Matan Ruak. “It often happens that people do not know but speak out regardless like the Minister of Finance has done,” said Mateus.
According to a secret and restricted report dated 31 December 2009 titled “Preliminary Assessment of Achievements, Challenges, Benchmarks and priorities for the UN System in UNMIT Mandated Areas 2010-2012”, Taur Matan Ruak's role is noted as being important. “There is no other figure that has yet emerged who has Taur Matan Ruak’s capacity to lead the Falintil-FDTL. There are some candidates, but there is not one who has TMR’s standing, charisma or intelligence,” the report states in paragraph 42.
The same report also stated, “talk of reform by replacing TMR or other senior Falintil-FDTL officers arouses concern amongst the population; people still do not trust the capacity of the young officers to take over from the Falintil Veterans. TMR however does not try to take advantage over the government due to this fact.”
UNMIT has finally started to recognize the capacity of the Falintil-FDTL and their role, which is something the UN failed to do during the UNTAET mandate. (ends)
It seems Dr Emilia Pires wrote this after having seen news reports on CNN TV of the Fiji coup and concluded that Taur Matan Ruak was also thirsty for power and would follow the example set by the Fiji Armed Forces in December 2006.
Dr Emilia reminded her friends that signs of this had emerged in Timor-Leste from the strong statements made against the International Forces by Commander Taur.
“TMR has been saying that the army is supposed to raise up again to bring law and order because the international forces can’t do it…..,” Emilia wrote.
Dr. Emilia added that fighting between martial arts groups at the time were a means to facilitate the former guerilla fighters’ taking power.
“These gangs fights I feel is part of the plan to continue destabilizing , so that the army under TMR will have an excuse to raise up and similar things as in Fiji….,” wrote Dr. Emilia Pires.
The former World Bank staffer argued that the Falintil-FDTL could not however do as they wanted because the international community was still present.
“Lucky for us that the UN is there….which makes it harder for those there to justify their actions…..won’t be as easy as in Fiji…….but they will use some other tactics, including terrorism activities as they (F) already announced on their press release on 17 of November,” Dr. Emilia wrote.
Dr. Emilia expressed her fears recalling a conversation with a very senior American officer.
“When last I spoke with an US very senior officer….he told me that nowadays….coup d’états are made by those in power themselves against themselves when they feel they are losing ground….at the time I did not understand but now it is all very clear…..” The same day a good friend and former advisor of Dr. Emilia Pires, Ms. Ines Almeida, who is now a director of the company Lifese Timor-Leste (ed: see statements by Secretary of State for Defense Julio T. Pinto after meeting with Committee C of the National Parliament regarding this company which will construct the very expensive US$8.1 million temporary port for the F-FDTL patrol boats) also wrote an email alleging that General Taur Matan Ruak would move against his supreme leader during the resistance Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao.
“I suspect if Xanana wins 2007 elections F mob will do a coup using TMR who, when elected as PR will be the Chief of Armed Forces. Food for thought,” Ines Almeida warned her friends (15 of them), whom some people have branded “the gang from Australia”.
This newspaper tried unsuccessfully to obtain clarification from the Finance Minister, Dr. Emilia Pires.
Tempo Semanal also tried to speak by telephone with the Minister on her official number but all calls went unanswered, so on Saturday 3 July 2010 at 11:41:06 hours Tempo Semanal sent some questions to the Finance Minister by SMS, inquiring: “Big Sister Minister, I want to confirm with you that which you alleged that Taur Matan Ruak would carry out a coup against the Xanana government. Do you still believe that TMR wants to do in TL what was done in Fiji? Is it the case that the martial arts groups that have re-emerged in Comoro all the way to Java is a tactic to justify TMR acting to bring down the government? What have you done to dissuade TMR not to carry out a coup? Thanks.” This SMS has remained unanswered by the Minister for Finance up to the
time of publication.
This newspaper also tried to seek clarification from Ms. Ines Almeida but we were unlucky because the mobile number for her was switched off, and we were informed by sources close to her that she was away in Sydney.
President of the Republic Dr. Jose Ramos Horta, who is also SupremeCommander of the Falintil- FDTL, told journalists during a press conference at Nicolau Lobato International Airport in Dili upon his return from his state visits to Australia and the Philippines on 3 July 2010 that he has not seen these emails. “I do not know whether or not the Finance Minister said anything of the likes you have said,” he said answering questions on this from journalists.
But the President made it known to Dr. Emilia that, “I can only say that our Armed Forces have been a model to be followed by many countries. You know, even during the height of the crisis our Armed Forces were humble, they never acted in any way against the Constitutional Order.”
He added that Falintil under the Command of Taur Matan Ruak, who never spent one day in a military academy to become a general as have many generals around the world, “defended the Constitution with discipline and when ordered came to Dili to help re-establish law and order, they did so. When I as Prime Minister asked them at the end of May that they return to barracks, they exhibit utmost discipline and returned to barracks. So, I have 100% confidence in our armed forces who over the years have shown professionalism and respect for the constitution despite facing many difficulties.”
Jorge, a former member of the clandestine front from Ermera greatly lamented the attitude expressed by some of his compatriots who returned from overseas. “I think the Finance Minister does not know General Taur and his character. Perhaps she thinks the general has ambitions to rise to the top or to become rich. We steadfastly believe in his honesty, integrity and discipline,” said Pos Kombi.
“I think that the general’s intelligence was gained in a university where many intelligent people such as doctors fear to study. His studies were completed from living with death and suffering, so I believe that the Minister is frightened by his shadow so has defamed this hero Taur Matan Ruak,” said Jorge.
“I ask the Finance Minister to measure her remarks because we will not allow anyone to accuse others because of their own ambitions, to accuse others who have sacrificed themselves and are still sacrificing themselves to defend the Constitution of the Republic,” warned this former senior member of the clandestine resistance.
“I think that the Finance Minister is today working in this country because she is receiving a salary, but General Taur Matan Ruak has from the time when things were difficult shown his loyalty to the nation and continues to this day to show his firm resolve to serve the Constitution of the RDTL . So there is no reason for Ms. Emilia to insult Taur in the same way foreigners have done,” said JG, who is a former clandestine resistance member form Baucau. The leadership of the Falintil-FDTL has been persecuted since the time of the occupation as being communist, subversive elements (GPK), thieves and atheists.
However, Falintil’s struggle for independence has been a struggle against a military regime and dictatorship. “Falintil is the Armed Forces for the national Liberation of Timor-Leste. It is so that Timorese can develop our society in a democracy and in peace,” Taur Matan Ruak told journalists on 17 November 1997 at Mundo Perdido.
“Many of the Falintil-FDTL leadership lived and experienced hardship together with the people so I do not believe they would do a coup d’état,” said Manuel Dos Santos Pereira, a member of the Liquica community.
This newspaper tried to get comments from the Government’s Members of Parliament but they refused to comment.
On the other hand, Mateus da Costa a youth from Becora said the Finance Minister had lived overseas for a long time and so did not know what it was to live under a dictatorship and therefore does not know Taur Matan Ruak. “It often happens that people do not know but speak out regardless like the Minister of Finance has done,” said Mateus.
According to a secret and restricted report dated 31 December 2009 titled “Preliminary Assessment of Achievements, Challenges, Benchmarks and priorities for the UN System in UNMIT Mandated Areas 2010-2012”, Taur Matan Ruak's role is noted as being important. “There is no other figure that has yet emerged who has Taur Matan Ruak’s capacity to lead the Falintil-FDTL. There are some candidates, but there is not one who has TMR’s standing, charisma or intelligence,” the report states in paragraph 42.
The same report also stated, “talk of reform by replacing TMR or other senior Falintil-FDTL officers arouses concern amongst the population; people still do not trust the capacity of the young officers to take over from the Falintil Veterans. TMR however does not try to take advantage over the government due to this fact.”
UNMIT has finally started to recognize the capacity of the Falintil-FDTL and their role, which is something the UN failed to do during the UNTAET mandate. (ends)
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Australia: No to a Pipeline to Timor for Gas, but Yes to a Pipeline to Timor for Refugees.
Jose Belo, Editor, Tempo Semanal
Ever since its White Australia policy came to an end not so long ago the matter of illegal immigrants, and asylum seekers has been a hot political issues in Australian domestic politics pitting the left versus the right.
However, while the Australian Government seems unwilling to assist Timor-Leste in leveraging Woodside, a major Australian petro firm, into developing downstream pipeline and refinery facilities in Timor-Leste it seems quite happy to unilaterally announce that it seeks to build a "pipeline" to a processing centre for refugees and asylum seekers in Timor-Leste. So Australia gets the oil and gas and Timor-Leste gets the asylum seekers. Sounds like a bad deal. Especially when one considers that the oil and gas is Timor-Leste's, while the asylum seekers are seeking refuge in Australia.
Timorese reaction was been swift. Vice Prime Minister Jose Luis Guterres has said its not desirable, many Members of Parliament and civil society have strongly rejected the proposal. However on 8 July Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao, in what is no doubt a cute political trick, has suggested that President Ramos-Horta continue discussions with Prime Minister Gilliard. Political trick? Well Gusmao knows that Ramos-Horta has no constitutional competency in this area, and so any deal struck can be cast aside. Unless of course Prime Minister Gusmao is seeking to cut a deal - one which sees the Australian Government strong arming Woodside into a pipeline north to a Timorese LNG refinery in exchange for establishing an processing centre for asylum seekers in Timor-Leste.
This however is likely moot as Woodside appears immovable and ultimately its bosses are shareholders and not voters. Although one has to consider that if it chooses Canberra can make life easy or hard for Woodside in many different ways.
What is however entirely clear is that Timor-Leste lacks the political interest in a refugee processing centre, domestic political opinion is very much not positive. Additionally, who would run it? Timorese institutions have enough trouble managing their own affairs. Its hard to envsion a well run processing centre in Timor-Leste, unless its run by the Australians, which is certainly not going to be political acceptable. Even then would Australia run a centre which is amenable to Timorese sensibilities? Australia talks about multi-lateral organisations running a centre, such as IOM and UNHCR - which is just a smoke screen for an "Aussie" project.
Australia;s main processing centre Christmas Island is full and being expanded. But when space is limited look to Timor-Leste it would seem.
They did this in Nauru in 2002/3. At one stage Canberra had over 1300 Afghans, Iraqis and others holed up in substandard conditions, in a legal limbo at a Nauru processing centre in 2004. Australia paid $30 million to the Government of Nauru to operate the centre. It ended up in massive cost overruns, hunger strikes, human rights abuses - and international castigation.
But Timor-Leste is not Nauru. Prime Minister Gillard best remember this.
asylum seekers,
Monday, 5 July 2010
Bobi Return To Indonesia After 10 Days Visit TL
Brigadier-General Lere Annan Timor took his lost son Bobi Rahman and his wife Cici to the airport on 30/06 after their plane was delayed on the 29/06 because some of some technical problems with the aircraft. At approximately 11:51 o 30/06 Lere and his family arrived at Nicolau Lobato Airport.
Lere, his wife and several other relatives accompanied Bobi and Cici to the departure lounge. Bobi came to East Timor after his father met him and his adopted parents in Indonesia on 08/04/2010. Lere told Tempo Semanal that, “the first moment I found and know him through his adopted mother and father. When I knew his adopted parents I got to know my son. My message for him to day is, “please do as your adopted parents raised you to do during the last 29 years. And I as your birth father having just met you for a week or two just recently. So I do not have many things to say to you, or to teach you. The things that I would like to tell you I believe have been told by your adopted mother and father. I know your parents are not simple parents as your adopted father is a General and they both are leaders. Because of this I think your parents are disciplined and responsible people so please do as they did tell you,” Lere told his son in front of Tempo Semanal.
The former Indonesian Police head in East Timor from 1978-1982 former Brigadier Sontono and his wife adopted Bobi in early 1982. Bobi was born on 19/08/1981. Two hours after Elito (Bobi's birthname) born his mother died. Elito is the name given by his birth father Lere, comprised of "El" from his mother Elsa da Costa and "Ito" from his father baptised name Tito.
According to Lere's sister who took care of Bobi for several months before he was brought to the village in Iliomar on 14/01/1982. Bobi was supposed to buried alive with his mother. But she took him away into hiding.
Sabina and one of Lere's brothers who was later killed together with several Falintil fighters took Bobi to a nearby village. Lere's brother told the villagers that the baby boy is the son of Elsa and Tito. He asked the villagers to look after the boy or hand him over to the Indonesians to for his safekeeping. "Please tell the Indonesians that after the boy grows up he should come back and fight his father in the bush."
Bobi was raised by a former enemy of his father. This enemy found Bobi and made him his son. Bobi came back to his birth nation on 20/06 with his adopted parents. They arrived in Dili airport around 13:31 and were greeted by Bobi's birth father the Deputy Commander of East Timor's defence force - the FALINTIL-FDTL - Brigadier General Lere Annan Timor. Many members of Lere's family turned out in Dili airport for Bobi's homecoming. General Soentono also returned to East Timor for the first time since he left East Timor in 1982. "I came back here today to bring my son to meet his father Lere and the other members of his family,” Soentono told the reporters in Dili airport.
Lere has been looking for his lost son since 1998 when he first met Tempo Semanal Journalist near Laga sub-district in Baucau District. “I have lost a son and I hear he was taken by an Indonesian Officer to Surabaya,” Lere told Tempo Semanal in November 1998.
Lere gave a warm and friendly hug to his enemy. Lere discovered his son was with Brig Soentono through a doctor name Yahannes. Then General Yunus Yosfiah assisted in bringing the two Brigadiers to a meeting in Jakarta on 08/04/2010.
Now these Indonesian and Timorese Generals are meeting not to fight as they did in the past, but their meeting full of joy mixed with tears.
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