Tempo Semanal-Dili, 28.11.2010
Prosesu hodi prepara lideransa Timoroan ba futuru, ne’ebé liu husi programa Bolsu Estudu Australia/Nova-Zelandia ka ADS/NZDS hodi ba estuda iha rai Australia no Nova-Zelandia ba tinan 2011 hahu ona ba primeira etapa ho selesaun aplikantes ne’ebé hala’o dadaun oras ne’e.
Tuir komunikadu de imprensa ne’ebe jornal ne’e simu, AusAID nia counsellor, Sra. Jemal Sharah hateten katak, “ida ne’e hanesan esforsu importante ida ne’ebé Governu Australia oferese hodi reforsa liu tan rekursu humanu Timor-Leste nian ba futuru. Nune’e mos Programa ADS ne’e sai hanesan exemplu diak konaba koperasaun entre doador sira hodi apoiu hadi’a rekursu umanu Timor-Leste nian ne’ebé mos sai prioridade ba Governu Timor-Leste iha nia prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasaun ne’e”.
Lista aplikantes na’in 138 ne’ebé liu ba etapa seguinte sei fosai iha journal lokal hirak iha loron Tersa, 30 Novembru 2010.
“Prosesu selesaun ba tinan 2011 hetan entuziasmu boot husi Timoroan sira ne’ebé iha interese maka’as atu ba kontinua sira nia estudu iha rai Australia no Nova-Zelandia. Programa ADS no NZDS ne’ebé implementa ona durante tinan sanulu, fo duni benefisiu boot ba rekursu umanu Timor-Leste nian hodi produs ona lideransa no futuru lideransa ba rai ida ne’e. Hanesan exemplu ida ADS nia antigus alunus balun mak oras ne’e dadaun kaer knar hanesan Ministru, Vise-Ministra, Secretariu Estadu nomos knar importante seluk iha rai laran,” Ausaid dehan.
Liu husi painél selesaun ba 2011 ne’ebé kompostu husi reprezentante Programa Asistensia Governu Australia, reprezentante Programa Asisténsia Nova-Zelandia, reprezentante NGO Forum, reprezentante Ministériu Edukasaun Timor-Leste, reprezentante Akademiku Internasionál no reprezentante husi ADS Alumni, sira hala’o selesaun ba aplikasaun hirak ne’ebé aplikante sira hatama ona.
“Tuir rezultadu etapa badala uluk, painel selesaun fosai katak aplikantes hamutuk na’in 138 mak konsege liu selesaun ida ne’e hodi hetan konvite atu bele partisipa iha preparasaun ba teste Énglesh ka IELTS Test nian ne’ebé sei hala’o durante loron hat nia laran iha Hotel Timor, hahu husi loron 8 – 11 Dezembru 2010. Teste Énglesh ka IELTS test rasik sei hala’o iha fulan Janeiru 2011. Husi total aplikantes na’in 138 ne’bé liu ona selesaun etapa primeiru ne’e, na’in 18 sei la hola parte iha teste tan sira iha ona sertifikadu IELTS Test ne’ebé sei validu no hetan rezultadu ne’ebé atinji rekerimentu akademiku nian.”
Hafoin remata IELTS Test sei kontinua ho etapa entrevista ba aplikantes sira ne’ebé hetan rezultadu diak iha sira nia teste Énglesh, inklui sira na’in 18 ne’ebé iha ona sertifikadu IELTS Test ne’ebé validu. Entrevista ne’e sei hala’o iha fulan Febreiru 2011.
Hahu tinan 2011, Governu Australia ofisialmente hasa’e tan numeru bolsu estudus husi 20 ba 30. Husi Nova-Zelandia sei oferese bolsu estudus 10. Total bolsu estudus ba tinan 2011 hamutuk 40. Governu Australianu ho Nova Zealandia kada tinan-tinan sempre aijuda foo bolsu estudus ba ema Timor oan sira hodi eskola iha nasaun rua ne’e.
Iha parte seluk IV Governu konstitusional iha orsamentu jeral do Estadu ba tinan 2011, hatur ona rubrika especial ida ho montante millaun 25 dollar Amerikanu hodi halo dezenvolvimentu rekusu umanus ninian.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Programa Bolsu EStudu Husi Governu Australia Ho Nova-Zelandia Tulun Prepara Lideransa Futuru Ba TL
Tempo Semanal-Dili 28.11.2010
Dili, 26 Novembru 2010, Prosesu hodi prepara lideransa Timoroan ba futuru, ne’ebé liu husi programa Bolsu Estudu Australia/Nova-Zelandia ka ADS/NZDS hodi ba estuda iha rai Australia no Nova-Zelandia ba tinan 2011 hahu ona ba primeira etapa ho selesaun aplikantes ne’ebé hala’o dadaun oras ne’e.
Tuir komunikadu de imprensa ne’ebe jornal ne’e simu, AusAID nia counsellor, Sra. Jemal Sharah hateten katak, “ida ne’e hanesan esforsu importante ida ne’ebé Governu Australia oferese hodi reforsa liu tan rekursu humanu Timor-Leste nian ba futuru. Nune’e mos Programa ADS ne’e sai hanesan exemplu diak konaba koperasaun entre doador sira hodi apoiu hadi’a rekursu umanu Timor-Leste nian ne’ebé mos sai prioridade ba Governu Timor-Leste iha nia prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasaun ne’e”.
Lista aplikantes na’in 138 ne’ebé liu ba etapa seguinte sei fosai iha journal lokal hirak iha loron Tersa, 30 Novembru 2010.
“Prosesu selesaun ba tinan 2011 hetan entuziasmu boot husi Timoroan sira ne’ebé iha interese maka’as atu ba kontinua sira nia estudu iha rai Australia no Nova-Zelandia. Programa ADS no NZDS ne’ebé implementa ona durante tinan sanulu, fo duni benefisiu boot ba rekursu umanu Timor-Leste nian hodi produs ona lideransa no futuru lideransa ba rai ida ne’e. Hanesan exemplu ida ADS nia antigus alunus balun mak oras ne’e dadaun kaer knar hanesan Ministru, Vise-Ministra, Secretariu Estadu nomos knar importante seluk iha rai laran,” Ausaid dehan.
Liu husi painél selesaun ba 2011 ne’ebé kompostu husi reprezentante Programa Asistensia Governu Australia, reprezentante Programa Asisténsia Nova-Zelandia, reprezentante NGO Forum, reprezentante Ministériu Edukasaun Timor-Leste, reprezentante Akademiku Internasionál no reprezentante husi ADS Alumni, sira hala’o selesaun ba aplikasaun hirak ne’ebé aplikante sira hatama ona.
“Tuir rezultadu etapa badala uluk, painel selesaun fosai katak aplikantes hamutuk na’in 138 mak konsege liu selesaun ida ne’e hodi hetan konvite atu bele partisipa iha preparasaun ba teste Énglesh ka IELTS Test nian ne’ebé sei hala’o durante loron hat nia laran iha Hotel Timor, hahu husi loron 8 – 11 Dezembru 2010. Teste Énglesh ka IELTS test rasik sei hala’o iha fulan Janeiru 2011. Husi total aplikantes na’in 138 ne’bé liu ona selesaun etapa primeiru ne’e, na’in 18 sei la hola parte iha teste tan sira iha ona sertifikadu IELTS Test ne’ebé sei validu no hetan rezultadu ne’ebé atinji rekerimentu akademiku nian.”
Hafoin remata IELTS Test sei kontinua ho etapa entrevista ba aplikantes sira ne’ebé hetan rezultadu diak iha sira nia teste Énglesh, inklui sira na’in 18 ne’ebé iha ona sertifikadu IELTS Test ne’ebé validu. Entrevista ne’e sei hala’o iha fulan Febreiru 2011.
Hahu tinan 2011, Governu Australia ofisialmente hasa’e tan numeru bolsu estudus husi 20 ba 30. Husi Nova-Zelandia sei oferese bolsu estudus 10. Total bolsu estudus ba tinan 2011 hamutuk 40. Governu Australianu ho Nova Zealandia kada tinan-tinan sempre aijuda foo bolsu estudus ba ema Timor oan sira hodi eskola iha nasaun rua ne’e.
Iha parte seluk IV Governu konstitusional iha orsamentu jeral do Estadu ba tinan 2011, hatur ona rubrika especial ida ho montante millaun 25 dollar Amerikanu hodi halo dezenvolvimentu rekusu umanus ninian. (TS)
Dili, 26 Novembru 2010, Prosesu hodi prepara lideransa Timoroan ba futuru, ne’ebé liu husi programa Bolsu Estudu Australia/Nova-Zelandia ka ADS/NZDS hodi ba estuda iha rai Australia no Nova-Zelandia ba tinan 2011 hahu ona ba primeira etapa ho selesaun aplikantes ne’ebé hala’o dadaun oras ne’e.
Tuir komunikadu de imprensa ne’ebe jornal ne’e simu, AusAID nia counsellor, Sra. Jemal Sharah hateten katak, “ida ne’e hanesan esforsu importante ida ne’ebé Governu Australia oferese hodi reforsa liu tan rekursu humanu Timor-Leste nian ba futuru. Nune’e mos Programa ADS ne’e sai hanesan exemplu diak konaba koperasaun entre doador sira hodi apoiu hadi’a rekursu umanu Timor-Leste nian ne’ebé mos sai prioridade ba Governu Timor-Leste iha nia prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasaun ne’e”.
Lista aplikantes na’in 138 ne’ebé liu ba etapa seguinte sei fosai iha journal lokal hirak iha loron Tersa, 30 Novembru 2010.
“Prosesu selesaun ba tinan 2011 hetan entuziasmu boot husi Timoroan sira ne’ebé iha interese maka’as atu ba kontinua sira nia estudu iha rai Australia no Nova-Zelandia. Programa ADS no NZDS ne’ebé implementa ona durante tinan sanulu, fo duni benefisiu boot ba rekursu umanu Timor-Leste nian hodi produs ona lideransa no futuru lideransa ba rai ida ne’e. Hanesan exemplu ida ADS nia antigus alunus balun mak oras ne’e dadaun kaer knar hanesan Ministru, Vise-Ministra, Secretariu Estadu nomos knar importante seluk iha rai laran,” Ausaid dehan.
Liu husi painél selesaun ba 2011 ne’ebé kompostu husi reprezentante Programa Asistensia Governu Australia, reprezentante Programa Asisténsia Nova-Zelandia, reprezentante NGO Forum, reprezentante Ministériu Edukasaun Timor-Leste, reprezentante Akademiku Internasionál no reprezentante husi ADS Alumni, sira hala’o selesaun ba aplikasaun hirak ne’ebé aplikante sira hatama ona.
“Tuir rezultadu etapa badala uluk, painel selesaun fosai katak aplikantes hamutuk na’in 138 mak konsege liu selesaun ida ne’e hodi hetan konvite atu bele partisipa iha preparasaun ba teste Énglesh ka IELTS Test nian ne’ebé sei hala’o durante loron hat nia laran iha Hotel Timor, hahu husi loron 8 – 11 Dezembru 2010. Teste Énglesh ka IELTS test rasik sei hala’o iha fulan Janeiru 2011. Husi total aplikantes na’in 138 ne’bé liu ona selesaun etapa primeiru ne’e, na’in 18 sei la hola parte iha teste tan sira iha ona sertifikadu IELTS Test ne’ebé sei validu no hetan rezultadu ne’ebé atinji rekerimentu akademiku nian.”
Hafoin remata IELTS Test sei kontinua ho etapa entrevista ba aplikantes sira ne’ebé hetan rezultadu diak iha sira nia teste Énglesh, inklui sira na’in 18 ne’ebé iha ona sertifikadu IELTS Test ne’ebé validu. Entrevista ne’e sei hala’o iha fulan Febreiru 2011.
Hahu tinan 2011, Governu Australia ofisialmente hasa’e tan numeru bolsu estudus husi 20 ba 30. Husi Nova-Zelandia sei oferese bolsu estudus 10. Total bolsu estudus ba tinan 2011 hamutuk 40. Governu Australianu ho Nova Zealandia kada tinan-tinan sempre aijuda foo bolsu estudus ba ema Timor oan sira hodi eskola iha nasaun rua ne’e.
Iha parte seluk IV Governu konstitusional iha orsamentu jeral do Estadu ba tinan 2011, hatur ona rubrika especial ida ho montante millaun 25 dollar Amerikanu hodi halo dezenvolvimentu rekusu umanus ninian. (TS)
Tempo Semanal-Dili, 30.11.2010
Tuir notisia ne'ebe oublika iha New York Times dehan WikiLeaks hahu publika surat korrespondentes ho total 251,287 ne'ebe haruka husi 270 Estadus Unidus Amerika ninia Embaixadas no konsuladus iha nasaun hotu iha mundu. Dokumentus segeredu husi emaixada Estadus unidus da amerika iha nasaun hotu-hotu iha mundu ne'e fou-foun foo de'it ba jornal bo'ot haat hanesan The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel and El Pais.
Iha mapa korespendencia ne'ebe publika husi Der Spiegel mosu mos embaixada Dili ninia korrespondensia ho Washington hahu husi 2005 ate 2010 maibe grafika hatudu katak dokumentus hakerek husi Dili barak liu iha tinan 2006 no dezde 2007 ate 2010 ninia statistika la tun no sa'e liu maibe konsistente Timor.
Iha momentu ruma Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao dehan, " ita presiza kompreende ho diak sira nia "manobras" no "disinformasaun" no oinsa sira konsege usa informasaun neebe sira hetan atu "kria agitasaun emosional".
"Ita presiza reforsa ita nia abilidade atu kompriende ajitasaun emosional ho sira nia ligasaun, ho ajentes sira ne'ebe opera iha ita nia nasaun, and sira ne'ebe hetan vantajen husi liberdade de movimentu ne'ebe ita rasik maka foo ba sira," hatutan Xanana.
Iha parte seluk estudante universitariu sira mos hakfodak ho avansu teknolojia ne'ebe organizasaun Wikileaks iha hodi foo soku ba nasaun avancadu liu iha mundu ninia segeredu sira no sira hakarak atu hatene. "Ne'e interesante tebes atu ita hatene embaixada Estadus Unidus da Amerika ninian iha Dili ninia servisu no sira nia hanoin kona ba ita nia politika nain sira," dehan Joaquin Ximenes estudantu Universida ida iha Dili.
Tuir Mahasiswa ne'ebe daudaun ne'e estuda hela politika iha Universidade ida iha Dili ne'e dehan Amerika ninia, "se ida ne'e tebes duni ne'e hamoe tebes nasaun paman sam ne'e. Ne'e hatudu katak organizasaunne'e halo sira hakneak no bele estraga Amerika ninia relasaun ho nasaun seluk ke sirfa iha relasaun diplomatika."
Jornal ne'e husu ona ba editor wikileaks ninia atu konsidera hodi fasilita Tempo Semanal ho dokumentus balun kona ba TL ninian.
Tuir notisia ne'ebe oublika iha New York Times dehan WikiLeaks hahu publika surat korrespondentes ho total 251,287 ne'ebe haruka husi 270 Estadus Unidus Amerika ninia Embaixadas no konsuladus iha nasaun hotu iha mundu. Dokumentus segeredu husi emaixada Estadus unidus da amerika iha nasaun hotu-hotu iha mundu ne'e fou-foun foo de'it ba jornal bo'ot haat hanesan The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel and El Pais.
Iha mapa korespendencia ne'ebe publika husi Der Spiegel mosu mos embaixada Dili ninia korrespondensia ho Washington hahu husi 2005 ate 2010 maibe grafika hatudu katak dokumentus hakerek husi Dili barak liu iha tinan 2006 no dezde 2007 ate 2010 ninia statistika la tun no sa'e liu maibe konsistente Timor.
Iha momentu ruma Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao dehan, " ita presiza kompreende ho diak sira nia "manobras" no "disinformasaun" no oinsa sira konsege usa informasaun neebe sira hetan atu "kria agitasaun emosional".
"Ita presiza reforsa ita nia abilidade atu kompriende ajitasaun emosional ho sira nia ligasaun, ho ajentes sira ne'ebe opera iha ita nia nasaun, and sira ne'ebe hetan vantajen husi liberdade de movimentu ne'ebe ita rasik maka foo ba sira," hatutan Xanana.
Iha parte seluk estudante universitariu sira mos hakfodak ho avansu teknolojia ne'ebe organizasaun Wikileaks iha hodi foo soku ba nasaun avancadu liu iha mundu ninia segeredu sira no sira hakarak atu hatene. "Ne'e interesante tebes atu ita hatene embaixada Estadus Unidus da Amerika ninian iha Dili ninia servisu no sira nia hanoin kona ba ita nia politika nain sira," dehan Joaquin Ximenes estudantu Universida ida iha Dili.
Tuir Mahasiswa ne'ebe daudaun ne'e estuda hela politika iha Universidade ida iha Dili ne'e dehan Amerika ninia, "se ida ne'e tebes duni ne'e hamoe tebes nasaun paman sam ne'e. Ne'e hatudu katak organizasaunne'e halo sira hakneak no bele estraga Amerika ninia relasaun ho nasaun seluk ke sirfa iha relasaun diplomatika."
Jornal ne'e husu ona ba editor wikileaks ninia atu konsidera hodi fasilita Tempo Semanal ho dokumentus balun kona ba TL ninian.
NEW YORK TIMES: Secret Chronicles
November 30, 2010
THE leaked cables, a huge sampling of the daily traffic between the US State Department and 270 embassies and consulates, amount to a secret chronicle of US relations with the world in an age of war and terrorism.
The 251,287 cables, first acquired by WikiLeaks, were provided to The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel and El Pais.
Many are unclassified, and none are marked top secret, but some 11,000 are classified secret, 9000 are labelled ''noforn'' - shorthand for material considered too delicate to be shared with any foreign government - and 4000 are both secret and noforn.
Advertisement: Story continues below Other revelations include:
■ A dangerous standoff with Pakistan over nuclear fuel: Since 2007, the US has mounted a so far unsuccessful highly secret effort to remove from a Pakistani research reactor highly enriched uranium that US officials fear could be diverted for use in an illicit nuclear device.
■ Gaming out an eventual collapse of North Korea: US and South Korean officials have discussed the prospects for a unified Korea, should the North's economic troubles and political transition lead the state to implode.
■ Bargaining to empty the Guantanamo Bay prison: When US diplomats pressed other countries to resettle detainees, they became reluctant players in a State Department version of Let's Make a Deal. Slovenia was told to take a prisoner if it wanted to meet with President Obama, while Kiribati was offered incentives worth millions of dollars to take in Chinese Muslim detainees.
■ Suspicions of corruption in the Afghan government: When Afghanistan's vice-president visited the United Arab Emirates last year, authorities working with US drug enforcement officers discovered he was carrying $US52 million. With wry understatement, a cable from the US Embassy in Kabul called the money ''a significant amount'' that Ahmed Zia Massoud ''was ultimately allowed to keep without revealing the money's origin or destination''. (Mr Massoud denies taking any money out of Afghanistan.)
■ A global computer hacking effort: China's Politburo directed the intrusion into Google's computer systems in that country, a Chinese contact told the US embassy in Beijing in January. It was part of a co-ordinated campaign of computer sabotage carried out by government operatives, private security experts and internet outlaws recruited by the Chinese government.
■ Mixed records against terrorism: Saudi donors remain the chief financiers of Sunni militant groups such as al-Qaeda; and the tiny Persian Gulf state of Qatar, a host to the US military, was the ''worst in the region'' in counterterrorism efforts.
THE leaked cables, a huge sampling of the daily traffic between the US State Department and 270 embassies and consulates, amount to a secret chronicle of US relations with the world in an age of war and terrorism.
The 251,287 cables, first acquired by WikiLeaks, were provided to The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel and El Pais.
Many are unclassified, and none are marked top secret, but some 11,000 are classified secret, 9000 are labelled ''noforn'' - shorthand for material considered too delicate to be shared with any foreign government - and 4000 are both secret and noforn.
Advertisement: Story continues below Other revelations include:
■ A dangerous standoff with Pakistan over nuclear fuel: Since 2007, the US has mounted a so far unsuccessful highly secret effort to remove from a Pakistani research reactor highly enriched uranium that US officials fear could be diverted for use in an illicit nuclear device.
■ Gaming out an eventual collapse of North Korea: US and South Korean officials have discussed the prospects for a unified Korea, should the North's economic troubles and political transition lead the state to implode.
■ Bargaining to empty the Guantanamo Bay prison: When US diplomats pressed other countries to resettle detainees, they became reluctant players in a State Department version of Let's Make a Deal. Slovenia was told to take a prisoner if it wanted to meet with President Obama, while Kiribati was offered incentives worth millions of dollars to take in Chinese Muslim detainees.
■ Suspicions of corruption in the Afghan government: When Afghanistan's vice-president visited the United Arab Emirates last year, authorities working with US drug enforcement officers discovered he was carrying $US52 million. With wry understatement, a cable from the US Embassy in Kabul called the money ''a significant amount'' that Ahmed Zia Massoud ''was ultimately allowed to keep without revealing the money's origin or destination''. (Mr Massoud denies taking any money out of Afghanistan.)
■ A global computer hacking effort: China's Politburo directed the intrusion into Google's computer systems in that country, a Chinese contact told the US embassy in Beijing in January. It was part of a co-ordinated campaign of computer sabotage carried out by government operatives, private security experts and internet outlaws recruited by the Chinese government.
■ Mixed records against terrorism: Saudi donors remain the chief financiers of Sunni militant groups such as al-Qaeda; and the tiny Persian Gulf state of Qatar, a host to the US military, was the ''worst in the region'' in counterterrorism efforts.
The Associated Press: US Tries To Contain Damage From Wiki Leaked Cables
November 29, 2010
The release of more than 250,000 classified State Department documents forced the Obama administration into damage control, trying to contain fallout from unflattering assessments of world leaders and revelations about backstage U.S. diplomacy. The Skanner News Video
The publication of the secret cables on Sunday amplified widespread global alarm about Iran's nuclear ambitions and unveiled occasional U.S. pressure tactics aimed at hot spots in Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Korea. The leaks also disclosed bluntly candid impressions from both diplomats and other world leaders about America's allies and foes.
In the wake of the massive document dump by online whistleblower WikiLeaks and numerous media reports detailing their contents, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was expected to address the diplomatic repercussions on Monday. Clinton could deal with the impact first hand after she leaves Washington on a four-nation tour of Central Asia and the Middle East — a region that figures prominently in the leaked documents.
The cables unearthed new revelations about long-simmering nuclear trouble spots, detailing U.S., Israeli and Arab world fears of Iran's growing nuclear program, American concerns about Pakistan's atomic arsenal and U.S. discussions about a united Korean peninsula as a long-term solution to North Korean aggression.
None of the disclosures appeared particularly explosive, but their publication could become problems for the officials concerned and for any secret initiatives they had preferred to keep quiet. The massive release of material intended for diplomatic eyes only is sure to ruffle feathers in foreign capitals, a certainty that already prompted U.S. diplomats to scramble in recent days to shore up relations with key allies in advance of the leaks.
At Clinton's first stop in Astana, Kazakhstan, she will be attending a summit of officials from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a diplomatic grouping that includes many officials from countries cited in the leaked cables.
The documents published by The New York Times, France's Le Monde, Britain's Guardian newspaper, German magazine Der Spiegel and others laid out the behind-the-scenes conduct of Washington's international relations, shrouded in public by platitudes, smiles and handshakes at photo sessions among senior officials.
The White House immediately condemned the release of the WikiLeaks documents, saying "such disclosures put at risk our diplomats, intelligence professionals and people around the world who come to the United States for assistance in promoting democracy and open government."
U.S. officials may also have to mend fences after revelations that they gathered personal information on other diplomats. The leaks cited American memos encouraging U.S. diplomats at the United Nations to collect detailed data about the U.N. secretary general, his team and foreign diplomats — going beyond what is considered the normal run of information-gathering expected in diplomatic circles.
State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley played down the diplomatic spying allegations. "Our diplomats are just that, diplomats," he said. "They collect information that shapes our policies and actions. This is what diplomats, from our country and other countries, have done for hundreds of years."
The White House noted that "by its very nature, field reporting to Washington is candid and often incomplete information. It is not an expression of policy, nor does it always shape final policy decisions."
"Nevertheless, these cables could compromise private discussions with foreign governments and opposition leaders, and when the substance of private conversations is printed on the front pages of newspapers across the world, it can deeply impact not only U.S. foreign policy interests, but those of our allies and friends around the world," the White House said.
On its website, The New York Times said "the documents serve an important public interest, illuminating the goals, successes, compromises and frustrations of American diplomacy in a way that other accounts cannot match."
Le Monde said it "considered that it was part of its mission to learn about these documents, to make a journalistic analysis and to make them available to its readers." Der Spiegel said that in publishing the documents its reporters and editors "weighed the public interest against the justified interest of countries in security and confidentiality."
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claimed the administration was trying to cover up alleged evidence of serious "human rights abuse and other criminal behavior" by the U.S. government. WikiLeaks posted the documents just hours after it claimed its website had been hit by a cyberattack that made the site inaccessible for much of the day.
But extracts of the more than 250,000 cables posted online by news outlets that had been given advance copies of the documents showed deep U.S. concerns about Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs along with fears about regime collapse in Pyongyang.
The Guardian said some cables showed King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia repeatedly urging the United States to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear program. The newspaper also said officials in Jordan and Bahrain have openly called for Iran's nuclear program to be stopped by any means and that leaders of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt referred to Iran "as 'evil,' an 'existential threat' and a power that 'is going to take us to war,'" The Guardian said.
Those documents may prove the trickiest because even though the concerns of the Gulf Arab states are known, their leaders rarely offer such stark appraisals in public.
The Times highlighted documents that indicated the U.S. and South Korea were "gaming out an eventual collapse of North Korea" and discussing the prospects for a unified country if the isolated, communist North's economic troubles and political transition lead it to implode.
The Times also cited diplomatic cables describing unsuccessful U.S. efforts to prod Pakistani officials to remove highly enriched uranium from a reactor out of fear that the material could be used to make an illicit atomic device. And the newspaper cited cables that showed Yemen's president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, telling Gen. David Petraeus that his country would pretend that American missile strikes against a local al-Qaida group had come from Yemen's forces.
The paper also cited documents showing the U.S. used hardline tactics to win approval from countries to accept freed detainees from Guantanamo Bay. It said Slovenia was told to take a prisoner if its president wanted to meet with President Barack Obama and said the Pacific island of Kiribati was offered millions of dollars to take in a group of detainees.
It also cited a cable from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing that included allegations from a Chinese contact that China's Politburo directed a cyber intrusion into Google's computer systems as part of a "coordinated campaign of computer sabotage carried out by government operatives, private security experts and Internet outlaws."
Le Monde said another memo asked U.S. diplomats to collect basic contact information about U.N. officials that included Internet passwords, credit card numbers and frequent flyer numbers. They were asked to obtain fingerprints, ID photos, DNA and iris scans of people of interest to the United States, Le Monde said.
The Times said another batch of documents raised questions about Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and his relationship with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. One cable said Berlusconi "appears increasingly to be the mouthpiece of Putin" in Europe, the Times reported.
Italy's Foreign Minister Franco Frattini on Sunday called the release the "Sept. 11 of world diplomacy," in that everything that had once been accepted as normal has now changed.
Der Spiegel reported that the cables portrayed German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle in unflattering terms. It said American diplomats saw Merkel as risk-averse and Westerwelle as largely powerless.
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, meanwhile, was described as erratic and in the near constant company of a Ukrainian nurse who was described in one cable as "a voluptuous blonde," according to the Times.
WikiLeaks' action was widely condemned.
Pakistan's foreign ministry said it was an "irresponsible disclosure of sensitive official documents" while Iraq's foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, called the document release "unhelpful and untimely."
In Australia, Assange's home country, Attorney General Robert McClelland said law enforcement officials were investigating whether WikiLeaks broke any laws.
The State Department's top lawyer warned Assange late Saturday that lives and military operations would be put at risk if the cables were released. Legal adviser Harold Koh said WikiLeaks would be breaking the law if it went ahead. He also rejected a request from Assange to cooperate in removing sensitive details from the documents.
Associated Press writers Anne Gearan in Washington; Juergen Baetz in Berlin; Don Melvin in London; Angela Doland in Paris; Robert H. Reid in Cairo; Brian Murphy in Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Mark Lavie in Jerusalem and Nicole Winfield in Rome contributed to this report.
The release of more than 250,000 classified State Department documents forced the Obama administration into damage control, trying to contain fallout from unflattering assessments of world leaders and revelations about backstage U.S. diplomacy. The Skanner News Video
The publication of the secret cables on Sunday amplified widespread global alarm about Iran's nuclear ambitions and unveiled occasional U.S. pressure tactics aimed at hot spots in Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Korea. The leaks also disclosed bluntly candid impressions from both diplomats and other world leaders about America's allies and foes.
In the wake of the massive document dump by online whistleblower WikiLeaks and numerous media reports detailing their contents, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was expected to address the diplomatic repercussions on Monday. Clinton could deal with the impact first hand after she leaves Washington on a four-nation tour of Central Asia and the Middle East — a region that figures prominently in the leaked documents.
The cables unearthed new revelations about long-simmering nuclear trouble spots, detailing U.S., Israeli and Arab world fears of Iran's growing nuclear program, American concerns about Pakistan's atomic arsenal and U.S. discussions about a united Korean peninsula as a long-term solution to North Korean aggression.
None of the disclosures appeared particularly explosive, but their publication could become problems for the officials concerned and for any secret initiatives they had preferred to keep quiet. The massive release of material intended for diplomatic eyes only is sure to ruffle feathers in foreign capitals, a certainty that already prompted U.S. diplomats to scramble in recent days to shore up relations with key allies in advance of the leaks.
At Clinton's first stop in Astana, Kazakhstan, she will be attending a summit of officials from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a diplomatic grouping that includes many officials from countries cited in the leaked cables.
The documents published by The New York Times, France's Le Monde, Britain's Guardian newspaper, German magazine Der Spiegel and others laid out the behind-the-scenes conduct of Washington's international relations, shrouded in public by platitudes, smiles and handshakes at photo sessions among senior officials.
The White House immediately condemned the release of the WikiLeaks documents, saying "such disclosures put at risk our diplomats, intelligence professionals and people around the world who come to the United States for assistance in promoting democracy and open government."
U.S. officials may also have to mend fences after revelations that they gathered personal information on other diplomats. The leaks cited American memos encouraging U.S. diplomats at the United Nations to collect detailed data about the U.N. secretary general, his team and foreign diplomats — going beyond what is considered the normal run of information-gathering expected in diplomatic circles.
State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley played down the diplomatic spying allegations. "Our diplomats are just that, diplomats," he said. "They collect information that shapes our policies and actions. This is what diplomats, from our country and other countries, have done for hundreds of years."
The White House noted that "by its very nature, field reporting to Washington is candid and often incomplete information. It is not an expression of policy, nor does it always shape final policy decisions."
"Nevertheless, these cables could compromise private discussions with foreign governments and opposition leaders, and when the substance of private conversations is printed on the front pages of newspapers across the world, it can deeply impact not only U.S. foreign policy interests, but those of our allies and friends around the world," the White House said.
On its website, The New York Times said "the documents serve an important public interest, illuminating the goals, successes, compromises and frustrations of American diplomacy in a way that other accounts cannot match."
Le Monde said it "considered that it was part of its mission to learn about these documents, to make a journalistic analysis and to make them available to its readers." Der Spiegel said that in publishing the documents its reporters and editors "weighed the public interest against the justified interest of countries in security and confidentiality."
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claimed the administration was trying to cover up alleged evidence of serious "human rights abuse and other criminal behavior" by the U.S. government. WikiLeaks posted the documents just hours after it claimed its website had been hit by a cyberattack that made the site inaccessible for much of the day.
But extracts of the more than 250,000 cables posted online by news outlets that had been given advance copies of the documents showed deep U.S. concerns about Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs along with fears about regime collapse in Pyongyang.
The Guardian said some cables showed King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia repeatedly urging the United States to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear program. The newspaper also said officials in Jordan and Bahrain have openly called for Iran's nuclear program to be stopped by any means and that leaders of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt referred to Iran "as 'evil,' an 'existential threat' and a power that 'is going to take us to war,'" The Guardian said.
Those documents may prove the trickiest because even though the concerns of the Gulf Arab states are known, their leaders rarely offer such stark appraisals in public.
The Times highlighted documents that indicated the U.S. and South Korea were "gaming out an eventual collapse of North Korea" and discussing the prospects for a unified country if the isolated, communist North's economic troubles and political transition lead it to implode.
The Times also cited diplomatic cables describing unsuccessful U.S. efforts to prod Pakistani officials to remove highly enriched uranium from a reactor out of fear that the material could be used to make an illicit atomic device. And the newspaper cited cables that showed Yemen's president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, telling Gen. David Petraeus that his country would pretend that American missile strikes against a local al-Qaida group had come from Yemen's forces.
The paper also cited documents showing the U.S. used hardline tactics to win approval from countries to accept freed detainees from Guantanamo Bay. It said Slovenia was told to take a prisoner if its president wanted to meet with President Barack Obama and said the Pacific island of Kiribati was offered millions of dollars to take in a group of detainees.
It also cited a cable from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing that included allegations from a Chinese contact that China's Politburo directed a cyber intrusion into Google's computer systems as part of a "coordinated campaign of computer sabotage carried out by government operatives, private security experts and Internet outlaws."
Le Monde said another memo asked U.S. diplomats to collect basic contact information about U.N. officials that included Internet passwords, credit card numbers and frequent flyer numbers. They were asked to obtain fingerprints, ID photos, DNA and iris scans of people of interest to the United States, Le Monde said.
The Times said another batch of documents raised questions about Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and his relationship with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. One cable said Berlusconi "appears increasingly to be the mouthpiece of Putin" in Europe, the Times reported.
Italy's Foreign Minister Franco Frattini on Sunday called the release the "Sept. 11 of world diplomacy," in that everything that had once been accepted as normal has now changed.
Der Spiegel reported that the cables portrayed German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle in unflattering terms. It said American diplomats saw Merkel as risk-averse and Westerwelle as largely powerless.
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, meanwhile, was described as erratic and in the near constant company of a Ukrainian nurse who was described in one cable as "a voluptuous blonde," according to the Times.
WikiLeaks' action was widely condemned.
Pakistan's foreign ministry said it was an "irresponsible disclosure of sensitive official documents" while Iraq's foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, called the document release "unhelpful and untimely."
In Australia, Assange's home country, Attorney General Robert McClelland said law enforcement officials were investigating whether WikiLeaks broke any laws.
The State Department's top lawyer warned Assange late Saturday that lives and military operations would be put at risk if the cables were released. Legal adviser Harold Koh said WikiLeaks would be breaking the law if it went ahead. He also rejected a request from Assange to cooperate in removing sensitive details from the documents.
Associated Press writers Anne Gearan in Washington; Juergen Baetz in Berlin; Don Melvin in London; Angela Doland in Paris; Robert H. Reid in Cairo; Brian Murphy in Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Mark Lavie in Jerusalem and Nicole Winfield in Rome contributed to this report.
NY Post: Clinton calls WikiLeaks documents 'an attack on the international community'
Tempo Semanal
WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized the massive WikiLeaks disclosures today as "an attack on the international community" -- and summed up the fiasco by saying that a foreign official told her: "Don't worry, you should see what we say about you."
In her first public comments since the weekend release of the classified State Department cables, Clinton said that WikiLeaks acted illegally in posting the material.
The Obama administration was "aggressively pursuing" those responsible for the leak, she added.
But Clinton said she was "confident" that US partnerships would withstand the challenges posed by the latest revelations.
"There is nothing laudable about endangering innocent people," Clinton said. "There is nothing brave about sabotaging the peaceful relations between nations on which our common security depends."
Appearing in the Treaty Room at the US State Department, Clinton made her comments one day after WikiLeaks' latest cache of leaked documents was posted to the Internet and released by five major newspapers in four different languages.
"This disclosure is not just an attack on America's foreign policy interests -- it is an attack on the international community," she said.
Clinton is set to begin the delicate diplomatic mending shortly, as she departs Monday on a long-planned trip to the Persian Gulf and Central Asia.
Among the confidential information exposed were details of Saudi Arabian efforts to encourage Washington, D.C., to attack Iran in order to stop the country from pursuing nuclear weapons.
Clinton's comments came as the White House ordered a government-wide review of how agencies safeguard sensitive information.
Attorney General Eric Holder said that there is an “active and ongoing criminal investigation” into the release of the classified documents and that the feds will prosecute anyone found responsible.
"To the extent that we can find anybody who was involved in the breaking of American law, they will be held accountable," Holder said, adding that the disclosure of the documents was a criminal offense.
Meanwhile, a new report from the leaked documents says Britain’s Prince Andrew gave an “astonishingly candid” performance at an official lunch in Kyrgyzstan that included scathing attacks on British anti-corruption investigators, journalists and the French, The Guardian newspaper reported.
The secret cable from Tatiana Gfoeller, US ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, said the prince led a discussion at the 2008 luncheon in the capital Bishek that “verged on the rude.”
WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized the massive WikiLeaks disclosures today as "an attack on the international community" -- and summed up the fiasco by saying that a foreign official told her: "Don't worry, you should see what we say about you."
In her first public comments since the weekend release of the classified State Department cables, Clinton said that WikiLeaks acted illegally in posting the material.
The Obama administration was "aggressively pursuing" those responsible for the leak, she added.
But Clinton said she was "confident" that US partnerships would withstand the challenges posed by the latest revelations.
"There is nothing laudable about endangering innocent people," Clinton said. "There is nothing brave about sabotaging the peaceful relations between nations on which our common security depends."
Appearing in the Treaty Room at the US State Department, Clinton made her comments one day after WikiLeaks' latest cache of leaked documents was posted to the Internet and released by five major newspapers in four different languages.
"This disclosure is not just an attack on America's foreign policy interests -- it is an attack on the international community," she said.
Clinton is set to begin the delicate diplomatic mending shortly, as she departs Monday on a long-planned trip to the Persian Gulf and Central Asia.
Among the confidential information exposed were details of Saudi Arabian efforts to encourage Washington, D.C., to attack Iran in order to stop the country from pursuing nuclear weapons.
Clinton's comments came as the White House ordered a government-wide review of how agencies safeguard sensitive information.
Attorney General Eric Holder said that there is an “active and ongoing criminal investigation” into the release of the classified documents and that the feds will prosecute anyone found responsible.
"To the extent that we can find anybody who was involved in the breaking of American law, they will be held accountable," Holder said, adding that the disclosure of the documents was a criminal offense.
Meanwhile, a new report from the leaked documents says Britain’s Prince Andrew gave an “astonishingly candid” performance at an official lunch in Kyrgyzstan that included scathing attacks on British anti-corruption investigators, journalists and the French, The Guardian newspaper reported.
The secret cable from Tatiana Gfoeller, US ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, said the prince led a discussion at the 2008 luncheon in the capital Bishek that “verged on the rude.”
Times Global: US reviewing diplomatic cables after Wiki Leaks
Tempo Semanal
Washington: The US has ordered a massive review of diplomatic cables sent by its embassies around the world after Wiki Leaks threatened to publish thousands of sensitive documents that could undermine America’s ties with other nations, a media report said. The threat publication of thousands of sensitive diplomatic cables by whistle-blower website Wiki Leaks has prompted a massive review of documents at US embassies around the world, CNN quoted a US official as saying. The documents are believed to include hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of diplomatic reporting cables from around the world from between 2006 and 2009, the unnamed US officials said.
The official said that the State Department has, for months, been intensively dealing with the potential impact of the release of documents that Wiki Leaks just recently hinted it will publish. In October, Wiki Leaks released nearly 400,000 US military reports about operations in Iraq. In July it released more than 70,000 reports from the war in Afghanistan. “Next release is 7 [times] the size of the Iraq War Logs,” the Wiki Leaks stated in a posting on its Twitter page on November 21. The State Department has directed every diplomatic mission in the world to analyze cables issued from their locations during that period and to highlight those cables that might contain material sensitive enough to harm the relationship with the host country or put in danger the lives of and sources of information, the report said.
The source says the concern is that Wiki Leaks release could undermine the United States all over the world. Honest diplomatic reporting is essential, the official says, and the Leaks could hurt, that, as well as compromise traditional diplomatic sources. The leaks could ruin their deaths. In preparation, the State Department has been reaching out to other government to warm them and has notified Congress about what could be published, State Department spokesman P J Crowley said earlier this week. The Pentagon also is concerned about the newest release. Officials there expert the documents to be released soon, possibly by the end of the week.
Washington: The US has ordered a massive review of diplomatic cables sent by its embassies around the world after Wiki Leaks threatened to publish thousands of sensitive documents that could undermine America’s ties with other nations, a media report said. The threat publication of thousands of sensitive diplomatic cables by whistle-blower website Wiki Leaks has prompted a massive review of documents at US embassies around the world, CNN quoted a US official as saying. The documents are believed to include hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of diplomatic reporting cables from around the world from between 2006 and 2009, the unnamed US officials said.
The official said that the State Department has, for months, been intensively dealing with the potential impact of the release of documents that Wiki Leaks just recently hinted it will publish. In October, Wiki Leaks released nearly 400,000 US military reports about operations in Iraq. In July it released more than 70,000 reports from the war in Afghanistan. “Next release is 7 [times] the size of the Iraq War Logs,” the Wiki Leaks stated in a posting on its Twitter page on November 21. The State Department has directed every diplomatic mission in the world to analyze cables issued from their locations during that period and to highlight those cables that might contain material sensitive enough to harm the relationship with the host country or put in danger the lives of and sources of information, the report said.
The source says the concern is that Wiki Leaks release could undermine the United States all over the world. Honest diplomatic reporting is essential, the official says, and the Leaks could hurt, that, as well as compromise traditional diplomatic sources. The leaks could ruin their deaths. In preparation, the State Department has been reaching out to other government to warm them and has notified Congress about what could be published, State Department spokesman P J Crowley said earlier this week. The Pentagon also is concerned about the newest release. Officials there expert the documents to be released soon, possibly by the end of the week.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Labarik Idade Eskola Fase Karreta Mala'e Sira ni'an No Halo servisu Ema Boot nian
Tempo Semanal-Dili 28.11.2010
Governu Timor Leste ratifika tiha ona Konvensaun ONU ba proteje direitu labarik sira nian iha lorfon 17/09/2003. Maibe ohin labarik idade eskolar sira sei fase kareta iha Hotel Timor ninia oin no sorin nune'e mos iha area kakoli dili. Iha Timor mos iha UNICEF maibe karik instituisaun sira ne'e la haree hetan labarik sira ne'e besil sira nia baze iha Kaikoli?
Hafoin de tinan hitu Estadu Timor Leste liu husi Parlamentu nasional ratifika konvensaun Internasional ne'ebe ho hotal artigu lima nolu resin ha'at ne'e labarik Timor oan sira sei fase karreta no Mala'e sira inklui ONU nia staff mos seluk osan ba labarik sira ne'e.
Mala'e sira nia atuasaun hodi selu osan ba labarik sira ne'e hanesan hahalok ida hodi enkauraja labarik sira ba fase kareta no Governu mos la halo atuasaun nesesariu ba kompania sira maka foo servisu ba labarik sira ne'e. Iha Dili labarik sira barak liu faan modo, faan pulsa, fase malae no Timor oan sira nia karreta no mos halo servisu seluk tan hodi lakon sira nia eskola. (TS)
Governu Timor Leste ratifika tiha ona Konvensaun ONU ba proteje direitu labarik sira nian iha lorfon 17/09/2003. Maibe ohin labarik idade eskolar sira sei fase kareta iha Hotel Timor ninia oin no sorin nune'e mos iha area kakoli dili. Iha Timor mos iha UNICEF maibe karik instituisaun sira ne'e la haree hetan labarik sira ne'e besil sira nia baze iha Kaikoli?
Hafoin de tinan hitu Estadu Timor Leste liu husi Parlamentu nasional ratifika konvensaun Internasional ne'ebe ho hotal artigu lima nolu resin ha'at ne'e labarik Timor oan sira sei fase karreta no Mala'e sira inklui ONU nia staff mos seluk osan ba labarik sira ne'e.
Mala'e sira nia atuasaun hodi selu osan ba labarik sira ne'e hanesan hahalok ida hodi enkauraja labarik sira ba fase kareta no Governu mos la halo atuasaun nesesariu ba kompania sira maka foo servisu ba labarik sira ne'e. Iha Dili labarik sira barak liu faan modo, faan pulsa, fase malae no Timor oan sira nia karreta no mos halo servisu seluk tan hodi lakon sira nia eskola. (TS)
Grupu Atista God Bless Ho Ahmad Albar Harame Aniversariu Deklarasaun Independecia TL
Tempo Semanal Breaking News-Dili, 28.11.2010
Grupu Artista Indonesia God Bless ho ninia kantor Ahmmad Albar mai harame celebrasaun aniversariu deklarasaun Unilateral ne’ebe inisia husi partidu Fretilin bad ala tolu nolu resin lima.
God Bless harii iha tinan 1973 tinan rua antes Timor Leste deklara unilateralmente ninia ukun rasik aan iha 28 de novembru 1975 antes Ahmad Albar ninia ukun nain sira ho tulun husi nasaun boboot sira seluk iha momentu ne’eba deside halo invazaun mai Timor Leste oficialmente iha loron 7/12/1975. “Slamat Timor leste. Terima kasih telah mengundang kami untuk meramaikan hari kemerdekaan Timor Leste ini. Parabeins, “ dehan kantor God Bless ninian Ahmad Albar.
Ahmad mos lori kanta balun husi album god ikus liu mak hasai iha tinan 2009. Hahu husi tinan 1973 ate 2010 God Bless halo ona album hamutuk tolu nolu resin neen.”
Ahmad dehan, “ kami sangat berbahagia bersama anda disini,” depois nia rasik halo tradusaun ba lian tetun katak, “ami konteni tebes.”
Ahmad foo agradesimentu ba Prezidenti da republika, Primeiru Ministru ho membru do governu sira seluk.
Iha loron ukun deklarasaun ba Ukun Rasik aan nasaun ne’e Ahmad mos kanta kantigus ne’ebe dedika ba meu ambiente ne’ebe hetan invazaun husi ema. Kanta ne’e halo husi ninia belun Doni Fatah titulu, “Biarkan hijau.”
Tuir fali nia kanta, “Jilat Matahari.” Iha kanta ne’e Ahmad hanesan husu ba Timor oan tomak atu ne’e atu hanoin hikas bu’at ne’e akontese ona iha TL ninia istoria luta ba TL ninia ukun rasik aan hodi labele monu ba tentasaun.
La haluha Kantor veteranus Indonesia nian ne’e lori kanta Ian Antono ho titulu, “ Rumah Kita.” Nasaun Timor Leste hari’i husi terus no susar maibe ninia oan sira sempre dehan oin sa mos ne’e nasaun Timor oan ninian. Ahmad iha kanta ne’e kanta mos ho lian tetun, “Di’ak liu iha ne’e. Ita nia nia uma iha sini.” Nia katak hotu tiha nia dehan, “rumah kita ada di Timor Leste.”
Joventude no audiensia wain haresin palasiu do Governu ninia oin. Pengemar Ahmad albar ho grupu God Bless ninia lori bandeira RDTL ho spanduk balun hodi hahi God Bless. "Ha'u kontente tebes ho Governu bele lorii ha'u nia artista favoritu Ahmad mai kanta iha ne'e ohin," dehan emprezariu ida ne'ebe husu ninia naran labele foo sai.
Emprezariu ne'e so'e viadas ba Ahmad katak, "ha'u hein ha'u nia artista ne'e sei la lori halai tan ami nia emprezariu feto sira tan ba iha tempu artista feto indonesia ida mai hada'u ona ami mane emprezariu Timor oan balun ninia domin."
Ahmad Albar mos kanta ida husi ninia malukIan Antono ne’ebe kreia iha 1977 ho titulu, “Dunia ini pangun sandiwara.”
Husi palku iha leste Palasiu do Governu nia oin Ahmad sei kanta nafatin ba Ema Timor Leste ninia loron no TVTL halo tramisaun direita maibe populasaun balun iha area Dili laran lakon momentum rona ai knanoik sira nia artista favoritu ne'e tan ba eletricidade mate. To'o noticia ne'e TS publika iha tuku 10.08 OTL, Ahmad sei kata nafatin (TS).
Grupu Artista Indonesia God Bless ho ninia kantor Ahmmad Albar mai harame celebrasaun aniversariu deklarasaun Unilateral ne’ebe inisia husi partidu Fretilin bad ala tolu nolu resin lima.
God Bless harii iha tinan 1973 tinan rua antes Timor Leste deklara unilateralmente ninia ukun rasik aan iha 28 de novembru 1975 antes Ahmad Albar ninia ukun nain sira ho tulun husi nasaun boboot sira seluk iha momentu ne’eba deside halo invazaun mai Timor Leste oficialmente iha loron 7/12/1975. “Slamat Timor leste. Terima kasih telah mengundang kami untuk meramaikan hari kemerdekaan Timor Leste ini. Parabeins, “ dehan kantor God Bless ninian Ahmad Albar.
Ahmad mos lori kanta balun husi album god ikus liu mak hasai iha tinan 2009. Hahu husi tinan 1973 ate 2010 God Bless halo ona album hamutuk tolu nolu resin neen.”
Ahmad dehan, “ kami sangat berbahagia bersama anda disini,” depois nia rasik halo tradusaun ba lian tetun katak, “ami konteni tebes.”
Ahmad foo agradesimentu ba Prezidenti da republika, Primeiru Ministru ho membru do governu sira seluk.
Iha loron ukun deklarasaun ba Ukun Rasik aan nasaun ne’e Ahmad mos kanta kantigus ne’ebe dedika ba meu ambiente ne’ebe hetan invazaun husi ema. Kanta ne’e halo husi ninia belun Doni Fatah titulu, “Biarkan hijau.”
Tuir fali nia kanta, “Jilat Matahari.” Iha kanta ne’e Ahmad hanesan husu ba Timor oan tomak atu ne’e atu hanoin hikas bu’at ne’e akontese ona iha TL ninia istoria luta ba TL ninia ukun rasik aan hodi labele monu ba tentasaun.
La haluha Kantor veteranus Indonesia nian ne’e lori kanta Ian Antono ho titulu, “ Rumah Kita.” Nasaun Timor Leste hari’i husi terus no susar maibe ninia oan sira sempre dehan oin sa mos ne’e nasaun Timor oan ninian. Ahmad iha kanta ne’e kanta mos ho lian tetun, “Di’ak liu iha ne’e. Ita nia nia uma iha sini.” Nia katak hotu tiha nia dehan, “rumah kita ada di Timor Leste.”
Joventude no audiensia wain haresin palasiu do Governu ninia oin. Pengemar Ahmad albar ho grupu God Bless ninia lori bandeira RDTL ho spanduk balun hodi hahi God Bless. "Ha'u kontente tebes ho Governu bele lorii ha'u nia artista favoritu Ahmad mai kanta iha ne'e ohin," dehan emprezariu ida ne'ebe husu ninia naran labele foo sai.
Emprezariu ne'e so'e viadas ba Ahmad katak, "ha'u hein ha'u nia artista ne'e sei la lori halai tan ami nia emprezariu feto sira tan ba iha tempu artista feto indonesia ida mai hada'u ona ami mane emprezariu Timor oan balun ninia domin."
Ahmad Albar mos kanta ida husi ninia malukIan Antono ne’ebe kreia iha 1977 ho titulu, “Dunia ini pangun sandiwara.”
Husi palku iha leste Palasiu do Governu nia oin Ahmad sei kanta nafatin ba Ema Timor Leste ninia loron no TVTL halo tramisaun direita maibe populasaun balun iha area Dili laran lakon momentum rona ai knanoik sira nia artista favoritu ne'e tan ba eletricidade mate. To'o noticia ne'e TS publika iha tuku 10.08 OTL, Ahmad sei kata nafatin (TS).
Udan bo’ot ho Rai lakan Ataka Kapital TL sai Pisina Gratuita
Tempo Semanal-Dili, 28.11.2010
Iha loro kraik (28/11) oras 15.32 rai lakan maka’as derepenti akompania ho rai tarutu maka’as tebes nian ida. Tempo Semanal liu husi dalan Bekora komunidade lubun ida maka joga hela bingo halai fahe malu so’e iha Estrada leten fatun ho ai musan bornal oan ifa ho surat tahan hakerek numeru koor ajul mutin.
Estrada Sidade Kapital nasaun ne’ebe mukit ho dranazen ne’e sai fali tan pisina dala ida iha celebrasaun aniversariu bad ala tolu nolu resin lima.
Udan bo’ot ne’e empata mos ceremonia hatuun Bandeira nasional iha palasiu do Governu to’o tuku 17.00 pass ona mos seidauk komesa maske loloos hahu iha oras ida antes. “Udan bo’ot hela ne’ebe ceremonia seidauk bele hahu,” dehan membru do governu ida ne’ebe husu atu labele publika ninia naran.
Nia hatutan, “maibe se udan nafatin maka ita hahu de’it ona iha udan laran.”
Sidade Dili hanesan capital Timor Leste ne’ebe ninia populasaun barak liu fali distritu sira seluk iha nasaun ne’e. Maibe hafoin restaurasaun independensia to’o ohin loron sei hoban ho udan wee kuandu udan turu tan ba kuran planu de urbanizasaun no dranezen. Sidade ne’e hetaan ameasa liu tan husi inundasaun wainhira komunidade no vendedores sira la so’e foer lixu fatin maka prepara ona.
“Ami iha direitu atu fa’an iha ne’e tan ba sasan sira ne’e folin diak,” dehan vendedor kiik oan iha besik dalan ninin Halilaran. (TS)

Liu tiha minute ruma, udan bo'ot bo'ot hahu duni malu tarutu tun husi diresaun Fatu Ahi tutun, tama dili iha oras 15.38. Udan bo’ot ne’e halo kapital nasaun nakonu fali ho wee. Iha dalan ema joven lubun maka joga bola maske bola ne’e lakona alkatraun.
Iha Kruzamentu Katedral ho dalan ba bairo pite ninian hetaan asaltu husi wee mota moloa. Tan ba rai henek sulan tihan ponte maloa nune’e wee mota ne’e naresin tama Estrada. Nune’e mos palasiu Prezidenti Aitarak laran ne’e sai pisina gratuita. “Ne’e pisina hodi nani gratuita ba kareta sira ne’eba,” dehan Ajon juventude ida ne’ebe hamriik iha besik mota Malao husi sorin leste hateke ba diresaun Palasiu Prezidenti.
Estrada Sidade Kapital nasaun ne’ebe mukit ho dranazen ne’e sai fali tan pisina dala ida iha celebrasaun aniversariu bad ala tolu nolu resin lima.
Udan bo’ot ne’e empata mos ceremonia hatuun Bandeira nasional iha palasiu do Governu to’o tuku 17.00 pass ona mos seidauk komesa maske loloos hahu iha oras ida antes. “Udan bo’ot hela ne’ebe ceremonia seidauk bele hahu,” dehan membru do governu ida ne’ebe husu atu labele publika ninia naran.
Nia hatutan, “maibe se udan nafatin maka ita hahu de’it ona iha udan laran.”
Sidade Dili hanesan capital Timor Leste ne’ebe ninia populasaun barak liu fali distritu sira seluk iha nasaun ne’e. Maibe hafoin restaurasaun independensia to’o ohin loron sei hoban ho udan wee kuandu udan turu tan ba kuran planu de urbanizasaun no dranezen. Sidade ne’e hetaan ameasa liu tan husi inundasaun wainhira komunidade no vendedores sira la so’e foer lixu fatin maka prepara ona.
“Ami iha direitu atu fa’an iha ne’e tan ba sasan sira ne’e folin diak,” dehan vendedor kiik oan iha besik dalan ninin Halilaran. (TS)
OIOS Internal Investigations into UNMIT Sexual Abuse, Misconduct, Corruption and Bad Management
Tempo Semanal Eskluxive-Dili, 28.11.2010
Tempo Semanal can reveal that since 2007 25 audits of UNMIT operations have been conducted by the United Nations Chief Auditor and Investigator in New York known as the Office for Internal Oversight Services (OIOS).
To date sources have provided this newspaper with a comprehensive list of all OIOS reports, and complete copies of 8 of the total 25 OIOS reports.
The reports that are not available as yet include investigations into fatal accidents, sexual abuse, theft, misuse of property, fraud, gross staff misconduct, money laundering/fraudulent wire transfer, and poor performance in the UNMIT Public Information Office. All are listed below.
The reports which this newspaper has obtained copies of involve investigation into :
• poor management performance in the assessment of risk in UNMIT doing its job well.
• Poor UNPOL performance, and how UNPOL were able to use rubber bullets in Timor-Leste despite being banned elsewhere, among other police failures such as a counterproductive command and control agreements between UNPOL and PNTL. As well as the very high rate of UNPOL car accidents some of which involved Timorese fatalities and grievous injuries.
• Poor and slow recruitment caused UNMIT to fail to be able to fulfill its tasks in its critical first 18 months.
• Poor management and performance in UNMIT Serious Crimes Unit.
• Wasteful procurement against UN rules, with suggestions of corruption.
• Poor management of Travel Funds, waste, misuse and possible corruption.
• Poor management and performance of UNMIT’s Security Sector Support Unit, with one staff member being in serious breach of professional guidelines.
• Poor management of UNMIT Administration of Justice Unit. One bad effect is that it leads to poor relations with Timorese Government partners..
On 23 November 2010 this paper asked Mr. George Kakuk Chief Spokesman for the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT), Caicoli Dili to 1) provide comment on the reports that this newspaper has obtained copies of, 2) provide this newspaper with copies of the reports which still secret.. The United Nations is charged with promoting transparency and accountability in the state institutions of Timor-Leste and is often very critical of these institutions when they are not transparent or accountable.
If a Timorese kills someone on a fatal car accident, UNMIT will quite rightly demand access to justice to on behalf of the victim and his/her family. But if a UNPOL or UN staff commits a crime such as this, it seeks to cover up the facts and circumstances. This is also relevant in the cases of sexual assault, theft, misconduct and corruption.
In the case of the OIOS reports as detailed by this newspaper Mr. Kakuk and UNMIT refuse to give copies of reports as yet unavailable, however they promised to deliver comments by Friday 26 November 2010 but in conclusion Mr. Kakuk informed Tempo Semanal that he was unable to comment because UNMIT Legal Affairs has yet to make a determination on what UNMIT can state in regards to the misconduct, mismanagement and possible criminal activities of UN staff in Timor-Leste between 2007 and 2010.
Mr. Kakuk has informed that this newspaper may run the story without UNMIT at this stage, but commits to an UNMIT response with a week.
Between 2007 and 2010 the UN Special Representative of the Secretary –General (SRSG) in charge of UNMIT was Mr.. Atul Khare of India. Since early 2010 the SRSG for UNMIT has been Ms. Ameerah Haq. The vast majority, 72%, of OIOS investigations into UNMIT misconduct occurred while Mr. Khare was in office.
The newspaper will be reviewing the documents in ittt possession over the coming weeks and will 1) produce reports on each, and 2) publish each document online.
Below is a complete list of OIOS reports 2007-2010 which this newspaper has in its possession (8) and has requested from UNMIT (17), but as yes UNMIT has refused to act in a transparent and accountable manner. Complete OIOS report lists.
Period 2007:
1. 03/10/2007 Risk Assessment UNMIT No.AP2007/682/06 (on file with TS)
2. 29/11/2007 Investigation into an allegation of sexual molestation by a contingent formed police unit officer in the United Nations integrated Mission in Timor-Leste 0404/07 UNMIT ID
Period 2008:
3. 04/03/2008 Audit Report UN Police in UNMIT, Recruitment at UNMIT, No. AP2007/682/01 (on file with TS)
4. 09/05/2008 Closure report on allegations of false expense claims by UN Contractors in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0482/07 OIOS IA
5. 09/05/2008 Closure report on harassment by UN Civilian Police Chief of Staff in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0039/08 OIOS ID
6. 15/05/2008 Closure report on possible misconduct of staff member in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0640/07 OIOS ID
7. 27/05/2008 Closure report on death threat allegations at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0590/07 OIOS ID
8. 27/05/2008 Investigation report on sexual assault by a Formed Police Unit member in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0113/08 DFS ID
9. 19/11/2008 Closure report on possible misconduct by a UNPOL Officer at the United Nations Office in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) ID 0681/07 OIOS
10. 28/11/2008 Closure report on possible theft of personal property at the United Nations Office in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) ID 0423/08 OIOS
11. 05/12/2008 Audit Report Recruitment at UNMIT, No. AP2008/682/04 (on file with TS)
Period 2009:
12. 10/02/2009 Serious Crimes Investigation Programme in UNMIT, Delays in commencement of investigative work has resulted in a backlog of cases, No. AP2008/682/06 (on file with TS)
13. 21/04/2009 Closure report on possible misconduct by a staff member of the United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) ID 0112/09 DFS
14. 24/07/2009 Closure report on fatal traffic accident in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0580/08 ID
15. 07/08/2009 Audit of procurement management in UNMIT - Further improvements to the procurement process needed to ensure compliance with the Procurement Manual UNMIT AP2008/682/07 IAD (on file with TS)
16. 27/08/2009 Travel arrangements in UNMIT - Inadequate internal controls over travel and related entitlements UNMIT AP2009/682/06 IAD (on file with TS)
17. 28/09/2009 Closure report on possible misconduct by staff members at the United Nations Integrated Mission in East Timor (UNMIT) DFS 0068/08 ID
18. 23/12/2009 Audit Report, Management of the Security Sector Support Programme in UNMIT - UNMIT's Support to security sector review and reform in Timor-Leste has not been fully effective UNMIT AP2009/682/02 IAD (on file with TS)
Period 2010:
19. 29/01/2010 Investigation report on the fraudulent wire transfer by a staff member at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0290/09 ID
20. 26/02/2010 Preliminary Investigation report on misuse of communication and information technology resources by a United Nations Police Officer at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0222/09 ID
21. 01/03/2010 Support to the development of the administration of justice in Timor-Leste - Progress has been made in supporting the development of the capacity of the justice sector; however, more efforts are needed to increase the level of engagement with national counterparts UNMIT AP2009/682/03 IAD (on file with TS)
22. 28/05/2010 Investigation report on misuse of information and communication technology resources by a staff member at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0172/10 ID
23. 28/05/2010 Advisory on the misuse of information and communication technology resources in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) 0222/09, 0170/10, 0171/10, 0172/10 DFS ID
24. 11/06/2010 Investigation report on misuse of information and communication technology resources by a staff member at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0170/10 ID
25. 15/06/2010 Public information services in UNMIT - Ineffective planning and weak governance diminished the efficiency and effectiveness of UNMIT's public information services UNMIT AP2009/682/04 IAD. (TS)

To date sources have provided this newspaper with a comprehensive list of all OIOS reports, and complete copies of 8 of the total 25 OIOS reports.
The reports that are not available as yet include investigations into fatal accidents, sexual abuse, theft, misuse of property, fraud, gross staff misconduct, money laundering/fraudulent wire transfer, and poor performance in the UNMIT Public Information Office. All are listed below.
The reports which this newspaper has obtained copies of involve investigation into :
• poor management performance in the assessment of risk in UNMIT doing its job well.
• Poor UNPOL performance, and how UNPOL were able to use rubber bullets in Timor-Leste despite being banned elsewhere, among other police failures such as a counterproductive command and control agreements between UNPOL and PNTL. As well as the very high rate of UNPOL car accidents some of which involved Timorese fatalities and grievous injuries.
• Poor and slow recruitment caused UNMIT to fail to be able to fulfill its tasks in its critical first 18 months.
• Poor management and performance in UNMIT Serious Crimes Unit.
• Wasteful procurement against UN rules, with suggestions of corruption.
• Poor management of Travel Funds, waste, misuse and possible corruption.
• Poor management and performance of UNMIT’s Security Sector Support Unit, with one staff member being in serious breach of professional guidelines.
• Poor management of UNMIT Administration of Justice Unit. One bad effect is that it leads to poor relations with Timorese Government partners..
On 23 November 2010 this paper asked Mr. George Kakuk Chief Spokesman for the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT), Caicoli Dili to 1) provide comment on the reports that this newspaper has obtained copies of, 2) provide this newspaper with copies of the reports which still secret.. The United Nations is charged with promoting transparency and accountability in the state institutions of Timor-Leste and is often very critical of these institutions when they are not transparent or accountable.
If a Timorese kills someone on a fatal car accident, UNMIT will quite rightly demand access to justice to on behalf of the victim and his/her family. But if a UNPOL or UN staff commits a crime such as this, it seeks to cover up the facts and circumstances. This is also relevant in the cases of sexual assault, theft, misconduct and corruption.
In the case of the OIOS reports as detailed by this newspaper Mr. Kakuk and UNMIT refuse to give copies of reports as yet unavailable, however they promised to deliver comments by Friday 26 November 2010 but in conclusion Mr. Kakuk informed Tempo Semanal that he was unable to comment because UNMIT Legal Affairs has yet to make a determination on what UNMIT can state in regards to the misconduct, mismanagement and possible criminal activities of UN staff in Timor-Leste between 2007 and 2010.
Mr. Kakuk has informed that this newspaper may run the story without UNMIT at this stage, but commits to an UNMIT response with a week.
Between 2007 and 2010 the UN Special Representative of the Secretary –General (SRSG) in charge of UNMIT was Mr.. Atul Khare of India. Since early 2010 the SRSG for UNMIT has been Ms. Ameerah Haq. The vast majority, 72%, of OIOS investigations into UNMIT misconduct occurred while Mr. Khare was in office.
The newspaper will be reviewing the documents in ittt possession over the coming weeks and will 1) produce reports on each, and 2) publish each document online.
Below is a complete list of OIOS reports 2007-2010 which this newspaper has in its possession (8) and has requested from UNMIT (17), but as yes UNMIT has refused to act in a transparent and accountable manner. Complete OIOS report lists.
Period 2007:
1. 03/10/2007 Risk Assessment UNMIT No.AP2007/682/06 (on file with TS)
2. 29/11/2007 Investigation into an allegation of sexual molestation by a contingent formed police unit officer in the United Nations integrated Mission in Timor-Leste 0404/07 UNMIT ID
Period 2008:
3. 04/03/2008 Audit Report UN Police in UNMIT, Recruitment at UNMIT, No. AP2007/682/01 (on file with TS)
4. 09/05/2008 Closure report on allegations of false expense claims by UN Contractors in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0482/07 OIOS IA
5. 09/05/2008 Closure report on harassment by UN Civilian Police Chief of Staff in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0039/08 OIOS ID
6. 15/05/2008 Closure report on possible misconduct of staff member in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0640/07 OIOS ID
7. 27/05/2008 Closure report on death threat allegations at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0590/07 OIOS ID
8. 27/05/2008 Investigation report on sexual assault by a Formed Police Unit member in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0113/08 DFS ID
9. 19/11/2008 Closure report on possible misconduct by a UNPOL Officer at the United Nations Office in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) ID 0681/07 OIOS
10. 28/11/2008 Closure report on possible theft of personal property at the United Nations Office in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) ID 0423/08 OIOS
11. 05/12/2008 Audit Report Recruitment at UNMIT, No. AP2008/682/04 (on file with TS)
Period 2009:
12. 10/02/2009 Serious Crimes Investigation Programme in UNMIT, Delays in commencement of investigative work has resulted in a backlog of cases, No. AP2008/682/06 (on file with TS)
13. 21/04/2009 Closure report on possible misconduct by a staff member of the United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) ID 0112/09 DFS
14. 24/07/2009 Closure report on fatal traffic accident in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0580/08 ID
15. 07/08/2009 Audit of procurement management in UNMIT - Further improvements to the procurement process needed to ensure compliance with the Procurement Manual UNMIT AP2008/682/07 IAD (on file with TS)
16. 27/08/2009 Travel arrangements in UNMIT - Inadequate internal controls over travel and related entitlements UNMIT AP2009/682/06 IAD (on file with TS)
17. 28/09/2009 Closure report on possible misconduct by staff members at the United Nations Integrated Mission in East Timor (UNMIT) DFS 0068/08 ID
18. 23/12/2009 Audit Report, Management of the Security Sector Support Programme in UNMIT - UNMIT's Support to security sector review and reform in Timor-Leste has not been fully effective UNMIT AP2009/682/02 IAD (on file with TS)
Period 2010:
19. 29/01/2010 Investigation report on the fraudulent wire transfer by a staff member at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0290/09 ID
20. 26/02/2010 Preliminary Investigation report on misuse of communication and information technology resources by a United Nations Police Officer at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0222/09 ID
21. 01/03/2010 Support to the development of the administration of justice in Timor-Leste - Progress has been made in supporting the development of the capacity of the justice sector; however, more efforts are needed to increase the level of engagement with national counterparts UNMIT AP2009/682/03 IAD (on file with TS)
22. 28/05/2010 Investigation report on misuse of information and communication technology resources by a staff member at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0172/10 ID
23. 28/05/2010 Advisory on the misuse of information and communication technology resources in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) 0222/09, 0170/10, 0171/10, 0172/10 DFS ID
24. 11/06/2010 Investigation report on misuse of information and communication technology resources by a staff member at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0170/10 ID
25. 15/06/2010 Public information services in UNMIT - Ineffective planning and weak governance diminished the efficiency and effectiveness of UNMIT's public information services UNMIT AP2009/682/04 IAD. (TS)
Horta Hahi Area Edukasaun ho Saude, Tauk HIV Cida sabada Media Internasional Mak Kritika TL
Tempo Semanal-Dili, 28.11.2010
Iha fatin ne'e mos eis Primeiru Prezidenti da Republika Fretilin 1975, DR. Francisco Xavier do Amaral ho ninia oklu no hakat ba podium hodi lee hikas deklarasaun ne'ebe nia halo iha tinan tolu nolu resin liman liu ba. Ukun rasik aan nasaun Timor Leste ne'e hakat tuir dalan naruk hafolin ho ema barak nia moris no riku soin sira. Iha konvite ne'ebe IV Governu RDTL foo sai hafutar ho letratu jerasaun sira ne'ebe hamri'ik loron 28/11/1975 maibe barak maka mate ona no iha foto ne'e ema uitoan de'it maka sei moris inklui DR. Mari Alkatiri ne'ebe foin halo kompleta tinan 61 iha 26/11/2010 ho eis komandante Gerilla subtitutu Xanana ninia Irmaun Mahunu.Prezidenti da Republika halo balanso pozitivu. Horta lamenta uitoan ho kritikas ne'ebe mai husi Media internasional balun no estadu balun. "Husik ba sirak hakerek ba. Peritus sira dala barak halo analisa sala maibe ita maka hatene," dehan Horta.
Prezidenti da Republika iha ninia diskursu ho topiku rua liu-liu kona edukasaun no saude. Maske tinan walu de'it liu, ita nu'udar ema iha tendensia atu haluha buat ida ne'eba akonsete iha tinan walu liu ba. Dezenvolvimentu area rua ne'e kapas tebe-tebes. Tinan walu liu tiha eskola rihun ida resin, iha merenda eskolar maibe iha mos falla.Prezidenti da Republika dehan merenda eskolar falla tan ba dala ruma la iha osan ou la iha kapasidade de lideransa. Ita haree labarik sira aumenta ne'ebe 6% sa'e ba 8%. Mesmu iha mudansa iha area rua ne'e maibe Horta dehan, "iha buat barak sei falla hanesan kualidade profesores, bibiliteka, bee mos, absentizmu profesor boot, kualidade eskola sira dala ruma eskola kadeira meza la iha. La iha investimu ida ke di'ak liu iha nasaun ida ne'e se la'os edukasaun ho saude.
Ramos Horta dehan numeru estudante saude ninian ne'ebe eskola iha Kuba, australia, Filipina, Indonesia liu rihun ida no hein katak iha tinan lima mai nasaun ne'e ninia centru saude ho Ospitais sira sei la kuran tan servisu nain ba saude ninian.
Iha setor rua ne'e aspetu ida ne'ebe maka importante tebep-tebes maka alfavetizmu. Atauro deklara ona hanesan livre husi alfavetizmu no oekuse hanesan primeiru distritu. "Ita tenke to'o iha 2015 elima ona alfavetizmu," Horta Espera. Nia dehan ho apoiu husi nasaun Kuba Timor leste tenta liberta povu husi alfavetizasaun.
Horta foo agradesimentu ba komunidade ninia kontribuisaun maka'as ba setor edukasaun no sa'ude hanesan hari'i infaestrutura no foo bolsu de estudu. relasiona ho bolsu de estudu Horta ne'ebe iha momentu ruma iha tinan ne'e kritika nasaun doadores sira ninia osan ne'ebe dala barak gasta arbiru de'it hahi fali inisiativa husi nasaun vizinus Australia, Nova Zelandia, Australia, Brasil no Xina iha dezenvolvimentu rekursu Umanus.
Prezidenti Horta iha loron ukun rasik aan ne'e tenta atu liberta povu husi moras HIV Cida nune'e duni estadu foo rekuinsimentu ba NGO Esperansa. Nia foo izemplu katak feen ida moras HIV aids tan ba hafoin ninia la'en hafoin halo vizita ida ba estranjeiru. Horta hatudu ninia tauk kona ba Moras HIV Cida. Epidemia moras ne'e sai ameasa daudaun nasaun ne'e foun TL tan ba pursentu vitima simttomak HIV aids aumenta husi tinan ba tinan.
Iha parte seluk semana kotuk PNTL kaptura sidaudaun estranjeiru sanolu resin tolu iha Kartika baar ne'ebe deskonfia hala'o hela atividade prostituisaun iha besik eskola Paulo VI Dili maibe tribunal dili liberta hikas tan ba iha momentu ba hala'o buska PNTL la lori surat ordem de buska husi Tribunal. "Ha'u hanoin estadu ladun firmeza iha sira nia asaun no desizaun atu taka baar sira ne'ebe loke iha ne'e. Hau mos haree Igreija ladun pro ativu hodi servisu ho Governu ba komunidade iha nasaun," dehan Sr. Amelia da silva.
Inan husi oan nain neen ne'e preokupa ho invazaun prostituta mai Timor Leste husi Thailand, Indonesia, Xina no parte asiz sira seluk. "Ha'u hakarak valoriza ukun rasik aan ida ne'e hahalok pozitivu," nia espera.
Fila ba Prezidenti da Republika ninia deskursu taka hoo lia menon ba funsionariu publiku sira labele halo tuir lala'ok bataliaun 705. Nia hateten katak funsionariu Indonesia uluk tama tuku Hitu la halo buat ida no sai tuku lima.
Hafoin de diskusu Prezidenti RDTL ninian tuir kedan ho entrega kondekorasaun ba GNR portugal, Prof. George Adithondro, NOG Esperansa no NGO seluk.
Wainhira ami hasa'e notica ne'e desfile halo husi F-FDTL, PNTL, Segurnasa Civil, bombeirus, estudante sira. partisipasaun husi komunidade ba ceremonia istoriku ne'e kmanek duni. (TS)
Iha tuku sanolu dadeer nasaun ne'e celebra hika'as loron deklarasaun unilateral Independencia Timor Leste ba dala tolu nolu resin lima. Hahu ho Prezidenti DR. Jose Ramos Horta ha'ao inspeksaun ba parada ne'ebe direje husi segundu komanadante Komponente Naval Maj. Neves no tuir kedan ho ceremonia hasa'e bandeira nasional. Eskola Sao Jose maka tinan ne'e simu kna'ar hodi hasa'e lori simbolu ne'ebe sosa ho mate, ran no terus ne'e ba hasa'e. Iha Marka pasu estudante sa'o Jose Balide hatudu sira nia espiritu nasionalizmu no respeitu ba herois nasaun ne'e ninian. Maske nune'e membru PNTL sira ne'ebe guarda ba Bandeira ne'e ninia maka pasu la tuir estudante sira ne'e ninia ritmu. "Ha'u hanoin labarik sira ne'e hamo'e ona ita nia membru PNTL nain haat ne'eba. Labarik sira ne'e furak liu fali PNTL sira," dehan Imaculada da costa komunidade ida hamriik iha parte tasi palasiu Governu ninia oin.

Prezidenti da Republika iha ninia diskursu ho topiku rua liu-liu kona edukasaun no saude. Maske tinan walu de'it liu, ita nu'udar ema iha tendensia atu haluha buat ida ne'eba akonsete iha tinan walu liu ba. Dezenvolvimentu area rua ne'e kapas tebe-tebes. Tinan walu liu tiha eskola rihun ida resin, iha merenda eskolar maibe iha mos falla.Prezidenti da Republika dehan merenda eskolar falla tan ba dala ruma la iha osan ou la iha kapasidade de lideransa. Ita haree labarik sira aumenta ne'ebe 6% sa'e ba 8%. Mesmu iha mudansa iha area rua ne'e maibe Horta dehan, "iha buat barak sei falla hanesan kualidade profesores, bibiliteka, bee mos, absentizmu profesor boot, kualidade eskola sira dala ruma eskola kadeira meza la iha. La iha investimu ida ke di'ak liu iha nasaun ida ne'e se la'os edukasaun ho saude.
Ramos Horta dehan numeru estudante saude ninian ne'ebe eskola iha Kuba, australia, Filipina, Indonesia liu rihun ida no hein katak iha tinan lima mai nasaun ne'e ninia centru saude ho Ospitais sira sei la kuran tan servisu nain ba saude ninian.
Iha setor rua ne'e aspetu ida ne'ebe maka importante tebep-tebes maka alfavetizmu. Atauro deklara ona hanesan livre husi alfavetizmu no oekuse hanesan primeiru distritu. "Ita tenke to'o iha 2015 elima ona alfavetizmu," Horta Espera. Nia dehan ho apoiu husi nasaun Kuba Timor leste tenta liberta povu husi alfavetizasaun.
Horta foo agradesimentu ba komunidade ninia kontribuisaun maka'as ba setor edukasaun no sa'ude hanesan hari'i infaestrutura no foo bolsu de estudu. relasiona ho bolsu de estudu Horta ne'ebe iha momentu ruma iha tinan ne'e kritika nasaun doadores sira ninia osan ne'ebe dala barak gasta arbiru de'it hahi fali inisiativa husi nasaun vizinus Australia, Nova Zelandia, Australia, Brasil no Xina iha dezenvolvimentu rekursu Umanus.
Prezidenti Horta iha loron ukun rasik aan ne'e tenta atu liberta povu husi moras HIV Cida nune'e duni estadu foo rekuinsimentu ba NGO Esperansa. Nia foo izemplu katak feen ida moras HIV aids tan ba hafoin ninia la'en hafoin halo vizita ida ba estranjeiru. Horta hatudu ninia tauk kona ba Moras HIV Cida. Epidemia moras ne'e sai ameasa daudaun nasaun ne'e foun TL tan ba pursentu vitima simttomak HIV aids aumenta husi tinan ba tinan.
Iha parte seluk semana kotuk PNTL kaptura sidaudaun estranjeiru sanolu resin tolu iha Kartika baar ne'ebe deskonfia hala'o hela atividade prostituisaun iha besik eskola Paulo VI Dili maibe tribunal dili liberta hikas tan ba iha momentu ba hala'o buska PNTL la lori surat ordem de buska husi Tribunal. "Ha'u hanoin estadu ladun firmeza iha sira nia asaun no desizaun atu taka baar sira ne'ebe loke iha ne'e. Hau mos haree Igreija ladun pro ativu hodi servisu ho Governu ba komunidade iha nasaun," dehan Sr. Amelia da silva.
Inan husi oan nain neen ne'e preokupa ho invazaun prostituta mai Timor Leste husi Thailand, Indonesia, Xina no parte asiz sira seluk. "Ha'u hakarak valoriza ukun rasik aan ida ne'e hahalok pozitivu," nia espera.
Fila ba Prezidenti da Republika ninia deskursu taka hoo lia menon ba funsionariu publiku sira labele halo tuir lala'ok bataliaun 705. Nia hateten katak funsionariu Indonesia uluk tama tuku Hitu la halo buat ida no sai tuku lima.
Hafoin de diskusu Prezidenti RDTL ninian tuir kedan ho entrega kondekorasaun ba GNR portugal, Prof. George Adithondro, NOG Esperansa no NGO seluk.
Wainhira ami hasa'e notica ne'e desfile halo husi F-FDTL, PNTL, Segurnasa Civil, bombeirus, estudante sira. partisipasaun husi komunidade ba ceremonia istoriku ne'e kmanek duni. (TS)
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Tempo Semanal-Dili, 28-11-2010
Hafoin tinan tolu partidu lima ne’ebe forma Governu Alianca Maioria Parlamentar (AMP) kaer ukun, iha semana uluk fulan ne’e Dr. Deonisio Babo Soares, lidera ekipa ida MAK kompostu husi Partidu CNRT rasik, PD, Undertim, ASDT ho PSD hodi hala’o vizita de estudo ida ba Xina hodi haree ho besik situasaun politika, sosio no ekonomia iha nasaun ne’ebe dezde 1975 sempre apoiu Timor Leste. Atu hatene diak liu tan rejultadu husi vizita ne’e tuir mai Tempo Semanal (TS) hala’o dada lia eskluxivu ho DR. Deonisio Babo Soares (DB) hanesan tuir mai iha okos ne’e.
TS: Karik bele esplika objetivu principal vizita ba Xina nian mai ami?
DB: Foin dadaun governo Xina konvida Partidos sira iha Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar atu halo visita ba Xina. Visita de estudo ba Xina ba Xina hosi dia 6 to 16 de Novembro 2010 halo ho intensaun atu hare besik liu tan konaba desenvolvimento iha rai neba.
Objectivo prinsipal visita ne'e atu hare no estuda liu tan dezenvolvimento iha aspekto hotu-hotu iha Xina, liu-liu hosi parte politika, ekonomia, dezenvolvimento em geral no koalia assuntos relasionados ba problema sosial nebe mossu iha neba. Iha visita ne, alem de ba konhese mos historia Xina nian, vkontigensia ne vizita mos ZONA IPTEK, fabrika Aviaun Xian'xi, fabrika makinas pezadas infraestrutura nian ho seluk tan.
Iha diskussaun barak sobre dezenvolvimento hosi parte parte politika, mossu perguntas balun atu intende didiak politika Xina nian nebe hetan kritika bebeik hosi mundo internasional liu liu iha parte direitos humanos. Iha mos esplikasaun hosi professor universitarios balu katak sistem politiak Xina nian ne uniku no buka atu ajusta ba realidade nasaun ho povo Xina nian. Tanba ne’e, ema barak iha rai seluk la kumprende, tanba karakteristika Sosialista Xinese obriga governo atu manteim paz, establidade, hodi bele asegura povo nia moris liu hosi programa dezenvolvimento.
Ba ema Xina laiha buat ida mak aat ho sira nia sistema, tanba atu hametin paz, estabilidade no dezenvolvimento sira preciza iha sistema ida rasik ne’ebe bele asegura buat sira ne’e hotu. Sira mos respeita nafatin sistem demokrasia seluk ne’ebe rai seluk adopta no lakoi atu mete iha ema rai seluk nia problema.. Ba Xina, relasaun ho rai seluk baseia ba prinsipio de igualdade, no non-inteferensi iha assunto internal paiz idak idak nian.
TS: Duarnte iha Xina karik ekipa ne'e konsege hetaan ninia objetivu?
DB: Iha buat barak mak ekipa ne’e aprende hosi Xina, liu liu kona ba oinsa ita bele iha mentalidade ida diak hanesan estadista (negarawan) hodi dezenvolve ita nia nasaun. SIstema komunista/sosialista xinez la’os hanesan kapitalista sira sempre dehan katak aat no ladiak. Governo Xinez halo bebeik avaliasaun no mudansa ba sira nia sistema rasik. Sira mos rekonhese katak uluk sira halo salah barak, no agora sira hadia sistema . Ne’e hotu hodi garante povo bele moris diak no estabilidade be asegura iha sira nia rain. Hanesan paiz soberano, ita respeita Xina nia sistema tanba ne’e depende ba povo no ema Xina mak bele deside sobre sira nia futuro. Jadi objectivo vizita ne’e hetan duni objectivo tanba bele aprende buat barak hosi vizita ne’e.
TS: Sa ida maka ita bo’ot sira sei halo ho rezultadu vizita ne'e?
DB: Vizita ne’e hanesan vizita de estudo hodi halo komparasaun ba sistema ne’ebe ita iha ho sistema ne’ebe sira mos iha. maske Xina nasaun boot no riku, sira nia sistema la haneasn ho ita. Maibe iha buat barak ne’ebe diak mak ita bele aproveita, liu hosi maneira de sira maneja sira nia rain, ekonomia no establidade hodi asegura dezenvovimento (kesejahteraan) sira nia rain no povo.
Iha buat tolu mak ami hetan hosi vizitz de estudo ne’e katak Xina iha Governo ida ne’ebe forte, Disiplina ho ethos servisu povo nian ne’ebe maka’as no iha Lei ne’ebe forte hodi garante sidadaun hotu nia direito. Maske iha aspektu legislasaun ho direitos humanos rasik ema barak mak sei kritika maibe ne’e hare hosi objectivu sistema nian atu asegura estabilidae no dezenvolvimento, ita bele kumprende.
TS: Karik Ita bo’ot bele esplika, ekipa ne'e kompostu husi sese no tan ba sa?
DB: Membros partido CNRT ho AMP (PD, ASDT, UNDERTIM, PSD) seluk halao vizita ba provinsia boot tolu Chizuan, Xian'xi no Bejing. Kontigente AMP ne’e hamutuk ema nain walu ho naran hanesan tuir mai ne’e: Dionisio Babo Soares (Sekretario Geral CNRT); Feliz Sekywara Gusmao (Kord CNRT DILI) Jose Virgilio R. Perreira (Vice Presidente Juventude CNRT); Carlos Godinho (Vice Presidente Juventude PD) Elisabet Mendosa (ASDT); Francisco Salsinha ho Afonso Rangel (UNDERTIM) ho Adelino Amaral (PSD).
Membros sira ne’e, sira nia partido mak haruka no foo konfiansa atu bele hetan experiencia liu tan atu bele kontribui ba ita nia nasaun iha futuro.
TS: Karik ita sira mos ba haree oin sa atu bele Estadu TL bele hetan Imprestu osan husi Xina?
DB: Governu Xinez hatene katak ita nasaun ki’ik, maibe sira mos respeita ita nia soberania no hakarak iha relasaun ho ita hanesan nasaun nebe independente. Xina la iha ambissaun territorial ka amibisaun militar ba rai seluk. Sira iha problema barak iha sira nia rain ne’ebe sira tenki rezolve, hanesan kazu TIBET, kazu entre ethnis uha norte, povo ne’ebe sei kiak barak (por volta de 150 jutas). Tanba ne’e sira hakarak iha relasaun diak ho estado hotu iha mundo atu bele iha relasaun ekeonomia, loke merkadu para sasan tama no iha koperasaun ne’ebe fo benefisiu ba hotu-hotu.
Xina hanesan potensia ekonomia boot iha mundo, sai mos parseiro importante ida ba ita Timor. Nune mos Xina preciza atu trata Timor Leste hanesasn nasaun ne’ebe sira respeita hodi bele mos iha relasaun ekonomia diak ho sira.
Foin dadaun Presidente Ramos Horta hasoru malu ho Primeiro Ministro Wen Ja Bao iha Macau hamutuk ho paizes da lingua Portuguesa seluk. Xina promete atu fo 5o milhoes ba ajuda dezenvolvimento iha Timor Leste durante tinan hirak liu mai ne’e. Maibe ita mos tenki hatene aan katak ne’e mesmo mai hanesan grant (hibah) la’os signifiak katak ne’e saugati de’it. Iha relasoens internasionais ne’e hanesan jestu de kooperasaun ho tulun, maibe ita mos tenki resiproka ho jestu de komersiu seluk hodi bele mos fo benefisiu ba sira. Ne’e mak ema bolu benefisiu mutuo iha relasoens internasionais.
TS: Oin sa nu'udar Sekretariu Jeral Partidu ne'ebe agora ukun hela haree ba hanoin atu imprestu osan husi Xina hodi harii infraestrutura iha nasaun ne'e?
DB: Hau hakarak dehan de’it, se ita iha serteza katak iha tinan sanulu mai iha ossan atu dezenvolve ita nia rain, nusa mak ita tenki hein to tinan sanulu?.. Ita bele empresta daudauk ona mais selu ho osan ne’ebe ita sei bele hetan tinan sanulu mai. Se ita hein to tinan sanulo mak foin halo, sasan karun liu, problema sosial barak sei la rezolve no osan ne’e bele mos tiha hodi gasta ba buat seluk. Buat emprestimo ne’e normal no nasaun barak mak halo emprestimo hodi bele dezenvolve sira nia aan. Iha Europa, America, no mos Xina rasik, emprestimo ne’e sira halo ona. Hanesan Sekretario Geral Partido CNRT hau apoia totalmente saida mak Primeiro Ministro (Presidente Partido CNRT) halo tanba hau hatene nia iha intensaun diak atu hadia ita nia rain.
Ita preciza mak ajuda governo atu hadia sistema, planeia didiak, no halakon ema sira nebe hakarak aproveita hodi hariku aan. Tanba ba CNRT, ne’e osan povo nian no tenki uza ba povo nia moris. Se Xanana mak kaer governo nafatin, hau senti buat ne’e sei la’o diak liu tan hanesan ema ne’ebe luta hodi lidera nasaun ba independencia, hau laiha duvida no sei apoia hamutuk ho komponente CNRT tomak, no mos partido seluk atu bele alkansa objectivo moris diak no dezenvolvimento ita nia rain nian.
TS: Karik ita bo’ot bele esplika uitoan vantajen no dezvantajen husi imprestu ne'e?
DB: Laiha desvantagem hosi emprestimo ne’e, kuando ita uza ho diak osan ne’e atu dezenvolve ita nia rain. Indonesia deit, empresta osan dezde 1945 too agora mos sei empresta nafatin. Maibe ita empresta tanba ita hatene katak ita iha osan atu selu, rai seluk balun empresta mais tenki kelola fali osan ne’e hodi bele hetan lukro mak foin selu tanba sira nia osan la too atu selu dala ida deit.. Ba ita Timor laiha problema tanba ita iha osan, so ke osan ne’e so bele foti tinan hirak iha oin sedangkan ita preciza agora.
Ita preciza mak hadia jestaun no iha plano didiak. Tenki mos iha lei forte hodi kaer korruptor sira no hatama ba prizaun kuando sira komete korrupsaun. Ita preciza sosiedade sivil nebe forte atu halo kontrolo sosial no tau matan ba gastos estado nian atu nune’e, ita bele moris dame, iha estabilidade, dezenvolvimento no trankuilidade nia laran.
Hafoin tinan tolu partidu lima ne’ebe forma Governu Alianca Maioria Parlamentar (AMP) kaer ukun, iha semana uluk fulan ne’e Dr. Deonisio Babo Soares, lidera ekipa ida MAK kompostu husi Partidu CNRT rasik, PD, Undertim, ASDT ho PSD hodi hala’o vizita de estudo ida ba Xina hodi haree ho besik situasaun politika, sosio no ekonomia iha nasaun ne’ebe dezde 1975 sempre apoiu Timor Leste. Atu hatene diak liu tan rejultadu husi vizita ne’e tuir mai Tempo Semanal (TS) hala’o dada lia eskluxivu ho DR. Deonisio Babo Soares (DB) hanesan tuir mai iha okos ne’e.
TS: Karik bele esplika objetivu principal vizita ba Xina nian mai ami?
DB: Foin dadaun governo Xina konvida Partidos sira iha Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar atu halo visita ba Xina. Visita de estudo ba Xina ba Xina hosi dia 6 to 16 de Novembro 2010 halo ho intensaun atu hare besik liu tan konaba desenvolvimento iha rai neba.
Objectivo prinsipal visita ne'e atu hare no estuda liu tan dezenvolvimento iha aspekto hotu-hotu iha Xina, liu-liu hosi parte politika, ekonomia, dezenvolvimento em geral no koalia assuntos relasionados ba problema sosial nebe mossu iha neba. Iha visita ne, alem de ba konhese mos historia Xina nian, vkontigensia ne vizita mos ZONA IPTEK, fabrika Aviaun Xian'xi, fabrika makinas pezadas infraestrutura nian ho seluk tan.
Iha diskussaun barak sobre dezenvolvimento hosi parte parte politika, mossu perguntas balun atu intende didiak politika Xina nian nebe hetan kritika bebeik hosi mundo internasional liu liu iha parte direitos humanos. Iha mos esplikasaun hosi professor universitarios balu katak sistem politiak Xina nian ne uniku no buka atu ajusta ba realidade nasaun ho povo Xina nian. Tanba ne’e, ema barak iha rai seluk la kumprende, tanba karakteristika Sosialista Xinese obriga governo atu manteim paz, establidade, hodi bele asegura povo nia moris liu hosi programa dezenvolvimento.
Ba ema Xina laiha buat ida mak aat ho sira nia sistema, tanba atu hametin paz, estabilidade no dezenvolvimento sira preciza iha sistema ida rasik ne’ebe bele asegura buat sira ne’e hotu. Sira mos respeita nafatin sistem demokrasia seluk ne’ebe rai seluk adopta no lakoi atu mete iha ema rai seluk nia problema.. Ba Xina, relasaun ho rai seluk baseia ba prinsipio de igualdade, no non-inteferensi iha assunto internal paiz idak idak nian.
TS: Duarnte iha Xina karik ekipa ne'e konsege hetaan ninia objetivu?
DB: Iha buat barak mak ekipa ne’e aprende hosi Xina, liu liu kona ba oinsa ita bele iha mentalidade ida diak hanesan estadista (negarawan) hodi dezenvolve ita nia nasaun. SIstema komunista/sosialista xinez la’os hanesan kapitalista sira sempre dehan katak aat no ladiak. Governo Xinez halo bebeik avaliasaun no mudansa ba sira nia sistema rasik. Sira mos rekonhese katak uluk sira halo salah barak, no agora sira hadia sistema . Ne’e hotu hodi garante povo bele moris diak no estabilidade be asegura iha sira nia rain. Hanesan paiz soberano, ita respeita Xina nia sistema tanba ne’e depende ba povo no ema Xina mak bele deside sobre sira nia futuro. Jadi objectivo vizita ne’e hetan duni objectivo tanba bele aprende buat barak hosi vizita ne’e.
TS: Sa ida maka ita bo’ot sira sei halo ho rezultadu vizita ne'e?
DB: Vizita ne’e hanesan vizita de estudo hodi halo komparasaun ba sistema ne’ebe ita iha ho sistema ne’ebe sira mos iha. maske Xina nasaun boot no riku, sira nia sistema la haneasn ho ita. Maibe iha buat barak ne’ebe diak mak ita bele aproveita, liu hosi maneira de sira maneja sira nia rain, ekonomia no establidade hodi asegura dezenvovimento (kesejahteraan) sira nia rain no povo.
Iha buat tolu mak ami hetan hosi vizitz de estudo ne’e katak Xina iha Governo ida ne’ebe forte, Disiplina ho ethos servisu povo nian ne’ebe maka’as no iha Lei ne’ebe forte hodi garante sidadaun hotu nia direito. Maske iha aspektu legislasaun ho direitos humanos rasik ema barak mak sei kritika maibe ne’e hare hosi objectivu sistema nian atu asegura estabilidae no dezenvolvimento, ita bele kumprende.
TS: Karik Ita bo’ot bele esplika, ekipa ne'e kompostu husi sese no tan ba sa?
DB: Membros partido CNRT ho AMP (PD, ASDT, UNDERTIM, PSD) seluk halao vizita ba provinsia boot tolu Chizuan, Xian'xi no Bejing. Kontigente AMP ne’e hamutuk ema nain walu ho naran hanesan tuir mai ne’e: Dionisio Babo Soares (Sekretario Geral CNRT); Feliz Sekywara Gusmao (Kord CNRT DILI) Jose Virgilio R. Perreira (Vice Presidente Juventude CNRT); Carlos Godinho (Vice Presidente Juventude PD) Elisabet Mendosa (ASDT); Francisco Salsinha ho Afonso Rangel (UNDERTIM) ho Adelino Amaral (PSD).
Membros sira ne’e, sira nia partido mak haruka no foo konfiansa atu bele hetan experiencia liu tan atu bele kontribui ba ita nia nasaun iha futuro.
TS: Karik ita sira mos ba haree oin sa atu bele Estadu TL bele hetan Imprestu osan husi Xina?
DB: Governu Xinez hatene katak ita nasaun ki’ik, maibe sira mos respeita ita nia soberania no hakarak iha relasaun ho ita hanesan nasaun nebe independente. Xina la iha ambissaun territorial ka amibisaun militar ba rai seluk. Sira iha problema barak iha sira nia rain ne’ebe sira tenki rezolve, hanesan kazu TIBET, kazu entre ethnis uha norte, povo ne’ebe sei kiak barak (por volta de 150 jutas). Tanba ne’e sira hakarak iha relasaun diak ho estado hotu iha mundo atu bele iha relasaun ekeonomia, loke merkadu para sasan tama no iha koperasaun ne’ebe fo benefisiu ba hotu-hotu.
Xina hanesan potensia ekonomia boot iha mundo, sai mos parseiro importante ida ba ita Timor. Nune mos Xina preciza atu trata Timor Leste hanesasn nasaun ne’ebe sira respeita hodi bele mos iha relasaun ekonomia diak ho sira.
Foin dadaun Presidente Ramos Horta hasoru malu ho Primeiro Ministro Wen Ja Bao iha Macau hamutuk ho paizes da lingua Portuguesa seluk. Xina promete atu fo 5o milhoes ba ajuda dezenvolvimento iha Timor Leste durante tinan hirak liu mai ne’e. Maibe ita mos tenki hatene aan katak ne’e mesmo mai hanesan grant (hibah) la’os signifiak katak ne’e saugati de’it. Iha relasoens internasionais ne’e hanesan jestu de kooperasaun ho tulun, maibe ita mos tenki resiproka ho jestu de komersiu seluk hodi bele mos fo benefisiu ba sira. Ne’e mak ema bolu benefisiu mutuo iha relasoens internasionais.
TS: Oin sa nu'udar Sekretariu Jeral Partidu ne'ebe agora ukun hela haree ba hanoin atu imprestu osan husi Xina hodi harii infraestrutura iha nasaun ne'e?
DB: Hau hakarak dehan de’it, se ita iha serteza katak iha tinan sanulu mai iha ossan atu dezenvolve ita nia rain, nusa mak ita tenki hein to tinan sanulu?.. Ita bele empresta daudauk ona mais selu ho osan ne’ebe ita sei bele hetan tinan sanulu mai. Se ita hein to tinan sanulo mak foin halo, sasan karun liu, problema sosial barak sei la rezolve no osan ne’e bele mos tiha hodi gasta ba buat seluk. Buat emprestimo ne’e normal no nasaun barak mak halo emprestimo hodi bele dezenvolve sira nia aan. Iha Europa, America, no mos Xina rasik, emprestimo ne’e sira halo ona. Hanesan Sekretario Geral Partido CNRT hau apoia totalmente saida mak Primeiro Ministro (Presidente Partido CNRT) halo tanba hau hatene nia iha intensaun diak atu hadia ita nia rain.
Ita preciza mak ajuda governo atu hadia sistema, planeia didiak, no halakon ema sira nebe hakarak aproveita hodi hariku aan. Tanba ba CNRT, ne’e osan povo nian no tenki uza ba povo nia moris. Se Xanana mak kaer governo nafatin, hau senti buat ne’e sei la’o diak liu tan hanesan ema ne’ebe luta hodi lidera nasaun ba independencia, hau laiha duvida no sei apoia hamutuk ho komponente CNRT tomak, no mos partido seluk atu bele alkansa objectivo moris diak no dezenvolvimento ita nia rain nian.
TS: Karik ita bo’ot bele esplika uitoan vantajen no dezvantajen husi imprestu ne'e?
DB: Laiha desvantagem hosi emprestimo ne’e, kuando ita uza ho diak osan ne’e atu dezenvolve ita nia rain. Indonesia deit, empresta osan dezde 1945 too agora mos sei empresta nafatin. Maibe ita empresta tanba ita hatene katak ita iha osan atu selu, rai seluk balun empresta mais tenki kelola fali osan ne’e hodi bele hetan lukro mak foin selu tanba sira nia osan la too atu selu dala ida deit.. Ba ita Timor laiha problema tanba ita iha osan, so ke osan ne’e so bele foti tinan hirak iha oin sedangkan ita preciza agora.
Ita preciza mak hadia jestaun no iha plano didiak. Tenki mos iha lei forte hodi kaer korruptor sira no hatama ba prizaun kuando sira komete korrupsaun. Ita preciza sosiedade sivil nebe forte atu halo kontrolo sosial no tau matan ba gastos estado nian atu nune’e, ita bele moris dame, iha estabilidade, dezenvolvimento no trankuilidade nia laran.
Prezidenti da Republika Demokratika de Timor Leste, DR. Jose Ramos Horta, ohin foo tomada de pose ba embaixadora Dra.Vicky Tchong, eis Secretária-Jeral ba Ministério Negócios Estrangeiros. Dra. Vicky sei troka Embaixador Olimpio Branco. Prezidenti Horta deseju sucesu ba misaun ne'ebe simu husi diplomata senior nain rua iha Ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeiru ne'e.
Iha Horta ninia deskursu nia valoriza tebes relasaun amijade entre ninia nasaun ho Xina. Tuir eis Ministru negosiu estranjeiru iha Governu Primeiru ne'e nia hanoin katak Xina hanesan, "potensia mundial iha asentu nu'udar membru husi konsellu Permanente ONU ho direitu atu Veta iha konsellu Segunsa Nasoins Unidas nian."Nia hatutan katak, "Xina kada vez mais sei sai hanesan interlukotor determinante hodi determina estabilidade global."
Iha momentu hanesan mos Prezidenti da Republika fo Tomada de pose ba Eis Reprezentante Permanete Timor Leste ba ONU DR. Nelson Dos Santos hodi reprezenta Nasaun ne'e iha Bruselas no Uniaun Europeia.
Dexde DR. Jose Amorin Dias Ximenes dada hikas mai Dili, Timor leste la iha embaixador ba Uniaun Europeia.
Depois de tomada de pose embaixador Timor Leste ba Bruselas DR. Nelson dos Santos ba presta deklarasaun iha julgamentu ba dahuluk kazu alegasaun hariku aan elisitu no abuzu de poderes ne'ebe kontra Vice Primeiru Ministru DR. Jose Luis Guterres iha tribunal distrital Dili ne'ebe ajenda ona ba tuku 14.30.
Julgamentu ne'e rasik la'o ho di'ak maske mosu litik kroat husi parte advogado hasoru DR. Nelson. Maibe Diplomata ne'ebe simu pose oras ruma antes ne'e kalma hatudu evidencia balun no hataan kalma de'it.
Prezidenti da Republika Demokratika de Timor Leste, DR. Jose Ramos Horta, ohin foo tomada de pose ba embaixadora Dra.Vicky Tchong, eis Secretária-Jeral ba Ministério Negócios Estrangeiros. Dra. Vicky sei troka Embaixador Olimpio Branco. Prezidenti Horta deseju sucesu ba misaun ne'ebe simu husi diplomata senior nain rua iha Ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeiru ne'e.

Iha momentu hanesan mos Prezidenti da Republika fo Tomada de pose ba Eis Reprezentante Permanete Timor Leste ba ONU DR. Nelson Dos Santos hodi reprezenta Nasaun ne'e iha Bruselas no Uniaun Europeia.
Dexde DR. Jose Amorin Dias Ximenes dada hikas mai Dili, Timor leste la iha embaixador ba Uniaun Europeia.
Depois de tomada de pose embaixador Timor Leste ba Bruselas DR. Nelson dos Santos ba presta deklarasaun iha julgamentu ba dahuluk kazu alegasaun hariku aan elisitu no abuzu de poderes ne'ebe kontra Vice Primeiru Ministru DR. Jose Luis Guterres iha tribunal distrital Dili ne'ebe ajenda ona ba tuku 14.30.
Julgamentu ne'e rasik la'o ho di'ak maske mosu litik kroat husi parte advogado hasoru DR. Nelson. Maibe Diplomata ne'ebe simu pose oras ruma antes ne'e kalma hatudu evidencia balun no hataan kalma de'it.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Tempo Semanal-Ermera, 25.11.2010
Iha fulan tolu nia laran Falintil-Forsa de Defeza Timor Leste husi komponente enjenaria aijuda hari'i eskola primaria ida iha suku Fatu Besi, sub-distritu Hatulia Distritu Ermera.
Eskola ne'e remata ona no iha loron 25/11/2010 inagurah ona no xafe entrega husi Sekretariu Estadu de Defeza DR. Julio Tomas Pinto ba sekretariu do Estadu Kultura Sr. Vergilho Smith no foo direitamente ba responsavel eskola refere ne'ebe sasin husi komunidade iha suku resfere.
Iha ninia deskursu DR. Pinto dehan, "F-FDTL la halo ona funu konvensional maibe sei buka aijuda dezenvolve nasaun ne'e."
Orsamentu ba halo eskola ida ne'e mais ou menus ruhin tolu nolu dollar Amerikanu maibe nota katak kualidade diak duni. "Se ida ne'e entrega ba ita nia kompania sira maka halo bele gasta to'o duzentus mill ka duzentus Cinkuenta mill," Informa Julio.
Sekretariu do Estadu ne'e espera katak iha fulan dezembru ne'e ekipa Enjenaria F-FDTL sei bele hetaan tan oportunidade hodi halo eskola no centru saude balun iha fatin seluk iha TL.
Major Jenetral Taur Matan Ruak iha fulan Augusto tinan ne'e denunsia sai F-FDTL ninia prioridade ba nasaun TL maka area rekursu umanus.
Eskola ne'e pronttu ona maibe sei falta hanorin nain sira.
Iha fulan tolu nia laran Falintil-Forsa de Defeza Timor Leste husi komponente enjenaria aijuda hari'i eskola primaria ida iha suku Fatu Besi, sub-distritu Hatulia Distritu Ermera.
Eskola ne'e remata ona no iha loron 25/11/2010 inagurah ona no xafe entrega husi Sekretariu Estadu de Defeza DR. Julio Tomas Pinto ba sekretariu do Estadu Kultura Sr. Vergilho Smith no foo direitamente ba responsavel eskola refere ne'ebe sasin husi komunidade iha suku resfere.
Iha ninia deskursu DR. Pinto dehan, "F-FDTL la halo ona funu konvensional maibe sei buka aijuda dezenvolve nasaun ne'e."
Orsamentu ba halo eskola ida ne'e mais ou menus ruhin tolu nolu dollar Amerikanu maibe nota katak kualidade diak duni. "Se ida ne'e entrega ba ita nia kompania sira maka halo bele gasta to'o duzentus mill ka duzentus Cinkuenta mill," Informa Julio.
Sekretariu do Estadu ne'e espera katak iha fulan dezembru ne'e ekipa Enjenaria F-FDTL sei bele hetaan tan oportunidade hodi halo eskola no centru saude balun iha fatin seluk iha TL.
Major Jenetral Taur Matan Ruak iha fulan Augusto tinan ne'e denunsia sai F-FDTL ninia prioridade ba nasaun TL maka area rekursu umanus.
Eskola ne'e pronttu ona maibe sei falta hanorin nain sira.
Tempo Semanal-Dili, 25.11.2010
Since November 18th 2010, UNMIT lost a lot of simpathy from East Timorese after the so call "thorsten affair" power point presentation during a roud table discussion about regulation for Private security Companies.
"The Recently the second “Roundtable Discussion on Private Security Companies” was held at ETDA in Comoro. One of the presenters was a legal advisor for the UN Security Sector Unit. According to the Tetun version of UN legal advisor Andre S. Thorsen’s PowerPoint presentation, “An individual who has license may use weapon when carries out work as private investigator or security guard when he/she gets authorization to carry weapon according to the law that is in effect”. As this presentation was written in Tetun, and the fact that Fundasaun Mahein considers Tetun as the official language of Timor, then what was written in Tetun, and presented at the discussion is considered to be an accurate representation of Mr. Thorsen’s words. If that advisor denies that these words were presented, then why was the PowerPoint presentation written in Tetun and why was the national flag used as the background?"
The organisation recall, "the history of Timor-Leste has been full of torture and violence because of weapons. Incidents such as in 1975 decolonization, 1999 referendum, 4 December 2002, 2006 crisis, and the 11 February 2008 attacks are evidence of events in Timor-Leste’s history where weapons caused big problems in this country."
"According to regulation UNTAET/REG/2001/19, passed on 21 July 2001, before the UN transferred sovereignty power to Timor-Leste in 2002, the UN bought 750 pistols all together for PNTL," said Fundasaun Mahein.
As Fundasaun Mahein point out the event of December 4th, 2002 two people were killed and many others were injuried and public believed it was cause by the UN bought pistols. None were in Jailed for pulled the triger.
Fundasaun Mahein rejects the accuracy of the statement by the UN adviser, in Timor Post’s Thursday (25/11) edition, where he denies that his presentation mentioned private security guards carrying weapons. His words are incorrect because his Tetun version PowerPoint presentation clearly showed that the UN apparatus suggested the government create a law allowing private security guards to use weapons and guns.
According to the Constitution of RDTL, Article 146 lines 1 through 3, and Article 147 lines 1 through 3, civilians are not allowed to use weapons or guns. Only the institutions of F-FDTL and PNTL are able to use weapons in order to guarantee the sovereignty of this new country. Similarly, the National Defense Law in the Article 4 line 2 that says it is the military’s competency for the National Defense to carry weapons, so that F-FDTL can provide military defense to RDTL, in accordance with the terms of Article 146 of the Constitution. This article also prohibits any paramilitary associations or any other groups to be armed with guns.
Fundasaun Mahein’s monitoring and research regarding security and defense sector issues in Timor-Leste, strongly condemns the proposal or suggestion from the UN apparatus that the government and the state of Timor-Leste allow civilians to use weapons and arms.
"Fundasaun Mahein is in agreement with statements from the President of the Republic Jose Ramos Horta, Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao, Second Commander of F-FDTL Brigadier General Lere Anan Timor, and Secretary of the State for Defense Julio Tomas Pinto, who all disagree with the idea or proposal from the UN apparatus regarding civilians and weapons."
The organisation in agree with most of East Timorese politisians in Parliament, oppositions and Government who said the heavy guns should remove from East Timor police.
"FM is very happy with the statements from the leaders and FM suggests the government continue to debate in public about the issue of weapons, and asks the government to take away heavy guns such as rifles from PNTL, and have them only use pistols. Heavy guns must be used by F-FDTL only, and private security guards cannot be allowed to use guns."
The organisation recommends the government create an effective mechanism for managing the weapons of the institutions of F-FDTL and PNTL in order to prevent inappropriate use and violations of the law and order in Timor-Leste. (TS)
Since November 18th 2010, UNMIT lost a lot of simpathy from East Timorese after the so call "thorsten affair" power point presentation during a roud table discussion about regulation for Private security Companies.
"The Recently the second “Roundtable Discussion on Private Security Companies” was held at ETDA in Comoro. One of the presenters was a legal advisor for the UN Security Sector Unit. According to the Tetun version of UN legal advisor Andre S. Thorsen’s PowerPoint presentation, “An individual who has license may use weapon when carries out work as private investigator or security guard when he/she gets authorization to carry weapon according to the law that is in effect”. As this presentation was written in Tetun, and the fact that Fundasaun Mahein considers Tetun as the official language of Timor, then what was written in Tetun, and presented at the discussion is considered to be an accurate representation of Mr. Thorsen’s words. If that advisor denies that these words were presented, then why was the PowerPoint presentation written in Tetun and why was the national flag used as the background?"
The organisation recall, "the history of Timor-Leste has been full of torture and violence because of weapons. Incidents such as in 1975 decolonization, 1999 referendum, 4 December 2002, 2006 crisis, and the 11 February 2008 attacks are evidence of events in Timor-Leste’s history where weapons caused big problems in this country."
"According to regulation UNTAET/REG/2001/19, passed on 21 July 2001, before the UN transferred sovereignty power to Timor-Leste in 2002, the UN bought 750 pistols all together for PNTL," said Fundasaun Mahein.
As Fundasaun Mahein point out the event of December 4th, 2002 two people were killed and many others were injuried and public believed it was cause by the UN bought pistols. None were in Jailed for pulled the triger.
Fundasaun Mahein rejects the accuracy of the statement by the UN adviser, in Timor Post’s Thursday (25/11) edition, where he denies that his presentation mentioned private security guards carrying weapons. His words are incorrect because his Tetun version PowerPoint presentation clearly showed that the UN apparatus suggested the government create a law allowing private security guards to use weapons and guns.
According to the Constitution of RDTL, Article 146 lines 1 through 3, and Article 147 lines 1 through 3, civilians are not allowed to use weapons or guns. Only the institutions of F-FDTL and PNTL are able to use weapons in order to guarantee the sovereignty of this new country. Similarly, the National Defense Law in the Article 4 line 2 that says it is the military’s competency for the National Defense to carry weapons, so that F-FDTL can provide military defense to RDTL, in accordance with the terms of Article 146 of the Constitution. This article also prohibits any paramilitary associations or any other groups to be armed with guns.
Fundasaun Mahein’s monitoring and research regarding security and defense sector issues in Timor-Leste, strongly condemns the proposal or suggestion from the UN apparatus that the government and the state of Timor-Leste allow civilians to use weapons and arms.
"Fundasaun Mahein is in agreement with statements from the President of the Republic Jose Ramos Horta, Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao, Second Commander of F-FDTL Brigadier General Lere Anan Timor, and Secretary of the State for Defense Julio Tomas Pinto, who all disagree with the idea or proposal from the UN apparatus regarding civilians and weapons."
The organisation in agree with most of East Timorese politisians in Parliament, oppositions and Government who said the heavy guns should remove from East Timor police.
"FM is very happy with the statements from the leaders and FM suggests the government continue to debate in public about the issue of weapons, and asks the government to take away heavy guns such as rifles from PNTL, and have them only use pistols. Heavy guns must be used by F-FDTL only, and private security guards cannot be allowed to use guns."
The organisation recommends the government create an effective mechanism for managing the weapons of the institutions of F-FDTL and PNTL in order to prevent inappropriate use and violations of the law and order in Timor-Leste. (TS)
Tempo Semanal, Dili, 25.11.2010
East Timor foreign Minister issued a press which received by Tempo Semanal this evening said, "the President of the Panel of Judges of Dili District Court has rejected all accusations filed against the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Zacarias Albano da Costa."
"All citizens are entitled to their good name and, therefore, are also entitled to demand that the State’s judicial institutions protect the good name of the holders of political office by giving them the guarantee of the presumption of innocence and due process until proven otherwise by competent court of law, " added the Foreign Minister, Dr. Zacarias Albano da Costa.
"It saddens me to have observed that some holders of positions in the judicial and political system of this country rushed to my condemnation, including disclosing the contents of the indictment, which, as we saw in the media was without substance, rather than taking a position of responsibility in protecting the Timorese judicial system itself, "Minister da Costa added .
Referring also to the President of the Panel of Judges, Dr. João Ribeiro’s decision to reject the accusation, whose notification was delivered today, Minister Zacarias da Costa, also said "Silence was my way of showing full confidence in the Timorese judicial process, allowing the competent organs of the judiciary to act in accordance with the law, not subject to any pressure. I believe that everyone should have equal access to justice. “
The Minister concluded by saying:" I have, as I have always said, a clean conscience and this decision publicly reaffirms it. "
In the mean time acording to Tempo Semanal source in Dili district court said the the reason was a luck evidence and the court give options to the prosecution office whether to change the acusation against Mr. Zacarias Albano da Costa or to make an appeal.
The court has rejected accustions filed by East Timor prosecution not only for East Timor Foreign Minister but also rejected the accusation against a Timorese diplomat, Rogeiro dos Santos.
At the mean time there are still three accused such as East Timor Deputy PM, Jose Luis Guterres, His wife and Joao Camara.
The case case due to start on 26/11/2010 in Dili District court.

“ This is a great day for the affirmation of the independence of the courts in Timor-Leste," said the Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Zacarias Albano da Costa, upon learning of the rejection of the accusation by the President of the Panel of Dili District Court dismissing the accusation as being “completely unfounded.”
"All citizens are entitled to their good name and, therefore, are also entitled to demand that the State’s judicial institutions protect the good name of the holders of political office by giving them the guarantee of the presumption of innocence and due process until proven otherwise by competent court of law, " added the Foreign Minister, Dr. Zacarias Albano da Costa.
"It saddens me to have observed that some holders of positions in the judicial and political system of this country rushed to my condemnation, including disclosing the contents of the indictment, which, as we saw in the media was without substance, rather than taking a position of responsibility in protecting the Timorese judicial system itself, "Minister da Costa added .
Referring also to the President of the Panel of Judges, Dr. João Ribeiro’s decision to reject the accusation, whose notification was delivered today, Minister Zacarias da Costa, also said "Silence was my way of showing full confidence in the Timorese judicial process, allowing the competent organs of the judiciary to act in accordance with the law, not subject to any pressure. I believe that everyone should have equal access to justice. “
The Minister concluded by saying:" I have, as I have always said, a clean conscience and this decision publicly reaffirms it. "
In the mean time acording to Tempo Semanal source in Dili district court said the the reason was a luck evidence and the court give options to the prosecution office whether to change the acusation against Mr. Zacarias Albano da Costa or to make an appeal.
The court has rejected accustions filed by East Timor prosecution not only for East Timor Foreign Minister but also rejected the accusation against a Timorese diplomat, Rogeiro dos Santos.
At the mean time there are still three accused such as East Timor Deputy PM, Jose Luis Guterres, His wife and Joao Camara.
The case case due to start on 26/11/2010 in Dili District court.
Bandung, 25/10/2010
Sekilas Keprihatinan Terhadap Konflik di Semenanjung KOREA “Terpikirkah oleh Elit Politik, Pemerintah, Ormas dan Akademik akan Dampak dari konflik ini terhadap stabilitas Ekonomi, Politik dan Pertahanan Keamanan di Negara Kita”.
Sadar atau tidak bahkan mau atau tidak mau konflik semenanjung kore ini akan berdampak krisis pada ke 3 sektor tersebut di atas bagi negara baru berkembang dan sedang berkembang terlibih negara-negara dikawasan asia. Jika di tinjau dari Breaking News media elektronik dan Md. massa dini hari tadi; Serangan Korut ke Korsel ini merupakan serangan terhebat setelah perang yang berakhir di Korea pada tahun 1953 dan konflik susulan pada tahun 1987.
keprihatinan ini tidak hanya semata menyadarkan kita tetapi bagaimana harus bersikap dan berandil sebagai sebuah negara yang juga memiliki kedaulatan juga ketergantungan satu sama lainnya dalam berbagai aspek.
Dari pertikaian antara ke dua sepupu yang notabenenya dari satu ibu dan ayah ini kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa Paman Sam dan Bibi China juga telah ikut ambil andil dari konflik yang tercipta di semenanjung Korea ini. Hal ini kita bisa tinjau dari serangan artileri Militer Korut yang telah menewaskan 2 warga sipil serta 2 personil Militer Korsel di kepulauan Yeonpyeong tetapi baik dari pihak AS maupun China yang sekutu dekatnya Korut tidak mengambil langkah positif guna meredam tensi konflik yang sudah meluas. Dari lansiran VIBIZnews.com China sendiri telah menanggapi insiden ini dan menteri luar negeri China telah berkomentar bahwa kedua Korea harus menenangkan dan menahan diri serta mengadakan pembicaraan secepat mungkin untuk menghindari ketegangan lanjutan.
Akan tetapi China tampaknya tidak senang dengan adanya campur tangan AS dalam insiden ini. Dilaporkan bahwa AS telah mengirimkan bantuan militer kepada pihak Korea Selatan. Saat ini USS George Washington telah berada di Laut Kuning dekat Semenanjung Korea yang ditujukan untuk membentuk pasukan gabungan dengan militer Korea Selatan. Dan dari Breaking News TV ONE dini hari tadi juga memperkuat keberadaan Kapal USS GW di laut kuning perairanorsel bahwa Minggu besok USS armi akan adakan Joint Military Training dengan Korea Selatan.
Kondisi ini dianggap justru bagai menyiram bensin ke nyala api dan akan memperkeruh suasana di Semenanjung Korea. Langkah pasukan AS ini diperkirakan akan menyulut kemarahan pihak Korea Utara, juga akan mengakibatkan ketegangan antara AS dan China.
Beijing sebelumnya telah mengatakan bahwa pasukan gabungan antara AS dan Korea Selatan di perairan antara Semenanjung Korea dan China merupakan ancaman bagi kemanan dalam negeri China sekaligus stabilitas keamanan regional. Kondisi ini menjadi sangat pelik dan berpotensi pecah menjadi perang besar apabila keempat negara ini tidak dapat menyepakati sebuah gencatan senjata. Dengan kondisi saat ini perang hanya akan mengakibatkan kesengsaraan yang makin besar.
Semoga saja semua pihak dapat memperoleh kesepakatan sehingga tidak akan terjadi pertempuran yang tidak bermakna. Dampak dari konflik iini juga terjadinya pemerosotan saham di beberapa negara yang telah bermula dari krisis global yang melanda Irlandia, US dll. Sebagaimana diketahui, kondisi ekonomi global akhir-akhir ini dipengaruhi situasi politik yang tidak stabil di Irlandia dan konflik di semenanjung Korea sehingga berhasil menekan harga sejumlah komoditi, serta euro karena para investor berbalik dari berisiko aset. Uni Eropa mendesak Irlandia untuk menerapkan penghematan anggaran seperti yang dijanjikan negara tersebut kepada Uni Eropa dan IMF.
Ini sebagai langkah politik untuk menyelematan perekonomian negara tersebut. Hasilnya, euro merana di posisi terendahnya dalam dua bulan ini. Ancaman pelemahan juga tampaknya masih akan berlanjut. Pasar saham AS mengalami pelemahan akibat investor melakukan aksi jual akibat ketegangan di semenanjung Korea dan sebagai dan kekhawatiran utang di Zona Euro.
Saran, Kritik yang Konstruktif; Please .. Mangga..... Maturnuwun... bemvindo...
Sekilas Keprihatinan Terhadap Konflik di Semenanjung KOREA “Terpikirkah oleh Elit Politik, Pemerintah, Ormas dan Akademik akan Dampak dari konflik ini terhadap stabilitas Ekonomi, Politik dan Pertahanan Keamanan di Negara Kita”.
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Reinaldo Antonio Mendonca Timor Leste |
keprihatinan ini tidak hanya semata menyadarkan kita tetapi bagaimana harus bersikap dan berandil sebagai sebuah negara yang juga memiliki kedaulatan juga ketergantungan satu sama lainnya dalam berbagai aspek.
Dari pertikaian antara ke dua sepupu yang notabenenya dari satu ibu dan ayah ini kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa Paman Sam dan Bibi China juga telah ikut ambil andil dari konflik yang tercipta di semenanjung Korea ini. Hal ini kita bisa tinjau dari serangan artileri Militer Korut yang telah menewaskan 2 warga sipil serta 2 personil Militer Korsel di kepulauan Yeonpyeong tetapi baik dari pihak AS maupun China yang sekutu dekatnya Korut tidak mengambil langkah positif guna meredam tensi konflik yang sudah meluas. Dari lansiran VIBIZnews.com China sendiri telah menanggapi insiden ini dan menteri luar negeri China telah berkomentar bahwa kedua Korea harus menenangkan dan menahan diri serta mengadakan pembicaraan secepat mungkin untuk menghindari ketegangan lanjutan.
Akan tetapi China tampaknya tidak senang dengan adanya campur tangan AS dalam insiden ini. Dilaporkan bahwa AS telah mengirimkan bantuan militer kepada pihak Korea Selatan. Saat ini USS George Washington telah berada di Laut Kuning dekat Semenanjung Korea yang ditujukan untuk membentuk pasukan gabungan dengan militer Korea Selatan. Dan dari Breaking News TV ONE dini hari tadi juga memperkuat keberadaan Kapal USS GW di laut kuning perairanorsel bahwa Minggu besok USS armi akan adakan Joint Military Training dengan Korea Selatan.
Kondisi ini dianggap justru bagai menyiram bensin ke nyala api dan akan memperkeruh suasana di Semenanjung Korea. Langkah pasukan AS ini diperkirakan akan menyulut kemarahan pihak Korea Utara, juga akan mengakibatkan ketegangan antara AS dan China.
Beijing sebelumnya telah mengatakan bahwa pasukan gabungan antara AS dan Korea Selatan di perairan antara Semenanjung Korea dan China merupakan ancaman bagi kemanan dalam negeri China sekaligus stabilitas keamanan regional. Kondisi ini menjadi sangat pelik dan berpotensi pecah menjadi perang besar apabila keempat negara ini tidak dapat menyepakati sebuah gencatan senjata. Dengan kondisi saat ini perang hanya akan mengakibatkan kesengsaraan yang makin besar.
Semoga saja semua pihak dapat memperoleh kesepakatan sehingga tidak akan terjadi pertempuran yang tidak bermakna. Dampak dari konflik iini juga terjadinya pemerosotan saham di beberapa negara yang telah bermula dari krisis global yang melanda Irlandia, US dll. Sebagaimana diketahui, kondisi ekonomi global akhir-akhir ini dipengaruhi situasi politik yang tidak stabil di Irlandia dan konflik di semenanjung Korea sehingga berhasil menekan harga sejumlah komoditi, serta euro karena para investor berbalik dari berisiko aset. Uni Eropa mendesak Irlandia untuk menerapkan penghematan anggaran seperti yang dijanjikan negara tersebut kepada Uni Eropa dan IMF.
Ini sebagai langkah politik untuk menyelematan perekonomian negara tersebut. Hasilnya, euro merana di posisi terendahnya dalam dua bulan ini. Ancaman pelemahan juga tampaknya masih akan berlanjut. Pasar saham AS mengalami pelemahan akibat investor melakukan aksi jual akibat ketegangan di semenanjung Korea dan sebagai dan kekhawatiran utang di Zona Euro.
Saran, Kritik yang Konstruktif; Please .. Mangga..... Maturnuwun... bemvindo...
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Prezidenti Horta Kondena Asaun Korea do Norte Hanesan Asaun Terorista Estadu
Tempo Semanal-Dili, 24.11.2010
Prezidenti da Republika, DR. Jose Ramos Horta hodi povu Timor Leste nia naran kondena maka'as atakes ne'ebe halo husi korea do Norte hasoru ninia vizinu korea do Sul. "Ha'u hateten kedan, kondena enerjikamente asaun ilegal, kriminoju, perigozu Korea do Norte nian kontra Korea do Sul," Prezidenti Horta hato'o Pozisaun estadu Timor Leste, iha sala VIP aeroportu Komoro hafoin to'o husi vizita ba Melbourne Australia.
Prezidenti Timor Leste ho manu liras besi to'o hikas iha Dili ohin hafoin hala'o vizita ba Melbourne iha sexta feira kotuk (19/11) hodi foo kondekorasaun ba belun nasaun ne'e ninian iha luta ba Ukun Rasik aan Timor Leste naran David Scot.
Loriadu Nobel da Pas 1996 ne'e hein atu nasaun sira iha mundu atu hola pozisaun hanesan ho Timor Leste. "Ha'u espera que komunidade internasional tomak sei uza lia fuan maka'as kondena asaun ida ne'e," apelu Horta.
Ema Numeru primeiru iha nasaun Timor Leste ne'e dehan, "Korea do Sul relasaun di'ak ho mundu tomak. Relasaun di'ak ho Timor Leste."
Relasaun kmanek ne'ebe Timor Leste ho Korea do Sul iha ne'e hatudu liu husi apoiu de kooperasaun lubun ruma hanesan hari'i edifisiu Memorial no sira seluk inklui mos hamenus numeru desempregu iha nasaun foun ida ne'e ho servisu hamutuk entre Embaixada Korea no Sekretaria do Estadu formasaun Profesional no Empregu hahu haruka ona Timor oan barak maka'as ba servisu iha ne'eba nune'e Horta hateten korea do Sul loke duni matan ba Timor Leste. "Timor oan lubuk ida maka servisu iha ne'eba," Dehan Horta.
Eis Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru ne'e hirus tebes nune'e dehan Korea do Norte sai hanesan Terorista ida. "Timor Leste tuir direitu internasional kondena maka'as asaun ida ne'e. Ita bele hateten asaun terorizmu estadu," nia esplika.
Iha parte seluk Prezidenti Estadu Unidus da Amerika iha Intervista ho Televizaun ABC dehan ninia nasaun prontu atu defende korea do Sul uza ninia tropas hamutus 28,000 ne'ebe iha hela nasaun atakadu ne'e maibe Obama sei ko'alia lai ho Prezidenti Korea do Sul ninian.
Tuir ajencia de Noticia Reuter katak Pyongyang dehan Seoul maka hahu funu ne'ebe oho ona soldadu Korea do Sul nian nain ruan no hakanek nain sanolu resin hitu sira seluk inklui populasaun Civil nain tolu. (TS)
Prezidenti da Republika, DR. Jose Ramos Horta hodi povu Timor Leste nia naran kondena maka'as atakes ne'ebe halo husi korea do Norte hasoru ninia vizinu korea do Sul. "Ha'u hateten kedan, kondena enerjikamente asaun ilegal, kriminoju, perigozu Korea do Norte nian kontra Korea do Sul," Prezidenti Horta hato'o Pozisaun estadu Timor Leste, iha sala VIP aeroportu Komoro hafoin to'o husi vizita ba Melbourne Australia.
Prezidenti Timor Leste ho manu liras besi to'o hikas iha Dili ohin hafoin hala'o vizita ba Melbourne iha sexta feira kotuk (19/11) hodi foo kondekorasaun ba belun nasaun ne'e ninian iha luta ba Ukun Rasik aan Timor Leste naran David Scot.
Loriadu Nobel da Pas 1996 ne'e hein atu nasaun sira iha mundu atu hola pozisaun hanesan ho Timor Leste. "Ha'u espera que komunidade internasional tomak sei uza lia fuan maka'as kondena asaun ida ne'e," apelu Horta.
Ema Numeru primeiru iha nasaun Timor Leste ne'e dehan, "Korea do Sul relasaun di'ak ho mundu tomak. Relasaun di'ak ho Timor Leste."
Relasaun kmanek ne'ebe Timor Leste ho Korea do Sul iha ne'e hatudu liu husi apoiu de kooperasaun lubun ruma hanesan hari'i edifisiu Memorial no sira seluk inklui mos hamenus numeru desempregu iha nasaun foun ida ne'e ho servisu hamutuk entre Embaixada Korea no Sekretaria do Estadu formasaun Profesional no Empregu hahu haruka ona Timor oan barak maka'as ba servisu iha ne'eba nune'e Horta hateten korea do Sul loke duni matan ba Timor Leste. "Timor oan lubuk ida maka servisu iha ne'eba," Dehan Horta.
Eis Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru ne'e hirus tebes nune'e dehan Korea do Norte sai hanesan Terorista ida. "Timor Leste tuir direitu internasional kondena maka'as asaun ida ne'e. Ita bele hateten asaun terorizmu estadu," nia esplika.
Iha parte seluk Prezidenti Estadu Unidus da Amerika iha Intervista ho Televizaun ABC dehan ninia nasaun prontu atu defende korea do Sul uza ninia tropas hamutus 28,000 ne'ebe iha hela nasaun atakadu ne'e maibe Obama sei ko'alia lai ho Prezidenti Korea do Sul ninian.
Tuir ajencia de Noticia Reuter katak Pyongyang dehan Seoul maka hahu funu ne'ebe oho ona soldadu Korea do Sul nian nain ruan no hakanek nain sanolu resin hitu sira seluk inklui populasaun Civil nain tolu. (TS)
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Seminar (18/11) ne'ebe halo iha edifisiu ETDA, Fatuhada maka apoiu husi UNDP no Sekretariu Estadu Segurnasa relasiona ho apoiu regulamentus ba kompania siguransa civil no Siguransa privadu iha TL. Iha Power point ne'ebe sani husi Sr. Andre Thorsten ho titulu, "Avaliasaun Preliminár kona-ba Kompañia Seguransa Privada iha Timor-Leste no Inkorporasaun husi “pratika di’ak” internasionál no rekomendasaun ba regulamentu, lejizlasaun no fiskalizasaun iha pontus sanolu resin ida ho topik regulamentu no ekipamentu kona ba kilat, Sr. Thorsten propoin katak, "ema ida-ne’ebé hetan lisensa bele uza kilat bainhira hala’o serbisu nu’udar investigadór privadu ka guarda seguransa só bainhira nia hetan autorizasaun atu kaer kilat tuir lei ne’ebé vigora."
Aprezentasaun ne'e hamosu kedan tensaun iha diskusaun meja kabuar ho protesta maka'as husi diretor NGO Fundasaun Mahein. Nasoeins Unidas iha Dili liu husi relasaun publika tenta ona atu konvence publiku hodi dehan Sr. Thorsen nunka hasai lia fuan ne'e. Deklarasaun asesor UN, Sr. Thorsten ninia ne'e hamosu deskonfiansa ba misaun UNMIT no hetan kritika maka'as.
Iha parte seluk jornal ne'e, ohin halo intervista eskluxivu ida ho Sekretariu do Estado de Defeza, DR. Julio Tomas Pinto dehan katak staff UNMIT ne'e lakon hanoin no la kuinese nasaun Timor Leste. Tuir mai
ita ba akompania hamutuk intervista ESKLUXIVU entre Tempo Semanal (TS) ho DR. Julio Tomas Pinto (JTP) ohin iha Dili
TS: Tuir Itaboot nia hanoin Kilat iha Timor Leste ne’e oinsa ?
JTP: Iha nasaun ne'ebe postu konflito kilat sai asunto ida ne'ebe importante para estado tenki tau matan ba. Kilat klaru que tenki iha de'it PNTL ho F-FDTL nia liman. Hau pesoal e mos nu'udar sekretario estado la konkorda ho hanoin balun ne'ebe hakarak monta kilat iha fatin-fatin hanesan guarda prisionario, siguransa edifisio e seluk-seluk tan. Aleinde ida ne’e iha lei mos la premite para bele fo kilat ba instituasaun seluk fora de PNTL e F-FDTL. Purtantu kilat tenki hare ho kuidadu.
TS: Fasilidade ba kilat iha F-FDTL oinsa ?
JTP: Permeiro se ita hakarak nasaun ida ne’e seguru e hadutu dignidade instituasaun nia entaun ita tenki prepara fasiliade ba instituasaun sira ne'ebe kaer kilat ne’e. Iha nasaun sira ne'ebe organiza nia aan em termos de hari’i forca armadas, estado tenki iha obrigasaun para fasilita kilat ba sira para sira iha kbi'it para mantein siguransa ba nasaun. Maibe ita mos la bele haluha katak kuando ita distribui kilat ba instituasaun defesa ita tenki prepara mos payol ba sira. Payol ne’e para atu kontrola kilat e manage kilat ne’e. Purtantu “weapon management is important for military”. Iha nasaun sira ne'ebe democratiku, kuando nasaun ida hakarak sosa kilat asunto permeiro ne'ebe sira husu mak oinsa ita zere kilat e ita iha payol ka la'e? Mesmo nune'e ha'u hakarak hato’o katak fasil para atu koalia kontrola kilat mas difisil para aplika kuando ita la iha seriedade para kontrola. Iha F-FDTL kuaze kilat sira ne'ebe ita iha mai husi fatin 2 ; permeiro kilat mai husi gerilla nian. Kilat sira ne’e mak kilat sira ne'ebe ita nia FALINTIL lori husi tempo gerilla nian mai. Segundo kilat ne'ebe F-FDTL hetan husi doasaun. Kilat sira ne’e to’o agora iha lista hotu e kontrolado. Uluk kuando iha krisi 2006 reveldes sira lori balun mas ita identifika hotu ona e la iha ida que lakon. Purtantu kilat F-FDTL ate a data kontrolado hela.
TS: Asesor UNMIT dehan Siguransa Sipil bele usa kilat. Itaboot nia hanoin oinsa?
JTP: Iha nasaun barak hanesan USA, Indonesia e seluk tan, ema sira ne'ebe hetan autorizasaun husi policia ou orgaun kompetente bele uza kilat ho objective atu defende nia an kuando hetan ataque ruma. Ema sira ne’e mak hanesan emprejario rikasu sira la'os emprezario broker ne'ebe hanesan perwakilan kompanha emprezario estrangeiro sira. Iha kontekstu Timor Leste ha'u seida'uk fiar katak proposta ida ne’e mai husi ONU. Mas se proposta ida ne’e los duni mai husi ONU ha'u bele dehan proposta ida ne’e proposta mai husi ema bulak. Ema ne'ebe hato’o hanoin ida ne’e la kunese Timor Leste. E ha'u bele diskunfia nia katak nia iha plano para halo aat Timor Leste e estraga imajen UNMIT iha Timor Leste. Timor Leste persiza duni lei ida para regula Instituasaun Siguransa Siipil sira nebe barak-barak iha Dili ne’e. Lei siguransa internal ko'alia klaru ona katak persiza duni lei ida ketak para regula sira. Para estado bele kontrola sira didi'ak tamba ema balun dehan katak iha siguransa sivil balun diskuanfia iha armas maibe persiza investigasaun los ka lae. Tamba proposta ne’e mai husi ema ONU entau konplikado uituan. Ha'u depois de rona proposta ne’e hau dehan ema ne’e hakarak saida. Espera que nia hanoin ne’e la representa hanoin ONU nian. Uluk kuando Ministra Justisa apresenta lei usa de armas e tamba ministra ba tiha vizita, be Permeiro Ministro delega hau ba apresenta lei ne’e iha Parlamento Nasional lei. Ne’e ema hotu kontra purtantu lei ne’e to’o agora arkivo tiha ona iha Parlemento nasional ne'eba. Ha'u mos konkorda katak lei usa de armas ne’e la merese iha.
TS: Saida mak ita boot nia esperansa ba ONU konaba kilat?
JTP: Depois de sai kontroversi kona ba kilat ne’e ONU nonok de'it to’o agora loloos sira tenki klarifika asunto balun ona ba publiko. Maibe la buat ida ita Timor oan hatene saida mak sira halo iha ne’e e espera que sira bele hadi’a sira nia servisu iha Timor Leste. Esperiensia ita nian, iha 2008 kuando ita hari’i operasaun konjunto sira la aseita mas depois ita susesu. Involvemento F-FDTL iha operasaun phisko social iha Suai mos sira la konkorda fali. Mas la buat ida tamba sira tenki duni, la konkorda se sira konkorda projeto ba sira la iha ona. ONU mai iha Timor Leste para ajuda ita tamba ne’e ita Timor oan tenki hamutuk para depois hatudu ba sira katak to’o ona tempo para imi bele fila. Mesmo nune'e ita tenki lian ida deit tamba estrangeiro sira koando mai iha Guverno mak guverno tos oituan sira halai ba orgaun seluk ona. Purtantu mai ita hamutuk hatudu ba sira katak obrigado ba imi nia ajuda e agora imi bele ba fali nasaun hanesan Sudaun, Afganistaun e Iraque. (TS)
Seminar (18/11) ne'ebe halo iha edifisiu ETDA, Fatuhada maka apoiu husi UNDP no Sekretariu Estadu Segurnasa relasiona ho apoiu regulamentus ba kompania siguransa civil no Siguransa privadu iha TL. Iha Power point ne'ebe sani husi Sr. Andre Thorsten ho titulu, "Avaliasaun Preliminár kona-ba Kompañia Seguransa Privada iha Timor-Leste no Inkorporasaun husi “pratika di’ak” internasionál no rekomendasaun ba regulamentu, lejizlasaun no fiskalizasaun iha pontus sanolu resin ida ho topik regulamentu no ekipamentu kona ba kilat, Sr. Thorsten propoin katak, "ema ida-ne’ebé hetan lisensa bele uza kilat bainhira hala’o serbisu nu’udar investigadór privadu ka guarda seguransa só bainhira nia hetan autorizasaun atu kaer kilat tuir lei ne’ebé vigora."
Aprezentasaun ne'e hamosu kedan tensaun iha diskusaun meja kabuar ho protesta maka'as husi diretor NGO Fundasaun Mahein. Nasoeins Unidas iha Dili liu husi relasaun publika tenta ona atu konvence publiku hodi dehan Sr. Thorsen nunka hasai lia fuan ne'e. Deklarasaun asesor UN, Sr. Thorsten ninia ne'e hamosu deskonfiansa ba misaun UNMIT no hetan kritika maka'as.
Iha parte seluk jornal ne'e, ohin halo intervista eskluxivu ida ho Sekretariu do Estado de Defeza, DR. Julio Tomas Pinto dehan katak staff UNMIT ne'e lakon hanoin no la kuinese nasaun Timor Leste. Tuir mai
ita ba akompania hamutuk intervista ESKLUXIVU entre Tempo Semanal (TS) ho DR. Julio Tomas Pinto (JTP) ohin iha Dili
TS: Tuir Itaboot nia hanoin Kilat iha Timor Leste ne’e oinsa ?
JTP: Iha nasaun ne'ebe postu konflito kilat sai asunto ida ne'ebe importante para estado tenki tau matan ba. Kilat klaru que tenki iha de'it PNTL ho F-FDTL nia liman. Hau pesoal e mos nu'udar sekretario estado la konkorda ho hanoin balun ne'ebe hakarak monta kilat iha fatin-fatin hanesan guarda prisionario, siguransa edifisio e seluk-seluk tan. Aleinde ida ne’e iha lei mos la premite para bele fo kilat ba instituasaun seluk fora de PNTL e F-FDTL. Purtantu kilat tenki hare ho kuidadu.
TS: Fasilidade ba kilat iha F-FDTL oinsa ?
JTP: Permeiro se ita hakarak nasaun ida ne’e seguru e hadutu dignidade instituasaun nia entaun ita tenki prepara fasiliade ba instituasaun sira ne'ebe kaer kilat ne’e. Iha nasaun sira ne'ebe organiza nia aan em termos de hari’i forca armadas, estado tenki iha obrigasaun para fasilita kilat ba sira para sira iha kbi'it para mantein siguransa ba nasaun. Maibe ita mos la bele haluha katak kuando ita distribui kilat ba instituasaun defesa ita tenki prepara mos payol ba sira. Payol ne’e para atu kontrola kilat e manage kilat ne’e. Purtantu “weapon management is important for military”. Iha nasaun sira ne'ebe democratiku, kuando nasaun ida hakarak sosa kilat asunto permeiro ne'ebe sira husu mak oinsa ita zere kilat e ita iha payol ka la'e? Mesmo nune'e ha'u hakarak hato’o katak fasil para atu koalia kontrola kilat mas difisil para aplika kuando ita la iha seriedade para kontrola. Iha F-FDTL kuaze kilat sira ne'ebe ita iha mai husi fatin 2 ; permeiro kilat mai husi gerilla nian. Kilat sira ne’e mak kilat sira ne'ebe ita nia FALINTIL lori husi tempo gerilla nian mai. Segundo kilat ne'ebe F-FDTL hetan husi doasaun. Kilat sira ne’e to’o agora iha lista hotu e kontrolado. Uluk kuando iha krisi 2006 reveldes sira lori balun mas ita identifika hotu ona e la iha ida que lakon. Purtantu kilat F-FDTL ate a data kontrolado hela.
TS: Asesor UNMIT dehan Siguransa Sipil bele usa kilat. Itaboot nia hanoin oinsa?
JTP: Iha nasaun barak hanesan USA, Indonesia e seluk tan, ema sira ne'ebe hetan autorizasaun husi policia ou orgaun kompetente bele uza kilat ho objective atu defende nia an kuando hetan ataque ruma. Ema sira ne’e mak hanesan emprejario rikasu sira la'os emprezario broker ne'ebe hanesan perwakilan kompanha emprezario estrangeiro sira. Iha kontekstu Timor Leste ha'u seida'uk fiar katak proposta ida ne’e mai husi ONU. Mas se proposta ida ne’e los duni mai husi ONU ha'u bele dehan proposta ida ne’e proposta mai husi ema bulak. Ema ne'ebe hato’o hanoin ida ne’e la kunese Timor Leste. E ha'u bele diskunfia nia katak nia iha plano para halo aat Timor Leste e estraga imajen UNMIT iha Timor Leste. Timor Leste persiza duni lei ida para regula Instituasaun Siguransa Siipil sira nebe barak-barak iha Dili ne’e. Lei siguransa internal ko'alia klaru ona katak persiza duni lei ida ketak para regula sira. Para estado bele kontrola sira didi'ak tamba ema balun dehan katak iha siguransa sivil balun diskuanfia iha armas maibe persiza investigasaun los ka lae. Tamba proposta ne’e mai husi ema ONU entau konplikado uituan. Ha'u depois de rona proposta ne’e hau dehan ema ne’e hakarak saida. Espera que nia hanoin ne’e la representa hanoin ONU nian. Uluk kuando Ministra Justisa apresenta lei usa de armas e tamba ministra ba tiha vizita, be Permeiro Ministro delega hau ba apresenta lei ne’e iha Parlamento Nasional lei. Ne’e ema hotu kontra purtantu lei ne’e to’o agora arkivo tiha ona iha Parlemento nasional ne'eba. Ha'u mos konkorda katak lei usa de armas ne’e la merese iha.
TS: Saida mak ita boot nia esperansa ba ONU konaba kilat?
JTP: Depois de sai kontroversi kona ba kilat ne’e ONU nonok de'it to’o agora loloos sira tenki klarifika asunto balun ona ba publiko. Maibe la buat ida ita Timor oan hatene saida mak sira halo iha ne’e e espera que sira bele hadi’a sira nia servisu iha Timor Leste. Esperiensia ita nian, iha 2008 kuando ita hari’i operasaun konjunto sira la aseita mas depois ita susesu. Involvemento F-FDTL iha operasaun phisko social iha Suai mos sira la konkorda fali. Mas la buat ida tamba sira tenki duni, la konkorda se sira konkorda projeto ba sira la iha ona. ONU mai iha Timor Leste para ajuda ita tamba ne’e ita Timor oan tenki hamutuk para depois hatudu ba sira katak to’o ona tempo para imi bele fila. Mesmo nune'e ita tenki lian ida deit tamba estrangeiro sira koando mai iha Guverno mak guverno tos oituan sira halai ba orgaun seluk ona. Purtantu mai ita hamutuk hatudu ba sira katak obrigado ba imi nia ajuda e agora imi bele ba fali nasaun hanesan Sudaun, Afganistaun e Iraque. (TS)
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