Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 149

PM Asina Projetu ba Ministra Nia La'en

Soares: Tansa Mari Asina Ema Ida La Hakilar!

Dili, Tempo Semanál

Wee merak husi kazu kudeta saham entre primu irmaun iha kompañia Pualaka Petróleu Fuel Lda la'ós sulin de'it husi Santa Cruz ba odamatan boot Ministériu Justisa nian hodi nakfakar liu ba Ministériu Fin­a­n­s­as maibé nasulin liu ba Pallasu du Gov­e­r­nu hodi habokon mós kadeira ain Pri­m­e­i­ru Ministru nian.

Afinál, Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gus­m­­ão iha dia 19 de Setembru 2008 tuur ha­­m­utuk ho Américo Lopes hodi asina ti­ha dokumentu kontratu ida ba kompañia Pualaka Petróleu Fuel Lda atu fornese mina ba EdTL. Sorte, mosu kazu espulsa (pemecatan) ba staff kompañia Pualaka nian iha Portu Tibar no falsifikasaun ba dokumentus fahe saham, hodi trava tiha fornesimentu mina ba EdTL, se lae, Pu­a­l­aka ho ninia gaba-an fornese mina ba EdTL maski rotasaun ba kortés enerjia eletrisidade sei nafatin halo Dili sai Sidade lakan-mate. Prosedimentu legais ba PM atu asina kontratu ho Ministra Justisa nia la'en, la'ós produtu suplementu ida ne'ebé PM bele asina komforme PM nia fihir, ma­i­bé PM nia kompeténsia no podér atu asina ko­ntratu, hetan limite husi Lei Estatutu dus Ti­t­ulares Órgaun Soberanu, lei Nu. 7/2007, artigu 3 kona ba Impedimentu Apli­k­a­veis a Sosiedade.

Iha númeru 1 lei ne'e nian hateten, em­prezas sira ne'ebé nia kapitál kaer hu­si titulár órgaun soberania liu 10%, he­tan impedementu atu partisipa iha ko­n­k­u­r­su fornesimentu bens no servisu, halo kn­aar Komérsiu ka Indústria, liu husi ko­n­t­ratu ho estadu ho entidades publikas sira seluk.

Iha númeru 2 alínea a) lei ne'e nian ha­teten mós katak, emprezas sira ne'ebé nia kapitál ho persentajen hanesan, ne'ebé nian feen ka la'en maka sai na'in ka haketak ema ho riku soin nia aman/in­an no oan sira ho parentes kolatoral to'o 2 grau ho sira ne'ebé hela ho nia mós he­­tan impedementus. Iha alínea b) hat­e­ten, empreza sira ne'ebé nia kapitál/husi ti­tulár órgaun, direta ka indireta husi nia me­sak ka hamutuk ho familias ne'ebé re­f­ere iha alínea a), nia partisipasaun la ki'ik liu 10%.

Tanba ne'e, deskonfia mosu violasaun ba lei númeru 7 artigu 3 lei estatutu dus ti­tulares órgaun soberanu tanba lei ne'e fó limitasaun 10% maibé Américo Lopes iha saham 30%. Américo Lopes la'ós titulár ba órgaun ida nein membrus dó governu maibé Américo Lopes iha lig­a­s­a­u­n família ho PM Xanana tanba Américo nia feen mak Ministra Justisa Lúcia Lobato ne'ebé iha relasaun família ho PM Xanana hanesan kompadre ho komadre.

Maibé tuir Diretór Jerál Finansas du Es­tadu, Francisco Soares hateten, iha de­kr­etu lei númeru 10/2005 no mós ama­n­d­ament ba dekretu lei ne'e iha 2008, define ona kona ba prosesu tenderizasaun no de­fine mós kona ba see mak iha podér atu aprova kontratu. Tanba ne'e, lei define katak, husi kinentus mill to'o 1 millaun de do­lar Ministra mak asina, husi 1 millaun de dolar ba leten Primeiru Ministru mak asi­na, husi ki'ik to'o kinentus mill de dolar Di­retór sira mak asina, maibé tenke de­pende ba delegasaun poderes husi­ Ministra. "am­­i la'o tuir regra ida-ne'e", de­han So­a­r­e­s ba jornál ne'e iha ed­i­físiu Min­i­s­t­é­riu Finan­s­as, Kinta, 03/­07/2009.

M­aski nu­ne'e, Fr­a­­ncisco Branco h­u­s­i bankada Fr­etilín a­k­u­z­a katak, Pr­imeiru Mi­­nistru vi­o­la ona lei es­tatutu dus titulares ó­r­g­aun so­b­e­r­anu tanba asina kontratu ba nia família. Loloos, Branco hateten, Primeiru Ministru tenke fó podér administrativu ba Ministra Fi­n­a­nsa mak kaer atu nune'e Primeiru Mi­n­i­stru iha kbiit no tempu atu kontrola sistema governasaun. Maibé tuir sosiedade sivíl balu hateten katak, bainhira Primeiru Mi­n­istru fó tomak podér administrativu ba Mi­nistra Finansas entaun Primeiru Mi­n­istru labele kontrola didi'ak indikasaun­ no abuzu KKN.

"Primeiru Ministru hanesan top lider iha pozisaun governu nian, tanba ne'e hanesan ema númeru un, nia tenke ha­t­ene kona ba prosesu administrasaun to­mak no mós bele halo aprovasaun pr­ojetu. Ezemplu, Diretór ida laiha direitu atu aprova orsamentu ba ninia kom­p­añia, entaun Diretór ne'e ho ninia ko­m­p­añia keta bulak hotu karik", dehan me­m­bru sosiedade sivíl ne'e.

Maibé deputadu Branco la kontente ho prosesu ida-ne'e tanba tuir nia ha­noin, bainhira Primeiru Ministru mak as­ina kontratu ho kompañia sira, ne'e bele habelar liután hahalok nepotizmu, ne'ebé taka dalan makaas ba transparente no akontabilidade, duun Branco. Liután Br­a­nco hateten, bainhira jestaun finansas la entrega ba Ministra Finansas atu as­ina, ne'e hatudu katak Primeiru Ministru la entrega rota komandu orsamentu nian ba Ministra Finansas, padahal Xave gaveta osan estadu nian iha Ministra Finansas nia liman. Maibé kazu asina kontratu ba foos no mina ba EdTL ne'e hatudu ona ka­tak Primeiru Ministru adopta hela sis­t­ema interferénsia de poderes hodi ham­e­n­us burokrasia liu-liu la fó fatin atu promo­v­e transparente no akontabilidade iha si­stema administrativu, Branco du'un.

Maski nune'e Soares esplika katak, Primeiru Ministru asina kontratu tanba lei aprovizionamentu mak fó podér . "lei apr­o­­vizionamentu ne'e uluk governu Fretilín mak halo, no tanba lei ne'e mós mak uluk Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkatiri mós asina kontratu 1 millaun no sala mós ba Maria Ma­dalena eis Ministra Finansas no Gr­i­g­o­rio Sousa eis Diretór Prokurament. Tan ne'e se partidu opozisaun kestiona kona ba lei ida-ne'e entaun tuir ha'u nia hanoin de­putadu sira seidauk familiariza ho si­stema karik", hateten Soares.

Iha parte seluk, Soares mós mens­i­ona kona ba lei finansa publika UNTAET nian lei númeru 13/2001 no agora go­v­e­r­nu planeadu ona atu muda lei hirak ne'e. Nune'e, Soares afirma katak, sira servisu bazeia ba prinsípiu profisionalizmu no integridade atu hametin servisu.

Tempu hanesan, bainhira ko'alia kona ba tansá Américo Lopes mak tenke manan tender ne'e, Soares esplika katak, Ministra Justisa nia la'en mak manan tender ne'e tanba kestaun polítika. Nune'e kestaun polítika ne'e hamosu violasoens ba lei karik, entaun muda lei. See mak bele muda lei ne'e so Konsellu Ministru ho Pa­rlamentu, Prokurament so la'o tuir de'­it lei hotu ne'ebé aprova ona husi pa­rlamentu no promulgadu husi Pr­e­z­idente da Repúblika. "ami la haree see mak tuir tender ne'e, ami so haree de'it pr­ofisionalizmu ema ne'e nian no sira nia integridade atu kaer projetu. Tan ne'e ha'u sempre dehan, ha'u la hak­f­odak ho prosesu husi see de'it atu ba tribunál mós ha'u prontu ba hataan", Soares hateten ho hamnasa.

Maibé bainhira hataan jornalista k­ona ba lei ne'e bele hamosu konflitu de interese, Diretór Jerál ne'e esplika kat­ak, sira sempre evita konflitu de interese iha prosesu tenderizasaun. "se ha'u nia alin hatama dokumentus atu tuir ten­d­e­r­izasaun, entaun ha'u labele tama iha ekipa avaliasaun atu nune'e bele evita ko­nflitu de interese. Maibé ha'u labele impata nia atu labele tuir tender tanba nia iha direitu", dale nia.

Husi parte sosiedade sivíl nian, Jo­aozito Viana, Jenerál Manager Luta Ha­mutuk hato'o nia hanoin katak, governu ida-ne'e seidauk jere loloos mekanizmu transparente tanba governu la fó sai prosesu selesaun ba kompañia sira ne'ebé atu kaer projetu, hanesan ko­mp­añia hirak mak tuir tender no hira mak liu selesaun. Prosesu hanesan ne'e bele hamosu espe­k­ulasaun oioin iha tenderizasaun hanesan preokupasaun ba ko­mpañia hirak ne'ebé viavel no hir­ak ne'ebé sira nia plataforma projetu ki'ik maibé la liu selesaun. Loloos, governu tenke hadi'a sis­tema ida-ne'e iha inisiu loke tend­er hodi nune'e bele evita esp­e­t­ativa husi kompañia sira ne'ebé tuir tender no bele limita kontr­ad­i­saun iha públiku .

Maibé tanba governu la ha­lo ida-ne'e entaun mosu daud­a­un problema lubun ida hanesan ko­ntratu foos nian, dehan Viana. Nia elabora tan katak, oras ne'e foos barak fuhuk iha armazein no prosesu distribuisaun foos la to'o ba benefisiáriu sira. Kond­i­saun hanesan ne'e fó fatin mak­a­as ba esplikasaun katak gove­r­nu ida-ne'e promove hela KKN.

"ami hakarak hateten katak, fundus estabilizasaun ekonómiku relasiona ho fahe tratores mak or­as ne'e komesa hasae ona produsaun iha distritu balu hanesan iha distritu Bo­b­onaru sub distritu Maliana, Segunda (06­/07/09) agrikultór sira hala'o dem­o­n­strasaun tanba sira nia produtu lokál ku­a­ze atus haat toneladas resin mak rai de'it iha armazein sub distritu to'o dodok.

Tanba ne'e, ami hakarak husu katak saida mak naksalak iha prosesu ida-ne'e tanba husi parte ida governu haruka ag­rikultór sira prodús maibé husi parte seluk governu halo kontratu daudaun ho im­p­o­rtadór sira. Ida-ne'e hatudu katak laiha ak­ontabilidade iha sistema admini­s­t­r­a­s­a­un governu nian liu-liu sala iha prosesu inisiu tenderizasaun nian.

Nune'e ami husu ba governu tenke envolve ema hotu iha prosesu selesaun ba kompañia hirak ne'ebé hatama doku­m­entus atu manan tender no publika sai kompañia ne'ebé mak liu selesaun, atu nu­n­e'e bele evita espekulasaun opiniaun públiku kona ba familiarizmu iha prosesu te­nderizasaun", katak Viana.

Maski nune'e, Viana defende katak see de'it iha direitu atu tuir tender maski ema ne'e ministru nia oan ka alin tanba sidadaun hotu iha direitu hanesan. Tuir ko­nvensaun direitus humanus no ko­nvensaun kona ba polítika ekonomia sos­iál no kultura, fó espasu ba ema hotu iha asesu hanesan, la'ós tanba nia mi­nistru ka ministra ida nia oan ka alin. Ma­ibé ema hirak ne'ebé manan tender ne'e tenke garantia kualidade ba projetu ne'ebé nia kaer tanba antes nia manan projetu ne'e iha kritériu tenderizasaun ida ko'alia kona ba kualifikasaun. Maibé sei di'ak liután bainhira governu kria me­k­anizmu ida atu evita sistema familiarizmu iha tenderizasaun, katak nia.

Iha parte seluk ko'alia kona ba pre­o­kupasaun balu katak, Primeiru Ministru la entrega poderes ba Ministra Finansas atu kaer jestaun finansas, membrus sosiedade sivíl ne'e haklaken katak, ida-ne'e hanesan prosedimentu balu ne'ebé seidauk klaru iha Ministériu Finansas rasik, tanba Ministériu Finansas so hato'o proposta atu hetan aprovasaun husi Xefe Governu mas la'ós asina ko­­ntratu, tanba Ministériu Finansas iha responsabilidade atu prepara kontratu liu husi divizaun aprovizionamentu.

"tuir dokumentus balu ne'ebé ami he­tan ne'ebé mak Primeiru Ministru asi­na kontratu balu, ne'e loloos sala. Maibé tanba Primeiru Ministru asumi mós ka­rgu Ministru Defeza no Seguransa nian entaun nia bele asina dokumentus balu hanesan Ministru la'ós Primeiru Mi­n­i­s­t­ru. Primeiru Ministru so hala'o ap­r­o­v­a­s­aun proposta balu husi Ministériu Finansas tanba ministériu ne'e hanesan dapur ida ne'ebé atu ma­neja dapur kiki'ik sira tuir departamentu ida-id­ak hanesan maneja prosedura hafoin lori ba Primeiru Ministru atu halo aprovasaun", dehan Viana.

Maibé bainhira responde pergunta jornalista kona ba lei aprovizionamentu fó podér ba Primeiru Ministru atu asina kontratu, Viana esklarese katak, lei aprovizionamentu fó podér maibé podér atu asina kontratu ba kompañia estadu entre nasaun. Ezemplu asina kontratu ho kompañia Conoco Ph­ilips hodi halo esplorasaun mina iha tasi timor, ha­nesan mós asina kooperasaun ho komp­a­ñ­ia ENI ne'ebé manan bloku iha área soberania tasi nian. Maibé ba kontratu ho kompañia multi na­sionál ho orsamentu kontratu tokon ida ka rua, ne'e Primeiru Ministru laiha devér atu asina.

Nune'e bainhira ko'alia kona ba Primeiru Mi­nistru asina kontratu ho kompañia Pualaka Pe­troleu Fuel hodi fornese mina ba EdTL ho totál or­samentu US$ 1.473.360,00 (hakerek iha do­k­u­mentu ida ne'ebé asina husi Américo Lopes ho data, 3 Abríl 2009), Viana haktuir katak, ida-ne'e ha­tudu katak Primeiru Ministru halo sala tanba asina kontratu ho kompañia nasionál. Desizaun hanesan ne'e mós hatudu interferénsia de po­d­eres tanba loloos aprovizionamentu mak asina ko­ntratu ho kompañia sira, Primeiru Ministru so halo de'it aprovasaun ne'ebé hato'o husi Min­i­s­t­é­riu Finansas. Tanba ne'e Viana rekomenda ba go­vernu atu hadi'a sistema, mekanizmu no pro­s­e­dura iha prosesu tenderizasaun, se lae aban ba­inrua 1 dolar de'it mós Primeiru Ministru mak asina, du'un Viana.

Husi parte seluk, Vise Diretór Luta Ha­m­utuk, Edio Saldanha Borges hateten, lei nú­meru 7 artigu 3, lei es­t­atutu dus titulares ór­gaun soberanu ha­k­erek ona kona ba im­p­idementus oioin ha­n­esan kona ba saham labele liu 10% no mós parentes kolatoral to'o 2 grau hetan impe­d­e­m­entus atu partisipa iha tenderizasaun. Ta­nba ne'e, se Prime­i­ru Ministru asina kon­t­ratu ida ba Ministra nia la'en ne'ebé Pri­m­­eiru Ministru rasik iha ligasaun família ho mi­nistra ka ho empr­e­z­áriu ne'e, entaun ha­t­u­du katak Primeiru Mi­nistru viola duni lei Estatutu dus Titulares Órgaun Soberanu tanba mosu konflitu de interese iha prosesu asina kontratu.

Tanba ne'e, Edio sujere atu órgaun ko­mpetente tenke halo prosesu ba kazu ida ne'e, maibé membrus sosiedade sivíl ne'e la kon­korda bainhira prosesu ne'e to'o de'it meza Pr­ovedór Direitus Humanus no Justisa ka ha­ruka Inspesaun Je­rál halo investigasaun ou haruka Vise Pr­i­meiru Ministru ba Asuntu Adm­inistrasaun ha­r­ee, maibé tenke lori to'o meza Prokuradór Je­rál atu iha akuzasaun ida para ema tomak be­le haree no hatene katak, lei ne'e halo ba ema hotu la'ós halo lei atu pró­t­eze ema boot sira, dale nia.

Edio reforsa liután katak, halo lei atu ga­rante ema tomak nia direitu ba justisa, la'ós ha­lo lei bazeia ba polítika de'it hodi sakrifika ema seluk nia moris. "ita ko'alia beibeik katak ida-ne'e sala maibé ha'u bele hat­e­ten katak, ita labele sukat ita-nia sa­la ho liafuan de'it tanba ita tenke uza lei hodi sukat ita-nia sala. Se ita la uza lei hanesan prosedimentu ida hodi prosesa ita-nia sala, maka ita sei hatoman-an ho sala hodi fó pr­ospetu ba ema seluk katak tansá ida ne'ebá bele halo nusa ha'u la­b­ele halo", dehan Vise Diretór ne'e.

Maibé oinsá atu hakotu hahalok hanesan ne'e, tuir Edio nia hanoin katak, Parlamentu Na­sionál tenke uza sira nia kompeténsia ha­n­esan fi­skalizador, hodi haree no fó hanoin ba governu atu labele halo buat seluk ne'­e­bé la'­ós sira nia kompeténsia. "la'ós de'it ta­nba ma­un boot entaun ita hotu ta'uk, ita ho­tu la­ko­hi. Nein see de'it kuandu kontra lei, ita la­­bele ta'uk atu kurize tanba ita ko'alia kona ba estadu no povu la'ós ko'alia kona ba ma­­un boot", katak Edio.

Liután nia hateten, kuandu ulun boot si­ra halo sala entaun "ita bele konsulta ho lei kó­di­gu penál hanesan razaun ida atu ha­tún sa­­nsaun maibé tenke liu husi tribunál. Ag­ora, se kestaun ne'e mosu hanesan pr­osesu po­lí­tiku ida entaun Parlamentu mak be­le foti so­l­u­saun polítika ida ba kestaun ha­nesan ne'e. Ma­­ibé se kestaun ne'e ha­nesan krime ida en­taun Prokuradór tenke halo prosesu lalais ho­di halo investigasaun. Hanesan mós kazu si­ra seluk, ezemplu reabilitasaun prizaun Be­k­o­ra no Gleno no mós fornesimentu far­d­a­m­­entu ba guarda pr­izional Timor-Leste, ne'e te­­nke ser iha pr­osesu to'o rohan para ema be­le haree ka­tak ita iha kometimentu atu ha­r­ee buat hi­rak ne'ebé la loos", Edio sujere.(aro)

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 148

Projetu Tratór, Emprezáriu Alega MAP Lori Globál Hasoru Fabrika Nain

Dili, Tempo Semanál

Tuir informasaun ne'ebé jornál Tempo Semanál hetan husi fonte s balu katak, antes Governu atu loke tender ba projetu tratór mosu alegasaun ida ne'ebe dehan katak iha momentu balu Ministériu Agrikultura e Pe­ska (MAP) lori kompañia Globál Brat­h­e­rs ba iha Indonézia hodi hasoru malu ho fabrika na'in atu nune'e bele fó apoiu ba sira hodi prenxe kritériu para bele tuir te­n­d­erizasaun.Hafoin Governu loke hikas fali tender foun iha semana ikus fulan Juñu 20­09, rezultadu husi 'open document' ne­'ebé fó sai iha loron 6 Julhu 2009 hat­u­du katak projetu re-tender tratór iha Min­istériu Agrikultór ne'ebé ho valór US$ 1,5 Milion ne'e iha kompañia rua mak kat­egoria tama iha selesaun, maibé rezu­ltadu ne'e sai hela polémika tanba ba­zeia ba surat klarifikasaun dokumentu s­ ne'ebé jornál Tempo Semanál asesu felizmente deklara katak relasiona ho pro­jetu tratór ITB No. RDTL -09336-R CV KARYA HIDUP SENTOSA iha Ind­onézia Jogjakarta nunka fó sai 'surat punujukan maupun surat dukungan' ba Kosta Motor Unipesoal Lda ne'ebé ho diresaun iha Baucau Timor Leste, ne'e duni mosu ale­g­a­saun katak iha falsifikasaun do­k­u­m­entu s husi emprezáriu balu.

Maski mosu alegasaun katak ko­mpainia Kosta Motor falsifika dok­u­m­e­ntu maibé bazeia ba rezultadu open document hatudu katak kompañia Ti­m­or oan Costa Motór Unipesoal, Lda ho ninia téknika proposta 194.67 Point no Finansia Proposta U$ 7.540.100 no mós kompañia Indon­é­zia nian Globál Brothers, Lda ho nin­ia téknika proposta 208 Point no Finansia Proposta 8.350.00.

Responde kona ba alegasaun hirak ne'e, Manuel da Costa vise Dir­e­tór kompañia Kosta Motór iha ninia inter vista ba jornál Tempo Semanál foin lalais ne'e hateten, husi nia parte fiar katak sira nunka falsifika dok­um­e­ntu ruma tanba sentidu husi dok­um­entu ne'ebé sira hato'o ne'e la'ós dehan atu tuir tender ITB No. RDTL-09336-R,maibé surat refere ne'ebé ho No. 031/PM/KE-XI/05/09 ne'e ha­n­­­e­san hatudu identidade Kosta Mo­t­ó­r nu'udár sub Distributor ida iha TL, tan­ba ne'e husi sira nia parte la sente katak iha falsifikasaun dokumentu.

Please place Photo Tractores

"Sekarik iha dokumentu ne'e mak dehan katak 'surat ini ditujukan atas nama Kosta Motór untuk mengikuti' ten­der entaun ida ne'e bele signifika falsifika maibé realidade la iha" haktuir Manuel

Kuaze tinan 4 ona kompañia Ko­s­ta Motór sai nu'udár diller úniku ba iha Quik no tratór boot, ne'e duni ko­m­pañia Kosta Motór hakarak par­t­i­s­i­p­a mós iha tenderizasaun ida ne'e ba­zeia ba sira nia esperiénsia no kap­a­sidade ne'ebé di'ak.

"Tanba mosu kritériu oin –oin iha ten­derizasaun nia laran entaun Kosta Mo­tór kontaktu kedas ho fabrika na'in kona manufatura autorizasaun, maibé husi fabrika lakohi fó doku­me­n­tu hirak ne'e ba kompañia Kosta Mo­tór tanba dehan iha ona kompañia Indonézia nian ida ne'ebé agora daudaun hala'o serbisu iha TL mak hetan ona Manufatura autoriz­as­a­u­n­"Manuel Esplika tuir.

Maski nune'e, maibé tuir Es­tanislao M. Quintas Costa katak, durante ne'e kompañia Kosta Motór serbisu hamutuk ona ho fabrika sira ne'ebé halo pro­dusaun tratór, liu-liu ha­n­e­s­an fabrika tratór Quick nian ne­'­e­bé Ministériu Agrik­u­l­t­ura atu so­sa, ne'e duni bainhira ten­der ne'e atu hala'o Kosta Motór hu­su fila fali manufatura aut­ori­za­s­a­un ba sira hodi bele hetan 'su­r­at dukungan',maibé sira dehan "ami labele fó ba ita boo­t sira ta­nba ami tenke fó ba kompañia Globál Brothers Lda ne'ebé ami hat­udu ona ho razaun tanba halo tiha ona kon­t­ratu ho ema hi­rak ne'e", Qu­intas konta tuir

Tanba sira ninia kontratu ho Kosta Motór hanesan Diller iha TL sei la'o nafatin entaun Kosta Motór husu Letter autorizasaun ba sira hodi tuir tender mais rea­l­idade sira la fó tan ne'e mak mosu problema hanesan ne'e.

Hataan kona ba pergunta n­e­'ebé dehan katak, karik kes­t­aun ne'e signifika Kosta Motór la'ós ona sira nia sub distributor iha TL, maibé Quintas esklar­es­e, to'o ohin loron husi parte CV Karya Hidup Sentosa sei­d­a­­uk fó sai surat 'pembatalan' ru­m­a ba kosta Motór hodi dehan katak Kosta Motór la'ós ona sira nia diller tanba iha fulan Maiu foin lalais ne'e Kosta Motór sei hala'o nafatin transaksi ho CV Karya Hidup Sentosa hodi hat­a­ma 40 Unit no mós tinan – tinan sira sempre fo nafatin kalendáriu ne'ebé sira rasik hakerek ba Kosta Motór hodi hateten katak Quick nia diller iha TL mak Ko­s­ta Motór Unipessoal Lda.

Responde kona ba infor­m­a­saun ne'ebé dehan katak iha fal­sifikasaun doku­me­n­tu Rui Cas­tro hateten, husi sira nia par­te rejeita alegasaun ida ne­'e tanba uluk kedas kompañia Kosta Motór la iha dokumentu kona ba manufatura auto­ri­za­s­aun ne'e duni iha momentu ne­'­ebá sira hato'o kedas protesta ba Ministériu Finansia.

"Uluk ami mós husu surat man­ufatura autorizasaun,maibé husi fabrika rasik hateten fó ona ba kompañia Globál Brothers ne'e duni ami la hetan"

Maski iha téknika metin nia laran lideransa balu hateten katak imi bele ba husu iha nasaun sira seluk hanesan Austrália, Japaun no Amérika maibé tuir emprezáriu Timor oan balu katak tratór Quick ne'e iha nasaun seluk la iha 'kecuali' iha Jogja Indonézia.

Nune'e mós liu husi inter vista fia telefone ne'ebé jornalista Tempo Semanál halo ho Diretór Jerál Ministériu Finansia Fran­c­i­s­c­o C. Soares katak, tanba tender ne­'e hanesan tender internasionál ne'e duni bele mai husi Indonézia, Au­strália, Malaysia no mos bele mai husi nasaun seluk soke ita nia ­b­i­snis ne'e asesu iha Indonézia de'it ne'e duni sira orienta de'it ba iha Indonézia.

Hataan kona ba pergunta ne'ebé dehan katak Quick ne'e iha Indonézia de'it, maibé Francisco ha­teten katak lae tanba Quick ho Ku­bato atu hanesan tanba ne'e bele iha Tailándia, Austrália, Mala­y­sia no mós nasaun sira seluk.

"Projetu tender tratór ne'e agora daudaun iha prosesu nia la­ran no agora daudaun hato'o ona ba boot sira iha leten depois mak deside ne'e duni ha'u labele hateten ba imi katak se mak manan no se mak lakon tanba desizaun seidauk ne'e duni ami rasik mós seidauk hatene katak se mak manan" tenik Francisco

Hataan ba kestaun ne'e, em­prezáriu timor oan Rui Castro ne­'­ebé iha interese atu sai fornecedor ba tratór hirak ne'e haktuir ba jor­nál TS iha ninia serbisu fatin katak, tuir informasaun ne'ebé sira rona hu­si ulun boot balu katak sira mak manan tiha ona maibé ulun boot ne'e dehan ba sira katak "imi tenke serbisu ho kuidadu no di'ak"

"Hanesan emprezáriu timor oan ami nia luta la'ós iha dalan kla­ran de'it maibé ami nia luta ne'e tenke to'o finál "titik darah penh­a­bisan" ne'e duni sira atu avansa to­'o iha ne'ebé konforme sira nia ha­karak tanba bainhira ami atu hal­o buat ruma konserteza ami iha 'pe­rhitungan'" deklara Rui Castro ho fiar an

Nia hatutan, to'o ohin loron Quick seidauk fó surat 'pem­ba­ta­l­a­n' ida ba sira katak Kosta Motór la'ós ona sub Distributor tanba iha ten­der primeiru sira nia surat sei moris maibé iha tender segundu sira lakohi fó ona no la iha razaun ida ne'ebé klaru.

Agora bele husu ba Quick tanba saida mak sira la fó, nune'e mós husu ba Ministériu Agrikultura ho Sekretáriu Estadu Marcos kat­ak, sira hetan jasa barak husi Kos­t­a Motor para fasilita sira nia ele­me­ntu husi Eskola Fuiloro, Nata­rb­ora no Maliana hodi ba tuir trein­a­mentu iha Quick loos ka lae.

Sekarik ida ne'e mak akon­te­s­e duni, entaun husu ba vise Prim­e­iru Ministru atu labele hare de'it husi rohan kona ba kazu aleg­as­a­un ida ne'e maibé oinsá bele hare husi totalidade 'secara kes­el­uruhan' hodi lori dokumentu ten­d­er ne'e para bele hare no estuda hafoin debate ida puré ida depois fó ra­zaun husi kada kritériu ne'ebé temi iha dokumentu tender.

Alende ne'e husi parte Kosta Motór mós ezije ba órgaun ne'ebé kompeténsia se bele karik loke fila – fali dokumentu Globál Brothers nian kona ba osan U$. 1,5 juta tan­ba tuir sira katak osan ne'ebé iha Globál Brothers nia dokumentu s ne'e la'ós Globál Brothers nian maibé 'atas nama PT. Bina Pertiwi'

"Ita labele hare de'it husi parte balu depois halo fali 'kesimpulan' ida hodi akuza katak Kosta Motór ha­lo manipulasaun ba dokumentu, maibé tuir loloos ita presiza hare husi parte barak"

Rui Castro reforsa katak, se sira brani demais ona no fiar katak sira mak loos entaun husu atu halo instigasaun labele sepotong-sepotong maibé oinsá bele halo investigasaun to'o ninia rohan "se­c­ara detail" tanba Kosta Motór sei la hakiduk no ta'uk bainhira def­ende lia loos, nune'e mós bain­h­ira ita hakarak atu foti kazu tratór hanesan sampel ba pemerasan korrupsaun entaun presiza hari duni ekipa independente ida hodi halo investigasaun no mós ekipa ne'e tenke brani.

"Ami husi Kosta Motór prontu atu hataan kualkér tempu bainhira de'it no iha ne'ebé de'it", tanba iha mo­mentu ne'ebá kedas kompañia Ko­sta Motór mak fó sujestaun ba Min­istru Agrikultór Mariano Sab­in­o,Sekretáriu Estadu Agrikultura no mós Diretór jerál hodi dehan katak, duke ita diskute malu hela de'­it entaun di'ak liu hatudu de'it "pen­u­njukan internasionál" kom­p­añia Indonézia nian para manan, tanba letter autorizasaun manu­fa­t­ura husi Quick iha TL fó de'it ba ko­mpañia ida ne'ebé iha ninia espekula naran hateten katak tenke Quick Kubota entaun ida ne'e hatudu katak iha TL semak ma­nan ne'e iha ona, tan ne'e se bele karik hatudu de'it ona no labele halo manipulasaun públiku hodi loke fali tender internasionál.

Hanesan ita hotu hatene katak, iha kritériu ne'e sira hateten loloos no tau tiha tratór Kubota Quick G 1000 maibé tanba saida sira sei halo nafatin manufatura aut­orizasaun no loke fali tender hodi haruka ema barak ba tuir mais sira rasik mós hatene katak kom­p­a­ñia ne'e be manan ne'e iha tiha ona.Maibé' ho ami nia esperiénsia no kapasidade ne'ebé iha entaun ami tuir nafatin tanba durante iha tinan 2 nia laran ami hatama ona tratór ba ministériu Agrikultura no mós Ministériu Dezenvolvimentu ne'ebé ho kualidade di'ak tuir duni buat ne'ebé sira husu.

Ho razaun hirak ne'e hotu husi parte Kosta Motór espera kat­ak sira sei hatama tratór ne'ebé ho kualidade di'ak liu fali Globál Bro­­thers hatama tanba iha defe­r­é­nsia nune'e mós husi sira nia parte fiar katak ministériu Agrik­ul­t­u­ra la hatene espesifikasaun lol­o­os tanba sira simu husi Globál Bro­t­hers DI 1 maibé Kosta Motór fó DI 2.

Hafoin iha loron Sesta Feira tuku 2:30 otl jornalista TS na'in rua hakat ba edifísiu Ministériu Agr­i­kultór iha Komoro hodi husu klar­i­fikasaun ba Ministru kona ba asuntu refere maibé Ministru la iha fatin.

Hafoin rona tiha husi membru protokolu ida katak Ministru la iha fatin entaun Jornalista TS tenta hodi husu kedan Ministru nia nú­meru telefone husi protokolu ne'e, maibé protokolu ne'e hateten sira lab­ele fo Ministru nia númeru tel­efone entaun halo jornalista TS hein durante oras 1 nia laran ma­ibe la hetan, tanba ne'e to'o notísia ne'e hatún seidauk iha kon­fir­masaun husi Ministru Agr­ik­ul­tór.(ico/tov)

Komunidade Metiaut Halerik Ho Anúnsiu DNTPSC

Dili, Tempo Semanál

Bazeia ba anúnsiu husi Dire­sa­un Na­s­ionál Teras Propriedade Ser­visu Cad­a­s­t­rais (DNTPSC), kat­ak iha fulan Agostu nia la­ran ko­munidade ne'ebé hela iha área Bi­d­au Metiaut liuliu sira ne'ebé halo Res­t­a­u­r­ante iha área tasi ibun tenke sai husi fatin ne'ebé refere. Tanba tuir regulamentu nu­'udar sidadaun hotu-hotu tenke hala'o no kumpre tuir Lei ne'ebé la'o dau­d­aun iha Timor-Leste hanesan Lei 1/2003, lo­r­on 10/03 kona ba titul­a­ridade riku soin me­­tin ou rai sai han­esan riku soin Estadu nian. Aleinde ne'e dekretu Lei 19/2004 lor­on 28/12 no regulamentu UNTAET 19/2009, loron 30/06 kona ba área ne'ebé proteje liuliu ba okupasaun ilegál iha zona tasi ibun nian.

Hodi nune'e Propriedade no servisu Cadastrais fó sai katak, propriedade sira hotu-hotu ne'ebé okupa iha zona tasi ibun sai ha­n­esan ilegál, tanba ne'e obr­ig­a­t­o­riomente ba komunidade ne'ebé hela fatin pertense iha aérea re­f­e­re tenke husik tiha fatin ne'e too lo­ron dia 30 Jullu 2009 no mós so­bu tiha buat ne'ebé hari iha ne­'ebá husi loron ida ne'e.

Voluntáriamente kuandu sira lakohi sai no hamutuk ho pro­pr­ie­d­a­de ne'ebé hela ba DNTPSC no hala'o kedas prosesu despaxu Ad­ministrativu ba riku soin rai hotu-hotu ne'ebé okupa tuir Lei 1/2003 pro­sesu ba zona reabilitasaun zona tasi ibun ida ne'e sei hahú iha Suku Bidau too área Branca, ka­rik iha kazu ruma atu halo de­s­paxu Administrativu sei realiza iha loron (1/8/9) iha zona ida ne'e.

Ho kestaun hirak ne'e Xefe Al­de­ia Metiaut Pedro da Silva info­r­m­a ba TS katak, Nia sente triste tanba sira sempre hateten beibeik ona ba sira ne'ebé hela fatin iha aérea tasi ibun tenke sai iha loron (30/7/09). nu'udar autoridade lokál prontu atu kolabora Maibé antes estadu atu haruka komunidade sai husi área ne'ebá tenke hanoin halo didi'ak, la'ós haruka sai de'it no la liu husi mekanizmu ida ke di'ak tan­ba kestaun ne'e bele fó impaktu ba komunidade liuliu joven hirak ne'ebé servisu iha restaurante refere.

Tanba joven barak mak hala'o servisu iha Restaurante depois sira dehan rai ne'e Estadu nian, maibé sira moos la'ós foin mak hela iha Suku Metiaut mais hela dezde tempu Portugés nian too agora.

Alen ne'e Xefe Aldeia Metiaut, husu ba Governu bainhira atu ha­r­uka komunidade sira sai tenke bu­ka fatin ida ba sira hela no mós ten­ke kria kampu de servisu ba jo­v­en ne'ebé agora daudaun ser­v­isu iha Restaurante refere atu n­u­n­e­'e bele sustenta nia moris.

Relasiona ho kuadru avizu ne'ebé hateten katak sekarik Ita-Boot sira lakohi sai husi pro­pr­ie­da­de ne'e entaun DNTPSC sei ha­la'o kedas prosesu despeju ad­mi­nistrativu, ne'e duni Hanesan pov­u bain – bain ne'ebé moris husi família ai-leba, "Ami prontu hein de'it iha fatin atu sira mai sobu uma no sasan."

Iha fatin hanesan nu'udar komunidade iha Suku Metiaut Ozóriu Mendes sente triste tanba nia uma moos halo iha aérea tasi ibun bainhira Estadu haruka sira sai tenke fó 'ganti rugi.' Maibé ku­a­ndu uza forsa sira tenke sai tan­ba nu'udar povu la iha kbiit atu ha­suru ho forsa no labele kolia bu­at ida, se kuandu sira uza duni forsa hodi sobu, mais bainhira Es­tadu haruka sobu uma no Re­s­taurante iha área tasi ibun sai hotu no depois haruka ema seluk mak in­veste fali iha ne'e, entaun sira sei la fó tanba sira mós Timor oan.

Ozóriu moos esplika liu tan, durante ne'e husi autoridade lokál ha­nesan Xefe Suku Metiaut se­m­pre halo enkontru ho komunidade ne­'ebé hela iha tasi ibun, maibé sira moos kestiona katak Estadu te­nke halo mekanizmu ida hodi fó 'ganti rugi' no moos ba joven sira ne'ebé durante ne'e servisu iha Restaurante sira mós ezije ba Estadu buka fatin ida hodi sira bele servisu.

Maria de Araújo mos Informa katak, du­ran­te ne'e nia servisu iha Res­­ta­­u­r­ante, porezemplu Gov­er­n­u haruka taka duni Restaura­nte oin­sá kona ba sira nia moris.

Tanba durante ne'e sira ser­v­isu iha Restaurante ho osan ne'­e­bé ki'ik, maibé bele hola netik sira ni­a presiza loro-loron nian no mós e­ma ne'ebé servisu iha área Me­t­iaut ne'e kuaze ema nian 200, se karik Governu haruka taka duni no la buka fatin ida ba joven Me­t­i­aut atu ba loos iha ne'ebé.

Joven sira moos kestiona katak, joven husi Suku Metiaut h­u­su ba Governu halo planu ida ba sira, bainhira atu haruka Re­s­t­aurante sira ne'ebé iha tasi ibun taka no sobu iha fulan Agostu nia la­ran tenke mós hare ba joven sira ne'ebé durante ne'e servisu iha Restaurante.

Hafoin rona tiha preok­up­a­s­aun husi komunidade iha Suku Bi­dau Metiaut TS tenta halo klar­ifika­saun ho Diretór DNTPSC Ant­ó­nio Verdial iha nia edifísiu Beb­o­r­a-Dili (16/7) dadeer tuku 10:43 otl, maibé diretór ne'e esplika de'it liafuan badak ba TS katak komunidade sira tenke hakru'uk ba Lei.Rona tiha esplikasaun badak ne'e jornalista TS tenta husu fila fali maibé nia rejeita nafatin la­k­ohi fó komentáriu tanba dehan ka­tak nia la iha kompeténsia, ne'e duni nia haruka TS bele diret­am­e­nte ba husu iha Ministra Justisa ko­na ba asuntu ida ne'e.

Asuntu ne'e sai mós preo­ku­p­a­saun ba presidente da Re­pú­b­lika Timor-Leste José Ramos Ho­rta semana foin lalais ne'e nia de­klara katak Governu tenke Fle­k­sivel bainhira atu foti desizaun ho­di taka restaurante sira iha área Me­tiaut nian tanba komunidade no joven s barak mak serbisu iha ne'­e­bá, maibé tuir Presidente otél Kal­i­fórnia mak tenke taka tanba fatin ne­'­e sei uza ba jardín.(tov/ico)

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Husi Tempo Semanal Edisaun 148, Kontraktu Fo'os No Alegesaun Korrupsaun/ Prime Foods, Olifante, PM

Rejistu Kompania Prima Food PM Nia Oan 11.10% No PM Asina Kontratu Ho Kompania Olifante

Xanana: Se Liu 10% Ha'u Sala, Ha'u sala

Dili,Tempo Semanal

Bankada Fretilin alega katak PM Xa­nana komete ona KKN iha kazu fo kontratu foos ba ninia oan feto ho kompania ninia feto foun ninian. Hodi husu PM Xanana atu resigna an husi ninia kargu maibe Ba­nkada CNRT hatan katak Zenilda Gusmao sai ona husi kompania Prima Food antes kontratu Foos ne'e asina maske sira la aprezenta ho dokumentus dada an husi kompania ninian.

Fretilin kaer hela dokumentus rejistu empresa Prima Food ninian iha Ministeiru Turizmu ho Industria ninian hodi kanta dolin iha uma fukun Timor ninian.

Hatan ba kestaun ne'e PM Xanana iha Aeroportu internasional Nicolao Lo­bato hafoin fila hikas husi Singapora iha loron 14/07 dehan, "Hau kontente, hau kon­tente tan ba ita ate no fin iha parlamentu ke matan moos. Ha'u kontente teb-tebes. Ida ne'e ajuda tebe-tebes ita atu hadi'a ita nia administrasaun. Ha'u kontente mos tan pa­r­ese ke sira pasa tiha ona lei anti korrupsaun."

"Uluk sira la aceita maibe agora sira pasa tiha ona ne'e kapas tebe-tebes. Atu ita dehan karik ita bele dehan susilo manan ne'ene tan povu, rakyat kecil, povu ki'ik ne'e fiar katak iha anti korrupsaun iha medidas ke kapas tebe-tebes. Ita mos kopia uitoan komisaun anti ko­r­r­upsaun Indonezia."

"Kona ba ha'u nia oan feto ha'u bele dehan de'it katak bainhira iha problema foos folin sa'e ne'ebe halo ami kreia funduz estabilizasaun ekonomika hodi reduz povu nia susar. Op­o­z­i­saun ida ne'e tau ba tribunal rekursu lori buat ida katak lei valor reforsado ne'ebe ita la iha ho juiz Ivo lori buat balun husi Portugal ne'eba, tau iha ne'eba ne'ebe ita la iha hodi halakon tiha."Depois iha tiha fundu ha'u bolu em­p­rezariu sira. Depois iha ona fundu Primeiru Mini­stru bolu fali emprezariu sira hodi informa ba sira katak iha ona fundu. Ha'u dehan ba sira imi hotu participa. Ha'u lakohi kompania Unipessoal se imi ha­ka­rak, kompania ida pelumenus cinko pe­soas. Imi halibur an depois maka ita dehan agora iha ona fun­du estabilizasaun ekonomika se maka hatama uluk, hatama nune'e, to'o fulan hira? Se maka hatama nu­ne'e to'o fulan hira? Se maka hat­ama nune'e to'o fulan hira?

"Iha 17 kompania, la'os ha'u nia oan feto de'it. 17 kompania, ka­da kompania ho barak."

"Sira ta'u dehan ha'u nia oan tau US$10,000.00 iha Banku. Iha nia­ kompania ne'e sira dehan kada ida tenke tau US$10.000.00. Kada ida tenke tau US$10,000.00."

"Ha'u hakarak husu de'it atu sira loke matan uitoan katak, se ha'u nia oan lori nia estatutu social entre aspas ne'e mak mai loby ba ha'u kompania seluk maka hatama i depois nia hetan persen ha'u kulpa," PM Xanana hatudu lia fuan ba ninia hirus matan.

"Ne'e oin seluk ne'e ha'u foti ha'u nia liman," PM ko'alia ho oin hamnasa sinis hodi foti liman los ba leten sinais rende.

"Mas nia tama iha kompania ida sira dehan sira dehan ta'u US$10,000.00, nia ta'u US$­10,000.00," PM Gusmao ko'alia ho liman karuk tuku ba meja.

Primeiru Ministru la preokupa ho alegasoens hirak ne'e, nune'e duni nia lakohi atu hasoru malu ho ABC ne'ebe mai to'o iha Dili mai­be wainhira nia hatan ba kes­taun refere hafoin to'o hikas husi Singapora. "Ha'u la preokupa, ne'­ebe ha'u la preokupa. Komi­s­aun anti korrupsaun iha tiha ago­ra ha'u bele dehan ita bele ke'e ba kotuk ita haree to'ok.

Tuir lei numeru 07/2007 artigu 3 hateten katak membru org­aun soberanu ida ho ninia membru familias relasaun ran to'o segundu graun bandu atu hetan kontratu projetu estadu ninian kuandu sira nia saham liu 10%.

"Ne'ebe ha'u lakohi ko'alia barak komisaun anti korrupsaun be­le ke'e, ke'e hotu ba kotuk ita har­ee took. Iha lei dehan katak konje feen ka la'en, oan ho tan sa ida 10% labele liu 10% .

Prova se liu ona 10% se ha'u sala....ha'u sala."Tuir dokumentus rejistu kompania Prima Food ne'ebe jornal ABC fo sai hatudu katak Primeiru Ministru ninia oan feto iha saham 11.10%. situasaun ida ne'e seidauk klaru maibe antes ne'e emprezariu nasional sira hat­e­ten PM ninia oan feto sai ona h­usi kompania Prima Food.

PM mos konta hikas fali prob­l­e­ma krizi foos ne'ebe mosu no pro­sesu fo kontratu ba kom­p­a­nia sira. "Ministru Negosiu Estr­a­n­jeiru Vietnam Hekerek mai ha'u tan ba ha'u haruka ministru ba to­­'o iha ne'eba. Ministru Gil ba to'o Tha­ilandia, ba to'o Indonezia tan ba ho problema ida foos folin sa­'­e.""Hotu-hotu hakarak atu taka fa'an tan ba preokupa uluk ho sira nia populasaun.

Haruka duni Ministru Gil ba buka i ministru Ne­g­o­s­iu Estranjeiru Vietnam hakerek mai ha'u dehan nune'e, "tan ba ema ba­rak hakarak dalan, emprezarius ba­rak hakarak dalan atu sosa foos husi vietnam. Balun ami hatene oin foun osan la iha. Para atu garante ami kompriende imi nia problema. Atu ga­rante katak buat ne'e la'o di'ak tenke ser ho governu ho governu."

"Nia husu ba ha'u atu hatudu kompania ida ne'ebe governu fiar nune'e hodi kompania ida ne'e maka bele hatam ho konfiansa foos mai Timor. "

"Momentu ida akuza ha'u de­h­a­n ha'u fo miloens de dollar ba Ger­mano ida ne'e iha tempu ida ne'­e­be foun-foun kada toneladas iha US$ 480.00, Depois komesa sa'e, sa'e to'o ona US$600.00, hotu-hotu ako­m­panya no ami akompanya buat ne'e sei sa'e ida ke bahasa dehan meroket. Nune'e duni kuantidade foos ne'ebe atu sosa ho folin US$ 7,000,000.00 sa'e ba US$­15,000,000.00."

Primeiru Ministru bolu impor­t­a­dor foos ne'ebe kuinesidu ona dala rua ba hasoru malu iha ministeiru Financas hodi husu se maka barani haruka foos mai maka Governu selu maibe la iha ida maka barani so uniku Germanu maka foti liman. "Hotu-hotu hakilar ha'u mak ne'e nafatin pelumenus foos mai iha ita nia rain la falya. Uluk failya beibeik, ita la failya. Momentu ida ne'e ami faan US$16.00 subsidia to'o de'it US$16.00. "

Hamutuk kompania lubun ruma maka asina kontratu iha loron 11/11/08 ne'ebe inklui mos kompania ne'ebe iha relasaun ho familia PM Xanana hanesan PM ninia oan feto nia kompania Prima Food no Feto Foun na kompania Olifante inklui mos ministru Dezenvolvimentu Ekonomia Sr. Joao Gonsalves ninia kaben nia kompania.(ts)

Tour De Timor is A Peace rally

Tempo Semanal TV

Tour de Timor is A Peace rally

Early morning Saturday (18/07) a group of Timorese young boys and Girls gathering them self infront of the new fancy President Palace in old Helipath in Dili. They are preparing to be selected for the biger TOur de Timor Bicycle race that launch by East Timor President Jose Ramos Horta on August 24th up till 29. This is the first ever East timor going to have this kind of Bicycle race cover the half island of East Timor.
"I am very pleased with the response. More then 100 so far Raceter and I think close to 100 international participants," said Ramos Horta.
"It is getting generate a lot of publicity. Former secretary General Kofi Annan has made a statement and Prince Albert of Monaco also has made a statement. I believe will get more international publicity and more international media publicity and will significant participants."
The peace Price winner is trying to establish a peace enviroment in his country before his Presidential term is finish in 3 years time.
"I launch the idea and these initiatives not only as sports initiative but also as part of my peace programme for the next three years. I want in the next three years to have peace rooting in this country. When I leave office in 2012 I tell the nation and the nation can thank me for having contribute a Little bit enhance peace in the country," Horta said.
He continue explain that, "minimum we expect more then 200 participants over 410 Kilometres very difficult mountain routes passing through nine of thirteen districts in Timor Leste. It will involve beautiful mountain landscape as well as shore line. The time is in the year August 24th to 29th. It's best of time in the year that cools no strong humility. So I believed that it will be the greatest experience for people that participating."
"There is one mountain bike racer from Australia. He is one of the top two or three in Australia who will participate I do not recall his name but there are many others who will come here for mountain bike race. And the week later they have the international mountain bike race in Australia. They are coming to Timor to do like practising and then a week later they will do in Australia."
Antonio da Costa a young boy who was stand near road side with his hands clambing and said, "This will be very difficult race for the Timorese to compete with the international racers because luck of proper trainning."
I think it will be shame to us if we loose to those racer come from abroad."

Tempo Semanal Edisaun 148

Ramos Horta Exclusive Interview

Horta: Timor Telkom Breach the Contract

President Jose Ramos Horta is travelling around the country trying to listen to the people concern and conducting peace Dialogues with the people in each district. Last week he went to have a dialogue with the people in Atsabe sub-districts and suai district. He was joined by several government officers such as minister of Agricultures, Secretary State for Infrastructure and Public work and others. Ramos Horta convoy went through very bad road between Lete foho Sub-District and Atsabe where there is no phone connection at all. From Atsabe to Zumalai and Foho Rem in Suai district most of these area have no phone connection. In this area the 1996 peace Price winner start firing his words at the Portugal Telcom company which monopoly Timor Telekom. In front of the community Horta calling to liberalise the telecommunication system in East Timor which is monopoly by Portugal Telecom since 2002 up to 2017. In an interview with Tempo Semanal in Dili Horta spelled out the people concern about infrastructures, Roads, Telecommunications. He also expresses his opinion on the issue of corruption and February 11th 2008 trial. Then he finished with the bicycle race in East Timor what he name as the peace race. Please read the full interview between Tempo Semanal (TS) and President Jose Ramos Horta (RH) as follow:

TS: You have experience the lack of Timor Telkom service to the people in the rural area. What should be done to solve the telecommunication problems in this country?

Horta: The government of Prime Minster Xanana Gusmao is taking the right steps in trying to re-negotiate in amicable manner with Portugal Telecom, the lager investor; our government has 20% in the shares in Timor Telecom. And we hope that Portugal Telecom peacefully agrees to the preference of the government, and that is liberalisation. Let through open the market for any operator wishing to invest. A major Irish company with a big presence in a pacific islands and the Caribbean in the Central America, called Digicel is very interested. They have a pledge to invest 100 million dollar with 70 % in the first year with a first class technology, states art technology that will bring down the prices to the level of prices in Indonesia in both of telephone and internet. However, Portugal Telecom still refuses to consider earlier liberalisation which means we have to review the current contract. If we are on a dead lock, if Portugal Telecom doesn't agree to basic follow international practice all over the world, particularly in Europe where there is no monopoly, then I would support the government if the government would decide to terminate the contract with Portugal Telecom. I prefer not to. I prefer that we negotiate with them amicably and wish they agree in a gentleman- manner, bare in mind best into the country that we should liberalise. And any case, liberalisation doesn't mean Portugal Telecom will lose because I believe actually as the example of other country, once liberalisation is effected, there are more users of telephone and internet and actually it is more profitable for Portugal Telecom.

TS: Why Government signed the contract with Portugal Telecom and gave them a monopoly rights?

Horta: Well, in 2001, we had to consider enter into an agreement with an investor willing to invest in communication sector. There was an opening international bid, inviting bidders. There were only two, a small Sydney based company, if I'm not mistaken, and the name is Pacific Communication and Portugal Telecom. Portugal Telecom is a giant company with tremendous penetration in Portugal itself, Africa, Brazil, U.S. and so on. So they won the bid, pledging to invest 50 million dollar. The government at that time we had a very very a little reason to negotiate. We had zero money. And we were forced to accept granting in Portuguese company, Portugal Telecom monopoly for about 17 years. That has been absolutely detrimental to our interest. But I don't blame the previous government. We had no choice. If we didn't accept, Portugal Telecom wouldn't have come here anyway. But it has been now 8 years. 8 years after Portugal Telecom has begun operation here. Up to 70% of territory and people have no coverage. So I believe Portugal Telecom is breaching the pledge, breaching the agreement with Timor Leste by not honouring the pledge to provide reliable, accessible and wide coverage services to the people of this country.

TS: As you travel around the country to have a dialogues with your people. What are their main concerned Please?

Horta: As I travel through out the country people are very very pleased in the sense of my visit. They're very pleased with the current state of peace in the country. They're very relaxed very happy indeed. They are also happy with some of the development that they have seen particularly government cash hand out to the poor people, to the veterans and more support for farmers and for agriculture as well as the government purchasing supply food from farmers like rice, corns, beans and so on. This means that money into the people. How ever every where I go people asking for roads, for electricity and they complain extreme poor quality of telecommunication which is responsibility of Timor Telecom and Portugal Telecom that has contract with exclusive and monopoly with our government and now eight years already. Now I say that close to 70% of the country is still not covering by telecommunication. And what ever discover is mostly poor quality and expensive. People of course still ask for more schools and they asked for water. These are the very basic things that all over that I have been to. I think now is all the districts, many of the subdistricts as well as small villages every body talk about the roads, roads, roads and roads, electricity, water supply and of course, I explained to them that is going to take many years still before we can have the first class roads in this country, maybe another 2 to 3 years before 80% of people in this country will have 24 hour cheap energy.

TS: What are you doing to address the roads problem?

Horta: I have discussed at once with Prime Minister. Prime Minister is obviously extremely sensitive about this. Right now the government is doing a visibility study on major roads in this country. We have about at least 4000 km roads and 70% is disrepair. There is a major power project under a way, which becomes a bit controversial because of its base on heavy fuel with accordant some around counter to

Environmental standards, but the government argues back 'saying no' all environmental concerns are taking care of, the technology appropriates. And that is the only way for the government to provide a cheap energy to the people in the short period time in the next 2 0r 3 years.

TS: After you heard people opinion to have access to good roads it's a challenge to the state. How you will going to money to build the roads?

Horta: I totally understand the difficulties that the government faces. The AMP government can not in two years resolve the roads problem that has been there for decades. The previous government of Dr. Mari Alkatiri also did very little because it didn't have money. A few hundred km of roads that was done in a year was built by Japanese and ADB (Asia Development Bank). Every year we spend millions dollar on fixing roads. That is where I believe the corruption comes in, where the contractors that takes the contract from the government, let's say out of ten million dollar to fix a road, maybe really spent only 5 million dollar, 5 million dollar they pocketed it. That's why the roads, even after repaired, so bad all over the country. So there are problems of management, problem of corruption. I don't blame the government. I don't think it is the minister of infrastructure that is corrupted, I don't think so. It is the lack of capacity on the part of the government to monitor to inspect the quality of the work. So we then are totally hostages of dishonest contractors who rip off this country, rip off the government by not building the roads and repairing the roads properly.

TS: Just to confirm again how East Timor will have money to build its infrastructure mainly Roads?

Horta: I think the government should do a combination of two things. It should set aside a good percentage of the oil money into a special fund. Let's call it National Investment Fund or National Development Fund or National Infrastructure Fund. Let's say separate from the budget, it has the regular recurrent budget, but separate from that. It takes out, let's say two hundred million dollar a year from the petroleum fund just for roads. And if we do this for next 5 to10 years, it means 1to 2 billion dollars. And that will be enough to pay for first class roads to lane for next 5 to10 years. We can invest two hundred million dollar every year on first class roads and bridges, together with the environmental protection that goes along with the roads. That means creating thousands of jobs, sustainable development, and sustainable growth for at least ten years. But if necessary, apart from taking a hundred million or two hundred million from petroleum fund, the government can also negotiate lets say with China. China has one trillion dollar in reserve. We can negotiate with China. Let the Chinese invest in this country in roads, in bridges, we pay them as they progress in the construction. So we have two options. One our own money, exclusively all combination of our own money with loan from China. I don't see any other country or international bank that can lend us money as much as China can do. I have already spoken with the national bank of Paris, very well-known, very prestigious bank,, with gas Prom bank from Russia. They are also willing to negotiate to the government to loan up to one billion dollar to Timor-Leste government. However, we don't know yet how much they will charge in term of interest. That will be a matter for the government to study, to carefully analyse and make a decision.

TS: President you just talk about corruption in East Timor Construction. How serious of Corruption in this country?

Horta: I think a corruption is serious in Timor-Leste. But I reject the charges that the top government officials involved like Prime Minster. Prime Minister is a very very honest person. He wants to do things fast. Because in this country if we want to develop, we want to create jobs, we want to meet the aspiration of people for the better life, we have to make a decision fast. And Prime Minister wants a decision fast. But the problem is that when you make a decision fast, the risk of corruption on this manner can happen. So be it. There is nothing in life one doesn't have risks. Corruption exists at the different levels. But I do not believe it exists at the level of the senior ministers. It can exist in the level of a certain civil servants, in procurement. It exists in term of invoicing, double invoicing in the way when you want computer that really costs a thousand dollar, the government is invoiced three thousand dollar. If you want to buy a simple telephone for the government, that costs a hundred dollar, some one will invoice five hundred dollar. This happens a lot through out the government sector. We have now a senior deputy Prime Minister Mr. Mario Carrascalao. He is very honest, with tremendous integrity. He will work with the government ministers. I don't believe we have to do we cham. We can not point finger to ministers. Because the ministers they work very hard and got very very low paid. They work between 10 to 15 hours. If we just make a accusation and accusation against them, they loose hope, and they just give up and they quit. But what important for me is the deputy Prime Minister and the ombudsman and the parliament work with the government to strengthen mechanism to close any gateway where corruption happens.

TS: Mr. President you just signed the Anti Corruption law. How significant is this to minimise the Corruption in East Timor?

Horta: The first step was adoption of such a law which I promulgated to create Anti-Corruption Commission. That is s first major step, having the legislative bases for that. Next is the election or appointment of individuals and the staff and the infrastructure, logistics that are need by Anti-Corruption Commission a very critical personality curriculums of the commissioner. I do not agree completely with the law where it says basically only some one with legal veteran can be commissioner. I and Most of members of parliament agreed they will try to mandate it next a few months, next a few weeks actually. So economist could be. Let's say someone who is top economist in our banking system. Someone is a top experience, a top economist in the minister finance, who knows about banking, about finance, about everything, dealing with a corruption. But it doesn't have a lot of degree; it does mean he/she can not be a commissioner. How about a priest? How about a sociologist? So I don't agree that a commissioner has to be a lawyer. The deputies and the staffs, yes. The commissioner will have to have people with legal background as well as a criminal investigation background to work with him or her. But a commissioner should be anyone with an experience, with some formal university degree if not university degree, at least a twenty years' experience as administration with integrity assisted by the very strong team. That would be an effective way of dealing with a corruption in this country.

TS: Is this law will be effective to tackle the issue of Corruption?

Horta: Yes, I think the law is very very well researched, thoroughly debated even more then after some of the best law existed. Before the law was adopted the parliament discussed, the government drafted it and they looked at the experience in Indonesia, Australia, United States, Hong Kong and Singapore. So the law is very good one, just need to make the small amendments and the critical issue is give the commissioners resources. Money to hire good people and to fight as well as prevent corruption. But again as I said fighting corruption can't be only punishment but it has to be prevention. It has to be education. We have to inspire civil servant, Government officials about their own sense of dignity. You know when we receive money to do something that we know it is our duty to do; well it's my own sense of dignity, my honour and my pride. So we have to let the people about that. In the mean time we have to pay minister well. We have to pay civil servants well. Look at the case of Singapore. The Prime minister of Singapore is the highest paid person in the world. Singaporean Ministers are the well paid people in the world. So there is no corruption at all in Singapore. So there is strong materials incentive. If you pay people very bad and if you pay a customer officer in Mota Ain (Border between East Timor and Indonesian West Timor) very bad also if you don't look after him. If you don't pay the customs in Dili port and Airport well and someone come to him with US$500.00 bribed to let a container go well it is very tempting. So one you have to inspire people to be patriotic, to be proud and have sense of dignity. But also give them the material means so they don't have extreme necessity to accept bribes in order to survive day today.

TS: What is happening with the programme of elimination of poverty in East Timor?

Horta: I believed that the simple facts that the government already paying twenty Dollars a month to now seventy thousand people. The simple facts that the government already given good money to veterans. Thousands of widows and orphans are getting some formal assistant. And on top of it the many thousands of civil servants every month earn salary. The many many thousands you see in Dili selling things in the shops and on the streets. This all means some income entry their pockets. That make me believed that poverty is been reduced because mathematically some people in a year ago didn't have twenty dollar a month now they have got twenty dollar or more a month. Until two years ago many hundreds of veterans didn't have one cent and now they have many hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars in their disposal. How ever majority of the people still have no access to clean water, have no access to a dignify housing like at least a roof and a prover floor that means extreme poverty. How long will it takes I believe that if the government want to make major investment in roads that we need for agriculture, for educations and for health that means within five to ten years we can extreme poverty completely eliminate in Timor. We might still see poverty but not extreme poverty. Extreme poverty means might not even have a meal a day, doesn't clean water, no electricity, no housing. So we can eliminate that within five to ten years if the government mobilise at least in my view two billion dollars or more to build first class roads in this country. We desperately need. We need these roads its not for tourism, it's for agriculture, it's for health services, for children to go to schools, for school teachers to be able to go to schools, for the farmers in Maubesi, in Baguia to go down to Baucau or Dili to sell their Bigs, goats and their vegetable and for fisherman in Dili to travel to Aileu to sell their fish. So we need first class road as a matter of urgency.

TS: If you don't mind can we ask a question in regard to the trial of the case February 11th 2008 attempt on your life?

Horta: I will not comment on a trial as such because as the trial take place I will not comment on the substance. I can only say that, I hoped as the trial progress and decision are made by the judges. What ever the decision they made everybody accept them and that we move on healing the wounds of the past. I still have the wounds that were inflicted on me in two thousands and eight and I don't harbour any anger or resentment to those who shot me. Who tried to kill me. I only hope that they will have a second chance to lives their life with their families and look after their children. And we Timorese burry our differences burry our anger and hold hands so that this country can live in peace and stability for the sakes of our children.

TS: Can you tell us about the idea of the bicycle race and what kind of response you have?

Horta: I am very pleased with the response. More then 100 so far Raceter and I think close to 100 international participants. It is getting generate a lot of publicity. Former secretary General Kofi Annan has made a statement and Prince Albert of Monaco also has made a statement. I believe will get more international publicity and more international media publicity and will significant participants. I launch the idea and these initiatives not only as sports initiative but also as part of my peace programme for the next three years. I want in the next three years to have peace rooting in this country. When I leave office in 2012 I tell the nation and the nation can thank me for having contribute a Little bit enhance peace in the country.

TS: How many participants are you expect to participate and when will the race occur?

Horta: Minimum we expect more then 200 participants over 410 Kilometres very difficult mountain routes passing through nine of thirteen districts in Timor Leste. It will involve beautiful mountain landscape as well as shore line. The time is in the year August 24th to 29th. It's best of time in the year that cools no strong humility. So I believed that it will be the greatest experience for people that participating. There is one mountain bike racer from Australia. He is one of the top two or three in Australia who will participate I do not recall his name but there are many others who will come here for mountain bike race. And the week later they have the international mountain bike race in Australia. They are coming to Timor to do like practising and then a week later they will do in Australia. End

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Timor Telcom Service 18 July 2009

After President Ramos-Horta criticsed Timor Telcom over the last few days Timor Telcom's service has actually worsened.

Timor Telkom clients have been complaining since midday today until the evening of 18 July that they cannot recharge their phone credits. Around 18.40 Dili time 18 July Natalino Freitas after buying $ 5.00USD he was in a hurry to recharge to make call. After he entered the 15 digit number several times the number the operator number 172 written in portuges said, "a sua recarga foi registrada. Recebera confirmacao dentro de momento." Natalino Freitas kept trying trying dialing the 15 digit, and each time the same notice appear no confirmation of the credit.

He walk back to 3 wheels sales kiosk on the road side of Government Palace and started to have an argument with the vendor.

The vendor said, "this problem has been happening since lunch time today and I have maybe had 12 people complain with the same problem."

Timor Telcom, the preferred telecommunications provider in Timor-Leste - the ONLY provider in Timor-Leste.

Trial 11 Fev 2008, Attack on President and PM Timor-Leste

Tempo Semanal TV

Angie Pires, Gastao Salsinha Marcelo Caetano and 26 other appear to Dili District Court to commence trial for attacks on President and Prime Minister of Timor-Leste 11 February 2008 - 13 July 2009