Monday, 14 December 2009

Xanana Hili Adérito Kombate KKN Opozisaun kontra hodi foo tempu Haburas KKN


Dala tolu ona maka Parlamentu nasionál la konsege ezerse sira nia funsaun tan ba Maioria Membru Parlamentu nasionál husi bankada Fretilín falta ka la marka prezensa iha plenária tuir lei ne'ebé sira rasik maka aprova kona ba eleisaun komisáriu ba KAK. Xefe bankada PUN, Deputada Fernanda Borges lamenta ho situasaun ne'e. Tuir planu Parlamentu sei diskute hikas opsaun ba eleisaun komisáriu KAK ninian. Hanesan membru parlamentu ida haktuir ba jornál ne'e katak PN sei hare nafatin dalan atu partidu opozisaun hola fatin maibé, “se maka sira la kohi tuir entaun ami tenke halo mudansa ba lei. Tan ami iha opsaun rua de'it ona ida Fretilín muda sira nia pozisaun ou ida seluk ami sei halo mudansa ba lei KAK husi maioria absoluta ba maioria simples hodi hili tiha komisáriu ida para tau matan netik ba KKN iha governu ninia laran. Se lae partidu opozisaun maka loron-loron kanta hela de'it korrupsaun maibé sira la iha boa vontade,” informa deputadu ida husi bloku AMP ne'ebé husu atu labele foo sai lai ninia naran ho partidu.
Tuir lei Parlamentu nasionál ninia deputadu sira presiza ezerse sira nia funsaun ho votu demokrátiku bele kontra ka a favór maibé daudaun parlamentu nasionál halo esforsu dala tolu ona no tuir deputada PUN katak, “Parlamentu nasionál hahú lakon atu servisu hamutuk hodi luta kontra korrupsaun no tane aas interese povu nian nu'udar interese nasionál ida,” dehan deputada Borges ba jornál Tempo Semanál iha Dili (10/12)

“Parlamentu nasionál la iha seriedade atu luta kontra korrupsaun maibé ita kria fali obstakolu ba eleisaun komisáriu ne'ebé forte hanesan Adérito de Jesus Soares.”
Deputada PNU ne'e deskonfia Fretilín ta'uk atu Timor Leste iha komisáriu ida ne'ebé forte hanesan Adérito de Jesus Soares tan ba tuir lei ninia rekizitu DR. Soares prienxe kritériu hotu.

“Ha'u hanoin sira ta'uk karik komisáriu ne'e forte duni atu halo investigasaun ba alegasaun korrupsaun sira ne'ebé mosu iha governu Fretilín ninian no governu agora ninian moos.”

Tuir lei KAK ninia Governu maka indika kandidatura ba komisáriu KAK no aprezenta ba parlamentu nasionál hodi halo votu nomeasaun maibé presiza prezensa trés kuatru deputadu sira. Maibé Fretilín uza lei ida ne'e hodi husi korrupsaun nani livre tan ba dezde lei KAK aprova iha Parlamentu nasionál ho votu s maioria automatikamente Provedoria dos direitu s umanu s moos para kedan atu simu keixa kona ba korrupsaun ninian. Nune'e duni fulan tolu ona Parlamentu nasionál taka odamatan Provedoria atu atende keixa KKN iha TL. Nune'e deputada Fernanda deskonfia katak bankada Fretilín indireitamente loke dalan ba haburas korrupsaun iha TL. “Fretilin hakarak husi vaka ida ne'e hanesan moos loke dalan ba haberan Korrupsaun iha TL, tan enkuantu parlamentu aprova lei KAK proderia moos la autoriza ona atu simu keixa korrupsaun ninian,” dehan deputada ne'e.

“Ha'u hanoin ita agora iha situasaun atrapalla nia laran tan desizaun la'ós ona bazeia ba lei s no regra s ninian maibé agora bazeia fali ba polítika pasadu entre Fretilín, Fretilín Mudansa ho CNRT. Nune'e nasaun ne'e ita atu lori loos ba ne'ebé?”

Deputada ne'e moos informa ba Tempo Semanál katak tuir buat ne'ebé nia hatene sei mosu dalan rua de'it atu hodi rezolve situasaun ne'e maka, “Fretilín muda sira nia pozisaun hodi kolabora atu marka sira nia prezensa ou deputadu AMP sira sei halo mudansa ba lei KAK ho prezensa trés kuatru (49) tun ba maioria simples ho 33 deputadu.”

Iha loron 4 fulan Dezembru dadeer tuku 10.00 koru plenária la to'o nune'e Fernando Lasama muda sesaun ba lokraik tuku 15.00 maibé la hetan nafatin koru maka muda ba iha loron kuarta (09/12) mas aat liu tan ba deputadu sira barak liu maka falta.

Iha Kuarta Dadeer Kadeira ne'ebé partidu polítiku sira hadau malu iha eleisaun 2007 hodi soran povu ate sunu malu uma ne'e barak maka sei mamuk la'ós tan ba povu seidauk hili sira nia reprezentante maibé hafoin hetan tiha fiar husi povu deputadu sira dala barak hare liu ba interese partidária no individuál duke tane aas povu no nasaun ninia interese. Fretilín ezije atu governu ho parlamentu viola lei KAK artigu 7 mak determina kona ba komisáriu KAK, alínea 1, ne'ebé dehan,”

komisáriu ne'e aponta husi Parlamentu nasionál bazeia ba rekomendasaun husi governu....” nune'e moos tuir artigu 34 define kona ba apontamentu ba komisáriu dahuluk dehan, “hafoin de loron 60 halo publikasaun ba lei ne'e, governu tenke rekomenda eleisaun ba komisáriu ne'e mai parlamentu nasionál.”

Hafoin de soru mutuk ho bankada parlamentár sira Lasama informa ba públiku liu husi jornalista sira katak, “Ami ko'alia kona ba lei, lei hateten klaru, katak governu maka aprezenta kandidatu mai i ami ko'alia moos kona ba konteúdu lei ida ne'e. Lei ne'ebé atu regula servisu komisáriu ba komisaun Anti Korrupsaun ninian ke forte tebetebes. Nune'e duni Lasama hein katak hafoin aprova tiha lei renumerazasaun ba majistradu no defensór públiku, deputadu sira husi opozisaun moos bele tuur hamutuk iha plenária laran hodi prienxe 49 deputadu s tuir lei hateten para nune'e sira bele ba iha votasaun. Presidente PN ne'e hateten katak deputadu sira maka bele hanorin demokrasia ba povu liu husi sira nia prezensa iha pn hodi dehan lae ou hakarak ba kandidatura DR. Adérito ninian.

Iha lei KAK la alínea ruma maka temi netik atu hili komisáriu ida presiza iha negosiasaun no diálogu tan ba la konkorda ho proposta ulun boot governu ne'ebé kandidata DR. Adérito de Jesus Soares ulun boot KAK ninian. Hare ba lei ne'ebé deputadu sira ne'e rasik maka diskute no aprova hatudu momoos katak PM Xanana la'o tuir duni lei KAK ninian hodi propoin ema maka tuir kritériu lei ne'e haruka. Deputadu sira maka halo lei karik haluha hodi sani hikas lei KAK ninian maibé lei ne'e la sita uitoan moos kona ba Governu Propoin no presiza atu halo konsulta ka negosiasaun ho partidu opozisaun. Tuir fonte s Tempo Semanál ninian bankada Fretilín hakarak obriga Governu hodi viola lei KAK.

Husu kona ba deklarasaun Xefe bankada Fretilín ne'ebé dehan Governu hakarak impoin de'it ninia hakarak ba Parlamentu Fernando Lasama (04/12)hateten katak, “ha'u hanoin ko'alia ba malu, buat ne'e la'o i la iha regulamentu ofisiál ida katak buat ida lobi ne'e liu husi karta formais ba malu. Maibé loro-loron governu hamutuk hela iha parlamentu ida ne'e. Liu-liu durante orsamentu mai iha ne'e no ita nia Dili ne'e ki'ik oan hela ita bele ko'alia ba malu. No iha prosesu uluk la ko'alia agora ita atu rezolve ita nia problema ko'alia fali ha'u hanoin ne'e injustu boot ida I ha'u bele hateten katak hanoin ida ne'ebé la iha responsabilidade.

Lasama esplika kona ba atitude Membru Parlamentu bankada Opozisaun ne'ebé sempre halo deklarasaun iha Plenária maibé atu deside Komisáriu KAK la marka prezensa iha Parlamentu nasionál ne'e hatudu katak buka politiza de'it KKN nia dehan, “ ha'u hanoin se hanesan ne'e bainhira maluk sira iha tempu ita atu deside kona ba instituisaun ida para servisu duni, foku s duni ba buat ida kona ba korrupsaun ninian deputadu sira la marka prezensa ha'u hanoin katak afinál buat ne'ebé durante ne'e ko'alia ko'alia ne'e hanesan afirmasoens polítika de'it. Maibé atu tau ba pratika atu kombate loloos ne'e deputadu sira lakohi fali. Mas ha'u tenta hein tan too orasida trez oras sira bele marka sira nia prezensa.

Iha plenária Fernando De Araújo refere ba artigu 7 ne'ebé define kona ba Komisáriu, alínea 1 ne'ebé dekreta katak komisáriu ida dezigna da husi Parlamentu nasionál, tuir proposta husi Governu, ne'ebé presiza deputadu maioria absoluta maka presente, pelu menus, trés kuatru husi deputadu sira ne'ebé maka iha efetividade halo hela sira nia funsaun,... “Lei hateten tenke iha 49 deputadu presente depois maka ita bele la'o ba eleisaun. Ne'ebé husu Sr. Deputadu s, Sr. Prezidente das bankada parlamentár atu ajuda kontaktu membru sira, deputadu sira atu marka prezensa iha ne'e. Asuntu ida importante, ita hakilar malu dala barak ona. I ba bankada seluk sei iha ka hakarak aprezenta kandidatu seluk ne'e moos la'ós kompeténsia parlamentu ninian. Lei hateten governu maka aprezenta i mai iha parlamentu atu vota ka atu halo eleisaun iha parlamentu nasionál.

Ne'ebé ami foo tan mea oras atu kontaktu deputadu sira, atu mai marka prezensa, mea oras tan.

Solusaun tenke iha ba situasaun ida ne'e. Se lae ita hakilar malu, hakilar malu saugati de'it mas ita rasik la iha korajen atu hasoru no kombate buat ida naran korrupsaun loloos.

Lei parlamentu ka Deputadu sira maka halo tiha ona. Lei ida ke akomodativu, lei ida ke nakloke atu bankada hotu-hotu tenke partisipa tuir devér morál, devér polítika maibé too oras ne'e daudaun seidauk iha 49 deputadu s iha uma fukun ne'e ninia laran.

Tan ba ida ne'e dala ida tan ho haraik aan husu ajuda ba prezidente das bankada atu sira nia membru ke balun moras karik iha ne'e iha klínika, bele lori mai. Ou ita bele haruka ita nia médiku parlamentu ninian ba tula bele lori mai para ita bele ultrapasa tiha ka rezolve tiha situasaun ida ne'e.

Se lae ita hanoin ataka, ataka malu tuir dalan polítika de'it maibé la iha pasu konkretu atu rezolve problema nasaun ninian. Bankada ASDT ninia falta na'in haat maibé ida baixa hela iha ospitál, prezidente bankada halo favór. Bankada Fretilín foin maka na'in tolu. Ne'e responsabilidade nasaun ninian nune'e hanoin tuir estadu no hanoin ba interese nasionál maka ha'u husu dala ida tan ba Prezidente bankada sira atu kontaktu nia membru sira. Tempu mea oras tan.

Iha plenária PN Xefe bankada Fretilín Aniceto Guterres dehan, “ se sesaun ne'e loke ona ami bele intervein. ami na'in tolu be iha ne'e ona ami bele intervein. Ami hakarak ko'alia Sr. Prezidente atu hato'o ami nia justifikasaun.

Bainhira Prezidente Lasama atu foo intervalu minutu tolu nulu hodi foo tempu ba xefe bankada sira hodi bolu ninia maluk deputadu sira seluk husi sira nia partidu hodi hola fatin iha plenária Sr. Deputadu Aniceto Guterres foti liman halo pontu de orden no buti lakan lampu mikrofone hodi hateten, “pontu de orden sr. Prezidente. Lasama moos espontaneidade hataan, “halo favór Sr. Deputadu.” Deputadu Guterres ezije atu foo justifikasaun hodi dehan, “ha'u hakarak dehan katak ami nia deputadu la mai, ne'ebé ami hakarak halo justifikasaun agora. Se ida ne'e lakohi foo prontu obrigadu, ne'e ita boot ninia kompeténsia,” dehan Guterres ho deputadu Rui Meneses ne'ebé tuur iha ohin liman ba hasan hodi fihir ba Xefe Bankada Fretilín ne'e ninia diresaun.

Bainhira Lampu Aniceto ninian seidauk mate maibé deputadu PD ne'ebé tane hasan fihir Aniceto ninia jeitu fila oin derrepente ba meza Prezidente hodi foti liman foo sinál pontu de orden tan maibé Lasama hili foo uluk fali ba deputada Cipriana foo ninia interpretasaun ba lei KAK dehan, “Sr. Prezidente, lei ne'e dehan atu ba votasaun ne'e maka ita iha koru 49, mas atu inisia ba ka komesa ita nia ajenda ne'e ita bele introdús buat ruma antes, ne'e la iha buat ida. So atu tama ba eleisaun ne'e maka konfere ho 49 deputadu Sr. Prezidente. Ne'ebé ha'u hanoin katak iha tempu para ita bele ko'alia buat ruma iha oportunidade ida ne'e.”

maibé Deputadu Adérito Hugo da Costa husi bankada CNRT defende atu meza parlamentu labele viola lei tuir Fretilín ninia lasu. “Ha'u hanoin ita lei ba komisáriu KAK ninia kritériu klaru tebe-tebes. Tenke 49 maka ita hahú loke. Tan ne'e maka ha'u sente asuntu atu halo esplikasaun saa ida de'it i kobertura ba eleisaun ida ne'e tenke hein koru ne'e.

Deputadu Rui Meneses moos re alsa ninia belun Adérito ninia interpretasaun kona ba Lei KAK ninian. “Hanesan bain-bain ita bele koru ona entaun ita bele halo intervensaun. So ke ida ne'e ohin ajenda espesiál no estraordinária, nune'e la iha períodu antes orden do dia. Segundu , hanesan maluk deputadu sira ohin dehan, se ita iha koru 49 deputadu ita bele hahú eleisaun ne'e por sekretu, la iha tan deklarasaun votu ka deklarasaun polítika. Terseiru, Deputadu sira ne'ebé la mai moos tuir rejimentu tenke hato'o justifikasaun falta. La'ós bankada ida maka ba fali justifika ba deputadu sira maka barak la halimar ne'e atu la mai, ne'e ita nia rejimentu la foo ida ne'e. Ne'e se ita koru ona ita bele hahú ba halo eleisaun ona. Ne'e la'ós hanesan bain-bain ita halo votasaun hasa'e liman ka hi'it liman. Ne'e la'ós.

Hafoin Rui Meneses ko'alia Lasama foo minutu 30 ba xefe bankada sira atu bolu sira ninia membru maibé rezultadu maka la mai nafatin tan ba tuir fonte s jornál ne'e ninia katak Fretilín boikota ona kandidatura Adérito de Jesus Soares ninian ba komisáriu KAK ho la marka prezensa iha Plenária.

Maibé antes de sesaun hahú Aniceto Guterres iha inter vista ho Tempo Semanál iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu nasionál hateten katak a nivel bankada Fretilín partisipa maibé deputadu sira seluk la partisipa ne'e kestaun seluk. Bainhira tenta atu konfirma kona ba karik partidu Fretilín foo ona orden ba ninia deputadu atu labele partisipa iha eleisaun komisáriu KAK ninian, Aniceto konfesa dehan, “klaru..,'e ami rejeita buat ida ne'ebé...,”Aniceto la konsege esplika klaru.

Maibé nia muda lia fuan ko'alia ho oin hirus doko an ba karuk no loos dehan katak, “Se hakarak konsensu s ita konsensu s. Mas konsensu liu husi prosesu ida. Tenke ita ko'alia ba malu. Tenke iha diálogu. Tenke iha negosiasaun. Se laiha diálogu, la iha negosiasaun komu ke ita bele hetan konsensu. Entaun signifika ke ida ne'e hanesan kandidatu ka proposta ne'e hanesan atu impoin de'it. Se hakarak impoin de'it entaun problema sira nian. AMP nian. Problema Governu nian.”

hataan kona ba deklarasaun parte balun ne'ebé dehan katak preokupasaun parte Fretilín ninian maka ta'uk kuandu KAK susesu sei foo basa boot ida ba sira nia partidu no aumenta pontu s ba PM Xanana hodi manan eleisaun 2012. Tuir Agostu, Estudante UNTL ne'ebé dehan ninia família s barak liu apoiu partidu Fretilín ne'e dehan, “DR. Adérito ne'e la ta'uk buat ida no nia bele de'it halo gebrakan kona ba KKN entaun sei reforsa liu tan Xanana iha eleisaun mai no Fretilín dala ruma sei hemu bee tan.

Maibé DR. Aniceto hataan katak, “Fretilín halo polítika ne'ebé onestu. Ko'alia korrupsaun ne'e para kombate korrupsaun. No mínimu tenke iha asaun ne'ebé sériu. Maibé ko'alia kombate korrupsaun ne'e la'ós de'it ho hari komisaun KAK ho tau komisáriu ida. Maibé sistema sira seluk la funsiona, la iha transparénsia, la iha a kontabilidade no la iha vontade polítika sei la la'o. Ne'e dezde uluk ami ko'alia tiha ona. Mas kuandu susesu ne'e susesu ita hotu nian. Timor Leste ninian. Ba interese povu ninian tan ba korrupsaun ne'e ema knauk osan no osan ne'e povu ninian. Ami hakarak ne'e susesu. Maibé ....ami kestiona mak ne'e, se ita hakarak konsensu maka konsensu. Konsensu ne'e ita tenke tuur hamutuk, diálogu no negosiasaun para bele hetan konsensu.”

Aniceto deklara katak, “A nivel bankada seidauk iha aseitasaun polítika too agora. Bainhira tenta konfirma hikas karik Fretilín la aceita ho Aderito de Jesus Soares tan ba brani dehan lider partidu Fretilín rasik Aniceto realsa, “seidauk iha aseitasaun polítika.”

Karik tan ba razaun moos maka bankada Fretilín la marka Prezensa Aniceto dehan, “Pois la marka prezensa ne'e kestaun seluk ona. Tan ba kestaun la iha aseitasaun polítika ida ne'e. A nivel Bankada ami partisipa nafatin. Tan ba ne'e maka ami deputadu balun iha ne'e. “

Bainhira husu karik la iha aseitasaun polítika ba kandidatura ba kandidatura Governu ninian ne'e tan DR. Adérito la iha kapasidade ka la prienxe kritériu maibé Aniceto la responde Pergunta s ne'e loloos. Nia dehan ho diplomasia katak, “Ohin ha'u dehan tiha ona katak lei ne'e dehan tau trés kuartu ho motivu ida atu obriga parte hotu-hotu tenke foo nia aseitasaun ba komisáriu. Mas se agora prosesu ne'e hanesan atu impoin ba malu de'it prontu ne'e kompeténsia imi nian, governu nian. Hakarak impoin saa impoin ba. Ami moos labele, Fretilín moos labele hetan presaun. Se presiza Fretilín nia prezensa prontu tenke ko'alia.

Bainhira husu seriedade Fretilín atu kombate korrupsaun maibé la partisipa iha eleisaun Komisáriu ne'e hanesan dada tempu hodi foo fatin ba korrupsaun buras nafatin eis Komisáriu Verdade no amizade ne'e dehan, “Ami durante ne'e ko'alia tiha ona. Ami ko'alia barak-barak ona katak iha kazu korrupsaun barak-barak. Ema iha kintu kantu ko'alia kona ba korrupsaun. Ita akompaña embaixadór Austrália hasai nia statement katak iha inesperiénsia, katak iha osan doasaun kuaze 100 millaun doasaun husi Austrália ninian, ne'ebé lakon ita la hatene ninia paradeiru, ne'e la'ós ha'u maka dehan embaixadór Austrália maka dehan. Ida ne'e foin Austrália ninian. Ita hatene katak agora daudaun ne'e ita hetan doasaun barak-barak husi nasaun barak-barak. Hatudu tan dala ida katak agora ema hotu-hotu rekoñese korrupsaun ne'e barak. Kestaun agora la iha vontade polítika. Sr. Xanana buka proteje ema ne'ebé hetan alegasoins. Se ita kontinua hanesan ne'e instituisaun KAK ka ou komisáriu ida ne'e potensiál kuandu mais Komisáriu ida Pro Xanana sei la kombate korrupsaun.”

Tuir Aniceto dehan Adérito Pro Xanana. “Klaru, se nia propoin nia. Ita hakarak hatene Adérito nia afiliasaun polítika saa ida,” Aniceto ko'alia ho oin hirus kahur ho piada s ba eis Xefe Bankada Fretilín iha Asembleia konstituinte ne'ebé úniku eis membru asembleia Konstituinte no Membru Parlamentu nasionál ne'ebé nunka preokupa ho ninia pensaun.

Husu Aniceto ninia komenta kona ba Deputadu AMP balun ne'ebé dehan sira espera DR. Adérito maka iha barani atu halo esforsu hotu-hotu hodi hahú kaer uluk maka ema boot sira ne'ebé hetan alegasaun iha governu uluk too mai governu agora nian tan ba razaun ida ne'e maka Fretilín rejeita ninia kandidatura. “Ne'e di'ak liu tan. Ami gosta maka ida ne'e,” Aniceto ko'alia ho oin hamnasa sadik. Nia kontinua hateten katak, “be sira dezde kampaña CNRT no AMP ninian ne'e, uluk sira halo alegasoins Governu Fretilín ninian. Tan ba ida ne'e maka hakarak hatún Governu, hakarak hadau podér. Ate atu hadau podér hamosu tan krize 2006. Sira hahú reforma. Sira promete katak atu ka'er hotu korruptor Fretilín nian sira ne'e. Be too ohin loron nein ke se ida ka'er ne'e tan ba saa ida? Sei hein saa ida? Prontu...ohin ha'u ko'alia hanesan Xefe Bankada, Fretilín prontu atu hetan investigasaun husi see see de'it. Husi KAK ka husi ne'ebé de'it, prontu. Agora ami hein katak komisaun anti Korrupsaun, Adérito ka komisáriu see see de'it, la'ós Adérito de'it, kualkér komisáriu ami prontu atu atende se nia hakarak halo investigasaun. Maibé labele taka moos ida AMP ninia agora.

Iha fatin hanesan Deputadu Arsénio Paxao Bano konsidera katak komisaun anti Korrupsaun importante tebes-tebes tan ne'e presiza ema ne'ebé forte. “Ami konsidera komisaun Anti Korrupsaun ne'e hanesan komité importante tebes ida maka ami presiza ema ida ne'ebé forte, iha kometimentu, efetividade nune'e bele halo servisu ne'e loloos. Bano deskonfia katak DR. Adérito ladún la iha barani atu ka'er komisaun ne'e. “Ami lakohi atu tau ema ida ne'ebé labele halo kritika hasoru Xanana, ka sei la halo investigasaun ba Xanana ka la konsege investiga ministru sira seluk. Ha'u la fiar katak iha ema ruma ona iha nasaun ne'e maka ezerse ona kbiit ne'e.

Vise Prezidente Partidu Fretilín ne'e la dehan ninia partidu la preokupa ho susesu komisaun anti korrupsaun ne'ebé sei foo liu tan pontu s ba Xanana hodi manan eleisaun iha 2012 no nia ne'e katak ninia partidu la pre okupa ho AMP ninia propaganda ne'e. “Ami so preokupa de'it maka presiza ema ida ne'e iha korajen atu investiga Xanana,” dehan Bano.

Bainhira husu karik sira iha kandidatu alternativa ruma ba Governu ninia kandidatura maibé Bano Komplika ninia an katak, “Ami iha kandidatu maibé ami la iha podér atu aprezenta kandidatura nune'e duni Governu Presiza negoseia ho ami.”

Maiske nune'e tuir fonte s jornál ne'e ninia iha partidu Fretilín ninia laran hateten katak, “Fretilin hakarak DR. Sebastião Dias Ximenes. Ami hanoin ema ne'e hatudu ona ninia kapasidade no nia bele ona.” Fretilín moos la aseita DR. Adérito tan ba sei hirus ninia deskonfia katak nia envolve iha Fretilín mudansa hodi lori partidu Fretilín ba tribunál rekursu iha 2006. Maibé tuir observadór balun ida ne'ebé husu atu jornál ne'e labele tau ninia naran dehan, “Fretilín ta'uk liu-liu maka Adérito susesu kaer korruptu sira iha governasaun Xanana ninia entaun Xanana duni maka hetan pontu s. Ne'e Fretilín sei hasoru dezafiu boot liu iha 2012. Ne'e mak preokupa sira barak liu.”

PM Xanana foo Projetu Ba DR. Mari Nia Alin, PN Kestiona Legalidade

Jacinto: Iha TL mosu Grupu ki'ik oligarkia Korruptu ida mak sei domina ekonomia
Daudaun ne'e kompañia Hidayat maka halo hela konstrusaun ba moru tahan tasi been besik oeste portu Dili no iha Igreja Motaél ninia oin hafoin hetan fiar husi governu hodi halo projetu moru tahan tasi been. Tuir dadus ne'ebé hato'o husi manajer Olegário Lopes ba deputadu 7 maka halo vizita ba fatin konstrusaun iha loron kraik tuku 15:46 Otél, loron Sesta bainhira ba fiskaliza iha fatin ne'ebá katak sira hahú servisu iha fulan Setembru la ho kontratu no projetu ne'e foufoun ninia valór US$700,000.00 tama iha pakote referendu no agora kompañia hidayat hatama fali proposta ida hodi husu hasa'e ba US$2,056,000.00.

Iha lokraik ida mais ou menus inisia fulan Setembru PM Xanana ho Ministru Obra s Publika la'o ho ain de'it besik tasi ibun Motaél ninian. La kleur de'it Kareta Sr. Ahmad Alkatiri ninia mai para besik moos iha fatin refere hodi hakat besik ba emboot na'in rua ne'e hodi ko'alia. Liu tiha loron ruma iha fatin ne'ebá hahú mosu atividade konstrusaun. Karik desizaun hola tiha ona hodi entrega Projetu halo moru tahan tasi been ho nia naruk 330 metrus, luan 4,5 metru no ninia aas metru 5 ne'e, ba Sr. Ahmad Alkatiri ninia kompañia Hidayat iha momentu ne'ebá i ikus projetu refere hatama mós iha pakote Referendu ho valór US$700,000.00. Kompañia Hidayat ninia na'in maka Sr. Ahmad Alkatiri alin husi eis PM Mari Alkatiri. DR. Mari Alkatiri fou-foun hirus loos PM Xanana hodi duun katak Pakote Referendu PM halo hodi foo benefísiu de'it ba ema balun. Karik ne'e loos duni tan ba foo duni benefísiu moos ba Eis PM ne'e ninia família balun.

Jacinto D. C. A. Goncalves estudante ida iha Dili dehan ba jornál Tempo Semanal iha Sesta feira lokraik katak, “emboot sira ne'e sempre di'ak hela de'it. Sira ajuda malu nafatin. Hetan boot foo balun malu nune'e sira hametin sira nia ukun iha nasaun ne'e.”

Jacinto mai husi família ida ne'ebé ninia ekonomia fraku iha besik baliza Bobonaru ho Ermera ninian. Tuir ninia hare katak emboot sira ne'e nunka husik malu. “Ha'u deskonfia grupu ki'ik ida maka sei ukun rai ida ne'e tan ba sira iha kondisaun atu bele haruka sira nia oan ba eskola iha li'ur ho apoiu malu hanesan daudaun ne'e. Projetu boboot sira mesak foo ba malu de'it,” dehan Jacinto ho oin triste. Iha arena polítika mosu kontradisaun entre Eis PM Alkatiri ho PM Xanana maibé iha kampu ekonomia PM Xanana ajuda haberan daudaun hela Timor Leste ninia grupu oligarkia korruptu ki'ik ida hodi nune'e hametin sira nia kbiit ukun Maubere ninia oan sira. Kala deskonfia mosu lala'ok la loos ruma iha projetu refere deputadu na'in haat husi bankada Fretilín hanesan Deputada Cipriana Pereira, Deputada Aisha Basarewan, Deputadu Francisco Branco, Deputadu Estanislao Aeixo da Silva no husi AMP reprezenta husi Deputadu Adérito Hugo da Costa, Deputadu KOTA ninian DR. Manuel Tilman ho Deputada Fernanda Borges husi PUN halo fiskaliza saun ba projetu refere iha sesta feira kotuk. Deputada na'in neen too iha fatin ne'ebá ho karreta mini bis ida no Deputadu Adérito sa'e duni ninia karreta ofisial ho kór mean. Sira la'o tama ba fatin projetu ninian hodi hare servisu, materiál konstrusaun, ekipamentu no ko'alia ho ema sira ne'ebé hala'o obra ne'ebá. Deputadu sira ne'e hasai moos foto hola nota husi parte oeste ba fali diresaun besik ponte kais ninian. Hafoin hare hotu tiha sira fila hikas ba barraka oan ne'ebé halo iha fatin konstrusaun ninia hodi tuur hale'u manajer projetu ninian hodi litik nia kona ba kontratu, totál orsamentu no liu-liu kona ba legalidade balu. Deputada Aisha husi bankada opozisaun ne'ebé tuur entre Deputada Borges ho deputadu Tilman ninia klaran husu ho lian maka'as ba mandór kompañia Hidayat ne'ebé tuur besik ninia meza servisu ho oin konfuzaun buka surat tahan balun. “Sein iha akordu ka kontratu ruma ne'e?, Imi nia proposta tama tiha iha akordu ruma maka imi asina ka iha surat ruma ka lae, oin saa ho Governu?”

Hafoin de ida ne'e deputadu Manuel Tilman telefone ba diretór kompañia ninia hodi husu moos Pergunta s hanesan no husu moos kona ba situasaun traballadór sira ninia. “Imi iha ema na'in hira maka servisu iha ne'e. 200 ka 20?” antes telefone Tilman ho ninia belun sira la'o liu ona iha fatin servisu ninian hodi hare katak volume servisu ninian ne'ebé hodi fulan tolu ona maibé sei nafatin iha 37% ne'e kala hatudu deskonfiansa kona ba uza totál traballadór sira ninian. Nune'e moos governu dezeña pakote referendu ne'e atu loke kampu servisu ba populasaun sira hodi nune'e dala barak kompañia sira buka hasa'e númeru servisu na'in iha surat tahan leten maibé hamenus iha lala'ok servisu ninian.

Iha momentu Tilman sei ko'alia hela ho diretór kompañia ninian Deputada Fernanda Borges litik hikas mandór oan ne'e tuur besik ninia meza hodi dehan, “tuir kontratu ne'e valór ba projetu ne'e hira?” Mandór oan hataan, “US$2,056,000.00 ne'e, ami hatama ona ba sira. Asina ka seidauk ha'u seidauk hatene. Mas ne'e ami nia proposta. “ Fernanda hataan hatudu ninia hakfodak, “haaaa.” mandór esplika liu tan, “tuir dezeñu ne'ebé iha.”

Fernanda husu liu tan, “Ók, resposta saa ida maka imi hetan husi imi nia proposta, karik simu tiha imi nia proposta, liu husi tender ka lae? Kuandu hatama proposta ne'e halo tender ida ba imi nia proposta ne'e a lae?”

Manajer ne'e la'ós foo resposta loloos tuir Pergunta s ne'ebé husu maibé dehan fali katak, “Proposta ne'e parese sira sei aseita iha loron ikus mai, karik.”

Fernanda teri netik ho lia duvida s liu tan, “dehan halo nusa?”

“parese iha loron ikus mai. Kontratu sei asina iha loron ikus mai,” manajer hataan.

Bainhira nia atu remata manajer ninia telemovel lian no nia simu hodi hataan, “manu, sin..sin..sin.”

Fernanda kestiona liu tan, “ita boot sira halo tiha proposta ida. Ne'e ketak ida. Agora governu kuandu dehan ba ita boot sira dehan ami iha pakote de referendu, imi bele hahú servisu ho 700 mill ne'e bazeia ba proposta saa ida husi imi. Bazeia ba dezeñu saa ida? Bazeia ba proposta ida uluk imi hatama ne'ene saa ida maka imi atu kompleta husi proposta ne'e. Purke husi 700 ba dois milloens iha diferensa boot. Agora ita boot bele responde ida ne'e para ha'u bele kompriende.”

“dezeñu ho BOQ ne'e husi Obra s publika, depois ami hare dezeñu hotu tiha, ami hatama ami nia proposta dois milloeins. Ne'e proposta ne'ebé ami hatama tuir dezeñu ne'ebé iha,” manajer ne'e hataan ho liman rua foti livru proposta millaun rua ninia kapa oin azúl ho kotuk verde.

Nia kontinua, “tuir ha'u rona 700 ne'e tama pakote referendu. Agora restu ne'e husi ne'ebé? Ne'e ha'u labele responde. Ne'e husu ba governu. Ne'e para ha'u labele hatene.”

Iha fulan kotuk jornál ne'e halo notísia kona ba projetu refere no iha inter vista ho kompañia ne'e dehan katak, “valór projetu ne'e US$700,000.00 no ami hein hela resposta husi governu. Iha momentu ne'ebá moos kompañia hidayat informa ba Tempo Semanál katak maiske projetu ne'e sira halo ona maibé seidauk simu pagamentu ruma inklui ladauk iha kontratu ruma maka asina.

Iha parte seluk vise Ministru Infraestrutura Eng. José Manuel Carrascalão dehan ba Tempo Semanál katak, “projetu ne'e tama iha pakote referendu ho valór US$700,000.00.

Bainhira tenta konfirma kona ba informasaun katak valór projetu ne'e aumenta liu US$ millaun 2 vise ministru ne'e konfirma. “Ne'e loos duni maibé tenke iha konkursu foun,” dehan Eng. José Carrascalão. Informasaun husi vise Ministru Infraestrutura soke malu ho manajer projetu kompañia hidayat ninian ne'ebé hateten katak sira hatama ona proposta ida hodi kontinua projetu refere ne'ebé tuir planu sei remata iha fulan ne'e nia laran.

“Mas 700, proposta be ita boot sira halo ne'e na mesma ida ne'e duni. Para atu konstrui ida ne'e duni, “ dehan Fernanda ho liman karuk hodi hatudu ba kotuk diresaun moru ninian.

Manajer hataan, “sin.” Fernanda ko'a lalais kedan hodi hateten, “pois, entaun ida ne'e maka ha'u nia preokupasaun..katak ita boot sira nia proposta iha montante ida boot liu. Agora pakote referendu iha 700 mill de'it. Ita nia hanoin ita boot bele kompleta projetu liu husi pakote referendu tuir dezeñu no tuir proposta ita hatama ne'e,” dehan Fernanda Borges ho ninia belun deputada Aisha Basarewan tuur iha ninia liman karuk ho liman fuan tane ninia hasan hodi fihir ba diresaun Fernanda ninian.

“Bazeia ba 700 mill tama iha pakote referendu, ami bele halo hotu purke agora atinzi ona mais de 700 mill ital. Se ida ne'e tama iha pakote referendu ami bele kompleta iha 31 de Dezembru,” manajer foo resposta ne'e konfuzu liu tan deputadu sira.

Deputada ne'e kestiona tan, “mas entaun husi 700 mill nian saa ida maka diferente ka oin seluk?

Manajer ne'e mantein ninia pozisaun defende ninia pozisaun ho governu ninian. “Ami nia proposta bazeia ba dezeñu husi Obra s publika. Ami hatama proposta. Kuandu ami hatama i ami servisu ona i ami labele para purke ami hala'o tiha ona. Atu rezolve ida hanesan ne'ene ha'u hanoin la'ós ami nia kompeténsia. Ami labele para tan ba ami hala'o tiha ona. Se ami para ha'u hanoin....,” nia ko'alia ho doko ulun ba karuk ho loos.

Maibé Borges insiste nafatin kona ba legalidade osan husi sira nia proposta. “Ha'u la husu ita boot atu rezolve. Ha'u husu ita boot atu esplika mai ami tan ba ita nia esplikasaun dehan katak imi hatama proposta ida ho dois milloeins de Dolar. I sei dehan tan depois maka akontese iha tempu oin mai. I derrepente mosu pakote referendu ba 700 mill. Agora ha'u hakarak hatene husi ita boot sira nia proposta ne'e saa ida maka ita boot sira atu halo husi ita boot sira nia proposta ne'e maka kusta de'it 700 mill ne'e? I saa ida maka sei falta atu halo?”

” Hmmmm...ha'u hanoin ida ne'e ami la tuir tender ka konkursu. Ha'u hanoin ita hotu hatene ne'e single source husi ita nia Primeiru Ministru rasik bolu Sr. Ahmad mai ehhh.....Manajer ne'e foo sinál liu husi liman ne'e esplika katak entrega de'it. Nia klaru liu tan katak, “ ne'e single source de'it tan ba ne'e maka bazeia ba dezeñu PU, ami halo ami nia proposta. Depois ami rona dehan katak 700 mill tama Pakote referendu. Restu ne'e ha'u labele hatene. Anu fiskál foun ka oin saa ne'e ha'u labele hatene.”

Iha momentu hanesan Deputada Aisha ne'ebé sani hela surat orden de servisu husi ministeriál Obra s públiku foti ulun hodi lee sai konteúdu balun husi surat refere. “portantu hare husi surat ne'e, hateten dehan, husu ba empreza atu bele ezekuta projetu referidu hanesan preparasaun materiál ho job mixed formula ba tipu de servisu concrete 12,5mpa no 24 mpa ne'e, signifika saa ida?”

Manajer oan ne'e hakat ba kuadru ne'e tara hela iha didin bebak ninia lolon ho espidol ida hodi esplika. Maibé deputadu sira ne'e hamanas nafatin ninia ulun iha lokraik tuku 16.00 ne'ebá hodi kestiona legalidade kontratu ba projetu ne'e la iha kontratu ruma maka asina ona entre governu ho kompañia Hidayat. “Ami preokupa moos ho imi nia situasaun,” dehan deputadu Francisco Branco ne'e dezde inisia tuur no hamriik nonook de'it.

Maibé manajer ne'e ho lian maka'as no fiar aan metin hodi diskute malu ho deputadu matenek na'in haksesuk malu door iha uma fukun Parlamentu nasionál nian ne'e bainhira deputadu sira ne'e sunu nia beibeik kona legalidade. “Mas Ha'u fiar katak kontratu sei asina. 100% sei asina..sei asina...iha tempu badak mai nia laran,” manajer ne'e ko'alia ho fiar an ho indika katak hanesan nia hatene ona saa maka halo daudaun iha ministeriál Obra s Publika ninia laran.

Estanislao Da Silva husi bankada Fretilín soe iska ida tenta atu kail manajer ne'e hodi dehan, “supoeniamos kontratu ne'e seidauk asina mosu eleisaun foun. Oin saa?Halo nusa?. Deputadu úniku husi bloku AMP Adérito Hugo da Costa ko'alia dehan ba manajer ne'e katak, “ida ne'e Pergunta s tentativa s ida ne'e labele responde.”

Adérito hanesan foo liu tan iis foun ba manajer oan ne'e, hodi defende ninia pozisaun atu hetan millaun rua resin husi governu AMP. Maiske kompañia Hidayat besik liu ba partidu opozisaun liu-liu na'in husi kompañia refere alin ida moos husi eis PM DR. Mari Alkatiri mak dala barak la rekoñese dala barak dehan “IV governu inkonstitusionál” no sarani kadeira Xanana Gusmão ninian ho “PM de Faktu” maibé de faktu moos habokur kompañia balun ne'ebé iha relasaun ho família DR. Alkatiri ninian.

“Ha'u fiar 100% katak iha loron besik mai, ami sei asina kontratu. Ne'ebé Kerdizér legál'ós ilegál ona,” dehan Manajer ne'ebé antes debate ho membru deputadu sira ne'e, nia tau matan ba servisu hatama fatuk ba halo aliserse besik parte ponte kais ninian. Bainhira diskusaun la'o ho manas daudaun mosu moos iha fatin ne'ebá na'in ida husi kompañia Hidayat ne'ebé ninia apelidu Alkatiri maibé nia tuur nonook de'it la ko'alia buat ruma. Deputada Cipriana Pereira husi bankada Fretilín teri netik ho oin hamnasa dehan ba manajer ne'e katak,” tuir loloos ita boot hateten dehan 100% ha'u fiar. Ida ne'e de'it sala ona. Tuir loloos kontratu asina uluk.”

Fernanda Borges ajuda Cipriana hodi esplika ba manajer ne'e katak,”Estadu Timor Leste la'ós bazeia ba konfiansa de'it maibé estadu ida ne'e estadu de direitu. Estadu Timor nia lei hakerek katak antes de projetu ida la'o dezeñu ho kontratu tenke hotu asina. Asina kontratu ne'e katak garantia de kualidade tan ba ida ne'e ba povu. Povu hakarak garantia katak selu tiha hotu buat ne'e la'ós aban ba para tiha iha tasi laran lae. Maibé povu hakarak buat ne'e hela iha ne'e tinan ba tinan. Ne'e maka ami nu'udar deputadu tenke mai tau matan para hare katak tinan 10 ka 20 sea wall ne'e sei mantein hela nafatin ba povu. Husi valór osan ne'ebé gasta ne'e hetan duni nia kualidade a lae ne'e termina iha kontratu ida nia laran.”

Manajer oan ne'e tenta atu konvense deputadu sira ne'e. “Kona ba kualidade ami servisu tuir estandarte ne'ebé iha ona iha Obra s publika. Jadi buat hotu-hotu ami sei liu husi laboratóriu nein ke fatuk, nein ke simente hotu-hotu. Ami la halo sein husi laboratóriu.”

Deputada Aisha Basarewan foo hanoin hikas tan ba manajer oan ne'e katak tuir orsamentu 2010 ninia ne'ebé foin lalais aprova iha Parlamentu nasionál projetu sea wall ne'e la tama. “Maibé iha livru orsamentu ne'ebé aprova ne'e projetu nia naran ne'e la iha. Saa ida maka iha agora mosu projetu referendu 700 mill. Ne'e Kerdizér ke imi sei asina 700 mill. Ida ne'e maka agora iha tiha ona. Iha fatin seluk la iha osan ba projetu ida ne'e,” Aisha ko'alia ho doko ulun foo sinál orsamentu ba projetu ne'ebé la aprova iha PN.

Lopes dehan hikas fali katak, “ha'u bele ko'alia 700 mill mas restu de orsamentu ha'u labele klarifika. Ne'e husu ba governu ba. Purke ha'u fiar katak ami sei asina dois miloeins ital.”

Dala ida tan Francisco Branco tama arena diskusaun, “Ami iha preokupasaun tan aban bain rua iha polémika ruma ita boot sira la iha baze legál no sei sai fali vítima.

Deputadu sira ne'e hateten katak governu so foo de'it orden atu komesa servisu la iha aprovasaun ba planu no montante osan ba projetu refere. Sira moos preokupa katak tuir buat ne'ebé sira hetan hatudu katak la iha dezeñu ne'ebé korresponde ba 700 mill maibé iha de'it dezeñu ba US$2,056,000.00.

Iha fatin refere ema lubun ida maka servisu no tratór boot kinur boot ida marka ho letra “Hidayat” iha vidru oin. Maiske eleisaun 2007 liu ona tinan rua no eleisaun 2012 sei falta moos tinan rua maibé sofer ne'e hatais hela kamizola mutin ho letra mean hakerek “Fretilín” iha oin no kotuk hakerek ho letra metan dehan “Vota ba Fretilín,” suru fatuk hatún ba rai kuak hodi nune'e tratór ki'ik ne'e hatama tutan ba rai kuak ne'ebé ho bee maka nakonu hela iha nia laran.

Bainhira PM Xanana inisia atu entrega projetu referendu ba kompañia sira DR. Mari hateten ona katak PM Xanana fahe “nasi bungkus” ba kompañia sira ne'ebé iha relasaun besik ba governu AMP maibé afinál pakote referendu ne'e foo benefísiu boot liu kompañia maka iha ligasaun ho partidu Fretilín no pakote ne'e rasik xefia husi membru CCF partidu refere.

Mosu alegasaun barak kona ba pakote Referendu maibé Provedoria agora labele ezerse sira nia funsaun tan ba hafoin de lei KAK aprova iha fulan Agostu taka ona odamatan simu keixa no investigasaun ba kazu KKN ninian. Nune'e seidauk too agora deputadu sira difikulta tan prosesu eleisaun ba komisáriu tan hare liu ba individuál DR. Adérito de Jesus Soares ninian duke ba kritériu ne'ebé tau ona iha lei KAK ninia laran. “Karik Deputadu sira husi partidu Opozisaun ta'uk atu DR. Adérito sei halo investigasaun ba governu uluk nian no moos governu daudaun ninian,” dehan deputada Borges. Maioria Deputadu husi bankada opozisaun la marka prezensa iha plenária hodi prienxe koru 49 deputadu s tuir kritériu KAK ninian.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Jose Belo, Director Tempo Semanal Called to Court on 11 February 08 Case

TEMPO SEMANAL TVThe Dili District Court has instructed Tempo Semanal Director Jose Antonio Belo to testify on the case 11 of Fevruary 2008 in which Major Alfredo Reinado was killed, President Ramos-Horta seriously injured, and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao attacked. The court sent two subpoenas to appear before the Court.  Upon receiving the first Jose Antonio Belo refused to appear before the Court, invoking his rights as a journalist to protect his sources.  Upon receiving the second notification Jose Antonio Belo appeared before the court on 27 November 2009. The court room was packed with suspects in regards to the 11 February 2008 case, including Timorese born and Australian raised Angela Pires.  Mr. Belo took the witness stand with a microphone at hand.  Leading Judge Basmeri asked Mr. Belo why he does not want to cooperate with the judicial system; Mr. Belo says that he is prepared to cooperate  as long as the process is not in breach with the professional journalists' code of ethics.
Subsequently, the Prosecutor Dr. Filomeno Cardoso and the Braziilian Defence Lawyer argued over whether a journalist should or not be required to present their evidence to the court. Dr. Cardoso insisted to put questions to Mr. Belo and he has right to refuse to answer questions if he wishes to.
However, the defence counsel suggested that the law which protected the right not to give any testimony before the court by religious people, health workers, bankers, lawyers and alos journalists was applicable to the matter.
When Dr. Basmeri asked Mr. Belo whether he is willing to give testamony Mr. Belo replied that, "As a journalist I don't want to breach my code of ethics so I refuse to give any testimony but if it's necessary I think the government and the law workers have to change the law then I can come and give my testimony here." The Judge let Mr. Belo go without providing any testimony to the court.
In April 2008 Jose belo was notified to appeared before the criminal police investigors to be investigated over his involvement regarding an interview with Gastao Salsinha by phone while he was on the run. The story was produced by Mark Davids from SBS Dateline programme.

Lasama Speak on Anti-Corruption Day

TEMPO SEMANAL TVON 9 December 2009 UN Anti-Corruption Day the National Parliament of Timor-Leste did not exercise their duty to elect a Commissioner for the Anti-Corruption Commission.

The President of the National Parliament Fernando Lasama, was forced to hold a meeting with party bench leaders to find a solution to the current deadlock. FRETILIN Members of Parliament rejected to sit in Parliament because they disagree with the candicacy of Dr. Aderito de Jesus Soares.  Soares was the first FRETILIN bench leader in the 2001-2002 Constituent Assembly - and left that body in 2002/3 denying to claim his pension benefits as a former Member of Parliament.  He was the Timorese to reject calls by Xanana Gusmao to sit on the Timor-Indonesia Truth and Friendship Commission.  

On December 4th Parliament bells rang out but most MPs were absent despite being given warning by Lasama to have a special sitting and extraordinary debate to decide upon the matter of the Anti-Corruption Commission. The biggest opposition party FRETILIN only three MPs were present they were DR. Aniceto Guterres, DR. Arsenio Paxao Bano and Cipriana Pereira the other 18 Fretilin MP were absent. Tempo Semanal sources within FRETILIN said the FRETILIN is boycotting to present in Parliament because they are not agreed with the government's candidacy. One of the FRETILIN MP said Aderito has betrayed FRETILIN because he was involved in the Fretilin Mudanca Group which in 2006 logged a case to Court of Appeal against FRETILIN leaders, Mari Alkatiri and Lu Olo over the manner in which they were re-elected to exectutive positions in the FRETILIN party in May 2006. The Parliament seated today 9 December 2009 at 10.00 AM but because the Anti-Corruption Commission law states that 49 MPs are needed to have quorum to vote the number was under the limit and the session was foiled. Before Lasama announced the delay he appealed to each party bench leaders to tell their members to come. "We have to have solution for this matter because it's in the national interest," Lasama said.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Timorese Sportsfisherman Takes a Massive Catch


The fish caught by Oecusse man, Francisco Antone (the one in the picture holding his fist up, with a hat on backwards) and the crew of the "Ponder Yonder" (the boat in the picture, a 4.3m vessel, captained by Peter Cloutier) is known locally as a "serra" and is internationally known as "narrow barred spanish mackerel".  Its scientific name is scomberomorus commerson, and is one of the top gamefish targeted by blue water anglers or fishermen that seek big fish in offshore waters.  Fishermen fly to places like Cairns, Australia or Suva, Fiji to catch fish of this kind.  Yet they are unlikely to catch one of this size as this fish can easily be labeled as a "fish of a lifetime". According to the International Gamefish Association (, the world record "serra" - a massive 99 pound specimin, was caught in Natal, South Africa, in 1982.  The fish caught by Francisco weighed in at 68 pounds some two hours after being caught with no ice or insulation to preserve water weight.  Despite the 30 pound difference, Francisco's fish could easily be one of the largest Spanish Mackerels caught anywhere in the world this year.What's more, the fish was taken very close to Dili, and with somewhat modest tackle and boat.  The boat, powered with a 2 stroke Yamaha 40 horsepower engine, was designed for estuarine fishing in Australia's Northern Territory, not big game fishing in the open ocean.  Yet this is not the first time small boats in Timor Leste have captured unusually large pelagic fish.  The same crew boated a Pacific Sailfish in mid-November that would have approached, in size, the fish that set the Australian record.  The crew has caught mamoth dogtooth tuna, wahoo, barracuda and trevelly, all within a thirty minute boat ride from Dili's Palacio Governo.  The Ponder Yonder also took first place in Timor Leste's First Annual International Sportfishing Competition which took place 27-29 November at Atauro Island with two large wahoo (124 and 134 cms respectively).

The  techniques used by the Ponder Yonder crew are not terribly sophisticated.  In fact, most of them could easily be used by Timorese outriggers to catch the same type of fish.  The crew has reserved a portion of the tournament's cash prize to invest in developing an indigenous sportfishing association, that has members who not only have the technical knowledge to catch big fish but the entrepreneurial skills and customer service talent to make a living by bringing tourists fishing.  With a healthy expatriate population in Dili and nearby tourist populations that value fishing-related holidays, such as Australia and New Zealand, opportunities already exist.

The key component in the equation is not tourism market or big fish potential.  Those questions have already been answered through the number and catches exhibited in the International Competition.  The key component is sustainability.  For any industry to be competitive and long lasting, the resource must be conserved.  Fortunately, the Government of Timor-Leste has taken great strides in working towards marine related conservation.  With the help of the U.S. Government, Timor-Leste is one of six countries in the region that is participating in a multi-million dollar project named the "Coral Triangle Initiative".  The Coral Triangle, which roughly encompasses the western points of Indonesia to the northern points of the Philippines to the western points of the Solomon Islands, is an area thought by some of the world's leading scientists to be the richest marine area on the planet.  The program aims to help countries develop 'plans of action' to not only conserve precious natural resources but assist communities in developing ways to sustainably generate income and assure food security.  The program could not be any more perfect for Timor Leste, as demonstrated byin 2009, when both income generation and food security were targeted as key components of the Government's National Priority matrix.

But Peter and the crew of the Ponder Yonder know that even though the opportunities for a 'fish of a lifetime' exist in Timor-Leste a lot of things will be needed to see a Timorese sportfishing industry evolve.  Infrastructure, tourism promotion, and micro-finance are just a few of the items needed to truly enable a market to develop.  Future Timorese skippers need not only training on current sportfishing techniques, but also on small business management, engine maintenance, and proper customer service.  Most importantly, they need to understand the relationship between the marine environment and the fish they catch, and realize that they must conserve and protect these resources if they are going to continue to earn money and eat fish for future generations.  Through the efforts of the Government through programs like the Coral Triangle Initiative, income generation and food security can be achieved, sustainably.  And the 'fish of a lifetime' for tourists around the world lies just a short boat ride away from the airport.

Friday, 4 December 2009

PNTL: More Militaristic than a Community Oriented Police.

Last week a young boy became a victim of the PNTL (National Police Timor-Leste).  A PNTL officer shot the youth in the upper left chest during a party in Dili, Timor-Leste.

The youth was immediately hospitalised in Dili National Hospital and will be transfered to Indonesia for an urgent operation.  The family of the youth are demanding an in depth investigation and want to see the case taken to court as soon as possible.

The PNTL, the leading law and order institution in Timor-Leste has broken the law on many occasion in the past, often with the misuse of their weapons.  Investigations almost never result in police officers being penalised.  The issue of the management of PNTL weapons has be raised by many people, including MPs, over and over again, but little appears to happen.

This PNTL action has angered FRETILIN Member of Parliament David Dias Ximenes.  Ximenes has criticised the PNTL for being irresponsible with its weapons and has called for all rifles to be removed from PNTL, leaving them with side arms only, in addition to tear gas equipment.  He further complained that PNTL is increasingly seeming like a army as opposed to a law and order institution.Despite 10 years of UNPOL assistance and the Political Security Crisis of 2006 PNTL continues to seek military style rather than a community police style.  The wander around Dili and districts carrying all manner of semi-automatic assault paramilitary rifles including HK33s, Steyrs, and FNCs.

Recently according to Tempo Semanal source withing the Council of Ministers informed this Newspaper that the PNTL has recently sought to procure more weapons but the Government refused the request.

In 2008 a young boy was killed by his brother in an accident with their fathers PNTL issue weapon in the Audian area of Dili.  Since then Fransisco Guterres the Secretary of State for Security has ordered that all police never take their weapons home, however PNTL does not obey orders and many continue to bring their weapons to their homes, to parties and to bars in Dili.

Crisis Group Slams UNMIT and UNPOL performance in Timor-Leste

President Jose Ramos Horta Review Timorese PNTL Police 2009
Influential Organisation calls for Accelerated Handover of Policing Responsibility to PNTL from an under performing UNPOL/UNMIT.

Dili, Timor-Leste

On 3 December 2009 the Brussels based Crisis Group, with offices around the world's conflict and post conflict areas, including Dili issued a report and made strong calls for the United Nations to recognise their inability to adequately provide for executive policing in Timor-Leste and its failure to rebuild, restructure and reform the PNTL. The report lends credence to the fact that UNMIT and its leadership has largely failed in a key area of its mandate, as noted by this newspaper in earlier editions.  Much is hoped for from the new SRSG Ameera Haq.

Crisis Group is headed by former Head of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour.

“The task of reforming the local police remains unfinished, but prolonging the UN’s command will not fix the problem”, says Cillian Nolan, Crisis Group’s Timor-Leste Analyst.

A statement by Crisis Group states that "The United Nations should hand over formal control of the Timor-Leste police as soon as possible. A protracted process that began in May has taken a bureaucratic approach to assessing whether they are ready to take charge, but the reality on the ground is that the Timorese police have long operated under their own command. Without an agreed plan for reforming the country’s police after the 2006 crisis, the UN and the government have made a poor team for institutional development. A longer handover may further damage relations between the UN’s third-largest policing mission and the Timor-Leste government, which has refused to act as a full partner in implementing reforms. The UN has a continued role to play in providing an advisory presence in support of police operations. For this to work, the government must engage with the UN mission and agree upon the shape of this partnership. To make any new mandate a success, they need to use the remaining months before the current one expires in February 2010 to hammer out a detailed framework for future cooperation with the police under local command."

The report also notes currently the PNTL is displaying worrying tendencies.

"The General Commander’s effort to build a unified Special Police Unit could stem competition within the various squads over the long term. By giving prominence to elite military-style detachments, however, the morale of the rest of the police service could be undermined. It also risks further inflaming competition with the army. A recent parade marking the handover of the police training centre was telling. Members of the Special Police Unit’s three sub-units armed with military weapons

led the parade, marching alongside the border patrol and maritime detachments. All wore different newly designed uniforms. Behind them was a group of patrol officers from each of the country’s thirteen districts in regulation blue T-shirts. At the end stood a group of seven female officers. The important but mundane nature of policing is being sidelined by the promotion of its more militarised sections. Given the origins of the 2006 crisis, the decision to adopt a paramilitary model should be reconsidered."

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao Proposes that Aderito de Jesus Soares Head Anti-Corruption Commission

Aderito de Jesus Soares - Prospective Anti-Corruption Boss for Timor-Leste

 Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao has proposed that Aderito de Jesus Soares formerly a FRETILIN Member of the Constituent Assembly 2001-2002 lead the new Anti-Corruption Commission.  Much of this Comission's new work will be investigate allegations of corruption taking place inside the Prime Minister's Government.

During the final session to approve the 2010 National Budget the President of the National Parliament, Fernando Lasama announced that Parliament would hold a special session on the morning of 4 December to vote on whether or not Aderito de Jesus Soares should become the new Anti-Corruption Chief in Timor-Leste and head the new Anti-Corruption Commission.

The Anti-Corruption Law give the right to the Government to propose candidates and for the Parliament to vote on those candidates.  However, Prime Minister Gusmao only sent Soares' name to the National Parliament.  Soares made a respected name for himself many years ago by among other things refusing to bow down to certain instructions by the Secretary General of FRETILIN, Mari Alkatiri.  Soares also refused to participate at the request of ex-President Xanana Gusmao to be a Commissioner on the Timor-Leste and Indonesia Truth and Friendship Commission which failed to bring justice for the victims of human rights violations in Timor-Leste between 1975 and 1999.

Soares is currently completing a PhD at Australian National University in Canberra Australia, but it seems almost certain he will return to Timor-Leste to the growing disease of corruption in Timor-Leste.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Internet Exclusive: A New Budget for Timor-Leste. But Questions About Corruption Persist.

2010 Timor-Leste State Budget Prioritises Infrastructure

Xanana Allocated 1.045 Million USD to the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) To Combat His Members?

Provedor Questions Government Will to Fight Corruption.

Government of Timor Leste has recently presented its 2010 State Budget to the National Parliament of Timor-Leste. The Government of Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao has made a strong claim of the need to combat corruption in Timor-Leste.  He stated in his 2007 election campaign that "if anyone steals $0.50 they fired" - as he shouted in the Los Palos football field under the rain on 29 May 2007. 

Since Prime Minister Gusmao's Government took office in 2007 there have been revelations of government corruption almost every day of the week.  Additionally, accusation of maladministration of the use of Government funds by Ministers and civil servants are very common place.  Until now few of any have even been investigated let alone penalised.

However, in the new budget debate the Prime Minister made it a priority to fund the Anti-Corruption Commission, and to enable it exercise its strong powers in order to fight corruption.

“The Anti-Corruption Commission will be an independent body reporting to the National Parliament, with strong powers to fight corruption. The Anti-Corruption Commission has been allocated $1.045 million, because investing in this area is investing in good governance,” said Prime Minister told the National Parliament in the Tetun language.

But Timor-Leste's Provedor (Ombudsman) DR. Sebastiao Ximenes doubts the Government's goodwill to fight corruption. “Are they brave enough to fight Corruption?” he stated.

He added that he has submitted a report regarding the allegations of corruption made against Deputy Prime Minister Jose Luis "Lugu" Guterres several months ago. But since then has heard nothing from the Office of Prime Minister Gusmao,  “If this continues even as new Commissions are established surely Corruption will just increase."Ximenes told Tempo Semanal that the case against Deputy PM is related to his wife been recruited and paid as one of the staff of the Timor-Leste mission to the New York, just as the Deptuy PM was leaving the post in 2006.

So far the Provedor office have submitted 28 cases of allegation of corruption to the Office of the Prosecutor General for further investigation and taking to trial. “I am waitnig to see the prosecutors can bring these cases to the court," he said.

In the meantime according Prime Minister Gusmao it is his dream to basic Infrastructure so his government will prioritise investing in infrastructure even though the Ministry of Infrastructure in 2009 budget only executed 16% of it’s total budget by October this year. “We need basic infrastructure to develop a modern and prosperous Timor-Leste and to achieve the dreams we have for our country,” The Independence leader said.

He detailed that, “the 2010 Budget provides $217 million for capital development that will include, $73 million for road and bridge projects; $68 million for electricity and power; $11 million for clean water projects; $10 million for school construction and rehabilitation; $10 million for health facilities; $7.7 million to support tourism projects and cooperative facilities; $2.2 million for law and justice facilities, primarily in the districts; $2.9 million for projects to improve agricultural productivity.”

“Roads are central to our economic development and for connecting our People and our communities. They allow for the delivery of education and health services and are essential for district agricultural and industrial development.”

“The building and rehabilitation of road and bridges will also create jobs for our People. The plan in this sector will involve the construction, within the next few years, of 190 kilometres of national roads and 100 kilometres of urban roads, as well as the rehabilitation of a further 3,000 kilometres of rural roads, connecting the Sub-Districts to the Sucos. It will also include the construction of 14 bridges throughout the Country.”

“This Government will also continue to invest in electricity and power generation to ensure that all the districts of Timor-Leste have power all day, every day. This investment is critical for our economic development and is necessary to attract business investment. As such, in 2010 we will be investing $50 million in the “Project for Constructing Power Plants” under the contract already established and reviewed for the Country’s electrification. This is not just based on the needs of the existing population, but also takes into account the long term sustainable development plan.”

“Pursuing this goal does not exempt the Government from having to invest in alternative energies. Consequently, the Government has doubled the funds allocated to alternative and renewable energies in 2010.”

Vast numbers of Timor-Leste's population lack access to clean Water even though some donor countries have been working on this area since the Indonesian time. Every where in the country people demand to have access to clean water. “This Budget also allocates $11 million for clean water projects,” Xanana said. He explain, “Sickness, ill health and poor child development caused by lack of clean water and sanitation result in incalculable social and economic costs for our People and for our Country. Less the 50% of the Nation’s urban population have access to safe water supplies. The majority of people living in district centres only have access to water for a few hours per week. Half our Nation’s schools and a third of our health clinics do not have running water for sanitation. Less than 10% of our rural population have access to adequate sanitation. Water is a basic human need, which is why we cannot allow this situation to continue. Therefore, the Government is embarking on a program of clean water projects throughout Timor-Leste.”

“Together with our spending on roads and bridges, electricity and power and clean water, thisBudget will also improve Dili’s port and airport, build schools and health facilities and invest in our justice system and our tourism industry.”

“Our Government is committed to improving our schools, our health facilities, our roads and our agricultural sector throughout the Country. This is the second State Budget in which this Government has provided a district by district breakdown of proposed budget expenditure. The capital budget for 2010 is $216.8 million, with $90.7 million of this allocated for projects that benefit the whole nation, and the remaining $125.8 million provided for projects at a district level.”

The ex-Guerilla Commander reiterated that the 2010 budget is focused on the most important aspects of Timor-Leste's future – good governance, infrastructural development, public and food safety, human resource development and decentralised access to justice, health and education, particularly in rural areas. “Importantly, the Government is continuing its investment in infrastructure with $216.8 million allocated for capital development. This will support a broad program of public works including roads, bridges, power, water, education and health projects,” Xanana announced.

According to Xanana his Government is proposing a state budget for 2010 with a total of $637 million. This year's budget will decrease by $44 million, or 6.9%, from the 2009 Budget. Prime Minister Xanana also holds the post of Minister for Defence and Security and explained the budget to pay for the new Timor-Leste navy patrol boats and solve some issues left behind by the 2006 crisis. “This can be attributed to one-off costs in the 2009 Budget for the F-FDTL patrol boats, which will ensure surveillance of our territorial waters and fight illegal fishing, as well as the costs of the successful return of IDPs,” said the ex-Resistance leader.

To the Parliament and televised live to the nation PM Xanana informed the review of each ministry’s budget for savings and efficiency. “During this year’s Budget process, Ministers were also asked to critically review their expenditure to make sure that Government funds are being used effectively for the benefit of the people,” said Xanana.

The 2010 Budget estimates that total revenue will be $1.48 billion, which is below last year. This is due to reductions in oil revenues. While domestic revenue is projected to increase in the future, as a result of our economic growth, it will drop from $90 million in 2009 to $83 million in 2010, as a consequence of the Government’s successful tax reforms.

The government proposes increase public sector wages from $94 million in 2009 to $98 million in 2010. “This small change results from an 8% salary increase in the education sector, with the introduction of a new career regime to improve the quality of teaching,” Pm Justified.

But for 2010 the government reduce $23 million goods and services from $247 million in 2009 to $208 million in 2010. As well as Minor capital will decrease from $38.1 million in 2009 to $29 million in 2010. “This is largely because of and a reduction in car purchases and a reduction in the purchase of tractors for agricultural use, as the government shifts its focus to improving and expanding cultivation techniques and productivity,” PM Xanana promised.

He added that, “An additional $10 million will, however, be provided for heavy equipment to assist with the Government’s infrastructure projects.”

The 2010 Budget will be funded by the Estimated Sustainable Income, Domestic Revenues and Reserves. The Estimated Sustainable Income, which is 3% of our petroleum wealth, is presently forecast as $502 million in 2010. By the end of the year, the petroleum fund is expected to be $5.27 billion and by the end of 2010 it is expected to have a value of $6.16 billion. These calculations for the wealth of the petroleum fund are conservative. They are based upon a low production scenario for the Bayu-Undan field and an oil price of $60 per barrel. The calculations do not include expected future revenue from the Kitan field from 2011 to 2016 and they not include the Greater Sunrise field.

This Government and the Timorese People are also fully and firmly committed to the pipeline from the Greater Sunrise field coming to the south coast of Timor-Leste. This development would promote economic activity, increase State revenue and provide jobs and opportunities for Timorese citizens.

Taking into consideration the difficulty of accessing credit in Timor-Leste, particularly long term credit, the Government will be investing $8 million to establish a National Development Bank. This financial instrument will support the Country’s sustainable development model and enable Timorese businesses to compete on an equal footing with foreign businesses. The establishment of the National Development Bank will prove to be a milestone in the economic development of Timor-Leste. And so, we are already working on the model and the structure of the future Bank, taking into consideration the requisite legal requirements for its creation and its operation.

Ten years after the liberation of our Country, and after much struggle and recurrent trouble, Timor-Leste is emerging as a nation of hope and of promise. We have also had signs of confidence in our economic growth potential from foreign countries, such as Portugal, which is willing to open an aid credit line to Timor-Leste of up to 500 million euros. The United States Government also signed a Bilateral Assistance agreement with our Government on 30 October 2009, to the value of $103.1 million over six years, so as to support investment in people, good governance, democracy and economic growth. These are votes of confidence in this Government by foreign States that believe we are truly capable of maintaining Peace.

Two Generals for Timor-Leste: TMR and Lere promoted.


On Declaration of Independence Day 28 November 2010, the Government of Timor-Leste promoted Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak, Chief of the Defence Force, to Major General.  Chief of Staff of the Defence Force, Colonel Lere Annan Timor, was also promoted, to the rank of Brigadier General.Timor-Leste's defence force is the successor to the Independence movements armed wing, FALINTIL, which fought the Indonesian occupation of Timor-Leste from 1975 until 1999.  Both Matan Ruak and Annan Timor are 24 year veterans of the armed resistance.  The Timorese defence force, the FALINTIL-FDTL, consists of approximately 1,291 officers and other ranks.  579 of these personnel were recruited earlier this year in order to restore FALINTIL-FDTL to pre 2006 crisis levels.  During the 2006 crisis FALINTIL-FDTL lost nearly have of its compliment due to desertions and subsequent dismissals.  The defence force's strategic development is heavily focussed on building a naval capacity as it is going to receive two Shanghai Class patrol boats from China in March 2010.  The Government plans to upgrade the Hera Naval Facility 10 km to the west of Dili, and build a supply base on the south coast of Timor-Leste - so as to provide necessary logistical support to a range of new naval operations its plans to conduct from 2010 onwards.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

10 Years of UNPOL in Timor-Leste: a Failure. Atul Khare in Charge: Farewell Mr. Khare.

Tempo Semanal 
Dili, 24 November 2009

UNPOL then known as CivPOL first came to Timor-Leste to build Timorese police institutions during the UNTAET period from late 1999 until 20 May 2002.  UNPOL continued to have executive policing responsibility for PNTL from 2002 until 20 May 2004.  From 2004 it was responsible for mentoring PNTL until the institution for which is was responsible collapsed as a result of public disorder in April 2006.

From May 2002 until May 2004 now SRSG, Atul Khare, was Special Assistant and then Chief of Staff to the then SRSG for UNMISET Kamalesh Sharma.  From May 2004 until May 2005 Mr. Khare was DSRSG for UNMISET with Mr. Hasegawa as SRSG.  As a result of his failures in 2006 Hasegawa was replaced.  In December 2006 Mr. Khare returned to Timor-Leste as the third choice of the UN to be the SRSG of UNMIT. After Ian Martin of the United Kingdom and Antonio Moreira of Cape Verde.

UNMIT costs approximately 200 million USD per year.  UNPOL’s costs represent the largest single fraction of that overall cost.  Salaries, vehicles, computers, rations, housing, helicopters, paper, pens, radios, uniforms, shipping, medals, and more medals.  What value has the international community, the PNTL and the Timorese gotten for ten years of this pricey police project?

 Third stringer Mr. Khare along with UNPOL bears the greatest responsibility for the UN to fail to build an effective and accountable police institution in Timor-Leste.  We all remember UN Police Commissioners de Sousa, Miller, Peisley, Tor, and now Carillho.  They have all also contributed to the almost total failure of the UN to properly establish and then reform, restructure and rebuild our national police service the PNTL.

 Many Timorese worry that the future holds more problems when it comes to law and order in Timor-Leste.  Factionalism is rampant with the PNTL – perhaps even worse than it was before the Crisis, and likely as a result of wrongdoers not being punished but in actual fact promoted.  Former PNTL commanders Martins, de Jesus and now Montiero either did not inspire confidence, or have yet to do so.  Timorese have little confidence in the police – this is partially the fault of the Timorese – but largely the fault of the United Nations. As they have been in charge for 7.5 of the last ten years.

 In a 2008/2009 an Asia Foundation survey found that those who sought PNTL assistance “report being treated with minimal respect and professionalism (47%), in a verbally abusive manner (15%), and in a physically abusive manner (19%)”.

 But lets revisit the UN role and that of the primary UN leader responsible for building the PNTL over the past 10 years, and man who has been intimately involved from May 2002 until May 2005 – and now again from December 2006 until 11 December 2009 when Tempo Semanal understands that he leaves Timor-Leste.  Mr. Khare.

 On 25 August 2006 the United Nations Security Council passed resolution 1704 in which it mandated UNMIT  “to assist with the further training, institutional development and strengthening of the PNTL”.

 On 11 January 2008 UNPOL drafted a plan called the “PNTL ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIC PLAN FOR REFORM, RESTRUCTURING AND REBUILDING”.  It was never produced in a language that PNTL could read.

 In a 24 November 2009 telephone interview with Fransisco Guterres Secretary of State for Security he said that this plan, “drafted in New York, did not fit with the reality in Timor-Leste.  They were trying to copy the plan that was designed for Kosovo and other places, which do not apply to the Timorese context. The UN Mission just wants to impose a model which we disagree with”.

 Reform: UNPOL have presided over a reform process which has seen no reform.  This is a clear fact.  Timorese all know that 99% of the police officers who committed crimes before, during and after the 2006 Crisis remain in the PNTL – and in many cases have been promoted.  This is clear to all Timorese, it is a dinner table fact.  Just as UNPOL are never punished for their crimes, nor are PNTL officers.  In March 2007 Mr. Khare wrote a letter to the Government complaining about the promotion of Inspectors Delfim da Silva and Jorge Monteiro – as they had failed to pass the integrity-screening process.  Khare was ignored and has remained mute on the subject since.  Ignoring his UN Security Council mandate.  The Inspectors in question are now in positions of power in the PNTL, along with, as we all know many many others in similar situations.

 Restructuring: In 2004 the then Minister of Interior Rogerio Lobato, with the permission of then Prime Minister Alkatiri, and the acquiescence of the then DSRSG Khare armed a series of special police units (the UPF, UIR and UPR) with hundreds of semi automatic police rifles.  This concerned many people at the time.  These people had a right to be afraid, as these weapons were then used extremely irresponsibly in 2006.  After the 2006 crisis virtually the whole country was of the opinion that these weapons did not contribute to building a “community oriented” police service, but were militarizing the police – confusing the military and threatening the population.  Since 2006 the UN has done little if anything to try and convince the police leadership to rid themselves of many of these weapons.  Mr. Khare has apparently never publically expressed a direct opinion in favour of limiting these weapons.  Perhaps Mr. Khare either agrees with the policy, or is too scared to have a public opinion on the matter.  Either way we do not know as he does not speak of such things.

 Tempo Semanal sources inform this newspaper that the current leadership of the PNTL has been exploring further weapons purchases from armaments suppliers in Java.  Perhaps the same suppliers that the riot control water cannon were procured from in April this year.  Is this community policing?  What is Khare’s opinion?  We do not know as he does not seem to express opinions on these subjects.  Preferring to remain mute until he leaves. (as he did in the recent Bere case as well).  Perhaps after the next crisis for which he will bear responsibility for such as the last one he will return as a highly paid SRSG once again?

 Rebuild: The PNTL institution remains weak not only because of internal factionalism caused by a failure to punish those who have committed crimes but also because its facilities and support systems remain of extremely poor quality.  A recent Government / UNMIT assessment of PNTL found that only, according to Tempo Semanal sources, a few districts were ready for handover, despite 10 years of UN Police assistance.  A lack of working vehicles, communications systems, and other support material are almost wholly lacking to most districts.  UNMIT, UNPOL, and Mr. Khare have failed to rebuild PNTL once again.

 On 26 February 2009 in UN Security Council mandated UNMIT support “the gradual resumption of policing responsibilities by the PNTL beginning in 2009 through a phased approach, while emphasizing that the PNTL must meet the criteria mutually agreed between the Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT as set out in paragraph 21 of the report of the Secretary-General to guarantee the PNTL’s readiness for the resumption of such responsibilities in any given district or unit, and requests the Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT to cooperate with each other to implement the resumption process, and requests UNMIT to continue to ensure, through the presence of UNMIT police component and the provision of support to the PNTL, the maintenance of public security in Timor-Leste, which includes interim law enforcement and public security until the PNTL is fully reconstituted.”

 Recent media reports quote Mr. Khare as saying that UNMIT UNPOL will begin to downsize in 2010.  But only 3 districts are ready in 2009?  Perhaps it does not matter, as he will not be here to bear responsibility for the obvious failure to handover when districts are without adequate cars and communications systems.

 A senior source within UNMIT told Tempo Semanal in recent days that “he feels UNMIT has largely failed in achieving its mandate, especially in regard to the reform, restructure and rebuilding of the PNTL”.

 David Ximenes, former Head of CNRT Clandestine network, and Secretary of State for Veterans Affairs under the FRETILIN Government, and now Member of Parliament and its Committee B for National Security, Defence and Foreign Affairs told Tempo Semanal on 24 November 2009, “Mr. Khare did not achieve the mandate given to him by the Security Council Resolution 1704”.  With regards to the reform, restructuring and rebuilding of the PNTL Ximenes told Tempo Semanal that “he does not know what they have done”.  “From what I see UNMIT is not doing their work.”  He added that, "its just the same faces from last time".

 Tempo Semanal has obtained a copy of a recent confidential report written for the UN titled “The UNPOL to PNTL ‘handover’ 2009: what exactly is being handed over?” by the Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum in New York dated 2 October 2009 written by respected PNTL scholar Bu Wilson and Nelson Belo of Fundasaun Mahein a local NGO.  In this report they state that,

 “Many leaders in Timor-Leste...have criticized the presence of international … police. These criticisms have come from the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for Security and the Secretary of State for Defence, the Chief of Staff of the F-FDTL, as well as the current and former PNTL Commander General. These sentiments are also echoed by opposition parties. Recent examples include a blog by the Secretary of State for Defence, highly critical of UNMIT and UNPOL…. and a comment in one of the daily newspapers by PNTL Commander General that translates as “the majority of UNPOL lack capacity”.

This report concludes:  “Although the situation in Timor-Leste is currently calm and the ‘handover’ is proceeding without incident it can not be concluded that the PNTL have been reformed in any meaningful way. The handover of districts will become increasingly more difficult – as more ‘problematic’ districts need to be considered. Given the poor relationship between UNMIT/government of Timor-Leste and UNPOL/PNTL.... it is unlikely that delaying handover would have improved PNTL reform prospects.”

 Further the above report states that “It also appears that many of the serious shortcomings of both UNPOL and PNTL, identified by [a] UN expert policing mission in 2008, have not been addressed. The question needs to be asked why these recommendations have not been heeded by the UNMIT mission.”  Tempo Semanal’s various sources suggest that Mr. Khare holds ultimate responsibility on the ground for this failure.

Tempo Semanal sources say that Khare will be replaced by UN Mission Sudan DSRSG Ameera Haq, and that he has a strong likelihood of becoming SRSG of the UN Mission in Sudan.  The President of Sudan is wanted for war crimes, much like ex-militia Martenus Bere is.  UNPOL, UNMIT, and Khare let Bere go despite an executive mission.  Sudanese no doubt will find this of interest.
Adeus Khare, Bemvindo Haq.