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From twitter public http://twitter.com/carolinepem |
Has the former Miss World taken advantage of the poorest country in Asia? Most advocates for helping Timor improve tourism in Timor do it for free or for small fees, but she has charged the poor country of Timor $300,000. In a country where minimum wage is $100 per month. She has asked for this money for 6-8 weeks work in Timor, a mysterious role as "spokesperson" with no defined way to measure how much she has contributed in impact to tourism
Miss World or Miss Cash?
Mis World can be seen here.
The full version of the $300,000 contract now online from Tempo Semanal bele download here.
Tempo Semanal in an Exclusive Interview With Ms Pemberton former Ms World was told by Ms. World "how did you get the document, before you publish you need to talk to the Minister of MTCI, Gil Alves". TS tried to contact Mnister MTCI many times and via SMS but no answer.
At 2327 hrs 1 July 2011 Dili time former Ms World Pemberton sent an SMS to TS "we were in country filming, all over the districts for 6 weeks".
According to the contract Ms. Pemberton is paid $150,000 USD for video filing for 6 - 8 weeks and $150,000 for being spokesperson in Australia. She says she was in Timor for 6 weeks and this means she got $3,500 a day for making video.
Timor hakarak promove turismo hodi hahu atrai turista sira atu mai ita nia rai tenke selu duni. Sa tan Timor nia turismu iha potensial atu sai setor produtivu segundo hafoin setor minarai.
Osan nebe selu ba Senhora nee nee kiik kompara ho milhoes nebe nasaun seluk-seluk selu hodi promove sira nia rai ho propaganda iha TV deit iha nasaun estranjeiru.
Hau sente too agora TS halo servisu diak ona hodi hatudu eskandalo seluk iha rai laran maibe hau sente nee laos eskandalu ida.
Tansa mak ita sei hanoin katak ema seluk tenke halo nafatin karidade ba ita?
Hau sente senhora nee la presiza Timor atu sai riku tanba servisu sei barak ba nia iha mundu raiklaran.
Sorte nia hakarak mai Timor e ita haree nia folin nee baratu liu konsultan barabarak nebe sai riku duni iha Timor maske balu la halo buat ida ou hakerek deit laporan atu rai iha gaveta laran.
Maibe senhora nee nia servisu sei sai iha Televizaun e bainhora ema hare sei folin tebes hodi dada ema mai Timor.
Loloos $3500 loron ida hanesan osan kiik ba ema ida hanesan nia.
Ita labele uza nafatin Timor nia kondisaun hanesan nasaun kiak hodi kritika inisiativa sira hanesan nee.
OMG! $3500 a day for Ms World to make a video promoting Timor-Leste as a tourist destination is cheap.
Timor-Leste has to develop its tourism industry and it has to be through these initiatives to sell the country's beauty to the world.
Nothing comes for free and Timor-Leste has to spend money in order to attract tourist dollars.
Timor-Leste is a beautiful country and it needs to attract the attention of the world. Nothing better than a former Miss World appearing on TV screen in other countries showing how beautiful the Timor-Leste is.
Timor-Leste tourism has the potential to become a multi million dollar industry and it need more famous people like the former Miss World promoting it. Not many people in the world know about Timor-Leste and how beautiful, pristine and unexplored it is as a tourist destination.
Once tourism takes off this fee will pale in comparison and the benefits will flow directly to the Timorese people throughout the country.
what the government needs to do is take more initiaves like this one.
"...Many of her overseas trips have been humanitarian in purpose, with numerous volunteer trips to an orphanage in East Timor..."
This is from www.carolinepemberton.com
I think that, as a Ti-Les tourism ambassador ('spruiker') being paid $150k, Pemberton must demonstrate that she can secure publicity that is MUCH more wide than a small suburban newspaper in Sydney. See http://north-shore-times.whereilive.com.au/lifestyle/story/paradise-on-the-doorstep/
Pemberton's work in and for Ti-Les is now definitely commercial, not humanitarian.
Pemberton's quarterly 'spruiker' reports to Alves should be made public, so the public can decide if the AMP government is getting value this contract.
Shame on you Gil Alves! Shame on you the TL government! I think if we should blame for such disgusting and shameful project then blame it on Gil Alves and his boss in the government not on that barbie doll Miss world! She is just a product and timorese government is the idiot and dumb consumer! The government specially that corrupt and idiot Gil Alves and his team in MTCI are those responsible for such disgusting amount of people's money recklessly wasted just to enrich foreigners! And with yet unpredictable results or real positive outcome for such tourism publicity.
However, There are various ways of promoting timorese tourism potential. Don't dream about more tourists come to visit Timor Leste just because of a bloody Miss world was there making huge amount of money from this kind of publicity on expense of so many poor and misery people in the country! Tourists come to Timor Leste because of the country own distinctive images such as Timor Leste heroic history heritage, its cultural diversity for such a small half island, its unique flora and fauna specially its unexplored marine life, tropical warm climate, beautiful beaches (a fact the world already knows), because of its mountainous and tropical jungles with variety of animal species in such a small habitat, its strategic location between two giant nations, simplicity and humility yet unpredictable temperament of timorese people and so on.
Those examples mentioned above are the real and abstract assets of Timor Leste that should have been promoted using timorese people themselves as the main star. The better way to promote TL tourism is using the real beautiful people of TL not a fake model from other country! A project film or publicity of its kind featured by timorese talented and natural beauty is more interesting than by a fake barbie doll! By using timorese talent and beauty, the govt would have done one important thing; put the money in the country economy consequently would have improved one more timorese person financially by merit and birth right.
Another point is the $300.000 timorese money could have been better spent to provide good and proper accommodation such as hotel and guest houses, not spent on a greedy fake barbie doll look alike Miss World! Shame on you idiot and corrupt Gil Alves!
In my opinion TL as a nation state is already on the way to resource curse! The government is spending huge amount of money recklessly without proper plans and vision as well as just for the sake of projecting a fake improvement of the nation's image. The goverment is just thinking about spending..spending..and spending more and huge amount of money just to show no carry over in the balance of the next State budget! This project is an example for such stupid and ridiculous economic policy in the management of a country! They dont really care if their policy for such spending really has real impact on majority of timorese people or for timorese welfare. Something apparent from such economy management is just to enrich a bunch of greedy, corrupt bureaucrats and their crony inside or outside the country. This tourism project is part of hundreds of projects created by MTCI just to hack the country's billion petrdolar money to paint a picture about a growing and ridiculously expensive timorese tourism sector. However once one comes to know the messes being created in the expense of so many people living under poverty and misery then we will come to question and realization about whether timorese people's money is being properly and really well spent OR is it just spent for the well being of foreigners and corrupt government officials such as Gil Alves and his incompetent team in MTCI?!
that is cheap......well who is she again? I live in Australia and never even heard of her? I think300,000 dollars is a bad investment in a campaign with a washed up model that is not even an ex ms universe contestant! I would understand if they were going for a similar route to Lara Bingles Australian tourism campaign, would be effective because that was done with peanuts compared to Ms I forgot her name already!
Look at the contract carefully folks. It is for US$600,000 potentially over 2 years, automatically renewable. But all expenses covered by the ministry, see below from page of contract under Ministries Responsibility:
"-Cover travel expenses for all overseas activities (this includes flights, accommodation out-of_ pocket (all cash expenses incurred by Caroline related to the project receipts will be provided).
-Cover all travel expenses, as above, in relation to Caroline in her spokesperson role in any location including at expos and travel events internationally
with the knowledge and permission from the Ministry."
But the most amazing clause is the following relating to a dispute vis a vis whether there has been a default by Caroline:
"Should there be a dispute in regard to this, the matter shall be referred to an arbitrator, His Excellency the President Dr. Jose Ramos Horta, whose decision shall be final."
I also see the President's lackeys and those hangers on reaping the windfall from his tenure to obtain high salaries for their mediocre at best level of qualifications and or professional experience have been at work overtime trying to justify this. Let's leave it to the Anti Corruption Commission and the Courts to deal with whether or not this is traffic in influence for personal benefit of third parties at the prejudice of Timor-Leste's finances.
Forget Gil Alves....this is Xanana's responsibility. he approved its payment, not Gil alves. Gil Alves had to seek his permission. Why is Xanana always let off the hook?
Give this girl a break, even before she got this contract she has been advocating for Timor Leste. When she was Miss Australia she was in many Australian newspapers and television many times talking about Timor Leste and why Australians should visit Timor Leste. The young girl visited Timor Leste a few times to show people how great our country is. She was essentially giving free endorsement and her time for our country pretty much for free. I was really impressed, here was a young girl who always was interested in Timor before she was Miss Australia now when she became miss Australia using her own exposure to the media for our benefit.
Advertising is expensive. Any endorsement of Timor Leste by someone who has access to media as she does and also has some profile in Australia is a positive. $300,00 in the advertising industry is not too bad.
It is not important that we in Timor don't who she is. In Tourism it is important the people who may be potential tourist who we can advertise Timor to know who she is.
Seriously people we are being too judgmental. Lets not be too negative all the time.
It is quite obvious that a lot of the outcry here is driven by national party politics and the need to criticize everything the current government does.
Just recently a MP from Fretilin criticized the government for contracting a foreign company to built Timor's national power plant and grid.
Previously Fretilin criticized the government for giving projects under the Referendum Package to local companies because the quality of the work was not good.
No matter what the current government does it will always be criticized by the opposition.
I guess that's their job as opposition but I wish they did it in a more consistent way.
I understand that Tempo Semanal as a news outlet can and should attempt to bring these issues to the public but the reaction seen in the comments are driven by partisan issues.
I'm sure many in Australia will recognize miss Pemberton and I have been told that her previous appearances in Australian TV programs did its bit to publicize the country's potential. Since Australia is a close neighbor and thousands and thousands of Australians go overseas on holidays every year, Timor would be an exotic destination just on Australia's doorstep.
Timor will never become the tourist destination it can be unless it starts spending money promoting it, lots of it.
Like any other thing, you cannot make money without spending money.
Those who say you can are dreamers and expect everything to fall from the sky.
That is not how the world works. Timor is very behind in terms of tourism and it has fierce competition in the region from places like Bali in Indonesia, or Malaysia, Philipines, etc.
You are not going to get a slice of the tourism action if you shout foul every time money is spent promoting Timor. You will never get anywhere like that.
Just a few seconds of TV time for a simple ad costs thousands.
Hau sinte ita labele hanoin negativu ba saida maka Miss Australia ne'e halo ba Timor, Miss Australia laos foin mak mai Timor hau lasala karik iha tinan 2008 nia halo misaun ida hodi promove Timor gratis alis la selu, nebe la los kuandu nia mai Timor ho objetivu atu explora Timor nia osan....
Osan ho montante USD300.000 ba halo filmazen oin 8 nosai spokesperson ba tinan ida hodi halo propaganda hodi promove turismo TL tuir hau nia hare ne'e baratu ba Miss Australia hanesan nia....Australia hanesan ita nia nasaun vizinu no merkadu bot ba TL nia turismo tuir hau nia hare ne'e oportunidade diak ba Miss Australia ne'e hodi bele atrai turista Australia...
Orsamentu ba promosaun ho valor USD300.000 ne'e buat ida que kiit, ita bot sira bele buka referensia husi nasaun sira seluk maizumenus osan hira mak sira gasta ba promosaun???? tokon ba tokon maka sira gasta...nebe lalika hakfodak ho USD300.000....halo filmazen ho 6 ka 8 weeks ne'e labele hare ba nia loron maibe hare ba ema nia profesionalismu...ita boot karik lahatene....nia kameramen ne'e mos laos amatiran...figura nebe halo filmazen ne'e mos laos ema baibain...
In my view,I really agree what Miss Australia has been done with filming project a couple weeks ago to promote TL's Tourism, Hi...Caroline well done with your job...you've been helping Timor Leste particularly for promoting TL's tourism to the Australian Market...
The sum of USD300.000 for me that's nothing, it should be more then USD300.000 as a Miss Australia....to promote tourism of course we need a figure and people who is really professional like you....
I think the person who has published on this blog is does want tourism industry of TL is move forward...you have to understand other developing countries in promoting their tourism,they spend millions of
dollars for promotion
why TLjust spending USD300.000 you said that is expensive that's nothing men....probably you don't really understand
the content of contract itself..
shame on you Jose Belo for the cowardly and obscene "anonymous" comments that you allow on your blog. And you want people to consider it a serious publication?
I believe that the person who has published Miss Caroline Pemberton on this blog is belongs to one of the political parties in TL with main objective to criticize the AMP government. Oh men please don’t mixed up your political view with what Miss Caroline Pemberton has done with tourism filming project to promote tourism and I think nothing wrong with the sum of USD300.000, Miss Caroline Pemberton please once you complete you film please so him, he thinks that what you have done is not professional job, I hope he can find someone like you more cheaper to do filming and as a spokesperson
I believe that the person who has published Miss Caroline Pemberton on this blog is belongs to one of the political parties in TL with main objective to criticize the AMP government. Oh men please don’t mixed up your political view with what Miss Caroline Pemberton has done with tourism filming project to promote tourism and I think nothing wrong with the sum of USD300.000, Miss Caroline Pemberton please once you complete you film please so him, he thinks that what you have done is not professional job, I hope he can find someone like you more cheaper to do filming and as a spokesperson
Hau fiak katak molok filmajen nebe Miss Australia ne'e halo sei fo benefisiu diak hodi promove ita nia turismo.
Ita hein deit tamba buat sira ne'e sidauk to'o rohan, kuandu to'o rohan maka la iha resultadu mak ita foin fo'o ita nia komentariu arbiru, hau hare Miss Australia ne'e nia filmazen balun ona no nia rezultadu profesional tebes ne'e hau la hakfodak ho $300,000.00 ne'e.
Kolega sira ita labele hanoin at ba ema selae ita nunka lao ba oin.
Hi bro (Jose Belo) as a Timorese that's pity that you've published this matter on your blog, you think that people will agree with your comments, NO it’s really contrary!
I think you don't really understand what Miss Australia has done with filming project and as a spokesperson, she came to TL to help no for stealing money, I could say that you're not really professional journalist perhaps needs more training.
I don’t know why Mr. Belo has published the contract on his blog it's obvious that nothing wrong with the contract.
The amount of $300.000 is cheaper for a person such as a Miss World to do film and as a spokesperson for a year.
Mr. Belo you need more knowledge on filming program, you don’t know that some publicities or doing filming for a normal person NOT Miss World, it will cost five or even six hundred thousand USD.
filming for a normal person NOT Miss World, it will cost five or even six hundred thousand USD.
Your Excellency Mr. Jose Belo perhaps you need to visit the following website to make sure that Mr. Pemberton is the Miss World taken advantage of the poorest country in Asia such as Timor Leste.
Dear All Readers, We are very happy with your participation and comments. It gives us strength to do further report on the issue. We have emailed Miss Pemberton 18 question to do a full story on 11/07/2011. It will be print on Tempo Semanal weekly paper and distribute to 442 villages in the country. Good luck and have a nice weekend to you all dear readers.
Good on you Caroline.
As a timorese I fully appreciate what you have done for my country.
Please don't get disheartened by this. Timor needs everyone who is willing to help.
I for one value more the work you have done and are doing in Timor than I would value the work of so many consultants (not all) from all over the world who produced nothing more than boring repetitive reports that ended up in drawers at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars throughout the years.
You work is certainly a worthwhile contribution to a much larger body of work that still has to be done to promote Timor-Leste as a tourist destination.
Keep up the good work!
Irmaun Taraleu uluk funu ba libertasaun nasional ho fiar metin ba JUSTISA NO DIGNIDADE ba ita nia rai no ita nia povu.
Maski hau la condena irmaun Jose Belo husik ema halo komentariu anonimo, maibe hau sente ladun diak irmaun permite hela ema halo komentariu anonimo ho objetivu atu insulta no tarata senhora nee ka ema seluk nia dignidade nudar ema.
Sa tan kuandu ema nebe sai alvu ba insultu/tarata sira nee laiha meius atu hatene se los maka insulta nia hodi nune nia bele defende an.
Hau sinti nee INJUSTISA boot hasoru senhora nee nia dignidade nudar ema neduni hau husu irmaun atu hola netik medidas ruma ba komentariu sira nebe insultuozu no la merese hetan fatin iha publikasaun ida hanesan Tempo Semanal nebe ema barak foti aas iha sira nia konsiderasaun.
Obrigado wain ba irmaun nia atensaun.
Nudar Timor ona hau mos triste ituan tamba ita nia komentariu nebe ita publika ladun diak ba ema nebe hakarak suporta no ajuda hodi promove setor turismo iha Timor.
Mana Carolina ne'e halo programa humanitaria balun ona iha Timor liuliu ba programa orfanatus, neduni ba sira ne'ebe karik sidauk konese nia didiak labele hanoin salah.
Orsamentu ho $300.000 parese uja mos ba selu cameraman no hodi publika iha TV balun iha Australia
Wow! She is already hard at work as tourism spokeswoman for Timor-Leste.
Yes, we the timorese want our country to be known as more than just a place for asylum seekers. We want it to be known as a beautiful country it is.
Well said!!
"Ms Pemberton said her appointment was similar to Lara Bingle's role with Tourism Australia but with added strategic duties.
''When you look at [models] Jennifer Hawkins or Megan Gale being paid millions to be aligned with big brands, this is really not much. The Timorese want Australians to rediscover Timor, they don't want us to think it's just a place for asylum seekers, they want us to see it for what it is, a jaw-droppingly, beautiful country.''
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/miss-rich-in-spat-over-promo-fee-20110702-1gw07.html
Antes contrato nee Miss Pemberton bolu ona atensaun ba rai Timor gratis.
A beautiful purpose
Paradise on the doorstep
East Timor with Caroline Pemberton
October 9, 2008
Dear Jose Belo
You say you have sent an email to Caroline with 18 questions on this "issue". This was never an issue until you published a confidential contract between her and MTCI. You had no right to do that. This "issue" is not news, nor is it a story. Luckily for you Ms. Pemberton is a truly nice person who will be shocked and deeply upset by what you have published. Anyone else would right now be on to their solicitors and suing you. Rightly so. But she won't.
What if someone were to publish a "story" about the money you were making in 2006 and 2007 from many and varied Australian TV news company's at the same time? Would that be anyone else's business?
How dare you send her an email with a bunch of questions to which you (and us) have no right to know the answers.
Go back to 'Journalism class number 1' and rediscover what an actual news story is.
Wayne Lovell
Although, like many other commentators, I don't think the fee charged by Miss Pemberton is cause for concern in exchange for the work to be produced (fair enough) I do however disagree with Wayne Lovell's comment.
Though the contract may be confidential it is not unusual for investigative journalism to disclose such kind of information and even more confidential ones (remember Wikileaks) when the writer believes there is an issue of public interest.
I remember for instance the issue of information about contracts and extremely high remuneration for World Bank consultants in East Timor being published by reputable Australian newspapers and even attracting condemnatory (but not insulting) comments even from former high level politicians such as former Australian Foreign Affairs minister Alexander Downer.
If we talk about Wikileaks then this leak published by Tempo Semanal pales in comparison. Yet Wikileaks is seen by many serious and reputable organizations and individuals alike in the world as a valuable service to the community that promotes transparency.
I therefore don't agree with Mr. Lovell's criticism of Jose Belo as a journalist. In fact I think Mr Lovell's comment is rather patronizing, not good considering what I wrote above.
I do however believe there are better stories to be told, and this is not one. As previously stated, I also don't believe the fee is unjustifiable given the work involved and the potential return it may bring.
It's like an investment in the future of tourism in East Timor.
So my advice to Jose Belo would probably be to move on to a better story and don't allow Tempo Semanal to be a ground for insults (anonymous or not) because it doesn't reflect well on the publication.
Tempo Semanal has removed the obscene comments from this blog. It does not endorse or support such obscenity. It is not good debate for people and is not useful. Apologies to readers, obscenity is not good for useful debate from readers. But please keep commenting on how how public money is used for public interests. Tempo Semanal.
To be fair don't shoot the messenger.
Jose Belo only published what someone else leaked from within MTCI.
I don't think we persecute Jose Belo as a timorese Julian Assange.
I think Ms Pemberton should not be phased out by this specially since her fee is not unreasonable.
In fact, her company itself could even publish that kind of information not unlike what other companies do regarding their business deals. There's nothing shameful about the contract/fees involved and it could be published as part of her company's portfolio.
Well done Tempo Semanal for removing the injurious comments.
It is definitely not good for a sound discussion.
Differences in opinion are healthy but never personal insults.
Loron diak,
Publikasaun sobre Timor-Leste liu hosi area turismo importante tebes. Maibe atu halo publikasaun nebe diak, rasional no mos realistico, Timor-Leste presija hadia uluk necesidades basicas iha area infrastrutura nian. Atu nune bele iha balanco entre saida mak ema hare iha publikasaun nebe iha no mos saida mak ema sei sente wainhira sama ain iha Timor-Leste. Laiha salah atu usa icon saida deit hodi halo publikasaun maibe governo ka se deit tem que mos sensivel ho realidade rai laran nian no brani mos atu admite katak publikasaun diak maibe realidade oin seluk bele mos hamosu impresaun nebe ladiak ba se deit mak sama ain iha Timor e at se at liu tan wainhira esforco nebe halo se la dada turista maibe hadok liu tan turista. Entao saida mak acontese? Osan lakon barak mas target nebe hakarak la atingi.Em relasaun ho contrato nebe halo ona ho eis miss world Australian nian, hau nian hanoin sedo liu, ambisiosos no mos programa nebe ladun realistico. Tamba sa? Labele hare ba tamba Eis Miss world nian presenca iha Timor dala barak ona ne duni ita bele fo contrato ida ho montante boot hodi taka servisu gratuita nebe nia halo antes ona. Ne hanoin ida que stupido! Ita koalia iha ne laos sobre Miss world deit, maibe ita koalia kona ba ema barak nian moris mos. Ho montante osan nebe iha bele afeta tiha ona ema lubun boot, se laiha Timor laran tomak mos, pelo menos iha aldeia ka suku ida. Tempo Semanal la halo salah iha ne. Hanesan media investigativo, presija duni atu lansa informasaun hirak ne ba sociedade nian let. Ita hakarak ema mai barak iha Timor, maibe ita mos taka matan sorin hela katak, ita nian aeroporto sei falta buat barak, dalan at sei barak tebes, tasi ibun sei foer mos, haris fatin halo tiha iha tasi ibun; foer mak barak to la usa tiha deit, museum historico be se mukit, monumentos barak seidauk halo e balun halo ona mos desabandonado etc...entao, balanco saida mak ita halo iha neba ho publikasaun ne? Ita hakarak presenca turista nian iha Timor ho continuidade e desenvolvimento ida que sustentavel. Laos turista ida sama ain, baku rentos depois de loron 1, nia mos fila. Ita hotu hakarak katak Timor sai hanesan destinasaun ba turista basa ida ne bele hatama mos rendimento diak ba confre nasaun nian. Ne duni ita hakarak halo plano no desenvolvimento ida que integrado iha area turistica. Ne katak sa: ne significa infrastrutura nebe diak no razoavel hodi ajuda publikasaun nebe realistico. Laos tur, halo plano, lori ema hosi liur sem hare ba realidade rai laran, hodi duni target gasta osan lalais e depois claim an dehan successo ona...ne ema bolu estupido!
Ba maluk sira iha area turismo, labele hakfodak ho criticas sira nebe ema tula ba imi nian leten tamba deit imi nian pecado hodi ikus mai cumesa hatudo liman katak notisias ne iha motivos politica ou partidos balun hamrik iha kotuk. ne ingles karik dehan ridiculous!
Loron diak,
Publikasaun sobre Timor-Leste liu hosi area turismo importante tebes. Maibe atu halo publikasaun nebe diak, rasional no mos realistico, Timor-Leste presija hadia uluk necesidades basicas iha area infrastrutura nian. Atu nune bele iha balanco entre saida mak ema hare iha publikasaun nebe iha no mos saida mak ema sei sente wainhira sama ain iha Timor-Leste. Laiha salah atu usa icon saida deit hodi halo publikasaun maibe governo ka se deit tem que mos sensivel ho realidade rai laran nian no brani mos atu admite katak publikasaun diak maibe realidade oin seluk bele mos hamosu impresaun nebe ladiak ba se deit mak sama ain iha Timor e sei at liu tan wainhira esforco nebe halo sei la dada turista maibe hadok liu tan turista. Entao saida mak acontese? Osan lakon barak mas target nebe hakarak la atingi.Em relasaun ho contrato nebe halo ona ho eis miss world Australian nian, hau nian hanoin sedo liu, ambisiosos no mos programa nebe ladun realistico. Tamba sa? Labele hare ba tamba Eis Miss world nian presenca iha Timor dala barak ona ne duni ita bele fo contrato ida ho montante boot hodi taka servisu gratuita nebe nia halo antes ona. Ne hanoin ida que stupido! Ita koalia iha ne laos sobre Miss world deit, maibe ita koalia kona ba ema barak nian moris mos. Ho montante osan nebe iha bele afeta tiha ona ema lubun boot, se laiha Timor laran tomak mos, pelo menos iha aldeia ka suku ida. Tempo Semanal la halo salah iha ne. Hanesan media investigativo, presija duni atu lansa informasaun hirak ne ba sociedade nian let. Ita hakarak ema mai barak iha Timor, maibe ita mos taka matan sorin hela katak, ita nian aeroporto sei falta buat barak, dalan at sei barak tebes, tasi ibun sei foer mos, haris fatin halo tiha iha tasi ibun; foer mak barak to la usa tiha deit, museum historico be se mukit, monumentos barak seidauk halo e balun halo ona mos desabandonado etc...entao, balanco saida mak ita halo iha neba ho publikasaun ne? Ita hakarak presenca turista nian iha Timor ho continuidade e desenvolvimento ida que sustentavel. Laos turista ida sama ain, baku rentos depois de loron 1, nia mos fila. Ita hotu hakarak katak Timor sai hanesan destinasaun ba turista basa ida ne bele hatama mos rendimento diak ba confre nasaun nian. Ne duni ita hakarak halo plano no desenvolvimento ida que integrado iha area turistica. Ne katak sa: ne significa infrastrutura nebe diak no razoavel hodi ajuda publikasaun nebe realistico. Laos tur, halo plano, lori ema hosi liur sem hare ba realidade rai laran, hodi duni target gasta osan lalais e depois claim an dehan successo ona...ne ema bolu estupido!
Ba maluk sira iha are turismo nian, labele sente tauk atu hasoru criticas ba pecados nebe imi halo hodi hahu hatudo liman katak publikasaun notisia iha Tempo Semanal iha motivo politiko ou partidos balun mak hamrik iha kotuk...ne iha ingles karik ema dehan ridiculous!
''I am a personal friend of the [East Timorese] President, who backed this contract. It will give the country huge exposure as a tourism destination,'' Ms Pemberton told The Sun-Herald yesterday.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/miss-rich-in-spat-over-promo-fee-20110702-1gw07.html#ixzz1QyiKHIUQ
Oh oh.....sounds like someone got a contract because of personally friendships with people in influential positions. Contracts for goods and services under any country's laws should be about the quality of service to be delivered, not about who knows who. It is this trafficking influence that is the problem in emerging democracies such as East Timor. For the record, US$300,000 is a lot of money for any services.
hau hare maluk Timor Oan barak la hatene hare didiak saida mak promosaun ba ita nia turismo no saida mak sai ema seluk nia servente. Turismo nee atu halo saida? Atu ita hotu sai fali hein mesa no hamos malai sira nia kamar ka? Turismo nee industira explorasaun makas mak nee. Bali iha susesu tambe ema iha neeba manan osan kiik tebes, nunee sira bele kompete ho rain barak. Turismo iha rain Europa barak agora usa ema neebe sira lori husi liur hodi manan osan kiik deit kompara ho sira nia ema raisk hodi bele aumenta sira nia kompetitividade. Iha Timor Lorosae mos agora dadaun ita hare katak malai barak neebe mai loke fatin hanesan restaurant no hotel lori ema husi liur hanesan Pilipinas no Javanes no Balanes sira atu servisu tamba sira lakoi selu osan bot ba ita nia maluk Timor Oan. Nee mak industria ita hakarak ka? hau hanoin diak liu maluk sira consentra ba tulun dada kadoras Grater Sanrise mai Timor hodi ita bele ukun rasik aan duni, envesde ita buka tuir oinsa ita atu sai fali ema neebe hein malai sira nia mesa, fase sira nia roupa, hamos sira nia kamar ni kamar kecil hanesan iha tempo Portu nian no tempo bapak nian too ohin loron nafatin. Sira mak haan oha fatin diak, toba iha fatin diak, maibe ita nee koitadu, nafatin servi sira no hare sira gosa ita nia ukun rasik aan. Hatek lae ba lalenok maluk Timor oan sira. Buka moris ho dignidade duke moris nuder ema nia servente bebeik. Los ka maun alin sira>
Timor oan barak mak hau hare kose kose ba malai sira.....he he he he.......hetan ona dolar itoan dolar sira to'o sira lao dolar mos. Eh leh.......atan ba nafatin.
Yes you are right, everybody should work for free , hire camera equipment , pay camera crew out of their own pocket, and default of a mortgage, car payments , credit cards , just so you would not have anything to write in your blog, $300,000 is about as cheap as it gets in this industry when production cost are usually referered to in $1,000,000's $300,000 sounds to me like the lowest quote , You have bargain whether you believe it or not
Anonymous 2 July 05:10, don't politicise this. Just because someone has criticised the contract does not mean that they are from FRETILIN. Anyone can be annoyed with a large contract in Timor and jump to conclusions.
The fact is Miss Pemberton has done a fantastic job personally promoting Timor Leste on numerous occasions before this contract and deserves our support. She has on a number of times volunteered in an orphanage in Timor Leste, she was also on television in Australia promoting Timor while she was Miss World Australia. I am confident that there is no better person with her experience in the media with her personal and professional qualities to promote our country. In advertising terms the services she tenders is more than reasonable. She is a genuine supporter of Timor.
The government has payed more than this previously to people with experience nowhere near her's for advisory positions, which means they got money directly into their pockets. Read the contract carefully that this is for a project which is not a direct income and involves her sustaining parts of the project.
I am sure Mr Belo did not have the worst of intentions in publicising this and has also done a great job with Timorese media development.
Shame on the people from both sides of the political spectrum in Timor are using this for cheap political points.
Thank you Miss Pembertom you have my support and the support of the majority of my fellow Timorese.
Concerned Timorese and yes Anonymous 2 July 05:10 I am involved in Fretilin.
Dear Mr Lovell. There is a very big difference between what Jose Belo might or might not have earned in 2006-7 and Ms Pemberton. Ms Pemberton is paid from the public purse and the public have a right to know. There is no such thing as a confidential contract when the national public budget is involved. So, yes Mr belo has a right to publish it.
The public also have a right to know exactly what transpired that led to granting the contract, if and whether or not procedures were followed, whether the law was followed, whether or not there were any conflict of interests between persons involved in granting it, was the price fair, etc etc etc. That is how you hold government's accountable. So please, leave the personal slights out.
From malai disgusted with malais.
I suspect Pamberton got this contract because, as she said:
''I am a personal friend of the [East Timorese] President, who backed this contract. It will give the country huge exposure as a tourism destination,'' Ms Pemberton told The Sun-Herald yesterday."
and this clause from the contract:
"Should there be a dispute in regard to this, the matter shall be referred to an arbitrator, His Excellency the President Dr. Jose Ramos Horta, whose decision shall be final."
The commentator on 2 July 2011 17:05 made the right point when he/she said:
"The public also have a right to know exactly what transpired that led to granting the contract, if and whether or not procedures were followed, whether the law was followed, whether or not there were any conflict of interests between persons involved in granting it, was the price fair, etc etc etc. That is how you hold government's accountable."
There are a lot of things fishy going on with this contract.
If Gil Alves, hence the AMP government, had done the right thing, by following procedures and made things more transparent, perhaps Pamberton would have been spared all the hostility. The Timorese have a right to say what they do because at the end of the day, it is their welfare that's at stake. $300,000 is not much for Pamberton and her crew, but it means a lifesaving resource for the Timorese.
I praise Tempo Semanal for having the courage to publish these documents, which involve the use of public money, therefore is of public interest. Those who criticise TS or Jose Belo for having publishing these documents ought to reflect on their attitudes. Well done TS and well done Jose Belo!!!
I have been at the high end of hospitality in Australia for over 25 years.
Timor-Leste needs to get some more basic things in place before it sets out on these types of marketing adventures.
My understanding of the current state of the hospitality and tourism industry in Timor Leste is that it has very poor standards of customer service, general maintenance and utilities infrastructure that I would propose that spending funds on addressing those issues first would be the order of priority.
It is my experience that if you go out marketing and promoting a substandard facility you will inevitably have to spend and work twice as hard to convince and regain market confidence when you have the finished product.
So, I fall into the category of, "this is money not well spent"....sorry that is my view.
It will be very unfortunate indeed if this attempt at sensationalism and personal attack diverts the Tourism Ministry from its job of promoting Timor Leste. Caroline was contracted to show case Timor Leste as a fantastic destination for cultural and adventure tourism. Given a chance this is exactly what she will do. We hope the future level of debate is more sofisticated and has a deeper understanding of the long term needs of the country.
Osan $300.000 hodi ba selu Ramos Horta nia "amiga/s" nee diak liu uza ba hadia kondisaun aat tebes nebe komunidade sira hasoru iha parte servisu atendimentu saude nian. Exemplu maka haktuir iha notisia iha kraik nee:
Animal sira iha governu gasta povo nia osan arbiru deit enkuantu povo moris loron-loron iha situasaun susar tebes.
Depois kuandu ema kritika mak sira dehan ema hotu beik sira mak hatene liu. Nasaun nee koruptor sira halo sai tiha hanesan lalehan iha sira nia ulun fatuk maibe realidade nebe povo sira hasoru lor-loron at liu fali infernu!
Kona servisu pessoal saude, hatete Thomas nebe servisu lahatene kalan ka loron xefe dehan servisu CS Ossu lao diak teb-tebes loron domingo mos servisu realidade iha dia 27/3/2011 iha desastre ida nebe akontece iha Ormeta aldeia Liauaioli suko Loihuno komunidade sira telefone ba ambulansia la mai komunidade lori pasiente mai too CS Ossu portaun sei taka hela maibe oras foin hatudu tuku 11 loron no hein laiha asistensia husi pessoal saude nian no pasiente MATE kedas iha CS Ossu. Servisu saude ossu halo komunidade sempre husu ba sira servisu.
Ba apoiante governu banana nian lee notisia sira hanesan hodi loke imi nia fuan ka konsiensia. Laos hanoin maka gasta osan povo nian ba feto bonita husi rai seluk hodi halo tuir animal hanesan liurai Horta ho liurai Gil Alves nia gostu! Poraaa pah!
I have been at the high end of hospitality in Australia for over 25 years.
My understanding of the current state of the hospitality and tourism industry in Timor Leste is that it has very poor standards of customer service, general maintenance and utilities infrastructure that I would propose that spending funds on addressing those issues first would be the order of priority. It is my experience that if you go out marketing and promoting a substandard facility you will inevitably have to spend and work twice as hard to convince and regain market confidence when you have the finished product.
What’s wrong with this contract? Is something wrong if the Timorese know about an official tourism promotion contract between Caroline Pemberton with RDTL through the MTCI?
Is not it will be benefit TL with a long-term impact to promote the tourism sector of this the country? Is not it was a great initiative.
But as technically, in journalism, I think there is a slight problem because, TS should have a confirmation from MTCI before publishes it. The news (if it really a kind of news) was also mentioned that the TS had an exclusive interview with Miss Pemberton. The question is why don’t TS dig up relevant information related as complete as possible, rather than busy with 18 questions, after a lot of comments on this publication?
Without blaming any part, as I agree that, TS wasn’t wrong in this case, because as the media TS have the right to publish what should be publicly known, and related to public interests. But as journalism TS should also be wary and smarter, for the sake of its reputation as the most daring media in TL. And as we all know that, the most daring media/blog doesn’t necessarily the best one. :) Maudia.
Bairo Pite Clinic - Thursday, 23 September 2010
Ursula de Carvalho Soares and Flavia Lucilda Guterres are patients at Bairo Pite Clinic, waiting for heart surgery. As children, they had rheumatic fever which led to damage to the mitral valve in her heart, causing mitral stenosis leading to a congestive heart failure.
They need urgent heart surgery – called balloon mitral valvulatomy, which will cure them and enable them to live a normal life.
As so often, the problem is funding their treatment. In this case, the expensive opertions themselves are already sponsored, but getting money for air tickets turns out to be a problem. Dr Dan Murphy says Flavia, who got much worse last week, could die any time if not operated. Bairo Pite Clinic has admitted her and treats her, but as Dr Dan says, “We can't keep doing that for much longer”.
Dr Dan tried to access funds the East Timor government has made available for sending patients abroad for treatment, but was denied support: “It appears the fund is reserved exclusively for the elite, and ordinary East Timorese are not eligible. Our application was rebuffed in no uncertain terms.” Two young lives could easily be saved, utilising funds made available for this specific purpose. But that is not to be. Which is a great shame.
Bairo Pite Clinic have not given up on these two young girls. We will find a way. Let’s hope that will happen before it is too late for one of them.
Bairo Pite Clinic - Thursday, 23 September 2010
Ursula de Carvalho Soares and Flavia Lucilda Guterres are patients at Bairo Pite Clinic, waiting for heart surgery. As children, they had rheumatic fever which led to damage to the mitral valve in her heart, causing mitral stenosis leading to a congestive heart failure.
They need urgent heart surgery – called balloon mitral valvulatomy, which will cure them and enable them to live a normal life.
As so often, the problem is funding their treatment. In this case, the expensive opertions themselves are already sponsored, but getting money for air tickets turns out to be a problem. Dr Dan Murphy says Flavia, who got much worse last week, could die any time if not operated. Bairo Pite Clinic has admitted her and treats her, but as Dr Dan says, “We can't keep doing that for much longer”.
Dr Dan tried to access funds the East Timor government has made available for sending patients abroad for treatment, but was denied support: “It appears the fund is reserved exclusively for the elite, and ordinary East Timorese are not eligible. Our application was rebuffed in no uncertain terms.” Two young lives could easily be saved, utilising funds made available for this specific purpose. But that is not to be. Which is a great shame.
Bairo Pite Clinic have not given up on these two young girls. We will find a way. Let’s hope that will happen before it is too late for one of them.
$3500 a day for a 3 minutes video and all bullshits tourism campaign equivalent to 1 year of average salary by a local. This is what we call DEMOCRAZY!
We are ruled by a deluded president who thinks he is an aristocrat and a government which does not even realistic enough to tackle so many priorities in other sectors such as health and education. These sectors are in dire needs of improvement and deserve more financial spending by the timorese government.
However as I say we have a deluded president and an insane prime minister and a group of corrupt puppet ministers. Nothing good can be expected from such people to improve our nation. We need change in 2012, and a change for good. Enough of this insanity by a stupid government.
Because I'm timorese I am disgusted on this kind of waste of public money by our government while there are better things to improve for such amount of money. I just vomited after reading this news. This government is utterly consisted of a group of twat brains.
I am timorese and absolutely agree with Dave and Shirley Carlos.
I very much regret the lack of sophistication shown much of the time by my fellow countrymen/women in discussions like this.
Comments made against these types of initiative show a worrying lack of vision for the future as well as what a country must do to combat poverty.
Much energy is spent squabbling over petty issues almost always guided by political imperatives rather than serious and genuine concern for the country's welfare.
I don't think this was the intention from TS but is evident in the negative comments it has attracted.
Anonymous 2 July 2011 20:16,
I think you have stated the reason that has narrowed your view on this great initiative by the Government.
You see, being "at the high end of hospitality in Australia for over 25 years." has most likely blinded you to all other types of tourism that may be highly suitable and desirable to Timor-Leste at this point in time of its development.
Not every tourist goes on holidays overseas looking for high end facilities. That may come later but right now there has been a tiny but steady stream of tourists seeking trekking, mountaineering, fishing, scuba diving adventures etc, and that can only increase if more people know about what the country has to offer.
To suggest that all types of tourism should be halted or not promoted until such day as the 'high end' tourists are able to be accommodated for fear of scaring future tourists is ludicrous, me thinks.
Shame on you Ann Turner!...I have a pity on you for criticizing this media regarding this publication.
Wayne Lovel, what a ridiculous argument to compare what Jose got in 2006/2007 to what this former miss universe has got. Whoever you are, I think you should learn more! I have a pity on you. If you were in East Timor, perhaps you would do worst than that!
strada deit mos kuak tun sae ona atu attract ema mai timor bele ga lae ? gasta osn hadia uluk lai strda ba mak attract tourism mai ,.,.,.,liu husi commercal sira hnsn minsitru Gil halo ne ,.,,.,.,.,halo buat arbiru liu ,.,.,. keta ministru nia selingkuh karik hahHhHhHh
Dave and Shirley,
Nothing to do with sensationalism when truth needs to be spoken out to the public. We all agree with the development of tourism sector in Timor-Leste. But the development should be based upon the reality of the country. Therefore, any publication made shall not be taken out of context. Don´t disregard the facts that Timor-Leste still lacks of so many infrastructures facilities. Hence, a blur vision will not help Timor-Leste of developing an integrated tourism sector. Instead, it will only bring disaster for future tourism in Timor-Leste. I think Horta and MTCI are putting Australian Miss Universe in between wall and nails. Her decision to accept the contract has also jeopardize her benevolent image among Timorese. Why? because it´s just a publication of misinformation that will take people away from a reality. In my view, it is not the right time to come up with such a high value contract unless an integrated infrastructure in Timor-Leste are in place already.
This is not about Ms Pemberton nor is it about Jose Belo; it is about the lack of transparency and accountability by the current government of TL. No, don’t shoot the messenger simply because you don’t like the message.
Ba comentadores sira nebe aceita ho Gil Alves nia programa ida:
Hakarak hatoo ba imi hotu, hatoo mos ba Gil Alves...!!!
Feto nee mai atu promove saida???
Gasta povu nia osan arbiru deit...!!!
Ohin loron teknologia modernu tebtebes atu halo promocoes, la presiza gasta osan bot liu atu selu deit feto nee mai. ba feto nee bele dehan osan kiik maibe ba povu nebe terus hela osan nee boot demais tamba osan nee povu nian laos Gil Alves nian...!!!
Desenvolvimentu tenki lao mak foin bele halo promocao hodi haforsa interese estrangeiros atu tama TL...Feto nee, imi hotu no Gil Alves bele garante resultadu husi servisu g lae??? Keta halo ba imi hotu atu sai komisaun organizadora hodi han matak hotu povu nia osan..!!!
Imi hotu opportunista, otonomista, traidores, etc....
Horseik hau ba iha merkadu Hali Laran dader tuku 9:30 deit. To'o tiha iha neba. Hau husu ba tiu balu fan hela lakeru ho fehuk nebe foin hatun husi Maubisse. Hau imprimi tiha ona edisaun online Tempo Semanal nia notisia konaba Gil Alves kontrata Miss World bonita husi Australia atu mai halo promosaun konaba turismo Timor Leste nian.
Hafoin nee hau husu ba tiu ida. Tiu nee aruma hela nia sasan atu fan. Wainhira arruma hotu tiha nia fehuk no lakeru sira nee iha tenda okos, hau hakbesik an ba nia tamba hau hakarak husu nia hanoin konaba notisia nee. Hakarak hatene opiniaun husi ema kiik sira.
Hau dehan ba tiu nee ita mesak ema kiik hotu, entaun oinsa tiu nia hanoin konaba governu gasta osan bo'ot selu ema liur atu halo ita nia rain sai famoso liu tan iha mundo. Tiu nee husu mai hau: "Oan famoso ne'e saida?". Hau mos konfuzu ituan atu esplika ho tetum entaun hau koko ho bahasa indonesia. Hau dehan ba tiu nee: "famoso nee hanesan ho bapa nia lian dehan 'terkenal', halo ema mundo raiklaran hatene liu tan konaba ita nia rain". Tiu nee hatan:"ooohh..nee kaaa...hau hatene ona".
Hafoin, hau lori fali tiu nee ba assunto dahuluk konaba notisia nee. Hau husu tiu nee nia opiniaun. "Oinsa titiu nia hanoin, governu gasta osan ba malae atu halo ita nia rain sai 'terkenal' liu tan".
Hau esplika mos valor osan nian ba katuas nee. Katuas lulun tiha nia tabako no fuma dadaun, komesa koalia no nia dehan: "Oan... maun bot Xanana ne'e hanesan nain bot nebe avo lafaek sempre haraik tulun, avo lafaek haraik tulun ba nia atu lori nasaun nee ba moris diak". Hau rona nafatin.
Depois katuas hatutan tan: "Oan hatene ka lae horseik o nia primo Maulato dehan nia mehi avo lafaek tata mate karau lubuk ida, mesak bokur deit, avo lafaek dehan ba Maulato ho sira iha uma lulik atu labele han karau bokur sira nee, tamba tenki lori tun mai Dili entrega ba maun bot Xanana hodi fahe karau nia nan bokur hirak nee hodi habokur no haksolok povo sira. Maibe oan, agora o lori notisia nee mai hau hare, entaun tuir hau nia hanoin maun bot Xanana ho maun bo'ot sira seluk han mos hotu ona karau nia nan bokur no mos nia ruin, neem husik karau nia ten ituan mai ita para halo netik tukir".
Hau mos hakfodak ituan ho katuas nia istoria nee. Hafoin hau husu tan, tamba saida mak tio koalia hanesan nee. Katuas hatan: " bee oan nia notisia nee mak hanesan provoka los hau hodi konta sai Maulato nia mehi nee. Nee mak hau dehan ba Maulato, loron seluk kuandu mehi fali avo lafaek, husu ba nia atu lalika haruka tan karau bar-barak tun ba Dili se lae kanten sira haleu maun bot Xanana lambiska mos hotu. Ba ita povo sira karau nia ten mos ita la hetan. Oan..o nia maun bot sira iha governu nee mesak kanten no hamlaha deit, sira han hotu karau isin bokur, ruin, to'o nia ten no te mos sira han hotu. Avo lafaek haruka dehan ba fahe karau nia nan ba povo, maibe tamba o nia maun bot sira iha ukun neba kanten liu entaun han hotu kedas karau nan sira nee. Ba ita ema kiik sira nee, karau sira nia nia espirito santo mos ita la hare"!
Hau mos bilan tiha ba katuas nia resposta hirak nee. Hafoin tamba katuas hakarak ba aruma didiak nia lakeru ho fehuk sira, nia husu ba hau: "Oan komprende ona ka lae?"..Agora oan sai husi nee tamba tio atu servisu fan lakeru ho fehuk". Hau mos sosa tiha fehuk fatin ida ho presu $0.25 Centimos. No lao dadaun ba uma ona. Katuas hakilar husi dok: " Hare ba sosa fehuk nee ba han, maibe labele sai maufehuk no kanten hanesan oan nia maun bot sira iha governu!!" Hau mos hamnasa deit. Katuas mos hit liman husi dok ho hamnasa.
Moral husi istoria: Ema kiik nia nia hanoin nakonu ho matenek nebe nabilan. No nia mensajen mak nee labele sai kanten ba riqueza ema hotu nia hodi habokur deit naokten, belun sira no kanten sira iha poder politiko.
Although I strongly believe that Ms Pemberton is entitled to put forward any contract or proposition of great personal benefit to her I would question her judgement on embarking on this hare-brained venture given her supposed concern for the people of TL and her own experience of tourism standards.
Ultimately, it is the TL government that must be held accountable for gross misuse of public funds and lack of transparency. Ms Caroline Pemberton has inadvertently exposed further mismanagement and corruption through her honest assessment of the TL government processes. Let’s focus on pressuring the TL government to improve its processes and not on Ms Pemberton or Jose Belo.
Can someone please let us know who Mr Wayne Lovell is? Is he an advisers to the current MTCI?
Dear Mr.
What Jose be might have earned in 2006 and 2007 with various tv campanies I believe was under contract with the various interested parties or Mr. Jose Belo would have been suied by now.
For your information that is different from Ms Pemberton.
As one anonimous said above "Ms Pemberton is paid from the public purse and the public have a right to know. There is no such thing as a confidential contract when the national public budget is involved. Jose Belo as a jornalist has the duty to inform the public.
The plublic also have the right to know if all procedures were followed in the awarding of the contract or was it because like Ms.Pemberton said that is because she is a friend of President Horta. The majority of the Timorese people are sick and tired of the corruption in the government and they need to be accountable. As an adviser to the Ministry what have you got to hide? Remember that no contract is private when is come from public monies. So stop patronizing Mr. Jose Belo and stop insulting him, insted learn with Mr Belo and help him disclose corruption. It is not about Ms. Pemberton it is about how the contract was done and the amount of paid to do the promotion when there is no infrastrure in place to support the promotion.
Hi all,
For your information Caroline Pemberton is no former Miss World. She is the former miss world Australia for 2007 only. The Miss World 2007 was won by Miss world China. So for in my view for the amount of money paid to her it would be better to pay for Jessica Mauboi or someone else better known in Australia.
Maluk sira...!!!
Ita lalika hakfodak tamba ulun balun nebe halo buat sira ne'e ita hatene sira nia istoria antes TIMOR UKUN RASIK'AN. Fos iha rai laran folin sae makas to'o povu kiik atu sosa mos labele maibe nia ba faan fali iha kalimantan ho presu baratu deit. Ita nia ulun boot balu (ministro, Secretario do Estado)uluk dehan merdeka ne mimpi di siang bolong, merdeka makan batu, etc, maibe agora sira mak goja hela timor nia independensia.
Sira atu fakar osan hira-hira mos la problema ba sira tamba husi inisiu kedas sira lakohi rai ne ukun an, sira la prekupa povo atu moris susar.
Kona kasu promove turismo hodi atrai turista ho selu ema nia inan ida husi australia...halo hau nia kabun makili fali. Atrai turista iha fatin saida nian? be fasilidade nebe mak hodi supporta ba areia ida ne'e deit la iha. Estrada aat hela, infraestrutura basico deit la iha, ahi mate bebeik...
Nusa ita la prepara tia lai sasan sira ne'e hotu antes hasai osan boot hodi selu ema atu halu "promosi" area turismo timor nian ba iha rai liur?
Keta osan mak lanu sira ona karik? ou matebian sira mak babeur sira ona karik. Nesesidade basico povo nian deit seidauk resolve hotu, ita hanoin dook tia ona para halo buat boot liu....hahahaha...kuitadu. Ne ema dehan "nafsu kuda tenaga ayam"....
Ministro sira kala osan lanu sira duni ona karik. Mudah2an sira nia neon sei iha, se lae sa osan povu nia sira "fahe ba malu tia mak ne"....
Keta hirus e maluk sira. hau mos AMP ida, uluk hau hili AMP hodi servi povu maibe kuandu ita halo sala, ita mak sei kritika malu. Ami hili imi para laos ba nauk fali povu nia osan. Obrigado....
Viva Povo Timor
Husi AMP nia Apoiantes
Hau lalais liu fo osan $300,000 ba senhora nee atu promove Timor-Leste iha rai liur duke gasta $300,000 resin atu hadia Mari ALkatiri nia uma nebe la fo nem rezultadu ida diak ba povu kiak nia moris.
Senhora ne nia servisu pelo menos bele dada ema barak mai gasta sira nia osan iha ita nia rai.
Osan gasta ba Mari Alkatiri atu moris diak nee gasta SAUGATI DEIT.
Povo kiak no nasaun sei la hetan rezultadu ida hosi osan nee.
Hau hanoin ita persiza duni promove ita nia turismu e suporta governu para halo ida ne'e duni. maibe husu governu tengki fo perioridade ba seitor nebe'e importante liu. hanesan kolegas barak mak halo komen ona katak iha parte importante hanesan estrada, pontes no irigasaun no infrasktrura seluk mos importante liu seitor turismu. tantu gastu osan makas ba area ida ne'e sidauk bele karik. se karik ita bele ona atu dezemvolve ita nia seitor turismu entau ita tengki ba buka ema nebe'e maka famosu liu hanesan Shakira do ke Caroline Pemberton, tamba nia famosu!!
Timor-Leste no need miss world to do promotion for Timorese turims. we can do our own promotion by using our culture or traditional sources that we have to promote our turim. I would like to ask Mr. Gil Alves to understand better before offer a big money to foreign women who do not know our cultures and tradition in Timor. its public money and Minister Gil Alves have to explain to public before offer the job.
Ministru Gil kala laiha progrma nebe diak ba povu iha Timor Leste ne'e mak bolu kedas malae mai. nusa mak osan $300.000 diak liu fo ba povu halo sira nia uma. barak mak uma sidauk iha, maibe ministru Gil ne'e kala durante lao tun sae lahare povu nia moris ka?
Ministru Gil kala rona tuir deit saida mak katuas Horta kualia ba nia, ne mak bolu kedas feto mutin nebe lao tun sa iha Australia neba mos dehan terkenal fali ona no gasta povu nia osan boot ba nia. nusa mak osan ne'e lafo ba katuas veteranu sira nebe uluk luta 24 anus nebe sira nia uma sei aat ne? lakomprende Timor nia boot sira ne nia hakarak saida?
hare deit iha Bali, ema balinesa sira mak usa kultura halo promosaun ba sira nia turismu, nusa mak governu labele gasto osan boot ne ba povu sira atu involve ba promocao turismu ne? husu tok malae feto ne hatene mambae ka baikino ka lae? se nia lahatene oinsa mak nia atu halo promosaun? Gil Alves ho Presidente Horta mos gosta halo sensasi nebe'e atu lori desastre ba povu iha rai ida ne ho fakar osan ba ema seluk in nome de promosaun turismu. diak liu deklara lolos deit ...ami povu kiik hatene hela.
ne los duni, atas nama promosaun ba turismu maibe lori desastre boot ba ita povu kiik. ukun nain sira ne kakutak ukun nian ne kala virus hotu ona.
I think Gil Alves should first update the MTCI website! Go to MTCI website and you see nothing by Gil Alves' face. Not even Xanana has that many picture of him on the government website! Is Gil Alves really serious about tourism in Timor?
Come on people!! Wake up!!!!!!
If you go to Areia Branca, that whole area looks like a poor man's imitation of Bali. Even worse is the fact that the construction of that precinct is of such poor quality that it is now beginning to fall apart. What is Gil Alves hoping for tourists to find in Timor? Are Gil and Xanana trying to con tourists into coming to Timor?
As I suspected this flood of new comments are more demonstrative of a strong, very strong dislike for Minister Gil Alves and the government rather then the issue itself.
Hard to say but I feel sad and embarrassed to be timorese at moments like this.
My only relief is that these individuals are not in any decision-making positions. Easy to see why.
If there was nothing to investigate on this matter, Ms World caroline certainly made sure it got some legs up for the issue to run in Timor-Leste. Maybe even with some assistance from a beguiling journalist, with what she says in the SMH:
''I am a personal friend of the [East Timorese] President, who backed this contract. It will give the country huge exposure as a tourism destination,'' Ms Pemberton told The Sun-Herald yesterday. (Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/miss-rich-in-spat-over-promo-fee-20110702-1gw07.html#ixzz1R9zMsxlZ)
In any country this is a red flag for "I got the contract t because of my connections" and it has to be investigated. How long before the Australian media or any other media really latch on to this article as a cracker story about people in high places helping their mates get jobs? If this had been PNG they would have been right in there boots and all.
Hau husu maluk sira deit mos husu: 1. Ita hakarak turismo saida ati sai iha ita nia rain? 2. Ita hakarak se mak atu mai, lanu teen sira hanesan Australiano sira neebe ba Bali ka ema China sira neebe gosta mai usa prosituisaun? Ita pronto atu simu sira ka lae, kondisoens oinsa? Ita iha ona resposta ba buat nee hotu entaun mak ita bele gasta osan bot hansean nee, se lae diak liu hein tok. Ita labele sai porjetu ba malia sira atu hetan servisu iha ita nia rain. maske sira iha ligasaun ho ulun bot ruma ka lae.
Husi: Fera Lafaek
Ami NGo nee buka osan atu promove ami nia servisu ho komunidade oan ida iha Hera la hetan osan. Agora mak ami hatene oinsa bele hetan, tenke ita nia oan feto ida sai belun diak ulun bot nian entaun ami hetan too tiga ratus ribuh liu karik.
Halo ikta moe ka lae nunee!
Sira oin kulit maher hanesan kerau mak mai foti povo kiik nia osan nee lori ba sira nia rain deit. dada kadoras ba sira nia rain la too ka?
I am a student from Bond University. My question is: Why has the Australian media steered clear of this story? had this been in Fiji or PNG they would have been in there so hard! Is it because of connections and media savvy people working for them?
Just a Fresher.
I think the time has come that we should also think positively, we have been very negative these days. Timor needs to be promoted in the area of Tourism, if we spend $300,000 for revenue that is over $300,000 then lets spend it.
its not a problem we spend over/under, the problem is need a transparent to the public in Timor Lorosae. do MTCI doing this..?
I think, we don't need this fucking girl to promoting our tourism, MTCI gil alves maybe one of aus spy, before he's indo spy,,,,,,those timorese accept this promoting are traitors, you don't have nationalism.
Uluk hatete dehan supermie sei tun ba $ 0.05 cent (5 cent), sei halo "auto estrada husi lospalos to'o suai, sei halo flat (hela fatin) ba estudante sira husi foho nia oan sira, naok 5 cent ba hela iha hotel becora, agora??? Promesas sira ne'e la realiza, ikus mai fo fali osan ba malae sira? Monumento ba herois sira 12 de novembro to'o agora seidauk halo,,, MALUK SIRA SEI FIAR NAFATIN EMA SIRA NE'E? se mak la konhese Gil Alves? 1999 nia servisu ho se e halo saida, nia dehan saida ba timor?
Atu promove seitor turismo iha timor? Infraestrutura basico iha ona ga lae? estrada diak hotu ona ga lae? electricidade lakon 24 oras ona ga lae?
lalika bosok ita nia povo hodi fahe osan ba imi nia kolega, maluk no familia sira? Leitores sira nebe mak apoio gil ne, sira satu perguruan (sira nebe mak uluk lakohi ukun an)...
Nudar Timor oan; premeiru hau nia apreciasaun ba Tempo Semanal (Jose Belo) hodi publika sai kestaun nee. Tamba aktividade nee selu ho osan povu nian (tranparancia orcamentu publiku) publiku tenki hatene. MTCI nia tusan ba povu barak demais liliu FOS NEBE MANEJA ULUN AIN/KLEUK BA MAI/SUBAR TUN SAE nee presija rejolve lai.... Sigundu; Ita koalia industria turimu Timor Leste, inportante mak ida nebe; desenvolve uluk facilidades/infrastrutura turismu ga PROMOSAUN MAK ULUK? ba kolega nebe dehan "" hatene signifikasaun PROMOSAUN, katak ita halo promosaun ba buat ida la dauk iha (MAMUK)nee oinsa?"". Industria turismu laos TEMI Area Branca deit maibe Restourante, Hotel, estradas, no sst bele suporta. Tan nee, kuandu ita bolu industria tenki prense rekezitus ekonomia ( tenki iha influenca kampo servisu, rendementu, redus desenpregu, povu moris diak, no sst nee mak industria). Atu hatete katak laos la presija PROMOSAUN maibe LAOS AGORA, diak hadi'a uluk infrastruturas turismu nee rasik. Terceiru; Timor Leste dala barak SAI TURISTA GRAVATADUS/UKLU METAN HANESAN MAFIA mak vizita ba nasaun seluk, husik hela buat nebe lolos tenki prepara iha rai laran, depois fila toba HADER HO KEDAS PROMOSAUN,,,,,,,wkwkwkwkw .....Maofi Redondo
Selamat Siang from Bali
I think that the exposure and publicity that Timor Leste will get from this is invaluable.
Caroline has a great number of links and contacts in the region and is well known by Australian media and can create good and useful discussion and awareness of Timor. There is already a lot more talk about Timor as an adventure holiday destination particularly in Melbourne.
I can only see the positives in this.
Elwyn Davies
It's very interesting reading some of the mixed comments from Timorese people on this blog. I am currently living in Australia and was interested in this story when I read it in an Australian newspaper as I am in the production industry. To put things in perspective, to film 8-10 videos of reasonable quality in Australia, including camera crew and editing (assuming the videos are of 2-3 minutes lengths), you would be looking at somewhere between $300,000 - $400,000 alone.
If Caroline can get these commercials on one TV show (as it seems from her bio she did on 'Getaway' in 2007), it will be worth millions in advertising dollars to Timor. Unfortunately, it seems that the closed minded people slamming her and the government still have a victim mentality mindset rather than looking at moving forward into an exciting new phase in your history. I say good luck to her in her endevours to get you guys on the map as a tourist destination and I'll be interested to see how her videos look when they are released. All in all, I think Timor is getting a good deal and the irony of the whole thing is that an article saying that she is not worth the money she is being paid has been in the papers and on the radio giving Timor exposure over in Australia as a travel destiniation rather than a place for assylam seekers.
Dear Greg 3 July 2011 08:55
Your criticism of Ann Turner is unwarranted and misinformed.
I followed the discussion from the beginning and Ann Turner criticized TS for allowing some anonymous comments that were demeaning and personally insulting to Miss Pemberton's dignity as a human being.
Fortunately TS did take consideration of her call and others and decided to delete those vulgar insulting comments.
I thought I should call your attention to that in the name of fairness.
do you ever think about how much money spend to send timorese people to other country dancing and promoting East Timor?
do you know how much we spent to bring people from brazil doing te carnaval? or singer from Indonesia to celebrate the restoration day?
guys, we should think clear. this is a part of promoting our country. Ms. Caroline is a famous person, n i think the price that we pay is nothing for her to promoting.
what we should worry about is will she doing it or not?
Hau ema sarani. Hau lakoi ema ida tau kuekas imoral hanesan nee, nia isin mos hatudu ba ema hotu mai hau nia rai. hapara ulun nain sira nia actus imoral hirak nee. Ami Timor ema sarani lakoi imoralidade aat nee mai ita nia uma laran.
from Ken Westmoreland ken_westmoreland@hotmail.com via riseup.net
to jefferson.lee@bigpond.com,
cc east-timor@lists.riseup.net
date Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 9:49 AM
subject RE: Hello from Dili///Reply to Jose Belo of Tempo sent tuesday morning 4am...5/7/11
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hide details 9:49 AM (20 hours ago)
The Australian tourism campaign with Lara Bingle didn't attract attention overseas because of her, it attracted it because of its slogan 'Where The Bloody Hell Are You?' - she was only featured at the end of the TV commercials. I think that Caroline Pemberton would be doing far more than that.
However, irrespective of who promotes tourism in Timor Leste and how, the product itself needs to be improved, and I think Jefferson has hit the nail on the head - it's the infrastructure that needs to be improved, not the marketing. Interesting that he mentions 'Lonely Planet', as it's no longer aimed at just backpackers - a far cry from when Tony Wheeler visited the then Portuguese Timor in 1974, when people slept on the beach in Dili, known as the Hippy Hilton.
I have often heard people patronisingly say that 'Timor could become another Bali' as if that would be a good thing. (To paraphrase a line from the film 'The Last King of Scotland', is there a special school where they learn to talk that b*******?) One British newspaper asked six years ago if it would be 'the new Thailand'. It hasn't yet, and nor should it.
I'm not a wowser, I've been a tourist (no, not a 'traveller') and will be in future. I have no time for patronising Westerners who look upon people in poor countries as needing to be protected. From what? Job opportunities? When I visited Kupang, in the Indonesian half of Timor, the people running the hotel I stayed at felt they were so overlooked, even Timor Leste was getting more tourists than them, never mind Bali! There is cross-border cooperation on tourism on the island of Ireland, and there should be on the island of Timor (or at the very least, visas on arrival at the border). There aren't even flights between Dili and Kupang - even in the Portuguese era there was one weekly service.
I would prefer something along the lines of Botswana, which is geared towards low-volume high-cost ecotourism, though that would require investment in infrastructure - roads, rest houses, etc. I thought of Mauritius as a model, but it has its share of problems with exclusive resorts surrounded by poor areas (illustrated poignantly by the case of an Irish woman strangled by hotel workers while on honeymoon early this year).
While other larger and more established tourist destinations like South Africa and Brazil have more than their fair share of violent crime, they also have relatively safe areas (not to mention better infrastructure overall). However, there are opportunities to see how the 'other half' lives, like tours of townships and favelas. Gated communities may be safe, but they are divisive - in Argentina they are so large and self-contained they are called 'countries'!
Banning cars in Dili is a nice idea, and more straightforward than having a congestion charge or hiking up taxes, neither of which people will pay, but it won't happen. I remember when I visited Portugal, there was free public transport in Lisbon on 'Dia Sem Carros' ('Day Without Cars') but that didn't stop people driving, even though one wag said it shoud have been 'Dia Sem Condutores Portugueses' ('Day Without Portuguese Drivers').
I love this!! Timor-Leste's own version of
"Sex, Lies and Videotapes"
Jefferson Lee spent many years during 1970-1999 fighting for East Timor's independence.......and 2002-2006 for its right for its own oil.......then has been raising money, the hard way for Leichardt council in its partnership with East Timor government to help rehabilitate the Maliana gymnasium. All they wanted was a match of dollar per dollar for the US$500,000 they raised......but alas it is yet to happen. It seems the government has had other priorities.....no wonder he is venting.....and he is not the only one. The East Timorese ambassador gets a dishonourable mention, deservedly so. See parts I and II of his vent below:
> Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2011 04:34:03 +1000
> To: tempo.semanal@gmail.com
> From: jefferson.lee@bigpond.com
> Subject: RE:Hello from Dili///Reply to Jose Belo of Tempo sent tuesday
> morning 4am...5/7/11
> CC: east-timor@lists.riseup.net
> Reply to Jose Belo of Tempo sent tuesday morning 4am...5/7/11 [Re
> Tourism and Ms Pemberton Issue]
> Dear Jeff
> How are you?.....
> WAN$ERS...here and in timor lesters
> Can you tell me how famous is ex Ms Caroline Pamberton in Australia?
> not follow celebrity career paths and do not watch the tv shows she has
> been on. That is not to say she is not "famous". But she never enters
> my radar until now.
> Do you think is correct the former miss australia get contract from TL
> Government?
> What is the criteria for TL Govt contract? How pretty you are? SHE IS
> President RAMOS HORTA HAD ON HIS STAFF BACK IN 2001 when he was Prime
> Minister under UNTAET ...TOO BAD FOR HIM (and for me!) that THAT
> IT IS AN Aussie woman's PRETTY FACE and good figure THAT TIMOR LESTE
> I also suggested recently that for one tenth of this fee or less TL
> could have had an Aboriginal group like the female band "The Stiff
> Gins" come over and promote your country. Nevertheless Ms Pemberton is
> very well connected with the people that count in the commercial media
> industry and may well create a huge splash with her "promos" and have
> mass appeal to millions . But are you going to create illusions about
> your country that will disappoint the army of "softies and whingers"
> who may be the bulk of the tourists who respond to MS Pemberton's
> glossy images? For example, could Ms Pemberton survive four nights in
> the cheapest guest house [EL Jazer} in Maliana like I did?....where the
> toilet and mandy are primative and house mosquitoes friendly? I
> wonder!I suspect even the Maliana Pousada or the European Guest House
> there would not be good enough for her...or the majority of Australian
> "softies"? Does the TL Govt want all Aussies to think Timor Leste is
> just another Bali? Or just another Koh Samui? or what? Think about what
> you have to offer and who it suits! An international push bike and
> motor bike market is your best bet at the moment given the number of
> pot holes on your roads? Now Ms Pemberton is certainly not looking
> there with her film script, is she?
Cont'd jefferson Lee:
> Do you think TL Government well spent these money?
> ATTRACTING TOURISTS to Timor Leste depends on how and where they appear
> on Australian media? If Timor Leste is serious about tourism they
> should be doing more of the eco-village style of tourism in Aturo
> Island, more of the "historic" style like Possada Maubisse, and maybe
> the "Soldier-Veteran" tours that Colonel LeHere proposed for castles
> and caves. for families of ex-soldiers from Japan, Indonesia, Portugal,
> Australia and all the peace keeping countries...and less of the
> "Resort" style "Club Med" at Com where the food (frozen steaks etc) is
> flown in from Darwin and the local fresh market produce is not even
> used.... where a big fence keeps the poor locals away from the rich
> foreigners etc?....If the tourists are not meeting your people why have
> them at all! "Exclusive" enclaves should be avoided otherwise you waste
> a fortune building big fences - like your govermnment depts - just to
> keep all the Timorese out of the picture!
> Timor Leste should only be promoting "backpacker style" or "Lonely
> Planet", low to middle income "adventurous" Westerners....not the Bali
> alcoholics or the Koh Phangang 'Full Moon Party' drug trippers of
> Thailand where they demand all the luxerious of home be laid on for
> them from internet cafes to coca-cola and MacDonalds.....Go for people
> who want to meet the locals, teach them a bit of English and are not
> too fussy about accomodation standards but are still prepared to spend
> a little time and money to generate jobs and incomes for the locals
> while they have a good time.....But until Timor Leste fix the pot holes
> in the roads....and why can't all the villagers be mobilised to help
> put some gravel in the pot-holes?....and.....until Timor Leste put some
> suspension and brakes in their fleet of Microlet buses...and tell the
> bus drtivers to play some Cinquo d'Oriente or even Galaxy...and less of
> Credence "Bad Moon Rising" and that horrible Indonesian heavy metal
> crap over their load speakers FOR THE ENTIRE TRIP....only the more
> "Four Wheel Drive type" tourists will come "for the scenery" but
> probably not for the people...as they drive rapidly from one
> destinatiuon to another?
> Anyway...tourism cannot work properly in Timor Leste until they ban
> cars in Dili...and make everyone travel by push bike or bus as the
> streets cannot handle the traffic....AND....until they clean up the
> swamps and creeks and get rid of malaria and dengue fever....Westerners
> don't mind poverty...but they don't want to get Dengue just because
> they had a week's holiday in Timor Leste?
Con'td jeffersonLee:
> What do you think Government gave her the 300,000 contract for shoot 8
> short video duration 3-5 minutes and act as spokes person?
> TIMOR LESTE GOVT WANTS FOREIGN TOURISM...Australians and most of our
> tourists are good for TL...Most Aussies genuinely love meeting people
> from other cultures and have a great affinity with Timor Leste. Only a
> few Aussies will come to your country to try to "get rich quick". It
> would appear that Ms Caroline Pemberton although she is a genuine
> charity worker, is not motivated by the same sense of "charity" as
> other Australians in Timor Leste. Otherwise she would have used the
> $150,000 to employ her professional film production team to give some
> experience to the new recruits to the film industry from Timor
> Leste...like those working in John Maynard's (Arenafilm) school for
> movie making or the many talented students working out of the Max Stahl
> archive.Why not use some of the theatre and music talent out of Arte
> Moris as well? They are becoming an overseas icon or a "must see" on
> any tourist's itinerary! Why should Aussie filmmakers make so much
> money in your country for such a short amount of work there? Horta
> should have stipulated that each Aussie production crew member with Ms
> Pemberton become a "mentor" to a Timorese "apprentice" while they are
> here! The same with Ms Pemberton. Instead of just using her name to
> promote an orphanage she should be compelled to impart some of her
> knowledge on the "beauty myth" and "body image for women" by spending
> some time listening to Edit and Gizelle and the women from KIIK and
> Fokupus, etc....exploring the problems and opportunities of young
> Timorese girls and women who aspire to achieve the same "business
> success" that Ms Pemberton obviously enjoys in her glamorous live of
> global jet-setting and planet hoping like there is no tomorrow! I hope
> she plants a lot of trees to compensate for her big 'carbon
> footprint'. Her frequent plane trips are adding to global warming!
> Do You think MS Pamberton is have knowledge about this Country?
> No! As I pointed out above Ms Pemberton is obviously good in the "PR
> Industry" and good at selling herself! Your leader President Horta and
> some of his Government Ministers were obviously impressed by her sales
> pitch. But Horta is wrong thinking just because Ms Pemberton works in
> the same arena "Fashion, beuaty celebrities, TV media, etc" as Lara
> Bingle and Jennifer Hawkins that she will automatically be good for
> tourism in Timor Leste. The question to ask is will Ms Pemberton be
> there in three or five or ten years as a life long friend of your
> country and people? Will she be an "ambassador" in her daily life? Or
> is Timor just another box to tip off "Been-there-Done-that" like
> Aussies treat holiday destinations in Asia? Aussies like to say "Done
> Bali, done Bangkok, off to Vietnam this year"
> If I was cynical I would say Ms Pemberton is just advancing her career
> which includes star-lighting at Formular One race meetings and
> Hollywood events. I ask you has Kylie Minogue ever been back to Timor
> Leste since the Christmas 1999 concert for the troops? Has she ever
> mentioned your country once since that visit? I don't know the answers
> to these questions. But I am cynical about the way your leaders have
> neglected their life long friends in Solidarity - People like Rob
> Wesley-Smith and Dr Andrew McNaughtan (when he was alive) and Geoffrey
> McGhee (the oil industry expert) are just three that come to mind. Sure
> Timor wants to make new friends all the time but didn't anyone tell
> them that the Lara Bingle ad campaign DID NOT work in attracting
> tourists to Australia? It got attention for all the wrong reasons. The
> problem of relying on "celebrities" to promote your country's tourism
> is that the Australian media is saturated with "celebrities" and
> "beauty queens" and many of the people Timor Leste want to attract to
> go to their country are simply turned off by celebrities and ignore
> them and what they are selling.
> By comparison Kirsty Sword-Gusmao is highly respected in Australia as
> an "ambassador" for Timor Leste! Not because she has a pretty face and
> good body and is married to Xanana Gusmao, but because she knows a lot
> about your country and can talk about any aspect of your country's
> geographical beauty or the problems and joys of its people.Think of the
> other Aussie celebrities who have been to your country. For example, at
> least Ignatious Jones (the man who did your Independence Celebrations
> in 2002), the famous musician Paul Kelly and the award-winning
> television journalist Liz Jackson( from ABC-TV Four Corners), they all
> showed enough interest in your country BEFORE THEY WENT THERE....that
> they rang up myself and other people and asked what was it like to go
> to Timor Leste for the first time. In other words they did their "grass
> roots" homework by talking to Solidarity people and aid workers first.
Jefferson Lee congratulates Tempo, last part:
> Jose I really suspect that if TEMPO had not stirred this issue
> up....(with an article appearing in the Sydney Morning Herald and Ms
> Pemberton being called on to justify her fee ).....into a
> mini-controversy..... then Ms Pemberton's tourist "promos" would
> probably disappear in the massive wall of images that is the Australian
> media almost without a trace. Think of the film "Balibo" as a similar
> example. Despite having a Hollywood star and winning many film and
> music awards last year, it has sunk without much media follow up on the
> issue of the "Balibo Five" in Australia. The Australian Federal Police
> (AFP) still haven't advanced very far on their inquiries on the
> whereabouts and extradition of suspected murderers from "Team Susi" -
> Yunis Yosfier and Cris Da Silva - although it is now well over three
> years after the recommendations of the Sydney Coroner's Inquest and the
> announcement of the inquiry into the main "suspects" by the Australian
> Federal Police.
> Ms Pemberton's short "promos" run the risk of going the same way of
> falling victim to the media saturated world where people just turn off.
> That is unless Ms Pemberton is very clever and finds a unique way of
> presenting Timor Leste to the Australiaqn market. Whatever the outcome
> I will watch for it. But if I had my way Ms Pemberton and her
> production team would be paying Timor Leste for the privilege of having
> unique access to it's people and geographical beauty, not the other way
> around!
> regards,
> Jefferson Lee , Australia-East Timor Association (NSW) in Sydney. Mr
> Lee has played "tourist" in Timor Leste in 2005 and visited as a
> journalist in 2001 as a guest of Jose Ramos-Horta for the UN-sponsored
> National Assembly elections. He was a L'Observador with "Friends of
> Maliana" for the 2007 elections and came on a private visit as tourist
> in 2009.
> ============
The article below begs the question, can the government of Timor-Leste be serious....they have nothing better to spend not US$300,000 but over two years US$600,000 plus all expenses that may well add up to another US$100,000???????
Give it to Dr Dan instead:
It ain't time yet folks to make our mates rich...........
Death by Power Outage
SUNDAY, 1 MAY 2011
Yesterday while in maternity attending the delivery of yet another mountain woman with severe mitral stenosis I heard the unmistakable wail of death from the isolation room some few meters away.
Baby and mom properly stabilized I immediately investigated and found the lifeless corpse of our 19 year old female patient severely stricken with systemic lupus erythematosis. She had 24 hours earlier taken a turn for the worse, and had either aspirated or become less able to handle her respiratory secretions and was dependent on oxygen to keep her pulse oximetry reading above 90%. Ironically she was sustained by use of the new oxygen concentrator provided by Conoco-Phillips.
After comforting the despondent mother and sister i asked what had happened. They pointed to the cord leading from the shining new machine going to the wall socket, 'power outage'.
All I could do was walk away shaking my head in dismay.
Dr Dan Murphy is the head physician at Bairo Pite Clinic
For a person that admits to not know much about the work Ms Pemberton is producing Jefferson Lee is saying a lot and making a lot of assumptions, isn't he?
Then I detect a degree of the old activism/militancy in his words good and useful back in those days when we were all doing our bit to "Free East Timor" but not so useful to the current situation where Timor Leste looks to find ways to become less dependent on oil in the future.
I guess we live in a democracy and everyone has a right to voice their views on what is best for Timor Leste.
I suspect that is what the government has in mind too since some of its most prominent figures fought hard for independence and some actually fought in the bush and led a resistance war against the occupiers.
Nee hanesan hau atan beik nia hanoin.
First of all I must say that any serious advertising or promotional campaign must derive from a marketing strategy wish in turn comes from a marketing strategical development programme wish is the way strategy is put in practice. It does not seems to be the case as far as I know from MTCI communication published materials and from the present millionaire contract, there is no evidence of any idea of branding, positioning, or strategical development at all, wish are crucial and previous to any film making or Public Relations decisions.
From such principals mentioned above, films are first thought, story-boarded and budgeted to meet all the the marketing plane needs and requirements including those related with their costs. Beyond what has been said, it seems that there's no idea about what films are going to be made once they even don't no their duration. Under good practices the contract should refer to each designated film, referring to each story-board or film name, where their stories, concepts, psychological axes, filming sets as well as the means to achieve them were previously established.
Contrary to what someone said these movies are not expensive, they are for Internet use and usually filmed with low quality cameras and lenses with short crews. What would be expensive is if they were to be exhibited in Television where the price of time is expensive, but this is not the case; MTCI is paying US$150,000.00 plus all kind of expenses inherent to the production of 6 undefined films for the promotion, as written in the special conditions of the mentioned contract: " Caroline Pemberton... reserves the wright to use all digital media produced as part of this contract for her personal promotional use".
I am a professional in marketing and advertisement and my statement is that under this circumstances I have no doubt that the first to be promoted will be Miss Caroline and not Timor-Leste.
Related to the second part of the contract concerning PR other very pertinent questions must be answered. Timor-Leste is paying to Miss Caroline to become its image "model and face" as well as "media-spokesperson"; well, this is the problem: Miss Caroline is already promoting other countries ex. Kenya and Uganda as well as Brazilian products, among others like Antarctica, etc., and this leads to the problem of confusion of identity. People perceives advertising in a peripheral way... — without explaining theoretically it over here — I mean that there's the potential danger of wen watching Miss Caroline (payed by Timor-Leste) she being perceived as the personification of Uganda or Kennia or other image already tied to her person. In fact this is already happening, and the worst of all, it is happening inside her mind. See this interview to were she took with her a photograph of Timorese kids among pictures from and to illustrate a conversation about Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dvTLShxTJY&feature=related .
To finish, as someone already stated on the blog "The government is spending huge amount of money recklessly without proper plans and vision as well as just for the sake of projecting a fake improvement of the nation's image...This project is an example for such stupid and ridiculous economic policy"
Obviously these timorese are in the very beginning and needing professional advisement. Please, get advise; work scientifically.
Qual a obrigação de qualquer um de fazer caridade para o TL? Por essas e outras o Vietnã fez em 36 anos o que TL não fará em 72...
Não é nenhuma surpresa; apenas outra piada no país dos arremedos.
i'm a journalist from australia, i'd be interested in discussing this issue with you further, could you email me at scott.irene@abc.net.au?
desculpa mais rai seluseluk rai riku povo laos moris kasian hnsa ita nia rai ita nia ema moris kiak hahan mos han la hetan kesi kabun fo fali $300.000 ba ema rai seluk nusa la filma ita nia feto maluk timor oan sira mos iha barbarak los n para propaganda turismo tenki ser feto ka mane rai nain laos foti fali feto mutin hodi halo propaganda kona ba rai timor.
corruptor numero 1 maka Georgina Corte Real n posicao directota deit moris luxo liu fali milionarios hollywood sira ka footebolistas sira n halo nusa maka ita nia rain atu lao ba oin naukten barbarak.....
I am from ermera district i just want to say that how come all the leaders did not understand that this small country still less in many parts such as : luck of infrastructure, lack of education, population in the district live by Poverty and misery life ......all leaders just take their own advantages to enjoy their life in this small country ........i just suggest that please find the way so that Timor Leste could join the community of ASEAN .........?????????????????????????????????????????????????
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