Sunday, 31 July 2011

Flying the National Flag on Solemn Days

East Timor government has established a decree law in order all the government agencies to raise the the national flag and and sing the national anthem in every schools and government institutions stating tomorrow.

"The National Flag will be raised on these dates at 8:00 AM, starting next 1 August, in a ceremony to be attended by all civil servants working at the various State Departments, who will sing the National Anthem," said in a press released sent to TS by Council Minister.

According to a press released from secretary state of Council Ministers said, "The National Flag and the National Anthem are the unifying symbols of the Timorese Nation, representing national sovereignty and the independence, unity and integrity of Timor-Leste. As such, they must be respected by all Timorese citizens, regardless of their political convictions, religious beliefs and social origins."

"It is an obligation of the State to ensure that every Timorese citizen throughout the country respects the National Symbols, particularly the National Flag and the National Anthem. This is even more so on Solemn Days associated with important and meaningful dates for the Nation’s sovereignty and independence," the press released continued.

During the Indonesian occupation every monday in every schools and government agencies host the Indonesian red and white national flag and sing the national anthem of Indonesia Raya but today no many Timorese can sing their national anthem of Patria Patria.

The council Minister, "Acknowledging that civil servants have a greater responsibility in terms of giving the proper respect to the National Symbols, the Government has decided to Fly the National Flag in all State Agencies and education establishments on 2 February (Falintil-FDTL Day), 27 March, (PNTL Day), 20 August, (FALINTIL Day) and on the first Monday of every month."

"Any citizens wishing to associate themselves with this initiative are hereby invited to attend the designated places, namely the Government Palace, Ministries, Secretariats of State, education establishments and other State agencies, on the dates above, " the press released ENDS

Friday, 29 July 2011

Se mak Haksumik-a’an iha Tiruteius nia Kotuk?

Filipe Rodriguês Pereira)*

Iha fulan hirak ne’e nia laran populasaun Dili komesa sente tauk tamba mosu tiruteios (kilat tarutu) iha Dili laran. mosu tiruteios iha Komoro, Becora, Bebonuk, Mascarenhas no fatin sel-seluk tan iha Dili laran. tiruteios nebe’e havitima ona vitima ida iha Bidau-Santana no Fatuhada. Ho aktus tiruteios ne’e populasaun komesa hanoin hikas ba kotuk, katak iha tinan 2006 mosu mos tiruteios hanesan agora daudaun akontese iha Dili laran, gerra civil iha tinan 1975 hahu’u mos husi tiruteios hanesan ita rona daudaun iha fulan hirak ne’e nia laran.

Aktus tiruteios iha tinan ne’e hahu’u husi aksaun grupu-diskonhsidu nebe’e husi inisiu halo aksaun krimi ho kareta pajero nebe’e choke no ta’a ema nebe’e kalan la’o iha dalan, aktus pajero ne’e mosu depois de Unmit deklara atu hakotu ninia missaun iha 2012. Maski akontesimentus hirak temi daudaun ne’e akontese dala hirak maibe governu liu husi instituisaun polisial no inteligen ladauk konsege identifika ka kaptura ema ka grupu ida hodi husu sira nia responsabilidade.

Hare ba aktus krimninal iha leten, liliu aktus tiruteius nebe’e ikus ne’e mosu maka hamosu kestaun, karik aktus ne’e nudar nakar baibain ka iha motivu politika ruma?

Resposta simples ba primeira kestaun dalaruma ita bele dehan katak sei la iha ema ida mak nakar hodi hakarak hasa’an risku nebe’e bo’ot iha nia vida, tiru ema ou halo tiruteios tamba deit razaun nakar an sich. Maibe, sosiadade politika iha nasaun ne’e hare katak  aktus tiruteios iha ligasaun ho intereses-politikas. Hanesan temi ona iha leten aktus krimi liu husi aktus kareta pajero mosu depois de Unmit deklara atu hokotu ninia missaun iha 2012, aktus tiruteios akontese ho tensaun ida a’as wainhira doadores sira hala’o hela enkontru iha Dili. No mos, aktus tiruteius ne’e mosu iha eventu politika ida nebe’e mosu figura potensia balun hakarak kandidata-a’an ba Prezidente da Republika iha eleisaun 2012. Kandidatu ida sente ‘ameasadu’ ho kandidatu seluk nia prezensa.

Hakerek’nain hakarak dehan, kualidades krimi hanesan temi iha leten karik mosu relasiona ho eventu politika iha rai laran. Aktus krimes liu husi tiruteius ka forma seluk nebe’e mosu semppre hamutuk ho eventu hirak hanesan temi iha leten, tambane’e ikus publiku buka hakait aktus krimes refere ho kompetisaun politika iha rai laran no aktus krimes ne’e bele mosu tamba mos iha intereses-politika ruma husi rai leur.

Wainhira mak aktus tiruteios hanesan temi iha leten mosu tamba intereses politika maka sei la taka probabilidades aktus hanesan sei akontese pre no pirante eleisoins geral nebe’e sei halo iha 2012 mai. Tamba tuir Hakerek’nain aktus nebe’e temi iha leten hatudu katak politiku Timor-Leste sei kontinua habitua-a’an uza kilat hodi kompete no kombate malun duke uza kompetisaun de ideias. Mos, wainhira habitua-a’an atu buka kombate imajen-ideias ho kilat maka politiku sira iha tendensia atu buka subar no uza kilat ka utiliza kilat’nain (militar/polisia) hodi alkansa sira nia objektivu politika. Maibe, utilizasaun kilat ho objektivu politika iha kontestu nasional sei la la’o ho buras wainhira individualmente ka institusionalmente militar no polisia tau a’an neutral iha jadres politika nasional. Liu neutralidade militar no polisia maka sei hamate espasu grupu-diskonhesidu nebe’e mak ik-ikus ne’e hamosu aktus tiruteios hodi havitima populasaun iha nasaun ne’e nia laran.

Relasiona ho tiruteios, informasaun nebe’e namlekar iha populasaun nia let dehan katak, primeiru, tiruteios ne’e mosu tamba iha grupu-intereses balun uza kilat restu husi akontesimentos tinan 2006 nebe mak estadu sidauk rekolha hotu, segundu, uza kilat nebe tama illegalmente husi rai-seluk. Terseiru, sala uza kilat legal nebe’e iha PNTL ka F-FDTL tamba ladauk iha gestao das armas ka weapons management nebe’e diak.

Weapons management nebe’e diak tenki mai husi governu no estadu. Governu no estadu presiza kria regulamentu hodi regula utilizasaun kilat no munisoins. Wainhira halo komparasaun entre F-FDTL no PNTL sobre potensia sala uza kilat, maka dalaruma membros husi instituisaun PNTL iha liu tendensia atu sala uza kilat tamba instituisaun PNTL rasik legalmente ladauk define membros PNTL ho deviza sa deit mak bele lori ka ka’er kilat/pistola, prezente kuaze membros PNTL hotu lori kilat, no instituisaun PNTL ladauk mos hari palhol ruma atu asegura no kontrola kilat no kartus iha instituisaun PNTL nia laran. iha ne’e weapons management sai nudar necesidade imediata ida atu halo atu nune’e bele hase’es membro F-FDTL no PNTL uza sala kilat no kartus. Governu ka estadu tenki iha uluk good will ida atu “rekolha” kilat no munisoins nebe’e sidauk maneija ho diak iha instituisaun PNTL nia laran antes de halo operasaun konjuta F-FDTL-PNTL. Karik la’e no relasiona ho informasaun nebe’e mak dehan mos katak tiruteius mai husi kilat legal nebe’e sala ninia utilizasaun maka implementasaun operasaun konjunta F-FDTL-PNTL sei opera-a’an rasik.

Relasiona ho aktus tiruteius no planu operasaun konjunta, Hakerek’nain hakarak sugere mos atu dahuluk governu no estadu tenki hala’o operasaun inteligen ho maduru atu nune’e bele detekta ka indentifika motivus no suspeitus husi aktus tiruteius nebe’e mosu iha nasaun ne’e. Bazeia ba informasaun ka data intelijen nebe’e validu maka estadu buka atu tetu, karik presiza hala’o duni operasaun tama-sai bairro ka hili hodi hala’o operasaun ho tipu seluk. Hakerek’nain sente konfuzu, tamba foin dadauk iha parte ida governu liu husi Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa rekonhese katak SNI (Servisu Nasional Intelijen) nia servisu seidauk maksimal hasoru aktus tiruteius refere, maibe iha parte seluk governu-estadu iha planu atu atoa situasaun ne’e liu husi operasaun konjunta F-FDTL-PNTL. Halo operasaun ida sem dadus intelijen nebe’e kredibel?! Operasaun konjunta presiza halo bazeia ba rezultadu analiza data intelijen nebe’e validu, se la nune’e maka dalaruma sei akontese mak paniku massivu iha populasaun nia let tamba deit operasaun konjunta, maibe kilat nebe’e mak sai nudar objektivu operasaun nian nunka mais atu hetan. ***End***

)*  Observador Politika no Sosial, Sobrevivente husi  Komite 12 de Novembro, no Dosente iha  Programa Postgraduasaun, Universidade da Paz, Dili.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Kaderneta Organizasaun Jornalista TL Nakonu ho Valor Mean

Raimundo Oqui

Timor-Leste iha ona organijasaun jornalista hamutuk lima mak hanesan Assosiasaun Jornalista Timor-Leste (AJTL), Sindikatu Jornalista Timor-Leste (SJTL), Assosiasaun Radio Komunidade Timor-Leste (ARKTL), Assosiasaun Fotografia Timor-Leste (TILPA) no Centru Jornalista Investigativu (CIJTL). Entre assosiasaun jornalista hirak ne'e mesak hetan valor mean iha sira nia kaderneta tanba to'o ohin loron seidauk iha membru ida nomos la iha misaun no vijaun ne'ebe klaru. Maske nune'e, tuir opiniaun Presidente SJTL, Sindikatu Jornalista Timor-Leste Otelio Ote atual direktur jeral Timor Post katak “AJTL no SJTL mak organizasaun jornalista rua ne'ebe sai tiha ona membru organijasaun jornalista mundu nian ho naran Federasaun Internasional Jornalista ka International Federation for Journalist”. Kona ba ida ne'e publiku liu-liu jornalista sira fo valorizasaun no elojia ba AJTL no SJTL ne'ebe nudar ona membru Federasaun Internasional Jornalista. Presidente Assosiasaun Jornalista Timor-Leste mak senhor Gil Guterres no Presidente SJTL mak senhor Otelio Ote. Atan hau nudar mantan wartawan STL, Agencia Lusa Portugal nowartawan pemula sente hakfodak no hakarak atu halo revolta tanba entre organizasaun jornalista lima ne'e (espsial AJTL no SJTL) hetan valor mean iha sira nia kaderneta ho rajaun to'o ohin loron seidauk iha membru ida. No liderasan iha organizasaun sira ne'e nunka troka malu, sempre nafatin hela deit to'o tinan ba tinan nafatin, Amin.
Timor-Leste Press Club iha ona desde tinan 2007 ho nia primeiru Presidente mak Domingos Saldanha atual deputi STL. Mandatu Presidente Press Club durante tinan rua deit. Iha tinan 2010 jornalistas tomak inklui korrespondentes media estranjeiru iha rai laran ne'ebe hamahon a'an iha Press Club realiza kongressu ba daruak iha Sentru Juvenil, Taibesi, Dili, Sabadu 18 Dezembru 2010. Orador prinsipal iha kongresu ne'e mak Presidente Republika Jose Manuel Ramos-Horta. Depois diskursu Presidente Horta, jornalista sira ba dahaluk halo debate estatutu no rejistu membrus foun Press Club nian. Hafoin ne'e mak jornalista sira halo eleisaun hodi konsege hili fali Paulino Quintas nudar Presidente Timor-Leste Press Club ho mandatu tinan rua, 2011-2012. Media imprime sira ne'ebe hamahon'an iha Timor-Leste Press Club (TLPC) mak hanesan STL, Suara Timor-Lorosa'e no Diario Nacional no Independente.
Primeiru-Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao lansa tiha ona PEDN, Planu Estratejiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional iha nasaun doadores sira iha eventu Timor-Leste and Development Partner's Meeting. Nune'e mos estrutura foun TLPC, Timor-Leste Press Club dadauk ne'e iha ona prosesu laran atu hametin nia estrutura no implementa planu estratejiku ne'ebe iha tiha ona. Implementasaun ba planu estratejiku ida mak sei haruka jornalista husi kada media tantu imprime no elektroniku ba hasa'e ka aumenta konhesementu area jornalizmu nian iha rai liur.
Durante ejistensia Timor-Leste Press Club iha nasaun ida ne'e bele dehan fo duni protesaun ba jornalista sira nia moris. Board TLPC kuandu rona no hetan informasaun ruma katak jornalista ida hetan krime ka violensia husi ema seluk, sira sempre hakilar ba publiku no Polisia hodi prosesa suspeitu tuir dalan legal.
Organizasaun jornalista uniku ho naran TLPC, Timor-Leste Press Club mak to'o ohin loron konsege rejista membru jornalistas hamutuk nain atus ida sanulu resin rua (112Jornalistas) husi teritoriu tomak. Numeru membru jornalistas TLPC nian ne'e bazeia ba rejultadu segundu kongresu ne'ebe hala'o iha Sentru Juvenil Taibessi tinan 2010. Natureza estrutura TLPC nian mak koletivu, katak kada tinan rua jornalista sira ne'ebe nudar membru ba TLPC sempre iha kongresu nasional hodi hili liderasan foun.
Papel Organizasaun Jornalista
Papel fundamental husi organizasaun jornalista mak atu defende direitu no dignidade jornalista sira wainhira hetan violasaun ruma tantu husi kompanhia media no ema seluk. Asembleia konstituente konsagra ona iha konstituisaun da Republika ne’ebe restaura hikas nia indepenedensia iha 20 de Maiu 2002 ho naran RDTL (Republika Demokratika de Timor Leste). Iha konstituisaun Timor-Leste kompostu husi orgaun soberanu ha’at. Primeiru, Presidente Republika, Parlamentu Nasional, Governu, Tribunais no pilar ikus liu mak Media ka organijasaun jornalistas. Idade demokrasia iha nasaun ne’e sei kosok hela. Tanba ne’e persija tebes ema hotu nia partisipasaun liu husi meius oin-oin atu oinsa promove no haburas demokrasia iha rai laran hodi sai buras liu tan. Media nudar meius prinsipal ba prosesu haburas demokrasia.
Media nudar instituisaun pro-demokrasia. Media sempre defende sira ne’ebe sai vitima ba kazu ruma, sira ne’ebe kiak, sira ne’ebe la koalia (voice of voiceless) liu husi publikasaun loron-loron. Alem de ne’e, media mos nudar instituisaun ne’ebe promove demokrasia ba ema hotu. Tuir Presidente Republika Jose Ramos Horta katak papel media ideal maka atu informa publiku kona ba lalaok naksalak iha Justisa, demokrasia no ikus liu mak kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasional. Nune’e “oinsa lalaok organijasaun jornalista iha Timor-Leste”?
Maske iha ona organjiasaun jornalista barak maibe to'o ohin loron seidauk iha membrus. Nojornalista sira sempre hasoru problema wainhira hala'o kobertura iha terrenu maibe organijasaun jornalista hanesan AJTL, SJTL, ARKTL, TILPA no seluk tan nunka iha vontade diak hodi defende no proteje vida jornalista. So uniku Timor-Leste Press Club mak iha misaun no vijaun klaru kona ba defende no proteje direitu jornalista. Ijemplu konkretu mak TLPC konsege proteze no hakilar ba direitu jornalista Diario Nacional Joao da Silva ne'ebe hetan baku husi membru PNTL wainhira hasai foto iha jogu futebol kopa mundial 2010 entre Portugal no Brazil iha Palacio do Governo.
Kronolojia akontese PNTL baku jornalista Joao da Silva, ba dahuluk ami nain rua hasoru malu iha Palacio Governu nian oin. Kuandu joga hahu, ami nain rua fahe malu. Nia (Joao-red) kaer nia kamera digital ba Palacio Governo parte weste no hau kaer handy cam Agencia Lusa Portugal nian iha parte leste. Kalan ne'e iha parte weste barulhu los tanba joven sira halai motor la uja kapasete no gas motor lian makas. Nune'e membru PNTL hapara motor hirak ne'e, jornalista Joao da Silva direitamente hasai foto. Ho ida ne'e derepeinte deit membru PNTL lobuk ida mai tuku-tebe no hadau tiha Joao nia kamera hodi hamos tiha foto sira ne'ebe Joao hasai. Depois ida ne'e board inklui membru TLPC balun halo kedas konferensia imprensa hodi husu ba komandante jeral PNTL no orgaun soberanu sira seluk atu tau matan ba aktividade jornalista sira nian iha kualkaer fatin no tempu. Ba kazu ida ne'e organizasaun jornalista hanesan AJTL, SJTL no seluk tan la iha preokupasaun. Sira la tau importansia ba direitu no dignidade jornalista sira nian.
Hafoin segundu kongresu iha tinan 2010, liderasan Timor-Leste Press Club deklara ba publiku katak Press Club sei la kolabora no la hakruk ba International Center for Journalist (ICFJ).
AJTL no SJTL ne'ebe nudar belun diak ICFJ nian, to'o ohin loron sira nia total membru hamosu pergunta bo'ot. Sira nia membru hira los? Press Club foin mosu iha tinan hirak liu ba maibe iha ona membrus jornalistas hamutuk atus ida sanulu resin rua (112 jornalistas) husi teritoriu tomak.
Historikamente AJTL mosu iha tinan 1999 no SJTL iha tinan 2010 to'o ohin loron, maibe publiku sei duvidas no preokupa kona ba misaun, vijaun no programa. Iha publiku organizasaun hirak ne'e deklara katak sira mak defende no proteze direitu jornalista sira. Maibe, realidade hatudu oin seluk tanba durante tinan barak ona ejisti organizasaun jornalista barak maibe nunka iha kongresu nasional. Nunka iha eleisaun ba lideransa. Lideransa sira mak nafatin hela deit to'o mundu ne'e naben karik. Ida ne'e mak provoka no kontrbui ba hetan valor mean iha sira nia kaderneta. Press Club la hetan valor mean ka lae?. Parese iha valor mean, maibe Press Club la hanesan ho organizasaun jornalista hanesan AJTL, SJTL no seluk tan. Press Club iha prinsipiu katak lideransa Timor-Leste Press Club koletivu katak kada tinan rua sempre iha kongresu no eleisaun ba lideransa.
Press Club la persija kanta demais ba organijasaun internasional hira mak nia iha ligasaun, tanba importante ba nia mak oinsa nia fo benefisiu duni ba jornalista sira iha rai ida ne'e. Klaru katak benefisiu sai membru assosiasaun internasional ida ne'e iha tanba iha aktividade jornalizmu barak mak oferese ba jornalista lokal sira. Maibe, pergunta mak aktividades sira ne'e durante ne'e fo benefisiu ba se? Keta kada fulan ka kada tinan lider sira mak troka malu hela deit ba halo viajen ba rai liur? Entaun, ida ne'e ita bele dehan hari assosiasaun jornalista hodi nune'e sira rasik mak bele ba hare rai liur no dezenvolve sira nia kapasidade.
Hakerek nain dala barak dadalia ho membru estrutura Timor-Leste Press Club (TLPC) kona ba oportunidade sira ne'ebe oferese husi komunidade internasional. Membru ka lider TLPC sira katak lakohi programa sira ne'e fo vantajen deit ba lider bo'ot TLPC nian, maibe tenke fo vantajen ba jornalista sira hotu iha rai laran.
Koalia kona ba kolaborasaun assosiasaun jornalistas ba debate lei media nian, keta haluha katak TLPC mos iha vontade durante ne'e hodi partisipa iha debate lei media. Ijemplu konkretu mak membru TLPC mos involve iha ekipa preparasaun ne'ebe assosiasaun jornalistas tomak ho parte Konselu Ministrus hari'i hodi halo preparasaun ba kriasaun futuru konselu media/imprensa Timor-Leste nian. Se ita koalia kona ba debate lei media komunikasaun sosial iha tempu uluk, konserteja TLPC ladun kolabora tanba ema sira ne'ebe involve iha prosesu ne'e konsidera sira mak matenek liu, no tuir lolos projektu ne'e Programa Nasoes Unidas ba Dezenvolvimentu(PNUD)/ United Nation Development Program (UNDP) mak hala'o. Rejultadu husi projektu ne'e jornalista sira barak mak la konkorda ho draft lei ne'e. Agora lei ne'e iha ne'ebe? Pendente hela iha gaveta uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional. Ho situasaun ida ne'e mak TLPC hakarak iha ambiente foun. La'os situasaun ida naran-naran deit.
Kooperasaun ho International Center for Journalist (ICFJ) tuir informasaun ne'ebe hakerek nain rekoelha katak TLPC lakohi ona atu kolabora ho ICFJ tanba nia konsidera organijasaun husi Estadus Unidus Amerika nian ne'e la implementa sistema ida diak hodi dezenvolve media lokal sira iha Timor-Leste. Klaru katak maluk sira husi assosiasaun sira seluk apresia tebes ho prejensa ICFJ tanba mai ho osan bo'ot no konsege hari'i Uma Rejional ba Jornalista sira hodi uja no hari'i tan National Press Center (NPC), hasai salariu bo'ot ba ema sira ne'ebe serbisu ho nia, maibe TLPC la kohi mosu ba lasu ICFJ nian. TLPC nia ema sira iha prinsipiu rasik. Organijasaun ne'e mosu la'os tanba buka osan ba nia interese rasik, maibe hamrik hodi sai moru ba interese komun jornalista sira. Karik kada lider kompania media bele hasai sira nia opiniaun kona ba prejensa ICFJ ne'e.
Se ICFJ mai ajuda duni media sira iha Timor-Leste, iha pergunta ida katak jornalista hira ona mak sira produz? Nia serbisu deit ho kompania media balun, ne'e mos ita la bele dehan kualidade media emjeral durante ne'e sempre hamosu preokupasaun bo'ot iha publiku nia le'et.
National Press Center bele hari'i no assosiasaun jornalista sira bele uja, maibe atu ho objektivu saida? Uja atu halo tan saida? Ita hotu hein katak fatin National Press Center ne'e bele sai fatin sorumutu ba jornalista sira hotu ka ba interese ema ida nian fali. Edifisiu National Press Center dadauk ne'e sei iha hela prosesu laran, maibe iha liderasan media balun deklara ona ba iha publiku katak “projektu hari'i edifisiu NPC ne'e mai husi nia idea rasik”. Komik los wainhira ita rona lia fuan ne'e. Karakteristiku ida ne'e mos karik halo TLPC duvida hodi hamutuk tanba organijasaun foun ne'e hamrik iha prinsipiu rasik. Prinsipiu ne'ebe bazeia duni ba demokrasia. La iha heroi ida iha TLPC ka organijasaun ida ne'e la'os ema ida nian maibe membru tomak nian. La hanesan ho organijasaun sira seluk ne'ebe dehan buat hotu ema ida deit mak halo. Ne'e perigu tebes.
Maibe TLPC atu kolabora ho organijasaun no assosiasaun seluk atu uja sentru ne'e ka lae? Komforme desijaun estrutura. Tuir informasaun ne'ebe hakerek nain halibur katak buat ne'e seidauk tama iha sira nia programa tanba sira hamrik la'os ho objektivu atu halo sentru ne'e nudar projektu individual.
Antes hakotu no habadak lia hirak ne'e atan ba dahuluk hakarak dehan persija jornalista sira hamutuk. Maibe, Timor-Leste Press Club lakohi buka naran. Importante mak oinsa nia bele sai ponte ida ne'ebe bele fo benefisiu ba nia membru tomak. Ba futuru jornalistas iha Timor-Leste, ita persija jornalistra ida ne'ebe haraik'an, la'os foti a'an. Jornalista ne'ebe foti a'an hanesan mos jornalista ne'ebe hakarak buka kadeira hanesan ho politikus sira. Modelu jornalista hanesan ne'e mak jornalista abnormal.
Artigu ne'e mos publika ona iha diariu Independente edisaun Sesta, 23 Julho 2011
Raimundo Oqui, eis jornalista STL

Sunday, 17 July 2011

The Beauty of Atsabe

Tempo Semanal

Atsabe is a sub district of Ermera. The road between atsabe and Letefoho is in desperate situation. Tempo Semanal Rava J almost went of the road but before reached the Atsabe town the traveler could enjoy the water fall of "Be Bandeira."

The dying road conditions of Atsabe is good for mount bike but any car could easily damage.

According to Antonio Soares a villager whom met by Tempo Semanal journalist on the bridge near the area said the water came from mount of Ramelau.

"It's a "lulik," (holly) as our ancestors said," antonio told Tempo Semanal.

Atsabe is located in the feet of Ramelau mount with a unique climate. Many of it's people are agriculture. There huge coffee plantation with potatoes.

"Coffee and potatoes enable me to build the house and send my kids to study," said agusto a farmer who is working in his garden before enter Atsabe town.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Political Earthquake: Major General Taur Matan Ruak to Run for President.

Tempo Semanal-14/07/2011

Reliable Tempo Semanal  souces said that the Chief of the East Timorese Defence Force, FALINTIL-FDTL has strongly indicated in public and in private that it is his intention to soon resign from the defence force because he intends to run in the 2012 Presidential election.
(L) L-7, (C) Xanana Gusamao (R) Taur Matan Ruak
 1999 in Remexio

Ruak’s most serious competition on the Presidential elections likely includes FRETILIN’s President Fransisco “Lu Olo” Guterres, current President Jose Ramos-Horta, and the President of the National Parliament Fernando Lasama.  Some indications include that Deputy Prime Minister Jose Luis Guterres will also candidate himself.

According to Tempo Semanal sources General Ruak will resign from the national defence force by the end of the year and quickly announce his candidacy as a civilian citizen for the Presidency in early 2012.

According to Tempo Semanal sources, General Ruak informed the President of the Republic Jose Ramos-Horta in late June 2011 that it was his intention to run for the Presidency.  President Ramos-Horta indicated to General Ruak that it was 90% certain he would not run for the Presidency again.  According to TS sources President Ramos-Horta shortly afterward met with Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao and the Secretary-General of FRETILIN Mari Alkatiri and informed them that General Ruak intended to resign from the defence force and candidate himself for Presidency.

After hearing that General Ruak intends to run for the Presidency on 22 June 2011 President Ramos-Horta indicated that he is almost certain he will not seek re-election.

General Ruak is known to have strong popularity in the ranks of the FRETILIN Opposition but is also known to have strong ties to Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao based on common experience in the guerrilla struggle.  General Ruak’s position as a military officer has been carefully independent of political party position, but it is known that he privately questions the agendas of many civilian political leaders.  According the TS sources General Ruak understands that he can only play a role in national politics as a civilian, so he must resign from the defence force.

Major-General Taur Matan Ruak is a 24-year veteran of the armed struggle against Indonesian occupation between 1975 and 1999.  However, he is not of the older generation who played leadership roles in the 1975 civil war.  He is both of the past and the present and the future.

General Ruak was a field commander in FALINTIL during the 1980s and 1990s.  After Xanana Gusmao the commander of FALINTIL was captured in 1992 and later on Konis Santana was declared field commander in 1993 Ruak was appointed Chief of Staff of FALINTIL with responsibility for military operations.

After Santana died in March 1998 Ruak was appointed field commander of FAILINTIL.

In 2000 upon the resignation of now Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao from FALINTIL, Ruak became commander of FALINTIL.

On 1 February 2001 FALINTIL was transformed into the modern defence force FALINTIL-FDTL.

Between 2001 and 2006 Ruak was the lead uniformed defence leader in Timor-Leste under the civilian leadership of the FRETILIN government. Ruak came under considerable pressure in 2006 and 2007 for the real and perceived mistakes made by the defence force during the crisis.

Since 2007 under the civilian leadership of Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao and the Secretary of State for Defence Julio Pinto, Ruak has made many changes in the defence force. Numerous soldiers have been rewarded from professional success and a large number have been dismissed for misconduct and even crimes that the civilan justice system cannot process.  The defence force is also in a stage of advanced development regarding naval and even air components and is soon the join international peacekeeping efforts in Lebanon in the UN peacekeeping mission UNIFIL.

General Ruak “Jose Maria Vasconselos” is from Baguia subdistrict in Baucau.  He speaks Makassae, Naueti, Tetun and Portuguese.  He is also a self-taught English speaker.  He is known, as being a strong-minded frontal personality who has conviction is positions.  General Ruak was recommended for prosecution by the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry into the event of the crisis of 2006.  He is also known to have fully cooperated with this commission in its fact-finding efforts.  He was subsequently cleared of allegations.

General Ruak is married to Isabel Ferriera of Manufahi District and has three children, two daughters and one son. (***)

Friday, 8 July 2011

Xanana Welcome Rudd’s Visit But Will Have Hard Question

Tempo Semanal-Dili, 08/07/2011

Xanana and Rudd 
The former Prime Minister of Australia and now Foreign Minister of Australia Mr. Kevin Rudd arrives in Timor-Leste tomorrow (09/07).  The Timorese will be happy to receive Mr. Rudd for two reasons.  He is known to be a friend of Timor-Leste, and unlike almost all other senior Australian politicians, he is coming to stay overnight, and will leave on Sunday (11/07) after a visit to the rural areas.

In May 2010 Prime Minister Gusmao rejected to meet the Australian Minister for Trade, and in March 2011 Gusmao also rejected to meet the Australian Minister for Defence on his 6 hours visit to East Timor.  Mr. Rudd is being welcomed to East Timor because ehe has a long history and undertstanding of the Timorese, and is happy to make time and priority to stay overnight with his Timorese friends.

Tempo Semanal has learned that Rudd plans to meet with the President of Timor-Leste Jose Ramos-Horta, the Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao, and the Foreign Minister Zacarias Albano da Costa.

According to TS sources Mr. Rudd will meet with Prime Minister Gusmao at 1730 hours on 9 July 2011 at the Government Palace.

This visit comes a few days after the Australian Government has responded to a review of Australian Aid – this change in Australian aid is due to the initiative of Foreign Minister Rudd.  Rudd has accepted that there have been long term mistakes made and is trying to correct some of those mistakes.  These mistakes were covered by this newspaper in 2008, 2009, and 2010.  Many of these issues caused the relationship between the Canberra and Dili to become bad.

Critically Australian aid is increasingly from $75 million a year to $125 million a year starting now.  However, the Governments of Australia and East Timor have not yet informed the public how this extra money will be used. But it is important to note that an extra $75 million is not viewed as being very much by Timorese authorities in the context of the Government’s current $1.3  billion annual budget. East Timor President, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance have many times expressed concern over the usefulness of international aid, including Australian assistance, in East Timor.

In May 2011 the Prime Minister angrily spoke out on the effectiveness of international aid in East Timor, asking what happened to the $8 billion dollars of aid between 1999-2009.  It is an issue, which Timorese of all political allegiances from Dili to the mountains ask over and over again.

Rudd’s visit to Timor-Leste comes just days before the Timor-Leste Development Partners meeting in which the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste Xanana Gusmao shall reveal to the international community his so called Strategic Development Plan for Timor-Leste 2011-2030.

There are remains serious differences of opinion between Canberra and Dili over the effectiveness of Australian aid in East Timor and the Timorese Government is making its own path to national development.  The Opposition in Parliament has differences of opinion with both Canberra and the Gusamo lead coalition Government.

Of most serious argument is the matter of the Greater Sunrise liquid natural gass field in which the Government, Opposition and Australia’s Woodside Company have very serious conflicts over the direction of the pipeline. North to East Timor or south to Australia.

In 2010 during the public consultation of the Strategic development plan by PM Gusmao the the PM accused Woodside and Australia of seeking to steal East Timor’s future economic prosperity.  The President of East Timor has tried to mediate between Gusmao, Woodside, Australia and the Opposition on the issue. 

President Ramos-Horta has appealed to Canberra to bring Woodside to the position of running the pipeline north to East Timor.

Rudd is in East Timor from 9-10 July.  The Woodside agreement expires in early 2012. There is not much more time for Australia, Woodside and East Timor to reach a solution.  Failure to do so will put the future of Timorese children at risk.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

PM Xanana Will Present TL Strategic Development Plan in TLDP

East Council Minister announced that PM Xanana will launch of the Strategic Development Plan at the Timor-Leste Development Partners Meeting opens up opportunities for world’s best partnerships.

The Timor-Leste Strategic Development Plan 2011 – 2030 will be launched July 12 on the first day of the Timor-Leste Development Partners Meeting (TLDPM) at the Dili Convention Centre. The plan, which sets the course for Timor-Leste’s development trajectory over the next 20 years, is the product of wide ranging research, study, reflection and consultation by the Government of Timor-Leste, country stakeholders and the People.

In 2010 Prime Minister H.E. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão crossed the country, personally visiting every one of Timor-Leste’s 65 subdistricts to discuss the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead for the nation, holding open meetings for inclusive consultation with the citizens of Timor-Leste. From the outset it was seen as critical that the SDP should be a Timorese plan for the Timorese people; a plan “country owned” and in its implementation “country led.”

The acceptance and emphasis on the country ownership of development is now supported by all major agreements on development partnerships including the Paris Declaration (2005), the Accra Agenda for Action (2008), the Dili Declaration (2010) and most recently, the Monrovia Roadmap (2011). Timor-Leste has played a lead role in advocating for more effective development partnerships as chair of the g7+ and co-chair of the International Dialogue for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding. Now representing 17 countries and some 350 million people across the globe, the g7+ provides solidarity and support for all who are seeking the best possible partnerships as their countries say “Goodbye Conflict and Welcome Development.”

The upcoming Timor-Leste Development Partners Meeting offers an opportunity for Timor- Leste and development partners to set new modalities and engagement efforts in the coordination and alignment of development assistance to the national plan. Moving from the short-term framework of annual National Priorities to this long term SDP now enables long term planning on the part of development partners which can lead to a more cohesive effort; avoiding the fragmentation, competition and parallel systems of the past, and accelerating progress towards the achievement of common goals articulated in the SDP, an improvement in the quality of life of the Timorese People and the delivery of a uniquely Timorese vision for Timor-Leste.

Ágio Pereira Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers noted “our pathway to development is one that is defined and owned by the Timorese people, so we can walk together in the direction we want to go. With our SDP to guide us, and as our citizens, the Government, Civil Society and Development Partners continue to share in Timor-Leste’s success story, we express our thanks for the many efforts made so far and look forward in these coming days to working together, looking for new and innovative ways to create world’s best practice in the coordination of development assistance; harmonized and aligned to this new national plan.” 

Today is the AMP coalition meeting and according to Tempo Semanal Source said the meeting is to discuss the presentation the Strategic development plan to the Parliament for approval.

In the meantime some donor countries reluctant to support financially the plan.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Ukun Rasik Aan To’o Haluha Aan

Jose Belo, Jornalista Tempo Semanal (Photo The Age)
KALAN ida, loron rua nolu, fulan Maiu, tinan rihun rua sanulu resin ida, iha palasiu Governu nia oin, ema lubun bo’ot halibur aan hodi asiste programa sunu paixon. Aktividade ida ne’e, hodi selebra aniversariu restaurasaun independencia TL ba dala sia. Ahi lakan. Tarutu, haburas lalehan nia klaran.
Tarutu hirak ne’e, doko ha’u nia neon hakarak atu ba palasiu Governu nia oin hodi halo kontente matan. Maibe, maluk ida dehan festa 20 de Maiu ne’e hanesan meus ida hodi gasta osan wainhira Timor oan sira hahu ka finjidu haluha ema sira ne’ebé fó ninia aan tomak ba obra ukun rasik aan.
Maluk ne’e, konsege trava ha’u nia roda kareta ho ninia lian sadik ne’e. Hau mós tuur mesak hodi hanoin kona ba kustus Ukun Rasik aan ninia ne’ebé hahu mihis. Tanba, demokrasia ho liberdade ne’ebé fó ninia impaktu ba moral no etika, oan Timor Lorosa’e. Hau lembra hikas herois bo’ot no kiik balun.
Iha loron 25 de Maiu 2011, hafoin lori hela hau nia belun Nakayama Tosihide ne’ebé koñesidu ba herois sira ho naran Jose Afonso ba aeroportu Comoro, atan hau hakat liu ba Mertutu, Ermera. Tosihide sempre fó lembra hikas ha’u ba saudozu Nino Konis Santana, David Alex ho Sabalae.
Iha abrigu kmanek  besik posu sintina ninian okos iha Mertutu, Saudozu Nino Konis Santana ne’ebé moris iha Tutuala,  konsege organiza hikas luta ba Ukun Rasik Aan iha parte oeste, to’o hakotu nia iis iha Marsu 1998.
Antes heroi bo’ot saudozu Nino Konis Santana lakon nia moris, nia assume kargu haat iha ninia kabas. Xefe do Consellu CNRM, Sekretariu Exekutivu da Luta/Frente Armada no hafoin saudozu Keri Laran Sabalae lakon Nino mós asume tan kargu ne’ebé ninia belun husik hela nuudar Sekretariu CEL/FC no iha momentu hanesan Konis mós nu’udar Xefi ba CDF. Maibé, serve liu bolu nia nu’udar servidor ida ke umilde tebes no la hatene loko aan. Konis, ema ida ne’ebé onestu. Simples, maibé iha dedikasaun bo’ot ba obra ukun rasik nasaun Timor-Leste ho liberdade ba oan Timor sira.
Ha’u la’o neineik tuir dalan, tanba hakarak rai kalan mak vizita ba maun bo’ot Konis nia rate. Laiha oituan mós hanoin atu sunu paixon hanesan iha Palacio Governu nian oin. Maibe, atan hau hakarak hala’o deit reflexaun badak ida. Iha tuku 08.24 Oras Timor-Leste ha’u tuku tu’ur iha rate simples ida ne’ebé mesak deit. Nino Konis Santana, naran boot. Komandante da luta ida. Maibé ninia rate aat liu kompara ho rate iha cemiterio Santa Cruz. Rate ne’ebé simples oan ne’e, dook husi sintidu katak iha heroi bo’ot nasaun ne’e maka hamahan aan iha okos.
Triste no revolta moral kahor malu iha atan ha’u nia hanoin. Tan ida ne’e, iha reflexaun iha rate simples nia leten ne’e atan ha’u katak:
“…Maun doben, ohin hau mai hase ita. Maibé, ita lian laek. Murak atu hateten deit ba ita katak, ohin atan ha’u mai atu hato’o ha’u nia agradesimentu wain ba ita. Tanba ho maun bo’ot ninia terus, susar no mate, soi ona mai ami nasaun Timor-Leste no liberdade ida. Timor-Leste ohin loron, la hanesan uluk no ema barak ninia moris iha mudansa maske povu balun sei iha susar nia laran. Maun, obrigado wain tanba iha ukun rasik aan ne’e ha’u hetan ona pozisaun hanesan diretor ida. Maibé hau maupagador. Tanba, atan ha’u deve maun wain ninia prinsipiu, moral no etika. Agora, ukun rasik aan ona buat barak maka ha’u kala kasu tiha ba kotuk. Maun, iha Dili ita nia maluk sira mós barak maka sa’e kareta ho folin karun. Maibé, atu sosa deit semente saka ida ba ezekutador obras ukun rasik aan sira mós laek. Agora, ema barak mós uza maun ninia naran hanesan sira nia propriedade atu hadau ema seluk nia laran hodi manan poder para bele karik hariku ninia maluk sira. Maibé, kuitado tebes ba maun lian laek.
Partidu balun pinta maun nia oin bonito oan ne’e, iha espanduk tara lemo iha Cidade Dili laran hodi finjidu katak sira hahi tebes maun. Maibé, kuitadu tebes ba maun nia rate simples. Maun nia rate ne’e haree didiak asu mós bele hakat liu, tanba besik ne’ebé hodi didin ne’e deit fó espasu luan atu asu dolar tama. Maun maka susar no mate, ami maka goza. Ami goza to’o haluha aan tiha.
Atan ha’u se lembra maun nia lia fuan ne’ebé maun doben kasu hela ba hau iha loron 29 de Setembru 1996. Iha momentu ne’e, maun dehan katak, tempu rai diak maun nunka sama ain iha Ermera. Maibé, pela primeira vez maun tama iha Ermera tanba funu. Maun mós dehan, Ermera ninia oan sira kontente tebes simu maun no haree maun diak tebes. Tebes duni maun. Tanba maluk Ermera oan sira haree didiak duni maun. Tan ne’e ho biban uitoan mós Ermera oan sira halo netik rate simples oan ne’e ba maun. Sira laran taridu no matan wen suli duni haree ba istoria heroi bo’ot Nino Konis Santana ne’ebé toba hela iha rate simples oan ida nia laran.
Atan ha’u mós hanoin hanesan ne’e. Tanba, maun nia luta ba independensia mak iha luron capital ninian nakselok malu kareta mesak luxu, deputadu sira simu vensimentu bo’ot, membru Governu goza lerek ukun rasik aan. Maibé, kuitadu ita goza sa lerek maun? Karik iha rate simples oan ne’ebé dala ruma asu mós bele hakat liu ne’e, maun kontente duni ona ho ukun rasik aan ne’ebé ema barak maka goza ona ho kareta Hummer, BMW, Hi-lux, Pajero, uma andar, uma luxu hanesan palasiu?
Estadu ho Governu buka salin osan hodi habokur koruptor sira. Governu mós buka salin osan ba ema seluk ne’ebé koko atu sobu obras nasaun ne’ebé harii husi heroi sira nia mate ho terus. Maibé, ba heroi sira ninia rate triste tebes.  Lalika ba maun no mós saudozo sira seluk. Maun sira nia inan ne’ebé fó moris ba luta na’in ukun rasik aan ne’e mós dala barak ukun nain sira finjidu tiha la haree ou karik fihir ho matan sorin de’it. Maske nune’e, ha’u admira tebes ho seinsibilidade familias Saudozu Nino Konis Santana ninian ne’e tan sira la lamenta ka expresa sira nia deskontentamentu ba ukun nain sira. Maske nune’e, Taraleu dehan ona ba ukun nain balun iha Governu ninia laran katak nia revolta ho situasaun injustu sira ne’e.
Maun, Taraleu revolta mós hasoru Jose Belo. Jornalista ida ne’ebé hakerek notisia no temi naran heroi bo’ot ba nasaun ne’e, hodi faan ninia jornal buka lukru US$ 0,50 centavos. Iha parte seluk, Taraleu mós laran susar tanba Partidu Fretilin partidariza tiha heroi ba libertasaun nasional Nino Konis Santana hodi raut votus. Iha konsolidasaun partidu PD ninian iha Viqueque, Prezidenti Partidu PD ne’ebé mos hanesan Prezidenti Parlamentu halo tan promesa atu harii monumentu ida ba heroi libertasaun nasional hodi tau mós Fretilin ninia naran. Maske, daudaun ne’e saudozu Konis ninia rate iha Mertutu simples tebes no estadu seidauk foti solusaun ruma hodi bele ajuda jerasaun foun hodi onra heroi nasaun ne’e.
Maske nune’e, familia bo’ot saudozu Konis la’os ezijente no la uza apalidu saudozu ne’e ninian hodi haknauk projeitu. Familia Saudozu Konis Santana ninian sai modelu furak ba familias heroi bo’ot sira seluk ne’ebé uza ona apalidus saudozu bo’ot sira seluk ninian hodi buka pozisaun no hetan lukru husi projeitu sira.
La’os de’it la tau matan ba heroi bo’ot Nino Konis Santana ninia rate, maibé kuitadu tebes ba Mae Poco Tana ne’ebé fó moris ba lider no heroi indepenedencia ninian, maibe susar atu dehan saudozu ne’e ninia inan mós sente ona murak husi ukun rasik aan ne’ebé soi ho ninia oan mane rua nia mate hanesan Victor ho ninia maun Konis.
Poco Tana ne’ebé ho idade mais ou menus liu ona 80 ho fuuk kapas rahun, maibe sei bele la’o mesak maske iha kondisaun moras ne’e hela iha uma ki’ik oan ida iha povusaun Vero, Suco Tutuala. Nia la ko’alia barak sei hatudu nafatin oin midar. Obrigado Poco Tana fó ba nasaun ne’e heroi bo’ot ida ne’ebé ami barak maka hahu nega ninia favor.
Triste tebes ho situasaun desekelivru ne’ebé agora daudaun la’o iha nasaun ne’e. Tanba krize moral ho etika halo ema haluha aan hodi buka hariku aan no mosu situasaun dezekelivru bo’ot ida entre ki’ak liu no riku liu iha nasaun ne’e. Ema balun ba sai membru Governu buka hariku ninia familia. Nune’e duni, kualker kompania ruma tama atu hala’o projeitu ruma iha sira nia Ministeiru sei dehan, “sei bele fó autorizasaun maibé ha’u nia familia mós kontraktor ida ne’ebé se bele imi ajuda.”
Jose Belo hetan tiha centavos lima nolu buka tau hamutuk atu sosa kareta foun ba nia sa’e, tanba nia mós maupagador ona. Maibé, hanesan Taraleu sei la haluha minutu ruma prinsipiu ne’ebé maun Konis, Daitula ho Sabalae kuda hela iha ninia kakutak laran…”
Obrigado ba maun bo’ot sira nia sakrifisiu hodi halo ema hotu goza ukun rasik aan, to’o haluha aan.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Breaking New: MTCI Gil Alves Makes Ms World Ms Rich ($300,000)

From twitter public
Miss Caroline Pemberton is a former Miss World and a former Miss Australia.  But she now Miss Rich becuase of Minister Tourism Commerce and Indutry Gil Alves.  Minister Gil has helped her to get a contract from the Goverment of Timor-Leste for 300,000 US Dollars.  This is from the Government of the poorest country in Asia.  What for? For some small amount of videos and some undefined advocacy work.

Has the former Miss World taken advantage of the poorest country in Asia?  Most advocates for helping Timor improve tourism in Timor do it for free or for small fees, but she has charged the poor country of Timor $300,000.  In a country where minimum wage is $100 per month.  She has asked for this money for 6-8 weeks work in Timor, a mysterious role as "spokesperson" with no defined way to measure how much she has contributed in impact to tourism

Miss World or Miss Cash?

Mis World can be seen here.

The full version of the $300,000 contract now online from Tempo Semanal bele download here.

Tempo Semanal in an Exclusive Interview With Ms Pemberton former Ms World was told by Ms. World "how did you get the document, before you publish you need to talk to the Minister of MTCI, Gil Alves".  TS tried to contact Mnister MTCI many times and via SMS but no answer.

At 2327 hrs 1 July 2011 Dili time former Ms World Pemberton sent an SMS to TS "we were in country filming, all over the districts for 6 weeks".

According to the contract Ms. Pemberton is paid $150,000 USD for video filing for 6 - 8 weeks and $150,000 for being spokesperson in Australia.  She says she was in Timor for 6 weeks and this means she got $3,500 a day for making video.