Tuesday, 24 November 2009

10 Years of UNPOL in Timor-Leste: a Failure. Atul Khare in Charge: Farewell Mr. Khare.

Tempo Semanal 
Dili, 24 November 2009

UNPOL then known as CivPOL first came to Timor-Leste to build Timorese police institutions during the UNTAET period from late 1999 until 20 May 2002.  UNPOL continued to have executive policing responsibility for PNTL from 2002 until 20 May 2004.  From 2004 it was responsible for mentoring PNTL until the institution for which is was responsible collapsed as a result of public disorder in April 2006.

From May 2002 until May 2004 now SRSG, Atul Khare, was Special Assistant and then Chief of Staff to the then SRSG for UNMISET Kamalesh Sharma.  From May 2004 until May 2005 Mr. Khare was DSRSG for UNMISET with Mr. Hasegawa as SRSG.  As a result of his failures in 2006 Hasegawa was replaced.  In December 2006 Mr. Khare returned to Timor-Leste as the third choice of the UN to be the SRSG of UNMIT. After Ian Martin of the United Kingdom and Antonio Moreira of Cape Verde.

UNMIT costs approximately 200 million USD per year.  UNPOL’s costs represent the largest single fraction of that overall cost.  Salaries, vehicles, computers, rations, housing, helicopters, paper, pens, radios, uniforms, shipping, medals, and more medals.  What value has the international community, the PNTL and the Timorese gotten for ten years of this pricey police project?

 Third stringer Mr. Khare along with UNPOL bears the greatest responsibility for the UN to fail to build an effective and accountable police institution in Timor-Leste.  We all remember UN Police Commissioners de Sousa, Miller, Peisley, Tor, and now Carillho.  They have all also contributed to the almost total failure of the UN to properly establish and then reform, restructure and rebuild our national police service the PNTL.

 Many Timorese worry that the future holds more problems when it comes to law and order in Timor-Leste.  Factionalism is rampant with the PNTL – perhaps even worse than it was before the Crisis, and likely as a result of wrongdoers not being punished but in actual fact promoted.  Former PNTL commanders Martins, de Jesus and now Montiero either did not inspire confidence, or have yet to do so.  Timorese have little confidence in the police – this is partially the fault of the Timorese – but largely the fault of the United Nations. As they have been in charge for 7.5 of the last ten years.

 In a 2008/2009 an Asia Foundation survey found that those who sought PNTL assistance “report being treated with minimal respect and professionalism (47%), in a verbally abusive manner (15%), and in a physically abusive manner (19%)”.

 But lets revisit the UN role and that of the primary UN leader responsible for building the PNTL over the past 10 years, and man who has been intimately involved from May 2002 until May 2005 – and now again from December 2006 until 11 December 2009 when Tempo Semanal understands that he leaves Timor-Leste.  Mr. Khare.

 On 25 August 2006 the United Nations Security Council passed resolution 1704 in which it mandated UNMIT  “to assist with the further training, institutional development and strengthening of the PNTL”.

 On 11 January 2008 UNPOL drafted a plan called the “PNTL ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIC PLAN FOR REFORM, RESTRUCTURING AND REBUILDING”.  It was never produced in a language that PNTL could read.

 In a 24 November 2009 telephone interview with Fransisco Guterres Secretary of State for Security he said that this plan, “drafted in New York, did not fit with the reality in Timor-Leste.  They were trying to copy the plan that was designed for Kosovo and other places, which do not apply to the Timorese context. The UN Mission just wants to impose a model which we disagree with”.

 Reform: UNPOL have presided over a reform process which has seen no reform.  This is a clear fact.  Timorese all know that 99% of the police officers who committed crimes before, during and after the 2006 Crisis remain in the PNTL – and in many cases have been promoted.  This is clear to all Timorese, it is a dinner table fact.  Just as UNPOL are never punished for their crimes, nor are PNTL officers.  In March 2007 Mr. Khare wrote a letter to the Government complaining about the promotion of Inspectors Delfim da Silva and Jorge Monteiro – as they had failed to pass the integrity-screening process.  Khare was ignored and has remained mute on the subject since.  Ignoring his UN Security Council mandate.  The Inspectors in question are now in positions of power in the PNTL, along with, as we all know many many others in similar situations.

 Restructuring: In 2004 the then Minister of Interior Rogerio Lobato, with the permission of then Prime Minister Alkatiri, and the acquiescence of the then DSRSG Khare armed a series of special police units (the UPF, UIR and UPR) with hundreds of semi automatic police rifles.  This concerned many people at the time.  These people had a right to be afraid, as these weapons were then used extremely irresponsibly in 2006.  After the 2006 crisis virtually the whole country was of the opinion that these weapons did not contribute to building a “community oriented” police service, but were militarizing the police – confusing the military and threatening the population.  Since 2006 the UN has done little if anything to try and convince the police leadership to rid themselves of many of these weapons.  Mr. Khare has apparently never publically expressed a direct opinion in favour of limiting these weapons.  Perhaps Mr. Khare either agrees with the policy, or is too scared to have a public opinion on the matter.  Either way we do not know as he does not speak of such things.

 Tempo Semanal sources inform this newspaper that the current leadership of the PNTL has been exploring further weapons purchases from armaments suppliers in Java.  Perhaps the same suppliers that the riot control water cannon were procured from in April this year.  Is this community policing?  What is Khare’s opinion?  We do not know as he does not seem to express opinions on these subjects.  Preferring to remain mute until he leaves. (as he did in the recent Bere case as well).  Perhaps after the next crisis for which he will bear responsibility for such as the last one he will return as a highly paid SRSG once again?

 Rebuild: The PNTL institution remains weak not only because of internal factionalism caused by a failure to punish those who have committed crimes but also because its facilities and support systems remain of extremely poor quality.  A recent Government / UNMIT assessment of PNTL found that only, according to Tempo Semanal sources, a few districts were ready for handover, despite 10 years of UN Police assistance.  A lack of working vehicles, communications systems, and other support material are almost wholly lacking to most districts.  UNMIT, UNPOL, and Mr. Khare have failed to rebuild PNTL once again.

 On 26 February 2009 in UN Security Council mandated UNMIT support “the gradual resumption of policing responsibilities by the PNTL beginning in 2009 through a phased approach, while emphasizing that the PNTL must meet the criteria mutually agreed between the Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT as set out in paragraph 21 of the report of the Secretary-General to guarantee the PNTL’s readiness for the resumption of such responsibilities in any given district or unit, and requests the Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT to cooperate with each other to implement the resumption process, and requests UNMIT to continue to ensure, through the presence of UNMIT police component and the provision of support to the PNTL, the maintenance of public security in Timor-Leste, which includes interim law enforcement and public security until the PNTL is fully reconstituted.”

 Recent media reports quote Mr. Khare as saying that UNMIT UNPOL will begin to downsize in 2010.  But only 3 districts are ready in 2009?  Perhaps it does not matter, as he will not be here to bear responsibility for the obvious failure to handover when districts are without adequate cars and communications systems.

 A senior source within UNMIT told Tempo Semanal in recent days that “he feels UNMIT has largely failed in achieving its mandate, especially in regard to the reform, restructure and rebuilding of the PNTL”.

 David Ximenes, former Head of CNRT Clandestine network, and Secretary of State for Veterans Affairs under the FRETILIN Government, and now Member of Parliament and its Committee B for National Security, Defence and Foreign Affairs told Tempo Semanal on 24 November 2009, “Mr. Khare did not achieve the mandate given to him by the Security Council Resolution 1704”.  With regards to the reform, restructuring and rebuilding of the PNTL Ximenes told Tempo Semanal that “he does not know what they have done”.  “From what I see UNMIT is not doing their work.”  He added that, "its just the same faces from last time".

 Tempo Semanal has obtained a copy of a recent confidential report written for the UN titled “The UNPOL to PNTL ‘handover’ 2009: what exactly is being handed over?” by the Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum in New York dated 2 October 2009 written by respected PNTL scholar Bu Wilson and Nelson Belo of Fundasaun Mahein a local NGO.  In this report they state that,

 “Many leaders in Timor-Leste...have criticized the presence of international … police. These criticisms have come from the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for Security and the Secretary of State for Defence, the Chief of Staff of the F-FDTL, as well as the current and former PNTL Commander General. These sentiments are also echoed by opposition parties. Recent examples include a blog by the Secretary of State for Defence, highly critical of UNMIT and UNPOL…. and a comment in one of the daily newspapers by PNTL Commander General that translates as “the majority of UNPOL lack capacity”.

This report concludes:  “Although the situation in Timor-Leste is currently calm and the ‘handover’ is proceeding without incident it can not be concluded that the PNTL have been reformed in any meaningful way. The handover of districts will become increasingly more difficult – as more ‘problematic’ districts need to be considered. Given the poor relationship between UNMIT/government of Timor-Leste and UNPOL/PNTL.... it is unlikely that delaying handover would have improved PNTL reform prospects.”

 Further the above report states that “It also appears that many of the serious shortcomings of both UNPOL and PNTL, identified by [a] UN expert policing mission in 2008, have not been addressed. The question needs to be asked why these recommendations have not been heeded by the UNMIT mission.”  Tempo Semanal’s various sources suggest that Mr. Khare holds ultimate responsibility on the ground for this failure.

Tempo Semanal sources say that Khare will be replaced by UN Mission Sudan DSRSG Ameera Haq, and that he has a strong likelihood of becoming SRSG of the UN Mission in Sudan.  The President of Sudan is wanted for war crimes, much like ex-militia Martenus Bere is.  UNPOL, UNMIT, and Khare let Bere go despite an executive mission.  Sudanese no doubt will find this of interest.
Adeus Khare, Bemvindo Haq.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Despaxu Tribunál: Hamate Esperansa Família Vítima Krize Militár 2006 - Edisaun 165

Dili, Tempo Semanál
Edisaun 165 16 Nov 2009

Photo Lista PNTL sira mak hetan Akusasaun

Bazeia ba Rezolusaun númeru 3/2006 loron 22 Augusto husi 3 Governu no kontinua ho Rezolusaun foun Númeru 13/Dezembru 2007 husi 4 Governu RDTL nian hodi hari Komisaun Avaliasaun ba PNTL ne’ebé kompostu husi  Órgaun tolu, Paenel de Avaliasaun, Ekipas Téknika de Avaliasaun no Sekretáriu.

Husi lista 19 ne’ebé fó sai husi membru PNTL ho totál 15 ho konkluzaun Paenel de Avaliasaun konklui katak membrus PNTL ne’ebé iha ona lista ne’e la iha envolvimentu iha kazu ruma ka la komete infrasaun dixiplinárou kriminál ruma iha situasaun krize ne ’ebé hahú iha fulan Abríl, Maiu 2006.

Tanba ne’e Paenel de Avaliasaun hare katak iha nesesidade urjente atu hato’o ba Sekretáriu dó Estadu Seguransa no Órgaun sira seluk atu uza sira nia kompeténsia hodi deside, reativa membrus PNTL sira ne’ebé refere iha  lista ne’e, tuir normas Rezolusaun tuan númeru 3/2006 Augusto no retifika ho Rezolusaun foun Númeru 13/2007 11 Dezembru. Aleinde ne’e iha mós rekomendasaun katak Paenel de Avaliasaun mós rekomenda Inspetór, Sub-Inspetórs no Ajentes ne ’ebé liu ona avaliasaun ida ne’e, se karik loron ikus iha keixa, denunsia no inf ormasaun ruma husi sosiedade, Órgaun Soberania ka entidade seluk ruma, sei loke fila fali prosesu. Númeru tuan 3/2006 22 Augusto no retifika ho Rezolusaun foun númeru 13/2007 11 Dezembru.

Husi totál membrus PNTL 3.179 iha Timor la ran tomak husi totál ne ’e bé iha membrus 81 mak hetan prosesu iha Tribunais too agora. 3021 mak klarifika si ou klaru la iha problema. Maibé, iha membrus na’in 6 sei iha prosesu la ran no seidauk hatene lo loos inklui husi totál membru 81+6 =87 sei kompete ba Tribunál. Restu husi prosesu Avaliasaun tuir Paenel halai hamutuk ‘berkumpul’ kada semana 3 dala ida.

Atu hetan esplikasaun kle ’an kona ba kestaun hirak ne’e tuir mai Tempo Semanál iha loron Kuarta-feira (11/11) hala’o dada lia ho Xefe dó Sekretariadu da Komisaun da Avaliasaun da PNTL no Xefe Departamentu de Formasaun e Sensibilizasaun dos BOMBEIROS e Protesaun Sivíl Alípio José Vieira iha nia knaar fatin Kaikoli Rumbia-Dili.

Presiza hatene la’ós de’it ema ne’ebé iha pozisaun Governu nia laran atu bele hatene, maibé se bele karik komunidade sivíl no po pulasaun iha Timor laran tomak hodi bele hat ene prosesu avaliasaun ba PNTL hatene ona hahú de zde 4 Augusto 2006 iha prosesu inisiál atravesa pri meiru rezolusaun nú me ru 13/2006, ne’ebé kria Komisaun ida bolu Komisaun de Avaliasaun da PNTL ne’ebé inklui Órgaun 3 hanesan temi ona iha leten.

Husi Órgaun 3 ne’ebé refere iha ninia tarefa oi oin la hanesan inklui Sekretariadu ne’ebé nia hola parte ne’ebé rekolla informasaun dadus ho Rejis trasaun ba membrus sira halo karta pedidu ba iha Tribunais ba iha Prokuradór Jerál da Repúblika haruka inisia prosesu husu informasaun publika ema nia naran buat sira nia hotu iha Sekretariadu ninia responsabilidade.

“ita hala’o servisu ida ne’e Sekretariadu mós se para ho buat ne’ebé kondisoins mundu adves ‘sulit’ tebe-tebes, depois ita sei too iha ne’ebá, portantu funsaun espesífiku Sekretariadu nian, kuandu iha ekipa 2 seluk ne’ebé presiza informasaun ruma baze ba dadus atu buka informasaun no bolu membru PNTL atu bele klarifika iha ekipatéknika nia oin atu justifika buat ruma, portantu responsabilidade Sekretariadu nian,”aplika Alípio ho lian makas.

Inrelasaun ba kondenasaun hotu-hotu Sekretariadu iha podér atu hala’o servisu, i depois hakat ba sesaun II, ekipa té knika ne’e ‘mula-mula’ iha rezolusaun ida I iha 2006 hateten tenke iha Timor oan 1 ho Internasionál na’in 2 atu hala’o ekipa ida.Mais ekipa ne’e kompostu husi Timor oan na’in 10 Internasionál na’in 20 at u hala’o ekipa 10 katak, ka da ekipa Internasionál 2, Nasionál 1. Entretantu Internasionál delega sira na’in 20 sira labele konkretiza ho na’in 20 ne’e.

Entaun ekipa téknika ne’e hala’o kooperasaun ha mutuk atu bele tau mós Timor oan kona ba PNTL si ra nia dokumentu s husi k omunidade sivíl balun ma i husi duni Tribunais.

No balun mai husi ent id ade s Governu nian, por ta ntu keixa mai husi fatin oioin balun mai husi Pro fi sionalizmu Estandard no Étika Deontolojia (PSDO) ne’ebé toma konta Polisia ninia prosesu.

Adveses dokumentu s hirak ne’e hotu, faktu s sira ne’ebé hetan ekipa buat hi rak ne’e hotu husi téknika analiza idak-idak kada ema ho ninia prosesu. Pur e z e mplu PNTL nia prosesu ne’e nia labele hateten na ran tanba iha devér.

Entaun prosesu ba kada membru Polisia hotu tenke analiza, la’ós buat fasil atu analiza dokumentus ne’ebé ho 12 ou 13 sentimus ou despara sura atraves dokumentus ida ne’e.

Ekipa téknika sira halo rekomendasaun entaun sira rekomenda ba iha Pa enel sira halo tiha ona iha 2007 ba 2008 ekipa ték ni ka la hala’o ona servisu tanba sira ninia prosesu hotu ona.

Agora hala’o prosesu foti dadus keixa la’ós buat ida  komplikadu katak, hela de’it simu informasaun rejista. Portantu ida ne’e la’ ós komplikadu hotu ona sesaun III ninia funsaun mak todan tebe-tebes.

“ita bolu Paenel de Avaliasaun ida ne’e kompostu husi Juis no Prokuradór sira, hanesan Sr. Eis Vise PGR Ivo Valente mais agora la’o s ona Prokuradór, mais dezde momentu nia sei Prokuradór nia kontinua nafatin tanba Governu fó fiar ba nia atu sai hanesan Presidente Paenel Avaliasaun nian kompostu husi ‘CEC’ no husi membru Presidente da Repúblika destaka husi Konsellu Superiór de Seguransa husi Gabinete PR,” subliña Xefe Sekretáriu da Komisaun Avaliasaun PNTL ne’e.

Portantu sira iha dir eitu, nia mós hatudu ezemplu katak membru Paenel sira mak halo rekomendasaun no faze finál. Depois Sekretariadu ninia funsaun kanaliza tuir desizaun ou rekomendasaun ne’ ebé iha.

Tuir rekomendasaun ne’ ebé Paenel fó ema na’in 5 n e’ebé iha direitu votu ba desizaun no direitu ba rekomendasaun. Iha membru na’in 5 seluk ne’ebé hola parte iha Paenel, mais sira la iha direitu ba votu no atu emite sira nia opiniaun sira mai hanesan observadór.


Ninia Direitus Umanus iha sesaun oioin ho ema na’in 5 ne’ebé reprezenta iha Painél hodi hare no akompaña hamutuk ema na’in 10, mais na’in 5 mak foti desizaun. Agora ba prosesu hanesan ema hotu hatene katak, Paenel fó rekomendasaun iha oin 4.

Rekomendasaun I bainhira Paenel rekomenda membru ne’e kuandu la iha problema, nia bele reintrega ba Polisia sein problema entaun tuir ida ne ’ e bé sira fó ba Paenel atu analiza. Kuandu rekomendasaun husi Paenel Avaliasaun membru Paenel iha ona rekomendasaun ba membru Polisia balun atu pasa ba Sekretariadu redije formatu ida ho sira nia na ran no ID.

Kuandu sira na’in 5 as in a tiha depois seidauk hotu tenke liu iha Sekretariadu Estadu atu nia asinatura finál bele publika, kuandu asina ona haruka publika iha fatin-fatin ba entidade ne’ebé hanesan Polisia, UNPOL hodi hate ne ezemplu ida ne’ebé liu. Kazu primeiru liu kuandu membru ne’e nia dadus tama seidauk sufisiente atu prova sira nia sala, ma is iha akuzasaun, maibé iha duvida loos ka laloos haruka ba iha fatin ida kuandu prova la too.

Entaun Paenel fó sus pende lai dokumentu hodi hein provas ne’e sei husu ba iha entidade sira iha Tribunál relasiona ho ema ida ne’e atu bele hatene iha keixa ruma hasuru nia.

Prosesu ne’e membru ida la dun hodi hein dokumentu seluk, kategoria II no III, kuandu nia iha problema, entaun la’o s Komisaun nia kompeténsia atu julga, kompeténsia eskluzvu Tribunál nian, ida ne’e labele viola.

Naran ne’ebé Sekretariadu publika la iha problema ne’e kazu primeiru ne ’ebé la iha problema sai iha lista. Hodi nune’e Sekretariadu asina no membru Paenel sira asina no publika.

Signifika sira livre la iha tan problema no kategoria II, sira nia surat ne ’e Paenel analiza mais falta buat ruma entaun Pae nel ‘pending’ hela, hodi hein tan buat ruma atu kompletu ba faze III, sira hatene duni sira nia prova konkreta entaun sira PGR mak sei bolu.

Tanba Paenel la iha kompeténsia atu julga sira, so iha kompeténsia rekomenda atu julga ema entaun tenke iha eskluzivu no Tribunál de’it mak julga. Iha oportunidade ne’e mós nia foti ezemplu kona ba Lino da Silva Saldanha ho Ismael da Costa Babo.

Ne’ebé mosu insidente 8 Maiu 2006 iha Ermera hodi nune’e halakon vida membru PNTL Palmeiru Lacerda da Costa husi Unidade Intervensaun Rápida (UIR). No asidente 25 Maiu 2006 iha Ministériu Públiku nia oin ne’ebé hamate membru PNTL na’in 8 tanba tuir informasaun Lino Saldanha mak lori membru Falintil-FDTL ba tiru mate ema hirak ne ’e ho liman mamuk.

Maski nune’e nia hateten informasaun hirak ne’e sai hanesan rumoris de’it tanba la iha evidénsia forte atu akuza ema hirak ne’e iha Tribunál no la iha evidénsia ne’ebé ‘bersifat tan gkap basah,’ bainhira ema ne’e ‘sedang’ halo hela buat ruma.

Parte seluk nia mós hatudu kona ba surat des paxu husi Tribunál Distritál Dili inkéritu númeru 314/PDD/2006 ho nia kon teúdu katak, ante as razoins postas no requireimentu do Ministériu Públiku, acolho-o e, para os fins do artigo 59,2,a,e do artigo 217, ambos do codigo de prosesu Penál, determino a detencao pes so as de nome Manuel, Maupanu, Deinizio, José Budiman, Rosalino, Joanico (Mario), Augusto Marcelino, Eduardo, José Daris, Bartolomeu, Jaimito, Carlitos Lemos, Cipriano, Augusto Mauku, Luis Madeira, Evaristo, Tomás Lemo s e Júlio, rezidensiál em Gleno. Expecam-se ma n dados de detencao. Dili, 11 de Maio 2006 Dora A. Juiza Internacional. Husi buat hirak ne’e hotu nia nu ’udar sidadaun ida katak, ema hotu hatene TL Nasaun adopta direitu demokrátiku sistemada no konsidera tenke iha Justisa nia oin ema hotu hanesan. Entaun ema ida mós la bele kondenadu ‘tanpa bukti,’ kuandu ema ne’e halo duni entaun nia iha kulpa. Depois kondena ema la’ós akuza ema, otomatikamente ema ne’e sala akuza ema ida tenke iha prova no faktus, sera ke nia halo duni krime ida rezulta ba asaun ida ne’ebé halo iha duni rezultadu.

Komprova mais la’ós kom prova atraves de Tribunál fó nia sala ne’e prontu hatene ona. Nia kompara kona ba Lino Saldanha nia filé iha sira nia Paenel, hare la iha komprovasaun ida ne’ebé forte atu akuza ema ne’e.

Maski nune’eIsmael Babo iha duni akuzasaun tama too Tribunál sira fó sai nia naran mais atraves de Tribunál fó sai katak, nia ‘bebas’ komprova nia la sala desizaun Tribunál ne’e absolutu labele viola.

Família Vítima Prontu Halo Rekursu

Familia Vitimas - Kaikoli
Tuir fontes husi família vítima Mate Bian Palmeiru Lacerda da Costa husi inan hakiak Mariana Florinda da Costa, iha nia residensia dalan Remack, Sábadu 14 Novembru hateten, nia sente triste bainhira rona informasaun husi Sr. Ida ho naran Armando fó hateten, prosesu julgamentu ba Tribunál sira hala’o tiha ona. Hodi nune’e nia sente ‘kecewa’ tebe-tebes tanba saida la bolu família vítima sira partisipa hodi nune’e bele fó mós ideias no opiniaun ruma.

Tanba momentu hala’o julgamentu ha nesan família vítima la inklui atu hato’o keixa ruma, entaun agora nia koko halibur malun ho família uma laran mais ou menus halo rekomendasaun ba Tribunál refew hikas kazu ne’e tanba la justu no transparénsia.

“ami presiza fó mós opiniaun, maibé agora la fó hatene ami oinsá ami bele hatene la bele dehan iha prosesu investigasaun ne’e loos hotu ona, maibé presiza mós konvida ami mak loos, se imi la konvida ami ne’e oinsá, agora ita boot sira mak tenke foti fali prosesu ne’e hodi loke foun fila fali prosesu ne’e,”kestiona inan hakiak Mate Bian Palmeiru.

Maski iha momentu ne ’ebá nia ba duni iha Ministériu Públiku fó tiha nia naran too agora seidauk tel efone nia hodi buka pros esu ne’e no bazeia ba ida ne’e sira bele loke fali prosesu ne’e, maibé too agora husi parte MP seidauk telefone.

“ha’u komesa ba iha fulan Maiu too agora la iha rezultadu no la kontaktu ami, tan ne’e, ha’u nia la ran moras tanba sira halo prosesu julgamentu ne’e la fó hateten ami hanesan família vítima,”relembra Mariana.

Nia hatutan hodi dehan sira atu levanta prosesu ne’e tenke bazeia ba kazu ne’ebé akontese ne’e atu bele tuir duni prosesu ne’e. Ne’e duni nia sei hein na fatin hodi kontinua loke fali kazu ne’e, tanba Justisa ne’e tenke iha no nusa mak tenke hamosu fali ida ne’e. Nia kolia ho nakonu ho per gunta no duvida s tan ba saida Sr. Ejídiu de Jesus iha momentu ne’ebá ba kaer kargu nu’udar Sekr et ár iu Estadu Rejiaun III ba hala’o diálogu iha Ermera, i depois Seguransa sira ba ema tolu tiha farda no dezarma tiha kilat depois oho. Ida ne’e tuir nia nu ’u dar inan hakiak husi Palmeiru hahalok ida ke la ‘masuk akal.’

Tanbasá mak sira ezije atu Polisia tenke ba Ermera no sira rasik hatene tiha ona katak situasaun iha ne’ebá la dun di’ak tiha ona. Entaun nia laran moras liu mak sira haruka ha sai hotu farda no entrega kilat depois sira mai oho, ida ne’e mak too agora nia la simu.

Agora hetan tiha ona Ukun Rasik An ou Independénsia, maibé ema sei mate nafatin ho objetivu saida, despaxu husi Tribunál hanesan hamate esperansa husi família vítima no vontade hodi nun e’e hakarak hato’o pergunta ne’e ba ukun na’in sira.

Iha parte seluk nu’udar feen kaben husi Paulo da Costa ho naran Marselina Ximenes, iha residensia eis BTN Bekora, nu’udar povu ki’ik sai hanesan ‘bengkel’ ou ofisina ne’ebé ha la’o servisu hanesan soldadór atu solda metin kadeira ba boot sira hodi tuur ba. Bainhira tuur sira halis ba loos no karuk mamar hela de’it. Maibé, keta haluha tanba ohin loron ema hotu goza ne’e liu husi sofrementu povu ki’ik.

Entaun nu’udar família vítima husi la’en ne’ebé ma te iha Ministériu Públiku nia oin, ida ne’e hatudu manobra no estratéjia husi boot sira nian. Ikus mai sa’e karreta luxu no goza bu at oioin, tau sees tiha Justisa ba kotuk la hatene povu sofre tanba sira ninia hahalok tanba hakarak hadau malun atu hetan kadeira.

Maski rezultadu husi Paenel de Avaliasaun da PNTL fó sai katak, ema ne’e be sai hanesan ‘pelaku’ ba buat hirak ne’e hotu tanba la iha evidénsia forte atu akuza sira entaun sira ‘bebas murni’ tanba desizaun Tribunál absolutu ‘mutlak tanpa diganggu-gugat oleh siapun.’

Maski, realidade ‘membuktikan’ katak, ema mate tanba sira mak nu’ udar ‘pimpinan’ iha momentu ne’ebá. Tanbasá mak as idente 25 Maiu 2006 ema ne’ebé ho liman mamuk hetan tiru.

Nia mós kestiona katak, labele Justisa la’o de’it ba ema ki’ik ne’ebé halo sala hetan kondena Prizaun  tinan ba tinan, ba boot sira maski iha salan maibé tanba sira iha Imunidade ‘kebal Hukum’ sira labele hetan detensaun iha Tribunál. Tuir Lei Tribunál iha simblu ho dasin ‘timb angan’ ne’ebé signifika labele todan ba sorin loos ou karuk tenke tetu hanesan atu nune’e Lei labele halai de’it ba ema ki’ik mak hulan, maibé boot mós tenke kumpre sira nia salan iha Tribunál, ida ne’e mak povu nia hakarak.

Ho lian Melayu katak, ‘biarkaya dan miskin dimata Hukum semua sama’ no la iha ema ida mak ‘bertender diatas Hukum.’ Ida ne ’e mak valór husi Ukun Rasik An. Mai,”ita hotu tenke ‘tegakkan peraturan dan perundang-undangan di muka kulit bumi Pertiwi Timor-Leste ini dengan seadil-adilnya dan sebijak-bijaknya,’ne’e mak lia me non husi faluk hirak ne’ebé agora triste no halerik hela tanba la’en kaben agora la iha nia sorin no oan sira ne ’ebé presiza duni prezensa husi sira nia aman atu ‘mengasuh sira ba futuru, tanba krize militár 2006 tenke ema barak soe hela in an-aman, oan no feen kaben moris mesak tanba ‘ulah dan pembesar di negeri ini.

Hataan perguntas kona ba desizaun husi Tribunál fó livre ba ema na’in sanulu resin lima (15), indika envolve iha laran. Tanba la iha evidénsia ida keforte hodi nune’e fó livre ba sira.

Nia hataan katak, ne’e la bele tanba ema ne’ebé envolve mak fó livre de’it ne’e,”ita nia rai atu la’o ba oin difisil tanba ita oho malun arbiru de’it no la iha Lei ida atu kondena ita, maibé sira hakarak oho malun la iha Lei ida atu kondena ita, entaun ema se mak la hatene oho malu.Tan ne’e Lei ida tenke iha hodi kondena ita, mais oinsá mak ohin loron la iha Lei ida atu kondena buat hirak ne’e. Tanba ne’e ha’u husu ba Governu atu kondena makas ba autór kriminozu sira ,” realsa Marselina(ts)

Relatóriu Anuál Terseira Idade, Iha Indikasaun Korrupsaun - Edisaun 164

Aida : “La’ós Ha’u Mak Foti Dadus”
Dili, Tempo Semanál

Edisaun 164 Nov 2009

Atu redús pobreza iha rai laran, IV Governu Konstitusionál liu husi Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál (MSS) trasa ona polítika ida hodi fó subsídiu ba ferik ka t uas sira ne’ebé ho idade 60 ba leten.

Maski Governu iha inisiativa di’ak atu re dús pobreza liu husi fó su bs í diu ba idozu si ra, ne’ebé kada fulan ema ida hetan US$ 20.00, maibé mosu pe r gunta boot atu resp onde, oinsá bele redús po b reza iha TL, se bainhira prosesu paga m entu ba ter seira idade foin dalan kl aran de’it, ma ibé ema ba l un komesa halo man ip ula s aun ba ido zu sira nia direitu. Agora daudaun pros esu pagamentu ba terseira ida de hala’o dala haat ona, maibé tuir do k u mentu futun ida ho nú meru ref er énsia 02/LTM/LPS/X/2009 ne’ebé jornál Tempo Semanál asesu husi Pontu Vokál Distritu La utein hatudu katak, pro sesu pagamentu ba ter se ira idade iha indi k asaun mani pulasaun no korru ps aun, tanba mosu di fere n sa relatóriu ba alo kasaun orsamentu no mós iha data ‘entry base’ mosu naran deskoñesidu barak.

Hare ba lista edita husi faze primeiru no segundu 2008 to’o faze primeiru 2009, ne’ebé dirije husi Dire tora Diresaun Nasio ná l Seguransa Sosiál (DNSS) iha in dikasaun mani pulasaun no la’ós falénsia tékniku, tanba realidade hatudu sira hatama ema deskoñesidu barak naran iha data ‘entry base’ hodi halakon fali benefisiáriu seluk nia naran. Hanesan iha do kum entu s hateten, prosesu pag amentu ba terseira idade, faze primeiru 2008 iha Distritu Lautem totál ema deskoñesidu ham ut uk na’in 95,  segundu faze aumenta ba 7.41 no pior liu fali iha faze primeiru 2009 sa’e to’o 1.365.

Pontu terseiru husi doku mentu s refere klari fi ka katak, prosesu pag amentu ba terseira idade iha indikasaun korru ps a u n ba orsamentu anuál 2008 nian, tanba iha lista aprovasaun orsamentu hu si Nasionál ba Distritu Lautein hamutuk US$ 1,439,040.00, maibé alo k asaun orsamentu ba Di stritu Lautein ne’ebé DFO simu iha de’it US$ 1,432,200.00.

Nune’e mós, iha relat óriu Distritál hatudu, ors am entu ne’ebé la konsege fahe no lori fila ba Branka s Nasionál ho totál mon tante US$ 182,50.00 ne ’ebé kompostu husi, ‘saldu’ faze primeiru 2008 la uza US$ 2,180.00, saldu kon ti nuasaun faze primeiru no faze Segundu US$ 5,160.00, saldu faze Ter seiru 2008 US$ 165,720.00 no mós saldu ema mate faze Segundu 2008 US$ 9,500.00.

Husi relatóriu hirak ne’e felizmente hatudu, totál saldu anuál 2008 hu si Distritu Lautein ne’ebé la uza hamutuk US$ 182,560.00, maibé iha relatóriu finansia anuál 2008 ne’ebé hato’o husi DNSS iha de’it US$ 166,560.00, entaun kes taun ne’e hatudu iha indik asaun manipulasaun no korrupsaun.

Ho diferensa alokasaun orsamentu husi Nasionál ba Distritu no mós refer én s ia relatóriu saldu Distritál nian, ne’e duni kestaun ne’e la’ós falénsia tékniku, maibé iha inte re se husi ema balun atu halo manipulasaun hodi fó vantajen ba ema seluk halo korrupsaun ba terseira idade nian direitu.

Responde kona ba surat kanselamentu kon tr atu ho númeru referénsia 445/MSS/DNAF/DAGRH/VIII/2009 ne’ebé Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál fó sai liu husi DNSS iha loron 26 de Aug ustu 2009, tuir Pontu Vo kál Distritu Lautein’ Egídio dos Santos Gandara katak, desizaun ne’ebé Ministra foti la justu, tanba la iha relatóriu auditoria interna husi MSS kona ba kobransa US$. 5.00, maibé desizaun ne’ebé sira foti ho di hapara kontratu no fó suspensaun ba Pontu Vo kál Distritu Lautein hare liu ba problema Pontu Vokál Distritu Oekusi nian.

“nu’udar Pontu Vokál, ha’u prontu simu desizaun M inistra nian ne’ebé ha teten, hahalok Pontu Vo kál Distritu Lautein ind ixiplina no kontra estatutu Funsaun Públiku artigu 42, alínea a,b,h,j no m, mai bé husu ba Ministra tenke hare no tetu didi’ak ho di halo desizaun ne’ebé justu no loos, tanba la iha rela tóriu husi auditoria MSS ne’ebé ko’alia kona ba indixiplina.,”esplika Egídio ho fiar an ba jorn alista Tempo Semanál iha ninia hela fatin Suku Bauro Sub-Distritu Los palos Distritu Lautein.

Egídio rekoñese katak, loos duni iha Lei funsaun públiku ko’alia katak, hahalok indixiplina ne’e ko ntra artigu 42, maibé iha parte seluk Lei funsaun públiku mós hateten, se karik funsionáriu ida halo hahalok indixiplina, prim e iru ‘star’ tenke fó uluk ‘teg uran’ indixiplina orál no eskrita, depois mak fó sus pensaun se bainhira funs ionáriu refere la muda ninia hahalok.
“maibé, realidade husi Diresaun Nasionál nunka bolu ha’u atu ko’alia kona ba hahalok indixiplina, maibé derrepente de’it sira kansela ha’u nia kon tratu no fó suspensaun, en t aun tuir ha’u nia han oi n desizaun ne’e la justu, ne’e duni ha’u sei lori kazu ba prosesu tuir dalan ne’ebé justu,”katak Egídio fó hanoin ho laran triste no liman hatudu ba surat kanselamentu ne’ebé hatuur hela iha ninia meza.

Hataan kona ba osan US$ 5.00 ne’ebé to’o ohin loron sai hela polémika iha públiku, Pontu Vokál refere haktuir ho laran triste katak, antes halo kobransa US$ 5.00 ba idozu sira hodi halo billete, Pontu Vokál refere halo mós ko or de na saun ho aut oridade Dis tr itál, Sub-Dis tritál, depois fó koñe si mentu ba Sekretáriu Estadu Seguransa Sosiál Vitor da Costa no Xefe Dep ar ta m entu DNSS, ne’e duni iha ona konkor dá nsia husi Órgaun hirak ne’e, maibé derr ep ente mosu problema sira fase liman fali.

Tanba faze ba faze mo su nafatin falénsia tékniku, ne’e duni Pontu Vokál re fere foti inisiativa hodi kria sistema ida para oinsá bele kontrola falénsia hirak ne’e, maibé to’o ikus mosu akuzasaun katak hahalok ne’e indixiplina.

“Maski uluk mosu as a un protesta makas husi li der komunitariu balun, ma ibé ha’u hakarak ha t eten, kestaun ne’e hetan kon kordánsia husi autor id ade komunitariu sira, ne’e duni iha tempu pa g a m e ntu nian Xefe Suku sira rasik asina mós billete ref ere no tau karimbu suku nian tan ne’e la’ós ob riga saun.” Esklarese Egídio

Bazeia ba evidénsia ne’ ebé iha, tuir Egídio ka tak, kobransa U$ 5.00 ne ’ebé halo ba idozu sira, ha nesan dalan ida atu leno ko r ruptor sira ne’ebé ha karak manipula ema seluk nia direitu, ne’e duni kazu refere sei hato’o ba iha órgaun ne’ebé komp et énsia, liu-liu Provedór Direitu s Umanu no Justisa ‘PDHJ’ atu nune’e bele halo investigasaun kle’an liu tan. Pontu Vokál refere prontu atu responsabiliza kestaun hirak ne’e iha tr ib unál se bainhira tribunál pre siza no sei fó sasin ne’ebé justu tuir prosesu legál.Responde kona asuntu refere, liu husi dada lia ho Jornalista Te mpo Semanál iha semana kotuk, Diretora DNSS Aida Maria Soares Mota hateten, loos duni iha pri meira faze akontese katak Pontu Vokál balu halo kob ransa US$ 5.00 ba id o zu sira, maibé Pontu Vokál refere agora dau daun hetan ona suspensaun.
“ko’alia kona ba karta akuzasaun ne’ebé hateten iha indikasaun manip ul as a un no korrupsaun ba dir e itu idozu, ha’u hakarak fó hatene de’it katak, dadus hotu–hotu mai husi Pontu Vokál sira iha Distritu, ne’e duni la’ós ami mak ba foti dadus no pior liu fali ha’u la’ós ema Lospalos, mais oinsá ha’u bele hatene no ba foti ema nia naran hodi hatama ba lista,” Aida esplika.

Tuir Diretora DNSS, neste momentu sira iha dadus 20.959 (Vinte míl Novesentus Sinkuenta Nove), dadus ne’ebé dezde inisia husu atu ema hirak ne’e kompleta dokumentus, maibé sira nunka iha interese atu kompleta dokumentu s, ne’e duni agora daudaun hala’o hela re-verifikasaun iha territóriu tomak.

Informasaun re-verifikasaun provizóriu ne’ebé DNSS hetan husi Distritu balu hateten, ema hirak ne’e kuaze tinan seidauk to’o, maibé tanba sira prenxe deklarasaun entaun uluk sira konsege simu, ne’e duni agora ita tenke muda sistema serbisu.

Maski dokumentu s ne’ebé jornál TS asesu hateten, prosesu pagamentu terseira idade ba faze primeiru 2008 iha Distritu Lautein konsege identifika ema deskoñesidu inan 95, maibé tuir Diretora DNSS katak, lista hirak ne’e Diresaun simu husi Pontu Vokál sira depois produs no haruka fila fali ba Distritu hodi bele selu, tanba Pontu Vokál rasik mak rekolla dadus, ne’e duni ema deskoñesidu hirak ne’e mai husi ne’e be no se mak hatama.

“ha’u la sente iha ema deskoñesidu, maibé derrepente de’it sira dehan ema la ba simu, entaun ida ne’e mak sai pr eokupasaun ba ami “tanbasá ema ne’e la mai simu ninia direitu” tenik Diretora ne’e ho lian makas

Husu kona ba apro va saun orsamentu husi Nasionál ba Distritu Lau tein ne’ebé diferente ho osan ne’ebé DFO simu iha Distritu, maibé Diretora ne’e esplika, “ami nunka aprova orsamentu ba ka da Distritu, tanba buat hotu depende ba dadus no MSS nunka kaer osan,”akresenta nia.

Diretora argumenta, la’ós funsionáriu DNSS mak diretamente ba selu ido zu sira, maibé diresaun hato’o de’it proposta ba Minis teriál Finansas d e pois Finansas mak ba selu, ne’e duni funsionáriu DNSS nunka fahe osan.

Maibé, atu garantia tran sparénsia iha prosesu pagamentu nia laran, Ministériu Finansas ba selu ema no MSS mak kaer lista, atu nune’e bele halo ‘kecocokan’ ho relatóriu ne’ebé iha. “maski prosesu CVP no buat hotu. halo iha MSS, maibé MSS rasik nunka kaer osan, tanba ofisial fi n ansas iha Distritál mak kaer osan, ne’e duni ami si mu de’it relatóriu atu nune’e ita bele kontrola ma lu,”klarifika Diretora ne’e. Hataan kona ba infor ma saun ne’ebé hateten, kobransa ba US$ 5.00 hetan konkordánsia husi DNSS, maibé Diretora ne’e ho fiar an no sadik Pontu Vokál Distritu Lautein atu hatudu evidénsia kona ba karta konkordánsia.

Tanba Pontu Vokál refe re hetan ona susp en s aun, ne’e duni agora da u daun funsionáriu DNSS mak diretamente ba kedas Distritu hodi hala’o knaar ida ne’e no hein prosesu tuir mai.Entretantu iha Seg u n da-feira, 9 Nov embru iha edifísiu MSS Kaikoli-Dili res ponde ba kestaun hane sa n tuir Inspetór Aud it oria Inte rn a MSS Júlio Alves Ribeiro ba TS hate te n, ha nesan Inspesaun Audit or ia interna iha MSS, sira sempre hala’o nafatin kon trola saun ba serbisu MS S nian, ne’e duni rela s iona ho kazu ne’ebé ako ntese iha Distritu Lautein husi ninia parte hala’o ona Inspesaun no investi ga s a un.Rezultadu Inspesaun ha tudu katak, atitude ne’ebé Pontu Vokál Distritu Lautein Egídio dos Santos Gandara halo kontra Lei Funsaun Púb li ku tanba nia halo akordu eskrita ida tuir ninia inis iativa rasik ne ’ebé uza ‘Logo’ Minist ér iu nian, ma ibé la iha la iha au tor iz asaun husi nas io n ál.“tuir dokumentu ne’ ebé Inspetór Auditoria Interna MSS hare, buat ne’ ebé Pontu Vokál halo ne’e inisiativa ida ke di’ak, tanba bele kontrola dadus ne’ebé dala ruma la hanesan iha prosesu pag am e ntu nia laran, maibé tanba la tuir prosedimentu no Lei ne ’ ebé vigora iha Ministériu, ne’e duni sira kon sidera ha halok refere viola prosedimentu legál ne’ebé iha. Hataan kona ba infor m asa un ne’ebé hateten kobransa US$ 5.00 hetan kon kordánsia husi Sekretaria Estadu no DNSS, maibé, Ins petór Auditoria Inter na MSS ne’e eskl ar ese, “tuir buat ne’ebé Sekret ár iu Estadu hateten, loos duni momentu ne’ebá Sekretáriu Estadu iha Lautein, maibé nia la en volve hodi halo akordu eskrita ida ne’e.”“atu fó suspensaun ba funsionáriu ida ne’ebé envolve iha hahalok indixiplina, la’ós Gabinete Inspesaun Auditoria nia kompeténsia, tanba ami so halo de’it investigasaun no hato’o rekomendasaun ba Ministra tuir rezultadu investigasaun, depois mak Ministra foti desizaun ,”esklarese Inspetór ne’e.

Bainhira husu kona ba dokumentu s ne’ebé ha tudu katak, alokasaun orsamentu husi Nasionál ba Distritu no mós relatóriu Distritál ne’ebé diferente ho relatóriu anuál finansia nian, maibé Insp etór Auditoria hateten, husi nia parte mós rona ona informasaun hirak ne’e, soke seidauk halo investigasaun kle’an.

Tuir regra internu auditoria, kestaun ne’ebé Gabinete Inspesaun foti nu’udar segredu entre ekipa auditoria ho Mini stra, ne’e duni ami la dire tamente fó karta ba Pontu Vokál,”hakotu Inspetór refere. (ts)

Taur Halo UNMIT Tilun Mean - Edisaun 164

Dili, Tempo Semanal
Edisaun 164 11 Nov 2009

Iha Forum Governasaun Demokrátiku (FGD) ne’ebé organiza husi UNMIT ba dala hitu iha Otél Timor Dili, loron Kinta (06/11) aprezenta oradór na’in importante na’in rua maka Sekretáriu Estadu Defeza Júlio Tomás Pinto ho Komandante F-FDTL Brigadeiru Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak. Forum ne’e loke husi reprezentante SRGS Sr. Kawa Kami ne’e tuur iha meza ketak ida iha liman karuk no orador na’in rua ne’e tuur iha sentrál ho spanduk maka hakerek FGD hale’u ho bandeira ONU no bandeira nasionál Timor Leste ninian. Tuir mai transkrisaun balun husi lia menon aprezentasaun ho onestidade hanoin balun maka bazea ba faktus, eis Xefe Estadu Maior das Falintil ne’e halo audiensia sira nia oin mean, hamnasa la midar no basa liman ho obriga aan de’it.

Katak halo buat ida foo sai lai iha jornál no média maka halo. Maibé daudaun ne’e iha evolusaun ida ne’e di’ak, liu-liu relasaun ne’ebé tenta atu harii ho FDTL. “ha’u agradese ba ita boot sira. Ita boot sira hatene, ami la iha esperiénsia barak kona ba oin saa maka harii forsa Armadas, mas ami iha konxiensia katak, kuandu mais ita halo buat ida ho konsistente no ho sistemátiku ne’e bele ajuda halo dezenvolvimentu ida di’ak liu no bele responde preokupasaun no hakarak ema hotu-hotu nian kona ba harii no dezenvolve FDTL. 

Taur Matan Ruak hahú ko’alia ho hatún ninia an rasik hodi dehan, “Ha’u dezeju uitoan loos, tan ba ha’u haree ne’e personalidade importante de’it maka tuur iha ne’e. I ha’u preokupa loos orsida halo perguntas ne’e ha’u iha kbiit atu responde ou lae,” partisipante sira simu ho hamnasa. 

Tuir eis komandante Gerrilla ne’ebé han mohu kombili no rusa durante tinan 24 ne’e husu laran luak husi matenek na’in sira ne’e atu iha sesaun perguntas resposta labele halo susar nian. “Ne’ebé se ita boot sira se Jenerozu uitoan favor ida, ida ne’ebé difisil liu ne’e subar tiha no foo ida fasil ba ha’u para responde,” apela Taur. 

Nia mos fo agradese ba inisiativa ONU nian ne’e. “em primeiru lugar ha’u hakarak agradese Nasoins Unidas tanba bele organiza forum ne’e hodi fo oportunidade mai ha’u ho Sr. Sekretáriu Estadu troka ideias ho ita boot sira”.

Lider militár ne’e hatutan ninia lia fuan hodi halo ONU ninia tilun mean. “Ha’u krítiku liu ba Nasoins Unidas, liu-liu bainhira kuandu halo asaun ruma la’ós konsekuente. Katak halo dala ida, sai tiha iha jornál, sai tiha iha televizaun foin ita pasu. Ha’u kontra i la gosta ida ne’e.”

Mas antes ha’u ba ko’alia kona ba asuntus FDTL ou Forsas Armadas nian no pergunta ne’ebé lee iha jornál iha pergunta tolu i ohin Sr. Sekretáriu Estadu mos Subliña. Ha’u reforsa uitoan Sr. Sekretáriu Estadu ko’alia mos uitoan hodi halo Perguntas ruma ba ita boot sira hanesan parte reflesaun demokrasia. Ita boot sira hatene ha’u ho ha’u nia kompaineiru sira, Primereiru Ministru funu iha ai laran vinte Kuatru anos. Kuandu ami funu ba Demokrasia nein país hotu-hotu demokrátiku la apoiu ami. Ne’e halo ami ohin sente...sente hanesan buat ida ke moras eehh..moras...laran moras, purke tuir momentu ne’ebé ami presiza maka ema ida la loke liman ba ami. Entaun ba ida ne’e ha’u halo Perguntas balun ba ita boot sira hanesan reflesaun kona ba demokrasia. Primeira pergunta, Demokrasia ba Timor-Leste ne’e opsaun ka eskoila (hili). Simu ho hamnasa no pasa liman husi audiénsia sira. Taur haktuir dehan, Mas liu-liu ba Timor oan sira mas tanbem ha’u hakarak internasionál sira bele reflesaun mos.
Segundu pergunta, demokrasia ne’e kultura, valór ou prinsípiu. Terseiru pergunta, too ohin loron país hira maka iha mundu ne’e liu-liu maka kondisoeins para bele avalia katak nia realmente i um país demokrátiku. Kuartu Pergunta, Ita boot sira preve nos prósimu vinte a trinta anos qual seria a evolusaun de demokrasia. Ita boot sira hatene kee analista sira dehan hanesan ne’e, ate 2027 propavelmente acina senior pior o que pais mais poderoso do mundu ultrapasando. 

Pais ne’ebé poderoso normalmente nia infleunsia mentalidade dezenvolvimentu iha mundu. Ema dala ruma akuza pais europeu no Estadu Unidus dehan impoin kultura europeu osidentál ou Amerikana ninian. Ne’e halo reflesaun de’it. Ha’u komu gosta sr. Sekretáriu Estadu dehan hanesan ne’e, bele hatene polítika mas labele halo polítika entaun ha’u hatene ko’alia de’it, la halo ita boot sira maka halo. Audiénsia simu ho hamnasa lian maka’as......hahahahahaahahaha maibé ema balun sente liu fuan ne’e sokar i halo sira nia oin sin uitoan. Maiske hetan reasaun mistura maibé Brigadeiru Ruak ho oin midar hateten, “Obrigadu.” 

Ita boot sira halo pergunta difisil loos ba ha’u. Kuandu husu ba ha’u papél forsas armadas ninian ne’e oin saa. Ha’u dehan difisil tanba normalmente, se maka define papél forsa armadas saun os politicos, polítikus sira nao os militares ka la’ós militár sira maka husu dehan hanesan ne’e, ha’u hakarak halo hanesan ne’e. E entaun ita boot kuandu husu ba ha’u, (ne’e hanesan) ita boot sira Sandra ha’u. Dala ruma dudu ha’u ba sala ruma tan. Ha’u lahatene ita boot sira ninia intensaun ne’e. Mas la monu ba tentasaun atu halo responde ho respostas kuandu ha’u sente katak resposta bele kompromete ha’u nia kredibilidade.
Mas nune’e ha’u bele ko’alia uitoan kona ba esforsu saa ida no preokupasaun saa ida aliás preokupasaun saida maka FDTL ka FALINTIL iha dezde halo tranzisaun iha 2001 mai oin. Ita boot sira hatene Falintil iha istória ida. I ninia evolusaun ne’e kuaze pokus países iha mundu maka talvez iha priviléjiu ida halo evolusaun ida hanesan ne’e. 

Primeiru, Primeira faze nia reu, segunda faze irregulár, terseira faze Téknika i jestor militár, evolusaun tama iha ida ne’e. Ha’u la hatene iha país osidentál hotu-hotu iha priviléjiu halo evolusaun ida hanesan ne’e. I mas ee termus de supervizaun polítika FALINTIL pasa hotu. Supervizaun partidu úniku autoritáriu i depois mais evolusaun para multipartidáriu i ikus para depois determina apartidarizasaun das forsas armadas. Purke evolusaun siklu sira ne’e halo kompletamente emblema guera iha funu nia laran. 

Ita boot sira haree dala ruma ha’u dehan hanesan ne’e, kuandu ami iha ai laran ami iha polítikus ke muitu intelektu, pensador, pela au espíritu domina situasaun au Timor, domina situasaun área, domina situasaun konjuntura Mundiál para halo aliterasaun. polítika au longu de evolusaun konjuntura Timor nian atu bele adapta an ba konjuntura rejionál no Mundiál. Ne’e signifika katak ema sira ne’ebé partisipa iha evolusaun sira ne’e hatene saida maka sira halo. E entaun instituisaun ida ne’e iha priviléjiu pasa ida ne’e. Tanba ida ne’e maka indonézia dehan hati-hati, muito atensaun, muito kuidadu kuandu fo pasu iha evolusaun de dezenvolvimentu FALINTIL ninian. La impresiona ho Teoria ka ho konsepsoens ida ka konseitus ne’ebé introdús mas pasu a pasu tenta perseve realidade Timor nian, evolusaun Timor nian no adapta ba evolusaun mundu nian. Mas depois de harii forsa armadas preokupasaun ami nia saa ida? Tuir Taur esplika preokupasaun fundamentalmente hale’u asuntu importante rua. Ida estrutura konseptual ba dezenvolvimentu Forsa nian. Forsa saida maka hakarak?, tanba sa ida maka tenke iha forsa?, nia sei halo saida?, nia dezenvolvimentu ne’e la’o oin sa?, presiza ema hira?, ne’e kona ba uza konseitu nian.
“Ita boot sira hatene evolusaun dezenvolvimentu Forsa Armadas Timor nian, kuandu halo tranzisaun bazea ba estudu Kings College. Saida maka ami haree iha Kings College? Tuir Brigadeiru Ruak katak, “Estudu Kings College la kompleta. Sira subar fundamentu i sira fo sira nia konkluzaun. 

Ne’e hanesan halo uma ida ema lori tiha planta depois haruka ita halo uma. Uma sein planta la iha dalan atu sa’e. 

Entaun saida maka ami halo? kria grupu ida para aprezenta estudu ida ke komplementa estudu Kings College ne’ebé ke bolu estudu 2020. Iha ne’e define grande linas ba dezenvolvimentu forsa nian. Ne’e primeiru lugar evita arbitrariedade, een segundu lugar garante konsistente para kuandu hala’o apersesaun dehan hanesan ne’e 2020 e muito ambisiozu. Realmente muito ambisiozu. Mas era ambisaun i realidade kapasidade? Rua ne’e ida sei determina. Tan ba ne’e sonhar nao mao. E bom, saodavel. 

Segundu kestaun, de estrutura legál. Atravesa de estrutura legál maka estadu ka orgauns importante soberanu nasaun nian bele hateten no define saida maka FDTL tenke halo, no saida maka labele halo. Ita boot sira haree no Sr, Sekretáriu Estadu mos ko’alia, ami dala ruma sa’e husi kraik maka ba leten. La’ós husi leten maka tun mai. En termus legais haree iha konstituisaun depois tun mai iha lei orgánika, regulamentu dixiplina militár, kuandu krize ida mosu Prezidente hateten ida, Primeiru Ministru hateten ida no Ministru Defeza hateten ida, FDTL maka sala, Malandru. Audiénsia simu ho hamnasa ba Taur ninia pia das ne’e.
Nia hatutan ninia kritika ba ukun na’in sira katak, “porque sira moos la hatene saida maka tenke FDTL halo. Tansa ida? Nao e escrita. Nao esta escritu. Entaun cada um diz ideo proposito. Ida-idak hateten ninian. Internasionál ko’alia, ONU ko’alia, toda agente, e todas, vitima a FALINTIL. Nao ta certu e injustu. Sobre tudo que tem competencia i Obrigasao i Dever atu garante koerénsia. 

Ami nia estrutura legal ne’e hanesan ema karik ulun fatuk iha, klaran la iha, ain maka iha. Ita boot sira haree isin lolon la iha, liman ho kabun la iha, ulun ho ain de’it, ha’u la hatene saa ida maka ne’e. 

Nune’e duni Taur esplika ba audiensia sira katak, “ daudaun ne’e ami husu ona ba sekretáriu Estadu atu halo ezatamente konklui dokumentu murak ida ba ami. Para saida? E por seguransa. Tanba normalmente ha’u nia soldadus ho ofisial sira sai ba li’ur sira dehan hanesan ne’e, ami ba malae nia rain malae husu hanesan ne’e. Tan sa imi nia rain iha fali forsa? Bainhira ema kiak barak nusa la gasta osan ba ema kiak? Soldadu FDTL sira ne’e dehan ba ninia komandante katak sira lahatene responde. Taur hateten, ne’e loos. Tan saida? Sira aproveita ita nia ignoránsia. Ba ha’u levanta kestoens difisil para depois imi halo saida? 

Dala ida tan audiénsia simu ho pasa liman no Sr. Kawakami koi ninia ulun hakru’uk hateke ba ninia papél. 

Sira moos ema intelektuál ida la’ós onestu ou entaun dehan hanesan ne’e dezonestidade intelektuál. Purke evolusaun organizasaun ida ne’e iha faze haat, normalmente ema dehan, harii, dezenvolve, konsolida no sustenta. Kuandu iha faze konsolida ho sustenta ne’e ita mais ou menus koerente uitoan maske iha rua (uluk) ne’e runguranga liu, katak nia. (ts)

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Timor to Build a South Coast Navy Base.

Timorese Secretary of State for Defence, Julio Tomas Pinto, Chief of the Defence Force Brigadier Taur Matan Ruak and Commander of the Naval Component, Commander Pedro Klamar Fuik along with senior defence force officers visited Betano on the south coast in Manufahi as well as the Manatuto area last Sunday.

They were there to scope out locations for for the building of a naval supply base for the two Shanghai Class Patrol Boats currently being built in China for the Timorese Defence Force, FALINTIL-FDTL. The company constructing the vessels Poly Technology is in the final stages of construction and Commander Klamar Fuik will travel to China in the next few days to view the ships and participate in their first sea trials.According to the Secretary of State for Defence, Julio Pinto, the Betano area is very important as it will assist in supplying the vessels when the patrol in between Viqueque and Cova Lima Districts at the eastern and western ends of the southern coastal region.  The naval supply base is being review now as the 2010 budget discussion is underway and the vessels are due to arrive next year in the month of March.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Internet Exclusive: Rice Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry Starts. $41 Million in February 2009 contracts revealed.

The National Parliament of Timor-Leste has established a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the facts and circumstances of Government rice contracts as a result of the ongoing Ricegate scandal and the massive rice contracts being awarded to businesses allegedly as a result of political connections in Timor-Leste.

Tempo Semanal broke several issues relating to this story in 2008 and again in 2009.  See here for background stories. The Parliamentary Opposition has been calling for the establishment of such a Commission for many months.

The Members of the Commission of Inquiry are as follows.
  1. Presidente Komisaun Inkeiritu; Arsenio Bano, FRETILIN
  2. Vice Presidente Komisaun; Carmelita Moniz, CNRT
  3. Secretario: Domingos, ASDT
  4. Relatora; Teresa Carvalho, PD
  5. Membro; Jose Texeira, FRETILIN
  6. Membro; Duarte Nunez, CNRT
  7. Membro; Hermes, PSD
  8. Membro, Jaco Xavier, PPT
  9. Membro: EL 7 UNDERTIM
  10. Membro: Mesquita PUN
  11. Membro; Aicha Baserewan
The Terms of Reference for the Commission is below.

Two days ago the Commission of Inquiry questioned the Former Head of Procurement and currently Director General of the Ministry of Finance Fransisco Borlako. Yesterday, the Commission questioned the Minister responsible for managing the rice contracts - Minister for Tourism Commerce and Industry (MTCI), Gil Alves, as well as Directors from the MTCI.  

According to the Commission's plan it will question the Minister for Social Solidarity Micato Alves, along with the Secretary of State for Natural Disaster.

The matter of rice continues to remain a major political issue in Timor-Leste and Tempo Semanal can reveal, as result of a new documentation being leaked to Tempo Semanal in the last few days, that 26 February 2009 an additional $41 million in rice contracts was awarded to 12 companies - the many of which also received similar size contracts in late 2008.

These companies being:
  1. Atramor Sucesso 
  2. Maubara Fitun Naroman
  3. United Food
  4. Juxibel
  5. Monte Viado
  6. Hercio
  7. Suai Indah
  8. Lunarsol
  9. Taci Tolu
  10. Prima Food
  11. Veteran General 
  12. Ran Aitana
To view the Ministry of Finance Requisition document view below.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Internet Exclusive: Criminal Defamation Charges Against Tempo Semanal Dropped. A Victory For Media in Timor-Leste.

The Criminal Defamation Case Against Tempo Semanal Closed
A year ago Tempo Semanal published a series of stories that became known as the "SMS Scandal" in which it alleged corruption by the Minister of Justice, Lucia Lobato, along with Timorese and Indonesian business people in relation to projects under her Ministry.  These projects included the Becora Prison, uniforms for prison guards and Timor-Leste national identity cards projects.

The stories include
  1. Tempo Semanal: Edition 108: SMS texts evidence: Minister for Justice Gives Herself And Friends Projects 
  2. Tempo Semanal Edisaun 108 SMS: MJ Fo Projektu ba An Rasik no Ninia Belum Sira
  3. Translation Tempo Semanal Edition 135 (Minister of Justice SMS Corruption Scandal Continues)
  4.  "Identity Card Project Breaches Law No. 10/2005 and Confirms Allegations of KKN." [In the Ministry of Justice] "Identity Card Project Breaches Law No. 10/2005 and Confirms Allegations of KKN[1]."
Minister Lobato reacted angrily and in October 2008 she lodged a criminal defamation case against Tempo Semanal and its Director Jose Antonio Belo.

Read stories on the criminal defamation case here:
  1. Justice minister sues East Timor newspaper 
  2. Pacific Freedom Forum Petitions Against "Unconstitutional" Defamation Case
  3. Defamation Case against Tempo Semanal: Lao Hamutuk
  4. ETAN urges dropping of defamation charges against Timorese editor
  5. TAPOL protests against defamation charges against Timorese journalist

She reported the case of criminal defamation against Jose Belo to prosecutors. Belo was investigated by the International Prosecutor on 19 January 2009 and has been under city detention since then. He has to report to the prosecutor if he wants to travel away from Dili more than 15 days. Since last year Belo only made two trips out from Timor-Leste and had to refuse three invitations for foreign travel. He went to Australia for 10 days and to Indonesia for 4 days.

Lucia Lobato - Minister of Justice, 
Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

On 13 November 2009 PNTL delivered a two page notification letter to Tempo Semanal Offices in Palapaso Dili.

Video Footage Here:

These letters informed Tempo Semanal officially that the case of Criminal Defamation has ceased on 15 June 2009 and was signed by International Prosecutor Jose Landim.

The Notification letter stated, “The crime of defamation was decriminalized by the new Timor-Leste Criminal Code, DL No. 19/2009 of 8 April 2009, as a result of which the accused can no longer be held criminally liable. 

It continued, “In effect, pursuant to the provisions of article 3, 1. of Timor-Leste's new Criminal Code, "nobody can be held criminally liable as a result of facts prescribed as criminal acts at the relevant time it was carried into action if the law subsequently ceases to consider it as a crime." 

“As such, because it is not now possible to continue with the criminal proceedings against the accused, the proceedings currently on foot are hereby ordered to be closed pursuant to article 235, 1. c) of the Criminal Code."

Tempo Semanal Director Jose Antonio Belo congratulated the Prosecutor General and all her staff to put the law in it's highest place. However, at the same time Belo was disappointed the case would not reach court, where the facts of the corruption case might come to futher public light.  Belo stateed that he is aware that the then Prosecutor General had demanded the Minister for Justice Madam Lucia Lobato to submit more evidence before the case could be sent to the court. 

“I and Tempo Semanal have been left in confusion for an entire year and we don't know the situation of the case against us but this afternoon we have receive this notification letter,” said Belo on 13/11/09 in Tempo's office.

“I as a Timorese journalist very sad to see our Minister of Justice's actions by lodging a criminal difamation case against myself and Tempo Semanal while her office producing the New East Timor Penal code which decriminalized defamation,” Belo said.

He continued to say that, “it seems like the Minister for Justice is confused about Timorese law.”

Belo stated that he would like to make it cleared to Tempo Semanal readers that, “we are not afraid to go the court to prove our story that's why we have request the kindness from the good office of the two deputy Prime Minister to encourage the Minister of Justice to carry on the case.”

In this opportunity Jose Belo and Tempo Semanal would like to thanks to all those friends who give courage and support  this in this diffucult time.

It remains unclear if the Minister of Justice will ever faces charges in relation to the accusations of corruption that have been made against her by this newspaper, the Provedor, the Parliamentary Opposition and many others.

The Independent Media’s Role in Combating Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism and Assisting Development in East Timor

Lunch Talk with the Diplomats in Australian Embassy 

Jose Antonio Belo

Director, Tempo Semanal national weekly newspaper
November 11, 2009/12:00

Good morning. I would like to acknowledge and welcome the representatives of the groups who are here today, and thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts. This is a very good initiative to hold this forum.

SECTION ONE: Personal background and ideas of journalism 
My name is Jose Antonio Belo, and I am a journalist here in East Timor. Some of you may know me from my work with the newspaper Tempo Semanal, and some others will have known me for much longer, maybe even from before I became a journalist. 

I come here today to speak with you about the current state of journalism in East Timor, and the effects this has on government, freedom of information, and the health of our society. So many things have changed in recent years, but this young, tiny nation is still facing as many threats as it has for decades before.

I speak as someone who has had only practical training. I have received my training through learning from my mistakes during some of our nation’s darkest years. I became interested in journalism from my time in the Resistance movement, when I worked with international reporters to tell the world of the East Timorese people’s struggle. Journalists played important roles when bringing independence to this country, and continue to protect this independence now that we have it. 

Through this process, I realised how important it is for the voiceless people of this nation to have their troubles heard and acted upon, and also how important it is for journalists to be as strong and unbiased as possible when telling the stories which affect them. My former commander, mentor, and hero, David Alex, once said: “The struggle for independence is very tough, but in some ways it's also easy. The struggle to serve the people is the hardest.” He was killed in our liberation struggle, but his words live on and are just as important now as they were then. We, the East Timorese media, continue to struggle in our fight to serve the people of East Timor who still cannot have their voices heard. 

I have three characteristics: honesty, being frontal, and credibility. Which some people may not like. So today in this forum, I may make some people feel uncomfortable and for that, I apologise. I know the dignitaries who I’m talking to are very intelligent people, so I may receive some hard questions after this. I do like receiving the challenges and criticisms from you all so I can build my capacity. 

SECTION TWO: The Public Effects of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism in East Timor and Journalism’s Role in Addressing The issue 

In every democracy, the public has a right to know what their leaders are doing to help lead their country. East Timor is not different. We deeply respect some of our leaders for their personal sacrifices during the Resistance struggle, who, like so many of the people they led, lost family and friends to foreign occupiers. 

But we are beginning to see some problems. Some of our once-great leaders are acting differently than how we thought they should. Some of our leaders seem to be working for themselves and their families, instead of working for the people who they once united in a common struggle against a murderous enemy. The phrase, “luta hamutuk”, or “struggle together” is well-known to our people, and shows our solidarity and how we share common goals. Yet some of our most important leaders are now threatening to destroy this solidarity upon which our nation has been liberated and continues to be built.

We have seen how our leaders can act in many of the local media’s news stories. One example is the Minister of Justice’s blatant conflict of interest with Pualaka, a company heavily influenced by her husband, regarding tenders for the Becora prison. A report from last July by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate stated this issue involved nepotism, conspiracy, and misinformation by the Ministry of Justice, and abuses of power by it and the Ministry of Finance. This issue first came to light through Tempo Semanal’s investigations, and the Minister of Justice has since laid criminal defamation charges to discredit and silence the newspaper. I will speak more about that later.

Another example of how our leaders are acting out-of-order concerns the case of Maternus Bere. This abuse of power has devalued our justice system and set a troubling precedent for any similar incidents which may happen in the future. In the future, will the East Timorese people look to our leaders for the leadership and governance systems to resolve these problems in just and peace-building manners? Or will this incident cause our people to lose faith in our justice system and take justice into their own hands?

One anonymous Tempo Semanal reader posted a comment on our website after reading that Maternus Bere had been returned to Indonesia, which reads as follows: “On another day, capture the militia members and just kill them!!! Then put their head on a tray and send it to Xanana and Horta for them to eat.” Is this the kind of behaviour which our leaders’ actions should be causing?

The East Timorese news media exists for similar reasons as other countries’ news media: to keep our leaders accountable and to inform the public about their actions. East Timor’s leaders have pride under their skin. When you keep talking about their corruption, they feel ashamed for themselves and to their community. They lose face in the community. They pretend to smile, but they’re really feeling ashamed. 

Our people must know about these issues. Public pressure is a very effective way of preventing those in power from corrupting the people’s interests for the sake of their own. When they learn about these issues, our people feel disappointed with the leaders, and the leaders know. The community is starting to think that these leaders are committing the same errors that were committed by the Indonesians, that the Resistance leaders act like Soeharto’s regime by misusing and abusing the power which should be used for the people. Some leaders even try to use their history in the Resistance movement try to justify their malpractice and immoral actions in Government, which only devalues the struggles we made to achieve independence.

If our leaders are allowed to commit these actions without accountability or consequence, then the state won’t just be corrupted, but the public’s opinion of the state will be as well.
Slowly we can prevent this corruption of our state, and of a way of life which we’ve barely had time to appreciate since independence. I disagree with the Government to set up another commission to fight corruption, because East Timor is too small. Everyone knows each other. The commission members are not going to compromise their security or safety to investigate or prosecute their friends, who are the leaders themselves.

Journalism can, should, and will play a key role in fighting corruption in Timor-Leste.

Journalism is an effective form of public education, which informs many people about high-level events in ways which are easy to understand. Tempo Semanal’s motto is “husi imi, ba imi” or “from you, to you”. Our journalists are normal, poor-yet-courageous East Timorese people who understand how their compatriots feel about these issues.

East Timorese people are smart, and know that they should not support leaders who do not work for them. Instead of setting up another ineffective anti-corruption commission, we should focus on informing our people as well as possible so they can hold their leaders accountable by the vote. By democracy. This is the sustainable way of ensuring Prime Minister Gusmao’s desire for “a culture of integrity, rigour, and professionalism in public administration,” and for improving public understanding of and accessibility to the Government.

The PM himself has said that, “An integral part of a democratic state is the right to be informed and it is in this sense that we assume the commitment to guarantee freedom of the press and the independence of the public media, before economic and political power.” It is this attitude which helped journalists tell of East Timor’s independence struggle, and it is this attitude which will help preserve its integrity, and public faith in our system of government.

Prime Minister Gusmao reiterated this in his press conference one day before the 10th anniversary of the 1999 referendum, where he appealed to the media to co-operate with the Government to develop East Timor.

Tempo Semanal is the only paper which criticises the Government every week. Yet the Prime Minister has never said he wants to decrease the distribution subsidies which help supply valuable news to the remote parts of East Timor. The Prime Minister still remembers his promise on August 8 2007 to support the media, because he understands the role of the media in the Indonesian times and that it will eventually change the mentalities of those in Government and society in general.

I am glad when I see university students coming from the middle- or lower-classes, rather than from the oligarchy above. They’re now observing the situation in Dili, walking past a Pajero or Hummer and asking “who owns this, who is in control?” They are questioning how power is used in East Timor, in the same way as journalists must do to find the information which the students read.

SECTION THREE: Issues Facing Investigative Journalism in East Timor 

As journalists, we are still going to be committed to the people of East Timor, and uncompromising in our approach. We want international donors to look at how they are spending their taxpayers’ money, how our national Government is spending its people’s money and resources, and how much it is benefitting the people of East Timor. We want to see genuine efforts from those who say they wish to help, because foreigners have already come to our country too many times, taken what they wanted, and left us with the consequences.(after more or less 9 billion spent in East Timor what are the result? Why the number of Corruption, collusion and Nepotisms Increased? Why the poverty are increased?

Why the jobless number raised? Insurvey of world bank and Finance Miniter).

Are the East Timorese people going to be silent while the word “justice” is twisted and broken to mean something more like “abuse of power” and “nepotism” in the hands of those who we call leaders? Are East Timorese people going to be silent while World Bank advisors to their government receive outrageous salaries to be, at best ineffective, and at worst complicit, in dealing with corruption, collusion and nepotism in our public service? The advisors know there is corruption but they don’t want to talk too much about that because they don’t want to lose their contracts. 

$200,000 is more than the money that is invested in roads in the district of Oecussi in one year. But it is less than the amount paid in that same year to a timorese, a World Bank-funded media officer to the Ministry of Finance, for her job of deflecting questions from journalists who want to tell the people of East Timor what is really happening behind the Ministry’s doors. This is a truth which came from one of Tempo Semanal’s investigations. 

This story about World Bank advisors’ salaries is actually one of many which was almost never published. Like any newspaper, Tempo Semanal is open to threats by political and commercial interests. We found this story in April had caused someone with power to speak with the company which prints our newspaper, and the company refused (afraid) to print our edition that week. Someone was trying to silence the truth, at the expense of East Timorese people’s right to know what exactly is happening in their Government.

It can happen again, and it probably will. The East Timorese independent news media are not as strong as in other countries, and someone will always try to use their power (influence) to tell us what we can and cannot do.

Tempo Semanal has recently been hit with a charge of criminal defamation against the Minister of Justice, but the matter has still not entered court. This is one example of a very powerful person trying to force us to make our reporting softer, but instead of running scared from this issue, we welcome it. We have already asked two deputy Prime Ministers to encourage the Minister of Justice to carry on with the case, because this means that Tempo Semanal will be able to explain our stories in a court of law. We are prepared to fight, to use this opportunity to justify our position, and to prove that the Ministry of Justice has been used for corrupt purposes.

If we use this opportunity and the charges are sustained, then we know there is little chance for the truth in a court when things become political. I am prepared to go to the same jail where I was imprisoned during the Indonesian occupation for the chance to prove that our justice system has been corrupted by its own leader.

In other news, Tempo Semanal recently published a story about the referendum package which has made the Opposition quite angry and aggressive. While FRETILIN has been trying to highlight how the package is allegedly illegal, Tempo Semanal has reminded the public that many FRETILIN-linked companies (such as Hidayat) will benefit from the project.

This shows that Tempo Semanal does not just criticise the Government, much to the Opposition’s surprise. The only difference is that the current Government has never asked Tempo Semanal to change any of its stories. The Opposition has.

How is the East Timorese media going to be independent when this kind of interference happens? No matter how clearly the truth is told, the interests whom it exposes always want it to be silent.

SECTION FOUR: Future Solutions and the Sustainable Development of East Timorese News Media 

This may cause us to question how much genuine support there is for developing and strengthening independent, critical East Timorese news media institutions. There have been many reports and funding applications written, but what practical outcomes have been achieved? Media development organisations should come to East Timor to support the media institutions which already exist, not to create new ones and spread journalism too thin in a country with such low literacy and media accessibility abilities. If AusAID gives $500,000 to Tempo Semanal like it’s given to the ICFJ, I will make Tempo Semanal live for 100 years, and the benefits to the people of East Timor will continue for much longer. 

We at Tempo Semanal have been fortunate to receive an AusAID-funded volunteer to provide practical training on the job for our media business development staff members. We are focusing on self-sustainability to decrease our dependence on external funding, and we are looking towards the future. Like most other things in the development area, this has been a slow process, but we are very grateful for this contribution.

There are four main rules to building institutions which we are following: to establish, develop, then consolidate, and finally sustain the institutions to ensure their long-term success. This is a difficult process in any country and in any situation.

But don’t forget that we, the independent East Timorese media, must still develop ethical and sustainable businesses for ourselves in spite of the challenges which corruption and self-interest hold for the authorities, businesses, and individuals who we report about. It’s hard enough to do business properly in East Timor, but it becomes much more difficult when we try to do this with a newspaper that makes its business from exposing the corrupt businesses of others.

It is funny, but our biggest market right now is the Government. We cannot escape it in our reporting, in our business, and in our daily lives. This is the same for many East Timorese people, and explains why we need to ensure that our Government is sustainable and transparent now and into the future. For our sake, and for the sake of future generations.

So how do we make sure that the news media can work effectively to achieve this? It’s important to remember that the news media are public servants. We serve the public’s interest, and work every day to improve the quality of our national institutions. This is similar to what many international donors want in East Timor, to create a stable government and society where citizens’ rights are respected and upheld.

As I said at the beginning of this speech, I have had little formal journalism training, and have had to learn my job through experience, which has not been easy. But young East Timorese journalists now do not have to do the same as me. There is so much opportunity to help train East Timorese journalists and to build strong, independent, sustainable East Timorese media institutions. If it is done correctly, the benefits of this will flow on through the generations, across many public and private sectors, and wherever the public needs high quality, unbiased information that helps them understand what is happening in their nation.

East Timorese journalists are very interested to take part in this process. There are many young East Timorese people who want to follow in the footsteps of famous journalists who helped liberate them, who see the importance of news media today in East Timor, and who want to improve it for the future.

East Timorese journalists are quite intelligent when it comes to investigating problems with their country. They have a very strong sense of social justice, and they want to make sure that the independence they gave their blood and their lives for is not wasted through corruption, collusion and nepotism. Supporting good quality East Timorese journalism is one very good way of ensuring the public knows that corruption, collusion and nepotism will not be tolerated in this country.

Yet this must be done according to East Timorese journalists’ ideas. International donors cannot come here without observing very closely how East Timorese journalists do their work. (find out the problems, find alternative to solve the problem). A genuine effort to help East Timorese journalism means foreigners must understand what it is like to see from an East Timorese journalist’s eyes, to speak their language, and to live in their society. It is difficult to impose new ideas on East Timorese journalists if you don’t work from the ideas that they have already, because it may not suit the situation here and will not create sustainable news media development.

If it is to be done correctly, journalism development, like many other parts of the development process, must be a long-term commitment. International donors and their staff in East Timor must show local journalists that they are committed to this process until the East Timorese news media can stand on its own feet. This is the only way to build trust with Timorese journalists, who sadly must be suspicious of many things if they are to do their jobs properly.
If donors are really interested in developing East Timor’s news media institutions, they should provide assistance to work within the institutions themselves, and not to take journalists to separate buildings away from their work environments. This allows East Timorese media institutions to better determine where their own development is travelling, and for donors to intimately understand how the institutions operate.

Donors need to conduct more comprehensive monitoring and development evaluation to ensure they are producing adequate results. We should be helping journalists to study specialisation topics such as economics, agriculture, law, the environment, international relations and business, so they can better understand and report on the development that happens in their country. And, as with every donor project, we should always focus on spending taxpayers’ money as efficiently and transparently as possible.

I can give three more recommendations for future alternatives:
-  Corruption: Ask the donors to talk to the Government about corruption, to raise the issue of corruption with the Government;
-   Institutional capacity-building: the donors have to understand that media institutions are a new thing for East Timor and that not all institutions have proper planning. The donors should come and sit down with the media owners to plan how to properly develop and sustain the institution. To build is easy, but to develop is very hard.
-  Human capacity-building: those who have an interest in strengthening the independent media should talk to overseas universities and media institutions to conduct exchanges and intensive visits to these institutions, like what we have been conducting with Fairfax Media in Australia. The six journalists who have recently visited us left something special here, a solidarity and lasting impression with our journalists that has motivated them to improve how they do their jobs.
Furthermore, our media institutions need to be in control of their own assets. There is a political party which has obtained a printing press, and they have approached me to ask if I want to use it to publish Tempo Semanal. If the commercial printing company which we use to print our newspaper keeps being intimidated by authorities and they stop printing Tempo Semanal, will we be forced to use a political party’s printing press to publish our journalism? 
After ten years, the media is not yet independent as we expected. In the next few years, we would like to see a stronger, more mature and independent news media to help secure this nation’s development for many years to come. We need support to do this and have been receiving it, but this support has not really come in the way we want. So we need to readjust the way the media is being supported in East Timor and to do that, we need a dialogue.
 Thank you.