Saturday, 27 February 2010

Breaking News - Port for Chinese Patrol Boats: Emergency Council of Minister Meeting to be Held 27 Feb 2010.

Internet Exclusif: Australian Company linked to former Minister of Finance Adviser alleged to get contract for China Boat Port.

Tempo Semanal sources within the Government of Timor-Leste stated last night that the Council of Ministers will hold an extraordinary and emergency meeting today (Saturday 27 February 2010) to discuss the matter of the soon to arrive FALINTIL-FDTL patrol boats from China.

The Government of Timor-Leste signed a contract for two Shanghai class patrol boats from Poly Technology of the Poly Group in China.  Poly Group, which has close ties to the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), is expected to deliver the patrol boats in the next 4-8 weeks.  However, port facilities are not ready and there is an urgent need to prepare the Hera port for their arrival.  Efforts are already underway to build a port facility for the patrol boats on the south coast of Timor-Leste.

Poly Group China

Tempo Semanal sources have raised allegations that Ines Almeida (a dual Australian-Timorese national), formerly adviser to Minister of Finance Emilia Pires (paid for by the Worldbank) until mid 2009, has been aggressively lobbying on behalf of an Australian company to build port temporary facilities in Hera for the patrol boats. It is reported that the boats will be "modified versions of the Type-62 Shanghai-class patrol boat, which was designed in the 1960s: 43 meters long, displacing 175 tons and armed with two 30-mm cannons."

According to Tempo Semanal sources Ms. Almeida and agents of the Company she is lobbying on behalf of recently visited Hera port and requested data specifications on the port from F-FDTL officers.  This was refused and Ms. Almeida allegedly lodge a protest with the Government.

Aging Portuguese Albatross Patrol boat at Hera Port

When contacted by Tempo Semanal on the morning of 27 February 2010 Ms. Almeida refused to comment, stating "I am no longer in the Government's employ, and am now a private citizen."  

According to a Tempo Semanal sources within the defence institution there are plans to build a permanent port facility and so F-FDTL is reluctant to move ahead on a temporary facility option.   

Additionally, an Indonesian company has also been recently conducting feasibility studies for a new multi-million dollar facility in Hera.

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao's government has come under intense criticism from many foreigners in regards to the procurement of the two patrol boats, from the controversial Poly Technology group.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Komisariu Anti Korrupsaun (KAK)

Iha 22/02/10 komisariu kak tl dahuluk apela katak presiza movimentu nasional ida ba kombate kkn. Nunee mos ts hanesan media ne'ebe sempre konsistente hodi apoiu inisiativa pm iha loron 29/05/07 tuku 17.00 otl iha kampana eleitoral dahuluk iha lospalos dhan, "se mak nauk 50 centavuz sai, servisu lahatene sai." tan nee duni iha edisaun segunda oin ts sei ajuda publika noticia kona ba "fornecimentu mina edtl governu hili sosa folin karun habokur kompana sunshine povu lakon us$450,000.00." segundu istoria "16 juta ba pakote referendum harii lina eletricidade sek januario konfuzu publiku kompanya ayam potong," no terseiru storia mak, "governu hafolin foos mtci liu 83 miloens maibe povu halerik buka foos." noticia ts sei fo sai faktu balun nebe ema barak hatene ona maibe mos sei haksumik ba ema barak. Atu hatene klean liu tan favor ida sani imi nia ts. Ts la koko komisaun kak nebe sei kosok maibe ajuda vitamin.

Pelican Paradise is building on the remains of Independence Heroes.

At the building site of a five star hotel by Pelican Paradise in Tasi Tolu western Dili allocated to the company by the Government of Timor-Leste new concerns are being raised.  The company is a Malaysian consortium.

While construction work has commenced the company has found some suspected human remains on the building site.  Yesterday there were several foreign forensic experts on the site.

According to Tempo Semanal sources yesterday on the spot said that, "the forensic expert found more then one human remains." Another source close to the Ministry of Tourism Commerce and Industry (MTCI) told Tempo Semanal ,"so far we may find the remains of 9 people here"

Some Timorese who lost their relatives together several with veterans and ex political prisoners groups during the Indonesian occupation were present at the building site as well. These human remains are suspected to be Timorese who were killed by ABRI soldiers during the 24 years occupation. In those dark years more than one third of Timorese died from starvation, mass killings disappearances and torture.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Advogadu Kestiona Horta Prontu atu Hamoe advogadu Sao Tome

Hataan kona ba lia sadik husi defensór arguido ba attentadu kontra Prezidente da Repúblika ne'ebé tenke aprezenta ninia kanek fatin iha tribunál Presidente horta dehan, “primeiru ha'u hanoin katak ita boot sira haluha tiha ona 11 de Fevereiru 2008 ambulánsia ne'ebé lori ha'u husi ha'u nia uma ba klínika.”
Nia hatutan katak iha parte barak maka hatene ninia kanek hanesan, “Seguransa balun hamriik iha ne'e sira haree ha'u nia kanek. Doutór lubuk ida, rua nulu ka tolu nulu iha dili, enfermeiru, militár australianu lubuk maka halo transfuzaun raan, aviaun lori ha'u ba darwin, loron 10 nia laran iha koma, Doutór Rui Araújo, eis vise primeiru Ministru no eis ministru saúde akompaña momentu ne'e iha ne'ebá, loroloron haree ha'u nia kanek.”
“Fotografia barabarak ke4 sira hasai kanek ne'e iha ne'ebá. Too ohin ha'u seidauk rekupera 100% eehh kanek ne'e taka tiha ona maibé buat nervus ne'ebé iha laran ne'e, kilat musan estraga difisil tebetebes atu hamutuk fila fali.”
Nia haktuir katak, “Konforme doutór sira hateten katak se ruin maka nakfera ne'e bele kurije no isin ka múskulu ruma bele maibé buat nervus ki'ik oan ki'ik oan ne'e, rihun ba rihun ne'e difisil tebetebes. Entaun tan ne'e ha'u tuur oras ne'e daudaun iha ne'e sei moras, sa'e karreta moras, tuur iha kantor moras maibé ha'u aguenta de'it tan ba ha'u hanoin na'i maromak ne'ebé hateten nune'e ha'u salva o nia vida maibé moras ne'e o sei lori hanesan krús ida nafatin.”
“Loron ruma ha'u sei hare momentu ruma, sira ne'ebé hakarak hanesan saun Tomé ha'u sei hare hatudu i ha'u hanoin hanesan saun Tomé sira sei moe. Maibé ha'u la'ós halo iha ne'e hanesan jardín jeolójiku ida ka zoo ida para kolu ha'u nia hena i hatudu ne'e. Dala ruma bele karik ita sei hare.
Horta rejeita atu foo komentáriu barak kona ba lala'ok Justisa ninia. “Kona ba tribunál ha'u laho komentáriu kona ba detalladu iha tribunál. Ha'u konfia ba juis sira, prokuradór sira advogadu no defeza Sr. Salsinha ho Sra. Pires nian sira halo sira nia trabaliu. Ne'e sira nia direitu duni i tenke halo buat hotu para ke sira nia kliente bele salva karik. Ne'e ha'u la komenta ne'e sira nia direitu.”

Horta Koko Tau Azia Hamutuk ba Cimeira Mudansa Klimatika Mexiko

Presidenti da Republika DR. Jose Ramos Horta foin lalais ne'e halo vizita ba nasaun ho Illa liu rihun ida, maibe atus rua maka iha populasaun horik ba. Nasaun ne'e ninia naran maka maldivas ho illa balun badak loos la too metru rua. Balun metru ida de’it. Signika ke kuandu iha rai nakadoko ka tsunami ruma tan karik sira bele lakon. Nasaun ne'e iha perigu nia laran duni tan ne'e Ramos Horta halo vizita ba ne'eba hodi koko tau hamutuk hanoin ruma hodi dudu nasaun boboot sira seriu liu tan kona ba problema mudansa klimatika mundial. Nasaun boot sira ida-idak defende ninia argumentu hodi empata prosesu no nasaun kiik sira sai vitima ba sira hanesan akontese Iha dezembru liu ba iha cimeira boot ida iha kopenhagen dinamarka Iha xefe do estadu, Primeiru Ministru hotu-hotu ba, ha'u maka mesak la ba. Ha'u momentu ne'e halo desizaun ida kedas ha'u la ba tan ba ha'u hateten tiha ona iha diskursu ida ha'u halo iha fulan junho liu ba iha jenebra ha'u hateten ha'u la fiar ke cimeira kopenhagen sei hetan rezultadu tan ha'u la fiar ke rai boboot sira iha vontade polítika atu halo desizaun ida ne'ebé sientista sira hotu-hotu hateten tenke halo. Rezultadu reuniaun prova buat ne'ebé ha'u hateten. Rezultadu la iha. Hotu-hotu hanoin atu halo trata ida iha konvensaun boot ida a final sai de'it ho deklarasaun oan ida, tan ba rai boboot sira hanesan Estadu Unidus, Europa ho xina la simu malu kona ba saa ida maka tenke halo. Maiske Prezidente da Repúblika la paricipa iha cimeira ne'ebá maibé nia hatudu nafatin ninia preokupasaun kona ba problema refere. Ho preokupasaun hirak ne'ebé Horta iha hanesan xefe estadu Timor Leste no loiradu Prémiu Nobel da Pás ne'e halo reflesaun iha semana ruma nia laran hodi tau esforsu ba hetan rezultadu ruma iha cimeira foun iha Mexiko iha tinan ne'e nia laran. Tan ba atu hetan rezultadu ne'ebé di'ak liu kona ba mudansa klimátika iha mundu ne'e maka Horta ba ona Maldivas hodi ko'alia ho Presidente nasaun refere hodi aprezenta ninia hanoin ba nia omólogu ne'ebé simu ho di'ak idaes Horta nian. “Nia kontente i ami hahú kedan halo working group ida hodi prepara para hakat ba oin atu ko'alia ho rai sira seluk hanesan Bangladexe, Singapura, indonézia i depois hakat ba nasaun boot sira seluk hanesan xina, índia ho Japaun.” Nia hatutan liu tan husi sala de konferénsia iha aeroportu Nicolau Lobato Komoro hafoin too hikas ho aviaun Merpati iha tuku ida liu Otél iha loron Sesta Feira katak, “Iha semana sira mai ne'e nia laran ami sei servisu maka'as, koordena malu para haree oin saa ha'u nia ideia s ne'e no dalan ne'ebé ha'u hatudu bele hetan konsensu ida. Dalan maka ne'e, primeiru ha'u hanoin ke populasaun Mundiál iha azia besik 50% kedas. Ne'e duni azia iha responsabilidade maka'as no todan ba kestaun ne'e.”
Segundu, tinan tolu nulu ka lima nulu liu ba azia kiak osan la iha, ohin riku soin azia nian hamutuk boot liu amerikanu nian ka europa nian.”
Tuir horta problema maka karik azia bele hatudu lideransa ka lae. Katak, bele halibur osan, halibur tékniku sientista sira ho ulun matenek ho pragmatizmu, i ha'u fiar ke bele. Tan ba ne'e ha'u hanoin ke ami bele mobiliza konsensu iha azia para ba iha reuniaun mexiko nian ho pozisaun ida ke forte maibé la'ós atu halo konfrontasaun ida ho Amérika no europa maibé haree halo ponte ba hotu-hotu bele simu. Soe tiha konfrontasaun ne'ebé iha kopenhagen tan ba konfrontasaun ne'e maka la foo rezultadu. Ha'u nia idea ne'e hanesan ponte ida atu hotu-hotu hodi hakat liu para hetan akordu ida ba mundu.
Tuir Presidente Horta katak ninia vizita ba Maldivas ne'e susesu maibé dalan sei naruk atu halo servisu liu nune'e iha debate Mundiál kona ba mudansa klimátika iha mexiko tinan bele hetan konkluzaun di'ak.

Horta's Adviser sue some Media in Portugal

Mr. Paulo dos Remedios in reation to the Lusa news agency story that He has been instructed to present before the court hearing in regard to some allegation against Senior and personal adviser to the President Ramos Horta said, “I have been instructed some lawyers in Portugal to reply to this allegations made from some newspaper in Portugal and I instructed according to the available laws in Portugal. As defamation laws to seek a compensation of fifty thousand US dollar on the issue.”
When question him whether he has received any order from Portugal court to present in the court hearing Mr. Remedios diplomatically said his lawyer is studying the issue so he can’t comment further. But when Tempo Semanal insisted Mr. Remedios confirmed that, “I did received the document but it was expired already so the case has been delayed because its expired already.”
According to www. report on 21/01/2010 said that, “Paulo remedios is arguido which alleged links to crimes heranca de imoveis in Macau, not present in the hearing in Lisbon because the notification is not reach him on time.”
Mr. Remedios is still acting assenior and personal adviser to East Timor President Jose Ramos Horta. Mr. Remedios acted as lawyer to the Fomer Minister for interior Mr. Rogerio Lobato.

Horta Still Ask Xanana to reshuffle Government

As arrived back from Maldives Horta held a press conference in Dili International Airport. Every time President return from his visits many government ministers blue plate pack the VIP parking area. But the situation is very different on Friday only Deputy Prime Minister Mario Carrascalao and Secretary state for Oekuse region is came to expect President. Horta has aske PM Xanana to reshuffle his cabinet and even President Name name. On Friday seat next to Deputy PM Carrascalao President reiterate his suggestion to Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao to reshuffle his cabinet. “My only suggestions as president but also as concern East Timorese citizen are whether it might be convenient to reshuffle the cabinet to change ministers around. That’s normal in many countries after two years of experience you see which ministers fits which portfolio better. Other issues I might discuss with Prime Minister are not for me to comment in public. The Prime Minister is one who should have the exclusive responsibility to decide who should be in his government in consultation with the parties in the coalition. The parties and the leaders in the coalition have a say who they want to be in the cabinet but that is their prerogative not mine. The former number one Timorese Diplomat Said, “It is the Prime minister right to appoint and to dismiss a minister no mine.”

Monday, 15 February 2010

Polémika Kadoras Greater Sunrise;

SEKM Alega: Alkatiri Hato'o Lia Falsu no La Apoiu Interese Nasionál

Fretilín: “DR. Alkatiri ezije Kadoras tenke mai TL.

Sekretáriu Estadu Konsellu Ministru s, Agio Pereira liu husi surat haklaken ba média hodi reaje ba deklarasaun DR Mari Alkatiri nian iha imprensa balun ne'ebé jornál ne’e asesu ba alega katak, “Mari Alkatiri la dun iha informasaun kona-ba Negosiasaun Tasi Timor; nia intervensaun negativu ba interese nasionál.”
Surat ne’e haklaken, “relasiona ho deklarasaun husi Mari Alkatiri ba imprensa hatudu katak, Sekretáriu Jerál Fretilín la dun informádu no reprezenta sala pozisaun Governu Timor-Leste nian kona-ba situasaun ne’ebé aktual negosiasaun Tasi Timor.”
Tuir fonte s jornál ne'e husi governu katak durante ne'e DR. Alkatiri hanesan eis titulár la uza ninia direitu atu ba husu informasaun klaru husi parte governu liu-liu sira ne'ebé relevante ba asuntu refere nune'e hamosu, “lamentável tebes, Señór Alkatiri hatudu katak la dun fó apoiu ba estratéjia polítika nasionál mak importante tebes, ne’ebé implementa hosi Governu Xanana Gusmão nian, hodi asegura dezenvolvimentu indústria petrolífera ida mak dinámika tebes ba Timor-Leste,” dehan iha Média release ne'ebá.
Surat ne’e mós alega katak, “Alkatiri mós informa lia falsu ba públiku bainhira hatetan katak, Guvernu Xanana Gusmão, nian halo ona kontratu ho Petronas hodi “troka” Woodside iha projetu Greater Sunrise.”
Sekretáriu Estadu Agio Pereira dehan, “Deklarasaun ida ne’e la los no hatudu sala dalan.”
Maiske dala barak parte Timor Leste ladún satisfeitu ho Woodside ninia pozisaun kona ba opsaun kadoras greater sunrise ne'ebé kompañia Austrália nian ne'e sempre tenta hanehan povu no nasaun ki'ik ne'e maibé Governu sei tane nafatin akordu mak iha ona. “Governu Timor-Leste seidauk halo kontratu ida ho Petronas hodi troka Woodside ho nia parseiru s konsorsíu sira. Governu Timor-Leste seidauk fó no sei la fó direitu explorasaun (a montante) iha área Greater Sunrise, tanba legalmente direitu sira ne’e pertense ba Woodside ho ninia konsorsíu sira,” promete Lian na'in IV governu konstitusionál ne'e.
Nune'e mós Sekretáriu Estadu promete katak Governu sei la liu husi haksoit lutu hodi asina akordu ho kompañia seluk maibé sei uza, “Mekanizmu ba negosiasaun no diskusaun iha asuntu s mak pertente ho esplorasaun Tasi Timor, inklui projetu Greater Sunrise, estabelesidu hotu ona; ne’e inklui Regulamentu atu regula diskusoens, reunioens JPD nian ho Komisoens Sunrise, i se wainhira presiza, Konsellu Ministeriál.”
Governu sei luta nafatin ba ninia kompromisu maka hatuur PM Xanana katak kadoras husi Greater Sunrise tenke mai Timor Leste nune'e, “Governu sei buka atu halo negosiasaun, liu hosi mekanizmu hirak ne’e, planu s dezenvolvimentu ba Greater Sunrise atu mai Timor-Leste; polítika ida ne’ebé hetan apoiu tomak iha Timor-Leste. Ida ne’e mak parte ida hosi estratéjia polítika nasionál.”
Nia esplika, “Importante mós atu nota katak, Governu Timor-Leste seidauk halo kontratu ruma (a juzante) kona-ba projetu Greater Sunrise nian ho kompanhia ruma inklui mós Woodside. Segmentu juzante nian sei inklui kontratu ba transportasaun (gazodutu) i prosesamentu (Sentrál GNL).”
Iha governasaun Fretilín ninian governu husu apoiu husi Lucon AS, kompañia Noruega nian ida hodi estudu viabilidade kona ba estudu Woodside ninian ne'ebé sira sai ho konkluzaun katak, “kompañia Woodside la'ós prudente.” Tuir dadus ne'ebé jornál ne’e asesu no mós iha aprezentasaun Sekretáriu do Estadu rekursu s naturais ho ninia ekipa iha otél Ventura iha fulan ruma kotuk hatudu katak estudu ne’e kle'an duni nune'e sei utiliza iha kada, “Negosiasaun hotu-hotu hala’o ho reprezentante s hosi Timor-Leste uza informasaun aktuál no klaru tebes hodi permite negosiadór sira atu fó esplikasaun adekuada kona-ba kestoens téknika s, komersiál e sosio-ekonómika s nian, hodi lori mai ba Timor-Leste Gazodutu no Sentrál GNL. Informasaun mai hosi estudu s oi-oin halo hosi Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão nia Governu, inklui estudu batimétriku ne’ebé realiza ho kooperasaun hamutuk ho Konsórsiu Koreanu no estudu viabilidade konjuntu entre Timor-Leste ho Petronas.” Sekretáriu Estadu ne'e aviza.
Governu Timor Leste sei reziste nafatin presaun husi kompañia Woodside no ninia belun sira ne'ebé uza artigu ruma iha akordu kona ba greater sunrise ne'ebé dekreta katak, kompañia wood side maka deside bazeia ba vantajen komersiál nian nune'e kompañia soe tiha ba tasi opsaun mai Timor leste no sira hela de'it ona ho opsaun kadoras ba mina no gás ne'e ba Darwin ou harii fabrika LNG iha tasi laran. Maibé governu ida ne'e iha data ne'ebé nesesáriu hanesan sekretáriu Estadu Agio haktuir, “rezultadus estudus hirak ne’e hatudu momoos katak, diferente ho Alkatiri ho nia maluk sira inklui Woodside, sira bé iha pasadu fiar katak liña kadoras mai Timor-Leste teknikamente la viavel, Xanana Gusmão, nia Governu mobiliza esforsu tomak hodi hala’o estudu i hatudu prova ke kontráriu ho sira nian; katak kadoras mai Timor-Leste, distansia kilómetrus 200 deit, kompara ho kilómetru s 450 ba Darwin, ida ne’e viavél no ekonmikamente di’ak liu.”

Akordu Greater sunrise ne'ebé asina ona husi Governu Primeiru Konstitusionál foo hela ulun moras ba kuartu governu konstitusional. Iha akordu ne'ebé hanaran Akordu greater sunrise ne'e, mosu artigu ruma ne'ebe hateten katak fatin atu halo produsaun kompañia mak deside bazeia ba razaun komersialmente iha vantajen. Artigu ida ne'e kesi tiha ona Governu Timor Leste ninia liman ho ain no foo vantajen boot liu ba kompañia Woodside. Hanesan deklarasaun Embaixada Austrália ne'ebé haruka mai jornál ne'e iha meadu tinan kotuk ne'ebé dehan Governu Austrália lakohi atu mete ho opsaun kadoras nune'e husi tomak ba kompañia Woodside atu deside la'ós parte governu rua.
Tan ba Woodside sempre uza artigu ne'ebé governu uluk asina hanesan kilat ida tiru hikas povu Timor leste ninia kakutak maka IV governu konstitusionál dezde inisia promete atu lori kadoras mina no gaz mai Timor Leste ho seriedade halo esforsu hodi ba husu tulun husi Karea inklui servisu hamutuk ho Petronas halo estudu ne'ebé kompletu liu fali estudu maka halo ona husi Woodside.

Iha parte seluk Porta Voz bankada Fretilín, deputadu José Texeira rejeita totalmente katak DR. Mari Alkatiri la defende interese Nasionál “Iha nia deklarasaun publika ka reuniaun ho kompañia mina rai ne'ebé iha kontratu atu dezenvolve kampu greater sunrise DR. Alkatiri sempre reinforsa Fretilín nia pozisaun ne'ebé nia defende dezde nia pm, katak rekursu mina rai no gás iha aérea konjuntu hanesan greater sunrise tenke halo tuir planu ne'ebé bele lori benefísiu bo’o mai Timor Leste,” dehan Texeira husi Maubesi ba jornál Tempo Semanal iha loron Sábadu (13/02)
Porta Voz ne’e haktuir katak DR. Alkatiri, “sempre ezije katak kadoras no fabrika LNG mai rai Timor Leste.”
Nia hatutan katak Sekretáriu Fretilín preokupa de’it ho, “deklarasoens ne'ebé membru governu balun halo kona ba atu hasai de’it kompañia ida no hatama ida seluk tuir governu nia hakarak.”
“Ne’e maka la'ós iha interese Nasionál tan ba ita bele buka hetan ita nia objetivu, maibé ita tenke hala’o negosiasaun maka’as no tuir akordu ne'ebé rai rua konkorda ona no ratifika iha tratadu rua.”
José Texeira sadik atu tesi lia ho Governu. “Iha interese Nasionál duni, ita diskute se governu de faktu halo daudaun loos ga lae?, legál ka la legál?, iha prosesu ida ne’e.”
“Ita labele tuur de’it hare ema halo sala ne'ebé bele estraga prospektiva Timor Leste nian atu lori kadoras mai Timor Leste.”
Tuir Eis membru do governu iha tempu DR. Alkatiri ninia governasaun ne’e katak dezde, iha Sydney iha oin ho oin hafoin asina tiha tratadu iha loron 12/01/2006, DR. Alkatiri aviza ona John Howard katak nia hakarak kadoras greater sunrise tenke mai TL. “liuliu buat hotu timor leste duke Austrália; ida ne’e, ida de’it tan ba ne’e ami sei la de’it esperansa maibé sei luta nafatin atu harii fabrika gás iha ne'ebá( TL) no kadoras atu ba Timor Leste,” texeira hasaran tuir Alkatiri ninia lian fuan ba PM Austrália.
Iha momentu ne'ebá kedan DR. Alkatiri dehan ba parte Governu Austrália katak, “Ami fiar katak ida ne’e teknikamente viavel, komersialmente mós viavel, no ami halo esforsu boot atu lori kadoras ba ne'ebá, no ami he’in katak ita hetan ida ne’e duni,” dehan iha Texeira.
Nia hatutan katak, “kuandu governu ida hatudu ona la iha kapasidade maibé atu kontinua obriga aan de’it ne’e maka kontra interese Nasionál”
Texeira reitera ninia deklarasaun katak dezde Janeiru 2006 iha Sydney DR. Alkatiri reiterou no seu discursu que gás de sunrise tinha que ir a Timor Leste. “DR. Alkatiri defende gás husi sunrise tenke mai Timor Leste,” Porta Voz ne’e dale.
Polémika diresaun kadoras mina no gás iha kampu Greater Sunrise ne'ebé halo ulun moras ba kompañia Woodside, Governu Kamberra ho Dili sei naruk wainhira politiku nain iha nasaun Timor Leste mos hadau malu no hatudu katak Timor Leste ninia ulun sira seidauk iha konsensus kona ba interese Nasionál dezenvolvimentu ba Gas no mina iha kampu ne'eba. Ulun boot sira ne’e Ida-idak halo sira nia deklarasaun polítika hodi buka influensia públiku ninia kakutak. Nune’e deklarasaun polítika sira ne’e sei sai hanesan kilat hodi tiru fali interese Nasionál povu Timor Leste ninian. Hanesan polémika ne'ebé mosu kona ba pozisaun governu ho lider partidu Fretilín relasiona ba kazu kadoras refere. Mina no gás husi Greater sunrise seidauk hatene atu sulin mai fabrika iha Timor Leste ka Darwin maibé daudaun ne’e polémika maka sulin uluk mai Dili hodi hamanas ulun boot sira nia ulun.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Seguransa kuran Iha Uma Prokuradora Jeral da Republika La Halo Tauk PGR

Prokuradora Jeral da Republika DRA. Ana Pesoa maiske feto maibe barani tebes bainhira hala'o ninia misaun dehan Domingos da Costa Araujo komunidade ida hela besik iha besik area bebonuk. “Ha'u haree ferik ne'e simples liu fali ema seluk no dala ruma iha loron feriadu nia sai ho ninia kareta rava oan ne'e mesa-mesak deit,” Domingos dehan.
Nia hahi katak dala balun feto sira iha korajen liu atu halo servisu duke ema mane. Iha fatin barak membru Governu balun nia hela fatin sempre prezensa seguransa durate oras 24 nia laran. Hanesan mos iha uma Sekretariu Jeral Partidu Fretilin ninia uma.
Iha momentu ruma ulun boot ministeiru publiku ninian ne'e partisipa mos iha graduasaun membru PNTL husi unidade (CSP) iha centru formasaun PNTL komoro Dili. Maibe tuir observasaun Tempo Semanal ninian to'o ohin loron Sra. Ana pesoa ninia uma rasik seidauk monta seguranca ruma iha area ne'eba satan prokuradora Jeral hela iha bebonuk ne'ebe sempre mosu konflitu grupu arte marsiais sira. “Ha'u hanoin loloos Prokuradora jeral ne'e presiza liu seguranca tan ba bainhira nia prosekuta suspeitu ruma ninia seguranca bele tau en kauza,” dehan populsaun ida hela besik iha area pokuradora jeral da republika hela ba.
Tuir informasaun ne'ebe jornal ne'e halibur husi gabinete Ministeiru publiku hatudu katak Prokuradora Jeral DRA. Ana lori naha todan husi prokurador Jeral tuan ninian. Hafoin simu pose iha tinan Gabinete prokuradora Jeral ne'e halo tabela ba kazu ne'e pendentes, iha hela prosesu laran no remata. Nune'e mos iha semana ne'e pelumenus publiku bele hatene kona ba total kazu iha ministeiru publiku.
Situasaun Inkéritu pendente to’o loron-31 fulan-Janeiru, tinan-2010. Kazu pendentes ne'ebe rejistu iha prokuradoria Dili, Baukau, Suai no oekuse total 4,962 hanesan kazu pendentes, kazu ne'ebe remata ona hamutuk 420, no kazu foun ne'ebe foin tama hamutuk 301. Ho rekursus ne'ebe minim Ministeiru Publiku ne'e halo ona sira nia servisu balun maiske neineik.
Iha semana ruma liu ba Ministeiru publiku hala'o retiru iha Kon, Distritu Lautém nian. Sorumutu ida-ne’e marka prezensa husi majistradu sira hotu iha Ministériu Públiku no funsionáriu Administrasaun, Finansa no Rekursu umanu nian. Iha enkontru ne'eba sira halo tiha balansu ba atividade sira ne’ebé hala’o ona iha tinan 2009 nia laran no halo perspetiva ba tinan judisiál, ne’ebé hahú la’o daudaun ne’e.
Iha parte seluk tuir surat haklaken ba publiku Jornal ne'e asesu ba katak Adjuntu Prokuradór Jerál Repúblika, hodi Prokuradora Gerál Repúblika nia naran, hola parte iha reuniaun Konsellu Koordenasaun Ministériu Justisa nian ne’ebé haree konaba análize no aprovasaun Plano Estratéjiku ba Setór Justisa no buat hirak neébé maka sai nu’udar Prioridade Nasionál ba tinan 2010.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

AFP Fail to Establish Which Gun Shot Reinado

Tempo Semanal accessed a highly protected Australian Federal Police (AFP) document today after an AFP officer attached to the Australian Embassy in Dili presented himself to the Dili District Court in relation to the attempted murder of President Jose Ramos Horta in February 2008.

The AFP report on its findings and investigation into the events surrounding the shooting of President Ramos Horta and the death of fugitive Major Alfredo Reinado was dated 28 April 2008.  The Brisbane Office of the AFP was allocated responsibility for investigating potential offence in Australia or by Australians in relation to the shooting of President Jose Ramos Horta, the attack on Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao and the death of Major Reinado.

The AFP conducted computer forensic analysis of five (5) mobile SIM cards and three (3) mobile phone handsets located at the crime scene.  The AFP did not go into detail but the second AFP forensic ballistic investigation/examination of the weapons, ammunition and spent bullets at the crime scene reveal much.  Two (2) AFP officers deployed to Timor-Leste are Office Diggle and Officer Alex Caruna.  The AFP fail in their mission to reach conclusive evidence.

"Their examination have not been able to establish which firearm type was used to shoot (and kill) Major Reinado".

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Timor Leste Deputy PM recognise He Has Many Corruption Case

Tempo Semanal
Timor Leste Deputy PM recognised there is Corruption case happening but none of those allegely involved been charge. He said the there are several ministry withing the government are very corrupt. Tempo Semanal would like to review what mr. Carrascalao said in November last year when answered tempo Semanal questions.

You were the a successful Indonesian Governor for east Timor with not big budget but we could see some infrastructure in place but Today in Timor Leste independence government budget is very big but less development in place. What is the main issue?

Mario: For me the main issue is the development programme have been planned. We did have in that time board for planning. So every thing is very well organised. Although we have to agreed at that time the quality was not quiet good. The standard was quiet not good. It was difficult to control but for quantity we did more in used less money then we are now.

What is the main issue within your amp government?

Mario: The main issue is people have got the project with big amount of money and no body know exactly how the project has been calculated? Maybe there is problem of luck skilled people in public work or infrastructure Ministry. Maybe the management of the project are not quiet good. The fact is maybe today the quality is better. I don’t have any questions about that. But uniquely every thing is very expensive. Maybe today we are using Dollar and in the past we were use Rupiah.

Regarding to the combating corruption, collusion and Nepotism in this government. You have been as the deputy PM with one of the task is to help reduce the issue. Is there any sign of reducing the Corruption issue or maybe it is increasing?

Mario: The issue is a lot of cases related to corruption have been found by the inspector general and can not process to the court because the General Prosecutor it self (prokurador Jeral da Republika) do not have enough means, skill people who knows how to make investigation. They also don’t want to run the risk by take a case to the court which later found not true case. They only want to submit a case to the court with strong evidence that can convince the court. But any how there are cases related to for instance disappeared. The General inspection found out that in the ministry of Education there was more then US$ 20,000.00 that disappeared or some case for instance fake document. So according to what I hear from the general prosecutor they don’t have the capability to do the job. So millennium challenge going to support them that what we heard. That’s the planning they request for that. Also the UNODC is considering to support the general prosecutor in the investigation. The police also do not have the means to do their job in terms of investigation. So although I have a lot of case. One day if you go to my office I am going to saw you the paper that I have sent to the inspector general.

How many case of corruption came to your knowledge?

Mario: ooohhhh many many cases. I would say many be closed to 100 cases. But I don’t know have many cases have been sent to the prosecutor general. In fact I also know that some of the cases that already sent to the prosecutor general office not yet investigate. Maybe they already investigate but not told the publicly yet. So maybe still under the secrecy or confidentiality of the prosecutor general.