Tempo Semanal-Dili, 08/06/2011
Iha tempu indonesian, kada segunda feira dader profesores no estudantes sira forma ona hodi hola fatin iha ceremonia hasa'e bandeira nasional RI, Mean ho mutin no kanta ino Indonesia Raya maske barak iha laran la gosta ka kontra hela RI ninia okupasaun ilegal iha rai ida ne'e.
Maibe ohin loron ita la'o haleu nasaun independenti RDTL susar tebes atu hetaan estudantes ho profesores sira hola fatin iha ceremonia hasa'e bandeira no dala barak susar labarik sira atu hatene kanta ino nasional Patria Patria sa tan Foho Ramelau.
Maibe Amerikanu oan ida ne'e bele kanta ino partidu Fretilin ne'ebe ke la'os ninia partidu Fretilin ninia emar. mai ita ba asiste hamutuk to'ok iha video ne'ebe tempo Semanal asesu husi Youtube. iha okos ne'e.
Nota: Iha ne'e Tempo Semanal hakarak husu deskulpa ba publiku tan ba ami halo sala boot hodi dehan kanta Foho Ramelau hanesan Ino Nasional maibe loloos ne'e ino Partidu Fretilin ninian.
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Estadu TL ho PNTL Hanai Emprezariu Xines
Tempo Semanal-Dili, 07/06/2011
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Ceremonia inaugurasaun Palacio Prezidenti doasaun husi Xina |
Emprezariu Macau hetan tratamentu especial husi estadu Timor leste. Iha dader de’it karreta jeep ho marka POLICIA CSP (corpu seguranca pesoal) rua ho membru PNTL husi CSP foo esguranca maximum ba karreta pajero rua ho numeru matrikula governu nian inklui bis Parlamentu nasional nian ida hodi tula ne’ebe emprezariu husi Macau Xina. Vizitante sira ba iha Otel Timor hakfodak hodi husu malu kona ba dignitariu bo'ot mai husi nasaun ne'ebe maka vizita hela dili mak hetaan seguranca metin maka'as hanesan ne'e.
“Ne’e prezidenti husi nasaun ne’ebe?” husu malu Timor oan lubun ida ne’ebe tu’ur hela iha kafetaria Otel Timor.
Ida seluk hataan dehan, “bisnismen husi Macau. wou.....seguranca maka'as hanesan ne'e? entaun ita nia nasaun ne'e la aman karik?”
Ida seluk dehan, “ita nia PNTL ho bombeirus sira ne’e gosta maka kawal emprezariu ho artista sira.”
"Emprezariu ne'e merese duni atu hetaan segurnca maximu tan ba osan barak ne'e fali," Timor oan seluk so'e biadas.
Iha momentu balun membru parlamentu nasional dulas ibun hasoru PNTL wainhira haree video membru husi instituisaun seguranca nasaun nian ne’e uza roh Policia Maritima hodi facilita paseu artista feto foun TL KD ho Raul lemos iha fulan ruma liu ba.
Ema lubun sira ne’e haksesuk malu kona ba pozisaun ema xines ne’e. “La’e, prezidenti kamara komersiu Macau niniana.”
Iha fatin duni ema bain-bain hakfodak no admira tan ba seguranca husi CSP ne’ebe trankadu iha Otel Timor. Tuir observasaun membru PNTL husi parte CSP ho tranzitu ne’ebe wain tebes hodi eskolta ulun bo’ot emprezariu husi Xina nian ne’e.
Karreta jeep luxu CSP ninian hodi foo seguranca ba xefe emprezariu Xines iha maibe iha realidade PNTL iha UPF iha fronteira baku ain. “Haree took baa mi policia mak hanesan ne’e duni. Ami gosta kawal emprezariu sira,” dehan membru PNTL seluk ne’ebe hamriik besik Otel refere.
Policia tranzitu ida dehan delegasaun ne’e bainaka husi ulun boot estadu TL ninian mak sira tenke kawal.
Liu husi funsionariu Ministeiru Negosiu estranjeiru parte Protokolu Nasional, Tempo semanal koko husu intervista ho xefe delegasaun ne’e. “Ha’u husu to’ok lai maka foo fali resposta,” dehan funsionariu refere.
Lakleur de’it funsionariu refere hakat ba ko’alia ho staff feto ida husi delegasaun ne’e ho hatudu jeitu deskorda ho intervista. “Ha’u husu ona ba ninia sekretaris maibe dehan labele. Hodiseik kedan sira lakohi foo intervista,” informa hikas funsionariu MNE ne’e ba Tempo Semanal.
Liu tiha minute tolu nolu Membru CSP ida mai loke odamadatan ba lider emprezariu Xines ne’e hodi tama ba karreta pajero no membru delegasaun bisnismen xines nian balun sa’e karreta reprezentante povu ninian hodi eskolta tesik ba diresaun sporte dili ninian.
Emprezariu no servisu na’in husi xina daudaun ne’e hala’o invazaun maka’as mai Dili. Iha momentu ruma emprezariu Timor oan balun dehan emprezariu Xines ne’ebe fa’an ho bicikleta no dalan ninin sei mai hadau oportunidade husi emprezariu kiik Timor oan sira ninian.
Emprezariu ho servisu na’in xines sempre mai ho volume ki’ik lor-loron ho aviaun merpati no dala ruma ho aviaun Batavia. Tuir observasaun jornal ne’e ninian iha matadalan ida iha Bali maka sempre trata sira nia dokumentus no ba foti sira iha Otel lori ba sa’e aviaun iha aeroportu tan ba maioria Xinesa sira ne’e la hatene lian Indonesia.
Iha tuku 14:23 lian sirene motor policia tranzitu halai uluk tiha, akompana kedan karreta protokolu nasional ne'ebe marka estadu, depois jeep Policia CSP no bainaka especial Xines ne'e akompania karreta seluk maka sa'e husi embaixador Xina ba TL no bis parlamentu nasional ninian fila husi diresaun area branka nadodon tesik ba dili laran.
Governu Xina aijuda ona TL hodi harii gabinete Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru, Palaciu Prezidenti, Kuatel Jeral F-FDTL no uma atus ida ba ofisiais F-FDTL ninian. Diplomatikamente Xina konsege manan fuan ho laran ukun na'in TL ninian duke governu sira seluk ne'ebe uza TL ninia susar hodi gasta estraga osan husi selu taxa na'in sira nian maibe ladun foo benefisiu ba nasaun TL.
Secretary of State for Defence
Once again, UNMIT and its agencies’ attitude (UNDP UNCDF, UNEST and DGSU) have brought the Timorese to question United Nation’s mission in Timor-Leste. Through their actions we can also ask is UNMIT’s mission to develop or destroy? However before we can further discuss this we first need to clarify their mandate, UNMIT’s mandate in Timor-Leste, clearly is to support the state of Timor-Leste. Support means to provide technical assistance to the state in some of the areas which have been defined. For example to PNTL, UNMIT has provided support in five areas: operations, training, human resources as well as administration. In the defense sector they are providing only technical assistance, such as assessment assesoria as well as establishing a temporary building for the National Defense Institute. However if we properly analyse UNMIT’s attitude as well as their actions in Timor-Leste, we can see that sometimes their actions and words are not one and the same.
In 2009, I wrote an article entitled, (Reforming the Security Sector: Facing Challenges, Achieving Progress in Timor-Leste) to bring to UNMIT’s attention that their actions and words were not one and the same. You cannot say one thing up front and then behind the scenes do another creating a bad image for the state of Timor-Leste and appearing as though you know everything. The article “Reforming the Security Sector: Facing Challenges, Achieving Progress in Timor-Leste (2009)” was published in all the newspapers in Timor-Leste, and was met with a strong reaction from UNMIT. Sometimes we need an intervention to awaken UNMIT from their slumber, otherwise they will be running like blind cows. Mr. Ian Martin also reacted to this article. At a recent meeting in Timor-Leste between me and the SED team, Timor-Leste’s good friend Mr. Ian Martin in 2009 also gave his reaction to this article. In this article I said Timor-Leste knows democracy, knows human rights as well as the dignity of its people. That is why there cannot be a person, or an organisation as well as another nation to force the teachings or guide the implementation of human rights and democracy onto the people of Timor-Leste. The people together with Timor-Leste’s leadership know what Timor-Leste needs to do, and it’s not what other people want to have done in this beloved country. That is why we need to hold firm to the principle “to do what we (Timor Leste) need to do, rather than what others want”, so as to prevent the manipulative doctrine, which others have brought and tried to force Timor-Leste to implement. The implementation of human rights and democracy which is internationally enforced throughout the international community has to come from the people and Timor-Leste’s leaderships’ conscience according to the constitution and reinforced by the law.
The last case is the information which the newspaper Tempo Semanal published regarding UNMIT’s attack on the Head of Government (15/5/2011). On the 24th of January 2011, a member of UNMIT made a PowerPoint presentation with the topic FOR SUSTAINABLE DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE IN TIMOR-LESTE. Contibutions to this presentation came from UN agenicies such as UNDP, UNCDF, UNEST & DGSU, because this document said “This presentation was based on contribution from UNDP, UNCDF, UNEST & DGSU”. This means that all the information in this presentation came from the UN agencies in Timor-Leste and based on their perception good or bad about the governance of Timor-Leste. The presentation said that “the executive, especially Prime Minister is seeking more and more power at the expense of parliament and the judiciary. By the end of 2012 this may have diminished the effective roles of the other two pillars and significantly reduced the accountability of the executive and rule of law, with the rule of Prime Minister.“ This statement means the executive especially the Prime Minister is looking to grab greater power from the Parliment and the Tribunal. (Tribunál de Contas reveals big political attacks). Prior to 2012 the results of this process is the effective responsibility of these two sovereign bodies (this refers to the Parliment and and tibunal) with the executive responsibility , the state’s democratic right will diminish, and “rule of law” will diminish, but the rule of the Prime Minister will be greater...” If we were to summarise this statement a little it means that UN and its agencies think that the Prime Minister is becoming a great obsticle for the development of democray in Timor-Leste.
UNMIT’s statement from the retreat shows that they wanted to incorrectly interpret the Prime Minister’s position regarding the democratisation process in Timor-Leste. They incorrectly interpreted in two funds which we previously mentioned, Human Capital Fund which comes under the Prime Minister and Infrastructure Fund which also comes under the Prime Minister. I do not want to explain why the two funds, to the public - even less to the UN because they always see themselves as beter than the Timorese, especialy about democratisation, reform in the security sector as well as justice.
Reactions to UNMIT’s statement came from many quarters, including the Opposition, President of the Republic as well as the Pirme Minister himself. The first UNMIT presentation was like a good “vitamin” for the opposition party. That is why Fretilin’s frontbench, through Anicetio Guterres, was happy to put out a political declaration to absolutely justify and support UNMIT’s opinion.
This is clear because, as an opposition party, Fretilin received great support from UNMIT’s statement. Second, reaction from the President of the Republic Dr Ramos Horta. Dr Ramos Horta angrily said that this is a dumb person’s report and added that “I think this was probably done by a dumb person”. We see who was responsible for the oil for food program in Iraq , 100% corruption, $60 billion of corruption. So it is better for the great dumbies not to talk too much” (www.temposemanal.timor.blogspot.com). Third, reaction came from the Prime Minister himself when he said “UNMIT does not know me”. There were many aspects that the Prime Minister mentioned in his speech to the UNTL academic seminar on 17th of May 2011 at the Dili Convention Centre. However, I would add to the two topics which the Prime Minister mentioned in his speech which is very important. One of the topics is regarding the IDPs problem in 2008 and the other is about the joint Commando Operations between F-FDTL and PNTL to solve the rebel situation in 2008. We will begin with the the problem of IDPs. The question as how to solve the problem of IDPs I humbly would like to tell you a little story regarding this topic. In 2008 after the attempted assassination of the President Ramos Horta and the Prime Minster Xanana Gusmao, Parliamentary President Fernando Lasama de Araujo called a high level meeting at the Palacio das Cinzas in Kaikoli. In this meeting there were many agendas to be discussed including questions regarding a solution for the IDPs. How will the IDPs return to their homes, as well as how many years it will take to solve this problem? A Deputy SRSG (I will not mention names) quickly said that the UN has experience solving problems of IDPs in many countries, especially in Africa. That is why the Deputy SRSG added that it will take 10-15 years to be able to close down the IDP camps. Members of the government that participated in this meeting were surprised because the Government’s intention was this; maybe the problem of IDPs and the Petitioners case needed to be solved much quicker so we could focus on the nation’s development.
After listening to the UN’s opinion, the Prime Minister said what he was thinking: that the people of Timor-Leste that are now IDPs are not the same as the people of Africa. Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao also said, “I know the people’s suffering, a people who suffered during the long war, that is why the government will need 2-3 years to solve the problem of IDPs, there is no need to take 10-15 years”. “This was said and done”, within 2 years. The case of 150,000 IDPs was quickly solved. Timor- Leste’s own experience realy showed that with hard work between all the state bodies, especially the State Secretariat for Natural Disasters with the Ministry for Social Solidarity, the IDPs case was solved within 2-3 years. “ If the leader of the state and government listened to UN’s thinking , like we needed 10-15 years to solve the the IDP’s case , then even today the IDPs would still be staying underneath the tarpaulins in front of Hotel Timor, Obrigadu Baracks, Metinaro and Hera and many more places.” However we (all state bodies) together can solve the problem of IDPs”.
The Prime Minister’s speech also mentioned about the Joint Commando Operation between FALINTIL-FDTL and PNTL in 2008. This operation was decided by the Council of Ministers, then the President of the Republic was consulted and the Supreme interinu commander Fernando Lasama de Araujo declared martial law. The Council of Ministers nominated Brigadier General (now Major General) Tau Matan Ruak for the responsibility to establish the Joint Commando Operation and Commander Alfonso de Jesus (now Adjuntu Komisariu PNTL) as the Commandant and Vise Commandant of the Joint Operation. The reasons to establish the Joint Operation are; first, our hopes in the international institution, the International Stabilising Force (ISF) from Australia and New Zealand did not produce results. The whole night the Prime Minister, the Minister for Defence and Security, as well as SED, SES, Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak and Commandant Afonso de Jesus met with ISF Commandant to conduct an operation to solve the problem of the rebels. However after the ISF conducted their two day operation, ISF inform that they encountered difficulties as they did not know these people. Second, it was not the UNPOL’s competence, as well as UNPOL’s lack of capacity to solve this problem. They did not come to face such great risks in a situation as difficult as this. It is because of these two reasons that the state decided to establish the Joint Operation. The results from the Joint Operation showed the whole world that once again the Timorese can solve their problems on their own. A Joint Operation in Timor-Leste’s own way. (Timorese way) can foster stability for this beloved country. A Major from New Zealand that worked in the Joint Commando Operation, wrote a report that said the Joint Operation was successful because there was first a positive integration between F-FDTL and PNTL, and it showed that they can work together. Second, the Operation had knowledge about the rebels and found support from the population base.
Third: the implementation of a psychological military tactic that was not intended to kill the target. It is because of this Joint Operation, that Timor-Leste found success in solving the case of the Petitioners in 2008. However, at that time, we were met with great challenges from Timorese themselves who did not believe in our two forces, as well as from UNMIT. UNMIT said that Timor-Leste was mixing the role of the Armed Forces with that of the Police Force, they accused the government of starting to militarise the police. However they had forgotten that during the Joint Operation these two forces found a good opportunity to work together and develop confidence in each other after the 2006 crisis.
If we analyse well, we can see that Timor-Leste has a long experience with violence. After the Restoration of Independence, every two years Timor-Leste entered into a difficult situation. On 4th December 2002, violence appeared in Dili. People burnt the Hello Mister shop, burnt other shops in Kolmera as well as Marie Alkatiri’s house in Pantai Kelpa. In 2004 violence appeared in Lospalos between some members of FALINTIL-FDTL and PNTL. The previous government together with the President of the Republic Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao established a team to conduct an investigation. In 2006 a political and military crisis appeared that brought a great problem to this new country. The problem of IDPs and the Petitioners had yet to be solved and then the problem of the attempted assassination of the Head of State Dr. Ramos Horta and Head of the Government Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao. However this government led by Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao broke the chain of biannual conflict in 2010. Even if we encountered many problems and very difficult situations during the time of independence, we showed to the whole world that we ourselves can find solutions to solve our problems. The UN may have a lot of experience regarding conflict in other countries, like Africa, however they can not apply their experience in Timor-Leste because they do not know the Timor-Leste people.
The reaction from the President of the Republic we can say that even though at times our words are harsh, it seems that UN are really dumb. Finally, UNMIT continues to think, as well as tries to teach many things to the Timorese. I can provide an example to this effect. On 6 May 2011 some members of the government such as Vice-Prime Minister Jose Luis Guterres, together with State Secretary of Defence, State Secretary of Security, Vice Minister of Finance, and Vice Minister for Economy and Development met with UNMIT staff including Amira Haq’s Chief of Staff Toby Lanze, Murry McCullough (Security sector Reform Unit UNMIT) and the UNPOL commissary Luis Carilho and other staff to discuss the “Transition Plan”. In a presentation regarding Good Governance, an UNMIT staff member spoke strongly asking the Timor-Leste Government to quickly establish institutions to oversee the areas of Good Governance as well as Democracy. Reponding one by one as a diplomat and Vice-Prime Minister, Dr Jose Luis Guterres, extended his appreciation to UNMIT’s suggestion, however the reaction from the Secretary for Security was much stronger. There is no need to institutionalise democracy through a special state institution because democracy is consecrated in the constitution and comes from the committment between the state, civil society and the people of Timor-Leste. Civil Society, like HAK foundation, Rede Feto as well as other NGOs that watch over democracy and human rights. Currently we do not have a special institution to watch over the area of democracy, however democracy and human rights continue to proceed, because of the constitution and the commitment of the Timorese people.
Regarding the UN’s mission in Timor-Leste, we can also analyse that sometimes UNMIT is infiltrated by international and national people that have separate political agendas. The newspaper Timor Post on 24th May said that presently China has intentions to setup its intelligence in South East Asia. However, Timor-Leste needs to remember that this infiltration does not only come from China, but may come from other countries including infiltration from within the institution of UNMIT to seek information for their own country. So Timor-Leste does not need to fear, when there are some views that UNMIT also has many people who work in it, not for the UNMIT mission but for their country. Regarding this topic, we can analyse that there are two groups and one political group that is working and delivering the UN mission in Timor-Leste (this analysis may be wrong or right). First there is a group that is working for other countries “collecting information”so as to deliver other country’s work. This group is forcing its wishes and when they encounter some challenges, they always create public opinion to make the situation in the country worse. This group does not want the beloved country Timor-Leste to develop itself and become and independent sovereign.
Second, the group that wants to give great support to Timor-Leste to slowly become a developed nation. This group at this time is like “burung terkurung dalam sangkar”. This group has dominated the UNMIT leadership since the start, but between these groups, the first group dominates.
Third, a group of Timorese who work for UNMIT. There are many Timorese that are truly committed to the development of this beloved country. That, however, it is not wrong that there are some who are taking advantage of UNMIT to pursue their political, personal or group’s mission. PM Xanana in his speech said that “I want to say to the Timorese , that have become UNMIT experts , not to show off, there is no need to grovel for other people’s money because this is a bad sickness that we call: mental colonialism or intellectual colonialisim”. The Timorese that follow PM Xanana do not want UNMIT to leave Timor-Leste. In this world, interdependence and dependence between countries is a normal topic but, regading a new nation like Timor-Leste, there needs to be an end to premature dependence in this country.
I just wanted to say that what has now become public policy regarding UNMIT’s presentation from the retreat happened in January 2011, and that clearly it was not a report. However we can say that this presentation is an opinion for the UNMIT institution as well as other UN agencies in Timor-Leste. However, according to some deep sources from some people in the UN, this retreat involved the UN leadership. This means that the opinion of the UN leadership in Timor-Leste is negative regarding the government and the Prime Minister. UN is like an institution that needs to be neutral in political topics. UNMIT’s mandate in Timor-Leste is to give support to the state of Timor-Leste in all aspects, not to come and destroy and give contradictive opinions on the national development and progress.
This article is only a personal opinion
Xavier Lamenta Ho Governu Gasta Osan Boot maibe Rezultadu Mukit
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Francisco Xavier do Amaral ho Xnana vota iha elisaun prezidensial 2002 (Foto file) |
Prezidenti ASDT, Francisco Xavier do Amaral ne’ebe daudaun ne’e hahu hetaan ona beneficiu husi Governu AMP ne’ebe ninia partidu rasik maka involve ne’e hahu hasai fali on alia fian hamanas tilun ninian hasoru ninia governu rasik wainhira gasta orsamentu do estadu bo’ot maibe seidauk konsege mudah povu nia moris.
“Ita osan barak ita gasta hotu maibe povu sei terus nafatin, infra estrutura la iha, hahan la iha atu han, moras. Ita nia departamentu sira ne’e gasta osan,” lamenta Xavier Amaral.
Nia mos hasai kritika kestiona seriedade husi Ministru agrikultura no Ministru Turizmu Comersiu no industria ninia programa hodi dehan, “Ministru gasta osan ba trator sira, konforme de’it enkuanto trator la iha ema mekaniku ida atu haree. Trator ne’e lori ba so’e hela. Trator ne’e aat tiha. Tuir sentidu ne’ebe dehan povu kuda Governu sosa ne’ene, povu kuda duni maibe governu sosa duni ga la’e?”
Tuir Proklamador ne’e ninia partidu pronto atu mudifika povu ninia moris susar tan ba nia haree katak povu barak maka sei moris iha susar ninia laran no infra estrutura sei mukit nafatin maske bilaun mak sulin on aba AMP.
“Ida ne’e maka ami haree bu’at sira ne’e hotu sei falha. Ami hakarak hadia bu’at sira ne’e hotu. Ne’e maka ami pronto. Se povu hili ona maka ami pronto ba serve povu,” nia dale.
Iha momentu hanesan nia hateten katak nia ladun mos satisfas ho situasaun juventude sira ne’ebe maka la iha servisu tan ba ne’e ninia partidu hakarak tau osan boot ba harii kampu servisu.
“Ita haree arte marsiais sira, hotu-hotu buka maka grupu hodi baku malu, tuda malno sunu malu. Ida ne’e ami haree, ami baruk tiha ona.”
Iha loron 19/05/2011 mosu ona koligasaun ida ne'ebe deklara atu apoiu hikas Proklamador ne'e atu kandidata hikas aan ba prezidenti da republika iha 2011 hafoin lakon elisaun ba pozisaun hanesan iha elisaun 2002 no 2007.
“Ami la’os proklama independencia para halo juventude ne’e badiu. Ne’e la’os ami nia komprimisu,” Xavier arepende.
Xavier do Amaral hateten lia fuan hirak ne'e iha konsolidasaun partidu ASDT iha foho besik dili ninian.
Besik Elisaun CNRT Hamanas Tenda iha Aileu no Fretilin iha Vikeke
Tempo Semanal, 06/06/2011
Elisaun jeral hahu hakbesik aan daudaun mai fali Timor Leste ho kompetisaun ba hamlaha poder sira hahu hamanas fali daudaun povu ninia kakutak no sukit povu nia fuan.

Partidu CNRT hala’o ninia konsolidadsaun iha distritu aileu hodi haberan lia promesas ukun mesak ne’ebe lanca ona husi Prezidenti partidu refere iha centru konvensaun Dili iha momentu balun liu ba.
Iha konsolidasaun refere CNRT sorte boot tan ba mosu afiliasaun husi simpatisantes ho apoiantes partidu sira seluk ba partidu lidera husi pm Xanana ne'e.
Deonisio Babo Sekretariu Jeral partidu CNRT dehan ninia partidu nia odamatan nakloke hela hodi simu ema ne’ebe maka hakarak atu hamutuk hadiah nasaun ne’e maibe husu atu sira entrega hikas sira nia kartaun ne’ebe simu ona husi partidu ida uluk ka entrega ba CNRT antes partidu refere foo fali kartaun CNRT ba ema hirak ne’ebe hakarak nakfilak aan ba CNRT.
Deonisio Babo Sekretariu Jeral partidu CNRT dehan ninia partidu nia odamatan nakloke hela hodi simu ema ne’ebe maka hakarak atu hamutuk hadiah nasaun ne’e maibe husu atu sira entrega hikas sira nia kartaun ne’ebe simu ona husi partidu ida uluk ka entrega ba CNRT antes partidu refere foo fali kartaun CNRT ba ema hirak ne’ebe hakarak nakfilak aan ba CNRT.
Iha dsikursu vice Prezidenti Partidu CNRT, Vergilho Smith dehan partidu CNRT mosu atu liberta povu ai leva.
Iha parte seluk vice Prezidenti Partidu Fretilin foo tomada de pose ba estrutura joventude Fretilin iha Baha Harewain iha Distritu Vikeke.
Tuir Arsenio Bano katak ho estrutura ne’ebe iha maka servisu partidu Fretilin ninian iha nivel baze sei diak liu tan hodi hetaan apoiu liu tan husi kuadru sira iha nivel suku ninian, atu bele hakbesik aan liu tan ba militantes sira.
Tuir observador balun siik katak Fretilin ho CNRT maka sai hanesan partidu ne'ebe sei raut votus barak liu iha elisaun 2012 nune'e duni partidu rua ne'e maka sei hadau malu hodi kaer Governu. Iha fali sorin mosu mos rumores katak CNRT ho Fretilin sei tenta atu kazamentu iha governasaun mai ne'e maske dala barak ona lideransa partidu rua ne'e koko atu nega informasaun kona ba koligasaun ne'ebe karik mosu.
Tuir Arsenio Bano katak ho estrutura ne’ebe iha maka servisu partidu Fretilin ninian iha nivel baze sei diak liu tan hodi hetaan apoiu liu tan husi kuadru sira iha nivel suku ninian, atu bele hakbesik aan liu tan ba militantes sira.
Tuir observador balun siik katak Fretilin ho CNRT maka sai hanesan partidu ne'ebe sei raut votus barak liu iha elisaun 2012 nune'e duni partidu rua ne'e maka sei hadau malu hodi kaer Governu. Iha fali sorin mosu mos rumores katak CNRT ho Fretilin sei tenta atu kazamentu iha governasaun mai ne'e maske dala barak ona lideransa partidu rua ne'e koko atu nega informasaun kona ba koligasaun ne'ebe karik mosu.
Monday, 6 June 2011
Atuasaun PNTL Relembra Hikas Failansu UNPOL iha 2004
Tempo Semanal-Dili, 06/06/2011
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PNTL hetan treinamentu tiru husi UNPOL ho forsa ISF (Foto arkivo) |
Iha Sabadu (04/06) loro kraik mosu desturbiu entre jovens sira iha au hun ho bidau ninian ne’ebe presiza atuasaun PNTL ninian. Maibe hanesan bain-bain membru PNTL ladun hatudu sira ninia profesionalizmu iha sira nia atuasaun hodi hamosu alegasaun kontra pesoal lei ho orden iha estadu Timor Leste ne’e.
Haree ba atetude husi membru instituisaun seguranca ne’e ninian komunidade au hun iha segunda feira (06/06) halo invazaun ba uma fukun hodi hasa’e lia hasa’e keixa ba lian na’in sira iha uma fukun. “Lala’ok PNTL ninian ne’e foo hanoin hikas preparasaun ne’ebe la tasak husi UNPOL,” dehan membru PNTL ne’ebe husi atu jornal ne’e labele publika ninia naran.
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Atuasaun PNTL atauro baku jovens ida durante eventu hakail taru (Photo arkivo) |
“Ami kondene membru polisia ne’ebe maka uza farda ho pistol hodi asaltu jovens au hun ninian,” dehan lider joven husi au hun ba jornalista sira iha parlamentu nasional.
Jovens ne’e define katak PNTL seidauk prontu atu hala’o sira nia kna’ar no tau iha kestaun inparsialidade membru instituisaun seguranca nasaun ne’e ninian tan ba dala barak hamriik fali iha grupu balun ninia sorin hodi kontra fali seluk. “Atuasaun ne’ebe sira halo ne’e la ho professional no la imparsial,” joven ne’e hatutan.
Tuir jovens ne’e katak loloos atuasaun PNTL iha kualker desturbiu presiza tau aan iha klaran hodi separa ema ne’ebe halo problema la’os ba hamriik hamutuk ho grupu ida hodi ataka lisuk fali seluk. “La’os sira tiru ami hala’I depois haruka fali juventude bidau asaltu ne’ebe rezulta uma barak rahun I joventude barak hetan kanek depois kaer joven sira (au hun) baku to’o mi an no ten an no mos nia nehan rahun hotu,” kritika nia.
Iha fatin hanesan komunidade feto au hun ida ne’ebe to’o ohin seidauk bele fila ba ninia uma alega katak membru PNTL ida maka ba baku rahun ninia uma no ameasa ninia familias. “Polisia ida naran A ne’e maka halai sa’e ba baku rahun hau nia uma no ninia maluk polisia sira husi ninia kotuk. Depois nia tama uma laran sai kuartu tama kuartu hodi dehan hakarak, hau hetan o hau baku mate o. Nia membru polisia ida maka dehan fali hanesan ne’e ha’u lakohi. Agora mos ha’u la hela iha hau nia uma. Ha’u dada ha’u nia oan kiik oan sira ne’e ba hela fali iha hau nia kuinada sira nia uma. Kalan-kalan mai buka nafatin. Ameasa nafatin ami depois tuku odamatan bolu ami atu sai. Depois ema ida mai bolu ami dehan mana, maun favor ida aijuda lai, ami mai husi foho buka dalan, hatudu dalan lai tan ba la hatene dalan,” komunidade feto ne’e hasaran.
Komunidade sira mos lamenta ho lia fuan foer ka tolok ne’ebe hasai husi membru PNTL sira hasoru komunidade sira.
Komunidade Au hun dehan iha instituisaun PNTL ninia laran sei iha provokador balun hodi estraga elisaun 2012. Nune’e sira apelu ba Primeiru Ministru ne’ebe mos hanesan Ministru seguranca atu hasai tiha membru PNTL ne’ebe bele hamosu fali instabilidade iha nasaun ne’e.
Iha Uma fukun Timor ninian ne’e mos eis komisariu PNTL, Paulo de Fatima Martins ne’ebe agora hanesan deputadu husi CNRT rekuinese katak ninia parte simu tiha ona keixa hirak ne’e husi komunidade au hun iha tuku sia dader OTL.
“Komunidade husi aldeia Au hun bekora, mai hatoo sira nia lamentasaun ida kona ba akontesimentu ida ne’ebe akontese iha dia kuatru de Junho, katak komunidade husi Metiaut ho Bidau Masaur ba ataka sira, I sira lamenta ne’e tan ba iha pntl nain rua ne’ebe ohin temi ona naran, A ho SVN ne’ebe hamutuk ho sira nia komunidade sira ba ataka sira iha bekora au hun,” relata Paulo.
Nia hatuir katak, “ husi konflitu ida ne’e rezulta mos povu sira iha ne’eba la hakmatek, halo estragus barak I halo vitima kanek nain walu I too agora komunidade balun ne’ebe halai sai husi sira nia hela fatin seidauk fila ba sira nia uma.”
Eis komisariu ne’e mos dehan katak jovens ida mak sofre maka’as husi autuasaun PNTL sira ninian tan ba kuandu ba kaptura baku ona la to’o wainhira iha ona komando sei huan tan.
Iha parte seluk komandante PNTL distritu dili, Pedro Belo hateten katak ninia parte agora investiga hela kazu refere.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Opini dari Saudara Jacinto Aparicio
Gerakan kemerdekaan Timor Leste berawal dari Revolusi Bunga di Portugal, seluruh daerah jajahan Portugis diberi kebebasan untuk menentukan nasibnya sendiri (self determination). Di Timor Leste waktu itu muncul beberapa partai politik yang mempunyai cita-cita dan pandangan politik yang berbeda satu dengan lainnya. Di antara ke-5 partai politik yang ada pada waktu itu, hanya ada satu partai politik yakni "FRETELIN" yang menginginkan "INDEPENDENCIA NACIONAL." Wujud dari tujuan inilah maka pada tanggal 28 November 1975 FRETELIN secara sepihak memproklamasikan Kemerdekaan RDTL yang di sebut : "PROCLAMACAO INDEPENDENCIA UNILATERAL." Namun sayangnya, hanya menjelang beberapa hari Indonesia menginvasi Timor Leste yang akhirnya menjadikan Timor Leste sebagai propinsi yang ke-27 Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Semangat juang tidak tertelang oleh doktrin penjajah, FALINTIL masih eksis di hutan, perwakilan Timor Leste di luar negeri masih menyeriakkan kemerdekaan Timor Leste kepada masyarakat internasional, dan di kota gerakan bawah tanah masih melancarkan aksinya berupa manifestasi-manifestasi yang diselenggarakannya sebagai bentuk tuntutan masyarakat akan pelanggaran HAM oleh Indonesi di Timor Leste. Berbagai proses perjuangan kemerdekaan RDTL dilalui hingga menelang
beribu-ribu jiwa, namun semangat "UKUN RASIK AN" yang dicetuskan oleh FRETELIN bagaikan kobaran api yang tak kunjung padam.
beribu-ribu jiwa, namun semangat "UKUN RASIK AN" yang dicetuskan oleh FRETELIN bagaikan kobaran api yang tak kunjung padam.
Akhirnya, sesuai dengan kesepakatan 5 Mei 1999 di New York, di mana pada tanggal 30 Agustus 1999 segenap putra/putri bangsa yang sudah genap usia 17 tahun ke atas diajak menuju Tempat Pemunggutan Suara untuk menentukan nasib bangsa dan rakyatnya melalui mekanisme demokratis. Pada babak ini, pro-kemerdekaanlah yang menang, pengumuman hasil jajak pendapat tanggal 4 September 1999 oleh Sekretaris Jeneral PBB bahwa pro-kemerdekaan meraih suara terbanyak (78%). Pada hari yang bersamaan, asap hitam kembali menyelimuti Bumi Lorosa'e, bunyi senapan kembali
membisikkan telinga, namun semuanya ini merupakan akibat dari pilihan rakyat.
membisikkan telinga, namun semuanya ini merupakan akibat dari pilihan rakyat.
Dalam suasana kebebasan FRETELIN kembali bersuara, pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2001, segenap putra-putri bangsa yang sudah genap usia 17 tahun ke atas diajak kembali menuju tempat pemunggutan suara untuk memilih ASSEMBLEIA CONSTITUANTE, tergerak oleh sejarah perjuangan bangsa, FRETELIN dipercayakan untuk memilih dewan yang mulia ini sekaligus memimpin pemerintahan RDTL. 20 Mei 2002 Timor Leste kembali merestaurasi kemerdekaannya yang telah diproklamasikan oleh FRETELIN pada 1975, dan FRETELIN dipercayakan untuk mengemudi roda pemerintahan RDTL yang diketuai oleh Dr. Mari Akatri selaku perdana menteri.
Badai politik kembali menerpa bahtera FRETELIN, berawal dari masalah "ANTIGOS COMBATENTES DAN VETERANOS DAS FALINTIL," "MANIFESTASI YANG DIGELAR OLEH GEREJA KATHOLIK," dan " MASALAH PETISIONER DAN KELOMPOK MAYOR ALFREDO." Memberi pukulan yang luar biasa kepada Dr. Mari Alkatiri, akhirnya beliau dipaksa mengundurkan diri dari kursi perdana menteri.
Rentetetan masalah tersebut di atas terjadi selama masa kepemimpinan FRETELIN yang tidak dapat diselesaikan, terlebih krisis politik dan militer 2006 yang kembali melibatkan nyawa anak bangsa, menguncang eksistensi pemerintahan FRETELIN waktu itu. Berbagai macam pertanyaan rakyat kecil yang tidak dapat dilontarkan kembali menyerang pemerintahan FRETELIN. "Sikap apa yang telah
diambil oleh pemerintahan FRETELIN dalam menyelesaikan krisis 2006?" "Di mana letak tanggung-jawab pemerintahan FRETELIN terhadap krisis militer yang muncul dalam kepemimpinannya?"
diambil oleh pemerintahan FRETELIN dalam menyelesaikan krisis 2006?" "Di mana letak tanggung-jawab pemerintahan FRETELIN terhadap krisis militer yang muncul dalam kepemimpinannya?"
Menurut hemat saya, pertanyaan-pertanyaan kaum tak bersuara yang tak dapat dilontarkan inilah yang menyebabkan FRETELIN tidak dapat dipercayakan kembali oleh rakyatnya pada pemilihan presiden dan parlemen tahun 2007. Hendaknya kekalahan FRETELIN pada tahun 2007 dijadikan pertanyaan yang mesti dijawab oleh Sekjen Partai, Presiden Partai dan segenap anggota "COMITE CENTRAL FRETELIN."
"Mengapa FRETELIN yang merupakan partai historis kemerdekaan bangsa tidak dapat dipercayakan lagi oleh putera-puteri bangsa untuk memimpin RDTL?" Para anggota CCF harus introspeksi diri dan mencoba lagi untuk melihat kembali sistem politik/manual politica FRETELIN itu sendiri. "Barangkali sistemnya perlu diperbaiki?" Jika perlu, maka sudah saatnya, karena PEMILU 2012 semakin dekat.
"Para anggota CCF yang akhirnya meninggalkan CCF, mengapa?" "Apakah karena mereka tidak mendapat kesempatan untuk menjadi pemimpin partai sehingga meninggalkan partai dan menyatakan diri sebagai FRETELIN MUDANCA?" "Ataukah mereka menuntut sistem politik dan etika kepemimipinan yang perlu dirubah guna menjaga eksistensi FRETELIN itu sendiri?"
"Para anggota CCF yang akhirnya meninggalkan CCF, mengapa?" "Apakah karena mereka tidak mendapat kesempatan untuk menjadi pemimpin partai sehingga meninggalkan partai dan menyatakan diri sebagai FRETELIN MUDANCA?" "Ataukah mereka menuntut sistem politik dan etika kepemimipinan yang perlu dirubah guna menjaga eksistensi FRETELIN itu sendiri?"
Sudah yang ke sekian kalinya telinga kita tersambar oleh lagu "ELEICAO ANTECIPADA DAN MARCHA DA PAZ" yang dinyanyikan oleh anggota CCF. "Apakah ELEICAO ANTECIPADA DAN MARCHA DA PAZ merupakan satu sikap baik dan menguntungkan FRETELIN untuk merebut kembali pemerintahan RDTL dari kepemimpinan AMP?" Jawaban saya, "TENTU TIDAK!!!" Dengan menurunkan masa dari berbagai penjuruh tanah air ke kota Dili untuk melakukan MARCHA DA PAZ, merupakan momentum yang diciptakan oleh FRETELIN untuk pihak ketiga dengan tindakan-tindakan tertentu yang akhirnya mengotori nama baik FRETELIN, lebih parah lagi jika ada tindakan-tindakan kriminal dari peserta MARCHA DA PAZ, maka untuk yang kedua kalinya FRETELIN tidak dipercayakan lagi oleh masyarakat, karena FRETELIN menjadi sumber kriminal karena digelarnya MARCHA DA PAZ oleh FRETELIN.
Dengan demikian saya menghimbau kepada yang mulia Camarada Secretario Gerel Partido FRETELIN, Camarada Presidente Partido FRETERLIN dan segenap anggota CCF untuk mempersiapkan simpatisan dan militannya untuk menyonsong PEMILU 2012 bukan dengan MARCHA DA PAZ dan ELEICAO ANTECIPADA. "Sudah sejauh manakah persiapan FRETELIN?" "Apa yang telah, sedang dan akan dipersiapkan oleh FRETELIN untuk PEMILU 2012?" "Dengan rangkaian persiapan yang mungkin telah, sedang dan akan dilakukan dapat mengembalikan militantes dan simpatisantes yang saat ini jauh dari FRETELIN dapat kembali ke pangkuan FRETELIN?" Beberapa pertanyaan di atas hendaknya dijadikan bahan permenungan oleh anggota CCF untuk menyonsong PEMILU 2012. TERIMA KASIH
Opiniaun husi Jacinto Aparicio
(Univercitário Técnica Industria Univercidade Widyagama Malang)
(Univercitário Técnica Industria Univercidade Widyagama Malang)
La kleur tan ita sei celebra Festa Democracia hodi hili ita nia nai ulun sira. Depois de Consulta Popular iha 30 de Augusto de 1999 no bainhira Secretário Geral das Nações Unidas altura nebá Exlentíssimo Sr. Koffi Anan fo sai resultado eleição no declara sai ba mundo tomak katak maioria husi povo Timor Leste hili haketak an husi Indonesia nia ukun, ai suar metan sae kalohan Timor no kilat tarutu iha teritório Timor Leste tomak hodi acompanha povo no militar Indonesia hakat ain husi rai doben Timor Leste.
Povo Timor Leste ho ninia possibilidade tomak no tulun husi missão ONU dala ida tan iha 30 de Augusto de 2001 liu husi processo nebé democrático teb-tebes povo
fo fiar ba partidoo Fretelin hodi kaer ukun iha Timor, maibé primeiro Governo
nebé chefeia husi Exlentíssimo Dr. Marí Alcatiri hetan crise de governação
relaciona ho crise política no militar nebe mosu iha 2006. Ministros balun husik
sira nia kadeira maske sira nia periodo de mandato la dauk remata inclui Dr.
Marí Alcatiri nudar Primeiro Ministro momento nebá.
fo fiar ba partidoo Fretelin hodi kaer ukun iha Timor, maibé primeiro Governo
nebé chefeia husi Exlentíssimo Dr. Marí Alcatiri hetan crise de governação
relaciona ho crise política no militar nebe mosu iha 2006. Ministros balun husik
sira nia kadeira maske sira nia periodo de mandato la dauk remata inclui Dr.
Marí Alcatiri nudar Primeiro Ministro momento nebá.
Fretelin nia ukun oficialmente remata iha 2007. Iha eleição Presidencial no Parlamentar 2007 povo Timor Leste la fo confiança máximo ba partido histórico Fretelin hanesan iha 2001. Mosu Governo foun,governo aliancia nebé chefeia husi Exlentíssimo Kay rala Xanana Gusmão. Relaciona ho resultado eleição iha parte balun iha Timor Leste dala ida tan ai suar metan sae kalohan Timor hanesan iha Baucau no Viqueque. Povo ida ne’e sai husi crise ida tama fali crise seluk, Timor Leste nia cultura la’os ona cultura dame maybe cultura violencia.
Ita besik dau-daun ona ba eleição presidencial no parlamentar iha 2012, partidos políticos barak hahú ona halao consolidação política. Buat nebé ita hotu espera katak líderes partidos hahú ona fo doutrina política ba ninia militantes no simpatizantes sira hodi simu realidade democracia hodi nune’e labele hamosu violencia bainhira partido ida lakon democráticamente. Ita nia líderes partidos tenke iha maturidade política hodi apresenta sira nia programa política ba povo la’os atu trata no insulta malu iha palco política leten.
Atu bele halao no realiza prática democracia nebé diak no efectivo mak autor democracia tenke iha maturidade política, tenke esportivo hodi simu bainhira lakon iha eleição no suporta ida nebé manan. Maibé haré ba crise hirak ita liu, ita nia democracia hetan desafio bot, ita nia democracia seidauk fo prosperiedade ba povo no nação, maibé ita nia democracia creia violencia. Ita nia líderes partidos no governantes tenke prática democracia nebé efectivo ba programa prosperidade no crescemento economia povo nebé justo liu husi programa desenvolvimento nebé transparancia no equilibrio.
Ita nia líderes partidos no governantes tenke bele utiliza sira nia energia no capacidade hodi halo buat diak ba nação no povo hodi bele successo iha programa ho maneira suporta malu la’os buka dalan hodi hatun malu liu husi soran povo.
Notícia corupção husi ita nia governantes dau-daun ne’e halo povo tilun diuk, maibé prática lei hodi condena coruptores la dauk la’o iha ita nia rai, saida mak povo no rai ida ne’e espera husi governo foun depois de festa democracia 2012? Povo tenke sai matenek ona hodi haré partidos ou figuras nebé mak soi atu dirige naçao no povo ida ne’e.
Maluk leitores sira, buat nebé ha’u hakerek iha ne’e la iha tendencia hodi hatun partido A no foti partido B ou hatun governo A hodi foti governo B, maibé ha’u hakarak halo análize ida relaciona ho realidade concreta nebé ita passa tiha ona. Eleição 2007 fo hanoin mai ita no liu-liu ba líderes partidos políticos atu fo atenção no doutrina política ba militantes no simpatizantes hodi respeita no foti valor democracia iha ita nia rain.
Jacinto Aparicio
(Univercitário Técnica Industria Univercidade Widyagama Malang)
(Univercitário Técnica Industria Univercidade Widyagama Malang)
Nota: Opini ida ne'e sei publika iha jornal Tempo Semanal ediasaun semana oin hodi distribui mos ba baze.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Opiniaun Husi
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Julio Tomas Pinto
Secretario Estado da Defesa
(Article ne’e representa opiniaun Pesoal)
Dala ida tan, UNMIT ho nian ajénsias nia atetude (UNDP UNCDF, UNEST & DGSU), lori Timor oan sira para kestiona konaba Nassões Unidas nia missaun iha Timor-Leste. Tuir sira nian hahalok, ita mos bele husu katak, UNMIT nian missaun ne’e para dezenvolve ou destroi? Maibe, antes ita kualia konaba ne’e, ita tenki esklarece uluk sira nia mandatu. Mandatu UNMIT iha Timor-Leste, klaramente katak atu fo supporta ba Estadu Timor-Leste. Supporta signifika katak, bele foo assistencia teknika ba Estadu iha area balun nebe defini tiha ona. Pur ezemplu, ba PNTL, UNMIT foo apoiu iha área lima: operasaun, treinamentu, rekursos umanu no mos administrasaun. Ba setór defesa, sira fo deit assistensia teknika, hanesan assesoria no mos hari’i edifisiu provejoria ba Institutu Defeza Nasional. Maibe, se ita analiza didiak UNMIT nian atetude ho sira nia opiniaun iha Timor-Leste, ita hare katak dala ruma sira nia hahalok ho sira nian opiniaun la hanesan.
Iha tinan 2009, atan hau, hasai article ida ho tópiku, “Reforma Setór Siguransa iha Timor-Leste: Entre Progresu e Dezafius” (Reforming the Security Sector: Facing Challenges, Achieving Progress in Timor-Leste) para fanu e hatoo ba UNMIT katak, sira nia hahalok ho sira nian liafuan tenki hanesan. Labele iha oin kualia ida, depois iha kotuk halo konspirasaun, hodi kria imagen aat ba Estado Timor-Leste, hodi sai hanesan, sira mak hatene buat hotu. Article “Reforming the Security Sector: Facing Challenges, Achieving Progress in Timor-Leste (2009)” ne’e publika iha jornal hotu-hotu iha Timor-Leste, e hetan reasaun makaas husi UNMIT. Dala ruma ita presiza intervensaun ida, para fanu UNMIT sira, husi toba, selae sira halai hanesan karau matan delek (blind cow). Reasaun ba article ne’e mos mai husi Sr. Ian Martin. Kuandu hau ho ekipa SED, halo inkontru ida, ho Timor-Leste nia kolega diak, Sr. Ian Martin iha 2009, nia mos foo nia reasaun konaba article ida ne’e. Iha article ne’e, atan hau dehan katak, Timor-Leste hatene demokrasia, hatene direitus umanus e hatene mos dignidade povu nian. Tamba ne’e, labele iha ema ida ou organizasaun ida, no mos nasaun ida, mai hodi obriga hanorin ou orienta implementasaun direitus umanus no mos demokrasia ba povu Timor-Leste. Povu ho líder Timor-Leste hatene saida mak Timor-Leste presiza halo, laos saida mak ema seluk haruka halo iha rai doben ida ne’e. Tamba ne’e maka ita tenki kaer metin prinsipiu “to do what we (Timor Leste) need to do, rather than what others want”, para prevene dotrina manipulativu, nebee ema balun lori mai hodi obriga Timor-Leste implementa. Implementasaun direitus umanus no mos demokrasia nebee vigora universalmente iha komunidade internasional, tenki mai husi konsiensia povu e líder Timor-Leste, tuir konstituisaun e lei em vigor.
Kazu ikus liu maka informasaun nebe jornal Tempo Semanal hasai ba públiku konaba, UNMIT ataque Chefi Guverno (15/5/2011). Iha loron 24 de Janeiru 2011, membru UNMIT ida halo aprezentasaun ho power point, ho tópiku, FOR SUSTAINABLE DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE IN TIMOR-LESTE. Kontribuisaun ba aprezentasaun ne’e mai husi ajéncias UN hanesan UNDP, UNCDF, UNEST & DGSU, tamba document ne’e hateten : “This presentation was based on contribution from UNDP, UNCDF, UNEST & DGSU”. Ne’e signifika katak, informasaun hotu nebe iha aprezentasaun ida ne’e, mai husi ajénsias ONU nian, iha Timor-Leste e bazeia ba sira nian persepsaun diak ou aat ba guvernasaun Timor-Leste. Aprezentasaun ne’e hateten katak: “the executive, especially prime Minister is seeking more and more power at the expense of parliament and the judiciary. By the end of 2012 this may have diminished the effective roles of the other two pillars and significantly reduced the accountability of the executive and rule of law, with the rule of prime minister. “ statement ida ne’e signifika katak...ezekutivu, espesialmente Primeiru Ministru buka atu hadau podér boot liu tebes husi Parlamentu no Tribunais sira (Tribunál de Contas sei hamosu atakes polítiku boot tebes). Molok 2012 prosesu ida ne’e nia rezultadu mak knaar efetivu husi órgaun soberania rua ne’e nian (ne’e refere ba parlamentu no tribunál) hodi responsabiliza ezekutivu, estadu direitu demokrátika sei menus, no “rule of law” sei menus no “rule of Primeiru Ministru” mak sei boot liu...” Se ita halo sumariu kik ba statement ida nee signifika, ONU ho sira nian ajensias hanoin katak: Primeiru Ministru sai hanesan obstaclu boot ba dezenvolvimentu demokrasia ba Timor-Leste.
Statement UNMIT nian iha retreat ne’e hatudu tan katak, sira hakarak interpreta sala pozisaun Primeiru Ministru nian, ba prosesu demokratizasaun iha Timor-Leste. Sira interpreta sala konaba Fundu Rua nebe bain-bain ita temi, Fundu Kapital Humano nebe iha Primeiru Ministru nia okos e Fundu Infrastrutura nebe mos iha Primeiru Ministru nia okos. Hau lakohi esplika tan fundu rua ne’e ba públiku liu-liu ba ONU, tamba sira ne’e sempre hare sira nia an perfeito liu Timor oan sira, liu-liu konaba demokratizasaun, reforma setor seguransa e seluk tan iha justisa.
Reasaun ba statement UNMIT nian ne’e, mai husi parte barak, inclui mos Opozisaun, Presidente Republika no mos Primeiru Ministru rasik. Primeiru, aprezentasaun UNMIT nian ne’e hanesan “vitamina” diak ida ba partido opozisaun. Purtantu Bankada Fretilin atraves deputadu Aniceto Guterres, ho kontenti hasai deklarasaun politika, hodi justifika e supporta absolutamente opiniaun UNMIT nian. Ne’e tamba klaru que nudar partidu opozisaun, Fretilin hetan supporta boot husi UNMIT nia statement. Sigundo, reasaun mos mai husi Presidente Republika Dr. Ramos Horta. Dr Ramos Horta ho hirus dehan, relatóriu nee ema beik ten nian, no mos hatutan katak “hau hanoin beik ten ruma maka halo karik. Ita hare to’ok se mak kaer programa ida naran oil and food iha Iraque, korupsaun ne’e makas 100 %, korupsaun $60 biloens. Purtantu, diak liu beik ten boot sira ne’e lalika koalia demais” (www.temposemanal.timor.blogspot.com). Terseiro, reasaun mos mai husi Primeiru Ministru rasik wainhira hatete katak, “UNMIT ladun kunhese hau”. Iha aspeto barak mak Primeiru Ministru temi iha nia diskursu ba seminariu akademi UNTL, iha loron 17 de Maio 2011 iha Centru Konvensaun de Dili. Maibe hau hakarak aumenta tan deit assunto rua nebe Primeiru Ministru mensiona iha nian diskurso, nebe importante tebe-tebes. Assuntu ida mak problema konaba IDPS nian iha tinan 2008 e seluk tan konaba Operasaun Komandu Konjuntu entre F-FDTL e PNTL para rezolve situasaun rebeldes nian iha tinan 2008. Ita komesa uluk husi problema IDPs. Konaba pergunta, oinsa rezolve problema IDPs, atan hau hakarak konta istoria oan ida konaba asuntu ne’e. Iha tinan 2008, depois de assassinatu tentativa ba Prezidente Ramos Horta ho Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao, Presidente interino Fernando Lasama de Araujo konvoka inkontru alto nivel (high level meeting) iha Palacio das Cinzas iha Kaikoli. Iha inkontru ida ne’e, iha ajenda barak tebe-tebes para koalia, inclui mos pergunta konaba solusaun ba IDPs. Oinsa mak IDPs bele fila hikas ba sira nia uma, no mos, tinan hira mak presiza para rezolve problema ida ne’e? Deputy SRSG ida (hau lakohi temi naran) hato’o kedas katak, ONU iha esperiencia rezolve problema IDPs iha nasaun barak, especialmente nasaun sira iha Africa. Tamba ne’e Deputy SRSG ne’e hatutan tan katak, lori tinan 10-15 para bele taka kampu IDPs. Membrus Guvernu nebee partisipa iha inkontro ne’e hakfodak tamba intensaun guvernu nian mak ne’e, katak problema IDPs e kazu Petisionariu sira, tenki rezolve lalais para ita bele fokus fali ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian. Depois de rona tiha opiniaun ONU nian, Primeiru Ministru hato’o nia hanoin katak, povu Timor-Leste sira nebee agora sai IDPs, la hanesan povu Africa sira. Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao dehan mos katak,” hau kunhese povo terus atan ida ne’e, povu ida nebee terus iha funu naruk nia laran, tamba ne’e guverno sei presiza tinan 2-3 para rezolve problema IDPs, la persiza to’o fali tinan 10-15 tan”. “This was said and done”, ho tinan 2 nian laran, kazu de 150,000 IDPs rezolvidu kedas. Timor-Leste nian esperiencia rasik, hatudu duni katak ho servisu makas entre orgaun Estadu nia hotu, specialmente Secretaria Estadu Dezastre Naturais ho Ministeriu Solidaridade Social, kazu IDPs rezolvidu duni iha tinan 2-3 nian laran. “Se líder estadu ho guvernu rona UNMIT nian hanoin, hanesan ita presiza tinan 10-15 para rezolve kazu IDPs, karik to’o agora, IDPs sira nian hela nafatin maka iha lona okos iha Hotel Timor nian oin, Obrigadu Barak nia Oin, Metinaro ho Hera no mos fatin seluk tan”. Maibe ita (orgaun estadu tomak) hamutuk, ita bele rezolve duni kazu boot ida ne’e (together we (all state organs) can solve the problem of IDPs).
Diskursu husi Primeiru Ministru mos temi konaba Operasaun Komandu Konjuntu entre FALINTIL-FDTL e PNTL, iha tinan 2008. Operasun ida ne’e desidi husi Konselhu dus Ministrus, depois halo konsulta ho Prezidente Republika e Komandante Supremu interinu Fernando Lasama de Araujo, hodi foo sai deklarasaun Estado de Sitio. Responsabilidade para harii Operasaun Komandu Konjuntu, Konselhu dus Ministrus nomeia Brigadeiro General (agora Major General) Taur Matan Ruak ho Komandante Afonso de Jesus (agora Adjuntu Komisariu PNTL), para sai hanesan Komandante e Vice Komandante ba Operasaun Konjuntu. Razaun hodi hari’i Operasaun Kojuntu maka ne’e; primeiru, esperansa mak ita foo ba instituisaun internasional, atraves de International Stabilization Force (ISF) husi Australia e Nova Zealandia, la hetan rezultadu. Kalan ida tomak Primeiru Ministru e Ministru Defeza e Siguransa, no mos SED, SES, Brigadeiru General Taur Matan Ruak e Komandante Afonso de Jesus halo inkontru ida ho Komandante ISF atu halo operasaun ida para rezolve problema rebeldes nian. Maibe, depois de ISF halo tiha sira nian operasaun durante loron rua, ISF informa fali katak, sira hetan difikuldade tamba la kunhese ema sira ne’e. Sigundo, laos UNPOL nian kompetensia, no mos UNPOL la iha kapasidade para rezolve problema ida nee. Sira laos mai para hasoru risku boot iha situasaun dificil ida ne’e. Tamba razaun rua ne’e mak Estadu deside, hari’i nafatin Operasaun Konjuntu. Rezultadu husi Operasaun Konjuntu, hatudu ba mundu tomak, dala ida tan katak, Timor oan bele rezolve nia problema rasik. Operasaun Konjuntu ho Timor-Leste nia dalan rasik (Timorese way) bele kria estabilidade ba nasaun doben ida ne’e. Major ida husi Nova Zealandia mak servisu iha Operasaun Komandu Konjuntu, halo relatoriu ida e hakerek katak, Operasaun Konjuntu hetan susesu tamba primeiru hetan integrasaun pozitivu entre F-FDTL ho PNTL, e hatudu katak sira bele servisu hamutuk. Sigundo, Operasaun iha kunhecimentu konaba rebeldes e hetan supporta husi populasaun baze. Terseiru, implementasaun taktika psikologika militar, nebe laos para oho target.
Tamba Operasaun Konjuntu ne’e, maka Timor-Leste hetan susesu hodi resolve kazu petisionarius sira, iha 2008. Maibe iha tempu neba, ita hasoru dezafiu boot husi Timor oan sira rasik nebe la fiar ita nia forsa rua, no mos husi UNMIT sira. UNMIT hateten katak, Timor-Leste komesa kahur papel Forsa Armadas ho Forsa Policial e sira akuza guvernu komesa halo militarizasaun ba polícia. Maibe sira haluha tiha katak, durante Operasaun Konjunto ne’e, mak forsa rua F-FDTL ho PNTL hetan opurtunidade diak para servisu hamutuk e dezenvolve fali konfiansa ba malu depois de krize 2006.
Se ita analiza didiak ita bele hare katak, Timor-Leste iha esperiencia naruk iha violensia laran. Depois de Restaurasaun Independensia, kada tinan rua Timor-Leste tama iha situasaun difísil nia laran. Iha loron 4 de Dezembro 2002, violensia mosu iha Dili laran. Ema sunu loja Hello Mister, sunu Loja balun iha Kolmera no mos sunu Marie Alkatiri nia uma iha Pantai Kelapa. Iha 2004, violensia mosu iha Lospalos entre membru balun husi FALINTIL-FDTL ho PNTL. Guvernu anterior hamutuk ho Prezidente Republika Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao harii ekipa ida hodi halo investigasaun. Iha 2006, mosu krizi polítika no mos militar nebe hamosu problema boot ba nasaun foun ida ne’e. Sidauk rezolve problema IDPs ho petisionarius sira, mosu tan problema assassinatu tentativa ba Chefi de Estado Dr. Ramos Horta e Chefi Guverno Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao. Maibe guverno ida nebe lidera husi Permeiro Ministro Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao hakotu korente (chain) konflito kada tinan rua ne’e iha 2010. Mesmu ita hetan problemas barak e situasaun difísil tebe-tebes durante tempu independencia nian laran, ita hatudu ba mundu tomak katak, ita rasik bele buka solusaun hodi rezolve ita nian problema. UN sira bele iha esperiencia barak konaba conflitus iha rai seluk, hanesan Afrika, maibe sira la bele mai aplika sira nian esperiencia iha Timor-Leste, tamba sira la kunhese povu Timor-Leste.
Tuir Prezidente da Republika nian reasaun, ita bele dehan katak, mesmu dala ruma ita nian liafuan hanesan kasar, mas parese ONU sira beik ten duni. Ikus liu UNMIT sei kontinua hanoin, no mos hakarak los hanorin, buat barak ba Timor oan sira. Hau bele foo ezemplu ida tan konaba ida ne’e. Iha loron 6 de Maio 2011 Membrus Governu balun, hanesan Vice Primeiru Ministru Jose Luis Guterres, hamutuk ho Secretariu Estadu da Defeza, Secretariu Estadu da Siguransa, Vice Ministru Finansas e Vice Ministru Ekonomia ho Dezenvolvimento halo inkontru ho UNMIT staff sira inclui, Chief of Staf Amira Haq nian Toby Lanzer, Murray McCullough (Security sector Reform Unit UNMIT), e Komissáriu UNPOL Luis Carilho ho staff seluk tan, atu koalia konaba “Transition Plan”. Iha aprezentasaun konaba Good Governance, staf UNMIT oan ida, koalia makas liu para husu guvernu Timor-Leste, hari’i lalais instituisaun ida para tau matan iha área Good Governance no mos Demokrasia. Responde ba ideia ida ne’e, nudar diplomata e Vice Primeiru Ministru, Dr. Jose Luis Guterres, hato’o nia agradesimentu ba sujestaun UNMIT ne’e, maibe reasaun husi Secretario Siguransa makas liu. Demokrasia la presiza institusionaliza atraves instituisaun especial Estado nian. Tamba demokrasia konsagra ona iha Konstituisaun e sai hanesan kompromisu Estadu nian, sociedade civil, no mos povu Timor-Leste tomak. Sosiedade Civil hanesan Fundasaun HAK, Rede Feto no mos NGO sira seluk tan, tau matan dadauk ba demokrasia ho direitus umanus. Agora dadaun ita la iha instituisaun especial ida para tau matan iha área demokrasia, maibe demokrasia ho direitus umanus lao nafatin, tamba Konstituisaun e kompromisiu povo Timor oan nian.
Konaba missaun ONU nian iha Timor-Leste, ita mos bele analiza katak, UNMIT dalam ruma hetan infiltrasaun husi ema internasional e nasional, nebee iha ajenda politika ketak. Jornal Timor Post iha loron 24 de Maio hateten katak, Xina agora iha intensaun para monta nia espionajen iha Ásia Sudeste. Maibe Timor-Leste mos keta haluha katak infiltrasaun ne’e laos mai deit husi Xina, maibe mai husi nasaun seluk, inklui mos infiltrasaun iha instituisaun UNMIT nia laran para buka informasaun ba sira nia nasaun rasik. Purtantu Timor-Leste la presiza hakfodak kuandu iha mos opiniaun balun katak, UNMIT mos iha ema barak, nebe nia servisu laos ba missaun UNMIT nian, maibe ba ninia nasaun mos. Konaba assuntu ida nee, ita bele analiza katak, iha grupu rua e grupu politika ida mak agora halao ou servisu hela missaun ONU iha Timor-Leste (analiza ne’e bele los ou bele la los): Primeiro iha grupu ida nebe servisu ba nasaun seluk halao hela missaun “rekolha informasaun” atu bele hato’o ba nasaun seluk nebe nia servisu ba. Grupu ne’e mak obriga hela ninia hakarak no mos bainhira hetan dezafius ruma, sira sempre kria opiniaun publiku atu halo aat ba situasaun iha rai laran. Grupu ida ne’e mak lakohi rai doben Timor-Leste dezenvolvi ninia an, hodi sai nasaun nebe independente e soberania. Sigundo, Grupu ida nebe hakarak foo tulun ba Timor-Leste hodi sai nasaun dezenvolvidu ho neneik. Grupu ida ne’e durante ne’e hanesan “burung terkurung dalam sangkar”. Grupu ida ne’e mak domina lideransa UNMIT desde uluk kedas, mas iha grupu ne’e nia sorin, mesak grupu primeiru deit mak domina. Terseiro, grupu Timor oan nebe servisu iha UNMIT. Iha Timor oan barak mak fo laran duni para bele kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu rai doben ne’e. Maibe la sala mos katak iha mos balun mak, aproveita UNMIT para halao missaun politiku, pessoal ou grupu nian. PM Xanana iha nia diskursus dehan katak “hau hakarak dehan Timor oan sira nebe sai experts ba UNMIT, atu lalika loko-an, atu lalika hakruk demais ba ema nia osan, tamba ida ne’e, moras at ida nebe ita bolu : colonialism mental no colonialism intellectual”. Timor oan sira ne’e mos tuir PM Xanana lakohi UNMIT sai husi Timor Leste. Iha mundu ne’e interdependia e dependensia entre nasaun asunto ida normal mas nudar nasaun foun ida Timor Leste persiza halakon dependensia premature iha rai ida ne’e.
Hakarak hateten deit katak, saida mak agora sai polémiko iha publiku konaba aprezentasaun UNMIT nian, husi retreat mak akontece iha Janeiru 2011, klaru que laos relatorio ida. Maibe ita bele dehan katak, aprezentasaun ne’e sai hanesan opiniaun husi instituisaun UNMIT, ho ajéncias seluk husi ONU iha Timor-Leste. Maibe, klean tebe-tebes katak, tuir informasaun husi ema balun iha ONU, retreat ne’e involve líder ONU sira. Ne’e signifika katak opiniaun husi líder ONU sira iha Timor-Leste, negativu ba guvernu no mos Primeiru Ministru. ONU hanesan instituisaun ida mak tenki sai neutral e labele tama iha assuntu politika nian. Mandatu UNMIT nian iha Timor-Leste maka, para foo supporta ba Estadu Timor-Leste iha aspeitu hotu, laos para mai destroi e fo opiniaun kontraditivu ba progressu no mos dezenvolvimentu nasional.
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