Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Importansia Nasionalismo atu dezenvolve rai Timor.

Opini husi: Geraldo S. Ximenes, 
Komandante en Xefe das Falintil simbolikamente
entrega tonkat ba saudozu Rodak hafoin de reorganizasaun
 rezistencia iha Marcu 1981 iha Maubai ne'ebe konsege
 fahe rejiaun de gerilia tolu hanesan funu nafatin,
 nakroman ho haksolok (foto arkivu rezistencia)
Nasionalismo  definisaun simples ( Cambridge dictionary) katak hadomi o nia nasaun, no considera nia sidadaun hotu hanesan. “Nationalism makes one think that the people belonging to one’s own country should be considered one’s equal”. Interesante mai hau bainhira primeru  ministro fo statement katak Timor preciza nasionalismo foun  no dotor Flavio fo tangapan nebe publika iha media iha dia 15/8/2011 . Doutor Flavio kompara sistema tratamento saude, ba dezenvolvimento politika no nasionalista no mos hahalok projetu no seluk tan e primeru ministro fanu gerasaun foun nudar timor oan atu sai nationalista  nebe diak ba futuru .
No autor fiar katak, nationalism foun iha USA nia historia (1910) Rosevelt mos koalia liafuan ida nee.  New Nationalism” atu inspire governasaun nebe diak no hadia economi no vida social maski nia faila, maibe Se ida nee hnesan ho Timor, entaun nasionalismo foun nudar obrigasaun ida ba partidu politikus no lideransa nebe deit tuir mai atu kaer governo hodi pratika lolos hahalok nasionalista nudar timor oan no kosidera rai timor nudar inan ba ita hotu. (Timor Leste is a mother for all of us, from the educated and the well –off to the poor, the needy and the jobless ones, and we all should love our precious nation) No ema timor oan nebe iha potensi atu kaer governo husu ba nia an, hau hadomi rai no povu ida ne galae? Ou hau hadomi mak rai nee nia riku soin? Ou hau hamlaha ba poder atu kaer governo haluha obrigasaun nudar sidadaun diak? Perguntas hirak, nee se bele mosu iha timor oan hotu –hotu nebe kaer posisaun, hanesan halo lei, halao projeitu atu hare infrastrutura karik ho qualidade , no kaer kargu atu implementa lei nebe vigora karik rona mos sidadaun sira nia halerik,  hodi nunee bele fo sai desizaun nebe ho qualidade no bele impaktu diak ba future.
Tuir autor nia hanoin, nasionalismo nee so mosu husi ema ida-idak nia fuan ho laran. Gerasaun uluk la iha ema ida hnaorin no sira ho fuan ho laran hodi liberta povu ho nasaun,  nune’e mos se Gerasaun foun atu sai nasionalismo, tenki mosu husi nia fuan no laran rasik hodi hadomi rai nee no povu mukit nebe hakilar, ba stabilidade, saude, edukasaun no buat seluk tan. Laos ibun nasionalista maibe laran hanoin hela bolsu atu ense nakonu ho dollar, hein bainhira sae boot no tur iha kadera governo nian. Povu nebe terus no mukit iha tempo nakukun sei terus ba bebeik, no ema nebe buka moris iha rai seluk, iha tempo nakukun sai goja no kontenti iha nasaun nia bokur no riku soin leten, la ho nasionalismo nebe diak.
Tuir mai, demokrasi buras teb-tebes iha ita nia rain, tuir lolos nasionalista mos buras hanesan ho demokrasi nee, maibe primeru ministro sei husu nafatin  atu gerassaun foun sai nasionalismo foun, signifika katak nudar ema nebe hasai nasaun no povu mukit husi nakukun sinti triste ho hahalok lideransa gerasaun foun actual balun nebe durante tempo nakukun sira iha liur (excile) no la sinti povu timor nia terus. Hanesan sira nebe iha Australia, mosambique, no Portugal la hatudu hahalok positive ba dezenvolve nasaun nebe hamrik maibe karik hadomi mak nasaun nia bokur. ( husu an rasik se mai ukun hodi dezenvolve, hakerek nain la temi maibe se mai atu ukun, manan projetu no fila ba rai nebe imi hela ba iha tempo nakukun, entaun merese tama duni katak ukun la ho nasionalista)
Ida mos Hanesan quota nebe Novel peace Laurete Nelson Mandela iha 1990 an hateten katak “sometimes it falls upon generation to be great. You can be that great generation” Timor Leste no lideransa nebe hasai povu noo rai husi nakukun hanesan primeiro ministro ho asuawain sira seluk, preciza gerasaun ida nee  great one atu lidera no dezenvolve rai nee ba oin. Signifika gerasaun ba gerasaun bele iha mudansa positive nebe bele benefisiu ba povu ho nasaun, tau interese publiku a’as liu interese privado ou pessoal.
Primeru ministro, kaer governo iha 2007 positivu tebes. Nudar lideransa nia akumula gerasaun foun no matenek nain timor oan sira husi rai laran no husi rai liur, Australia, Portugal no seluk tan. Fo oportunidade tomak no hamutuk ukun la hare ba kor nakukun nian mutin ka metan, hamutuk hodi ukun povu mukit no halo planu atu dezenvolve rai nee ba oin, no hein katak sira mos bele sai nasionalismo ida nebe ke diak. Maibe dalaruma resultado nebe primeru ministro hetan kontrariu ho buat nebe nia hanoin ou hakarak husi sira. Entaun nia tenki apela tan dala ida para lideransa ou timor oan nebe iha potensi atu ukun, nebe tuir mai atu ukun sei ho nasionalismo nebe foun no furak.
Parte ida tan, nasionalismo nebe diak, hakerek na’in hanoin katak iha loron ida sekarik povu mukit no kiak nia oan sira mak iha kapasidade no iha oportunidade atu sai lideransa, nia mak sei sai nasionalista lolos. Ho rasaun katak, nia moris husi kiak, nia hatene lolos moris povu nian, hatene povu nia preciza, no hakarak. Nia sei simu realidade, sei respeitu justisa no instituisaun ida-idak nia funsaun, nia sei la uza poder hodi manan justisa no korupsaun, nia sei hanoin atu hadia no lakohi atu estraga. Hanesan, Gohier (2008) hakerek katak nasionalista lolos la moe atu simu realidade nebe iha, lakohi estraga maibe hakarak hadia“The true nationalists don’t shy away from reality, they want to improve it. True nationalists don’t want to destroy, they want to build” (
Iha parte seluk desenvolvimento politika iha Timor la dun supporta atu timor oan ou gerasaun foun atu sai nasionalismo lolos, maibe sidadaun sai depedensia iha future. Lideransa politikus komesa uza osan ou materias hodi manan votus iha eleisaun duke ho programa dezenvolvimento nebe bele benfisiu povu emgeral ba future. Hanesan proverb chineza ninian nebe hateten :fo ikan ba ema ida nia han orsida kalan no aban sei hamlaha. Hanorin ema ida atu kail nia sei bele han iha nia vida tomak. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”( Hakerek na’in laos kritika politik nain maibe, nudar sidadaun ida la dun aseita atu povu terus tan ba politik aban bainrua. Tamba liu husi politikus sira uza osan no materias bele kria impacto negative ba povu nia moris iha future mak hanesan tuirmai nee:
1. Hatun produtividade (Decrease productivity) sidadaun nian no hasae povu nia dependensi ba lideransa; tamba nia sei toman ho buat nebe nia hein simu deit,
2. Bele mos halo povu laran moras ba malu iha sira nia comunidade no kria instabilidade iha sira nia leet. No dala ruma, 
3. Sei kria mos naunegualidade (inequality) iha nasaun kona ba politik no direitu sidadaun ninian.  Sidadaun ida nebe ke nasionalista, nia sei hare lideransa ou partidu nebe sinti iha valor nasional atu hili, no sidadaun nebe vota ba lideransa ou partidu tamba osan ou materiais bele hatun ninian dignidade ba buat hirak nee.
Ikus liu no atu taka hakerek simples ida nee, hakerek nain fo konklusaun katak nasionalismo tenki mosu husi fuan ho laran, haburas nasaun nia interese nebe benefisiu ba povo, no pratika nasionalismo iha vida politika nebe bele fo benefisiu ba povu ou sidadaun iha future.
Abrasu no obrigado ba sira nebe lee, hakerek oan nee.
Opini husi: Geraldo S. Ximenes, email

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Xina Remata Uma 100 Ba F-FDTL, Xanana Hahi Xina Nia Apoiu

Tempo Semanal-Dili 27/08/2011

Xanana tuir hela esplikasaun husi enjineiru Xines husi
 komapnia Xina nian ida maka manan tender husi Governu
 hodi konstrui central eletricidade iha Hera ne'ebe
 tuir planu sei hahu fornese enerjia eletricidade
 ba TL iha Tinan ne'e ninia laran (Photo/LH)
Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao iha ninia deskursu ba entrega uma atus ba F-FDTL iha loron 26/08/2011 iha Metinaro fo agradesimentu wain ba Goevrnu ho Povu Xines hodi hari bairo military ida ba F-FDTL.

“Ba Povo irmão Xinês ho ba empresa construtora, no ba Senhor Embaixador Fu Yuanchong rasik, hau ható, lori hau nia naran rasik no mos lori povo timor tomak naran, sinceros agradecimentos ho votos de-gratidão ba gesto altruísta de-amizade ho simpatia ida né tan, ba Timor-Leste, hamutuk ho gestos sira seluk nebé hatudu ona mai ita hotu, iha tinan hirak né laran,” dehan Primeiru Ministru no Ministru de Defeza Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao.

Liu tan Xanana hahi, “República Popular China hamriik nafatin iha linha oin, hamutuk ho países sira seluk nebé kontribui mos ba construção ita nia Nação né nian, la exige contrapartidas ba ita, sá-tan cobra buat ruma.”

Enkontru Lideransa F-FDTL hamutuk SED TL
 ho Militar no Governu USA iha Dili tinan kotuk (photo/TS)
Apoiu Governu Xina ninian kona loloos kedan todan ne’ebe nasaun Timor leste hasoru. No tuir observasaun balun dehan Xina ninia apoiu la ho kondisaun ruma no sira nia apoiu orsamentu uitoan maibe efektivu liu duke kompara ho nasaun belun hanesan Australia ho Amerika ne’e gasta liu osan ba sira nia ema maka sai hanesan asesor ba boa governasaun maibe korrupsaun aumenta liu tan.

“Ita hotu fiar metin katak ajuda ida né, desinteressada, no nia hun ho abut mak genuína solidariedade chineses sira nian ba povos sira seluk nebé precisa tulun, tanba né mak ita sei la haluha oferta hanesan né, maski ita só bele selu ho ita nia amizade no laran moos ba sira.”

Xina ninia apoiu maka harii edifisiu foun iha nasaun Timor Leste maske ninia kualidade ema barak mos kestiona hanesan gabinete Ministeiru negosiu estranjeiru ne’ebe ninia besi lutu nian ferozu hotu ona, palaciu Prezidenti da Republika, gabinete Ministeiru Defeza ho kuartel F-FDTL nune’e duni Xanana dehan, “Ami hakarak tebetebes atu kontinua coopera ho Governo Xinês iha áreas indispensáveis ba desenvolvimento ekonómiko ho social País né nian, la ho laran ta’uk no sei la hakfodak ho kríticas.

“Muito obrigado, Senhor Embaixador, ba buat hotu nebé Xina halo ona ba Timor-Leste.”

Antes de Krize 2006 mosu iha tinan 2005 mosu relatoriu ida husi komandante F-FDTL balun ho asesor balun dehan katak membru F-FDTL barak ladun diciplina tan ba sira hela dook husi sira nia familias no problemas hetook aat liu tan wainhira salariu ne’ebe ki’ik ne’e tenke gasta barak liu hodi selu transporte. Nune’e duni eis Prezidenti da Republika ne’ebe mos iha momentu ne’eba hanesan komandante Supremu ne’e dehan, “Ita labele haluha katak ida né mak razaun ida hotu nebé hamosu crise peticionários sira nian, nebé sai aat liu ho acontecimentos trágicos iha 2006.”

Nia esplika katak, “Militares barak tebes mak la sente laran kontente no hakmatek tanba sira tenke moris dook husi sira nia famílias, no la iha kbiit no biban atu bele bá vizita sira nia maluk, buat nebé la hanesan ho sira nia camaradas sira seluk, nebé pertence dunik ba zonas nebé sira serviço bá, besik sira nia uman no iha liu possibilidade atu hela hamutuk ho sira nia famílias rasik.”

“Ho objetivu atu hakmán situsaun difísil hanesan né, nebé hanesan injustisa boot ida ba efetivus barak F-FDTL nian, no atu husik sira hela hamutuk ho sira nia fén ho oan sira, no liu-liu, bele exerce ho motivação sira nia karreira militar nebé sira rasik mak hili, mak Governo hola iniciativa atu avança ho kontrução komplexo ida né nian,” Xanana esplika.

Xefe do Governu ne’e dehan, “Timor-Leste País ida ke geografikamente ki’ik, maibé tanba la iha estradas nebé bele facilita ligação lais no segura entre fatin hotu-hotu no ladún hadia estradas, mak halo distâncias ne’e sai boot liután no dificulta tebetebes laços familiares entre ema sira nebé, tanba razão serviço, tenke sai ba fatin dook, husik hela sira nia fatin moris no hela bá. F-FDTL, tanba sei limita sira nia hela fatin iha parcelas território balu laran, mak sira sente todan tebetebes tanba problema ida né, no tenke hasoru realidade katak, militares barak liu mak moris dook liu husi sira nia famílias, no la iha kondições financeiras nebé permite ultrapassa kontrariedade ka sasatan hirak né hotu.”

“Uma lubun ida né, nebé destina ba militares sira nebé ativus, no bele hamahon famílias to’o atus ida (100), konsegue dunik harii, tanba Repúblika Popular da-Xina nia laran luak, hodi responsabiliza rasik ba ninia konstrução liu husi kompanhia china nian ida, naran Chongqing International Construction Corporation, no agora mak foin halo entrega formal ba F-FDTL, i Estado timorense la gasta buat ida.”

Xanana mos apela ba Militares F-FDTL atu tau iha hanoin sentimentu de diciplina no responsabilidade ba bairo ne’e ninia diak tan ba tuir nia katak, “Uma hirak nebé hahú ohin imi atu hela bá, pertence ba Instituição, la’ós imi nian mesak. Imi nia kamaradas sira seluk ho sira nia famílias, aban-bain rua sei bele hela mos iha uma hirak né.”

“Tanba n’e mak, imi nia obrigasaun boot ida, la’ós deit moral maibé mos disciplinar, mak atu cuida no bali didi’ak komplexo né tomak, hodi mantem nia dignidade hanesan espaço ida ho natureza militar.”

“Bairro ida né tenke hanesan nafatin motivo orgulho boot ida ba maluk sira hotu nebé hela iha né no, liu-liu, ba Instituição Militar tomak, tanba ne’e mak entrega ba ita boot sira nia liman, atu assegura katak sei akontece dunik nuné.”

“Timor oan tomak tau hela matan iha sira nia Forças Armadas, tanba né mak imi tenke buka sai nafatin hanesan fonte ezemplu no inspirasaun ba povu sira hotu.”

“Hau fiar katak zona abitasaun foun ida né sei sai kmanek tebetebes, tanba hadi’a ho kuidado, tanba moos no tanba hanesan fatin nebé dame no hakmatek ba ema sira nebé hela iha né, i bele mos hada’et ba fatin sira seluk atu sira banati tuir.”

Iha okaziaun ne’e eis komandante en xefe das Falintil ne’e dehan Pátria Timor Leste nebé nurak hela né, sei la sai hanesan Estado soberano no independente ida, nebé timor oan tomak mak kaer rasik sira nia destinos, se karik, la iha esforço ho sacrifício husi maluk sira hotu nebé saran tomak sira nia an, hodi luta hasoru okupante, iha funu ida ke halo durante um quarto de sékulo ka tinan ruanulu-resin laran.

Xanana relembra fali transformasaun Falintil ba F-FDTL, nebé uluk hanesan braço armado resistência nian hasoru inimigo, ohin loron sai hanesan Forças Armadas modernas ida, nebé karacteriza ho espírito disciplina ida ke forte, sentido de-dever no orgulho patriótiko nebé ás tebetebes, no, maski ho limitação meios humanos ho logístikos nebé, infelizmente, sei afeta maka’as sira hotu, sira consegue hatudu nafatin capacidade operacional nebé halo ema hotu admira, hanesan sira prova ona liu husi missões nebé sira envolve bá.

Forças Armadas hanesan lutu-hún boot ida, hodi garante integridade territorial no tane- metin independência nacional, tanba né mak responsabilidade exklusiva e obrigatória Estado nian mak oinsá bele garante kondições hotu-hotu nebé tulun sira hametin nafatin koesão interna ho espírito de-korpo, buat nebé só bele hetan, liu husi moral no bem-estar ba sira nia tropas hotu-hotu.

Ikus liu Xanana mos Felisita famílias sira hotu nebé atu mai hela iha

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Aljazeera: On TL Corruption

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Kilat Minimi Xanana Ninian TNI Kaptura 1992 Entrega Hikas Iha 2011

Dili Tempo Semanal, 19.08.2011
Falta tinan ida atu tinan rua nolu TNI sira kaptura Xanana iha Lahane dili no falta loron ida atu halo tinan FALINTIL ba tolu nolu resin neen no desmobilizasaun membru Falintil hamutuk 236 iha loron 20/08/2011, Governu Indonesia hatudu ninian neon ida hodi mudah opiniaun husi inimigu ba amigo.
Iha loron 19/08/2011, Ministru Defeza Indonesia, Komanadante Jeral TNI ho Komandante Kopassus, Paulus F Lodwijk hamutuk ho delegasaun boot ida inklui eis Jeneral Tri Sutrisno fila hikas mai Dili hodiPartisipa iha ceremonia dezmobilizasaun Eis membru Falintil ne'ebe reziste iha ai laran ho durasaun entre 15 to'o 24 anous. Ofisiais Indonesia uza oportunidade ne'e hodi maraka hikas istoria foun iha hametin relasaun entre ema sira ne'ebe uluk tiru hasoru malu ho TNI sira nia sasan ne’ebe TNI sira kaptura hamutuk ho Xanana iha Lahane Dili.
Eis Lider Maximu da Rezistencia ninia propriedade hodi halo funu ba libertasaun nasaun Timor leste durante ne’e rai hela iha museum Kopassus ninian iha Jakarta.
Relasaun entre Timor Leste ho Indonesia bele dehan foo hakat tan pasu boot ida ba oin. Timor Leste ho Indonesia sai inimigu durante tinan rua nolu resin haat ninia laran wainhira TNI hetaan apoiu maka’as husi nasaun boboot sira seluk ho halo invazaun ba Rai rohan Timor iha Dezembru 1975.
Indonesia hakotu ninia okupasaun iha Timor Leste wainhira hetaan rezistencia maka’as husi Frente Armada, Frente Klandestina ho Frente Diplomatika hodi obriga ONU toma pozisaun halo konsulta popular ida iha Timor Leste iha tinan 1999. Liu husi referendum ne’e Populasaun maioria vota kontra opsaun Autonomia hodi obriga TNI husik hela nasaun ne’e.
Maibe durante 1975-1999 TNI halo persegisaun, kapturasaun no masakre populasaun Timor Leste barak no TNI ninia membru barak mos mate iha nasaun ne’e rezultadu husi desizaun Jakarta hafoin hetaan apoiu husi Washington hodi invade Timor Leste.
Lider Rezistencia barak maka mate iha kombate, kaptura no dezeparisu inklui lider karismatika da rezistencia Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao kaptura husi Kopassus iha Novembru 1992 iha Lahane Dili.
“Ne’e aktu ida maka di’ak husi TNI no ha’u hanoin Governu ho povu Timor Leste presiza
hatudu respeitu mos ba Indonesia ninia hanoin diak ne’e. Bu’at ida tan maka hanesan jerasaun foun atu husu ba Governu SBY ho TNI maka, se diak liu tan sira aijuda foo informasaun kona ba ema ne’ebe dezeparicidu sira inklui lider balun ne’ebe kaer wainhira komanadante Kopassus agora servisu iha TL,” dehan Agusto F. V. da Costa, estudante Universidade ida iha Dili.

Nia Hatutan katak, “boa vontade husi Indonesia ninian ne’e diak duni no ita hotu presiza elojia ho se bele ita presiza haluha TNI ninia naksalak iha nasaun ne’e se karik ita konsege hetan maluk sira ne’ebe lakon no dokumentus importante sira seluk.”
Major Jeneral Paulus Lodwijk hanesan eis komanadante Kopassus iha SGI Dili iha 1997 wainhira TNI kaptura komandante David Alex dai Tula ho ninia membru balun inklui Cesario Malcom- Loke matan ne’ebe mos simu kondekorasaun iha loron 20/08/2011. Ho oin midar Major Jeneral boneia mean ne’e hamrik iha liman loss hamutuk ho komanadante TNI no ministru defeza Indonesia foo hikas kilat Minimi Xanana ninian ba Xanana ho Taur Matan Ruak ne’ebe hamriik iha liman karuk. Hamutuk ho kilat minimi ne’e material Xanana ninian lubun ruma tau iha mala iha ne’ebe hatuur hela iha meja leten.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Desmobilizasaun Eis Falintil iha Loron Falintil 2011

Tempo Semanal-Dili, 19.08.2011

Tuir Lista ne’ebe komisaun organizadora ba Demobilizasaun Falintil iha loron 20/08/2011 dekreta katak veteranus das Falintil ne’ebe sei moris hamutuk nain 236 sei tuir prososu desmobilizasaun. Iha lista naruk ne'eba numeru dahuluk okupa husi Komandante En Xefe das Falintil, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao.

Okupa iha kategoria superior hamutuk nain lima hanesan Kay rala xanana Gusmao, Mahunu, Taur Matan ruak, Lu-Olo ho Lere Anan Timur. Mosu pro ho kontra kona ba pozisaun Xanana ninian hanesan ho membru da rezistencia ninian nain hat seluk tan ba tuir obervadores ninia haree Xanana presiza hetaan pozisaun aas liu membru sira seluk tan ba nia maka hanesan komandante en xefe.

Desizaun ne’ebe hola husi Governasaun Xanana ninian ne’e la justu hodi foo fitun haat hanesan de’it ho ninia elementus nain haat seluk. Husi elementus nain hat ne’e mos balun haat ona sira nia preokupasaun maibe too ohin publiku mos seidauk hatene.

“Ha’u hanoin devia desizaun ne’e hola iha Konsellu de Ministru no se karik PM Xanana maka halo desizaun atu nia mos hetaan fitun haat entaun ne’e iha komplitu de interese ida. Ou se karik Konsellu de Ministru maka hola desizaun ne’ebe dehan Xanana mos hetaan fitun haat hotu entaun Konsellu de Ministrus la hatene istoria,” dehan membru F-FDTL ne’ebe husu atu labele publika ninian naran.

Eis membru Falintil ne’e lamenta ho desizaun husi Governu ninian hodi koloka PM xanana hanesan ho ninia membru. Iha parte seluk eis veteranus Falintil ida ne’ebe mos desmobiliza hotu iha loron Falintil ba dala tolu nolu resin nen ne’e dehan, “ha’u deskonfia katuas rasik maka hakarak hetaan klasifikasaun hanesan ho ninia membru sira seluk. Ha’u mos deskonfia katak Konsellu dos Ministrus la iha ida maka barani dehan la’ek ba katuas. Maibe ne’e sala. Tan ba ida ne’e istoria no istoria tenke hatuur loloos tuir ida-idak ninia kna’ar no pozisaun,” dehan membru Falintil ne’ebe husi Vikeke.

Husi Lista ne’e kompostu husi membru Falintil ne’ebe okupa iha kategoria orgaun superior, Mediu ate inferior ne’e define Birali hanesan feto mesak ida de’it maka servisu hanesan militar. 

Iha parte balun la konkorda ho programa Estadu ninian hodi desmobiliza Falintil tan ba tuir sira nia hanoin Falintil hanesan uniku instituisaun mak sei garante Estabilidade ba nasaun ne'e. "Ami la aceita atu desmobilza Falintil," dehan Antonio Ai Tahan Matak iha semana ne'e ne'e iha Dili.

Grupu CPD-RDTL mos hatoo sira ninia preokupasaun no hasoru malu ona ho ulun boot sira ne'ebe tuur iha orgaun kompetente iha estadu TL. 

Preokupasaun hanesan mos hato'o husi faluk no oan kiak sira husi Falintil ninian. Tuir sira ninia hanoin katak ba sira ne'ebe moris Estadu bele koloka ona veteranus sira ne'e ninia pozisaun maibe ba komandante sira ne'ebe mate no lakon ne'e tau hela iha ne'ebe seidauk iha esplikasaun ruma husi parte Governu ninian. 

Iha ceremonia aban ne’e sei marka prezenca husi ulun boot organizasaun Veteranus Internasional, Tri Sutrisno eis komandante TNI Indonesia ne’ebe kaptura lider maximu da Rezistencia iha tinan 1992. Tuir Planu mos sei participa husi eis Komnandte SGI Mahidin Simbolon maibe informasaun ikus katak Jeneral simbolon la mai. Iha mos dignitaries mai husi Inglatera, Australia, Singapora no nasaun CPLP.

Governu trata veteranus das Falintil ho diak uitoan tan ba sira hotu hela iha hotel lubun ruma iha capital nasaun ne’e ninian. Ohin Lorokraik tuku haat misa ba herois das Falintil sira maka lakon vid aba Ukun Rasik Aan nasaun ne’e iha Igreija Motael Dili. No iha Palaciu do Governu ninia oin dekora kmanek tebe-tebes .

Ema Deskuinesidu Sunu Artributu Kampanya Elisaun Fretilin

Tempo Semanal-Dili, 19.08.2011

Ema deskuinesidu balun halo atuasaun hodi sunu Bandeira, espanduk ho foto Lu-Olo atual Prezidenti partidu Fretilin no ninia sekretariu Jeral DR. Mari Alkatiri ne’ebe mos sai hanesan kandidatu pakote Uniku ba pozisaun hanesan ba periodu 2011-2016.

Atuasaun sunu artibutu partidu istoriku ninian ne’e, akontese iha dadersan, iha liuron, besik kios komunidade Indonesia sira ninian no Medjid Anur, kampong Alor, Dili.

Beisk tuku walu dadersan liha iuron besik medjid Anur ninian nakonu ho membru PNTL no ajentes seguranca sira ne’e balun hamriik haleu mutuk atributu Fretilin ninian.

“Polisia buka hela ema ne’ebe maka sunu Fretilin ninian sasan,” dehan komunidade ida ne’ebe hamriik hodi asiste polisia ninia atuasaun.

Komunidade ne’ebe rejeita foo sai ninia identidade ba jornalista ne’e kontinua dehan, “Demokrasia bele iha diferencia opiniaun. Ita bele la gosta Lideransa Fretilin ninia hahalok maibe ita tenke respeita bandeira ne’e. Tan ba bandeira nee mos ema barak mate ba.”

“Ha’u mos ladun gosta atetude lider Fretilin ninian agora tan ba ne’e maka agora ha’u sai husi partidu ne’ebe uluk ha’u fas parte. Maibe ha’u mos la gosta ema insulta bandeira Fretilin,” nia realsa.

Relasiona ba insidenti ida ne’e infelizmente jornal ne’e labele hetaan komentariu husi parte Fretilin maibe tuir Deputadu Parlamentua Nasional no responsavel ba media partidu ninian DR. Jose Texeira katak ninia parte lakohi komentariu maibe, “ami entrega ba polisia atu investiga.”

Tuir Observasaun situasaun iha kampong Alox tensa duni no kios husi Komunidade Indonesia ne’ebe hadulas dalan ninin taka hotu iha dadersan ne’e.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Former East Timor Freedom Fighter Struggle To Liberate TL From Portugal Telecom Monopoly

Dili-Tempo Semanal, 19.08.2011

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao in his speech to the Timor-Leste Chamber of Commerce and Industry said the country economy is growing rapidly, benefiting from substantial investment in the physical infrastructure we need – roads, bridges, electricity, water and waste among others. He also informed the Chambers that his Government Priorities in investing in human infrastructure to improve population’s access to health services and education. He recognised these are all essential foundations for developing a thriving business sector – one that brings better products and services to our people, creates jobs and opportunities for all segments of our society. But in the mean time Time East Timor Freedom Liberation leader recognized the importance of Free East Timor Telecommunication market from Portuguese Telecom Monopoly.

"At the moment in Timor-Leste, all of our electronic information communication is handled by a single company. We are one of the last countries in the world to have this crucial sector still under monopoly. In the South Pacific, countries like Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Samoa have all introduced competition and have benefited with better and cheaper services – and more investment in telecommunications networks. Our neighbors in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Singapore, all have competition," Xanana said.

In 2002 the under East Timor Government signed of a monopoly agreement with the Portuguese Telecom in the East Timor. 

"We have a monopoly for historical reasons – shortly after our independence, we signed a 15 year exclusive Concession agreement with Portugal Telecom in 2002, which owns the majority of Timor Telecom. But these are public services that can’t simply be left under monopoly. Coming out of conflict is no excuse. Lots of countries have had terrible conflict but introduced competition in telecommunications – Afghanistan, Angola, Ivory Coast, Kosovo, Palestine and Rwanda, for example."

"One of the key foundations is our information and communications technology sector. Businesses depend on information – information about prices, about delivery schedules, about product offers, wholesale markets, retail sales, and so on. Just about everything you can think of in business depends on information," Xanana said in his speech.

He said businesses need to be able to communicate that information here in the country and abroad. "We need to be able to communicate with our foreign investors, export markets for our products, trade partners for our imports. We need to be able to communicate with our foreign government and institutional partners," he explained.

"Our economy needs a healthy variety of telecommunications services to grow and to innovate. We need to be able to make and receive phone calls abroad that get through reliably and are at reasonable prices. We need higher speed access to the world’s information highways so that we can be integrated into the world economy."

During Xanana's Campaigned for parliamentary election in 2007 he promised to liberalize the Telecommunication market in Timor Leste and before the chamber xanana said, "I have come here today because I believe that my government and your Chamber can work together in bringing about the next big leap in Timor-Leste’s ongoing development, the introduction of competition to its telecommunications sector," Xanana told the audience. 

On June 22nd this year, the Council of Ministers recognized the importance and urgency of introducing reform and competition to the telecommunications. "We adopted the National Telecommunications Policy, which had been launched a year earlier. That Policy states our government’s clear intention to realize three key objectives for the sector: to allow new service providers to enter the market, to encourage a vibrant competitive market and to establish a healthy regulatory environment."

"One of the first steps we have taken to implement that Policy has been to seek agreement with Timor Telecom to transition from monopoly under its Concession to competition. We are aware that in the last few years, Timor Telecom has been making substantial investments in its network and services and increasing its reach to serve more of the population."

"But it is clear that the ongoing monopoly hinders the ongoing growth and expansion of our country’s telecommunications sector – and so our businesses and economy as a whole."

"All over the world, countries with competitive markets for fixed, mobile and broadband services demonstrate every day that competition is the key to investment, innovation and growth. The introduction of competition has consistently brought lower prices, better quality services and more choice."

"With these benefits in mind, our government has delivered a copy of the National Telecommunications Policy to Timor Telecom and seeks to agree the terms of its transition from monopoly to competition without delay. We are targeting the end of October this year for the conclusion of negotiations with Timor Telecom, and plan to license new service providers so as to allow them to start providing services in early 2012."

"We believe that Timor Telecom stands to gain through this. We hope it does – we want Timor Telecom to be a strong and successful telecommunications company. We believe that competition will create a vibrant and growing market in which Timor Telecom stands to be a leader over the long term."

Xanana said Introducing competition and establishing efficient and well-functioning product and services markets will support creation of more jobs, boost productivity and enhances the incentive to invest and innovate. It is essential to the ongoing development of Timor-Leste and for the development of your business. At the moment there are several telecom companies such as Digicel and another indonesian company have indicated their wiliness to compete with Timor Telecom

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Israeli Hasbara Revises Timor–Leste’s History

Dr. Vacy Vlaszna, a long standing in TL course

Opinion By Dr Vacy Vlazna
On President Ramos-Horta’s online magazine[1] is posted a piece by Amira Arnon, ambassador of Israel to Timor-Leste, in which she makes the outrageous statement that Timor-Leste and Israel have ‘a lot in common’.
There is a Hebrew expression 'hasbara' meaning 'propaganda' i.e. lies. Apart from Arnon's extolling of Timor-Leste's beauty, her insulting comparison of Timor-Leste’s and Israel's struggles for independence is pure hasbara - 
"The first thing that comes to my mind is that both countries, Israel and Timor-Leste, have a lot in common. Both are small countries which fought for their independence and sacrificed best of their people for a national redemption." 
As a career diplomat, Arnon, has probably been put on notice to salvage Israel’s decaying reputation as a humane democracy. Quite the challenge for Israel’s diplomatic Hasbarats given Israel’s indisputable documented apartheid policies, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Hence her silver tongue flicks away like flies unpalatable facts to stop the rot and to snare another vote for Israel against the Palestinian proposal for statehood in September.
The fact is, Timor-Leste’s long struggle for independence from the brutal Indonesian occupation is not Israel's but Palestine's story.
Like Timor, the land of Palestine was violently occupied with the go-ahead by the international community. More than 500 Palestinian villages were destroyed by Israeli militias with 750,000 Palestinian refugees dispossessed of their homes and with no right of return to this day.
Daily, Palestinian children, youth, mothers, fathers are subjected to violence, killings, humiliation, checkpoints, incarceration, the theft of their land and livelihoods at the hands of the Israeli Occupation Forces. Timorese blood and dignity was likewise shed.
Israeli colonial settlers, akin to the masses of Indonesian transmigrants that flooded East Timor, reinforce the injustice and illegality of Israel's occupation and apartheid system.  
Just as Timor was systematically shut off from the world, the West Bank and to a worse degree, Gaza are vast prisons where Israelis control Palestinian land and sea borders and airspace and within Palestinians survive in desperation, trauma and poverty.
To remind the world of Timor-Leste’s resistance to the illegal Indonesian occupation, its intrepid  Falantil guerrillas maintained  a 24 year armed struggle for independence. Similarly poorly armed Hamas and Fatah resistance fighters face off one of the largest best-equipped armies in the world.
Perhaps in the vein of remembered resistance, Ramos-Horta commented ,
I also believe that demonizing the Hamas or Hezbollah and declaring them "terrorists" is far too simplistic and unwise. The reality is that Hamas and Hezbollah have not been involved in terrorist activities outside the region. One well-known "terrorist", Yasser Arafat, signed the now forgotten Oslo Peace Accord and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 along with Shimon Peres and the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.[2]
Furthermore it is impossible to see the lot that Israel has in common with Timor-Leste. Timor is not a nuclear military power, it is not a rogue nation that is in contempt of UN resolutions calling for peace, it is not an apartheid state; it is not an illegal occupier; it is not a  viscous god playing with the lives and deaths of nearly six million souls.
As with Indonesia’s 27th province , the USA, Australia, UK and EU turn their backs from the human tragedy that is occupied Palestine and permit Israel's impunity to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The international betrayals of  the Timorese and Palestinians are all the more obscene in the brave light of Timorese and Palestinian support of the Allies in WWII.  Australian 2/2 and 2/4 Commandoes have testified that they owe their lives to the help of Timorese who were killed in their thousands as retribution by the occupying Japanese power. And it is on the record that“The British had enlisted 6,000 Palestinian Arabs during the Second World War and 1,700Palestinian Arabs were recruited into the Trans-Jordanian Frontier Force or T.J.F.F.”[3]
Arnon’s hasbara disrespects the Truth of Palestinian suffering, dishonours the Truth of Palestinian courage and rights and exploits Timor-Leste’s history.

Dr Vacy Vlazna is Coordinator of Justice for Palestine Matters. She was Human Rights Advisor to the GAM team in the second round of the Acheh peace talks, Helsinki, February 2005 and was coordinator of the East Timor Justice Lobby as well as serving in East Timor with UNAMET and UNTAET from 1999-2001. 

[1] Amira Arnon, “A Lot in Common”, Magazine, Presidência da República, p.27, May 2011

[2] Jose Ramos-Horta, “Reflections on a Visit to Israel and Palestine”Huffington Post, 3 August 2011

Democracy or Democrazy?

Dili-Tempo Semanal, 05/08/2011

Opini by Jose Belo, Chief Editor Tempo Semanal
We Timorese are now less that 10 months away from Presidential and General Elections but do we practise democracy or demcrazy?

Timor-Leste is truly a democracy.  One-person one vote.  We have had national votes in 1999, two in 2001 and two in 2007, and we have been mostly free of elections fraud or cheating.

But what are we missing.  We are missing good elections polling.  No organization does scientific or independent election polling, or for that matter good polling on any subject.

Why do we need polling?  We need polling so the Government can know what people really think about their program, performance and popularity.  We need polling so that the Opposition can know what people really think about their program, performance and popularity.  We need polling so that the world can know what the people really think.  We need polling so that the people can know what other people are thinking.

What is “polling” – polling is the scientific and impartial gathering of people’s ideas about matters of public policy.  To date we have no polling in the Timor-leste democracy – no polling.

Suara Timor Lorosae does polling for the Presidential campaign every day but it is not impartial, and it is not scientific.  It is in fact a form of propaganda.

Why does the international community not do election polling in Timor-Leste, are they afraid of the results?  Why does the business community not create a polling business? Are they afraid of the Government or Opposition parties?  Why does the media not do real polling? Lack of capacity, impartiality or financial resources?

The CNE, STAE, Asia Foundation, IRI, UNDP, USAID, AusAID, EU, Presidency, Government, talk a lot about democracy, but they do not do hardcore political polling. Democrazy?