Friday, 9 October 2009

Timor Telcom is not Afraid of Competition


Portugal Telcom Executives visited Dili in September 2009 in order to annoucne that they have a new development for Timor Telcom and the telecommunications sector in Timor-Leste.

The Government of Timor-Leste gave a concession contract monopoly to Timor Telcom, a subsidiary of Portugal Telcom, in 2002, shortly after the country gained independence.

According to the contract Timor Telcom (TT) is the only operator with the exclusive right to provide telcoms services in the country.

There has been a lot of criticism of TT's service over the past years from clients, people in the Districts as well as the President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.

But as the new Adminsitrator of TT told Tempo Semanal in an exclusive interview TT has established three targets to provide better services.  It has reduced price as now there are some banners flying around Dili streets which say that one minute call US$0.06 and per sms cost only US$0.03 as well they are building more towers in the country.

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