· UNMIT Rekonhece

IHA parte balun, dokumentus internal ne’e mós sita, PM Xanana hakarak atu hadau podér husi Parlamentu Nasionál no Tribunál, liu husi intervensaun ne’ebé mak durante ne’e Primeiru Ministru halo iha área justisa ho órgaun lejizlativu.
Pontu ida ne’ebé PNUD sita, iha sira nia dokumentus pájina 9 mak hanesan “...ezekutivu, espesialmente Primeiru Ministru buka atu hadau podér boot liu tebes husi Parlamentu no Tribunais sira (Tribunál de Contas sei hamosu atakes polítiku boot tebes). Molok 2012 prosesu ida ne’e nia rezultadu mak knaar efetivu husi órgaun soberania rua ne’e nian (ne’e refere ba parlamentu no tribunál) hodi responsabiliza ezekutivu, estadu direitu demokrátika sei menus, no “rule of law” sei menus no “rule of Primeiru Ministru” mak sei boot liu...”
“...Ida ne’e ita bele hare iha estrutura orsamentu 2012 nian, hasai Maternus Bere husi komarka, Primeiru Ministru nia atake ba relatóriu dala uluk husi Tribunál Contas (iha 14 Dezembru 2010), bainhira Ezekutivu la fó interese ba akordaun tribunál Rekursu nian iha 2008 kona ba inkonstitusionalidade hasai osan husi Fundu Mina Rai...” hakerek relatóriu ne'e.
Xefe Bankada Fretilín iha Parlamentu Nasionál, Aniceto Guterres hateten, dokumentu ne’e, nu'udar dokumentu ne’ebé aprezenta analiza independente ida, husi ema ne’ebé la iha interese polítiku iha Timor-Leste. “Ita bele dehan estudu objetivu, la iha tendénsia ba partidu polítiku. Maibé, bele sai de'it nu'udar indikadór ba ita nu'udar órgaun soberania ida atu analiza ho di'ak no buka atu hadi'ak demokrasia iha ita nia rain,” dehan Aniceto.
Nia hatutan, ho razaun tomak ONU nia dokumentu identifika Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão rasik nu'udar ‘lakuna’ ne’ebé sira antesipa bele hamosu ba “konstitusionalizmu” iha Timor-Leste.
ONU Hakarak Krize Naruk
Hataan ba kestaun ne’e, Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão hateten, UNMIT ho ninia espertu laiha kapasidade maxizmu hodi hatene kle'an kona-ba ninia hanoin ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian.
Nia rasik, dala ruma la fiar ba teoria sira ne'ebé ema seluk uza hodi hala'o governasaun tanba, teoria balun labele la'o ne’e maka halo nasaun balun monu ba krize finanseiru, hanesan Portugál.
Tuir Xanana nia haree katak, dala barak ONU falla ezekuta osan hodi salva ema kiak sira iha nasaun barak. Husi tinan 2000 to’o 2008, misaun ONU nian ne’e gasta osan kuaze besik biloens $ 8, maibé laiha rezultadu pozitivu ruma no aumenta de'it kiak iha rai ida ne’e.
Nia hatutan, misaun ONU ne’e hakarak krize bele naruk iha Timor-Leste atu nune’e sira bele hela kleur no matenek Timor-oan balun mós konkorda atu UNMIT hela. Ne’e duni, PM Xanana husu ba Timoroan sira atu kaer metin espíritu nasionalizmu duke defende interese pesoál ka ema li'ur sira nian.
Nia mós husu ba Timoroan tomak atu akompaña situasaun globál mundiál nian, atu nune’e, labele monu ba teoria oioin ne'ebé hato’o husi ema sira ne'ebé konsidera an hanesan espertu.
“Se ita la hatene, ita hanoin katak espertu Timoroan no internasionál sira maka iha razaun,” Xanana dehan.
Xanana sujere ba UNMIT ho ninia espertu Timoroan sira atu ba ajuda de'it nasaun sira seluk ne'ebé presiza apoiu. “Ha'u nia proposta maka ne’e. UNMIT ho espertu Timoroan sira, loloos oferese an ba hadi'a tiha Irake, Afeganistaun, Pakistaun, e bele fó tulun ba demokrasia iha Iemen, Síria no Líbia,” dehan Xanana.
UNMIT Beik Teen
Prezidente Repúblika José Ramos Horta konsidera, UNMIT nia dokumentus ne’e ema beik-teen maka hakerek. Horta husu ba UNMIT atu lalika fó kritika sira hanesan ne’e, tanba ema balun iha ONU halo korrupsaun maka’as.
“Ha'u hanoin beik teen ruma maka halo karik. Ita haree took se mak kaer programa ida naran oil for food iha Irake, korrupsaun ne’e maka’as 100%, korrupsaun $60 billoens. Portantu, di'ak liu beik-teen boot sira ne’e lalika ko'alia demais,” Horta dehan.
Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál Fernando Lasama mós kontra maka’as dokumentus ne'e. Tanba, iha parágrafu balun ne'ebé hatete, PM Xanana mak taka dalan ba demokrasia iha TL.
"Ha'u nu'udar Timor oan, la konkorda ho lia fuan dehan Xanana mak menghambat demokrasia iha rai ida ne'e. Ha'u la konkorda," Lasama dehan iha plenária, Segunda (15/05).
Rui Castro, eis klandestina no mós imprensa Timoroan hatete, nia rejeita makaas konteudu dokumentus PNUD ne'e. “Xanana ne'e patriota ba funu naruk TL. Tan ne'e, atan ha'u nunka fiar katak iha pedasuk oan iha Xanana nia hanoin, atu aplika ditadura iha rai doben ida ne'e,” dehan Castro ba TEMPO Semanál, Kinta (19/05).
Tuir Castro, UNMIT ninia projetu atu remata ona. UNO ta'uk atu ba Irake, Afeganistaun, Pakistaun no Iemen, Síria no mós Líbia. UNO ta'uk atu ba iha ne'ebá. Tanba situasaun iha ne'ebá la hanesan ho Timor-Leste.
UNMIT Rekonhece
Iha fatin seluk, Porta Voz UNMIT, Sandra McGuire hatete, relatóriu ne'e la'ós dokumentu ofisial UNMIT nian. “Dokumentu ne'e, la reprezenta vizaun ofisial husi UNMIT. Vizaun ofisial husi UNMIT ho ninia lideransa sira, bele hetan iha dokumentu ofisial iha UNMIT ninia website. UNMIT iha kanál efikás, hodi komunika diretamente ninia vizaun ba governu TL, no hakerek iha baze regulár,” hatete Sandra liu husi komunikadu imprensa.
Maske nune’e, wainhira TEMPO Semanal, Kinta (19/05) konfirma ba Sandra McGuire via telefone, porta voz UNMIT ne’e rekonhece katak dokumentus ne’e ejiste duni no aprezenta iha Power Point durante diskusaun iha retiru nivel altu UNMIT, 14 Janeiru 2011.
“Kestaun ne'e hanesan opiniaun privadu ema sira nian relasaun ho relatóriu ida ne'e. “Opiniaun ne'e espresa husi ema ida-idak, ne'ebé la signifika katak, lideransa UNO nian konkorda ho opiniaun ida ne'e,” esplika Sandra. (*)
Depois de loron hirak nee, komentariu sira komesa reduz ona, maske sei iha komentariu balun nebe mak iha hetan iha jornal nasional sira. Bainhira hare ba presentasaun ne, laos relatoriu kompletu maibe hanesan pontus/ideia diskusaun deit internalmente. Nunee suzere para komesa reflete ida2k ninian servisu hodi hatene no evalua iha parte nebee mak persiza hadia atu sai diak liu tan iha futuru. Tanba razaun sira mak apresenta hotu2 iha ninian prinsipiu funamental balun nebee mak ita fiar loos maibe emak seluk hare ne laloos. Iha dinamika demokrasi nian sempre mosu diferente oin-oin sa tan ita hotu iha ulun barak entaun hanoin mos barak liu tan. Ideia sira ne bele sai hanesan sasuakt ida para ita bele hadi'a liu tan buat nebe mak seidauk atu sai diak liu ho ninia benefisiu ma ema hotu nia diak. Ho servisu nebe mak badinas, kolen ho kosar ben, hasoru problema dificil barak. Ema matenek 1 dehan xave ba suksesu mak servisu ho badinas ho teoria nebe mak badak liu. Ita tenki foti asaun barak liu duke teoria ho faktu suksesu nebe mak positivu longo prazu no sustanbilidade.
You are a waste of space
In principles, if we traced back deeply into the ancient theory and history of democracy as per Abraham Lincoln, the great founder of democracy principles, freedom, liberty are really laid profoundly within the inner substances of humanity. Fundamental opinions and thoughts are also part deeper substances themselves. So when we ask of who is the best performer of democracy spread of course those who have devoted hardly to realize into more practical actions to build up participation from the ordinary people to engage actively in all development flows. And historically, John Fritz Kennedy has thaught us of how to stand firmly for democracy and become democracy doers in nowadays. Even some high schools students ever labelled it as democrazy repeatedly at a democracy day contests on 15 Sept. And here we would remember the great William Cohen who also liked to be crazy with soon recovery. He wrote on his authobiography as one of his key principles.
The UN is here to cooperate with the Government and to to create confusion like what we see now. UN staff should behave properly, educated and smart. Those behaving like stupids should be expelled from this country as "persona non grata". This government is still very kind to keep these rubbish who present themselves as international staff but in fact they also here using the UN facilities as tourist. Look, if we go to the beach on Saturday or Sunday or on Saturday night to the pubs the parking lots are full of UN vehicles. Shame for UN. Luckily that this country is not like Sudan and other conflict countries in middle east. Guys, you should display a good image,use the international funds properly and respect this country. cheers.
Mr. Finn,
Please educate your people and don't play around. The people of this country had given the best thing they have for the independence of this country. If you want to help this country, please help first your staff to behave as a good international staff.
It is bad to hear this kind of accusation against our countryman. Poor UN staff...
UNDP staff: You have to learn more about about democracy, human rights. Otherwise you will be like a blind guys in the middle of the desert.
People of this country has shown high respect to the international community, the UN staff. However, they have shown a very poor mentality and useless.
Horta said:
“Ha'u hanoin beik teen ruma maka halo karik. Ita haree took se mak kaer programa ida naran oil for food iha Irake, korrupsaun ne’e maka’as 100%, korrupsaun $60 billoens. Portantu, di'ak liu beik-teen boot sira ne’e lalika ko'alia demais,” Horta dehan.
in whatever critical fundamental reasons from the very ancient ages till present and lasting future the human being factors are the determing grounds for all successes and achievements, advancements, sustainability, higher developed state, we always dream to become like singapore or many other advanced developed countries so let's work hard in order to realize the dream becoming a true fact.
Ita dala ruma lakohi ema kritika ita mas ita mos lakohi book an atu halo buat ruma ba diak nian. Maske ema ida nebe diak no matenek duni, mas nia labele halo hotu nebe mak kona no tuir ita idak2 nia hakarak, necesidade fundamental sira nee. Nia bele fo ajuda no apoiu maibe ita ida2 tenki halo servisu nebe mak posibel ba ita nia an rasik. Ita ida2 iha ulun, liman ain kompletu no forte atu ita bele halo servisu ruma mais menus hadi'a ita nia an rasik depois emak seluk bele ajuda, apoiu. Maske ita iha mehi diak, iedia nebe furak tebes maibe asaun atu halo laiha, nunka mais akontese iha ita nia let. Ideia fundamental nee ita bele ba husu se deit klaru sei for resposta nebe sujere para ita halo asaun, servisu ba futuru. Ema ida sei lahalo buat ruma nebe mak diak liu se laos ita an rasik mak halo buat nebe mak diak ba ita nia an rasik. Ida mak teoria no razaun fundamental iha moris humanu nian nebe mak sai lalenok ba ema hotu atu leno nia laran saida mak ita tenki halo atu sai diak liu. Tamba ne mak ita labele taka matan atu hare d8 ba figura individual/ema ida d8 maibe hotu2 tenki hakaas an atu halo mudansa iha moris humanu. Ita labele buka se mak diak ou aat liu. Maibe oinsa mak ita halo mudansa fundamental iha ita nia moris rasik. Ita nia ulun 1 d8, liman 2 d8, ain 2 d8,,hau labele ajuda ema hotu2 sai diak liu tamba nia mos iha ulun, liman, ain hanesan hau, se labarik kiik mak ita prsiza ajuda barak,,dala ruma nia liman, ain boot liu tan ita nian. Tamba ne mak mudansa mentalidade, edukasaun emosional, spiritual nee importante tebes atu muda ema nia hanoin.
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