Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Alkaltiri Attacks Xanana Over Land for Rubber Deal - Zenilda Gusmao Involved


Former Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, and Leader of the Opposition, Mari Alkatiri, has condemned Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao's deal to sign over 250,000 hectares of land (see full story in Tetun here) MALTIMOR Lda which is owned by Commander Tan Sri Datuk Eugenio Campos (a Timorese born Malaysian businessman) and Portuguese Consul to Malaysia.

In October 2007 Mr Campos met the Prime Minister Gusmao and members of his staff to discuss the possibility of Campos' future investments in Timor-Leste.

Campos expressed an interested in investing in the tourism, aviation, agricultural and infrastructure sectors

After several meetings in November 2008, Mr. Gusmao signed over the 250,000 hectares of land to Maltimor Lda. which is co-owned between Campos and his daughter Zenilda Gusmao.

The company proposed to use land for rubber plantations in Suai, Ainaro, Same, Vikeke and Lautem districts.  However, the Ministry of Agriculture has yet to approve the deal; and has indicated that there is no land available because some of the areas have been allocated for Heavy Oil plants.

PM Xanana Foo Ba Rai Datuk Campos Ho Zenilda

PM Xanana Foo Ba Rai Datuk Campos Ho Zenilda 
MAP Blokeadu, Maltimor Buka Mahon ba PM, PR ho VPM Carrascalão


Hafoin de soru mutuk entre Primeiru Ministru IV konstitusionál hamutuk ho ninia membru sira hanesan Sekretáriu Estadu ba Rekursu s Naturais, Alfredo Pires Ministru Turizmu komérsiu no Indústria, Gill Alves, Vice Ministru Ekonomia no Dezenvolvimentu, Rui Hanjan (atuál Vice Ministru Finansas), no Ministru Infraestrutura Pedro Lay ho Commendador Tan Sri Datuk Eugénio Campos iha loron 23/10/2007 maka emprezáriu ne'ebé moos hanesan konsul onoráriu Portugál ninian iha Malasya ne’e hakarak investe iha área turismu hodi harii otél internasionál ida iha pilila Likisá no fila atuál portu Dili ba otél Marina ida wainhira governu hakarak muda tiha ba portu foun ne'ebé sei harii. Datuk Eugénio ho ninia konsórsiu husu Governu atu foo rai hodi kuda ai borraxa iha Suai. “Ami haree daudaun ona posibilidade ne’e (plantasaun Ai borraxa) no fatin ida fokaliza ona iha Suai aprosimada 30,000 hektares ne'ebé a loka ona mai ami atu dezenvolve lala’ok ne’e,” dehan Datuk Eugénio. Ho medida área ne’e de’it kala Datuk Campos kala la dun satisfás nune’e duni nia dehan, “Karik bele ha’u husu ba Governu atu a loka hetares 100,000 rai mai ha’u ho ha’u nia konsórsiu atu hataan ba proposta hodi dezenvolve fatin ne’e ba sidade ida ho plantasaun ai borraxa”

Nune’e duni iha loron 26/11/2007 xefe gabinete Ministra Justisa haruka surat ida ho númeru 125/GM/MJ/XI/2007 ba Sr. CommendadorCommendador Eugénia Campos iha konsuladu Portugál ninian iha Malaysia ko’alia kona investimentu ba projetu plantasaun ai borraxa no selu-seluk. “Ha’u rekere atu foo resposta ba ita boot ninia email data sesta-feira, 23 de Novembru 2007, atu informa ba ita boot kona ba aranjamentu relasiona ho projetu mensiona iha leten.”

Nia esplika katak, “vizita ne'ebé halo ona husi Ministra Justisa ba Suai, iha semana ruma liu ba, hetan susesu no Sra. Exelénsia hasoru malu ona no diskute ho komunidade lokál, hanesan rai na'in, kona ba área ne'ebé presiza atu dezenvolve projetu refere.”

“La iha problema insignifikante ruma maka foti iha durante de soru mutuk ne'ebá no ami agora daudaun elabora hela termu s de kontratu sira maka atu asina nia parte sira,” João Bosco Xefe Gabinete Ministra justisa.

Relasiona ba rai iha pilila ne'ebé atu harii Otél internasionál ida ba, Xefe Gabinete ne’e moos hato’o ba Commendador Datuk Eugénio Campos iha surat hanesan katak, “Ministra Justisa kontaktu daudaun hela komunidade lokál ne'ebé hela besik área ne'ebá nune’e hodi hetan sira nia aseitasaun iha prosesaun ba projetu ne’e.”

Iha loron 27/06/08 Carla Tavares Belo, relasaun publika Commendador Tan Sri Datuk Eugénio Campos ho diresaun Konsul Onoráriu Portugál iha no. 8 Belvedere, Jalan 1/63, Off jalan Tunku, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia hakerek hodi informa ba Ministru agrikultura katak, “Diskusaun halo ona ho ecelencia PM, Exelencia Ministra Justisa ho ami nia ekipa no tuir instrusaun maka foo ba Sra. ZenildaZenilda Gusmão, ami realiza iha urgencia haruka dokumentu s sira ne’e ba sua exelénsia.”

Prosesu ne’e la’o naruk hanesan moos borraxa entaun Tan Sri Datuk ne’e ezije beibeik ba Ministru Mariano asanami Sabino ninia Konselleiru Ezekutivu Sr. José Meneses Soares da Costa ate loron 24/03/09 nia hataan ho lian kro’at ba Tan Sri Datuk Eugénio katak, “pratikamente la iha tan rai ba kuda ai borraxa iha tempu daudaun ne’e.”

Depois de besik tinan ida enkontru ba dala uluk ne’e Iha loron 13/11/2008 Governu TL foo anin di’ak ba konsórsiu Maltimor Lda. “Governu Repúblika demokrátika de Timor Leste konkorda hodi aponta ona ba ita boot, Commendador Tan Sri Eugénio Campos, hanesan ema ida ne'ebé moris iha Timor Leste ka no mea ona kompañia Timor Leste nian ida atu ezekuta proposta iha leten ne’e hodi dezenvolve no halo atividade kultivasaun ba plantasaun agrikula to’o hektares rai 250,000 iha Timor Leste,” dehan iha Surat PM Xanana Gusmão ba Datuk Eugénio Campos.

Maibé iha 11/09/2008 PM Xanana asina uluk ona rekomendasaun ida ho konteúdu hanesan ba kompañia seluk ida ho naran Leste Rubber Plantantion Sdn. Bhd.

Bankada Fretilín sente hakfodak ho governu AMP foo rai boot hodi kuda Ai borraxa “Fretilín hakfodak ho notísia katak Governu halo konsesaun ba rai boot tebe-tebes 250,000 hektares. Faktu katak nu’udar partidu boot liu iha uma fukun, ami la hatene no la rona buat ida too agora, nune’e hatudu katak governu ne’e la halo governasaun ho transparénsia,” dehan Deputadu bankada Fretilín José Teixeira.

Iha draft kontratu ne'ebé prepara ona hein de’it atu asina ne’e define katak Governu sei autoriza kompañia konsórsiu Maltimor Lda iha direitu atu hala’o esplorasaun ba rai hektares 250,000 besik tinan atus ida. “Ami hakfodak moos katak ida ne’e foo ba tinan 99. tuir ami nia haree ne’e la iha baze legál, no tan ba ilegál Fretilín la rekoñese. Bainhira Fretilín fila ba governu iha tempu tuir mai. Ami sei investiga kle'an no sei foti iha parlamentu ka tuir dalan legál depois de hala’o investigasaun di’ak liu tan,” Fretilín ninia reprezentante ne’e ameasa.

Governu ninia prioridade ida maka seguransa alimentár no ida seluk maka presiza loke kampu servisu nune’e presiza investidór internasionál sira mai investe hodi hamenus dezempregu iha nasaun joven ne’e maibé Fretilín dehan, “ida ne’e moos hatudu falta kapasidade halo polítika di’ak no ne'ebé sustentavel kona ba uzu rekursu naturais.”

Deputadu ne’e foo razaun katak, “Rai ne’e rekursu naturál importante ne'ebé ita labele foo ba ema arbiru de’it. Ita nia rain ne'ebé bele hala’o agrikultura la barak. Halo nusa maka ita bele foo ba ema atu kuda ai borraxa?”

Projetu sira ne’e labele la’o tan ba hetan rezisténsia husi parte MAPF dezde fulan Dezembru 2008. Iha surat ne'ebé haruka ba Gabinete PM Xanana iha loron 12/12/2008 Tan Sri Eugénio Campos hakerek, “to’o ohin loron, ami seidauk simu resposta ruma husi ministériu Relevante.”

“Ami espera katak Primeiru Ministru bele ajuda hodi buka hatene kona progresu projetu ne’e,” bodik Tan Sri ne’e.

Tuir nota kompañia Maltimor ninia ne'ebé jornál ne’e konsege hetan esplika kona ba vizita emprezáriu boot ne'ebé hanesan moos konsul onoráriu Portugál ninian iha Malaysia Commendador Tan Sri Datuk Eugénio Campos ho ninia ekipa vizita mai Timor Leste durante loron 3 hahú husi loron 23 to’o loron 26 tinan 2008. Iha loron 24/04/09 oras tuku 11 dadeer membru husi kompañia Maltimor konsórsiu Lda hanesan Y. Bhg. Commendador Tan Sri Datuk Eugénio Campos, Psm, Jsm, DMSM, Sra. Zenilda Gusmão, Sra. Carla Belo ho Sra Maria Liew enkontru ho Pm Xanana Gusmão.

Fretilín kestiona intensaun foo rai ba konsórsiu Maltimor Lda husi PM ne’e karik tan PM ninia oan feto nu’udar membru ida husi kompañia refere. “Karik tan ba titulár órgaun soberanu balun nia oan moos tama iha kompañia ne'ebé hetan rai luan ne’e nia laran Karik? Entaun ida moos tenke investiga?” dehan Deputadu Teixeira.

Konsórsiu ne’e propoin ba Governu atu hetan rai hodi kuda ai borraxa, halo relokasaun ba portu no estensaun ba aeroportu, aviasaun, halo estrada, produz enerjia eletrisidade, fa’an marmer TL, imprime (cetak) no konsul tan ba oleu ho Gás ninian.

Datuk Datuk Eugénio Campos kala sente laran nakali loos surat refere entaun iha loron hanesan moos nia haruka kedan surat ida ba Xanana hodi keixa PM ninia membru na'in rua. “Lala’ok ne’e hatudu mai ha’u katak exelénsia na'in rua MAPF ho Exelente Ministra Justisa la preokupa ho projetu ne’e hanesan sua exelénsia,” Eugénio Campos keixa Ministru Mariano ho Ministra Lúcia ba sira nia xefe.

Tuir Lúcia Lobato hateten foo rai ne’e la'ós tuur-tuur foti foo de'it la'ós iha Ministra Justisa nia amigu emprezáriu ida bolu mai foo de’it ha’u haree husi parte hotu-hotu iha investidór atu mai investe iha TL husi parte seluk moos atu garante katak investimentu ne'ebé halo iha ita nian rain ne’e bele foo benefísiu ba ita nia rain no foo benefísiu ba ita nia povu. Labele halo konforme governu hakarak de’it. La'ós foti rai tuir governu nia hakarak.

Lúcia haktuir katak, tuir Lei governu bele foo arendamento rai estadu nian hodi hetan foo benefísiu nasaun liu husi projetu ne'ebé mak emprezáriu sira halo iha TL. Nia esplika katak lei hateten kuandu investimentu ne’e liu no iha duni mekanizmu atu foo kuandu atu foo aluga rai hektares barak tenke iha desizaun husi Ministériu ida maibé konsellu Ministru mak sei deside kona ba ne’e.

Lobato moos hatutan presiza haree ba diretu investidór sira nian atu nune’e sira bele investe sira nian osan sira presiza garantia husi estadu nune’e sira labele soe osan lakon de’it. Nia salienta katak kuandu investidór sira mai parte ida bele loke serbisu joven s sira ne'ebé mak buka serbisu. Nune’e duni Lobato husu atu parte hotu-hotu presiza foo fiar ba ema estranjeiru sira katak, “ita nia rain ne’e iha seguransa no aman ona sira bele investe tan ba iha ona investimentu boot ne'ebé la'o. Ida ne’e mak governu tenke tenta atu halo no rezolve no atu loke empregu ba ita nia Rain no loke investimentu ba li'ur hodi mai.

Lobato hateten katak foo a rendamentu rai tenke bazeia ba lei ne’e sei la kria polémika. “Ne’e la foo impaktu tan ba iha tinan 50 too tinan 100 lei hateten katak bele foo tan ba iha lei A Rendamentu no lei investimentu esterior ne'ebé foo bi'it ba governu atu halo kontratu de a rendamentu ho entidade hotu-hotu bele estranjeiru no bele moos nasionál ne'ebé bele utiliza Rai estadu nian ba halo dezenvolvimentu no investimentu atu too tinan 50-99 maibé la foo arbiru de'it naran katak kumpre rekizitu.”

Tuir Ministra Justisa katak antes Governu asina kontratu ho emprezáriu ruma dahuluk tenke haree rekizitu balun hanesan investimentu ninia boot, haree ba impaktu investimentu ninian, la halo estraga ambientál rai TL nian. Kuandu prienxe ona rekizitu sira ne'ebé koñesidu hanesan kompañia ne’e tenke rejistu iha TL, see mak iha responsabilidade iha kompañia ne’e, kona ba problema taxa no sira seluk rezolve ona maka foin bele asina kontratu.

Lúcia Lobato rasik konfesa katak nia rasik kaer mapa rai pedasuk lubun ruma mak iha rai Timor nian maibé, “ha'u lahatene ita atu temi estadu nian no privadu nian mak ne'ebé?” Ministériu Justisa parte diresaun nasionál Teras no propriedade daudaun ne’e halo hela konsulta kona ba lei rai ninian. “ha'u foin mak hahú atu halo levantamentu kadastral no foin mak hahú prepara Lei atu atribui diretu s ba sertifika do ema nian,” Lúcia rekoñese. Ministra ne’e lakohi ko’alia barak liu tan tan preokupa orasida ema du’un, “ha'u kolia sala ita boot sira ko’alia MJ abuza podér, ha'u tenta no seidauk iha lei atu halo akreditasaun no ita seidauk hatene parseira rai hira mak iha Timor laran, no ita seidauk hatene rai autoridade komunitaria nian, ita seidauk haree tan ba ita foin mak hahú halo prosesu ida ne’e. Iha momentu hanesan Ministra Justisa ne'ebé iha tinan kotuk lori jornalista ba keixa ona ba Ministériu Públiku ne’e apela ba média atu apoiu halo dixaminasaun informasaun kona ba lei rai ninian. “Ita boot sira moos tenke kontribui para halo sosializasaun ba lei kona ba rai no ita nia povu moos tenke kumpre ita nia lei ne’e,” apela Lúcia.

Maibé estudante UNTL husi fakuldade agrikultura , Carlos Maria Mali diskórda ho Ministra Justisa. “Governu timor leste foo rai ba ema estranjeiru ne’e la tuir ona ita nia lei e ita nia lei moos la permite atu governu foo rai ba ema estranjeiru,” dehan Carlos ba Jornál ne’e iha Dili, (07/10)

Futuru jerasaun ne’e ninia opiniaun soke malu ho Ministra Justisa ne'ebé dehan lei autoriza bele a renda rai estadu nian ba emprezáriu estranjeiru maibé Carlos kondena Governu viola lei ne'ebé governu rasik produz. “Ha’u la aseita desizaun governu nia ne'ebé fa’an rai ba ema estranjeiru tan ba ema estranjeiru iha osan, se di'ak liu governu atu fa’an rai ne’e nia halo uluk mudansa ba lei inan. Ita nia governu rasik mak halo lei no sira viola rasik lei ne’e,” Carlos alega.

Carlos hatete katak foo rai ba kuda ai borraxa bele foo impaktu ba povu agrikultór sira.

Nia hateten katak di’ak liu Governu fahe rai ba agrikultór sira. “Ita nia povu sira ne’e nunka hetan rai pedasuk ida, tuir deklarasaun 65 sira dehan ema ne'ebé iha rai luan sei foo ba povu ne'ebé la iha rai, naa realidade ita la hetan buat ida wainhira sira realiza duni projetu ne’e,” nia sita.

Governu tenke kria kondisaun ba populasaun sira labele sai hanesan fokit ai ida ba tidin fali ai maran ida seluk nune’e ai ne’e sei la moris. “kuda ai borraxa halo kloot rai i nia bele foo impaktu ba moris populasaun sira iha ne'ebá la hetan rai ne'ebé di'ak tanba rai ne'ebé bokur estadu uza tiha ona entaun populasaun sira sei moris iha krize ai han .

“Ita hare ita nia agrikultór sira la dun hetan koñesimentu di’ak tanba Governu ne’e laiha planu di’ak atu fornese rai ne'ebé bokur ba agrikultór sira atu hadi'a sira nia moris, “ nia lamenta.

Konsul Onoráriu Portugál ninian ne’e seidauk satisfeitu maka iha loron 25/03/09 hodi keixa konselleiru Ezekutivu José ba PM José Alexandre Gusmão. “Hanesan investidór ida, ha’u preokupadu tebes, oin saa maka asistente ida iha ministériu Agrikultura ho peska hanesan desizaun ne'ebé halo husi ita boot nia an hanesan Primeiru Ministru no ema ida ne'ebé iha autoridade iha Timor Leste,” Tan Sri Datuk Eugénio koko hasa’e PM ninia raan.

Funu entre Ministériu Agrikultura ho Maltimor Lda seidauk remata ne'ebé ikus liu Commendador Tan Sri Datuk Eugénio Campos hakat liu Ministru Agrikultura Mariano Asanami hodi ba hasa’e lia ba Presidente da Repúblika ho Vice PM Mário Carrascalão iha Pallasu Presidente Ai tarak laran iha loron 19/05/09. Iha surat agradesimentu ba Vice PM Carrascalão loron 04/06/09 Tan Sri ne’e agradese laran luak husi Vice PM ne’e ninia hodi ba partisipa iha enkontru iha presidente ninia fatin. “Apoiu pesoál ne'ebé sua exelénsia foo ona mai ha’u foo liu tan konfiansa mai ha’u atu buka posibilidade hodi halo negósiu iha TL, “ hakerek Datuk Eugénio Campos ba Vice PM Mário. Antes sa’e ba Vice PM eis deputadu husi bankada PSD ne’e haka’as Ministru agrikultura to’o iis atu kotuk tan ba MOU ida foo rai hektares 100,000 kuda tohu. Maibé agora Asanami moos la foo ulun hodi foo rai ne'ebé boot ho durasaun kontratu to’o tinan 99 ba kompañia Maltimor. Tuir fonte s husi Governu nia laran ne'ebé husu atu jornál ne’e labele publika ninia naran Alega katak Commendador Tan Sri Datuk Eugénio Campos hahú lori karta husi PM ninian ne’e hodi ba loby tutan fali kompañia seluk hodi sub-lease hikas rai 250,000 ne’e ba kompañia foun.

Jornál ne’e tenta atu konfirma ho Commendador Tan Sri Datuk Eugénio Campos ninia emar sira iha Konsuladu Onoráriu Portugál ninia Malaysia maibé la foti telefone.

Husi parte Ministériu Agrikultura Enjeñeiru Cesaltino N. Dos Reis Carvalho hateten husi ministériu agrikultura ninia parte daudaun ne’e seidauk tau esforsu ba produsaun ai borraxa maibé, “ami haree liu ba maka sasaen sira ne'ebé foo benefísiu lalais ba povu no ami seidauk haree ba tanam khas ne'ebé ninia jangka waktu ne’e lama. Ami haree liu maka buat ida ne'ebé bele hasa’e produsaun lalais hodi bele sustenta hahán iha rai laran ne’e maka importante liu mai Ministériu Agrikultura.” “Ami hatene proposta mai duni Ministériu Agrikultura kona ba uza rai hodi kuda karet mas tuir tékniku sira dehan ida ne’e seidauk bele. Tan ba rai moos agora limitadu tebe-tebes hodi hasa’e produsaun hare ninian.”

Tuir enjeñeiru ne’e katak wainhira Governu foo tiha 250,000 ba Eugénio Campos maka rai sira ne'ebé merese ba hasa’e produsaun povu nian kuran ona. “Ida ne’e foo hotu tiha entaun ita ba foti fali rai iha ne'ebé fali nune’e maka Sr. Ministru seidauk foti desizaun ne’e,” dale Cesaltino. Nia informa katak, “ Sr. Campos ne’e mai beibeik iha ne’e (ministériu Agrikultura).”

Bainhira Datuk ne’e baku ain beibeik ba mota Komoro ninia sorin maibé mota sei maran hela ne'ebé Ministru Agrikultura labele foo wee ruma nia hemu entaun hakat besik fali ba de’it aitara laran hodi hasa’e lia ba Presidente da Repúblika. “Tuir loloos sira mai lai ho tékniku sira la’o hamutuk hodi survey buat sira ne’e. Maibé agora sira halai liu ba leten de’it depois ami atu halo  nusa.”

Dala ida tan Cesaltino informa katak Ministériu Agrikultura la foo prioridade ba ai borraxa “ami haree liu ba hasa’e produsaun hare nian tan ba seidauk iha desizaun husi Ministru Agrikultura moos kona ba asuntu ida ne’e,” nia relata.

Bainhira husu kona ba envolvimentu oan husi Xefe do governu ninian maka Cesaltino hataan ho liu nakdedar hodi dehan, “Justru ida ne’e maka ami lakohi atu halo buat ida hanesan…nia la remata ninia lia fuan. Ho lalais nia muda konteúdu hodi ko’alia fali kona ba prioridade governu ninian.”Ami iha ne’e hakarak liu haree ba hasa’e produsaun povu ninian liu-liu atu hasa’e produsaun kona ba hare, batar tan ba uluk tohu nian de’it moos kria problema boot ida. Ne’e sei 100,000 hektar agora foo tan fali 250,000 entaun ita nia rai ne’e hira fila fali. Ita hatene loloos kona ba kada metru kuadradu nune’e duni foo hotu tiha rai ne’e ita fali halo nusa.

Tuir dadus iha Ministériu Agrikultura kalkula katak área produtivu ba atividade agrikultura iha TL totál hamutuk mak 144.000 Meter skuer. “Ne’e khusus ba área agrikultura de’it (lahan tidur ho lahan ne'ebé produtivu ba agrikultura ninian).”

“Ami husi Ministériu Agrikultura hatene katak ita seidauk asina kontratu ida tan ba ami tenke haree uluk lai rai ne'ebé maka produtiva hodi hasa’e ai han I ami la haree lai ba tanaman khas ne'ebé maka ninia jangauan atu hetan ninia rezultadu ne’e kleur.

Nia kontinua hateten katak, “ami seidauk foti desizaun ba buat ida. Ami tenke foo tékniku halo estudu uluk kona ba rai tan ba hatene muito bem kona ba karet ninia penghasilan no ninia fungsi ne’e halo nusa. Tan ba ida ne’e maka ministru labele foti desizaun atu foo rai hotu ho 250,000 hektar ba kompañia ida atu halo buat ida ne’e.”

Hanoin husi Enjeñeiru Cesaltino ninian ne’e reforsa liu tan husi Eusébio Guterres, Asesór Jurídiku Ministériu Agrikultura ninian. Husu bainhira loos maka ministériu Agrikultura foo Lampu verde ba Projetu ai boraixa. Eusébio dehan, “Nau, Ida ne’e kayaknya Kansela Tan ba be, nia ezijénsia ne’ene la 'cocok ida' ho Timor, ninia ezijénsia maka’as liu. Husu 250.000 hektares ne'ene la lójika ida. Ninia planu la klaru ida.”

Husu kona ba Primeiru Ministru foo tiha ona despaxu maibé Eusébio hataan katak, “Nau, nia bele foo despaxu maibé despaxu ne’e een termu s atu halo estudu viabilidade bele, mas atu implementa kona ba asina akordu menurut dekretu Lei no 9/19 /2004 ne’ene kona ba kontratu ba rai Estadu sira ne’ene tenke hetan rekomendasaun ka parecer favoravel husi Ministru Agrikultura, se lae labele.

Eusébio moos hateten katak biar, “Sira ba hasoru Prezidente moos Lei ne’e labele nafatin. Lei labele nafatin tanba iha Lei hateten katak Ministru Agrikultura mak tenke foo rekomendasaun, Lei ne’e labele kontra. Jangankan Ministru, karta de’it haruka mai atu asina maibé labele book buat ne’e. Tan ba businessman la klaru, planu sira ne’e hotu dehan all cros entaun sira ba domina hotu tiha terenu be povu kuda fali saa ida, depois polítika ida kona inti ho plasma ne’e moos la klaru tanba inti ne’e tenke sekian de’it, plasma maka tenke barak. Plasma ne’e dimilik oleh rakyat la'ós moto ne'ebé dehan semua dimilikinya entaun ne’e totalmente monopóliu hotu, ne’e labele. Monopóliu ne’e labele tan ba konseitu ne’e intiplasma artinya inti ne'e sekitar 1000-2.000 hektares, mas entre sira povu ne’e hakarak halo plantasaun hakarak halo ba. Sistema ne’e hanesan ne’e maka kala Datuk Eugénio Campos ba to’o fali Presidente hodi push mai.

Ministru la foo, la foo rai tanba agora ne’e polítika Nasionál mak seguransa alimentár kontráriu ho projetu ida ne’e. Polítika nasionál ne’e seguransa alimentár I agora ita atu ba halo projetu agrikultura ida ne'ebé mak kontra fali seguransa alimentár tan ba ema la'ós han boraixa ne’e.
Biar ukun na’in sira nia oan iha laran maibé povu Timor ne’e matan nakloke labele kahur Lei ho polítika. Ne’e klaru ema hotu hakarak han batar no foos la'ós ai boraixa. Tuir Eusébio katak Primeiru Ministru fó duni mais tenke hein ekipa tékniku husi Ministériu Agrikultura foo lai sira nia paracer dehan favoravel ou la favoravel. Se la favoravel maka labele implementa I tékniku sira sai duni ba haree dehan tiha ona labele.
Fernanda Borges (PN), hateten konforme diretór rede rai dehan ba nia katak iha TL Governu iha de’it rai 408.000 (kuarenta I oitu mill) hektares.

Se foo rai barak hanesan ne’e tenke foti husi rai povu nian ou foti rai husi komunidade atu foo ba ema sira emprezáriu ne’e atu mai halo negósiu. “Ida ne’e mak preokupasaun boot tanba rai Estadu la dun barak, “ Fernanda Borges hato'o ninia preokupasaun.

Ita hakarak atu iha investimentu atu iha servisu ba ema maibé ida ne’e la'ós kestaun tanba ida ne’e mak ita buka duni maibé, ita tenke haree investimentu ne’e iha ne'ebé, ai borraxa ne’e iha rai seluk ema moos la forma tan ne’e keta investimentu ida ke la dun di'ak mai ita karik.

Borges dehan rai TL ne’e ki’ik demais atu foo 250,000 ba emprezáriu ida.

“Ita atu hari fatin mina iha fatin hotu-hotu ne’e moos han rai i ambiente, ita rai ki’ik ida se ita estraga ita nia dezenvolvimentu ita nia ambiente la la'o ho dalan ne'ebé la kuidadu ba ita nia rai nia bokur no kondisaun ne’e bele afeta ita atu aban bain rua ita la bele ona kuda hahán atu han, tanba agora ita haree krize boot iha mundu mak krize ai han no presu ai han aumenta hela de’it tan ba populasaun aumenta presiza aumenta ai han barak,” ninia dehan atu hanesan ho autoridade husi Ministériu Agrikultura.

Timor nia populasaun oras ne’e millaun 1maibe aban bain rua sei aumenta tan, ho ida ne’e rai ne’e di'ak no bokur ba agrikultura. “Di'ak liu ita rai ida ne’e atu ba futuru ita kuda nafatin ai han,” nia sujere. Nia remata hodi hateten katak, “Alende ne’e problema iha timor mak mal nutrisaun dala barak loron ida ema bele la han no ai borraxa ne’e ita la han no sei lori tempu.”

AETL demands that the PM Sacks the Vice Minister of Health - Madelena Hanjam


On 2th of October 2009 the AETL (Nurses Association of Timor-Leste) sent a letter to Xanana Gusmao Prime Minister of Timor-Leste demanding that the Vice Minister Of Health Medalena Hanjam be replaced for reasons that she has abused her power.

"We want the resignation of Vice Minister for Health, Madalena Hanjan because she destroying the systems inside the Ministry," said Luis Lobato the head of AETL(17/10).

On the afternoon of 19/10/09 the health workers gathered in the Delta Nova building to declare the war. "We are not against the Government that headed by our big Brother Xanana Gusmao, "Lobato said.  But we demand the sacking of the Vice Minister."

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Tempo Semanal: OpEd by Jose Belo/Taraleu

By: Taraleu 

Iha inisiu fulan Setembru liu bá, familia vitima hamutuk ho vitima hirak ne'ebé sei moris harii asosiasaun ida ho objetivu atu defende sira-nia direitu bá justisa: Reparasaun bá vitima no ejiji tribunal internasionál.
Ema atus resin ne'ebé tau aan nuudár reprezentante povu (vitima) husi distritu tomak ho neon no laran ida de'it halo komprimisu boot ida, hodi povu nia naran, tuba rai metin atu luta nafatin hodi hakilar ba situasaun injustisa ne'ebé sai hanesan naha todan boot ne'ebé sira hulan loron-kalan iha sira-nia kbaas, hamosu sentimentu laran moras ne'ebé rohan laek.

Liafuan VÍTIMA, tuir-los sai nuudár liafuan lulik ida, liafuan todan. La'os liafuan mamuk let ida ne'ebé ita tara iha ita-nia ibun tutun hodi temi lemo-lemo bá mai, i aat liután, sai tiha fali hanesan kurtina bá ema ida-idak nia interese. Piór liután, polítiku na'in no ema oportunista sira fa'an lemorai vitima sira-nia naran hanesan ropa obralan hirak ne'ebé ema fa'an ho folin baratu de'it.

Tempu uluk, wainhira iha funu nia laran, lider no matenek na'in sira hamutuk ho povu ki'ik, ne'ebé balun oras ne'e hetan gelar vitima, fó liman bá malu luta hamutuk hodi duni-sai funu maluk sira.
Maibé, hafoin ukun aan tiha, derepente ita haluha malu lalais de'it. Povu ki'ik ne'ebé sai vitima tanba funu, oras ne'e terpaksa luta mesak. Sira luta bá sira-nia direitu atu hetan justisa maibé lider no matenek na'in sira haree ho matan sorin de'it i balun nein hakarak fihir tan… Kuitadu…

Luta atu hetan justisa bá vitima no esforsu atu halakon impunidade bá kriminozu sira, la'os slogan de'it, la'os liafuan diplomátiku i la'os mós obralan murahan husi oportunista sira. Povu ne'ebé sai vitima funu nian hakarak fanu ita hotu, hakarak loke ita neon hodi haree bá kestaun injustisa ne'ebé sira hasoru iha sira-nia moris. Tan ne'e mak sira halibur aan hamutuk hodi harii sira-nia asosiasaun rasik.

Bá oin, saida mak atu mosu? Sira bele duni atu alkansa objetivu ho ejijénsia hirak ne'e? En prinsípiu, sira (vitima) presiza suporta morál tanba sira luta bá direitu universal ne'ebé ema tomak iha mundu ne'e tutur iha leten aas bá, mak, direitu umanu.

Nuudár ita hotu hatene ona, ne'e la'os segredu ida, katak, nai-ulun sira sei la hakru'uk bá ejijensia vitima sira nian ne'ebé ejiji tribunál internasionál.

Tempu la'o daudaun, no surpreza boot ida mosu tan, derepente de'it mosu tan grupu juventude ida ne'ebé sai tiha hanesan laloran tasi boot ne'ebé atu riba no hamout lakon tiha vitima sira-nia mehi bá justisa ne'ebé sira luta daudaun.

MOVIMENTU JUVENTUDE BÁ PAZ NO ESTABILIDADE, ne'ebé katanya reprezenta povu no vitima sira, halo deklarasaun iha públiku hodi hatete katak POVU NO VÍTIMA SIRA LA PREOKUPA ONA HO TRIBUNÁL INTERNASIONÁL.

Ita bele husu, grupu juventude ne'e reprezenta duni povu no vitima sira ka lae? Hodi bainhira mak sira halo ona konsulta ho vitima sira kona-bá kestaun Tribunal Internasionál ne'e? Sira reprezenta povu no vitima ida ne'ebé? Keta halo, ida ne'e konstitui deklarasaun politika de'it karik?

Bá oin, se movimentu juventude oan ne'e iha duni komitmen bá sira-nia deklarasaun ne'e, nune'e labele para de'it ho deklarasaun ne'ebé sira halo wainhira simu prezidente Ramos Horta iha aeroportu Dili semana kotuk, maibé sira tenke halo esforsu liután hodi komprova katak ida ne'e vitima sira-nia hakarak duni, katak, lakohi ona tribunal internasionál, atu nune'e ita hotu bele tuur hakmatek ona i nai-ulun sira mós la presiza atu fera ulun tan ona.

Se deklarasaun Movimentu Juventude nian ne'e nuudár deklarasaun politika de'it, di'ak-liu, se bele, uza de'it termus no razaun seluk. KETA FA"AN DEMAIS VÍTIMA SIRA-NIA NARAN. Hatudu tok mai, vitima ida ne'ebé mak lakohi tribunál internasionál? Bele ka lae…! 

Ikus liu, pergunta bá parte hotu-hotu ne'ebé luta bá vitima sira-nia direitu. Imi nia esforsu to'o iha ne'ebé ona? Keta halo NGO sira uza vitima sira-nia naran hodi hetan fundus de'it i Grupu Juventude sira uza vitima sira atu hetan konfiansa polítika de'it, Lider politiku sira lori vitima nia naran atu justifika sira-nia retorika politika iha mundu internasionál. Iha parte seluk governu halo aan matan delek no tilun diuk tiha.

Doasaun dólar rihun bá rihun fakar la hotu rai, relatoriu futun be futun rai iha gaveta laran atu sai fuhuk tan, komisaun oioin mosu, maibé vitima sira tinan-bailoro mak vitima nafatin.

Karik autoriza ata ha'u bele impresta liafuan ne'ebé nai-ulun balun sempre temi "LA HETAN BOY…!".

Thursday, 22 October 2009

TL State Gives Way for ex-Militia to Abuse Justice

This is the English Translation of Tempo Semanal's exclusive feature story on the Maternus Bere case first published on 28 September 2009 in both print and internet.

TL State Gives Way for ex-Militia to Abuse Justice

Maternus Bere was born in Auren, Suai, on April 1 1956. During the Indonesian occupation, he was a teacher near this village, but when this small nation was preparing for the referendum on 30 August 1999, Maternus Bere left this position for the Laksaur militia.

According to information from a Tempo Semanal correspondent in Suai, Maternus Bere was well-known and got along with his students.

Yet when he became involved in Laksaur, he became hostile in his anti-independence stance, and many civilians became victims of his behaviour.

To resolve Bere’s case and those of human rights violations in 1999, the then-President Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao travelled to Bali on 29 May 2004 to meet TNI ex-general Wiranto.

This discussion created big issues with many people as all people want justice for the human rights violations which occurred during the Indonesian occupation. These issues were magnified when Gusmao met with the Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudohono on 9 March 2005 to sign the Truth and Friendship Commission agreement, which contravened the principles set out by the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (aka., CAVR).

Yet the former Minister for Foreign Affairs and current President has always questioned civil society’s persistence in establishing an international tribunal on grounds that Timor-Leste’s diplomatic priority is to maintain friendship between the people of these two nations – not to bring about justice.

Due to this, Maternus Bere’s attack on Ave Maria Parish in Suai on 6 September 1999—which killed Fathers Hilario Madeira, Dewanto, Francisco and many other civilians—is not likely to have much political influence in our leaders’ hearts. From this perspective, Timor-Leste doesn’t have much chance of holding former militia Maternus Bere to justice because its heads of state and government haven’t fully given importance to immigration law or a penal code in Timor-Leste.
Political—rather than legal or moral—decisions meant that on 29 July 2009, Maternus Bere approached the Indonesian Department of Immigration in Atambua to acquire a visa to visit his birthplace. Thus, on 5 August 2009, he crossed the border to visit Suai with permission from the Department and from the Timor-Leste police.

On 8 August 2009 in Suai, Maternus Bere attended Mass in a local church. He left during the ceremony to visit the burial site of Father Hilario and, with a heavy heart, reached for the cross above the grave. A Suai youth named Watu said Bere felt frustrated and sad with his behaviour in 1999.

When he initially saw Bere, Watu attempted to hit him, but was unsure as they were at a church. Yet after leaving the church, Maternus Bere walked to a local market and Watu attempted to hit him.

Upon seeing this, nearby PNTL and UNPOL officers apprehended Watu because they didn’t know who Bere was, and asked Watu to explain his actions.

Watu then explained to police that Bere was a mlitia commander who was involved in a grave crime during 1999 and, as such, the security authorities were surprised at not having captured Bere, who’d returned to his home in Leogore.

When this newspaper approached a victim who wished to be known only as “DA” and other civilians involved in Bere’s capture, DA said, “We feel angry towards the Government and don’t’ like the UN’s behaviour”. DA is a survivor from the massacre on 6 September 1999 who was present during the recent occurrences in Suai market.
“I saw Marternus start shouting [at Watu] near the market, and then we, the victims, captured this criminal and then gave him to the PNTL and UNPOL.  At the time, they didn’t know who Maternus Bere was in order to bring justice, but the Government has [now] not delivered justice and the UN has washed its hands of the affair,” DA continued.

“When the day comes that we find another militia from Laksaur, we’ll undoubtedly take our own judgement with our hands,” DA declared.

After being in a holding cell for three days, the police brought Maternus Bere to Dili, where he entered block one of Becora prison on 12 August 2009. Bere’s capture has shown the community’s contribution to justice.

Yet Timor-Leste’s Head of State and Head of Government—who speak loudly that the people must contribute to justice—are now trying to close the path for the people to contribute to justice. The UN itself always speaks out about peace and justice, but for all its sweet-talk its actions are very much in vain, because one part of the UN asks for justice, but the other part has been involved with dispersing the Serious Crimes Unit. Because of this, the UN’s mission in Timor-Leste appears to be a big boss who comes to supervise millions and millions of dollars’ worth of projects, all to deliver various reports to Geneva.

It’s the same with what deputies are currently doing in National Parliament. They position themselves as representatives of the people, but they speak more of their parties’ interests than those of the people. The young, intelligent AMP deputy alone gave respect to those who captured Bere, but they simply shout back when the opposition criticises the Chief of State’s decisions.

Maternus Bere exited Becora prison on 30 August 2009, the commemoration of Timor-Leste’s referendum. The President celebrated this historic day by giving medals to those who’ve contributed to this nation, but he and the Prime Minister also—very quietly—gave Maternus Bere his liberty from Becora prison.

According to Tempo Semanal’s sources, the Minister of Justice telephoned a prison staff member and the source known as “DA” to release Maternus Bere, and members of PNTL (under the command of Sub-Inspector JB) brought him to the Indonesian Embassy in Palapaso.

According to other Government sources, the Indonesian Embassy in Dili is still waiting for a letter of extradition for Maternus Bere from the Government of Timor-Leste. This indicates that Maternus Bere may still be residing within the Embassy. A document from the Ministry of Justice which was acquired on 4 September 2009 explains that the ex-militia left Becora prison for the Indonesian Embassy on grounds of poor health.

This decision prompted strong protests from victims families’ and civil society. A two-page document sent from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights ordered the President to explain about Bere’s release.

When Fretilin was in power, some leaders who currently occupy AMP chairs heavily criticised Mari Alkatiri’s government for not doing anything about justice. Yet the UN—through its special representative in Timor-Leste—gave full faith to the Fretilin government that it could create a stable nation.

On 19 May 2003 at Dili heliport, the UN representative in Timor-Leste, Kamalesh Sharma, handed over authority of the State’s security, prompting the Dili District Tribunal to print a notification for arrest warrants regarding serious crimes perpetrated by Maternus Bere and his thirteen accomplices which read:

“The Adjunct Attorney-General for Serious Crimes Autoridade Segundo nian konfirma ba regulamentu 2000/16 to’o 2000/30 ba UNTAET (… wrote in a letter of accusation (number 09/2003) from the Serious Crimes Panel which was sent on 5 November 2003 with a warrant of arrest based on a letter from the Attorney-General on 16 May which this newspaper has acquired.

Yet this warrant of arrest has little worth because the UN has dismantled the Special Panel for Serious Crimes which was created to bring justice for victims of the Indonesian occupation and related occurrences. Former President Xanana Gusmao himself may be content that the ad-hoc tribunal has failed to make a judgement on perpetrators of these crimes in Indonesia. In forming the Truth and Friendship Commission, Xanana has held up friendship and trampled justice in this land.

Indonesian Ambassador Protects Maternus Bere

The Secretary for the Indonesian Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Nelson Simorangkir said the Ambassador’s function in the Maternus Bere case is to give protective assistance to Bere and other Indonesian citizens in Timor-Leste. Nelson said the Indonesian Ambassador has an obligation to protect Bere’s health.

“I want to let the public know that this case may be quickly resolved to maintain good relations between these two nations, as President Ramos-Horta has said,” said Nelson.

According to information which this newspaper has acquired from the Ambassador’s Secretary, Maternus Bere has not yet returned to Indonesia, but he’s hoping that the Government of Timor-Leste may promptly resolve this problem. Bere’s family has frequently visited him.

Nelson added that President Ramos-Horta’s statement on the anniversary of the popular consultation kept with the Truth and Friendship Commission’s views to resolve problems between these two nations.

“These nations’ leaders certainly have good vision and a mission for the future, which is specifically expressed in each of the recommendations they’ve made to strengthen relations between their nations,” encouraged Nelson.

Horta Says the People Aren’t Asking for Justice

On 28 August 2009, when asked by journalists for his thoughts about Amnesty International’s report on 27 August 2009 which recommends an international tribunal for serious crimes during the Indonesian occupation of Timor-Leste, Horta said, “I absolutely disagree with this. It’s not the same with Amnesty Internation who write from London. I am here. I have been here for ten years already.”
He continued, “I may state that I know this land better than others. In the months I’ve spent walking around this nation in the past two years, I’ve visited cities and villages. I’ve met with thousands and thousands of people. Throughout this, I can guarantee to you that there is not a single person from them who spoke to me about the violence in 1999, 1991, or 1975.”

Speaking on behalf of poor people, the President said this nation’s population hasn’t asked for Justice, but are looking specifically to improve their lives and determine their futures.

“All of the things they’ve spoken have been about their lives in days of peace and security,” he said. “They are not concerned with justice relating to violence in the past. Their concerns are about obtaining 24-hour access to electricity.”

“They question why they’re yet to access telephone lines in parts of this nation which don’t have mobile communication signals. They’re always asking about roads which are still deficient. They often demand more tractors and hand tractors for farming. They want more schools. They ask for clean water. I’ve always listen to these things during the two years prior to now in which I’ve walked hundreds of kilometres.”

“I think I have a better idea of our population’s feelings than those who write reports from London, Washington, New York, and Canberra,” he concluded.

Victims’ Families Angry at Horta

Representatives of victims’ families from Ermera are angry with the State’s decision to free Maternus Bere.

“I’m very sad with the Head-of-State’s statement that the people don’t need justice, sad because charismatic leaders such as Horta should be the number-one person to defend justice for the people, but now he’s crumbling justice from the base, so it’s easy to kill justice,” accused Francisco da Costa, a survivor of militias’ actions in Nossa Senhora church in Suai.

Da Costa asked when the President meets with the people to ask their thoughts about justice, stating “Horta speaks with us that we don’t need justice – is this when lying down, standing up, or sitting? I always attended meetings from 2001 to now and always send invitations to the President and Prime Minister, but they never participate to hear our demands for justice.”

In other news, a survivor from the Liquicia church massacre, Jose Serao, who still carries scars on his throat, said he wants to come together with other victims to continue their struggle for justice.

“This nation will not have peace when there is no justice and it is inexcusable if there is no justice,” he said.

Claudio: “Horta Doesn’t Have the Power to Take Maternus Bere”

In a letter to National Parliament (NP) which was acquired on 22 September from NP secretary, Teresa Carvalho (PD bench member), the President of the Appeal Tribunal Dr Claudio Ximenes said, “As per the information I’ve received, the Suai District Tribunal judge gave a decision to send Maternus Bere to prison to bring judgement. A substantial amount of time passed before the accused was sent to await his judgement”.

Bere’s release was indeed probably not of the tribunal’s doing. According to Timor-Leste’s law and Constitution, only a judge may send a person to prison. Only a judge may order someone from prison. If a judge sends someone to prison, an authority which is not a judge does not have the power to take or order this person from prison.

Article 245 of Timor-Leste’s penal code states whoever has the illegal means to take from prison a person who has lawfully lost their liberty or who gives aid for them to do so will find two to six years [of prison]. Our Constitution defines Timor-Leste as a state of democratic rights, as a state which follows the law and democratic principles.

Our Constitution delegates to each of its sovereign parts the power to conduct their appropriate actions, and not to give one part the power of others. The sovereign parts which do not include tribunals do not have the power to take someone from prison who has been sent by a tribunal, except when it has a political reason to do so. If we do not take the opportunity to follow legal mechanisms to resolve these problems when they appear, they may be exacerbated.

The events of 2006 are a good example, where the law [eventually] made this nation settle down. Violations of law create many problems. Because of this, the Superior Council for Judicial Magistrates and President of the Resources Tribunal gave their attention to the process in which Maternus Bere became the accused.

At the time, the National Parliament hotly debated a Censure Motion which the Opposition had delivered against the fourth constitutional Government, as a consequence of these events. The Opposition demanded a debate, although they already knew that such a motion would fall and that the AMP would feign division on the topic, regardless that they want to show victims that justice will not be served.
Yet the Censure Motion indeed used a deadened counting process, for sake of the Government potentially falling and Fretilin’s campaign tactics. At the time, the Vice President of National Parliament didn’t want to state that this would enter its agenda, but managed to with the diplomacy of Dr Vicente Guterres, who said, “Parliament has many priorities to attend”.

National Parliament took a ‘Rubber Stamp’ to President

National Parliament members signalled their protest about the state’s decision to free Maternus Bere through their vote on 08/09/09 to propose resolution 31/02 on the President’s trip to New York. “I vote to signify a protest because I have come and sat here to defend the people’s interests,” said Estanislao A. da Silva, Fretilin bench member, in an extraordinary plenary session on 09/09/09.

“The interests in this cause are those of the victims. In this way, I vote with conscience – not with emotion,” said da Silva.

“I vote to signal my protest. Why? Because this issue regards a militia who was brought out of prison,” da Silva finished.

The Censure Motion saw a majority of 18 members vote against the President’s travel plans; yet the President subsequently threatened to resign at 5pm on 09/09/09 if the vote was not changed. At 17:25pm, the Deputy of National Parliament brought forth what’s been referred to as a ‘rubber stamp’ to re-approve a resolution with the following results: 31 votes in favour of the President’s travel, 10 against, five abstentions, and one member who did not vote.

PUN MP Fernanda Borges said in the extraordinary plenary session that Parliament had “established a precedent which was not good for the future”.

She lamented that the MPs’ decision did not bring forth the people’s aspirations about speaking correctly and enacting justice for many people who spilled blood and lost their lives to gain independence. Ms Borges, who participated in the ceremony to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Suai church massacre, informed that, “many people will cry and moan for justice, while Mr President and Mr Prime Minister violate the Constitution to just arbitrarily take a person from jail according to their wishes”.

She continued to state that, “this protest vote has come about so we can open our eyes”.

CNRT bench member, Pedro da Costa, said the vote was filled with emotion. “This vote was all emotional because of Maternus Bere’s case,” he said. This AMP member indicated that the President’s travel was as much in the national interest as justice is for the nation’s heroic fathers. Mr da Costa argued to place the national interest above others, and that one may not bring forth the question of Maternus Bere on Presidential matters to create instability in our land.

Yet his friend Aderito Hugo da Costa—from a party which initially voted against the President’s travel plans, then subsequently abstained—said there is serious debate occurring in community areas regarding the case of Maternus Bere. “Liberty for Bere has an impact to the public, because of the issues he raised in 1999,” stated Mr da Costa. “Now is definitely not a good time for the President to make overseas visits”.
“While events which the President intends to attend is also important, it is particularly important for him to please find time to correctly explain this decision,” he continued.

This member alleged that the decision to free Bere came from the President. “I know well the chronology which happened before the ceremony began on 30 August,” he said. “We know one person who made a direct interpretation regarding this prosecution to the justice sector”.

Xanana: “I accept because I decided”

Not long after a meeting with the President on 10/09/09, the Prime Minister responded to the Appeal Tribunal President’s declaration to give a two- to six-year punishment to those who were responsible for releasing Maternus Bere from Becora prison. “I accept,” Mr Gusmao said. “I accept because I ordered this. The name for sentence, from this tribunal shall surely rest with me … I know where Becora is,” Prime Minister Xanana said in a challenge to the President of the Appeal Tribunal.
This is a difficult situation according to former leader Maximu of CNRM and CNRT (who now sits at the head table in the Counsel of Ministers) because Timor-Leste must have its own dignity as a state to see to its national interests that its people—not others—are making their own decisions: “What we say about justice sometimes disregards justice for the people in regard for that which the decision-makers want ... It’s better that we stand as a state. Stand and say that we will do what we say we’ll do”.

The Prime Minister declared that, “Sometimes bigger countries impose upon us when we intend to carry out justice”.

He is now 63 years old, and asked all people to have patience and consider the example about justice regarding World War Two, which occurred before many people were born. In the last two to three years there have been calls for this [justice], to carry it on. This will be a long time. We must leave it to time. We’ll try and leave it for now. We cannot demand greater things in this world,” said the former Falintil Supreme Commander, with a great deal of diplomacy.

President Dr Jose Ramos-Horta said on 09/09/09, “I have given my position many times already. I will not impede those who wish for an international tribunal. Go directly lobby the [UN] Security Council, because I do not make these decisions”.

“I do not agree,” Dr Ramos-Horta continued. “I do not accept; but those in this country who speak with big mouths, who follow Amnesty International, go to the [Security] Council.”

Immigration has a List of Ex-Militia

According to Immigration Director, Boavida Ribeiro, his department has a list of those who Timor-Leste suspects are former militia members, who are banned from entering and leaving the country.

When asked for the total number of people this list contains, or whether he had information that Maternus Bere had entered Timor-Leste on a tourist visa, the Director said he could not comment because this was a political decision.

Judge Requests Mandate for New Captures

Justice Dr Jose Maria de Araujo, who was carrying out Maternus Bere’s case in Suai District Tribunal, said according to the Penal Code, when PNTL and UNPOL capture a person to bring them to the Tribunal, there must be an accusation against them or one pertaining to serious crimes. Yet the Prosecutor-General presented the case to Dili District Tribunal, claiming they had the competence to pass judgement on the matter.

On 28 August 2009 the Public Defendant requested Suai District Tribunal to suspend Bere’s time in preventative prison because he was sick. Indonesia also requested authorisation for him to travel from Timor-Leste because he was an Indonesian citizen.

Guido Valadares, a doctor from the National Hospital, stated that Maternus Bere was sick in a medical certificate delivered to Becora prison, and recommended Dili District Tribunal authorise his treatment within or outside of Timor-Leste.
The Public Defendant’s request was presented with another copy from Becora prison to the Dili District Tribunal, who then granted a visa from the Public Ministry for Bere’s treatment in Indonesia. The Tribunal initially decreed that Bere remain in preventative prison, but had not made its own decision to grant him freedom from Becora prison.

Suai District Tribunal consequently informally heard that someone was granting Bere liberty from Becora prison.

According to a dispatch from Dr Jose Maris de Araujo on 10/09/09, the PNTL and UNPOL offices in Covalima were requested to commence an investigation to find who granted Bere liberty from prison.

Dr Araujo thus requested that Maternus Bere be taken back into custody, to return to Becora prison and follow due process. According to the resulting dispatches, an authority [other than the Tribunal or PNTL] used its political competence to take Bere from prison.

The Tribunal’s role is particularly to report and pass judgements depending on the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.

One person who feels a victim of the Suai church massacre perpetrated by Maternus Bere is Hermenegildo da Costa, director of NGO Hadomi Malu. His own brother-in-law captured and punished him seven times, and he described being tied up like a goat.
The Laksanakan Sapu Rata militia group did not act alone, as they had support from the Indonesian military, who gave drugs to the militia to disorient them as they assaulted the Suai church and shot dead three religious leaders and other Christians.
This massacre in 1999 is one of the great stories of its generation, which left many dead in its wake. Yet the East Timorese people wished to govern themselves, and all share the consequences of such wishes.

Mr Costa asked the State to create an international tribunal for militia who killed East Timorese people in connection to the 1999 referendum.

Chronology of Bere’s Violations

The following actions are alleged as violations of Section 16 of UNTAET regulation 15/2000:

Accusation One: Torture and Crimes Against Humanity
Maternus Bere and Domingos Mali are widely regarded to have committed torture against Agostinho Gusmao, Francisco do Espedito, and Vicente Alves Quimtao on 26/04/1999 in Vila Ligore, Suai.

Accusation Two: The Crime of Forced Disappearance
Maternus Bere, Ilidio Gusmao and Domingos Mali are allegedly responsible for Marsal and Feliz Amaral’s disappearances on 19/04/1999.

Accusation Three: The Crime of Extermination
Egidio Manek, Maternus Bere, Pedro Teles, Henrikus Mali, Come Amaral, Alipio Gusmao, Baltazar da Costa Nunes, Domingos Berek Boot, Olivio Tato Bauk, Americo Mali, Gabriel Nahakno Tito Da Silva “Zito Saek”, are allegedly responsible for the loss of 46 civilians (many of who are unidentified) on in Ave Maria Church, Covalima, on 06/09/1999. Among those dead included Father Hilario Madeira, Father Dewanto, and Father Francisco.

Accusation Four: The Crime of Deportation
Igidio Manek, Maternus Bere, Pedro Teles, Come Amaral, Henrikus Mali, Alipio Gusmao, Baltazar da Costa Nunes, Domingos Mali, Joaquim Berek, Olivio Tato Bau, Americo Malik, Zito da Silva, and Ilidio Gusmao are allegedly responsible for the deportation of civilians on 05/09/1999 and 30/10/1999 to West Timor.

Accusation Five: The Crime of Persecution
Egidio Manek, Maternus Bere, Pedro Teles, Cosme Amaral, Henrikus Mali, Alipio Gusmao, Baltazar da Costa Nunes, Domingos Mali, Joaquim Berek, Olivio Tato Bau, Americo Mali, Zito da Silva, Ildio Gusmao are allegedly responsible for persecuting civilians on 05/09/1999 and 30/10/1999 in Covalima district and West Timor.

Attempted Homicide on Dinis Afonso Moniz and Cancio Nahak

The Legacy of Maternus Bere in TL


The President of Timor-Leste Jose Ramos-Horta has recently returned from traveling to Jakarta for the inauguration of Indonesian President SBY yesterday at 19/10/2009.

Horta returned from Jakarta on 21 October 2009 via Indonesian airline Merpati.

During a press conference in President Nicolao Lobato Airport in Dili he said he denied information that former ex-Laksaur milita commander Maternus Bere has been moved from Timor-Leste from the Indonesian Embassy in Farol Dili via an Indonesian Embassy car on 20 October.

According to a Tempo Semanal source within the Government before Horta left the country on 19 October that he called for an urgent meeting with acting Prime Minister (Vice Prime Minister) Jose Luis Gutteres he left the country on 19/10/09, to discussed the Maternus Bere case. 

The source said, "The President is concerned about Bere's health and that the case of Marternus Bere has to solved in the near future." 

Apparantly Bere has some health problems and Horta urged to resolve this case as soon as possible.

The deputy Prime Minister Jose Luis Guterres called the Minister of Justice Mana Lucia to his Office late in the morning of Monday 19 October before the President's plane left from Dili. Today there were some informaion circulating with the office of Government said Bere has left Timor Leste for west Timor last night with an Indonesian Embassy car. 

At least the Indonesian Embassador to TL confirmed to Tempo Semanal on 21/10/09 in Dili airport that Maternus bere still in Dili and they are working with the government to solve the issue.
Martenus Bere came to TL on 05/08/09 to participate in a funeral of one his relative in Suai district which suffered from Militia attacked in September 1999. 

The Laksaur Militia commander was arrested in Suai on 09/08/09 prior to 10th anniversary of the Suai Church massacre which resulted the famous masscre after UN referendum loss to pro Autonomi on 06/09/1999.

Bere has been released on the 30/08/09 from the preventive detention in Bekora Prison and caused a major scandal for the Timorese leadership. The Oposition call for a vote no confidence which was defeated by the AMP MPs and only 25 vote for from the opositions parties in TL Parliament. Acording to Tempo Semanal sources that even though the Opposition have lost the vote of no confidence that they have a plan to take the Government to court.

This action will done in conjunction with the civil society. The Fretilin party didn't confirmed it's involvement in bringing Gusmao to the courth but DR. Alkatiri said, "We koew that civil society organisations are working on taking the Government to the court."

Horta Urges Timor Telcom Not to be Afraid


In answering questions from journalists regarding the Timorese telecommuincations sector and the populations demands for better service for the country President Jose Ramos Horta praised Timor Telcom for reducing prices in the last month.

A few months ago President Ramos-Horta was highly critical of Timor Telcom calling for the Government to liberalise the telecommunications sector.


Now he says "do not be afraid of competition".

He informed the public that the Government has given Timor Telcom 6 months until March 2010 to cover the entire country with their network or there will have to be a renegotiation of the monopoly that Timor Telcom currently holds.

Horta said that he is in support of liberalising the telecomunications sector in TL.

TL Empresta Husi Xina, MoPF Prepara Mega Projetu Liuron

TL Empresta Husi Xina
Tempo Semanal Edisaun 162 19/10/2009

Timor Leste iha posibilidade boot hetan empresta osan biliaun balun Dolar Amerikanu husi Xina. Tuir fonte Jornál ne’e ninian iha Xina ne'ebé husu atu jornál ne’e labele foo sai ninia naran hateten katak, “Xina prontu atu foo empresta ba Timor Leste ate US$3 biliaun ba harii infraestrutura, telekomunikasaun, estrada no bee moos.” “empresta ba Timor leste bele diretamente husi Governu Xinés ou bele ba husi Banku balun iha xina,” nia hatutan.

Iha parte seluk iha soru mutuk entre Premier Wen Jiabao ho PM Xanana iha Sesta semana kotuk iha Xina nakonu ho amizade “Xina sei kontinua halo esforsu hotu-hotu hodi foo ajuda maka bele ba Timor Leste no foo korajen ba kompañia doméstika sira para investe iha nasaun sira iha rejiaun sudueste asia ninian.” dehan Premier Wen Jiabao.
Wen kontente ho dezenvolvimentu relasaun bilaterál nasaun rua ne’e ninian dezde estabelesimentu relasaun diplomátika iha 2002. Nia foo apoiu ba nasaun RDTL ninia Hakmatek, estabilidade no dezenvolvimentu iha soru mutu ho ninia omólogu husi Timor Leste Xanana Gusmão Nia hateten katak, “Nasaun rua ne’e bele aselera kooperasaun iha área komérsiu, agrikultura no rekursu s naturais.”

“Primeiru Ministru TL Xanana Gusmão apresia Xina apoiu ba ninia nasaun nia independénsia, dezenvolvimentu sosiál no ekonomia.”

 “Xina foo apoiu ona fundus ba infraestrutura no ekipa médiku Xina iha Timor Leste sai hanesan modelu ba ami nia relasaun,” Xanana hateten.

Timor Leste sei hametin kooperasaun ho Xina hodi hamenus ki’ak no hamutuk hodi defende direitu s no interese nasaun dezenvolve daudaun sira nian,” nia nota.

Jornál ne’e tenta atu husu konfirmasaun ba membru do governu balun maibé rejeita atu klarifika. Maiske nune’e nia ne’e la nega, ho diplomasia nia esplika razaun di’ak balun kona ba empresta ninian.

Bainhira jornál ne’e koko dada lia fali ho ekonomista Timor oan balun ne'ebé servisu moos iha Governu rejeita atu komenta maibé nia dehan de’it katak, “empresta ne’e polítika governu ninian.”

Antes Vizita ba nasaun Xina, Parlamentu Nasionál aprova Lei ona jestaun finanseiru ne'ebé maka promulga moos ona husi Prezidente da Repúblika iha Setembru nia klaran hodi autoriza governu atu buka empresta osan husi rai liur.

Governu Timor Leste moos foin lalais liu ba asina tiha ona akordu ida hodi simu soft loan husi Portugál hamutuk valor Milaun 500 Euro (maiz ou menus baku ba US$ milaun US$800).
PM Xanana, Ministra Finansas, Ministru Negósiu estranjeiru ho Sekretáriu Estadu Rekursu Naturais hala’o vizita ba Xina hodi partisipa iha espozisaun justu ba komérsiu no investimentu maka loke iha Xina nia provínsia sudeste oeste Sichuan.

Xina sempre konsistente hodi ajuda Timor Leste dezde luta ba libertasaun rai ne’e husi okupasaun ilegál Indonézia ne'ebé apoiu husi nasaun demokrátiku sira seluk iha mundu no ohin loron Xina nia apoiu maka harii ona infraestrutura boot tolu iha nasaun ne’e hanesan gabinete Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru, Pallasu Prezidente ho sira nia embaixada. Tuir kompromisu Xina iha planu hodi ajuda harii tan edifísiu Ministériu Defeza ho kuartél Jerál F-FDTL no mos halo uma atus ida ba F-FDTL ninia membru sira iha Metinaru.

Tuir jornál ne’e ninia observasaun Xina ninia ajuda diferente liu asistente husi nasaun boboot sira seluk inklui Banku Mundiál ho ONU iha Timor Leste ne'ebé dezde 1999 ate 2009 gasta besik US$9 biliaun hodi selu saláriu vensimentu salariu hodi hariku sira nia ema no rai hela ba Timor Leste maka aumenta fali númeru ema ki’ak no dezempregu.

Ema balun deskonfia hanoin Xanana ninian no balun fali tauk karik ho impresta hirak ne’e bele hametin liu tan aliserce governasaun eis lider rezisténsia ne’e. Maibé Abel Soares populasaun ida husi distritu Ermera hahi inisiativa eis komandante em Xefe ne’e ninian. “Ha’u hanoin maun boot iha neon di'ak atu halo duni buat ruma ba povu no nasaun TL tan ne’e ha’u apoiu nia ba deve husi xina ka ne'ebé de’it atu dezenvolve nasaun ne’e,” nia ko’alia.

“Ha’u la pre okupa ba tusan tan ba hadi'a Estrada ne’e investimentu ida ne'ebé sei husik hela moos ba jerasaun foun tan ne’e sei la rai tusan ba ita nia oan no bee oan sira.”
Lia fuan hanesan mai husi Daniel da Costa husi distritu Baukau. “Mai ha’u se karik Primeiru Ministru hasai osan husi mina rai ninian ou ba deve husi xina atu hadi'a infraestrutura no dezenvolve rai ne’e ha’u konkorda 100%,” da Costa dehan.

Nia espera katak osan husi empresta ne’e mai la'ós hodi taka Estrada kuak maibé halo fali buat foun ida ne'ebé sei di’ak liu fali liman rohan Indonézia ninian.

Nia kontinua hateten, “Ema balun hakarak rai ne’e sai aat hela de’it para bele sai projetu ba sira tan ne’e mai ha’u kompriende sai ida maka maun Xanana hakarak halo.”
Nia espera katak Governu presiza harii ekipa de apoiu ida ke forte hodi tau matan ba projetu ne’e ninia kualidade no kompañia se de’it maka sei ka’er projetu ida ne’e sei foo servisu barak ba ema timor oan durante tinan lima nia laran.

Iha Parte Seluk Mateus Ximenes estudante ida husi Universitáriu iha Dili sadik kapasidade ninian. “Ha’u duvida s ho governu ninia kapasidade atu bele ezekuta osan ne'ebé mai husi empresta ne’e. tan ba ita sei menus ema mak iha kapasidade natoon no sistema ne'ebé monta hela maibé iha difikuldade s ezekusaun orsamentu do estadu saa tan ita ba deve agora.”

“Se karik osan empresta ne’e maka ba hadi'a estrada entaun ita hein katak la'ós hadi'a fali aspal kuak.

Tuir dokumentu s Ministériu Finansas TL nian ne'ebé jornál ne’e konsege asesu define katak hahú tinan tinan 2010 ate 2014 sei hahú implementa mega projetu Liurón ho Ponte ne'ebé sei gasta osan liu juta atus tolu. “Hadi'a Estrada tuir programa ne’e envolve rekonstrusaun, reabilitasaun/pavin hamutuk kilómetru 1.400 ba dalan Nasionál ho distritál sira, liurón ba subdistritu sira hamutuk kilómetru 200 no konstrusaun ponte hamutuk 33. Servisu hirak ne’e sei hafahe ba kontratu respetivamente ho kustu entre Milaun US$ 1.5 to’o Milaun US$ 20.0 nune’e duni kalkula ona totál kustu tomak hamutuk Milaun US$340,” hakerek iha Aneksu A iha pájina 45 nafatin.

Iha Aneksu hanesan, termu s de referénsia ne’e moos esplika katak, “dizenu detalladu no supervizaun ba konstrusaun sei halo husi konsultór sira hamutuk grupu tolu, maka hanesan ba reabilitasaun estrada sira, no grupu ida seluk ba servisu ponte ninian ne'ebé kada grupu sei kompostu husi konsulta enjeñeiru Nasionál ho internasionál sira ne'ebé ho responsabiliza ba grupu kontratu sira ninia ida-idak iha leste, sentrál no oeste.”

Atu garantia kualidade programa ne’e Governu la husik mesak ema internasionál maka ka’er servisu hirak ne’e maibé ministériu tutela sei buka ninia reprezentante ne'ebé iha kbiit hodi ta’u matan ba programa ne’e tomak. “Ministériu Infraestrutura sei tau matan ba atividade s programa sira ne’e, liu husi ema ne'ebé sira hili sai hanesan ba koordenadór ba konsultór ninian (Coordinating Consultant-CC).”

Tuir planu ne’e moos governu sei rekruta ema internasionál nain 60 ne'ebé espesialista ba dizenu dalan boot/pavin (highway/pavement).

“Espesialista dizenu ba liurón/pavin (Road/pavement) tenke iha esperiénsia mínimu tinan 15 iha área dizeinu highway no pavement, no esperiénsia relevante ba área ida ne’e iha nasaun dezenvolvimentu mínimu tinan 5 ona,” define iha aneksu B 8.2 RUP pájina 49.

Atu garante lala'ok hirak ne’e maka iha seksaun 5 ne'ebé ko’alia kona ba termu s de referénsia esplika iha ninia background katak, “Governu Repúblika demokrátika Timor Leste liu husi Ministériu planu Finansas tau ona fundus balun ho intensaun hodi finansia programa hadi'a liurón (Road Upgrading Program-RUP) iha Timor Leste ne'ebé sei inklui programa ne’e ninia manajemen, dezenvolvimentu institusionál ba servisu sira kona ba estrada ho ponte.”

Liu pájina 45 ne’e hakerek, “Programa hirak ne’e inklui servisu konsulta saun ninian, ho totál montante juta US$36, hodi halo instalasaun ba sistema manajementu dalan ninian ida.”
Tuir dokumentu s Ministériu Finansas ninian ne’e hatudu ona aneksu mapa dezenvolvimentu dala iha Timor Leste ba kategoria A to’o C. Estrada kategoria A hamutuk kilómetru 912,60 governu sei gasta osan Milaun 178,869, 600. Liurón sira ne’e tan kategoria A maka dalan entre Dili, Aileu, Maubesi, Same ho Betanu totál kilómetru 134.80. Estrada entre Aitutu, Ainaru, Kasa, Suai to’o Kremasaun ho km 107.40. Dalan entre distritu Dili, Ermera, Bobonaru, Maliana hamutuk KM 108.60. Kordaun entre Baukau ho Vikeke kilómetru 63.10. Estrada Manatutu ba Natarbora kilómetru 85.20. Nune’e moos dalan Ermera, Hatulia, Kailaku ate Maliana km 62.50. Iha enklave Oekusi ninia dalan liga entre Citrana, Sakat o, Pante Makasar, Bobonaru ho kilómetru 60.00. Liurón ne'ebé liga Dili ho Likisá (Likisá to’o Mota Ain halo husi ADB) ho ninia totál kilómetru naruk 28.60, dalan Dili ate Baukau kilometru122.60 no dalan liga entre Baukau ho distritu Lospalos to’o rai ulun Tutuala hamutuk km 139.80.

Ba liurón kategoria “B” totál kilómetru 296,80 no osan hamutuk millaun US$58,074.800, maka hahú husi Betanu ho Vikeke km 97.30, Liurón liga Suai, Tilomár no Fatululik hamutuk km 47.20, dalan husi Mota Ain to’o Maliana sei hasai osan km 44.00, dalan Laga, Ba'agia ho Watukarabau hamutuk km 59.00, no sei hadi'a Estrada Dili Roads In / Roads Out (4 links) km 43.40, nune’e moos hadi'a Estrada Suai vila kilómetru 5.40.

Dalan kategoria “C” ho km 301,40 sei hasai osan millaun US$30,140.000. Dalan sira ne’e maka hanesan Distritu ho sub distritu sira nian. Ninia detalladu maka hanesan Aileu, Lekidoe ho Remesiu ho KM 16,10, dalan entre subdistritu Maubisi ho Turiskai ho km 22,00, dalan entre subdistritu Manatutu ho Lakloo ninia naruk km 12.50, ligasaun subdistritu Maubisi no Hatubuiliku km 18.00, estrada entre distritu Laga no Kelikai km 18.00, dalan husi Lautein ba Luru km 10.20, dalan nasionál entre kasa ba Hatuudu to’o Betanu ho km 17.00, dalan ba subdistritu Beko ho Lolotoe km 20.00, liurón entre subdistritu Luka, Diloor to’o Lakluta ninia km 31.00, no Estrada nasionál ba Oekusi ho km 28.60. Dalan subdistritu sira Lospalos, Muapitine ho Mehara ho km 32.00, liurón iha sub distritu Atauru km 20.00, Estrada distritu Lospalos ho Lore km 26.80, dalan ba subdistritu Laleia ho suku Kairui km 6.00, dalan entre subdistritu Fahinehan ho Alas km 18.00, dalan ba subdistritu Suai, Loro ho Kamanasa km 5,20. Orsamentu ne’e moos governu Xanana ninian ne’e sei hadi'a ponte 34 iha TL ne'ebé sei halo ho osan Milaun US$68,430,000.

Iha loron 15/10/2009 Ministériu finansas halo klarifikasaun US$ 12.06 ne’e la inklui US$1.19 Milaun.

Iha semana kotuk Governu reprezenta husi Vice Ministru Finansas Rui Hanjam ne'ebé akompaña husi Sekretáriu Estadu konsellu Ministru IV Governu Konstitusionál ba aprezenta livru boot tolu OGE tinan 2010 ninia ba Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál

Totál dotasaun orsamentál kalkula ona hamutuk Milaun $636.9 dolar norte amerikanu, reseita hirak ne'ebé la'ós husi petróleu estimada s millaun $87.3 dolar Amérika la inklui reseita fundus Autónoma ninian. Nune'e duni défise fiskál millaun $549 dolar amerikanu,” dehan iha livru Uluk liu OGE pájina 371 ne'ebé aprova iha konsellu Ministru (07/10)maka hakerek ho lian portugés ne'ebé jornál ne’e konsege haree.

Rendimentu husi taxa la'ós Petrolíferu TL 2009 governu TL hetan de’it 87.3 nune’e duni defisit fiskál ne’e tenke kobra fali husi fundu petroleiru ho totál montante Milaun US$549.6.
“Orsamentu 2010 ne’e dizena ona atu foo kontinuidade ba prosesu konstrusaun no dezenvolvimentu Infraestrutura Nasionál”

Prezidente da Repúblika iha loron hanesan hateten kedan katak nia hakarak haree planu orsamentu ba tinan 2010 barak liu a loka ba kapitál dezenvolvimentu hanesan Estrada, wee moos, eletrisidade ho telekomunikasaun. Daudaun ne'e estrada Timor ninia kondisaun ladún di'ak no dalan ne'ebé kloot nakonu ho karreta luxu ba estadu ninian no karreta uzadu ba públiku. “Ha'u hein katak se governu hetan duni empresta husi Xina hodi hadi'a ka halo estrada maka presiza ta'u medida s ne'ebé ho forte hodi hatudu katak ita moos bele tan ba TL Ukun an tinan 10 ona maibé la la'o ba oin pior liu tan la'o fali ba kotuk,” dehan Pedro Araújo juventude husi suku kaikoli(17/10).

“Ha'u konkorda governu ba empresta osan maibé la'ós mai habokur ema boot sira nia bolsu. Se dehan ba duni estrada ho Infraestrutura ne'e Governu halo de'it lalika hakfodak,” nia nota.