Timor Telcom Telecommunications Monopoly is Finished.
Iha reuniaun Konsellu de Ministru loron ikus fulan Marsu remata mós ho monopli merkadu Telekomunikasaun iha nasaun TL hafoin de tinan 8 governu uluk nian foo diretu eskluzivu tinan 15 ba Portugál Telekom ho ninia belun sira. “Iha Kuarta feira ne'e (31/03) ami aprova polítika nasionál de telekomunikasoens. Iha polítika ne'e prevee hanesan liberalizasaun telekomunikasaun nian. I kria mós kondisaun ami atu prepara lei atu simu fali tan kompañia sira ne'ebé hakarak tama iha TL,” dehan Vice Primeiru Ministru José Luis Guterres ba jornál ne'e iha Sesta feira dadeer.
Maioria populasaun no kliente s Timor Telkom dala barak ona espresa sira nia hanoin no ezije ba Governante s TL atu liberaliza merkadu Telekomunikasaun iha nasaun ne'e. Hanesan hatudu ona iha husu opiniaun publiku ida ne'ebe konsege hetan responde husi ema besik rihun tolu nulu resin hitu, iha Outubru 2007, hatudu katak porsentu 99 hakarak governu liberaliza área merkadu telekomunikasaun no hatama tan kompania foun balun mai atu kompete ho Timor Telekom. Governu Xanana ninian dezde inisia hatuur ona liberalizasaun merkadu telekomunikasaun hanesan prioridade ida no polítika ida ne'e hanesan hataan ba propulsaun sira nia hakarak.
“Iha Timor ne'e maioria esmagador tuir survei ne'ebé halo iha tinan ruma kotuk propulsaun hatudu katak sira hakarak hatama tan telekomunikasaun ida ka rua para sira halo kompetisaun iha ita nia rai laran,” dale Guterres. Nia mos foo hanoin fali katak razaun ida seluk kona ba aprovasaun polítika liberalizasaun merkadu telekomunikasaun tan ba akontese ona iha nasaun barak hanesan iha Portugál rasik, iha nasaun barak uniaun europeia ninian, no uluk iha nasaun balun iha Pasífiku ho korea maka mosu monopolizasaun mais ohin loron liberaliza hotu ona.
Nune'e, “Polítika ida ne'e halo Timor Leste ohin loron hamutuk fali ona ho nasaun seluk ne'ebé sira nia telekomunikasaun dezenvolvidu ona,” salienta Guterres.. Tuir Vice Primeiru ministru ba asuntu Sosiál ne'e hateten katak, “bainhira ha'u tama foun-foun iha Governu buat ne'ebé ami hare hanesan bele impede prosesu de dezenvolvimentu rai ne'e nian mak monopoli de telekomunikasoens. Tan ba sistema monopoli tendénsia de jestaun emprezariál ne'e hanesan maksimizasaun de lukru ou maksimizasaun profit. Governu hakarak telekomunikasaun ida ne'ebé maka populasaun iha nasaun Timor leste iha asesivel ba uzu de telefone, ínternet ho folin ne'ebé baratu.
Administradór Timor Telekom iha momentu ruma kotuk ba jornál ne'e rekoñese sira nia sala hodi hatuur prioridade balun hanesan hadi'a atendimentu, hatun presu no aumenta ligasaun telemovel iha área rurál. Governu Fretilín iha tinan 2002 foo direitu monopolizasaun área telekomunikasaun ba TT durante tinan 15 maibe loron 31/03/2010 governu AMP liberaliza ona. Iha vizita tinan kotuk Prezidente Portugál Telekom foo garantia ona ba governu TL katak too fulan neen nia laran sei hadi'a liu tan ligasaun telefone no sei ko pre Timor tomak maiske too ohin sei iha nafatin fatin balun iha Timor ne'e izola husi lina telemovel. “Governu hanesan uluk liu halo kontaktu ho empreza ida ne'e, para haree saa ida loos maka ita bele halo hamutuk tan ba ha'u rasik mós fira katak empreza sira ne'ebé halo parte iha Timor Telekom hakarak telekomunikasaun ida ke di'ak ba povu Timor Leste tomak,” dehan Guterres.
Ho fiar an Vice PM Guterres hateten, “iha tiha ona kontaktu s no ha'u hanoin sira sei la opoin ba polítika ida ne'e. Tan ba polítika telekomunikasaun ne'e kompeténsia governu ida-idak ninian hanesan halo ona iha Portugál, guinea bisau, Mozambique, Capo Verde. Pratikamente iha tinan rua ho balun nia laran iha prosesu preparasaun, prosesu sensibilizasaun no mós prosesu de kontaktu ho ita nia telekomunikasaun TT.
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In a meeting of the Council of Ministers last month (March) the monopoly in the TL telecommunications market was also ended just 8 years after the first government gave a 15 year exclusive right to Portugal Telecom and its friends. “This Wednesday (31/03) we approved a national telecommunications policy. This policy forsees the liberalisation of telecommunications. I also create conditions for us to prepare the law to accept companies that want to enter TL,” say Vice Prime Minister José Luis Guterres for this newspaper on Friday morning.
The majority of the population and many Timor Telecom customers have expressed their thoughts and demanded that the TL Government liberalise telecommunications market in this nation. As shown, it asked public opinion and managed to get replies from nearly 3007 people, in October 2007, showing that 99 per cent want the government to liberalise the telecommunications market and to allow in some new companies to compete with Timor Telecom. The Xanana Government has drawn up plans for liberalisation of the telecommunications market as a priority and this policy is a response to achieving their wishes.
“In Timor this overwhelming majority in a survey that do in some years ago compellingly showed that they want to bring in one or two telecommunications operators to compete in our country,” said Guterres. He also though that another reason about approving the policy of liberalising the telecommunications market was because it has already happened in many European Union nations, like Portugal itself, and mainly in some nations in the Pacific like Korea that once had a monopoly but today have all liberalised.
Therefore, “this policy today brings Timor Leste back into line with other nations that have developed their telecommunications,” added Guterres. The Vice minister for Social Affairs said that, “when I came into Government, something that we could see as possibly impeding process de development in this country nian was monopoly de telecommunications. Because monopoly system has this tendency for business management to maximise profit. The Government want telecommunications that are accessible to the population of Timor Leste to use telephone and ínternet at cheaper prices.
According to this newspaper a Timor Telecom Administrator some moments ago recognised their mistakes as well as making some priorities like paying attention to complaints, lowering prices and increasing mobile phone connections in rural areas. The Government Fretilín in 2002 give right monopolise area telecommunications for TT for15 year but on 31 March 2010 government AMP has liberalised. In a visit a year ago the President of Portugal Telecom gave a guarantee to the TL government that within six months there would be more telephone connections and will cover the whole of Timor although until today there will still be some places in Timor which will be isolated from the mobile network. “The Government must therefore first make contact with these businesses, to see what really we will be able to do together because I personally also believe that businesses that deal with Timor Telecom want good telecommunications for the people of Timor Leste as a whole,” said Guterres.
“I believe,” Vice PM Guterres said, “that there have been contacts and I think that TT will not oppose this policy, because this telecommunications policy similar two what every competent government has done in Portugal, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Cape Verde. Practically within two years, there has been a process of preparation, process of moving and also the process of contact between our telecommunications authorities and TT.
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