Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Tempo Semanal, 31/05/2011

Spanduk ne'e tarah hela iha parede besik bemori
kestiona UNPOL nia kapasidade
hafoin deskonfia membru PNTL ida,
 tiru mate Kuka iha Delta Nova 2009.  
Iha dader loron sabado (28/05) karreta PN 1 ne’ebe sa’e husi Prezidenti PN, Fernando de Araujo Lasama hetan soke husi ninia eskolta UNPOL. Iha insidenti ne’e karreta Prezidenti Parlamentu nasional ne’ebe mos hanesan ulun bo’ot Parti Demokratiku ne’e hetaan estragus balun no vice Ministru Edukasaun Paulo Asis sofre kanek iha area besik matan ninian. “Ha’u nia kareta soke UNPOL ne’ebe foo seguransa mai hau soke husi kareta nia kotuk,” Dehan Lasama.

Lasama lamenta tebes ho kualidade UNPOL iha nasaun ne’e no preokupa ho seguransa VIP sira ne’ebe maka hetaan seguransa husi polisia UNMIT hodi dehan, “Nia hanesan pengawal, tuir loloos nia labele halai besik liu. Tan ba estarada kuak barak. Tan ba ne’e ha’u lamenta ba UN haree polisia Unpol sira ne’e. Se sira labele karik keta foo lai servisu ba sira atu akompania VIP, tan ba akontesimentu ne’e sira mak oho fali VIP sira.”

Prezidenti parlamentu Nasional ne’e ezije organizasaun Mundial ne’e atu hadia fali karreta PN 1 no dehan nis sei la gasta osan povu ninian hodi hadia karreta ne’e estraga tan ba imkapasidade UNPOL sira ninian.

“Ha’u husu ba UN  para hadia kareta ne’e. Ha’u labele hasai osan estadu nian hodi hadia fali hahalok husi ema ne’ebe ladun iha atensaun tuir professional,” ezije Lasama.
Wainhira jornal ne’e konfirma ho Xefe Gabinete Prezidenti PN, Marcelino Magno konfirma katak,” ohin dadersan sira husi parte UNMIT mai foti ona kareta atu lori ba hadia iha ofisina.”

Iha parte seluk wainhira jornal ne’e husu klarifikasaun ba porta voz UNMIT ninian dehan ninia parte seidauk hatene.

Tempo Semanal tenta konfirma ho komandante UNPOL maibe rejeita atu responde ba deklarasaun Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional ninian no husu atu jornal ne’e konfirma fali ho Porta Voz UNMIT ninian.

Besik tuku 15.00 Jornal ne’e koko konfirma hikas ho Ms. Sandra McGuire ne’ebe dehan katak UNMIT iha ona pozisaun ofisial hodi hataan ba Prezidenti Lasama ninia preokupasaun maibe dehan preokupa hela ho enkontru ruma iha UNMIT kaikoli no dehan atu jornal ne’e bele publika artigu mak iha. “Aban mak ha’u haruka press release ne’e ba imi,” dehan lian na’in UNMIT ne’e via telefone.

Maibe iha tuku 15:42 tempo Semanal simu SMS husi lia na’in UNMIT ninian ne’e dehan, “ami sei hadia karreta ne’e.”

Ba jornal ne’e Sra. McGuire relata UNMIT haruka ona ekipa tekniku ruma ba haree kondisaun karreta Prezidenti lasama ninian no tuir fontes Jornal ne’e iha Parlamentu Nasional dehan UNMIT ne’ebe tauk hela Lasama ne’e negosia atu sosa karreta foun id aba Prezidenti lasama maibe gabinete Lasama mak husu atu hadia de’it.

Iha lorokraik tuku 17.00 liu, Tempo Semanal simu telefone ida husi Sr. Kakuk ofisiais relasaun publika ida iha UNMIT hodi husi diresaun email jornal ne’e ninian. Hafoin konfirma tiha diresaun email UNMIT la’os esplika preokupasaun profesionalizmu UNPOL ninian maibe repete hikas lia fuan atu hanesan ho SMS, McGuire, “UNMIT kontaktu ona ho gabinete Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional ninian. Karreta ne’e hetaan estragus agora iha ona ofisina UN ninian. Tekniku sira haree hela estragus hirak ne’e no UNMIT sei selu hodi hadia fali karreta ne’e.”

To’o notisia ne’e hatuun UNMIT sei subar nafatin iha kanku kaikoli nia leet kona ba UNPOL sira nia frakasu ba publiku kona ba sa medidas mak sei hola ba UNPOL ne'e, wainhira organizasaun Mundial ne’e sempre ezije estadu no Governu Timor Leste atu bele tranparente ba publiku kona ba kauza ruma. (*)

Monday, 30 May 2011

Virus Vídeo Manas Artista Indonézia Deskonfia Da'et ba PNTL

Timor-Leste nasaun ne'ebé maioria relijiaun katólika iha mundu, oras ne'e daudaun hasoru hela tentasaun boot ba sira nia fee. Krize morál hahú invade nasaun ne'e. Vídeo pornografia ne'ebé envolve ema timor-oan komesa espalla barak iha telemovel no ínternet, inklui mós deskonfia pesoál membru Polisia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL) balun.

Notísia vídeo pornografia ne'ebé envolve artista famozu Indonézia na'in tolu iha tinan kotuk sei hamanas hela futar tilun komunidade nian, maibé foin daudauk ne'e, mosu tan vídeo pornografia ne'ebé deskonfia envolve pesoál membru PNTL na'in rua.

Vídeo manas ne'ebé deskonfia envolve husi pesoál membru PNTL na'in rua ne'e ho durasaun tempu minutu 5 segundu 46. Seidauk hatene klaru vídeo manas ema na'in rua ne'e halo ba privadu ka públiku, maibé oras ne'e daudaun teatru imorál ne'e sai ona konsumu públiku liu teknolojia telemovel no ínternet dezde tinan 2010.

Hataan ba kestaun ne'e, Sekretáriu Estadu Seguransa (SES), Francisco Guterres hateten, sira buka hela regulamentu dixiplinár oinsá atu investiga membru na'in rua ne'e. Maibé, iha difikuldade uitoan tanba, iha lei kódigu penál mós la ko'alia klaru kona ba envolvimentu pesoál membru sira nian iha relasaun seksuál se karik sira hakarak malu.

Instituisaun PNTL sei haree fila fali regulamentu instituisaun viola dixiplina ka lae. Ne'e duni, agora daudaun sei halo analiza ba regulamentu dixiplinár atu oinsá bele bolu halo investigasaun.
Avansu teknolojia modernizasaun iha Timor Leste hakat liu étika no morál ema nian. Tanba ne'e, ema Timor komesa ona koko atu eziste iha ínternet liu husi vídeo-vídeo manas.

“Ami nia parte dehan, ida ne'e (atitude) labele, membru PNTL ne'ebé loloos sai ezemplu halo fali buat aat ne'e,” dehan SES Francisco.
Aktor video manas (Foto husi Video Manas)

Maski nune'e, instituisaun sei buka hela mekanizmu balun hodi trata asuntu ne'e ho di'ak para nune'e mós labele viola ema nia direitu. Tanba, lei no kódigu penál la prevee loloos.

To'o oras ne'e, membru pesoál na'in rua ne'ebé deskonfia kuaze atu hanesan ho membru polisia sira ne'e seidauk hetan suspensaun ruma husi komandu PNTL.

“Seidauk suspende tanba ami tenke analiza didi'ak regulamentu ne'e , tanba nia mós iha direitu atu halo autodefeza no rekursu ba tribunál,” tenik nia.

Nune'e, instituisaun PNTL mós oras ne'e daudaun sei buka hela ema ne'ebé mak espalla vídeo ne'e ba públiku. Tenke kuidadu atu labele kria problema ba instituisaun rasik kuandu atu aplika pena ne'e.

“Se nia sala. Nia viola regulamentu ne'ebé mak iha, entaun hakarak ka lakohi ita polisia hothotu tenke submete ba regulamentu ne'ebé mak iha,” dehan Guterres.

Tuir fonte konfirmandu husi instituisaun F-FDTL, iha mos membru F-FDTL ida ne'ebe involve kazu hanesan, maibé oras ne'e dadaun kazu levanta ona hodi prosesu ba oin. (*) 

Saturday, 28 May 2011

FALINTIL-FDTL Sacks Soldiers and Sets Example for the Country

F-FDTL Commander, Major General Taur Matan Ruak

Dili, Tempo Semanal, 28/05/2011

On 25 May 2006 during the political – security crisis that plunged Timor-Leste into chaos FALINTIL-FDTL soldiers shot and killed a number of unarmed PNTL officers subsequent to a surrender in central Dili.

The UN Commission of Inquiry recommended that a number of F-FDTL soldiers be prosecuted for the murder of these police officers.  F-FDTL then gave way for the public trial of 4 F-FDTL soliders and one officer in Dili District Court in 2008.  The four mean were then found guilty and sentenced to 8-10 years each for their role in the massacre.

In 2010 the President of the Republic Jose Ramos-Horta commutted the soliders sentences and they returned to duty in FALINTIL-FDTL.  Some months later one of the men Armindo do Silva, a 24 year veteran of FALINTIL, was retired with full honours in an emotional retirement ceremony.
On 27 May 2011 FALINTIL-FDTL announced that the remaining three men were dimissed from military service effective immediately.  Brigadier General Lere Annan Timor, Deputy Commander of F-FDTL, announced that the 3 men were being dismissed subject to a military discipline process.  Lere further explained that the judicial process is over but that the military excersiced its right to enforce military law for undisciplined behavior by the above mentioned soldiers.

According the Tempo Semanal sources inside F-FDTL there may be further dismissals in the future, including the solider that is accused of killing an elderly woman in Balide Dili 10 days ago.

The United Nations and the international community have regularly criticized F-FDTL for its perceived lack of discipline and poor rule of law record.  The recent decision as above is made outside of UN influence according to F-FDTL sources.  The F-FDTL have removed several soldiers in the past 3 years including one involved in the fighting over of a woman with an US Navy sailor in 2009 in a bar in Dili.

One defence force source told Tempo Semanal that while these decisions are necessary there is considerable agitation inside the defence force because police and civilian institutions rarely is ever sack officers or officials for professional misconduct.  He told Tempo Semanal “why us, when we always sacrificed in the past, and not them too?”

Lasama Survives Suharto, but almost killed by UNPOL

Tempo Semanal Exclusive Breaking news, 28/05/2011

On 28 May 2011 the President of the national Parliament of Timor-Leste, Fernando de Araujo Lasama survived a car accident in Be-Hau, Manatuto east of Dili the capital of Timor-Leste. Lasama is the President of the Partido Demokratika a leading member of the governing Coalition lead by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao, and was from February 2008 until April 2008 the interim head of state as the President of the Republic was Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta recovered from gunshot wounds in an Australian hospital. 
Typical UN driving Timor-Leste foto dok
 According to Tempo Semanal sources in the area the President of the National parliament was travelling eastwards in a convoy to visit Baucau District. When they arrived in Be-hau, the driver of the vehicle carrying the President of the national Parliament saw a hole on the road.  At this time the driver braked the car, and the vehicle immediately behind in the convoy driven by United Nations Police escorts slammed into the car carrying the President of the National Parliament.

According to the Government press officer, “the UNPOL escort hit his car from behind. Lasama is ok. Now he is staying overnight in Baucau.”

When Tempo Semanal tried to confirm with the UN Spokesperson Ms. Sandra Macguire at 2030hrs local time her phone was turned off.

Tempo Semanal confirmed the story from the Security of State for Security Fransisco Guterres responsible for policing and public safety, which his police trained and mentoring by the UNPOL. Guterres confirmed “yes, but he is ok. The car in the front [carrying Lasama] braked, and the UNPOL escort car hit his car from behind. He is ok.”

In 1991 Fernando de Araujo Lasama was arrested by Indonesian security forces for his role in the resistance to the Suharto regime.  Many others were killed or disappeared once being arrested.  Lasama was imprisoned in Cipinang prison Jakarta along with now Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao.  Having survived the Suharto regime Lasama was nearly killed today by UNPOL incompetent drivers in a card accident.

Tempo Semanal has reported in the past about dangerous UN drivers.  UN traffic accidents have caused much victims in the last tens years.  Tempo Semanal in December 2010 revealed internal UN audits on UN misconduct but the UN still has not responded.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

EU Letter Exposes UNDP Incompetence: SSR Project.

UNDP Says Project Complete. Donors Wait for Result. Govt Says UNDP Did Not Deliver.

Tempo Semanal has obtained a letter from the EU to the UNDP, dated 1 October 2010 regard UN Security Sector Reform project conducted by UNMIT and UNDP.

At 1300 pm 24 May 2011 Tempo Semanal called Ms. Mikiko Tanaka the Country Director for UNDP in East Timor for comment on the letter written to her from Mr. Costas Tsilogiannis Charge D’Afair of the European Union delegation in East Timor on 1 October 2010.

EU letter to UN
When TS ask UNDP Country Director Tanaka for comment she stated she was busy having lunch. When asked again Tanaka stated “I did not know what you are talking about, can you call me later?”

Several minutes later TS called Mr. Costas of the EU asking about the letter in which he and the EU outline concerns about the “Contribution Agreement IFS 2008/21-028 Security Sector Review in Timor-Leste – Capacity Development Facility EU Delegation to Timor-Leste comments to UNDP progress report.”

TS asked Mr. Costas about the letter to which Mr. Costas said he did write the letter. Mr. costas  said “some of the concerns have been answered”.  He also said the “project could have been better”. He said the UNDP and others made mistakes. He said he was unsatisfied with some parts of the the project.

When asked about how the UN misused funds to send people to meetings in Africa instead of trainings in Europe he said “before you publish, lets talk”.

At 4pm TS met with Mr. Costas on the EU Delegation HQ in Acait, Dili, in the old Indonesian army HQ.

Mr. Costas told TS “I wrote the letter because in mid 2010 the UN had still not spent 50% of the money given for the project.  The project started in December 2008 and had duration of 1 year and eight month. But by July 2010, after 16 months into 18 month project only 50% spent. Total budget $2 million."

Mr. Costas also said “After I sent the letter, they responded by speeding up by funding NGO research and establishing National Defence Institute.”

Mr. Costas says the Defence Institute is of concern because while it was established it does not have the staff, resources as required in the Contribution Agreement. This is because it was a rush job.  Also he pointed out that the Defence Institute was made in the wrong place because Ministry of Defence have new building under way in Fatuhada.  Mr. Costa questioned UNDP planning and execution of the multi-million dollar project.

Secretary State Defence Julio Tomas Pinto told TS “UNDP promised 5 staff for the Defence Institute, but until today they did not deliver”.  Pinto said “you can interpret if this is UN a lie or not.”

Mr. Costas said the Defence Institute was poorly implemented because of UN delays.

Some NGOs that got fund for research from the UN SSR project funded by the EU told TS that they were given less time than had been promised and forced into a rush job so that the UN could report to EU that money was spent.  When TS asked Mr. Costa if he knew this Mr. Costa was very surprised. But he said ”overall the project some was some satisfied and some unsatisfied result”.

Mr. Costas said “project has finished but we are still waiting for the final report and for the UN to return money that was not used.”

TS spoke with Secretary State Security Fransisco Guterres the Chairman of UN SSR project management board. Mr. Guterres said “final report has not been submitted, because East Timor’s government will not sign it before they release the Security Sector Survey report.” According to Mr. Guterres “the UN has not released this survey report because the UN does not agree with the contents of the report.” He said the “UN does not like the contents of the public opinion survey because the people say the work of PNTL is better than the work of the United Nations Police.”

Regarding the EU funded UN SSR project Mr. Guterres said “there are some unfinished job, but the project is finished”.

TS again tried to speak with UNDP Country Director Tanaka, but the UN Spokesperson Sandra Macguir said TS has to send question in writing first.   TS received from the UN Spokesperson Sandra Macguir an SMS text “Sorry Mikiko says project was completed including all activities noted in the letter.”

In the letter the EU says the UNDP did not report correctly the financial details for the project activity and costs.  The EU asked UNDP for new report as required by the contract.  Mr. Costas says he still waiting for report, but Ms. Mikiko says the job is done. Secretary State Defence and Secretary State Security say they are unsatisfied with the UN project.

Komplete letter below.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Xanana, Obstaklu Ba Demokrasia TL

·     UNMIT Rekonhece

PROGRAMA Nasoins Unidas ba Dezenvolvimentu (PNUD/UNDP), foin lalais ne'e deklara liu husi dokumentu internal ida ne'ebe jornal ne'e obtein dehan katak, Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão koko atu hadau poder husi orgaun soberanu sira seluk no tuir interpreatsaun balun dehan katak Eis lider da rezistensia ne'e tenta atu implementa ditadura iha Timor-Leste.

IHA parte balun, dokumentus internal ne’e mós sita, PM Xanana hakarak atu hadau podér husi Parlamentu Nasionál no Tribunál, liu husi intervensaun ne’ebé mak durante ne’e Primeiru Ministru halo iha área justisa ho órgaun lejizlativu.

Pontu ida ne’ebé PNUD sita, iha sira nia dokumentus pájina 9 mak hanesan “...ezekutivu, espesialmente Primeiru Ministru buka atu hadau podér boot liu tebes husi Parlamentu no Tribunais sira (Tribunál de Contas sei hamosu atakes polítiku boot tebes). Molok 2012 prosesu ida ne’e nia rezultadu mak knaar efetivu husi órgaun soberania rua ne’e nian (ne’e refere ba parlamentu no tribunál) hodi responsabiliza ezekutivu, estadu direitu demokrátika sei menus, no “rule of law” sei menus no “rule of Primeiru Ministru” mak sei boot liu...”

“...Ida ne’e ita bele hare iha estrutura orsamentu 2012 nian, hasai Maternus Bere husi komarka, Primeiru Ministru nia atake ba relatóriu dala uluk husi Tribunál Contas (iha 14 Dezembru 2010), bainhira Ezekutivu la fó interese ba akordaun tribunál Rekursu nian iha 2008 kona ba inkonstitusionalidade hasai osan husi Fundu Mina Rai...” hakerek relatóriu ne'e.

Xefe Bankada Fretilín iha Parlamentu Nasionál, Aniceto Guterres hateten, dokumentu ne’e, nu'udar dokumentu ne’ebé aprezenta analiza independente ida, husi ema ne’ebé la iha interese polítiku iha Timor-Leste. “Ita bele dehan estudu objetivu, la iha tendénsia ba partidu polítiku. Maibé, bele sai de'it nu'udar indikadór ba ita nu'udar órgaun soberania ida atu analiza ho di'ak no buka atu hadi'ak demokrasia iha ita nia rain,” dehan Aniceto.

Nia hatutan, ho razaun tomak ONU nia dokumentu identifika Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão rasik nu'udar ‘lakuna’ ne’ebé sira antesipa bele hamosu ba “konstitusionalizmu” iha Timor-Leste.

ONU Hakarak Krize Naruk

Hataan ba kestaun ne’e, Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão hateten, UNMIT ho ninia espertu laiha kapasidade maxizmu hodi hatene kle'an kona-ba ninia hanoin ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian.
Nia rasik, dala ruma la fiar ba teoria sira ne'ebé ema seluk uza hodi hala'o governasaun tanba, teoria balun labele la'o ne’e maka halo nasaun balun monu ba krize finanseiru, hanesan Portugál.

Tuir Xanana nia haree katak, dala barak ONU falla ezekuta osan hodi salva ema kiak sira iha nasaun barak. Husi tinan 2000 to’o 2008, misaun ONU nian ne’e gasta osan kuaze besik biloens $ 8, maibé laiha rezultadu pozitivu ruma no aumenta de'it kiak iha rai ida ne’e.

Nia hatutan, misaun ONU ne’e hakarak krize bele naruk iha Timor-Leste atu nune’e sira bele hela kleur no matenek Timor-oan balun mós konkorda atu UNMIT hela. Ne’e duni, PM Xanana husu ba Timoroan sira atu kaer metin espíritu nasionalizmu duke defende interese pesoál ka ema li'ur sira nian.

Nia mós husu ba Timoroan tomak atu akompaña situasaun globál mundiál nian, atu nune’e, labele monu ba teoria oioin ne'ebé hato’o husi ema sira ne'ebé konsidera an hanesan espertu.
“Se ita la hatene, ita hanoin katak espertu Timoroan no internasionál sira maka iha razaun,” Xanana dehan.

Xanana sujere ba UNMIT ho ninia espertu Timoroan sira atu ba ajuda de'it nasaun sira seluk ne'ebé presiza apoiu. “Ha'u nia proposta maka ne’e. UNMIT ho espertu Timoroan sira, loloos oferese an ba hadi'a tiha Irake, Afeganistaun, Pakistaun, e bele fó tulun ba demokrasia iha Iemen, Síria no Líbia,” dehan Xanana.

UNMIT Beik Teen

Prezidente Repúblika José Ramos Horta konsidera, UNMIT nia dokumentus ne’e ema beik-teen maka hakerek. Horta husu ba UNMIT atu lalika fó kritika sira hanesan ne’e, tanba ema balun iha ONU halo korrupsaun maka’as.

“Ha'u hanoin beik teen ruma maka halo karik. Ita haree took se mak kaer programa ida naran oil for food iha Irake, korrupsaun ne’e maka’as 100%, korrupsaun $60 billoens. Portantu, di'ak liu beik-teen boot sira ne’e lalika ko'alia demais,” Horta dehan.

Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál Fernando Lasama mós kontra maka’as dokumentus ne'e. Tanba, iha parágrafu balun ne'ebé hatete, PM Xanana mak taka dalan ba demokrasia iha TL.

"Ha'u nu'udar Timor oan, la konkorda ho lia fuan dehan Xanana mak menghambat demokrasia iha rai ida ne'e. Ha'u la konkorda," Lasama dehan iha plenária, Segunda (15/05).

Rui Castro, eis klandestina no mós imprensa Timoroan hatete, nia rejeita makaas konteudu dokumentus PNUD ne'e. “Xanana ne'e patriota ba funu naruk TL. Tan ne'e, atan ha'u nunka fiar katak iha pedasuk oan iha Xanana nia hanoin, atu aplika ditadura iha rai doben ida ne'e,” dehan Castro ba TEMPO Semanál, Kinta (19/05).

Tuir Castro, UNMIT ninia projetu atu remata ona. UNO ta'uk atu ba Irake, Afeganistaun, Pakistaun no Iemen, Síria no mós Líbia. UNO ta'uk atu ba iha ne'ebá. Tanba situasaun iha ne'ebá la hanesan ho Timor-Leste.

UNMIT Rekonhece

Iha fatin seluk, Porta Voz UNMIT, Sandra McGuire hatete, relatóriu ne'e la'ós dokumentu ofisial UNMIT nian. “Dokumentu ne'e, la reprezenta vizaun ofisial husi UNMIT. Vizaun ofisial husi UNMIT ho ninia lideransa sira, bele hetan iha dokumentu ofisial iha UNMIT ninia website. UNMIT iha kanál efikás, hodi komunika diretamente ninia vizaun ba governu TL, no hakerek iha baze regulár,” hatete Sandra liu husi komunikadu imprensa.

Maske nune’e, wainhira TEMPO Semanal, Kinta (19/05) konfirma ba Sandra McGuire via telefone, porta voz UNMIT ne’e rekonhece katak dokumentus ne’e ejiste duni no aprezenta iha Power Point durante diskusaun iha retiru nivel altu UNMIT, 14 Janeiru 2011.

“Kestaun ne'e hanesan opiniaun privadu ema sira nian relasaun ho relatóriu ida ne'e. “Opiniaun ne'e espresa husi ema ida-idak, ne'ebé la signifika katak, lideransa UNO nian konkorda ho opiniaun ida ne'e,” esplika Sandra. (*)


SEJD Miguel Manetelo Bainhira dada lia ho Jornalista Tempo Semanal iha ninia Serbisu fatin eis Sional Dili. Foto Richo Silva

NENEIK mais bebeik. Liafuan ne’e nu’udar slogan iha Instituisaun Estadu ne’ebe foin dezenvolve. Hanesan mos, iha Sekertariu Estadu Juventude Desportu (SEJD), ne’ebe xefia husi Ing. Miguel Manetelo.
Atu kompleta indepedensia Timor-Leste ba dala sia (9), SEJD hahu loke liras iha Distritu 13 hodi hala’o atividade juventude desportu. Ezemplu ida mak loke Sentru Treinamentu Fute bola Juvinil iha Distritu Lautem, Bobonaro, Dili no Aileu.
La’os de’it ida ne’e, iha parte fisiku, SEJD mos komesa rehabilita Ginasiu iha Distritu. Hari Sentru Juventude, hari kampu fute bola, basket bola, Volly bola no mos reabilitasaun estadiun municipal Dili.
Hafoin simu tomada de pose iha 30 Augustu 2007. Tuir politika IV Konstituisaun, SEJD hala’o kedan ninia knar tuir programa ou politika ne’ebe iha. Maibe, SEJD rekoinese katak atividade hirak ne’e seidauk la’o 100%.
Tanba, altura ne’eba, Timor-Leste moris iha situasaun pos konflik, depois de krize 2006. Jovens iha bairo-bairo buka atu rezolve rasik problema liu husi atividade desportu.
Tinan 2007, SEJD iha programa barak. Maibe, preokupasaun boot ne’ebe presija halo iha altura ne’eba. Fo apoiu ba inisiativa joven iha bairo-bairo, Aldeia, Suku, Sub-Distritu no Distritu, liu-liu iha Kapital Dili hodi bele restabelese estabilidade iha rai laran.
“Maski jovens balu la sastesfas ho rekursu ne’ebe limitadu, tanba la konsege keresponden sira nia nesesidade hotu. Maibe, ita bele hateten atividade hirak ne’e la’o susesu” dehan Manetelu ba Tempo Semanal iha ninia hela serbisu fatin eis Sional Dili, Kinta-feira (12/5)
Tuir Konstituisaun da Republika katak, Timor-Leste (TL) presiza kria koperasaun di’ak ho nasaun ne’ebe koalia lian portuguesa. Ne’e duni, iha Rio de Janeiru (Brazil) ofisialmente TL sai membru ba Konfrensia Ministeriu Juventude Desportu.
“Ida ne’e hanesan progresu ne’ebe ita halo atu dezenvolve desportu iha rai laran no iha nivel internasional” dehan eis Presidente Conselu Nasioanl Juventude Timor-Leste ne’e (CNJTL).
Politika Nasional Juventude ne’ebe elabora desde Primeiru Governu Konstituisional, ne’ebe aprova husi Konselu Ministru iha tinan 2007, hanesan linia orientasaun ida ba programa hotu ne’ebe atu trasa ba parte juventude.
Iha 2007, ita konsege aprova mos Lei baze ba desportu. Lei ida ne’e bele fo dalan ba organizasaun desportiva sira, oinsa bele dezenvolve desportu rai laran iha futuru. Lei baze desportu ne’e koalia kona ba, oinsa relasaun Governu ho organizasaun deportivu sira.
Aliende ne’e, Governu konsege aprova mos Lei Artemarsiais iha tinan 2008. Maski to’o agora implementasaun Lei artemarsias seidauk 100%.
Asuntu hirak ne’e, hanesan kestaun legal ne’ebe Governu ida ne’e hala’o liu husi SEJD. La’os de’it ida ne’e, SEJD mos konsege hasai dekreitu 3 ou 4 ne’ebe aprova husi Konselu Ministru no promulga husi Presidente da Republika. Dekretu hirak ne’e relasiona ho atividade desportu nian.

Planu Estratejiku SEJD Tinan 20

Kuaze tinan 4 ona. Maibe, planu estrateziku ne’ebe SEJD elabora ba tinan 20 ninia implementasaun seidauk la’o di’ak, tanba seidauk implementa hotu mehi ne’ebe hanoin hela,  ne’e duni mehi ne’e bele tersendat-sendat, tanba ninia implementasaun sempre liga ba rekursu finanseiru.
“Ha’u komprende buat hotu, tanba prosesu konstrusaun estadu ho nasaun hotu-hotu ba hato’o ejijensia, maibe ho kbit ne’ebe iha, Governu sempre responde uluk buat ne’ebe uruzente ho nesesidade.
Ita tenke komprende katak, ita nia inan, aman sira presiza ahi, presija Estrada di’ak, presiza asesu ba edukasaun no saude. Tan ne’e, ho restarasaun indepedensia ba dala 9 ita bele komprende” esklarese Manetelu.
Ho alokasaun orsamentu ba area hirak ne’e, konserteza ita nia jovens barak sei ba eskola no ita nia povu barak sei asesu ba Estrada di’ak, Saude no eletresidade.

Rekursu Humanus

SEJD Miguel Manetelu rekoinese katak, rekursu humanus fator ida hodi hametin Instituisaun, tan ne’e tinan-tinan SEJD haruka ninia funsionariu ba halo estudu komprovativu iha rai liur, hanesan Moelbond Australia.
Hahu 2007 to’o 2008, ha’u hare katak apresija hametin instituisaun ida ne’e (SEJD). Tanba, atu fo serbisu di’ak ba jovens sira, presija iha rekursu humanus hodi nune’e bele fo pelayanan ne’ebe di’ak.
Tuir eis Presidente CNJTL hateten, problema ne’ebe sempre mosu ba ita Timor oan mak, dala ruma ba tuir kursu, maibe fila-fali mai ninia implementasaun ladun efitivu, tan ne’e ita kontinua hanoin, oinsa bele halo instituisaun sai forte hodi serbi jovens sira.


SEJD hahu halo ona kampu Volly Ball, Basket Ball iha Eskola Sekundaria, maibe tinan ne’e Governu hapara, tanba maluk emprezariu sira ne’ebe Governu fo fiar dala ruma la garantia kualidade projetu ne’ebe di’ak.
Iha fulan Outubru 2010 ita konsege realiza “interside especial olimpic”. Maibe, antes jogus hahu, Governu liu husi SEJD halo reabilitasaun sederhana ba Estadiun Munisipal Dili.
Aliende halo reabilitasaun ba Estadiun Nasional, daudaun ne’e SEJD aloka mos orsamentu ba reabilitasaun Ginasiu iha Distritu. Tan ne’e, Sesta-feira, 13 Maiu SEJD hahu inagura Ginasiu Distritu Maliana
Iha 2011 Timor-Leste mos hahu loke ona Cabang Centru Fute Boll Juvinil iha Lautem, Maliana no Dili. Governu liu husi SEJD mos esforsu hela atu loke eskola bola, ne’e duni hala’o hela aprosimasaun ho Real Madrid no espera katak, se prosesu negosiasaun la’o di’ak, entaun iha fulan Augustu tinan ida ne’e sei asina akordu.
Iha esperensia Fundasaun Real Madrid, bainhira atu loke eskola bola iha nasaun seluk, sempre iha koperasaun ho Fundasaun. Ne’e duni, Governu liu-liu SEJD iha hanoin ona atu dudu Fundasaun Xanana Gusmão hodi serbisu hamutuk ho Fundasaun Rela Madrid atu bele loke eskola bola iha Timor-Leste.
Koalia kona ba Eskola bola, tenke iha partisipasaun mos husi Ministeriu balu, liu-liu Ministeriu Edukasaun (ME).
Esforsu hirak ne’e ita halo, tanba hakarak atu muda joven sira nia mentalidade no karekteristiku. “atu muda joven sira nia mentalidade no karakteristu, dalan ida mak desportu. Tanba, kuandu ema didika ninia an ba desportu, konserteza ema ne’e sei sai di’ak, tanba displina no hakruk ba kualker desizaun ne’ebe sira nia direjente foti.”

Kapasitasaun ba Juventude

Kapasitasaun ba jovenrtude sai mos kestaun. Tan ne’e, hahu iha Governu interior nia ukun SEJD komesa halo sentru. Tuir loloos iha Sentru 5, maibe tanba situasaun krize entaun sentru iha Distritu Baucau kansela.
Agora ita iha sentru 4. Maibe, sentru hirak ne’e to’o ohin loron mamuk hela, ne’e duni ema barak kritika. Tanba, funsionariu sira iha Distritu la utiliza sentru hirak ne’e ho di’ak.
Ha’u preokupa mos ho situasaun ida ne’e, tan ne’e ita husu ona apoiu komputador hamutuk 150 resin husi Korea de Soul. Komputer hirak ne’e iha ona no hein atu distribui ba sentru sira iha Distritu.
Entermus hametin Instituisaun juventude, daudaun ne’e SEJD mos fo apoiu ba Konselu Nasional Juventude Timor-Leste (CNJTL), oinsa bele hadia sira nia serbisu administrasaun.
SEJD iha mos fundus operasional ba kada Sentru, maibe tuir rezultadu fiskalizasaun nota katak, Distritu balu sentru la funsiona. Hanesan, iha Distritu Lautem no Liquesa. Tan ne’e, iha 2011 fundus ba Distritu Lautem no Liquesa kansela tiha, tanba la duni iha atividade.
Sentru hanesan fatin atu halibur no anima foin sa’e sira, tan ne’e sentru presija hetan apoiu, atu nune’e foin sa’e sira bele organiza an.
Daudaun ne’e SEJD mos hari’i ona Parlamentu Foin Sa’e, ne’ebe kada Distritu kompostu husi ema nain rua.
Dala barak ema duvida asuntu ida ne’e, tanba reprezentante foin sa’e mesak labarik kikoan de’it, maibe SEJD komesa fasilita ona treinamentu ba sira.

Relasaun SEJD ho Organizasaun Despotiva

Atu hametin relasaun serbisu entre Sekertariu Estadu Juventude Desportu (SEJD) ho Oraginasaun Desportiva sira. Iha 2008 SEJD husu ba oraganizasaun desportiva hotu-hotu atu hadia estrutura, liu husi kongresu no asembleia ruma, atu nune’e organizasaun bele forte no sai parseiru ho Governu para dezenvolve desportu iha rai laran.
Iha iban ida ne’e Manetelu rekoinese katak, organizasaun balu konsege reforsa sira nia estrutura, maibe balu la’e. Ida ne’e hanesan obstaklu ba ita nia organizasaun sira.
Timor-Leste mos partisipa ona kualker eventus, tantu, eventus Regional ou Internasional, maski rezultadu balu di’ak no balu la’e.

Atividade Desportu

Iha tinan 2007, SEJD kria atividade desportiva ne’ebe ho naran desportu komunitaria. Atividade desportu komunitaria ne’e, kompostu husi modalidade Volly Ball, Basket Ball, Fute Boll no mos atividade sira seluk hanesan, dada tali, sa’e bua no hala’i karol.
Tanba hare katak, formatu ba desportu komunitariu ladun efeitu, ne’e duni iha 2010 SEJD muda fali ninia format. Modalidade Volly Ball, Basket Ball no Fute Ball sei hala’o hotu iha Nasional, atu nune’e Distritu hotu-hotu bele hola parte.
Maibe, SEJD kontinua fo apoiu nafatin ba atividade desportu komunitariu sira seluk iha Distritu, hanesan dada tali, sa’e bua, hala’i karol no seluk-seluk tan
Atividade ida ne’e hala’o tinan rua dala ida. Aliende desportu komunitaria, iha mos desportu eskolar ne’ebe sei hala’o iha nivel nasional. Atividade ida ne’e iha modalidade 3 mak hanesan, futebol salaun, volley no basket
Tuir Manetelu, atividade ida ne’e iha kontinuasaun para bele promove jogador sira nia talentu iha nivel eskolar no komunidade.
Federasaun no organizasaun desportivas hanesan parte ketak ida ida, tanba ida ne’e kategoaria hanesan altu kompetisaun. Maibe, ita presija fo mos apoiu ba sira, atu nune’e sira bele partisipa iha jogus, tantu, Rejional no Internasional.
Hanesan ita hotu hatene katak, uluk kedan Timor-Leste partisipa Arafura Games, ne’e duni tinan ida ne’e ita sei hasai tan osan oituan, maibe daudaun ne’e rezultadu ladun di’ak, tanba Fute ball Timor-Leste lakon ho Kupang no Darwin.
Maski  triste. Maibe, SEJD kontinua husu ba Federasaun no Organizasaun Desportiva sira para bele utiliza didiak rekursu oituan ne’ebe Governu fasilita, atu nune’e bele atinze rezultadu ne’ebe masimu.

Atividade Artemarsiais

Ema balu fo intrepretasaun katak, Artemarsiais hanesan buat at, tanba mosu problema ne‘ebe involve joven ida ou rua, ema sempre dehan Artemarsiais. Maibe, dala ruma halo investigasaun klean, la’os Artemarsiais.
Daudaun ne’e iha inisiativa di’ak husi organizasaun Artemarsiais sira. Tanba, aliende hola parte ba prosesu ne’ebe iha ligasaun ho Lei Artemarsias, sira mos supmete ba prosesu rezistu iha notariadu, ne’ebe agora daudaun ninia prosesu la’o hela.
Nune’e mos, iha orsamentu 2011, SEJD aloka orsamentu kuaze U$ 130 mil hodi hala’o kompetisaun ba Artemarsiais sira. Ne’e duni, antes fulan Maiu remata kompetisaun ne’e sei hahu.
La’os de’it ida ne’e, Loron 14 Maiu 2011 organizasaun Artemarsiais no Arteritual sira hala’o dialogu iha Dili Konvensaun Center hodi hato’o deklarasaun. Dialogu ida ne’e hetan apoiu husi SEJD.
Distribuisaun Material

SEJD mos komesa distribui ona material musical tradisional ba suku balu iha Timor-Leste. Nune’e, SEJD serbisu hamutuk ho Konselu Ministru, Estetal hodi distribui layar Lebar  ba Sub-Distritu hotu-hotu, inklui suku ne’ebe izoladu, atu nune’e sira bele partisipa direitamente kopa mundial no debate orsamentu jeral.

Desportu TL Hahu Dezenvolve

Treinador ekipa Sub-16 Mr. King ho ninia ekipa entrega hela ekipamentu desportu ba labarik sira iha Distritu Bobonaro/ Foto Riho Silva

NU’UDAR pais ne’ebe foin ukun an. Nasaun ho simbolu lafaek presiza esforsu makas hodi  dezenvolve povu no nasaun ida ne’e. Nune’e mos Instituisaun Sekertariu Estadu Juventude Desportu (SEJD) ne’ebe daudaun ne’e luta atu dezenvolve desportu iha rai laran. Liu – liu iha area fute bola.
Tanba hakarak dezenvolve fute bola Timor-Leste, ne’e duni daudaun ne’e SEJD komesa Sentru Treinamentu Fute Bola Juvinil iha Dili, Lautem, Bobonaro no tuir planu sei loke tan iha Aileu.
Programa hari sentru fute bola ne’e, hala’o liu husi serbisu hamutuk entre Governu TL ho Governu Korea, atraves husi organizasaun Koica, ne’ebe ninia reprezentante Mr. King, agora daudaun sai hanesan asesor iha SEJD.
“ami loke ona sentru treinamentu fute bola juvinil iha fatin 4. Dili, Bobonaro, Lospalos no Aileu. Iha Dili, sentru treinamentu sei loke iha Becora eis 744.” Dehan Diretor Nasional Desportu João Rodrigues ba Jornalista Tempo Semanal iha Distritu Bobonaro, Sesta-feira (13/5)
Tuir Rodrigues, iha tinan ida ne’e, sei loke tan kampu fute bola 4 ou 5 iha fatin ne’eba. Nune’e, iha tinan oin mai, Governu liu husi SEJD sei hari tan asrama ba labarik sira.
Sentru 3 ne’ebe loke iha Distritu Lautem, Bobonaro no Aileu, sei hare jogador ne’ebe ho talentu di’ak, entaun lori ba konsentra iha sentru treinamentu Dili nian. “Aliende fute bola, Korea mos iha Taek Wondo, maibe agora ita sei konsentra uluk lai ba fute bola.” Tenik Rodrigues
Hataan kona ba oinsa ho jogador sira nia nesesidade? Diretor ne’e hateten, kona ba sira nia hahan no nesesidade Governu mak sei responsabiliza.
Iha fatin hanesan, Mr. King ne’ebe daudaun ne’e sai hanesan treinador ba ekipa sub-16 hateten, Governu Korea liu husi organizasaun Koica hakarak ajuda Timor oan, liu-liu labarik kikoan sira ho idade 12 ba kraik hodi loke eskola bola nian.
Joga bola la’os fasil. Maibe, presija aprende barak, tanba atu sai jogador ne’ebe di’ak iha future labarik sira tenke aprende barak.
“Ha’u sente Timor-Leste sei falta buat barak. Ezemplu ida mak, la iha treinador ne’ebe di’ak. ha’u sei ajuda labarik sira hodi buka treinador ne’ebe hanorin di’ak, atu nune’e bele dezenvolve fute ball TL iha futuru.” Esplika Mr. King
Tuir nia, sentru ne’ebe inagura ona mak hanesan, Dili, Lautem, Bobonaro no iha tempu badak nia laran sei inagura mos iha Distritu Aileu.
Ho oin hamnasa, Treinador ho ran Korea ne’e hateten, kona ba treinador, temporariamente sei uza ema Bobonaro, maibe treinador sira mos sei ba estuda iha Dili. Se rezultadu selesaun hatudu katak, se mak bele sai treinador ne’ebe di’ak, entaun nia mak sei hanorin.
Observasaun Jornalista Tempo Semanal nota katak, aliende forma ekipa fute ball juvinil, Mr. King ho Diretor Nasional Desportu simbolikamente entrega farda, bola no meas ba labarik sira ne’ebe identifika ona sai hanesan jogador juvinil.(*)

Ginasiu Maliana Hahu Inagura

SEJD Miguel Manatelo entrega xave Ginasiu Maliana ba Administrador Distritu Bobonaro/ Foto Richo Silva

SESTA-feira, 13 Maiu 2011. Ambiente sidade Distritu Bobonaro, Sub-Distritu Maliana sai furak. Uma naruk pinta ho koor mutin, ne’ebe hamrik loos iha jantun kota Maliana besik kampu futebol nia sorin hahu inagura.
La seluk la let ida, Sekertariu Estadu Juventude Desportu (SEJD) Miguel Manetelu ho ninia komitiva foti ain ba ninia moris fatin hodi inagura Ginasiu Munisipal Maliana.
Iha loron ne’e, komunidade Distritu Bobonaro, espesial foinsa’e sira sente orguilu ho prezensa SEJD. Seremonia inagurasaun hahu ho tesi fita husi SEJD, kontinua entrega xave husi kompainia ba SEJD, no mos husi SEJD ba Administrador Distritu Bobonaro.
Foinsa’e lubun boot ne’ebe tuur iha Ginasiu laran, sai sasin ba SEJD, Miguel Manetelu, Diretor Nasional Desportu, João Rodrigues no Administrador Distritu Bobonaro Domingos Martins, bainhira asina karta deklarasaun, hanesan simbolu entrega Ginasiu ba komunidade Bobonaro
Situasaun iha Ginasiu laran barilu. Jovens sira haklalak, hakilar no kontente bainhira hare, Ginasiu ne’ebe ho idade tuan, daudaun ne’e nurak fila-fali. La’os de’it ida ne’e, sira mos basa liman makas ba SEJD ne’ebe simbolikamente loke sentru treinamentu Futebol juvinil iha Distritu refere.
Iha deskursu SEJD Miguel Manetelu hateten, tuir Planu Estratejiku Sekertariu Estadu Juventude Desportu ba tinan 20, sei hari Ginaziu iha Distritu hotu-hotu. No tuir loloos ninia implementasaun hahu iha tinan ida ne’e, maibe hare katak desportu la’os nesesidade, tan ne’e iha alokasaun orsanmentu ladun fo prioridade.
“Bainhira ita akompainia iha Jornal, Radio no Televizaun, desportu la’os nesesidade, tanba povu barak husu Estrada, eletrisidade, edukasaun no povu barak halerik hela ba folin foos ne’ebe sae makas” esklarese Manetelo iha ninia deskursu bainhira inagura Ginasiu Maliana.
Planu Estrateziku Nasional preokupa mos kona ba dezenvolvimentu juventude no desportu, maibe realidade ita hare husi alokasaun orsanmentu ne’e, dala ruma SEJD la hetan prioridade.
Tuir Manetelo, planu estratejiku juventude desportu, la’os de’it atu hari Ginaziu, mais sei hari mos kampu iha Distritu 13. Tinan kotuk orsamentu 2011 nian, SEJD hatama dezenhu kompletu, maibe to’o ikus orsamentu la sai.
“Hanesan ohin ha’u hateten, desportu seidauk hetan atensaun. Maibe ida ne’e la signifika katak, estadu la tau preokupasaun ba asuntu ida ne’e, mais tanba ita nia rekursu mak limitadu.” tenik eis Presidente CNJTL ne’e.
Administrador Distritu Bobonaro Domingos Martins iha ninia deskursu fo agredesementu ba SEJD, tanba ho ninia esforsu no serbisu makas konsege reabilita Ginasiu Maliana.
Maski projetu ne’e ho orsamentu ki’ik, maibe kompainia Eli Karya Lda konsege hatudu ninia rezultadu serbisu ba Governu, liu-liu SEJD. Tan ne’e, hanesan Administrador, Domingos fo obrigadu ba kompainia Eli Karya.
“ Xave ne’ebe ohin SEJD entre mai ha’u, hanesan todan boot ida. Ha’u  la hatene atu entrega fali ba se. Maibe, nu’udar ulun boot iha Distritu ida ne’e, ha’u sei esforsu hodi serbisu hamutuk ho Administrador Sub-Distrital Maliana hodi tau matan ba Ginasiu ida ne’e.” dehan Administrador iha ninia deskursu
Iha momentu refere, administrador mos bolu atensaun ba foinsa’e iha Distritu Bobonaro, tenke kreativu no uza oportunidade hirak ne’e hodi dezenvolve desportu iha rai laran, liu-liu iha nivel Distrital.
Tuir Diretor kompainia Eli Karya, reabilitasaun Ginasiu Maliana hahu iha fulan Febreiru, maibe tanba atraza ho orsamentu, ne’e duni, nia parte husu ba SEJD atu hadia total, mais tanba orsamentu ki’ik entaun halo de’it reabilitasaun.
“Nu’udar Maliana oan, ha’u iha responsabilidade hodi hala’o projetu ida ne’e, tanba hahu tempu Indonesia kedan la iha ema ida atu tau matan ba ginasiu ida ne’e, tan ne’e ho fiar ne’ebe SEJD fo, ha’u prontu atu responsabiliza” dehan Diretor Eli Karya
Tuir lolos projetu ne’e remata iha 30 de Maiu, maibe ho espiritu serbisu ne’ebe makas, kompainia Eli Karya Unipesoal Lda. konsege halo remata projetu reabilitasaun Ginasiu iha 30 Abril no entrega ba Governu iha loron (13/5)
Ha’u espera katak, oinsa Governu local. Liu-liu Administrador Disatritu Bobonaro no Sub-Administrador atu buka ema hodi tau matan nafatin ba Ginasiu ida ne’e. (*)