Tuir komunikadu ba emprensa ne’ebe dirije ba emprensa tomak, Konsellu Ministru esplika katak, “iha loron 14 fulan Abríl, tinan 2010, hala’o iha Palásiu Governu, iha Díli, hahuu ho esklaresimentu kona-ba
situasaun Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru nian, iha órgaun komunikasaun sosiál sira nia oin. Kazu ameasa Rezignasaun SMS ninia gravidade maka’as tebes maka PM Xanana ho laran luak loke odamatan KM ba komunikasaun social. “Tanba mensajen liu husi telemóvel ne’ebé Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru haruka ba Sr. Primeiru-Ministru, liu husi Gabineti. Primeiru Ministru konsidera katak liafuan hirak hato’o hosi Zacarias da Costa durante prosesu ida ne’e “labele admite, labele tolera, halo afirmasaun ida ho intimidasaun no ladún iha valór”. Primeiru-Ministru dirije ba Ministru Negósius Estranjeirus katak “...ita boot halo sala tanba desizaun Primeiru-
Ministru nian atu bolu embaixadór sira!”. Ikus liu, Zacarias da Costa husu deskulpa ba Konsellu Ministru,” deklara iha komunikadu ba emprensa husi palaciu do Governu.
Deputadu Riak Leman dehan ba jornalista sira iha Uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional katak sira nia partidu mak husu duni ba Dr. Zacarias atu ba haraik aan ba PM. “Ami mak husu duni ba Dr. Zacarias atu ba husu deskulba ba maun boot Xanana,” dehan Riak Leman. Tuir observasaun Dr. Cristopher Samson katak ne’e hatudu arofansia MNE ninian hasoru ninia Primeiru Ministru. “Kuandu deputadu Riak dehan sira mak husu Dr. Zacarias ba husu deskulba ba PM entaun ne’e hatudu nia la husu deskulba ho laran tan ba ema seluk mak obriga nia. Nune’e sei iha problema nafatin iha futuru tan ba arogonsia Dr. Zacarias ninian ne’e,” dehan Diretor Labeh.
Iha Transmisaun direita debate iha TVTL ne’ebe marka de’it prezensa husi Sekretariu do Estadu Konsellu de Ministru Agio Pereira, Hermenegildo Lopes Kupa no deputadu Rui Meneses ne’e la konsege la’o ho didiak tan ba tuir produtor programa TVTL ninian hateten katak sira konvida ona Dr. Zacarias maibe delega fail ba vice PM Mario Carrascalao. “Foun-foun ami husu ba Ministru Zacarias maka atu mai maibe ninia parte dehan Vice PM Carrascalao mak sei reprezenta nia. Entaun ami dehan ba Vice PM katak programa ne’e sei halo gravasaun maibe Vice PM ezije atu halo transmisaun direitu. Entaun ami nia ema balun ne’ebe la’o hela ho Prezidente ami tenke esforsu para mai fail atu atende programa ne’e no ultimo liu ami konfirma hikas ba vice PM ninia gabinete hodi dehan loos ona. Ninia sekretariu husu se se maka sei marka prezensa iha debate ne’e I ami dehan katak Sr. Vice PM, Sr. Kupa no Sr. Sekretariu Estadu Konsellu de Ministru. Entaun ninia sekretariu dehan hein lai nia sei hatoo hikas ba Vice Pm. Liu tiha minutu balun ha’u simu fail telephone dehan Vice PM sei la partisipa,” esplika Nelio Isac. Tuir Hermenegildo Kupa ninia hanoin katak Vice PM most auk atu hetan moe kuandu lia loos ne’e fakar sai ba publiku.
Ho debate televizaun ne’e loke hikas kanek rezignasaun SMS no Partidu Sosial Demokratiku dala ida tan liu husi ninia deputadu sira iha plenaria parlamentu nasional ataka Sekretariu do Estadu Konsellu de Ministru Hemenegildo Pereira. I pior liu tan iha sira nia deklarasaun Politika ne’e mos deputadu Agusto Tara dehan Media sai manipulador tan halo kovertura ba ameasa rezignasaun SMS Dr. Zacarias ninian. Deklarasaun ida ne’e halo deputadu lubun bo’ot ida husi Fretilin hanesan Jose Texeira, Aniceto Guterres, no seluk tan ataka hikas PSD. Nune’e mos deputadu husi PD no CNRT fila kontra bankada PSD. Maibe antes ida ne’e Vice PM Mario Carrascalao mos la aceita ho lala’ok PM ninian hodi loke odamatan KM ba Media no maiske media rasik testamunia Dr. Zacarias rekuinese nia sala maibe Ir. Mario dehan la’e. Ida ne’e hatudu sei iha pluralismu iha governasaun AMP ninia laran. Hatene didiak liu tan mai ita tuir hamutuk intervista exkluxivu Tempo Semanal (TS) via Telemovel ho Vice Primeiru Ministru Mario Viegas Carrascalao (MC) iha sexta feira semana kotuk hanesan tuir mai ne’e:
TS: Oin sa Sr. Vice Primeiru Ministru ninia hanoin kona ba atetude Prezidente PSD ne’ebe buka ameasa deit maibe la barani ho desizaun atu rezignaan hanesan iha ninia sms ba PM iha loron 28/03/2010? Oin sa ita boot nia hanoin kona ba drama konsellu de Ministru Loron 14/04/2010?
MC: Ha’u hanoin imprensa sr. agio mak kontrola. Ne’e duni sira ba iha ne’eba, Sr. Agio maka bolu sira ba ka. Too iha ne’eba, ha’u nia hanoin mak ne’e konsellu Ministru la’os lori fali imprensa ba. Konsellu Ministru ne’e iha ninia porta voz. Vorta Voz mak ba imprensa para ko’alia la’os lori fali ba iha sesaun ne’eba. I depois halo fali hanesan julgamentu publika. Tribunal ka plenariu ka sasan sira ne’e, ba ha’u la konkorda buat sira ne’e.
TS: Maiske nune’e pelumenus prova ona katak foun foun Dr. Zacarias nega maibe hodi seik nia rekunese haruka sms hodi ameasa rezigna husi kargu ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru. Oin sa Ir. Nia haree?
MC: Nia la’os dehan la haruka sms. SMS nia haruka duni. Nia hateten mos ba hau katak nia haruka duni mas husu atu konsidera. La’os be sms liu husi sra. Asesora ne’e hateten katak atu husu rezigna an. Nunka iha rezignasaun ida husu fali ba asesora ne’e. Depois asesora ne’e mos haruka fali be sms ida haruka hateten hakerek surat lalais hateten aturezigna an. Se maka haruka ne’e ka fo instrusaun ne’e? sr. Agio Pereira.
TS: Depois hatene lia loloos ne’e oin sa ita boot ninia pozisaun relasiona ba kazu Sr. Zacarias ninian?
MC: Sr. Zacarias ne’e prezidente Partidu. Hanesan Presidente Partidu nu entantu PSD ne’e hotu-hotu solidu I solidariu hotu ho prezidente. La iha ema ida ke diskorda. Talvez iha ema ida ka rua. Mas partidu hamriik metin, partidu hamriik metin. Partidu kada vez mais boot liu, iha Timor ne’e mak ema komesa tauk ne’e.
TS: Maibe impresaun husi publiku agora daudaun barak mak hatene katak Sr. Zacarias halo hela kebohongan Publiku no hatun dignidade no kredibilidade estadu ne’e ninian. Oin sa ita boot ninia hanoin?
MC. Se maka lori informasaun dehan Dr. Zacarias halo bosok publiku ne’e husi be, Sr. Jornalista sira ne’ebe ke sr. Agio lori ba iha konsellu Ministrus ne’e. Kuandu sira sai husi ne’eba hateten katak Dr. Zacarias husu tiha ona deskulpa no Dr. Zacarias konsidera sala. Ne’’e.. la loos. Dr. Zacarias deskreve situasaun real. Jornalista sira ne’eba hotu, hatene hotu. I depois kuandu sesaun taka tiha sira nia ema sei iha ne’eba nafatin. Ninia ema sira iha ne’eba nafatin depois lori lia fuan sira husi konsellu de ministru nee….Loloos ne’e labele hetan infiltrasaun sira hanesan ne’e.
TS: Entaun Dr. Zacarias lahusu deskulba ga Sr. Vice Primeiru Ministru?
MC: La’e…la’e…Dr. Zcarias la husu deskulba. Jornalista sira iha ne’eba rona. Jornalista sira hatudu took filmajen sira ne’ebe imi halo ne’e ba ha’u katak Dr. Zacarias iha ne’eba hamriik hhusu deskulba ka konsidera nia sala ga? Nia la konsidera nia sala. Nia deskrefe faktus mak ne’e de’it.
TS: Maibe iha ne’eba Sr. Primeiru Ministru ho liman karuk hatudu ba Dr. Zacarias depois Primeiru Ministru hateten ba Dr. Zacarias katak, “Ita boot sala, “ no Dr. Zacarias rasik doko nia ulun hatudu ninia aceitasaun?
MC: Aceitasaun ida ne’eba la’os julgamentu ida ka tribunal ida.
TS: Entaun oin sa ho Sr. Vice PM sai iha media estranjeiru ita boot lamenta ho Dr. Zacarias nia hahalok?
MC: La’os lamenta ka la lamenta. Maibe ha’u hakarak hateten ba ita boot katak perguntas ne’ebe Dr. Zacarias halo hodiseik(14/04) hanesan Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru la hetan resposta. Ne’e maka ha’u bele hateten ba ita boot.
TS: Obrigado Sr. Vice.
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Protokolo MNE Ignora no Sama Lasama iha Aeroportu Bali
Iha loron Sexta Feira (16/04) Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional Timor Leste Fernando de Araujo Lasama halo viajen ba estranjeiru via Bali ho aviaun Merpati husi Dili. To’o iha aeroportu Bali la’os hanesan bain bain iha prokolu husi Konsuladu Timor Leste iha illa Dewata ne’e mai hasoru ajuda trata dokumentus no nesesidade nai ulun sira nian. Maibe iha Sexta feira la iha ema ruma husi konsuladu Timor Leste iha bali maka mai ajuda Lasama iha aeroportu nune’e Prezidente Parlamentu telephone fali mai Dili, hodi hakilar ninia xefe gabinete tilun mean.
“Prezidente telephone ha’u husi Bali hirus loos ne’ebe ha’u konfirma fali ho staff sira ida ne’ebe maka trata asuntu,” dehan Dr. Macelino Magno, Xefe Gabinete Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional. Hafoin simu informasaun ne’e gabinete Prezidente Parlamentu nian husu tuir kedan ba MNE. “Ami klarifika kedan ba diretora Jeral MNE sr. Vicky hodiseik (sexta) no nia hateten katak sira nia ema iha hotu dili hodi tuir reuniaun,” dehan Marcelino.
Nia informa katak, “iha de’it ema balun iha ne’eba no partekolu iha konsulladu nian la simu email ruma husi MNE hodi informa ba sira kona ba viajen Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ninian ne’e maka sira mos la mai aeroportu.”
Bainhira Lasama atrapailadu hela, “sorte be staff local ida nia naran Pak Agung maka iha aeroportu haree fali prezidente maka nia mai ajuda hela.”
Dr. marcelino antes halo klarifikasaun ba MNE nia mos konfirma uluk ho funsionariu Parlamentu nasional ne’ebe trata viajen Prezidente parlamentu nasional ninian ne’e ho MNE. Staff ne’e dehan hato’o ona nota verbal ba MNE no MNE ninia funsionariu ne’ebe simu informasaun ne’e dehan, “ja esta pronto.” “Buat ne’e hanesan bain bain ami sempre hatoo uluk nota verval ba sira depois maka MNE trata ho sira nia ema iha konsuladu Bali.”
Dr. Marcelino lamenta tan, “loron ida ka rua antes Prezidente ninia viajen, begitu ninia vistu kompletu ami informa kedan ba MNE maibe la hatene tan ba sa maka problena mosu.”
Bainhira jornal ne’e tenta konfirma ba Diretora jeral Ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeiru Sra. Vicky Thsong maibe nia la simu telephone no jornal ne’e sms de’it perguntas ba nia. Sra. Viccky resposta dehan, “Marcelino informadu ona kona ba lala’ok ne’e.”
Iha parte seluk Estudante Universidade nasional Dili lamenta ho servisu prokoler MNE ninian ne’ebe ladun tau importansia ba atividade ulun boot sira nian sa tan Prezidente PN. “Ha’u hanoin keta halo ema sira iha MNE ne’e baruk ten ou karik Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru sei hirus nafatin Prezidente Parlamentu nasional ninia esteimentu ne’ebe husu PM Xanana atu hasai tiha Ministru ne’ebe la Loyal ba PM ne’e maka lakohi informa perjalanan Lasama ninian ba prokolu konsuladu Bali atu ajuda nia,” dehan Januario X. C. Amaral iha Kampus UNTL Liceu Dili iha loron Sabadu. Tuir Amaral katak, “Loloos ne’e MNE hahu hadia fail ninia reputasaun ne’ebe monu tan polimika rezignasaun SMS maibe ho situasaun ne’e Ministru Zacarias sei kreia liu tan deskonfia ba nia katak Ministru Zacarias la loyal duni ona ba lideransa nasaun ne’e inklui Prezidente Lasama.”
Kazu fallansu Prokolu MNE ninian ne’e la’os ba dahuluk maibe karik konsiente ka la’e lala’ok ne’e akontese beibeik ona. Kazu kontreta ida maka mosu iha Viajen Primeiru Ministru Kay rala Xanana Gusmao ba Portugal no Doha iha tinan kotuk mos mosu problema prokoler too obriga ulun boot IV governu Konstitusional ne’e hasai ninia sapatu iha Doha nune’e mos resesaun ba eis lider maximu da rezistencia ne’e iha Portugal la tuir buat ne’e loloos tenke akontese.
“Prezidente telephone ha’u husi Bali hirus loos ne’ebe ha’u konfirma fali ho staff sira ida ne’ebe maka trata asuntu,” dehan Dr. Macelino Magno, Xefe Gabinete Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional. Hafoin simu informasaun ne’e gabinete Prezidente Parlamentu nian husu tuir kedan ba MNE. “Ami klarifika kedan ba diretora Jeral MNE sr. Vicky hodiseik (sexta) no nia hateten katak sira nia ema iha hotu dili hodi tuir reuniaun,” dehan Marcelino.
Nia informa katak, “iha de’it ema balun iha ne’eba no partekolu iha konsulladu nian la simu email ruma husi MNE hodi informa ba sira kona ba viajen Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ninian ne’e maka sira mos la mai aeroportu.”
Bainhira Lasama atrapailadu hela, “sorte be staff local ida nia naran Pak Agung maka iha aeroportu haree fali prezidente maka nia mai ajuda hela.”
Dr. marcelino antes halo klarifikasaun ba MNE nia mos konfirma uluk ho funsionariu Parlamentu nasional ne’ebe trata viajen Prezidente parlamentu nasional ninian ne’e ho MNE. Staff ne’e dehan hato’o ona nota verbal ba MNE no MNE ninia funsionariu ne’ebe simu informasaun ne’e dehan, “ja esta pronto.” “Buat ne’e hanesan bain bain ami sempre hatoo uluk nota verval ba sira depois maka MNE trata ho sira nia ema iha konsuladu Bali.”
Dr. Marcelino lamenta tan, “loron ida ka rua antes Prezidente ninia viajen, begitu ninia vistu kompletu ami informa kedan ba MNE maibe la hatene tan ba sa maka problena mosu.”
Bainhira jornal ne’e tenta konfirma ba Diretora jeral Ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeiru Sra. Vicky Thsong maibe nia la simu telephone no jornal ne’e sms de’it perguntas ba nia. Sra. Viccky resposta dehan, “Marcelino informadu ona kona ba lala’ok ne’e.”
Iha parte seluk Estudante Universidade nasional Dili lamenta ho servisu prokoler MNE ninian ne’ebe ladun tau importansia ba atividade ulun boot sira nian sa tan Prezidente PN. “Ha’u hanoin keta halo ema sira iha MNE ne’e baruk ten ou karik Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru sei hirus nafatin Prezidente Parlamentu nasional ninia esteimentu ne’ebe husu PM Xanana atu hasai tiha Ministru ne’ebe la Loyal ba PM ne’e maka lakohi informa perjalanan Lasama ninian ba prokolu konsuladu Bali atu ajuda nia,” dehan Januario X. C. Amaral iha Kampus UNTL Liceu Dili iha loron Sabadu. Tuir Amaral katak, “Loloos ne’e MNE hahu hadia fail ninia reputasaun ne’ebe monu tan polimika rezignasaun SMS maibe ho situasaun ne’e Ministru Zacarias sei kreia liu tan deskonfia ba nia katak Ministru Zacarias la loyal duni ona ba lideransa nasaun ne’e inklui Prezidente Lasama.”
Kazu fallansu Prokolu MNE ninian ne’e la’os ba dahuluk maibe karik konsiente ka la’e lala’ok ne’e akontese beibeik ona. Kazu kontreta ida maka mosu iha Viajen Primeiru Ministru Kay rala Xanana Gusmao ba Portugal no Doha iha tinan kotuk mos mosu problema prokoler too obriga ulun boot IV governu Konstitusional ne’e hasai ninia sapatu iha Doha nune’e mos resesaun ba eis lider maximu da rezistencia ne’e iha Portugal la tuir buat ne’e loloos tenke akontese.
Iha Funu Xanana Hatuur Estratejia Guera De Gerrilla No Ohin Hamosu PDN
Hahu loron Segunda (19/04) fulan Abril Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao sei husik ninia kadeira mamar iha Palasiu do Governu hodi tun ba subdistritu 65 atu halo konsulta ba Planu do
Dezenvolvimentu nasional (PDN) ne’ebe nia Prepara iha Balibar durante fulan Tolu nia laran. Xanana anunsiu ninia viajen ne’e iha abertura ba sorumutuk ho Parseiru do dezenvolvimentu iha Merkadu Municipal dili iha loron 07/04/2010.
Durante filan tolu nia laran PM Xanana kastigu aan iha Balibar hodi hamosu Planu Estratejia do dezenvolvimentu nasional no agora atu tun ba baze hodi husu povu ninia hanoin.
Hafoin de baze de apoiu rahun no mosu restruturasaun Laline Xanana lakon fulan rua nia mosu fail mai ho livru “Estratejia gera de gerilia em Timor Leste ne’ebe hakerek ho liman besik pajina atus rua. Bainhira Xanana reorganiza funu kontra okupasaun Indonesia nia hahu husi Ponta Leste no agora Prmeiru Ministru IV governu konstitusional ne’e hakat tuir hikas ninia ain fatin hodi hahu halo konsulta publiku ne’e iha rai rohan Loro sa’e.
Primeiru Ministru ne’e sente katak Planu Estratejiku do dezenvolvimentu Nasional ne’e atu hodi dezenvolve povu nune’e nia sei lori ba foo hatene ba Povu ki’ik sira maka mai hato’o fail ba ulun boot sira ne’ebe hatais kaijaku iha Dili. Tuir Antoninio Lopes dehan, “Xanana hakarak hatudu ba ema hotu-hotu katak planu ne’e para hodi dezenvolve popusaun ho nune’e maka nia sente importante partisipasaun husi povu ki’ik sira.”
“Ne’e hanesan soku ida ba Partidu Politiku sira ne’ebe hakarak dehan sira maka matenek liu maibe falta de konsiderasaun ba povu.” “Ida ne’e mos kose komunidade internasional sira nia oin ba rai tan ba Xanana sei mosu ho planu ida ne’e husi Timor oan sira rasik.”
Tuir informasun ne’ebe Jornal ne’e konsege asesu dehan komunidade internasional iha Dili tenta atu hatudu sira nia kontribuisaun ba Planu do Dezenvolvimetu nasional ne’e hodi oferese Helikoptru ka Lojistiku balun maibe Xanana rezeitu.
Xanana sei la tama iha Palasiu ne’e durante loron neen nulu resin lima nia laran tan ba konsultasaun ba sub distritu ida han loron ida. Kazu Ministru Zacarias nian resolve ona iha konsellu de Ministru loron 14/04/2010 ne’ebe Konsulta ne’e hahu husi Distritu Lauten ba too oekuse no reimata iha subdistu Laulara.
Dezenvolvimentu nasional (PDN) ne’ebe nia Prepara iha Balibar durante fulan Tolu nia laran. Xanana anunsiu ninia viajen ne’e iha abertura ba sorumutuk ho Parseiru do dezenvolvimentu iha Merkadu Municipal dili iha loron 07/04/2010.
Durante filan tolu nia laran PM Xanana kastigu aan iha Balibar hodi hamosu Planu Estratejia do dezenvolvimentu nasional no agora atu tun ba baze hodi husu povu ninia hanoin.
Hafoin de baze de apoiu rahun no mosu restruturasaun Laline Xanana lakon fulan rua nia mosu fail mai ho livru “Estratejia gera de gerilia em Timor Leste ne’ebe hakerek ho liman besik pajina atus rua. Bainhira Xanana reorganiza funu kontra okupasaun Indonesia nia hahu husi Ponta Leste no agora Prmeiru Ministru IV governu konstitusional ne’e hakat tuir hikas ninia ain fatin hodi hahu halo konsulta publiku ne’e iha rai rohan Loro sa’e.
Primeiru Ministru ne’e sente katak Planu Estratejiku do dezenvolvimentu Nasional ne’e atu hodi dezenvolve povu nune’e nia sei lori ba foo hatene ba Povu ki’ik sira maka mai hato’o fail ba ulun boot sira ne’ebe hatais kaijaku iha Dili. Tuir Antoninio Lopes dehan, “Xanana hakarak hatudu ba ema hotu-hotu katak planu ne’e para hodi dezenvolve popusaun ho nune’e maka nia sente importante partisipasaun husi povu ki’ik sira.”
“Ne’e hanesan soku ida ba Partidu Politiku sira ne’ebe hakarak dehan sira maka matenek liu maibe falta de konsiderasaun ba povu.” “Ida ne’e mos kose komunidade internasional sira nia oin ba rai tan ba Xanana sei mosu ho planu ida ne’e husi Timor oan sira rasik.”
Tuir informasun ne’ebe Jornal ne’e konsege asesu dehan komunidade internasional iha Dili tenta atu hatudu sira nia kontribuisaun ba Planu do Dezenvolvimetu nasional ne’e hodi oferese Helikoptru ka Lojistiku balun maibe Xanana rezeitu.
Xanana sei la tama iha Palasiu ne’e durante loron neen nulu resin lima nia laran tan ba konsultasaun ba sub distritu ida han loron ida. Kazu Ministru Zacarias nian resolve ona iha konsellu de Ministru loron 14/04/2010 ne’ebe Konsulta ne’e hahu husi Distritu Lauten ba too oekuse no reimata iha subdistu Laulara.
Monday, 19 April 2010
Ermera Produz Manu Tolun Maibe Gosta Buy Internasional
Ema barak maka sei hanoin katak iha nasaun ne’e presiza importa buat hotu-hotu husi estranjeiru inklui manu tolun husi nasaun Indonesia ho malaisya. Liu-liu komunidade Internasional husi UNMIT sempre hateten katak produtu lokal ladun iha kualidade diak maibe Komunidade Ermera iha sub distritu Rai lako hahu ona produz manu tolun ne’ebe loron ida bele hetan manu tolun rihun sanulu resin lima. “Ami kontente tebe-tebes katak agora daudaun it abele produz ona manu tolun iha ita nia rain no ami foo konfiansa boot tebes ba povu tomak iha Timor atu bele sosa manu tolun iha ne’e. atu nune’e ita mos bele foo servisu ba ita nia maluk sira ne’ebe servisu ho ami iha ne’e hodi harii ita nia ekonomi ba di’ak,” dehan Octavia da costa Manajer operasional iha manu luhan Boborema.
Bainhira Unmit ho komunidade Internasional sira maka sosa duni manu tolun fuan ruma husi area ne’eba maka sei foo ajuda ona ba familia rua nolu resin hat nune’e sira mos kontribui ba hamenus ki’ak no kreia kampu servisu ba maluk seluk tan. Maibe dala barak ONU sira ko’alia maka barak maibe hahalok la’ek. “Ha’u apela atu sebele konsumidor sir abele hola manu tolun husi fatin ne’e,” Octavia dale.
Atu ba Boborema husi dili antes tama ba Rai Lako Vila sei hakatk liu ponte rua besik natar no liu tiha ponte segundu sei fila ba liman karuk no lori kilometru rua ba iha fatin manu buras nia hakiak ba. Husi dalan boot ba manu luhan ne’e kuaze kilometru rua no sei liu mota ida no sae rai lolon ruma mak too iha vila manu nian ne’e. Bainhira too ona iha fatin refere ita rona manu kanta ho kontente. No funsionariu sira preokupadu hili no halot manu tolun no balun foo han manu. “Hanesan ita hatene bainhira manu luhan besik liu Estrada ka fatin estrundu liu nian manu bele stress ne’e maka dook para manu labele haree ema barak depois kareta mos labele liu ba mai ka tama sai fatin bara-barak ne’e mos bele halo manu moras tan ne’e maka manu luhan ida ne’e dook husi Estrada.”
Ermera agora la’os de’it ona fatin ne’ebe kuinesidu ho Kafe maibe lakleur tan bele kuinesidu mos ho produsaun manu tolun.
La ho ita hotu ninia kuinesimentu maibe iha fatin ida ai laran fuik iha Rail Lako mosu vila produsaun manu tolun ne’e bele naton ba konsumsi populasaun sira nian inklui mos staff unmit sira. Manu sira ne’e ninia kualidade hanesan mos ho manu tolun husi Malaisya no Indonesia tan ba manu buras sira ne’e bainhira sei DOC importa husi Malaisya mai.
Iha fatin ida ne’e hahu hakiak manu iha loron 8/11/2009, bibit ne’e ami foti mai husi Malaisya. Katak ami iha ne’e hakiak hahu husi DOC iha uma tolu. Foun mai total manu hamutuk 24, 700. Agora tama ona iha faze de produsaun maka manu sira ne’e ami muda ona ba Liyer ka fatin produsaun manu tolun ninian. “Mai hahu husi primeiru too ke empat ne’e la mate maibe ida ke lima ne’e toba iha bali entaun too iha ne’e ami sura 200 maka mate. Agora daudaun hamutuk iha manu 24,300 ne’ebe produz daudaun.
Iha fatin ne’e foo ona apoiu ba estadu hodi fornese servisu ba ema nain rua nolu resin haat. Feto nain sanolu resin tolu no mane nain sanulu resin ida. Staff sira ne’ebe haree no foo han manu sira ne’e balun toba iha uma no balun fail toba iha fatin besik manu luhan ne’eba. “Manu hahu tolun iha fulan Marsu nune’e kada loron foi n atinji 64% maka tolun. Manu ne’ebe mai primeiru ne’e hamutuk 64% mak tolun ona no ikus liu nian ne’e foin 15 pursentu mak tolun.
Bainbain ne’e ema hanaran hen lay katak manu ne’e ita hakiak ne’e iha 99% maibe tuir teoria ne’ebe ema estuda ne’e manu ne’ebe produz tolun to’o de’it 95% ne’e kategori ba diak ona. Nune’e iha loron primeiru ne’e manu lima ka neen maka tolun no sei sa’e iha loron tuir mai nune’e bainhira too iha semana 26 bele too iha 95% nune’e manu sanulu hanesan ne’e maka la tolun.
“Agora daudaun ami seidauk bele faan iha merkadu tan baa mi tauk orsida bele persaing fail ho sira ne’ebe faan iha took sira ne’e ho folin karun. Deperente ami ba faan iha Merkadu ho folin baratu nune’e bele hamosu problema tan ne’e maka aagora ne’e ami sei ba hatama iha ami nia agen iha kuluhun, gracia shop.”
Maiske kada loron ida manu hirak ne’e bele produz ona manu tolun hamutuk 15,000 kada loron dezde marsu 2010, maibe iha parte seluk manu tolun estranjeiru sei domina iha merkadu no governu seidauk ajuda atu proteje produsen lokal ninia direitu tan ne’e loloos governu kreia lei ruma hodi bandu produtu husi rai seluk mai hanehan produtu nasional.
“Agora daudaun manu sira ne’e produz ona kada loron rak atus lima no kada rak iha manu tolun 30.”
Ba staff sira tuku hitu dadeer hahu foo malu ne’e duni sira ne’ebe toba iha uma tuku ne’e dader de’it hahu sukat ain ba nia knar fatin.
Iha besik servisu fatin manajer ne’e ninian iha kuartu ida hada nakonu ho karon mutin lubun ida la’os foos husi MTCI maibe hahan manu nian. “Agora dadaun bainhira loron sa’e sira nia hahan aumenta. Agora daudaun sira sei han tonelada 2 katak 2,400 kilogrma nune’e kada manu ida loron ida han 95 grama. Maibe too pontu altu produsaun maka kada manu iha loron id abele han grama 125.”
Manu luhan sira ne’eluzu tebes no haree husi dook hanoin katak eskola ka otel lubun ida tan ba uma sira ne’e halo uniku wituan hanesan uma husi ema Minsn kabau iha Sumatra ninian. “Uma hanesan ne’e iha nasaun sira seluk sira taka toma hotu tan ba uza lampu listrik hotu maibe iha ne’e agora daudaun iha kalan ami uza listrik oras tolu de’it no iha loron ami uza de’it loron matan tan ne’e maka manu nia fatin tenke nakloke no ninia kakuluk tenke aas no loke uitoan para anin tama hodi foo malirin ba manu sira ne’e ka labele manas liu.”
Buat ne'ebe dala barak sai ameasa ba inisiativa sektor privadu mak intervensaun husi produtu estranjeiru hodi hamate sira nia produsaun. Iha parte seluk Komunidade internasional liu husi Peace divident trust hodi ajuda parte sektor privadu no konsumidor sira atu sosa produsaun lokal iha Timor Leste maibe ironikalmente Misaun ONU iha Timor Leste gosta liu importa de'it husi rai estranjeiru.
Bainhira Unmit ho komunidade Internasional sira maka sosa duni manu tolun fuan ruma husi area ne’eba maka sei foo ajuda ona ba familia rua nolu resin hat nune’e sira mos kontribui ba hamenus ki’ak no kreia kampu servisu ba maluk seluk tan. Maibe dala barak ONU sira ko’alia maka barak maibe hahalok la’ek. “Ha’u apela atu sebele konsumidor sir abele hola manu tolun husi fatin ne’e,” Octavia dale.
Atu ba Boborema husi dili antes tama ba Rai Lako Vila sei hakatk liu ponte rua besik natar no liu tiha ponte segundu sei fila ba liman karuk no lori kilometru rua ba iha fatin manu buras nia hakiak ba. Husi dalan boot ba manu luhan ne’e kuaze kilometru rua no sei liu mota ida no sae rai lolon ruma mak too iha vila manu nian ne’e. Bainhira too ona iha fatin refere ita rona manu kanta ho kontente. No funsionariu sira preokupadu hili no halot manu tolun no balun foo han manu. “Hanesan ita hatene bainhira manu luhan besik liu Estrada ka fatin estrundu liu nian manu bele stress ne’e maka dook para manu labele haree ema barak depois kareta mos labele liu ba mai ka tama sai fatin bara-barak ne’e mos bele halo manu moras tan ne’e maka manu luhan ida ne’e dook husi Estrada.”
Ermera agora la’os de’it ona fatin ne’ebe kuinesidu ho Kafe maibe lakleur tan bele kuinesidu mos ho produsaun manu tolun.
La ho ita hotu ninia kuinesimentu maibe iha fatin ida ai laran fuik iha Rail Lako mosu vila produsaun manu tolun ne’e bele naton ba konsumsi populasaun sira nian inklui mos staff unmit sira. Manu sira ne’e ninia kualidade hanesan mos ho manu tolun husi Malaisya no Indonesia tan ba manu buras sira ne’e bainhira sei DOC importa husi Malaisya mai.
Iha fatin ida ne’e hahu hakiak manu iha loron 8/11/2009, bibit ne’e ami foti mai husi Malaisya. Katak ami iha ne’e hakiak hahu husi DOC iha uma tolu. Foun mai total manu hamutuk 24, 700. Agora tama ona iha faze de produsaun maka manu sira ne’e ami muda ona ba Liyer ka fatin produsaun manu tolun ninian. “Mai hahu husi primeiru too ke empat ne’e la mate maibe ida ke lima ne’e toba iha bali entaun too iha ne’e ami sura 200 maka mate. Agora daudaun hamutuk iha manu 24,300 ne’ebe produz daudaun.
Iha fatin ne’e foo ona apoiu ba estadu hodi fornese servisu ba ema nain rua nolu resin haat. Feto nain sanolu resin tolu no mane nain sanulu resin ida. Staff sira ne’ebe haree no foo han manu sira ne’e balun toba iha uma no balun fail toba iha fatin besik manu luhan ne’eba. “Manu hahu tolun iha fulan Marsu nune’e kada loron foi n atinji 64% maka tolun. Manu ne’ebe mai primeiru ne’e hamutuk 64% mak tolun ona no ikus liu nian ne’e foin 15 pursentu mak tolun.
Bainbain ne’e ema hanaran hen lay katak manu ne’e ita hakiak ne’e iha 99% maibe tuir teoria ne’ebe ema estuda ne’e manu ne’ebe produz tolun to’o de’it 95% ne’e kategori ba diak ona. Nune’e iha loron primeiru ne’e manu lima ka neen maka tolun no sei sa’e iha loron tuir mai nune’e bainhira too iha semana 26 bele too iha 95% nune’e manu sanulu hanesan ne’e maka la tolun.
“Agora daudaun ami seidauk bele faan iha merkadu tan baa mi tauk orsida bele persaing fail ho sira ne’ebe faan iha took sira ne’e ho folin karun. Deperente ami ba faan iha Merkadu ho folin baratu nune’e bele hamosu problema tan ne’e maka aagora ne’e ami sei ba hatama iha ami nia agen iha kuluhun, gracia shop.”
Maiske kada loron ida manu hirak ne’e bele produz ona manu tolun hamutuk 15,000 kada loron dezde marsu 2010, maibe iha parte seluk manu tolun estranjeiru sei domina iha merkadu no governu seidauk ajuda atu proteje produsen lokal ninia direitu tan ne’e loloos governu kreia lei ruma hodi bandu produtu husi rai seluk mai hanehan produtu nasional.
“Agora daudaun manu sira ne’e produz ona kada loron rak atus lima no kada rak iha manu tolun 30.”
Ba staff sira tuku hitu dadeer hahu foo malu ne’e duni sira ne’ebe toba iha uma tuku ne’e dader de’it hahu sukat ain ba nia knar fatin.
Iha besik servisu fatin manajer ne’e ninian iha kuartu ida hada nakonu ho karon mutin lubun ida la’os foos husi MTCI maibe hahan manu nian. “Agora dadaun bainhira loron sa’e sira nia hahan aumenta. Agora daudaun sira sei han tonelada 2 katak 2,400 kilogrma nune’e kada manu ida loron ida han 95 grama. Maibe too pontu altu produsaun maka kada manu iha loron id abele han grama 125.”
Manu luhan sira ne’eluzu tebes no haree husi dook hanoin katak eskola ka otel lubun ida tan ba uma sira ne’e halo uniku wituan hanesan uma husi ema Minsn kabau iha Sumatra ninian. “Uma hanesan ne’e iha nasaun sira seluk sira taka toma hotu tan ba uza lampu listrik hotu maibe iha ne’e agora daudaun iha kalan ami uza listrik oras tolu de’it no iha loron ami uza de’it loron matan tan ne’e maka manu nia fatin tenke nakloke no ninia kakuluk tenke aas no loke uitoan para anin tama hodi foo malirin ba manu sira ne’e ka labele manas liu.”
Buat ne'ebe dala barak sai ameasa ba inisiativa sektor privadu mak intervensaun husi produtu estranjeiru hodi hamate sira nia produsaun. Iha parte seluk Komunidade internasional liu husi Peace divident trust hodi ajuda parte sektor privadu no konsumidor sira atu sosa produsaun lokal iha Timor Leste maibe ironikalmente Misaun ONU iha Timor Leste gosta liu importa de'it husi rai estranjeiru.
Friday, 16 April 2010
“Peacebuilding and Statebuilding”
10 April 2010
Your Excellencies
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is a historic day for Timor-Leste.
We have been writing the pages of Timor-Leste’s history since we began our struggle for self-determination and for freedom. We have recorded stories of massacres and heroic deeds, tales of hardship, suffering and conflict, but also tales of victory and achievement - and it is these chronicles that tell of how our People gained the right to Independence.
These are pages of history written with blood, but also with hope, courage and pride. These pages recount advances and setbacks, errors and lessons learned, conflict and recovery.
And today, ladies and gentlemen, we have joined our history with that of other countries with a common past, and we have realised that we are not alone in our Peacebuilding and Statebuilding endeavours.
We have joined together with a common voice with nations that have similar histories and situations of fragility, as well as with partner countries committed to assisting us in our great challenges. In the words of Minister Kamitatu, we have moved from a monologue to dialogue.
Hosting the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding, which will forever be marked by the Díli Declaration, gives our country great pride and emotion.
I thank you all, ladies and gentlemen, for the honour we received in being chosen to host this first formal meeting.
Your Excellencies
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have personally been inspired, moved and also encouraged by the contributions made at this dialogue. I am also humbled…
It can be easy to breathe a sigh of relief when you begin to show signs of progress, when you achieve a level of apparent stability, because in times of peace we can forget the hardships of conflict. This may be a reason for the resurgence of conflicts, with the human condition encouraging us to erase from our memory the difficult times of suffering and to move on quickly towards progress.
This can cause us to miss some important steps. In seeking to move ahead, we risk overlooking the roots of our problems. In seeking to hasten the healing process of deep wounds, that have not yet had time to properly heal, we start to believe that reconciliation can be possible in a mere five or six years.
That is why I am pleased with the common agreement, by both fragile States and development partners, on the need for a long term approach to Peacebuilding and Statebuilding. And this agreement has been properly reflected in the Díli Declaration.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We understand from the statements made at this Dialogue, that the deep complexity of issues that constrain conflict or post-conflict countries mean that it becomes impossible to deal with all problems at once. And we have also learnt that failure to acknowledge the true time it takes to resolve our difficulties may be fatal and lead to resurgence of conflict.
On the other hand, if donor countries cease providing ongoing assistance at the first signs of improvement, in stability and economic and social progress, this leaves a void in the processes and programs that have been started, ultimately leading to their failure.
It is absolutely necessary to respect the time frame and context of each society. This is our true challenge, as there are no two identical cultures or circumstances.
Nevertheless, each and every society, and each and every People, value Peace as precious. Humans, both individually and collectively, desire Peace. It is critical to us all.
Regrettably, as many of us know, starting conflict is so much easier than resolving it. It is easier to make war than to make Peace.
War focuses all our energy, and all our effort, on a single goal: to destroy the enemy. But Peace requires consensus building and reconciliation. It requires bringing together the aspirations of many to develop a common long term vision – and then to implement it.
Peace requires sacrifices in putting the interests of the whole ahead of the interests of the individual. It requires patience, forgiveness and trust, and most of all, compassionate and strong leadership.
Perhaps it is for these reasons that there are so few exceptional individuals that the world acknowledges as pioneers of Peace.
But as President Ramos-Horta said so eloquently to this Dialogue, Peacebuilding also requires leaders connected to their People. And, ladies and gentlemen, even being the most worldly of Presidents, Ramos-Horta is first and foremost close to our People, and to their fears and to their dreams and aspirations.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Like some here, I can speak from personal experience that it is more difficult to lead in times of peace than in times of war. I have been there. I lived many years convinced that I would never have to endure difficulties as hard as when I led my People during struggle. But, when I was given the challenge to become the First President of a nation traumatised by war, I realised that the greater struggle would be to build Peace, and subsequently the nation.
To join an entire People, that have been scarred from conflict, in the struggle for Peace is more difficult than to achieve unity in times of conflict. As we know, there are so many legitimate expectations from People who have fought for so many years for the ideals of freedom, equality and development that we can say that achieving true peace also means freeing People from poverty.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is also the challenge of Statebuilding, a process that is inter-related with the building of peace. As two sides of the same coin, it is important that emergency international support does not withdraw when peace appears to have been reached, and that we understand that Peacebuilding is consolidated when Statebuilding is strong.
And so, we must ask how do you empower people who have never known what power is? How do you build a democratic State, with the participation of all, when People have never known what it means to be free from misery, hunger, ignorance and disease? In our poor societies, people still kill each other for survival, for simple access to water, food, land, schools and health care.
It is, therefore, perhaps easier for us to understand why people also kill for access to political power and control over national decision making, especially in countries with valuable natural resources.
One aim of this Dialogue is to find better solutions and to share best practices to address these problems. And if in this Dialogue we do not resolve all the problems affecting fragile States, at least we have taken one more step in this direction of concrete actions.
As we have discussed, Statebuilding means a transition not just for countries but for their People. It can mean transforming militias or guerrilla fighters into soldiers of conventional forces; youth without a childhood of joy and education into responsible adults; hardened resistance activists into professional journalists; and leaders of a struggle into mature political office holders.
And many cases presented at this Dialogue demonstrate that we cannot underestimate the challenges, especially when the edifices of the pillars of the State hide its inherent weakness.
An example that saddens us deeply in Timor-Leste is Guinea-Bissau. This country’s achievement of independence inspired our People in their struggle. The turmoil in this country upsets us greatly and we feel solidarity for our brothers and sisters in this African nation.
Guinea-Bissau has received huge quantities of international assistance in comparison to the size of its national economy and yet it continues to struggle. And so, we can conclude that this assistance must not have been appropriate to the circumstances.
Ladies and gentlemen
This is why all “g7+” countries have emphasised the importance of understanding the need of each country to have a transitional period of their own time and at their own pace.
As Ms Bella Bird wisely commented to this Dialogue, the transition from fragility to resilience requires a balanced and flexible approach. This balance requires fragile nations and donors to be nimble enough to respond to emerging situations that may threaten recovery, while continuing to address the ongoing root causes of conflict.
Life is a process of building knowledge, of learning from experiences, and following our dreams and our visions. The life lived by citizens in fragile countries is far from easy – not only is it a constant struggle for survival, it can be a challenge to come to terms with new concepts and values.
The road towards democracy and development knows no shortcuts. One must walk the hard road to transform mentalities and achieve social inclusion.
That is why the “g7+” countries have asked our friends, the development partners, to walk in our shoes and be aware of our conditions and our needs. We can then better walk together towards our shared goal of spreading peace and prosperity. And with our achievements the hopes and visions of donor countries can be fulfilled.
I draw hope and confidence from the Díli Declaration. The development partners and fragile States have recognised that we can both do things better while reinforcing our common shared goal. We are encouraged by the proposal to develop an action plan and by the determination to take immediate steps to address issues of concern in the delivery of development assistance.
The Díli Declaration has committed strong support to the “g7+” institutional grouping as a permanent forum to bring together fragile States in a spirit of solidarity and friendship and allow for better preparation in the international discussions with the development partners. And I would like to thank Australia for offering today to provide the funding to support this body and I hope that other countries will join with them in this effort.
I am also very pleased that following the inspiring leadership Mr Kamitatu that our own Minister Emilia Pires will take over as co-chair of the international dialogue. It is not only a matter of pride for Timor-Leste but also a symbol of the responsibility we wish to bring to this process.
This Dialogue is part of an ongoing process and I am pleased that the Díli Declaration will guide and inform the international community in its future work.
And, ladies and gentlemen, I hope that the suggestion made today, that Díli become a centre for international and United Nations´ conferences, becomes a reality.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We must all learn from the lessons of our past and remain vigilant and determined in our mission to prevent political violence and conflict.
Walking together gives us strength in this mission.
Walking together, fragile States and their development partners, can minimise the suffering that results from conflict and extreme poverty.
Let us all work together to bring hope and confidence and develop a long term vision for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding in our fragile nations.
Hopefully, we can make sure that no more tears of conflict fall on the snow of Nepal’s majestic Himalayas; that no more blood covers the sparkling diamonds of Sierra Leone; that the soul of the people of the DRC reflects the richness of their lands; that the People of Southern Sudan achieve self-realisation; that ‘bridges’ of peace can be built between the islands of the archipelago of the Solomon Islands; and that all our fragile nations can achieve peace and development.
Thank you very much.
Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão
10 April 2010
“Peacebuilding and Statebuilding”
10 April 2010
Your Excellencies
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is a historic day for Timor-Leste.
We have been writing the pages of Timor-Leste’s history since we began our struggle for self-determination and for freedom. We have recorded stories of massacres and heroic deeds, tales of hardship, suffering and conflict, but also tales of victory and achievement - and it is these chronicles that tell of how our People gained the right to Independence.
These are pages of history written with blood, but also with hope, courage and pride. These pages recount advances and setbacks, errors and lessons learned, conflict and recovery.
And today, ladies and gentlemen, we have joined our history with that of other countries with a common past, and we have realised that we are not alone in our Peacebuilding and Statebuilding endeavours.
We have joined together with a common voice with nations that have similar histories and situations of fragility, as well as with partner countries committed to assisting us in our great challenges. In the words of Minister Kamitatu, we have moved from a monologue to dialogue.
Hosting the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding, which will forever be marked by the Díli Declaration, gives our country great pride and emotion.
I thank you all, ladies and gentlemen, for the honour we received in being chosen to host this first formal meeting.
Your Excellencies
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have personally been inspired, moved and also encouraged by the contributions made at this dialogue. I am also humbled…
It can be easy to breathe a sigh of relief when you begin to show signs of progress, when you achieve a level of apparent stability, because in times of peace we can forget the hardships of conflict. This may be a reason for the resurgence of conflicts, with the human condition encouraging us to erase from our memory the difficult times of suffering and to move on quickly towards progress.
This can cause us to miss some important steps. In seeking to move ahead, we risk overlooking the roots of our problems. In seeking to hasten the healing process of deep wounds, that have not yet had time to properly heal, we start to believe that reconciliation can be possible in a mere five or six years.
That is why I am pleased with the common agreement, by both fragile States and development partners, on the need for a long term approach to Peacebuilding and Statebuilding. And this agreement has been properly reflected in the Díli Declaration.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We understand from the statements made at this Dialogue, that the deep complexity of issues that constrain conflict or post-conflict countries mean that it becomes impossible to deal with all problems at once. And we have also learnt that failure to acknowledge the true time it takes to resolve our difficulties may be fatal and lead to resurgence of conflict.
On the other hand, if donor countries cease providing ongoing assistance at the first signs of improvement, in stability and economic and social progress, this leaves a void in the processes and programs that have been started, ultimately leading to their failure.
It is absolutely necessary to respect the time frame and context of each society. This is our true challenge, as there are no two identical cultures or circumstances.
Nevertheless, each and every society, and each and every People, value Peace as precious. Humans, both individually and collectively, desire Peace. It is critical to us all.
Regrettably, as many of us know, starting conflict is so much easier than resolving it. It is easier to make war than to make Peace.
War focuses all our energy, and all our effort, on a single goal: to destroy the enemy. But Peace requires consensus building and reconciliation. It requires bringing together the aspirations of many to develop a common long term vision – and then to implement it.
Peace requires sacrifices in putting the interests of the whole ahead of the interests of the individual. It requires patience, forgiveness and trust, and most of all, compassionate and strong leadership.
Perhaps it is for these reasons that there are so few exceptional individuals that the world acknowledges as pioneers of Peace.
But as President Ramos-Horta said so eloquently to this Dialogue, Peacebuilding also requires leaders connected to their People. And, ladies and gentlemen, even being the most worldly of Presidents, Ramos-Horta is first and foremost close to our People, and to their fears and to their dreams and aspirations.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Like some here, I can speak from personal experience that it is more difficult to lead in times of peace than in times of war. I have been there. I lived many years convinced that I would never have to endure difficulties as hard as when I led my People during struggle. But, when I was given the challenge to become the First President of a nation traumatised by war, I realised that the greater struggle would be to build Peace, and subsequently the nation.
To join an entire People, that have been scarred from conflict, in the struggle for Peace is more difficult than to achieve unity in times of conflict. As we know, there are so many legitimate expectations from People who have fought for so many years for the ideals of freedom, equality and development that we can say that achieving true peace also means freeing People from poverty.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is also the challenge of Statebuilding, a process that is inter-related with the building of peace. As two sides of the same coin, it is important that emergency international support does not withdraw when peace appears to have been reached, and that we understand that Peacebuilding is consolidated when Statebuilding is strong.
And so, we must ask how do you empower people who have never known what power is? How do you build a democratic State, with the participation of all, when People have never known what it means to be free from misery, hunger, ignorance and disease? In our poor societies, people still kill each other for survival, for simple access to water, food, land, schools and health care.
It is, therefore, perhaps easier for us to understand why people also kill for access to political power and control over national decision making, especially in countries with valuable natural resources.
One aim of this Dialogue is to find better solutions and to share best practices to address these problems. And if in this Dialogue we do not resolve all the problems affecting fragile States, at least we have taken one more step in this direction of concrete actions.
As we have discussed, Statebuilding means a transition not just for countries but for their People. It can mean transforming militias or guerrilla fighters into soldiers of conventional forces; youth without a childhood of joy and education into responsible adults; hardened resistance activists into professional journalists; and leaders of a struggle into mature political office holders.
And many cases presented at this Dialogue demonstrate that we cannot underestimate the challenges, especially when the edifices of the pillars of the State hide its inherent weakness.
An example that saddens us deeply in Timor-Leste is Guinea-Bissau. This country’s achievement of independence inspired our People in their struggle. The turmoil in this country upsets us greatly and we feel solidarity for our brothers and sisters in this African nation.
Guinea-Bissau has received huge quantities of international assistance in comparison to the size of its national economy and yet it continues to struggle. And so, we can conclude that this assistance must not have been appropriate to the circumstances.
Ladies and gentlemen
This is why all “g7+” countries have emphasised the importance of understanding the need of each country to have a transitional period of their own time and at their own pace.
As Ms Bella Bird wisely commented to this Dialogue, the transition from fragility to resilience requires a balanced and flexible approach. This balance requires fragile nations and donors to be nimble enough to respond to emerging situations that may threaten recovery, while continuing to address the ongoing root causes of conflict.
Life is a process of building knowledge, of learning from experiences, and following our dreams and our visions. The life lived by citizens in fragile countries is far from easy – not only is it a constant struggle for survival, it can be a challenge to come to terms with new concepts and values.
The road towards democracy and development knows no shortcuts. One must walk the hard road to transform mentalities and achieve social inclusion.
That is why the “g7+” countries have asked our friends, the development partners, to walk in our shoes and be aware of our conditions and our needs. We can then better walk together towards our shared goal of spreading peace and prosperity. And with our achievements the hopes and visions of donor countries can be fulfilled.
I draw hope and confidence from the Díli Declaration. The development partners and fragile States have recognised that we can both do things better while reinforcing our common shared goal. We are encouraged by the proposal to develop an action plan and by the determination to take immediate steps to address issues of concern in the delivery of development assistance.
The Díli Declaration has committed strong support to the “g7+” institutional grouping as a permanent forum to bring together fragile States in a spirit of solidarity and friendship and allow for better preparation in the international discussions with the development partners. And I would like to thank Australia for offering today to provide the funding to support this body and I hope that other countries will join with them in this effort.
I am also very pleased that following the inspiring leadership Mr Kamitatu that our own Minister Emilia Pires will take over as co-chair of the international dialogue. It is not only a matter of pride for Timor-Leste but also a symbol of the responsibility we wish to bring to this process.
This Dialogue is part of an ongoing process and I am pleased that the Díli Declaration will guide and inform the international community in its future work.
And, ladies and gentlemen, I hope that the suggestion made today, that Díli become a centre for international and United Nations´ conferences, becomes a reality.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We must all learn from the lessons of our past and remain vigilant and determined in our mission to prevent political violence and conflict.
Walking together gives us strength in this mission.
Walking together, fragile States and their development partners, can minimise the suffering that results from conflict and extreme poverty.
Let us all work together to bring hope and confidence and develop a long term vision for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding in our fragile nations.
Hopefully, we can make sure that no more tears of conflict fall on the snow of Nepal’s majestic Himalayas; that no more blood covers the sparkling diamonds of Sierra Leone; that the soul of the people of the DRC reflects the richness of their lands; that the People of Southern Sudan achieve self-realisation; that ‘bridges’ of peace can be built between the islands of the archipelago of the Solomon Islands; and that all our fragile nations can achieve peace and development.
Thank you very much.
Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão
10 April 2010
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Timor Press Demands Apology from Zacarias.
Timorese newspapers the Suara Timor Lorosae, Tempo Semanal, Timor Post, and Diario Nasional will boycott to cover any story put out by Foreign Minister Zacarias da Costa. This is because he disrespected many Timorese journalists as a result of his actions subsequent to stories published about his threat to resign by SMS to the Office of the Prime Minister.
TL Council of Ministers becomes a Mini Tribunal To Judge SMS Rezignation
On 27/03/2010 East Timor Foreign Minister Dr. Zacarias Albano da Costa sent an SMS to the Office of the Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao threatenting to resign from his post as Foreign Minister.
According to PM Xanana today in the Council Minister to Mr da Costa boycotted the PM's decision to to call all Timorese Ambassadors back to Dili for the recent Timor-Leste Development Partners meeting and the Dili International Dialague
To day East Timor PM Xanana Gusmao slammed foreign Minister after Dr. Zacarias unable to submit his resignation letter as he promised in his Short Message to PM office.
PM Xanana said Foreign Minister Zacarias doesn't have national mission.
Dr. Zacarias threatened to resign by SMS but until today he didn't do anything. He has only looked for scapegoat to blame for his self inflicted misfortune - including the Minister of Finance and the Sec State Council of Ministers.
During the one hour open session of the Council of Ministers to which media were invited to have full acceass Mr. Zacarias said East Timor image during the last two weeks is very bad cause by the media coverage over his SMS resignation. But when face to face with East Timor PM Zacarias doesn't want to loose his job as foreign minister.
Civil society and public figures alleged Mr. Zacarias lied to the public.
"I think East Timor Foreign Minister is a laier because he is not committed to his words," said Hermenegildo Lopes allias Kupa. He still urged TL PM to sack Mr. Zacarias from his post because as a Foreign Minister Mr. Zacarias has lost his dignity, integrity and confidence not only from Timorese people but also from the international communitty. "How come he is representing the interest TL to the out side world while he has no honesty". Kupa said its very important for Mr Zacarias to offer an apology to the public and the media in this country. According to Mr. Kupa the MNEC action catiogorised as a criminal offense. Mr. Zacarias blaming the Timor Leste and he has asked TL Deputy PM Mario Carrascalao to investigate the leaked SMS.
After an open battle on the Council Minister Table Dr. Zacarias still remains as TL Foreign Minister. Mr. Zacarias has asked for apologies to East Timor PM before that in front of the cameras PM Xanana point his left hand to Dr. Zacarias and said, "You wrong?" Mr. Zacarias give a signal of yes. Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao also read out Dr. Zacarias' SMS which threaten to sack tte Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry Vicky Tchong if she really sent the PM message to Timorese diplomatic representatives.
According to PM Xanana today in the Council Minister to Mr da Costa boycotted the PM's decision to to call all Timorese Ambassadors back to Dili for the recent Timor-Leste Development Partners meeting and the Dili International Dialague
To day East Timor PM Xanana Gusmao slammed foreign Minister after Dr. Zacarias unable to submit his resignation letter as he promised in his Short Message to PM office.
PM Xanana said Foreign Minister Zacarias doesn't have national mission.
Dr. Zacarias threatened to resign by SMS but until today he didn't do anything. He has only looked for scapegoat to blame for his self inflicted misfortune - including the Minister of Finance and the Sec State Council of Ministers.
During the one hour open session of the Council of Ministers to which media were invited to have full acceass Mr. Zacarias said East Timor image during the last two weeks is very bad cause by the media coverage over his SMS resignation. But when face to face with East Timor PM Zacarias doesn't want to loose his job as foreign minister.
Civil society and public figures alleged Mr. Zacarias lied to the public.
"I think East Timor Foreign Minister is a laier because he is not committed to his words," said Hermenegildo Lopes allias Kupa. He still urged TL PM to sack Mr. Zacarias from his post because as a Foreign Minister Mr. Zacarias has lost his dignity, integrity and confidence not only from Timorese people but also from the international communitty. "How come he is representing the interest TL to the out side world while he has no honesty". Kupa said its very important for Mr Zacarias to offer an apology to the public and the media in this country. According to Mr. Kupa the MNEC action catiogorised as a criminal offense. Mr. Zacarias blaming the Timor Leste and he has asked TL Deputy PM Mario Carrascalao to investigate the leaked SMS.
After an open battle on the Council Minister Table Dr. Zacarias still remains as TL Foreign Minister. Mr. Zacarias has asked for apologies to East Timor PM before that in front of the cameras PM Xanana point his left hand to Dr. Zacarias and said, "You wrong?" Mr. Zacarias give a signal of yes. Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao also read out Dr. Zacarias' SMS which threaten to sack tte Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry Vicky Tchong if she really sent the PM message to Timorese diplomatic representatives.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
PM Xanana lakon ona ninia konfiansa ba ninia Ministru Negosiu estranjeiru Zacarias albano da Costa maiske ministru ne'e rasik sei reziste iha Governu Xanana ninia.
“Dr. Zacarias dehan katak nia rezigna an ne’e tan ba konsellu de Ministru dezautoriza nia. Maibe nia antes anunsia publikamente nia hakarak ko’alia Domingo kotuk ne’e kedas ona, ho Sr. Primeiru Ministru antes anunsia publikamente. Ne’ebe asuntus ne’e ho konsellu Ministrus nia desizaun. Prezidente Konsellu Ministru maka Sr. Primeiru Ministru,” dehan Hermengildo Pereira ne’ebe kunesidu ho naran Agio.
Tuir planu Governu aprezenta Lei Prezidensia Prokoler Estadu Timor Leste ninia iha Parlamentu Nasional iha loron 12/04. Prokoler Estadu Timor Leste agora daudaun iha Ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun nia mahon maibe aprezentasaun iha Parlamentu Nasional sai hanesan evidente momoos katak Primeiru Ministru lakon ona konfiansa ba ninia Ministru Dr. Zacarias Albano da Costa ho foo diretiva ba Sekretariu do Estadu Konsellu de Ministru Agio Pereira hodi halo aprezentasaun ne’e no hetan protestu walk Out husi bankada PSD. “Tuir Regras institusional Ministru ne’ebe ne’ebe de’it maka la iha ona konfiansa husi Sr.Primeiru Ministru nian, ne’e nia suspensu ona. Nia atu aprezenta an ka la aprezenta an nia labele rezume funsoens normais, ate klarifika nia situasaun,” informa Agio Pereira Sekretariu do Estadu Konsellu de Ministru.
Maibe tuir observasaun Tempo Semanal Ministru Zacarias sei hala’o ninia fungsaun hanesan bain-bain iha ninia gabinete iha paia dos kokeirus (pantai Kelapa) dili. Gabinete Ministru Zacarias mos foo sai ona nota de imprensa ida iha 12/04, ne’ebe tuir lider media emprime nasional STL, Timor Post, Diario Nasional ho Tempo Semanal deside ona atu la publika. Tuir Lider media hirak ne’e ministru Zacarias iha 06/04 la foo importansia ba jornalista Timor oan sira hodi soe viadas katak, “ha’u mos uluk jornalista hanesan imi. Maibe Jornalista los duni nian. Nia mos apela atu lalika fiar demais ba notisia ne’ebe foo sai iha jornais sira. “Ami jornais sira hotu rejeita deklarasaun Sr. Zacarias ninian no deside atu la halo kovertura ba atividade Ministru Negosiu Estranjeriu nian too nia husu deskulpa ba ninia deklarasaun ne’e, “ dehan Prezidente Press Club Domingos Saldanha ne’ebe mos hanesan vice Diretor ba Jornal STL.
Zacarias hirus jornais sira tan ba notisia kona ba ninia SMS ne’e publika primeiru husi Jornal Tempo Semanal iha ninia sitiu iha loron 03/04 no hatuun emprime iha loron 05/04 hafoin media hotu-hotu hobur hodi litik ate ohin loron.
Hafoin besik semana rua nia laran anin buras fuu informasaun kona ba polimika SMS rezignasaun Dr. Zacarias Albano da costa husi ninia kargu, iha loron 27/03/2010, iha segunda (12/04) Gabinete Primeiru Ministru, liu husi Sekretariu Estadu Konsellu de Ministru publikamente hatudu SMS ne’ebe manda husi numeru telemovel 7230016 ba PM ne’ebe Jornal ne’e konsege asesu hodi publika dahuluk. Iha dia 07/04 Dr. Zacarias akuza asesor PM ho Sekretariu Estadu Konsellu de ministru no Partidu balun maka tenta hadau ninia kadeira nune’e maka jornalista dala barak tenta ona atu konfirma ba Sekretariu Estadu Konsellu de Ministru maibe Agio Pereira lakohi foo komentariu tan ba eventu Dialogu Internasional Dili no Reuniaun ho parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira sai hanesan prioritariu ba interese nasional. “Ha’u hatene katak iha semana kotuk ne’e ita boot sira husu ha’u atu halo komentariu kona ba akuzasaun sira sai iha jornal no kona mos ba situasaun sira ne’ebe relasiona ho rezignasaun Sr. Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Dr. Zacarias nian. Maibe ha’u la halo komentariu. Ha’u ko’alia ho ita boot sira barak, ha’u dehan ita konsentra interese nasional. Interese nasional maka konferensia loron haat nian. Nune’e Agio selu duni ninia tusan promete ba Jornalista sira katak iha segunda Feira ohin atu mai foo informasaun loloos no momoos nu’udar responsabilidade governu nian hodi hakotu tiha espekulasaun hirak ne’ebe iha komunidade nia let, “Ne’ebe ha’u atu hahu lamenta de’it katak iha media, Dr. Zacarias da Costa personifika fali asuntu ida ninia rezignasaun ninian. Maibe ha’u agradese mos katak ha’u la ko’alia ida, mas ha’u nia naran fama boot tebe-tebes iha jornal be, ha’u agradese ita boot sira,” dehan Agio nakonu ho Piadas.
Agio rekonese katak, “ha’u hanoin katak bainhira ita ko’alia Dr.Zacarias ne’ebe ka’er mos kna’ar ministru Negosiu Estranjerius ninia rezignasaun ne’e interese publiku no ineterese mos ba ita hotu-hotu tenke hatene loloos sa ida maka akontese duni,” nia hahu hatuur ninia lian.”
Agio Pereira relata polimika entre Dr. Zacarias ho ninia Xefe Governu ne’e akontese loloos tan deit bainhira Dr. Zacarias tenta atu kontra ordem husi PM Xanana ne’ebe husu atu embaisador Timor Leste iha misaun diplomatika estranjeiru mai hodi partisipa mos iha reuniaun TLDPM (Timor Leste Development Partners Meeting) ne’ebe hahu iha dili loron 07/04/2010. “Ha’u atu hahu katak husi ordem do Konsellu de ministrus ne’ebe hato’o ba embaisadores sira hotu-hotu katak tenke mai partisipa iha loron 4 konferensia internasional, tolu boot tebe-tebes iha ita nia rain ne’e. Hanesan parseiru Dezenvolvimentu nia halibur, G7 estadu Frajil no dialogu internasional ne’ebe ita boot sira hatene detallyu,” nia haktuir.
“Tan ba sa maka (KM) halo desizaun ida ne’e?, Tan ba iha polimika boot husi Dr. Zacarias, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeirus katak foo ordem ba embaisadores sira so bele mai de’it iha Sabado ho Domingo dia 10, dia 11 hodi partisipa programa ne’ebe sira nian ohin (12/04 abertura retiru), konsellu koordensaun Ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeiru nian. Labele mai antes.”
Maibe Primeiru Ministru hakarak atu Embaisador hotu-hotu tenke mai hodi tuir mos iha ekontru doadores sira nian hodi nune’e sira bele kompriende sasan balun, “ne’ebe konsellu de Ministru haree katak ne’e hanesan interese nasional ida maka, konsellu Ministru delivera katak embaisador sira hotu-hotu tenke mai. Ne’ebe Sr. Primeiru Ministru nu’udar Prezidente konsellu Ministrus haree katak situasaun ne’e la la’o ba oin no la la’o ba kotuk hodi fo sai duni dezpaisu ida ka ordem ida ba embaisador sira hotu-hotu atu mai. Foo sai ordem ne’e iha 26 de Marsu,” esplika Agio.
“Ne’ebe bainhira foo informasaun ne’e ba embaisador sira hotu-hotu, Sr. Ministru Zacarias da Costa la husik atu embaisador sira ne’e simu dezpaisu ida ne’e. Sra. Sekretaria Jeral Ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeriu ninian tuir atetude neutral, professional simu ordem husi Sua Exelencia Primeiru Ministru fahe duni dezpaisu Sr. PM ninian ba embaisador sira.”
Tuir Agio Pereira katak Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru mos hirus maka’as bainhira rona sekretaia Jeral MNEC nian fahe dezpaisu PM ho numeru referensia 0414/GPM/III/10 maiske Xanana rasik “determina ona” atu Vicky Tchong informa lalais ba embaisador Timor Leste nian tomak. “Maibe nia (Minstru) la simu. Ameasa husi Sr. Ministru Dr. Zacarias da Costa katak mak o fahe dunik dezpaisu ida ne’e ba embaisador sira hotu-hotu sein ha’u nia autorizasaun maka o (ingles) dehan immediately suspended katak suspensu imediatamente.,” dale Agio.
Tempo Semanal nota katak relasaun entre Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru mos la’os aat de’it ho Xefe Governu maibe mos ho Embaisador barak maka lamenta ho desizaun ne’e hodi hili liu halo tuir ordem PM ninian duke sira nia Ministru nia Ordem.
“Ha’u hanoin hanesan mos embaisador sira seluk, ami hotu konfundi ho atetude ho desizaun rua maibe ami hili liu mak halo tuir Primeiru Ministru ninian,” dehan Embaisador ida ne’ebe lakohi ninia naran foo sai iha jornal ne’e bainhira dada lia ho Tempo Semanal durante retiru iha MNEC. Nia hatuir katak ninia belun embaisador ida maka konsege troka email ho ministru Negosiu estranjeriu hodi diskute kona ba asuntu refere. “Kuandu ko’alia kona ba loyalidade no halo tuir ordem ha’u hili halo tuir maun boot ninia,” nia dehan.
Hanesan haktuir husi eis Veteranu da rezistensia ho naran kode Tigre katak uluk iha ai laran la iha rejimentu, regulamentu no lei sira maibe Falintil no klandestina sira sempre halo tuir de’it sa ida maka Xanana haruka.
Maibe ohin regulamentu no lei hotu iha ona no osan la falta nusa maka membru governu balun trai fali konfiansa PM ninian.Nune’e duni ha’u hanoin lala’ok Dr. Zacarias ninia kontra ona rezolusaun konsellu Ministru no husu Primeiru Ministru Maun Boot lalika hakfodak hodi hasai tiha Ministru bandel sira ne’e husi ninia governasaun,” dale Tigre.
Dr. Zacarias hanesan Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru la hakruuk ba ordem ninia superior ninian. “Tan ba situasaun ida ne’e, la haktuir desizaun konsellu Ministrus ninian,”Agio fo razaun.
Maiske nune’e Governu kontente tebes ho atuasaun Sekretaria Jeral ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeiru ninian ne’e konsege exekuta ninia servisu ho didiak. “Dezpaisu ne’e too hotu ona ba Sr. Embaisador sira barak, maka ita haree rezultadu sr. embaisadores sira barak mai dunik,” hahi Agio.
Lia na’in Governu nian ne’e mos relata katak iha 23 de marsu Dr. Zacarias da Costa informa mos husi Sms ida ba gabinete Sr. Primeiru Ministru katak nia kansella nia vizita ba Brasil hodi ba partisipa iha reuniaun extra ordinariu konsellu de ministrus CPLP ninian. Tan ba nia tenke tratamenetu iha Jakarta depois deskansa iha Bali, depois bele karik sei ba mos halo check up iha Singapura. “Gabinete Sr Primeiru Ministru simu informasaun ida ne’e husi SMS,” dehan Agio.
Hafoin mosu ordem Primeiru Ministru loron 26/03 bainhira, Dr. Zacarias ba tiha halo tratamentu no Check up iha Bali. Nune’e duni, “dia 27 (Marsu 2010) sabadu kalan, ita nia oras tuku 10:30 (tuku sanulu ho balu) haruka mensajen mai Sr. Primeiru Ministru liu husi asesora Sr. Primeiru Ministru ninian dehan katak, “ha’u foin maka hatene katak iha ha’u nia auzensia konsellu de Ministru halo desizaun ida dezaturiza ha’u ka hasai autoridade husi ha’u. Tan ba ne’e maka ha’u la iha alternative ida, aprezenta ha’u nia rezignasaun. Maibe antes aprezenta ha’u nia rezignasaun no anunsia publikamente ha’u hakarak aban kedas ko’alia ho Pm.”
Iha findu Semana no kala PM iha momentu ne’eba dala ruma sente kole ho ceremonia graduasaun no Promosaun PNTL iha palasiu nia. “Ne’e sabadu kalan boot ne’ebe aban Domingo loron santu, maka ordem husi Dr. Zacarias iha Bali, Jakarta ka Indonesia. Ha’u la hatene. Haruka mai kalan boot dehan katak aban kedas ko’alia ho Primeiru Ministru tan ba nia atu anunsia ona publikamente ninia rezignasaun,” Agio lamenta Agio ninia atetude ne’e.
Nia haktuir reasaun, “Sr. Primeiru Ministru simu informasaun ne’e, nu’udar primeiru Ministru hotu-hotu normal la kontente ho informasaun ida ne’e;Tan ba primeiru ita iha rai liur halo nusa maka ita anunsia ita nia rezignasaun, I hakarak ko’alia kedas ho Xefe do Governu Sr. Primeiru Ministru para anunsia ona publikamente?, Nusa maka la fila tiha ona mai ita nia rain konsulta lai ita nia partidu, konsulta lai ita boot nia familia sira, konsulta lai Sr. Prezidenti da Republika no konsulta lai ema hotu-hotu ne’ebe importante ba ita nia estadu tan ba interese nasional, konsulta ho Sr. Primeiru Ministru Pesoalmente, tuur ho Sr. Primeiru Ministru maka depois publikamente ba anunsia rezignasaun?
“Teor Mensajen ne’e hanesan ofensivu. Tan ba ne’e Sr. Primeiru Ministru la foo resposta atu ko’alia liu husi telephone,” dehan Agio.
Agio mos relata tan kronojia seluk ne’ebe akontese iha reuniaun konsellu de Ministru ninian bad ala iha iha fulan Marsu ne’e taka ho PM ninia hirus ba Dr. Zacarias ninia SMS. “Iha dia 31 de Marsu konsellu de Ministrus ordinariu, molok atu taka Sr. Primeiru Ministru hatoo nia hanoin. Nia dehan bele haruka rezignasaun por eskritu. Ha’u la simu mainias I ha’u la simu ameasas husi ha’u nia ministru ministru ida ne’ebe de’it. I Sr. Primeiru Ministru foo hanoin katak ba konsellu Ministru tomak dehan hakarak atu ukun povu ukun ho umildade, haraik an la’os ukun ho arogansia. I Sr. Primeiru Ministru dehan ha’u nia pasiensia ne’e iha limites,” Agio hasaran tuir PM ninia lia fuan iha sorumutu Konsellu de Ministru.
Hafoin de Reuniaun ne’e, “gabinete Sr. Primeiru Ministru ninian la foo hatene bu’at sira ne’e hotu ida, foo hatene de’it ho respeitu katak Sr. Primeiru Ministru dehan bele haruka ita boot nia rezignasaun por eskritu mai,” haktuir Agio.
Iha dia 01 de Abril a partir oras 21:00 hetan resposta via SMS husi Ministru Zacarias.
“Sr. Ministru Zacarias hatan katak karta ne’e hakerek hela ona mas ha’u insiste ha’u nia pedidu se Sr. Primeiru Ministru lakohi ko’alia ho ha’u tambein tenke deklrar apertamente,” Agio Sani hikas Sms husi Zacarias.
Tuir observasaun husi Presidente Partidu Milenium Demokratiku katak, “Dr. Zacarias tauk atu lakon ninia pozisaun no halo “Kebohongan Publik ou Public Lier.” Nia hatutan katak nia la fiar Dr. Zacarias hakarak atu husi ninia kargu hanesan Ministru Negosiu estranjeiru no Kooperasaun tan ba se PSD sai husi AMP mak sira lakon barak liu duke hela iha Governu Xanana ninian.”
Iha Governu AMP PSD okupa pozisaun xafe hanesan Vice PM ba asuntus administrasaun no Boa Governasaun, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Ministra Justica, Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Ekonomia, Sekretariu Estadu ida mos Vice Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional maiske sira hetan de’it kadeira neen.
Ih Agio nia jornalista sira hanoin Governu atu fahe premiu husi konferensia loron hat ninian maibe afinal premiu SMS rezignasaun husi Sr. Zacarias Albano da Costa. “Ne’ebe komunikasaun sira ne’e maka funan funan, naba-naba too ohin maibe ohin duni gabinete fahe SMS sira ne’ebe ha’u foin refere ohin ne’e ba ita boot sira en portuges maibe Dr. Naikoli traduz ona ba tetun para hodi tulun ita boot sira,” dehan Ahio hodi soe matan ba Naikoli ne’ebe hamriik besik parede iha ninia liman karuk.
Hataan ba Jornalista bainhira husu karik iha indikasaun tempu ruma ona husi Dr. Zacarias atu hatoo ninia surat rezignasaun sekretariu Estadu Konsellu Ministru ne’ebe sai hanesan fundador ida ba PSD ne’e hateten, “ne’e konforme ona ba Dr. Zacarias da Costa ne’ebe iha kedas ona dia 1 de Abril nia dehan hakerek ona karta ne’e, liu tiha ona semana ida la hatene hakerek hotu ka seidauk ita boot sira husu ba Dr. Zacarias.”
Tuir deskripsaun Primeiru Ministru RDTL hateten katak Dr. Zacarias hanesan ministru
Ida maka mainia liu iha Governu ninia laran karik ne’e oin imajen govenu ninian? “Hanesan Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru ne’e sai hanesan diplomata numeru um estadu ninian tenke hatene normas no regras de komportamentu ne’ebe ha’u husi ita boot sira maka halo analize ne’eba,” Viadas Agio ho diplomatikamente mos.
Tuir informasaun katak husi membru partisu social demokrata ida ne’e jornal ne’e dada lia ho iha Parlamentu Nasional (12/04) hateten katak Dr. Zacarias halo buka dalan atu hasoru Primeiru Ministru maibe eis Lider Rezistensia ne’e izola hela nafatin Dr. Zacarias. “Tuir ha’u rona hodi kalan iha enkontru partidu ninian Ministru Zacarias halo esforsu dala tolu ona maibe PM lakohi atu hasoru nia. No dala ida dehan PM rona nia ba sai tiha fali ho kareta no tempu seluk PM kala haruka seguransa sira la foo tama,” dehan Membru PSD ne’ebe sei ativu iha partidu ne’ebe husu atu lalika foo sai ninia identidade.
Iha Parte seluk iha loron Tersa feira dader tuku 11 ate 13 Primeiru Ministru hasoru malu ho Prezidente da Republika iha Palasiu Ai tarak laran. Hafoin de enkontru PM Xanana la foo sai buat barak maibe dehan nai ulun Timor nian rua ne’e diskute duni problema refere. Jornalista sira litik PM maibe nia deit katak, “Aban ami sei ko’alia iha konsellu de Ministru ne’e duni hein de’it.”
Tuir Fontes Jornal ne’e ninian katak Prezidente da Republika tenta atu sai mediador ba disputa entre PM ho Ministru Negosiu estranjeiru. Iha dia 8 de Abril Prezidente Horta apela ona ba PM atu lalar manu ruma hodi buka dame tiha.
Karik PM Xanana Sei hakruuk ba Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Dr. Zacarias Albano da Costa ho Deputadu Riak Leman ninia ameasa ne’e hodi la hasai Prezidente PSD husi ninia kargu? Ita hein de’it.
“Dr. Zacarias dehan katak nia rezigna an ne’e tan ba konsellu de Ministru dezautoriza nia. Maibe nia antes anunsia publikamente nia hakarak ko’alia Domingo kotuk ne’e kedas ona, ho Sr. Primeiru Ministru antes anunsia publikamente. Ne’ebe asuntus ne’e ho konsellu Ministrus nia desizaun. Prezidente Konsellu Ministru maka Sr. Primeiru Ministru,” dehan Hermengildo Pereira ne’ebe kunesidu ho naran Agio.
Tuir planu Governu aprezenta Lei Prezidensia Prokoler Estadu Timor Leste ninia iha Parlamentu Nasional iha loron 12/04. Prokoler Estadu Timor Leste agora daudaun iha Ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun nia mahon maibe aprezentasaun iha Parlamentu Nasional sai hanesan evidente momoos katak Primeiru Ministru lakon ona konfiansa ba ninia Ministru Dr. Zacarias Albano da Costa ho foo diretiva ba Sekretariu do Estadu Konsellu de Ministru Agio Pereira hodi halo aprezentasaun ne’e no hetan protestu walk Out husi bankada PSD. “Tuir Regras institusional Ministru ne’ebe ne’ebe de’it maka la iha ona konfiansa husi Sr.Primeiru Ministru nian, ne’e nia suspensu ona. Nia atu aprezenta an ka la aprezenta an nia labele rezume funsoens normais, ate klarifika nia situasaun,” informa Agio Pereira Sekretariu do Estadu Konsellu de Ministru.
Maibe tuir observasaun Tempo Semanal Ministru Zacarias sei hala’o ninia fungsaun hanesan bain-bain iha ninia gabinete iha paia dos kokeirus (pantai Kelapa) dili. Gabinete Ministru Zacarias mos foo sai ona nota de imprensa ida iha 12/04, ne’ebe tuir lider media emprime nasional STL, Timor Post, Diario Nasional ho Tempo Semanal deside ona atu la publika. Tuir Lider media hirak ne’e ministru Zacarias iha 06/04 la foo importansia ba jornalista Timor oan sira hodi soe viadas katak, “ha’u mos uluk jornalista hanesan imi. Maibe Jornalista los duni nian. Nia mos apela atu lalika fiar demais ba notisia ne’ebe foo sai iha jornais sira. “Ami jornais sira hotu rejeita deklarasaun Sr. Zacarias ninian no deside atu la halo kovertura ba atividade Ministru Negosiu Estranjeriu nian too nia husu deskulpa ba ninia deklarasaun ne’e, “ dehan Prezidente Press Club Domingos Saldanha ne’ebe mos hanesan vice Diretor ba Jornal STL.
Zacarias hirus jornais sira tan ba notisia kona ba ninia SMS ne’e publika primeiru husi Jornal Tempo Semanal iha ninia sitiu iha loron 03/04 no hatuun emprime iha loron 05/04 hafoin media hotu-hotu hobur hodi litik ate ohin loron.
Hafoin besik semana rua nia laran anin buras fuu informasaun kona ba polimika SMS rezignasaun Dr. Zacarias Albano da costa husi ninia kargu, iha loron 27/03/2010, iha segunda (12/04) Gabinete Primeiru Ministru, liu husi Sekretariu Estadu Konsellu de Ministru publikamente hatudu SMS ne’ebe manda husi numeru telemovel 7230016 ba PM ne’ebe Jornal ne’e konsege asesu hodi publika dahuluk. Iha dia 07/04 Dr. Zacarias akuza asesor PM ho Sekretariu Estadu Konsellu de ministru no Partidu balun maka tenta hadau ninia kadeira nune’e maka jornalista dala barak tenta ona atu konfirma ba Sekretariu Estadu Konsellu de Ministru maibe Agio Pereira lakohi foo komentariu tan ba eventu Dialogu Internasional Dili no Reuniaun ho parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira sai hanesan prioritariu ba interese nasional. “Ha’u hatene katak iha semana kotuk ne’e ita boot sira husu ha’u atu halo komentariu kona ba akuzasaun sira sai iha jornal no kona mos ba situasaun sira ne’ebe relasiona ho rezignasaun Sr. Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Dr. Zacarias nian. Maibe ha’u la halo komentariu. Ha’u ko’alia ho ita boot sira barak, ha’u dehan ita konsentra interese nasional. Interese nasional maka konferensia loron haat nian. Nune’e Agio selu duni ninia tusan promete ba Jornalista sira katak iha segunda Feira ohin atu mai foo informasaun loloos no momoos nu’udar responsabilidade governu nian hodi hakotu tiha espekulasaun hirak ne’ebe iha komunidade nia let, “Ne’ebe ha’u atu hahu lamenta de’it katak iha media, Dr. Zacarias da Costa personifika fali asuntu ida ninia rezignasaun ninian. Maibe ha’u agradese mos katak ha’u la ko’alia ida, mas ha’u nia naran fama boot tebe-tebes iha jornal be, ha’u agradese ita boot sira,” dehan Agio nakonu ho Piadas.
Agio rekonese katak, “ha’u hanoin katak bainhira ita ko’alia Dr.Zacarias ne’ebe ka’er mos kna’ar ministru Negosiu Estranjerius ninia rezignasaun ne’e interese publiku no ineterese mos ba ita hotu-hotu tenke hatene loloos sa ida maka akontese duni,” nia hahu hatuur ninia lian.”
Agio Pereira relata polimika entre Dr. Zacarias ho ninia Xefe Governu ne’e akontese loloos tan deit bainhira Dr. Zacarias tenta atu kontra ordem husi PM Xanana ne’ebe husu atu embaisador Timor Leste iha misaun diplomatika estranjeiru mai hodi partisipa mos iha reuniaun TLDPM (Timor Leste Development Partners Meeting) ne’ebe hahu iha dili loron 07/04/2010. “Ha’u atu hahu katak husi ordem do Konsellu de ministrus ne’ebe hato’o ba embaisadores sira hotu-hotu katak tenke mai partisipa iha loron 4 konferensia internasional, tolu boot tebe-tebes iha ita nia rain ne’e. Hanesan parseiru Dezenvolvimentu nia halibur, G7 estadu Frajil no dialogu internasional ne’ebe ita boot sira hatene detallyu,” nia haktuir.
“Tan ba sa maka (KM) halo desizaun ida ne’e?, Tan ba iha polimika boot husi Dr. Zacarias, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeirus katak foo ordem ba embaisadores sira so bele mai de’it iha Sabado ho Domingo dia 10, dia 11 hodi partisipa programa ne’ebe sira nian ohin (12/04 abertura retiru), konsellu koordensaun Ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeiru nian. Labele mai antes.”
Maibe Primeiru Ministru hakarak atu Embaisador hotu-hotu tenke mai hodi tuir mos iha ekontru doadores sira nian hodi nune’e sira bele kompriende sasan balun, “ne’ebe konsellu de Ministru haree katak ne’e hanesan interese nasional ida maka, konsellu Ministru delivera katak embaisador sira hotu-hotu tenke mai. Ne’ebe Sr. Primeiru Ministru nu’udar Prezidente konsellu Ministrus haree katak situasaun ne’e la la’o ba oin no la la’o ba kotuk hodi fo sai duni dezpaisu ida ka ordem ida ba embaisador sira hotu-hotu atu mai. Foo sai ordem ne’e iha 26 de Marsu,” esplika Agio.
“Ne’ebe bainhira foo informasaun ne’e ba embaisador sira hotu-hotu, Sr. Ministru Zacarias da Costa la husik atu embaisador sira ne’e simu dezpaisu ida ne’e. Sra. Sekretaria Jeral Ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeriu ninian tuir atetude neutral, professional simu ordem husi Sua Exelencia Primeiru Ministru fahe duni dezpaisu Sr. PM ninian ba embaisador sira.”
Tuir Agio Pereira katak Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru mos hirus maka’as bainhira rona sekretaia Jeral MNEC nian fahe dezpaisu PM ho numeru referensia 0414/GPM/III/10 maiske Xanana rasik “determina ona” atu Vicky Tchong informa lalais ba embaisador Timor Leste nian tomak. “Maibe nia (Minstru) la simu. Ameasa husi Sr. Ministru Dr. Zacarias da Costa katak mak o fahe dunik dezpaisu ida ne’e ba embaisador sira hotu-hotu sein ha’u nia autorizasaun maka o (ingles) dehan immediately suspended katak suspensu imediatamente.,” dale Agio.
Tempo Semanal nota katak relasaun entre Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru mos la’os aat de’it ho Xefe Governu maibe mos ho Embaisador barak maka lamenta ho desizaun ne’e hodi hili liu halo tuir ordem PM ninian duke sira nia Ministru nia Ordem.
“Ha’u hanoin hanesan mos embaisador sira seluk, ami hotu konfundi ho atetude ho desizaun rua maibe ami hili liu mak halo tuir Primeiru Ministru ninian,” dehan Embaisador ida ne’ebe lakohi ninia naran foo sai iha jornal ne’e bainhira dada lia ho Tempo Semanal durante retiru iha MNEC. Nia hatuir katak ninia belun embaisador ida maka konsege troka email ho ministru Negosiu estranjeriu hodi diskute kona ba asuntu refere. “Kuandu ko’alia kona ba loyalidade no halo tuir ordem ha’u hili halo tuir maun boot ninia,” nia dehan.
Hanesan haktuir husi eis Veteranu da rezistensia ho naran kode Tigre katak uluk iha ai laran la iha rejimentu, regulamentu no lei sira maibe Falintil no klandestina sira sempre halo tuir de’it sa ida maka Xanana haruka.
Maibe ohin regulamentu no lei hotu iha ona no osan la falta nusa maka membru governu balun trai fali konfiansa PM ninian.Nune’e duni ha’u hanoin lala’ok Dr. Zacarias ninia kontra ona rezolusaun konsellu Ministru no husu Primeiru Ministru Maun Boot lalika hakfodak hodi hasai tiha Ministru bandel sira ne’e husi ninia governasaun,” dale Tigre.
Dr. Zacarias hanesan Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru la hakruuk ba ordem ninia superior ninian. “Tan ba situasaun ida ne’e, la haktuir desizaun konsellu Ministrus ninian,”Agio fo razaun.
Maiske nune’e Governu kontente tebes ho atuasaun Sekretaria Jeral ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeiru ninian ne’e konsege exekuta ninia servisu ho didiak. “Dezpaisu ne’e too hotu ona ba Sr. Embaisador sira barak, maka ita haree rezultadu sr. embaisadores sira barak mai dunik,” hahi Agio.
Lia na’in Governu nian ne’e mos relata katak iha 23 de marsu Dr. Zacarias da Costa informa mos husi Sms ida ba gabinete Sr. Primeiru Ministru katak nia kansella nia vizita ba Brasil hodi ba partisipa iha reuniaun extra ordinariu konsellu de ministrus CPLP ninian. Tan ba nia tenke tratamenetu iha Jakarta depois deskansa iha Bali, depois bele karik sei ba mos halo check up iha Singapura. “Gabinete Sr Primeiru Ministru simu informasaun ida ne’e husi SMS,” dehan Agio.
Hafoin mosu ordem Primeiru Ministru loron 26/03 bainhira, Dr. Zacarias ba tiha halo tratamentu no Check up iha Bali. Nune’e duni, “dia 27 (Marsu 2010) sabadu kalan, ita nia oras tuku 10:30 (tuku sanulu ho balu) haruka mensajen mai Sr. Primeiru Ministru liu husi asesora Sr. Primeiru Ministru ninian dehan katak, “ha’u foin maka hatene katak iha ha’u nia auzensia konsellu de Ministru halo desizaun ida dezaturiza ha’u ka hasai autoridade husi ha’u. Tan ba ne’e maka ha’u la iha alternative ida, aprezenta ha’u nia rezignasaun. Maibe antes aprezenta ha’u nia rezignasaun no anunsia publikamente ha’u hakarak aban kedas ko’alia ho Pm.”
Iha findu Semana no kala PM iha momentu ne’eba dala ruma sente kole ho ceremonia graduasaun no Promosaun PNTL iha palasiu nia. “Ne’e sabadu kalan boot ne’ebe aban Domingo loron santu, maka ordem husi Dr. Zacarias iha Bali, Jakarta ka Indonesia. Ha’u la hatene. Haruka mai kalan boot dehan katak aban kedas ko’alia ho Primeiru Ministru tan ba nia atu anunsia ona publikamente ninia rezignasaun,” Agio lamenta Agio ninia atetude ne’e.
Nia haktuir reasaun, “Sr. Primeiru Ministru simu informasaun ne’e, nu’udar primeiru Ministru hotu-hotu normal la kontente ho informasaun ida ne’e;Tan ba primeiru ita iha rai liur halo nusa maka ita anunsia ita nia rezignasaun, I hakarak ko’alia kedas ho Xefe do Governu Sr. Primeiru Ministru para anunsia ona publikamente?, Nusa maka la fila tiha ona mai ita nia rain konsulta lai ita nia partidu, konsulta lai ita boot nia familia sira, konsulta lai Sr. Prezidenti da Republika no konsulta lai ema hotu-hotu ne’ebe importante ba ita nia estadu tan ba interese nasional, konsulta ho Sr. Primeiru Ministru Pesoalmente, tuur ho Sr. Primeiru Ministru maka depois publikamente ba anunsia rezignasaun?
“Teor Mensajen ne’e hanesan ofensivu. Tan ba ne’e Sr. Primeiru Ministru la foo resposta atu ko’alia liu husi telephone,” dehan Agio.
Agio mos relata tan kronojia seluk ne’ebe akontese iha reuniaun konsellu de Ministru ninian bad ala iha iha fulan Marsu ne’e taka ho PM ninia hirus ba Dr. Zacarias ninia SMS. “Iha dia 31 de Marsu konsellu de Ministrus ordinariu, molok atu taka Sr. Primeiru Ministru hatoo nia hanoin. Nia dehan bele haruka rezignasaun por eskritu. Ha’u la simu mainias I ha’u la simu ameasas husi ha’u nia ministru ministru ida ne’ebe de’it. I Sr. Primeiru Ministru foo hanoin katak ba konsellu Ministru tomak dehan hakarak atu ukun povu ukun ho umildade, haraik an la’os ukun ho arogansia. I Sr. Primeiru Ministru dehan ha’u nia pasiensia ne’e iha limites,” Agio hasaran tuir PM ninia lia fuan iha sorumutu Konsellu de Ministru.
Hafoin de Reuniaun ne’e, “gabinete Sr. Primeiru Ministru ninian la foo hatene bu’at sira ne’e hotu ida, foo hatene de’it ho respeitu katak Sr. Primeiru Ministru dehan bele haruka ita boot nia rezignasaun por eskritu mai,” haktuir Agio.
Iha dia 01 de Abril a partir oras 21:00 hetan resposta via SMS husi Ministru Zacarias.
“Sr. Ministru Zacarias hatan katak karta ne’e hakerek hela ona mas ha’u insiste ha’u nia pedidu se Sr. Primeiru Ministru lakohi ko’alia ho ha’u tambein tenke deklrar apertamente,” Agio Sani hikas Sms husi Zacarias.
Tuir observasaun husi Presidente Partidu Milenium Demokratiku katak, “Dr. Zacarias tauk atu lakon ninia pozisaun no halo “Kebohongan Publik ou Public Lier.” Nia hatutan katak nia la fiar Dr. Zacarias hakarak atu husi ninia kargu hanesan Ministru Negosiu estranjeiru no Kooperasaun tan ba se PSD sai husi AMP mak sira lakon barak liu duke hela iha Governu Xanana ninian.”
Iha Governu AMP PSD okupa pozisaun xafe hanesan Vice PM ba asuntus administrasaun no Boa Governasaun, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Ministra Justica, Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Ekonomia, Sekretariu Estadu ida mos Vice Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional maiske sira hetan de’it kadeira neen.
Ih Agio nia jornalista sira hanoin Governu atu fahe premiu husi konferensia loron hat ninian maibe afinal premiu SMS rezignasaun husi Sr. Zacarias Albano da Costa. “Ne’ebe komunikasaun sira ne’e maka funan funan, naba-naba too ohin maibe ohin duni gabinete fahe SMS sira ne’ebe ha’u foin refere ohin ne’e ba ita boot sira en portuges maibe Dr. Naikoli traduz ona ba tetun para hodi tulun ita boot sira,” dehan Ahio hodi soe matan ba Naikoli ne’ebe hamriik besik parede iha ninia liman karuk.
Hataan ba Jornalista bainhira husu karik iha indikasaun tempu ruma ona husi Dr. Zacarias atu hatoo ninia surat rezignasaun sekretariu Estadu Konsellu Ministru ne’ebe sai hanesan fundador ida ba PSD ne’e hateten, “ne’e konforme ona ba Dr. Zacarias da Costa ne’ebe iha kedas ona dia 1 de Abril nia dehan hakerek ona karta ne’e, liu tiha ona semana ida la hatene hakerek hotu ka seidauk ita boot sira husu ba Dr. Zacarias.”
Tuir deskripsaun Primeiru Ministru RDTL hateten katak Dr. Zacarias hanesan ministru
Ida maka mainia liu iha Governu ninia laran karik ne’e oin imajen govenu ninian? “Hanesan Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru ne’e sai hanesan diplomata numeru um estadu ninian tenke hatene normas no regras de komportamentu ne’ebe ha’u husi ita boot sira maka halo analize ne’eba,” Viadas Agio ho diplomatikamente mos.
Tuir informasaun katak husi membru partisu social demokrata ida ne’e jornal ne’e dada lia ho iha Parlamentu Nasional (12/04) hateten katak Dr. Zacarias halo buka dalan atu hasoru Primeiru Ministru maibe eis Lider Rezistensia ne’e izola hela nafatin Dr. Zacarias. “Tuir ha’u rona hodi kalan iha enkontru partidu ninian Ministru Zacarias halo esforsu dala tolu ona maibe PM lakohi atu hasoru nia. No dala ida dehan PM rona nia ba sai tiha fali ho kareta no tempu seluk PM kala haruka seguransa sira la foo tama,” dehan Membru PSD ne’ebe sei ativu iha partidu ne’ebe husu atu lalika foo sai ninia identidade.
Iha Parte seluk iha loron Tersa feira dader tuku 11 ate 13 Primeiru Ministru hasoru malu ho Prezidente da Republika iha Palasiu Ai tarak laran. Hafoin de enkontru PM Xanana la foo sai buat barak maibe dehan nai ulun Timor nian rua ne’e diskute duni problema refere. Jornalista sira litik PM maibe nia deit katak, “Aban ami sei ko’alia iha konsellu de Ministru ne’e duni hein de’it.”
Tuir Fontes Jornal ne’e ninian katak Prezidente da Republika tenta atu sai mediador ba disputa entre PM ho Ministru Negosiu estranjeiru. Iha dia 8 de Abril Prezidente Horta apela ona ba PM atu lalar manu ruma hodi buka dame tiha.
Karik PM Xanana Sei hakruuk ba Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Dr. Zacarias Albano da Costa ho Deputadu Riak Leman ninia ameasa ne’e hodi la hasai Prezidente PSD husi ninia kargu? Ita hein de’it.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Zacarias Abandons His Post.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Zacarias da Costa Abandons His Seat at the Dili International Dialogue
On the morning of 8 April 2010 the Dili International Dialogue for Peace and Statebuilding was convened. The G7 States of which only 5 attended and fragile states. Most of Timorese Ministers, Vice Ministers, Secretary of States and Ambassadors attended the meeting.
However, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zacarias da Costa was notably absent.
In today's Dili daily newspapers the reports that the Minister of Foreign Affairs sent a resignation notice by SMS to the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, Xanana Gusmao, is further causing a divide between the Prime Minister and his chief international envoy Zacarias da Costa.
The Timor Post newspaper headline was “Xanana “Ban” Zacarias Enter Government Palace,”.
The Suara Timor Lorosae reportedly stated “Reject to Resign, Prime Minister Office Ready to release MNEC Zacarias SMS".
The Diario Nacional second headline title is, “Foreign Minister is not loyal to PM Xanana.”
At the Dili International Dialogue he seat between Vice PM Mario Carrascalao and the Minister of Justice Lucia Lobato was empty. On the table there was a label which
indicate the of name DR. Zacarias Albano da Costa but he was absent from his post.
“As a Foreign Minister he is supposed to be present because there a lot of foreign dignitaries and this conference is the first international event of its type organised by Timor-Leste but I dont want to comment further“, said an East Timorese ambassador who came to TL for the conference.
The dispute between the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister is caused by the presence of East Timor Ambassadors at the conference. Previously Foreign Minister Zacarias da Costa gave orders to Timorese Ambassadors not to come for the donor meeting. This order was countermanded by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao who called the Ambassadors to Dili regardless.
This fueled the anger of Foreign Minister Zacarias A. Da Costa and he sent an SMS to the Prime Minister informing of his intention to resign from his post.
Meanwhile at the Dili International Dialogue Minister of Finance Emilia Pires, urged the donors to allow the so called international advisers or consultant in the carrying out their duties to be integrated with the local government system. “You pay them but give them to me,” said Emilia.
The international advisers are attached to the local system to transfer their knowledge to the locals but in terms of Timor-Leste experience in the last decade much of tax payer money has been wasted to pay high salary for those international consultancy which left Timor Leste for many years to come in need of importing foreign consultants.
Emilia said many international adviser don’t have capacity to assist Timorese to draft any policy. “There are many cases to be use as an example,” said Emilia. In the resume the international community recognised that, “ we are not doing enough.” The participant in the Dili Dialogue paticipated by 45 state including fragile states such as Siera Leone, Nepal, Sudan, Burundi and two other state fragiles like Afganistan and Haiti were not present.
On the morning of 8 April 2010 the Dili International Dialogue for Peace and Statebuilding was convened. The G7 States of which only 5 attended and fragile states. Most of Timorese Ministers, Vice Ministers, Secretary of States and Ambassadors attended the meeting.
However, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zacarias da Costa was notably absent.
In today's Dili daily newspapers the reports that the Minister of Foreign Affairs sent a resignation notice by SMS to the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, Xanana Gusmao, is further causing a divide between the Prime Minister and his chief international envoy Zacarias da Costa.
The Timor Post newspaper headline was “Xanana “Ban” Zacarias Enter Government Palace,”.
The Suara Timor Lorosae reportedly stated “Reject to Resign, Prime Minister Office Ready to release MNEC Zacarias SMS".
The Diario Nacional second headline title is, “Foreign Minister is not loyal to PM Xanana.”
At the Dili International Dialogue he seat between Vice PM Mario Carrascalao and the Minister of Justice Lucia Lobato was empty. On the table there was a label which
indicate the of name DR. Zacarias Albano da Costa but he was absent from his post.
“As a Foreign Minister he is supposed to be present because there a lot of foreign dignitaries and this conference is the first international event of its type organised by Timor-Leste but I dont want to comment further“, said an East Timorese ambassador who came to TL for the conference.
The dispute between the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister is caused by the presence of East Timor Ambassadors at the conference. Previously Foreign Minister Zacarias da Costa gave orders to Timorese Ambassadors not to come for the donor meeting. This order was countermanded by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao who called the Ambassadors to Dili regardless.
This fueled the anger of Foreign Minister Zacarias A. Da Costa and he sent an SMS to the Prime Minister informing of his intention to resign from his post.
Meanwhile at the Dili International Dialogue Minister of Finance Emilia Pires, urged the donors to allow the so called international advisers or consultant in the carrying out their duties to be integrated with the local government system. “You pay them but give them to me,” said Emilia.
The international advisers are attached to the local system to transfer their knowledge to the locals but in terms of Timor-Leste experience in the last decade much of tax payer money has been wasted to pay high salary for those international consultancy which left Timor Leste for many years to come in need of importing foreign consultants.
Emilia said many international adviser don’t have capacity to assist Timorese to draft any policy. “There are many cases to be use as an example,” said Emilia. In the resume the international community recognised that, “ we are not doing enough.” The participant in the Dili Dialogue paticipated by 45 state including fragile states such as Siera Leone, Nepal, Sudan, Burundi and two other state fragiles like Afganistan and Haiti were not present.
Thursday, 8 April 2010
MNEC Informa Ona Nia Rezignasaun, Mais Ministru Nafatin
Kupa: “MNEC Public liar.”
“Sé konsellu Ministru deside buat ruma kona ba ha’u nia ministeiru, ha’u maka primeiru tenki hatene. La’os katak ha’u simu fali mensajen ida husi asesora Primeiru Ministru katak ha’u tenki rezigna an.”
Iha loron Sabado mais ou menus tuku 22 minutu 30 kalan (27/03/2010) gabinete Primeiru Ministru Kay rala Xanana Gusmao simu SMS ho hakerek iha lian Portuges haruka tuir numeru Telemovel Official ne’ebe utilizadu husi MNEC DR. Zacarias Albano da Costa. “Amanha mesmo quero falar com o Primeiro Ministro antes de Anunciar publicamente minha resignaçaõ,” dehan iha sms ne’ebe haruka liu husi numeru telemovel 7230016 mak DR. Zacarias uza. Karik urjente tebes mak MNEC haruka sms ba Primeiru Ministru RDTL iha kalan no fin de semana mak karik PM mos loron sei fera ulun hela mos ba promosaun PNTL sira nian.
Iha loron 05/03/2010 sabado semana ida depois jornal ne’e publika iha ninia sitiu exkluzivamente no emprime iha jornal iha loron 05/04/2010. Publiku hakfodak no iha loron 06/04/2010 durante de ceremonia aniversariu ba dala sanolu Banku dezenvolvimentu Asia nian iha edifisiu MNEC praia dos kokeirus Dili, DR. Zacarias dehan, “ha’u mos uluk jornalista, hanesan imi. Mais jornalista tebes duni. I ha’u bele dehan ba imi ha’u la fiar buat hotu hotu jornais sira hakerek. Ha’u bele dehan ba imi lalika fiar buat hotu-hotu jornais sira hakerek. ”
Iha parte seluk Presidenti partidu Milenium Demokratiku hateten katak nia la fiar, ninia belun Presidenti PSD, DR. Zacarias la barani atu lakon ninia kadeira mamar iha uma mutin boot tasi ibun praia dos kokerus nian. Kupa mos alega katak MNEC so bele haruka SMS ameasa PM de’it dehan atu rezigna maibe nia dehan MNEC la konsisten ho ninia lia menon. Tuir Kupa atetude MNEC nian ne’e la eduka povu. “Prosesu edukativu katak lideransa ida tenki konsistenti iha ninia lia fuan ho asaun,” dehan Hermengildo Lopes alias Kupa. “Ha’u hanoin MNEC halo ona “kebohongan publik” ka “Public lier” tan ba publiku hatene ona katak nia informa ona ninia rezignasaun maibe ohin nia tauk atu realiza ninia rezignasaun ne’e,” kupa alega.
MNEC Zacarias iha 06/04 foo sala media ninia publikasaun maiske bainhira jornal Tempo Semanal atu publika ninia noticia sei halo konfirmasaun ho MNEC via telemovel iha loron 03/04/2010 no DR. Zacarias la nega alegasaun ne’e.
“Nein dismente i nein konfirma maibe bainhira ha’u fila iha dia 6, depois ko’alia ho Sr. pm depois sei ko’alia ba Jornalista sira.” Iha loron 12 antes, DR. Zacarias Albano Da Costa sente katak urjente tebes atu informa ba Gabinete PM maiske iha kalan oras 22 minutu 30 kona ba ninia rezignasaun maibe iha 07/04/2010 durante de konferencia parseiru dezenvolvimentu iha ex- Merkadu Municipal Dili, ba jornalista sira MNEC la sita ona konteudu SMS katak sei ko’alia ba publiku kona ninia rezignasaun (Notisia TS loron 05/04/2010) mais foti fali kestaun kona ba fontes ne’ebe mak foo sai ninia sms. “ha’u hanesan ministru presiza ko’alia ho primeiru Ministru. Tuir mensajen ka tuir email ka tuir sa ida de’it. Agora ha’u lamente tebe-tebes katak iha gabinete PM nia laran, ema balun mak foo sai fali mensajen sira ne’e i mensajen hirak ne’e la esplika. Porque sé mensajen ida fo sai hanesan ne’e deit, la esplika naturalmente distorse buat bara-barak. Agora ha’u hanoin ida ne’e mos tenki punidu tuir diretu penal i iha estatu funsaun publiku mos tenki iha konfidensialidade ba komunikasoens, ba dokumentus no ba informasoens hotu-hotu iha laran. “Ha’u hanesan ministru ko’alia ho PM naturalmente ke ha’u la hein katak iha elementus iha Gabinete Primeiru Ministru rasik mak foo sai ba liur,” Lamenta Zacarias. “I dala ruma ha’u hakarak dehan ba imi katak ha’u seidauk ko’alia duni ho Primeiru Ministru ne’e duni mak ha’u labele ko’alia ho ita boot sira. Mais ha’u hakarak dehan de’it katak sé informasaun ruma, sé mensajen ruma mak ha’u haruka ba Primeiru Ministru foo sai ba liur primeiru, ne’e la loos. Segundo foo sai de’it mensajen sira ne’e, ema la kompriende. I ha’u labele esplika buat sira ne’e ba imi por que ha’u seidauk ko’alia ho Primeiru Ministru tan seidauk esplika ba PM. katak Ida ne’e mak akontese i ha’u nia hanoin nusa.” “I agora ha’u hakarak lamenta tebe-tebes katak, iha gabinete Primeiru Ministru i gabinete Sekretariu Estadu konsellu Ministru mak foo sai buat ida ne’e. Ida ne’e la loos. Por que ha’u iha direitu atu halo komunikasaun tuir ne’ebe ne’ebe de’it ho PM.” Nia realsa katak nia iha direitu atu ko’alia ho PM liu husi SMS, email no karta mais, “sé mak la iha direitu maka ema sira ne’ebe fo sai mensajen sira ke ha’u nia ba Primeiru Ministru sein husu esplikasaun ba ha’u i ba Sr. Primeiru Ministru rasik.”
Bainhira husu kona ba kontiudu SMS ne’ebe hatudu hanesan ameasa atu rezigna an Ministru ne’e ho lalais kua hodi alega, “Naun, ha’u mak simu mensajen husi asesora Sr. Primeiru Ministru nian eehh dehan katak sr. Sekretariu Estadu Agio mak haruka, atu forsa ha’u atu rezigna an.” “Ha’u por prinsipiu la hatudu ha’u nia mensajen sira ne’e ba imi. Mais sé imi hakarak ha’u mak hatudu mensajen sira ne’e ba imi. Portantu ida ne’e maka loos.” Zacarias mos hateten nia leal ba Primeiru Ministru no governu no kestiona, “sé maka la leal ba Amp, hodi vota ho Fretilin iha parlamentu kontra votus amp nian? Ne’e PD maka halo duni. Foin dadauk ne’e ita hotu hatene votus ba Sr. Sebastiao Ximenes nian ba provedor Direitus Umanus Justisa nian, sé mak la leal no sé mak la leal?”
“Agora Sr. deputadu sira seluk hakarak distorse buat sira ne’e dehan ha’u mak la leal ba PM maibe ha’u sempre liakl iha situasaun sa ida de’it.” Bainhira husu kona ba karik nune’e entaun mosu dezentendimentu entre partidu sira iha AMP Zacarias dehan loos duni. “Ne’e imi rasik hatene, la iha disiplina iha parlamentu nia laran. Sé Sr. presidenti Parlamentu dehan ba nia deputadu sira pelumenus disiplina uitoan, vota tuir AMP nia instrusoens. Sin. Mais iha duni parlametu nia laran la iha disipilina. I agora dehan ha’u mak la leal ba Primeiru Ministru
ne’e ita hakarak bosok povu, “Zacarias deklara. Tuir reportajen Jornal Timor iha edisaunloron 07/04 Presidenti PN, Fernando de Araujo Lasama apoiu PM hasai ministru ne’ebe la loyal.
Iha parte seluk husu Deputadu husi Bankada CNRT, Aderito Hugo da Costa reazen katak karik DR. Zacarias rezigna duni husi pozisaun sei la lori impaktu negativu ruma ba governasaun Xanana ninian tan ba tuir matematika kadeira CNRT iha 18, PD iha 8, ASDT iha 5, Undertim 2 no independenti ida nune’e lakon kadeira 6 sei la doko ai riin AMP. “Diak liu gentleman, lalika kucing-kucingan tan ba pozisaun ne’e hanesan pozisaun Ministru hanesan pozisaun politiku la’os hanesan pozisaun kareira,” dehan Hugu ho fiar an.
Tuir realidade, iha AMP nia ukun, partidu ne’ebe iha liu benefisiu maka PSD, tan ba pozisaun importante hanesan Vice PM ida, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Cooperasaun, Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Ekonomia, Sekretariu Estadu ida ne’ebe rezigna ona no Vice Presidenti Parlamentu Nasional, PSD mak okupa.
“Sé konsellu Ministru deside buat ruma kona ba ha’u nia ministeiru, ha’u maka primeiru tenki hatene. La’os katak ha’u simu fali mensajen ida husi asesora Primeiru Ministru katak ha’u tenki rezigna an.”
Iha loron Sabado mais ou menus tuku 22 minutu 30 kalan (27/03/2010) gabinete Primeiru Ministru Kay rala Xanana Gusmao simu SMS ho hakerek iha lian Portuges haruka tuir numeru Telemovel Official ne’ebe utilizadu husi MNEC DR. Zacarias Albano da Costa. “Amanha mesmo quero falar com o Primeiro Ministro antes de Anunciar publicamente minha resignaçaõ,” dehan iha sms ne’ebe haruka liu husi numeru telemovel 7230016 mak DR. Zacarias uza. Karik urjente tebes mak MNEC haruka sms ba Primeiru Ministru RDTL iha kalan no fin de semana mak karik PM mos loron sei fera ulun hela mos ba promosaun PNTL sira nian.
Iha loron 05/03/2010 sabado semana ida depois jornal ne’e publika iha ninia sitiu exkluzivamente no emprime iha jornal iha loron 05/04/2010. Publiku hakfodak no iha loron 06/04/2010 durante de ceremonia aniversariu ba dala sanolu Banku dezenvolvimentu Asia nian iha edifisiu MNEC praia dos kokeirus Dili, DR. Zacarias dehan, “ha’u mos uluk jornalista, hanesan imi. Mais jornalista tebes duni. I ha’u bele dehan ba imi ha’u la fiar buat hotu hotu jornais sira hakerek. Ha’u bele dehan ba imi lalika fiar buat hotu-hotu jornais sira hakerek. ”
Iha parte seluk Presidenti partidu Milenium Demokratiku hateten katak nia la fiar, ninia belun Presidenti PSD, DR. Zacarias la barani atu lakon ninia kadeira mamar iha uma mutin boot tasi ibun praia dos kokerus nian. Kupa mos alega katak MNEC so bele haruka SMS ameasa PM de’it dehan atu rezigna maibe nia dehan MNEC la konsisten ho ninia lia menon. Tuir Kupa atetude MNEC nian ne’e la eduka povu. “Prosesu edukativu katak lideransa ida tenki konsistenti iha ninia lia fuan ho asaun,” dehan Hermengildo Lopes alias Kupa. “Ha’u hanoin MNEC halo ona “kebohongan publik” ka “Public lier” tan ba publiku hatene ona katak nia informa ona ninia rezignasaun maibe ohin nia tauk atu realiza ninia rezignasaun ne’e,” kupa alega.
MNEC Zacarias iha 06/04 foo sala media ninia publikasaun maiske bainhira jornal Tempo Semanal atu publika ninia noticia sei halo konfirmasaun ho MNEC via telemovel iha loron 03/04/2010 no DR. Zacarias la nega alegasaun ne’e.
“Nein dismente i nein konfirma maibe bainhira ha’u fila iha dia 6, depois ko’alia ho Sr. pm depois sei ko’alia ba Jornalista sira.” Iha loron 12 antes, DR. Zacarias Albano Da Costa sente katak urjente tebes atu informa ba Gabinete PM maiske iha kalan oras 22 minutu 30 kona ba ninia rezignasaun maibe iha 07/04/2010 durante de konferencia parseiru dezenvolvimentu iha ex- Merkadu Municipal Dili, ba jornalista sira MNEC la sita ona konteudu SMS katak sei ko’alia ba publiku kona ninia rezignasaun (Notisia TS loron 05/04/2010) mais foti fali kestaun kona ba fontes ne’ebe mak foo sai ninia sms. “ha’u hanesan ministru presiza ko’alia ho primeiru Ministru. Tuir mensajen ka tuir email ka tuir sa ida de’it. Agora ha’u lamente tebe-tebes katak iha gabinete PM nia laran, ema balun mak foo sai fali mensajen sira ne’e i mensajen hirak ne’e la esplika. Porque sé mensajen ida fo sai hanesan ne’e deit, la esplika naturalmente distorse buat bara-barak. Agora ha’u hanoin ida ne’e mos tenki punidu tuir diretu penal i iha estatu funsaun publiku mos tenki iha konfidensialidade ba komunikasoens, ba dokumentus no ba informasoens hotu-hotu iha laran. “Ha’u hanesan ministru ko’alia ho PM naturalmente ke ha’u la hein katak iha elementus iha Gabinete Primeiru Ministru rasik mak foo sai ba liur,” Lamenta Zacarias. “I dala ruma ha’u hakarak dehan ba imi katak ha’u seidauk ko’alia duni ho Primeiru Ministru ne’e duni mak ha’u labele ko’alia ho ita boot sira. Mais ha’u hakarak dehan de’it katak sé informasaun ruma, sé mensajen ruma mak ha’u haruka ba Primeiru Ministru foo sai ba liur primeiru, ne’e la loos. Segundo foo sai de’it mensajen sira ne’e, ema la kompriende. I ha’u labele esplika buat sira ne’e ba imi por que ha’u seidauk ko’alia ho Primeiru Ministru tan seidauk esplika ba PM. katak Ida ne’e mak akontese i ha’u nia hanoin nusa.” “I agora ha’u hakarak lamenta tebe-tebes katak, iha gabinete Primeiru Ministru i gabinete Sekretariu Estadu konsellu Ministru mak foo sai buat ida ne’e. Ida ne’e la loos. Por que ha’u iha direitu atu halo komunikasaun tuir ne’ebe ne’ebe de’it ho PM.” Nia realsa katak nia iha direitu atu ko’alia ho PM liu husi SMS, email no karta mais, “sé mak la iha direitu maka ema sira ne’ebe fo sai mensajen sira ke ha’u nia ba Primeiru Ministru sein husu esplikasaun ba ha’u i ba Sr. Primeiru Ministru rasik.”
Bainhira husu kona ba kontiudu SMS ne’ebe hatudu hanesan ameasa atu rezigna an Ministru ne’e ho lalais kua hodi alega, “Naun, ha’u mak simu mensajen husi asesora Sr. Primeiru Ministru nian eehh dehan katak sr. Sekretariu Estadu Agio mak haruka, atu forsa ha’u atu rezigna an.” “Ha’u por prinsipiu la hatudu ha’u nia mensajen sira ne’e ba imi. Mais sé imi hakarak ha’u mak hatudu mensajen sira ne’e ba imi. Portantu ida ne’e maka loos.” Zacarias mos hateten nia leal ba Primeiru Ministru no governu no kestiona, “sé maka la leal ba Amp, hodi vota ho Fretilin iha parlamentu kontra votus amp nian? Ne’e PD maka halo duni. Foin dadauk ne’e ita hotu hatene votus ba Sr. Sebastiao Ximenes nian ba provedor Direitus Umanus Justisa nian, sé mak la leal no sé mak la leal?”
“Agora Sr. deputadu sira seluk hakarak distorse buat sira ne’e dehan ha’u mak la leal ba PM maibe ha’u sempre liakl iha situasaun sa ida de’it.” Bainhira husu kona ba karik nune’e entaun mosu dezentendimentu entre partidu sira iha AMP Zacarias dehan loos duni. “Ne’e imi rasik hatene, la iha disiplina iha parlamentu nia laran. Sé Sr. presidenti Parlamentu dehan ba nia deputadu sira pelumenus disiplina uitoan, vota tuir AMP nia instrusoens. Sin. Mais iha duni parlametu nia laran la iha disipilina. I agora dehan ha’u mak la leal ba Primeiru Ministru
ne’e ita hakarak bosok povu, “Zacarias deklara. Tuir reportajen Jornal Timor iha edisaunloron 07/04 Presidenti PN, Fernando de Araujo Lasama apoiu PM hasai ministru ne’ebe la loyal.
Iha parte seluk husu Deputadu husi Bankada CNRT, Aderito Hugo da Costa reazen katak karik DR. Zacarias rezigna duni husi pozisaun sei la lori impaktu negativu ruma ba governasaun Xanana ninian tan ba tuir matematika kadeira CNRT iha 18, PD iha 8, ASDT iha 5, Undertim 2 no independenti ida nune’e lakon kadeira 6 sei la doko ai riin AMP. “Diak liu gentleman, lalika kucing-kucingan tan ba pozisaun ne’e hanesan pozisaun Ministru hanesan pozisaun politiku la’os hanesan pozisaun kareira,” dehan Hugu ho fiar an.
Tuir realidade, iha AMP nia ukun, partidu ne’ebe iha liu benefisiu maka PSD, tan ba pozisaun importante hanesan Vice PM ida, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Cooperasaun, Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Ekonomia, Sekretariu Estadu ida ne’ebe rezigna ona no Vice Presidenti Parlamentu Nasional, PSD mak okupa.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
General Taur Matan Ruak Questions Jeffrey Sachs on International Aid.
On Thursday 1 April 2010, Jeffrey Sachs, Economic Adviser to the Secretary General of the United Nations invited the leadership of Timor-Leste's defence force (FALINTIL-FDTL) and national police service (PNTL) to a meeting at the Ministry of Finance, in Dili Timor-Leste.
Jeff Sachs
During the discussion Major-General Taur Matan Ruak, Chief of the Defence Force asked about the use of donors funds in Timor-Leste over the past decade.
Major General Taur Matan Ruak
Major-General Ruak stated "I have participated in many discussions with Government and I want to know what you consider to be good and bad practise? He further stated that, "international aids to Timor-Leste in the last 10 years was more or less $12.7 billion but its result was an increase is poverty and unemployment. What are the main issues with international aid? I want an explanation to these questions."
Mr. Sachs answered, "I think this is difficult for me to give an answer but I think the international experts need to consider this question with seriousness and I myself will look at the implementation process closely in the future." The former guerrilla commander raised the same question to former SRSG Hasegawa years ago, but Hasegawa failed to respond in detail suggesting that it was donor funds as opposed to UN money.
On 7 September 2009 Associated Press reported in "East Timor Aid: Where did the Billions Go?" between 1999 and 2009 that the international community has spent 8.8 billion in aid for Timor but that "little of the money, perhaps no more than a dollar of every 10, appears to have made it into East Timor's economy. Instead, it goes toward foreign security forces, consultants and administration, among other things. In the meantime, data from the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Food Program, U.N. Development Program and others show the money has done little to help the poor. In fact, poverty has increased. Roads are in disrepair, there is little access to clean water or health services, and the capital is littered with abandoned, burned-out buildings where the homeless squat."
There are some attempts at increasing the positive economic impact of the international presence in Timor-Leste. One international NGO the Peace Dividend Trust works closely with international agencies to increase their local procurement in Timor, but it remains a relatively small effort. Its Senior Adviser Edward Rees told Tempo Semanal "the international community is slowly coming around to the idea that the international presence can be an economic engine to create jobs build the domestic private sector." He further stated "Our Peace Dividend Marketplace project funded by AusAID Norway and others in partnership with the Ministry of Toursim Commerce and Industria while quite successful, remains limited in what it can do partially because it remains on 12 month funding cycles and because it is a relatively small actor in a larger Paris Declaration debate."
During the 2008 Timor-Leste Development partner meeting the Timorese NGO Forum called for "the Government to join our call on international partners to increase local spending, helping to stimulate job creation and build private sector capacity."
President Jose Ramos-Horta also has spoken out in an 2009 interview with Al Jazeera on the matter of how international aid for Timor-Leste has been spent in the past 10 years. President Horta states that if "international aid had been spent in Timor it would have transformed the country....but this is not the case."
In January 2010 the Secretary General reported to the Security Council on UNMIT, which still has a annual 2009-2010 budget of over $200 million, that "“UNMIT is not a negligible factor in the Timor-Leste economy. The Mission spends about $20 million annually in Timor-Leste (for local procurement and national staff salaries), compared with a Government budget volume of $650 million for 2010. The total economic footprint of the Mission is higher, as indirect spending (rent, local services) by the international staff should also be taken into account."
Respected local NGO Lao Hamutuk responded "We urge UNMIT to practice more transparency and local content in procurement and hiring to set a good example for Timor-Leste. In addition, efforts should be made to increase the 9.7% of the UNMIT budget (paras. 137 and 170) which enters the local economy.[11] During the past decade, many international consultants, advisors, “volunteers” and staff have advanced their careers and bank accounts while working “on” Timor-Leste; it is only fair that Timor-Leste’s people also benefit from this money.”
Starting today until 10 April the 2010 Timor-Leste Development Partners Meeting will convene in Dili, Timor-Leste. The background paper for this meeting states that "progress has been made within the Ministry of Finance regarding the tracking of Development Partner spending, submitted to the National Directorate for Aid Effectiveness (NDAE) as part of the 2010 Combined State Budget." Timorese civil society will no doubt be interested to review the results of this tracking performed by the Ministry of Finance.
Minister of Finance Emilia Pires, appeared on TVTL national television news on the evening of 6 April 2009 and stated that international partners have not yet lived up to their obligations with regards to the Paris Declaration regarding how Government and donors cooperate on the allocation and spending of donor funds for Timor-Leste.
international aid,
Jeff Sachs,
Taur Matan Ruak,
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