Tempo Semanal-Dili
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Agio pereira |
After The Age Newspaper published the 234-page report compiled by the United Nations Development Program, which leaked after the Timorese government and International adviser criticizing the report by saying among other things that it is politically biased, cites inaccurate data and most of its conclusions are unsourced.
Today Agio Pereira, spokesperson of east timor government released a statement. “2010 marked a milestone in Timor-Leste” noted Secretary of State Ágio Pereira, “For 430 years, we have been subject to the trials of occupation, war, transitional authorities and subsequent uncertainty and instability.
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Xanana (midle) Atul Khare (right) and UNDP boss Finn (Left) |
The security situation in the country is more stable the before even though UNPOL has violated UNDPKO directive dated 7 September 2006, on the use of force for UNPOL officers assignment with the UNMIt which resulted a Timorese civilian work for APAC security company on 26/12/2010 Agio said the situation still very progressive.
"This year, however, we stand in a new Timor-Leste. A Timor-Leste deserving of the peace attained. One that is bustling with markets and parks, children in school and people filling our churches during this holiday season. We are united in a common vision with a focussed purpose, a direction which has been fostered by the uncompromised determination of our People.”
He continued, "The eight year old, half island country in South East Asia of less than 1.2 million citizens will bring in the new year with a resounding level of nationalism having surfaced from cyclical crises since 2002, to reach some of the most notable economic and social improvements globally in 2010. Prime Minister, His Excellency Xanana Gusmão, and his Government have been credited for uniting the country by aggressively pursuing an agenda of reformist policies and establishing the primary conditions for the People to rebuild their nation."
"Timor-Leste now reflects an upwardly mobile and stable nation emerging from poverty. Some 96,000 people rose from extreme poverty after US$1.4 billion of public spending delivered a 9% decrease in poverty, reversing the trend of rising poverty revealed in 2007 which had peaked at 50%," said the press released.
A draft copy of the report obtained by The Age says that while East Timor has made substantial progress since gaining independence in 2002, pervasive continuing problems include high levels of youth unemployment, falling per capita incomes and increasing poverty rates in rural areas.
But the Government media released state opposite to the UNDP reports by saying, "Unemployment has plummeted with latest statistics revealing an average of 95% of men age 30-49iv and approximately two in five women aged 15-49v were classified as currently employed. The development trend towards progressive urbanization is emerging. In 2007 85% of all Timorese were employed in the agriculture sector, now 67% of employed men and 61% of employed women are engaged in agricultural jobs with the sales and service sector now employing 22% of women and 14% of men."
But the report which was written by a former East timor solidarity movement member who was hired by UNDP hit his old colleagues hard as the age said report says the issue of significant issues facing the country include energy provision, food security and access to education and health services.
"Health indicators are improving rapidly. 78% of children are now treated for basic illnessesvii, 86% of mothers now receive antenatal care of some degree (an increase of 41%)viii. The incidence of malnourished women has decreased by 29% in the past decadeix. Millennium Development Goals have been reached for infant and under five mortality rates. Successful treatment of TB patients reached 85%x and in 2010 the fertility rate fell to 5.7xi, a decrease from 7.8 in 2003."
"Living conditions have improved. Overcrowding which increases the risk of contracting infectious diseases has been reduced with half of the households in Timor-Leste have three or more rooms for sleepingxiii. Nearly one in two households now has access to drinking water on the premises."
"The proportion of households with electricity has increased 12% since 2003, 83% of households in urban areas have electricity, compared with about one in four (24%) households in rural areas. The Gusmão Government has now promised 100% coverage, a primary condition for all social and economic growth."
"Benchmarked against global indices, Timor-Leste’s economic growth in 2009 of 12.9%xv was the highest growth rate in the region and the national economy was ranked as one of the top ten fastest growing economies in the world for both 2008 and 2009."
"Reforms to Public Finance Management have been a hallmark to growth. In the World Bank Doing Business Report, reforms to the taxation system increased the global rank from 75 to 19 and overall Doing Business improved by 7 places."
"The 2010 United Nations Human Development Index records an increase in rank of 11 places since 2005 with Timor-Leste now in the medium human development category and the recent 2010 Corruption Percepetion Index from Transparency International shows an increase in rank of 19 places over the past 12 months."
"Timor-Leste was the third country in the world to achieve full compliant status with the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Revenue Watch Institute and Transparency International ranked Timor-Leste in 2010 as being in the top group of countries with comprehensive revenue transparency."
according to the Age report says, "The report also questioned the way East Timor is spending some of the profits from Timor Sea oil and gas, which have been deposited in a Petroleum Fund established to be spent by future generations."
But Mr. Agio responded by saying, "Petroleum revenues skyrocketed in 2010. Timor- Leste recorded an increase of 38% from 2009 levels with the highest petroleum revenues on record of US$2.172 billion; funds which will be utilized now and in the future to heavily invest into the nation and the People."
Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers Ágio Pereira noted “Our people are diversifying, becoming entrepreneurial and innovative, we are working together to overcome extreme obstacles and challenges inherent to our conditions as a young, fragile nation. While we are an impoverished nation, we are not poor; and we will mobilize our resources to ensure peace, growth and a prosperous Timor-Leste for all future generations. However, it is our past generations and this generation that can be credited for today, for our successes in 2010 and for what we are to achieve in 2011. Our biggest asset is the profound sense of dignity of our People which ensured us freedom and sovereignty. It remains the overriding foundation of success, for the present and future generations.”
For most of the Timorese the UNMIT and UNDP in East timor are the most failing UN mission because spent million of Dollar only to produce reports. (TS)
"...We are united in a common vision with a focussed purpose, a direction which has been fostered by the uncompromised determination of our People.”
What a load of crap Agio!
Even within the AMP government, the only "common vision" is a corrupt vision.
IMPORTANTE: Tradusaun husi BBC ba Media sira Timor nian atu hatene!
Presu Petroleu no Hahan sae iha nivel mundial.
Petroleu nia presu sae hanesan risku ida ba rekuperasaun ekonomia mundial iha 2011, haktuir husi IEA.
Tuir Agencia Internasional ba Energia (IEA) katak presu petroleu nebe aas tebes sei fo impaktu negativu ba rekuperasaun ekonomika iha nasaun dezenvolvidu sira.
Organizasaun neé haktuir katak kustu importasaun petroleu ba nasaun sira iha Organizaun Kooperasaun Ekonomika no Dezenvolvimentu (OECD) sae to´o 30 % hahu iha tinan hirak liu ba toó ohin loron ho valor $790 bn.
Ida neé hanesan mos lakon rendimentu 0.5% husi nasaun sira iha OECD nia Produto Domestiku Bruto (GDP).
Tuir chefe ekonomista IEA nian katak petroleu hanesan xave importasaun ida husi nasaun dezenvolvidu nebe deit.
Tuir mos Organizasaun Alimentar no Agrikultura Nasoens Unidas (FAO) katak presu elevadu husi petroleu fo mos impaktu ba sasan folin hahan nebe sae makaas.
Presu hahan iha nivel global sae makaas foin dadauk iha fulan Dezembru, tuir tabela Presu Hahan husi FAO. Rekord uluk liu husi presu hahan nebe sae makaas iha tinan 2008 hamosu disturbiu no instabilidade seguransa iha nasaun barak.
Presu aas Batubara nian.
Greg Smith, analista ida husi grupu Fat Prophets: “ ita iha hela dalan ba presu $150 per barrel” Presu sira batubara mos sae dadaun ona iha mundo tomak hafoin inundasaun iha Norte Leste Queensland Australia hapara produsaun batubara lubun bot nasaun nee nian.
Analista sira fo avizu katak ida nee sei dudu sae liu tan presu batubara nian, kontoversa kedas ho mundo nian nesesidade ba materias matak atu hamoris rekuperasaun ekonomiku nebe komesa diak dadaun.
Iha entrevista ida ho BBC World Service, IEA nia analista Fatih Biro fo avizu katak presu aas peroleu nian iha ohin loron nee: “ Definitivamente iha implikasaun ho risku negativu bo´ot ba ekonomia global.”
Nia esplika katak presu petroleu nian maka centru ba orsamentu nasional no pessoal ka familia nian.
“Se wainhira presu petroleu sae aas liu, nia afekta buat hotu husi balansa komersial toó fali gastu uma laran familia ida nian.”
Nia haktuir tan katak nee signifika presaun ba orsamentu uma laran nian no inflasaun nebe aas.
Kuota la muda
IEA harii iha tinan sira 1970 hanesan watchdog energia nasaun Osidental sira nian atu kounter influensia foun husi Organizasaun Nasaun sira nebe Exporta Petroleu (Opec).
Presu husi petroleu mihis (light oil) US nian sae makaas duranti fulan 27 toó semana foin dadauk nee, maibe tun falu hahuu husi neba ba 88.98 barrel ka bidon ida, ho Brent Crude iha presu $93.15.
Membru sira Opec nian to ohin loron la preokupa liu ho presu aas petroleu nian no seidauk hatudu inklinasaun ituan mos atu muda kuota exportasaun.
Maski presu aas husi petroleu lori osan barak liu tan ba nasaun exportador sira, maibe fo moris difisil no susar ba konsumidor ka kliente sira, nunee bele iha nia impaktu negativu.
Sr. Birol hatete ba jornal Financial Times: “ Nasaun sira exportador petroleu presija kliente sira nebe saudavel, maibe presu aas husi petroleu atu sedo ka tarde sei halo ekonomia kliente sira nian sai moras, nebe signifika katak nesesidade ba importa petroleu mos sei tun.”
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