Thursday 6 January 2011

The Secretary State of Security Committed to Cooperate with FM To Build East Timor PNTL

Tempo Semanal-Dili, 06.01.2010

According to the Press released from DR. Francisco Gutteres office today stated that, “the Secretary State of Security is committed to continuing its cooperation with partners in view of maintaining security to establish stability for the development of the Country and its People.”

Mr. guterres express his, thanks to Fundasaun Mahein for its continuing efforts to follow the development and challenges facing the security and defense sectors.  “Given that the issue of security is of pivotal importance to the development of the country, it is therefore important to strengthen the cooperation between the Government and all its stakeholders, including the Fundasaun Mahein,” Said Mr. Guterres. 

The state and the Government continue to create, improve and strengthen national security’s system which can guarantees the well-functioning of law and order to ensure that every citizen is living in a peaceful and pacific ambience. 

The security sector, which is responsible for the issue of internal security, is in the process of developing itself as an institution in terms of human resources and infrastructure in order to provide security to the population of Timor-Leste as it is mandated in the RDTL Constitution. 

Therefore, the Secretary of State for Security appreciates the Fundasaun’s recent article and publication (Voice of Mahein No. 15) with the title Recruitment for PNTL: A Long Way to Professionalism.

As a new nation, Timor-Leste has to continue strengthening its security in order to establish stability for the development of the country and its people. Taking all these into account, the State and the Government through the Secretariat of State for Security, which is responsible for the PNTL promotion, carried out the promotion processes based on the Decree Law No. 16/2009 (which came into force on 18 March) with the title Regime of the Promotion of the National Police of Timor-Leste.

Based on the decree law, particularly Chapter 5 Article 36 on Transitory Regime, the Secretariat and the Commission developed their tasks to implement the promotion processes in the transition period of nine months with the view of developing the capacity of the members within the PNTL institution based on the PNTL Organic Law, Disciplinary Regulation and Career Regime.  Mr. guterres office rule out several legal frameworks that guide the promotion of the PNTL: Decree Law No. 9/2009, 18 February – Organic Law of PNTL; Decree Law No. 10/2009, 18 February – Salary Regime of PNTL; Decree Law No. 16/2009, 18 March – Regime on PNTL’s Promotion; Government Resolution No. 1/2009, 18 February – Commission for the Promotion of the PNTL; Dispatch No. 001/GMDS/VII/09, 24 July – Regulation on the Promotion during Transition Period.

PNTL Beat up a civilian in Atauro
 while UNPOL is watching.
The Secretary state explain that, “as we all know and follow, the promotion was the first one within the institution since its establishment in 2000. As a young institution, it was the view of the Secretariat that for the PNTL’s promotion there should be a commission established in order to support implementing the promotion of new ranks within the PNTL.”

As a result, the Commission on the Promotion of PNTL was established with a Government Resolution No. 19/2010 on 24 March whose main tasks were to support implementation of the rank promotion, to analyse all areas concerned with the PNTL and to make necessary recommendations to the Government.

Mr. Guterres recognized the role play by a NGO such as FM. “The Secretariat of State for Security and the Commission for the Promotion of PNTL are willing to open their doors to the Fundasaun Mahein to take part in meetings and debates related to the issues of security with the objective of exchanging views in a more positive and developed way so that all reports on the security sector which contain misunderstanding and misinformation can be minimized and appropriated,” Promised Mr. Guterres

The Secretariat of State for Security is now in the process of developing its Strategic Plan heavy focuses on aspects such as institutional capacity building as well as the development of its human resource, infrastructure and legislations. All these aspects are going to be conducted through four important phases where each aspect is intended to cover five year plan.  Following are the phases: First phase (2011-2015): Strengthening and base consolidation; Second phase (2016-2020): Expand and develop internal security; Third phase (2021-2025): Base strengthening for peace and stability; Fourth phase (2026-2030): To serve better the community

This Strategic Plan will function as guideline for Security Sector (Secretariat of State for Security) to establish a national security system aiming at the fulfillment of its vision, aspiration and values of the country. 

“The Secretariat of State for Security considers recommendations made by the Fundasaun Mahein as a positive contribution for the Secretariat to continue developing security sector so that in the future, the citizens of Timor-Leste live in peace, stability and progressive ambience in developing the country in accordance with its National Development Plan,” said M. Guterres.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Guterres recognized the role play by a NGO such as FM. “The Secretariat of State for Security and the Commission for the Promotion of PNTL are willing to open their doors to the Fundasaun Mahein to take part in meetings and debates related to the issues of security with the objective of exchanging views in a more positive and developed way so that all reports on the security sector which contain misunderstanding and misinformation can be minimized and appropriated”

If Guterres is serious about consulting NGOs then this is an improvement over Alkatiri - who as PM thought NGOs were just a nuisance. He treated them like mosquitoes!

Anonymous said...

It's a good move for State Secretary for Security to consider FM's comment. However, it should be noted that sometime FM's comments does not make any sense at all.