Sunday, 31 October 2010
Tempo Semanal is pleased to announce that Gardamor Security is now the first paying online advertiser. With over 10,000 visits per month, and over 5,000 followers on Facebook Gardamor now as a web presence and global audience for its services.
Atividade Vulkanik Gunung Berapi foo Impaktu ba ema nia saude
Tuir informasaun ne’ebe Jornal Tempo Semanal simu husi estudante Timor oan ida iha Jogjakarta naran Lily Guterres, eskola iha Akprind Jogyakarta, foti kursu Informatika iha semester dehan sira preokupadu duni ho dezartre vulkaun husi Gunung Merapi. Akontecimentu ne’e mosu iha loron tolu ate hodiseik dader. “Hahu akontese iha tgl 26, 27 no 30 de oetobru. Pois ida paling maka’as ne’e maka iha dadersan loron 30. Ne’e ami sente paniku tan baa mi tauk nia (vulkaniku) fakar tun mai kota laran maibe realidade ninia suar deit maka too iha jogja,” relembra Lily.
Nia haktuir katak maiske nune’e atividade viulkanik ne’e ladun foo impaktu negative ba ninia eskola, “mas kona ba saude iha. Por izemplu suar ne’e maka maka’as, ne’ebe bainhira ami sai ami tenke uza masker. Por izemplu gambar karik hanesan ami nia foto uza masker ne’e. Ne’e para suar merapi ka depu vilkanik nian labele tama iha ami nia inus tan se tama ne’e mak ami sei hetan moras. Hanesan iis boot. Agora daudaun iha besik ema atus lima maka hetan ona moras ne’ebe refere,” nia dehan hodi fo izemplu ba foto sira iha ninia face book.
Maibe husi ema nain atus lima ne’e la iha Timor oan ruma inklui. “Agora daudaun Timor oan ida mos la iha, mudah-mudahan keta kona tan, “ sepera Lily. Tuir estudante ne’ebe daudaun ne’e hela iha Jln. Mungur, Demanagan Jogjakarta ne’e dehan, “mais ou menus distancia entre foho Vulkanik ba iha fatin ne’ebe estudantes Timor oan sira barak hela ba ba ne’e entre 30 kilometru husi parte sul sidade Jogja no husi parte sul mais ou menus 5o Kilometru.”
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Will Obama Meet PDT in South Korea?
Tempo Semanal, Dili 30.10.2010 On 29 October 2010 the NGO Peace Dividend Trust won a world famous prize called the G20 SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) Ashoka Changemakers award ( This prize will be presented to 10 organisations out of a total 500-600 applicants at the G20 Summit in South Korea in the coming weeks. In April 2010 founder of and billionaire Jeff Skoll awarded PDT the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship (
The idea for Peace Dividend Trust was born in Timor-Leste during the UNTAET period. The founder of Peace Dividend Trust was an UNTAET staff member named Scott Gilmore, who along with his UNTAET colleague Edward Rees worked in Dili in the 2001 – 2002 period. According to Edward Rees now Senior Adviser to PDT globally “we were amazed that a $550 million/year UN mission could be so big and so well resourced but have such little tangible impact”. Furthermore, “the economic impact of the mission was so minimal it was a massive lost opportunity”. “We created PDT as a result of a desire to constructively make trouble and change the way the aid industry works – for the benefit of people on the ground – be they Afghans, Haitians, or Timorese”.
Some years later in 2005 Mr. Gilmore founded Peace Dividend Trust in Canada and conducted a Economic Impact of Peacekeeping Study which looked at how the international community could maximise their positive economic impact. The result was a pilot Peace Dividend Marketplace project in Afghanistan in 2006. This was then followed by the Marketplace project in Timor-Leste in 2007 which Mr. Rees quit his job at UN Headquarters in New York to start up. In 2009 another Marketplace project was started in Haiti. These projects help international organisations procure goods and services from the local private sector so as to inject international money into the economy as opposed to just bouncing back to the donor countries. According PDT it has facilitated over 550 million USD into local economies in the countries in which is works. With about $ 20 million dollars being injected into Timor. Yesterday PDT was awarded the G20 prize for a new idea that it has which is designed to provide short term credit to SME’s to help them grow and create jobs. If one looks at the idea it is clear that it is once again a new idea which is designed to provide services to local people and help them gain real independence - economic independence.
Tempo Semanal’s readers will no doubt have many opinions about how effective international organisation are or are not, but its likely that many readers will agree that PDT’s approach of using international money to promote and improve local business in a practical way, as opposed to the usual advisor method, is really very welcome.
According to information provided to Tempo Semanal from PDT, since 2007 PDT has put 2,800 businesses in Timor online via its Timor-Leste Business Portal found at Its Business Verification Team which builds and maintains this site consists of Lily Nunes, Simao Belo, Baptista da Silva and others including an Australian volunteer named Heidi Reid as well as an American volunteer named Scott Mccord. Its Tender Distributions Service lead by Eduardo da Costa has also distributed around 600 tenders for international organisations generating over 9 millions dollars in business transactions. It has conducted training for businesses on how to submit tenders to UNDP and others. Its Business Matchmaking Services run by Brigida Soares and Ilidio Ximenes have facilitated over 10,000 transactions mostly in rural areas for over 8 million USD in business. The current Country Director is Claire Parois from France, and Ilidio Ximenes is the Deputy. PDT is funded AusAID, eni, Norway, and the Arsenault Family Foundation from USA. This is being run in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTCI) of Timor Leste since 2008 under Minister Gil Alves.
In 2009 and 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner President Jose Ramos-Horta commended the work of PDT as being one which was both unique and service oriented in a manner which Timorese view as having some real impact. The President of the Poor has expressed an interest in the economic conditions of SME’s many times.
“If PDT comes in the top of a public online opinion polling of the current 10 winners we will be invited to Korea for the G20 Summit and President Obama and the world leaders will present the prize in person”, said Mr. Rees. “You can go to or to our facebook to find out how to vote for us.” Said Mr. Rees.
So it was an idea born in Timor-Leste that is now being recognised internationally at the G20 Summit in South Korea in November 2010.
According to PDT Deputy Director Ilidio Ximenes, "As a Timorese I am proud that we have won this award, and it is a recognition at a global level that PDT is doing good work for Timorese and others at the local level - especially in the poor rural areas. I think it is in line with the Government program to eradicate poverty in the mountians of Timor through using local business to build the economy. If the public votes for us and we get the meet President Obama it will not only put PDT on the map, but it will highlight Timor-Leste as the birthplace of a new approach to international aid."
Help PDT and Timor-Leste meet Obama in South Korea by following these instructions here:
The three most popular South Korea November 11-12, 2010 with US President Obama and other world leaders present.
You can vote by clicking this link and clicking on the circular grey vote icon on the upper right corner of the page. You will be asked to register, before your vote is counted. All you need to do is create a username, enter your first/last name, and a valid email address to cast your vote (this is to ensure that everyone only votes once).
The idea for Peace Dividend Trust was born in Timor-Leste during the UNTAET period. The founder of Peace Dividend Trust was an UNTAET staff member named Scott Gilmore, who along with his UNTAET colleague Edward Rees worked in Dili in the 2001 – 2002 period. According to Edward Rees now Senior Adviser to PDT globally “we were amazed that a $550 million/year UN mission could be so big and so well resourced but have such little tangible impact”. Furthermore, “the economic impact of the mission was so minimal it was a massive lost opportunity”. “We created PDT as a result of a desire to constructively make trouble and change the way the aid industry works – for the benefit of people on the ground – be they Afghans, Haitians, or Timorese”.
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Former UNTAET staff and now Director PDT - Scott Gilmore |
Tempo Semanal’s readers will no doubt have many opinions about how effective international organisation are or are not, but its likely that many readers will agree that PDT’s approach of using international money to promote and improve local business in a practical way, as opposed to the usual advisor method, is really very welcome.
According to information provided to Tempo Semanal from PDT, since 2007 PDT has put 2,800 businesses in Timor online via its Timor-Leste Business Portal found at Its Business Verification Team which builds and maintains this site consists of Lily Nunes, Simao Belo, Baptista da Silva and others including an Australian volunteer named Heidi Reid as well as an American volunteer named Scott Mccord. Its Tender Distributions Service lead by Eduardo da Costa has also distributed around 600 tenders for international organisations generating over 9 millions dollars in business transactions. It has conducted training for businesses on how to submit tenders to UNDP and others. Its Business Matchmaking Services run by Brigida Soares and Ilidio Ximenes have facilitated over 10,000 transactions mostly in rural areas for over 8 million USD in business. The current Country Director is Claire Parois from France, and Ilidio Ximenes is the Deputy. PDT is funded AusAID, eni, Norway, and the Arsenault Family Foundation from USA. This is being run in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTCI) of Timor Leste since 2008 under Minister Gil Alves.
In 2009 and 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner President Jose Ramos-Horta commended the work of PDT as being one which was both unique and service oriented in a manner which Timorese view as having some real impact. The President of the Poor has expressed an interest in the economic conditions of SME’s many times.
“If PDT comes in the top of a public online opinion polling of the current 10 winners we will be invited to Korea for the G20 Summit and President Obama and the world leaders will present the prize in person”, said Mr. Rees. “You can go to or to our facebook to find out how to vote for us.” Said Mr. Rees.
So it was an idea born in Timor-Leste that is now being recognised internationally at the G20 Summit in South Korea in November 2010.
According to PDT Deputy Director Ilidio Ximenes, "As a Timorese I am proud that we have won this award, and it is a recognition at a global level that PDT is doing good work for Timorese and others at the local level - especially in the poor rural areas. I think it is in line with the Government program to eradicate poverty in the mountians of Timor through using local business to build the economy. If the public votes for us and we get the meet President Obama it will not only put PDT on the map, but it will highlight Timor-Leste as the birthplace of a new approach to international aid."
Help PDT and Timor-Leste meet Obama in South Korea by following these instructions here:
The three most popular South Korea November 11-12, 2010 with US President Obama and other world leaders present.
You can vote by clicking this link and clicking on the circular grey vote icon on the upper right corner of the page. You will be asked to register, before your vote is counted. All you need to do is create a username, enter your first/last name, and a valid email address to cast your vote (this is to ensure that everyone only votes once).
Friday, 29 October 2010
Ramelau Cultural Festival
Tempo Semanal Dili, 29.10.2010
The President of the Republic,Dr. Jose Ramos Horta launched the Ramelau Cultural Festival yesterday at the Presidential Office. The festival is being held from October 27 to 29, 2010 in Hatubuilico, Ainaro district.
President said, “this is the first cultural festival that is being organized in Timor-Leste and it is uniquely important for Timorese culture and unity”. He said this festival is the biggest cultural event that is being held outside of Dili. The winner of the festival will receive prize money of $2000.
Ramelau, as the mountain is the symbol of pride and unity to the people of Timor-Leste. The Nobel Peace Laureate said that, "Mount Ramelau has been a silent witness to everything that occurred in the County and therefore is an integral part of the Timorese National Insignia." President Ramos Horta thanked the Prime Minster and the various ministries for their support towards the festival and acknowledged the contribution and support of Conoco Philips and Timor Telecom the US Embassy afor their contribution to the event.
The festival is a part of the President’s initiative ‘on Dili – City of Peace’, campaign, which aims at promoting and establishing peace and unity in the Country. After the 2006 violence President office still run a campaign to end the violence in East Timor. President office also plan for a sport tournament in Dili in the near Future. There many participants from each 13 districts in East Timor. Each Districts wearing their own tais as identic to their cultures and presented two songs to promote the national unity and peace.
Bondia, Agora Tempo Semanal kontenti los tanba sani nain barak duni bele hetan informasaun lalais ....
Students Protest in Dili
Tempo Semanal Breaking News, Dili 29.10.2010
Mais ou Mernus besik estudante nain atus haat husi UNTL dili demo iha parlamentu Nasional nia oin daudaun ne'e (12.00 OTL) 29/10/2010. Sira halo manisfestasaun ne'e hodi ezije ba Governu hodi tau matan ba Bis UNTL ninian ne'e sempre lori estudantes sira ba hera agora iha kondisaun la diak nune'e estudantes sira sa'e fali auto karu husi hera fila mai Dili.
Husi accidente hodiseik ne'e rezulta estudante nain ida mate kedan iha fatin no sanulu resin lima kanek todan barak tama ICU. hosi kalan ate agora tuir informasaun husi iha Ospital Dili katak kanek todan ne'e rua maka mate tan no balun sei iha ICU.
Estudantes UNTL husi Fakuldades Enginaria dalan balun ona maka sofre tan ba acidente kareta monu ho iha dalan entre hera ho Dili.
Mais ou Mernus besik estudante nain atus haat husi UNTL dili demo iha parlamentu Nasional nia oin daudaun ne'e (12.00 OTL) 29/10/2010. Sira halo manisfestasaun ne'e hodi ezije ba Governu hodi tau matan ba Bis UNTL ninian ne'e sempre lori estudantes sira ba hera agora iha kondisaun la diak nune'e estudantes sira sa'e fali auto karu husi hera fila mai Dili.
Husi accidente hodiseik ne'e rezulta estudante nain ida mate kedan iha fatin no sanulu resin lima kanek todan barak tama ICU. hosi kalan ate agora tuir informasaun husi iha Ospital Dili katak kanek todan ne'e rua maka mate tan no balun sei iha ICU.
Estudantes UNTL husi Fakuldades Enginaria dalan balun ona maka sofre tan ba acidente kareta monu ho iha dalan entre hera ho Dili.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Xanana Meet TL's Lost Generation and support Her Return While Alexhia and Her Mother in Tears
Alexhia Aprilia Simatupang was born on 30 April 1992 in Lospalos the eastern District of East Timor. Her birth father is Jose da Silva Soares and her mother Sabina Ximenes the sister of former Guerrilla commander Mau Nana and Mau Nani. In those days Mau nana and Mau Nani wanted by the Indonesian authorities for the activity against the illegal Indonesian occupation of their country. Mau Nana father is a king of lore was deported to Atauro island and other family members were subjected to human right violation including sexual harassment against his sister. "I want Alexhia to blame me for this situation not her mother or her father. Because I was resisted in the bush that's why my family were victim," Mau Nana the only Alexhia Uncle survived during the 24 years strugle while two other killed.
Her birth Parrent name her her with a catholic name of Beatriz da Silva soares so her mother was confussed when heard her name as alexhia aprilia Simatupang. But Sabina know all the detail and still kept a paper which signed by the head of the villages and village military commander, police commander and several withness. Sabina came from Lore and arrived in Dili this morning to welcome back her lost 18 years old daughter who will return to her birth country on November 3th with PM Xanana.
East Timor’s Pm xanana left Dili on 26/10/2010 for Shanghai Expo transit through Surabaya. The Ex Falintil guerrilla Commander’s in the afternoon of 26/10/2010 meet with the Timorese lost generation Alexhia whose real name is Beatriz da silva Soares last night in Surabaya.
Arround 19.34 Dili time she informed Tempo Semanal that, "I am waiting to see East Timor’s number oneleader. And I am feeling nervous but very happy now.”
After her meeting with the head of East Timor Government finished met Alexhia express her joy. "Pm xanana very kindly person and he will help me to go back to East Timor on November 3th with him on the same plight from Bali. I will travel to bali on November 2th to prepare my travel documents,” she told Tempo Semanal in a phone interview.
She added, “Pm also asked me after visit Timor Leste, and he also told me that i have to come back to finish my study in Jogjakarta. I fell he is very humble and very different leaderships to compare with other Leaders including Indonesian President.”
In the previous tempo Semanal exclusive interview alexhia said is now study international law in a University in Jogjakarta Indonesia but was forced tro stop her study after she was refused the order from her step mother to change her religion to Muslim. “I have a big problem with my step mother because I am refused to join Muslim religion. So she treats me badly and I have had go from the house. My condition was very bad but I was lucky because some Timorese here help me and now I am staying with them.”
“I have no money to continue my study after my step father die and my step mother does not want to pay my school fees anymore.”
Alexhia was selected for Australian youth Exchange program in few years ago always curious when people from Kupang West Timor told her that she looks Timorese. In mid Abril this year she just found out the truth from a Situmpul’s family neighbor that she was adopted from a Timorese family in Lospalos.
“After I heard the information I went to asked my step mother the truth. I keep question who am i actually for several time then my mother was very upset and told me I was adopted from Timor Leste.”
“Then I went to try to find some information and there are people from Lospalos here help me with Pak Antonino do Carmo in Timor Leste. Now It seems clear to me and I need to find out ways and support for me to go back to East Timor.”
“I don’t know yet who can help me to get back to East Timor but I really want to go there meet my family and I really want to be a Timorese citizen.”
Ir. Soerjo Winarno and his wife Atila Banowati came to lore for two days to adopted her. The Indonesian agriculture civil servant knows that alexhia’s parents have no choice to agree with their plan to adopt Aprilia because two of her uncle’s Mau Nana and Mau Nani were Falintil guerrilla members. “They came to the village to force me to give them my daughter. I and my husband were disagreeing to give them our daughter but because of my brothers were in the bush fight for east Timor Independence so we have no choice,” Sabina told Tempo Semanal an hour after her arrival in Dili.
“It was with the help of the villages head Mr. Francisco who dare asked Mr. soerjo to give us a letter as an evidence that he has our daughter. Any everywhere I go and even during the 1999 militia violence we lost many things except my children documents including these photos and letter of Alexhia,” she explained.
Her mother really in a chock that at the end she still able to find her love one. Sabina has sent her elder daughter to indonesia to look for alexhia but no luck. "I am very happy and this is a miracle. I thought I have lost her for ever that's why I keep this document and her photos. But I would like to thank god for this all.
Her birth Parrent name her her with a catholic name of Beatriz da Silva soares so her mother was confussed when heard her name as alexhia aprilia Simatupang. But Sabina know all the detail and still kept a paper which signed by the head of the villages and village military commander, police commander and several withness. Sabina came from Lore and arrived in Dili this morning to welcome back her lost 18 years old daughter who will return to her birth country on November 3th with PM Xanana.
East Timor’s Pm xanana left Dili on 26/10/2010 for Shanghai Expo transit through Surabaya. The Ex Falintil guerrilla Commander’s in the afternoon of 26/10/2010 meet with the Timorese lost generation Alexhia whose real name is Beatriz da silva Soares last night in Surabaya.
Arround 19.34 Dili time she informed Tempo Semanal that, "I am waiting to see East Timor’s number oneleader. And I am feeling nervous but very happy now.”
After her meeting with the head of East Timor Government finished met Alexhia express her joy. "Pm xanana very kindly person and he will help me to go back to East Timor on November 3th with him on the same plight from Bali. I will travel to bali on November 2th to prepare my travel documents,” she told Tempo Semanal in a phone interview.
She added, “Pm also asked me after visit Timor Leste, and he also told me that i have to come back to finish my study in Jogjakarta. I fell he is very humble and very different leaderships to compare with other Leaders including Indonesian President.”
In the previous tempo Semanal exclusive interview alexhia said is now study international law in a University in Jogjakarta Indonesia but was forced tro stop her study after she was refused the order from her step mother to change her religion to Muslim. “I have a big problem with my step mother because I am refused to join Muslim religion. So she treats me badly and I have had go from the house. My condition was very bad but I was lucky because some Timorese here help me and now I am staying with them.”
“I have no money to continue my study after my step father die and my step mother does not want to pay my school fees anymore.”
Alexhia was selected for Australian youth Exchange program in few years ago always curious when people from Kupang West Timor told her that she looks Timorese. In mid Abril this year she just found out the truth from a Situmpul’s family neighbor that she was adopted from a Timorese family in Lospalos.
“After I heard the information I went to asked my step mother the truth. I keep question who am i actually for several time then my mother was very upset and told me I was adopted from Timor Leste.”
“Then I went to try to find some information and there are people from Lospalos here help me with Pak Antonino do Carmo in Timor Leste. Now It seems clear to me and I need to find out ways and support for me to go back to East Timor.”
“I don’t know yet who can help me to get back to East Timor but I really want to go there meet my family and I really want to be a Timorese citizen.”
Ir. Soerjo Winarno and his wife Atila Banowati came to lore for two days to adopted her. The Indonesian agriculture civil servant knows that alexhia’s parents have no choice to agree with their plan to adopt Aprilia because two of her uncle’s Mau Nana and Mau Nani were Falintil guerrilla members. “They came to the village to force me to give them my daughter. I and my husband were disagreeing to give them our daughter but because of my brothers were in the bush fight for east Timor Independence so we have no choice,” Sabina told Tempo Semanal an hour after her arrival in Dili.
“It was with the help of the villages head Mr. Francisco who dare asked Mr. soerjo to give us a letter as an evidence that he has our daughter. Any everywhere I go and even during the 1999 militia violence we lost many things except my children documents including these photos and letter of Alexhia,” she explained.
Her mother really in a chock that at the end she still able to find her love one. Sabina has sent her elder daughter to indonesia to look for alexhia but no luck. "I am very happy and this is a miracle. I thought I have lost her for ever that's why I keep this document and her photos. But I would like to thank god for this all.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Jape Fan Uma Iha Rai Liur Lori Osan Mai TL
Timor oan balu justru ba sosa uma iha rai liur Dili, Tempo Semanal
Timor-Leste ninia independensia la’ós de’it fanun Timor oan sira iha tasi balun hodi fila hikas mai atu dezenvolve rai Timor, maibé fanun mós Timor oan balu iha rai laran hodi lori sai osan ba investe iha tasi balun. Divia osan ne’ebé nia hetan hodi dezenvolve nia rain, maibé ba dezenvolve fali ema nia rain.
Iha kontekstu ida ne’e sani nain sira bele analiza see loos mak hadomi rai Timor? Ida be fan nia uma iha tasi balun hodi lori osan mai dezenvolve rai Timor, ka ida be manan osan povu nian lori sai osan ba investe iha tasi balun? Hakerek nain hakarak fó hatene ba leitor sira katak, uma andar tolu ho naran Timor Plaza iha Komoro, ne’ebé oras ne’e harii dadaun besik faze remata, Timor oan ida mak harii uza nia osan rasik.
Maibé osan hodi harii uma andar tolu (Redasaun husu deskulpa ba sala ne'ebe ami komete iha artigu ne'e. Loloos ne'e, "Uma andar lima" la'os "uma andar tolu" hanesan ami hakerek. Andar primeiru no seungu fatin ba loke loja ho super market. Andar terseiru fatin ba edifisiu. Andar haat fatin ba Apartamentu no andar lima fatin ba hotel) ne’e nia hetan husi ne’ebé, tuir mai Jape Kong Su moris iha sub-distritu Balibo distritu Bobonaro haktuir ba jornalista katak, osan ne’e nia hetan husi nia fan nia uma rasik iha Singapura, nia fan nia Otel iha Xina no nia pinhor tiha ninia Shoping Centre (sentru kompras) iha Darwin Australia mak nia lori osan ne’e mai Timor hodi harii Timor Plaza.
“Iha tinan 2006-2007 ha’u fan tiha ha’u nia Otel iha Xina, fan ha’u nia uma iha Singapura depois pinhor tiha ha’u nia shopping centre iha Darwin ba banku hodi hetan 10 milliaun hodi aumenta ho ha’u nia osan rasik 5 milliaun mak hodi halo Timor Plaza. Total osan hodi halo Timor Plaza hamutuk 25 milliaun, agora gasta ona 15 milliaun falta 10 milliaun para bele halo kompletu”, Jape haktuir ba jornalista.
Hahalok hanesan ne’e ninia kontribuisaun ba rai Timor boot tebe-tebes, tanba laiha Timor oan ida iha Australia, iha Singapura ka iha Xina mak hakarak fan nia uma hodi lori osan mai dezenvolve rai Timor, maibé avo Jape hakarak fan nia uma hodi mai dezenvolve rai Timor.
Hahalok henesan ne’e bele sai lisaun boot ida ba Timor oan balu ne’ebé la’ós investe ninia osan iha rai laran hodi dezenvolve nia rain, maibé lori fali osan ne’e ba dezenvolve ema nia rain iha tasi balun.
Hanesan mós investidor internasional sira barbarak iha Timor-Leste, lori osan miliaun ba miliaun maibé laiha ida bele halo netik uma di’ak ida iha Timor-Leste. Pior liutan emprezariu Timor oan balu sai de’it kurtina ba empreza estranjeiru no dependente de’it ba projetu pakote referendum. Ikus mai, halo projetu laiha koalidade tanba osan husi projetu nian balu lori ba investe tiha iha Indonezia.
Husi parte ukun nain nian, antes kaer ukun uma iha rai laran de’it mós halo labele, maibé kaer ukun ona komesa sosa uma iha Australia, no loke numeru de kontas iha tasi balun. Idepois iha povu nia oin sira ibun been dehan, sira mak defende povu husi mukit no sira mak parseiru dezenvolvimentu entre emprezariu no governu. Afinal, ida parseiru ne’e mak halo uma par oioin iha Indonezia no sosa uma koor oioin iha Australia.
“tinan sanulu ukun an, ha’u nunka rona Timor oan ida hakarak fan nia uma iha rai liur hodi mai fali Timor hanesan saida maka Timor Plaza halo, biasanya buat ne’ebé ha’u rona maka Timor oan sira liu-liu sira ne’ebé iha osan, agora rame-rame sosa uma iha Indonezia no Australia”, dehan Jose da Costa, komunidade ida husi kampung Tuti Komoro.
Husi parte seluk da Costa mós kritika empreza internasional sira katak, sira mai halo survey barbarak iha Timor-Leste maibé laiha ida mak realiza sira nia investimentu. Problema hanesan ne’e mosu, tuir da Costa la’ós de’it kulpa investor sira nian maibé mós kulpa lideransa sira ne’ebé mak sempre hamosu instabilidade politika iha rai laran.
Maibé tuir Jape, nain husi Timor Plaza ne’ebé hela kleur iha Xina ne’e haktuir katak, uluk iha Xina empreza sira bosok estadu ho sira nia dokumentus oioin hodi halo estadu fiar fó rai ba sira, ikus mai empreza la uza rai ne’e hodi halo projetu maibé fan tiha rai ne’e ba empreza seluk. Ho esperiensia ida ne’e, Jape husu ba estadu Timor atu koidadu no labele fó uluk osan ba empreza antes sira halo projetu ruma.
Jape moris iha sub-distritu Balibo distritu Bobonaro, bainhira nia ho idade tinan 3, nia aman lori nia ba Xina hodi hatama nia ba eskola, maibé bainhira Jape ho idade tinan 14, nia fila hikas mai Timor iha tempu Japones okupa rai Timor.
Jape ninia avo sira hela iha Atambua depois muda mai Balibo no kontinua muda mai Maubara, iha Maubara Jape kuda domin ho Maubara oan no sira konsege hetan labarik nain sanulu iha durante sira forma uma kain. Entre labarik nain sanulu ne’e, nain hitu moris iha Maubara, nain tolu moris iha Dili.
Antes Indonezia invade rai Timor iha Dezembru 1975, Jape haruka tiha ona nia kaben ho nia oan sira ba hela iha Singapura depois Jape evakua ba Darwin, iha tempu neba Jape halo tinan 50. Durante Indonezia kuda ninia administrasaun iha Timor-Leste, Jape la fila mai nia rai moris fatin, Jape hela iha Darwin hodi halo negosiu. Jape foin fila hikas mai Timor-Leste iha tinan 2000.
Iha tinan 2007, Jape komesa sosa rai husi Famlia Dr. Mari Alkatiri nian iha Komoro ne’ebé mak agora nia harii daudaun uma andar tolu maibé antes ne’e Jape loke supermerkadu Liader besik kedas Timor Plaza nia sorin.
Antes Jape sai ema susesu hanesan oras ne’e daudaun, uluk iha tempu Japonesa nian bainhira nia sei hela iha Maubara, Jape fila liman loke kios kiik no tein tua. Husi bukae (bekal) tein tua ne’e, agora Jape sai emprezariu ne’ebé susesu iha mundu bisnis nian. Fulan ida ne’e, Jape halo tinan ba dala 85 maibé nia sei hakarak kontribui nafatin ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste too loron ruma nia reforma.
“Ha’u halo tinan ba 85 iha fulan Outubru, ha’u ema Timor moris iha Balibo maibé bainhira ha’u foin tinan 3 ha’u nia aman lori ha’u ba eskola iha Xina no ha’u mai Timor ho tinan 14 iha Portugues nia tempu, Portuguesa sira dehan ha’u la’ós Timor oan tanba ha’u koalia Tetun la hatene. Maibé depois ha’u fila ba Xina, ha’u haree ha’u nia libru antigu nian afinal ha’u moris iha Balibo.”, Jape haktuir.
Saida mak Timor oan ho ran kahur Xina ne’e hakarak halo ba Timor ho nia idade tinan 85, tuir mai nia haktuir, “ha’u halo ona Timor Plaza, aban bainrua koandu hetan ona rendementu, ha’u hakarak dezenvolve tan area turizmu hanesan halo Otel no sosa Ro hodi simu turista sira”, dehan Jape.
Tanba sa mak nia hakarak dezenvolve area ida ne’e, tuir mai nia hateten, “tanba ita hanoin atu loke industria maibé ita nia kapasidade hanesan Timor oan seidauk too, entaun ita dezenvolve uluk turizmu tanba ita nia praia no ita nia klima kapaas tebes, la malirin liu no la manas liu, ne’ebé turista sira iha eropa ne’ebé ke rai malirin tebe-tebes hanesan iha Korea rai malirin tebe-tebes, durante tinan ida fulan ne’en ema sulan iha uma laran de’it, sira lebele sai ba haris tasi ne’ebé mak malirin liu”.
“Iha Timor, ita nia klima kapaas tebes, klima ne’e mak sai hanesan ita nia rikeza ne’ebé sei fó benefisiu boot liu mai ita. Ne’e duni, koandu Maromak fó ita nia rai kapaas ona ita tenke aproveita hadia. Atu aproveita la’ós koalia de’it maibé tenke halo ho matenek no osan. Ne’e duni, agora ha’u halo daudaun Timor Plaza depois mak ha’u sei halo tan turizmu nian. Ha’u ema ida ke koandu ko’alia ha’u sempre halo tuir”, katak nia.
“Ha’u ne’e katuas ona, ha’u nia ferik dala ruma husu ha’u nune’e o hatene o nia tinan hira ona mak o sei hakarak halo buat barak hanesan ne’e”, Jape hasaran ba jornalista. “Ha’u nia tinan 85 ona maibé iha ha’u nia laran dehan ha’u foin tinan 40 tanba mesmu ha’u katuas ona maibé koandu ha’u sei bele la’o entaun ha’u tenke halo para hadia rai Timor. Hadia rai Timor la’ós atu buka osan maibé buka naran katak ita Timor oan lao too iha mundu ne’ebé de’it maibé koandu Timor ukun an ona Timor oan sira tenke fila mai hodi osan no hodi matenek mai dezenvolve rai Timor”.
Hafoin halo intervista, Avo Jape lori jornalista la’o tama sai Timor Plaza husi kraik too andar leten. Jape esplika ba jornalista husi andar primeiru too andar ikus ne’ebé iha kraik liu sei uza hodi loke restaurant, iha primeira andar loja, segundu andar fatin servisu nian no terseiru andar sei uza ba Otel. Avo Jape lao sae andar leten kaer ai tonka ida no ninia bei oan kaer nia husi kotuk hodi lao hakat neineik sae andar leten.
Mesmu ho idade katuas ona, maibé nia sei hakarak uza ninia matenek hodi hadia rai Timor. La hanesan ho Timor oan barak halai ba Australia iha tinan 1975 too agora lakohi fila tanba sira moris di’ak ona iha neba, sira manan osan boot, hela iha fatin di’ak, susuk la tata entaun sira lakohi fila mai Timor tanba tauk susuk tata, tauk rai rahun.
“Timor oan barak halai ba Australia too agora lakohi fila tanba sira moris di’ak ona, sira manan osan boot, hela iha fatin diak, susuk la tata entaun sira lakohi fila mai Timor tanba tauk susuk tata, tauk rai rahun. Maibé ha’u hakarak fila mai Timor maske susuk tenke tata no rai rahun makaas la buat ida”, dehan Avo Jape.
Saida mak nia hakarak ba Timor oan sira, tuir mai nia haktuir, “ha’u nia hakarak mak ne’e, Timor oan sira ne’e ha’u haree hanesan ha’u nia oan no ha’u nia bei oan. Neduni agora Timor Plaza sae ona, ha’u sei kontinua servisu hodi fó kontribuisaun ba rai Timor too loron ruma ha’u labele lao no labele haree rai ona mak ha’u foin bele para. Mesmu ha’u nia familia tenke hirus ha’u ka ha’u nia fen tolok ha’u mós ha’u la interese, ha’u nia interese maka hakarak hadia rai Timor”, dehan nia.
Koalia konaba ninia familia, Jape haktuir katak, nia kaben sei moris agora hela iha Likisa. “Ami nain rua tuir malu iha tempu Portugues nian no ami kaben iha Banitu Likisa. Iha tempu neba Japones sira kaer ami hamutuk rihun ida hodi ba dadur iha Banetu, depois rai di’ak ha’u ho ha’u nia fen muda ba Maubara. Iha neba ha’u loke kios no tein tua”.
“Iha tinan 1960 ha’u muda husi Maubara mai Dili, ha’u hela iha Bidau hamutuk ho ha’u nia oan nain sanulu ne’ebé nain 7 moris iha Maubara, nain 3 moris iha Dili. Iha tinan hanesan, ha’u haruka ha’u nia oan ho ha’u nia fen ba iha Singapura, ha’u sosa uma ba sira hela no hatama labarik sira ba eskola”.
“Ha’u halo hanesan ne’e tanba ha’u nia professor hateten nune’e, se iha manutolun labele tau hamutuk iha sestu ida maibé tenke tau iha sestu rua atu nune’e sestu ida monu manutolun rahun karik manutolun sestu ida sei iha.
Tanba ne’e, iha tinan 1970 ha’u ba sosa uma iha Singapura hodi haruka ha’u nia oan ba eskola iha neba tanba ha’u hanoin katak rai Timor keta loron ruma ladiak karik, ha’u sei iha osan para fila fali mai. Ne’e loos duni, tanba ema barak la hanoin hanesan ne’e, ema hanoin mak loron ohin de’it. Ne’ebé ita tenke prepara katak, keta halo ohin ita diak aban ladi’ak karik ou ohin ita bosu aban ita hamlaha karik. Neduni ita tenke prepara an atu nune’e aban ita hamlaha karik ita iha hela hahan, la’ós hamlaha ona mak ita foin buka ne’e labele ona”, nia haktuir.
Liutan nia dehan, nia aman hanorin nia hanesan ne’e, “koandu ita manan osan atus ida, ita tenke tau hela lima nulu ba banku. Osan ne’e ita labele book, labele foti hodi sosa fali kareta. Se ita manan osan rihun ida hanesan ita manan atus lima tanba ita tenke rai hela atus lima iha banku, nune’e aban bainrua ita moras karik, ita bele hasai osan ne’e hodi halo tratamentu”.
“Ita lebele laran metin ba ema seluk tanba ita mak tenke haree ita nia an rasik, se ita hein ema seluk nia ajuda, ema bele fó no bele la fó. Ne’e duni, se ita sei klosan, ita tenke hahu rai osan, se ita manan osan atus ida ita tenke rai hela lima nulu. La’ós hanesan oras ne’e ema barak mak manan rihun ida maibé gasta hotu kedas, se nune’e loron ruma o hetan susar see mak salva o, ka o tenke moe oituan hodi ba husu osan ba ema!” katak nia.
“Ha’u lakohi tane liman ba ema, agora ha’u husu osan ba banku tanba ha’u halo negosiu. Timor plaza ne’e ha’u halo la’ós uza ha’u nia osan mesak maibé tanba ha’u iha osan oituan entaun banku komesa husu o halo saida, ha’u dehan halo Timor Plaza entaun banku dehan hakarak fó 10 miliaun ha’u simu tau hamutuk ho ha’u nian 5 miliaun hamutuk 15 miliaun. Osan 10 miliaun ne’e banku ANZ iha Australia mak fó mai ha’u hodi harii Timor Plaza”.
Avo Jape la taka infórmasaun konaba ninia familia, Avo Jape haktuir katak, iha nia familia hamutuk 45 membrus, nia mak hanesan xefi familia. “ha’u iha responsabilidade atu halo buat diak ruma atu sira bele haree. Ha’u nia oan feto ka mane, laiha ida fuma ka lanu ten, tanba ha’u la fuma, la joga, la hemu tua. Dala ruma labarik sira fuma mas keta fuma subar karik tanba se ha’u haree ha’u la gosta. Ha’u dehan ba sira, se ha’u hetan imi fuma, hemu tua ka joga, aban imi sai kedan husi uma, ha’u lakohi ema lanu ten, fuma dor, joga dor hela hamutuk ho ha’u”, nia haktuir.
Avo Jape maske susesu iha mundu bisnis maibé nia la tara an ba projetu governu nian, nia loke projetu rasik no fó servisu ba Timor oan hamutuk nain 80. Aban bainrua Timor Plaza prontou karik bele fó kampu servisu ba Timor oan atus ne’en. “ha’u la kaer projetu governu nian, Timor Plaza ne’e ha’u nia projetu rasik, ha’u mak prepara planu no ha’u lori ba Obras Publika sira aprova tiha depois sira mai haree uma ne’e buat hotu halo ho koalidade, tanba uma ne’e ha’u nian ha’u mak tenke haree la’ós laran metin fali ba ema seluk”, katak nia .
Alende halo Timor Plaze, Avo Jaoe mós iha planu atu harii Otel ba turista sira iha area branka no sosa Ro turista nian. “Timor plaza halo tinan rua ona sei kompletu iha tinan tolu nia laran, maibé ha’u sei la hein too Timor Plaza de’it, ha’u komesa hanoin ona atu dezenvolve turizmu iha area branka. Ha’u tenke halo buat ne’e lalais tanba ha’u nia idade katuas ona”, nia haktuir.
Maibé nia presiza osan hira hodi realiza planu ne’e, Avo Jape haktuir katak, nia presiza osan 50 millioens bele maibé atu halo servisu tomak nia presiza 100 millioens. So ke atu hetan osan 50 millioens ne’e karik nia bele husu ajuda ba kolega sira maibé ne’e mós defisil oituan tanba nia atu impresta osan depois loron ruma mosu buat ladiak mak loja taka nia atu hetan fali osan husi ne’ebé hodi selu osan.
“Ne’ebé ha’u oan no bei oan sira sempre fó hanoin ha’u maibé ha’u fiar katak aban bainrua mósu situasaun ruma la diak karik ha’u fiar estadu sei haruka seguransa ba defende Timor Plaza. Ha’u koalia ona ho Prezidente da Republika konaba situasaun ne’e no Prezidente dehan la likan tauk se mósu buat ruma, primeiru polisia sei ba fó seguransa iha Timor Plaza”, nia konta ho kontenti.
Maske nune’e, oras ne’e Avo Jape preokupa hela ho kustu eletrisidade ne’ebé sae makaas tebes ba 100.50% ba empreza boot. “Ha’u ne’e foin moris maibé simu kedan buat ida kee todan tanba se fulan ida ha’u tenke selu 20 – 30 mill entaun ha’u labele moris. Pelumenus hein ita nia empreza ne’e moris lai, hanesan ai ida karik ita foin kuda ne’e ita tiding ai ida ba para nia moris lai, la’ós foin kuda de’it ita husik hela entaun anin ida mai bele hu monu tiha”.
“Ha’u la presiza estadu atu fó osan maibé pelumenus hadia kustus eletrisidade no taxa, para ha’u moris lai fó fuan barak ona mak estadu foin bele halo nune’e. La’ós ita foin moris de’it abut seidauk kaer metin estadu husu makaas ona”, dehan nia.
Nia mós husu ba Ministeriu Infraestruktura atu halo rehabilitasaun ba Estrada diresaun Komoro-Bebonuk tanba aban bainrua Timor Plaza halao ninia atividade negosiu, kareta barak mak sei halo movimentasaun liu husi Estrada ne’e no kareta kontentor barak mak sei lori sasan tama sai Timor Plaza. “ha’u hakarak imi hakerek iha jornál katak, Estrada ne’e kloot liu ne’ebé estadu tenke loke Estrada ne’e no halo baleta, labele hanesan agora udan ben namkari lahatene ba ne’ebé”, husu nia. Liutan nia hateten, Estrada kiik hanesan Bebonuk-Komoro ne’e buat kiik ida, se estadu iha hanoin estadu bele loke Estrada ne’e no estraga karik komunidade nia sasan ruma, estadu bele hasai osan oituan hodi multa. Ne’e buat kiik ida ba estadu atu halo”, dehan nia.
Husi parte moral ninian, Avo Jape fó tulun hodi salva Atauro oan ida husi moras. Oinsa nia salva, Avo Jape haktuir katak, Atauro oan ida moras no lori ba Darwin atu halo operasaun, maibé doutor sira lakohi simu tanba Atauro oan ne’e laiha osan hodi seluk ospital. Tan ne’e, Avo Jape halibur nia oan no bei oan sira tau osan hamutuk 5 mill hodi selu ospital halo operasaun ba Atauro oan ne’e. Agora Atauro oan ne’e diak ona fila mai Timor hodi kontinua nia estudu iha universidade. (ts)
Timor-Leste ninia independensia la’ós de’it fanun Timor oan sira iha tasi balun hodi fila hikas mai atu dezenvolve rai Timor, maibé fanun mós Timor oan balu iha rai laran hodi lori sai osan ba investe iha tasi balun. Divia osan ne’ebé nia hetan hodi dezenvolve nia rain, maibé ba dezenvolve fali ema nia rain.
Iha kontekstu ida ne’e sani nain sira bele analiza see loos mak hadomi rai Timor? Ida be fan nia uma iha tasi balun hodi lori osan mai dezenvolve rai Timor, ka ida be manan osan povu nian lori sai osan ba investe iha tasi balun? Hakerek nain hakarak fó hatene ba leitor sira katak, uma andar tolu ho naran Timor Plaza iha Komoro, ne’ebé oras ne’e harii dadaun besik faze remata, Timor oan ida mak harii uza nia osan rasik.
Maibé osan hodi harii uma andar tolu (Redasaun husu deskulpa ba sala ne'ebe ami komete iha artigu ne'e. Loloos ne'e, "Uma andar lima" la'os "uma andar tolu" hanesan ami hakerek. Andar primeiru no seungu fatin ba loke loja ho super market. Andar terseiru fatin ba edifisiu. Andar haat fatin ba Apartamentu no andar lima fatin ba hotel) ne’e nia hetan husi ne’ebé, tuir mai Jape Kong Su moris iha sub-distritu Balibo distritu Bobonaro haktuir ba jornalista katak, osan ne’e nia hetan husi nia fan nia uma rasik iha Singapura, nia fan nia Otel iha Xina no nia pinhor tiha ninia Shoping Centre (sentru kompras) iha Darwin Australia mak nia lori osan ne’e mai Timor hodi harii Timor Plaza.
“Iha tinan 2006-2007 ha’u fan tiha ha’u nia Otel iha Xina, fan ha’u nia uma iha Singapura depois pinhor tiha ha’u nia shopping centre iha Darwin ba banku hodi hetan 10 milliaun hodi aumenta ho ha’u nia osan rasik 5 milliaun mak hodi halo Timor Plaza. Total osan hodi halo Timor Plaza hamutuk 25 milliaun, agora gasta ona 15 milliaun falta 10 milliaun para bele halo kompletu”, Jape haktuir ba jornalista.
Hahalok hanesan ne’e ninia kontribuisaun ba rai Timor boot tebe-tebes, tanba laiha Timor oan ida iha Australia, iha Singapura ka iha Xina mak hakarak fan nia uma hodi lori osan mai dezenvolve rai Timor, maibé avo Jape hakarak fan nia uma hodi mai dezenvolve rai Timor.
Hahalok henesan ne’e bele sai lisaun boot ida ba Timor oan balu ne’ebé la’ós investe ninia osan iha rai laran hodi dezenvolve nia rain, maibé lori fali osan ne’e ba dezenvolve ema nia rain iha tasi balun.
Hanesan mós investidor internasional sira barbarak iha Timor-Leste, lori osan miliaun ba miliaun maibé laiha ida bele halo netik uma di’ak ida iha Timor-Leste. Pior liutan emprezariu Timor oan balu sai de’it kurtina ba empreza estranjeiru no dependente de’it ba projetu pakote referendum. Ikus mai, halo projetu laiha koalidade tanba osan husi projetu nian balu lori ba investe tiha iha Indonezia.
Husi parte ukun nain nian, antes kaer ukun uma iha rai laran de’it mós halo labele, maibé kaer ukun ona komesa sosa uma iha Australia, no loke numeru de kontas iha tasi balun. Idepois iha povu nia oin sira ibun been dehan, sira mak defende povu husi mukit no sira mak parseiru dezenvolvimentu entre emprezariu no governu. Afinal, ida parseiru ne’e mak halo uma par oioin iha Indonezia no sosa uma koor oioin iha Australia.
“tinan sanulu ukun an, ha’u nunka rona Timor oan ida hakarak fan nia uma iha rai liur hodi mai fali Timor hanesan saida maka Timor Plaza halo, biasanya buat ne’ebé ha’u rona maka Timor oan sira liu-liu sira ne’ebé iha osan, agora rame-rame sosa uma iha Indonezia no Australia”, dehan Jose da Costa, komunidade ida husi kampung Tuti Komoro.
Husi parte seluk da Costa mós kritika empreza internasional sira katak, sira mai halo survey barbarak iha Timor-Leste maibé laiha ida mak realiza sira nia investimentu. Problema hanesan ne’e mosu, tuir da Costa la’ós de’it kulpa investor sira nian maibé mós kulpa lideransa sira ne’ebé mak sempre hamosu instabilidade politika iha rai laran.
Maibé tuir Jape, nain husi Timor Plaza ne’ebé hela kleur iha Xina ne’e haktuir katak, uluk iha Xina empreza sira bosok estadu ho sira nia dokumentus oioin hodi halo estadu fiar fó rai ba sira, ikus mai empreza la uza rai ne’e hodi halo projetu maibé fan tiha rai ne’e ba empreza seluk. Ho esperiensia ida ne’e, Jape husu ba estadu Timor atu koidadu no labele fó uluk osan ba empreza antes sira halo projetu ruma.
Jape moris iha sub-distritu Balibo distritu Bobonaro, bainhira nia ho idade tinan 3, nia aman lori nia ba Xina hodi hatama nia ba eskola, maibé bainhira Jape ho idade tinan 14, nia fila hikas mai Timor iha tempu Japones okupa rai Timor.
Jape ninia avo sira hela iha Atambua depois muda mai Balibo no kontinua muda mai Maubara, iha Maubara Jape kuda domin ho Maubara oan no sira konsege hetan labarik nain sanulu iha durante sira forma uma kain. Entre labarik nain sanulu ne’e, nain hitu moris iha Maubara, nain tolu moris iha Dili.
Antes Indonezia invade rai Timor iha Dezembru 1975, Jape haruka tiha ona nia kaben ho nia oan sira ba hela iha Singapura depois Jape evakua ba Darwin, iha tempu neba Jape halo tinan 50. Durante Indonezia kuda ninia administrasaun iha Timor-Leste, Jape la fila mai nia rai moris fatin, Jape hela iha Darwin hodi halo negosiu. Jape foin fila hikas mai Timor-Leste iha tinan 2000.
Iha tinan 2007, Jape komesa sosa rai husi Famlia Dr. Mari Alkatiri nian iha Komoro ne’ebé mak agora nia harii daudaun uma andar tolu maibé antes ne’e Jape loke supermerkadu Liader besik kedas Timor Plaza nia sorin.
Antes Jape sai ema susesu hanesan oras ne’e daudaun, uluk iha tempu Japonesa nian bainhira nia sei hela iha Maubara, Jape fila liman loke kios kiik no tein tua. Husi bukae (bekal) tein tua ne’e, agora Jape sai emprezariu ne’ebé susesu iha mundu bisnis nian. Fulan ida ne’e, Jape halo tinan ba dala 85 maibé nia sei hakarak kontribui nafatin ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste too loron ruma nia reforma.
“Ha’u halo tinan ba 85 iha fulan Outubru, ha’u ema Timor moris iha Balibo maibé bainhira ha’u foin tinan 3 ha’u nia aman lori ha’u ba eskola iha Xina no ha’u mai Timor ho tinan 14 iha Portugues nia tempu, Portuguesa sira dehan ha’u la’ós Timor oan tanba ha’u koalia Tetun la hatene. Maibé depois ha’u fila ba Xina, ha’u haree ha’u nia libru antigu nian afinal ha’u moris iha Balibo.”, Jape haktuir.
Saida mak Timor oan ho ran kahur Xina ne’e hakarak halo ba Timor ho nia idade tinan 85, tuir mai nia haktuir, “ha’u halo ona Timor Plaza, aban bainrua koandu hetan ona rendementu, ha’u hakarak dezenvolve tan area turizmu hanesan halo Otel no sosa Ro hodi simu turista sira”, dehan Jape.
Tanba sa mak nia hakarak dezenvolve area ida ne’e, tuir mai nia hateten, “tanba ita hanoin atu loke industria maibé ita nia kapasidade hanesan Timor oan seidauk too, entaun ita dezenvolve uluk turizmu tanba ita nia praia no ita nia klima kapaas tebes, la malirin liu no la manas liu, ne’ebé turista sira iha eropa ne’ebé ke rai malirin tebe-tebes hanesan iha Korea rai malirin tebe-tebes, durante tinan ida fulan ne’en ema sulan iha uma laran de’it, sira lebele sai ba haris tasi ne’ebé mak malirin liu”.
“Iha Timor, ita nia klima kapaas tebes, klima ne’e mak sai hanesan ita nia rikeza ne’ebé sei fó benefisiu boot liu mai ita. Ne’e duni, koandu Maromak fó ita nia rai kapaas ona ita tenke aproveita hadia. Atu aproveita la’ós koalia de’it maibé tenke halo ho matenek no osan. Ne’e duni, agora ha’u halo daudaun Timor Plaza depois mak ha’u sei halo tan turizmu nian. Ha’u ema ida ke koandu ko’alia ha’u sempre halo tuir”, katak nia.
“Ha’u ne’e katuas ona, ha’u nia ferik dala ruma husu ha’u nune’e o hatene o nia tinan hira ona mak o sei hakarak halo buat barak hanesan ne’e”, Jape hasaran ba jornalista. “Ha’u nia tinan 85 ona maibé iha ha’u nia laran dehan ha’u foin tinan 40 tanba mesmu ha’u katuas ona maibé koandu ha’u sei bele la’o entaun ha’u tenke halo para hadia rai Timor. Hadia rai Timor la’ós atu buka osan maibé buka naran katak ita Timor oan lao too iha mundu ne’ebé de’it maibé koandu Timor ukun an ona Timor oan sira tenke fila mai hodi osan no hodi matenek mai dezenvolve rai Timor”.
Hafoin halo intervista, Avo Jape lori jornalista la’o tama sai Timor Plaza husi kraik too andar leten. Jape esplika ba jornalista husi andar primeiru too andar ikus ne’ebé iha kraik liu sei uza hodi loke restaurant, iha primeira andar loja, segundu andar fatin servisu nian no terseiru andar sei uza ba Otel. Avo Jape lao sae andar leten kaer ai tonka ida no ninia bei oan kaer nia husi kotuk hodi lao hakat neineik sae andar leten.
Mesmu ho idade katuas ona, maibé nia sei hakarak uza ninia matenek hodi hadia rai Timor. La hanesan ho Timor oan barak halai ba Australia iha tinan 1975 too agora lakohi fila tanba sira moris di’ak ona iha neba, sira manan osan boot, hela iha fatin di’ak, susuk la tata entaun sira lakohi fila mai Timor tanba tauk susuk tata, tauk rai rahun.
“Timor oan barak halai ba Australia too agora lakohi fila tanba sira moris di’ak ona, sira manan osan boot, hela iha fatin diak, susuk la tata entaun sira lakohi fila mai Timor tanba tauk susuk tata, tauk rai rahun. Maibé ha’u hakarak fila mai Timor maske susuk tenke tata no rai rahun makaas la buat ida”, dehan Avo Jape.
Saida mak nia hakarak ba Timor oan sira, tuir mai nia haktuir, “ha’u nia hakarak mak ne’e, Timor oan sira ne’e ha’u haree hanesan ha’u nia oan no ha’u nia bei oan. Neduni agora Timor Plaza sae ona, ha’u sei kontinua servisu hodi fó kontribuisaun ba rai Timor too loron ruma ha’u labele lao no labele haree rai ona mak ha’u foin bele para. Mesmu ha’u nia familia tenke hirus ha’u ka ha’u nia fen tolok ha’u mós ha’u la interese, ha’u nia interese maka hakarak hadia rai Timor”, dehan nia.
Koalia konaba ninia familia, Jape haktuir katak, nia kaben sei moris agora hela iha Likisa. “Ami nain rua tuir malu iha tempu Portugues nian no ami kaben iha Banitu Likisa. Iha tempu neba Japones sira kaer ami hamutuk rihun ida hodi ba dadur iha Banetu, depois rai di’ak ha’u ho ha’u nia fen muda ba Maubara. Iha neba ha’u loke kios no tein tua”.
“Iha tinan 1960 ha’u muda husi Maubara mai Dili, ha’u hela iha Bidau hamutuk ho ha’u nia oan nain sanulu ne’ebé nain 7 moris iha Maubara, nain 3 moris iha Dili. Iha tinan hanesan, ha’u haruka ha’u nia oan ho ha’u nia fen ba iha Singapura, ha’u sosa uma ba sira hela no hatama labarik sira ba eskola”.
“Ha’u halo hanesan ne’e tanba ha’u nia professor hateten nune’e, se iha manutolun labele tau hamutuk iha sestu ida maibé tenke tau iha sestu rua atu nune’e sestu ida monu manutolun rahun karik manutolun sestu ida sei iha.
Tanba ne’e, iha tinan 1970 ha’u ba sosa uma iha Singapura hodi haruka ha’u nia oan ba eskola iha neba tanba ha’u hanoin katak rai Timor keta loron ruma ladiak karik, ha’u sei iha osan para fila fali mai. Ne’e loos duni, tanba ema barak la hanoin hanesan ne’e, ema hanoin mak loron ohin de’it. Ne’ebé ita tenke prepara katak, keta halo ohin ita diak aban ladi’ak karik ou ohin ita bosu aban ita hamlaha karik. Neduni ita tenke prepara an atu nune’e aban ita hamlaha karik ita iha hela hahan, la’ós hamlaha ona mak ita foin buka ne’e labele ona”, nia haktuir.
Liutan nia dehan, nia aman hanorin nia hanesan ne’e, “koandu ita manan osan atus ida, ita tenke tau hela lima nulu ba banku. Osan ne’e ita labele book, labele foti hodi sosa fali kareta. Se ita manan osan rihun ida hanesan ita manan atus lima tanba ita tenke rai hela atus lima iha banku, nune’e aban bainrua ita moras karik, ita bele hasai osan ne’e hodi halo tratamentu”.
“Ita lebele laran metin ba ema seluk tanba ita mak tenke haree ita nia an rasik, se ita hein ema seluk nia ajuda, ema bele fó no bele la fó. Ne’e duni, se ita sei klosan, ita tenke hahu rai osan, se ita manan osan atus ida ita tenke rai hela lima nulu. La’ós hanesan oras ne’e ema barak mak manan rihun ida maibé gasta hotu kedas, se nune’e loron ruma o hetan susar see mak salva o, ka o tenke moe oituan hodi ba husu osan ba ema!” katak nia.
“Ha’u lakohi tane liman ba ema, agora ha’u husu osan ba banku tanba ha’u halo negosiu. Timor plaza ne’e ha’u halo la’ós uza ha’u nia osan mesak maibé tanba ha’u iha osan oituan entaun banku komesa husu o halo saida, ha’u dehan halo Timor Plaza entaun banku dehan hakarak fó 10 miliaun ha’u simu tau hamutuk ho ha’u nian 5 miliaun hamutuk 15 miliaun. Osan 10 miliaun ne’e banku ANZ iha Australia mak fó mai ha’u hodi harii Timor Plaza”.
Avo Jape la taka infórmasaun konaba ninia familia, Avo Jape haktuir katak, iha nia familia hamutuk 45 membrus, nia mak hanesan xefi familia. “ha’u iha responsabilidade atu halo buat diak ruma atu sira bele haree. Ha’u nia oan feto ka mane, laiha ida fuma ka lanu ten, tanba ha’u la fuma, la joga, la hemu tua. Dala ruma labarik sira fuma mas keta fuma subar karik tanba se ha’u haree ha’u la gosta. Ha’u dehan ba sira, se ha’u hetan imi fuma, hemu tua ka joga, aban imi sai kedan husi uma, ha’u lakohi ema lanu ten, fuma dor, joga dor hela hamutuk ho ha’u”, nia haktuir.
Avo Jape maske susesu iha mundu bisnis maibé nia la tara an ba projetu governu nian, nia loke projetu rasik no fó servisu ba Timor oan hamutuk nain 80. Aban bainrua Timor Plaza prontou karik bele fó kampu servisu ba Timor oan atus ne’en. “ha’u la kaer projetu governu nian, Timor Plaza ne’e ha’u nia projetu rasik, ha’u mak prepara planu no ha’u lori ba Obras Publika sira aprova tiha depois sira mai haree uma ne’e buat hotu halo ho koalidade, tanba uma ne’e ha’u nian ha’u mak tenke haree la’ós laran metin fali ba ema seluk”, katak nia .
Alende halo Timor Plaze, Avo Jaoe mós iha planu atu harii Otel ba turista sira iha area branka no sosa Ro turista nian. “Timor plaza halo tinan rua ona sei kompletu iha tinan tolu nia laran, maibé ha’u sei la hein too Timor Plaza de’it, ha’u komesa hanoin ona atu dezenvolve turizmu iha area branka. Ha’u tenke halo buat ne’e lalais tanba ha’u nia idade katuas ona”, nia haktuir.
Maibé nia presiza osan hira hodi realiza planu ne’e, Avo Jape haktuir katak, nia presiza osan 50 millioens bele maibé atu halo servisu tomak nia presiza 100 millioens. So ke atu hetan osan 50 millioens ne’e karik nia bele husu ajuda ba kolega sira maibé ne’e mós defisil oituan tanba nia atu impresta osan depois loron ruma mosu buat ladiak mak loja taka nia atu hetan fali osan husi ne’ebé hodi selu osan.
“Ne’ebé ha’u oan no bei oan sira sempre fó hanoin ha’u maibé ha’u fiar katak aban bainrua mósu situasaun ruma la diak karik ha’u fiar estadu sei haruka seguransa ba defende Timor Plaza. Ha’u koalia ona ho Prezidente da Republika konaba situasaun ne’e no Prezidente dehan la likan tauk se mósu buat ruma, primeiru polisia sei ba fó seguransa iha Timor Plaza”, nia konta ho kontenti.
Maske nune’e, oras ne’e Avo Jape preokupa hela ho kustu eletrisidade ne’ebé sae makaas tebes ba 100.50% ba empreza boot. “Ha’u ne’e foin moris maibé simu kedan buat ida kee todan tanba se fulan ida ha’u tenke selu 20 – 30 mill entaun ha’u labele moris. Pelumenus hein ita nia empreza ne’e moris lai, hanesan ai ida karik ita foin kuda ne’e ita tiding ai ida ba para nia moris lai, la’ós foin kuda de’it ita husik hela entaun anin ida mai bele hu monu tiha”.
“Ha’u la presiza estadu atu fó osan maibé pelumenus hadia kustus eletrisidade no taxa, para ha’u moris lai fó fuan barak ona mak estadu foin bele halo nune’e. La’ós ita foin moris de’it abut seidauk kaer metin estadu husu makaas ona”, dehan nia.
Nia mós husu ba Ministeriu Infraestruktura atu halo rehabilitasaun ba Estrada diresaun Komoro-Bebonuk tanba aban bainrua Timor Plaza halao ninia atividade negosiu, kareta barak mak sei halo movimentasaun liu husi Estrada ne’e no kareta kontentor barak mak sei lori sasan tama sai Timor Plaza. “ha’u hakarak imi hakerek iha jornál katak, Estrada ne’e kloot liu ne’ebé estadu tenke loke Estrada ne’e no halo baleta, labele hanesan agora udan ben namkari lahatene ba ne’ebé”, husu nia. Liutan nia hateten, Estrada kiik hanesan Bebonuk-Komoro ne’e buat kiik ida, se estadu iha hanoin estadu bele loke Estrada ne’e no estraga karik komunidade nia sasan ruma, estadu bele hasai osan oituan hodi multa. Ne’e buat kiik ida ba estadu atu halo”, dehan nia.
Husi parte moral ninian, Avo Jape fó tulun hodi salva Atauro oan ida husi moras. Oinsa nia salva, Avo Jape haktuir katak, Atauro oan ida moras no lori ba Darwin atu halo operasaun, maibé doutor sira lakohi simu tanba Atauro oan ne’e laiha osan hodi seluk ospital. Tan ne’e, Avo Jape halibur nia oan no bei oan sira tau osan hamutuk 5 mill hodi selu ospital halo operasaun ba Atauro oan ne’e. Agora Atauro oan ne’e diak ona fila mai Timor hodi kontinua nia estudu iha universidade. (ts)
Monday, 25 October 2010
Jape Kong Su the First Serious Investor in East Timor
Tempo Semanal 25.10.2010
Jape Kong Su a Chinese Timorese born in Balibo in 86 years ago is the biggest national investor ever from private sector to build the first bigger Timor Plaza.
He has sold out the other property in Singapore and China to bring his money back for rebuild his home country. He is keep his mal in Darwin. Timor Leste's infrastructures were burnt down by pro Jakarta militia in 1999 and some were burn during the 2006 crises.
Many of the Timorese private sectors are waiting for the government projects and while the so called international donors are visiting the country promised to build five stars hotel but until today nothing is happening. Wide Form is an Australian company which awarded government land in the heart of Dili until today no construction yet only a banner. While the Pelican Paradise resort seems like dumping into Tasi tolu because according to a member government said the owner of the company even try to borrow money from Timorese oil fund. "I head the owner of pelican Paradise has wrote to Minister finance to borrow some 1.2 billion from Timor oil fund," said a member Xanana's Government who asked TS no to publish his name.
While jape Kong su is building this Timor Plaza with his own effort no government fund or land involve. "I think he is the best business people and as the government should support people like Jape kong su because he has heart for this country," said Antonio da Silva a Timorese youth was walking passed the street near Timor Plaza. To finish up the first phase building of Timor Plaza Jape Kong Su will spend $1.5 million. In total he will spend $50 million.
Jape Kong Su a Chinese Timorese born in Balibo in 86 years ago is the biggest national investor ever from private sector to build the first bigger Timor Plaza.
He has sold out the other property in Singapore and China to bring his money back for rebuild his home country. He is keep his mal in Darwin. Timor Leste's infrastructures were burnt down by pro Jakarta militia in 1999 and some were burn during the 2006 crises.
Many of the Timorese private sectors are waiting for the government projects and while the so called international donors are visiting the country promised to build five stars hotel but until today nothing is happening. Wide Form is an Australian company which awarded government land in the heart of Dili until today no construction yet only a banner. While the Pelican Paradise resort seems like dumping into Tasi tolu because according to a member government said the owner of the company even try to borrow money from Timorese oil fund. "I head the owner of pelican Paradise has wrote to Minister finance to borrow some 1.2 billion from Timor oil fund," said a member Xanana's Government who asked TS no to publish his name.
While jape Kong su is building this Timor Plaza with his own effort no government fund or land involve. "I think he is the best business people and as the government should support people like Jape kong su because he has heart for this country," said Antonio da Silva a Timorese youth was walking passed the street near Timor Plaza. To finish up the first phase building of Timor Plaza Jape Kong Su will spend $1.5 million. In total he will spend $50 million.
TL's Impounity for Crimes Against Humanity La'o Hamutuk Held A public Meeting

In early December 2008 Judge Maria Natercia Gusmao publicly in an interview recognised the importance of the separation of power between the state organs. “Separation of branches of government is fundamental to safeguarding the rule of law. Otherwise it would be as if we were governed by an absolute monarch who ruled over everything in the country. There must be a separation among the legislative, executive and judiciary branches. This is what ensures democratic rule of law. Therefore, it is important for the courts (judiciary branch) to be independent, and to make their decisions impartially,” she said.
But Ironically on 12 October 2009 during the parliament censure motion as PM Xanana Gusmao's response, "Although she kept insisting – and I appreciate her consistency – that in legal terms there was nothing she could do, Ms Natércia suggested an alternative – and this is something I appreciate a great deal more, as she understood there had to be some flexibility in order to preserve the legal system but at the same time responding to the interests of the Country – and turning to the Minister of Justice she said: ‘Since the prisons are under your charge, you can have Martenus transferred to another location, outside Becora’.
Since PM Xanana Gusmao spoke the words quoted above (translated from Tetum) on 12 Octover 2009, Judge Claudio Ximenes and Judge Maria Natercia herself have both failed to respond to the accusation that it was the Acting President of the Court of Appeal who on 30 August 2009 suggested to the Executive arm of government a legal manoeuvre for the immediate removal of Maternus Bere from Becora Prison - so he could escape justice. Public have found the judges' silence to be deafening! Now, perhaps remarkably, Judge Maria Natercia today speak on the subject of impunity for alleged criminals like Bere!
There are some questions to be raise to her attention such as: In light of the "principle of separation of powers", enshrined in Section 69 of the Constitution of Timor-Leste, why did you on 30 August 2009 participate in discussing with the Prime Minister his desire for a "political" decision to secure the release from lawful custody Maternus Bere; Did you on 30 August 2009 make this statement (or word to the same effect) to the Minister for Justice, shortly before Maternus Bere was moved from Becora prison: ‘Since the prisons are under your charge, you can have Martenus transferred to another location, outside Becora’; If the answer to Q2 is "yes", why did you make that suggestion, if you were aware that the Prime Minister was seeking a way to have Bere released from lawful custody?; Section 30 of the Criminal Code (T-L) states: "The participation in the practice of a crime can have the configuration of authorship, instigation or complicity and can have several copartners of the same fact.; Do you think that on 30 August 2009 you were complicit in the illegal release from lawful custody of Maternus Bere?
(Note: Section 245, subsection 1 of the Timor-Leste Criminal Code: "Whoever, through illegal means, frees or through other means helps in the freeing and evasion of any legally detained person is punishable by imprisonment from 2 to 6 years.").
Judge Natercia hasn't said any thing to the public to defend her self after the statement came from PM Xanana last year. Maternus Bere is freed and Timor the leaders kept saying forget and forgive the past as well as uncertainty on the calling for an International tribunal mean while the civil society still campaign for the justice and have formed an aliance of victims and relatives todemand for an International tribunal. Maternus Bere was arrested in early August 2009 by Timorese police in Suai after some of the Suai Church 1999 complaint to PNTL in Suai. On the 10th anniversary there was some delayed cause the Indonesian demand for the Maternus Bere released before their foreign Minister could participated in the ceremony.
As one of East Timor University Student said UN serious Crimes doing very litle to help end East Timor Impunity for the crimes which took place in front of their eyes during and after the UN referendum. "Rethorically UN keep saying justice for the victims but where is their actioon," Jacinto Amaral questions the UN seriousness.
Friday, 22 October 2010
Ahi Eletricidade Mate Populasaun Bekusi Sandera Staf Servisu Dada Fiu Eletricidade
Tempo Semanal Breaking News Dili, 22.10.2010
Iha lokraik besik rai nakaras (22/10), Populasaun husi Bekusi Karai Dilik hahu refen funsionario nain tolu husi Kompania Juwita ne’ebe manan tender EDTL dada fiu eletricidade iha area ne’eba iha lorkraik ne’e hafoin hodiseik ho ohin ahi eletricidade mate estraga komunidade ninia sasan elektronika hanesan jeleira, televizaun no selu-seluk.
“Ami kaer staf ema nain tolu ho sira nia kareta ida agora sandera hela iha bekusi karaik hodi hein parte kompetente hodi mai resolve problema ne’e,” dehan Nelson da Cruz Marques ba Jornal ne’e iha tuku 19.10 OTL.
Nia esplika razaun sira refen ema nain tolu ne’e tan ba, “sira dada fiu no eletricidade mate hodi estraga hodi ami nia sasan eletronika hanesan jeleira, televizaun no sasan elektronika sira seluk.”
Problema eletricidade mate lakan iha cidade dili halo estraga komunidade sasan barak ona hodi ezije rezignasaun husi sekretariu Estadu Eletricidade, Agua no Urbanizasaun, Januario Pereira. “Se sekretariu Estadu servisu la hatene entaun troka tiha no husu Primeiru Ministru Xanana buka fali ema ne’ebe iha kapacidade atu hadia situasaun ne’e,” dehan Dominigos M.da Silva
Sekretariu Estadu ne’e ninia tilun loro-loron rona lian trata husi komunidade kona ba problema eletricidade no Primeiru Ministru rasik dehan iha ninia governasaun iha Sekretariu Estadu Ahi Mate Permante (AMP).
Iha lokraik besik rai nakaras (22/10), Populasaun husi Bekusi Karai Dilik hahu refen funsionario nain tolu husi Kompania Juwita ne’ebe manan tender EDTL dada fiu eletricidade iha area ne’eba iha lorkraik ne’e hafoin hodiseik ho ohin ahi eletricidade mate estraga komunidade ninia sasan elektronika hanesan jeleira, televizaun no selu-seluk.
“Ami kaer staf ema nain tolu ho sira nia kareta ida agora sandera hela iha bekusi karaik hodi hein parte kompetente hodi mai resolve problema ne’e,” dehan Nelson da Cruz Marques ba Jornal ne’e iha tuku 19.10 OTL.
Nia esplika razaun sira refen ema nain tolu ne’e tan ba, “sira dada fiu no eletricidade mate hodi estraga hodi ami nia sasan eletronika hanesan jeleira, televizaun no sasan elektronika sira seluk.”
Problema eletricidade mate lakan iha cidade dili halo estraga komunidade sasan barak ona hodi ezije rezignasaun husi sekretariu Estadu Eletricidade, Agua no Urbanizasaun, Januario Pereira. “Se sekretariu Estadu servisu la hatene entaun troka tiha no husu Primeiru Ministru Xanana buka fali ema ne’ebe iha kapacidade atu hadia situasaun ne’e,” dehan Dominigos M.da Silva
Sekretariu Estadu ne’e ninia tilun loro-loron rona lian trata husi komunidade kona ba problema eletricidade no Primeiru Ministru rasik dehan iha ninia governasaun iha Sekretariu Estadu Ahi Mate Permante (AMP).
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Timor Leste Woman beat by Philipine zero seven

The RP first net ball in firt ten minute in the beginning of the game.through Janna Raizel Barcemo’s effort.
During the Tuesday game at the University of Makati football field in Manila.
This the second Timor leste team lost their game.
In the last game Timor Leste team played guam.
Asia's Rankings
Français :
World' Rankings
Français :
Asia’s four Communist regimes, North Korea (177th place), China (171st), Vietnam (165th) Laos (168th), are among the fifteen lowest-ranked countries of the 2010 World Press Freedom Index. Ranked just one place behind Eritrea, hellish totalitarian North Korea has shown no improvement. To the contrary: in a succession framework set up by Kim Jong-il in favour of his son, crackdowns have become even harsher. China, despite its dynamic media and Internet, remains in a low position because of non-stop censorship and repression, notably in Tibet and Xinjiang. In Laos, it is not so much repression which plagues this country of Southeast Asia as its single party’s political control over the whole media. On the other hand, Vietnam’s Communist Party – soon to hold its own Congress – and its open season against freedom of speech is responsible for its worse than mediocre ranking.
Among the last thirty countries of Reporters Without Borders’ Index are ten Asian nations, notably Burma, where the military junta have decided that the prior censorship system will be maintained despite the upcoming general elections in November.
India’s and Philippines's rankings drop due to a breakout of serious violence
Political violence has produced some very troubling tumbles in the rankings. Thailand (153rd) – where two journalists were killed and some fifteen wounded while covering the army crackdown on the “red shirts” movement in Bangkok – lost 23 places, while India slipped to 122nd place (-17) mainly due to extreme violence in Kashmir. The Philippines lost 34 places following the massacre of over thirty reporters by partisans of one of Mindanao Island’s governors. Despite a few murderers of journalists being brought to trial, impunity still reigns in the Philippines. Also in Southeast Asia, Indonesia (117th) cannot seem to pass under the symbolic bar separating the top 100 countries from the rest, despite remarkable media growth. Two journalists were killed there and several others received death threats, mainly for their reports on the environment. Malaysia (141st), Singapore (136th) and East Timor (93rd) are down this year. In short, repression has not diminished in ASEAN countries, despite the recent adoption of a human rights charter.
In Afghanistan (147th) and in Pakistan (151st), Islamist groups bear much of the responsibility for their country’s pitifully low ranking. Suicide bombings and abductions make working as a journalist an increasingly dangerous occupation in this area of South Asia. And the State has not slackened its arrests of investigative journalists, which sometimes more closely resemble kidnappings.
Asia's Rankings
Français :
World' Rankings
Français :
Asia’s four Communist regimes, North Korea (177th place), China (171st), Vietnam (165th) Laos (168th), are among the fifteen lowest-ranked countries of the 2010 World Press Freedom Index. Ranked just one place behind Eritrea, hellish totalitarian North Korea has shown no improvement. To the contrary: in a succession framework set up by Kim Jong-il in favour of his son, crackdowns have become even harsher. China, despite its dynamic media and Internet, remains in a low position because of non-stop censorship and repression, notably in Tibet and Xinjiang. In Laos, it is not so much repression which plagues this country of Southeast Asia as its single party’s political control over the whole media. On the other hand, Vietnam’s Communist Party – soon to hold its own Congress – and its open season against freedom of speech is responsible for its worse than mediocre ranking.
Among the last thirty countries of Reporters Without Borders’ Index are ten Asian nations, notably Burma, where the military junta have decided that the prior censorship system will be maintained despite the upcoming general elections in November.
India’s and Philippines's rankings drop due to a breakout of serious violence
Political violence has produced some very troubling tumbles in the rankings. Thailand (153rd) – where two journalists were killed and some fifteen wounded while covering the army crackdown on the “red shirts” movement in Bangkok – lost 23 places, while India slipped to 122nd place (-17) mainly due to extreme violence in Kashmir. The Philippines lost 34 places following the massacre of over thirty reporters by partisans of one of Mindanao Island’s governors. Despite a few murderers of journalists being brought to trial, impunity still reigns in the Philippines. Also in Southeast Asia, Indonesia (117th) cannot seem to pass under the symbolic bar separating the top 100 countries from the rest, despite remarkable media growth. Two journalists were killed there and several others received death threats, mainly for their reports on the environment. Malaysia (141st), Singapore (136th) and East Timor (93rd) are down this year. In short, repression has not diminished in ASEAN countries, despite the recent adoption of a human rights charter.
In Afghanistan (147th) and in Pakistan (151st), Islamist groups bear much of the responsibility for their country’s pitifully low ranking. Suicide bombings and abductions make working as a journalist an increasingly dangerous occupation in this area of South Asia. And the State has not slackened its arrests of investigative journalists, which sometimes more closely resemble kidnappings.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Timorese Water Vulnerable, F-FDTL and PNTL Joint Operation, Caugh Three Nation Joint Illegal Fisherman
Tempo Semanal, Dili 19.10.2010
In a joint operation yesterday the East Timorese Navy Force and National Police (Marine) have had caught some Thai 27 illegal fisherman jointly operating with some Indonesian citizen and Cambodia citizen.These 32 illegal joint fishermen are now under investigation. "We have inspected the boat and we identified there were 32 people on board five Indonesian as from Ambon Province, tree people from Cambodia the rest are Thai people. There are fishing equipment in the boat. We have arrest them in the Timor water because there in six miles from the coast."Ironically these people being question by the Thai UNPOL officers who are attach to UNMIT in Dili.The F-FDTL and PNTL conducted the operation after received information from the local community living in south east coat of the contrySince 2002 there have been reports of illegal fishing activities in Timorese water. Not many actions been taken by the UN. The Marine police have no capacity. They are luck off equipment and the boat which donated by Australia are in poor conditions to fight the illegal fishing activities in East Timor.Recently this Timorese Government bought two Chinese patrol boat. “There are many illegal fishing boat in the south coast of East Timor and we already informed to Major General Taur to look after this situation. So now we have a joint operation. Hopefully in the future the two institutions will work together, giving the police side we have not enough equipment. Hopefully we can share the two Navy boat we can minimise these illegal activity to protect the country interest,” said Lino Saldanha.Some international community criticised badly East Timor Government but since it's arrival in Dili on June there have been two illegal boats captured. Recently on 16 September 9 Indonesian illegal fishermen from Flores Island were captured, detained and sent to trial then sent home and on 18/10/2010 the joint operation captured the citizen from three Asian countries. The problem in East Timor is the justice system is still very weak as Lino Saldanha the commander PNTL marine component said, "we have work hard to arrest those illegal fisherman but sometimes the law is not motivate us even make us frustrated."This operation was using F-FDTL Navy boat made in China. “We used the two new big navy boat.These boat now jointly use by Navy Force and Police Marine,” said Lino
The Timorese community congratulated the PNTL and F-FDTL joint operation. "I am proud of them. The PNTL and F-FDTL is doing great. They should working hand to hand to protect our water. I start like them now. I hope they are not like those UNPOL driven around Dili and seating in bars or restaurant," said young Domingos Maia.

The Timorese community congratulated the PNTL and F-FDTL joint operation. "I am proud of them. The PNTL and F-FDTL is doing great. They should working hand to hand to protect our water. I start like them now. I hope they are not like those UNPOL driven around Dili and seating in bars or restaurant," said young Domingos Maia.
Monday, 18 October 2010
Kazu JLG ho ZAC Hakdasak iha Tribunal, Ministeiriu Publiku Sei Investiga Nafatin KKN
Tempo Semanal Stori, 18.10.2010

Iha inisiu 2009 wainhira DRA Ana sa'e ba Prokuradora Jeral ema barak maka duvidas hoi ninia barani atu hodi aprezenta kazu alegasaun KKN ruma ba tribunal maibe ema balun fali dehan DRA. Ana Pessoa pinto iha karrakter ida ne'e dehan A nafatin A sei la muda no nia la fihir se maka ninia inimigu ho amigu maibe nia nu'udar ema ida ne'ebe dehan sala ne'e sala no loos ne'e loos hanesan Ruis castro emprezariu nasional ida ninia impresaun.
Iha parte seluk tuir fontes Tempo Semanal iha Tribunal distrital dili membru ida husi Juiz koletivu ba julgamentu Kazu alegasaun kontra vice PM ho MNE ne'e dada aan tan ba razaun sei iha relasaun familiares ho arguido nain lima ne'e ida. Tuir Artigu 91 kodi civil hateten katak juiz ida bele husu eskuza ba Tribunal de Rekursu hodi garantia prosesu ne'e iha imparsialidade no rezultadu ne'ebe justu. Juiz DRA. "Jacinta Coreia ne'ebe mai husi Distritu Vikeke ne'e, ema balun alega iha relasaun besik liu ba Fretilin maibe dehan iha relasaun familia ho arguido ida," oficial justica ida iha tribunal distrital Dili. Ofisial justica ne'e haktuir katak, "DRA. Jacinta haruka tiha ona ninia surat Rekuza ba Tribunal de Rekursu iha Sexta Feira kotuk."
Ironia mak Prezidenti Tribunal de Rekursu la iha fatin nune'e duni kazu ne'e sei budu hodi hein desizaun husi Tribunal de rekursu. "Ha'u haree Lei na'in sira maka empata justica atu la'o," Dehan Almerindo da Silva mahasiswa ida iha Dili wainhira Jornal ne'e husu ninia komentariu.
Maiske nune'e parte balun husi autoridade justica ninian hateten katak dala ruma DRA. Jacinta la iha ligasaun direita ba Vice PM ne'ebe mai husi mos distritu Vikeke ne'e. Tan ba tuir artigu 39 ho 40 kodiku prosesu Penal Timor Leste dekreta kata juiz ida ne'ebe hakarak exkuza tenke iha ligasaun familia direitamente ho arguidu ida la'os ligasaun amizade hanesan belun bain-bain.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Timor leste was defeated it's first game by Guam
Timor Leste played its first match yesterday in the 2011 AFC Under-16 Women's Championship Qualifiers being held in Manila, Philippines. Timor-Leste was defeated by Guam 0-4 with Krystiana Martinez netting a goal in each half to lead the way.
Tatyana Ungacta opened the scoring in the 34th minute and Tayler Kukes capped the game with a goal in the 74th minute. Timor Leste is in Group A along with Guam, Vietnam, Singapore and Philippines. The Guam vitori is equal Vietnam's after beat Singapore 9-0. Vietnam is in the lead the table in group A with goal difference while Guam is second on goal difference.
The top team from the group advances to the second round, scheduled to be played in Malaysia in December.
Tatyana Ungacta opened the scoring in the 34th minute and Tayler Kukes capped the game with a goal in the 74th minute. Timor Leste is in Group A along with Guam, Vietnam, Singapore and Philippines. The Guam vitori is equal Vietnam's after beat Singapore 9-0. Vietnam is in the lead the table in group A with goal difference while Guam is second on goal difference.
The top team from the group advances to the second round, scheduled to be played in Malaysia in December.
Ministeiru edukasaun foo Bolsu de estuda ba Membru F-FDTL no PNTL

Husi Parte PNTL ninian membru sira ne’e na’in rua sei ba foti mos kursu pilotu no sira seluk sei tuir kursu lisenciatura ba kriminolojia ninian. Marka iha ceremonia ne’e Ministru Edukasaun Joao Freitas, Vice Ministru Edukasaun ho Kolonel F-FDTL Falur Rate la’ek.
Eis Gerrileiru Falur Rate la’ek ezije ba membru Forca Defeza no Seguranca sira ne’e atu uza didiak fiar ne’ebe governu ho Estadu Timor Leste foo ba sira no tane nafatin Timor Leste ninia naran iha Filipina. “Ita bo’ot sira ba iha ne’eba atu eskola. Maibe labele haluha katak ita iha kultura proprio, ita iha valor no Relijiaun rasik. Tan ba ne’e tenke labele halo monu nasaun ninian naran,” apela Falur.
Lugu Prontu kolabora ho Justica no Tama Kadeia kuandu Tribunal Deside nia Kontra Lei
Tempo Semanal Dili 16.10.2010

Jose Luis Guterres dehan, “ Iha momentu ida ke hanesan momentu ida afeta duni ha’u. Tan ba akuzasaun ne’e publiku kuaze tinan tolu ona maka ema ko’alia beibeik. Maibe asuntu ne’e hanesan ami seidauk simu notifikasaun mai husi Tribunal. Wainhira Tibunal halo ona notifikasaun pronto ida ne’e ita tenke kumprio hanesan cidadun ida tuir dever ne’ebe ita iha ba lei.”
Jose Luis Guterres kompromente katak nia sei la halai ka subar husi lei Timor ninian maibe sei ba tane aas lei ne’e ninia ukun fuan hanesan nia ba ona hataan iha Provedoria direitus Umanus no Justica i hataan on alia husu husi investigador ministeiru publiku ninian tan ne’e, “ha’u mos hakarak nafatin foo kontribuisaun, foo mos hanoin hanesan justifikasoeins legais ne’ebe iha sobre kazu ida ne’e.”
“Em prinsipiu ha’u labele halo komentariu especifiku kona ba ida ne’e. Maibe tan buat sira ne’e agora iha Jornal no iha fatin barak tebes maibe, “akuzasoens sira ne’e la iha fundamentu no la iha baze. Balun dehan riku matak. Balun dehan koluzaun no nepotizmu. Problema ne’e hahu tan ba hetaan nomeiasaun ba Ministru negosiu Estranjeiru iha 2006 wainhira iha momentu ne’eba nia sei kaer hela pasta hanesan embaisador ba Noseins unidas iha Nova Yorke. Guterres tenke husik ninia postu iha Nova Yorke mai simu knar hanesan MNE tan ba DR. Jose Ramos Horta sa’e ba PM iha governu Fretilin ninian hodi subtitui DR> Mari Alkatiri ne’e rezigna aan iha momentu ne’e. Jose Luis Guterres informa katak lala’ok iha momentu ne’eba tuir regras administrative ida ne’ebe konkorda no aprova husi Vice Ministra Negosiu Estranjeiru. “DRA. Adalgisa asina i konkorda. I tuir prosesu administrative ida. La’os ha’u dehan tenke hatama ka tenke halo hanesan ne’e.”
“Durante besik tinan ida ema la foti problema maibe bainhira ha’u simu tiha pose hanesan vice Primeiru Ministru ne’e maka komesa lia bo’ot iha parlamentu.”
“Problema ne’e dala ruma ita foti lia maibe ita haluha buat ida. Iha Primeiru Governu konstitusional, governu uluk mos propoin nomeiasaun embaixador ida ke la’os Timor o’an. Embaixador ida ke ema estranjeiru. I depois ate iha segundu Governu mos iha ema ida mos xefe misaun Timor Leste ninian iha Zenevra la’os Timor o’an. Ema estranjeiru i la’os CPLP nia ema tan. Tan ba ne’e maka ha’u hanesan halo pergunta tan sa loos maka ema ne’ebe, ema nomeia hanesan embaixador, ema ne’ebe paises estranjeiru la’os Timor oan se ba pozisaun ida ne’e mai husi kedan primeiru Governu konstitusional bele. Tan bas a los i se los maka pozisaun ba iha funsaun ida be karaik liu hanesan konseleiru labele,” nia kestiona.
Maiske oin sa Jose Luis Guterres pronto ona atu ba hataan kona ba kazu ne’ebe rezista ona ho numeru 266 iha tribunal distrital Dili i liu tan ida ne’e kuandu sala nia pronto tama kadeia.
Iha parte seluk hafoin sorumutuk ho Prezidenti Horta iha Kinta Lokraik PM Xanana dehan ninia parte hein de’it wainhira tribunal nia surat notifikasaun ba kazu ne’e no nia pronto ona atu suspende ninia membru governu nain rua hanesan VPM ho MNE. “Ne’e tan ba balun hakilar beibeik lakon lma puluh sen nunee’e hein de’it notifikasaun husi tribunal mai sei suspende kedan sira,” dehan Xanana.
Gusmao mos haktuir katak ninia parte konsulta ona ho Prezidenti parlamentu nasional ho Prezidenti da Republika kona ba data atu suspende ninia membru nain rua ne’e maiske sei deskutike malu hela kona ba artigu 113 konstituisaun da Republika ne’e.
(Transkrisaun kompletu Sei hatuun iha jornal TS iha edisaun semana oin).
Thursday, 14 October 2010
FRETILIN: Timor-Leste not ready to have Asylum Seeker Centre on its shores

He continues, “Citizens from around the world flock to the region in which Australia and Timor-Leste exist for social, economic and political reasons. They search for an “oasis”, and that is Australia. It makes no sense to bilaterally frustrate the dreams of these world citizens to seek a better life for them and their kin. The Timorese state is conscious of its obligations under international law, but, institutionally, Timor-Leste does not have the conditions to accommodate them.”
“Timor-Leste still has numerous very serious issues to resolve, including the following three: the question of land and property rights; the issue of security and the administration of justice; chronic poverty for much of its people, in all forms. An asylum seeker processing centre set up amongst such inadequate conditions will generate conflicts with unforeseen consequences.”
“The unanimous rejection by the National Parliament of the Australian government’s proposal to establish such a centre must be respected by the Timor-Leste government.”
Dr Alkatiri reiterated in the meantime that Timor-Leste remains committed to complying with its regional and international obligations.
The Fretilin Party received the visit in their headquarter in Dili. Allow me to welcome you on behalf of the many thousands of FRETILIN members and supporters to this free and independent country of ours.
We have made lots of sacrifices to free our country from foreign oppression. There will be lots of challenges ahead but we are consolidating our Nation and building a Democratic state under the Rule of Law.
We would like to use this opportunity to thank the People and Government of Australia for the help that you have been giving to us, since 1999 until nowadays, in our titanic effort of rebuilding our country and reaffirming democracy in our sub-region.
I would like to thank your Excellency for including in your agenda a meeting with me and FRETILIN, a historic party, a Party of our National Liberation and the largest political party in Timor-Leste.
We would therefore like to warmly welcome your Delegation at the FRETILIN headquarters.
As two neighboring countries, we have been learning to inter-relate and to cohabit in our sub-regional space and our relationship has been deepening, day after day. We have always been looking for ways to solve our matters through dialogue, talks and negotiations. Even for matters that apparently had put us in irreconcilable positions at first, we have managed together to overcome them for the sake of both countries.
On everything that we have managed to resolve many issues between us, and there has been a common effort to implement these decisions we have reached together. It would be an illusion to pretend that we can always find solutions and agreements for all differences that we may have between each other. However, we have also been able to agree on what our disagreements are. Each of us has, therefore, been able to express our mutual respect for the sovereign decisions of each country - Australia and Timor-Leste.
Therefore, I believe that, whatever the outcome from the discussion of the subject of today’s meeting, we will continue to open our doors to dialogue, in order to reinforce our relationship and share our commitment for our regional and international obligations.
I very much believe that Australia will always understand our position and will assume that our eventual disagreements will be matters to be dealt with more conviction and care.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Filipe Rodriguês Pereira )*
)* Observador Politika no Sosial, Membro Komite 12 de Novembro, Dili
Semana liuba Timor-Leste hetan vizita husi eis Ministro da Defeza no Komunikasaun Timor-Leste tinan 1975-1978. Iha ninia vizita Sr. Alarico Fernandes halo mos sorumotu ho PM, Xanana Gusmao iha Palacio do Governo. Sorumutu ne’e bele konsidera nudar enkontru semi-official tamba halo iha Palacio do Governo no Sr. Alarico hetan facilidades hanesan uza kareta governu nian wainhira husik hela Palacio.
Vizita Sr. Alarico no surumutu ho PM Xanana halo publiku hakfodak. Publiku nebe’e mak ikus nakonu ho jerasaun foun hus-husu. Se mak Sr. Alarico Fernandes?! Durante tinan 33 nia laran iha hela nebe’e, no teki-teki foin mosu depois de Timor-Leste retaura ninia independensia 2002? Maibe ba jerasaun 1975 no meio-jerasaun, hanesan Hakerek’nain nebe’e mos mak tinan tolu moris iha Ailaran hamutuk ho governo Fretilin nia mahon, oituan ka barak hatene ou minimal rona naran ida Alarico Fernandes ne’e.)* Observador Politika no Sosial, Membro Komite 12 de Novembro, Dili
Gerasaun 1975, nebe’e mak moris iha Fretilin nia governasaun iha tempu da invazaun, li-liu depois de tinan 1978 barak mak konsidera Sr. Alarico Fernandes nudar traidor ba resistensia, tamba nudar Ministro da Defeza no Komunikasaun, Sr. Alarico iha tinan 1978 lori ‘mensoura’ Radio Maubere entrega ba TNI. Radio Maubere tempu neba nudar instrumentu importante da luta nebe’e husi Ailaran publika ba mundu konaba dezenvolvimentus politika movimentu da resistensia depois de Indonesia halo invazaun.
Depois de rende no entrega ‘mensoura’ Radio Maubere ba Indonesia, Sr. Alarico Fernandes lakon hanesan rai mak tolan, desaparesidu tinan 33 nia laran. Karik atu halo komparasaun, kondisaun Sr. Alarico nian hanesan ho kondisaun avô Xavier do Amaral nian, sira rua tempu neba’a TNI destera ba Indonesia. Maibe avô Xavier iha tempu Indonesia nian sei buka hakbesik-a’an no koko hato’o lia-menon politika ba juventudes no estudantes sira iha Indonesia hodi luta nafatin hasoru invasor, Indonesia. Sr. Alarico Fernandes, zero. Dalaruma Sr. Alarico kala sente Timor-Leste lakon ona husi mapa mundu ne’e nian, tamba ne’e kuaze tinan 33 nia laran Sr. Alarico la’tau liu preokupasaun oituan ba’a Timor-Leste ninia dezenvolvimentu politika no sosial.
Hanesan temi ona iha leten, teki-teki iha dia 6 de Outubro 2010, Sr. Alarico Fernandes hakat tama ba Palacio de Governo hodi halo sorumutu ho PM Xanana. Tan sa mak Sr. Alarico Fernandes foin mosu ba Timor-Leste depois de tinan 33 fika “dessaparisidu”? iha motivu saida ho Sr. Alarico ninia vizita? Sr. Alarico ninia vizita tamba ho ninia hakarak rasik ka iha individu ka partidu balun nia hakarak ho objektivu atu atinji individu ka partidu ruma nia intereses?!
Karik atu hatan perguntas iha leten ho respostas normais maka ita hotu sei dehan, Sr. Alarico Fernandes ninia prezensa iha Timor-Leste nudar vizita familiar bai-bain no buka hato’o deit say hello ba ninia antigus kolegas, jerasaun’75 sira. Maibe hare liu husi oklu politika maka sei la sala wainhira publiku mos konsidera katak prezensa Sr. Alarico Fernandes iha no ka ho motivu politika. Iha ne’e publiku duvidas, Sr. Alarico Fernandes utiliza individu ka partidu ruma atu alkansa ninia intereses politika, ka iha individu ou partidu balun mak utiliza Sr. Alarico Fernandes ninia figura pasadu hodi buka alkansa individu ka partidu ne’e ninia intereses?! Ka entres sira utiliza-malun, Sr. Alarico utiliza partidu ruma no partidu ruma utiliza Sr. Alarico?! No, karik koalia konaba utilizasaun maka tenki iha kooperasaun no dependensia ba malun hodi rezulta lukru ba parte rua ne’e hotu. Hakerek’nain hare katak karik iha duni utilizasaun ba malun ho vizita Sr. Alarico nian ne’e, maka ninia orientasaun ba’a eleisaun. Eleisaun 2012 ka eleisaun anticipada.
Relasiona ho se utiliza se, karik hare husi parte Sr. Alarico nian maka ninia possibilidades ki’ik (maibe la’os la’iha) wainhira mosu hanoin katak Sr. Alarico hakarak uza ninia presensa iha Timor-Leste dadaun nudar odanmatan hodi buka mos poder politika iha nasaun ne’e. Posibilidade ne’e ki’ik tamba iha historia da rezistensia Sr. Alarico hafitar ninia figura iha pasadu hanesan temi ona iha leten, iha tinan 1978 lori ‘mensoura’ Radio Maubere mai rende, no desaparesidu durante tinan 33 nia laran. Alem de fitar nebe’e refere daudaun, husi aspektu fizika ka saude dalaruma la permite atu Sr. Alarico duni (kejar) intereses politika ba ninia a’an. Mos, karik Sr. Alarico hakarak poder ba ninia a’an maka nia mos sei mosu iha Timor-Leste iha tinan 2000 henesan figura politika sira seluk, la’os mosu iha tinan 2010 ne’e.
Maibe hare husi parte seluk, iha tendensia bo’ot nebe’e hatudu katak iha individu ka partidu balun mak buka atu koko utiliza Sr. Alarico ninia figura hodi alkansa intereses individuais ka partidarias, tamba, politika Timor-Leste prezente sei nudar politika kompetisaun entre antigus lideransas. Wainhira iha duni individu ka partidu nebe’e ho objektivu utiliza Sr. Alarico ninia prezensa no figura hodi buka atinji sira nia intereses politika, maka individu ka partidu refere dahuluk kala sei buka hamo’os (memoles) lai imajen Sr. Alarico nian nebe’e politikamente “kulapru” sai ba nabilan. Individu ka partidu ne’e kala sei haklaken katak buat nebe’e mak Sr. Alarico halo iha pasadu la’os sala individu maibe sala kolektivu. Sr. Alarico la’os traidor hanesan uluk lideransas’75 balun haklaken ba povu, maibe Alarico é o heroi da patria. Iha ne’e ikus mai figura Sr. Alarico la’os ona ema nebe’e mak uluk lori ‘mensoura’ Radio Maubere mai intrega ba TNI ka fika dessaparesidu durante tinan 33 nia laran, maibe publiku tenki simu no louva deit katak Sr. Alarico nudar fundador ASDT/Fretilin no primeiru Ministro da Defesa no Komunikasaun de Timor-Leste.
Maibe, karik iha loron ikus la’mosu ka la’konsege kria deal politika entre Sr. Alarico ho individu ka partidu nebe’e iha hanoin atu utiliza Sr. Alarico nia figura, ou iha dalan-klaran mosu class entre Sr. Alarico ho individu ka partidu nebe’e refere, maka tuir Hakerek’nain, Sr. Alarico ninia kondisaun sei la’dok, sei hanesan ho avô Xavier do Amaral nia kondisaun iha tempu hirak liuba. Por ezemplu avô Xavier atu simu deit katak nia mak Proklamador da Independensia Timor-Leste nian mos la’os buat ida fasil tamba deit iha tempu pasadu avô Xavier ‘han-malu’ ho ninia vice-prezidente, Nicaolau Lobato. No, ikus mai atu tama ba eleisaun 2006 mak avô Xavier hetan konsiderasaun legal katak nia mak nudar proklamador da independensia. Ho lian seluk Hakerek’nain hakarak dehan, karik iha loron ikus Sr. Alarico rejeita pedidu politika husi individu ka partidu hanesan temi iha leten maka iha possibilidade figura ka imajen Sr. Alarico nian sei la’muda, Sr. Alarico sei moris nafatin ho stigma nudar traidor da resistensia e da patria. ***END***
East Timor President gives Green Light to Refugees Processing Centre While Parliament Still Firm to Reject
Tempo Semanal-Dili, 13.10.2010
Australia's immigration minister held talks on Tuesday with East Timorese President Jose Ramos-Horta, who says his country is ready to host a processing facility on humanitarian grounds.
Chris Bowen also met with East Timor parliament Speaker, Fernando Lasama de Araujo and the parties leader seat in parliament leaders. On July East Timor Parliament unanimously vote to block the refugees processing centre.
While Secretary General of Fretilin Party, DR. Mari Alkatiri said he is agreed to meet with Australian Immigration Minister but his party is fully support East Timor Parliament resolution to reject the Proposal for refugees Centre on East Timor soil.

Australian PM’s Proposal for a Refugees Processing Centre came to East Timor President by a phone call in july this year, amid a raging political debate in Australia over how to deal with a sharp increase in the number of asylum seekers arriving by boat in Australian waters.
President Ramos-Horta has dismissed reports of widespread domestic opposition to the proposals, saying people will agree once he explains to them. Horta also plan to brief the Church leaders and NGO’s.Chris Bowen also met with East Timor parliament Speaker, Fernando Lasama de Araujo and the parties leader seat in parliament leaders. On July East Timor Parliament unanimously vote to block the refugees processing centre.
While Secretary General of Fretilin Party, DR. Mari Alkatiri said he is agreed to meet with Australian Immigration Minister but his party is fully support East Timor Parliament resolution to reject the Proposal for refugees Centre on East Timor soil.
Ministru Zacarias Taka Ibun no UNPOL Seguranca Ministru Ninia trava Jornalista.
Exklusive Picture Tempo Semanal Dili, 13.10.2010
Iha loron Kuarta (13/10) oras ida liu meudia, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru (MNE) Timor Leste DR. Zacarias Albano da Costa to’o hikas iha Dili ho aviaun Merpati husi bali. Hakarak atu hetaan pozisaun husi Ministru Zacarias ninia jornal ne’e mos hakaat ba aeroportu internasional Prezidenti Nicolao Lobato Komoro maibe la konsege hetan informasaun ruma tan ba UNPOL la autoriza jornalista hakbesik ba Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Timor Leste ninian. Tuir fontes Jornal ne’e iha MNE dehan Ministru Zacarias sei fila hikas mai TL iha loron 16/10 maibe derepenti Tempo Semanal deteta katak Ministru Zacarias tun daudaun husi aviaun MZ8490. Jornalista Tempo Semanal mos hiit husi parte terminal jeral ba terminal VIP aeroportu ninian. Wainhira to’o iha ne’eba UNPOL ida ne’ebe foo seguranca ba Ministru ne’e ho liman hatudu hodi hateten, “para iha ne’e labele mai tan.” Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru dada lia hela ho fungsionariu balun husi ministeiru ne’e iha salaun VIP ninian. UNPOL ne’e hakat mai besik ba Jornalista ne’e hodi husu kartu identidade jornalista ne’e ninian. Hafoin haree tiha nia hakat fali ba didin sorin fatin Ministru tuur ba no la kleur sai fali mai ko’alia ho ninia kompaineiru UNPOL ida seluk hodi fihir ba diresaun jornalista ne’e ninian. Lakleur Ministru zacarias mos atu sai ba sa’e kareta. Jornalista Tempo Semanal ne’ebe ninia Alturas lakon ho UNPOL sira ne’e dala lima tenta filme Ministru Zacarias ne’ebe la’o sai daudaun husi salaun VIP atu ba sa’e ninia karreta maibe lakleur UNPOL ida seluk ne’ebe hatais kamija kinur la’o husi salaun laran mai hamriik tenta atu taka lenca kamera Tempo Semanal ninian.
Ministru Zacarias la’o ho oin buis hakat liu ba ninia karreta ne’ebe odamatan loke hela kedan ona husi seguranca ida. Hafoin Ministru Zacarias hatu’ur aan tiha karreta official Ministru ninian G003 halai sai husi terminal VIP ninian.
Iha lista akuzasaun Ministeiru Publiku ninian kona ba kazu hariku aan hamutuk no abuzu de poderes, Ministru Zacarias ninia laran iha numeru dois hamutuk ho ema nain haat sira seluk. Partidu PSD ninia sekretariu Jeral Marito Magno dehan jornal ne’e katak hafoin de enkontru komisaun Politika nasional sira husu ona ba Primeiru Ministru atu suspende DR. Zacarias da Costa husi ninia kargu hanesan Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru nune’e tuir komentariu balun foo parabeins ba partidu ne’e tan sai izemplu hodi hatudu vontade hakarak kolabora ho justica.

Ministru Zacarias la’o ho oin buis hakat liu ba ninia karreta ne’ebe odamatan loke hela kedan ona husi seguranca ida. Hafoin Ministru Zacarias hatu’ur aan tiha karreta official Ministru ninian G003 halai sai husi terminal VIP ninian.

Dala barak ONU ho komunidade internasional sempre halo kampania atu ajuda liberdade de imprensa maibe dala barak mos hetook aat liu fali maka pesoal ONU ninian falta respeitu ba liberdade de imprensa. Jornalista Tempo Semanal dala lubun ruma ona maka hetan hahalok empata beibeik servisu jornalista ninian. Iha 2005 Jornalista ONU pesoal ONU ninia hadau Kamera jornalista ninian hodi estraga tiha ninia lenca no foti tiha kasete la entrega fali ate ohin loron wainhira filme husi Estrada besik mandarin dili wainhira official justice halo exekusaun ba uma ne’ebe sr. Guy Campos hela ba. Asaun staff UN nian ida ne’e provoka kritikas husi organizasaun media ninian.
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