This project has been strong criticized many times by sources inside the Government, the UN itself, and the media.
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Unreleased UN Security Survey |
The survey of thousands of Timorese across 13 district was conducted by The Demographic Institute Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia (Contractor) under contract number Security Perception Survey (PS-‐UNDP 007/2009). Indonesian experts surveyed Timorese citizens on behalf of the United Nations to determine the perception on security in Timor-leste.
The survey report was submitted in April 2010 and has had secret ever since while UNMIT wait for Government to agree to release.
UN Peacekeeping Chief Alain Leroy will be in Dili next week to review UNMIT and Government performance. This secret survey was not even mentioned in the UN Report to the Security Council (Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (for the period from 21 September 2010 to 7 January 2011) in 25 January 2011 this year.
The survey is supposed to inform and support the final review document which the UN Report to the Security Council says in
"Section 31 The finalization of the draft document on the comprehensive review of the security sector has been delayed. Currently, the Government and the Office of the President are reviewing the document, in consultation with UNMIT. While it appears unlikely that the document will be finalized in the near future, many of the elements identified in the draft document have already been addressed, as noted above (see para. 30), and, once finalized, it will serve as a useful reference document."
The UNMIT SSR appears to be falling.
The UN Security Survey can be found here, revealed to the readers by Tempo Semanal.
Executive Summary
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Chapter 6.1 Safety and Security
Chapter 6.2 Perception on Police
Chapter 6.3 Perception on the Army
Chapter 6.4 Domestic Violence
Chapter 6.5 Application of the Law
Chapter 6.6 Land Ownership problems
Chapter 6.11 Poverty
Chapter 6.12 Private Sector Development
Chapter 6.13 Youth
Chapter 6.14 Law and Judiciary
One researcher who wanted anonymity said to Tempo Semanal that the general citation method has strong suggestions of plagiarism. This quote is alot used (e.g.: Belun, 2008; Chinn & Everett, 2008; CICR and FoLiman Ba Malu – Hakat Ba O.2004; Everett, 2009; La’oHamutuk, 9 October 2009; UNESCO, 2009).
Another analyst who who shown survey asked why no critical references were used. And another academic source asked why no indigenous reports used and called the survey report "irredeemable".
The Governments of Australia, Norway, Ireland and the EU funded the report.
Hau servisu iha Ministeriu da justisa. Atu hatoo deit ba maluk sira hotu, liu-liu media atu investiga Director Sr. Henrique nebe toma konta ba parte PASSARPORTE NO CERTIDAUN RDTL nian. Sr. Henrique nebe baibain nudar chefe bot nebe asina passaporte RDTL nian, simu suap husi grupo falsificador Certidaun RDTL no Batismo nebe nudar requesito ba halo passaporte. Atu maluk sira hotu hatene katak iha Dili laran iha ona grupo lubun ida nebe halo falsifikasaun ba dokumentos identidade nian, hanesan Certidaun RDTL no certidaun batismo. Relasaun Director Henrique ho grupo sira nee maka nia (Henrique) simu osan bolsu nian ka iha bahasa indonesia suap husi grupo falsificador dokumentos. Depois simu tiha osan husi rede criminoso falsificador dokumentos pessoais, Henrique assina grupos nee nia klientes sira nia passaporte RDTL nebe halo ho dados foti husi CERTIDAUN BATISMO FALSU, CERTIDAUN RDTL FALSU NO KARTAUN RDTL FALSU! Grupos kriminosos sira nee nia Chefe bot mak Senhor ida naran Jaime. Baibain lao tama iha office sr.Henrique nian ho hatai gravatadu hanesan bussinesman bot ida. Maibe senhor Jaime nee maka kaer jovem lubuk ida iha nia rede ba halo certidaun batismo falsu, kartaun eleitoral falsu no certidaun RDTL falsu. Kuandu Sr. Jaime ba hasoru Sr.Henrique iha nia eskritorio, sekretaria Henrique nian haruka ba liu kedas leten tamba chefe hein tiha ona iha neba. Iha neba Jaime entrega osan dolar lubun bot ida ba Henrique hanesan uang suap, para assina lalais passaporte RDTL husi Jaime nia klientes sira nian. Ate agora ida nee hanesan segredu publiku ida ka rahasia umum entre funsionario sira iha Ministeriu Justisa nian, liu sira nebe toma konta ba halo Passaporte RDTL.
Maluk sira ami hakarak fo hatene deit ba imi katak informasaun ida nee ami hatoo laos tamba motivasaun politiku ruma maibe informasaun nee ami hatoo tamba ami sente katak falsifikasaun iha parte dokumentus sira nebe identifika ema hanesan timor oan, hanesan certidaun RDTL agora sai makaas no grave tebes, involve grupo falsifikador sira iha Dili laran no mos funsionario lubuk ida iha Ministerio da Justisa. Ami hare katak ida nee perigoso tebe ba seguransa nasaun nian no legalidade parte identidade hanesan ema timor oan. Grupo sira nee no mos funsionario korupto sira nee dala ruma motivasaun maka atu hetan osan lalais, maibe sira lahatene katak entre sira nia klientes sira bele mos ema terorista sira no estrangeiro nebe hakarak infiltra iha TL ka bele mos imigrante ilegal sira nebe hakarak hetan lalais passaporte RDTL nian liu husi dalan ilegal nian envolve funsionario korupto lubuk hirak nee ho sira nia diretor Henrique iha parte passaporte nian!
Tamba ida nee hakait ba seguransa nasional no interesse nasional ami husu ba Membro Parlamento sira no mos PNTL no prokuradoria Geral atu investiga lalais rede falsifikador certidaun RDTL no certidaun batimos nian. No mos ba investiga senhor Henrique nebe diretor ida nebe babain assina passaporte RDTL ba sidadaun Timor Leste nian.
Agora ami labele fo sai lai ami nia fonte informasaun sira nia naran, ami hein lai prosesu investigasaun tama ona iha prkuradoria no PNTL maka ami prepara atu ba fo sasin konba senhor nain 2 nee: Henrique (diretor ida nebe toma konta ba passporte RDTL) no Jaime (chefe grupo falsificador certidaun RDTL no batismo nian).
Lahorain (Laho sira nia Rain)
Ida nee maka historia konaba fatin ida naran Lahorain. Lahorain maka rai ida nebe laho hotu-hotu hela ba no halimar fatin, sira nia moris no mate fatin. No sira nia moris atu hanesan ituan ho imi no hau rasik.
Sira iha parlamento ida. No iha tinan hat ba tinan hat sira iha eleisaun. Sira ba fatin eleisaun nian no fo sira nia votos. Sira balu ate hetan tan boleia ba fatin eleisaun nian. No tinan hat tuir mai apanha tan boleia ba fatin eleisaun ka asembleia de voto. Hanesan kedas ho imi no hau. No iha tempo eleisaun nian, laho oan sira nee sempre ba iha urna no hili governo ida. Goveno nebe komposto husi busa sira, busa sira nebe bokur, bot no metan.
Maibe, se imi hanoin katak estranhu tebes ke laho sira hili fali governo ida, nebe forma husi busa sira, entaun imi hare didiak lai ba historia Canada nian iha tinan sianulu ikus mai nee no imi bele nota katak laho sira nee la beik liu fali ita.
Imi tenki hatene katak hau laos hatete at ka koalia liafuan at ruma kontra busa sira. Busa hirak nee diak, simpatiku. Sira dirige governo ho dignidade. Sira aprova leis mesak didiak deit - katak leis sira nebe diak ba busa sira. Maibe leis sira nebe diak ba busa sira, sai tiha fali leis nebe ladiak ba laho sira. Lei ida husi leis sira nee, hatete katak laho nia kuak fatin tenki luan atu nunee busa sira bele hatama sira nia liman ba. Lei seluk fali hatete katak laho sira tenki lao ka halai ho serta velosidade - atu nunee busa ida bele apanha nia almoso sem esforso bot.
Leis sira nee hotu mesak diak deit. Ba busa sira. Maibe, oh.., at no susar tebes ba laho sira. No moris sai susar liutan ba sira. No wainhira laho sira labele ona aguenta ho leis sira nee, sira deside katak tenki halo buat ruma konaba leis sira nee. Nunee, laho hotu hotu hamrik no ba tuir eleisaun. Sira hatun tiha no hasai tiha busa metan sira husi ukun. Sira hili fali maka busa mutin sira.
Busa mutin sira halo kampanhe nebe diak tebes. Iha sira nia kampanhe sira dehan: “Buat nebe Lahorain presija maka mais vizaun.” Sira dehan: “Problema nebe ita hasoru iha Lahorain maka kuak laho nian kabuar fali. Se imi hili ami, ami sei hasai dekreto ida katak laho nia kuak tenki ser kuadradu.” No tuir mai ida nee maka busa mutin sira halo. Kuak laho nia sai kuadradu. Kuak kuadradu bot dala rua liu fali kuak uluk nebe kabuar. Nunee agora busa sira bele hatama laos liman ida deit maibe liman rua dala ida deit. No moris sai at no susar liu tan ba laho sira.
No wainhira laho sira la aguenta ona, sira hatun tiha busa mutin sira no hili fali busa metan sira. Depois sira hili busa mutin sira. Depois ba fali metan sira. Ate laho sira exprimenta hili mos busa sira nebe metade metan no metade mutin. No sira bolu ida nee koligasaun. Sira ate hili mos governo nebe forma husi busa ho kor oin-oin: busa sira nebe halo barulho hanesan laho maibe han hemu hanesan busa.
Problema mak, belun sira, laos iha kor busa nian. Problema mak sira nee busa. No, hanesan busa, naturalmente sira preokupa liu ba busa sira no laos ba laho sira.
Iha loron ida mosu laho kikoan ida ho ideia. Belun sira, kuidadu ho tipo kikoan nebe ho ideia ida. No laho nee dehan ba laho sira seluk: “rona mai maluk sira, tamba sa mak ita kontinua hili governo nebe forma husi busa sira nee? Tamba sa maka ita la hili governo nebe forma husi laho sira? “Ohh..” sira hatan, “ida nee bolchevique komunista ida. Kaer nia!” Ikus mai sira kaer laho kikoan nee hatama ba kadeia.
Maibe hau hakarak fo hanoin ba imi katak sira bele kaer laho ida ka ema moris ida, maibe impossivel atu kaer no halakon ideia ida.
--- Fabula politika ho origin kanadianu maibe universal tebes, autor maka Clarence Gillis, populariza husi Tommy Douglas no traduz ba tetum husi Rai Moris.
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