Thursday, 24 March 2011

Secret UNMIT SSR Report Uncovered.

Tempo Semanal has obtained from sources close to the UNMIT / UNDP Security Sector review project a draft document public perceptions of security survey which UNMIT/UNDP have conducted as part of the review project.  

This project has been strong criticized many times by sources inside the Government, the UN itself, and the media.

Unreleased UN Security Survey

The survey of thousands of Timorese across 13 district was conducted by The Demographic Institute Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia (Contractor) under contract number Security Perception Survey (PS-­‐UNDP 007/2009).  Indonesian experts surveyed Timorese citizens on behalf of the United Nations to determine the perception on security in Timor-leste.

The survey report was submitted in April 2010 and has had secret ever since while UNMIT wait for Government to agree to release.

UN Peacekeeping Chief Alain Leroy will be in Dili next week to review UNMIT and Government performance.  This secret survey was not even mentioned in the UN Report to the Security Council (Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (for the period from 21 September 2010 to 7 January 2011) in 25 January 2011 this year.

The survey is supposed to inform and support the final review document which the UN Report to the Security Council says in 

"Section 31 The finalization of the draft document on the comprehensive review of the security sector has been delayed. Currently, the Government and the Office of the President are reviewing the document, in consultation with UNMIT. While it appears unlikely that the document will be finalized in the near future, many of the elements identified in the draft document have already been addressed, as noted above (see para. 30), and, once finalized, it will serve as a useful reference document."

The UNMIT SSR appears to be falling.

The UN Security Survey can be found here, revealed to the readers by Tempo Semanal.

Executive Summary
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
Chapter 6.1 Safety and Security
Chapter 6.2 Perception on Police
Chapter 6.3 Perception on the Army
Chapter 6.4 Domestic Violence
Chapter 6.5 Application of the Law
Chapter 6.6 Land Ownership problems
Chapter 6.11 Poverty
Chapter 6.12 Private Sector Development
Chapter 6.14 Law and Judiciary

One researcher who wanted anonymity said to Tempo Semanal that the general citation method has strong suggestions of plagiarism. This quote is alot used (e.g.:  Belun, 2008; Chinn & Everett, 2008; CICR and FoLiman Ba Malu – Hakat Ba O.2004; Everett, 2009; La’oHamutuk, 9 October 2009; UNESCO, 2009).

Another analyst who who shown survey asked why no critical references were used. And another academic source asked why no indigenous reports used and called the survey report "irredeemable".

The Governments of Australia, Norway, Ireland and the EU funded the report.

Friday, 18 March 2011


PDHJ, DR. Sebastiao Dias Ximenes.
Tempo semanal-Dili,17.03.2011

KINTA-Feira, (17/3/), atividade serbisu iha edifisiu Provedor Direitu Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ) la hanesan bain-bain. 

La’os simu keixa husi komunidade sira, maibe funsionariu PDHJ kada departamentu, inklui reprezentante Organizasaun Naun Govermental (ONG) halibur hamutuk iha aula enkontru PDHJ nian.

Loron ne’e sira rona esplikasaun husi orador sira, kona ba ‘Konsultasaun Revizaun Universal Periodiku PDHJ no Sosiadade Sivil’.

Worshop loron tomak ne’ebe loke husi PDHJ, DR. Sebastião Dias Ximenes, ne’e hetan partisipasaun wain husi Sosiedade Sivil, tanba titlu husi Workshop ne’e importante mos ba Sosiedade Sivil sira.

Esplikasaun PDHJ ba Jornalista sira hafoin intervalu hateten, objetivu workshop ne’e, oinsa atu simu kontribuisaun ideas no sujestaun ba relatoriu ne’ebe PDHJ ho ONG nasional sira hakerek.

“ami hala’o workshop ida ne’e para bele simu ideas no sujestaun husi Sosiedade Sivil tomak, molok submete relatoriu ne’e ba Nasaun Unidus. Sim.., relatoriu ne’e atu haruka ba. Tanba, Timor-Leste ratifika ona konvensaun barak. Nune’e mos hanesan Estadu, ita iha dever atu aprezenta relatoriu”tenik eis Reitor UNDIL ne’e." 

Tuir Sebastião, konsultasaun kona ba relatoriu ne’ebe PDHJ ho ONG nasional sira hakerek atu submete ba Komisaun Internasional Direitus Umanus Nasoeins Unidas nian, hanesan relatoriu ba dala uluk nian.

 “Tuir loloos PDHJ mos bele halo ninia relatoriu mesak, maibe atu efisien liu PDHJ tenke serbisu hamutuk ho Sosiedade Sivil sira” Sebastião haktuir.

Konserteza Governu mos hato’o sira nia relatoriu, maibe atu iha balansu, Governu hato’o liu husi sira nia vizaun no aspeitu, tanba orgaun indepedente mos iha hanoin ketak ida.

Relatoriu ne’e foka liu ba direitus humanus, liu-liu konvensaun internasional ne’ebe TL ratifika ona, hanesan direitu feto, direitu labarik no direitu ekonomia sosial e kultural ne’ebe implementa ona iha rai laran.**

Violasaun Direitus Umanu kontinua Eziste

BAZEIA ba relatoriu Revizaun Universal Periodiku PDHJ no Sosiadade Sivil hatudu katak, violasaun Direitus Umanu iha Timor-Leste kontinua aumenta no sei eziste nafatin, tanba Estadu Timor-Leste la konsege halo diak ninia knar iha Institusionaliza rekezitu nu’udar obrigasaun estadu nian, inklui la adopta masimu rekomendasaun jeral husi tratadu rua. (tratadu direitu labarik no diskriminasaun kontra feto).

Direitu ba Moris no Dezenvolvimentu

Kazu malnutrisaun kontinua aumenta husi tinan ba tinan. 

Hanesan dadus 2010 hatudu, malnutrisaun sa’e to’o 25% no tasa mortalidade infantil as tanba moras malaria, dengue, diarea, menus hela fatin, susar asesu ba bee mos, eletrisidade no saneamentu sei kontinua eziste.

Direitu ba Edukasaun

 Dikriminasaun hasoru komunidade ne’ebe kategoria rendimentu ki’ik kontinua aumenta, tanba sira nia oan ne’ebe eskola iha eskola publiku kontinua la hetan tratamentu diak.

Direitu Feto no Jeneru

Kazu violasaun kontra feto aumenta tinan ba tinan. 

Numeru ne’e sa’e makas  iha tinan 2010. Klasifikasaun ba kazu ne’e mak hanesan, violensia fiziku, psikolojika, violensia ekonomiku no violasaun seksual. 

Maibe, entre kazu hirak ne’e, numeru as liu mak kazu violasaun domestika.

Direitu ba Moris Seguru, Justisa no Seguransa

Kazu infrasaun disiplinar aumenta aas iha periodu 2007-2010, Departamentu Justisa Polisia Nasional rezista keixa hamutuk kuaze atus ualu (800). 

Husi kazu hirak ne’e, 14% prosesa ona iha Tribunal no hetan ona desizaun, 30% sei iha prosesu investigasaun no seluk pendent.

Direitu ba Justisa

Iha area justisa nian, kazu pendente kontinua aumenta. Tanba to’o  Dezembru 2010, total kazu pendentes iha Ministeriu Publiku hamutuk kuaze 4.800 no iha Tribunal Distrital Dili kuaze 860.

Kazu pendente aumenta as tanba fatores limitasaun rekursu umanu, fasilidade no ekipamentus serbisu, jestaun no mos fator lingua, tanba komunikasaun hotu tenke uza lingua portuguesa.

Ho fator hirak ne’e hotu mak impede prosesu julgamentu, ne’e duni dadur barak mak iha detensaun ba tempu naruk no la iha revizaun periodu ba sira nia kazu.

Direitu ba Saude

Durante ne’e iha ona progresu balu husi parte Saude, tanba Governu hari tiha ona infreastrutura saude nian, hasae numeru serbisu saude to’o nivel suku, no mos numeru mediku liu husi koperasaun ho Governu Kubanu. 

Maibe, faila iha fornesementu saude ba ema hotu, tanba taxa mortalidade inan no bebe kontinua sa’e.

Direitu ba Serbisu no protesaun ba Trabailadores

To’o tinan 2010 serbisu divizaun relasaun industria konfederasaun sindikatu trabaladores atende kazu disputa laboral (1430). kategoria husi kazu ne’e mak despedimentu injustisa, problema kontratu, problema pagamentu no mos seguransa, saude ho ejiene iha fatin serbisu.

Entre kazu hotu barak liu kazu despedimentu injustisa ne’ebé atinji 86%. Husi kazu hotu 3% de’it mak rezolve liu husi dalan mediasaun tripartida ne’ebé involve Governu. 0,4%  mak lori ba tribunal no dala barak la iha serteja. Kazu disputa laboral barak mak lori ba tribunal mais kontinua pendenti.

Violasaun direitu trabaladores  sai preokupasaun tanba fator oi-oin, inklui la iha medidas protesaun ne’ebé adekuadu, kodigu laboral la iha fatin.

Asuntu desempregu iha relasaun metin ho tratamentu ba trabaladores iha kontestu kompetisaun iha merkadu trabaladores.

Tinan ba tinan forsa laboral tama iha merkadu trabalador hamutuk rihun (16.000), kuaze 15% kontinua ba ensinu superior no formasaun professional, 4% de’it mak possibilidade hetan serbisu, barak liu mak desempregu.

Direitu ba Dalen, Kultura no Relijiaun

Ofisialmente Governu adopta Lingua Portuguesa nu’udar lingua ofisial no rekoinese de’it lingua ne’e hanesan lingua ofisial iha birokrasia estadu nian, no mos iha prosesu aprendizajen.

Kestaun ne’e hamosu ona obstakulu kona ba asesu serbisu iha Governu, inklui prosesu aprendizajen no informasaun kona ba lejislasaun hotu. Ne’e duni, bainhira Governu la iha politika diak hodi proteje dialetu orijen sira, situasaun ne’e sei kria ameasa ba asesu ema hotu nian.

Violasaun Hasoru Feto no Violasaun Domestika

Maski Lei kontra violasaun kontra feto introdus ona ba publiku no iha ona kriminalizasaun ba aktus hotu husi violasaun domestika nian. Maibe, iha tinan 2008-2009 numeru kazu sa’e makas.

Kazu violasaun hasoru feto ne’ebe polisia rezista sa’e to’o 1.200, maibe 505 de’it mak prokurador lori  ba Tribunal. Husi numeru ne’e 2,5% de’it mak prosesu iha Tribunal.
Iha tinan 2010 numeru kazu violasaun domestiku sa’e makas liu 25% husi numeru kazu iha tinan rua kotuk.

Atu  hakat lalais ba susesu iha area hirak ne’e, Governu Timor- Leste tenke hakas an hodi institusionaliza prinsipiu husi tratadus sira ne’e, iha politika, programa, lejizlasaun no orsanmentu estadu nian. Iha tempu hanesan tenke adopta mekanismu ne’ebe susrentavel hodi kria nasionalizasaun husi instrumentu internasional no tenke hametin telasaun ne’ebe forte antre povu ho estadu oha kontestu konstrusaun nasional ne’ebe demokratiku.**


Tempo Semanal-Dili, 17.03.2011

According to Tempo Semanal source within the East Timor Council Minister's seating on Wednesday (16/03) said the government has cut the contract which given to an Australian company to build a temporary port for the two Timorese F-FDTL patrol boat.
Current Hera port

"The council Minister's concluded that the sydney based company has failed in honoring it's contract and the government has cut the contract today (16/03)," the source said.

The company has received some payment of US$ 4,447,000,- from the total value contract of US$ 7.1 million.

The original contract which signed between the government Timor Leste and Lifese engineering  company has determined a the project must finished by October 2010 but until today there is no port yet and sacrifice the two boat.

The government official informed Tempo Semanal that, "Lifese Engineering which has closed relation to a well known and respective lawyer in Australia has violated the contract and should pay fine 10% to East Timorese Government out of the total project value of US$7,017,705.20. But instead Instead of pay fine to East Timor Government the Lifese wrote to Xanana's government on 20/10/2010 by accusing the Timorese side was causing the delay and  and demanded Timor Government to pay some amount of US$ 695,330.28 for “Delay of Project_300910.xls". It means the value of the temporary port goes up to US$7,713,035.38.

The contract was signed July 27th 2010 but some of the works started since April 2010 which was against violated the country's procurement law. Lifese Pty Ltd started their work on the temporary project based on a Letter of intend to award from Timorese Government dated 31/03/2010.

In July last year a member of parliament from opposition Fretilin party raised the issued of good governance and conflict of interest by the involvement of a world bank former adviser to East Timor Finance Minister.

Tempo Semanal is trying to confirmed with the representatives of the company in Dili. Unfortunately Ms Ines Almeida's phone is out of reached.

Tempo Semanal also has seek the copy Press releases from the Council Ministers since yesterday and the media department has promised to deliver but unfortunately no luck yet. A Timorese staff in the Council Ministers media department said sorry due to the delay. "It's happen because our adviser hasn't finished the press released yet," said a timorese staff. (TS)

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

TL Will Send People To Help Clean UP Tsunami Destruction

The Timor-Leste Prime Minister, having arrived last Saturday (12/03) from a three week visit abroad, immediately called this Council of Ministers extraordinary meeting, to which he asked for the presence of the Japan Ambassador in Timor-Leste.

Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão personally presented his condolences to Iwao Kitahara and informed the Japanese Ambassador about the Timorese Government’s intention to prepare the quick dispatch of a support team and to know the country’s most urgent necessities, at this time.

Through this personal consultation with Iwao Kitahara, the Council of Ministers’ purpose was to coordinate, in the best way possible, this first mission of a Timor-Leste team giving support to a country that has suffered a natural disaster.

"As a consequence of the violent earthquake and consequent tsunami, that affected Japan, and caused a great devastation and a high number of deaths, the Council of Ministers, in an act of solidarity and fraternity (fundamental principles recorded in the Timor-Leste Constitution) decided to approve the dispatch of a team of one hundred persons to help in the debris removal.

Within this week, the Secretary of State for Professional Training and Employment will go to Japan to prepare the arrival of the Timorese that will help Japan during one month, a period that can be extended according to the Japanese necessities. Bendito Freitas will lead this support team, composed of elements of the Falintil-Timor-Leste Defence Forces, Timor-Leste Police Force, Red Cross, youngsters, a small medical team and translators.

Japan is the biggest ever donor to East Timor's reconstruction since 1999 destructions. Japanese aids have been spent on the building road, bridges, ports and Irrigations systems. (TS)

Monday, 14 March 2011

Povu Atoni Ezije ba Governu Sosa Ro Rezerva

Oekuse, Tempo Semanal

 Pasajeiru Prepara sa'e Nakroman
Ro Nakroma halo viajen ba mai oekuse darua kada semana. Ro ne’e sai husi Dili iha segunda no tersa fila husi oekuse no iha Kinta aranka husi Dili no Sexta fila hikas husi enclave ne’e hala’o viajen dala ikus ba Oekuse iha 14/01/2011. Bilete pasajeiru ro ne’ebe doasaun husi Alemaun ne’e fahe ba klase tolu. Hanesan iha klase dahuluk ho total pasajeiru ema nain atus ida lima nolu ho folin bilete US$4,00, klase darua ba ema atu ida lima nolu ho bilete kada ema US$14,00 no ba klase datolu kada ema ida selu bilete US$20,00 ba pasajeiru nain lima nolu.

Hafoin ro ne’e aat tiha ligasaun Dili ho enklave kotu hodi halo populasaun Oekuse labele mai Kapital no sira ne’ebe iha rai bo’ot ne’e labele fila ba Oekuse nune’e hamosu preokupasaun no protesta ikus mai Governu Dili kombina ho Indonesia nia tulun loke dalan liu husi rai ketan.

Ro Nakroma dadauk sei hala'o hela manutensaun iha Indonesia maka hamosu aspeitu negative lubun rum aba komunidade ninia moris. Nesecidade baziku iha merkadu Oekuse ninian folin sa'e kada loron nune’e hamosu lamentasoens husi konsumidores kona ba folin 9 bahan pokok ninian. Domingos Punef nu’udar finalista husi Dili Institute of Tecknology, Kampus Region Enklave Oekusi (DITKREO) hato’o ninia lamentasoins kona ba folin sasan ne’ebe fa’an iha ki’os no loja sira iha oekuse laran.

Punef kontente ho Governu inisiativa Governu ninian hodi haruka ro Nakroman ba halo manutensaun no ko’alia ho Indonesia hodi foo asesu ba transporte terreste viajen liu husi territoriu Indonesia ninian durante ne'e dala 4 ona ba mai oekuse Dili.

Kios iha Merkadu Nunbe'e
“Maibe parte seluk hau la konkorda tanba saida mak la aluga deit Ro rezerba ida de’it hodi bele ba mai lori netik sasan ruma ne'ebe persiza liu-liu nesesida sembilan bahan pokok du ke ita liu husi darat ba mai hanesan pasiar de’it,” dehan joven ne’ebe hela iha Aldeia Nunbe’e, Suku Costa, Sub-Distritu Pante-Makasar.

“Hau ohin mai iha ne'e (Merkadu Nunbe’e Suku Costa ) hodi sosa foos maibe hau osan la to'o hodi sosa  tan ba foos - Globus AAA, 25 kg fa'an ho US$ 25.00 too U$ 27.00, 30 kg fa'an ho U$ 30.00, no 35 kg fa'an ho U$ 35.00. Se hanesan ne’e maka povu ki'ik bele mate hamlaha, sa tan estudantes hanesan hau husi foho inan aman fo deit osan sabaun no oinsa atu hola hahan, kompara ho tinan-tinan ne'ebe liu maiske osan laiha no foos karik la iha maibe ami laran metin deit ba batar no tinan ne'e tuir hau nia hare 95% povu oekuse la kuileta batar no hare tan ba tinan ladun di’ak ba agrikultores sira,” esplika Punef.

Calistro Ta’u nu’udar Kios Quefi Malam nia nain iha merkadu Nunbe’e konfirma folin sasan nian sa’e duni. “Ne’e bazeia ba importasaun ne’ebe iha oekusi hanesan foin dadauk ne’e ami husi Familia aluga Ro Ata-Uru mai lori sasan Sembilan bahan pokok ne’e ami aluga ho U$$ 10.000.00, maka mai tan ba ida ne’e maka sasan sira agora folin tenke sa’e,” dehan Calistro Ta’u.

Nia esplika katak “foos agora folin sa’e ne’e ami fa’an duni foos 25 kg fa’an ho US$ 25.00 , 35 kg fa’an  ho US$ 35.00, no sasan 9 bahan pokok sa’e duni hanesan Masin Midar saku ida fa’an ho US$ 59.00 maibe sel-seluk fa’an ho folin la hanesan balun fa’an ho US$ 60.00, balun US$ 62.00 no US$ 63.00.”
“Ba oin ami husu ba Governu local no Nasional hodi prepara lalais Ro rezerva ida hodi troka Ro Nakroma atu lalika homusu krizi iha rai laran liu-liu Oekusi,” nia apela.

Iha loron 27/01/2011 kloter primeiru karreta ne’ebe uza ba tula foer hodi lori ema lubun bo’ot hamutuk 300 ba Oekuse. Depois loron 28/01/2011 karreta saneamentu sia tula pasajeiru hamutuk atus haat sia nolu resin nen husi idade oioin hanesan feto, labarik, ferik, katuas ho foin sa’e sira mai Dili liu husi Indonesia ninia territoriu.

Tuir observasaun iha loron 28/01/2011 ema lubun bo’ot nakonu iha karreta sia nia laran habai iha loron nia manas durante oras balun nia laran besik postu Alfandega iha rai ketan Oekuse ho Indonesia ninian tan ba falta de koordenasaun.

“Ba oin ami ejiji ba Governu hodi Prepara lalais Ro rezerva ida hodi bele hatan nesesida populasaun liu-liu kbi’it laek sira,” Punef espera.

Iha sorin seluk Marsal da Costa Soares nu’udar Professor Eskola Tekniku Agrikula Region Oekusi sente triste hodi dale, “ami loron-loron gasta tempo ba mai iha Sektrtariu estadu nia oin ka fatin hodi hein kareta atu ba Dili maibe dala ruma dehan atu ba maibe dala ruma dehan husi Konsulat Indonesia seidauk fo Autorizasaun entaun ami fila de’it no persiza tan osan hodi selu Ojek ba mai ida ne'e moos karik konsekuensia ida ne'ebe la bele hakuak.”

“Hau sujere ba Governu lokal no Nasional atu hare kazu ne'ebe povu oekuse infrenta liu-liu transportasaun. Ami ejiji ba Governu atu prepara lalais Ro hodi povu oekuse bele sente dehan katak Transporte iha ona,” nia dale.

Iha lorokraik, Sabado (12/03) Ro pasajeiru ida hahu tula ema nakonu tama iha ponte ka’is Dili no tuir populasaun Oekuse balun iha Dili dehan iha loron uluk semana ne’e ro refer sei hahu halo viajen ba enklave Oekuse. (sto)    

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Xefe Do Estadu Hakna'ar Aan Hikas Servisu Tuan, Hatutan Tiga Roda Nia Lian

Tempo Semanal-Dili, 11.03.2011

Prezidenti da Republika iha kalan bo'ot (11/03) hala'o hikas ninia kna'ar ne'ebe uluk veteranus Jornalista ne'e hala'o iha tinan rihun ida atus sia hitu nolu nia laran. Tuir observasaun Tempo Semanal ekipa Jornalista ne'ebe komandan husi prezidenti da republika ne'e kompostu husi ema nain ha'at hanesan DR.Jose ramos Horta, DR. Jose Mereles, DR. Joel Maria no fotografer ida.
Besik tuku sanolu resin tolu DR. Jose Ramos Horta ne'ebe bele dehan hanesan jerasaun dahuluk ba jornalista Timor ninian ne'e hakat besik ba fa'an nain roda tolu ho roda rua sira ne'ebe para lina besik entre liuron bo'ot ho tasi ninin iha halihun bo'ot parte norte kaza eupeia ninian.
Eis autor ne'ebe hasai termus Mauberizmu ba defende ema ain tanan Timor oan sira nia direitu iha tinan tolu nolu liu ba kotuk ne'e, dada lia ho fa'an nain sira hodi husu tuir ema dalan ninin sira ne'e nia situasaun iha kalan nia nakukun besik hali hu'un oeste husi gabinete sekretariu do Estadu Juventude desportu ninian. 
"Ha'u hakfodak haree prezidenti da republika mai ko'alia ho ami. Ha'u kontente ko'alia ho Prezidenti hein katak sei foo tulun ruma mai ami," dehan vendedor ida ne'ebe hanaran aan ho Atoi.
Vendedores sira ne'e ho hakfodak hodi haree ulun bo'ot estadu nasaun ninian ne'ebe deklara aan hanesan Prezidenti ba ema ki'ak ne'e la'o iha roman naton ahi nakukun ba dada lia ho sira.
"Ha'u fa'an iha ne'e kleur ona no toba iha ne'e kalan-kalan hodi hein no fa'an sasan iha hau nia tiga roda."
"Osan ne'ebe ha'u hetaan hodi sosa hahan, roupa no haree ha'u nia oan nia eskola," dehan joven ne'ebe besik tinan tolu nolu ne'e.

Lukru ne'ebe nia hetaan ladun bo'ot maibe konforme tempu de'it.
"Tempu di'ak bele hetaan to'o dua puluh ka tiga puluh dollar maibe sorte la di'ak no ema ladun rame entaun kala ida sorte liu-liu ema sosa lima dollar."
Iha karosa roda rua ne'ebe para besik Atoi nia sorin kuana nakonu ho sigaru LA, Malboro mutin, Surya 12, Filter, rapizadu, sugus, Mentoos ho beer abc, tiger, kokakola, aqua ki'ik no bo'ot ho katon mutin ida nakonu ho es fatuk ne'ebe hoba hela tua beer, kokakola, sankis, sprite.
Vendedor karosa roda rua no roda tolu sira sai hanesan didin ba liuron prinsipal kapital timor Leste ninian. Iha kalan ruma ema sempre ba tu'ur besik lecidere hodi hemu iha jardin.
"Ha'u mai beibiek iha ne'e tan ba anin di'ak no gosta mai hemu iha tiu sira ne'e tan ba hodi sosa sira nia sasan duke ita ba hemu iha restaurante karun no ema seluk maka hetaan osan," dehan Alex komunidade ida husi Dili ne'ebe tu'ur hela ho ninia belun sira iha besik jardin Nossa senhora Lecidere.
Iha karreta liu para hodi sosa sigaru no balun sosa bee aqua no balun sosa nu'u.
Iha parte seluk lala'ok prezidenti da republika ninian ne'e hamosu mos perguntas ba hakna'ar nain jornalista sira ninian. Iha fulan kotuk durante konferensia de imprensa ida iha aeroportu Nicolao Lobato Dili Jornalista sira mos hato'o ona lia husu ba Prezidenti da republika hodi kestiona publikasaun iha website Prezidensial ninian ne'e hanesan halo fali kompetisaun ho media sira nia servisu. (TS).

Xanana To'o Hikas Iha TL, Relata Apoiu Internasional Ladun Efektividade

Tempo Semanal-Dili, 12.03.2011

Abertura Dialogu Internasional G7+ iha Abril 2010 (Foto:TS dok)
PM Xanana hato'o ninia preokupasaun kona ba efektividade ba gastu osan husi nasaun Doador sira ninian iha Timor Leste durante ne'e. Lider Governu ne'e hato'o ninia hanoin hirak iha konferensia de imprensa iha aeroportu Nicolao Lobato Komoro Dili (12/03) hafoin tun husi manu liras Besi Merpati.

PM Xanana hala'o vizita ba estranjeiru besik fulan ida hodi partisipa iha reuniaun Konsellu Seguransa ONU ninian kona ba Misaun UNMIT, hafoin vizita hanesan Xefe do governu ba Washington, ba Kuba, Brasil no Londres.

"Rai recipientes la'os Timor Leste de'it, rai recipientes ladun hetan no ladun ka'er dehan apoiu sira ne'e mai oin nusa," Xanana konfesa ninia sentimentu.

Iha vizita ba nasaun belun sira ne'e tuir Primeiru Ministru katak hodi koordena koopersaun di'ak liu tan ho nasaun sira ne'e tan ba Timor leste sei halo revizaun ba kooperasaun sira ne'e hodi evita kada ministeiru ida-idak maka husu. Xanana informa katak Timor Leste sei estabele programas balun ba kortu, meudiu no longu prazu hodi aijuda asegura nasaun belun sira atu foo apoiu.

Husi Brasil komitiva PM ninian ba Londres hodi ko'alia ho Departamentu ne'ebe haree ba aijudas ba exterior ninian. Iha ne'eba lider governu ne'e dada lia liu kona ba pozisaun Timor Leste ne'ebe agora prezide hela G7+.

"Problema aijuda internasional ba ita nu'udar recipientes, nu'udar rai recipientes, ita hakarak aijuda internasional mai ne'e, mai hetan ho impaktu iha ita nia rain. Tan la'e karik ita rona maka osan barak hanesan rai seluk mos tau maibe impaktu ladun," Dehan Xanana ne'ebe akompania husi Ministra finansas Emilia Pires ho Ministru Negosiu estranjeiru DR. Zacarias albano da Costa.

Tuir relatoriu balun ne'ebe publika ona indika dezde 1999 to'o 2009 Timor Leste hetaan apoiu husi komunidade internasional ho total osan bilaun 8.8 Dolar Amerikanu maibe iha impaktu uitoan de'it tan ba tuir relatoriu organizasaun internasional ida ne'ebe foo sai iha TL dehan entre 2011ate 2007 numeru ki'ak iha nasaun Timor Leste aumenta pursentu 14, pursentu 60 labarik ho tinan lima mai karaik moris iha mal nutrisaun no pursentu haat nolu juventude Timor oan entre tinan 15 to'o 27 dezempregadu.

"Ha'u dehan ba sira, osan la'os ami nian, osan ita bo'ot sira nian mas ha'u sente katak ita bo'ot sira mos hakarak rezultadu konkreta iha rai ne'ebe ita bo'ot sira tau osan. Ida be liu fali husi project management unit sira ne'e maka dala ruma ladun....ita la hetan," relembra Xanana.

Primeiru Ministru hetaan resposta pozitivu ruma husi ninia enkontru ne'eba tuir departamentu de apoiu externa ne'e sei foo apoiu nafatin ba G7+ ne'ebe kompostu husi nasaun frajilu sira nia dialogu internasional hanesan hala'o ona iha Dili iha abril tinan 2010 ne'ebe tuir planu sei halo fali iha Busam iha fulan Novembru 2011.

Eis Lider da rezistensia ba libertasaun nasional ne'ebe ninia rai hetaan estragus wain iha 1999 hafoin de konsulta popular ne'e to'o ohin loron sei buka hadia nafatin ninia infra estrutura maiske osan barak ona maka salin iha rai rohan ne'e ninian leten.

Tuir Dokumentus ne'ebe Tempo Semanal asesu osan liu husi aijudus internasional ne'ebe mai husi nasaun belun doador boboot hanesan Australia, Uniaun Europeia no Estadu Unidus da Amerika barak liu maka hodi selu salariu ba asesores no konsultores internasional sira ne'ebe dala barak buka hasoru malu ho ninia maluk sira iha kafe no restaurante hodi dada lia no hakerek relatoriu ba sira ninia rain kona ba Timor Leste.

Prezidenti Ramos Horta iha tinan kotuk sei halo doador sira nia tilun mean hodi dehan katak se karik osan sira ne'e gasta loloos iha Timor leste maka bele transforma nasaun ne'e ninia ekonomia no sosial ba diak inklui hadia di'ak liu tan infra estrutura sira.

"Problema iha ne'e maka gastu husi ONU nian rasik iha Timor Leste no asistensia husi bilateral no multilateral ba Timor Leste ho montante total bele temi de'it bilaun lima Dollar Amerikanu ne'e investe iha ne'ebe? Ne'e perguntas bo'ot ida ne'ebe presiza investiga husi doador sira," dehan Prezidenti Horta iha tinan kotuk ba Tempo Semanal.

Tuir Observasaun Nasaun ne'ebe aijuda osan labun bo'ot maibe pelumenus halo mudansa netik ba oin kapital nasaun ne'e ninia maka apoiu husi Xina ne'ebe bele dehan ki'ik liu maibe harii ona edifisiu Ministeiru Negosiu Estranjeiru ne'ebe ninia lutu hahu ferozu no monu daudaun iha bairo dos kokorus, kontrui Gabinete Prezidenti da republika iha aitara laran, Gabinete ba Ministeiru Defeza no Kuartel jeral F-FDTL ne'ebe sei iha hela konstrusaun iha Fatuhada Dili no hari'i uma rua nolu resin walu ba falimia atus ida F-FDTL iha metinaro tuir palnu sei remata iha fulan Agusto.

Hataan perguntas Jonalista ninia kona ba sucesu sucesu ka la'e PM konvense Estadus Unidus da Amerika hodi investe mos ba area infra estrutura iha nasaun ne'e.
"Sucesu duni en termus ami sei kontinua nafatin ho kooperasaun ne'ebe iha ona hodi hala'o execisu no treinamentu," informa Xanana kona ba rezultadu Reuniaun ninian ho Hillary clinton.

Nia esplika, "hanesan imi hatene hafoin besik atu tinan haat (governa), doador uniku ne'ebe maka bele foo asistensia ba infra estrutura maka japaun. Sira halo liuron, portu no bu'at seluk tan. Foin lalais ne'e Xina hari'i infra estrutura edifisiu la'os infra estrutura ekonomiku. Nune'e duni ha'u tenke hateten ba imi katak la iha doador ida maka hatudu ninia hakarak atu investe osan iha infra estrutura. Tan ba ida ne'e maka sei tuir nafatin akordu no argumentu ne'ebe iha ona kona ba treinamentu no exercisu de'it."   (TS).

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Tsunami in Japan, Horta Get Engry at Timorese Secretary States for Security and send His Support to Japanese People

Tempo Semanal-Dili, 11.03.2011

East Timor President DR. Jose Ramos Horta get very angry at the secretary state for Security which he alleged not allow the Timorese police Commissioner to informed the public over the Tsunami warning leaving Timorese in confusion. 
"Well I don’t know whether we would hit by tsunami or not. I had told the commander of the police force commissioner Longuinhos to go on television to explain about that tsunami in Japan, the effects in the region and possible impact on East Timor or not. We have to take initiatives and give information to the people. Instead of allow rumors to spread. I came here talk to these people and said some already left because they afraid of tsunami," Horta told reporter last night. 

President Ramos Horta seems not happy with the secretary state for security for not allowed the police commissioner to go on television. 
“Well the Mr. Secretary State of Security, the very intelligent Mr. Francisco Guterres, who is very efficient as the secretary states for security, he said better we don’t said any thing to the public because we can cause panics. Well that brilliant gentlemen he doesn’t understand one basic principles or one basic rules that is the government and the authorities must always sees the initiatives in providing information precise to avoid rumors spreading. All of the Dili, everybody heard about Tsunami and some already come to Timor Leste. That’s what I told Commissioner Longuinhos but the brilliant Secretary of States who in the last four years we don’t know what he has done for the police Force now saying that better we don’t say anything because we can create panics. Well you create panics when you don’t give information."

The head of State share his heart breaking with the Japanese Government and it's people.
 “To the Japanese people and to all of them as I watch the news from Television, I watch with extreme sadness, horror and can not but only fell tremendous sympathy for the Japanese people, all of them in particular my friends in Senday because I know some there. I visited Senday many years ago. Met with thousands of people there. And we have an old friend head of teacher’s federation there, Mr. Michio Takahachi and old friend of Timor Leste. I hope that he is well and I hope his family are well," The 1996 peace Price winner said.   

Friday, 11 March 2011

TL La Tama Lista Alerta Tsunami Maibe Populasaun Dili Alertadu

Tempo Semanal-DILI, 11.03.2011

Tsunami iha Japaun (foto Corzia ABC TV)
Maske tuir centru monitorizasaun ba Tsunami ninian la sita Timor Leste iha lista alerta Tsunami nian maibe populasaun Dili sei hakfodak nafatin hafoin haree liu notisia internasional. "Dili keta sa'e karik tuku hira?" dehan Timor oan ida ne'ebe asiste hela notisia tuir televizaun ABC ninian.

Tuir fontes jornal ne'e iha governu ninian informa katak autoridade tenta husu hela informasaun ba centru alerta Tsunami ninian. "Ami simu informasaun katak tsunami sei kona iha filipina iha tempu badak nia laran, depois Indonesia liu-liu parte sulawesi Utara no iha indikasaun kona illa pasifiku ninian, hawai no rai balun tan maibe seidauk temi Timor ninian naran," informa fontes ne'ebe husu atu labele temi nia naran.

Iha parte seluk Timor oan balun hahu preokupa ho ninia belun iha Senday Japaun fatin ne'ebe to'o agora aas tsunami to'o metru sanolu ona ne'e. "Favor bo'ot ida buka hatene to'o katuas Michio Takahachi ninia situasaun aje," dehan belun mana ida.

Wainhira koko telefone ba Takahachi ne'ebe kuinesidu ho Padre Sato lakonsege. Belun ida husi Padre sato ne'e koko fila-fila besik oras rua nia laran maibe la konsege liga ho padre Sato.

Iha minutu balun kotuk dadus ne'ebe foo sai iha media internasional dehan Tsunami mosu iha Senday ne'e hahu ho rai nakadoko ate 8.3 skala rister. Lista alerta ba nasaun lubun ruma ne'ebe hetaan ameasa husi tsunami atu ataka maka hanesan Filipina, Indonesia ninia maka provinsia Ambon, Sulawesi Utara ho papua, nasaun sira iha illa pasifiku, costal Australia, New Zealand, parte balun husi Amerika no Mexiko.

Futuru Jerasaun Lembra Obra Boot Saudozu Konis Santana

Tempo Semanal-Mertutu, 11.03.2011

Ema lubun bo'ot ida halibur aan iha Mertutu dezde hodiseik (10/03) hodi hanoin hikas loron 11/03/1998 iha ne'ebe rezistencia Timor nian ba Ukun rasik aan lakon ninia lider di'ak ida saudozu Nino Konis Santana. Saudozu Nino Konis Santana mate iha ninia abrigu fatin iha Mertutu iha loron ne'eba no hakoi iha kalan hodi subar husi atensaun indonseia ninian.

Jovens no membru eis rezistencia ninian husi fatin oin-oin halibur aan iha Mertutu hodi ko'alia ba malu kona ba memoria saudozu Konis ninian. Ema sira ne'e mai husi Lospalos, Ermera no distritu sira seluk. Estudante husi wain tebes maka mosu iha fatin ne'eba ho ulun hateke ba rai no liman kaer ai funan hodi kari ba rate la'ek ida besik entre foho hu'un ida ho Uma sr. Caetano ninian.

Tuir Jorge Manuel alias Pos Kombi nu'udar eis responsabel ba Kaixa Mertutu dehan celebrasaun ba tinan sanolu resin Tolu mate Saudozu Nino Konis Santana ninian iha tinan ne'e bo'ot liu tinan sira kotuk. "Celebrasaun tinan ne'e bo'ot tinan sira uluk ninian. Partisipasaun husi grupu estudantes husi Lospalos, Ermera no fatin sira seluk. Haree kareta para fatin mos araska," dehan Pos Kombi.

Pos Kombi ne'ebe besik liu ba Nino Konis Satana ne'e relembra katak Saudozu Nino Konis Santana hanesan lider boot ida ba rezistensia hafoin de tropas Indonesia Kaptura Komandante em Xefe das Falintil, Xanana Gusmao no ninia troka Antonio da Costa Mahunu no Mahudo.

"Maun Konis iha momentu ne'eba moris iha situasaun ida ne'ebe maka difisil teb-tebs tan lakon lider boot hanesan maun boot Xanana, Mahunu no Mahudu," relembra Pos Kombi.

Iha aniversariu tinan ida ne'e harame ho loke filmajen kona ba abrigu subar fatin Saudozu Koni ninian to'o nia husik iis moris nian, diskursu husi eis lider da rezistensia balun no diskusaun kona ba rezistu ba eis kombatentes da libertasaun nasional sira ninian. (TS).

Wednesday, 9 March 2011


Tempo Semanal-Dili, 08.03.2011

EastTimor Defense Secretary DR. Julio Tomas Pinto has informed Tempo Semanal that there will be a joint exercise between the Timorese army and United State Marine in East Timor in early of Abril this year.

Julio said it's a great opportunity for the new Timorese professional armed forces to US marines experience.

The United state of America support to the East Timor Defense Force mainly focusing on the human capacity building such as send some F-FDTL member to be part of IMET program, work experience with F-FDTL engineers.

But DR. Pinto hopes the United State could help to fund some of the infrastructures for east Timor Defense force. He wish the USA could help to build a new navy based in south cost of the country which going to be use as a base for Timorese patrol boat to control it's southern cost and as a base for a joint exercise for F-FDTL, USA Marines and Australian Defense Force.

According to the planned this year joint training the US Marines will going to have exercise with the East Timor's F-FDTL Navy Component.

F-FDTL Marines component now a days have four patrol boats. Two second hand donated by Portugal in 2002 and two others boat bought from china after the Timorese Government not happy with some conditions came with with the Australian Pacific patrol boat program.

China the only donor is willing to funds East Timor Defense Force huge infrastructures such as East Timor Defense Force head quarter and Ministry of Defense building in dili as well as building one hundred houses for East Timor army in Metinaro compare to huge amount of funding from Australia and others wasting on Human resources.

F-FDTL transformed into the East Timor national arms forces from a guerilla forces namely Falintil in 2001.

A high rank East Timor Defense Force told Tempo Semanal this week that they need some support conditions to build a modern army forces. "We need to build a small but strong and modern army forces for East Timor," Said the F-FDTL officer who asked Tempo Semanal not to publish his name. (TS).

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Justica Defende Ema Estranjeiru, Timor Oan Lakon Fatin Iha Kapital TL

Tempo Semanal-Dili, 08.03.2011

Segunda feira, (7/3/2011) tuku 9:00 Otl mosu funu kiik entre PNTL ne’ebe tenta atu ezekuta ordem husi Ministeriu Justica ho komunidade maka okupa hela uma ruma besik iha eskola Paulos IV nia kotuk iha Bairo Central . Familia uma kain tolu, inklui juventude Bairo Central konsentra hamutuk iha okupante Sertorio Pereira nia uma oin hodi halo asaun dame kontra desizaun Tribunal ne’ebe tuir sira la justu. Iha ne’e mosu funu ibun entre Polisia ho komunidade sira. Komunidade du’un instituisaun estadu TL prefere defende ema estranjeiru sira nia direitu hodi sama Direitu Timor oan loloos ninian.

Funu ibun (perang mulut) entre pesoal Tribunal ho familia okupante manas tan ba pesoal Tribunal husu okupante atu hamamuk uma no proriodade ne’ebe daudaun ne’e sira okupa.
Situasaun sai manas liu tan bainhira pesoal Tribunal ida hakat besik ba manifestante sira hodi dehan, “ ami so mai para hala’o de’it buat ne’ebe tuir desizaun Tribunal, ne’e duni ami la iha kompotensia atu responde buat ne’ebe ita boot sira dehan ida ne’e no ida ne’eba. Tuir lolos buat hirak ne’e ita boot sira hato’o ba ema ne’ebe mak hatama asaun iha Tribunal”

Rona tiha esplikasaun husi pesoal Tribunal familia okupante no juvetude sira hakilar dehan, “tanba desizaun Tribunal, ne’e duni ami hakarak Tribunal mos tenke tun mai iha ne’e”

Komunidade sira lori espanduk ne’ebe hakerek ho liafuan “Justisa husi Tribunal la tuir Lei Konstituisaun”, manifestante sira hakilar dehan, “ami juventude Bairo Central la fo dalan ba ema estranzeiru atu mai okupa rai ida ne’e no ami sei la husik fatin ida ne’e. “

“Ha’u hatene ita boot mai atu ezekuta de’it desizaun Tribunal, maibe ha’u hakarak koalia ho maluk polisia sira. “Ami hatene Tribunal iha justisa, maibe ami sente justisa ne’e la loos, tanba desizaun ne’ebe Tribunal foti la justu. Se halo ba sira tenke halo mos ba ami iha bairo hotu, tanba ami la’os nauk sira uma, ami mai iha ne’e tanba situasaun iha 1975 mak obriga” dehan eis Ministra Edukasaun iha tempu Governu Anterior Rozalia Corte-Real.

Ho laran triste no tanis, eis Ministra Edukasaun ne’e husu ba seguransa polisia atu Alzema (borgol) uluk nia, molok haruka okupante sai. “Ha’u prontu defende sira, ha’u pronto defende povu, seguransa no justisa iha rai ida ne’e no ha’u prontu atu mate, tanba ha’u hatene situasaun” hakilar eis Ministra Edukasaun ne’e ho lian makas hodi husu fila-fila ba membru polisia atu kaer nia. 
Eis Ministra Edukasaun ne’e husu ba Tribunal tenke hare didiak asuntu ida ne’e, tanba iha konstituisaun RDTL hateten klaru katak, ema estranzeiru la iha direitu ba rai iha Timor-Leste
Hafoin halo negosiasaun ho okupante, Mateus F. Ximenes reprezenta parte ne’ebe mai halo reklamasaun hateten, Tribunal toma ona desizaun katak, ohin loron ikus para halo ezekusaun, maibe hanusa mosu fali Lei seluk entaun lia loos ne’e iha ne’ebe.

Karik prosesu ne’e liu ona husi prosesu julgamentu? Maibe, Mateus ne’ebe rekoinese an hanesan familia husi parte ne’ebe mai halo reklamasaun dehan, sim prosesu ne’e liu husi ne’eba duni, tanba Tribunal hare hotu ona katak, dokumentus orjinal ne’e  iha Sra. Eliza Gusmao de Sousa de Brito tan ne’e Tribunal foti desizaun atu halo ezekusaun.

Prosesu  hahu hatama ou susmete dokumentus ne’e hahu iha Junhu 2009, ne’e duni husi parte okupante tenke halo indiminizasaun, maibe to’o ikus mosu fali Lei seluk ne’e  entaun halo ita sai duvida hotu.

Ita hatene katak, Iha altura ne’eba ne’e iha tempu okupasaun, ne’ebe ita bolu dehan Tribunal Fantose, tamba iha ita nia Lei Konstituisaun artigu 22 dehan estadu mos proteze Timor oan sira iha rai liur no mos iha artigu 44 koalia mos kona ba dereitu abitasaun ninian, entaun buat sira ne’e hotu Lei garantia.

“Ha’u nia prezensa iha fatin ne’e, primeiru ha’u rona asuntu ne’e to’o tama iha Veteranus, segundu konsidera  hanesan kazu familiar, ne’e duni ha’u mai marka prezensa iha ne’e, maibe prinsipamente  ha’u  mai  hanesan Veteranus, tanba  ha’u sente iha responsabiliza ba estrutura Veteranus ninian, ne’e duni  lakohi  kualker  Veteranus  ida  ema  hasai  ou hatun la liu husi prosesu legal.”

Liu tiha minute balun Sekretariu do Estadu ba Asuntus Veteranus Libertasaun Nasional, Maritor Reis mos to’o iha fatin akontesimentu ninian.

“Se kuandu iha Lei dehan,  nia Veteranus tun, nia tenke tun no se tuir Lei dehan obrigasaun ba nia atu sai nia tenke sai, maibe tenke ho klarifikasaun klaru.” Esplika Sekertariu Estadu Asuntu  Veteranus  da  Libertasaun  Nasional Marito Reis.

 Tuir Marito esplika ninia razaun halo intervensaun ba iha kazu ne’e tanba de’it naran Veteranus nune’e duni nia hakarak atu defende ema ne’ebe iha direitu hodi fo ninia an no vida tomak ba rai ida ne’e nia libertasaun.

“Ami hamutuk ho Sr. Sertorio ba husu apoiu politiku ida husi Presidente da Republiku no Presidente haruka duni ninia defensor halo karta ida ne’ebe ida iha sira no ida iha ha’u. ne’e duni bazeia ba Lei ne`ebe, ha’u hare fali ita ninia Konstitusaun maibe la kondis, tanba ema ne`e mai ho ninia indentidade nudar ema Australianu, entaun hare ba ita nia Konstituisaun desizaun Tribunal ne’e la fo valor ba ema ne`ebe rai nain, maibe fo preoridade ba fali ema ne`ebe nasionalidade seluk.

Ita nia Lei mos la bandu katak, ema ida bele iha nasionalidade rua, maibe nia tenke define ninia an katak, ida ne’ebe mak nia atu hola para nia ejize ninia direitu. Nia mos tenke buka atu defeni ninia pozisaun katak parte ne’ebe mak nia iha direitu.

“Ha’u la lori Veteranus nian naran, maibe tuir individu ha’u nian katak, desizaun tribunal ne’e injustisa, tanba ha’u le`e iha buat ne’ebe defensor hakerek dehan,  Juis Distrital Dili no defensor internasional sira la verifika didiak Lei RDTL nian, tan ne’e ami tenke husu klarifikasaun” Defende Sekertariu Estadu ne’e

Tuir Ulun bo’ot Veteranus sira nian iha Governu AMP ne’e katak, nia parte la  hamutuk ho Sr. Sertorio (okupante), maibe hamutuk ho parte rua ne’e hotu, inklui Defensor President da Republika nian, tanba sira hakarak rona esplikasaun husi Tribunal, atu nune’e sira mos bele halo pergunta ruma, se bainhira iha buat balu ne’ebe tuir sira nia hanoin la loos.

Timor oan sira ne'ebe iha tempu okupasaun buka salva aan tiha ba estranjeiru no ukun aan tiha hodi fali sira nia dokumentus albirado mai hodi duni ejize Timor oan sira ne'ebe okupa uma no rai hirak ne'e atu sai husi fatin ne'ebe durante tinan susar sira ne'eba nia laran. (TS).

UNMIT System Audit - Hypocrissy

In December 2010 this newspaper reported on the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) audit of professional/criminal misconduct and mismanagement of UNMIT and its staffs.

UNMIT has refused to disclose details.

This newspaper now releases all remaining OIOS report has in file.  Reports relating to professional misconduct and criminal activity remains secret - a model of transparency to teach the poor Timorese how to make democracy.

Period 2007:

1. 03/10/2007 Risk Assessment UNMIT No.AP2007/682/06 (on file with TS)

2. 29/11/2007 Investigation into an allegation of sexual molestation by a contingent formed police unit officer in the United Nations integrated Mission in Timor-Leste 0404/07 UNMIT ID
Period 2008:

3. 04/03/2008 Audit Report UN Police in UNMIT, Recruitment at UNMIT, No. AP2007/682/01 (on file with TS)

4. 09/05/2008 Closure report on allegations of false expense claims by UN Contractors in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0482/07 OIOS IA

5. 09/05/2008 Closure report on harassment by UN Civilian Police Chief of Staff in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0039/08 OIOS ID

6. 15/05/2008 Closure report on possible misconduct of staff member in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0640/07 OIOS ID

7. 27/05/2008 Closure report on death threat allegations at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0590/07 OIOS ID

8. 27/05/2008 Investigation report on sexual assault by a Formed Police Unit member in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). 0113/08 DFS ID

9. 19/11/2008 Closure report on possible misconduct by a UNPOL Officer at the United Nations Office in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) ID 0681/07 OIOS

10. 28/11/2008 Closure report on possible theft of personal property at the United Nations Office in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) ID 0423/08 OIOS

11. 05/12/2008 Audit Report Recruitment at UNMIT, No. AP2008/682/04 (on file with TS)
Period 2009:

12. 10/02/2009 Serious Crimes Investigation Programme in UNMIT, Delays in commencement of investigative work has resulted in a backlog of cases, No. AP2008/682/06 (on file with TS)

13. 21/04/2009 Closure report on possible misconduct by a staff member of the United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) ID 0112/09 DFS

14. 24/07/2009 Closure report on fatal traffic accident in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0580/08 ID

15. 07/08/2009 Audit of procurement management in UNMIT - Further improvements to the procurement process needed to ensure compliance with the Procurement Manual UNMIT AP2008/682/07 IAD (on file with TS)

16. 27/08/2009 Travel arrangements in UNMIT - Inadequate internal controls over travel and related entitlements UNMIT AP2009/682/06 IAD (on file with TS)

17. 28/09/2009 Closure report on possible misconduct by staff members at the United Nations Integrated Mission in East Timor (UNMIT) DFS 0068/08 ID

18. 23/12/2009 Audit Report, Management of the Security Sector Support Programme in UNMIT - UNMIT's Support to security sector review and reform in Timor-Leste has not been fully effective UNMIT AP2009/682/02 IAD (on file with TS)
Period 2010:

19. 29/01/2010 Investigation report on the fraudulent wire transfer by a staff member at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0290/09 ID

20. 26/02/2010 Preliminary Investigation report on misuse of communication and information technology resources by a United Nations Police Officer at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0222/09 ID

21. 01/03/2010 Support to the development of the administration of justice in Timor-Leste - Progress has been made in supporting the development of the capacity of the justice sector; however, more efforts are needed to increase the level of engagement with national counterparts UNMIT AP2009/682/03 IAD (on file with TS)

22. 28/05/2010 Investigation report on misuse of information and communication technology resources by a staff member at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0172/10 ID

23. 28/05/2010 Advisory on the misuse of information and communication technology resources in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) 0222/09, 0170/10, 0171/10, 0172/10 DFS ID

24. 11/06/2010 Investigation report on misuse of information and communication technology resources by a staff member at the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) DFS 0170/10 ID

25. 15/06/2010 Public information services in UNMIT - Ineffective planning and weak governance diminished the efficiency and effectiveness of UNMIT's public information services UNMIT AP2009/682/04 IAD. 