Saturday, 20 November 2010

TS Polling #1 - Should UNMIT SRSG Ameerah Haq Fire Andre Thorsen?


Anonymous said...

Not only should Andre Thorsen be fired from UNMIT, he should also be forced to leave Timor-Leste!

Anonymous said...

Hi Madame Amerah Haq or to whom it may concern,

Can you get this idiot (andre) out of Timor Leste.. He should be persona non grata... from the UN at once....

Nacer Frente said...

Before it goes to the hearing, I believe that SRSG well aware about this proposal, The question is Do you really read and understand East Timor constitution and Timorese fear over the used of weapon before took the UNMIT office Mrs. Haq????
If so, how dare you let it Andre Thorsen "maibe intended or not intended" to change the law under your command.
This proposal put Timorese questioning UNMIT credibility and performance in preventing conflict or worse alert people that this country really going to explode again...
Fire Him, is not enough, you also should resign.
Another disaster in UN mission, so sad........when we have to believe that the businesses not only playing but also take over command in humanitarian mission.

Anonymous said...

UN is Business based organizations.

Anonymous said...

The suggestion of Andre Thorsen was a very stupid suggestion and he must be fired and forced him to leave East Timor ASAP. The Suggestion tent to create unresolved confict among Timorese people in the future if Civilian be armed. Seems that the guy does't know well about the history and the legal system of Timor Leste. Timor Leste does not need a bad people like Andre Thorsen. Seems like the guy comes to Timor Leste not only for find job and getting highest salary but also he comes with bad intention to destroy the unity and the peacefull life of Timorese people that we all worked hard to develop and to establish so far. Fire AT and forced him to leave RDTL ASAP.
East Timor is not like USA.

Anonymous said...

This is a very bad idea for Timorese if we look from the our perspective history and I don't think we are ready for this kinds of proposal. Maybe he is affiliate with some arm companies and if so he will get percentage or commission if Timor government decide to go alone with his idea.

Anonymous said...

Don't let mercenaries run our security.

Anonymous said...

Timor Leste Should just fire who this person is, send them back to where their belong.

Anonymous said...

penso que estao a fazer uma tempestada num copo de agua.
claro que há muito malai estupido por aí... a ONU é uma industria, todos sabemos.
mas os timorenses têm mais com que se preocupar do que mandarem embora tipo com esse Thorsen.
estejam atentos mas é à governaçao do pais e participem activa e regularmente nas decisoes que irao influenciar em muito o futuro de timor.

Aicurus said...

É a politica das Nações Unidas UNMIT, Andre Thorsen recebeu as orientações para fazer e também deve estar ligado as companhias privadas de segurança em Timor Leste. Caso criarem outra crise as forcas estrangeiras também permaneceriam. É um negócio que está a fazer. Não se esqueçam que o Nações Unidas (UNMIT) estava ligado e apoiaram a crise de 2006 porque naquele momento as Nações Unidas estavam a preparar para sair. Tinham vendido os equipamentos pesados, carros e já estavam para entregar as instalações onde estao para o governo e que o governo iria transformar num Quartel Geral das FDTL. É bom saírem porque só sabem criar crises e instabilidade em benefício e interesse deles porque se saírem de Timor Leste muitos irão ao desemprego e também os NGO estrangeiros irão a falência.

Anonymous said...

Fire this idiot immediately; regulate private security certainly but having seen some of these security guys at work, I would not arm any of them with anything more dangerous than a spoon. All of them use their radios as personal radios connected to music and not for the purpose they are issued and I'm sure the same would happen if they were issued with a weapon

Charles Scheiner said...

Andre Thorsen's suggestion is clearly stupid, but the more important concern is that his suggestion not be implemented. Even if Thorsen is fired, people should make sure that Timor-Leste's Government and Parliament don't approve a law or policy which gives guns to private security companies.

A few years ago, UNMIT contracted with the US-based APAC private security company to provide security for its facilities in Timor-Leste, rather than using UN personnel. Has anybody looked into this?

John S said...

Andre Thorsen has been badly and unfairly misquoted in this story. A UN correction to the STL story is shown below:

Date: 22/11/2010 09:06
Subject: Re: "UNMIT proposes private security to use weapons"

19 November 2010 Dili - The 19 November edition of the Suara Timor Lorosae features a front page report erroneously headlined "UNMIT proposes private security to use weapons". The article attributes the statement to Mr. Andre Thorsen, an UNMIT consultant on Security Sector reform. The STL headline is misleading. In fact, Mr. Thorsen said exactly the opposite during a round-table discussion held yesterday under UNMIT's auspices yesterday in Dili. During the discussion on Security Sector Reform, Mr. Thorsen was explicit in stating his view as follows: "Private security companies do not want their employees armed with fire arms, and I agree with them completely."

19 Novembru 2010 Dili – Suara Timor Lorosae nia Edisaun ba loron 19 Novembru inklui artigu ida iha pájina oin ho títulu sala, ne'ebé hakerek “UNMIT Propoin Seguransa Privadu Uza Armas”. Tuir artigu ne’e, deklarasaun iha leten fó-sai husi Sr. Andre Thorsen, UNMIT nia konsultór kona-ba reforma Setór Seguransa. Maibé, títulu ida-ne'ebé fó-sai iha STL fó informasaun sala. Tuir loloos, Sr. Thorsen la'ós hatete hanesan ne’e, durante nia tuir diskusaun meza kabuar ne'ebé hala’o husi UNMIT horisehik iha Dili. Durante diskusaun kona-ba Reforma Setór Seguransa ne’e, Sr. Thorsen hatete klaru katak ninia opiniaun hanesan tuir mai: “Kompañia seguransa privada lakohi sira-nia pesoál lori kilat, no ha’u konkorda ho sira kompletamente."

Gyorgy Kakuk
Dili, Timor-Leste
via Dili: +670-330-4100 ext. 5165
via New York: +1-212-963-0099 ext. 5165
cellphone: +670 7230749

Anonymous said...

UN by name could be anything...
1) Un-professional Network, a group of people that keep hiring and firing people to the system not on "WHAT" you know but on "WHO" you know. This approach gives space for the kind of development advice Timor-Leste has to take up at many instances.
2) Under-served Nations, UN Missions are only going to stay in business when there still this category of "fail states", "conflict nations" and all sorts of relatives to these labels. They all by nature are grouped in the "Under-served Nations". The correlation between the Under-served Nations and UN Missions is positive, when there is still existance of the group of these nations, the UN Business is up-and-running (at the best expectations of the exisiting UN Officers).

By saying these, I would conclude that if there is a path to security and peace, if that is to a extent be the constraint for your business, then it is better to suggest ways in which it seems like a secure measure to create insecurity so that you can be back on business.

Nacer Frente said...

UN Spokesperson...

Are you trying to said that The proposal "Suggestion" was made by several "Powerful Timorese" and Andre Thorsen is one of the persons reject it???

Well, I am not clear... help me on this......

Anonymous said...

ingCome guys, we shouldn't politicise the small comments like this, I purely believe that this is just a small number of people that doesn’t like UN mission in Timor Leste.
For me even he said so, all the decision is made by our Government not UN.


Anonymous said...

Who Cares...!! Well,, They who came to our country surely came with a lot of personality. and we should not really care with what they'll gonna say if it doesnt intrude on us, inspite of that in this case i think Andre Thorsen is purely made a unfortunately mistake, the question is what should we care about him.. if he is not deserved to be here then just get him away from our country, thats it....
Anw,, What should to be done and whats not , including to make decision and etc its Our zGoverment duty..Lets keep in touch as a Timorese and lets together controled our goverment policy, we had a rights for that .!!! Abraco

Anonymous said...

Actually, Andre Thorsen never suggested this. I was the misinterpretation of ignorant Timorese who didn't understand the English word "EXAMPLE" when Mr. Thorsen made a slide show display which provided an example of existing legislation elswhere in the world where security people were allowed to be armed under certain circumstances. So it was all a misunderstanding by illiterate Timorese officials and spectators who were too ignorant to be able to understand a simple English term such as "EXAMPLE"...and they they all began insulting him and calling him names, when it was THEY who were the "idiots" and fools because they couldn't understand the difference between an example of legislation, which was clearly marked as an example, and a suggestion. Learn how to read English, you primitives, before you start calling people names. I understand that Mr. Thorsen is a lawyer. He should sue those ignorant illiterate fools in Timor for libel and slander.