Tempo Semanal - Dili, 31/12/2012
Igreija celebra misa ba troka tinan nakonu ho sarani sira maibe joven balun celebra ho hemu tua too lanu gas motor, PNTL simu hasoru.
Mais ou menus iha tuku 20.10, motor ida ne'ebe sa'e husi joven ida mak deskonfia lanu todan halo interompe sarani sira ne'ebe tuir misa iha igreija bekora tan ba halimar gas motor besik kedan igreija oin hodi hasai lian maka'as no PNTL ne'ebe halo seguranca besik fatin refere halo atuasaun hodi hapara maibe joven ne'e koko responde ho gas nafatin hodi halo Polisia trafiku ida seluk duni no kaptura joven ne'e ho ninia motor la do'ok husi fatin ne'e.
"Ita bo'ot gangu ema misa i ita bo'ot ne'e la respeita ema misa hela gas motor hodi halai maka'as hanesan ne'e depois mai iha ne'e goza ema sarani," dehan PNTL ida ba joven refere.
Sarani wain tebes maka hola parte iha misa refere. Igreija laran nokonu, jardin igrieja ninian mos resin ate liuron bo'ot besik fatin akontecimentu ninian.
Wainhira polisia kaptura jovens ne'ebe halai motor ho velocidade maka'as besik igreija oin balun mos hakfodak tan ba joven ne'e koko atu halo atuasaun hasoru PNTL nune'e PNTL mos uza forca uitoan hodi hanehan nia ba rai no borgol hodi so'e sa'e ba kareta leten.
Ankontecimentu ne'e halo trafiku paradu uitoan no kareta ho motor nakselok kahor malu ho ema wain ne'ebe hahu sai husi misa.
Misa agradesimentu nba tinan 2012 no simu tinan foun 2013 hahu hala'o iha igreija sira iha kapital nasaun ninian. Maibe iha Igreija Bekora misa ne'ebe dirije hamutuk husi padre Leao ho Amo Parko Igreija Sagrado Korasaun de Jesus, padre Guelhermino ne'e hahu iha tuku 18.30 no remata iha tuku 20.20.
Padre Parko bekora iha ninia omilia husu atu sarani sira respeita sira nia moris. "Husu bo'ot atu sarani sira hala'o didi'ak sira nia vida nune'e bele kontribui bu'at di'ak ba sociedade no nasaun," dehan amo Guelhermino.
Nia hatutan katak misa ne'e hodi, "agradese ba bu'at di'ak ne'ebe hetan husi graca maromak ninian iha tinan 2012 no simu tinan foun 2013."
Antes remata padre parko ne'e hato'o ninia mesajen ba sarani iha parokia Bekora no husu atu sarani sira respeita sira nia moris no labele estraga moris ne'e ho bu'at la'ek sira.
Misa ne'ebe tuir lolo'os atu hola fatin iha gruta besik igreija ninia sorin obrigatoriamente muda fali ba Igreija laran tan ba udan bo'ot ne'ebe fase kapital Dili mais ou menus liu oras hat nia laran.
Tuir observasaun misa iha igreija sira seluk iha kapital nasaun ninian hala'o tarde no daudaun ne'e sei kontinua hela. Daudaun ne'e paixon tarutu lemo iha bairo sira iha cidade kapital Timor Leste, nune'e hamriik iha fatu ahi fihir hikas bele nota Dili laran kuaze atu nakonu ho ahi lakan piska-piska, antes oras troka tinan ninian to'o. ninian tuir irama muzika disku iha prezeviu sira. Iha Palacio Governu nia oin ema lubun maka halibur malu hela hamutuk ho kantores balun atu anima populasaun sira.
Monday, 31 December 2012
Sunday, 30 December 2012
Parte II : Intervista Eskluxivo ho Reitor Aurelio Guterres Gradualmente UNTL Lori Eduksaun Mai TL
Tempo Semanal - Dili, 30/12/2012
rekursus umanus iha nsaun ne’e hahu foo pasu ruma ba oin maske sei infrenta
problemas balun. Maibe parte civitas Akademika UNTL servisu hamutuk ho estadu
hahu tau esforsu balun hodi realiza mehi ne’ebe hatur ona iha prioridades
estadu no governu nasaun ida ne'e ninian.
Universidade nasional timor Leste ne’ebe kuinesudu ho UNTL, daudaun ne’e iha
dosente internasional ho nasional barak maka hakna’ar aan iha ne’eba no timor
oan mais ou menus rihun sanolu maka estuda iha fakuldade hitu iha UNTL nian.
Atu hatene diak liu tan situasaun iha UNTL mai ita akompania hamutuk intervista
ne’ebe jornal Tempo Semanal halo eskluxivu ho Reitor UNTL, DR. Aurelio Guterres
(DR. Aurelio Guterres) esplika stuasaun UNTL iha intervista ho jornal Tempo Semanal (TS) hanesan tuir mai ne'e:
TS: Karik Senho Reitor
bele foo hatene uitoan mai ami kona ba situasaun desenvolvimentu UNTL ninian?
DR. Aurelio Guterres : It abele dehan katak,
dezenvolvimentu UNTL ita bele haree husi aspektu tolu. Ita bele husi aspektu
Institusionais. Entermus denvolvimentu instituisaun UNTL nian, UNTL agora ita
bele dehan katak ninia sistema ita montadu entermus de instituisaun ne’e bele
pronto no bele kompete iha nivel nasional, nivel rejional no nivel
internasional. UNTL, felizmente akreditadu internasionalmente, nia tuir prosesu
bolonia, ne’ebe lulusan UNTL bele ba kualker nasaun ka pais seluk, por ixemplu
bele ba Australia, atu eskola ka servisu iha ne’ebe de’it tan ba akrdeitadu
internasionalmente tan ba mos ninia avaliasaun ne’e halo husi rede avaliasaun
internasional asia pasifiku maka halo nune’e ita halo parte ninia rede
internasional kona ba kualifikasaun UNTL ninian.
Entermus de
lulusan mos ita bele dehan katak UNTL ninia lulusan foin daudauk ne’e ita halo
graduasaun ba kuaze 400 tan. I medikus sira ne’e pronto atu ba servisu iha
distritu sira ne’ebe iha ou iha suku tan. Espera ke 2014 ka 2015 ita bele
atinji ona mil medikus. Agora ita atinji ona 500 medikus nune’e iha 2014 ka
2015 ita bele responde ona plano. Tuir planu iha suku ida, Doutor mediku ida no
infermeiru rua. Kursu sira ne’ebe ke agora ita oferese iha UNTL ne’e a nivel
graduasaun ka licenciatura no mos postu graduasaun, ne’e kursu sira ne’ebe ke
alinea au politika kona ba necesidades rekursus umanus ba dezenvolvimentu Pais
ida ne’e nian.
Alein diso,
UNTL mos focus ba rebilatisa mos investigasaun. Agora daudaun ita bele dehan
katak komesa publika livru balun balun ona. Artigus profesores sira nian mos
komesa publika iha internasional ne’e rekuinesidu iha jornais sira ne’ebe
sientifiku internasional no peskiza sira mos la’o daudaun ona. Atu reforsa liu
tan kualidade ensinu ninian, entaun atu hanorin iha UNTL profesores sira no
minimum tenke mestradu. It abele dehan katak maioria, 80% profesores UNTL nian
ne’e S2 hotu ona. Depois tama ho tan gradualmente S3. Ita bele dehan katak S3
sira balun komesa fila daudaun ona mai no S2 sira ba kontinua fali S3, ne’ebe
ita bele dehan entermus profesores ita mos pronto.
administrativu, UNTL agora monta ona iha nivel Universidade, iha nivel
fakuldades, nune’e administrasaun hahu halo servisu didiak ona. Mezmu sei iha
lakunas balun maibe gradualmente hahu hadia. I entermus de fakuldades, iha tinan
oin elabora tan estatutu fakuldade ninian entaun ita bele desentralisa ona
fakuldades sira.
Alein disso
mos UNTL ninia vizaun ba Futuru ne’ene, desentraliza mos ensino superior ba iha
distritu no baze. Tradisionamente ensino superior nee elicitas I halo iha
cidade. Mas UNTL, ho fakuldades medicina ne’e por ixemplu, estudantes sira nia
aulas kulia sira 80% halo iha 13 distritus. Agora tinan oin, ami komesa
desentralisa tan fakuldade agrikultura no mos fakuldade enjinaria. Ne’e servisu
hamutuk ho tan eskola agrikula Maliana ninian, Natabora nian, Fuiloru nian no
mos eskola teknika fatuma ninian para enjinaria teknika sira hanesan elektro,
civil no mekanik sira ne’e bele hala’o iha ne’eba. Nune’e ita nia populasaun
sira iha foho ne’ebe labele mai iha Dili, sira bele iha ne’eba de’it. Ne’e
hanesan planu UNTL ninian ne’ebe ita implementa dauaun mak sira ne’e.
entermus asosiasaun estudantes sira nian mos agora daudauk bele dehan katak
bein organizadu no senado universtariu mos ativu halo atividades desportivas,
halo atividades kulturais, halo atividades ilmia I depois mos diskusaun
kelompok. Estudantes UNTL mos involve iha relasoeins internasionais hanesan
pertukaran Mahasiswa Indonesia, Japaun, Australia, Portugal, Brasil no mos
Kuba. Nune’e bele dehan katak agora atividades estudantes sira nian, estudantes
sira maka organiza rasik porke estudantes sira tuir formasaun iha area
lideranca, area jestaun no mos formasaun iha lingua nian tan. Parte ida ne’ebe
ita bele dehan katak lacuna ne’e maka iha area alumi ka eis estudante ninian.
Ita sei falta maka asosiasaun eis alunus UNTL sira ne’e maka seidauk funsiona
halo didiak nune’e ita atu identifika
lulusan-lulusan sira ne’e di tempatkan iha ne’ebe ona ou hanesan servisu
servisu saida maka sira iha nune’e ita nia estudantes sira lulus ita bele
identifika ona kampu de traballo.
Entermus de
kooperasaun nasional ho Internasionl, UNTL servisu hamutuk ho ONG, servisu ho
media, servisu ho Nasoeins Unidas sira, servisu ho Governu no mos partidu sira.
UNTL komo universidade publika bele apoiu servisu hamutuk ho parte sira ne’e
tan ba ate ami nia estudantes sira ne’e balun mai husi media, mai husi governu
nian, balun mai husi parlamentu nian, balun mai husi sociedade civil, ne’ebe
ema hotu-hotu iha direitu atu tama UNTL nune’e klaru tenke tuir kriteria
Ba oin,
UNTL ninia dezafiu maka, oin sa ita atu luluskan ema sira ne’e ho kualidade
depois ema sira ne’e bele menciptakan lapangan kerja untuk diri sendiri, labele
depende ba direitamente ka totalmente ba iha funsaun publika, sector privadu ou
ba esitor sira selu-seluk. Jadi dezafiu sei barak. Dezafiu ida tan maka kona ba
UNTL dalam arti atu sai hanesan instituisaun publiku ida no hanesan ensinu
superior uniku iha pais ida ne’e, atu bele prepara aan didiak nune’e bele
kompete la’os de’it atu hanorin mas iha area peskiza, area publikasoeins
sientifikas. Nune’e la’os dehan katak ita UNTL, universidade nasional ida,
publiku nian tan mas la halo servisu tuir loloos nia tenke halo. Ne’ebe dezafiu
balun maka ne’e. Mas ho apoiu sira ne’ebe iha UNTL ba oin bele servisu di’ak
liu tan nune’;e bele sai mos hanesan instituisaun ida ne’ebe bele prepara ita
nia ema iha pais ida ne’e. Ema sira ne’ebe tuir formasaun iha UNTL ne’e,ema
governu nia barak maka eskola iha ne’e, ema husi parlamentu, ema husi partidu
politikus, ema media ninian no ema NGO ninian, fungsionarius estadu ninian no
ema barak maka eskola iha ne’e iha nivel S1, S2 no mos S3 ninian.
TS: Karik Ami bele
hatene dadaun ne’e UNTL iha Fakuldade hira?
DR. Aurelio Guterres: UNTL iha fakuldades hitu.
Fakuldades Medicina siencia saude, siencia agrikultura, Fakuldade Ekonomia no
Jestaun, Fakuldade sciencia sociais no Politika, Fakuldade enjenaria siencia no
teknolojia, Fakuldade direitu no Fakuldade edukasaun.
Depois ita
iha kursu ne’e, kursu sira hanesan ba S1 nian,
graduasaun nian no Dilpma 3 nian. Depois iha kursu ne’ebe ita oferese
ne’e kursu ka jurusan hamutuk 35 kursus iha area sira ne’e hotu. Alein disso
ita mos oferese tan kursu isra hanesan post graduasaun ka paska Sarajana,
diploma post graduasaun ninian ba S2 ho S3 ninian. Iha post Graduasaun ninian
ka mestradu sira nian, ita oferese kursu hanesan jestaun ninian, direitu
ninian. I ita mos oferese kursu lingua ninian. Ita foo kontabilidade, ita mos
foo mos edukasaun ninian, Sistema informasaun ninian, Ita mos foo kursu
especifiku por ixemplu kursu especifiku hanesan Direitu enerjia ninian. Nune’e
kursu kursu especializada ita mos oferese hotu.
TS: bele esplika
uitoan total dosentes, fungsionariu no estudantes hamutuk hira maka UNTL iha
DR. Aurelio Guterres : Dosentes total ne’e, ita iha
dosentes nasionais por volta de kuaze kuatru centus I Dosentes internasionais
ne’e 200 ital. fungsionariu ne’ebe atu foo apoiu administrative iha
universidade hamutuk por volta de 200 ital.
Alunus por volta de dez mil. Ita simu tinan tinan por volta de 2000 ital
maximum too 2,500. Tan ba kapacidade UNTL ninian maka ne’e duni I lulusan husi
eskola sekundaria hamutuk 12,000 ne’ene , ita so kobre de’it maka entre 2,000
to’o 2,500. Ne’e iha problema bo’ot tan ba lulusan eskola sekundaria ne’e ita la
iha kapacidade atu absolve sira hotu.
Depois UNTL mos simu de’it sira ne’ebe terbaik sira nian ne’e. Sira
ne’ebe 2,000 terbaik husi esnsino sekundaria ne’e maka ita simu.
TS: Dala ida tan,
Karik bele konfirma tinan ne’e UNTL iha planu atu simu mahasiswa foun hira?
DR. Aurelio Guterres: Mahasiswa foun ita sei simu por
volta de 2,000 ital tinan oin mai , sei hahu iha janeiru. Prosesu rekrutamentu
Ministeiru edukasaun maka halo no husi universidade sei foo de’it kriteria tuir
jurusan no total mahasiswa ba kada jurusan, ba fakuldade hitu no jurusan trinta
TS: Karik iha
Problemas ruma maka UNTL hasoru?
DR: Aurelio Guterres: Problemas ne’e bara-barak. Uluk
ne’e problemas bo’ot liu maka kona ba kualifikasaun profesores ninian. Mas kualifikasaun profesores ita komese
responde daudauk. Problemas hanesan mas administrativus tan ba UNTL maske nia autonomo maibe entermus de
financeiru nia dependente total ba Estadu. Problema ida maka oin sa maka ba oin
universidade ne’e prepara aan ba oin ne’ene, nia bele autonoma, atu nia bele
angraria nia fundus rasik ou buka rasik osan labele depende total ba estadu.
Ida ne’e mos sai problema ida.
I depois
problema ida fali maka hanesan ne’e, ita nia biblioteka no laboratorium sai
hanesan dezafiu bo’ot ida ba universidade. Tan ba Universidade ka kualker
instituisaun ensinu superior ida, atu nia la’o di’ak maka ne’e, tenke iha
kurikulu ida kee adekuadu ou kurikulu ida kee tuir necesidade dezenvolvimentu
pais ida ninian. Maibe kurikulum ita
responde ona, la iha problema. Kona ba profesores sira ne’ebe kee kualifikadu. Profesores sira ne’e mos
gradualmente ita responde. Mas kona ba infraestrutura de apoiu ne’e maka ita
sei iha limitasoeins barak. Liu-liu laboratoriu sira maka ba mekaniku, fizika,
kimika, biolojia no eletroteknia. Laboratoriu sira ne’e ita presiza aktualiza
hela de’it.
Tuir mai
text books ka livris sira ne’e. Durante ne’e livros sira ne’e sei sai problema
bo’ot ba ita, ne’ebe gradualmente universidade monta sistema ida kee bele oin
sa maka online. Depois oin sa maka bele angraria fundus atu bele mobiliza
livros ne’e. Durante ne’e livros maioria hetan doasaun husi de’it universidade
parseirus sira maka haruka mai husi Australia, brasil, Kuba, Portugal no
Estadus Unidus da amerika. Sira maka
haruka text bo’ok sira ne’e mai, tan ba livros internasionais sira ne’e karun
la halimar. I kona ba laboratoriu sira ne’e mos hanesan. Laboratoriu balun durante
ne’e ita hetan apoiu mai husi Japaun, balun advezes mai husi organizasaun ONU
hanesan UNFPA. Dala ruma sira maka foo apoiu, ne’ebe problema laboratoriu no
problema biblioteka sai hanesan dezafiu bo’ot ida ba Universidade nasional.
TS: Esforsu Sa ida
de’it maka halo atu resolve problema sira ne’ebe ita bo’ot sita ne’e?
DR. Aurelio Guterres: Primeiru sistema ita monta ona.
Laboratoriu no IT sira ne’e, edifisiu
UNTL ninian, ita bele dehan katak hotu-hotu bele hetan ona asesu ba internet.
Profesores sira hotu-hotu iha komputador iha oin no bele asesu internet.
Laboratoriu mos agora ita monta hotu ona.
Balun uza daudauk ona, balu agora atu kompletu no estudantes sira mos
bele asesu ba internet I agora ita mos iha media teka ida. Mediateka ida ne’ebe
la’os de;it ba estudantes sira de’it maka bele asesu maibe publiku mos bele
asesu lokaliza iha gedung social siencia politika ninian. Ita mos agora iha
centru lingua ingles ida kee nivel internasional ne’ebe agora funsiona ona. Ita
mos iha centru linguistiku ne’ebe agora funsiona hanesan bainbain. Ita mos
agora iha centru estudu jeneru nian la’o hela. Ita mos iha laboratoriu ba
komunikasaun social nian ne’ebe estudantes sira husi komunikasaun social bele
uza ne’e mos funsiona hela. Ita mos iha centru investigasaun sientifiku, la’o
hela. Depois ita mos iha institute geolojia ne’ebe sai hanesan laboratoriu ba
kursu geolojia no petroleum iha hera, ne’e mos la’o hela. Ita iha tan labotoriu
sira seluk hanesan, mekanika, civil, elektro teknik iha hera ne’ebe governu
japaun maka foo apoiu. Mezmu ita bele iha difikuldades sira ne’e maibe
gradualmente ita atu kompara ho universidades sira barak iha mundu termasuk
balun iha Indonesia nia status sei di’ak liu. Bahkan entermus de fakuldade
medicina siencia no saude ita iha ona permintaan balun husi nasaun balun
termasuk Indonesia hakarak haruka sira nia ema atu mai eskola iha ita nia
fakultas kedokteran tan ba ita nia orientasaun iha ne’e maka oin sa atu prevene
moras. La’os orientasaun oin sa atu loke pratika atu kura moras mas liu-liu oin sa maka halo
prevensaun ba moras iha timor. Ne’ebe ho ita nia labarik mediku foufoun sira
agora daudauk ne’e ita bele responde kestaun balun. Ita mos agora lanca ona
programa especifika arisklinika halao ona ho alunus nain rua nolu. Mahasiswa
sira ne’e hanesan dokter sira ne’ebe durante ne’e servisu iha ne’e I professor
sira especialista mai husi Australia no especialista Timor oan sira. I ita uza
ospital sira hanesan ospital nasional guido Valadares ne’e ospital universidade
ba iha fakuldade medicina siencia no saude. Kursu maka hanesan parteira,
infermajen, medicina jeral. Se bu’at hotu la’o di’ak tinan oin ita mos hahu tan
kursu nutrisaun, dentaria, kursu farmasia ho laboratoriu. Kursu sira ne’e bazea
ba ita nia prieridade ne’ebe ita nia nasaun iha.
TS: Senhor Reito ami
haree kalan-kalan iha UNTL mos iha prosesu apriendijazen, bele esplika uitoan?
DR: Aurelio guterres: Hanesan ne’e, wainhira husi
universidade no reitorat ami deside loke aulas no turmas iha kalan, tan ba ita
nia ema barak por ixemplu ita nia ema sira ne’ebe hanesan servisu funsionariu
estadu, politikus, servisu iha media,
Parlamentu, membru governu no ONG, sira loron la iha tempu atu eskola entaun
ami loke turma seis oras too dez oras. Entaun kalan ne’ene kursu ba ema sira
ne’ebe S2 ho S3, ou sira ne’ebe estuda relasoeins internasionais, kimika ho
kursus sira selu-seluk tan ne’ebe ema labele eskola iha loron. Loron sira bele
kontinua sira nia servisu I kalan maka sira mai eskola iha ne’e. Nune’e para
envez de ita nia direitores sira, xefe departamentus sira, membrus de governu
sira, parlamentu sira no ema seluk iha oportunidade atu eskola iha ne’e. Kuandu
sira sai husi pais ne’e ba eskola iha liur, sira tenke husik hela sira nia
servisu entaun di’ak liu ita lori edukasaun ne’e mai iha ne’e. entaun ita selu
de’it profesores sira hamutuk 134 ate 140 mai iha ne’e. Profesores sira ne’e
ita selu de’it sira nia viajen no sira nia estadia iha ne’e para mai hanorin
khusus sira ne’e S2 ho S3, kee kualidade hanesan de’it. Liu-liu kona ba area
ekonomia, direitu, jestaun, siencia sociais no buat seluk tan. Profesores sira
ne’e mai husi Portugal, Indonesia, balun mai husi Australia. Mai husi Australia
liu-liu atu hanorin specializasaun iha kedokteran ninian. Dosentes sira ne’e
balun mai husi estadu Unidus no balun mai husi Japaun.
TS: Senhor Reitor UNTL
mos iha ninia kampus iha hera. Karik bele esplika mos uitoan situasaun kampus
hera ninian?
DR: Aurelio Guterres: Situasaun iha hera, oras ne’e
daudaun estudantes sira husi enjinaria
entermus de transporte UNTL maka providencia transporte. Mas transporte ne’e
hanesan la sustentavel. Ba oin estadu, liu husi miniteiru transporte bele halo
ona komunikasaun hanesan bis sira ne’e la’o regularmente ba hanesan metinaro ho
hera nune’e estudantes mos bele uza. Agora dauduan ne’e UNTL maka sai fali
hanesan departamentu transportasi hodi tula estudante ba mai ne’e la
sustentavel. It abele responde problemas kortu prazu hanesan daudaun ne’e to’o
tinan rua ka tolu maibe ba oin espera katak ministeiru transporte maka sei
responde bu’at ne’e.
Kona ba
fasilidade sira ne’e, agora daudaun master plan ka dezeinu gedung UNTL nian
tinan ne’e pronto ona no hein tinan oin halo daudaun mos. Kona ba edifisiu
balun-balun komesa halo daudaun ona. Ne’e ita espera katak kuatru too cinku
anus ne’e, kegiatan kemahasiswaan liu-liu kegiatan belajar mengajar ne’e ba ona
foho I ita la konsentra ona iha Dili.
ne’e halo parte fakuldade enjinaria siencia no teknolojia. Uma dormitoriu mos
pronto ona, eletricidade mos instala ona, kama mos sira atur ona no tinan oin estudantes balun komesa okupa
ona dormitoriu. Agora daudauk ne’e limitadu hela liu-liu ba sira ne’ebe
enjinaria ne’ebe agora eskola iha ne’eba. Ne’e mos iha kriteria ba sese deit
maka agora atu ba hela iha ne’eba tan ba bu’at ne’e limitadu. Mas facilidade ba
kampus foun ne’e maka pronto duni fatin sei barak I mahasiswa barak maka sei
bele asesu ba hela iha ne’eba.
Aurelio guterres,
East Timor,
East Timor University,
Timor leste,
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Intervista Exklusivu Tempo Semanal ho Ramos-Horta
TEMPO SEMANAL - DILI, 29/12/2012
Eis Presidente DR. Jose ramos horta ne’ebe tuir informasaun dehan
lakleur tan atu hala’o kna’ar hanesan Representante especial ba Sekreatriu
Jeral ONU ninian iha Guinea Bisau iha semana kotuk foo intervista exkluxivu ho
Tempo Semanal, hodi husik hela ninia hanoin lubun ruma kona ba herois da
Patria, boa governasaun, lala’ok membru governu sira nian, relasoeins
internasionais inklui parlelo iha politika diplomatika governu Timor Leste
DR. Jose Manuel Ramos Horta hanesan eis representante special CNRM iha
estranjeiru no mos hili ba vice Presidenti CNRT hafoin transformasaun CNRM ba
fali CNRT iha Portugal tinan 1997. Hanesan representante CNRM iha momentu
ne’eba DR. Ramos Horta mos sempre mantein kontaktu ho lider Resistencia iha rai
laran inklui saudozu Nino Konis Santana.
Ramos Horta ne’ebe hola parte iha primeiru grupu Timor oan sira mak
hari’i partidu FRETILIN ne’e laran susar tan ba nasaun lakon oan Timor di’ak
DR. Jose Ramos Horta mos hola parte iha governu de tranzisaun ne’ebe
lidera husi UNTAET no hafoin de restaurasaun independencia iha 20/05/2002,
primeiru Governu Konstitusional ne’ebe ukun husi partidu Fretilin, DR. Jose
Ramos horta mos leva hikas ninia pasta ne’ebe nia assume ona iha 1975, hanesan
Ministru negosiu estranjeiru no kooperasaun.
Wainhira Krixe 2006 mosu DR. Jose Ramos Horta mos assume kargu hanesan
Ministru Defesa. Hafoin de Primeiru Ministru DR. Mari Alkatiri rezigna aan husi
ninia kargu iha juno 2006, Ramos Horta aponta ba Primeiru Ministru ihasegundu
Governasaun Fretilin ninian.
Iha 2007, Maioria populasaun Timor Leste hili nia ba Presidenti da
Republika hodi troka Presidenti sesante Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao. Durante ninia
mandatu hanesan Presidenti da Republika, iha 11/02/2008 mosu atentadu ida
hasoru ninia vida maibe konsege rekopera.
Iha 2012, DR. Jose ramos Horta rekandidata hikas ninia aan atu sai
hanesan Presidenti da Republika maibe lakon. Maske la hetan fungsaun ruma iha
estadu no Governu DR. Jose Ramos Horta sei nafatin hanesan figura importante
ida ho esperiencia wain sei apoiu nafatin ba konstrusaun estadu Timor Leste.
Eis Xefe Estadu Timor Leste ne’e espresa ninia hanoin furak balun kona
ba herois da Patria, boa governasaun, diplomasia no situasaun sosiu ekonomia
iha nasaun ne’e.
“Se ita iha karik ema di’ak hanesan
Nicolao Lobato, Nino Konis Santana, Vicente Sahe no Maulear maka ita nia nasaun
ne’e sei forte liu tan”
Tuir mai ita akompania hamutuk
intervista eskluxivu ne’ebe jornalista Tempo Semanal )TS) halo ho eis
Presidenti da Republika DR. Jose Manuel Ramos Horta (RH):
TS: Sua Excelencia bele esplika uitoan kona ba, se maka Nino Konis
Santana no saida maka ita hatene kona ba nia?
RH: Maun bo’ot Nino Konis Santana,
tama iha istoria Timor-Leste nian hamutuk ho Nicolao Lobato, Vicente Sahe ho
Antonio Duarte Carvarinho Mau Lear, sira nebé ita bele konsidera lider ho
vizaun no lider ho kbi’it no sira nia mate nu’udar lakon bo’ot ba Timor-Leste.
Hau labele hateten katak kuinese
di’ak Nino Konis Santana. Maibe iha kontaktu ho nia dalabarak iha tempu luta.
Liu-liu, kontaktu hanesan liu husi kasetes. Nia haruka kasete gravasaun ba ha’u,
ha’u haruka kasete ba nia. Nia haruka Filme ba hau no hau haruka filme mensajen
ba nia ou dokumentus seluk.
Hau ko’alia ho nia dala ida de’it,
iha besik ona funu atu remata. Momentu ne’eba, hau iha Portugal, nia iha ai
laran. Ho telefone satellite, se la sala iha 1997 nune’e karik. Iha 97 ko’alia
ho nia i ema ida ke ha’u admira tebe-tebes. Triste no triste tebes ke besik
to’o ona liberdade, nia mos mate. Tuir hau rona mate tamba kilat musan iha nia
isin maka afeta. Ema ne’e di’ak tebe-tebes no matenek. Problema bo’ot ba ita
nia nasaun maka lider balun nebé ke di’ak tebe-tebes, mate iha kombate ou
maromak bolu sira. Se ita iha karik ema di’ak hanesan Nicolao Lobato, Nino
Konis Santana, Vicente Sahe no Maulear maka ita nia nasaun ne’e sei forte liu
Agora ita bele hare’e, ami nebé ita
bele bolu lider istoriku ne’e uitoan liu. Lider istoriku ida nebé mai husi ai-laran
ka mai husi foho uitoan liu tan, hela de’it maun Xanana, maun Taur, maun Lere.
Ne’e duni wainhira ha’u hanoin ba Nino Konis Santana ho sira hotu-hotu ha’u
triste loos. Triste tamba Nai Maromak hadau tiha sira. Ita agora tenke halo
bu’at hotu ho esforsu hotu-hotu para sira nia mate no sira nia sakrifisiu ne’e
labele hanesan ema balun. Tamba ita luta ba Independensia la’os atu hetan
de’it, independensia hanesan politika, atu hetan de’it bandeira nasional ida, hino
nasional, hetan ita nia parlamentu, ita nia governu, maibe para atu hetan duni
moris di’ak ba povu tomak ho moris iha demokrasia nia laran, para ke nasaun
ne’e naran iha mos mundu, ke la iha abuzu no la iha Korrupsaun. Se la’e ita
luta ba independensia, hetan independensia duni maibe ita nia naran foer a’at
loos tamba korrupsaun. Ne’e hanesan traisaun bo’ot ba hotu-hotu nebé mate. Ne’e
duni ita tenke buka haka’as an para ita nian rai ne’e labele monu ba taho laran
ka kuak laran korrupsaun nian.
TS: Restu Mortais Saudozu Konis ninia transfere husi Mertutu ba Tutuala
sei liu husi CCF. Depois de seremonia ritual iha tutuala sei entrega fali ba
Governu. Iha diskusaun kona ba statutu saudozu Konis ninian ne’e hanesan lider
partidu ka lider nasional. Karik iha lia fuan ruma maka sua excelencia atu
RH: Hau hanoin CCF iha direitu duni.
Iha seremonia bele liu husi ne’eba. Ita bele hateten seremonia omenajen ba
Nicolao Lobato, CCF halo nafatin tamba sa maka labele mos halo ba Nino Konis
Santana? i ita hotu-hotu liu husi CCF.
Hau rasik hanesan fundador Fretilin. Ne’e ita nia istoria. Se Kamarada
sira no maun alin sira hakarak halo omenajen husik sira halo ba. Se familias ka
aldeia ruma iha Timor laran hakarak halo omenajen ita presiza husik sira halo.
Se seremonia hodi semana ida ka rua ou fulan ida ou tolu husik lori ba, para
hotu-hotu iha oportunidade para halo omenajen konforme ida-idak nia fiar no
ida-idak ninia hakarak. Depois maka estadu simu iha Metinaru, semiteriu herois
ninian. Ne’e, hau sei ba. Hau marka ona hau nia ajenda, hau sei ba. Sira seluk
hau sei la partisipa tamba ida-idak maka halo i iha direitu atu halo. Por tantu
ita lalika deskute malu ka hirus malu tamba hau fiar Nino Konis Santana lakohi
ida ne’e. Nia hamutuk ho maun Xanana, maun Taur ho Lere, sira halibur ita hotu.
Agora la’os, nia foo tiha nia vida atu ita han malu fali kona ba oin sa maka
atu halo seremonia ne’e. Ne’e duni husik ba CCF halo, ne’e sira nia direitu
tamba Nino Konis Santana mos uluk elementus importante too ikus lideransa ba
CCF. Bele liu ba aldeias hotu-hotu ne’ebe, sira hakarak fo’o omenajen i depois
iha Metinaru maka ita hotu-hotu ba partisipa.
TS: Sua Excelencia, ohin hato’o ita bo’ot ninia preokupasaun kona ba
estadu ida ne’e harii ho ema barak ninia vida nune’e presiza halo esforsu
hotu-hotu para nasaun ne’e ninia naran moos nafatin. Sua Excelencia hateten ona
katak nasaun ne’e ninia naran bele foer tamba mos Korrupsaun. Saida maka ita
bo’ot hakarak atu hateten loloos kona ba preokupasaun ne’e?
RH: Bom, hau hakarak hateten de’it
katak, primeiru ha’u la kuinese kazu konkretu Korrupsaun. Ita rona agora barak
ko’alia kona ba Korrupsaun. Tribunal halo tiha ona no prosesu hahu la’o kontra membru
governu balun liu-liu eis Ministra Justica, Lucia Lobato, hein de’it agora
rezultadu husi Tribunal Rekursu. Maibe sira seluk, hau hatene kazu balun agora
iha hela KAK. No husi KAK sei liu ba Prokuradoria Jeral da Repúblika nune’e
sira maka sei bele hetan lia los no faktus nebé loos duni se karik iha
Korrupsaun ka laiha. Sosiedade Civil ho Media bele ko’alia no bele halo
investigasaun maibe autoridade nebé uniku iha nasaun, estadu de direitu maka
Tribunal. KAK ninia misaun mai husi lei nebé halo husi Parlamentu. Sira servisu
di’ak loos tamba sira komesa hetan kazus nebé
bazes iha, para lori ba Prokuradoria Jeral da repúblika no lori ba
Iha Transparansia Internasional ninia
relatoriu, Timor iha pasu ba oin uitoan maibe sei aas loos. Ita agora ne’e 113,
ne’e sei aas nafatin. Oinsa maka rai ne’e tinan sanolu de’it, ki’ik oan loos
mas haksoit kedas ona ka monu ba numeru 113? Ne’e duni Governu tenke haka’as
aan liu tan tamba Korrupsaun ne’e iha fatin barak no oin-oin. Persepsaun ne’e
ema barak iha, liu-liu internasional no ema estranjeiru sira. Governu, KAK,
Prokuradoria Jeral da Repúblika no Parlamentu tenke haka’as an liu tan para ita
taka tiha problema Korrupsaun nebé akontese iha fatin barak. Governu ida ne’e
foun, foin maka hahu iha fulan Agostu, Setembru, Outobru no Novembru. Ne’ebe la
to’o fulan haat. Ita hatene ke kuandu governu hahu atrapalhadu uitoan wainhira
atu tuur hodi hahu servisu. Primeiru, prepara tiha orsamentu rektifikativu i
barak mos atu hetan fatin atu tu’ur; kadeira, meja no kantor la iha. Ne’e duni
hau labele halo avaliasaun iha fulan sira ne’e nia laran. Maibe iha 2013 ba oin,
Maun Xanana, hau hatene nia sei haka’as aan liu tan, para povu haree ona mudansas.
Problemas bo’ot ne’ebe ita tenke
haree, alem de Korrupsaun, tenke hare’e area saude. Problemas saude barak loos,
hanesan falta ai moruk. Dala ruma falta aimoruk tamba mal jestaun ka
korrupsaun. Mal jestaun ne’e sei lori ba Korrupsaun. Korrupsaun ne’e mai mos
husi mal jestaun. Bu’at ida fo’o impaktu negativu loos ba familias sira no
labarik sira no funsionamentu ospital nian. Ne’e duni ha’u fiar katak Primeiru
Ministru sei tau atensaun maka’as mos ba ida ne’e. liu-liu iha area saude i
edukasaun. Ministru Edukasaun, Bendito Freitas, hau kuinese nia. Nia
esperiensia di’ak e hau fiar ke ho nia lideransa, ita sei hetan primeiru orsamentu
bo’ot liu ba edukasaun. Segundu implementasaun. Implementasaun tenke halo
eskola foun, sela de aulas di’ak liu, bee moos, merenda eskolar, vasina ba
labarik sira i saude públika ba labarik sira. Ne’e duni seitor rua ne’e, saude
ho edukasaun, hau hanesan hakneak ba governu, ba Primeiru Ministru, husu
favor tau matan. Se ita ema la iha, bolu
UNICEF halo parseria di’ak liu tan. UNICEF, WFO ho Programa alimentasaun
mundial, halo parseria di’ak liu tan ho igreija, madre sira, ordem relijioza,
padre sira para hotu-hotu tau kakutak, fera kakutak no fo’o liman ba malu
para seitor rua ne’e sai di’ak.
TS: Sua Excelencia, ko’alia kona ba area edukasaun, iha momentu ruma liu
ba wainhira ita bo’ot halo palestra ida iha Melbourne Australia, Ita bo’ot so’e
lian katak devia area edukasaun ne’e fo’o igreija maka hala’o. Bele esplika
ninia razaun?
RH: Ne’e nafatin hau nia fiar. Tamba se ita la iha rekursus umanus ne’ebe
di’ak iha area edukasaun, tamba Primeiru Ministru, nia ema ida ne’ebe ke iha
sensibilidade tebe-tebes. La iha, iha asia ne’e Primeiru Ministru ida
ne’ebe ke nia fuan, nia laran luak hanesan ita nia Primeiru Ministru ne’e,
kuandu ita ko’alia kona ba ema ki’ak , ema ki’ik no ko’alia kona ba labarik
sira. Maibe ne’e de’it la’os suficiente, tenke hetan rekursus umanus. Rekursus
umanus governu nian, administrasaun públika ninian fraku loos. Maibe iha
instituisaun ida iha Timor, tinan ba
tinan iha esperiensia ne’e maka igreija. Entaun ita lalika tuir demais
esperiensia Europa nian ko’alia beibeik kona ba sekularidade, ne’e signifika
katak Estadu ho Governu labele kahor malu demais. Iha Timor ha’u hateten
nune’e, iha politika Estadu iha nia fatin no Igreija iha nia fatin. Maibe
kuandu ko’alia kona ba edukasaun, ba saude no kultura ne’e estadu ho Igreija
tenke servisu hamutuk mak loos. Entaun Senhor Primeiru Ministru devia konvida
Amo Bispo nain tolu ho xefe husi ordo relijioza Timorense sira hotu-hotu, tamba
kongresaun sira ne’e barak i balun sira la depende ba Amo Bispo sira. Sira iha
sira nia ordem rasik., balun iha Indonesia, Australia, Filipina no balun iha
Roma. Entaun bolu sira hotu halo konferensia bo’ot ida hodi husu ba sira katak,
ita bo’ot sira bele tulun estadu ne’e, bele tulun povu ne’e para aumenta
kualidade edukasaun ka la’e?
Kuandu hau ko’alia kona ba kualidade
edukasaun la’os de’it hau ko’alia kona ba kualidade pedagojiku maibe tau mos
valor moral no espiritual iha kurikulum. I grupu ida ne’ebe ha’u respeita tebe-tebes
iha ita nia rain ne’e maka madre sira. Sira servisu di’ak i ita nungka rona problemas
ho madre sira. Sira nein simu doit oan ida no sira nia vensimentu la iha. Sira
iha de’it maka han hemu. Maibe sira nia dedikasaun ne’e di’ak tebe-tebes. Entaun Governu devia bolu ordem relijioza
sira ne’e hateten ba sira katak ita bo’ot sira husi Kanosiana presiza orsamentu
hira kada tinan para halo imi nia servisu, Dominikana, Fransiskana presiza
orsamentu hira. I parde sira kada sub distritu no parokia presiza orsamentu
hira. I halo akordu direitamente ho sira, lalika liu husi dioseze tamba iha
dioseze iha programa seluk mak iha nia responsabilidade. Labele fo’o todan
demais ba dioseze tamba dioseze la kontrola ordem relijioza sira ne’e, sira independente.
Tenke fo’o apoiu maka’as ba dioseze maibe ne’e bu’at seluk ida. Dioseze iha nia
servisu no iha nia programa rasik.
Ha’u mos defende ke governu devia
tulun dioseze no ordem sira para padre sira pelu menus iha vensimentu oan ida.
Dala ruma ha’u haree padre sira kuitadu tebes tan ki’ak aat los, kalsa oan no
sapatu oan ida la iha. Ne’e duni governu devia haree orsamentu ne’ebe bele fo’o
hanesan vensimentu ida ba Padre sira, ba katekistas, ba madre sira. Ne’e para
hotu-hotu bele servisu ho kondisaun material ne’ebe di’ak. Nasaun ne’e atu la’o
ba oin, atu moris hakmatek i nasaun ne’e saudavel, la’os fisik de’it maibe
nasaun ne’ebe iha saude mental no saude spiritual tenke servisu maka’as ho
igreija. Igreija maka bele hanesan salvasaun bo’ot ba nasaun ne’e iha futuru.
Salvasaun espiritual, hau la ko’alia kona ba salvasaun ba lalehan ninian. Hau
ko’alia kona ba salvasaun espiritual no salvasaun ohin nian iha rai. Salvasaun
ne’ebe espiritual no salvasaun ne’ebe moral. Ha’u ko’alia kona ba saude espiritual
no saude moral. Salvasaun iha lalehan ita hotu-hotu sei hein kuandu momentu to’o
maka ita hotu-hotu ba maka hare’e. Maibe salvasaun tereste ne’e igreija mos
bele ajuda ita.
TS: Sua Excelencia ohin sita saude moral no mental ne’ebe daudaun ne’e
iha ita nia rain mosu kazu balun ne’ebe jovens sira forma grupu tuda malu,
involve aan iha drogas no mos mosu kazu tráfiku feto eskola oan sira ne’ebe ema
lori ba iha bar. Saida loos maka Estadu ho parte sira ne’ebe ita boot temi ne’e
bele koopera hamutuk atu kombate hahalok sira ne’e?
RH: Wainhira hau sei hanesan
Presidenti da Repúblika, hau ko’alia dala barak, iha deskursu ba nasaun, iha
parlamentu, i media kona ba problema tráfiku sexual ou “sexual slavery”. Iha
grupu balun mai husi xina. Sira dada feto balun mai husi Xina, mai to’o iha Timor
i obriga feto sira ne’e halo prostituisaun. Balun mai husi Thailandia no mai
husi Filipina. Uluk ne’e ha’u ko’alia maka’as ho komisariu Carilio ho komisariu
Longuinhos, husu sira para sira halo atuasaun ne’ebe maka’as. Kaer ema sira ne’e,
sira nebé mai husi liur, sira nebé halo tráfiku sexual ne’e, tebe sira maka’as,
tebe sira sai husi Timor ne’e. Lalika hein ba prosesu ruma. Ba iha fatin sira
ne’e, kaer sira hotu, tebe sira ba so’e iha aeroportu. La iha halimar ka mamar
fali ho ema sira ne’e. Ne’e ne gen sira mai husi Xina, Thailandia no Filipina
maka halo bu’at ne’e. Primeiru ita tenke hamoos 100% tráfiku feto mai husi liur
ninian. La’os feto sira ne’e rasik. Kuitadu feto sira ne’e barak ema ki’ak.
Sira buka vida ho hahalok nune’e. Balun ema bosok ka lohi sira. Hateten dehan
atu mai servisu iha Timor maibe to’o iha ne’e hasai sira nia passaporte no
esplora sira.
Depois kazu seluk ita nian ne’e,
Timor sira. Ida ne’e maka grave tebe-tebes tamba keta haluha feto oan sira ne’e
halo atividades sexual maibe la uza kondom ka prezervativu. HIV sa’e daudaun
ona iha Timor. Iha ano 2000, HIV ke ita hatene ka detetadu nebé ospital hateten
katak kazu hamutuk 16 de’it. Agora atus rua ka atus tolu (200 ka 300), ne’e
sira nebé ita hatene maibe hira maka ita la hatene? Portantu ha’u fiar ke kazu
infeksaun ho HIV ba jovens sira ka klosan sira iha Timor, ha’u hanoin sa’e ona
rihun ba rihun. Tamba dadus estatistika hatudu de’it sira nebé halo teste iha
ospital i kuandu halo teste ne’e tarde
demais ona. Tamba HIV ne’e la’os hanesan malaria, ita hetan ohin kedan ita
moras i ita hatene kedan ne’e malaria. HIV ninia virus ne’e bele tama ita nia
ran ohin, maibe tinan lima ka tinan neen liu tiha ou tinan sanolu maka ita foin
hatene. Maibe entretantu, se ita halo atividades ne’ebe la uza kondom ne’e daet
ona ema seluk tan. Entaun ema ida, feto oan ida ou mane oan ida ke iha HIV i
nia la uza protesaun i nia hanesan Portuguese dehan promiskuidade ne’e
signifika katak toba ba karuk no toba ba loos ka ba ema hotu-hotu ne’e nia bele
daet ba ema sanolu ka rua nolu. Entaun epidemia ne’e sei halo Timor-Leste monu
ba rai kuak boot ida. Portantu ita nia jovens sira bele kondenadu sira nia
futuru. Oinsa maka bele resolve situasaun ne’e.
Hau hanoin liu husi Televizaun tenke
halo kampania loron-loron. Hau hatene ke’e Amo Nai Bispo sira, Vatikano no
padres sira la konkorda ho fahe kondom. Maibe hau hanoin, ita hakarak salva
jovens sira, ita tenke hateten atu hare’e dau-daun oinsa maka bele fo’o
protesaun. Tamba difisil atu hateten ba jovens sira atu labele halo sexu no
hein to’o kaben. Ne’e loos duni devia nune’e.
Tamba Igreija hanorin ita, primeiru namora, kuinhese malu didiak, depois
kasamentu hein to’o kalan neen maka bele halo atividade entre laen ho fen.
La’os namora daudaun, sexu daudaun ona. Maibe difisil atu konvense jovens sira.
Ne’e duni, se ita hakarak atu salva sira, di’ak liu ita haree bu’at be kondom
ne’e. Iha mundu ne’e, igreija mos la iha konsensus kona ba uza kondom
ne’e. Vatikano bele hateten kontra
kondom maibe padre barak, bispu barak iha mundo ne’e, sira mos la konkorda ho
Vatikanu nia pozisaun. Tamba sira mos dehan ita tenke salva jovens sira ne’e.
Nune’e duni ita nia Governu tenke kampanha maka’as, tamba HIV sa’e maka’as. Ita
ba iha klinika Bairopite ba ko’alia ho Doutor Dan, nia hatene, nia trata kazu
lubuk ida kedas iha ne’eba.
TS: Maske Sua Excelencia ohin dehan ona sei la halo avaliasaun ba
progresividade Governu ninian iha menus fulan ha’at nia laran, maibe karik bele
ga la’e ita kompara to’ok membru IV Governu Konstitusional iha de’it 35 maibe
susar atu kontrola no iha V Governu Konstitusional sa’e ba 55 ne’e karik ita
bo’ot fiar PM Xanana bele kontrola?
RH: Hau mos bele hateten de’it katak
Preokupadu lo’os ho governu nebé bo’ot tebe-tebes. Maibe ne’e Primeiru Ministru
ninia kompetensia no nia direitu atu forma governu ne’ebe tuir nia hanoin.
Primeiru Ministru iha esperiensia tinan lima ona nune’e ba Primeiru Ministru
nia haree vantajen no desvantajen. Primeiru Ministru hateten razaun governu
bo’ot ne’e para kada Ministeriu labele bo’ot demais. Bo’ot demais, Ministru ida
mos labele kontrola ezekusaun orsamental. Maibe se Governu ne’e ema barak
demais, Sinquenta ital, ne’e difisil ba Primeiru Ministru atu kontrola sira.
Entaun signifika saida? Membru Governu tenke hatudu lealdade 100% ba Primeiru
Ministru. Kuandu hau hateten hatudu lealdade 100% ba Primeiru Ministru tenke
hateten beibeik sim, sim, sim. La’e, lealdade signifika servisu maka’as.
Kuandu ita simu todan hanesan
Ministru la’os tama tuku walu no sai tuku lima. Maibe bele tama tuku hitu dader
no remata tuku sanolu kalan ka meia noite kalan. Ne’e signifika servisu públiku
tamba ita servi nasaun ne’e nune’e. La’os hanesan funsionariu bain-bain tama
tuku walu no sai tuku lima. La’e, Ministru tama tuku hitu i sai tuku sanulu ou
meia noite. Hanesan eis Presidenti da Repúblika, nu’udar aman ida no maun bo’ot
ida ke agora la iha funsaun iha Governu no Estadu, hau hakarak husu ba sira,
favor senhor Ministru sira, imi tenke hatudu imi nia lealdade ba Primeiru
Ministru, maun bo’ot Xanana Gusmao. I lealdade ne’e la’os atu hateten de’it ba
nia, sim, sim, sim de’it. Maibe lealdade signifika loron-loron servisu maka’as
ho laran moos, rejeita envelopes no rejeita korrupsaun. Tamba se ita monu iha
tentasaun korrupsaun ida, ohin ita bele kontente tamba ita hetan envelope ida
ho osan iha laran. Maibe fulan neen, tinan ida ka tinan rua ita sei simu envelope
ida seluk ke mai husi KAK, Prokurador Jeral da Repúblika no mai husi Tribunal
ne’ebe sira hateten, favor mai iha ami nia kantor atu hahu investigasaun. Ne’e,
portantu envelope osan nian bele provoka envelope mai husi KAK, mai husi
Prokurador Jeral da Repúblika no mai husi Tribunal. Di’ak liu atu evita ne’e,
ita moris ho osan ne’ebe Estadu selu ita. Ne’e sufisiente ona. Portantu, ne’e
maka hau nia apelu ba membru governu sira.
TS: Sua Excelencia dala barak ema interpreta lealdade ne’e katak tenke
hateten sim de’it ka bainhira membru governu mos bele hateten la’e ba PM
wainhira atu asina kontratu single source ruma?
RH: Bele, bele hateten la’e. Senhor
Primeiru Ministru dala ruma la iha posibilidade atu hetan informasaun 100% iha
fatin hotu-hotu. Membru governu tenke hatudu lealdade para halo relatoriu
ne’ebe di’ak ba Primeiru Ministru kona ba leis, regulamentu, prosedur ba
prosesu tomak ne’ebe iha. Hanesan fo’o alerta ba Primeiru Ministru. Kuandu
hateten lalika tauk ko’alia ba Primeiru Ministru la’os signifika atu ko’alia
iha públiku. La’e, fatin maka atu ko’alia ne’e iha gabinete Primeiru Ministru
ninian, iha reuniaun ho Primeiru Ministru mak hateten no iha reuniaun Konselho
dos Ministrus. La’os atu mai liur maka ko’alia, la’os atu ba Restaurante hodi
kateri kua fali ka tesi fali governu rasik nia naran. Ne’e la’e, i labele.
Ita kuandu halo parte instituisaun Estadu
no iha instituisaun Governu iha regras. Ne’e signifika katak kritika halo pesoalmente
ba Primeiru Ministru ou iha Konselho de Ministrus maibe iha liur labele iha ida
ne’e. Governu la’os Parlamentu. Parlamentu maka sira hakilar malu. Iha Governu,
iha konselho de Ministrus iha laran de’it la sai mai liur. Estadu tenke nune’e
no demokrasia tenke nune’e labele tauk Kritika. Ha’u hatene Senhor Primeiru
Ministru. Nia ema ida ke’e la tauk kritika. Tamba nia gosta rona kritikas. Ne’e
duni hau nia konselho ba membrus do governu sira maka, hakarak servi nasaun ho
di’ak presiza hatudu lealdade ba Primeiru Ministru entaun labele tauk tenke ko’alia
ho nia. Nia ema ne’ebe gosta simu kontribuisaun. Kontribuisaun ho kritikas
ne’ebe konstruktivu, nia sei simu.
TS: Karik permite ami hakarak husu mos Sua Excelencia ninia hare’e ba
esforsu Timor-Leste atu sai membru ida mos iha ASEAN. Importansia ASEAN ba
Timor ne’e saida? Karik bele mos esplika uitoan vantajen no desvantajen nasaun
Timor Leste tama iha asean?
Hau hateten ida ne’e, mai hau bu’at ida ne’ebe kona ba politika
internasional, diplomasia internasional no relasaun ho mundo hau hatene uitoan.
Ne’e duni hau husu ba Governu, favor, prioridade numeru um ba ita, enkuantu hanesan
nasaun ida iha Asia ne’e, ita nia memberships, atu tama asean.
La iha prioridade seluk ba ita.
Prioridade ba ita la’os CPLP, la’os G7+. Prioridade absoluta numeru um ba ita,
ASEAN. I prosesu ASEAN ne’e la’os katak ita tama ohin, servisu remata ona, ne’e
la’e. Ita hare’e ke’e normal, ita nia relasaun loron-loron ho rai Asia sira.
Ita nia komersiu ho Indonesia, ho Singapura, Xina, Thailandia no Vietnam. I ita
haree, ita nia Ministru sira no Deputadus sira kuandu sira halo viajen uluk ba
Indonesia ho Singapora. Sira la ba Haiti, la ba South Sudaun, portantu ne’e
realidade ita nian. Realidade ida ke’e permanente. Ne’e duni ha’u nia pedidu
mak ida ne’e, husu ba Governu labele hanesan lakon tempu demais, rekursus finanseiru
ho CPLP ou ho G7+. Tau investimentu maka’as ba ASEAN. Ne’e halo parte ita nia
interese nasional no ita nia interese estratejiku.
I se maka ka’er politika externa ne’e?
Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru labele Ministru sira selu-seluk, ida-idak halo nia
atividades. Hotu-hotu liu husi Ministeriu Negosiu estranjeirus, labele iha
diplomasia paralela.
Portantu hanesan ha’u hateten Ita
labele iha politika paralela no diplomasia paralela. Ita labele iha diplomasia
paralela, bu’at hanesan G7+, CPLP no Asean, se maka lidera ne’e? Ministeriu
Negosiu Estranjeiru maka lidera.
Kuandu Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru
presiza hanesan opiniaun teknika ou informasaun teknika entaun ne’e maka iha
kolaborasaun institusional nune’e Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru bele husu tulun
no apoiu husi Ministeriu Finanças ou Ministeriu ne’ebe de’it maka presiza sira
nia tulun. Tamba bu’at hotu-hotu iha mundo maka ne’e diplomasia Ministeriu
Negosiu Estranjeiru maka lidera, labele kada Ministeriu ba halo kontaktu no
akordu oin-oin i Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru dala ruma la hatene. Ne’e maka
ita tenke buka apriende. Hau kompriende ita nia nasaun sei foun hela no ita nia
instituisaun sei fraku nune’e dala ruma bu’at sira ne’e la’o la loos. Maibe ita
tenke haree oin sa maka halo governasaun la’o di’ak liu no koordena di’ak liu.
TS: Senhor Doutor, hanesan ohin ita bo’ot apela ona katak devia Timor-Leste
presiza tau prioridade atu investe maka’as ba nasaun ne’e atu tama ASEAN maibe
ema balun dehan fali katak investimentu entermus de finanseiru halai liu fali
ba G7+. Saida maka ita hatene kona ba ne’e?
RH: Primeiru hau sente kontente
Governu nomeia Sekretariu Estadu ida ba assuntu ASEAN. Ne’e di’ak, primeiru
Sekretariu Estadu ne’e joven ida, diplomata Timorense ke’e iha matenek no
esperiensia ona. Ne’e hatudu Governu nia komitementu ba ASEAN. Maibe tamba ita
ema ladun barak, rekursus umanus laiha no rekursus finanseirus mos la’os
hanesan barak liu, hau hanoin di’ak liu ita konsentra ba ASEAN. Por ijemplu
kona ba presidensia CPLP nian iha 2014, hau hanoin di’ak liu ita buka ko’alia
ho maluk CPLP muda ba tinan seluk, ba 2017 ka 2018. Tamba difisil tebe-tebes
Timor-Leste atu tama ASEAN, tau matan ba G7+ i ka’er presidensia CPLP. Tamba
presidensia CPLP ne’e tinan rua kedas i iha seitor barak ke’e ita tenke tau
matan wainhira ita assume presidensia CPLP nian. I ita do’ok tebe-tebes husi
Portugal no Brasil. Kuandu ita kaer presidensia ne’e, se ita hakarak seriu duni
entaun atividades ne’e tenke intense barak loos. Entaun oinsa maka ita bele tau
matan ba CPLP nia presidensia i au mezmu tempu tau matan ba ASEAN. Ne;e hau
hanoin difikuldade bo’ot.
Hau hanoin di’ak liu Governu bele
hateten ba kolega sira iha CPLP atu husu ba rai seluk maka kaer lai, bele Portugal
maka kaer fali i Timor konsentra ba ASEAN. Tamba Timor tenke tama ASEAN iha
2013 ou 2014 labele tarde liu tan. I ita kuandu tama, ne’e responsabilidade
barak loos. Vantajen barak, ne’e hanesan fo’o prestijiu ba Timor-Leste no hau
la hare’e ke’e iha dezvantajen. Tamba se dezvantajen barak entaun rai sira
seluk la tama ou sira sai fali tiha ona. Ne’e, ita ba husu ba Kamboja, Myanmar,
Vietnam kona ba se iha dezvantajen ga la’e? Sira sei dehan la’e, dezvantajen la
iha. Iha mundu ne’e la iha rai ida ke’e la halo parte organizasaun regional ida.
Ne’e ha’u hateten favor ba Governu atu tau matan ba ASEAN nu’udar prioridade
numeru um. I ha’u mos kompriende Primeiru Ministru nia laran luak, hakarak
ajuda rai sira G7+ ne’e maibe sira ida-idak iha sira nia organizasaun rejional.
Hanesan Liberia, Sierra Leone ho South Sudaun sira hola parte Africa Union.
Haiti halo parte organizasaun Amerika Latina. Sira bele buka dalan iha sira nia
organizasaun rejional para defende sira nia interese.
TS: Karik Senhor Doutor mos notta total orsamentu ne’ebe investe ba preparasaun
atu TL tama ba ASEAN ne’e hira no hira maka ita investe ba G7+?
RH: Hau la kuinese orsamentu ne’ebe
governu iha ba ASEAN. Maibe hau hateten de’it maka ida ne’e, importante liu-liu
maka ASEAN la iha bu’at seluk. Timor tenke hamutuk ho Indonesia, Singapura, Thailandia
no nasaun ASEAN nian. Merkadu ne’e 600 milloens de pessoas. GDP ASEAN ninian
ne’e bo’ot tebes, liu tiha um triliaun Dollar. Ita hakarak semo sai husi Timor
ba para de’it iha Bali no ba para de’it iha Singapura antes atu ba rai seluk.
Ita nia Primeiru Ministru, nia naran di’ak loos iha Indonesia. Nia belun bo’ot
ho Susilo Bambang Widoyhono no lider sira seluk. Ne’e duni, ita timor tenke
buka oinsa explora didi’ak relasaun ida ne’e, para ita bele hetan forsa liu. Ita
bele hateten Senhor Primeiru Ministru maka hanesan arkitetu numeru um ba
amizade no relasaun ho Indonesia. Entaun ida ne’e maka ita foka, to’o ita tama
tiha bele avontade ona uitoan.
Portantu ita seidauk tama ne’e, ita lalika
assume presidensia CPLP lai tamba ita nia maluk CPLP, sira kompriende se Timor
husu atu halo adiamentu ba Presidensia nian. Tamba sira ida-idak CPLP ne’e halo
parte organizasaun rejional sira nian. La iha rai ke’e CPLP la halo parte
organizasaun rejional. Ita husu ba Portugal, saida maka importante liu ba
Portugal entre CPLP ka Uniaun Europeia? Sira hateten, deskulpa maibe Uniaun Europeia.
Ita husu ba maun Brasil sira, se mak importante liu ba imi entre CPLP ka Merso
sul ou organizasaun Amerika Latina. Sira hateten deskulpa, ba ami ne’e Amerika Latina
maka importante. Ita husu ba kamarada sira Mozambique, sa ida maka importante
liu entre CPLP ka Uniaun Afrikana? Sira hateten deskulpa alin Timor oan sira,
ami ne’e konsentra ho Uniaun Afrikana. Portantu, CPLP importante tan politika
CPLP di’ak. Maibe dala ruma ita tenke hateten, tinan ida ne’e ou tinan seluk
mai ne’e, la’os atu sai presidensia CPLP nian. Ita sei kontinua membru CPLP no
kontinua partisipa mas di’ak liu lalika mehi atu kaer presidencia CPLP.
TS: Karik ami bele husu mos kona ba isu ne’ebe ema so’e dehan katak
Amerika buka atu harii baze Militar ida iha nasaun ne’e. Ne’e los ga lae?
RH: Ha’u rona bisu-bisu ne’e tinan
sanulu ona, ha’u la fiar ke’e Amerika iha interese atu halo baze iha Timor, tamba
primeiru ita tenke hare’e mos vantajen no dezvantajen ba ita atu simu baze
estranjeiru ruma iha ita nia rain. Segundu ita tenke hare’e mos reasaun husi
ita nia vijinhus sira. Por ijemplu, Indonesia sei la kontente no sei la hare’e
nee ho matan di’ak. Indonesia nia politika sira kontra baze militar ruma iha
Sudeste Asiatiku. Maibe Kooperasaun maka’as liu ho Amerika, ita buka. Timor nia
relasaun ho Amerika di’ak tebe-tebes. I ita nu’udar rai ne’ebe ki’ik, ita tenke
buka sadere ba aman sarani bo’ot ida. Ne’e ha’u hateten, Barack Obama maka ita
nia aman sarani. Ita nia aman sarani la’os Russia. Ne’e duni ita nia aman
sarani bo’ot maka Barack Obama. Ne’e duni ita buka relasaun di’ak ho sira. Sira
bele mai halo ezersisiu militar konjuntu. Se’e sira hakarak mai halo training
iha ne’e, ne’e di’ak. Fo’o apoiu liu tamba ita nia Forsa. Se ita nia Aeroportu
Baukau ne’ebe la uza ne’e, se sira hakarak devez enkuandu mai “practice flight”,
semo sira nia aviaun ne’e tamba sira presiza practice ne’e, ita bele empresta
ba sira. Maibe ne’e la’os permanente. Ne’e duni ha’u la fiar bisu-bisu kona ba
baze iha Atauro. Atauro ki’ik oan los no be’e mos laiha. Ne’e ba halo fali baze
saida iha ne’eba.
TS: Senhor Doutor, ema ko’alia barak katak “power shifting” husi parte Oeste
mai iha Asia liu-liu hanesan Xina, Korea no India. Hanesan ema ne’ebe han midar
no moruk diplomasia ninian oin sa ita bo’ot ninia hanoin?
RH: Iha Asia poder rua ke’e bo’ot
tebe-tebes maka Xina ho India. Timor tenke iha relasaun di’ak ho Xina maibe
tenke hahu buka hari’i relasaun ho India. Iha tinan 20 tan populasaun India sei
liu ona populasaun Xina. I teknolojia India nian la’o nafatin. Maibe India ho
Xina la hare malu ho di’ak. Iha problemas oin-oin. Iha rivalidade no iha problemas
Fronteiras. Maibe Timor-Leste mos tenke buka nafatin relasaun metin ho Japaun
no Korea do Sul. Ita hatene ke relasaun Korea do Sul ho Xina ladun di’ak nune’e
mos Japaun ho Xina ladun di’ak i Japaun ho Korea do Sul mos ladun di’ak. Maibe
Timor-Leste tenke buka relasaun di’ak ho sira hotu, ho Korea do Sul, ho Japaun,
ho India no ho Xina. Maibe hanesan hau hateten ne’e, prioridade maka Asean no
prioridade ba ita maka relasaun ho rua, Australia no Indonesia. Ne’e ita nia
Ita kuandu moris iha Bairro ida,
hela iha bairro ida, ita buka relasaun di’ak iha bairro ne’e. Ne’e duni, se ita
iha Sudeste Asiatiku, ita tenke buka relasaun diak ho vijinhu. Vijinhu ne’ebe
bo’ot liu maka Indonesia maibe iha kotuk iha Australia iha ne’eba. Australia,
rai ida kee di’ak. Hau hateten ba ita nia populasaun no lideres sira atu lalika
deskonfia Australia. Australia nia relasaun ho Amerika ne’e bo’ot loos. Se ita
hakarak relasaun metin ho Amerika di’ak liu ka’er mos relasaun metin ho
Australia. Ba Amerika prioridade iha Asia ne’e rua maka ida relasaun ho
Australia no ida seluk ho Japaun. Ne’e duni Timor tenke tau matan liu-liu ba
relasaun ho Indonesia no Australia. Maibe lalika tauk Xina tamba Amerika
deskonfia Xina no rai balun iha Asia mos deskonfia Xina. Hau la deskonfia, tamba
Xina nungka halo invazaun ba rai seluk. Rai seluk maka uluk invade sira.
Amerika invade Japaun, França no Inglaterra. Sira maka uluk, tinan atus ba atus
halo kolonizasaun ba Xina, halo umiliasaun ba Xina, hanehan Xina, hanehan para
Xina ki’ak nafatin. Agora kuandu Xina moderniza, sira deskonfia. La’e hau kuinhese
Xina. Sira nia politika maka buka atu sai “soft Power” iha mundu. Sira hakarak
domina iha teknolojia, iha siensia no Komersiu maibe sira la buka domina
TS: Mas kona ba Power shifting ne’e
ba Xina ho India ne’e bele akontese?
RH: Ha’u la fiar. Ha’u hanoin
pelumenus tinan tolu nolu tan, sei iha poder mundial ida ne’e maka Amerika. Tan
ba kuandu ita ko’alia power shifting, ne’e muda mai Asia. Muda mai Asia ba se
los? Mud aba Xina ka muda ba India. Sira nain rua haree malu la di’ak. Rai
bo’ot rua ne’e rivalidade. Xina ho Japaun rivalidade ne’e duni ha’u la fiar kee
Asia tama fali iha Amerika nia fatin nu’udar potencia. Potencia la’os rejiaun
maibe ba rai. Se maka atu sai potencia iha Asia ne’e, Xina ka India? Problema
ho japaun mos maka katuas barak loos. Xina mos terseira idade komesa aumenta.
Iha tinan rua nolu ka tolu nolu tan ema katuas ka terseira idade sei barak loos
iha Xina. Ita la konsege sai hanesan super potencia ho terseira idade. Super
potencia ne’e jovens sira maka bele sai super potencial. Amerika jovens nafatin
tan ba sira loke odamatan ba imigrasaun. Ema husi mundo hotu-hotu ba Amerika no
hetan nasionalidade hanesan ema Amerika. Sira la’os taka odamatan. Ema husi
xina, India, Europa, Amerika latina no Afrika sira ne’e maka Amerika ne’e sai
riku bo’ot loos. Sira nia politika ne’e loke odamatan loke neon. Japaun, Xina
ho Korea do sul tauk estranjeiru tan sira mono kultura no mono etnesitis maibe amerika multikultura.
Hanesan estatua liberdade hateten, nia loke liman simu hotu-hotu ne’ebe ki’ak ,
halai husi violencia, halai husi tirania, husi ditadura iha mundo ne’e ba iha
East Timor,
Ramos Horta,
Tempo semanal,
Timor leste,
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Tempo Semanal - Dili, 26/12/2012
Translation of article 17/12/2012
Journalists have been denied any comment or response from the Finance Minister despite their repeated requests for interviews with her or for information from her to try to clarify allegations that have recently arisen regarding her in the press, and this from a Minister who has in the past repeatedly declared herself to the public as the motor for transparency and accountability. The question must be asked; what is Minister Emilia hiding from the public?
On 27 November 2012, shortly before the commemoration of the 37th anniversary of Timor-Leste's independence, Tempo Semanal published allegations of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (commonly known by its Indonesian acronym "KKN") against the Finance Minister, Emilia Pires. The allegations against this senior member of the government, who has held the Finance portfolio for the second term of government, emerges from circumstances where budget funds were approved to enable acquisition of goods from a company owned by her husband.
This conduct by the Finance Minister, Emilia Pires is suspected of breaching the conflict of interest provisions for state agents established in article 32, chapter IV on Incompatibility, of Law No. 10/2005, The Legal Regime on Procurement. The Minister who is fond of claiming utmost transparency and accountability feigned at not knowing of and letting through to acquire a government contract her husband's company. To try and find answers to these questions raised about the conduct of the Finance Minister Emilia Pires, from prior to the date of publication, Tempo Semanal has tried on multiple occasions through various means to seek confirmation of certain facts from her. However, we have been unable to get any response whatsoever from her despite our repeated efforts.
On Tuesday, 11 December 2012, Tempo Semanal tried once again to get a response to questions from the Finance Minister personally during her attendance at the National Parliament. However, the Finance Minister herself declined making any comments to us. "I will not comment to the whoever in the press regarding this issue," the Finance Minister told Tempo Semanal.
The raising of these allegations have stirred great public controversy, because of statements made by the Director of the Guido Valadares National Hospital, Odete da Silva Viegas to Tempo Semanal on 23 November 2012, that according to her letter of request with reference number 130/adm/HNGV/III/2012, which she addressed to the Vice Minister for Health, Madalena Hanjan, there was no request for the equipment ultimately supplied by the company Mac's Metalcraft Pty Ltd, a company owned by and whose director is Warren Mc Leod, the husband of the Finance Minister, Emilia Pires. Worse, some state agents used the request from the Director of the Guido Valadares National Hospital as justification to seek additional unallocated budget funds, which had already been pre-arranged in February 2012.
Looking at the details born out in the documents in this case, there are things that were clearly not right. The request from the director of the National Hospital to the former Vice Minister for Health, Madalena F.N.H Costa Soares Bsn, on 22 March 2012 request the urgent purchase of medical equipment related to the work of the Hemodialysis Unit. This included equipment like two Hemodialysis machines, two sets of beds and consumables to enable the unit to undertake its work in caring for patients requiring hemodialysis treatment.
According to the list annexed to the letter signed by the National Director of NALA, Leao Borges, S Sos. MPH, Head of the Medical Equipment Management Department, Avelino Afonso Brites and former Vice Minister of Health, Madalena F.N.H. Costa Soares Bsn, a budget of US$2,004,100.00 was proposed to purchase 17 items for the hospital and health centres. But what is interesting from the items listed in the annexure to the letter sent by the Vice Minister for Health, Madalena Hanjan to the Finance Minister, Emilia Pires, the first five items listed were all equipment to be purchased from the company Mac's Metalcraft Pty. Ltd.
So if we look at the whole process from beginning to end, we conclude that there was "collusion" at high level between some members of government during which they tested one another on ways in which their family members could financially benefit from the budget of the state. Because, prior to the Director of the National Hospital sent off her letter on 22 March 2012, the Finance Minister, Emilia Pires had already approved the budget request that had been proposed by the Vice Minister for Health, Madalena Hanjan.
Immediately after the Finance Minister approved the request for additional budget funds from the government's contingency fund, on 24 February 2012, Warren Mc Leod, the Director of the company Mac's Metalcraft submitted his quotation to Agapito da Costa, the Procurement Officer for the Ministry of Health. Following this on 21 March 2012 the Vice Minister for Health wrote to Prime Minister Xanana and copied the Finance Minister. Madalena Hanjan proposed in that letter for the company Mac's Metalcraft to be the sole supplier because it was an emergency purchase.
Interestingly, in February the Vice Minister for Health used only the letter of request from the Director of the National Hospital for two hemodialysis machines and two beds as the basis for her justification to back up her request for funds as being an emergency. However, equipment ultimately supplied by Mac's Metalcraft including some of the eighty (80) beds are in storage at the National Hospital.
"The Finance Minister is a 'public official'. Because of this very reason she cannot approve funds to her family's company, but least of all her husband's. With this the Finance Minister has breached the Procurement Law," said the director of Luta Hamutuk, Mericio Akara to Tempo Semanal. According to Akara, 30% of procurement projects are awarded through single sourcing currently.
"But, the mechanism was also frequently breached. Such as single sourcing, which is justified when there is an emergency or something needs to be acquired quickly. But, if there is no emergency though I do not think it can be single sourced.
If there is a natural disaster we can understand if the procurement is treated as an emergency. But, too many times procurement that is not really an emergency are categorized as emergencies and treated accordingly. Because of this, indications of KKN (Corruption Collusion and Nepotism) arise in these emergency procurements.
Despite this, this is the course used to access funds to spend quickly. Because, with this approach, they can use single sourcing. But this way they can also engage in all forms of manipulation, because if it has to undergo normal procurement processes then there is no course available for them to engage in KKN. So, this is why they use single sourcing.
It is not only though single sourcing though, because via normal procurement processes they also try to manipulate things, then it is easier to do with single sourcing where there are no means of control. In these type of processes, whoever has the power makes the decisions. So, if they have family relations involved they do not need to be afraid of giving it to them. People are already used to it, use to saying that someone inside gave a contract to their relative," Akara accused.
Previously, in its edition number 42, Tempo Semanal published an interview with the Jose Neves, one of the deputy commissioner of the Anti Corruption Commission (Tetum acronym: "KAK"), wherein he said that the equipment acquired in the case in question could not be classed as emergency items. He added that they had simply invented this as being an emergency acquisition.
Akara explained that, KAK has to be proactive in investigating these cases. Because, it is an extraordinary institution created to be proactive in investigating such cases, not just wait to act on complaints. KAK has to be proactive and we recommend that that it should not fear anyone in Timor-Leste. KAK as an extraordinary institution should not be wary of anyone and if there are clear indications of KKN then it should investigate it immediately.
Translation of article 17/12/2012
Journalists have been denied any comment or response from the Finance Minister despite their repeated requests for interviews with her or for information from her to try to clarify allegations that have recently arisen regarding her in the press, and this from a Minister who has in the past repeatedly declared herself to the public as the motor for transparency and accountability. The question must be asked; what is Minister Emilia hiding from the public?
On 27 November 2012, shortly before the commemoration of the 37th anniversary of Timor-Leste's independence, Tempo Semanal published allegations of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (commonly known by its Indonesian acronym "KKN") against the Finance Minister, Emilia Pires. The allegations against this senior member of the government, who has held the Finance portfolio for the second term of government, emerges from circumstances where budget funds were approved to enable acquisition of goods from a company owned by her husband.
This conduct by the Finance Minister, Emilia Pires is suspected of breaching the conflict of interest provisions for state agents established in article 32, chapter IV on Incompatibility, of Law No. 10/2005, The Legal Regime on Procurement. The Minister who is fond of claiming utmost transparency and accountability feigned at not knowing of and letting through to acquire a government contract her husband's company. To try and find answers to these questions raised about the conduct of the Finance Minister Emilia Pires, from prior to the date of publication, Tempo Semanal has tried on multiple occasions through various means to seek confirmation of certain facts from her. However, we have been unable to get any response whatsoever from her despite our repeated efforts.
On Tuesday, 11 December 2012, Tempo Semanal tried once again to get a response to questions from the Finance Minister personally during her attendance at the National Parliament. However, the Finance Minister herself declined making any comments to us. "I will not comment to the whoever in the press regarding this issue," the Finance Minister told Tempo Semanal.
The raising of these allegations have stirred great public controversy, because of statements made by the Director of the Guido Valadares National Hospital, Odete da Silva Viegas to Tempo Semanal on 23 November 2012, that according to her letter of request with reference number 130/adm/HNGV/III/2012, which she addressed to the Vice Minister for Health, Madalena Hanjan, there was no request for the equipment ultimately supplied by the company Mac's Metalcraft Pty Ltd, a company owned by and whose director is Warren Mc Leod, the husband of the Finance Minister, Emilia Pires. Worse, some state agents used the request from the Director of the Guido Valadares National Hospital as justification to seek additional unallocated budget funds, which had already been pre-arranged in February 2012.
Looking at the details born out in the documents in this case, there are things that were clearly not right. The request from the director of the National Hospital to the former Vice Minister for Health, Madalena F.N.H Costa Soares Bsn, on 22 March 2012 request the urgent purchase of medical equipment related to the work of the Hemodialysis Unit. This included equipment like two Hemodialysis machines, two sets of beds and consumables to enable the unit to undertake its work in caring for patients requiring hemodialysis treatment.
According to the list annexed to the letter signed by the National Director of NALA, Leao Borges, S Sos. MPH, Head of the Medical Equipment Management Department, Avelino Afonso Brites and former Vice Minister of Health, Madalena F.N.H. Costa Soares Bsn, a budget of US$2,004,100.00 was proposed to purchase 17 items for the hospital and health centres. But what is interesting from the items listed in the annexure to the letter sent by the Vice Minister for Health, Madalena Hanjan to the Finance Minister, Emilia Pires, the first five items listed were all equipment to be purchased from the company Mac's Metalcraft Pty. Ltd.
So if we look at the whole process from beginning to end, we conclude that there was "collusion" at high level between some members of government during which they tested one another on ways in which their family members could financially benefit from the budget of the state. Because, prior to the Director of the National Hospital sent off her letter on 22 March 2012, the Finance Minister, Emilia Pires had already approved the budget request that had been proposed by the Vice Minister for Health, Madalena Hanjan.
Immediately after the Finance Minister approved the request for additional budget funds from the government's contingency fund, on 24 February 2012, Warren Mc Leod, the Director of the company Mac's Metalcraft submitted his quotation to Agapito da Costa, the Procurement Officer for the Ministry of Health. Following this on 21 March 2012 the Vice Minister for Health wrote to Prime Minister Xanana and copied the Finance Minister. Madalena Hanjan proposed in that letter for the company Mac's Metalcraft to be the sole supplier because it was an emergency purchase.
Interestingly, in February the Vice Minister for Health used only the letter of request from the Director of the National Hospital for two hemodialysis machines and two beds as the basis for her justification to back up her request for funds as being an emergency. However, equipment ultimately supplied by Mac's Metalcraft including some of the eighty (80) beds are in storage at the National Hospital.
"The Finance Minister is a 'public official'. Because of this very reason she cannot approve funds to her family's company, but least of all her husband's. With this the Finance Minister has breached the Procurement Law," said the director of Luta Hamutuk, Mericio Akara to Tempo Semanal. According to Akara, 30% of procurement projects are awarded through single sourcing currently.
"But, the mechanism was also frequently breached. Such as single sourcing, which is justified when there is an emergency or something needs to be acquired quickly. But, if there is no emergency though I do not think it can be single sourced.
If there is a natural disaster we can understand if the procurement is treated as an emergency. But, too many times procurement that is not really an emergency are categorized as emergencies and treated accordingly. Because of this, indications of KKN (Corruption Collusion and Nepotism) arise in these emergency procurements.
Despite this, this is the course used to access funds to spend quickly. Because, with this approach, they can use single sourcing. But this way they can also engage in all forms of manipulation, because if it has to undergo normal procurement processes then there is no course available for them to engage in KKN. So, this is why they use single sourcing.
It is not only though single sourcing though, because via normal procurement processes they also try to manipulate things, then it is easier to do with single sourcing where there are no means of control. In these type of processes, whoever has the power makes the decisions. So, if they have family relations involved they do not need to be afraid of giving it to them. People are already used to it, use to saying that someone inside gave a contract to their relative," Akara accused.
Previously, in its edition number 42, Tempo Semanal published an interview with the Jose Neves, one of the deputy commissioner of the Anti Corruption Commission (Tetum acronym: "KAK"), wherein he said that the equipment acquired in the case in question could not be classed as emergency items. He added that they had simply invented this as being an emergency acquisition.
Akara explained that, KAK has to be proactive in investigating these cases. Because, it is an extraordinary institution created to be proactive in investigating such cases, not just wait to act on complaints. KAK has to be proactive and we recommend that that it should not fear anyone in Timor-Leste. KAK as an extraordinary institution should not be wary of anyone and if there are clear indications of KKN then it should investigate it immediately.
East Timor,
emilia pires,
Finance minister,
mericio akara
Monday, 24 December 2012
PARTE IV : Opinaun Husi Estudante Kona Ba Alegasaun Emilia Aprova Fundus Ba Mac’s Metalcraft
Ministra Financas Emilia Pires to'o agora sei nonok nafatin no rejeita atu klarifika ba publiku kona ba Mac's Metacraft ne'ebe deskonfia nain husi ninia kaben mos hetan projeitu single souce husi Governu ho orsamentu husi fundus kontijencia.
Estudantes Universitariu sira lubun ruma maka foo sira nia komentariu kona ba lala'ok Ministra Emilia ninian ne'ebe tuir mahasiswa sira katak la iha moral tan ba hatene hela hahalok ne'e viola leis maibe husi liu de'it.
Mahasiswa mos alega katak Ministra Financas RDTL uza ninia poder hodi bele hariku ninia kaben nia kompania. Tuir mai ita ba akompania hamutuk komentarius husi estudantes sira.
Naran :
Izac Saramentu
Estudante :
Tanba, Ministra Finansas uza ona ninia poder hodi hakat liu Lei. Klaru katak,
nia (red-Ministra Finansas) viola ona Lei juridiku aprovizionamentu nian tanba
kompaina ne’ebé suplay ekipamentus ne’e la eziste iha rai laran.
Tuir hau nia
hatene ema ne’ebé mak komete iha Korrupsaun ema ne’e la iha responsabilidade
Maibe, iha sira ninia kakutak ne’e oinsá bele naok hodi hariku an no
Hanesan estudante ha’u husu ba Parlamentu Nasional no KAK presiza hare
kazu ne’ebé deskonfia iha envolvomentu Ministra Finansas hodi bele hahú hala’o
investigasaun ona.
Estudante :
Ha’u hanoin
kazu Ministra Finansas aprova fundus ba ninia kaben injustisa boot.
Ministra uza ona ninia poder hodi viola Lei aprovizionamentu.
Atetudi Ministra
Finansas ne’e hatudu katak Ministra Finansas rasik la iha responsabilidade
morál no felizmente nia rasik hafoer ona estadu nia naran.
Tanba, iha fatin
barak nia (red-Ministra Finansas) sempre koalia barak kona ba boa Governasaun.
Ho ninia
kompetensia nu’udar Ministra Finansas, Emilia Pires komesa uza ninia poder hodi
aprova fundus ba ninia kaben hodi hariku ninia familia.
Klaru katak osan ne’ebé
Ministra Finansas aprova ne’e osan povu nian. Ne’e duni, hanesan estudante ami husu
ba KAK atu hala’o investigasaun ne’ebé profunda.
Naran :
Mesquita Soares
Estudante :
Dala barak
nai ulun sira sempre koalia kona ba Boa Governasaun, transparansia no
Maibe, oinsá mak ita bele garantia kona ba boa governasaun se
bainhira Ministra Finansas rasik tau as interese nasional hodi aprova fundus ba
ninia kaben hanesan fó sai iha jornal nasional balun.
Ministra Finansas hatudu katak, Ministra Finansas la iha responsabilidade
Ne’e duni, ba ha’u atetudi ida ne’e kategoria hanesan korrupsaun no
krimi boot ida, tan ne’e estudante husu ba orgaun kompetensia atu toma
Tanba, agora daudauk publiku hakfodak ba ema sira ne’ebé
involve kazu korrupsaun. Maibe, lidera hela nasaun ida ne’e.
Klaru KAK
presiza hala’o duni investigasaun ba prosesu ida ne’e. Tanba, hahalok hirak
ne’e fó ameasa boot ba nasaun nia futuru.(**)
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