Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Ema cidadaun Indonesia ho Afrika uza Timor leste hanesan kampu Droga ninian.

PARTE I : Deskonfia Mafia Halimar Presu Mina

Tempo semanal - Dili, 31/10/2012

“Governu Presiza Hala’o Intervensaun ba Presu Mina Iha Merkadoria. Tanba, Deskonfia Iha Ema Balun Komesa Hala’o Manipulasaun”

KUAZE-semana rua nia laran komunidade iha kapital Dili, liu-liu sira ne’ebé iha karreta no motor hakfodak ho stok mina (‘bensin’) ne’ebé dereprente menus iha rai laran. Situasaun ne’e halo ema barak tenke ‘antrian’ iha estasaun mina (pombensin) hodi bele hetan kombustivel atu ense ba sira nia karreta no motor.

Stok mina ne’ebé menus afeita tebes ba presu mina iha rai laran, liu-liu ba presu gazolina. Tanba, oras ne’e daudauk presu gazolina kada litru sae to’o U$ 1.30 centavos. Problema mina menus, la’os akontese de’it ba estasaun mina iha kapital Dili. Maibe, ninia impaktu to’o distritu, tanba iha distritu balun presu mina sae makas tebes kompara ho presu mina iha kapital Dili .

Situasaun ne’e akontese la’os tanba falta kontrolasaun. Maibe, deskonfia mafia balun halimar hela ho presu mina iha merkadu. Tan ne’e, halo povu husi nasaun ne’ebé riku ho mina tenke hadau malu fali mina. Iha prosesu ida ne’e deskonfia mós Governu ho parte kompaina la iha onestidade hodi implementa politika kona ba jestaun mina nian.
Problema mina oras ne’e daudauk sai preokupasaun boot ba povu Timor-Leste. Ne’e duni, reprezentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) kestiona ho situasaun hirak ne’e.

Responde kona ba situasaun ne’e, membru  Parlamentu husi bankada opozisaun suzere ba Governu atu hala’o subsidiu ba mina no husu Governu kria Lei ida atu kontrola presu mina iha rai laran.

“Governu presiza hala’o intervensaun ba presu mina iha merkadoria. Tanba, deskonfia iha ema balun komesa hala’o manipulasaun iha prosesu ida ne’e, hodi hasae presu kombustivel. Nune’e mós, Governu tenke hala’o negosiu foun ho pertamina ne’ebé mak durante ne’e importa mina mai Timor-Leste.” dehan deputadu bankada Fretilin, Joaquim do Santos ba Jornal Tempo Semanal iha uma fukun PN.

Deputadu husi partidu istoriku hateten, impaktu husi mina ne’ebé menus, halo presu mina sae, tanba seidauk iha Lei ruma mak atu regula presu mina. Governu tenke hala’o subsidiu ba mina no Governu persiza kria Lei ida hodi bele kontrola presu mina. Tanba, mina sira ne’ebé tama mai Timor-Leste importa husi nasaun Singapura, Indonesia no Australia.

Iha fatin hanesan, Presidende Komiaun D Asuntu Ekonomia Desenvolvimentu, Jacinta Abu Cau Pereira hateten, impaktu husi importasaun mina ne’ebé menus no halo presu mina ne’ebé mak as. Tanba, Timor-Leste adopta sistema merkadu livre.

“ami rekomenda ona ba Guvernu atu kontrola Partamina ne’ebé hala’o importasaun mina mai Timor-Leste. Tanba, ita presiza hatene motivu husi mina ne’ebé derepente menus kuaze iha semana rua nia laran” Presidente Komisaun D kestiona.

Hataan ba kestaun ne’e, Manajer Partamina, Jeffri Affandi hateten, iha semana hirak liu ba stok mina prenium hotu. Ne’e duni, sira tenke hola fali mina petromas ne’ebé ho kualidade di’ak atu hatama mai Timor-Leste.

“Kona ba informasaun ne’ebé hateten, ami lakon iha tenderizasaun atu fornese mina ba sentru EDTL Hera, ne’e duni mak ami lakohi supla mina ne’e la loos. Tanba, realidade mina prenium hotu duni, la’os tanba ami lakon iha tender governu nian mak ami halo hanesan ne’e, lae. Dala ida tan informasaun ne’e la loos. Kona ba lakon iha prosesu tender governu nian. Ne’e normal. Maibe, husi parte pertamina esforsu an nafatin atu suplay ba estasaun mina iha timor-laran tomak.” esklarese Jeffri iha ninia serbisu fatin Pantai Kelapa, Dilio.

Nia hatutan, realidade mina prenium hotu duni no la’os tanba lakon husi tender governu nian mak sira halo hanesan ne’e. “Dala ida tan informasaun ne’e la loos. Tanba, lakon iha prosesu tenderizaun governu ne’e normal.

Maski iha momentu ne’ebá mina premium menus. Maibe, pertamina buka meus nafatin hodi haruka mina petromas husi Indonesia atu bele atende lalais nesidade ne’ebe estasaun sira presiza, maski ninia presu la hanesan tanba hare ba mina petromas ninia kualidade diak liu mina prenium.

Hare ba situasaun ne’e, emprezariu Timor oan, Rui Castro hateten, Timor Leste la’os krize mina. Maibe, Governu no kompaina mak la iha onestidade hodi implementa politika kona ba jestaun mina nian.

“Partamina mak sai hanesan fornesedor ba prenium no petromax. Ne’e duni, se iha mafia balun mak halimar ho presu mina, entaun sira mak halimar, la’os SPBU. Tanba, SPBU simu mina husi partamina hafoin mak fa’an. Ne’e duni, tenke husu ba sira bainhira mina folin sae tanba sira mak suplay mina.” dehan Diretor kompanha Caimaleloqui unipesoal Lda iha ninia serbisu fatin.

Kompaina Esperansa Timor  Oan (ETO) no Nagarzo mak fornesedor mina (gazoel) iha Timor. Maibe, Pertamina mak sai hanesan fornesedor ba prenium no petromax. Ne’e duni, se iha ema ruma mak hakarak halimar ho presu mina, entaun sira mak halimar, la’os SPBU. Tanba, SPBU simu mina husi sira mak fa’an, ne’e duni tenke husu ba sira ne’ebé suplay mina.

“Ha’u hanoin Timor Leste la krize mina. Maibe,  Timor iha hela kondisaun ne’ebé mafia merkadu halimar hela ho presu mina. Tuir loloos Governu tenki uza autoridade tomak no uza ninia poder tomak atu ukun. Maibe, dala barak governu la foti asaun, tanba deskonfia iha ligasaun politika no ligasaun familiar entaun sira finze la hatene.” Rui kestiona.  

Aliende ne’e Rui mós kestiona razaun husi Pertamina ne’ebé hateten, problema ne’ebé akontese ne’e tanba failansu kona ba lisensa atu hatama mina mai TL. “Ba ha’u razaun ne’e la forte. Tanba, Pertamina la’os foin mak atu hatama mina mai TL.  Ne’e duni, sira hetan fali problema ba lisensa. Maibe, razaun ida ne’e tama eskenariu tanba iha manipulkasaun husi ema balun ne’ebé hakarak hasa’e mina nia folin.”tenik nia.

Emprezariu Distritu Baucau ne’e konsidera katak, problema mina menus la’os tanba falta kontrolasaun. Maibe, la iha duni onestidade atu kontrola. Tanba, governu rasik involve iha prosesu ida ne’e no bele konsidera hanesan korrupsaun ‘gotong royang’.

Estasaun mina iha Dili laran kuaze sanuresin de’it no Pertamina fornesedor uniku. Maibe, tansá susar atu kontrola..? Rui fó ezemplu, ema fó U$.10 maibe tau de’it U$. 9 no ida ne’e ita kategoria ona korrupsaun.

Nia hatutan, funsionariu publiku balun iha Distritu hateten,  dala barak sira lori kupon U$. 10 nian. maibe, ense de’it U$. 7, entaun restu husi U$. 3 ba ne’ebé ? no tansá ida ne’e bele akontese ?.

Emprezariu ne’e deskonfia manipulasaun ba prosesu ne’e  akontese iha fatin rua. Ida kompaina naok husi mina nia kuantidade no governu naok iha distribusaun kupon ba familia. Entre parte rua ne’e sira hetene malu hela. Ne’e duni, sira la book malu, tanba hotu-hotu naok.

Foin lalais Vice Priemeiru Ministru husu membru PNTL atu kontrola. Maibe, oinsa mak PNTL hala’o kontrolasaun ho di’ak bainhira oknum PNTL balun mós komete iha prosesu ida ne’e nia laran. “Mina barak fuga hela iha polisia nian, oinsa mak polisia atu ba kontrola ida ne’e?.

Rui haktuir, atu antisipa situasaun krizi mina labele akontese iha futuru, governu iha ona buat balun atu resolve no nia parte fiar katak governu ne’ebe lidera husi Primeiru Ministru  Xanana Gusmão  iha potensia, posibilidade no forsa boot atu rezolve kestaun ida ne’e.
Emprezariu Timor oan ne’e fiar katak Primeiru Ministru Xanana iha fuan boot teb-tebes hakarak dezenvolve rai ida ne’e. Maibe, fila fali ba membru governu nia kreatividade no onestidade atu apoiu maun boot Xanana. Tanba, ema balun iha PM nia oin hanesan santa, ne’e duni, halo PM ‘terlanjur’  fiar ona nia 100%, maibe iha kotuk fó projeitu maka’as ba sira nia familia no ida ne’e PM Xanana la deteta.

Maski nune’e, nia (red-Rui) fiar katak iha fulan Novembru ou Dezembru nia laran governu sei hala’o intervensaun liu husi kompanha Timor Gap atu netraliza folin mina iha merkadu ou fornesementu mina ba merkadu atu la bele fo dalan ba ema ida rua hodi halimar ho nasaun no povu TL nia vida.

“Mina menus iha semana rua liu ba sai perguntas boot. Tanba, situasaun ne’e akontese iha tempu bainhira kompaina ETO suplay mina ba iha sentru EDTL Hera” Rui duvida hodi kestiona katak, tanbasa mina ne’ebé menus akontese de’it ba prenium (bensin).

Diretor Caimalaloqui husu ba Pertamina atu hatudu faktus hodi prova katak, povu Timor buka mina kualidde. Tanba, tuir ninia komprensaun no hare, povu timor hatene mak besin no solar hodi ense ba sira nia transporte. Ne’e duni, Pertamina labele bosok povu.

Aliende ne’e Tempo Semanal mós tenta husu konfirmasaun husi instituisaun estadu nian balun ne’ebe relevante ho asuntu ida ne’e. Maibe, la hetan resposta, ne’e duni to’o notisia ne’e tun seidauk iha resposta husi parte Governu.  


TEMPO SEMANAL - DILI, 31/10/2012

UNMIT dehan PNTL preparadu ona atu simu responsabilidade husi UNPOL maske iha realidade balun Preparasaun soke. "Ha'u kontente atu hala'o ami nia kna'ar no hetan apoiu husi UNMIT maske dala barak malae sira mai ho sira nia kultura rasik ne'ebe hanorin ami ulun ain de'it," dehan oficiais ida PNTL ne'ebe hola parte mos iha ceremonia tranferencia de responsabilidade ohin (31/10) iha palacio do Givewrnu nia oin ne'ebe husu atu labele hatun ninia naran.

"Nia haktuir, "iha kazu konkreta balun ne'ebe mala'e sira mai ho sira nia ekipamentus kompletu ba servisu ho PNTL iha distritu ida ne'ebe dala barak hala'o sira nia kna'ar la ho meus hanesan komunikasaun, transporte no item sira seluk."

"Mala'e sira barak husi nasaun oioin maka mai foo treinamentu ba ami ne'ebe dala barak halo ami konfuzaun," nia relata.

Oficiais ne'e husu atu Governu ho Estadu bele aijuda halia liu tan kondisaun ba membru PNTL sira hodi bele hasa'e liu tan sira nia moral atu serve nasaun no povu Timor Leste.

"Hanesan Timor oan no hatais farda nasaun ninian ami iha responsabilidade hodi garantia profesionalizmu ho responsabilidade maximu maibe ami mos husu atu komando, Governu ho estadu wainhira hasai ordem ida de'it labele foo tiha ordem ajentes sira maka vitima fali. Husu mos atu hadia kondisaun moris ba membru PNTL sira no reforca lei sira," Oficiais ne'ebe servisu tihan sanolu ona iha PNTL nee.

Foin lalais ne'e iha parlamentu nasional representante povu sira foti ho lian maka'as kona ba participasaun membru PNTL balun iha jogus ilegais, backing emprezarius sira no mos atividade kontra leis sira seluk.

Iha nota de imprensa ne'ebe foo sai husi UNMIT hateten katak,"Dezde PNTL foti filafali responsabilidade ba polisiamentu iha Marsu 2011 seguransa estavel nafatin, ho taxa kriminalidade la aas. Iha 2012, PNTL konsege fornese seguransa durante eleisaun prezidensiál nia volta rua no mós durante eleisaun parlamentár. 

Ohin loron serimónia ida hala'o iha  Palácio do Governo iha Dili hodi marka sertifikasaun ba PNTL. 

Tuir nota de imprensa ne'e katak PNTL prenxe ona kritériu tolu ne'ebé Governu no UNMIT aseita hamutuk. Hanesan tuirmai:-  PNTL hetan ona progresu signifikativu iha área lima prinsipál: lejizlasaun, formasaun, administrasaun, dixiplina no operasaun, hanesan determina iha PNTL no UNPOL nia Planu Konjuntu ba Dezenvolvimentu. 
Oinsá PNTL kontinua ezerse ninia responsabilidade ba operasaun polísia ho resposta adekuada ba kualkér insidente relasiona ho orden públika. 
Hetan ona progresu hodi tau matan ba kualkér lakuna no frakeza ne'ebé identifika ona iha avaliasaun konjunta ba polisiamentu iha kada Distritu no Unidade. 

Númeru pesoál UNPOL sei hamenus maka'as iha fulan Novembru, no Polísia UNMIT hotu-hotu sei sai husi Timor-Leste molok Dezembru nia rohan. 

“PNTL hetan ona progresu signifikativu iha área kapasitasaun," Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hateten. “Dezde PNTL foti filafali responsabilidade ba polisiamentu iha Marsu 2011, taxa kriminalidade la sa’e no lei no ordein durante ne’e mantein hela daudaun. Ohin loron, ha’u laran-ksolok atu fó-sai katak PNTL foti responsabilidade tomak hodi mantein lei no orden iha Timor-Leste. Ha’u hato’o obrigadu ba Nasoins Unidas no komunidade internasionál ba sira-nia asisténsia hodi hametin kapasidade polisiamentu iha ami-nia nasaun.” 

“PNTL no UNPOL serbisu hamutuk durante liu tinan neen hodi dezenvolve PNTL nia kapasidade atu mantein lei no orden iha Timor-Leste,” Finn Reske-Nielsen, Reprezentante Espesiál Interinu Sekretáriu-Jerál nian no Xefe Misaun ONU iha Timor-Leste hateten.   

“PNTL foti ona pasu boot ba oin durante tempu ne'e no hatudu dezempeñu di'ak dezde foti responsabilidade prinsipál ba polisiamentu. PNTL hetan ona progresu signifikativu iha área hadi’ak dixiplina, formasaun, lejizlasaun, administrasaun no operasaun, hanesan determina iha PNTL no UNPOL nia Planu Konjuntu ba Dezenvolvimentu.” 

“Timor-Leste nia progresu hodi estabelese pás no estabilidade no mós atu hametin instituisaun prinsipál sira, inklui Polísia Nasionál, signifika katak Timor-Leste prontu atu simu UNMIT nia retirada."

“Maibé, atu dezenvolve servisu polísia ida ne’ebé profisionál nu’udar kompromisu tempu naruk, no importante ba PNTL hodi aumenta tan progresu boot ne’ebé hetan tiha ona. Ami enkoraja Governu no PNTL atu kontinua serbisu metin ho parseiru bilaterál sira hodi kontinua sai motór ba progresu depoizde UNMIT sai husi Timor-Leste.” 

UNPOL Hand Over Power to PNTL Xanana Thanked International Communitty Rolle


Xefe UNMIT ho Primeiru Ministru asina nota de entrega
 responsabildade tota (31/10) iha palacio do Governu
 nia oin iha ceremonia ne'ebe participa husi kontijente
 UNPOL, ISF, F-FDTL no PNTL ne'ebe asiste husi
Presidenti da Republika Taur Matan Ruak,
Presidenti Parlamentu ho mos orgaun
judiciariu TL (Photo Special Tempo Semanal)
This years is the UNMIT mandate is end today Timorese police have take full responsibility of the security matter in the country after six years UNPOL and ISF presence in Timor Leste.Prime Minister and Minister for Defence and security Xanana Gusmao aknowledge important Role of UNPOL and ISF in helping the country stabilization and just as well as training the the local security agents to carry out their duty in the future.
In his his opening remark during the hand over ceremony in Dili this morning Xanana start recalled, “building of a State involves a process that cannot be free from error. This is even more the case when the task begins following a conflict resulting from a struggle for liberation. In fact, there has been no part of the world in which a State has been built in a short period of time.”
 “In light of this, our first decade of sovereignty did not bring us only happiness. We faced many of the difficulties that are common to those who take the first steps in leading a young Nation.”

“We all knew that one of the most demanding challenges would be to transform a guerrilla force into modern and professional armed forces, along with creating from scratch a police force able to secure by itself internal security and peace among our people.”

“In hindsight, we must acknowledge that there were key gaps, which included the quality of basic training of the police officers that were recruited for the PNTL. This contributed to PNTL growing with serious weaknesses, which became evident when the institution failed to maintain public order in 2006 at a time when our nation needed it most. Instead, the PNTL almost ceased to operate.”

Tenda iha palacio oin ne'ebe hodi halo
ceremonia tranferencia ohin (31/10)
“And as a result of internal problems, the F-FDTL experienced nearly a third of its personnel leaving their ranks. Many of these then went on to challenge the authority of the State, which led to serious conflict throughout the country and in particular in Dili.
In 2006, recognising that we were unable to restore public order by ourselves, and with the survival of our democratic and independent State operating under the rule of law in jeopardy, we were forced to call for international assistance. This decision was shared by our bodies of sovereignty.”

“We were fortunate to be able to rely on the great solidarity and the operational readiness of four friendly countries, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Portugal, which did not hesitate to send military and security forces to Timor-Leste. Step by step, these forces helped us to return to normality.”

“Meanwhile the United Nations Security Council also responded to our request and sent a mission to become the sole institution responsible for internal security in Timor-Leste. This force was UNPOL.”

“Over the past six years, the Timorese State was not in a position to exert its exclusive competence for providing security for people and their property. We must recognise, however, that this was necessary to allow us to mend the errors of the past, which included addressing the quality of the training of the various units of the PNTL, and especially those dedicated to handling more complex criminal matters.”

“At the same time, and working together with UNPOL, we undertook thorough reform of the PNTL, correcting its deficiencies and organising its operation.”

“It was with persistence and determination that we managed to solve problems caused by the crisis, which threatened the stability and wellbeing of the people, such as the IDPs and the issue of the petitioners.”

“In 2008, following attacks against the heads of bodies of sovereignty, Operation Halibur became an opportunity to demonstrate the ability of soldiers and police officers to work in close coordination and cooperation towards a common goal. This operation was a significant success in terms of peace, stability and security in the country, and gave the Defence and Security Forces a desire to work harder in order to succeed in their missions.”

“We started the gradual process of handing over to PNTL the responsibility for police operations in the various districts of the country. This process was completed on 27 March 2011, with the handing over of the General Command.”

“We witnessed with satisfaction how the Defence and Security Forces proved, in an increasingly confident and effective way, to be able to ensure internal security and the defence of the people. Nevertheless, we continued to rely on the generous support of the ISF and UNPOL.”

“Since the F-FDTL and PNTL proved to be able to perform the tasks given to them by the Constitution with professionalism and competence, it was clear that they could not continue to receive foreign assistance indefinitely. We all agreed, therefore, that by the end of this year the United Nations would permanently end their mission in Timor-Leste and that ISF would withdraw their troops from our national territory.”

“As such, today signals a landmark for the recent but wonderful history of our homeland. It is a cause for joy and pride for all Timorese, but not because the police officers and soldiers who generously volunteered to assist us are now leaving Timor- Leste. Instead, it is because their assistance enabled us to correct our errors and to improve our technical and professional skills.”

“This is precisely the reason we are here today at this ceremony that seeks first to acknowledge the important role that UNPOL and the ISF played in making Timorese
society safer and more just. The awarding of the Order of Timor-Leste to both these institutions represents our genuine gratitude to all those who, for the past six years, have served UNPOL and the ISF, and consequently, Timor-Leste and its people.”

Prime Minister Thank the support that his country receive from UN, Australia and other friendly countries.

“In my name, and on behalf of the Government that I lead, I thank and congratulate the Commanders of UNPOL and the ISF for their good work in Timor- Leste. I also want to thank the United Nations, represented by the Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General, as well as the Governments of Australia and New Zealand, for providing the assistance that comes to an end today.”

“We are aware that there will be new challenges in the future. Having rebuilt our security forces, we must now strive to train their members, so that the recent past is never repeated and that our police force is always up to the task.”

“The future cooperation with police forces from friendly countries, with models similar to that of PNTL, will now be undertaken bilaterally. This will also be the model by which we will undertake international military cooperation.”

“I thank all the international police officers and soldiers and wish you all the best in the future. I hope that your trip back home is a pleasant one.”

The UNPOL and ISF from Australia and New Zealand was asked by East timorese leaders to help the country in 2006.

SEPFOPE Loke Dalan Iha Suku

Tempo Semanal - Dili, 31/10/2012

Karik komunidade iha area rurais
 mós presiza kondisaun Estrada ho
 kualidade diak hanesan sai
mak SOPFOPE dehan. 

POLITIKA  Sekretáriu Estadu Polítika Formasaun Profesional Empregu (SEPFOPE) atu kontinua programa IV Governu nian, hodi loke dalan iha área rurais atu nune’e povu sira bele asesu.

Alkatraun ne’ebé kompañia uza hodi fui Estrada rurál iha parte,  Likisá, Rairobo no Vikeke iha duni kualidade. “se ai-moruk ne’ebé importa husi Koreia ne’e mak iha kualidade di’ak, entaun ita kontinua halo kontratu ho kompañia refere. Tanba, daudauk ne’e SEPFOPE loke hela estrada barak iha Distritu no presiza fui alkatraun ho kualidade di’ak.” dehan SEPFOPE Elidio da Costa Ximenes.

Kuandu SEPFOPE hetan konfiansa, konserteza iha tinan 2013 sei hala’o tan programa ida ne’e. Tanba, husi SEPFOPE mós iha Enjeñeiru na’in sanulu resin lima (15) atu kontrola serbisu ida ne’e.
Durante ne’e husi parte ADN hala’o ona verifikasaun ba estrada rurál sira no iha rezultadu di’ak. Maibé, SEPFOPE nia tékniku sira bele hala’o dezeñu hadi'a halo kompletu pakote ne’e, hanesan halo 'saluran' no 'tembok penahan'.

Programa loke Estrada ne’e ho distánsia kilu metru lima (5) de’it.  Karik ba oin sira bele aumenta to’o kilu metru sanulu (10) depende mós ba nesesidade. Tanba, ita labele simu buat ne’e arbiru de’it.
Iha fatin hanesan Yayasan Kraas II Vice Saul Salvador H. J. Amaral hateten,  Yayasan hetan fi’ar hodi suplay ai-moruk ne'ebé uza ba rai dook mai Timor-Leste. atu halo estrada ba iha suku sira.
Ai-moruk ninia kompozisaun ne’e kahur ho rai no simente kilu atus ida (100), ai-moruk kilu ida no bee litru sanulu. Maibé, kuandu kahur mahar 20 cm bele metin to’o 240 tonelada.

“Presu kilu ida hetan osan $ 81. Agora daudauk SEPFOPE oferese hamutuk tonelada rua nulu resin haat (24) ba área neen” dehan Saul.

Tuir nia, ai-moruk ne’e sei la fó impaktu ba meu ambiente. Tanba, ai-moruk ne’e atu haburas rai. Tanba, iha Japaun dezenvolve buat ne’e hodi uza halo Estrada.  Kuandu udan kona halo metin liu tan no ai-moruk ida ne’e mós agora uza iha Indonézia.

“Ami halo estudu liu husi test lup iha Koreia rezulta mak implementa iha Likisá no Rairobo. Tanba, ADN mós hala’o ona observasaun hodi hato’o ba Primeiru Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão sei fó fiar ba SEPFOPE atu halo planu iha Distritu 13.(**)

Gleno Domina Moras Infesaun Respiratóriu no Diarreia

Tempo Semanal - Ermera, 31/10/2012

Pasiente Pedro Magno ne'ebé hetan 
moras Infesaun Respiratóriu 
Baixa hela iha Sentru Saúde 
Atendementu Gleno (Foto tS)
SENTRU- Saúde Gleno moras Infesaun Respiratóriu no  Diarreia ne'ebé ninia númeru aas. Tuir Diretór Sentru Saúde Treinamentu Gleno José Carvalho hateten. Sentru Saúde Gleno iha fulan Outubru 2012, Moras Infesaun Respiratóriu no Diarreia mak domina iha sub-distritu Gleno distritu Ermera.

Oinsá mak bele prevene moras hirak ne’e ? Sentru Saúde sempre hala’o tratamentu ba komunidade sira ne'ebé mai hala’o konsulta iha sentru saúde Gleno no fó mós Promosaun  Saúde semana-semana husi estudante Medisina inklui funsionáriu Saúde ba too iha komunidade sira nia leet.

“Promosaun ne'ebé ami halo ba komunidade liuliu kona ba Moras Ispa, Diarreia, TBC no Malária impaktu husi moras hirak ne’e, dala ruma komunidade sira ladún kuidadu aan ba saúde bainhira atu han la fase liman no Preparasaun hahan ladún di'ak. Ne’e duni sira bele hetan moras ne’e” esplika José ba jornal Tempo Semanal iha knaar fatin, Gleno.  

Fatin  hanesan Doutór Nicolau Souja Freitas informa mós katak, klínika Gleno hanesan klínika Trenamentu  ninia funsaun atu fó atendementu ba pasiente ne'ebé mai konsulta no baixa iha Sentru fulan-fulan tenke simu pasiente ne'ebé baixa ho númeru trinta ba leten no moras ne'ebé domina liu mak Infesaun respiratóriu ne'ebé aas iha fulan ne’e.

Nia dehan, servisu saúde sempre halo asisténsia médiku konsulta esterna ba pasiente ne'ebé mak hetan moras no loron-loron halo pasa vizita ba pasiente sira ne'ebé mak baixa. Kada loron ida atende pasiente iha sentru saúde Atendementu Gleno ema too haat nulu ba leten  no ba sira ne'ebé baixa depende ba sira nia moras. Tanba, loron ida ema na'in lima too sanulu mak baixa iha fatin  ne’e.
Sistema no atividade Integrado ne'ebé sempre hala’o iha Sentru Saúde Gleno halo Promosaun saúde iha radio kona ba moras ne'ebé komunidade hetan. Tanba, Polítika Ministériu Saúde atu halo Prevensaun ba moras liu husi imunizasaun labarik sira.

Nune’e mós komunidade suku koliati Deonijo da Costa hateten, objetivu mai iha sentru saúde Gleno atu halo tratamentu ba moras ne'ebé  nia hetan hanesan moras malária. Kona ba  atendementu husi doutór ba komunidade sira ne'ebé hetan moras tuir dunik sira nia knaar.(**) 


ISF ho PNTL foto hamutuk (PHOTO Dokumentus ISF)
TEMPO SEMANAL - DILI, 31/10/2012

Daudaun ne'e autoridade sira husi UNMIT no Estadu Timor Leste ninian hahu hakat daudaun tama ba tenda ne'ebe halo iha palacio do Governu ninia oin atu hola parte iha parade 

Falta loron de’it UNPOL ho ISF entrega poder tomak seguranca nian ba ajencia Timor Leste ninian mosu kazu tolu ne’ebe hodi halakon ema nia moris hanesan iha Bazartete Likuica, HaliLaran Dili no Atabae.  Politiku sira husi bankada Governu ho Opozisaun hotu-hotu lian ida kona ba seguranca iha nasaun ne’e presiza hetan kontribuisaun husi kamada sociedade hotu-hotu.

Bankada FRETILIN liu husi deputadu Francisco Branco lamenta ho hahalok ne’ebe komete husi ema balun iha Atabae hodi halakon ema nia vida maibe nia husu atu haree kestaun ne’e ho klean tan ba sei sedu liu dehan problema entre familiars de’it no Deputadu ne'e deskonfia involvimentu ema seluk ninian iha kazu refere.  “Akontecimentu ida trajiku, dezumanu I sadiku. Kaer ba ita nia lisan ho ita nia kostume ne’e forte demais ba ita atu simu. Mas ita tenke haree kestaun ne’e bele ho luan. Problema ne’e lo’os duni ga la’e ho ninia hun ne’e problema rai entre familias ou iha terseira pesoas, ne’ebe iha interese seluk aproveita oportunidade atu hamanas ita nia situasaun. Situasaun ida ne’ebe ita hotu-hotu hatene oras ne’e daudaun hakbesik aan ona atu remata sira nia mandate ne’ebe konselhu Segiranca nasoeins Unidas foo ba sira,” Francisco Branco tatoli lian hirak ne’e wainhira dada lia ho Tempo Semanal.

Dezde krize politiku Militar ne’ebe akontese iha 2006 too 2008 situasaun nasaun ne’e hahu konduzivu daudaun ona no violencia bele dehan menus ba beibeik maibe wainhira besik remata Misaun UNMIT ninian situasaun dezde Maiu ate ohin loron situasaun hahu hamanss ho kazu oioin ate halakon ema nia moris.

“Ne’e se ita hakarak haree problema ne’e husi perspektiva ida ne’e ha’u hanoin ita lamenta tebes. Lamenta tebes tan ba ita nia kultura iha Timor ita tuur hamutuk mak ita ko’alia resolve sasan hotu iha biti nia leten. Ne’ebe kuandu ita hasoru problema ida hanesan ne’ene ha’u hanoin ita hakfodak tan ba iha tinan haat ka tinan lima nia laran ita hakmatek loos derepenti mosu bu’at oioin iha ita nia rain iha momentu ne’ebe ita atu assume responsabilidade hanesan Paiz ida soberanu no independent ida ne’e ita presiza kestiona. “

Maske nia hasai deklarsaun ne’ebe forte uitoan maibe Branco dehan, “Ita la foo sala ba ema ida maibe tempu ona para tta halo reflexaun para ita lanele sai nafatin objektu ba ema seluk nia intereses ema seluk nian.”

Eis prijuneiru Politiku iha era okupasaun Indonesia Francisco Branco husu atu ema hotu-hotu labele estraga nasaun ne’ebe harii ho terus, mate, sofrementus husi nasaun ne’e ne’e ninia oan murak sira nune’e nia foo hanoin atu parte hotu-hotu hametin undidade atu hodi hetan dame nune’e bele dezenvolve nasaun ne’e.

“Ha’u hanoin nu’udar Timor oan no nu’udar ema ne’ebe povu ida ne’e nia oan, ne’ebe haree ba kotuk katak la fasil no la Kaman ida ita hetan independencia ida ne’e. Ita husik ba kotuk rihun atus ba atus, ne’ebe bainhira ita mesak de’it, ema la iha ita nia sorin ita bele hamutuk hanoin hodi ba oin. Tenke hamutuk ba oin para labele loke dalan no foo spasu ema terseiru sira atu aproveita ita nia situasaun hodi disakredita katak ita ne’e povu ida ne’ebe labele hamriik mesak,” dehan Francisco Branco.

Relasiona ba situasaun ne’ebe daudaun ne’e hamanas husi grupu jovens balun iha Dili laran ne’ebe halo provokasoeins, tuda malu iha area hali laran no fatin seluk iha capital nasaun ne’e Deputadu Francisco Branco husi bankada opozisaun ne’ebe mos hanesan eis prejuneirus politiku ba libertasaun nasional Timor Leste ne’e dehan seguranca ba rai ida Timor Leste atu povu hakmatek ne’e repsonsabilidade cidadaun tomak ninian.

“Ami preokupadu tan ba bainhira ita ko’alia kona ba seguranca, bainhira ko’alia ba estabilidade ne’e interese nasional, interese estadu nian no interese ita hotu-hotu nian. La’os grupu ida nian de’it, la’os Governu nian de’it, la’os opozisaun nian de’it I la’os se nian de’it mas ita hotu nian. Ita hotu ne’ebe hamriik iha rai ida ne’e maka ita hotu ninian. Tan ba ida ne’e maka dala barak ami sempre hateten katak seguranca ne’e iha ita hotu-hotu nia liman. La’os de’it sira ne’ebe ka’er ukun, la’os de’it instituisaun sira ne’ebe responsabilidade atu kaer seguranca no defesa maibe cidadaun ida-idak nu’udar Timor tenke kontribui ba Paz no estabilidade rai ida ne’e. Bainhira ita rasik atu fila kotuk ba principiu ida ne’e entaun ita viola ona ita nia principiu ne’ebe hakarak dame, hakarak hakmatek ba ita nia povu.

Iha Parte seluk Xefe bankada CNRT mos kondena maka’as akontecimentu Atabae no ezije atu Polisia atua ho profesionalidade hodi kaptura suspeitu sira ne’e.

“Ita triste tebes no Ita labele tolera hahalok omecidu hanesan ne’e iha Timor Leste sa tan oho labarik sira nune’e duni husu PNTL ho professional kaptura ema sira maka suspeitu iha kazu ne’e,” dehan Deputadu Natalino dos santos.

Natalino mos husu atu povu atu respeita ema seluk ninia moris no juventude sira atu kontribui ba estabilidade.

“Husu atu hanesan Timor oan respeitu ema seluk ninia direitu atu moris no labele resolve problemas ho violencia I husu mos populsaun atu liu-liu juventude sira atu kontribui ba estabilidade rai ida ne’e hodi hala’o dezenvolvimentu ba nasaun ne’e,” nia haktuir.

Ko’alia kona ba akontecimentu ataka malu juventu sira iha Teritori Timor Leste ne’ebe ikus-ikus ne’e aumenta Natalino dehan presiza hadia lei hodi foo liu tan kbi’it ba autoridade PNTL hodi atua.

“Ami politiku sira presiza halo esforsu hodi tulun komandante sira prepara kondisaun ba ita nia policia sira liu-liu policia komunitariu hodi resolve problemas no ba PNTL ne’ebe atu halo servisu maibe hanoin fali risku ba sira nia aan wainhira atua kazu ruma politikus isra mos presiza tau matan ba lei ne’ebe sei fraku. Ita dala balun hanesan foo fali semangat atu ema halo krime nune’e presiza duni lei ida atu nune’e PMNTL sira kuandu atua la tauk,” Natalino espera.

Daudaun ne’e iha palaciu ninia oin iha formatura naruk forca seguranca husi PNTL, FDTL, ISF ho UNPOL ne’ebe sei hola parte iha ceremonia entrega poder total husi UNPOL ho ISF ba PNTL ho F-FDTL.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Polítika Kintu Governu Ba Tasa Estadu Oinsá ?

TEMPO SEMANAL - DILI, 30/10/2012

Rendimentu Nasaun Timor Leste Boot liu mai husi Funduz Mina Rai no uitoan los maka mai husi Taxa importasaun nune'e mos kiik liu tan mai husi exportasaun husi Kafe ho bu'at ki'ik sira seluk. Rendimentu tasa bo'ot liu mai husi mina maibe mos kompania internasional sira mos Nune'e duni foo razaun ba ema atu bele dehan Timor Leste iha dalan ba nasaun ne'ebe sei bangkuta depois de tinan 2022 se karik Governu Timor Leste ho Woodside la hetan lian hanesan kona ba explosaun mina iha Greater sunrise. Nune'e duni iha matenek nain balun kestiona Governu ninia politika kona ba rendimentu tasa ninian.
IMPOSTU- ne'ebé hatama ba kofre estadu durante ne'e hanesan rendimentu estadu nian atu reforsa instituisaun governu hodi bele dezenvolve Nasaun Timor-Leste iha futuru. Maibé, hare ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) ne'ebé aprova iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasionál barak liu hasai orsamentu husi fundus mina rai.

Tuir Dosente ekonomia UNDIL, Gilberto Ximenes esplika katak, impostu estadu Timor -Leste (TL) kompozisaun OJE no komponente husi klasifiku mai husi impostu mak rezisténsia husi impostu oinsá bele fó rendimentu ba governu hodi fó interese ba dezenvolvimentu Nasionál.

“OJE la'ós tasa estadu. Maibé husi rendimentu patroliu. Komponente impostu hodi fó apoiu ba estadu iha futuru importante ba dezenvolvimentu Nasionál. Tasa estadu barak liu mai husi nasionál hodi bele iha balansu esportasaun no importasaun independénsia husi importasaun sei menus liu. Ne’e duni impostu barak liu husi esportasaun.” dehan Gilberto ba jornál Tempo Semanál iha nia knaar fatin, Maskarinhas-dili.

Dosente ekonomia ne'e hateten, governu Aliansa Maioria Parlamentu (AMP) hasai lei ida hodi redús tasa impostu . Maibé, kintu governu foin hetan 10%, ba kraik ne’e  ba impostu ho objetivu redús tasa importasaun. Mais, benefísiu barak liu fó ba emprezáriu.

Kooperasaun bele hetan husi populasaun kona ba rendimentu permanente  ba impostu tinan –tinan dala ida. Ezemplu  populasaun Ermera produs kafé maibé sira mós fa’an dala ida de'it la'ós rendimentu permanente oinsá ? Atu fó akompañamentu sira katak, oinsá fa’an balu no  balun rai hela.
Polítika governu oinsá ?  “Ita bele esplora ba impostu. Atu nune’e,  ita bele redús independénsia ba fundu Mina Rai. Maibé, polítika governu  AMP impostu  reseita doméstika menus. Ne’e oinsá ?” tenik Gilberto ho pergunta

Nune'e mós estudante DIT Silvina Neto Freitas hateten, impostu iha Timor- Leste la’o di'ak. Maibé hahalok korrupsaun mak estraga buat sira ne'e hotu. Tanba, ita hare tasa estadu tama iha kofre estadu ho montante osan ne'ebé boot. Maibé, OJE ne'ebé aprova iha Parlamentu Nasionál barak liu mai husi fundus Mina Rai.

Inácio La  Konkorda Tasa Estadu 5%

Deputadu Inacio Moreira
DEPUTADU-Inácio Moreira hare katak, tasa estadu ne'ebé tama iha kofre estadu dezde fretilín kaer governu kria mós lei kona ba selu tasa ba estadu 10% . Maibé governu Aliansa Maioria Parlamentár (AMP) altera 5% afeta ba iha mínimu derendamentu ba reseita doméstika.

“Ita dependente liu ba iha reseita petroliu lakohi esforsu hodi buka osan ba nasaun. Lei petrolive halo forte  bainhira hasai fundu patroli ne'ebé la bele liu 10% tuir lei fundu petrolive ne'ebé sei buka hela osan balun. Maibé, dezenvolvimentu  hakarak hala'o lalais presiza  estadu liu husi governu tenke hanoin oinsá bele organiza para bele halo ‘inkam’  husi saida de'it hodi bele fó reseita doméstika  ba iha estadu bele aumenta” dehan reprezentante povu ne’e, ba jornál Tempo Semanál  iha uma fukun parlamentu Nasionál foin lalais.

Deputadu Inácio  mós kestiona kona ba altera lei tasa husi 10% ba 5% husi Fretilín la konkorda. Tanba hamenus reseita doméstika ba estadu. Nia mós husu ba governu kontrola instituisaun kompeténsia bainhira  hala'o servisu rekoelhamentu  ba iha tasa. Nune’e mós selu impostu ba iha estadu bazeia ba lei no hala'o  kontrola.

Previzaun ba governu bele ba hare iha lei kona ba orsamentu fiskál  maizumenus seis miilois altera reseita doméstika. Hare fila-fali ba planu orsamentu v governu ne'ebé  hala'o no organiza hodi bele rekolha selu impostu iha tinan ne’e tenke iha mudansa.

Reprezentante povu ne’e, husu ba imprensa sira ne'ebé halo servisu tenke selu mós tasa tuir lei haruka hodi  fó kontribuisaun depende ba pozisaun no polítika  governu reseita ba impostu tinan ne'e hakarak hira. (**)

UNITAL Hetan Reitór Foun

Estudante husi Universitariu UNITAL
 halibur hamutuk iha sala konferensia hodi
 rona esplikasaun husi
 Fundador sira. Foto/ts/Leonito
Tempo Semanal - Dili, 30/10/2012

MEHI Estudante Universitáriu Orientál Timor-Leste (UNITAL) hodi troka Reitór interinu hetan ona resposta. Tempu badak Universidade ne’e sei hala’o tomada de pose ba Reitór foun. Kargu Reitór ne’e sei assume husi Dr. Roberto Reis Miranda.

Rezultadu troka Reitór interinu mai husi asaun pasifiku ne’ebé hala’o husi estudante UNITAL durante loron tolu nia laran. Tanba, iha asaun ne’e estudante sira ejize mós ba parte Fundasaun atu hare Reitór interenu ne’ebé mak durante ne’e la hala’o ninia knaar ho masimu. Desizaun ne’e mai husi Presidente  Fundasaun Asuwa'in Timor-Leste (FUNATIL), Lere Anan Timor.

Presidente FUNATIL foti inisiativa ida ne’e, tanba Reitór interinu ne’ebé universidade fó fiar la hala’o ninia funsaun ho másimu. Pior liu tan, reitór ne’e abandona serbisu retórial.

Agora daudauk iha ona Reitór foun ne’ebé sei hare serbisu akadémiku nian. “imi iha ona Reitór foun no hein fó de’it seremonia tomada de pose iha tempu badak nia laran. Ha’u fiar nia sei hala’o serbisu ho di’ak no nia sei hamriik iha pozisaun hanesan Reitór hodi rona saida mak imi hakarak” dehan eis gerileiru FALINTIL ne’ebé asumi kargu nu’udar Presidente Fundasaun, Lere Anan Timor  hafoin hasoru malu ho estudante UNITAL iha loron, 11 Outubru 2012 hodi ko’alia kona ba problema universitariu nian.

Iha loron ne’e, Presidente Fundasaun husu ba estudante UNITAL tomak atu estuda didi’ak para bele hetan futuru ne’ebé di’ak. Tanba, rai doben ida ne’e presiza hela sira nia tulun.

Roberto Reis Miranda ne’ebé iha tempu badak sei simu pose nu’udar Reitór iha UNITAL hateten, nia parte agradese tebe-tebes ba Presidente Fundasaun ne’ebé fó fiar ba nia atu hadi'a jestaun universidade nian. “maski kargu ida ne’e todan. Maibé, ha’u tenke simu tanba fatin ne’e atu fó formasaun no aprendizajen ba futuru nasaun Timor-Leste nian.” dehan Miranda.

Miranda promete katak, durante ninia mandatu, sei esforsu hodi buka hatene saida mak Universitáriu presiza atu halo no sei identifika problema saida mak durante ne’e fakuldade hasoru. Nune’e mós, nia parte sei esforsu atu buka solusaun hodi bele kompleta saida mak Universidade seidauk iha”
Tuir Miranda, ko'alia kona ba vida akadémiku, la'ós atu ko'alia kona ba empreza ruma. Maibé, ko'alia kona ba ema nia vida no atu forma ema sai matenek. “atu kapasita estudante ho kualidade ita presiza mós profesór ne’ebé hanorin ho kualidade.” Esklarese Miranda hodi taka ninia liafuan. (**)

Agio Situasaun Manas La’os UNMIT Nia Misaun Hotu

Tempo Semanal -Dili, 30/10/2012
Update Enkontru Nivel Altu

Agio Pereira
Agio Pereira rezeita Krime Aumenta tan UNMIT atu sai no misaun UNMIT remata sei la foo impaktu ba situasaun empregu iha nasaun ne’e tan ba Governu haree ona alternativas.

Mandatu UNMIT atu remata mais Situasaun hahu manas hanesan Kriminalidade ikus-ikus ne’e aumenta hahu husi sona ema ne’ebe la’o iha liuron, ate ikus liu maka asaltu oho ema familias rua iha atabae ne’ebe hamate ema nain lima no hakanek lima selu.

Kona ba asuntu ne’e Agio Perreira Pereira ho diplomasia hatan dehan, “Ita labele dehan ne’e akontese tan ba UNMIT atu sai,tan ba ne’e iha situasaun rai hotu-hotu sempre iha Problemas no sempre iha Krime oituan. avaliasaun kriminalidade ne’ebe UNPOL ho PNTL ohin hato’o analiza diak tebtebes hatudu katak ita nia rain entermos de kriminalidade ne baixa katak la  as, la grave hanesan rai barak, ita hare katak ita ba Nova Yorke mos krime barak liu fali ita nia rain rasik ne’ebe ne’e hanesan aspektu ne’ebe Governu preokupa maske ida deit mos ita tengke preokupa tamba ita nia rain presija Paz maibe hau hanoin la quer dizer ke ONU sai ne Kriminalidade atu pior hau hanoin ne lae.

Timor Leste hahu husi fulana Maiu to’o ohin iha akontecimentu lubun ida ne’ebe hodi hamate, hakanek no estragus ema nia sasan. Hanesan Membru F-FDTL ida mate iha Bobonaro, grupu arte marsiais sira ataka malu hodi hamate no hakanek malu iha likuica no fatin seluk, kazu sona ema ne’ebe la’o iha liuron ninin, kazu asaltu igreija hodi nauk sasan, kazu jovens sira tuda malu iha kapital nasaun ne’e, kazu hadau malu rai hodi rezulta baku malu no selu-seluk tan maibe Governu dehan nafatin katak probelma ne’e la bo’ot hanesan rai seluk.

Iha parte seluk ema balun dehan Mandatu UNMIT hotu sei hasa’e numeru dezemprego ne’ebe nasaun ne’e sofre hela maibe dala ida tan reprezentante Governu ne’e dehan, “UNMIT nia espesialista foo analiza diak katak impaktu ekonomiku social UNMIT nian sukat ho tinan 10 kotuk to ohin loron.
Nia esplika katak hahu husi, “2007 mai oin UNMIT nian impaktu finanseiru ba ita nian merkadu konsumu ne’e ladun hanesan uluk ona maske UNMIT emprega Timor oan barak, rihun resin barak mak husi kompanhia segurasa APAC i Timor oan mos iha skill servisu ho UNMIT atu ba Governu hare.”

Nia apela atu, “sidadaun Timor oan sira ne’ebe lakon servisu husi UNMIT buka atravez de SEFOPE hodi hare oinsa maka ita bele akomoda difikuldades ne’ebe sidadaun Timor oan sira hetan hodi bele tulun kontinua hare oin sa uza sira nian kapasidade ne’ebe iha UNMIT, sira hetan dezenvolve sira nia kapasidades professional ida seluk maka hanesan sira tenke entrega ba prosesu nasional ninian, empregu ninian i konsarteza ke sira sei hetan oportunidade bainhira oportunidades mosu iha ita nian Rain.”