Thursday, 8 November 2012

$110 million for BTK

Tempo Semanal can report that Frans BTK Holywono, the owner of CARYA TIMOR LESTE PTY.LTD in Dili Timor-Leste has been awarded contracts by the Government of Timor-Leste in 2010 and 2011 to a total of nearly $111 million.  To be exact $110,933,275.57. 

In contract BTK was awarded a $86,898,684.00 project. making it the third largest act of public procurement after power plants, and FDTL patrol boats.   This contract was for Construction of New Houses (Total 11,140 houses) Timor- Leste MDG Project. (Contract no. RDTL 11004352) Awarded by prime Minister and President of the Council of Mnisters Award Date:05-10-2011 Contract Signing Date 12-10-2011.  How many of these houses have been built and has full payment been made?

While most Timorese remain impoverished an Indonesian business man is becoming extremely wealthy in Timor-Leste.  BTK is reportedly to have had employees involved in drugs in Timor-Leste and was one of the largest political contributors to the CNRT party election campaign.


In 2010 BTK got 15 contracts for a total of $17,598,712.20

But it was in 2011 that BTK won only five contracts but they had a value of a staggering $93,334,563.37.

  • 05-10-2011 Construction of New Houses (Total 11,140 houses) Timor- Leste MDG Project. (Contract no. RDTL 11004352) $86,898,684.00
  • 25-08-2011 Construction of Road and Drainage for the Integrated Boarder Posts at Batugade, Salele and Sakato (Contract No. RDTL-11004012) $2,837,998.37
  • 05-07-2011 Supply of equipment for Postos Integrado fronteira Batugade, Salele e Sakato (Contract No. RDTL-11002608) $312,161.00
  • 07-06-2011 Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Runway in Comoro, Stage 2 - under agreement/contract no. (RDTL - 11001711) $2,385,720.00
  • 02-06-2011 Special Contract Continuation Project, Jardim Metinaro for Heroes (Contract No. RDTL - 11005254) $900,000.00

Many people asked why BTK is win the most government contracts? This question remains because only those in the government can answer.

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